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L1[00:03:25] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2[00:03:36] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L3[00:04:24] <jhagrid7> Hmm how much WAM do you have?
L4[00:04:56] <dangranos> 8gb
L5[00:05:21] <dangranos> usually there are at least 5 or 6 available for programs
L6[00:05:27] <jhagrid7> Hmm I got 4GB and it's not that bad
L7[00:05:35] <dangranos> on FF?
L8[00:06:08] <jhagrid7> Yep
L9[00:06:32] <jhagrid7> http://snag.gy/ahfN9.jpg
L10[00:11:41] <Xal> the sad truth is that fast browsers eat ram
L11[00:13:45] <Alissa> ._. my bot is joining /somewhere/
L12[00:13:49] <Alissa> i have yet to figure out where
L14[00:15:19] <jhagrid7> Now I can read the options of OpenLoader
L15[00:20:49] <jhagrid7> Now to try to do the same with Plan9k
L16[00:21:17] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E53AC185EF370FFFE092A97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L17[00:21:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L18[00:22:52] <jhagrid7> Vexatos, oh magic TechSupport please help me
L19[00:25:30] <Alissa> oh hey Vexatos is on
L20[00:25:53] <Alissa> Vexatos: I'm thinking about making chaos oppm-insta
L21[00:26:00] <Alissa> my eyboard broe again
L22[00:26:18] <Vexatos> what happened now >_>
L23[00:26:19] <jhagrid7> keyboard* broke*
L24[00:26:40] <Alissa> ^
L25[00:26:51] <Alissa> can't even press enter. ._.
L26[00:27:10] <Alissa> the entire row past h is broen
L27[00:28:03] <dangranos> so, it's hjkl;' and Enter?
L28[00:28:53] <Vexatos> hjklöä# :P
L29[00:29:19] <Xal> hjkl;è
L30[00:29:28] <Izaya> No hjkl? You're screwed.
L31[00:29:43] <Xal> how will you use vim?!?!?!
L32[00:29:59] <Izaya> Can't use a decent editor very well without hjkl
L33[00:31:12] <Alissa> Alright, on a new keyboard.
L34[00:31:14] <Alissa> And dangranos yes.
L35[00:31:16] <Alissa> hjkl;
L36[00:31:22] <Alissa> enter, and page down.
L37[00:31:35] <Xal> spilled mountain dew all over your last one? :P
L38[00:31:41] <Alissa> Yay for having spare external clackies.
L39[00:31:44] <Alissa> Nope. :D
L40[00:31:55] <Alissa> The laptop's just essentially falling apart. :D
L41[00:32:04] <Xal> ooooh, broken laptop keyboard
L42[00:32:07] <Xal> that's not fun
L43[00:32:11] <Alissa> Ya :D
L44[00:32:13] <Xal> can't juist throw out and replace
L45[00:32:22] <Xal> not that I would do that anyways
L46[00:32:26] <Alissa> I'd rather buy a Chromebook and set up Arch on it then get it fixed >:I
L47[00:32:42] <Xal> try fixing it yourself if you don't care
L48[00:32:51] <Alissa> Nah, i'd rather use it as a server
L49[00:32:53] <Alissa> It's semi-decent
L50[00:33:04] <Xal> you should still try to fix it
L51[00:33:05] <Alissa> has a 500gb drive in it, could use it as a media server.
L52[00:33:08] <Alissa> nah.
L53[00:33:12] <Alissa> I don't do hardware.
L54[00:35:09] <Alissa> Found an external mouse as well. If worse comes, I might just make it into a desktop. I already have the monitor too :D
L55[00:35:43] <dangranos> XD
L56[00:35:46] <jhagrid7> Alissa wanna see mine
L57[00:35:58] <dangranos> nmap thinks my desktop is windows
L58[00:36:14] * dangranos has/had a samba open
L59[00:36:21] <jhagrid7> http://imgur.com/cf7j8te
L60[00:37:56] <Alissa> I'd post a pic of my setup if I had my phone, and it wasn't dead.
L61[00:38:09] <Xal> jhagrid that's off the ghetto scale
L62[00:38:53] <jhagrid7> Thanks Xal lo
L63[00:38:56] <jhagrid7> lol*
L64[00:39:01] <Alissa> Speaking of desks, I should clean mine off a bit.
L65[00:39:34] <jhagrid7> My HDD is an EHD lol
L66[00:39:48] <Xal> might as well gut the laptop
L67[00:40:23] <Xal> dvd drive is sticking out for some reason
L68[00:41:02] <jhagrid7> I got another one, Dell Inspiron 8000 and what this laptop in the picture is sitting on is a Dell Dimension C521 which needs a motherboard cause it's current one is broken.
L69[00:41:11] <Xal> reminded me of something I used to do in high school
L70[00:41:20] <jhagrid7> What's that?
L71[00:41:29] <Xal> I wrote this thing in powershell I used to put on all the school pcs
L72[00:41:39] <Xal> it would constantly open and close the dvd drive
L73[00:41:43] <Xal> without end
L74[00:41:54] <Xal> i got it to start up every time someone logged in
L75[00:42:03] <jhagrid7> Lol, it's not a recent picture
L76[00:42:05] <Xal> pissed the teachers off until the it guy removed it
L77[00:42:26] <jhagrid7> shoulda done it in a secret root
L78[00:42:47] <Xal> never got caught
L79[00:42:54] <Xal> the MACS on the other hand, were even easier to mess with
L80[00:43:21] <Xal> first day I was ever allowed to touch one I gave myself adminstrative powers using single-user mode
L81[00:43:54] <jhagrid7> Ohh, my Graphics Arts class uses MACs I hate those things
L82[00:44:03] <Xal> better than pcs, haha
L83[00:44:19] <jhagrid7> And when I need to delete something it always makes the noise no matter what
L84[00:44:44] <Xal> me and my buds would log in to other classmates' accounts, and literally everyone would have downloaded a game of some sort
L85[00:44:47] <Xal> so we replaced them
L86[00:44:53] <Xal> with this perl script I had written
L87[00:45:04] <jhagrid7> They have one of those external GPU thingys that goes into the USB slot, if I was careless I would steal one
L88[00:45:28] <Xal> it would set the mac's volume to 100%, say using tech-to-speech "NO GAMES AT SCHOOL LOLOLOLOLOLOL" and then crash
L89[00:45:37] <Xal> was fucking hilarious when it happened
L90[00:45:47] <Xal> meanwhile I got just about 0 work done ever on em
L91[00:45:52] <jhagrid7> Lol
L92[00:46:26] <Xal> ... I realize I still have all the shit I stole from those laptops in my backups
L93[00:46:32] <jhagrid7> Xal, on openOS I have gotten it so that during boot it is 115 40, but when boot is done it doesn't stay, how can I fix this?
L94[00:46:53] <greaser|q> windows systems had net send
L95[00:46:55] <greaser|q> that was fun
L96[00:47:18] <Xal> damn I have the passwords to like ~15 gmail accounts here
L97[00:47:20] <greaser|q> unfortunately i didn't have high enough perms to use shutdown
L98[00:47:39] <Xal> people would leave their passwords unencrypted in apple keychain
L99[00:47:43] <Xal> and I'd just take them
L100[00:47:54] <Xal> i bet you like 5 of those accounts still work
L101[00:47:57] <jhagrid7> My HS uses MACS for Graphics Art and the students have Chromebooks, except for the seniors, they have a Gateway laptop
L102[00:48:29] <Izaya> I'm admin >:)
L103[00:48:41] <Xal> holy shit I have all the adminstration stuff here too
L104[00:48:42] <jhagrid7> I use my old school's google account for stuff, I mean unlimited storage lol
L105[00:48:44] <Xal> I remember now
L106[00:49:08] <Xal> I logged in to the admin account and tar'd all of the install scripts and utils onto my ftp server long ago
L107[00:49:15] <jhagrid7> But can you help me Xal?
L108[00:49:25] <Xal> did you make a /boot script jhagrid7?
L109[00:49:30] <Izaya> Totally not running an IRC server on the school network
L110[00:49:38] <jhagrid7> I did, I also edited the init.lua
L111[00:49:43] <Xal> hrm
L112[00:49:46] <jhagrid7> both will not stay after boot
L113[00:50:12] <jhagrid7> I don't want to make a autorun.lua if I can avoid it, wanna get more into programing
L114[00:51:20] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L115[00:51:21] <Xal> just make an autorun
L116[00:51:34] <Xal> totally didn't forget about that :)
L117[00:52:45] <Xal> Izaya, at my school they didn't have any of the BIOS locked down so you could walk around with a usb backtrack linux and have access to everything
L118[00:52:47] <jhagrid7> Lol, well it's not that bad, I mean I edited other programs so now I can see things during boot
L119[00:56:36] <dangranos> FINALLY
L120[00:56:41] <jhagrid7> Hmm still having problems with it on Plan9k
L121[00:56:50] <jhagrid7> What's up dangranos?
L122[00:56:55] <dangranos> someone explained why they need all those damn permissions for app
L123[00:57:04] * dangranos was searching for push notification app
L124[00:57:24] <dangranos> https://github.com/Pushjet/Pushjet-Android
L125[00:57:39] <dangranos> lol, those screenshots
L126[00:57:49] <dangranos> >root@[REDACTED] logged into..
L127[01:06:03] <Izaya> Xal, I have the BIOS password yet no-one else does :3
L128[01:06:30] <Xal> at least you actually set a bios password
L129[01:06:45] <Izaya> Oh our security is pretty good if I do say so myself
L130[01:07:00] <Xal> but what if the students remove the cmos battery?
L131[01:07:21] <Izaya> Xal, most of them are locked, all the laptops have weird screws
L132[01:07:26] <Xal> or more likely uses !BIOS
L133[01:08:19] <Izaya> I think some machines even have the CMOS backed up to EEPROM
L134[01:08:30] <Izaya> I know my personal laptop does.
L135[01:08:37] <Xal> But what if they bring an eeprom flasher ?!?!?!?! /s
L136[01:08:55] <jhagrid7> Then there would be me, who brings every type of screw driver I have, then a hammer to lightly bash in the cover in-case none of them work lol
L137[01:09:03] <Izaya> well then you have to open the machine
L138[01:11:27] <Xal> what if they use https://github.com/bacher09/pwgen-for-bios to generate the bios code?
L139[01:11:56] <dangranos> "<*push> View the detailed documentation at https://github.com/jreese/znc-push/blob/master/README.md&quot; fuck you too, *push
L140[01:20:11] <jhagrid7> Xal, you got a MC server you play on that has OC?
L141[01:20:38] <Xal> yep
L142[01:21:34] <jhagrid7> Wanna shoot me the IP and we can play?
L143[01:22:05] <Xal> sorry, it's just me and some good friends for now
L144[01:22:12] <jhagrid7> Alright
L145[01:22:14] <Xal> we might remove the whitelist eventually
L146[01:23:13] <jhagrid7> Just trying to find some good servers to help me pass time, I play on MGR's but no one is on besides me and all other servers are crap in my opinion because of grieving and you can't trust anyone.
L147[01:23:29] <clever> Xal: all dell laptops have a backdoor password, based on the serial#
L148[01:23:50] <clever> just flip the laptop over, read the number, punch it into a program on another system, and your in
L149[01:39:26] <dangranos> gah
L150[01:39:36] * dangranos hates POSTing json
L151[01:40:01] <Alissa> why?
L152[01:40:46] <dangranos> i'm posting a json with "name" key, it says it's missing argument "name"
L153[01:41:08] <Alissa> oh
L154[01:41:41] *** Antheus|Sleep is now known as Antheus
L155[01:42:10] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L156[01:44:28] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)
L157[01:44:30] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L158[01:45:47] <Izaya> so I now own TIS-100
L159[01:46:46] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-183-173-15.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L160[01:47:20] <Alissa> nice
L161[01:52:25] <Xal> when in doubt: JRO instruction saves the day
L162[01:53:08] * dangranos sobs terminally
L163[01:54:25] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L164[01:55:40] <dangranos> IT'S THERE, HOW Do YOU MISS IT?!
L165[01:58:45] <dangranos> https://github.com/Pushjet/Pushjet-Server-Api/blob/b7dfbe4cd983c41d24167110fe9d74062a7a9e18/controllers/service.py#L16 how the hell is that triggered when i POST { "name": "something"}
L166[01:59:59] <Alissa> >triggered
L167[02:00:03] <Alissa> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L168[02:00:35] <dangranos> Alissa: YES IM F**ING TRIGGERED BY THIS LINE
L169[02:00:42] <Alissa> lmao
L170[02:00:53] <Antheus> YOUR LIFE TRIGGERS ME
L171[02:01:10] * dangranos curls while glaring with horror and anger at few lines
L172[02:01:22] <dangranos> "Missing argument name"
L173[02:05:02] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:2c17:b524:c1dc:54b3) (Remote host closed the connection)
L174[02:05:31] <clever> dangranos: you sometimes have to set the content-type to application/json, or it assumes its normal key=value pairs
L175[02:05:44] <dangranos> I set it.
L176[02:06:42] <dangranos> curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data=@somefile.json https://api.ofthisfuckingthing/ugh
L177[02:07:31] <dangranos> ...anyone knows good push services for android? preferably opensource
L178[02:07:55] <dangranos> and no "pro" shit
L179[02:08:25] <clever> cant think of anything else
L180[02:08:55] <dangranos> AND A FUCKING WORKING API
L181[02:10:17] <dangranos> "7-day trial"
L182[02:10:19] <dangranos> fuck you too
L183[02:11:06] <Antheus> dangranos, take some deep breaths
L184[02:11:54] * dangranos just wanted to set up a ZNC push notifications
L185[02:13:21] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-183-173-15.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L186[02:15:24] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-183-173-15.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L187[02:16:31] <Antheus> dangranos, do you drink water out of the tap?
L188[02:17:00] <dangranos> You mean, pour myself some cold water?
L189[02:17:14] <Antheus> Like you use a facet, from a sink
L190[02:17:15] <dangranos> Or is it "tap water causes rages"?
L191[02:19:46] <Izaya> do labels count as instructions in TIS-100?
L192[02:19:50] <Antheus> no
L193[02:19:57] <Antheus> iirc
L194[02:20:04] <Antheus> Izaya, what are you trying to do
L195[02:20:10] <Izaya> magic
L196[02:20:17] <Izaya> JRO -4
L197[02:20:18] <Izaya> :3
L198[02:20:41] <Antheus> Izaya, what are you trying to do
L199[02:22:12] <Antheus> I'm so full from all the newyears black eyed peas and rice and cornbread
L200[02:22:20] <Antheus> my favorite thing about new years
L201[02:22:42] <Izaya> I'm abusing the sequence counter
L202[02:22:50] <Antheus> lol
L203[02:23:07] <Izaya> skipping labels at the start or end
L204[02:23:12] <Izaya> using JRO instead
L205[02:25:26] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-183-173-15.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L206[02:25:58] <Izaya> JRO -999 best
L207[02:26:05] <Antheus> lol
L208[02:32:53] <Xal> you can put labels on the same line as mnemonics
L209[02:33:04] <Izaya> yeah I know
L210[02:33:38] <Xal> what benefit does jro -999 give?
