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L1[00:00:02] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:00:06] <asie> source probably does what it does on linux
L3[00:00:07] <Kodos> Also, what's the purpose of using hostnames atm?
L4[00:00:14] <Kodos> asie, I'm not familiar with the command
L5[00:00:16] <asie> executes a shell file
L6[00:00:17] <sugoi> Kodos: that's something vex added, i have no use for it
L7[00:00:19] <asie> from the context of the current shell
L8[00:00:22] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L9[00:00:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L10[00:00:23] <sugoi> right -
L11[00:00:27] <asie> letting you do things like change envvars efficiently
L12[00:00:36] <sugoi> like, if you want to alias CD to cd
L13[00:00:39] <sugoi> yeah
L14[00:00:49] <Kodos> Okay, and hostnames?
L15[00:00:51] <sugoi> Kodos: say you had a list of command-line commands you wanted to put in afile
L16[00:01:03] <sugoi> like, cp blah foo, cd .., mv foo bar, etc
L17[00:01:19] <Kodos> Or a bunch of 'pastebin get myfile myfile.lua'?
L18[00:01:19] <sugoi> you could put those in a .sh file (ext is not checked, we dont even have +x mod)
L19[00:01:23] <sugoi> yes
L20[00:01:29] <sugoi> then source it
L21[00:01:37] <Kodos> Nifty
L22[00:01:38] <sugoi> as opposed to have a lua program
L23[00:01:45] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (samis@irc.companioncube.me) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L24[00:01:45] ⇦ Quits: Alexis (Shobu@just.pour.the.drink.panicbnc.eu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L25[00:01:46] <sugoi> hostname, added by vex
L26[00:01:46] <Kodos> Why not use .src as an extension
L27[00:01:52] <Kodos> Ah
L28[00:01:58] <sugoi> we aren't checking extensions
L29[00:02:05] <sugoi> if we ever do, we can discuss what it should be
L30[00:02:06] <Kodos> I know, but just for the sake of having one
L31[00:02:09] ⇦ Quits: Lordmau5 (~Lordmau5@2a01:4f8:162:50e3::2) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L32[00:02:15] <sugoi> well in linux, source doesn't care
L33[00:02:19] <Kodos> wrt hostnames, mkay I'll bug vex
L34[00:02:33] ⇦ Quits: ConcernedHobbit (me@irc.concernedhobbit.eu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L35[00:02:38] <sugoi> and your 3rd question... - oh yeah
L36[00:02:40] <sugoi> grep
L37[00:02:44] <sugoi> not a question,not 3rd, but yeah
L38[00:02:45] <sugoi> and find :)
L39[00:02:47] <sugoi> and head
L40[00:02:52] <sugoi> and super awesome ls
L41[00:03:00] <sugoi> i've been very busy :)
L42[00:03:17] <Kodos> Yeah, doing ls confused me for a second, until I realized that they're done in columns now
L43[00:03:29] <sugoi> ls, ls -l, ls -1
L44[00:03:37] <sugoi> ls --help for more
L45[00:03:54] <sugoi> Kodos: also (and i'll be updating ocdoc) --
L46[00:03:58] <Kodos> Have Mimi %tell me which version of OS I need to test. I have to sleep now, because I have a 3 hour drive to a doctor's office tomorrow, halfway up the state
L47[00:04:06] <sugoi> you have /home/.shrc
L48[00:04:07] ⇨ Joins: Lordmau5 (~Lordmau5@2a01:4f8:162:50e3::2)
L49[00:04:10] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (samis@irc.companioncube.me)
L50[00:04:15] <Kodos> I saw that, what is that?
L51[00:04:15] <sugoi> that is `source`d on boot
L52[00:04:20] <Kodos> Ah, neat
L53[00:04:23] <sugoi> if you want more aliases or what not on boot, add it to that
L54[00:04:25] ⇨ Joins: Alexise (Shobu@just.pour.the.drink.panicbnc.eu)
L55[00:04:40] <Kodos> Can't think of anything I'd need on boot
L56[00:04:42] <Kodos> Just to be clear, tho
L57[00:04:45] ⇨ Joins: ConcernedHobbit (me@irc.concernedhobbit.eu)
L58[00:04:48] <Kodos> 'find' does what?
L59[00:04:49] <sugoi> see /etc/profile for more
L60[00:05:03] *** Alexise is now known as Alexis
L61[00:05:06] <sugoi> if you know of you have some kodos-awesome.lua file
L62[00:05:11] <sugoi> but can't remember the name, or where it was
L63[00:05:22] <sugoi> find / --iname "kodos-a*.lua"
L64[00:05:32] <sugoi> search from /, all files and dirs, case insensitive
L65[00:05:42] <Kodos> Nifty
L66[00:05:48] <sugoi> matching ^kodos-a.*%.lua$
L67[00:05:56] <Kodos> Just curious, how does --iname break down, as far as what options are what
L68[00:06:02] <Kodos> Err nvm
L69[00:06:06] <Kodos> -- means the whole thing is one option
L70[00:06:09] <sugoi> well i was restricted a BIT because ...
L71[00:06:10] <sugoi> yeah
L72[00:06:17] <sugoi> i decided to following shell.parse style
L73[00:06:24] <sugoi> it was, honestly, a hard decision
L74[00:06:27] <Kodos> Make sure you make man files for this stuff, too
L75[00:06:28] <sugoi> i want to stick to linux
L76[00:06:30] <Kodos> I rely on man a LOT
L77[00:06:40] <sugoi> yes, i have a lot of docs to do
L78[00:06:43] <sugoi> there are many mans
L79[00:06:46] <sugoi> but ocdoc i haven't touched
L80[00:06:54] <snowden89> can never have to many man
L81[00:06:58] <sugoi> :)
L82[00:07:30] <sugoi> Kodos: also! did you know that openos 1.6 boot allocates less than openos 1.5 ---
L83[00:07:43] <Kodos> Neat
L84[00:07:44] <sugoi> also, i'm working on a new /lib/term (as requested by The One) --
L85[00:07:51] <Kodos> Any details?
L86[00:07:54] <sugoi> with my current branch, i can boot on 1x tier 1 ram
L87[00:08:07] <sugoi> current live version is like 20 or 25 k less
L88[00:08:11] ⇦ Quits: spiriteddusty (~spiritedd@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L89[00:08:22] <sugoi> mine (my term) is 30k less
L90[00:08:47] <sugoi> i was hoping to keep term even smaller :/ but we ask a lot from term in various places
L91[00:09:17] <Kodos> What's the OC equivalent of read()?
L92[00:09:30] <greaser|q> term.read() perhaps?
L93[00:09:35] <Kodos> Probably
L94[00:09:41] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-27-21.rh.psu.edu) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L95[00:10:14] <Kodos> Wrote this at dinner tonight https://pastebin.com/FMaLMUCP
L96[00:10:17] <Kodos> Was trying to fix it
L97[00:10:37] ⇨ Joins: spiriteddusty (~spiritedd@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L98[00:10:38] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L99[00:10:43] <sugoi> io.input():read() == io.read() == term.read()
L100[00:11:10] <sugoi> and now (my local term at least) term.read() correctly behaves when not called on tty
L101[00:11:47] <Kodos> %tell Vexatos I need download links for whatever the latest Asielib for 1.7.10 is, as well as the latest dev of Computronics with the rackmountables and shiz
L102[00:11:48] <MichiBot> Kodos: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L103[00:12:08] <Kodos> Mkay, I'm off
L104[00:12:11] <sugoi> o/
L105[00:12:16] <Kodos> I'll probably be on in an hour, after I succumb to insomnia
L106[00:12:19] <sugoi> Kodos: hope you like the new openos!
L107[00:12:24] <Kodos> Looks great so far
L108[00:12:27] <sugoi> =D
L109[00:12:30] <Kodos> I am more looking forward to more docs
L110[00:12:33] <Kodos> And ocdoc being updated
L111[00:12:36] <sugoi> D=
L112[00:12:48] <Kodos> Take it a day at a time, don't let it overwhelm you =)
L113[00:12:54] <Kodos> o7
L114[00:12:59] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:f1d3:207a:50c3:3013) (Quit: Leaving)
L115[00:16:09] <Izaya> The in-game docs are plain md, right?
L116[00:17:10] <sugoi> plain md? like, markdown md?
L117[00:17:15] <sugoi> and in-game docs as in man pages?
L118[00:20:26] <sugoi> Izaya: anyways, if those two clarifications are accurate of your question, then no, the man pages are plain text files, no markdown
L119[00:20:57] <Izaya> No like the manual
L120[00:21:26] <sugoi> was hoping you didn't mean that - i don't know
L121[00:25:54] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L122[00:29:09] <sugoi> %tell Kodos an example of something to put in your /home/.shrc, if you prefer the old ls format, you could alias it, just add a line alias ls="ls -1" (that's a one, not a lowercase L)
L123[00:29:11] <MichiBot> sugoi: Kodos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L124[00:30:58] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L125[00:37:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7433057705D38657822.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L126[00:37:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L127[00:43:48] * Vexatos says Hello
L128[00:45:23] <Temia> o.o OpenOS shell has support for aliases?
L129[00:45:43] * Izaya waves to Vexatos
L130[00:46:05] <sugoi> hi Vexatos
L131[00:46:39] <sugoi> Temia: openos 1.5 did as well, but a lot of things in 1.6 more accurately behave like a real shell such that aliases work more naturally
L132[00:46:53] <Temia> Niiiice :D
L133[00:46:57] <sugoi> also the alias usage has been linuxified
L134[00:47:09] <Vexatos> Hi :3
L135[00:47:14] <Temia> Eventually we'll have the entire POSIX specification down!
L136[00:47:20] <sugoi> and alias correctly behaves with /bin/which.lua resolution, and env vars, and child shells, etc
L137[00:47:27] <Vexatos> #tell
L138[00:47:37] <Temia> Come to think of it do we have a panic() yet
L139[00:47:40] <sugoi> Temia: ha :)
L140[00:47:47] <Vexatos> was it #tell?
L141[00:47:52] <Vexatos> .tell
L142[00:47:52] <^v4> Vexatos, Usage: .tell (<user>|$a:<account>|$h:<host>) <txt>
L143[00:47:56] <sugoi> no -- i was going to overhaul rc, and provide a lot more boot stuff
L144[00:47:58] <Vexatos> ?tell
L145[00:48:00] <Vexatos> <_>
L146[00:48:01] <Vexatos> damnit
L147[00:48:03] <Vexatos> too many botsd
L148[00:48:15] <sugoi> Temia: but that is lower priority, sangar asked me to work on term first
L149[00:48:19] <Temia> Ahhh.
L150[00:48:21] <Vexatos> !tell
L151[00:48:24] <Vexatos> come on
L152[00:48:28] <Vexatos> which prefix was MichiBot
L153[00:48:32] <sugoi> %tell Vexatos shtap
L154[00:48:32] <MichiBot> sugoi: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L155[00:48:35] <Vexatos> >_>
L156[00:48:37] <Vexatos> damnit
L157[00:48:39] <Temia> Might be worth fiddling with just to make debugging future OS overhauls a bit easier, though it'd probably require better process control
L158[00:48:46] <Vexatos> %tell Kodos http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/ and http://files.vex.tty.sh/AsieLib/dev/ as always
L159[00:48:46] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Kodos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L160[00:49:06] <sugoi> yeah, which is why i had anything kernel-boot related slated for the "rc update"
L161[00:49:17] <sugoi> tbh, redoing term has been crazy too
L162[00:49:20] * Temia nodnods
L163[00:49:25] <sugoi> you break term -- .... life sucks
L164[00:49:51] <Temia> Come to think of it
L165[00:50:16] <Temia> It'd be nice if there were a way to halt a system and get the indicator to flash red without the BSOD
L166[00:50:19] <sugoi> Vexatos: sorry if i've told you, i'm just excited, with my local term (in dev still) i can boot on 1x tier 1 ram
L167[00:50:24] <Temia> Like... Returning 1 from a root script.
L168[00:50:31] <sugoi> and this local version is >90% feature complete, maybe 95%
L169[00:50:48] <Vexatos> sugoi, neat.
L170[00:50:54] <sugoi> 25k free
L171[00:50:57] <sugoi> IT IS NEAT
L172[00:50:59] <sugoi> :/
L173[00:51:06] <Vexatos> I need to think about API design now >_>
L174[00:51:15] <Temia> Is that 25k/192k?
L175[00:51:21] <sugoi> yes
L176[00:51:24] <sugoi> tiny, i know
L177[00:51:28] <sugoi> it's hardly enough to sneeze
L178[00:51:30] <Temia> Still better than nothing.
L179[00:51:31] <sugoi> but it BOOTS
L180[00:51:32] <sugoi> yes
L181[00:51:52] <sugoi> it could be enough, for example, to tell the user "download moar ram"
L182[00:51:55] <Vexatos> But you're totally not using this giant annotation hack we developed for that :P
L183[00:52:13] <sugoi> Vexatos: i am :) which accounts for ..... maybe 20k of the 30k i've saved
L184[00:52:17] <sugoi> maybe a bit less
L185[00:52:28] <sugoi> but everything works and loads non-delayed for boot
L186[00:52:29] <Vexatos> it's great >_>
L187[00:52:42] <sugoi> shell is fully functional, most users won't load the world
L188[00:52:47] <sugoi> tab completion loads about 4k
L189[00:52:55] <sugoi> crazy shell operands loads another 12k or so
L190[00:53:00] <sugoi> most ppl won't even know about that
L191[00:53:24] <sugoi> and then a i have a lot of pre-existing-code optimizations
L192[00:54:42] <sugoi> also, the annotation hack I think is pretty slick
L193[00:56:31] <sugoi> Temia: maybe a special value for os.exit?
L194[00:56:39] <sugoi> we already handle os.exit specially
L195[00:56:52] <sugoi> the param (e.g. os.exit(n) where n is a number) is the exit code
L196[00:56:58] <sugoi> os.exit() being equivalent to nil
L197[00:57:05] <sugoi> the new shell respects exit codes too
L198[00:57:21] <sugoi> echo $? to see last exit code, and cmd && cmd for example, works
L199[00:57:36] <Temia> Well, making a way for the indicator to flash without the BSOD would mean work on the Scala side, right?
L200[00:57:39] <Temia> Unless there's already a way >.>
L201[00:57:45] <sugoi> oh yes, sorryt
L202[00:57:57] <sugoi> but the hook on the os side COULD be os.exit
L203[00:58:06] * Temia nods
L204[00:58:22] <sugoi> since we dont have a kernel space vs user space
L205[00:58:31] <sugoi> and i dont plan to build that ...
L206[00:58:46] <sugoi> anywho - yes, that'd be a nice-to-have
L207[00:59:41] <sugoi> what i wish i had was a kernel debugger, some device that would tell me the current stack
L208[00:59:47] <sugoi> even get the current _G!
L209[01:00:03] <sugoi> oh that would be amazing
L210[01:00:47] <Temia> Come to think of it...
L211[01:01:04] <Vexatos> sugoi, serialization.serialize(_G)
L212[01:01:05] <Vexatos> :P
L213[01:01:14] <Temia> I wonder how much space could be saved by storing large arrays of numeric data in packed structs...
L214[01:01:25] <sugoi> Vexatos: assuming i don't have screen, or keyboard, or a working term, etc
L215[01:02:27] <sugoi> Vexatos: or if boot crashes, and the stderr isn't enough, if we could suspend the machine for a debugger
L216[01:02:37] <sugoi> anywho, just thoughts
L217[01:02:46] <sugoi> stuff that matters mostly to me perhaps
L218[01:04:05] <Temia> Suspending the machine for a debugger would probably be part of a panic() function, I'd think. o.o
L219[01:04:28] <Temia> ...You know, hooking into the GC would be nice too.
