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L3[00:00:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:09:10] <FatalDistraction> So, would my program work?
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L11[01:00:56] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L18[01:58:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L19[02:07:40] <greaser|q> ATM i seem to be simulating ARM @ about 80MHz although it is kinda stuck in an infinite loop
L20[02:07:59] <greaser|q> System.currentTimeMillis() is a wonderful thing
L21[02:08:16] <greaser|q> although there are more accurate timers, i just happen to be familiar with that specific one
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L24[02:20:13] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L25[02:24:43] <asie> greaser|q: you code too quickly
L26[02:24:51] <greaser|q> yep
L27[02:32:06] <greaser|q> also for the first time ever i managed to get a C++ cross compiler
L28[02:32:11] <greaser|q> not tested, but it's compiled
L29[02:42:30] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-130.unity-media.net)
L30[02:42:36] <Vexatos> Compiler dev: Making programs making programs potentially making programs.
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L32[03:03:22] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-231-192.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L33[03:04:02] <greaser|q> i think that's enough trying to get the ARM Angel API implemented
L34[03:04:06] <greaser|q> for today that is
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L37[03:04:20] <greaser|q> (turns out that's the API you get when you build for arm-none-eabi w/ newlib)
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L42[03:26:49] ⇦ Quits: Vista02 (~vista02@ov9.bisecthosting.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L43[03:29:49] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vz6mL this is a good word.
L44[03:32:39] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@c-67-182-65-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L45[03:55:34] <asie> Vexatos: now release
L46[03:55:45] <asie> OC 1.6 for 1.8.9 will only be ported once it comes out for 1.7.10. not worth waiting
L47[04:10:11] <Turtle> wait what is the 'proper' library for executing lua functions in java and vice versa again? (For something that is not minecraft related, so OC isn't going to suffice :p)
L48[04:10:34] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L49[04:10:36] <Vexatos> eris?
L50[04:10:46] <Vexatos> plus Sangar's wrapping madness
L51[04:10:47] <Vexatos> :P
L52[04:11:01] <Turtle> :p
L53[04:12:07] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L54[04:12:14] <Turtle> Preferably something that isn't too hard to use without ripping out the wrapping madness :p
L55[04:13:54] <Turtle> (I could fall back to luaj, but security, and effort .-.)
L56[04:14:39] <Kubuxu> Thog: luajc
L57[04:14:45] <Kubuxu> Thog: sorry
L58[04:14:48] <Kubuxu> Turtle: luajs
L59[04:14:54] <Kubuxu> luajc**
L60[04:15:22] <Kubuxu> Turtle: or not
L61[04:16:35] <Turtle> hmh, LuaJ might actually be the best option if I need to hook up something else too >.<
L62[04:17:29] <Kubuxu> Turtle: if you want native Lua then jnlua if you want pure Java Lua then luaj
L63[04:17:29] <Vexatos> In other news, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/Computronics-1.8.9-1.6.1-very-very-untested.jar
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L65[04:18:22] <Turtle> Kubuxu, either option will work it's just having it act nice when I need to hack something else in, e.g. database access (No worries, security is not a real problem here)
L66[04:18:46] <Kubuxu> They both have not so bad APIs.
L67[04:19:30] <Kubuxu> To make function callable from Lua you just push it on stack and then assign to global
L68[04:19:46] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L69[04:19:50] <Kubuxu> It works the same way as Lua API in C
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L72[04:46:51] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L75[05:07:04] <Lizzy> o/
L76[05:18:27] ⇨ Joins: ZalnarT (webchat@port-11154.pppoe.wtnet.de)
L77[05:18:39] <ZalnarT> Hi there everyone :)
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L79[05:19:32] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L80[05:21:59] <ZalnarT> So... I recently started to play on a server with agricraft and oc, and i'm trying to automate the mutatioon process with a robot - but i'm not sure how to proceed. Could anyone give me a hint?
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L92[07:13:10] * vifino groans and tumbles towards Lizzy
L93[07:19:09] * Lizzy catches vifino and snuggles him
L94[07:19:37] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L95[07:22:31] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, looks like I won't be wearing open shoes anytime soon <.<
L96[07:25:12] <Izaya> why's that?
L97[07:25:56] <DeanIsaKitty> My toenails are kinda going to shit right now. As in falling out >.<
L98[07:26:03] <vifino> o_o
L99[07:26:35] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: learn to start profanity, you derp .-.
L100[07:26:58] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Learn to restart OTR sessions after a convesation ended you derp <.<
L101[07:27:08] <vifino> >.>
L102[07:27:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Stock OTR (which is what you are using) is not transferring over sessions. So when you or your partner does even do as much as lose connectivity at the wrong moment the context goes to shit.
L103[07:28:53] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty: that sounds problematic.
L104[07:30:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Its also really unexpected. If it were the big toe's tonail that had problems or the pinky then I could blame it on my combat boots. But its the 2nd and 3rd that have problems .-.
L105[07:30:51] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
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L107[07:36:11] <Lordmau5> That's a weird conversation regarding toenails
L108[07:37:01] <Lizzy> Lordmau5, welcome to #oc!
L109[07:37:21] <Lordmau5> Been here for quite a while, but I did NOT expect *this* type of conversation in here :D
L110[07:37:36] <Lordmau5> like, on and off. That's what I mean with "quite a while"
L111[07:37:55] <DeanIsaKitty> Lordmau5: If you have a '+' in front of your name thats a free ticket to talk about everything you want and also hit on some of the ops :P
L112[07:38:06] <Lordmau5> Nice. Where do I apply?
L113[07:38:48] <DeanIsaKitty> Lordmau5: Turn left at alpha centaury, fly for 4 more parsecs and you'll find the bureau that in charge for that
L114[07:38:49] <Izaya> I would say hell but that would be invalid coming from me
L115[07:39:07] <Lordmau5> Alright, thanks
L116[07:39:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: If you would adhere to the rules more you'd already be a member of the jedi coun... the +v club. :P
L117[07:39:33] <Lizzy> Na, hell isn't a bad place. Hell is from here to eternity.
L118[07:39:57] <DeanIsaKitty> Satan, did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Did it?
L119[07:41:20] * Lizzy grabs her bass then starts playing along to Sleepwalking by The Birthday Massacre
L120[07:42:08] <DeanIsaKitty> Did I infect you? ^^
L121[07:42:43] <Lizzy> No, you gave me fuel
L122[07:43:20] <Izaya> If I could shut my mouth, I'd probably have voice, yeah.
L123[07:43:40] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: most definitely <.<
L124[07:44:35] <Izaya> Good to know I understand
L125[07:45:31] <vifino> If I would shut my mouth, I would never get voice. Not like it would make a difference, but still. :P
L126[07:47:04] * MajGenRelativity would never get voice because he is MGR
L127[07:47:40] <Izaya> Finally something we agree on
L128[07:47:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Spouting random irrelevant bullshit in conversations is a good way of not getting voice, yes
L129[07:48:41] <vifino> Interesting. I found a Chrono Trigger snes rom in my $HOME.
L130[07:49:16] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com)
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L132[07:50:19] <MajGenRelativity> DeanIsaKitty, most of the time I try to stay relevant
L133[07:50:36] <MajGenRelativity> Unfortunately, I have the issue of things that seem relevant to me, don't always seem relevant to others
L134[07:50:42] <vifino> You're bad at being relevant.
L135[07:50:51] <DeanIsaKitty> MajGenRelativity: You fail too often at that. Thats the reason why so many people are annoyed by you.
L136[07:50:52] <MajGenRelativity> vifino, I am aware
L137[07:51:00] <MajGenRelativity> I am aware Dean
L138[07:51:01] <Mimiru> Lizzy, I fucking LOVE The Birthday Massacre <3 lol
L139[07:52:01] <Izaya> I'd probably also have to stop being rude to most people
L140[07:52:05] <Izaya> welp there goes that idea
L141[07:52:14] <Izaya> not much point, I'm hardly here anyway
L142[07:52:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Nah, you're fine.
L143[07:53:25] <Skye> Meanwhile I'm worrying about the hearing in my right ear
L144[07:54:13] <Lordmau5> humm?
L145[07:54:21] <Lordmau5> why is that, Skye ?
L146[07:54:57] <Skye> No idea.
L147[07:55:07] <Skye> I can't hear anything in my right ear
L148[07:55:25] <DeanIsaKitty> Skye: Go see a doctor and have them check that out.
L149[07:55:30] <Lordmau5> otitis?
L150[07:55:36] <Lordmau5> See a doctor, yes.
L151[07:55:48] <Skye> I've already seen one
L152[07:55:58] <Skye> They've given me antibiotics
L153[07:55:58] <Skye> Yet
L154[07:56:02] <Skye> They didn't work
L155[07:56:25] <DeanIsaKitty> If they gave you antibiotics it will be to prevent total hearing loss <.<
L156[07:56:42] <Lordmau5> did they tell you to see them again?
L157[07:56:50] <Skye> Yea
L158[07:56:55] <Skye> I got a week's worth
L159[07:57:02] <Skye> And I used them up
L160[07:57:07] <Lordmau5> Then go see them again?
L161[07:57:58] <Skye> Tomorrow
L162[07:58:42] <Lordmau5> Good.
L163[07:58:45] <Skye> Gah lunch is ending
L164[07:58:52] <Lordmau5> I'm sure it's nothing bad ;)
L165[07:59:05] <Skye> I hope it's nothing bad
L166[07:59:06] <Lordmau5> I had temporary hearing loss on both ears as well a few years ago. Thank god it was at seperate times
L167[07:59:15] <Skye> Haha
L168[07:59:20] <Lordmau5> Was an Otitis on my end, could be the same that you have as well, don't worry
L169[08:03:45] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L170[08:18:24] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L171[08:23:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Mimiru: :3 Whats your favourite song of TBM? ^^
L172[08:26:24] <Lizzy> Mimiru, you can thank DeanIsaKitty for getting me into them
L173[08:26:25] <Lizzy> :P
L174[08:27:08] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L175[08:27:40] <Mimiru> DeanIsaKitty, Yes..
L176[08:27:47] <DeanIsaKitty> :D
L177[08:27:51] <Saphire> TBM?
L178[08:27:58] <DeanIsaKitty> The Birthday Massacre
L179[08:28:28] * Saphire shakes her head "Nope, haven't heard if them"
L180[08:28:36] <Saphire> *of
L181[08:28:38] <Lizzy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEU_jnf4uis
L182[08:28:38] <MichiBot> Lizzy: The Birthday Massacre - Sleepwalking | length: 3m 50s | Likes: 2278 Dislikes: 18 Views: 258908 | by mrsdevilurumi
L183[08:28:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Saphire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6QYT5KyUIc :P
L184[08:28:40] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: The Birthday Massacre - Shallow Grave | length: 3m 48s | Likes: 805 Dislikes: 11 Views: 109629 | by iproemo
L185[08:28:58] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM2KmdxT37k
L186[08:28:59] <MichiBot> Mimiru: The Birthday Massacre - Superstition (Full album) | length: 39m 13s | Likes: 2504 Dislikes: 36 Views: 317457 | by Kris 3 Tears
L187[08:29:00] <Mimiru> :P
L188[08:29:02] <DeanIsaKitty> xD
L189[08:29:08] <DeanIsaKitty> http://puu.sh/mIJop/c01ac3d7ba.png
L190[08:29:10] <DeanIsaKitty> <.>
L191[08:29:14] <DeanIsaKitty> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPOwU-kQG7U
L192[08:29:14] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: The Birthday Massacre - Pins and Needles ( Full Album ) | length: 42m 4s | Likes: 2888 Dislikes: 60 Views: 458063 | by Chronos Kristeva
L193[08:29:26] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFylb6il7b4
L194[08:29:26] <MichiBot> Mimiru: The Birthday Massacre - Violet ( Full Album ) | length: 46m 32s | Likes: 1990 Dislikes: 31 Views: 309579 | by Chronos Kristeva
L195[08:29:37] <DeanIsaKitty> Saphire: Listen to ALLL of TBM :3
L196[08:29:47] <Mimiru> *ALLLLLLL* of EEEEEEEET
L197[08:29:53] <Saphire> Can't
L198[08:29:55] <DeanIsaKitty> Abd make sure your am is set to 11 :3
L199[08:29:59] <DeanIsaKitty> *amp
L200[08:30:09] <Saphire> wa.. oh
L201[08:30:14] <Saphire> I get it
L202[08:31:10] <Lizzy> brb, getting stuff from shops
L203[08:32:33] <Saphire> Hmm.. maybe I should change nick on Mimiru's bouncer instead of using two of them? Nah.
L204[08:32:51] <Mimiru> lol..