L211[02:34:05] <Izaya> let me get back to you on that
L212[02:34:18] <Xal> obfuscation
L213[02:34:55] <Xal> if you ever share your solution use jro to jump but use some oddly specific number like -247 to confuse them
L214[02:35:42] <Xal> ecen if only for a second
L215[02:36:10] <Xal> anyway gtg
L216[02:36:12] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@s0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L217[03:01:18] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest19287
L218[03:01:18] ⇦ Quits: Guest19287 (~quassel@178-191-135-132.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (aperture.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
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L223[03:43:10] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L224[03:43:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L226[03:50:58] <Antheus> #BTM16
L227[03:51:16] <Kodos> MFW I'm so poor, I can't afford to go to BTM
L228[03:51:33] <Antheus> lol
L229[03:51:49] <Antheus> Sad that i'm missing everyhting I want to see
L230[03:51:55] <Antheus> Well, the pannels
L231[03:52:01] <Kodos> I'll watch the videos later
L232[03:52:02] <Antheus> Probs going to go to all the booths
L233[03:52:03] <Kodos> There are always videos
L234[03:52:10] <Antheus> and watch the videos of the pannels
L235[03:53:14] <sugoi> hi guys
L236[03:53:27] <sugoi> i use pcall and check the result
L237[03:53:29] <Izaya> wait that's now?
L238[03:53:30] <Izaya> fuck
L239[03:53:43] <Antheus> The booths i'm going to hit up are Computronics, Flamingo, OpenComputers, TIS3D, zetta ind, and factorization
L240[03:53:44] <sugoi> but if i assert and print the reason --
L241[03:53:54] <sugoi> the error stack includes the pcall location
L242[03:53:57] <Antheus> Izaya, the server should open in 7min iirc.
L243[03:53:58] <sugoi> like...
L244[03:54:01] <Izaya> Antheus, link nao
L245[03:54:09] <Antheus> Izaya, http://btm.asie.pl/16/
L246[03:54:23] <Kodos> #lua btm = "http://btm.asie.pl/16/&quot;
L247[03:54:23] <Antheus> sugoi, are you doing x, y = pcall(Stuff)?
L248[03:54:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L249[03:54:28] <Antheus> where x is sucess
L250[03:54:28] <sugoi> /lib/foobar.lua:79: /path/test.lua:2 attempt to call ...
L251[03:54:31] <Kodos> There
L252[03:54:35] <sugoi> Antheus: yeah, i'm just saying..
L253[03:54:37] <Kodos> Now we can just do
L254[03:54:39] <Kodos> #lua return btm
L255[03:54:40] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > http://btm.asie.pl/16/
L256[03:54:57] <sugoi> i need to assert, without showing where i'm asserting from
L257[03:55:06] <sugoi> but...kind of like a throw, instead of a rethrow
L258[03:55:12] <Antheus> #lua for i = 1,4 do print(btm) end
L259[03:55:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > http://btm.asie.pl/16/ | http://btm.asie.pl/16/ | http://btm.asie.pl/16/ | http://btm.asie.pl/16/ | nil
L260[03:55:22] <asie> yay
L261[03:55:31] <Antheus> asie, your voice is sooo soothing
L262[03:55:39] <Antheus> kinda like Sangar's
L263[03:56:03] <sugoi> btm is right now?
L264[03:56:10] <Antheus> in an hour
L265[03:56:18] <Antheus> but the server opens at the top of the next hour
L266[03:56:19] <sugoi> that's pretty cool
L267[03:56:23] <Antheus> (4 min)
L268[03:56:35] <Izaya> Oh no. How tragic. None of my IRL friends are online. However will I recover.
L269[03:56:36] <sugoi> wish i had openos for 1.6 done
L270[03:56:40] <sugoi> would have been cool to demo
L271[03:56:41] <Izaya> I guess I'll have to go alone.
L272[03:56:48] <Antheus> Izaya, same
L273[03:57:05] <sugoi> Antheus: anywho, did i phrase my question ok?
L274[03:57:24] <sugoi> pcall catches an assert, i need to do some cleanup outside the pcall, and then reassert the result
L275[03:57:26] <Antheus> idk
L276[03:57:37] <sugoi> but i dont' want the assert's error message to also include my pcall location
L277[03:59:39] <Izaya> Oh fun, looks like it'll take a theoretically infinite amount of time to download the pack.
L278[04:00:15] <Izaya> >java 8 is required
L279[04:00:16] <Izaya> fuck
L280[04:00:17] <Izaya> wait
L281[04:00:19] <Antheus> lol
L282[04:00:29] <Izaya> does OC 1.6 require Java 1.8?
L283[04:00:44] <Kodos> Loads of MC mods require Java 8
L284[04:01:22] <Izaya> version 7
L285[04:01:23] <Izaya> k
L286[04:01:57] <Antheus> lol
L287[04:02:13] <Izaya> fuck that'll take a few hours to download
L288[04:02:14] <Izaya> fucking
L289[04:02:15] <Izaya> fuck
L290[04:02:19] <Antheus> why?
L291[04:02:25] <Izaya> oracle /s
L292[04:02:29] <Antheus> .-.
L293[04:02:33] <Izaya> nah it'll take all of 3 minutes to download oracle
L294[04:02:42] <Antheus> never takes me more than 30 min .-.
L295[04:07:00] <Izaya> OKAY :D
L296[04:07:04] <Izaya> java 8 is configured
L297[04:09:52] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec64c4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L298[04:15:07] <Kodos> How many mods are in the BTM pack
L299[04:22:57] <Antheus> I'm streaming BTM: http://www.twitch.tv/kingantheus
L300[04:25:28] <Izaya> oh right
L301[04:25:35] <Izaya> I don't have the bandwidth to stream
L302[04:25:51] <Izaya> to watch, that is
L303[04:31:51] ⇦ Quits: BBoldt (~BBoldt@ (Quit: Off doing BBoldt things.)
L304[04:33:28] <Antheus> I have decided I want to make a mod
L305[04:33:35] <Antheus> and showcase it at the next BTM
L306[04:33:42] <Antheus> so that's a year to learn java
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L321[05:23:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L322[05:25:49] * Antheus blames Sandra
L323[05:25:55] <Antheus> s/sandra/Sangar
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L327[06:00:36] <Antheus> twitch.tv/kingantheus
L328[06:00:41] <Antheus> for BTM
L329[06:01:16] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-183-173-15.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L333[06:39:30] <Sandra> Antheus, the next btm is in about half a year I think. p sure they're biyearly.
L334[06:39:53] <Antheus> excelent
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L336[06:48:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh btw, did you read the news where Erdogan *literally* said he wants to be the next Hitler? http://tinyurl.com/zwt9nnv (links to the independent)
L337[06:52:37] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L338[06:55:37] <Sandra> so whatever happened to the graphics handling thingy for OC?
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L341[07:03:12] <Magik6k> Sangar, BTM is running slightly parched version of OC, you may want to get some of these: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/compare/master-MC1.7.10...magik6k:master-MC1.7.10?expand=1
L342[07:04:35] <dangranos> Uh?
L343[07:04:47] <dangranos> How is it different from normal?
L344[07:10:24] <Sangar> Magik6k, hmm, have to look up what the compression thinger does, however, in the save, then if(something) is a noop because there's no else and no return there
L345[07:13:09] <Magik6k> umm
L346[07:13:24] <Magik6k> it should be if(ComponentInventory.something) return actually
L347[07:13:27] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L348[07:13:29] <Magik6k> dammit
L349[07:13:29] <Sangar> it should
L350[07:13:32] <Magik6k> asie, Sangar ^
L351[07:14:36] <Vexatos> wat
L352[07:14:37] <Vexatos> sooo
L353[07:14:38] <Vexatos> your fix
L354[07:14:40] <Vexatos> did nothing?
L355[07:14:50] <Magik6k> It's half of the fix
L356[07:14:53] <Magik6k> ._.
L357[07:14:58] <Magik6k> compiling
L358[07:15:13] <Magik6k> Still, the gzip helped
L359[07:15:17] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p5de895e0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L360[07:17:35] <asie> the gzip helped yes
L361[07:17:41] <asie> but it'd need you to bundle commons-compress
L362[07:17:43] <asie> repacked
L363[07:20:32] <Sangar> that comes with forge tho no?
L364[07:21:03] <malcom2073> Hmm, I'm getting too many components with only 12 devices connected, on a T3 cpu
L365[07:21:44] <Magik6k> ARE THERE SLEEPS IN GRADLE OR WHAT?
L366[07:21:51] <Magik6k> HOW CAN IT BE SO SLOOOOW
L367[07:22:17] <malcom2073> Ohhh, when I have a tank controller in an adapter hooked to a drum, that counts as 2 doesn't it?
L368[07:22:19] <clever> Magik6k: i know, one of my builds took 1h 36mins, just to fail downloading deps....
L369[07:22:45] <Sandra> Magik6k, i know right.
L370[07:22:52] <Sandra> it's so sloooooow.
L371[07:23:01] <Magik6k> I had SBT with 500+ deps an it was faster ._.
L372[07:25:16] <Magik6k> asie, fixed that if, grab that: https://assets.magik6k.net/uploads/geequu9Toofiebeo0jie0teiChichoag/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.6.0-dev+749ca8a-universal.jar
L373[07:25:23] <Magik6k> An I have to go now
L374[07:25:27] <Magik6k> will be later
L375[07:25:29] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I appear to have flexed out of the room.)
L376[07:25:39] <Magik6k> (It's untested)
L377[07:27:10] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L378[07:27:54] <Sangar> i've pushed the gzip fix to master. i've also added a check that *may* reduce the buffer init thing (not sending init for non-origin screens in multiblocks)
L379[07:28:13] <Sangar> so if someone that knows howto build it in a way that doesn't cause version issues, by all means :P
L380[07:28:21] <Sangar> asie, Magik6k ^
L381[07:30:33] <Sangar> also brb
L382[07:30:48] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L383[07:35:09] <asie> Magik6k: Could you build it?
L384[07:35:24] <Antheus> THANKS SANGAR FOR THE FIX
L385[07:35:27] <Antheus> \o/
L386[07:35:53] <asie> Sangar: Could you just
L387[07:35:56] <asie> Sangar: Acutally
L388[07:36:02] <asie> Sangar: Which classes were modified?
L389[07:36:03] <dangranos> inb4 chunk issue
L390[07:36:10] <Vexatos> asie, I assume you want a build with the same version number?
L391[07:36:16] <dangranos> Sangar: question
L392[07:36:25] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/a/nykzA backstage BTM screenshots
L393[07:36:30] <asie> Vexatos: I'll have it
L394[07:36:36] <dangranos> Do screens work if they are in multiple chunks with this init removal?
L395[07:36:51] <dangranos> *fix
L396[07:36:52] <asie> Sangar: Uh
L397[07:36:59] <asie> Commons-compres sis NOT present server side
L398[07:37:18] <asie> We hackfixed it
L399[07:38:42] <dangranos> just..
L400[07:38:51] <dangranos> how many bugs were fixed for BTM
L401[07:38:56] <dangranos> in only OC?
L402[07:40:16] <Antheus> all ze bugz
L403[07:41:04] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L404[07:43:23] <Sangar> huh, why is it in my classpath then :X
L405[07:43:28] <Sangar> oh well
L406[07:43:52] ⇦ Quits: Something12_ (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L407[07:46:31] <dangranos> Wai, what's admin anchor?
L408[07:49:46] <Antheus> dangranos, a block that keeps the chunks loaded
L409[07:54:12] <Sangar> allrighters, switched to built-in deflater/inflater
L410[07:56:03] <dangranos> How/why izaya got a speacial thinger?
L411[07:56:32] * dangranos is jealous
L412[07:56:56] <Izaya> dangranos, I helped out with the last BTM booth
L413[07:59:04] * dangranos should port that damn GUI OS to english for next BTM..
L414[08:00:34] <Izaya> I should like
L415[08:00:38] <Izaya> add a scheduler to amie
L416[08:01:26] * dangranos offers his help to Sangar in case of next BTM
L417[08:02:00] <Sangar> sure. the mc 1.8.x one :3
L418[08:03:28] <Sandra> dangranos, what GUI os?
L419[08:03:50] <Kodos> Sangar, did you ever see my post on the special thinger thread?
L420[08:03:59] <dangranos> Sandra: the russian OS
L421[08:04:14] <Sandra> wait what where?
L422[08:04:24] <Kodos> MineOS
L423[08:04:27] <Kodos> Check the forums
L424[08:04:41] <Kodos> And make sure to read instructions
L425[08:05:32] <dangranos> It's actually pretty raw
L426[08:07:10] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L427[08:09:50] <Izaya> Sangar, want me to do anything in the OC booth?
L428[08:09:59] <reinei> Sangar, btw Vexatos somehow broke TIS-3D again, I think
L429[08:10:14] <Sangar> Izaya, come up with ideas what to show? :X
L430[08:10:22] <reinei> his Taperewindinator exec module doesn't want to run xD
L431[08:10:55] <asie> Sangar: I'm still having issues with OC's Rack/Case sending filesystem data
L432[08:10:58] <asie> odd
L433[08:10:59] <asie> i was sure we fixed it
L434[08:10:59] <Sangar> Kodos, i think i did, i'll have to read it again
L435[08:11:01] <Izaya> Sangar, well I was thinking I could throw together a drone-powered automatic tape switching machine?
L436[08:11:01] <asie> let me decompile
L437[08:11:12] <asie> Fixing that will literally make the server run at 18TPS
L438[08:11:31] <Vexatos> reinei, you probably don't use it correctly
L439[08:11:35] <Sangar> sending fs data? o.O
L440[08:11:41] <Vexatos> because it works 100% for me
L441[08:11:46] <reinei> Vexatos: I can't use it at all so NOPE
L442[08:12:03] <Vexatos> well I have been using it on a server with 105 people about 2 minutes ago
L443[08:12:09] <asie> Sangar: yes
L444[08:12:09] <Vexatos> so I can kind of confirm that it works
L445[08:12:17] <reinei> its not working for us
L446[08:12:26] <asie> Rack.save() saves all components to NBT data
L447[08:12:38] <Sangar> oh drats, i thought the second part of magik's changes were screen, too. didn't port that over. so if current built is master, yeah, that's missing
L448[08:12:44] <asie> includes FileSystem.save()
L449[08:12:46] <asie> I know
L450[08:12:49] <asie> I'm not using your builds directly
L451[08:12:50] <asie> i'm doing patchbuilds
L452[08:13:01] <Sangar> mm, yeah. all do to get the addresses in the nbt i think. darn.
L453[08:13:02] <Sangar> ok
L454[08:13:38] <asie> okay
L455[08:13:47] <asie> let's patch the bytecode manually, magik botched his fix and he's afk
L456[08:13:56] <Sangar> hrm. that's sucks; i'll need to differentiate 'for the client' saves and 'to the disk' saves in component saves :/ all the way down. ugh.
L457[08:14:33] * Antheus spots the rare Sangar sitting down
L458[08:14:55] <Sangar> yo
L459[08:14:56] <Sangar> :P
L460[08:15:09] <Sangar> nice skin ;)
L461[08:15:19] <Antheus> :P
L462[08:15:20] <dangranos> oh hey
L463[08:15:31] <dangranos> some computers ddin't disabled the ctrl+alt+c
L464[08:15:42] <Kodos> I've been playing Time Clickers for the last.... 9 hours
L465[08:16:06] <Antheus> .-.