L220[01:05:00] <sugoi> yes, i agree (panic)
L221[01:05:04] <Temia> That way one could store kernel messages and dump excess if the system's low on memory, before last-ditch collection occured
L222[01:05:49] <sugoi> well, the distance between low-mem and no-mem is a wobbly trail of poo
L223[01:06:16] <sugoi> because of the sandboxing and lua vm and i dont even know what
L224[01:06:28] <sugoi> but if have < 15k, i'll crash randomly
L225[01:06:42] <sugoi> really you want 30k minimum
L226[01:06:58] <sugoi> can't call much, but it won't just die
L227[01:07:49] <sugoi> anywho, tier 1.5 ram for openos 1.6 should now have ~76k free
L228[01:08:26] <sugoi> but i was thinking if we have <50k on boot, we could wanr the user
L229[01:10:09] <sugoi> Temia: what would you dump? all non-essential libs (i could whitelist boot-required libs), and kill all user scripts? [we don't have "kill", but i have solutions for a kill command in mind]
L230[01:10:44] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L231[01:11:13] <Temia> I've discussed creative use of coroutines to create the process management infrastructure necessary for kill with other folks here before :o but stuff like that would be nice.
L232[01:11:32] <Temia> I mostly meant logging kernel messages and truncating them whenever memory needs to be freed
L233[01:11:41] <sugoi> ah
L234[01:11:58] <sugoi> but speaking of kill -
L235[01:12:10] <sugoi> so for openos 1.6 i added io.popen
L236[01:12:22] <sugoi> to get that working took some coroutine trickery
L237[01:13:12] ⇦ Quits: Chaoschaot234 (webchat@217-68-167-122.dynamic.primacom.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L238[01:13:19] <sugoi> but it gave me a framework that i could continue to harden and test -- and then `kill` would be pretty simple
L239[01:14:11] * Temia nods.
L240[01:14:24] <sugoi> for popen coroutines, i had to create a way to yield entire subsets of coroutine stacks
L241[01:14:30] <Temia> eep.
L242[01:14:33] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L243[01:14:40] <sugoi> this took my entire xmas break
L244[01:15:08] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L245[01:15:19] <Temia> ...ah crap
L246[01:15:28] <sugoi> anywho, kill, then, would be just dropping yielded stacks
L247[01:16:00] <Temia> Well, if we implemented POSIX signalling, it wouldn't necessarily be
L248[01:16:05] <Temia> ...but yeah, otherwise
L249[01:16:15] <sugoi> it could be with signalling
L250[01:16:31] <sugoi> and i'd get the signal -- and drop the yielded stack of coroutines
L251[01:16:54] <sugoi> i'm saying - that signal layer could be part of the process management that is aware of the coroutine interception
L252[01:17:08] <sugoi> i hope i'm making any sense
L253[01:17:42] <sugoi> if anyone had another idea, i'm keen to suggestions
L254[01:17:50] <sugoi> this definitely isn't for 1.6 tho, 1.7 :)
L255[01:18:20] <Temia> Haha, yeah
L256[01:19:02] <sugoi> io.popen works, passes my many tests (unit tests, yay!)
L257[01:19:20] <sugoi> but i don't feel comfortable putting the entire process stack from boot on the new coroutine system
L258[01:19:34] <sugoi> it needs some bake time
L259[01:19:52] <sugoi> i hope the community beats the crap out of popen and helps me harden it
L260[01:21:29] <Temia> ...
L261[01:21:30] <Temia> OH GOD
L263[01:21:37] <Temia> FUCK
L264[01:21:41] <Temia> GET OUT OF MY HEAD RICHARD
L265[01:21:48] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~Corrupted@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L266[01:21:58] * Temia faceplants. x.x;;
L267[01:22:48] <Temia> ...er, sorry.
L268[01:23:00] <sugoi> yeah i only say linux
L269[01:23:01] <Temia> I just remembered it wasn't here that it was brought up to begin with. c.c;;;
L270[01:23:07] <sugoi> almost never do i say gnu/linux
L271[01:23:12] <Temia> Yeah
L272[01:23:34] <Temia> But I wound up talking about it with someone in, of all places, an Undertale fangroup.
L273[01:23:45] <sugoi> ha
L274[01:24:03] <sugoi> and even for my openos 1.6 work, i generally refer to it as "linux shell work"
L275[01:24:14] <sugoi> some of it is posix compliance, some of it is gnu binutils, some is linux
L276[01:24:32] <sugoi> but....my gosh, i don't have the time to care enough...?
L277[01:25:19] <Temia> Haha
L278[01:25:42] <Temia> God, though.
L279[01:25:50] <Temia> I can't believe I even remember that fucking quote.
L280[01:25:56] <Temia> I am doomed to be a nerd forever.
L281[01:26:15] <Vexatos> hey nerd™, mind helping me design a Lua API :>
L282[01:26:26] <sugoi> LUA Api
L283[01:26:31] * Vexatos dies
L284[01:27:34] <Temia> Did you have something in mind?
L285[01:27:41] <Temia> ...oh, actually
L286[01:27:43] <Temia> Vex.
L287[01:27:44] <Vexatos> the questions really are only the detauls
L288[01:27:46] <Vexatos> details*
L289[01:28:04] <Temia> How were you going to implement the envelopes, if that was still in the cards?
L290[01:28:13] <Vexatos> like what we talked about yesterday, one channel may only have one F-modulator but one channel may modulate multiple others, etc
L291[01:28:21] <Vexatos> yes, envelopes will be a thing
L292[01:28:28] <Vexatos> I think I'd just have multiple types
L293[01:28:32] <Temia> Alright.
L294[01:28:35] <Vexatos> kind of like the AudioTypes enum
L295[01:28:47] <Temia> That would work I suppose
L296[01:28:59] <Vexatos> So ADSR for instance would take the 4 set "coordinates" as in seconds
L297[01:29:18] <Vexatos> start (initial delay), point of maximum, point of decay, ennd
L298[01:30:27] <Vexatos> actually
L299[01:30:30] <Vexatos> it needs 5 points
L300[01:30:43] <Vexatos> or rather, 5 durations
L301[01:30:52] <gamax92> oh hello Vex
L302[01:31:07] <sugoi> oh hello gamax92 !
L303[01:31:19] <Vexatos> initial delay, attack duration, delay duration, sustain duration and release duration
L304[01:31:41] <Vexatos> and that would be added to a channel just like a wave form would, I guess
L305[01:31:45] <Vexatos> unless someone has a better idea
L306[01:31:51] <Temia> That sounds fairly solid.
L307[01:32:02] <Vexatos> will also have AR for something more simple
L308[01:32:03] <sugoi> SOUNDS :)
L309[01:32:09] <Vexatos> any other envelope you'd like?
L310[01:32:41] <Temia> Eh, not off the top of my head
L311[01:32:41] <gamax92> Vexatos, sustain is not a duration
L312[01:32:47] <Vexatos> hmm
L313[01:32:48] <Vexatos> actually
L314[01:32:52] <Vexatos> ADSR would need even more values
L315[01:32:58] <Vexatos> namely the multipliers
L316[01:33:05] <Temia> Oh, yeah, durr.
L317[01:33:06] <Vexatos> values between 0 and one it will tend towards :P
L318[01:33:15] <gamax92> ?
L319[01:33:20] <Vexatos> Because I can't multiply a value with anything otherwise :P
L320[01:33:41] <gamax92> all you do is replace "sustain duration" with "sustain level" and then you're set
L321[01:33:48] <gamax92> no extra stuff needed there
L322[01:34:03] <Vexatos> so it's start at 0
L323[01:34:04] <Vexatos> go to 1
L324[01:34:07] <Vexatos> go to <sustain>
L325[01:34:09] <Vexatos> and back to 0?
L326[01:34:11] <gamax92> yep
L327[01:34:14] <Vexatos> hmmm
L328[01:34:26] <Vexatos> but I'd still need sustain duration
L329[01:34:34] <Vexatos> to tell how long it'll sustain for
L330[01:34:43] <gamax92> Vexatos: don't you have overall note durations?
L331[01:35:00] <Vexatos> yes, but as I said, I'd add it to a channel as an entry
L332[01:35:07] <Vexatos> independent from the channel it is actually modifying
L333[01:35:15] <Vexatos> so it doesn't know which note over there is being played
L334[01:35:21] <gamax92> :| right ...
L335[01:35:23] <Vexatos> it's not bound to one note
L336[01:35:29] <Vexatos> well, I could make it so
L337[01:35:38] <Vexatos> that's what I am talking about
L338[01:35:46] <Vexatos> We're still in the process of designing all this
L339[01:36:05] <Vexatos> if you have better ideas than me, go ahead
L340[01:36:24] <gamax92> not making ADSR a separate thing and just adding it as a channel parameter :P
L341[01:36:55] <Vexatos> but then you could only have one ADSR per process()
L342[01:37:05] <Vexatos> (the function that processes the buffer and clears it)
L343[01:37:19] <Vexatos> per channel and process, that is
L344[01:37:30] <gamax92> why would one ADSR per channel not be one ADSR per channel?
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L346[01:37:56] <Temia> Oh
L347[01:38:04] <Temia> I had a wikipedia article for the VRC7 open
L348[01:38:17] <Temia> Er, no, wait
L349[01:38:19] <Vexatos> gamax92, I'd rather have as many as there's buffer space
L350[01:38:19] <Temia> This is NESdev.
L351[01:38:32] <Vexatos> so you could, for instance, have one ADSR per note
L352[01:38:37] <Temia> REGARDLESS
L353[01:38:38] <Vexatos> or one per two notes, etc
L354[01:38:42] <Vexatos> anything, really
L355[01:38:52] <Vexatos> instead of having one for the entire channel buffer
L356[01:38:54] <Temia> http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/VRC7_audio#Internal_Audio_Registers The envelope registers in here might be worth looking at
L357[01:39:18] <sugoi> so while a sound card is a really awesome idea
L358[01:39:26] <sugoi> what on earth would people make with it
L359[01:39:30] <Vexatos> Sound
L360[01:39:32] <Vexatos> D U H
L361[01:39:33] <gamax92> muzik
L362[01:39:36] <sugoi> .....
L363[01:39:47] <sugoi> haha :)
L364[01:39:48] <Temia> Demoscene music
L365[01:39:49] <Vexatos> sugoi, never underestimate the power of music.
L366[01:39:52] <Temia> Chiptunes
L367[01:39:55] <Vexatos> and bored students
L368[01:39:57] <Vexatos> yes
L369[01:40:00] <Vexatos> chirptunes
L370[01:40:04] <Vexatos> we need those
L371[01:40:05] <Vexatos> badly
L372[01:40:14] <Vexatos> OC is a damn computing mod
L373[01:40:21] <Vexatos> and we can't make decent chiptune
L374[01:40:25] <Temia> I swear to god I will brush up on Modtracker stuff to make a MineTracker program
L375[01:40:25] <Vexatos> something is wrong
L376[01:40:35] <Temia> That's not THAT unusual.
L377[01:40:39] <gamax92> yes, and you know what's wrong
L378[01:40:43] <Temia> A lot of computers had no more than a PC speaker beep
L379[01:40:43] <gamax92> your design
L380[01:40:49] <Vexatos> I know :X
L381[01:40:58] <Vexatos> Temia, beep card is a thing :P
L382[01:41:02] <Temia> I know
L383[01:41:03] <Temia> :p
L384[01:41:05] <Vexatos> and it works
L385[01:41:09] <Vexatos> and the new noise card is the next upgrade
L386[01:41:15] <Vexatos> but now I want modulation, too
L387[01:41:19] <Temia> And Gamax, calm down. He's working on it, and he can learn and iron out the kinks as e goes
L388[01:41:26] <gamax92> ;-;
L389[01:41:32] <Vexatos> Temia, those things you linked there... some of them are applied to modulating channels instead?
L390[01:41:36] <Temia> I'm sorry for the feature creep, Vex :p
L391[01:41:51] <Temia> Some of them. I'm mostly referring to the last four registers
L392[01:42:07] <Vexatos> yea those sound useful
L393[01:42:25] <Temia> Might give you an idea on how to implement the envelope for the channels.
L394[01:42:29] <Vexatos> AD and SR... but... which values would AD take
L395[01:43:00] <Temia> Hm.
L396[01:43:01] <gamax92> A D and R timings are not standardized
L397[01:43:19] <Vexatos> Also I should probably make the sound card use milliseconds instead of seconds already
L398[01:43:23] <Vexatos> unlike the noise and beep card
L399[01:43:34] <Temia> Oh, speaking of which
L400[01:43:50] <Temia> Did you work out an implementation for sub-tick timings?
L401[01:44:28] * gamax92 is reminded of DRO format
L402[01:45:09] <gamax92> which is what I ended up doing when I wrote my own sound card
L403[01:45:52] <Vexatos> Temia a buffer
L404[01:46:06] <Vexatos> the entire buffer is sent to the client and then processed at once
L405[01:46:13] <Vexatos> that sending is locked to a tick
L406[01:46:18] <Temia> Ah
L407[01:46:20] <Vexatos> but after it's received it doesn't care anymore
L408[01:46:26] <Temia> Can you set buffer size?
L409[01:46:38] <Vexatos> buffer is 8 entries
L410[01:46:42] <Vexatos> for the noise card
L411[01:46:47] <Vexatos> 8 entries per channel
L412[01:46:54] <Temia> Hmm, alright.
L413[01:47:04] <Vexatos> mostly because it allowed me to store stuff in bytes
L414[01:47:12] <Vexatos> but I can easily increase the number and use shorts instead
L415[01:47:21] <gamax92> I wonder if I still have that synthesizer mod ...
L416[01:47:30] <Vexatos> but increasing the number means we'll generate megabytes of data on the client
L417[01:47:36] <Vexatos> until the thing is done playing
L418[01:47:41] <Temia> Hrm.
L419[01:47:54] <Vexatos> remember I need to push the entire buffer at once into OpenAL
L420[01:47:58] <Vexatos> with the current system
L421[01:48:09] <Vexatos> and I don't want to have to synchronize in any other way
L422[01:48:18] <gamax92> ._.
L423[01:48:24] <Temia> Really? There's got to be a better way than that.
L424[01:48:33] <gamax92> there is
L425[01:48:35] <Vexatos> well not unless I add a custom sound thread
L426[01:48:42] <Vexatos> and have it run in a busy loop
L427[01:49:00] <gamax92> queues and such
L428[01:49:15] <Vexatos> queues?
L429[01:49:53] <gamax92> I did it on a custom Love2D library but it was openal based backed on ffi
L430[01:50:22] <gamax92> you create a queue of X entries, fill up the queue of small chunks of data, and then play them
L431[01:50:47] <gamax92> queue starts to empty and you continue to create small chunks of data to dump into it
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L433[01:53:38] <gamax92> alGenBuffers or such, asie does it as well
L434[01:53:59] <gamax92> (which was why I used asielib for my sythesizer mod :D)
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L436[01:54:41] <Vexatos> mhm
L437[01:55:00] <Temia> Gamax, was your synthesiser mod ever released?
L438[01:55:01] <Vexatos> well how would I know when to poll the new entry from the queue
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L440[01:55:34] <gamax92> no because I couldn't get the audio to work properly outside of single player ...
L441[01:55:48] <Temia> It still would be neat to experiment with. o.o
L442[01:56:31] <gamax92> Well I'd have to look if I still even have it, which would be friday/saturday when I'm at fathers place
L443[01:56:45] <Vexatos> should I store the freq in Hz as a float or double
L444[01:57:48] <greaser|q> on one hand you probably don't need to save the space to require a float, on the other hand you probably don't need the accuracy to require a double
L445[01:58:26] <gamax92> eyy greaser
L446[01:58:31] <greaser|q> however if you're accumulating time... compare ints
L447[01:58:48] <Vexatos> well I'd like to allow decimal frequencies
L448[01:58:54] <Vexatos> right now it's all ints
L449[01:59:06] <Vexatos> but that's not... good enough especially for lower frequencies
L450[01:59:26] <greaser|q> are you storing this in a file or what?