L205[08:33:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Mimiru: What about Elysion?
L206[08:33:19] * Mimiru shrugs as she heads out the door for work
L207[08:38:45] ⇨ Joins: Vista02 (~vista02@ov9.bisecthosting.com)
L208[08:38:57] * Vista02 waves
L209[08:39:17] * MajGenRelativity waves at Vista02
L210[08:40:11] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh, the OS with god complex is back.
L211[08:43:35] <Izaya> Oh yay, I've ended up in a public space at 2AM again
L212[08:43:44] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: wat?
L213[08:45:44] <Lizzy> Izaya, what did i tell you about using SpaceTime transport magic?
L214[08:45:58] <Izaya> It's nearly 2 AM and I'm in a park. Simple as that
L215[08:46:24] <DeanIsaKitty> why?
L216[08:47:31] * Lizzy thinks is a gothic punk chick
L217[08:47:34] <Izaya> Needed to get out. Can't think at home.
L218[08:47:34] <vifino> Izaya: park banks aren't nice beds. trust me, I tried.
L219[08:47:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Fair enough, I understand you
L220[08:48:04] <Izaya> vifino: I'm not sleeping here geez
L221[08:48:06] <vifino> i mean, you can sleep okay, but waking up? your back hurts like hell.
L222[08:50:08] <vifino> >boots into alpine >thing says it's gentoo
L223[08:50:20] <vifino> it's a mixture of both, but I booted into alpine.
L224[08:51:23] <vifino> actually, it's a mixture of alpine, gentoo, arch and void linux plus a minimal busybox thing.
L225[08:51:27] <vifino> but who care.s
L226[08:51:32] <gamax92> hey vifino
L227[08:51:36] <vifino> gamax92!
L228[08:51:38] <vifino> Hey!
L229[08:51:41] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-130.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L230[08:54:48] <gamax92> food ...
L231[08:54:50] <vifino> How are you gamax92?
L232[08:54:54] <vifino> tuna?
L233[08:54:59] <vifino> where?
L234[08:55:15] <gamax92> no
L235[08:55:25] <vifino> :(
L236[08:55:27] <gamax92> bad french toast
L237[08:55:38] <vifino> but tuna
L238[08:55:41] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L239[08:55:48] <gamax92> u~u;
L240[09:01:07] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-130.unity-media.net)
L241[09:03:39] <Michiyo> Bleh
L242[09:03:40] * Vista02 does not have a god complex
L243[09:05:33] <Michiyo> only 7.5 hours to go..
L244[09:08:09] * Lizzy wonders if anyone took note of her last action
L245[09:17:22] <Saphire> Dunno
L246[09:17:52] <Saphire> "Thinks is a *something*"
L247[09:18:05] <Saphire> I can't parse that :/
L248[09:18:28] <Izaya> Verb?
L249[09:19:29] <ZalnarT> Hello everyone =)
L250[09:20:09] <MajGenRelativity> hello ZalnarT
L251[09:20:14] <MajGenRelativity> Are you new here?
L252[09:20:18] <ZalnarT> Yep
L253[09:20:57] <MajGenRelativity> well, you have the operators, the people with voice, me (who everybody hates), Kodos (who hates me the most), a sentient OS with/without a god complex, and lots of other weird people too
L254[09:21:23] <MajGenRelativity> we occasionally talk about OpenComputers, and annoy people by talking about my server and other random stuff
L255[09:21:30] <ZalnarT> Cool :D I think i'll fit in^^
L256[09:21:34] <MajGenRelativity> :)
L257[09:21:49] * Vista02 does not have a god complex
L258[09:21:52] <ZalnarT> actually, i've got a question abotu oc
L259[09:21:52] * Vista02 is also not an OS
L260[09:21:56] * Vista02 is the Universe
L261[09:22:07] <MajGenRelativity> shoot
L262[09:22:18] <ZalnarT> uh... Vista thinks it's the universe? :P Not good...
L263[09:22:21] * Saphire is a bored and lazy dangranos sitting on alt account
L264[09:22:36] <MajGenRelativity> Saphire, there are a few people on my server
L265[09:22:38] <ZalnarT> Well... I'm trying to automate AgriCraft breeding with a robot...
L266[09:22:56] <ZalnarT> and i have no idea how to compare the progress
L267[09:23:09] <Saphire> MajGenRelativity: sadly I can't play today nor tomorrow
L268[09:23:16] <MajGenRelativity> Saphire, ok :(
L269[09:23:40] <Saphire> ZalnarT: if it works, make it bettdr until it breaks and undo
L270[09:23:41] <ZalnarT> So far i managed to harvest plants and replant them xD
L271[09:24:45] <ZalnarT> yeah, but how does the robot know which seed is better?
L272[09:24:57] <Saphire> Uh..
L273[09:25:18] <ZalnarT> Exactly xD
L274[09:27:51] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L275[09:31:47] <ZalnarT> There seems to be no documentation for the Computer Controlled Seed Analyzer from AgriCraft, or is there some kind of wiki i didn't find?
L276[09:32:27] <Lizzy> is it not possibly on the AgriCraft wiki?
L277[09:33:48] <ZalnarT> uh... where is that?
L278[09:34:02] <Lizzy> no idea.
L279[09:34:28] <ZalnarT> xD I only ever find the ftb wiki, which is not exactly a wealthy source
L280[09:34:43] <Lizzy> the compatability between both mods is done on AgriCraft's side
L281[09:34:57] <Saphire> for k,v in pairs(component.name) do print(k,v) end
L282[09:35:13] <Saphire> Should help at least a lottle
L283[09:35:20] <Saphire> *little
L284[09:35:25] <Lizzy> s/ot/it
L285[09:35:25] <Kibibyte> <Saphire> Should help at least a little
L286[09:35:51] <Saphire> :P
L287[09:36:39] * Michiyo yawns
L288[09:36:56] <Michiyo> This is going to be a very long day..
L289[09:37:42] <Saphire> Mhm
L290[09:38:02] <Saphire> Just as long as every other \o/
L291[09:40:10] <Michiyo> My co-worker is out with her sick 5 year old, so I'm here alone. Which means no breaks, no one to talk to (other than IRC which can get me in trouble) no one to watch the store while I run to the restroom, or to the store to grab a drink..
L292[09:42:29] *** ^ is now known as Tiin57
L293[09:44:16] <Saphire> :/
L294[09:44:38] * Saphire drags Mimiru into troubles
L295[09:45:00] <Michiyo> -_-
L296[09:45:02] <Michiyo> Thanks..
L297[09:45:43] <Saphire> :3
L298[09:50:39] <MajGenRelativity> well
L299[09:50:43] <MajGenRelativity> have fun Mimiru?
L300[09:50:45] <MajGenRelativity> I dunno
L301[09:50:56] <Michiyo> "fun"
L302[09:52:58] <Michiyo> %weather 72396
L303[09:52:59] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Current weather for 72396 Current Temp: 45°F/7°C Feels Like: 38°F/3°C Current Humidity: 76 Wind: From the S 17 Mph/28 Km/h Conditions: Overcast
L304[09:53:10] <MajGenRelativity> go outside and feel the cool breeze?
L305[09:53:16] <Michiyo> add like 10 mph to that wind speed and maybe you're right
L306[09:53:30] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L307[09:55:13] <Tiin57> Hmm.
L308[09:55:20] <Tiin57> %weather 46202
L309[09:55:22] <MichiBot> Tiin57: Current weather for 46202 Current Temp: 34°F/1°C Feels Like: 25°F/-4°C Current Humidity: 64 Wind: From the SSE 13 Mph/20 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L310[09:55:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Michiyo: Can you YT? :P
L311[09:55:31] <Tiin57> Downright balmy.
L312[09:55:43] <MajGenRelativity> %weather
L313[09:55:45] <Michiyo> DeanIsaKitty POS has no speakers
L314[09:55:55] <DeanIsaKitty> Aww
L315[09:57:15] <Michiyo> theres a dell box with a built in speaker.. but it runs windows XP
L316[09:57:28] <Saphire> Ow
L317[09:57:28] <Michiyo> and it can't RDP into bast because the RDP client is too old
L318[09:58:29] <Michiyo> Yeah.. it runs the rental program for the storage units we also do..
L319[09:58:46] <Michiyo> and without paying for an upgrade to said program we can't upgrade windows... or move to a new system
L320[10:00:39] <MajGenRelativity> Michiyo, I've seen registers from the 90's
L321[10:00:48] <MajGenRelativity> in the previous month
L322[10:01:12] <Michiyo> Yeah the sears stuff is old as fuck, thankfully the RadioShack is all PC based
L323[10:01:19] <MajGenRelativity> much to my humor, old technology is incredibly persistent
L324[10:01:34] <MajGenRelativity> I wish they still built newer stuff to the same standards
L325[10:01:36] <Michiyo> my POS is Windows 7, it was Windows 10, but our ancient ass recipt printer had issues..
L326[10:01:43] <MajGenRelativity> lol
L327[10:01:58] <MajGenRelativity> our POS doesn't even have Windows
L328[10:02:16] <Michiyo> Well.. the main issue was Windows 10... every time the PC rebooted the fucking COM1 would get an invalid device ID.. I made a script that uninstalled it, and then reinstalled it
L329[10:02:23] <Michiyo> and made it run 30 seconds after login
L330[10:02:37] * MajGenRelativity cheers
L331[10:02:38] <Lizzy> the PoS at the 99p store in Southend (one of my sites) uses XP still
L332[10:02:51] <MajGenRelativity> XP01?
L333[10:02:52] <Michiyo> But RadioShack tech support said that they wouldn't support Win10, so boss told me to downgrade it
L334[10:03:04] * MajGenRelativity chuckles at his joke
L335[10:03:39] <Saphire> MajGenRelativity: that guy is funny :D
L336[10:03:47] <MajGenRelativity> :P
L337[10:04:22] <Michiyo> MajGenRelativity https://sp.yimg.com/xj/th?id=OIP.Maaec4e687c6d6808ce77061ca8b7aae9o0
L338[10:04:22] <MajGenRelativity> The POS where I work doesn't exactly have anything resembling an OS made after 2000
L339[10:04:35] <MajGenRelativity> whoo
L340[10:04:40] <MajGenRelativity> my jokes are getting better
L341[10:05:14] <MajGenRelativity> the program we use on the registers isn't even that good
L342[10:05:25] <Michiyo> RS has a custom POS.. it's
L343[10:05:27] <Michiyo> decent..
L344[10:05:47] <MajGenRelativity> if I have to do a fancy document, but I accidentally hit total before I press validate, it won't let me validate the fancy document
L345[10:06:06] <MajGenRelativity> which has caused issues once
L346[10:08:08] <MajGenRelativity> I remember one time when a couple of people came in and said they were tax-exempt, but they weren't in our files
L347[10:08:14] <MajGenRelativity> That was a fun 45 minutes to an hour
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L351[10:32:41] <MajGenRelativity> You know what would be interesting?
L352[10:32:48] <CompanionCube> ?
L353[10:32:50] <MajGenRelativity> If the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted
L354[10:36:38] <Saphire> uh
L355[10:36:43] ⇦ Quits: ZalnarT (webchat@port-11154.pppoe.wtnet.de) (Quit: Web client closed)
L356[10:41:29] <Mettaton_Fab> oh no.
L357[10:42:23] <Skye> MajGenRelativity: it would be interesting
L358[10:42:27] <Skye> But not fun
L359[10:42:35] <MajGenRelativity> correct
L360[10:50:26] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (webchat@p54BCB767.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L362[11:00:28] <Lizzy> Home time!
L363[11:00:40] <vifino> :D
L364[11:00:53] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her home
L365[11:01:49] <Lizzy> \o/
L366[11:02:02] * Michiyo sighs and wishes it was hometime
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L372[11:15:07] * Saphire flops next to vifino
L373[11:15:40] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L374[11:15:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L375[11:19:40] <Michiyo> Kodos you seen the replies to your OS ticket yet?