L466[08:16:30] <Antheus> I think i'm going to setup my stream to stream the theatre
L467[08:16:37] <Antheus> since I am leaving an an hour
L468[08:19:25] <asie> Okay, let's see what I've coded in this BTM...
L469[08:19:27] <asie> [X] Java
L470[08:19:29] <asie> [X] C99
L471[08:19:31] <Sangar> allright, time to break one oc's most core api interfaces
L472[08:19:32] <asie> [X] x86 assembly
L473[08:19:38] <asie> [X] Java bytecode of Scala classes
L474[08:19:41] <asie> [ ] COBOL
L475[08:19:43] <asie> [X] Lua
L476[08:19:49] <Sangar> [?] Brainfuck
L477[08:19:52] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-129-17.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L478[08:20:33] <Kodos> Good thing 1.6 is still indev
L479[08:21:00] <Antheus> Well, i'm off
L480[08:21:05] <Sangar> mhm
L481[08:21:11] <Antheus> hopefully my stream doesn't go off while i'm gone
L482[08:21:26] <Antheus> got the perfect view of the theatre
L483[08:24:40] * Elizabeth groans
L484[08:25:00] <nxsupert> No groaning please.
L485[08:25:16] * Elizabeth groans more
L486[08:25:24] * nxsupert nukes Elizabeth.
L487[08:25:47] * Elizabeth uses the radiation to give herself enegy
L488[08:25:54] <Izaya> Elizabeth, it's BTM!
L489[08:26:04] <nxsupert> What is BTM?
L490[08:26:10] <Elizabeth> oh yeah
L491[08:26:22] <Elizabeth> should probably get out of bed
L492[08:26:29] <Elizabeth> where is my external hdd
L493[08:27:00] <Izaya> nxsupert, better than minecon
L494[08:27:48] <Elizabeth> lol, left main pc on all night with mc running
L495[08:28:26] <Elizabeth> hmm, what do i have on linux that'll allow me to record mc
L496[08:29:46] <Elizabeth> hmm, i could switch to windows, i know i have stuff on there
L497[08:29:52] <nxsupert> OBS?
L498[08:30:03] <Elizabeth> that could work
L499[08:30:35] <nxsupert> Works well on OS X , So it'll probably work on Linux.
L500[08:31:11] <Izaya> OBS works reasonably
L501[08:31:33] <Elizabeth> can it get the mumble/ingame audio?
L502[08:31:42] <Izaya> dunno
L503[08:31:46] <S3> yawn
L504[08:31:48] <Izaya> I use ffmpeg to record, personally
L505[08:31:49] <Elizabeth> i know it can on windows but linux audio likes to be finiky
L506[08:31:49] <S3> yeah I use OBS
L507[08:31:49] ⇨ Joins: Krait400 (webchat@h62-133-162-62.static.bashtel.ru)
L508[08:31:54] <nxsupert> With some messing. Certainly.
L509[08:31:58] <S3> it works perfect on Linux and FreeBSD
L510[08:32:01] <Izaya> but then again I use ffmpeg for everything audio and video related so
L511[08:32:03] <clever> Elizabeth: if its capturing thru pulseaudio, you can open pavucontrol and set it to record the monitor source
L512[08:32:04] <S3> no problems
L513[08:32:11] <clever> which is the mix of all running programs
L514[08:32:18] <Elizabeth> clever, cool
L515[08:32:22] <S3> yeah there is that one pulseaudio requirement for obs
L516[08:32:25] <clever> though your local mic wont be in that mix
L517[08:32:40] <S3> I should hack JACK support into OBS
L518[08:32:40] <Elizabeth> i'm not planning on talking on this machine, it'll just be a camera
L519[08:32:49] <clever> the closed source OBS atleast had seperate volume knobs for mic and speaker mix
L520[08:32:52] <S3> could be uiseful
L521[08:32:54] <clever> havent played with the open one yet
L522[08:33:09] <S3> clever, multiplatform does... :P
L523[08:33:11] <clever> S3: i prefer jack over pulse, but almost nothing has support
L524[08:33:20] <Izaya> 'closed source OBS'
L525[08:33:21] <Izaya> wat
L526[08:33:25] <S3> clever, you can use alsa bridges
L527[08:33:27] <S3> and stuff
L528[08:33:39] <S3> I have some quite advanced jack setups
L529[08:33:43] <clever> Izaya: the older windows-only one, never actualy looked to see if it was open or not
L530[08:33:50] ⇦ Parts: Krait400 (webchat@h62-133-162-62.static.bashtel.ru) ())
L531[08:34:33] <S3> but yeah, obs multiplatform works fine differentiating between mic and speaker
L532[08:34:56] ⇨ Joins: Krait400 (webchat@h62-133-162-62.static.bashtel.ru)
L533[08:35:00] <Krait400> ls
L534[08:35:41] <Kodos> Bad command or filename
L535[08:35:45] <clever> Password:
L536[08:35:50] <Antheus> hunter2
L537[08:35:59] <Kodos> ELI5: hunter2
L538[08:36:59] <asie> Sangar: I need a fix for that bug ASAP
L539[08:37:01] <asie> Scala bytecode editing
L540[08:37:03] ⇦ Quits: Krait400 (webchat@h62-133-162-62.static.bashtel.ru) (Client Quit)
L541[08:37:04] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L542[08:37:04] <asie> doesn't work well
L543[08:37:31] <asie> Sangar: As I said
L544[08:37:37] <Sangar> i can fix magik's fix
L545[08:37:38] <asie> the problem is server.component.FileSystem sends its data to the client
L546[08:37:40] <asie> no
L547[08:37:42] <asie> yeah you could
L548[08:37:47] <asie> just get me a classfile for FileSystem which works
L549[08:38:01] <Sangar> i'm currently trying to rewrite the save stuff to know when its for the clients
L550[08:38:22] <Sangar> still estimating tho :/ also dunno if that'd break all the things. so fixing the fix will be safer probably
L551[08:39:09] <asie> Sangar: That'd break all the things
L552[08:39:13] <asie> so just make magik's fix less hacky
L553[08:39:16] <asie> Also
L554[08:39:16] <Sangar> yeah
L555[08:39:18] <asie> Your workshop starts in 1.5 hours
L556[08:39:21] <asie> so you better hurry up
L557[08:39:24] <asie> you don't want OC to lag on it do you :D
L558[08:39:28] <Sangar> i know :P i also have no idea what to do yet \o/
L559[08:39:38] <Sangar> i'll just do tis3d :X
L560[08:39:59] <Kodos> Why not ask the audience what some things are that they've used CC for in the past, and then show them how easy it is to do those things in OC
L561[08:40:08] <asie> Sangar: WHY DO HARD DRIVES STACK
L562[08:40:11] <asie> ON SHIFT-CLICKING
L563[08:40:20] <Antheus> because logic
L565[08:40:24] <asie> nah
L566[08:40:26] <asie> nothing improtant
L567[08:41:06] <Elizabeth> asie, just as a FYI: "EnderTheEridian" is my /camera/ account and "LizzyTheSiren" is my main one
L568[08:41:46] <Antheus> I have 3 people watching my stream
L569[08:41:48] <Sangar> asie, bug :X
L570[08:41:51] <Antheus> \o/
L571[08:42:14] <asie> Sangar: well
L572[08:42:16] <asie> OC 1.7?
L573[08:42:18] <asie> :D
L574[08:42:20] <asie> at this rate you can call it 2.0
L575[08:42:25] <asie> anyhow, fix the magik bug
L576[08:42:27] <asie> that's way more important
L577[08:42:29] <asie> well
L578[08:42:31] <asie> fix the magik fix
L579[08:42:41] <Sangar> :P
L580[08:43:39] <asie> Sangar: actually, no
L581[08:43:42] <asie> tthe hard disk drive bug is NOT IT
L582[08:43:46] <Sangar> think i got it (in better)
L583[08:43:50] <asie> my bytecode patch crashed
L584[08:43:50] <Sangar> oh?
L585[08:43:57] <asie> and got all hard drives to wipe itself
L586[08:44:00] <asie> cool
L587[08:44:01] <Sangar> ah
L588[08:44:02] <asie> ;_;
L589[08:44:03] <Sangar> gg
L590[08:44:35] <asie> Sangar: get me the patch ASAP
L591[08:44:39] <asie> just the patched FileSystem.class
L592[08:44:42] <asie> Well
L593[08:44:44] <asie> FileSystem*.class
L594[08:44:51] <Sangar> building
L595[08:44:55] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/salpVoi.png what might this be I wonder
L596[08:45:14] <Sangar> will be three classes; 2 filesystems, 1 tileentity (oc's te base)
L597[08:45:16] <asie> OK
L598[08:45:21] <asie> just zip them up in a diff format or sth
L599[08:45:23] <Kodos> Looks to be a bibliocraft fancy sign, Izaya
L600[08:45:25] <Kodos> ;-D
L601[08:45:47] <Sangar> i'll have to see how many internal classes bc scala :X
L602[08:46:47] <asie> Sangar: all of them
L603[08:46:48] <asie> just send all of them
L604[08:46:50] <asie> we didn't touch these
L605[08:46:52] <asie> beyond the magikfix
L606[08:48:11] <Sangar> asie, https://www.dropbox.com/s/5mftifq6mcjioxx/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.6.0-dev%2B5ca28b2-universal.zip?dl=0
L607[08:48:29] <Sangar> contains just the three classes and their inner classes
L608[08:48:37] <Sangar> so just overwrite in jar
L609[08:49:06] <asie> Sangar: your non-origin screen fix touched only server.PacketHandler
L610[08:49:08] <asie> right?
L611[08:49:20] <Sangar> yes
L612[08:49:25] <Izaya> Sangar, this jumping puzzle is too hard https://i.imgur.com/hvdEGq9.png D:
L613[08:49:33] <Sangar> Izaya, :3
L614[08:49:36] <Sangar> it's possible tho
L615[08:49:53] <Izaya> evil
L616[08:49:54] <Izaya> EVIL
L617[08:53:06] <Kodos> gn
L618[08:53:08] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L619[08:56:11] <Izaya> Sangar, I got to the top! :D
L620[08:56:16] <Izaya> but I don't have an account yet
L621[08:56:17] <Izaya> :|
L622[08:58:37] <asie> Sangar: yay
L623[08:58:40] <asie> we went from 8 tps to 16.5
L624[08:58:42] <asie> due to this fix
L625[08:58:43] <asie> D:
L626[08:58:45] <asie> :D*
L627[09:03:30] <S3> wow
L628[09:03:40] <S3> I thought that 4v4 was a loss, then we started winning
L629[09:03:54] <S3> apparently the other team never upgraded their units. wtf?
L630[09:04:32] <Vexatos> asie, I'm 2000 blocks away from the OC booth and I still hear OC booth music.
L631[09:05:14] <S3> ...
L632[09:05:57] <asie> Sangar: If you can get an extra hacky feature in
L633[09:06:04] <asie> When TPS is <20, computers skip ticks too
L634[09:06:06] <asie> this is terrifying
L635[09:06:54] <S3> asie, set your ghz over 9000
L636[09:06:59] <S3> :>
L637[09:07:54] <Vexatos> asie......
L638[09:10:13] <Antheus> Vexatos......
L639[09:10:24] <asie> Sangar: Machine.save() has the same issue
L640[09:10:25] <asie> it's
L641[09:10:31] <asie> it's saving the Lua state
L642[09:10:44] <asie> other than that your mod's impact is neglible
L643[09:11:48] <Sangar> ah
L644[09:11:56] <Sangar> i'll add the check there too then
L645[09:12:13] <asie> Sangar: okay
L646[09:12:16] <asie> then send me the diff
L647[09:12:20] <Sangar> yep
L648[09:12:42] <S3> Sangar needs a new wrench to fix things with
L649[09:12:53] <S3> let's all donate him a wrench
L650[09:14:06] <Sangar> building
L651[09:14:17] <Vexatos> asie, what about that audio bug :/
L652[09:14:31] <Sangar> also my cat's snoring >_>
L653[09:15:25] <S3> what...
L654[09:15:33] <S3> Since when do cats snore?!
L655[09:15:42] <alekso56> never .-.
L656[09:15:43] <Sangar> asie, https://www.dropbox.com/s/6c1u9yvubvlksp3/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.6.0-dev%2Bfb88a19-universal.zip?dl=0
L657[09:15:59] <Sangar> mine definitely does :X
L658[09:16:15] <S3> lol
L659[09:18:25] <alekso56> im watching all the btm streams at once! xd https://cax.no/btm.html
L660[09:21:57] <S3> I dunno if I should play another SC2 match or if I should go back to work on OC
L661[09:30:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L662[09:31:31] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L663[09:34:53] <S3> WAIT WHAT
L664[09:35:04] <S3> clever, apparently jackrouter is an option in OBS
L665[09:35:51] <S3> doesn't work in windows jack though apparently
L666[09:36:45] <S3> I'm, going to to test some stuff out
L667[09:46:57] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L668[09:47:07] <dangranos> what's the function to read input from terminal?
L669[09:48:34] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (~Johannes@p4fde9a71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L670[09:48:59] <Negi> dangranos: Depending on what you want, either term.read or io.read().
L671[09:50:34] <Negi> Oh, they're the same thing I guess.
L672[10:01:10] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (~Johannes@p4fde9a71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L673[10:02:32] ⇨ Joins: WerySkok (~weryskok@broadband-5-228-237-89.nationalcablenetworks.ru)
L674[10:02:44] <WerySkok> Hi
L675[10:02:57] * WerySkok is a newbie
L676[10:03:44] ⇦ Quits: WerySkok (~weryskok@broadband-5-228-237-89.nationalcablenetworks.ru) (Client Quit)
L677[10:14:12] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L678[10:14:25] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L679[10:35:10] <Michiyo> negi iirc one gives you the \n one doesn't
L680[10:35:34] <Negi> I think term.read gives the \n and io.read doesn't.
L681[10:35:43] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L682[10:36:08] <Michiyo> I have no time stamps, si I'm sorry if that comment is old :P
L683[10:36:11] <Alissa> I thought it was the other way around
L684[10:36:30] <Negi> Lemme check.
L685[10:36:44] <Negi> "Note 2: This will return the entered string with the \n (new line character). If you want only the entered string to be returned, use io.read()."
L686[10:36:47] <Alissa> > =("%q"):format(io.read())
L687[10:36:49] <Alissa> hello world
L688[10:36:51] <Alissa> "hello world"
L689[10:36:53] <Alissa> stocl Lua
L690[10:36:57] <Alissa> stock*
L691[10:37:15] <Michiyo> Test
L692[10:37:18] <Michiyo> K, timestamps
L693[10:37:19] <Michiyo> o/
L694[10:37:22] <Michiyo> \o/*
L695[10:38:16] <Michiyo> so, 1.5 hours here, and 0 customers...