L451[01:59:30] <gamax92> a float is probably fine then
L452[01:59:52] <greaser|q> if not, might as well just make it a double
L453[02:00:05] <greaser|q> i doubt you have enough of these to warrant trying to save on RAM
L454[02:00:10] <Vexatos> Im have to store it in NBT
L455[02:00:20] <Vexatos> I'm having*
L456[02:00:28] <Vexatos> as well as send it over in a packet
L457[02:00:29] <greaser|q> ah righty... doesn't matter too much
L458[02:00:38] <greaser|q> in which case might as well just do a float
L459[02:00:38] <Temia> Why NBT?
L460[02:01:01] <Vexatos> Because I need to store the card's buffer across chunk unloads?
L461[02:01:08] <Temia> Oh, true.
L462[02:01:11] <Temia> Hm.
L463[02:01:26] <gamax92> #lua 2^24
L464[02:02:31] <gamax92> %calc 2^24
L465[02:02:31] <MichiBot> gamax92: 16,777,216
L466[02:02:32] <greaser|q> you probably aren't going to notice a huge diff between a 12000Hz tone and a 12000.009765625Hz tone
L467[02:02:38] <greaser|q> or any diff whatsoever
L468[02:03:35] <Temia> Like he said, it was more for lower frequencies
L469[02:04:24] <Vexatos> there is a definite difference between 27,5000 (A0) and 27
L470[02:04:39] <Vexatos> 27.5*
L471[02:06:15] <Vexatos> ok, it's a float now
L472[02:06:37] <Vexatos> also the max frequency right now is 1980Hz
L473[02:06:45] <Vexatos> (same as what Sangar had)
L474[02:06:49] <gamax92> o.o why
L475[02:06:53] <Vexatos> which is good enough for most music
L476[02:07:11] <Vexatos> don't know why the limit is there, probably to not spam megabytes of data into the AL buffer?
L477[02:07:31] <gamax92> the frequency has nothing to do with how many bytes you produce
L478[02:07:34] <gamax92> that is duration
L479[02:07:47] <Vexatos> err true
L480[02:07:48] <Vexatos> derp
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L482[02:08:25] <Vexatos> well uuh
L483[02:08:26] <Vexatos> hmm
L484[02:08:28] <Vexatos> no idea, really
L485[02:08:38] <Vexatos> it's only used as a parameter for the wave form function, really
L486[02:08:59] <Vexatos> sooo gamax92 how would such a queue system work
L487[02:10:10] <gamax92> "<Vexatos> remember I need to push the entire buffer at once into OpenAL"
L488[02:10:15] <gamax92> that was the only reason why I mentioned it
L489[02:10:17] <Vexatos> yea
L490[02:10:21] <Vexatos> it's pretty bad
L491[02:10:38] <Vexatos> at 20 seconds that is 44100 * 20 bytes
L492[02:12:16] <Temia> That's why you keep a queue that's maybe 2 seconds long
L493[02:12:56] <sugoi> i'm going to bed, later all
L494[02:13:03] <Vexatos> well I have http://git.io/vgpmU right now
L495[02:13:04] <Temia> Have an FM synthesis machine state that refills the queue as it is passed to OpenAL
L496[02:13:09] <Vexatos> but that only runs once every client tick
L497[02:14:03] <Temia> I'll look into OpenAL's API later.
L498[02:14:07] <Temia> It's late and I'm tired
L499[02:14:09] <Vexatos> the problem is properly adding the new buffers
L500[02:14:16] <Vexatos> knowing when to add them
L501[02:14:19] <Temia> But I'm sure there is a way to do this that won't require filling huge chunks of buffers
L502[02:14:19] <Vexatos> to OpenAL
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L504[02:14:49] <Temia> That shouldn't be THAT hard once I have an idea of the API.
L505[02:15:29] <Vexatos> anyways...
L506[02:15:37] <Vexatos> First step now is to actually get the Lua API done
L507[02:15:53] <Vexatos> And I'd like it to not be crap :P
L508[02:16:11] <Vexatos> Any suggestions? >_>
L509[02:16:17] <Vexatos> for a general concept or whatever
L510[02:16:17] <Temia> Not especially.
L511[02:17:43] <Vexatos> still thinking about how to do the envelope thing
L512[02:18:15] <Vexatos> also, should I allow a channel to be freq-modulated by one and amplitude-modulated by another channel?
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L514[02:19:22] <gamax92> oh heh, it's 1am her.e
L515[02:20:09] <gamax92> Vexatos: will mains hum be a waveform choice?
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L517[02:21:17] <Temia> I'd say stick to ADSR
L518[02:22:18] <Vexatos> Temia, question is more how to implement it
L519[02:22:23] <Vexatos> gamax92, hum?
L520[02:22:40] <gamax92> Vexatos: you know, the 50/60Hz buzz of a power line?
L521[02:22:54] <Vexatos> I need a noise one too
L522[02:23:01] <Vexatos> I can add as many as a enum supports
L523[02:23:06] <Vexatos> so about 50k I think
L524[02:23:20] <Vexatos> :P
L525[02:23:28] <Vexatos> Just give me a function
L526[02:23:30] <gamax92> what's wrong with Random?
L527[02:23:58] <Vexatos> would noise just be Random.nextDouble() ? >_>
L528[02:24:25] <gamax92> actually right, noise is one of those things that kinda need their own special handing
L529[02:25:34] <gamax92> in my synthesizer lib the offset never goes to one or above, so in the noise function I just detect when it's looped back around and load a new sample to emit
L530[02:25:41] <Vexatos> it still needs to be a wave, pretty sure
L531[02:25:54] <Vexatos> A noise wave
L532[02:26:28] <gamax92> hmm, like a looping section of random data? that also sorta works I guess.
L533[02:27:27] <Vexatos> what would mains hum look like
L534[02:27:29] <Vexatos> as a function
L535[02:27:36] <gamax92> I have no idea XD
L536[02:27:41] <Vexatos> >_>
L537[02:27:49] <Vexatos> ok
L538[02:28:04] <Vexatos> for real, how would I implement envelopes now :X
L539[02:28:05] <gamax92> also the looping thing, that's how that one "make a guitar pluck sound" works
L540[02:29:01] <gamax92> two numbers, one is what stage in the envelope you are in (A, D, S, or R stage), and the other is your current volume level
L541[02:29:27] <gamax92> when the note starts, you set the volume level to 0 and the stage to A, then gradually increase it to 1 over whatever speed A is
L542[02:29:53] <gamax92> when it gets to 1 or above (clamp it to 1), then you say okay, decay time, and then have it move towards S over whatever time D is set to
L543[02:30:39] <gamax92> and then when it gets to S or below, (clamp it to S), have it sit there until (note-duration - amount-generated) <= release time
L544[02:30:41] <Vexatos> nonoo
L545[02:30:46] <Vexatos> the how it works is easy
L546[02:30:57] <Vexatos> That's an object with a function and a few fields
L547[02:31:00] <gamax92> Vexatos did you not fucking listen at all
L548[02:31:02] <Vexatos> I mean the Lua API impl
L549[02:31:06] <Vexatos> sorry
L550[02:31:08] <Vexatos> :/
L551[02:31:19] <gamax92> make a fucking function that takes a channel index an all the variables for your ADSR
L552[02:31:32] <Vexatos> mhm
L553[02:31:42] <Vexatos> how many of those would I allow per channel?
L554[02:31:57] <gamax92> one because how the fuck does multiple make sense
L555[02:32:10] <Vexatos> say you have 8 different notes played on channel 1
L556[02:32:18] <Vexatos> want to use ADSR on the first and fifth
L557[02:32:20] <Vexatos> wat do
L558[02:32:43] <Temia> The ADSR gets packaged with the note packets.
L559[02:32:51] <gamax92> sorry Temia
L560[02:32:55] <Vexatos> so a per-entry thing?
L561[02:32:56] <Temia> Switch it when you want to switch notes.
L562[02:32:59] <Temia> pmuch.
L563[02:33:13] <Vexatos> how would I specify that in Lua?
L564[02:33:24] <Temia> You don't, really.
L565[02:34:03] <Temia> The java side handles that, so all the lua side needs to do is make the occasional call to set the ADSR state.
L566[02:34:15] <Vexatos> so like
L567[02:35:01] <gamax92> completely unrelated to the current conversation but also fun http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/assignments/guitar.html
L568[02:35:03] <Vexatos> sound.addEnvelope(<channelindex>, sound.envelopes.ADSR, all, the, values, I, need) and it'd... add it to the currently latest entry in the channel?
L569[02:35:20] <Temia> No, no, no.
L570[02:36:34] <Vexatos> how would I do it then
L571[02:36:46] <Temia> I don't know what your API looks like right now.
L572[02:37:04] <Temia> But no, any envelopes set on the lua side would only apply to future notes
L573[02:37:17] <Temia> Until changed again.
L574[02:37:32] <Vexatos> hmmm
L575[02:37:38] <Vexatos> so basically a state?
L576[02:37:46] <Temia> ...
L577[02:37:51] <Vexatos> that would be like, an entirely separate extra channel
L578[02:37:59] <Temia> >to set the ADSR state.
L579[02:38:05] <Temia> >set the ADSR state
L580[02:38:08] <Temia> >ADSR state
L581[02:38:10] <Temia> >state
L582[02:38:12] <gamax92> >
L583[02:38:20] <Vexatos>
L584[02:38:30] <Temia> Not really.
L585[02:38:43] <Temia> Honestly I would worry about AM later.
L586[02:38:49] <Vexatos> No
L587[02:38:57] <Vexatos> I need to worry about all that right now
L588[02:39:04] <gamax92> no you don't
L589[02:39:05] <Vexatos> since it determines how I will write the Lua side of the API
L590[02:39:08] <Vexatos> and that's the very next step
L591[02:39:23] <Vexatos> before I can write the packet, the data storage, the objects
L592[02:39:27] <Vexatos> the conversion
L593[02:39:29] <Vexatos> I need the Lua API
L594[02:39:43] <gamax92> an
L595[02:39:53] <Temia> Honestly the lua API should be sufficiently divorced from the actual java code
L596[02:40:03] <Vexatos> yes of course
L597[02:40:23] <Vexatos> But I had to rewrite the system for the noise card like three times
L598[02:40:29] <Vexatos> simply because I changed the Lua API
L599[02:40:31] <Vexatos> two times
L600[02:40:36] <Vexatos> after the initial one
L601[02:40:52] <Temia> Alright, do you have documentation of the lua API in its current and past states?
L602[02:41:22] <gamax92> oh, my hand is bleeding, brb
L603[02:41:23] <Vexatos> right now there is none. The basic concept, however, is that of the noise card: You have 8 channels and a buffer on each, right now 8 entries at most per
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L618[05:07:47] <MalkContent> :/ no redstone event on changed comparator input
L619[05:12:53] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@asie.pl) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L621[05:15:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L622[05:16:48] <Kodos> o/
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L624[05:17:57] <Saphire> \o
L625[05:18:25] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L626[05:19:22] * Lizzy groans
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L628[05:22:08] <Kodos> Neat
L629[05:23:39] <Kodos> Fuggit, let's grab OS 90
L630[05:27:31] <Kodos> Keypad looks much brighter on my PC than on my wifes :3
L631[05:30:53] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L635[06:14:13] <Turtle> o/
L636[06:15:07] <Kodos> o/
L637[06:15:55] <Turtle> soo... 1.9 is soon(tm) a thing
L638[06:16:24] <Kodos> Indeed
L639[06:16:39] <Turtle> At least mods will probably start updating as soon as forge is ready, :p
L640[06:17:10] <MalkContent> when you use your fingers to count binary, you can give someone the middle finger and say fourk you
L641[06:18:33] <MalkContent> best part is that it holds true no matter from where you start counting
L642[06:18:46] <MalkContent> i am unreasonably proud of that discovery
L643[06:20:17] <Turtle> ok... lol
L644[06:20:34] <g> I'm nerdy, but I'm not that nerdy
L645[06:20:47] ⇨ Joins: Tedster__ (~Tedster@host86-189-144-247.range86-189.btcentralplus.com)
L646[06:21:00] <Haladur_> Hi
L647[06:21:11] <g> Hi
L648[06:21:18] <Haladur_> Whats up?
L649[06:21:40] <g> Dunno, there's a ceiling above me
L650[06:23:20] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
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L652[06:25:35] <Kodos> MFW I properly use a KVM switch in OC = D
L653[06:25:37] <Kodos> =D*
L654[06:25:51] <Kodos> So much easier now that we have terminal servers
L655[06:29:33] <Turtle> :p
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L659[06:33:14] <Turtle> I need to go set up a 1.8.9 minecraft instance later today
L660[06:34:27] <g> I wish 1.8.9 was viable for my pack yet
L661[06:34:33] <g> most mods just aren't planning on updating to it
L662[06:35:17] <Turtle> yeah, not with 1.9 coming soon
L663[06:35:37] <Turtle> hopefully 1.8.9 -> 1.9 will be a fairly easy port
L664[06:35:52] <Turtle> so that all the currently WIP ports are mostly done when forge updates
L665[06:36:41] <g> the problem is that forge just doesn't cover everything yet
L666[06:36:51] <g> if we didn't have to use obfuscated methods and fields, there'd be no problem
L667[06:36:56] <g> but of course, mojang makes that difficult
L668[06:38:17] <g> if they just released an obfuscation mapping to the forge team, things would be so much easier
L669[06:38:52] <Turtle> well ya but that´s not too aidsy to fix
L670[06:39:09] <Haladur_> yay found newish info on my fav mod
L671[06:39:20] <Turtle> also, can´t really obnoxious reflection fix that? Or would the performance die completely?
L672[06:39:45] <g> eeeeh
L673[06:39:50] <g> that's out of the realms of skill for most modders
L674[06:39:55] <MalkContent> hah
L675[06:40:19] <Turtle> I figured
L676[06:40:45] <Turtle> actually is it?
L677[06:40:50] <MalkContent> better that way
L678[06:41:47] <Turtle> Iterating over methods until you find one that matches parameters+return type shouldn´t be too hard
L679[06:41:51] <MalkContent> obnoxious is the correct adjective, and performance would take a very healthy punch in the gut
L680[06:41:54] <Turtle> no idea if the performance goes to aids
L681[06:42:08] <Turtle> as in, if you can just find the respective method and keep a reference to it :p
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L684[06:45:08] <MalkContent> i wish i could add a remote terminal to a tablet as an upgrade so i had one less thing to carry around
L685[06:45:21] <MalkContent> not sure how that'd be accessed though
L686[06:48:06] <Turtle> just implement a remote shell?
L687[06:48:51] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L688[06:48:53] <Turtle> also imma be this guy and make a dumb idea: With 1.9 dualwielding, smartphone in one hand, usable tool in the other
L689[06:48:59] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L690[06:49:09] <Turtle> [what could possibly go wrong]
L691[06:50:07] <MalkContent> guess i'll learn about remote shells then :I
L692[06:50:45] <MalkContent> that should exist as one of those loot floppies
L693[06:51:06] <MalkContent> which I'm like 95% positive you are gonna tell me i can add via config :P
L694[06:51:11] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L695[06:51:37] <Turtle> idk :p
L696[06:51:39] <MalkContent> and dualwielding is gonna be one hell of a party for modders
L697[06:51:51] <Turtle> It's supposedly fairly straightforward
L698[06:51:57] <Turtle> but it's mojang so idk
L699[06:52:15] <MalkContent> all screaming, half in agony, other half with excitement
L700[06:53:11] <Turtle> wait, is it possible to swap a dimensions chunkgenerator the nuke all existing chunks?