L376[11:21:30] <Kodos> Yes, and I am excited, but I'll be more excited to get antibiotics for the sinus infection I probably have
L377[11:23:19] * Lizzy wonders how hard it would be to make an irc bouncer-esk program in Python
L378[11:24:40] <Daiyousei> not hard at all
L379[11:25:42] <g> yeah, that'd be fairly easy
L380[11:25:46] <g> especially with something like twisted
L381[11:28:26] <g> you'd just forward all the packets and intercept what you need
L382[11:31:21] <Lizzy> Eh, i find twisted confusing
L383[11:32:08] <g> it's not that hard once you realise how its model works
L384[11:32:19] <g> it even has an IRC client protocol built in
L385[11:33:17] <Lizzy> Yeah, I looked at that but it didn't have much documentation so I steered away from it the
L386[11:33:20] <Lizzy> Then*
L387[11:33:25] <g> the apidocs have everything you need
L388[11:33:34] <g> you essentially just connect it to the server you want and it runs callbacks
L389[11:34:17] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L390[11:39:54] <Lizzy> hmm, may have a look at it again soon
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L392[11:48:08] * Lizzy waits for her pc to shutdown
L393[11:48:43] <Lizzy> i think with my windows install being in half-limp mode it's not liking stuff
L394[11:48:50] <vifino> something something somebody gets turned on instead something something
L395[11:49:09] * Lizzy sighs
L396[11:49:32] * vifino hides
L397[11:53:44] <Lizzy> welp, it bluescreened
L398[11:54:10] <vifino> :(
L399[11:54:23] <Lizzy> after sitting at the shutting down screen for a long time so hopefully it got all the stuff done before it did so
L400[11:54:47] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L401[11:56:41] <xarses> wrgt https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.8/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/integration/gregtech/DriverEnergyContainer.java how do we know if an intergration driver is loaded, and how do we access them from the adapter?
L402[12:01:55] <Lizzy> there, Intel SATA drivers installed, now to reboot again and install the USB3 drivers
L403[12:04:07] <Lizzy> Even after i install all the drivers, i'm not sure how stable this install is gonna be
L404[12:06:00] <Michiyo> It'll be SUPER stable Lizzy
L405[12:06:08] <Michiyo> Sadly SuPeRMiNoR2 isn't "Super" anymore..
L406[12:06:18] <Michiyo> so that isn't as annoyign to him as I'd have liked
L407[12:06:23] * Lizzy prods SuPeRMiNoR2 with a fork
L408[12:06:36] <Michiyo> lol
L409[12:07:03] <Lizzy> heh, yeah. I don't think windows 7 likes being tossed into what is essentially a different machine too much
L410[12:07:23] <Michiyo> Most OSes don't
L411[12:07:24] <Michiyo> lol
L412[12:07:42] <vifino> *cough* linux does with not much trouble *cough*
L413[12:07:46] <Lizzy> Linux didn't care that much. required a kernel update but i was using a 2 year old kernel
L414[12:08:03] <Michiyo> xarses as MC is loading IIRC OC tells you what it's loading
L415[12:08:32] <Michiyo> as far as accessing it from an adapter.. place an adapter and run components at the terminal and if you see something that wasn't there before adding the adapter.. well that's your component :P
L416[12:08:33] <xarses> Michiyo: so it should be in the console log?
L417[12:08:42] <Michiyo> should be, yes
L418[12:08:50] <Michiyo> "IIRC" anyway
L419[12:08:51] <Michiyo> lol
L420[12:08:55] <Michiyo> afk, customer
L421[12:08:55] <Lizzy> also Broadwell and Skylake chipsets removed support EHCI (it hink that's how it's written) which means W7 needs extra drivers for it to run fully
L422[12:09:17] <Lizzy> cause currently my motherboard is simulating the mouse and keyboard as PS/2 variants, not USB
L423[12:10:02] <xarses> ok, well in the case of the GT Driver, an adapter with no upgrade adjacent to the block it's supposed to work with results in no component
L424[12:10:30] <xarses> a component only shows up when I add an upgrade into the adapter, but in that case it's the upgrade that shows up
L425[12:10:44] <xarses> so I guess it's a loading problem
L426[12:10:51] * Lizzy is currently blasting 2 Minutes To Midnight through her speakers using her phone.
L427[12:10:53] <Kodos> Where's DS hiding at, so I can hug him
L428[12:10:57] * Lizzy is also headbanging
L429[12:11:05] <Lizzy> `-`, Kodos wants you
L430[12:13:30] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L431[12:14:47] <Michiyo> heh
L432[12:14:58] <Michiyo> xarses, I'm not sure.. I don't use GT, so no experince with it..
L433[12:15:32] <Michiyo> Might want to open an issue on github if you can confirm
L434[12:15:42] <xarses> Michiyo: well at this point, I'm just trying to track down where the problem might be so that we can figure it out
L435[12:15:55] <xarses> hmm
L436[12:17:03] <xarses> li.cil.oc.api.driver has some errors with DriverEnergyInfo, not what I'm looking for
L437[12:17:09] <xarses> but I think that's IC2
L438[12:18:16] <Lizzy> and there goes the bluescreen
L439[12:18:17] <xarses> hmm cofh
L440[12:18:42] <Lizzy> %seen Sandra
L441[12:18:42] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sandra was last seen 5d 13h 56m 10s ago.
L442[12:18:44] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L443[12:18:47] <Lizzy> %seen Sangar
L444[12:18:47] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar was last seen 19h 1m 3s ago.
L445[12:20:16] <xarses> hmm, would the adapters break if one of the drivers throws an exception?
L446[12:20:18] <xarses> https://gist.github.com/xarses/9a9aed7cdbe802f1b7c2
L447[12:20:59] <Michiyo> I wouldn't think so.. but who knows..
L448[12:21:56] <xarses> awesome
L449[12:23:19] <Michiyo> Might be best to open an issue on OC's github..
L450[12:23:51] <Michiyo> speaking of.. I need to yell at sangar about the crash when logging in while looking at a screen in OC 1.6.. lol
L451[12:24:42] <xarses> hmm, maybe it's related to https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1630
L452[12:26:05] <Michiyo> xarses have you tried oc 1.5.22? http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-1.5-MC1.7.10/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
L453[12:26:27] <xarses> didn't know it existed
L454[12:27:26] <xarses> I'll give it a try
L455[12:27:37] <Michiyo> It's only 1 build newer.. and doesn't directly address your issue.. but give it a shot
L456[12:28:01] <Michiyo> We were on 22 for a while and never had that issue.. I'm thinking it may be a mod interaction issue or something
L457[12:28:38] <xarses> I'm guessing it may related to this cofh exception
L458[12:29:13] <Michiyo> could be... I'm not 100% sure on which cofh we're on.. and I'm at work atm
L459[12:29:24] <xarses> which may be causing the adapter to implode when it's joined to the network, and therefor maybe break the rest of the drivers
L460[12:29:29] <xarses> As am I =)
L461[12:29:47] <xarses> ok, so OC is bringing in cofh its self?
L462[12:29:59] <Michiyo> solder says 3.0.3-303
L463[12:30:00] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn_ (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92)
L464[12:30:03] <Michiyo> No, I meant on my server
L465[12:30:03] <xarses> I was trying to figure out who was bringing it in
L466[12:30:15] <Michiyo> I don't think OC ships the cofh API
L467[12:30:16] <Lizzy> OC doesn't bring CoFH in
L468[12:30:22] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L469[12:30:24] <xarses> ok
L470[12:30:33] <Lizzy> well, at least not in a way other mods would detect it
L471[12:30:45] <xarses> just api bridge then?
L472[12:30:56] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L473[12:30:57] <Lizzy> possibly
L474[12:31:07] <Michiyo> yeah, if you don't have cohf installed yourself, but oc sees it, then it's possible some other mod is shipping their API
L475[12:31:11] * Michiyo grumbles
L476[12:31:25] <xarses> ok, I guess my next step is to try to see why OC 'sees' it
L477[12:31:31] <xarses> and then beat that mod
L478[12:31:49] <xarses> because I don't think I have any mods that rely on it
L479[12:31:59] <Michiyo> have a modlist handy?
L480[12:33:04] <Michiyo> if I suddenly go quiet, it means a customer, or my boss came in lol
L481[12:33:46] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn_ (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L482[12:33:59] * MajGenRelativity becomes Mimiru's boss and walks over
L483[12:34:12] * Michiyo dropkicks MajGenRelativity
L484[12:34:25] * MajGenRelativity flies into the dumpster across the street
L485[12:34:37] <xarses> Michiyo: mods list https://gist.github.com/xarses/031ab0e73ef97d97654a
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L489[12:37:56] <Michiyo> Oh, buildcraft
L490[12:37:57] <Michiyo> yeah
L491[12:38:00] <Michiyo> cohf
L492[12:38:09] <Michiyo> cause they use redstoneflux
L493[12:38:27] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com)
L494[12:38:32] <MajGenRelativity> don't say that to Izaya
L495[12:38:44] * Lizzy is now waiting for her windows install the usb3 driver
L496[12:38:47] <Michiyo> why..?
L497[12:38:47] <MajGenRelativity> He gets med about TE messing with minecraft joules
L498[12:39:02] <Michiyo> Oh...
L499[12:39:25] <MajGenRelativity> so, he won't use anything from the Thermal series or MFR
L500[12:39:29] <Michiyo> xarses BC uses cofh, I don't suggest trying to remove the API either, it'll go badly :P
L501[12:40:26] <xarses> hmm, in that case, then RF is also used by forestry, railcraft, and immersive engineering
L502[12:40:46] <xarses> ok, so cofh api should be able to be found
L503[12:42:39] <Michiyo> Yeah, so I don't think it's a cofh api issue.. some mod is just interacting oddly.. I'd have to go through and pull the mods in your list apart to try to figure it out
L504[12:43:18] <Michiyo> cause we have adapters in use with no issues on my server, we moved from 1.5...old to 1.5.22 to 1.6 without any issue
L505[12:43:20] <xarses> well, now that I have something to go on, I can take apart the mods until the problem resolves its self
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L510[12:52:30] <Lizzy> k, usb3 drivers failed again but i have just found the chipset driver installer so installing that
L511[12:58:31] *** Daiyousei is now known as Lilly_Satou
L512[13:03:37] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L513[13:07:52] * MajGenRelativity climbs out of the dumpster he got drop-kicked into and walks off
L514[13:10:28] <xarses> Michiyo: ah, no mod provides IEnergyInfo
L515[13:11:04] <xarses> it seems that we are not loading safely enough
L516[13:13:51] <xarses> https://gist.github.com/xarses/99d4a1eaf01dc17da1ba
L517[13:14:11] *** alekso56| is now known as alekso56
L518[13:33:29] <scj643> S3: you here?
L519[13:33:30] <Mimiru> xarses, just toss the latest cofcore in your mods dir then
L520[13:33:49] <Mimiru> or cofhlib
L521[13:35:47] <scj643> So no S3?
L522[13:36:09] <MajGenRelativity> hi scj643
L523[13:36:13] <MajGenRelativity> long time no see :P
L524[13:36:22] <scj643> I got rid of debian
L525[13:36:27] <scj643> So now I'm windows only
L526[13:36:41] <scj643> So I can't run big mod packs anymore
L527[13:36:54] <MajGenRelativity> why?
L528[13:36:59] <scj643> My laptop is shit
L529[13:37:07] <scj643> windows is shit for opengl
L530[13:37:18] * MajGenRelativity shrugs
L531[13:37:23] <MajGenRelativity> I've never had an issue with 8.1
L532[13:37:43] <scj643> I'm on 10
L533[13:37:45] <MajGenRelativity> It's never frozen on me, and I haven't had any issues with opengl, except for a couple of confirmed bugs with MO
L534[13:37:48] <scj643> My laptop sucks
L535[13:37:51] <MajGenRelativity> specs?
L536[13:37:54] <scj643> OpenGL performance
L537[13:38:01] <scj643> 2.2ghz dual core pentium b960
L538[13:38:08] <scj643> intigrated intel graphics
L539[13:38:11] <scj643> 4gb ram
L540[13:38:19] <MajGenRelativity> what series of intel graphics?
L541[13:38:27] <scj643> Sandybridge
L542[13:38:57] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L543[13:38:58] <MajGenRelativity> so HD graphics 2xxx?
L544[13:39:13] <scj643> I don't know
L545[13:39:19] <MajGenRelativity> probably
L546[13:39:36] <scj643> Yeah
L547[13:39:45] <scj643> I'm thinking of installing debian
L548[13:40:12] <MajGenRelativity> I would blame your hardware, not your software
L549[13:41:37] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L550[13:43:45] <scj643> Well it's more playable when I'm using debian
L551[13:43:56] <scj643> What distro should i go with now
L552[13:44:30] <MajGenRelativity> all of them
L553[13:45:12] <scj643> :(
L554[13:45:18] <sugoi> holy crap i'm back
L555[13:45:29] <sugoi> i haven't had connection to this server for a long time
L556[13:45:41] <sugoi> suddenly it woke up and started allowing connections again
L557[13:45:45] * sugoi waves to everyone
L558[13:45:52] <MajGenRelativity> hi sugoi!
L559[13:48:26] <sugoi> integated graphics on pention b960 and you blame windows for sucky opengl?