L696[10:38:20] <Alissa> Michiyo: what's fun is when i'm in an active channel and there's about 1000 or so joins and stuff between here and teh last message
L697[10:38:37] <Alissa> i hide most joins and parts using a special time-based filter
L698[10:38:50] * Michiyo shrugs
L699[10:38:57] <Alissa> so where most people, it'd be completely out of their history, mine's two lines up. :D
L700[10:39:01] <Michiyo> This client is mIRC... I use it for 2 3 line scripts.. so meh :P
L701[10:39:32] <Michiyo> http://pastebin.com/TsJWkXaW
L702[10:39:41] <Michiyo> It sits on my mail server doing exactly 2 things...
L703[10:39:45] <Michiyo> those t things
L704[10:39:49] <Michiyo> two*
L705[10:40:14] <Michiyo> also 5 line scripts... but meh
L706[10:41:01] <Michiyo> I just remote desktop into said server so I'm not running a IRC client on my work POS
L707[10:41:02] <Michiyo> lol
L708[10:41:31] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@magik6k.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L709[10:42:22] ⇦ Quits: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@vs1.kubuxu.ovh) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L711[10:47:06] ⇨ Joins: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@vs1.kubuxu.ovh)
L712[10:47:08] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@bymarcin.com)
L713[10:49:10] <Cruor> asie: yo, you like standing inside me or something? >_<
L714[10:49:20] <Cruor> oh well, at least you are invisible .-.
L715[10:49:41] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~anon@c-73-35-37-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L716[10:51:13] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@magik6k.net)
L717[10:51:28] <asie> Cruor: was fixing things
L718[10:51:42] *** Magik6k is now known as Guest80671
L719[10:51:46] <Cruor> :p
L720[10:51:55] <Cruor> just reading the manual anyway XD
L721[10:53:29] <Negi> I tried to make a multiplication with TIS-3D and I failed miserably.
L722[10:54:41] <reinei> Vexatos: do we have magnetic stripe cards for tis-3D yet?
L723[10:54:57] <Vexatos> >_>
L724[10:55:01] <Vexatos> too high-tech
L725[10:55:32] <Cruor> Vexatos: needs more potatoes
L726[10:55:37] <reinei> a simple stripe card to read bytes?
L727[10:55:47] <Vexatos> tape reader module!
L728[10:55:55] <reinei> but to carry it around?
L729[10:56:04] <reinei> well actually, whats the smallest tape you have?
L730[10:57:43] <Vexatos> 2 minutes
L731[10:57:47] <Vexatos> or 500kB
L732[10:58:00] <reinei> thats a LOT for a simple security card
L733[10:58:03] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-299-164.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L734[10:59:25] <CompanionCube> so
L735[10:59:31] <CompanionCube> is TIS-3D turing complete?
L736[10:59:51] <reinei> CompanionCube: probably dunn
L737[11:02:15] <Negi> Punched cards (or not)
L738[11:03:12] <gamax92> Punched faces
L739[11:03:20] <Daiyousei> ripping off other games since 2015/2016
L740[11:03:33] <Daiyousei> ftl mod for mc when xddd
L741[11:03:34] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~anon@c-73-35-37-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L742[11:03:36] ⇨ Joins: reinei_ (~reinei@p5DE89533.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L743[11:03:41] <gamax92> Factorio mod for MC when xddd
L744[11:03:48] <Daiyousei> yes
L745[11:03:55] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p5de895e0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by reinei_!~reinei@p5DE89533.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L746[11:04:01] *** reinei_ is now known as reinei
L747[11:04:48] <Izaya> Do we have a decent way to write vanilla blocks with OC?
L748[11:05:12] <gamax92> no because OC is too slow to keep up
L749[11:05:22] <gamax92> if you used CC and an AMI, perhaps
L750[11:06:29] <reinei> Vexatos: what about a programmer module that can program an exec module in front of it?
L751[11:06:37] <reinei> self replicating TIS-3D!
L752[11:06:51] <gamax92> aouh naouh
L753[11:06:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, reinei has plans to make skynet a thing D:
L754[11:07:01] <reinei> mwuhahah
L755[11:07:01] <gamax92> (BREKEKEKEKEKAKAAAHHHHhhhhhh.....)
L756[11:07:18] <Vexatos> skye-net
L757[11:07:18] <Vexatos> D:
L758[11:07:18] * Vexatos blames Skye
L759[11:08:23] <Negi> Though, what about programming exec modules with OC? :v
L760[11:08:25] <Michiyo> Just had someone come in with their kid asking for a Selfie stick q_q
L761[11:09:03] <gamax92> reinei: YUW DIHD IHT. YUW DIHD IHT.
L762[11:09:05] <gamax92> YOHR AH /HIY4ROW.
L763[11:09:17] <Michiyo> O_O
L765[11:10:22] <Michiyo> Um
L766[11:10:59] <Michiyo> I think I got everything except the last word there..
L767[11:11:07] <Michiyo> Oh wait.
L768[11:11:08] <Michiyo> No
L769[11:11:08] <gamax92> coffee
L770[11:11:13] <Michiyo> I'm good gamax92 :P
L771[11:11:21] <Michiyo> yeah I finally got my head around it
L772[11:11:44] <Michiyo> My brain noped for a good while there though
L773[11:11:45] <Michiyo> lol
L774[11:12:30] <Michiyo> Dyslexia avoidance mode kicked in and was like MUST FIX OBVIOUS FUCKUPS
L775[11:12:39] <Michiyo> But there were none... and I was ver yconfused
L776[11:12:42] <Michiyo> very too
L777[11:12:48] <gamax92> wuh5d yuw lay5k ah glaes ahv tiy5 ihnstehd?
L778[11:13:07] <Michiyo> no, I have some tea
L779[11:14:14] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L780[11:15:31] <ds84182> gamax92: what the fuck?
L781[11:15:58] <gamax92> ds84182: /hehlow dhehr, kaen ay4 ihntiy4rehst yuw ihn sahm ahv awr fay5nehst kao4ffiy4, naw4 /haolf pray5s?
L782[11:16:49] <gamax92> my version of interest is probably broken.
L783[11:17:21] <ds84182> He
L784[11:17:23] <ds84182> Uh
L785[11:17:26] <ds84182> Let me translate
L786[11:18:17] <ds84182> "Hello there, can I interest you in some of our fanciest coffee, now half <something>?
L787[11:18:18] <ds84182> "
L788[11:18:29] <reinei> price
L789[11:18:30] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~anon@c-73-35-37-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L790[11:18:35] <gamax92> faynehst -> finest
L791[11:18:42] <ds84182> welp
L792[11:18:52] <ds84182> fml
L793[11:18:52] <ds84182> suuuuuuuure
L794[11:18:53] <reinei> pray5s -> price
L795[11:19:05] <reinei> and why is it /h?
L796[11:19:10] <gamax92> SAM
L797[11:24:42] <gamax92> owpehnkahmpyuwterz ihz meyd bay saenxgaa5r
L798[11:29:05] <ironmountain> That's an interesting way to spell Open Computers
L799[11:32:14] <Michiyo> 2.5 hours, one customer
L800[11:32:15] <Michiyo> woo
L801[11:32:16] <Michiyo> so busy
L802[11:32:22] <Michiyo> I may shoot myself
L803[11:32:55] <Alissa> Michiyo: Heh, I was working at Santa's display at the mall. It was still November at the time and I had that same amount of time between customers.
L804[11:33:00] <ironmountain> Shoot your employer first
L805[11:33:10] <gamax92> yuwr /hae6vihnx ah blaest ahv ah tay5m
L806[11:37:31] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec64c4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L807[11:39:47] <ds84182> your having(?) a blast of ah time
L808[11:39:55] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC64C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L809[11:51:41] <Negi> Woop, TIS-3D seems to crash in 1.7.10 :/
L810[11:52:04] <Sangar> wat
L811[11:52:14] <Sangar> it's in the btm pack and doesn't :X
L812[11:52:26] <Sangar> what's the crashlog?
L813[11:52:38] <Negi> My friend tried to run it and got a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: li.cil.tis3d.common.TIS3D, told him to try another version *shrugs*
L814[11:52:41] <Negi> I'll ask him.
L815[11:53:23] <Negi> nvm I figured it out.
L816[11:53:46] <Negi> He didn't read the curseforge page.
L817[11:54:07] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L818[11:54:37] <Negi> Sorry for the derp! :v
L819[11:59:33] <CompanionCube> hm
L820[12:00:28] <CompanionCube> is there an OCEmu?
L821[12:00:38] <CompanionCube> *link to
L822[12:01:07] <Sangar> :P
L823[12:03:58] <sugoi> Sangar: how was btm!?
L824[12:04:02] <sugoi> did you have fun?
L825[12:04:33] <Inari> i gotta think of something to make a booth for next btm
L826[12:04:55] <Sangar> sugoi, was and is! :3
L827[12:05:20] <sugoi> still going?!
L828[12:05:22] <Sangar> my talk was utter chaos, as expected :P (because preparation is for the weak; having ideas is, too)
L829[12:05:25] <Sangar> yep
L830[12:05:28] <Sangar> and tomorrow
L831[12:05:34] <sugoi> oh ok nice
L832[12:05:50] <Inari> xD
L833[12:05:51] <sugoi> what time are you logging out?
L834[12:06:00] <Inari> no BTM just opened for sangar and closes right after
L835[12:06:09] <sugoi> Inari: :)
L836[12:07:03] <Sangar> pssst don't tell them that the bugs are intentional!
L837[12:08:23] * vifino yawns and curls back up on Elizabeth
L838[12:08:49] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-80-27.as13285.net)
L839[12:08:53] <Keanu73> Hmmmm
L840[12:09:00] <Keanu73> How can I read all of the lines in the file?
L841[12:09:05] <Keanu73> file:read() isn't working
L842[12:09:13] <Keanu73> it only reads 1 line?
L843[12:09:22] <Izaya> file:read("*a")
L844[12:09:30] <Keanu73> Oh ok
L845[12:09:32] <Keanu73> what does a mean?
L846[12:09:45] <reinei> *a means everything
L847[12:09:52] <Keanu73> Ah ok
L848[12:09:59] <reinei> or 'read the whole file into ONE string'
L849[12:10:25] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@s0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L850[12:10:42] <Keanu73> Hmmm
L851[12:10:49] <Keanu73> How can I write everything from that file?
L852[12:10:51] <Keanu73> I'm trying to append
L853[12:10:56] <Keanu73> reading 1 file
L854[12:11:02] <Keanu73> and appending the whole file to another
L855[12:11:15] <Xal> ... the cat program? :P
L856[12:11:22] <Keanu73> d
L857[12:11:24] <Keanu73> maan...
L858[12:11:33] <Keanu73> My Linux brain isn't active today
L859[12:11:35] <reinei> open the other file with 'a' and just do f2.write(f1.read('*a'))
L860[12:11:50] <sugoi> cat a b > c
L861[12:11:55] <Keanu73> Ah
L862[12:12:01] <S3> We need to wipe grub off of the face of the earth
L863[12:12:13] <sugoi> ha, why?
L864[12:12:16] <S3> It is such a horrible, horrible mess that can't boot toast out of a toaster if it tried.
L865[12:12:47] <Keanu73> Woah
L866[12:12:49] <Keanu73> it works
L867[12:12:51] <Keanu73> :D
L868[12:12:57] <Keanu73> ok but
L869[12:13:04] <Keanu73> what are [HT] characters?
L870[12:13:14] <cloakable> S3 is correct, we should be migrating to grub2 :D
L871[12:13:21] <S3> I was thinking though. Sangar should still totally allow like, a small ammount of storage rom on things like network cards, etc
L872[12:13:28] <S3> :)
L873[12:13:38] <Keanu73> What on earth are [HT] characters?
L874[12:13:43] <vifino> S3: Syslinux masterrace!
L875[12:13:44] <Keanu73> I pastebin getted something
L876[12:13:44] <S3> cloakable, That's particularly what I am complaining about. Grub 2
L877[12:13:46] <sugoi> Keanu73: \t
L878[12:13:54] <Keanu73> oh..
L879[12:14:11] <Keanu73> will a lua script error if it has those characters in it
L880[12:14:12] <Xal> Horizontal Tab
L881[12:14:35] <Keanu73> oh
L882[12:14:36] <sugoi> Keanu73: lua reads \t as whitespace for purposes of %s in pattern matching
L883[12:14:43] <Keanu73> ohh
L884[12:14:44] <Keanu73> ok
L885[12:14:48] <Keanu73> so it's fine?
L886[12:14:57] <sugoi> Keanu73: depends on the script
L887[12:15:02] <Keanu73> Hm ok
L888[12:15:24] <sugoi> Keanu73: you could gsub('%s',' ') or some such
L889[12:15:26] <cloakable> S3: then you are very silly :D
L890[12:15:29] <Keanu73> hm.
L891[12:15:30] <sugoi> #lua print('a\tb')
L892[12:15:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a b | nil
L893[12:15:38] <Keanu73> I really need my own tutor for lua corountines
L894[12:15:42] <Keanu73> or however you spell it
L895[12:15:43] <sugoi> #lua print(('a\tb'):gsub('%s','_')
L896[12:15:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: ')' expected near <eof>
L897[12:15:46] <sugoi> #lua print(('a\tb'):gsub('%s','_'))
L898[12:15:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a_b 1 | nil
L899[12:16:01] <S3> cloakable, Really though. It's such a bloated, awful bootloader
L900[12:16:06] <S3> it is so hard to fiddle with
L901[12:16:17] <Keanu73> Somebody must be my tutor on lua corountines
L902[12:16:26] <sugoi> Keanu73: i've been sniffing the coroutine crack all weak
L903[12:16:29] <sugoi> week*
L904[12:16:31] <sugoi> any questions?
L905[12:16:33] <Keanu73> Lol
L906[12:16:35] <Keanu73> Errm
L907[12:16:38] <Keanu73> How do they work?
L908[12:16:42] <cloakable> It's bloated and hard to work with /because/ it boots everything. xD
L909[12:16:55] <sugoi> Keanu73: ever used c#?
L910[12:16:59] <Keanu73> Nope
L911[12:17:02] <Keanu73> Only C
L912[12:17:08] <Keanu73> and more
L913[12:17:19] <sugoi> ok, coroutines can be thought of as threads
L914[12:17:24] <Keanu73> hmm
L915[12:17:31] <sugoi> except lua is not multithreaded
L916[12:17:33] <Keanu73> Like Windows threads?
L917[12:17:34] <S3> NO!
L918[12:17:40] <S3> Do not think they are threads!
L919[12:17:45] <S3> They are coroutines
L920[12:17:48] <sugoi> S3: oh calm down
L921[12:17:56] <S3> I know I'm pisseed
L922[12:18:03] <Keanu73> I just don't know what coroutines are and how they work
L923[12:18:04] <Xal> if you've ever worked with threads in c you'd want to cut your eyes out because it's painful
L924[12:18:05] <S3> But not because of that
L925[12:18:10] <sugoi> Keanu73: lua only runs one single coroutine at a time
L926[12:18:21] <Keanu73> Is it like hm..
L927[12:18:24] <sugoi> Keanu73: to leave a coroutine, you can yield
L928[12:18:30] <sugoi> Keanu73: to start another, you resume it
L929[12:18:35] <Keanu73> Is it like running stuff in background?