L701[06:53:18] <Turtle> *then
L702[06:54:14] <MalkContent> if you can swap the chunkgenerator, what is preventing you from dumping existing chunks?
L703[06:54:38] <Turtle> I ment if both, by themselves, where possible, not the specific combination
L704[06:54:57] <Turtle> context, for that spaceship mod I was working on, generating planets might be possible by using a single dimension devided into large parts, then nuking chunks when space runs out.
L705[06:55:09] <Turtle> with the whole dimension limit and stuff
L706[06:55:34] <Turtle> because I'm fairly sure nobody would appreciate me doing a hackjob to increase the limit :p
L707[06:55:51] <g> What's the dimension limit? 255?
L708[06:55:59] <Turtle> I think so
L709[06:56:01] <MalkContent> if you just want to nuke a dimension completely, force unload all chunks and dump the region files? :I
L710[06:56:05] <Turtle> -128 to 127
L711[06:56:18] <MalkContent> ^
L712[06:56:20] <Turtle> Malk, not the entire dimension, but say nuke a region of... 100 by 100 chunks idk
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L714[06:56:49] <Turtle> do have to go, will explain later
L715[06:56:51] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
L716[07:02:11] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L717[07:03:36] <MalkContent> just to be sure: tablets can't modify your inventory, can they?
L718[07:04:16] <MalkContent> or scan
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L720[07:05:53] <Saphire> uh.. not that i remember?
L721[07:12:12] <MalkContent> shame. using that to check on your inventory or maybe even autocraft on the run would have been sweet :)
L722[07:12:46] <MalkContent> no free slots? beeeeep
L723[07:14:01] <Saphire> autocraft can be done with ender chests?
L724[07:14:32] <Saphire> something like a labeled floppy with request is put into it and you take the results out
L725[07:15:16] <MalkContent> yea
L726[07:15:44] <MalkContent> autocraft on the run would require you to have all the mats in the first place
L727[07:16:45] <MalkContent> rather limited application. like making torches
L728[07:18:19] <MalkContent> or more stone pickaxes
L729[07:18:38] <Kodos> I'm not even sure a tablet case can take an inventory controller upgrade
L730[07:18:46] <MalkContent> it can't :c
L731[07:19:12] <MalkContent> I'd like that more than the crafting upgrade
L732[07:19:17] <Kodos> However, if you have some sort of player inventory interface, you can use an adapter
L733[07:19:38] <Kodos> Then just use a server to transmit wireless signals to a tablet running a client program
L734[07:20:01] <Kodos> Heck, you could take it one step further, and use a transposer with a player interface on one side, and an ME interface on another
L735[07:20:05] <MalkContent> that would require me to stand on the player inventory inferface
L736[07:20:06] <Kodos> And run some sort of program to request items
L737[07:20:09] <Kodos> Not a PIM
L738[07:20:15] <Kodos> Something like the one from RandomThings
L739[07:20:18] <Kodos> I think that was the mod that had it
L740[07:21:13] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L741[07:21:46] <Lumien> I'm pretty sure dimensions can now be integer :P
L742[07:22:27] <Turtle> o/
L743[07:22:34] <Turtle> They can be? You sure?
L744[07:22:53] <MalkContent> hm. well then ^^ an inventory interface wouldn't be an unreasonable thing though
L745[07:23:02] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L746[07:23:22] <Turtle> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple values have the same name 'null' at net.minecraft.block.properties.PropertyEnum.<init>(PropertyEnum.java:29)
L747[07:23:24] <Turtle> Bollocks.
L748[07:23:37] <Lumien> My dimension is like -107932 or something
L749[07:24:19] <Turtle> Will try generating ~300 once I figure out how blockstates are supposed to be implemented :p
L750[07:25:00] <Kodos> Man
L751[07:25:04] <Kodos> I am so glad my onboard kicks ass
L752[07:25:12] <Kodos> I was jonesing for some minecraft
L753[07:25:14] <MalkContent> accidently pick up seed -> beep
L754[07:25:24] <MalkContent> no free slots? -> beep
L755[07:25:40] <Kodos> > 1 stack of something? -> beep
L756[07:25:54] <MalkContent> exactly
L757[07:26:10] <MalkContent> just overall helpful
L758[07:26:28] <Kodos> Take it one step further, and have a geolyzer scan for >= Iron harvest level blocks (Read: Diamond ore) -> beep
L759[07:26:39] <Lumien> Well Random Things does have one, in case you are playing with it
L760[07:26:51] <Kodos> I highly recommend RT solely because of the notification interface
L761[07:26:52] <Turtle> Kodos: Walk near obsidian -> beep beep beep
L762[07:26:57] <Kodos> That thing is so freaking handy
L763[07:27:22] <MalkContent> rt?
L764[07:27:26] <Kodos> RandomThings
L765[07:28:29] <Kodos> https://randomthingsminecraftmod.wikispaces.com/Notification+Interface
L766[07:28:37] <Kodos> Took me a minute to find the wiki
L767[07:28:38] <MalkContent> looking at it :)
L768[07:28:42] <Kodos> \o/
L769[07:29:14] <Lumien> Don't really want anyone playing with the 1.7 version anymore xD
L770[07:29:19] <Kodos> One thing I used to use it for, but have since lost the code, was for notifying me when a crafting job is done
L771[07:29:33] <Kodos> Lol why not?
L772[07:29:57] <Lumien> Because the last update for it was Jan 2015
L773[07:30:07] <MalkContent> I'd love if nanomachines enabled you to make a custom hud
L774[07:30:33] <MalkContent> remote graphicscard
L775[07:30:45] <Kodos> OpenGlasses will let you do custom huds
L776[07:30:49] <Kodos> albeit in a very complex manner
L777[07:31:49] <MalkContent> neat
L778[07:33:17] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L779[07:33:29] <Turtle> ... return null; oops.
L780[07:34:35] <Lizzy> WOO, Cities Skylines: Snowfall patch is released
L781[07:34:53] <Kodos> Whoa, just read what contact blocks and the potion vaporizer do
L782[07:35:18] <Kodos> That'll make my hidden redstone doors easy peasy
L783[07:35:22] <Turtle> Lizzy: Woo
L784[07:36:41] <Turtle> ooo minecraft loaded into a world
L785[07:37:17] <Turtle> ... ´net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Rendering screen
L786[07:37:17] <Turtle> ´ bollocks.
L787[07:37:36] <Turtle> grr newline, I need to tell hexchat to not do that
L788[07:37:49] <Kodos> I really like that I've figured out optimal Crafting CPU setups for AE2
L789[07:37:55] <Kodos> Well, 'optimal' anyway
L790[07:39:27] <Saphire> o.o
L791[07:40:09] <Saphire> So.. i have been poking that "Shocky" bot for a while..
L792[07:40:31] <Saphire> The reconnect module doesn't works as it doesn't really disconnects..
L793[07:40:41] *** SleepyFlenix is now known as Flenix
L794[07:42:46] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B0F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L796[07:50:08] <Turtle> Damn it I corrupted my test world
L797[07:50:23] <Saphire> o.o how
L798[07:50:37] <g> Saphire: meeeh shocky
L799[07:50:39] <g> :P
L800[07:50:55] <Saphire> i got too used to it :|
L801[07:51:04] <g> What kind of stuff do you need a bot for?
L802[07:51:31] <Turtle> Saphire, if you were talking to me: aparently I put the OC jar in the wrong place because I´m a dumb, and now shit crashes
L803[07:51:41] <Kodos> Oooh, Computronics has a noise card
L804[07:51:42] <Turtle> I should probably declare OC a dependency somewhere so it doesn´t sperg random errors
L805[07:51:48] <Kodos> Wonder if Vex has test code anywhere
L806[07:53:20] <Turtle> Well, it didn´t blow up in my face http://i.imgur.com/wucVy9Q.png
L807[07:53:47] <g> Saphire: If you let me know what your requirements are I can set you up with something that works properly; I've been maintaining my own bot project for a few years now
L808[07:54:51] <Saphire> Hm.. some module-based Lua bot with SQL (or other storage types, optional and wrapped in something?)
L809[07:55:14] <g> My main project is python
L810[07:55:21] <g> but I've been meaning to add lua support for some time
L811[07:55:27] <Saphire> ah
L812[07:55:29] <g> it does have a bunch of storage types and is modular though
L813[07:55:40] * Saphire has abused shocky to use SQLite
L814[07:55:41] <g> out of the box it supports various sql drivers, yaml, python, redis, mongodb..
L815[07:55:58] <g> assuming the plugin supports it
L816[07:56:05] <Saphire> ah
L817[07:56:30] <Saphire> so no wrapper that lets plugins do whatever without knowing of storage
L818[07:56:43] <g> https://apidocs.ultros.io/Ultros.system.storage.data.html
L819[07:56:50] <Saphire> hm.. i should probably move the configuration into SQL for shocky..
L820[07:56:54] <g> Not at the moment; writing that kind of thing is difficult
L821[07:57:16] <g> and not all data types are compatible really
L822[07:57:41] <g> a wrapper like that means that the plugin/etc can't make full use of the storage format
L823[07:57:54] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-131-229-176.range81-131.btcentralplus.com)
L824[07:58:00] <g> eg document IDs in mongodb and yaml class serialisation
L825[07:59:11] <g> (besides, some types of data don't make sense in an sql database)
L826[07:59:56] <Turtle> ´java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cofh/api/energy/IEnergyConnection´ hmh, maybe I should have a mod loaded that actually provides the api, ... lol.
L827[08:00:18] <g> Turtle there's a shim you can include in your mod
L828[08:00:28] <Turtle> ?
L829[08:00:33] <g> that provides the interfaces, so that any mod can provide the implementation
L830[08:01:01] <g> I forget what it's called but a bunch of mods use it
L831[08:02:02] <Turtle> I think cofhlib got ported already
L832[08:02:48] <Turtle> but yeah, no idea what the shim was called either
L833[08:04:01] <Turtle> lemme see if cofhlib already compiles or not
L834[08:04:45] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L835[08:05:50] <Kodos> If I'm using a separate file as a config of sorts, assigning variables to various values, would I be better off using it in another program via loadfile, or dofile
L836[08:06:18] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-79-101.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L837[08:06:42] <Turtle> afaik dofile is basicly loadfile(...)()
L838[08:06:53] <Kodos> So either then?
L839[08:07:07] <Turtle> loadfile if you need to call it multiple times, dofile if you only need it once
L840[08:07:12] ⇦ Quits: Tedster__ (~Tedster@host86-189-144-247.range86-189.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L841[08:07:12] <Turtle> http://www.lua.org/pil/8.html
L842[08:07:24] <Kodos> dofile it is then
L843[08:07:32] <Kodos> Since I'm just using the variables assigned in the config throughout the program
L844[08:07:57] <g> isn't there some kind of require system?
L845[08:08:07] <g> even in node.js people just require("config.json")
L846[08:08:40] <g> I would much prefer a require system to dumping the contents of a file into my program
L847[08:09:21] <Kodos> Hm, should I be localizing the variables?
L848[08:09:23] <Turtle> yeah require could work
L849[08:09:38] <Turtle> Kodos: For lua, local unless explicitly required globally.
L850[08:09:51] <Kodos> Okay th en
L851[08:10:09] <g> yeah, pretty standard OO thing
L852[08:10:17] <g> keep variables as "local" as possible for your needs
L853[08:10:56] <MalkContent> ffs finally figured out what disables keyrepeat
L854[08:11:08] <MalkContent> clicking on the screen
L855[08:11:17] <g> hah
L856[08:11:37] <Kodos> Okay, using .testprog.cfg as a filename was a bad idea lol
L857[08:11:49] <MalkContent> does that disable keyrepeat for you, too?
L858[08:12:10] <MalkContent> cause if so, peanutbuttertickettime
L859[08:12:51] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
L860[08:12:55] <g> can't check right now
L861[08:13:11] <MalkContent> also did the syntax for getSafeInputCount for nanomachines change? i'm not getting a message back :/ getTotalInputCount works
L862[08:13:40] <Kodos> Okay, I don't think requiring is going to work
L863[08:14:30] <g> if you're going to dump the file into scope then at least use some kind of closure
L864[08:14:58] <g> like a getConfig function or something
L865[08:15:24] <Kodos> Truthfully, I'd rather do it like that
L866[08:15:38] <Kodos> I've been wanting to make a few config utility functions for my lib, for use in my other programs
L867[08:16:06] <g> that wouldn't be a utility
L868[08:16:07] <Kodos> So I could have a config file that would have variables, and their settings, and then I could just call the lib functions within my program to read from the corresponding config file
L869[08:16:10] <Kodos> Well
L870[08:16:12] <Kodos> I use the term loosely
L871[08:16:15] <g> your config file would literally just be a function that returns a table
L872[08:16:43] <Kodos> I'm wanting to keep the config file userfriendly enough that someone could go in and change a setting
L873[08:16:51] <Kodos> Without risk of borking the function
L874[08:17:04] <g> is there some kind of json or ini or something in oppm?
L875[08:17:18] <Kodos> Similar to how minecraft configs work, really
L876[08:17:20] <Kodos> Uhh
L877[08:17:22] <Kodos> Dunno
L878[08:17:24] <Kodos> Let me install oppm
L879[08:18:21] <Kodos> Oh nice, oppm doesn't need a reboot anymore
L880[08:18:22] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L881[08:19:39] <Kodos> configlib and config parser
L882[08:19:50] <Kodos> I'm assuming that's what I need anyway
L883[08:19:55] <g> sounds like it
L884[08:21:45] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L885[08:22:04] <Kodos> And ofc, no instructions
L886[08:22:26] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ damn it Java
L887[08:22:36] <Kodos> ohai
L888[08:22:40] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L889[08:23:38] <Mimiru> Hi...
L890[08:23:55] <Mimiru> trying to get my coremod to just extract my alarm sounds from my jar instead of downloading them
L891[08:23:56] <Mimiru> and it's not going well
L892[08:23:57] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L893[08:24:03] <Mimiru> and I have to leave for work in like 10 minutes
L894[08:24:26] <Kodos> I've been using build 90 from curse all morning. keypads are much brighter on my PC, so it's just my wife's PC th at has the issue
L895[08:24:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B0F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L896[08:24:58] <Kodos> Still no GPU, but it turns out my onboard is pretty kickass
L897[08:28:51] * vifino groans and flops on Lizzy
L898[08:28:58] * Lizzy pets vifino
L899[08:29:08] * vifino purrs
L900[08:29:24] * Mimiru sighs
L901[08:29:27] <Mimiru> I can't figure this shit out
L902[08:29:29] <Mimiru> and I gotta go
L903[08:29:38] <vifino> See ya, Mimiru.
L904[08:30:41] <Mimiru> If anyone wants to figure out how to extract a directory from a jar in code... I'm all for taking help :p
L905[08:31:56] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L906[08:31:57] <Kodos> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1529611/how-to-write-a-java-program-which-can-extract-a-jar-file-and-store-its-data-in-s/1529707#1529707
L907[08:31:59] <Kodos> I found that :x
L908[08:32:24] <Mimiru> Yeah, I based my code on that last night
L909[08:32:50] <Mimiru> meh anyway later
L910[08:33:04] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L911[09:01:37] <Kodos> To clear a keypad's display, I just pass an empty string to it, right?