L560[13:48:41] * MajGenRelativity snickers
L561[13:48:50] <MajGenRelativity> Intel HD4600 runs really well
L562[13:52:22] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6e45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L563[13:57:14] <xarses> Mimiru: Michiyo Is it a bug that it's not gracefully handled?
L564[13:58:00] * CompanionCube looks at his ATI Radeon HD 3200
L565[13:59:26] * Michiyo shrugs at xarses
L566[14:14:33] <Kodos> After spending 3 hours calling oral surgeons from here to my state's capital trying to find someone to take medical card and pull my wife's teeth, I'm convinced that I'll have to do a gofundme to get the money to pay out of pocket
L567[14:15:06] <greaser|q> i guess it depends on the windows version
L568[14:15:21] <greaser|q> but if you have an old intel gpu you really shouldn't be running windows on it
L569[14:15:32] <asie> greaser|q! :D
L570[14:15:43] <MajGenRelativity> i ran windows 7 on the origial intel HD graphics
L571[14:15:49] <asie> (and if you have an old mobile radeon gpu, have fun running linux*)
L572[14:15:50] <MajGenRelativity> vanilla MC got 3 FPS
L573[14:16:00] <greaser|q> yes, after fighting with i don't know what the hell it was, the interwebs work now
L574[14:16:11] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: that's because you had all the settings cranked up
L575[14:16:24] <MajGenRelativity> probably
L576[14:16:25] <greaser|q> i got better FPS on the GMA 4500MHD and that's the gen below that
L577[14:16:57] <greaser|q> i'd expect that kind of FPS from the 815
L578[14:17:21] <MajGenRelativity> i have the 4600 now
L579[14:17:27] <asie> i got 3 SPF on an nVidia Tegra with llvmpipe
L580[14:17:29] <asie> that was amazing
L581[14:17:32] <greaser|q> or, well, the GMA 3150 is more like a Greatly Mediocre Arsehole rather than a Graphics Media Accelerator
L582[14:17:35] <asie> but that was minecraft beta 1.6-ish
L583[14:17:40] <MajGenRelativity> SPF?
L584[14:17:42] <greaser|q> llvmpipe *is* glorious though
L585[14:17:44] <asie> MajGenRelativity: SPF. :^)
L586[14:17:49] <greaser|q> Sun Protection Factor
L587[14:17:52] <asie> yeah, that
L588[14:17:55] <MajGenRelativity> sun protection factor
L589[14:17:57] <MajGenRelativity> dang it
L590[14:18:04] <asie> 3 sun protection factors on a Tegra with llvmpipe
L591[14:18:05] <MajGenRelativity> cannot type with eating apple
L592[14:18:09] <asie> >eating apple
L593[14:18:13] <asie> why are you eating computer hardware
L594[14:18:15] <asie> it's unhealthy
L595[14:18:22] <scj643> I'm going to reinstall a linux distro soon
L596[14:18:24] <MajGenRelativity> nah
L597[14:18:24] <greaser|q> means you can stay out in the sun for i think 30 odd minutes
L598[14:18:27] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-89-243-141-97.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L599[14:18:33] <MajGenRelativity> i am eating iMacs
L600[14:18:40] <MajGenRelativity> doing the world a service
L601[14:18:44] <greaser|q> nVidia, the way beach volleyball was meant to be played
L602[14:18:54] <greaser|q> 30 mins at a time
L603[14:19:38] <MajGenRelativity> yes
L604[14:19:52] <vifino> AMD Mobility Radeon X600 masterrace
L605[14:20:01] <MajGenRelativity> NO
L606[14:20:04] <MajGenRelativity> PC MASTER RACE
L607[14:20:06] <greaser|q> i'm not that familiar with the mobility radeons
L608[14:20:14] <greaser|q> but i do have an AMD Radeon 6700M
L609[14:20:29] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: you get that radeon on a PC so this is just a subset of the PC master race... i think
L610[14:20:41] <MajGenRelativity> true....
L611[14:20:49] <MajGenRelativity> well, then, idc
L612[14:21:01] <greaser|q> i'd still say GM45 master race and i'm typing this on my i5-2450M w/ built-in HD 3000, and the Radeon 6700M dedi GPU
L613[14:21:05] <vifino> greaser|q: this is a '05 era laptop
L614[14:21:07] <MajGenRelativity> my friend who is good with GPU's tells me AMD is good
L615[14:21:12] <vifino> its good.
L616[14:21:26] <MajGenRelativity> my friend and I have good arguments about iGPU
L617[14:21:32] <greaser|q> vifino: it's probably about as good as the intel one in here ;)
L618[14:21:32] <MajGenRelativity> because it is where we collide
L619[14:21:38] <MajGenRelativity> I do CPU, he does GPU
L620[14:22:08] <greaser|q> intel's integrated GPUs have direct access to RAM, and it's accessed via a page table
L621[14:22:21] <MajGenRelativity> cool?
L622[14:22:29] <greaser|q> ignore all the shit about DVMT on the wikipedia article listing the GPUs when it says it has nearly 2GB
L623[14:22:37] <greaser|q> that's only a 2GB limit *per context*
L624[14:22:44] <MajGenRelativity> DVMT?
L625[14:22:52] <greaser|q> something something memory technology
L626[14:22:54] <MajGenRelativity> per context?
L627[14:23:25] <greaser|q> but theoretically you can use ALL the system RAM for the GPU
L628[14:23:32] <vifino> greaser|q: 256mb vram!!!!
L629[14:23:57] <vifino> laptop from jan '054!!!
L630[14:24:03] <greaser|q> the DVMT thing has something to do with AGP stolen RAM, drivers for the GPUs that support directly accessing the RAM tend to reduce that to the minimum
L631[14:24:13] <MajGenRelativity> january of 2054?
L632[14:24:14] <vifino> laptop from january '04!!!*
L633[14:24:15] <MajGenRelativity> cool vifino
L634[14:24:37] <MajGenRelativity> can i have your laptop from 2054?
L635[14:24:54] <greaser|q> vifino: my old laptop is a model from i think '08 (got it in '09) and that also had this thing where you can access pretty much all the RAM from the GPU
L636[14:25:13] <greaser|q> but yeah, one thing intel GPUs are really good at is blitting shit really really quickly from system RAM
L637[14:25:20] <vifino> greaser|q: 256mb vram. that's all.
L638[14:25:54] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, with the release of haswell, intel went after integrated graphics
L639[14:26:00] <MajGenRelativity> they put some hard work into it
L640[14:26:02] <greaser|q> vifino: that's better than my nvidia geforce 5200fx agp edition
L641[14:26:19] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: they already put the hard work in with sandy bridge at least
L642[14:26:35] <greaser|q> the fun thing is the intel HD GPUs are basically seriously pimped out later-gen GMAs
L643[14:26:45] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, with haswell and broadwell they put even more hard work in
L644[14:27:20] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: i wouldn't say relatively speaking, i'd say they probably put about as hard work into them, as they already have shit to build upon
L645[14:27:33] * MajGenRelativity shrugs
L646[14:27:45] <MajGenRelativity> all I know is that 4600 can run battlefront on low with 30+ FPS
L647[14:27:46] <greaser|q> oh yeah, the GPU shader machine code is pretty much the same since i think the G35/Q35 or some shit like that
L648[14:27:53] <MajGenRelativity> and who needs Ultra settings?
L649[14:28:10] <greaser|q> i think the 3000 can run xonotic on ultra with 20+ FPS
L650[14:28:41] <MajGenRelativity> well then
L651[14:28:46] <MajGenRelativity> I could probably get 30+ then
L652[14:29:20] <greaser|q> but yeah i've managed to use the blitter in my own test kernel on the GMA 4500MHD, haven't had success on the HD 3000 though... the blitter's pretty straightforward though
L653[14:29:22] <MajGenRelativity> I remember how I built my friend a budget PC with Skylake iGPU, and it has more kick in it than my laptop, and cost half the price
L654[14:29:34] <MajGenRelativity> although, part of the price of my laptop comes from being pre-built
L655[14:29:40] <MajGenRelativity> what is a blitter?
L656[14:29:47] <greaser|q> what CPU, i3/i55/i7?
L657[14:29:49] <greaser|q> erm i5 not i55
L658[14:30:02] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: block image transferrer
L659[14:30:08] <MajGenRelativity> I have an i7 in my laptop, i5 in his desktop
L660[14:30:22] <greaser|q> yeah i5 is fine, there's usually no reason to get an i7
L661[14:30:25] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, is that another name for the minecraft engine? XD
L662[14:30:35] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, but i7-5790K
L663[14:30:40] <MajGenRelativity> I think that's the one with 8 cores
L664[14:30:42] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: kinda except the first two letters are replaced with "sh"
L665[14:31:07] <greaser|q> and yeah if you're actually going to use those cores then it's worth it
L666[14:31:20] <greaser|q> then again if it was only slightly more expensive than the relevant i5 then it's also nice
L667[14:31:47] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, it costs 1000 US dollars
L668[14:31:50] <greaser|q> the blitter in the GMA/HD hardware has similar capabilities to the amiga and atari st blitters
L669[14:32:11] <asie> what
L670[14:32:13] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: then fucking use it like it should... get povray and/or do video encoding
L671[14:32:30] <asie> also i don't think any i7 has 8 cores
L672[14:32:33] <vifino> MajGenRelativity: 5790k is broadwell.
L673[14:32:33] <greaser|q> basically the intel blitter lets you combine 3 image sources with bit operations
L674[14:32:35] <asie> some do 6 but those start with -58 and -59
L675[14:32:36] <MajGenRelativity> asie, yes it does
L676[14:32:38] <asie> 5790k probably has 4 cores
L677[14:32:39] <asie> 8 threads
L678[14:32:41] <asie> threads are not cores
L679[14:32:48] <asie> learn about hyperthreading
L680[14:32:49] <vifino> asie: Haswell-E and Broadwell-E do.
L681[14:32:58] <asie> vifino: usually 6
L682[14:33:00] <MajGenRelativity> asie: http://ark.intel.com/products/82930/Intel-Core-i7-5960X-Processor-Extreme-Edition-20M-Cache-up-to-3_50-GHz
L683[14:33:08] <asie> MajGenRelativity: that's not a 5790K
L684[14:33:11] <MajGenRelativity> asie, I know what hyperthreading is
L685[14:33:12] <greaser|q> fun thing with hyperthreading, i actually tested it with a raytracer i made, it *does* give you a slight edge
L686[14:33:17] <MajGenRelativity> and I know i got the number wrong
L687[14:33:20] <asie> right.
L688[14:33:20] <Kodos> Does vim support JS syntax highlighting
L689[14:33:22] <MajGenRelativity> I said I wasn't sure
L690[14:33:28] <greaser|q> Kodos: probably
L691[14:33:31] <Kodos> k
L692[14:33:45] <MajGenRelativity> vifino, 5790k isn't broadwell
L693[14:33:50] <MajGenRelativity> it is Haswell refresh
L694[14:33:56] <MajGenRelativity> they just gave it a 5xxx for some reason
L695[14:34:15] <vifino> MajGenRelativity: i was thinking about 6960X.
L696[14:34:23] <vifino> the Broadwell-E one
L697[14:34:25] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L698[14:34:42] <greaser|q> but yeah, if you're looking for a gaming laptop, and you're flicking through the mailer, find the beefiest i5 laptop on offer (i don't know the amd equivalent)
L699[14:34:43] <vifino> I got a 5960X, but it is stuck at intel for a while.
L700[14:34:49] <vifino> ( rma )
L701[14:34:50] <MajGenRelativity> they need to release a broadwell or skylake extreme edition
L702[14:34:52] <greaser|q> erm, flicking through a junk mailer
L703[14:36:07] <greaser|q> yeah ok, looking at that CPU i *seriously* doubt it was worth it, *unless* you're using it as a minecraft server
L704[14:36:15] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:bdb7:a3f7:1500:7590)
L705[14:36:18] <vifino> asie: also, the 5960X got 8 cores, I know because I got one.
L706[14:36:32] <greaser|q> if you want your computer to run faster, get SSDs rather than a beefy CPU
L707[14:36:35] <asie> vifino: you got one!?
L708[14:36:38] <asie> where do i get your money
L709[14:36:45] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, I came up with a $5000 computer idea
L710[14:36:46] <greaser|q> heck even this hybrid SSHD seems to work nicely
L711[14:37:04] <greaser|q> MajGenRelativity: does it involve a dual-socket motherboard
L712[14:37:09] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, no
L713[14:37:16] <greaser|q> then it's a kinda shit idea
L714[14:37:22] <MajGenRelativity> it does involve 3 Titan X and a 5960X
L715[14:37:25] <greaser|q> and you should refine it with a dual-socket motherboard
L716[14:37:33] <MajGenRelativity> and a 1 TB Samsung 850 Pro
L717[14:37:43] <greaser|q> how much is that?