L930[12:18:38] <sugoi> coroutines can be suspended, normal, and dead
L931[12:18:43] <reinei> They are pretty much functions that stop on certain spots and return a value
L932[12:18:46] <sugoi> Keanu73: no, it's like pausing a function
L933[12:18:47] <reinei> and can then be resumed
L934[12:18:49] <Keanu73> Ah okay
L935[12:18:57] <Keanu73> so for example
L936[12:19:02] <Keanu73> 2 functions that work at the same time
L937[12:19:06] <Keanu73> I can use coroutines
L938[12:19:09] <Keanu73> ?
L939[12:19:21] <sugoi> Keanu73: if you want to return multiple times from a function
L940[12:19:22] <S3> Keanu73, Coroutines can be kind of confusing. But imagine you have a little object that collects states, and every time you return from a function in a special way, such as ceding or yielding, it returns state to that object, which can then continue another state and clean up old ones etc
L941[12:19:33] <S3> and various implementations work differently
L942[12:20:02] <S3> so in reality it is a way of "honor system scheduling"
L943[12:20:27] <sugoi> yes, no preemptive yields - that is, a coroutine is in control until it yields itself
L944[12:21:00] <Xal> you can make a piece of code run until you want to freeze it in carbonite, wait, and then unfreeze it again
L945[12:21:01] <S3> yeah, so basically, a coroutine could be a dick and go for(;;) {}
L946[12:21:40] <Keanu73> so coroutines = cryo-suspension?
L947[12:21:41] <Keanu73> :p
L948[12:21:43] <Keanu73> kinda
L949[12:21:49] <Keanu73> but imaginary
L950[12:21:56] <reinei> or sou could do: local a = 0 while true do coroutine.yield(a) a = a + 1 end
L951[12:22:07] <reinei> and have a counter
L952[12:22:24] <sugoi> #lua coroutine.create
L953[12:22:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > function: 0x7f9f5129a7c0
L954[12:22:32] <S3> Keanu73, coroutines are kinda sorta like event driven programming, where you fire off events one at a time and they yield or exit for others to run
L955[12:22:45] <Keanu73> can you run 2 at the same time?
L956[12:22:50] <reinei> no
L957[12:22:53] <S3> you can fake it
L958[12:22:58] <reinei> lua is NOT multithreaded
L959[12:23:03] <Keanu73> oh
L960[12:23:09] <S3> Keanu73, you are thinking of multiprocessing
L961[12:23:10] <Xal> coroutines != threads
L962[12:23:14] <Keanu73> oh..
L963[12:23:15] <S3> can't do that
L964[12:23:18] <S3> BUT!
L965[12:23:25] <sugoi> #lua type(coroutine.create(function()end))
L966[12:23:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > thread
L967[12:23:28] <sugoi> :)
L968[12:23:34] <S3> Keanu73, Don't fret, this is the way process shceduling has worked for YEARS.
L969[12:23:40] <Keanu73> ok :p
L970[12:23:46] <Keanu73> Is parallel different?
L971[12:23:51] <S3> you see Keanu73, you really can only have as many threads as you have cpu threads in a real life machine
L972[12:23:57] <S3> at the same time running
L973[12:24:08] <S3> so how are you running 200+ processes?
L974[12:24:09] <S3> they sleep
L975[12:24:14] <S3> they are switching very fast
L976[12:24:25] <sugoi> Keanu73: you just need to design everything to act like a service
L977[12:24:30] <sugoi> do some work, save state, yild
L978[12:24:30] <S3> it just so happens that with 4 cpu threads you could have 4 running at once.
L979[12:24:32] <sugoi> yield*
L980[12:24:49] <S3> and even if four are running at once you still have semaphores for memory access, etc on non multiported memory, etc
L981[12:25:04] <S3> so some threads have to sit and wait that are running for resources, and this is normal
L982[12:25:06] <sugoi> and then while true do run_service_a() run_service_b() --[[etc]] end
L983[12:25:39] <S3> Keanu73, good practice, is to make processes figure out if they have anything to do as FAST as possible and yield as soon as possible.
L984[12:25:46] <S3> so that you get the most performance out of your coroutines
L985[12:25:48] <Xal> the problem with threads begin when more than one thread is trying to access the same memory resource
L986[12:26:02] <Alissa> someone recommend me a game to play. ._.
L987[12:26:09] <Keanu73> Alissa: minecraft
L988[12:26:09] <Keanu73> :D
L989[12:26:11] <greaser|q> lua coroutines aren't multithreaded, if they were, things would break horribly
L990[12:26:14] <S3> Xal, right, I explained that, you need multiported memory for that
L991[12:26:17] <Alissa> Keanu73: hahno
L992[12:26:24] <Keanu73> Alissa: CS:GO?
L993[12:26:28] <Xal> unless you have a language that solves a lot of these problems for you (*cough* rust) you have to get crafty sometimes
L994[12:26:29] <S3> and even with multiported memory, you have hazards you have to watch out for or yield for
L995[12:26:38] <greaser|q> just because when you're working with lua, you assume that coroutines don't swap out automatically
L996[12:26:41] <Alissa> Not a fan of it, Keanu73
L997[12:26:46] <S3> Rust is great
L998[12:26:53] <Keanu73> I don't have rust D:
L999[12:26:57] <Keanu73> Unturned though :D
L1000[12:26:59] <Xal> not the game, silly
L1001[12:27:05] <Keanu73> oh
L1002[12:27:06] <Keanu73> lol
L1003[12:27:07] <Xal> https://www.rust-lang.org/
L1004[12:27:10] <S3> you should never assume that coroutines swap automatically
L1005[12:27:10] <Keanu73> D
L1006[12:27:11] <Keanu73> Wat?!
L1007[12:27:13] <Alissa> It started off as a good game but the community turned to crap, Keanu73
L1008[12:27:30] <Xal> >implying the rust community was ever good
L1009[12:27:32] <Keanu73> welp
L1010[12:27:38] <Alissa> L4D2 is $2
L1011[12:27:43] <Alissa> Xal: I meant CS:GO
L1012[12:28:12] <S3> if you are usiong an implementation of coroutines that swap automatically, then good practice is to treat as if it doesn't Here's why, typically in this situation, if you let coroutines swap out when they time out, you will be using 100% of their processing time
L1013[12:28:18] <S3> increasing your cpu usage obviously
L1014[12:28:25] <S3> you want to return as early as possible
L1015[12:28:32] <S3> or yield*
L1016[12:28:57] <gamax92> S3: compile with clang
L1017[12:29:03] <S3> now in my operating system for OC, OCBSD- I am cheating in some hacks to force people to yield
L1018[12:29:13] <S3> because thats how you syscall for read() and other primative functions
L1019[12:29:17] <Xal> clang iz bae
L1020[12:29:26] <Keanu73> what about gcc?
L1021[12:29:28] <S3> so if you do not yield, your program does nothing at all, but it is done for you
L1022[12:29:36] <S3> gamax92, clang is fun :)
L1023[12:29:39] <S3> I use clang
L1024[12:29:41] <gamax92> I wanted to compile dolphin with clang but it said I had to edit the dependencies and I don't know where to do that
L1025[12:29:42] <Xal> llvm is more elegant, and the compiler itself does a better job with errors
L1026[12:29:56] <sugoi> Sangar: was process.data built entirely for io piping ?
L1027[12:29:58] <S3> well, honestly, it's the gall gate that yields for you to the kernel but
L1028[12:30:05] <S3> in ocbsd
L1029[12:30:27] * Keanu73 chants for GCC
L1030[12:30:36] <gamax92> why GCC?
L1031[12:30:37] <S3> llvm is fantastic
L1032[12:30:40] <gamax92> ^
L1033[12:30:44] <Xal> llvm is fantastic
L1034[12:30:58] <greaser|q> i wrote a tool that generates 3D noise
L1035[12:31:04] <greaser|q> i have a 64-bit system
L1036[12:31:05] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L1037[12:31:07] <S3> I can write the same c code on my x86 box as my atmega chip or arm chip
L1038[12:31:11] <S3> and bam
L1039[12:31:15] <greaser|q> i made it run twice as fast just by compiling with -mavx
L1040[12:31:21] <greaser|q> clang autovectorises for you ;)
L1041[12:31:32] <S3> also clang's errors are better
L1042[12:31:36] <S3> at telling you why you fucked up
L1043[12:31:37] <Xal> seriously though, llvm makes it easy to write say, a frontend for your new cool programming language and INSTANTLY generate machine code for 10+ architectures
L1044[12:31:39] <Xal> that's cool af
L1045[12:31:48] <S3> and backend!
L1046[12:31:52] <Alissa> gamax92: i use clang because then i can get autocompletion with YCM
L1047[12:31:58] <S3> it makes it easy to make a backend that lets you use WHATEVER language you want
L1048[12:32:11] <S3> I you can write a lolcode frontend
L1049[12:32:14] <Xal> whatever language you want, on the most obscure archs
L1050[12:32:17] <S3> and compile it for your arduino
L1051[12:32:39] <S3> or compile lolcode for it*
L1052[12:32:44] <Alissa> so wait
L1053[12:32:53] <Alissa> i could write Lua machine code if I made an llvm thing with it.
L1054[12:32:54] <S3> whereas with gcc you need a "gcc toolchain"
L1055[12:32:58] <S3> which is very complicated
L1056[12:33:02] <S3> and annoying to install / maintain
L1057[12:33:08] <gamax92> Alissa: that already exists, sorry you aren't original
L1058[12:33:09] <Xal> lua would be difficult because it runs on a VM
L1059[12:33:14] <Xal> but it's been done
L1060[12:33:25] <gamax92> Xal: ... that's difficult why?
L1061[12:33:35] <S3> Xal, right, you would have to write a runtime vm for it, maybe in C or something even then link it
L1062[12:33:38] <Alissa> gamax92: i wasn't planning on writing one ._.
L1063[12:33:47] <Xal> eeeeeeh, writing frontends for compiled languages is much easier
L1064[12:33:54] <Xal> it's comparitively difficult
L1065[12:33:55] <Alissa> and i wouldn't really need one anyways
L1066[12:34:06] <Alissa> i have a self-reading Lua program already
L1067[12:34:10] <jhagrid7> Can yall help me understand an error report?
L1068[12:34:17] <Xal> shoot me up
L1069[12:34:23] <S3> ok. If I can mount my UFS partition, then I will fix and finish my Forth compiler for OC
L1070[12:34:38] <S3> the only thing that isn't working is calling functions from functions
L1071[12:34:40] <S3> which is the best feature
L1072[12:34:42] <jhagrid7> http://pastebin.com/3d05BmcG
L1073[12:35:00] <Xal> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: li.cil.tis3d.common.TIS3D
L1074[12:35:05] <gamax92> your java is too old
L1075[12:35:06] <Xal> there's your problem
L1076[12:35:13] <gamax92> no Xal
L1077[12:35:14] <gamax92> look down
L1078[12:35:25] <gamax92> "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0"
L1079[12:35:29] <Xal> ah
L1080[12:35:37] <S3> Java is too old
L1081[12:35:41] <S3> we need something new
L1082[12:35:45] <S3> like Rust
L1083[12:35:55] <S3> Aha.
L1084[12:35:56] <Xal> heh
L1085[12:35:58] <jhagrid7> My java is OpenJDK 7 ecasue they don't have OpenJDK8 for Ubuntu 14.04 yet
L1086[12:36:14] <Xal> that's gonna be a problem
L1087[12:36:18] <gamax92> ... isn't that saucy?
L1088[12:36:19] <S3> We will invent a dialect of lisp where parenthesis are optional.
L1089[12:36:20] <S3> :>
L1090[12:36:29] <Alissa> ... what.
L1091[12:36:30] <gamax92> but seriously though, why's sangar compiling with java 8
L1092[12:36:34] <Temia> Oh god no.
L1093[12:36:35] <S3> LOL
L1094[12:36:38] <Xal> but i like ending all my lisp programs in )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
L1095[12:36:41] <sugoi> gamax92: hello!
L1096[12:36:45] <gamax92> hai
L1097[12:36:49] <Alissa> i just like not writing lisp
L1098[12:36:51] <Alissa> :>
L1099[12:36:51] <S3> And we will make it Just in time compile.. and call the language "LeJIT"
L1100[12:36:53] <reinei> gamax92: he is using java 8 streams for TIS
L1101[12:37:00] <gamax92> ahh
L1102[12:37:07] <gamax92> oh, 14.04 is trusty.
L1103[12:37:14] <S3> No it's not
L1104[12:37:15] <lperkins2> parenthesis are usually optional, you can use [] or {} instead
L1105[12:37:20] <gamax92> S3: yes it is.
L1106[12:37:21] <S3> it's not trustworthy at all
L1107[12:37:24] <gamax92> oh :P
L1108[12:37:27] <S3> lolol
L1109[12:37:32] <Alissa> 14.04.03 Trusty Tah-
L1110[12:37:33] <Alissa> oh
L1111[12:37:37] <Xal> hey jhagrid: on the tis-3d page: Final note: This mod requires Java 8!
L1112[12:37:38] <sugoi> gamax92: just added output file descriptors for io in openos - so stdout and stderr are different and inheirted in process trees, and it's an array for if future someone wants others
L1113[12:38:14] <gamax92> @jhagrid7 OpenJDK 8 isn't available but oracle 8 is, if you use that appropriate ppa
L1114[12:38:29] <gamax92> some webupd8 ppa
L1115[12:38:33] <S3> wait what?
L1116[12:38:44] <S3> I could have sworn I use openjdk8 on freebsd..
L1117[12:38:52] <S3> maybe not
L1118[12:38:53] <jhagrid7> gamax92: installing it now
L1119[12:39:05] <Alissa> S3: for Ubuntu ti might not be a public repo
L1120[12:39:07] <Alissa> it*
L1121[12:39:09] <S3> oh
L1122[12:39:11] <jhagrid7> OpenJDK 8 is for 14.10
L1123[12:39:21] <S3> Ah okay
L1124[12:39:29] <S3> I thought he meant openjdk8 isn't out lol
L1125[12:39:39] <Temia> This is why I prefer Arch. =.=
L1126[12:39:40] <gamax92> uhh
L1127[12:39:43] <jhagrid7> Nope lol
L1128[12:39:45] <Alissa> Temia: ++
L1129[12:39:54] <Alissa> although apparently I'm running Oracle JRE
L1130[12:39:55] <S3> This is why I prefer Slackware or FreeBSD :)
L1131[12:39:57] <gamax92> @jhagrid7 why not just use the openjdk ppa?
L1132[12:40:02] <Alissa> i thought i was using openjdk
L1133[12:41:07] <jhagrid7> I heard it was probably outdated
L1134[12:41:31] <gamax92> is 8u72 outdated?
L1135[12:42:07] <jhagrid7> Idk
L1136[12:42:34] <gamax92> hint' it's not.
L1137[12:42:51] <gamax92> last built 2015-12-16
L1138[12:42:52] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-2.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1139[12:43:05] <jhagrid7> Could you give me the repositiory thingy
L1140[12:43:13] <gamax92> ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
L1141[12:43:42] * gamax92 attaches fluffy wings to Temia
L1142[12:43:48] * Temia mu? o-o
L1143[12:44:01] <Temia> ...I hope you didn't take these off Lizzy.