L912[09:03:27] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L913[09:04:45] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L914[09:06:59] <Turtle> Kodos: Try it? Keypad from where
L915[09:07:03] <Kodos> openSecurity
L916[09:07:13] <Kodos> Can't open MC atm, was just writing up a quick function
L917[09:07:20] <Kodos> Just gonna mark it untested for now
L918[09:07:34] <Kodos> I have too much shit to do this morning to worry about it, and I still want to squeeze in a 30 minute nap before my 2 hour drive x.x
L919[09:07:59] <Turtle> ah
L920[09:08:07] <Turtle> :p
L921[09:08:20] <Kodos> https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/blob/master/lib/kodos.lua#L98-L112
L922[09:08:22] <Kodos> Basically that =P
L923[09:08:52] <Turtle> That's probably going to work even if there is a dedicated clear function
L924[09:09:00] <Kodos> Yeah, I figured as much
L925[09:09:02] <Kodos> There isn't one afaik tho
L926[09:09:56] <Turtle> also, I just realized, gear VR has a camera built in, I wonder how much of a PITA it would be to get that to track hands
L927[09:10:51] <Turtle> current solutions seem to just use a hacked kinect
L928[09:10:55] <Turtle> </totallyofftopic>
L929[09:12:56] <Kodos> How hard would it be to write a function to take a 12 character string, and populate a 12 entry table with each character
L930[09:13:11] <Turtle> not very?
L931[09:13:33] <Lizzy> #lua string.explode("abs")
L932[09:13:43] * Lizzy prods |0xDEADBEEF|
L933[09:13:53] <Turtle> I was going to go with for i = 1,string:len() do array[i] = string:sub(i,i) end but aparently explode exists
L934[09:14:15] <Turtle> oh nope
L935[09:14:16] <Lizzy> vifino, |0xDEADBEEF| broke
L936[09:14:19] <Turtle> string.explode does not exist
L937[09:14:22] <Lizzy> hmm
L938[09:14:24] <Lizzy> hold on
L939[09:14:40] <Kodos> #lua str = "Herpderp" return string.explode(str)
L940[09:14:57] <Kodos> #lua str = "Herpderp" return str:explode()
L941[09:14:59] <Kodos> Maybe?
L942[09:15:02] <Kodos> idk
L943[09:15:06] <Lizzy> Kodos, the bot is broke
L944[09:15:14] <Kodos> mkay
L945[09:15:22] <MalkContent> #lua return 0
L946[09:15:42] <Kodos> Maybe try resetting the sandbox?
L947[09:15:47] <vifino> That is because I didn't start it.
L948[09:15:49] <Kodos> Ah
L949[09:16:03] <Lizzy> aha, https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/833e-47.txt Kodos
L950[09:16:29] <Kodos> o.o
L951[09:16:33] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'explode')
L952[09:16:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'explode')
L953[09:16:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (method 'explode')
L954[09:16:38] <Lizzy> lol
L955[09:16:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L956[09:17:13] <Lizzy> also Kodos that's a utility function that the owner of the gmod server i play on wrote
L957[09:18:09] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L958[09:18:36] <MalkContent> what would explode even do without something to explode by
L959[09:19:00] <Lizzy> ?
L960[09:19:02] <vifino> nothing.
L961[09:19:32] <vifino> not even an error, though I don't know why there isn't a simple call to error...
L962[09:20:08] <MalkContent> either it's string.explode(explodee, exploder) or explodee.explode(exploder)
L963[09:21:05] <MalkContent> no idea what i'd do with string.explode(mysterystring)
L964[09:21:39] <Lizzy> well the function i linked you do StringExplode( "string", "pattern")
L965[09:22:10] <Kodos> What would I use for pattern? I just need each character as its own string, in a table
L966[09:22:33] <Lizzy> ermm, try empty string?
L967[09:23:10] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L968[09:23:16] <Kodos> I'll try it tonight
L969[09:23:32] <Lizzy> I've never needed to split all of a word, just on spaces from like a chat message
L970[09:23:39] <Kodos> I still have to hit the bank, drive around a bunch to warm up my transmission so I can check the fluid, check (and probably add) fluid, and still take a nap before 1pm CST
L971[09:23:58] <Kodos> I'm making an easier function (for myself) to set up keypad buttons
L972[09:24:15] <Kodos> Pass a 12 char string, and it uses that to label the buttons
L973[09:25:17] <Kodos> keypads will be super handy once display panels are done, since we can just use keypads for simple input, and dpanels for output
L974[09:30:16] <vifino> Attention, everyone with TP Link Routers. TP Link has started locking down their firmware to prevent them being flashed with openwrt. DO NOT UPGRADE TO THE LATEST STOCK FIRMWARE IF YOUW WANT A 3RDPARTY FIRMWARE! http://ml.ninux.org/pipermail/battlemesh/2016-February/004379.html
L975[09:32:52] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73_ (~Keanu73@host-92-29-195-161.as13285.net)
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L977[09:34:08] *** Keanu73_ is now known as Keanu73
L978[09:35:07] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L979[09:35:36] <Kodos> I wonder if ♫ works on a keypad
L980[09:35:38] <MalkContent> hrm. why does all the lua stuff start it's indices at 1 instead of 0
L981[09:35:41] <MalkContent> throwing me off mah game
L982[09:35:47] <Kodos> Because Lua is one-indexed
L983[09:36:49] <MalkContent> tautology is tautology ^^
L984[09:38:41] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L985[09:38:41] <Kodos> Urgh
L986[09:38:46] <Kodos> I'll be back, I guess
L987[09:39:01] <g> MalkContent: I think they decided it'd be easier for non-programmers
L988[09:39:06] <g> it makes the rest of us get annoyed
L989[09:39:20] <MalkContent> mkay then
L990[09:39:40] <MalkContent> is there an inbuilt way to hand over a table to a function expecting multiple arguments?
L991[09:40:31] <MalkContent> i mean i know i can pass on a ..
L992[09:40:40] <g> unpack()
L993[09:40:43] <MalkContent> ty
L994[09:40:52] <MalkContent> words were failing me
L995[09:41:28] <g> eg, object:function(unpack(values))
L996[09:41:45] <gamax92> boo
L997[09:41:55] <g> ~lua unpack
L998[09:41:56] <g> hi gamax92
L999[09:42:07] * g pokes whichever bot is supposed to respond to that
L1000[09:42:08] <gamax92> ~w table.unpack
L1001[09:42:08] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table.unpack
L1002[09:45:52] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1003[10:00:21] <MalkContent> mkay. nanobot communication set up
L1004[10:00:36] <MalkContent> nanobots themselves found to be not working -.-
L1005[10:00:40] <MalkContent> machines*
L1006[10:02:56] <Kodos> What sort of setup do you have
L1007[10:04:53] <Kodos> Actually, nvm, gtg
L1008[10:05:03] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c413:61e7:2660:4c) (Quit: Leaving)
L1009[10:05:05] <MalkContent> bb ^^
L1010[10:05:40] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB70814F0345EF51FB5FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1011[10:05:41] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1012[10:06:17] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-82.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1013[10:06:53] <MalkContent> blaming playing without power until i get a better idea
L1014[10:08:38] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1015[10:08:46] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L1016[10:08:56] <Michiyo> wtf...
L1017[10:09:02] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L1018[10:11:45] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D407.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1019[10:11:55] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-82.unity-media.net)
L1020[10:15:42] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1021[10:15:58] <gamax92> ((sb=t>0xffff)&0)+Math.max(Math.min(((y=Math.pow(2,[15,15,23,8][t>>14&3]/12))&0)+(((y*t*0.241)&127-64)+((y*t*0.25)&127-64))*1.2+ (((a=1-(t&0x7ff)/0x7ff)&0)+(((5*t&0x7ff)*a)&255-127)*((0x53232323>>(t>>11&31))&1)*a*1.0+(((d=(14*t*t^t)&0x7ff)*a)&255-128)*((0xa444c444>>(t>>11&31))&1)*a*1.5+((a*a*d*(t>>9&1)&0xff-0x80)*0.1337))*sb+ ((g=(t&0x7ff)/0x7ff)&0)+((g=1-(g*g))&0)+((h=Math.pow(2,([[15,18,17,17,17,17,999,999,22,22,999,18,999,15,20,22],[20,18,17
L1022[10:15:59] <gamax92> ,17,10,10,999,999,20,22,20,18,17,18,17,10]][((t>>14&3)>2)&1][t>>10&15])/12))&0)+(((h*t&31)+(h*t*1.992&31)+(h*t*.497&31)+(h*t*0.977&31)-64))*g*2.0*sb,127),-128)
L1023[10:16:02] <gamax92> >_> clipboard y
L1024[10:16:12] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1025[10:16:40] <g> PING
L1026[10:16:46] <ping> g
L1027[10:16:47] <ping> ?\
L1028[10:16:58] <g> oh right
L1029[10:17:02] <g> I forgot "ping" pings you
L1030[10:17:09] <g> gamax92 pinged me
L1031[10:17:23] <gamax92> g pinged me
L1032[10:18:09] <g> dammit gamax92
L1033[10:19:10] <Inari> gamax92: neat
L1034[10:19:19] <gamax92> Inari: ?
L1035[10:20:45] <Inari> your pastey
L1036[10:22:37] <gamax92> Inari: rude
L1037[10:23:17] <Inari> lewd
L1038[10:23:40] <ping> gamax92, whats the bignum
L1039[10:23:56] <gamax92> ?
L1040[10:24:14] <ping> passing arrays to math.pow ._.
L1041[10:24:26] <gamax92> cool, and?
L1042[10:24:28] <ping> but i realized
L1043[10:24:31] <ping> whatever
L1044[10:24:37] <ping> i have a bignum that works with 5.1/2/3 if anyone wants it :>
L1045[10:24:51] <ping> <> bn"1232134"^"6969"
L1046[10:25:01] <gamax92> nice demonstration
L1047[10:25:01] <^v> ping, https://v5.pxtst.com/paste/Prlb8.html
L1048[10:25:06] <gamax92> wow it's so slow
L1049[10:25:21] <ping> gamax92, its the binary to decimal conversion
L1050[10:25:27] <ping> look how much faster it is with tohex
L1051[10:25:32] <ping> <> bn.tohex(bn"1232134"^"6969")
L1052[10:25:32] <^v> ping, https://v5.pxtst.com/paste/HEP3u.html
L1053[10:25:34] <ping> instant
L1054[10:27:10] <gamax92> do a better job then m8
L1055[10:28:12] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-195-161.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1056[10:28:39] <Vexatos> asie: When you listen to RenderTickEvent to get your audio stream to be continuous :P
L1057[10:28:52] <Vexatos> This is so bad >_>
L1058[10:31:44] <Vexatos> damnit
L1059[10:31:47] <Vexatos> still not quick enough
L1060[10:32:28] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L1061[10:32:39] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L1062[10:32:42] * Vexatos pokes gamax92
L1063[10:32:43] <Vexatos> hey
L1064[10:33:43] <Vexatos> I'm currently doing the streaming audio thing with queues... any idea how I could make the thing continuous? >_>
L1065[10:33:53] <Vexatos> without some kind of busy loop
L1066[10:33:57] <Vexatos> :Y
L1067[11:01:08] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L1068[11:01:16] <g> use the event system?
L1069[11:01:20] <g> I think there's an event on each tick
L1070[11:11:40] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-82.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1071[11:12:45] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1072[11:18:47] <Saphire> https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition
L1073[11:23:03] <sugoi> Saphire: holy freaking crap
L1074[11:26:47] <Vexatos> streaming done now
L1075[11:27:41] <Vexatos> Temia, http://git.io/vgjI0
L1076[11:28:34] <Vexatos> One problem resolved
L1077[11:30:04] <Temia> \o/
L1078[11:31:46] <Vexatos> now the next step: The Lua API weee
L1079[11:31:51] <Vexatos> i.e. the system you suggested
L1080[11:32:26] <Vexatos> Temia, question: if you apply ADSR at any point in the instruction buffer
L1081[11:32:39] <Vexatos> do you still have to specify the durations?
L1082[11:32:44] <Vexatos> or is there another way
L1083[11:33:24] <Temia> Hm?
L1084[11:33:51] <Vexatos> How long ADSR will be applied for
L1085[11:33:59] <Vexatos> how can you tell its duration?
L1086[11:37:15] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1087[11:38:41] <Temia> For as long as the gate is open?
L1088[11:39:13] <Vexatos> so until you un-set it?
L1089[11:39:18] * Temia nods
L1090[11:39:36] <Vexatos> but how to determing how long A, D, S and R themselves will take
L1091[11:39:40] <Vexatos> determine*
L1092[11:40:24] <Temia> By setting their durations (and attenuation in Sustain's case)
L1093[11:41:11] <Temia> Configuring the ADSR state would itself be an instruction
L1094[11:42:04] <Vexatos> so I'd specify all 4 durations, and sustain factor
L1095[11:42:13] <Temia> Except sustain isn't itself a duration.
L1096[11:42:16] <Vexatos> and it'd loop indefinitely until set differently?
L1097[11:42:22] <Vexatos> ah
L1098[11:42:26] <Vexatos> wait
L1099[11:42:30] <Vexatos> then I don't understand :X
L1100[11:42:47] <Temia> Okay, read up on how ADSR is applied
L1101[11:43:26] <Vexatos> soo
L1102[11:43:29] <Vexatos> it'd sustain
L1103[11:43:32] <Vexatos> until I open the gate
L1104[11:43:35] <Vexatos> then it'll release?
L1105[11:43:41] <Temia> Yeah.
L1106[11:43:46] <Vexatos> until I close the gate*
L1107[11:43:53] <Temia> I got what you meant, but yeah
L1108[11:43:57] <Vexatos> i.e. until I setADSR() again
L1109[11:44:03] <Vexatos> or resetADSR() (to turn it off)
L1110[11:44:05] <Saphire> AD-SR gate?
L1111[11:44:06] <Temia> No, no.
L1112[11:44:11] <Temia> The gate is the end of the note
L1113[11:44:15] <Saphire> SR i get.. but what "AD" means?
L1114[11:44:17] <Vexatos> ah right
L1115[11:44:20] <Temia> Attack and Decay.
L1116[11:44:24] <Vexatos> Attack, Decay, sustain, release
L1117[11:44:30] <Vexatos> amplitude modifier
L1118[11:44:33] <Vexatos> for a wave
L1119[11:44:36] <Saphire> oh
L1120[11:46:03] <Vexatos> Soo
L1121[11:46:13] <Vexatos> which functions would the Lua API need
L1122[11:46:25] <Saphire> _G
L1123[11:46:41] <Vexatos> apart from setADSR(channel, dur, dur, attenuation, dur)
L1124[11:47:09] <Vexatos> or, hmm
L1125[11:47:28] <Temia> open(c), close(c), setFreq(c, f), setFM(c, c2), setADSR(c, a, d, s, r), setAM(c, c2), and reset(c\) i guess?
L1126[11:47:37] <Temia> s/\\//g
L1127[11:47:44] <Temia> eh.
L1128[11:47:46] <Temia> Whatever
L1129[11:47:58] <Vexatos> Temia, do you mean I could set a Gate itself; like, I'd have a gate object, there are n gates per channel. You can setADSR(channelindex, gateindex, ...) and then openGate(channelindex, gateindex) and closeGate()
L1130[11:48:12] <Temia> ...but why? o.o
L1131[11:48:47] <Vexatos> well what exactly would open() and close() do
L1132[11:49:05] <Temia> They'd play and stop a note with the active configuration.
L1133[11:49:15] <Temia> That's really all there is to it. o.o
L1134[11:49:27] <Temia> Oh, setVol() would be good too
L1135[11:49:35] <Temia> And I guess amongst all this, a delay would also be needed.
L1136[11:49:40] <Vexatos> and when close() is called the release will be done?
L1137[11:50:03] <Vexatos> yes, a delay obviously, to tell how long to play for
L1138[11:50:05] <Temia> When close() is called, the note will go into release, then finish, yes.
L1139[11:50:09] <Vexatos> ok
L1140[11:50:20] <Temia> ...reset() would probably reset the delay timer as such too
L1141[11:50:27] <Vexatos> reset would reset everything
L1142[11:50:33] <Vexatos> tabula rasa
L1143[11:50:36] <Temia> (and it would remain non-incrementing until instructions are available to parse)
L1144[11:51:10] <Vexatos> ...what do you think reset would do...