L718[14:37:51] <greaser|q> the drive that is
L719[14:38:01] <MajGenRelativity> Around $500?
L720[14:38:02] <MajGenRelativity> Idk
L721[14:38:10] <MajGenRelativity> It's been a while since the design
L722[14:38:13] <vifino> asie: I exchanged my parents love for money and killed my entire savings.
L723[14:38:16] <greaser|q> for a $5k build i'd say that's a keeper
L724[14:38:23] <MajGenRelativity> oh yep
L725[14:38:39] <MajGenRelativity> It can run 6 4K displays at 240 FPS
L726[14:38:51] <MajGenRelativity> note: display cost NOT included in $5k
L727[14:38:56] <greaser|q> dammit
L728[14:39:21] <MajGenRelativity> 1 Titan X costs $1k, and so does the processor
L729[14:39:28] <MajGenRelativity> the 4 of them eat up 80% of my budge
L730[14:39:34] <MajGenRelativity> then the SSD does %10
L731[14:39:54] <MajGenRelativity> I planned on an Asus Extreme edition (insert whatever model I picked here)
L732[14:40:07] <MajGenRelativity> and a fancy looking case
L733[14:40:46] <asie> fractal design a best
L734[14:40:52] <greaser|q> hmm, i'll need your opinion on this: when building a gaming desktop for someone or giving them a build, would you do this:
L735[14:41:00] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L736[14:41:18] <greaser|q> motherboard with plenty of expansion slots, a fair bit of RAM on one RAM stick, and integrated GPU on a recent high-end i5 CPU
L737[14:41:49] <MajGenRelativity> is this a serious gaming build, or a light gaming build?
L738[14:41:54] <greaser|q> that way when they have the money to spare they can chuck in a dedicated GPU?
L739[14:42:10] <greaser|q> it's a progressively more serious but starting out light gaming build
L740[14:42:15] <MajGenRelativity> hmmm
L741[14:42:29] <MajGenRelativity> I would splurge slightly and get 2 8GB DDR4 RAM DIMMS
L742[14:42:36] <MajGenRelativity> DIMMs*
L743[14:42:53] <MajGenRelativity> worth the money because DDR4 is faster and more efficient
L744[14:42:56] <greaser|q> for the hard drives would you recommend SSD for OS, HDD for user files?
L745[14:43:02] <MajGenRelativity> Yes
L746[14:43:11] <MajGenRelativity> only get like a 64 or 128 GB SSD
L747[14:43:37] <xarses> Mimiru: Michiyo ok, adding cofhlib worked (although it raised a biome error the first time i loaded it, it worked fine on subsequent launches). It appears that missing that lib causes the adapter to fault, which in turn causes the breaking issue I noted in https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1630, which then also in turn breaks remaining adapter drivers
L748[14:43:39] <Skye> do not get a 64GB SSD unless you use linux
L749[14:43:50] <Skye> windows can eat up much more than that
L750[14:43:52] <xarses> so I will update the bug to reflect the issue
L751[14:44:22] <MajGenRelativity> Skye, i thought windows only used 30 GB?
L752[14:44:32] <greaser|q> i'm curious as to how effective a hybrid would be for the user files, i have a 1TB hybrid w/ 64MB cache on my laptop and it seems to work nicely
L753[14:44:37] <Skye> MajGenRelativity, but updates
L754[14:44:41] <greaser|q> in my heart, windows uses 10MB
L755[14:44:52] <MajGenRelativity> greaser|q, what is that MS-DOS?
L756[14:44:54] <greaser|q> anything else is the new bloaty shit
L757[14:44:57] <greaser|q> windows 3.1
L758[14:44:59] <MajGenRelativity> nah MS-DOS uses less than that
L759[14:45:02] <MajGenRelativity> eyyyy
L760[14:45:10] <Skye> MajGenRelativity, windows updates and caches take up a lot of space
L761[14:45:12] <MajGenRelativity> I have the floppy drive disks to instal Windows 3.1
L762[14:45:18] <MajGenRelativity> Skye, good to know, I'll keep that in mind
L763[14:45:20] <greaser|q> you can fit a reasonable subset of windows 3.1 on a bootable floppy
L764[14:45:21] <MajGenRelativity> thank you
L765[14:45:29] <Skye> so unless you want to continuously clean that stuff out
L766[14:45:34] <Skye> go with 128GB
L767[14:45:50] <Michiyo> the SSD I have picked out is 256
L768[14:45:52] <MajGenRelativity> greaser, I would install win 3.1 on my laptop, but I don't have a USB floppy
L769[14:45:53] <Michiyo> \o/
L770[14:46:02] <Michiyo> now the IRS just needs to come up off MY DAMN MONEY
L771[14:46:05] <MajGenRelativity> USB floppy reader
L772[14:46:10] <Michiyo> xarses glad that fixed it atleast..
L773[14:46:18] * MajGenRelativity is the IRS and comes down on Mimiru's DAMN MONEY
L774[14:46:28] * Michiyo dropkicks MajGenRelativity again
L775[14:46:44] <xarses> Michiyo: well, its a workaround, I don't really want cofhlib in my pack if I don't need it
L776[14:46:57] <Inari> https://images.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Umaru-EroCosplay-by-AsamiTsuchiya-9-468x702.jpg well thats pretty unappealing :P
L777[14:47:00] * MajGenRelativity flies into the dumpster across the street again
L778[14:47:19] * MajGenRelativity gets up from dumpster and walks away
L779[14:47:57] <Michiyo> well.. all cofhlib is is the cofh api.. which you have hanging around anyway because of BC/FC/ETC.. it's not that much of a difference :P
L780[14:48:12] <Michiyo> err not FC.. just Forrestry
L781[14:48:14] <Michiyo> it's not a craft :p
L782[14:48:23] <MajGenRelativity> every mod should be a craft
L783[14:48:26] <MajGenRelativity> ForceLasersCraft
L784[14:48:29] <Skye> asiecraft
L785[14:48:35] <Michiyo> it's just the full api..
L786[14:48:36] * MajGenRelativity smiles at bringing up his old mod
L787[14:48:42] <MajGenRelativity> those were good times
L788[14:48:43] <Skye> MajGenRelativityCraft
L789[14:48:49] <greaser|q> i really should consider picking up a USB floppy drive
L790[14:48:55] * MajGenRelativity crafts himself a new MajGenRelativity
L791[14:49:04] <greaser|q> MineCraft
L792[14:49:06] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR2
L793[14:49:12] <Skye> greaser|qCraft
L794[14:49:13] <MGR2> It is I
L795[14:49:13] <Michiyo> Meincraft
L796[14:49:19] <MGR2> the new MajGenRelativity
L797[14:49:20] <Skye> MichiyoCraft
L798[14:49:21] <asie> Skye: You mean voxyc|qdone?
L799[14:49:27] *** MGR2 is now known as MajGenRelativity
L800[14:49:30] <Skye> asie, what?
L801[14:49:34] <asie> :^)
L802[14:49:40] <Skye> asie, explainnnnn
L803[14:51:09] <Skye> asie?
L804[14:51:14] * asie falls over
L805[14:51:20] * MajGenRelativity reports on breaking news
L806[14:51:24] * Skye catches asie
L807[14:51:28] <MajGenRelativity> This just in: asie has been killed to death by Skye
L808[14:51:30] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L809[14:51:33] <asie> someone just broke a dirt block
L810[14:51:36] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L811[14:51:38] <asie> someone just broke a dirt block
L812[14:51:40] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L813[14:51:42] <MajGenRelativity> WHAOOOOOOO
L814[14:51:42] <asie> someone just broke a stone block
L815[14:51:44] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L816[14:51:46] <asie> someone just broke a dirt block
L817[14:51:48] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L818[14:51:53] <asie> someone just broke a chest block
L819[14:51:59] <asie> BREAKING NEWS
L820[14:52:00] <MajGenRelativity> someone just broke an asie
L821[14:52:02] <asie> someone just broke the server
L822[14:52:33] <Skye> BREAKING NEWS: asie runs out of red buttons, decides to break things.
L823[14:52:40] <Skye> (including news)
L824[14:52:47] <MajGenRelativity> I like how someone pushed the big red button at BTM16
L825[14:52:59] <MajGenRelativity> and then someone called out "Orbital Strike!"
L826[14:53:10] <Mettaton_Fab> Breaking News: Mettaton is still super fabulous!
L828[14:54:23] <Mettaton_Fab> Too much white?
L829[14:54:31] <xarses> you are off by a character
L830[14:54:51] <Skye> BREAKING NEWS: This computer is stranger than a TIS system
L831[14:54:55] <xarses> you have one too many
L832[14:55:04] <MajGenRelativity> BREAKING NEWS: I HAVE PLUTONIUM
L833[14:55:11] <Skye> BREAKING NEWS: I'm stuck in a breaking news factory
L834[14:55:18] <Skye> BREAKING NEWS: send help
L835[14:56:02] <Lizzy> Skye, you do know that if you expand it, TIS system becomes Tessellated Intelligence System system
L836[14:56:38] <Mettaton_Fab> Wait, a system system?
L837[14:56:39] <Skye> Fun with acronyms
L838[14:57:27] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB797943F35E374215582.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L839[14:57:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L840[14:58:27] <greaser|q> use your TIS system to build an automated ATM machine
L841[14:58:41] <greaser|q> just enter your PIN number
L842[14:59:38] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (webchat@p54BCB767.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Web client closed)
L843[15:01:14] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L844[15:02:36] <Kodos> I still want to do some sort of currency system with magcards and OC
L845[15:02:41] <Kodos> have data stored on servers
L846[15:02:49] <asie> Kodos: ask Magik about it
L847[15:02:51] <asie> he did just that
L848[15:02:55] <Michiyo> And hey, OpenSec now has keypads :P
L849[15:02:55] <Kodos> Oh?
L850[15:02:57] <asie> yeah
L851[15:02:59] <asie> Starkoin
L852[15:03:08] <Kodos> I saw that at BTM, but it was all taken down
L853[15:03:11] <asie> yes
L854[15:03:13] <asie> due to lag issues
L855[15:03:14] <Kodos> I was sad I couldn't try it
L856[15:03:18] <asie> and then i broke the hard drives
L857[15:03:20] <asie> ask him for a demo
L858[15:03:31] <Kodos> Would love a video on how to use/example software
L859[15:03:33] <asie> the OC situation on BTM16 was a massive fuckup on my side
L860[15:04:42] ⇦ Parts: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ())
L861[15:07:12] <Kodos> Do you know if M agik has a channl
L862[15:07:30] <`-`> I have no clue what a "channl" is
L863[15:07:33] <Kodos> channel
L864[15:07:35] <Kodos> IRC chanel
L865[15:07:38] <Kodos> Channel*
L866[15:07:46] <Kodos> This fucking keyboard is dying, ever since I spilled coke on it
L867[15:08:00] <`-`> <kodosboard
L868[15:08:09] <Michiyo> Kodos didn't you say you wanted to hug `_`? :P
L869[15:08:14] <Michiyo> err `-`
L870[15:08:15] <Kodos> Yes, I thought I did
L871[15:08:23] <greaser|q> fun thing, TIS-3D also has keypads
L872[15:08:32] <Kodos> TIS is also a pain to work with if you're a moron like me
L873[15:08:52] <greaser|q> MOV LEFT, RIGHT
L874[15:08:57] <greaser|q> pretty easy if you ask me
L875[15:09:00] <Michiyo> Well, I was going to put it nicer than that Kodos but yes... that's why I added them
L876[15:09:00] <`-`> TIS is like Redstone. If it doesn't work, add a Monostable Circuit
L877[15:09:19] <greaser|q> heck all you need is a controller with a keypad and a serial interface
L878[15:09:26] <greaser|q> erm, a casing with that, and a controller
L879[15:09:36] <greaser|q> absolutely no TIS code necessary
L880[15:10:13] <Kodos> Except I'm not sure what a serial interface does
L881[15:10:18] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L882[15:10:22] <Michiyo> Meh, Gopher gave me permissions to add them to OS long before TIS was a thing
L883[15:10:27] <Michiyo> So bleh :P
L884[15:11:05] <sugoi> greaser|q: with your logic, i'd say writing pure bits is easier than programming. all you have to know is 0 and 1. node coding necessary - coudln't be any easier
L885[15:11:45] <greaser|q> what i was really saying is you don't actually need to use TIS-3D's execution modules to do certain things
L886[15:12:09] <sugoi> i see
L887[15:12:26] <Michiyo> it needs to be 2 hours later...