L1144[12:44:08] * Elizabeth checks hers
L1145[12:44:12] <Elizabeth> nope, still got mine
L1146[12:44:30] <gamax92> :>
L1147[12:47:04] <Sangar> sugoi, process.data: i think so
L1148[12:47:22] <sugoi> Sangar: that's so much complexity for just a | in command line :)
L1149[12:47:22] * Elizabeth brushes Temia's new wings
L1150[12:47:29] <sugoi> Sangar: im impressed, was that all you?
L1151[12:47:45] <S3> huh. gamax92 if I wanted, I copuld put a physical journal on the SOPT partition table
L1152[12:47:49] <Sangar> pretty much yeah :X
L1153[12:47:51] <sugoi> Sangar: not saying it's too much complexity, just saying, it's complex
L1154[12:47:51] <jhagrid7> Do I NEED to use mumble for BTM?
L1155[12:48:01] <Sangar> yeah, it is
L1156[12:48:07] <S3> so that filesystems that do not support journaling are journaled, and filesystems that do, can go on a partition that is marked for no journaling
L1157[12:48:10] <S3> :)
L1158[12:48:19] <Sangar> which is why it earlier was (with even more hackery) just in the now dead besh :P
L1159[12:48:29] <sugoi> Sangar: well i really like it. my coroutine intercept totally broke it, then i very much fixed it all up, i feel process and i are friends now
L1160[12:48:33] <Sangar> but then openos bloat-creeped anyway, so eh
L1161[12:48:39] <Alissa> gamax92: i would like my fluffy wings back eventually
L1162[12:48:42] <Sangar> cool!
L1163[12:49:19] <sugoi> Sangar: i now have process.data.io as a table, so stdout and stderr are separate streams now
L1164[12:49:46] <sugoi> and i like process "environments" so much, that i think they are a better fit for my coroutine intercept, so instead of hijacking _G, i think my needs are better fit for process.data
L1165[12:50:15] <gamax92> Sangar: doesn't Scala have Streams stuff that you could have used instead
L1166[12:50:24] <sugoi> which also feels a lot safer, right now all the popen calls use a lot of pcall - in case of failures i dont want _G totally jacked up
L1167[12:51:23] <sugoi> but process.data would be safer,i think (+1 for version history)
L1168[12:51:44] <Sangar> sugoi, sounds good :)
L1169[12:52:00] <Sangar> gamax92, because i wanted to mess around with j8
L1170[12:52:52] * gamax92 goes to compile TIS for Java7 then, hmmf.
L1171[12:53:19] <sugoi> Sangar: btw, if i'm asserting the result of a pcall
L1172[12:53:28] <sugoi> assert(pcall()) essentially
L1173[12:53:49] <sugoi> at the pcall had 'thrown' an assert -- any good way of not prefixing that with more stack info?
L1174[12:53:51] <Sangar> you can kinda just call it directly then :X
L1175[12:53:55] <gamax92> .-. ^
L1176[12:54:09] <gamax92> pcall is to catch errors, assert is to make errors
L1177[12:54:10] <sugoi> well i am doing more than that
L1178[12:54:15] <gamax92> all you did is destroy the stacktrace
L1179[12:54:33] <sugoi> a,b=pcall();cleanup();asser(a,b)
L1180[12:54:40] <sugoi> assert*
L1181[12:54:51] <sugoi> but i don't want to add more stack label to b
L1182[12:55:02] <sugoi> this way ^ i get more string in the 'reason'
L1183[12:55:04] <gamax92> use xpcall and put cleanup as xpcall's function, then return debug.traceback
L1184[12:55:04] <Sangar> maybe try xpcall and cleanup in the message handler callback?
L1185[12:55:07] <Sangar> heh
L1186[12:55:22] <sugoi> ah, this is what xpcall is for
L1187[12:55:40] <sugoi> thanks :)
L1188[12:55:42] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1189[13:00:00] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net)
L1190[13:04:02] <jhagrid7> Gotta find positional island
L1191[13:04:32] <reinei> jhagrid7 if you aren't moved there automagically, the system is not working for you
L1192[13:04:43] <reinei> as positional island is EVERYWHERE no other zone is
L1193[13:05:43] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~anon@c-73-35-37-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L1194[13:08:09] <jhagrid7> Ahh, it would help if MC loaded too so I could join the server
L1195[13:09:08] <jhagrid7> Another crash, come on!
L1196[13:09:36] <dangranos> weird
L1197[13:09:41] <dangranos> veeery weird
L1198[13:10:20] <jhagrid7> http://pastebin.com/fW8SF94J
L1199[13:11:55] <jhagrid7> I don't understand these error reports anymore lol
L1200[13:20:41] <lperkins2> sweet, server's now got 16GB of ram
L1201[13:21:24] <lperkins2> still have to track down the stupid memory leak in minecraft, but at least it won't go to swapping when under full load
L1202[13:21:44] <Michiyo> "stupid memory leak in minecraft" That's called "Minecraft"
L1203[13:21:48] <Michiyo> ^_^
L1204[13:21:59] <lperkins2> heh, specifically byte[]
L1205[13:22:08] <Michiyo> :P
L1206[13:24:16] <cloakable> heh
L1207[13:24:34] <CompanionCube> maybe tomorrow I will try to get on the actual server
L1208[13:27:27] <gamax92> maybe today I will move this machine off of linux mint
L1209[13:28:19] <gamax92> trusty is really out of date now.
L1210[13:30:49] <S3> I wish Java would allow you to have references to primative types
L1211[13:31:06] <Inari> i need to figure out how to start oc 1.6 so i can submit my PR and move on to other thigns X
L1212[13:31:06] <Inari> xD
L1213[13:31:15] <S3> ok I need to starcraft
L1214[13:31:26] <S3> Please support my starcraft 2 addiction
L1215[13:31:28] <S3> :)
L1216[13:31:44] <Daiyousei> construct additional pylons
L1217[13:31:44] <gamax92> S3: You must construct additional plyons
L1218[13:31:52] <S3> I can't
L1219[13:31:56] <S3> I don't play protoss
L1220[13:32:00] <S3> I destroy pylons
L1221[13:32:07] <S3> you know I'm such a dick at that game
L1222[13:32:14] <S3> the first thing I usually go for is your pylons
L1223[13:32:29] <S3> ignore the army, get those pylons, then send in reinforcements to kill army
L1224[13:32:30] <S3> BAM
L1225[13:32:33] <S3> what you gonna do now
L1226[13:33:12] <gamax92> construct additional pylons
L1227[13:34:13] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/n1fszim.jpg
L1228[13:34:28] <S3> gamax92, the funniest thing happened the other day actually
L1229[13:34:32] <S3> I was playing a 4v4
L1230[13:34:43] <S3> we started losing at end game, and we got super lucky
L1231[13:34:58] <S3> one of the other teammates got so pissed at his team that he started attacking his teammates
L1232[13:35:03] <gamax92> S3: oh, play Warzone2100
L1233[13:35:10] <S3> and we started taking all their expansions and moved into their expansions
L1234[13:35:11] <S3> I used to
L1235[13:35:22] <S3> I played it like 10 years ago. I wonder if it's any better now
L1236[13:35:39] <S3> That's the tank rts right?
L1237[13:36:54] <lperkins2> warzone's pretty good
L1238[13:37:04] <lperkins2> about the only on of those type of games I can stand
L1239[13:37:06] <S3> it was severely lacking when I played it back in like, 2005
L1240[13:37:23] <lperkins2> yeah, the OS community's been expanding it
L1241[13:38:18] <lperkins2> the whole, finish a mission really well, but still start the next mission exactly the same as if you'd barely won, is kinda frustrating in most RTSs
L1242[13:38:34] <lperkins2> I suppose BFME was okay in that regard too
L1243[13:39:02] <jhagrid7> "Server Closed"
L1244[13:39:41] <gamax92> I only played the demo version, it came on a Crash Bandicoot or a Spyro disc for PS1
L1245[13:39:41] <Xal> awww man I had a jetpack and It's gone now :(
L1246[13:40:26] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_4ByQm
L1247[13:40:49] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L1248[13:44:28] <Temia> So I hear the panel got Muffetjacked?
L1249[13:45:24] <Temia> Oh, no. a different panel.
L1250[13:45:25] <Temia> Still.
L1251[13:47:05] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1252[13:47:28] <S3> what a waste
L1253[13:47:32] ⇨ Joins: Barbas (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br)
L1254[13:47:44] <S3> they got super lucky and was able to zerg rush me right before my crawlers hatched
L1255[13:47:50] <S3> like seconds before
L1256[13:58:48] <CompanionCube> SO
L1257[13:58:57] * CompanionCube is tempted to port a Lua program to OC
L1258[14:01:39] <Michiyo> woo 3 transactions today... so far, I've sold 1/2 of what I'll make today ._.
L1259[14:01:51] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1260[14:02:53] <Alissa> .-.
L1261[14:03:03] <Alissa> you only have to sell 6 things
L1262[14:03:10] <Michiyo> Oh, or no wait... I'm wrong
L1263[14:03:12] <Michiyo> 61%
L1264[14:03:37] <Michiyo> But that only covers my pay, not like anything else of running this place.
L1265[14:03:37] <Michiyo> lol
L1266[14:04:54] <jhagrid7> Gamax you here?
L1267[14:04:57] <gamax92> nope
L1268[14:05:35] <jhagrid7> Since I got the ppa thing, how can I download OpenJDK 8?
L1269[14:05:45] <gamax92> aren't you running oracle 8 now?
L1270[14:05:51] <jhagrid7> Yes...
L1271[14:06:00] <gamax92> so you're fine now
L1272[14:06:21] <jhagrid7> Ahh, yes I forgot that after 6 they were the same thing
L1273[14:06:57] <gamax92> well no they aren't
L1274[14:07:02] <S3> whee
L1275[14:09:54] * Michiyo sighs
L1276[14:10:03] <Michiyo> I have to fix my start menu again when I get home
L1277[14:10:27] <Temia> I kind of want to see the demomaking panel but I didn't have the bandwidth to watch the stream and I don't know when the panel footage will be uploaded somewhere .-.
L1278[14:10:49] <gamax92> Temia: what stream is this
L1279[14:11:04] <Michiyo> I also have to make some kinda semi legal document for people who don't want me to do diagnostics when they bring their PC in for work..
L1280[14:11:10] <Temia> BTM16.
L1281[14:11:16] <gamax92> .-.
L1282[14:11:39] <Michiyo> So that we can't be held responsible if they had viri, or hardware failures that we could have prevented had we ran scans/hardware checks.
L1283[14:11:55] <Temia> Greasemonkey hosted a panel with various 2hu vids and Copygirl Muffetjacked the FTBwiki panel
L1284[14:12:07] <Michiyo> Muffetjacked..?
L1285[14:12:12] <Michiyo> NVM.. I don't wanna know
L1286[14:12:26] <Temia> Too bad, you get to know
L1287[14:12:34] * Michiyo quits
L1288[14:12:34] <Temia> tl;dr Spider Dance started playing and then spiders spawned everywhere
L1289[14:12:43] <Michiyo> o_o
L1290[14:13:00] <Michiyo> Mkay then
L1291[14:13:05] <Temia> At least according to someone I know who's attending.
L1292[14:13:05] <Temia> Yeah.
L1293[14:15:04] <jhagrid7> How can I acess OC dev builds?
L1294[14:15:24] <Sangar> ci.cil.li
L1295[14:17:49] <Daiyousei> should have gotten an .il tld
L1296[14:17:52] <Daiyousei> ci.cil.il
L1297[14:18:00] <Daiyousei> if it even exists
L1298[14:18:06] <Sangar> nah. cil.li was intentional :P
L1299[14:18:09] <Daiyousei> ah
L1300[14:22:52] <Inari> what does cil.li even mean
L1301[14:22:54] <Vexatos> Sangar, you cilly
L1302[14:22:58] <Inari> i wondered that for like ever
L1303[14:23:00] <Vexatos> cil li*
L1304[14:25:36] <CompanionCube> gamax92, around?
L1305[14:25:48] <gamax92> nope, sorry
L1306[14:26:01] <CompanionCube> getting this while compiling ocemu
L1307[14:26:07] <CompanionCube> call.c:179:31: error: �lua_remove� undeclared (first use in this function)
L1308[14:26:15] <gamax92> lua 5.3 is unsupported atm
L1309[14:26:35] <Techokami> Sangar, ahoy! Just out of curiousity, how hard/easy was it to move from 1.8.8 to 1.8.9
L1310[14:28:28] <Sangar> -1 effort
L1311[14:28:41] <CompanionCube> gamax92, but I have both lua 5.2 and 5.3 installed
L1312[14:28:44] <Sangar> seriously. change forge version and done if you have no other deps
L1313[14:28:50] <gamax92> again. lua 5.3 is unsupported atm
L1314[14:29:01] <ds84182> Hey, you guys wanna see something cool?
L1315[14:29:03] <ds84182> #js !+[]+!+[]
L1316[14:29:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2
L1317[14:29:04] <Techokami> oh wow that's nice to know
L1318[14:29:07] <Sangar> oh right, i need to push the recompiled libs to the stable branches
L1319[14:29:08] <Techokami> thanks Sangar
L1320[14:29:13] <gamax92> luaffi specifically doesn't support 5.3
L1321[14:29:18] <S3> They seriously need to nerf void rays
L1322[14:29:33] <Cruor> S3: why? q_q
L1323[14:29:47] <Cruor> cant beat a move master race? >_<
L1324[14:29:58] <S3> because in a 4v4 it can sometimes just be seemingly impossible to prevent them from making them
L1325[14:30:34] <Alissa> gamax92: luaffifb ?
L1326[14:30:47] <Alissa> i've been working with some people to get it 5.3 compatible
L1327[14:30:56] <gamax92> wtf is that
L1328[14:31:02] <Alissa> Facebook's patch of luaffi
L1329[14:31:16] <Alissa> s/patch/fork/
L1330[14:31:16] <MichiBot> <Alissa> Facebook's fork of luaffi
L1331[14:31:45] <Alissa> master | /home/charles  charles  desktop  14:35  0  lua -lffi
L1332[14:31:47] <Alissa> Lua 5.3.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2015 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
L1333[14:31:49] <Alissa> >
L1334[14:32:57] <Inari> Sangar: how overengineered can upgrades be to stil be fine? :P
L1335[14:33:27] <Sangar> :X
L1336[14:33:32] <Sangar> depends on what it does i guess?
L1337[14:33:36] <Inari> haha
L1338[14:34:03] <Inari> well currently its split into 2 classes, will see :P
L1339[14:34:38] <Sangar> okeh ;)
L1340[14:36:12] <Inari> currently just doing clean/setup/idea to get it to run even
L1341[14:36:13] <Inari> <.<
L1342[14:36:50] <gamax92> Alissa: well it depends on if it has the patch I need for sdl2 to run.
L1343[14:36:58] <gamax92> err, parse.
L1344[14:37:18] <Alissa> dunno what sdl2 is so probably not
L1345[14:37:47] <gamax92> ...
L1346[14:37:54] <gamax92> alissa are you fucking serious.
L1347[14:38:03] <gamax92> you don't know what SDL is
L1348[14:38:06] <Alissa> i was patching the lua-side stuff
L1349[14:38:09] <Alissa> so no
L1350[14:38:42] <gamax92> Alissa: https://www.libsdl.org/ you don't know what SDL is?