L1145[11:52:07] <Temia> Reinitialise the entirety of the noise card state, both server and clientside, immediately
L1146[11:52:23] <Temia> so... less reset(c) and more reset()
L1147[11:52:30] <Vexatos> yea
L1148[11:52:34] <Vexatos> clear ALL the configs
L1149[11:53:13] <Temia> And if you still want envelopes to throw an error when one is already configured, I guess clearEnvelope() could also be a thing.
L1150[11:53:18] <Vexatos> so the only functions that would actually take time would be delay and close
L1151[11:53:34] <Vexatos> close only if there is release to be done
L1152[11:53:37] <Temia> Wait, what?
L1153[11:53:46] <Temia> Oh
L1154[11:53:48] <Vexatos> so you can't emit a new note right after
L1155[11:53:49] <Temia> Yeah, I guess.
L1156[11:53:53] <Temia> Well, no.
L1157[11:54:00] <Temia> If you play a new note on the channel
L1158[11:54:02] <Vexatos> it's still a single channel
L1159[11:54:06] <Temia> It should simply kill the old note in its tracks
L1160[11:54:12] <Vexatos> hmmm
L1161[11:54:14] <Temia> It's not pretty, but
L1162[11:54:19] <Vexatos> that's not a bad idea either
L1163[11:54:27] <Vexatos> just KILL IT WITH FIRE mode
L1164[11:54:35] <Temia> Also can I beg for a DFPWM channel yet now that you've got stream buffering figured out? :p
L1165[11:55:16] <Vexatos> just use tape drives for those
L1166[11:55:25] <Vexatos> you can simultaneously write and play, remember?
L1167[11:55:45] <Temia> It's a horrendous mess and I've never gotten it working.
L1168[11:55:52] <Temia> Plus it's another component to tack onto the mess.
L1169[11:56:06] <Vexatos> also DFPWM is generated server-side
L1170[11:56:09] <Vexatos> this stuff isn't
L1171[11:56:16] <Temia> Wait, really?
L1172[11:56:21] <Vexatos> yep
L1173[11:56:24] <Temia> That... sounds inefficient.
L1174[11:56:38] <Temia> it's really converted to PCM data on the server end?
L1175[11:56:43] <Vexatos> nononono
L1176[11:56:48] <Vexatos> DPWM is sent
L1177[11:56:55] <Vexatos> DFPWM*
L1178[11:56:58] <Temia> Oh.
L1179[11:56:59] <Temia> Well
L1180[11:57:08] <Temia> Usually playback of DFPWM is pre-encoded
L1181[11:57:12] <Temia> So it wouldn't be any different. o.o
L1182[11:58:06] <Temia> But come on, think of how often soundbites are used in electronic music D:
L1183[11:59:17] <Vexatos> Also I still need a noise function >_>
L1184[11:59:25] * Temia pouts :c
L1185[11:59:31] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-195-161.as13285.net)
L1186[12:00:09] <Vexatos> soo open() and close() make me suggest that you only want to have a single gate per channel, right?
L1187[12:00:19] <Vexatos> I guess more isn't really necessary
L1188[12:00:26] * Temia nods
L1189[12:00:36] <Temia> After all you can only play a single note on the channel.
L1190[12:00:36] <Vexatos> I'd also like to add more than one gate type
L1191[12:00:42] <Temia> Er
L1192[12:00:45] <Temia> ...what?
L1193[12:00:48] <Vexatos> Not just ADSR
L1194[12:00:50] <Vexatos> other envelopes :P
L1195[12:00:56] <Temia> Gates aren't envelopes.
L1196[12:00:59] <Vexatos> well no
L1197[12:01:14] <Vexatos> but they apply them
L1198[12:01:19] <Vexatos> in this implementation, at least
L1199[12:01:26] <Temia> Gates just start and end the note.
L1200[12:01:34] <Temia> That's literally all they do. o.o
L1201[12:01:43] <Vexatos> hmm
L1202[12:01:52] <Vexatos> I would need a function to resetADSR, too
L1203[12:02:03] <Vexatos> so you can play the note without any envelope at all
L1204[12:02:12] <Temia> clearEnvelope()?
L1205[12:02:15] <Vexatos> yes
L1206[12:02:46] <Temia> Though you could just take setADSR(c,0,0,0,0) as an effective wipe
L1207[12:03:20] <Vexatos> Temia, do I understand your idea, correctly? Playing a normal sine wave would involve setWave(1, modes.sine, 440) open(1) delay(1, 3000) close(1)
L1208[12:03:33] <Vexatos> to play a 440Hz sine wave for 3000 milliseconds?
L1209[12:04:22] <Temia> I suppose?
L1210[12:04:30] <Vexatos> just making sure
L1211[12:04:32] <Vexatos> WELL THEN
L1212[12:04:35] <Vexatos> design is almost done
L1213[12:04:49] <Vexatos> I'd only like more than ADSR for available envelopes
L1214[12:05:18] <Temia> Might also include a way to hold instructions for queueing and then release all at once so there's no risk of desync issues
L1215[12:05:28] <Vexatos> Also, Temia... what if you specify ADSR durations but your delay() is shorter than A+D
L1216[12:06:04] <Vexatos> would it just
L1217[12:06:05] <Vexatos> like
L1218[12:06:07] <Vexatos> kill?
L1219[12:06:37] <Temia> Probably just drop to release from the amplitude the gate closed on
L1220[12:06:45] <Vexatos> mhm
L1221[12:07:00] <Vexatos> Also, what would close() actually do? Like, would I be able to modify the note and anything while the gate is open?
L1222[12:07:07] * Temia nods
L1223[12:07:08] <Vexatos> if I can, close() is rather pointless, isn't it
L1224[12:07:20] <Temia> Why would it be?
L1225[12:07:23] <Vexatos> unless I want to do nothing for a while
L1226[12:07:25] <Vexatos> oh wait
L1227[12:07:27] <Vexatos> I might
L1228[12:07:28] <Vexatos> >_>
L1229[12:07:31] * Vexatos is derp
L1230[12:07:32] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L1231[12:07:44] <Temia> Notes don't go on forever in most music o.o
L1232[12:07:48] <Temia> So yeah you'd still want close()
L1233[12:07:51] <Vexatos> yea
L1234[12:07:53] <Vexatos> derrrrrrrrrp
L1235[12:07:53] <Lizzy> come on gmod
L1236[12:07:54] <Vexatos> soooo
L1237[12:07:55] <Vexatos> uhm
L1238[12:08:02] <Vexatos> <Temia> Might also include a way to hold instructions for queueing and then release all at once so there's no risk of desync issues
L1239[12:08:04] <Vexatos> desync?
L1240[12:08:08] <Vexatos> there won't be any desync
L1241[12:08:14] <Temia> Connection lag.
L1242[12:08:15] <Vexatos> since I send the entire instruction queue at once
L1243[12:08:21] <Vexatos> you add all the instructions
L1244[12:08:24] <Vexatos> then process()
L1245[12:08:33] <Vexatos> it's all preprocessed
L1246[12:08:39] <Vexatos> the only thing you can do while playing is kill()
L1247[12:08:50] <Vexatos> that'd send a DESTROY EVERYTHING packet, I guess
L1248[12:08:52] <Temia> So in other words you already have an implementation.
L1249[12:09:10] <Vexatos> Yup
L1250[12:09:12] <Vexatos> just need to write it
L1251[12:09:13] <Vexatos> :>
L1252[12:09:19] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1253[12:09:28] <Vexatos> Only one thing left, as I said: I'd like to have more envelopes available than ADSR
L1254[12:09:36] <Vexatos> Also damn this level is hard
L1255[12:09:42] <Temia> You have Amplitude modulation already.
L1256[12:09:42] * Vexatos is playing Professor Layton
L1257[12:09:46] <Temia> and... honestly?
L1258[12:09:53] <Temia> I think we've gotten enough feature creep for a while.
L1259[12:09:56] <Temia> You can always add more later.
L1260[12:10:01] <Vexatos> MUST
L1261[12:10:02] <Vexatos> ADD
L1262[12:10:03] <Vexatos> MOAR
L1263[12:10:05] <Vexatos> FEATURES
L1264[12:10:11] <Vexatos> ™
L1265[12:10:15] <Temia> YOUR API IS EXTENDABLE
L1266[12:10:19] * Temia headbutts
L1267[12:10:37] * Vexatos dies by bovine concussion
L1268[12:10:43] * Saphire gives Temia a pillow
L1269[12:11:07] <Saphire> Don't kill Vexatos again. It's hard to replace them
L1270[12:11:38] * Temia pouts.
L1271[12:11:45] * Temia uses Saph as a pillow instead.
L1272[12:11:47] * Temia flop.
L1273[12:11:59] * Saphire giggles and pats
L1274[12:13:28] * Temia tailswishes. mu. =x=
L1275[12:13:45] * Saphire purrrs and boops
L1276[12:16:33] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L1277[12:19:04] * Temia moops and hides her face to prevent further boopings!
L1278[12:20:57] * Saphire wonders if Temia has horns :o
L1279[12:21:13] * Temia does!
L1280[12:23:39] <Temia> http://www.cleverpun.com/random/priv/temia-shiro.png See?
L1281[12:26:51] <g> http://www.pcgamer.com/need-to-know-is-an-nsa-simulator-now-on-kickstarter/
L1282[12:26:53] <g> this looks good
L1283[12:34:59] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D407.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1284[12:45:22] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1285[12:51:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B0F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1286[13:31:15] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1287[13:37:44] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@capsman-01.my-wire.de)
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L1290[13:40:23] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6557.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1291[13:53:22] * Michiyo quits
L1292[13:56:21] * vifino puts Michiyo in a box and locks it
L1293[13:56:30] <vifino> This is where quitting got ya.
L1294[13:57:49] * sugoi cuts little holes for Michiyo to peek through
L1295[13:59:42] <vifino> Thanks sugoi, perfect holes to stab a knife through.
L1296[14:00:39] * sugoi sneaks Michiyo a thimble-sized shield, for blocking knife stabs coming in through the holes
L1297[14:06:08] <gamax92> D:
L1298[14:06:08] <Michiyo> q_q
L1299[14:08:46] * gamax92 reads up on what Vexatos and Temia has sead
L1300[14:08:48] <gamax92> said*
L1301[14:09:01] <Vexatos> have fun
L1302[14:11:22] <gamax92> idea.
L1303[14:11:27] * gamax92 gets to work.
L1304[14:12:00] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1305[14:12:42] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1306[14:12:42] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1307[14:13:47] <Michiyo> damn nginx
L1308[14:13:51] <Michiyo> damnit*
L1309[14:14:16] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (~uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b)
L1310[14:14:28] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
L1311[14:14:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
L1312[14:14:34] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L1313[14:15:06] <Lizzy> Michiyo, what's nginx doing now?
L1314[14:15:39] ⇨ Joins: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me)
L1315[14:16:32] <Michiyo> being a pain?
L1316[14:19:26] <sugoi> woah, awesome idea
L1317[14:20:35] <sugoi> so i have this transforms library (i shortname it tx) you can do stuff like ... tx.select({1,2,3}, function(e) if e%2==1 then return e end) and get a table: {1,3}
L1318[14:21:08] <sugoi> but i dont like having to pass functions all the time, and most selections are keys of elements
L1319[14:21:49] <Michiyo> Lizzy: trying to get my auth api working, it used .htaccess to redirect bleh/v1/login to bleh/v1/index.php
L1320[14:21:51] <Michiyo> and I'm a dumbass
L1321[14:22:38] <sugoi> so! i could take a key! tx.select(tbl, key), and get back a table of the values of each element[key] of tbl
L1322[14:35:59] <gamax92> tset
L1323[14:37:56] <Michiyo> holy shit.... $18 in sales today...
L1324[14:38:03] <gamax92> the ice cream drippings on my plate look like neon vomit
L1325[14:38:06] <Michiyo> it's been a while since we've had this shitty of a day
L1326[14:39:07] <gamax92> Michiyo: do you want some icecream?
L1327[14:40:54] <Vexatos> done reading? :P
L1328[14:41:22] * gamax92 pets little learing Vexatos
L1329[14:41:55] * Vexatos has been pet successfully
L1330[14:42:58] <Michiyo> I'm good thanks gamax92
L1331[14:43:29] <Michiyo> I'm still trying to figure out how to extract the alarm sounds from the OS jar if they don't exist...
L1332[14:43:37] <Michiyo> since downloading them seems to work poorly
L1333[14:43:57] <Vexatos> gamax92, now I just need to implement it
L1334[14:44:07] <Vexatos> currently thinking about what would be the best way to do this
L1335[14:46:11] <gamax92> Vexatos: what do you do if you have circular channel dependencies?
L1336[14:46:27] <Vexatos> gamax92, a channel that is modulating another channel itself can not be modulated
L1337[14:46:37] <Vexatos> since it's itself not playing anything
L1338[14:47:15] <Vexatos> otherwise I guess it'd get kind of difficult to order the channel parsing
L1339[14:47:20] <gamax92> so lets say I have A -> B, C. and then from the Lua side I tell it to link B to C
L1340[14:47:31] <gamax92> does it happen and A and B get unlinked, or does it just not happen
L1341[14:47:40] <Vexatos> it wouldn't happen
L1342[14:47:44] <Vexatos> well
L1343[14:47:47] <Vexatos> what do you think
L1344[14:47:53] <Vexatos> >_>
L1345[14:48:28] <Vexatos> Also, uuh, would linking be an instruction itself? I think it'd be way easier to just have it set once and it'd apply for eternity, basically
L1346[14:49:13] <Vexatos> http://hastebin.com/ayasoxadaz.java am I missing anything?
L1347[14:49:28] <gamax92> it should probably be an instruction
L1348[14:49:37] <Vexatos> hmm ok
L1349[14:49:46] <Vexatos> but then I can't make it error
L1350[14:49:59] <Vexatos> then it'd... just not happen (or do happen, depending on what you want)
L1351[14:50:12] <gamax92> ? what do you mean you can't make it error?
L1352[14:50:36] <Vexatos> I am not evaluating the instructions on the server side
L1353[14:50:40] <Vexatos> I am sending them to the client
L1354[14:50:41] <gamax92> you should be
L1355[14:50:43] <Vexatos> they are evaluated there
L1356[14:51:03] <Vexatos> because it's a crapload easier to basically evaluate while generating the sound data
L1357[14:51:04] <gamax92> you don't have to do any audio generation on the server obviously, but have a mirrored state
L1358[14:51:17] <Vexatos> doing a simulation? :X
L1359[14:52:35] <greaser|q> Vexatos: you're probably missing the "actually play the damn thing" instruction
L1360[14:52:49] <Vexatos> open(), no?
L1361[14:52:55] <gamax92> no, delay()
L1362[14:52:59] <Vexatos> like
L1363[14:53:02] <Vexatos> the most bottom one?
L1364[14:53:22] <Vexatos> called "Delay"?
L1365[14:53:33] <gamax92> all the sets and open/close are just configuration stuff
L1366[14:53:44] <Vexatos> Indeed
L1367[14:54:14] <Vexatos> I guess I'll have to have a bunch of if(instanceof) {} else if.... in the parser >_>
L1368[14:54:36] <gamax92> Vexatos: type variable?
L1369[14:54:55] <Vexatos> setWave
L1370[14:54:56] <gamax92> which ... is still just a bunch of if type== or select/case
L1371[14:55:00] <Vexatos> ah that
L1372[14:55:02] <Vexatos> hmm
L1373[14:55:03] <Vexatos> so an enum?
L1374[14:55:16] <Vexatos> I guess that'd be easiest, no?
L1375[14:55:21] <Vexatos> switch(enumval) {}
L1376[14:55:21] <gamax92> maybe
L1377[14:55:28] <gamax92> yeah
L1378[14:56:34] <Vexatos> Do you really think doing a simulation on the server side is necessary?