L888[15:16:54] * sugoi opens a worm hole to the future for Michiyo, and offers a waiver of consent form and pen
L889[15:17:05] <Michiyo> I love my job, I just hate the boredom of nothing to do
L890[15:17:12] ⇨ Joins: ccsonic (~ccsonic@x4d03ac8b.dyn.telefonica.de)
L891[15:17:24] * Michiyo considers briefly but declines
L892[15:17:28] ⇨ Joins: ccsonic_ (~ccsonic@x4d03ac8b.dyn.telefonica.de)
L893[15:17:32] ⇦ Quits: ccsonic_ (~ccsonic@x4d03ac8b.dyn.telefonica.de) (Client Quit)
L894[15:24:19] * Vista02 waves
L895[15:25:38] <MajGenRelativity> hi Vista02
L896[15:27:59] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB797943F35E374215582.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L897[15:30:26] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L898[15:35:47] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L899[15:36:09] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L900[15:43:09] * vifino is listening to Autoerotique & Max Styler - Badman (Torro Torro Remix)
L901[15:43:13] <vifino> Goooood song.
L902[15:46:24] ⇦ Quits: ccsonic (~ccsonic@x4d03ac8b.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L903[15:50:04] <Michiyo> yay phone hit my Birthday Massacre discography
L904[15:51:13] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L905[16:02:11] <scj643> I came crawling back to Ubuntu
L906[16:02:52] <Pwootage> I"m so sorry
L907[16:03:14] <scj643> Well now I have to make Ubuntu use local time
L908[16:03:30] <scj643> Since UTC time as system clock is a big hack in Windows
L909[16:07:34] <Kodos> Does /summon take coordinates via @p
L910[16:07:49] <scj643> Think so
L911[16:07:57] <scj643> Try it
L912[16:09:26] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com)
L913[16:09:39] <gamax92> burp
L914[16:10:08] <scj643> Installing Ubuntu now
L915[16:10:42] <gamax92> scj643: nice
L916[16:12:01] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L917[16:16:14] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as Satou_Pepper
L918[16:16:33] *** Satou_Pepper is now known as SleepingFairy
L919[16:20:03] <MajGenRelativity> Kodos, it does in 1.8+
L920[16:30:17] <MajGenRelativity> ~API
L921[16:31:06] <MajGenRelativity> gamax92
L922[16:31:28] <gamax92> What? Trying to fix up OCEmu ...
L923[16:31:46] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator (webchat@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net)
L924[16:31:51] ⇦ Parts: DaMachinator (webchat@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) ())
L925[16:31:56] <MajGenRelativity> someone using your IP joined #yuonsurvival
L926[16:32:00] <MajGenRelativity> and claimed to be ocdoc
L927[16:32:08] <xarses> Mimiru: Michiyo ok, I found one of the mod's had an incomplete cofh tileentity api, so that was the reason for the missing class
L928[16:32:47] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L929[16:32:51] <xarses> I replaced it with a newer version of the mod (which lacks the whole api) and as expected, it works now without adding cofhlib
L930[16:34:28] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L931[16:35:06] <Michiyo> xarses which mod, if I may ask
L932[16:35:22] <Michiyo> MajGenRelativity ocdoc is on Eos, which is my server..
L933[16:35:39] <MajGenRelativity> Michiyo, gamax was controlling it
L934[16:36:11] <xarses> Michiyo: its in the issue, magneticraft-0.3.3 has the bad api, magneticraft-0.5.1 (didn't test in between) is good
L935[16:37:00] <Michiyo> xarses ahh, thanks
L936[16:37:00] <xarses> but as expected / tested, if anyone provides the API then it will un-block the driver, even if one of the mods is shipping incomplete
L937[16:37:08] <Michiyo> yeah
L938[16:37:10] <xarses> that was annoying to figure out
L939[16:37:16] <xarses> thanks for the help
L940[16:37:20] <Michiyo> np
L941[16:37:42] <xarses> I'd hope that we get some better exception handling here
L942[16:37:58] <AlexisMachina> lol you may want to update to the final version.
L943[16:38:36] <xarses> 6.1-final?
L944[16:38:54] <xarses> I don't like running java 8
L945[16:39:10] <xarses> but I don't maintain this mod pack, so it's not up to me
L946[16:39:12] <g> what's wrong with java 8?
L947[16:39:23] <xarses> its a terrible POS like the rest of java
L948[16:39:34] <xarses> also, I use openjdk
L949[16:39:49] <g> java 8 is decidedly better than java 7 though
L950[16:40:05] <xarses> it's only been available for a bit, and I don't use it enough to trust it
L951[16:40:13] <g> ..it's been available for ages
L952[16:40:14] <asie> openjdk is much slower however
L953[16:40:16] <xarses> plus it's still missing icedtea
L954[16:40:19] <asie> xarses: also
L955[16:40:21] <Pwootage> java 8 is over two years old
L956[16:40:21] <asie> java 6 has been EOL'd
L957[16:40:39] <asie> but before you complain that you use 7
L958[16:40:42] <asie> java 7 has also been EOL'd
L959[16:40:44] <Pwootage> icedtea is the biggest security hole of java, afaik
L960[16:40:46] <asie> in May
L961[16:40:59] <asie> on top of that openjdk is essentially the things oracle feels like opensourcing
L962[16:41:02] <g> they already EOL'd 7? Time flies
L963[16:41:08] <asie> that is, the most basic/slowest implementation of a given algorithm
L964[16:41:11] <Pwootage> jdk9 comes out later this year
L965[16:41:22] <g> ach, I've gotta head, later all
L966[16:41:25] <asie> java 8 was released for general usage almost 2 years ago
L967[16:41:30] <g> asie I might need your help tomorrow
L968[16:41:38] <asie> g: why?
L969[16:41:50] <g> someone (finally) bruteforced their way into the gdude2002 mc account and they migrated it
L970[16:41:59] <g> if mojang support is as shit as usual I'll need to ask you to help me write an email
L971[16:42:00] <g> :P
L972[16:42:02] <MajGenRelativity> java9 comes out later this year?
L973[16:42:05] <xarses> ya, I don't do proprietary unless really necessary
L974[16:42:08] <asie> g: me?
L975[16:42:10] <asie> ask copygirl
L976[16:42:13] <asie> she had a similar issue already
L977[16:42:30] <g> a bunch of people I know have had their accounts bruteforced and their usernames changed so I dunno
L978[16:42:34] <g> also copygirl doesn't like me
L979[16:42:35] <g> :P
L980[16:42:37] <Pwootage> Mm, it's been delayed, my bad: 2017/03/23 General Availability
L981[16:42:42] <g> I've gotta run, sorry, but thanks for the advice
L982[16:42:48] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L983[16:42:59] <xarses> which the only case that it is, is flash, and graphics driver
L984[16:43:17] <xarses> and maybe some other firmwares
L985[16:43:57] ⇨ Joins: Sharidan (~Random475@0x5552afe5.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L986[16:44:00] <Sharidan> hey all :)
L987[16:44:06] <Pwootage> Hallo /
L988[16:44:07] <xarses> I had my account hyjacked, there is some deficiency in the auth recovery api that someone is exploiting
L989[16:45:12] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/la0TlyP uuhhhh... ooookay?
L990[16:45:24] <AlexisMachina> asie tough whats the problem with java 8 ?
L991[16:45:40] <asie> AlexisMachina: i see no problem with java 8
L992[16:45:47] <asie> read closely
L993[16:46:08] <vifino> v^: come back
L994[16:46:16] <AlexisMachina> sorry for unecessary ping
L995[16:46:31] *** Tiin57 is now known as ^
L996[16:46:40] *** ^ is now known as Tiin57
L997[16:47:26] <Sharidan> anyone know how often/when forum threads get checked/aproved?
L998[16:47:27] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR|Away
L999[16:47:38] <vifino> Sharidan: When the mods are awake.
L1000[16:47:47] <Sharidan> so timezone decides :)
L1001[16:47:52] <vifino> Indeed.
L1002[16:48:01] <Sharidan> or degree of nightowlness
L1003[16:48:51] <Sharidan> finally got myself signed up on the site. posted a showcase TL;DR; for my methods browser
L1004[16:49:37] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1005[16:51:03] <Michiyo> Sharidan or when you catch me, and call my attention to it, I'm at work :P
L1006[16:51:18] <Sharidan> ??
L1007[16:51:57] <Sharidan> did I ping you somehow?
L1008[16:53:00] <Michiyo> Sharidan, no, you just called my attention to it :P
L1009[16:53:08] <Sharidan> ah ok :)
L1010[16:53:13] <Michiyo> I just happened to be in IRC at the right time :P
L1011[16:53:14] <Michiyo> approved
L1012[16:53:17] <Sharidan> thank you for checking my post :D
L1013[16:53:29] * Sharidan bows deeply before Michiyo
L1014[16:53:36] <Tiin57> Java 7 is EOL
L1015[16:53:38] <Tiin57> oh my god
L1016[16:53:52] <Sharidan> hope it's not too spammy :/
L1017[16:53:52] <Michiyo> becky.
L1018[16:54:40] <Michiyo> I helped write a program that did exactly this waaaaaay back when I first started using OC.. yours looks much nicer :P
L1019[16:54:51] <Sharidan> thank you :)
L1020[16:55:18] <Sharidan> back in the day I did a ton of DOS programming, textmode, so I'm just dusting off the old textmode UI skills a bit :)
L1021[16:55:28] <Michiyo> heh
L1022[16:56:31] <Michiyo> %tell Mimiru https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/835-cmb-component-methods-browser/
L1023[16:56:33] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1024[16:56:41] <Michiyo> Cause I want to see that when I get home
L1025[16:56:41] <Michiyo> lol
L1026[16:56:49] <Sharidan> the old CC version of this script, has a similar UI though only in black & white
L1027[16:56:53] <Sharidan> nice :D
L1028[16:57:14] <Sharidan> fetch it, give it a run - let me know what you think :)
L1029[16:58:22] <Michiyo> Speaking of home... just over 30 minutes -_-
L1030[16:58:33] <Sharidan> counting the minutes, huh? :)
L1031[16:58:38] <Michiyo> Yes.. lol
L1032[16:58:42] <Sharidan> :D
L1033[17:00:55] <Sharidan> hmm ... is there a way to do black text on white background in mono?
L1034[17:02:02] <Sharidan> I can change the background to white easy, but I can't get the foreground black. it just defaults back to white. kinda hard reading white on white :P
L1035[17:05:05] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1036[17:08:56] <Sharidan> not happy with the mono selection bar, but I guess it'll do for now
L1037[17:13:36] <gamax92> ~w term
L1038[17:13:36] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
L1039[17:14:06] * Michiyo bans ocdoc
L1040[17:14:17] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com) (Quit: ocdoc)
L1041[17:14:29] <Michiyo> o_O
L1042[17:14:30] <Michiyo> lol
L1043[17:14:33] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1044[17:14:34] <Sharidan> lol
L1045[17:14:41] <Sharidan> awesome - nicely done Michiyo! :D
L1046[17:15:02] <Michiyo> it'll be back within the minute... sooner if he starts it himself :p
L1047[17:15:06] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1048[17:15:10] <Michiyo> and thanks, didn't even know I did it :p
L1049[17:15:12] <Sharidan> *poof* :)
L1050[17:15:32] <Michiyo> Good to know the auto restart cron still works.. lol
L1051[17:15:40] <Sharidan> works perfectly :)
L1052[17:15:51] <Michiyo> 15 minutes..
L1053[17:16:03] <Michiyo> 14
L1054[17:16:24] <Sharidan> term:writeXY(5, 5, "Hello world!")
L1055[17:17:07] <gamax92> function term:writeXY(x, y, str) self.setCursor(x, y) self.write(str) end
L1056[17:18:10] <Michiyo> I'll take 7!
L1057[17:18:35] * Sharidan hands Michiyo a term:writeXY(7, 7, "7 it is!")
L1058[17:20:11] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1059[17:20:41] <Sharidan> I guess ocdoc doesnt like outside code :/
L1060[17:21:02] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1061[17:23:36] <gamax92> ~reload
L1062[17:23:36] <ocdoc> FAIL: ocdoccmd.lua:57: unexpected symbol near '['
L1063[17:23:39] <gamax92> :|
L1064[17:23:48] <Sharidan> oops
L1065[17:23:50] <gamax92> ~reload
L1066[17:23:50] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
L1067[17:23:52] <gamax92> k
L1068[17:25:10] <Sharidan> is ocdoc running from game?