L1351[14:39:48] <Alissa> ._. is there a reason i should know
L1352[14:41:25] <Inari> right thats that
L1353[14:41:30] <Inari> now forcing gradle refresh~
L1354[14:42:46] <gamax92> "Allow any casts and support character literal constants."
L1355[14:42:51] ⇨ Joins: Blad3X (webchat@S01065039555f79f2.cg.shawcable.net)
L1356[14:42:55] <gamax92> so I can use it
L1357[14:43:12] <S3> Cruor, yeah, in a 1v1 it's quite easy to stop somebody from making void rays
L1358[14:43:19] ⇦ Quits: Blad3X (webchat@S01065039555f79f2.cg.shawcable.net) (Client Quit)
L1359[14:43:35] <S3> but once you're going against a bunch of people, they like to all in on making sure you don't prevent them from building them up
L1360[14:43:55] <Cruor> this is why i dont play anything but 1v1 >_<
L1361[14:44:44] <S3> lolol
L1362[14:44:57] <S3> we seriously when you're all zerg in a 4v4 matchup against 4 protoss
L1363[14:45:13] <S3> you know as much as I do that zerg take longer to build up AA
L1364[14:45:53] <S3> if roaches could attach air that'd be nice.. but roaches even though ranged and their formation is that of ranged, they are considered a melee unit
L1365[14:46:02] <S3> plus they can only attack ground units
L1366[14:46:09] <Cruor> zerg AA is trash
L1367[14:46:12] <S3> hydralisks can come fairly early but suck without creep
L1368[14:47:01] <S3> if you have ydralisks + upgrades + creep they can be fine against mass void rays, but only if they are upgraded
L1369[14:47:05] <Inari> reminds me of starcrafts
L1370[14:47:19] <Cruor> hydras should wreck void rays .-.
L1371[14:47:24] <S3> you would think
L1372[14:47:26] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-6MpBv3Ncg&index=2&list=PL0QrZvg7QIgpoLdNFnEePRrU-YJfr9Be7
L1373[14:47:28] <MichiBot> Inari: StarCrafts Episode 1 the Probelem | length: 37s | Likes: 18605 Dislikes: 277 Views: 2714057 | by CarbotAnimations
L1374[14:47:35] <Cruor> but then a-move masterrace rolls you over
L1375[14:47:42] <S3> but the problem with hydralisks is that without the range upgrade (which I always get) they tumble over eachothers feet
L1376[14:47:50] <S3> and don't shoot crap while the rays pick em off
L1377[14:47:56] <S3> doesn't matter how many you have
L1378[14:48:13] <Cruor> get the trash air unit
L1379[14:48:14] <Cruor> you know
L1380[14:48:15] <Cruor> the uhhh
L1381[14:48:20] <Cruor> corrutrash?
L1382[14:48:24] <Cruor> trashruptor?
L1383[14:48:29] <S3> corrupters are very nice but not against voids.
L1384[14:48:39] <Cruor> they are absolutely trash
L1385[14:48:42] <S3> corruptors are better for ground support more than AA which is weird
L1386[14:48:50] <Cruor> worst A->A unit in the game q_q
L1387[14:48:50] <S3> they are amazing for puking on the enemy
L1388[14:49:10] <S3> I always use corruptopn it makes protoss ground corces melt like napalm
L1389[14:49:19] <S3> with roach and muta combos with zergling shield
L1390[14:49:27] <S3> but yeah for AA, they aren't too nice
L1391[14:49:54] <Michiyo> 2:10 left in the day and it's gonna draaaag
L1392[14:50:05] <S3> I however did recently realize that roaches are very good against photon cannons
L1393[14:50:16] <S3> not as good as brood lords, but brood lords are end game
L1394[14:50:31] <S3> and that's mostly because brood lords out range like, everything in the game XD
L1395[14:51:09] <S3> So this leaves us all with the best thing zerg is good at against mass void rays: Not letting it happen.
L1396[14:51:19] <Inari> help, something broke :<
L1397[14:51:24] <S3> (which like I said is ridiculously hard sometimes against 4v4 teams that pay attention)
L1398[14:51:34] <Inari> Error:(17, 15) object repack is not a member of package li.cil: import li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua._
L1399[14:52:23] <gamax92> Sangar: ^
L1400[14:54:14] <Sangar> Inari, reimport gradle settings if it's in the ide
L1401[14:54:21] <Sangar> if it's console... welp, u ded
L1402[14:54:48] <Inari> reimport how o.o
L1403[14:55:08] <Inari> detach and reattach? xD
L1404[14:55:13] <Sangar> refresh button in gradle tab
L1405[14:55:16] <Sangar> if intellij idea
L1406[14:55:23] <Inari> but i just did that ;-; *does again*
L1407[14:55:32] <Sangar> yeah, do it again. sometimes it derps
L1408[14:55:45] <S3> What is an IDE
L1409[14:56:55] <Michiyo> Integrated Drive Electronics :P
L1410[14:57:05] <Michiyo> Or, possibly IBM Disc Electronics
L1411[14:57:48] <Michiyo> MAYBE Integrated Development Environment, If you're talking to some kinda crazy programmery people.
L1412[14:57:59] <Michiyo> But I'm going with the first 2
L1413[15:01:06] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:a9f3:ab5c:5dd1:c7c2)
L1414[15:02:09] <CompanionCube> S3, so how is vim? /me hopes he picked it right
L1415[15:03:45] <Inari> Sangar: seems that worked xD thanks
L1416[15:04:02] <veltas> vim is quite nice
L1417[15:04:22] <veltas> I'm a fucking weirdo though don't ask me
L1418[15:04:33] <veltas> I do most of my work in kate with vi mode
L1419[15:05:08] <veltas> I can use vim and emacs, I just prefer kate.
L1420[15:06:04] <S3> CompanionCube, vim? vim is fine. I use it for editing config files. I use emacs for programming
L1421[15:06:09] <CompanionCube> ohh
L1422[15:06:12] * CompanionCube likes emacs too
L1423[15:06:14] <veltas> Oh snap
L1424[15:06:40] <S3> You know what they say
L1425[15:06:47] <S3> Emacs is a fantastic operating system
L1426[15:06:53] <S3> If only it had a great text editor though...
L1427[15:06:57] <veltas> CompanionCube, S3: out of interest how many plugins do you use for emacs?
L1428[15:07:11] <CompanionCube> veltas, just started using it so not really many
L1429[15:07:17] <S3> like, lisp scripts?
L1430[15:07:21] <veltas> Yes
L1431[15:07:47] <CompanionCube> I do use ergoemacs-mode for some keyboard shortcuts and other goodies
L1432[15:07:52] <S3> It depends. I go mostly stock, but I have had some very nice autocompletion scripts in the past that don't annoy me visually or slow me down, etc
L1433[15:08:01] <S3> people keep trying to get me into org mode
L1434[15:08:05] <S3> but I could never understand it
L1435[15:08:08] <S3> I hear it's really good
L1436[15:08:45] <veltas> Doesn't look too important
L1437[15:08:47] <S3> I usually keep el-get handy
L1438[15:08:50] <veltas> I haven't heard of it
L1439[15:08:52] <S3> if I want to install more scripts
L1440[15:09:03] <S3> i.e.
L1441[15:09:12] <S3> M-x el-get-install lua-mode
L1442[15:09:39] <veltas> lua-mode isn't that great
L1443[15:09:47] <veltas> It's kind of buggy
L1444[15:09:54] <S3> I never found any problems with it
L1445[15:09:59] <S3> What I don't like is cperl-mode
L1446[15:10:12] <S3> perl-mode is so much better than cperl-mode, why people prefer cperl-mode I will never understand
L1447[15:10:38] <S3> It's customizable, but the defaults are very awful
L1448[15:10:40] <S3> and annoying
L1449[15:10:43] <veltas> Hmm wish I could remember some specific problems with it, I just rememeber the syntax hilighting would stuggle to work right with some code
L1450[15:10:52] <S3> plus it really screws up my indentation style for Moose
L1451[15:10:55] <S3> which is like
L1452[15:10:59] <S3> has 'foo' => (
L1453[15:11:01] <S3> bar,
L1454[15:11:03] <S3> );
L1455[15:11:20] <veltas> I will be honest I don't know Perl at all
L1456[15:11:23] <S3> itl throw bar right to the =>
L1457[15:11:26] <S3> which is ugly
L1458[15:11:40] <veltas> Yeah I didn't use emacs too long. It's pretty and I didn't mind the shortcuts as much as I thought I would.
L1459[15:11:44] <veltas> Not sure what I mean by pretty
L1460[15:11:53] <S3> lol
L1461[15:11:54] <veltas> But something about it seemed a lot more elegant than vim
L1462[15:12:00] <S3> the default perl-mode follows perldoc perlstyle
L1463[15:12:02] <S3> which is how I code
L1464[15:12:18] <S3> I never have to format
L1465[15:12:28] <S3> I just hit tab and emacs indents to standard.
L1466[15:12:37] <S3> or I don't and it ignores it
L1467[15:12:49] <S3> I love it when things don't fight my preferences.
L1468[15:13:15] <S3> emacs also made Minecraft modding easier for me
L1469[15:13:35] <veltas> I have Kate setup right now so I never have to hit tab and it indents everything correctly
L1470[15:13:47] <S3> of course, I can get scripts to make it look into forge and all that, but instead I prefer to "read" the code myself and use emacs beside it
L1471[15:13:56] <lperkins2> wait, you use emacs for writing java?
L1472[15:14:00] <S3> I have
L1473[15:14:03] <lperkins2> ick
L1474[15:14:04] <S3> works just fine
L1475[15:14:07] <lperkins2> so much extra typing
L1476[15:14:11] <S3> not really
L1477[15:14:17] <S3> you can set up autocompletion to work
L1478[15:14:21] <lperkins2> all the imports at the top...
L1479[15:14:22] <S3> for finding classes and functions etc
L1480[15:14:27] <lperkins2> I suppose
L1481[15:14:28] <S3> yes. all those imports are nice
L1482[15:14:32] <S3> because then I know wtf is going on
L1483[15:14:43] <S3> if there are hidden imports it drives me nuts
L1484[15:14:46] <lperkins2> I couldn't stand writing java without idea
L1485[15:14:50] <S3> haha
L1486[15:14:54] <S3> I have used idea too
L1487[15:15:01] <S3> I'm thinking of starting scala though
L1488[15:15:06] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1489[15:15:08] <S3> and working on some OC addons
L1490[15:15:17] <S3> I really hate Java..
L1491[15:15:25] <gamax92> Java really hates you too
L1492[15:15:31] <S3> But Scala's functional syntax doesn't bother me so much
L1493[15:15:32] <veltas> Java is fine leave it alone
L1494[15:15:32] <S3> it does
L1495[15:15:33] <lperkins2> eh, java > c++, but that's not saying much
L1496[15:15:44] <Inari> lperkins2: depends
L1497[15:15:44] <veltas> Leava Java alone!!!
L1498[15:15:44] <Inari> :p
L1499[15:15:44] <S3> lperkins2, doesn't take much
L1500[15:15:56] <S3> C > C++ :)
L1501[15:15:58] <lperkins2> I hate c++'s syntax
L1502[15:16:02] <lperkins2> it's ugly
L1503[15:16:06] <lperkins2> it's like OO php
L1504[15:16:10] <veltas> lperkins2: You're ugly
L1505[15:16:15] <S3> anything PHP is ugly
L1506[15:16:33] <Negi> lperkins2: >>
L1507[15:16:36] <Daiyousei> php is cancer
L1508[15:16:39] <veltas> Bear in mind the syntax of C++ is older than PHP, Java, C# and even C to some extent
L1509[15:16:52] <Daiyousei> c++'s oo system is bad but not as bad as php
L1510[15:16:59] <lperkins2> aye, but that doesn't make :: any less ugly
L1511[15:17:04] <S3> Where did C++'s syntax come from
L1512[15:17:08] <veltas> lperkins2: That comes from C
L1513[15:17:19] <gamax92> veltas: uhh?
L1514[15:17:21] <lperkins2> um...
L1515[15:17:21] <veltas> Wait actually maybe it doesnt'... hmm
L1516[15:17:25] <veltas> :P
L1517[15:17:32] <S3> lol I was going to say
L1518[15:17:35] <S3> :: is NOT a C operator
L1519[15:17:42] <veltas> lperkins2: Suggestions? Not :: ?
L1520[15:17:43] <S3> -> is though
L1521[15:17:47] <veltas> Yes
L1522[15:17:51] <veltas> thanks S3
L1523[15:17:57] <S3> I love ->
L1524[15:18:03] <S3> -> is actually a shortcut btw
L1525[15:18:08] <lperkins2> -> is fine, it's the whole namespacing mechanic in c++ that annoys me
L1526[15:18:10] <CompanionCube> C++'s syntax is known to be...difficult...to parse
L1527[15:18:18] <S3> it's a shortcut for like, *(b.a) or something
L1528[15:18:26] <S3> I'd have to think anbout it to be correct maybe
L1529[15:18:26] <veltas> lperkins2: C has a namespace mechanic
L1530[15:18:35] <lperkins2> (*b).a
L1531[15:18:41] <S3> there we go
L1532[15:18:58] <S3> but my favorite is what [] is a shorthand for
L1533[15:19:03] <S3> :)
L1534[15:19:07] <veltas> Oh God don't get me stared
L1535[15:19:10] <veltas> started*
L1536[15:19:13] <S3> oh no no
L1537[15:19:17] <S3> this is why in C
L1538[15:19:19] <S3> you can go
L1539[15:19:21] <veltas> oh no no no
L1540[15:19:27] <S3> int myarray[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
L1541[15:19:32] <veltas> oh no no no no no
L1542[15:19:37] <S3> return 3[myarray];
L1543[15:19:44] <S3> and it still works :D
L1544[15:19:54] <S3> If you don't believe me try it
L1545[15:19:58] <veltas> Which I've seen people actually do in code
L1546[15:20:03] <S3> I hope not?
L1547[15:20:07] <gamax92> ^
L1548[15:20:12] <veltas> Nope I've seen people actually do it
L1549[15:20:17] <S3> ..
L1550[15:20:25] <reinei> yourself? (hopefully not)
L1551[15:20:28] <S3> if you ever seen them do this in C?:
L1552[15:20:35] <veltas> reinei: I would not admit to doing this
L1553[15:20:36] <S3> if (-1 > 1U) {}
L1554[15:20:49] <S3> which is a true statement
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L1556[15:20:53] <S3> -1 IS > 1U
L1557[15:20:59] <veltas> while (i --> 0)
L1558[15:21:06] <veltas> "i goes to 0"
L1559[15:21:10] <S3> since you're basically comparing 0xFF with 0x1
L1560[15:21:28] <S3> I'd say the one thing I do that gets some people confused in C
L1561[15:21:30] *** Guest80671 is now known as Magik6k
L1562[15:21:38] <S3> is that many times my for looks lack the first argument
L1563[15:21:41] <S3> the initializer
L1564[15:21:45] <reinei> veltas, now do i lim a -> inf :P
L1565[15:21:50] <S3> and it somewhat has to do with BSD style
L1566[15:21:52] <veltas> S3: I personally really dislike unsigned promotion in C
L1567[15:22:01] <S3> veltas, why's that?