L1379[14:57:00] <Vexatos> because the only thing that could actually error would be binding channels to one another
L1380[14:57:02] <gamax92> I mentioned it because you wanted to have thing error
L1381[14:57:05] <Vexatos> yea
L1382[14:57:07] <Vexatos> probably not
L1383[14:57:10] <gamax92> and well ... Lua is processed on the server
L1384[14:57:18] <Vexatos> Also, uuh, binding... which side would that be on
L1385[14:57:21] <Vexatos> like
L1386[14:57:26] <Vexatos> if I want to bind 1 to modulate 2
L1387[14:57:37] <Vexatos> would 1 have a "bind to 2" or 2 have a "bind 2 to me" instruction
L1388[14:57:50] <Vexatos> "bind 1 to me" *
L1389[15:02:16] <Temia> Hmm.
L1390[15:05:04] <Vexatos> indeed
L1391[15:05:14] <Vexatos> having those be instructions makes evaluating a lot harder
L1392[15:05:21] <Vexatos> but the implementation itself isn't much harder
L1393[15:05:29] *** Daiyousei is now known as Lilly_Satou
L1394[15:05:30] <gamax92> So question ...
L1395[15:05:48] <gamax92> Vexatos: before the instruction buffer idea ... wtf kind of buffer did you have in mind before? o.o;
L1396[15:06:49] <Vexatos> gamax92, same as the noise card
L1397[15:06:53] <Vexatos> frequency-duration pairs
L1398[15:07:55] <Vexatos> but the instruction idea is 50 times better
L1399[15:10:58] <gamax92> is immibis's speaker still around?
L1400[15:11:13] <Vexatos> yes
L1401[15:13:26] <gamax92> I probably still have my old CCTracker somewhere :P
L1402[15:13:43] <gamax92> built on Gopher's gui framework
L1403[15:17:19] <Vexatos> I need to go sleep now :/
L1404[15:17:34] <Vexatos> Please keep thinking about the modulation issue above, thanks :3
L1405[15:17:35] <Vexatos> bye bye
L1406[15:17:44] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB70814F0345EF51FB5FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1407[15:23:05] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1408[15:29:05] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-195-161.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1409[15:32:49] <gamax92> oh good, Forth Steaming is broking but Direct Streaming still works
L1410[15:34:02] ⇨ Joins: Edrobot (webchat@
L1411[15:34:06] <Inari> hrm
L1412[15:34:26] <Lizzy> huh, enderbot2 died
L1413[15:34:28] <Edrobot> Hey, I've got a quick question.
L1414[15:34:37] <sugoi> Edrobot: you're a person?
L1415[15:34:41] <Edrobot> Yes, yes I am
L1416[15:34:48] <gamax92> sugoi: "webchat"
L1417[15:34:48] <sugoi> i've seen you kicked many times from this channel
L1418[15:34:57] <Inari> whats better? http://hastebin.com/mexuzoveku.js or http://hastebin.com/eseqoqabif.js
L1419[15:35:02] <Edrobot> I've kinda been wondering about that myself.
L1420[15:35:08] <sugoi> gamax92: yeah, my question was rhetorical a bit, i'm surprised because he's been kicked
L1421[15:35:20] <Edrobot> Maybe it's because I didn't register on the forums until like five seconds ago?
L1422[15:35:24] <gamax92> no
L1423[15:35:24] <sugoi> with the message "your owner doesn't have permission for you to be here")
L1424[15:35:26] <sugoi> -)
L1425[15:35:26] <Lizzy> sugoi, they're on webchat and EnderBot2 kicked them because of "bot" in their name
L1426[15:35:35] <sugoi> that's what i assumed
L1427[15:35:35] <gamax92> that
L1428[15:35:39] <Lizzy> currently enderbot2 is dead so it didn't kick
L1429[15:35:39] <Edrobot> Well that's dumb.
L1430[15:35:46] <sugoi> so my question "you're a person" was "OH -- you're NOT a bot"
L1431[15:35:54] <Edrobot> I kinda figurewd
L1432[15:36:24] <Edrobot> Unless I'm secretly some kind of experimental AI who lives a simulated life.
L1433[15:36:34] <Lizzy> Edrobot, i added it into EnderBot ages ago because at one point we had loads of bots in here being useless spammy
L1434[15:36:39] <sugoi> Edrobot: even smart enough to use webchat, NICE
L1435[15:36:45] <Edrobot> Figures.
L1436[15:36:52] <Edrobot> Okay so;
L1437[15:36:55] <sugoi> Edrobot is now my favorite bot
L1438[15:37:44] <Edrobot> This might sound stupid, but I'm kinda confused about how the mod handles power stuff.
L1439[15:38:21] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1440[15:38:23] <Edrobot> Because as far as I can tell, there arn't any compatable power generating mods for 1.8.9.
L1441[15:39:04] <Edrobot> Am I mistaken, or is that actually the case?
L1442[15:41:34] <Edrobot> (for the record, I gotta get going in like ten minutes so I'd really appreciate a quick responce)
L1443[15:43:25] <sugoi> i dont know about 1.8 power for oc
L1444[15:43:32] <sugoi> but oc takes power from a large variety of mod sources
L1445[15:43:45] <sugoi> also, if no power is found on launch (game start), then oc runs power-free
L1446[15:44:06] <Edrobot> I see.
L1447[15:44:12] <Edrobot> Okay, one last question.
L1448[15:44:20] <Dashkal> Edrobot: There's power on 1.8, but it's in a little limbo right now because of the official RF api release. OC hasn't updated yet.
L1449[15:44:34] <Edrobot> Aaaaah.
L1450[15:44:35] <Dashkal> I just turned it off for now. I'll turn it back on when OC 1.6 hits MC 1.8.9
L1451[15:44:44] <Edrobot> One last question;
L1452[15:45:23] <Edrobot> I remember seeing in the config file that Thaumcraft (i think) was blacklisted as a mod that OC can't draw power from.
L1453[15:45:40] <Edrobot> Am I mistaken, or does Thaumcraft have a meathod of generating power?
L1454[15:45:51] <Dashkal> That setting is for something else. It blacklists allowing you to use Thaumcraft mod items as external components
L1455[15:45:57] <Edrobot> Ahhhhhhh.
L1456[15:46:55] <Edrobot> Oh wait, one more thing;
L1457[15:47:09] * sugoi doesn't trust Edrobot's method of counting
L1458[15:47:17] <Inari> lol
L1459[15:47:55] <Edrobot> :P
L1460[15:48:10] <Negi> o/
L1461[15:48:11] <Inari> #lua function count(i) return (i>=1 and "one" or "none") end
L1462[15:48:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1463[15:48:16] <Inari> #lua count(1)
L1464[15:48:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > one
L1465[15:48:17] <Inari> #lua count(2)
L1466[15:48:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > one
L1467[15:48:19] <Inari> #lua count(0)
L1468[15:48:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > none
L1469[15:48:54] <Edrobot> I tried using the Power Advantage suite of mods, which it said was compatable with OpenComputers... but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get electricity to the computer.
L1470[15:49:35] <Dashkal> RF Convertor or, of all things, the battery array.
L1471[15:49:49] <Dashkal> That said, you may have issues with current versions due to the RF API update.
L1472[15:49:54] <Dashkal> Test on a creative world first
L1473[15:50:21] <Edrobot> I had been trying it, though I don't think I tried anything called an RF Converter yet.
L1474[15:50:47] <Dashkal> The Electric Advantage cables do NOT push RF. It's the battery array block (EE) that will push RF to a power adapter (OC).
L1475[15:50:56] <Edrobot> I tried plugging a PA wire into an OpenComputers convert, but it wouldn't "stick".
L1476[15:51:00] <Edrobot> That would explain it.
L1477[15:51:18] <Edrobot> Okay then. I'll try that when I have a chance to. Thanks for the advice!
L1478[15:51:23] <Dashkal> Welcome :)
L1479[15:51:24] <Edrobot> And sorry about the "bot" mixup.
L1480[15:51:27] <Edrobot> ;)
L1481[15:51:32] <Dashkal> But again, definitely test in creative
L1482[15:51:38] <Dashkal> RF is being updated, some mods did, some did not.
L1483[15:51:51] <ocdoc> But aren't we all, just robots?
L1484[15:52:16] <Dashkal> I think "robot" is reserved for metal and silicon. I'm a meat popsicle.
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L1486[15:53:00] <MichiBot> Yes ocdoc, we are
L1487[15:55:26] ⇦ Quits: Edrobot (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1488[16:00:34] <Michiyo> I've had 2 people come in looking for HDMI to Cable (coax) adapters today -_- First one said Dish installed her satellite today.. but didn't give her a box, and wanted to know if she could hook her coax to her HDMI port on her TV... Well she said "Flat connector" and "Round connector"
L1489[16:01:35] <Michiyo> 20 minutes later guy comes in, just bought a new TV, and he can't get the fucking thing to tune channel 3 for some device he wasn't clear... so he wanted to connect the cable output to the HDMI input..
L1490[16:02:23] * Michiyo sighs
L1491[16:02:27] <Negi> HDMI to Cable adapters exist ? :O
L1492[16:02:41] <g> you need an intermediary device
L1493[16:02:41] <Michiyo> Not that I know of...?
L1494[16:02:46] <g> but they do exist
L1495[16:02:58] <g> you have to have something that can convert the signal though
L1496[16:02:59] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as SleepingFairy
L1497[16:03:20] <Michiyo> Well, the first one just.. no, THAT can;t work
L1498[16:04:07] <Negi> Basically they were "I HAZ NO TV CAN I HAZ TV WITH CHEAPS?!"?
L1499[16:04:10] <Michiyo> you can't just magically connect your sat dish to your HDMI port and watch TV...
L1500[16:05:52] <Michiyo> the 2nd... while possible is going to cost out the ass most likley, and the reason his TV couldn't tune channel 3 is probs because he ran a channel scan and couldn't pickup channel 3 so the TV locked it out
L1501[16:05:58] <Michiyo> and I tried to explain that
L1502[16:06:12] <Michiyo> but... nope I'm just dumb RadioShack employee
L1503[16:06:32] <gamax92> to be fair ... RadioShack ...
L1504[16:06:35] <gamax92> :P
L1505[16:07:00] <Michiyo> Don't make me find you and set you on fire.
L1506[16:07:13] <Negi> Is better than pretty much any store we have in France.
L1507[16:08:26] <snowden89> i wish we had something like radio shack
L1508[16:08:32] <snowden89> we have a car autobarn
L1509[16:08:53] <gamax92> I love Github idiots "This program tells me my computer doesn't support X, but when I force enable X, it crashes, plz FIX!!!!"
L1510[16:08:58] <snowden89> and tech store that thinks it is radio shack cause you can buy a few leds and ethernet cable
L1511[16:09:06] <Michiyo> Well, everyone just stop by my RadioShack, get what you need, and help my sales! :p
L1512[16:09:25] <gamax92> sure let me just fly out to ... I don't know where you live
L1513[16:09:37] <Michiyo> Arkansas *shudder*
L1514[16:09:42] <snowden89> everyone travels to Michiyo store from irc convo
L1515[16:09:46] <snowden89> fbi raids store
L1516[16:09:55] <Michiyo> the FBI can buy stuff toooo!
L1517[16:09:57] <snowden89> thinking we are some kind of terrorists or hacker group
L1518[16:10:01] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1519[16:10:41] <alekso56> i'd imagine everyone just standing around, ircing in the store, so yeah.
L1520[16:11:05] <Michiyo> It'd be awesome
L1521[16:11:10] <Michiyo> I'd totally giveo ut the wifi password
L1522[16:11:32] <alekso56> "what's the wifi password" - most asked question from then on.
L1523[16:12:09] <Michiyo> lol
L1524[16:13:15] <gamax92> your boss comes into the RadioShack and it's just like a lounge area full of people
L1525[16:13:42] <alekso56> > and the wifi sucks
L1526[16:14:15] <Michiyo> yeah the speed is pretty shit right now... I can just see with a bunch of wifi clients.... damn
L1527[16:15:33] <alekso56> reminds me of the time a co-company had unsecured wifi, their hotspot was literally the center of the world. about 200-300 concurrent connections.
L1528[16:15:49] <Michiyo> oooouch
L1529[16:15:58] <alekso56> they came later and complained about slow internet tho .-.
L1530[16:16:06] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@
L1531[16:16:15] <Michiyo> damn.... the upload on this box kinda bugs me
L1532[16:16:21] <Michiyo> 300 down.. 30 up :/
L1533[16:16:29] <alekso56> so the network was scanned and stuff, guess what was found? keygens and viruses.. everywhere.
L1534[16:16:40] <Michiyo> I bet..
L1535[16:17:15] <alekso56> i think they gave up on security after bonzibuddy made it in.
L1536[16:17:29] <Michiyo> lol
L1537[16:18:02] <MalkContent> 30kbits up
L1538[16:18:06] <MalkContent> wow...
L1539[16:18:45] <Michiyo> 30kbit..?
L1540[16:19:16] <MalkContent> or what is your unit?
L1541[16:19:42] <Michiyo> mbit
L1542[16:19:57] <MalkContent> okay then...
L1543[16:20:11] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1544[16:21:13] <Michiyo> RadioShack's is 7mbit/.7
L1545[16:21:34] <Michiyo> but yeah the 300/30 was mbps
L1546[16:21:42] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D407.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1547[16:21:42] <Michiyo> that's a VM on my dedi
L1548[16:21:46] <Michiyo> And he's gone
L1549[16:22:07] <alekso56> shh, we care.
L1550[16:24:33] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@ (Disconnected: closed))
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L1554[16:34:25] <Michiyo> holy shit... suddenly tired
L1555[16:35:38] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@ ())
L1556[16:42:46] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
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L1568[18:08:03] <Pwootage> I remember someone here had a pluign they used for custom stylesheets on websites
L1569[18:08:16] <Pwootage> I am in need of such a thing, if anyone happens to know of good one(s) offhand
L1570[18:19:56] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c413:61e7:2660:4c)
L1571[18:19:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1572[18:20:45] <Kodos> Anyone have a picture that would best resemble 'Modded MC in a nutshell'?
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L1577[18:21:26] <Pwootage> Ooh I might
L1578[18:21:33] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1579[18:22:47] <gamax92> Kodos: I do but it's NSFW
L1580[18:22:53] <Kodos> lol
L1581[18:24:28] <Pwootage> Here's a couple of my more fun adventures in Minecraft: http://i.imgur.com/X4js886.png http://i.imgur.com/hgFuoqn.png http://i.imgur.com/LN6eV4X.png http://i.imgur.com/rkrKiv5.png
L1582[18:24:38] <vifino> Does anybody know if a Xeon Phi 31S1P for 200€ is worth it?
L1583[18:24:44] <Skye> Michiyo, Coreded has died.
L1584[18:24:54] <Pwootage> I could get a nice screenshot of my friend's current base (all magically looking, pretty sweet) when I get home
L1585[18:25:48] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L1586[18:25:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L1587[18:25:54] <gamax92> if I guess correctly ... it's Mimiru time not Michiyo time
L1588[18:26:08] <Mimiru> gamax92, yep
L1589[18:26:08] <Sandra> vifino: apparently it normally costs $195. so I'd say no.
L1590[18:26:21] <vifino> Sandra: But I live in Germany.
L1591[18:26:45] <Skye> Mimiru, how can I tell which one to ping?
L1592[18:27:19] <Mimiru> If it's after 5:30 PM Central Time (GMT -6) Mimiru, on Friday, and Sunday, Mimiru all day :p Otherwise Michiyo
L1593[18:27:28] <Mimiru> Also... Michiyo pings me here to lmao
L1594[18:27:32] <Sandra> vifino: in any case, this is an international sale which looks cheaper. http://www.colfax-intl.com/nd/xeonphi/31s1p-promo.aspx
L1595[18:27:44] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1596[18:27:52] <Sandra> depends on your shipping price but in any case.