L1069[17:25:15] <vifino> cool beans
L1070[17:25:45] <gamax92> Sharidan: no
L1071[17:26:43] <Sharidan> just wondering since it was spewing a lua error
L1072[17:26:57] <gamax92> #lua error("Look an error")
L1073[17:26:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: Look an error
L1074[17:27:07] <Sharidan> lol
L1075[17:27:26] <vifino> my bot's a kinda magic~
L1076[17:27:52] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L1077[17:28:59] <gamax92> #lua print("Hello") print("World")
L1078[17:28:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hello
L1079[17:29:04] <gamax92> ?
L1080[17:29:29] <Pwootage> Newlines, it would only print the first line
L1081[17:29:36] <Pwootage> First <n> characters of the first line, probably
L1082[17:30:37] <vifino> wat
L1083[17:30:48] <vifino> gamax92: congratulation, you found a bug
L1084[17:30:54] <gamax92> #resetlua
L1085[17:30:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Sandbox Reset!
L1086[17:30:57] <gamax92> #lua print("Hello") print("World")
L1087[17:30:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hello | World | nil
L1088[17:31:00] <vifino> or not
L1089[17:31:09] <gamax92> function print(...) local args=table.pack(...) for i=1,args.n do args[i]=tostring(args[i]) end error(table.concat(args,"\t"), 0) end
L1090[17:31:11] <gamax92> ;D
L1091[17:31:19] <vifino> .-.
L1092[17:31:27] * vifino slaps gamax92
L1093[17:31:27] * EnderBot2 high-fives vifino
L1094[17:31:37] * gamax92 picks up Lizzy and puts on vifino
L1095[17:31:50] * Sharidan offers a tow-truck
L1096[17:31:57] <gamax92> rude
L1097[17:32:01] * vifino carries Lizzy back to bed
L1098[17:32:09] <vifino> Bad gamax92. She is sleeping.
L1099[17:32:12] <gamax92> oh
L1100[17:32:19] <Sharidan> argh - sorry about that one
L1101[17:32:20] * gamax92 puts vifino in bed with Lizzy to wake up with
L1102[17:32:32] <vifino> That's more like it.
L1103[17:32:39] <Sharidan> was looking through my old emotes. that one was labels as something else :/
L1104[17:32:52] <Sharidan> labeled*
L1105[17:33:30] <Sharidan> need a new mouse. this one is worn out. randomly double-clicks
L1106[17:34:00] <gamax92> excuses
L1107[17:35:04] <Sharidan> bleh. all that old crap is gone. must be 10+ years old if not more
L1108[17:36:43] <Sharidan> worst thing I can do now, is slap someone with a fish :P
L1109[17:37:08] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L1110[17:38:14] * Sharidan pours another cup of coffee
L1111[17:38:44] <scj643> Im trying to get themes working on Ubuntu 15.10
L1112[17:46:06] ⇨ Joins: FayneAldan (Mibbit@c-98-249-100-60.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L1113[17:46:58] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@2001:67c:2f08:6::3dc4)
L1114[17:46:58] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L1115[17:49:03] <FayneAldan> Hi... I'm here about a problem I've been having with OpenComputers.
L1116[17:49:20] <AlexisMachina> yes?
L1117[17:50:18] <FayneAldan> I already reported it on the issue tracker, but I haven't received any further word on it. It's issue #1615.
L1118[17:53:32] <Sharidan> uhm, have you updated oc lately FayneAldan?
L1119[17:54:16] <FayneAldan> I'm using
L1120[17:54:35] <Mimiru> http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-1.5-MC1.7.10/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- try 22.42 see if the issue persists
L1121[17:54:37] <Sharidan> I'm on and I don't get those crashes
L1122[17:55:12] <FayneAldan> Mimiru, I'm using MC 1.8.9, not 1.7.10.
L1123[17:55:25] <Sharidan> speaking of: I really should update too
L1124[17:55:39] <FayneAldan> It's probably because of my graphics card. After upgrading to Windows 10, the drivers got messed up. I only recently got them fixed.
L1125[17:55:50] <Mimiru> Ahh, wrong link then :P one second
L1126[17:55:59] <gamax92> what's your graphics card by interest?
L1127[17:56:00] <Mimiru> http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-1.5-MC1.8.9/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.8.9-
L1128[17:56:02] <Mimiru> 22.3 then
L1129[17:57:10] <FayneAldan> My graphics card is the standard Intel Mobile 4 Series something... I'm running Celeron.
L1130[17:58:06] <FayneAldan> Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
L1131[18:11:55] <FayneAldan> Sorry for the long wait... I still have the issue with that version.
L1132[18:14:42] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1133[18:18:29] <MGR|Away> ugh
L1134[18:18:41] <MGR|Away> those times when Internet Exploder does things Google Chrome won't
L1135[18:18:51] *** MGR|Away is now known as MGR
L1136[18:18:55] <FayneAldan> why are you using explorer?
L1137[18:19:30] <MGR> I'm using exploder because Chrome won't work, and I don't want to fire up Google Ultron
L1138[18:20:42] <FayneAldan> chrome has gotten better lately, but firefox is still an option...
L1139[18:21:00] <Sharidan> or the alternative waterfox
L1140[18:21:48] <FayneAldan> So what about my issue with OC? I tried the last build and it didn't work.
L1141[18:22:31] <Inari> chrome has always been the best
L1142[18:22:46] <Inari> Sharidan: lolifox!
L1143[18:23:16] <Sharidan> heh
L1144[18:23:36] <Sharidan> chrome was laggy for a while, but it's still my primary browser
L1145[18:23:42] <FayneAldan> same
L1146[18:24:15] <Sharidan> Fayne: uhm, you are not getting any kind of dump in the logs at all? no crash dumps either?
L1147[18:24:36] <Sharidan> in the "crash-reports" folder
L1148[18:24:51] <Inari> chrome is not laggy
L1149[18:25:04] <Inari> merely your PC is not worthy for its greatness
L1150[18:25:06] <Sharidan> it was for a while
L1151[18:25:15] * MGR echoes Inari
L1152[18:25:21] <FayneAldan> It's not even a crash. The game freezes entirely with the not responding message and I have to force close Minecraft..
L1153[18:25:42] <Sharidan> granted it was on my old quard core 2.8Ghz but it ate 80-98% cpu most of the time back then
L1154[18:26:16] <Sharidan> multiple versions of java installed?
L1155[18:26:28] <FayneAldan> And the only crash reports I have are from 2015-07-30, when I was unable to run Minecraft because of drivers.
L1156[18:26:46] <FayneAldan> I'm using the version of Java provided by the MC launcher.
L1157[18:27:44] <Sharidan> if memory serves, my uk buddy installed java on his win10 to get it to run properly
L1158[18:28:08] <Sharidan> but then again we don't use the vanilla launcher anymore at all
L1159[18:28:18] <FayneAldan> what do you use then?
L1160[18:28:22] <Sharidan> multimc
L1161[18:28:46] <FayneAldan> Yeah. I tried using MultiMC with the JRE I had installed and it gave me the Pixel format not accelerated error.
L1162[18:29:10] <gamax92> was that before you fixed your driver issues
L1163[18:29:12] <gamax92> cause ...
L1164[18:29:14] <FayneAldan> nope
L1165[18:29:19] <FayneAldan> That was yesterday.
L1166[18:29:25] <FayneAldan> I fixed my drivers about 2 weeks ago.
L1167[18:30:16] <FayneAldan> But I can run Minecraft with the vanilla launcher or with Curse.
L1168[18:30:51] <Saphire> Eeeeeh
L1169[18:31:24] <FayneAldan> Eeeeeh?
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L1172[18:32:13] <Saphire> I don't like the curse launcher for some reason .-.
L1173[18:33:29] <FayneAldan> Isn't there any way I can debug the problem though?
L1174[18:33:44] *** Tiin57 is now known as Jebsus
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L1178[18:34:23] <FayneAldan> I tried to compile it myself to try to debug (by commenting out lines), but I don't have enough RAM to build it.
L1179[18:35:24] <Saphire> "Not enough"?
L1180[18:35:30] <gamax92> how much ram do you have ...
L1181[18:35:44] <FayneAldan> 3 GB, I believe.
L1182[18:35:49] <gamax92> that is plenty
L1183[18:36:01] <FayneAldan> Yup. 3 GB ram.
L1184[18:36:16] <FayneAldan> Java heap space crash is RAM related, right?
L1185[18:37:01] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1186[18:37:35] <MGR> pretty sure
L1187[18:37:49] <FayneAldan> then yeah, not enough ram
L1188[18:37:58] <Mimiru> Yes, but theres an issue with 1.8.9 and RAM
L1189[18:38:04] <Mimiru> 3 GB is plenty though
L1190[18:38:16] <Mimiru> lemme ask around real quick
L1191[18:38:20] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1192[18:38:36] <FayneAldan> i even checked my task manager while it ran. it actually was using all my memory.
L1193[18:38:56] <Saphire> set limit lower
L1194[18:39:06] <Saphire> in MMC
L1195[18:39:08] <Mimiru> I've decomped with the limit set to 1gb.
L1196[18:39:31] <FayneAldan> mmc?
L1197[18:40:14] <Saphire> Or are you trying to run something that isn't minecraft
L1198[18:40:25] <Saphire> mmc-multimc .-.
L1199[18:40:26] <FayneAldan> i'm trying to compiled oc
L1200[18:40:30] <FayneAldan> *compile
L1201[18:40:32] <Saphire> Ah
L1202[18:41:06] <FayneAldan> i can run minecraft just fine
L1203[18:42:07] <Mimiru> Anyway, the issue is in FernFlower decompiling MC it CAN use lots of RAM.. the suggested fix is "Add the following line to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties: org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3G" but since you only have 3gb set it to something lower
L1204[18:42:43] <Kodos> \o/
L1205[18:42:56] <FayneAldan> that's in the user dir, right? i'm on windows. that also makes sense, since the crash is during the decompiling task.
L1206[18:43:03] <Mimiru> Drive:\Users\Username\.gradle\
L1207[18:43:37] <Saphire> Can you use fernflower for non-MC decompilation?
L1208[18:43:44] <Mimiru> Chances are, you'll have to MAKE gradle.properties
L1209[18:43:54] <Mimiru> so just do so, and put that line in it
L1210[18:44:25] <Mimiru> Saphire, sure
L1211[18:44:29] <Mimiru> https://github.com/fesh0r/fernflower
L1212[18:45:36] <gamax92> But why not procyon or cfr or krakatau
L1213[18:46:41] <FayneAldan> This may take a while because I have several things running at once. Chances are I'll have to close Chrome.
L1214[18:48:42] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1215[18:51:03] ⇨ Joins: Fayne_Aldan (Mibbit@c-98-249-100-60.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L1216[18:51:18] <Fayne_Aldan> had to force close chrome
L1217[18:51:49] <Fayne_Aldan> then i realized that i didn't copy the line to go into gradle.properties
L1218[18:52:28] ⇦ Quits: FayneAldan (Mibbit@c-98-249-100-60.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L1219[18:52:37] <Fayne_Aldan> so... you know... i need that again.
L1220[18:52:48] <Mimiru> "Add the following line to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties: org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3G"
L1221[18:53:35] <Fayne_Aldan> ok thx. but yeah, i tried running the compiler even without that code. it brought my cpu usage to 100 and failed.
L1222[18:53:45] <Fayne_Aldan> *without that arg
L1223[18:54:01] <Saphire> -.-
L1224[18:54:22] <Fayne_Aldan> although, even chrome alone brings my cpu usage to 100
L1225[18:54:33] <Mimiru> Single core?
L1226[18:54:41] <Saphire> Add the freaking arg
L1227[18:54:41] <Fayne_Aldan> yup
L1228[18:54:48] <Mimiru> fuuuuun
L1229[18:54:53] <Mimiru> You may be sol.. :D
L1230[18:54:56] <Fayne_Aldan> indeed
L1231[18:55:47] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1232[18:58:58] <Sharidan> 2am - time for bed. g'nite everyone
L1233[18:59:13] ⇦ Quits: Sharidan (~Random475@0x5552afe5.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Quit: zzz)
L1234[19:05:22] ⇦ Quits: Fayne_Aldan (Mibbit@c-98-249-100-60.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L1235[19:05:26] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L1236[19:06:14] <gamax92> Today in spanish, we learned how to say how many anuses we have, I mean how old we are.
L1237[19:07:46] <Saphire> You just had to make that joke?