L1597[18:28:28] <ping> Skye, start by not pinging me
L1598[18:28:34] <ping> jkjk
L1599[18:29:00] * Skye pings ping with a ctcp for ping
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L1601[18:29:24] <Skye> [00:29:02] >ping< CTCP PING
L1602[18:29:24] <Skye> [00:29:02] * Ping reply from ping: ? second(s)
L1603[18:29:32] <Skye> :3
L1604[18:29:42] <Skye> okay, now I'm stopping
L1605[18:34:19] <Mimiru> Ok... so who wants to help me get OpenSecurity to extract its sounds from its jar?
L1606[18:34:47] <Sandra> Mimiru: why do you need to extract them?
L1607[18:35:38] <Mimiru> Because™
L1608[18:36:23] <Mimiru> The alarm now uses a custom external resource pack, said resource pack loads sounds from an external directory so users can add sounds without having to modify and redistribute the jar
L1609[18:37:18] <Mimiru> Currently OS uses a coremod to download the oggs from my site.. which works great like 99% of the time... but for some reason it always downloads the 2nd file.. and that cuases issues if you're offline, or having connection issues
L1610[18:38:02] <Mimiru> Well, the idea is to just ship the oggs for the alarm... and extract them on first run (or whenever the files are missing)
L1611[18:38:31] <Sandra> um....
L1612[18:38:50] <Sandra> can't you just use your jar as the first resource pack, then allow more resource packs to override?
L1613[18:39:20] <Sandra> like... the idea of resource packs?
L1614[18:40:21] <Mimiru> And how exactly do I use those said resource packs from lua..?
L1615[18:41:12] <Mimiru> And, I need to load them into my mods sounds.json to PLAY them from my alarm
L1616[18:41:15] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1618[18:41:23] <Mimiru> unless I've overlooked something obvious
L1619[18:41:24] <Sandra> ah.
L1620[18:41:36] <Sandra> how do you allow custom sounds in the first place then?
L1621[18:41:52] <Mimiru> Thoguh a clusterfuck kludge of bullshit code
L1622[18:41:55] <Mimiru> through*
L1623[18:42:08] <Sandra> then can't you do that with the resource pack system?
L1624[18:42:29] <Mimiru> I'm suddenly regreating asking.
L1625[18:42:39] <Mimiru> Regretting*
L1626[18:43:02] <Kodos> Mimiru, want me to go hassle forge's channel?
L1627[18:43:15] <Mimiru> Gods no
L1628[18:43:47] <Kodos> lol ok
L1629[18:44:25] <Sandra> I'm just saying you've probably overcomplicated things.
L1630[18:48:37] <Mimiru> How am I supposed to iterate over files loaded from a resource pack?
L1631[18:48:52] <Mimiru> This is how I was told to do this in the forge channel.
L1632[18:49:33] <Mimiru> implement IResourcePack generate a sounds.json in code and use it
L1633[18:49:52] <Kodos> No idea, I've gotta find someone who either has a copy of, or would buy one to trade for, Rytmik Ultimate
L1634[18:50:02] ⇦ Quits: ven000m (~e@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1635[18:50:09] <Kodos> Let me try fuing your thingy tho
L1636[18:50:17] <Mimiru> Don't worry about it...
L1637[18:50:20] <Mimiru> I closed eclipse
L1638[18:50:21] <Mimiru> out of fucks
L1639[18:50:30] <Kodos> Welp
L1640[18:50:37] <Kodos> There's always filing cabinets ;-D
L1641[18:51:52] <Mimiru> I just fixed this: http://michi.pc-logix.com/UE4Editor_2016-02-18_18-51-38.png
L1642[18:52:20] <Kodos> Is that for your cityof project?
L1643[18:52:27] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L1644[18:52:28] <vifino> Mimiru: Smells like unrealengine.
L1645[18:52:39] <Mimiru> Kodos, yep
L1646[18:52:42] <Mimiru> vifino, also yep
L1647[18:52:43] <Mimiru> :p
L1648[18:52:47] <vifino> Oh, no, it was a fart. Woops.
L1649[18:53:50] <vifino> Mimiru: Blueprint was it, right?
L1650[18:53:59] <vifino> Been a while.
L1651[18:54:02] <Mimiru> Yep
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L1655[18:56:08] <Kodos> Uhh
L1656[18:56:24] <g> Mimiru ^
L1657[18:56:28] <g> possible circlejerk incoming..
L1658[18:56:33] <Mimiru> Nope
L1659[18:56:41] <Mimiru> One of Lizzy's friends..
L1660[18:56:55] <Mimiru> No idea why they're here 3 times...
L1661[18:56:58] <Mimiru> but yeah...
L1662[18:58:16] ⇨ Joins: ven000m (~e@
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L1664[19:01:52] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1665[19:04:25] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-20.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1666[19:04:45] <Sandra> .ping
L1667[19:04:46] <^v4> Ping reply from Sandra 1.22s
L1668[19:04:47] <Sandra> #ping
L1669[19:04:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L1670[19:05:14] <Sandra> theeeere we go.
L1671[19:06:25] <Techokami> switched over
L1672[19:06:36] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1673[19:13:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru:
L1674[19:13:16] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2,
L1675[19:13:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hi :)
L1676[19:13:31] <Mimiru> hi
L1677[19:28:39] <Kodos> Okay, IC2 for power and ore processing, OC and its addons, AE2 for autocrafting, I guess I still need P:R and P:B for redstone
L1678[19:28:42] <Kodos> What else am I missing
L1679[19:37:48] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-405-221.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1680[19:39:38] <Negi> P:B?
L1681[19:40:17] <Sandra> Negi: project blue.
L1682[19:40:53] <Kodos> Yes
L1683[19:41:02] <Sandra> Kodos: is this a 1.7.10 pack?
L1684[19:41:11] <Kodos> Yes
L1685[19:42:43] <Sandra> yeah, I suppose so, AE2 is sadly still 1.7.10.
L1686[19:42:55] <Sandra> (right? or has it come out while i've been gone.)
L1687[19:43:32] <Kodos> Not that I know of
L1688[19:44:09] <Sandra> I wish it was....
L1689[19:44:17] <Sandra> wait... isn't LP 1.8?
L1690[19:44:35] <Dashkal> AE2 has a 1.8.9 dev branch with a 2 days old commit
L1691[19:44:42] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1692[19:44:42] <Sandra> or nope.
L1693[19:45:24] <Sandra> huh, so it does.
L1694[19:45:25] <Sandra> nice.
L1695[19:46:09] <Kodos> afaik rv3 stable will be 1.8.9 only
L1696[19:46:13] <Sandra> and rv3 is in /beta/ stage.
L1697[19:46:14] <Kodos> Unless something's changed
L1698[19:46:29] <Sandra> or nvm.
L1699[19:46:39] <Sandra> would be good.
L1700[20:05:25] <Sandra> tfw you have a 5GB page file.
L1701[20:05:59] <Sandra> i mean this is what happens when I try and run chrome, idea, and MC at the same time.
L1702[20:06:12] <Sandra> at least there's no OutOfMemoryErrors
L1703[20:06:55] <SuPeRMiNoR2> How much ram do you have? just wondering
L1704[20:07:20] <Mimiru> Damn.. I'm down to 18.9 GB free
L1705[20:08:27] ⇨ Joins: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host86-170-204-7.range86-170.btcentralplus.com)
L1706[20:08:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Not you
L1707[20:08:44] <SuPeRMiNoR2> :P
L1708[20:08:47] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-79-101.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Killed (nova.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L1709[20:08:47] *** Tedster_ is now known as Tedster
L1710[20:09:00] <Mimiru> I know.. just adding to the convo :P
L1711[20:09:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Well... i have 12g free
L1712[20:09:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> XD
L1713[20:09:48] <Mimiru> :P
L1714[20:09:59] <Mimiru> I want my CPU back to 4.4 ghz.. :/
L1715[20:10:05] <Mimiru> but that means rebooting again
L1716[20:12:39] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L1717[20:17:15] <Sandra> SuPeRMiNoR2: 2GB.
L1718[20:17:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> free? or.. totol :/
L1719[20:17:31] <Sandra> total.
L1720[20:17:34] <SuPeRMiNoR2> damn
L1721[20:17:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Don't mind me, I just have to post this glorious bit of JavaScript code: http://alexjs.com/ xD
L1722[20:17:48] <Sandra> page files ftw.
L1723[20:18:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Windows on 2GB of ram?
L1724[20:18:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> At least use linux
L1725[20:18:05] <Sandra> only a 32GB eMMC in this too.
L1726[20:18:23] <Sandra> SuPeRMiNoR2: nah, windows can definitely run on 2GB of ram.
L1727[20:20:24] <ping> why are there no cheap i2c to spi
L1728[20:21:41] <Sandra> it runs just fine if I don't run 3 gigantically memory hogging things.
L1729[20:23:06] <Sandra> the ram is probably one of the least shit things about this computer.
L1730[20:23:14] <Sandra> cough intel celeron cough.
L1731[20:23:30] <Sandra> but hey, it's fantastic for school.
L1732[20:23:34] <Sandra> which is what it's for.
L1733[20:24:52] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty!!!
L1734[20:25:00] * vifino hugs DeanIsaKitty
L1735[20:25:09] <ping> <Sandra> SuPeRMiNoR2: nah, windows can definitely run on 2GB of ram.
L1736[20:25:14] * Negi has a laptop for everything and a computer in the corner of his room that serves a few things.
L1737[20:25:14] <ping> and like 6GB of swap
L1738[20:27:46] <Wug> I once saw windows vista running on a laptop with 512mb ram
L1739[20:28:04] <Wug> it screamed for the sweet release of oblivion.
L1740[20:28:35] * DeanIsaKitty hugs vifino back
L1741[20:29:08] <vifino> woo
L1742[20:29:13] <vifino> How are you, DeanIsaKitty?
L1743[20:29:29] <snowden89> I once seen a 2gb tablet with office and windows 8.1
L1744[20:29:34] <snowden89> ra*
L1745[20:29:36] <snowden89> ram*
L1746[20:29:44] <snowden89> shit could not even load websites
L1747[20:31:48] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh, quite fine, how about you vifino?
L1748[20:35:05] <vifino> I'm fine. I just made a VGA Passthrough with libvirt work :)
L1749[20:36:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh sweet
L1750[20:46:21] <Kodos> That reminds me, I still need to look over configlib and configparse to see how they work
L1751[20:46:32] <Kodos> I also need to hassle Vex next time he's around
L1752[20:57:51] <Mimiru> Holy shit... stopping jenkins on Eos dropped RAM usage from 13 GB to 5
L1753[20:59:09] <Saphire> O.o
L1754[20:59:21] <Saphire> lol, logs are massive
L1755[20:59:48] <Saphire> A year of irc weights around 500-600mb
L1756[21:00:03] <Saphire> Mimiru: bringing eos down?
L1757[21:00:24] <Mimiru> Stopping services that are now on Hekate, going to downsize Eos but keeping it up
L1758[21:01:41] <Mimiru> Probably going down to 4 cores/ 4GB or so
L1759[21:02:28] <Mimiru> Getting tired of the guy that owns the Dedi it's on bitching about resources
L1760[21:02:34] <Mimiru> Which is why I got my own dedi...
L1761[21:03:40] <Saphire> Heh
L1762[21:03:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> honestly makes sense XD
L1763[21:35:44] ⇦ Quits: noiro (~noiro@host-146-44.gakeucf.kennesaw.ga.us.clients.pavlovmedia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1764[21:36:10] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I am not completely sure, but I think Rammstein's Küss mich is one of my favourite songs.
L1765[21:43:22] <Kodos> I need a computer-controlled block that lets me name items
L1766[21:44:02] <Kodos> Actually nvm
L1767[22:05:45] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-131-229-176.range81-131.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1768[22:06:22] <sugoi> Wug: ?!?!
L1769[22:06:41] <sugoi> WUG WUG?!
L1770[22:20:05] <Kodos> Bork bork
L1771[22:22:53] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496155B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1772[22:24:37] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
L1773[22:25:57] <gamax92> sugoi
L1774[22:27:11] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549606E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1775[22:33:54] <Kodos> Bleh
L1776[22:33:57] <Kodos> I don't wanna sleep yet =(
L1777[22:43:31] <sugoi> gamax92: yep
L1778[22:44:30] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x" end return f({t="foo"})
L1779[22:44:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > foo
L1780[22:44:47] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x" end return f({t="foo",q={1,1}})
L1781[22:44:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > foo
L1782[22:44:52] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x" end return f({t="foo",q={1,1,true}})
L1783[22:44:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > x
L1784[22:45:16] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return "_" .. not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x" end return f({t="foo",q={1,1,true}})
L1785[22:45:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
L1786[22:45:26] <sugoi> ah, it must be precedence
L1787[22:45:36] <sugoi> is .. higher than not, and, or or?
L1788[22:46:22] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return "_" .. (not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x") end return f({t="foo",q={1,1,true}})
L1789[22:46:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > _x
L1790[22:46:27] <sugoi> #lua f=function(p) return "_" .. (not (p.q and p.q[3]) and p.t or "x") end return f({t="foo",q={1,1}})
L1791[22:46:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > _foo
L1792[22:46:32] <sugoi> yar
L1793[22:46:43] <sugoi> Kodos: i know Wug from another life
L1794[22:46:49] <sugoi> so i was excited to see 'im
L1795[22:47:02] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: geeettttttt dunked on!!!)
L1796[22:49:00] <Kodos> Mkay, time to test my keypad thinger from last night
L1797[22:51:39] <Kodos> Neat, it does work =D
L1798[22:51:45] <Kodos> So yeah, passing an empty string does clear it
L1799[22:52:59] <Mimiru> http://hastebin.com/idigutogav.hs
L1800[22:52:59] <Mimiru> dafuq
L1801[22:53:19] <Kodos> lolwut
L1802[22:54:15] <Kodos> Might actually be legit, too https://github.com/misgersameer?tab=activity
L1803[22:54:21] <Kodos> Well, I use the term loosely
L1804[22:54:25] <Kodos> I just mean that it's not a bot
L1805[22:54:57] <Kodos> In other news, this works https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/blob/master/lib/kodos.lua#L98-L112
L1806[23:01:20] <Kodos> Would be super awesome if Vex would log in right now, so I can ask him a couple things and then go to bed
L1807[23:02:42] <gamax92> it's 6am in germany
L1808[23:04:03] <vifino> I can confirm that.
L1809[23:04:10] <Kodos> gamax92, you might know; uses for setting a hostname, go
L1810[23:04:10] <vifino> 6:06.
L1811[23:04:16] <vifino> On the second.
L1812[23:04:42] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1813[23:04:45] <vifino> Well, at least here. Dunno about the accuracy of my clock.
L1814[23:05:31] <vifino> Welp. 110 seconds too early.
L1815[23:05:48] <gamax92> Kodos: I don't know
L1816[23:05:53] <Kodos> k
L1817[23:06:00] <vifino> *Now* it's 0606. Exactly. Well, mostly.
L1818[23:06:04] <Kodos> Have you played around with the noise card in Computronics at all
L1819[23:06:08] <gamax92> ask vifino
L1820[23:06:10] <gamax92> no
L1821[23:06:12] <Kodos> k
L1822[23:12:19] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving)
L1823[23:14:02] <Kodos> I... I think I have the BTM pack from the first BTM still...
L1824[23:14:59] <vifino> God, I really like Rammstein.
L1825[23:15:04] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I blame you.
L1826[23:15:44] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1827[23:16:01] <vifino> Though I really need to sleep.
L1828[23:23:57] <Kodos> http://i.imgur.com/AdKdjie.jpg
L1829[23:55:53] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (~uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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