L1238[19:09:04] <Kodos> I'm not sure where the joke is
L1239[19:09:16] <gamax92> Kodos: años vs anos
L1240[19:09:27] <Kodos> k then
L1241[19:09:46] <xarses> in OC, does it store the files in the actual filesystem like CC does? I'd like to use my editor
L1242[19:10:12] <Mimiru> xarses, yes
L1243[19:10:26] <Mimiru> world/opencomputers/hdd-id/files
L1244[19:10:27] <xarses> I've yet to find that location
L1245[19:10:38] * xarses smacks head
L1246[19:10:45] <gamax92> you'll also want to go into opencomputers's configuration and set bufferChanges to false, so that editor changes apply immediately
L1247[19:10:47] <xarses> i should have seen that, what's wrong with me
L1248[19:10:57] <Mimiru> what gamax92 said
L1249[19:11:11] * xarses makes a note to update the wiki
L1250[19:11:20] <Saphire> Or take out the HDD
L1251[19:11:26] <Saphire> in OC
L1252[19:11:40] <gamax92> or what Saphire said, I feel like just disabling bufferChanges is easier though.
L1253[19:11:54] <Mimiru> Saphire, taking out your physical HDD would work too :P
L1254[19:12:07] <xarses> What about in MP, is this still true?
L1255[19:12:14] <Saphire> uh
L1256[19:12:23] <Mimiru> in MP the files are stored on the server
L1257[19:12:28] <Mimiru> in the same location
L1258[19:12:37] <xarses> thats less helpful
L1259[19:12:39] <Saphire> if you have access to fs of server,sure?
L1260[19:12:46] <Saphire> Hah!
L1261[19:12:50] <Mimiru> xarses, all lua code is ran server side
L1262[19:13:04] <xarses> ya, that doesn't mean I shouldn't get a copy of my devices
L1263[19:13:07] <Mimiru> use an internet card and wget
L1264[19:13:17] <Saphire> ^
L1265[19:13:20] <Mimiru> pastebin put to move it to pastebin
L1266[19:13:26] <gamax92> why would you get a copy of your devices ...
L1267[19:13:27] <xarses> you mean curl
L1268[19:13:28] <Mimiru> then pastebin get or wget to get changes back
L1269[19:13:30] <gamax92> no we mean wget
L1270[19:13:42] <gamax92> there is no curl program that comes with the internet card, but it does come with a wget program
L1271[19:13:43] <Saphire> We have only wget
L1272[19:13:52] <xarses> $*(#@!
L1273[19:14:09] <xarses> wget is for fetching files not pasting them
L1274[19:14:17] <gamax92> pastebin is for pasting files ...
L1275[19:14:21] <Mimiru> This is why I said use pastebin put to put them on pastebin...
L1276[19:14:29] <Mimiru> "[19:13:05] <@Mimiru> pastebin put to move it to pastebin"
L1277[19:14:52] <xarses> I should get a client copy of my devices so I don't have to wait until I can afford an internet card, that seems silly to me
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L1279[19:15:14] <gamax92> how do you determine who gets hdd copies?
L1280[19:15:21] <xarses> might as well just implement git
L1281[19:15:31] <xarses> I thought they already had owners
L1282[19:15:33] <gamax92> is it who built the hdd? what if someone else built it then?
L1283[19:15:57] <gamax92> does everyone who uses a computer get a copy? sounds shit for security.
L1284[19:16:34] <xarses> bbs
L1285[19:16:39] <gamax92> what if you have a malicious setup that constantly changes the contents of a file
L1286[19:16:44] <gamax92> sounds shit for bandwidth
L1287[19:17:53] <gamax92> what if they desync, client makes a change while server makes a change, what then?
L1288[19:18:45] <Mimiru> We shoot the client
L1289[19:19:14] <gamax92> Don't shoot the customer, you don't make money that way
L1290[19:19:43] <Mimiru> pfft I dont make money anyway lol
L1291[19:20:00] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1292[19:20:06] <Mimiru> $24 today
L1293[19:20:27] <Mimiru> Plus ups stuff
L1294[19:20:36] <gamax92> @Mimiru do you know of a program that can have a server on ComputerA, and another program that connects to ComputerB and listens on that, transparently tunneling B to A
L1295[19:22:39] <Mimiru> Erm..
L1296[19:23:09] <Mimiru> No..?
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L1298[19:23:45] <gamax92> :c
L1299[19:23:48] <Fayne_Aldan> i managed to decomp mc with java args. lel
L1300[19:29:07] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
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L1302[19:31:39] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L1303[19:38:38] <gamax92> decided to oven cook something, time to test how well it came out
L1304[19:43:10] <gamax92> not bad
L1305[19:43:12] <gamax92> not good
L1306[19:44:07] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L1307[20:06:52] <`-`> #lua ("file.wat.da"):match("(.+)%.[^.]+")
L1308[20:06:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > file.wat
L1309[20:08:55] ⇨ Joins: noiro (~noiro@host-146-25.gakeucf.kennesaw.ga.us.clients.pavlovmedia.com)
L1310[20:09:10] <Shuudoushi> ~w rc
L1311[20:09:11] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:rc
L1312[20:10:07] <Shuudoushi> who is responsible or making rc again?
L1313[20:11:33] ⇦ Quits: norio (~noiro@host-146-21.gakeucf.kennesaw.ga.us.clients.pavlovmedia.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L1315[20:17:22] ⇨ Joins: Fayne_Aldan (Mibbit@c-98-249-100-60.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L1316[20:17:29] <Fayne_Aldan> hello again
L1317[20:18:19] <Fayne_Aldan> so, in regards to my game freezing on the manual, i commented out the render code in ItemStackImageRenderer, but it didn't work.
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L1320[20:29:58] <scj643> is S3 here?
L1321[20:31:03] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1322[20:32:26] <Fayne_Aldan> Can anyone help me with my issue...?
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L1324[20:35:57] <Mimiru> dIf I could I would, but I don't know what the issue could be... and the person that likely would know.. hasn't been on today
L1325[20:36:24] <Fayne_Aldan> Who would that be...?
L1326[20:36:56] <MajGenRelativity> Snagar, probably
L1327[20:37:01] <Mimiru> Sangar, who has responded to your issue, and said he couldn't reproduce it... My bet is on a lack of decent OpenGL support
L1328[20:37:37] <MajGenRelativity> Mimiru, I believe the new spelling is Snagar :p
L1329[20:37:42] <scj643> OC 1.8 is the best mod for 1.8
L1330[20:38:14] <Fayne_Aldan> I'm not sure it is because of OpenGL, since disabling the rendering code didn't work.
L1331[20:38:54] <scj643> Majgenrelativlty where is your pack?
L1332[20:39:15] <Kodos> Them glasses is shit, innit
L1333[20:39:21] <MajGenRelativity> Scj643, it is in #yuonsurvival
L1334[20:39:28] <Mimiru> The only thing I can think of it being is your graphics environment, I've used the manual in 1.8+ with no issue
L1335[20:39:44] <Mimiru> I don't have anything with that low end of an integrated GPU to test with, otherwise I would do so.
L1336[20:40:11] <scj643> I do
L1337[20:40:15] <Fayne_Aldan> It's specifically when I open a page that has an item/block renderer on the page.
L1338[20:40:19] <scj643> I got an intel 2000
L1339[20:40:27] <scj643> Iirc
L1340[20:40:28] <Fayne_Aldan> I have Celeron.
L1341[20:40:33] <scj643> Pentium
L1342[20:40:38] <MajGenRelativity> Scj643, the modpack is in the topic of my IRC channel
L1343[20:40:49] <scj643> Your discord invite link is no more
L1344[20:40:51] <MajGenRelativity> I'm going to sleep, so we can talk more tomorrow
L1345[20:41:00] <MajGenRelativity> Yes, yes it is
L1346[20:41:03] <scj643> Ok
L1347[20:41:07] <scj643> Night
L1348[20:41:14] <MajGenRelativity> Night
L1349[20:41:17] <Izaya> why is SGI gear so awesome? :<
L1350[20:41:20] <Izaya> Night
L1351[20:41:22] <MajGenRelativity> All you need is in the topic though
L1352[20:41:46] <scj643> Just like mine :D
L1353[20:42:47] <Fayne_Aldan> But what code might I be able to disable to try to trace the cause?
L1354[20:46:16] * Antheus eats scj643
L1355[20:46:44] * Saphire boops Antheus
L1356[20:47:03] * Antheus sends Saphire back to russia
L1357[20:47:15] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1358[20:47:59] * Saphire is already there, and it's quite cold to chat without mittens on..
L1359[20:50:15] ⇦ Quits: InariWB (~Pinkishu@p5dec6c81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
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L1362[21:02:38] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1363[21:04:24] <`-`> gamax92: I just implemented the most awesome permission system in Anix
L1364[21:04:49] <`-`> It's so esoteric it's beautiful
L1365[21:05:02] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1366[21:06:00] <`-`> f:/path/here<u:username> will query path permissions as a specific user, and f:/path/here<p:processid> will do the same, but for a process
L1367[21:06:26] <`-`> And process permissions fall back to user permissions, which fall back to group permissions
L1368[21:07:18] <`-`> I think it's time to go to sleep
L1369[21:07:39] <`-`> "Generic Failure Message" is the best failure message I've come up with today
L1370[21:07:50] <Kodos> "It didn't work"
L1371[21:08:01] <`-`> "Somethings broken"
L1372[21:08:07] <`-`> Also don't forget error("???")
L1373[21:08:11] <Kodos> "Something fucky is going on"
L1374[21:08:38] <`-`> "You broke it. You should feel proud of yourself."
L1375[21:09:47] <`-`> https://github.com/ds84182/Anix/blob/master/sec/bin/zero/mod_perm.lua#L315-L320
L1376[21:13:55] <Kodos> I would just make a table of error messages, and math.random(1,#errtable)
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L1378[21:18:24] <Antheus> Kodos, hope you get a gpu soon
L1379[21:20:56] <Kodos> ikr
L1380[21:20:58] <Kodos> Doubt I will tho
L1381[21:21:07] <Kodos> The earliest I am guaranteed to get one
L1382[21:21:13] <Kodos> Is when mom sells the house
L1383[21:21:17] <Antheus> oh
L1384[21:21:17] <Kodos> Which could be summer
L1385[21:21:20] <Antheus> oh
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L1395[21:57:04] <Saphire> Soni is crazy
L1396[21:58:14] <Temia> We all knew that, but yes.
L1397[21:58:51] <Saphire> I just was reading backlog of my github notifications
L1398[21:58:59] <Temia> Hoo boy.
L1399[22:02:10] <Saphire> I really wanted to throw my phone as I read Soni's idea of reworking whole component interaction API
L1400[22:02:25] <_habnabit> arrrrrrghhhhhhh
L1401[22:03:05] <_habnabit> perhaps not an OC question but i can't wget from https://habnab.it/ and i don't know how to tell the jre to trust let's encrypt's CA cert
L1402[22:03:21] <_habnabit> wget in-game, that is
L1403[22:04:01] <_habnabit> (whoa, soni _isn't_ in here? i would've expected that, given their irc presence on freenode)
L1404[22:04:17] <Saphire> Heh
L1405[22:04:31] <Saphire> They got banned on #oc
L1406[22:04:37] <v^> _habnabit, he was here lol
L1407[22:04:37] <_habnabit> figures
L1408[22:04:52] <v^> he did nothing but complain about how OC diddnt cater to his exact needs
L1409[22:05:08] <v^> he did that a lot in #lua on FN
L1410[22:05:47] <Saphire> Heh
L1411[22:07:08] <v^> pretty sure he got banned in #computercraft a looooong time ago
L1412[22:07:19] <v^> i was banned to, because AmandaC
L1413[22:07:52] <Kodos> I wonder when 1.8.9 will get 1.6 OC
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L1415[22:15:26] <_habnabit> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/761#issuecomment-68726615 "Lua 5.3 will have native bit manipulation support. Once that is reasonably stable, pur LUA SSH libs will follow soon for sure." uh huh
L1416[22:16:43] <greaser|q> "LUA"
L1417[22:18:38] <greaser|q> good sign you're dealing with someone who doesn't know much lua
L1418[22:19:12] <_habnabit> works for 'BASH' too
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L1420[22:24:18] <Daiyousei> do you program in HASKELL
L1421[22:27:23] <greaser|q> idunno DAIYOUSEI
L1422[22:27:38] <greaser|q> of course JAVA is a common mistake
L1423[22:27:43] <greaser|q> but i've seen PYTHON been written that way before
L1424[22:27:53] <Daiyousei> xD
L1425[22:27:55] <greaser|q> also long time no chat
L1426[22:28:50] <greaser|q> wait shit i thought you were someone else... still, long time no chat
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L1432[23:16:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L1436[23:42:59] <scj643> http://polls.cc/qDP3oB/
L1437[23:45:22] <Saphire> Uh, what is that?
L1438[23:45:29] <Saphire> Can't see from phone
L1439[23:45:56] <Shuudoushi> Which* btw scj643
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