L1568[15:22:11] <veltas> Because of exactly what you just wrote
L1569[15:22:20] <S3> many of my for loops look like for(; foobar <= 5; foobar++) {}
L1570[15:22:33] <S3> and like I said, it's because.. well, style requirements
L1571[15:22:39] <gamax92> S3: why not just use goto
L1572[15:22:43] <S3> ..
L1573[15:22:47] <S3> LOL
L1574[15:22:49] <gamax92> goto topofloop;
L1575[15:22:56] <S3> so a year or so ago remember I had to take a C class for fun
L1576[15:23:03] <S3> just because it was well, easy gpa points
L1577[15:23:13] <S3> and the instructor got SO MAD when people used goto
L1578[15:23:24] <veltas> S3: Using for with less arguments is fine. The only dumb one is using just the middle where you could use while
L1579[15:23:39] <S3> I don't use goto in C, but there is one, very very rare once every year or so case where I will use goto in Perl
L1580[15:23:40] <veltas> for (;;) > while (1)
L1581[15:23:53] <gamax92> I use goto in lua since it lacks a continue
L1582[15:24:24] <S3> and tI use goto in Perl when I have a conditional statement I want to exit out of early but not too early, without exiting the function, in only very rare circumstances where there isn't a way to break out otherwise that is as performant.
L1583[15:24:34] <veltas> gamax92: Not sure why they added goto and not continue
L1584[15:24:43] <gamax92> Why not both?
L1585[15:24:57] <S3> uh
L1586[15:24:59] <veltas> You don't really need goto in a scripting language
L1587[15:25:12] <S3> oh
L1588[15:25:16] <reinei> veltas: you mean highlevel, accessible goto
L1589[15:25:19] <S3> I was going to say I thought C did have continue lol
L1590[15:25:26] <S3> in Perl you have break, next, last, etc
L1591[15:25:30] <S3> last is SO USEFUL
L1592[15:25:33] <gamax92> no C doesn't have continue
L1593[15:25:35] ⇦ Parts: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1) ())
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L1595[15:25:45] <S3> it finishes the loop then returns regardless of constraints
L1596[15:25:48] <S3> I love last
L1597[15:26:22] <veltas> I write const-correct C code
L1598[15:26:27] <veltas> Which is why I dislike ANSI C
L1599[15:26:29] <S3> it is useful for flipping through buffers and stuff when you still have stuff to parse
L1600[15:26:39] <S3> you can check for a termination bit or something and then just be like, last;
L1601[15:26:46] <S3> and then it breaks from the loop, so you know it's done
L1602[15:26:58] <S3> but only breaks after it finishes that buffer sewwp
L1603[15:27:00] <S3> sweep*
L1604[15:27:03] <veltas> Because const-correct C code causes mandatory diagnostics to be produced in C90
L1605[15:27:20] <S3> that's another thing that is confusing for people is const and pointer positions
L1606[15:27:34] <veltas> Yeah it's a bit weird
L1607[15:27:35] <S3> but I have a non standard trick up my sleep that helps me remember it
L1608[15:27:57] <S3> the way I do it, forgive me if you don't like it but it's how I remember it, is that const will always try to modify the operand left to it
L1609[15:27:59] <veltas> People would think that "const int *" and "int const *" are different things
L1610[15:28:00] <S3> so if you have * const
L1611[15:28:10] <S3> you know what it's doing
L1612[15:28:25] <S3> so I always through const to the right
L1613[15:28:36] <S3> int const instead of const int, it keeps it consistent
L1614[15:28:49] <S3> int * const - should be constent pointer to integer
L1615[15:28:51] <veltas> ewww
L1616[15:28:57] <S3> well if you dont
L1617[15:29:02] <veltas> Your "consistancy" is your demise
L1618[15:29:07] <S3> if you don't then people get them mixed up
L1619[15:29:10] <veltas> I write it like "const int *const somename" fuck the police
L1620[15:29:20] <S3> LOL
L1621[15:29:36] <S3> yeah, the problem is that is confusing
L1622[15:29:39] <veltas> Why
L1623[15:29:52] <S3> because it's a load of shit
L1624[15:29:55] <S3> is what it is
L1625[15:29:59] <S3> it's worse than bad perl :P
L1626[15:30:13] <veltas> So you have two things to remember
L1627[15:30:21] <veltas> What you said about having "* const"
L1628[15:30:47] <veltas> And if you have a pointer the left-most const means const access on what's being pointed to, rather than making the thing const
L1629[15:30:56] <veltas> Which is easy to remember for people that work with C a lot
L1630[15:31:23] <S3> I actually spend more time with assembly than C
L1631[15:31:34] <veltas> Because you will see "void some(const char *str)" more than "void some(char const *str)"
L1632[15:31:49] <S3> most every time I've ever used C, I could have written in assembly almost just as easily
L1633[15:31:59] <veltas> S3: Everyone spends more time with Assembly. But they write less code.
L1634[15:32:03] <S3> because most all of the C I write is for small chips
L1635[15:32:22] <S3> 6502, atmega, pic, etc
L1636[15:32:33] <veltas> Either you are really bad at C or you seriously misunderestimate how long you write things in Assembly
L1637[15:32:57] <S3> honestly I prefer to write in assembly over C for the 6502 especially because cc65 has to cut really sick corners to get C to work with the stack, etc
L1638[15:33:20] <S3> iirc it also puts in a software stack
L1639[15:33:23] <veltas> I know about bad compilers
L1640[15:33:31] <S3> well
L1641[15:33:38] <veltas> Also there is nothing wrong with a software stack
L1642[15:33:40] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E53AC91F0728A96C04AA8B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1643[15:33:41] <S3> I wouldn't say it's bad, it was a good reason
L1644[15:33:48] <S3> right, but on a 6502
L1645[15:33:50] <veltas> The inventors of C didn't seem to mind
L1646[15:33:51] <S3> unnecessary
L1647[15:34:04] <veltas> Oh if 6502 has stack registers then my bad
L1648[15:34:05] <S3> just use assembly on it :)
L1649[15:34:12] <veltas> No thanks
L1650[15:34:19] <S3> the 6502 doesn't have a built in stack
L1651[15:34:28] <veltas> What are you talking about then
L1652[15:34:30] <S3> it uses address $100 to $1FF
L1653[15:35:11] <veltas> "hardware stack" sounds spurious to me
L1654[15:35:52] <S3> well
L1655[15:35:54] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-194.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1656[15:36:04] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I appear to have flexed out of the room.)
L1657[15:36:05] <S3> there is obviously a stack pointer register but
L1658[15:36:14] <S3> and that's what is used for the return stack in cc65
L1659[15:36:17] <S3> which is fine
L1660[15:36:34] <S3> but it's not large enough for other things
L1661[15:37:03] <S3> there's a great reason why cc65 does it, it's just a lot slower
L1662[15:37:23] <veltas> That sounds like a premature optimisation concern
L1663[15:37:36] <gamax92> the 6502 stack space is really small
L1664[15:37:41] <gamax92> so no, it really is not.
L1665[15:37:45] <veltas> But I know your pain with mediocre compilers for archaic architectures
L1666[15:37:59] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1667[15:37:59] <S3> so when I was working at doing basic ipv6 on the redpower RPC8E which is like a 6502/65816 hybrid, I was writing all of the network code in assembly, then I was writing the API in C for using it
L1668[15:38:07] <veltas> gamax92: How small?
L1669[15:38:11] <gamax92> 256 bytes
L1670[15:38:16] <gamax92> like S3 said
L1671[15:38:30] <veltas> 256 bytes is enough for anyone
L1672[15:38:39] <S3> for a return stack? yes
L1673[15:38:44] <S3> for storing parameters? no
L1674[15:38:56] <veltas> Sorry I am quoting the misquote of Bill Gates
L1675[15:39:00] <S3> ...
L1676[15:39:08] <S3> He said 64K..
L1677[15:39:12] <veltas> With 256 bytes instead of 640k / 64k
L1678[15:39:19] <S3> and he's right
L1679[15:39:21] <veltas> He didn't say anything
L1680[15:39:22] <S3> 64K is enough
L1681[15:39:29] <gamax92> S3: err what is it, 3 bytes normally, the processor flags and then the PC address
L1682[15:39:33] <S3> you can do a lot with 64K
L1683[15:39:57] <S3> gamax92, yeah I dunno how cc65 handles the register state though
L1684[15:40:05] <S3> I dunno if it just pushes all of it
L1685[15:40:09] <S3> or only what's changed or what
L1686[15:40:23] <S3> I know some smart runtime libraries and compilers are very smart about that now
L1687[15:40:41] <S3> because when you call a function you need to put your registers somehwere...
L1688[15:41:17] <S3> ok, so cc64 has some doc..
L1689[15:41:18] <S3> http://wiki.cc65.org/doku.php?id=cc65:parameter_and_return_stacks
L1690[15:42:05] <veltas> I guess if it has low enough memory then it's less insane to write everything in assembly
L1691[15:42:07] <S3> cc65*
L1692[15:42:30] <S3> veltas, the 6502 architecture is a simple arch, usually assembly is just fine
L1693[15:42:35] <S3> all your NES games were in assembly :P
L1694[15:42:47] <veltas> Well
L1695[15:42:59] <veltas> I was speaking to someone who worked at Rare making GameBoy games
L1696[15:43:00] <S3> interestingly enough, assembly isn't always just writing a bunch of instruction mneumonics either
L1697[15:43:03] <veltas> Which is a similar architecture
L1698[15:43:12] <S3> with cc65's shipped assembler, x65 or whatever it is
L1699[15:43:19] <S3> it has super powerful macro support etc
L1700[15:43:23] <veltas> Talk over me go ahead
L1701[15:43:28] <S3> so yuo can like, generate your own superfunctions, etc
L1702[15:43:30] <veltas> Done?
L1703[15:43:34] <S3> :)
L1704[15:43:41] <veltas> Yes like MASM very fancy
L1705[15:43:59] <S3> so, rare?
L1706[15:44:04] <veltas> Anyway he was saying they got GCC working eventually and stopped writing in assembly and got everything done 5 times as fsat
L1707[15:44:12] <S3> lol
L1708[15:44:27] <S3> You know what's funny though about that
L1709[15:44:27] <veltas> And their game worked fine
L1710[15:44:32] <veltas> Whatever it was, some shit game probably
L1711[15:44:40] <Michiyo> I finally sold more than I'm going to get paid for the day
L1712[15:44:40] <veltas> What's funny?
L1713[15:44:41] <Michiyo> so woo
L1714[15:45:38] <S3> a friend of mine works at an ISP, he said they all stopped editing DNS zone files by hand at work because it was too hard and time consuming. I learned they were using the old school vi program that sucks like crap
L1715[15:45:49] <S3> and I showed him how fast I can be at them and he was like, O_O
L1716[15:46:32] <S3> It was faster than using his blasted CGI page to do it
L1717[15:48:18] <S3> But I'm not going to argue about writing programs in C faster
L1718[15:48:31] <Xal> >the old school vi program that sucks like crap
L1719[15:48:34] <S3> I mean that's one of the reasons I wrote the API in C for the ipv6 redpower project
L1720[15:48:37] <Xal> >vi
L1721[15:48:43] <Xal> >sucks
L1722[15:48:45] <Xal> wat
L1723[15:48:55] <S3> Xal, yeah, you know, NOT vim
L1724[15:49:11] <veltas> Next you'll say ed sucks!
L1725[15:49:13] <Xal> vi is fine, still pretty fast to work with
L1726[15:49:17] <veltas> Where does the madness end
L1727[15:49:29] <Michiyo> Someone send me a pizza plox
L1728[15:49:31] <S3> many systems come with a symlink vi -> vim, but I find it a real pain in the ass without a lot of configuration
L1729[15:49:39] <S3> so many people don't know they're actually using vim anyways
L1730[15:49:51] <S3> but on systems like Slackware, it's not the case
L1731[15:49:52] <veltas> vi is actually quite good though, Xal has a point
L1732[15:50:10] <Xal> vi is still better than emacs
L1733[15:50:16] <veltas> burn
L1734[15:50:19] <S3> LOL
L1735[15:50:27] * Vi got summoned
L1736[15:50:43] <Temia> vim is from an era where 101-key keyboards weren't ubiquitous.
L1737[15:50:51] <S3> haha
L1738[15:50:52] <veltas> Vi: I would have expected Ed to get summoned first
L1739[15:51:01] <Temia> I have a serial terminal that still manages to have a full set of navigational keys.
L1740[15:51:05] <Temia> That's all I'm saying on the matter.
L1741[15:51:11] <veltas> Because Ed is actually a name
L1742[15:51:42] <gamax92> one of my best friends name is actually Vi
L1743[15:51:57] <veltas> I know several people called Ed
L1744[15:51:59] <veltas> Checkmate
L1745[15:53:11] <Xal> i know someone named emacs
L1746[15:53:14] <Xal> he speaks with a lisp
L1747[15:53:21] <gamax92> :P
L1748[15:53:29] <Inari> how do i tell photoshop to nto do weird alphaing once i click "accept this perfectly valid transofrm"
L1749[15:54:33] * gamax92 curls up under Temia's wing
L1750[15:55:00] * Temia feels weird having wings. o-o
L1751[15:55:42] <gamax92> they're only temporary and will be gone by the time you wake up tomorrow
L1752[15:55:48] <Temia> Oh, okay.
L1753[15:56:52] <veltas> What did I just walk into
L1754[15:58:19] ⇨ Joins: BarbasTheDog (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br)
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L1756[15:58:29] <Alissa> 'Installing Dart on Linux with our Debian package'
L1757[15:58:43] <Alissa> Debian and Debian-forks are still the only Linux ever, apparently.
L1758[15:59:41] <Inari> hm
L1759[15:59:47] <Inari> is using MC icons for OC icons even allowed
L1760[15:59:47] <Inari> xD
L1761[16:00:10] ⇨ Joins: tim4242 (webchat@dslb-188-097-147-094.188.097.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L1762[16:01:27] <vifino> Alissa: pacman -S dart
L1763[16:01:39] <Alissa> yeah i have it now
L1764[16:03:07] <veltas> Alissa: To be fair it's a safe assumption you only need to provide instructions for Debian and Debian-forks
L1765[16:03:26] <veltas> If you're using another OS you should know how to search in your repos and/or build it yourself
L1766[16:03:33] <Michiyo> ...
L1767[16:04:00] <sugoi> veltas: /s ?
L1768[16:04:09] <veltas> That assumption gets a bit unfair with Google Chrome I'll say. That is a monster to build.
L1769[16:04:23] <veltas> Good thing I don't use chrome
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L1771[16:04:35] <sugoi> good thing i don't use debian
L1772[16:04:36] <Michiyo> If I had rolled my eyes any harder, I might have broken something.
L1773[16:04:54] <Alissa> Michiyo: s/something/a Debian build/
L1774[16:04:57] <Alissa> touch anything and it breaks. c:
L1775[16:05:06] <Michiyo> I disagree.
L1776[16:05:24] <Alissa> Eh. I've not gotten one that actually likes how I do things.
L1777[16:05:44] <veltas> I'm sorry guys, is being able to search your package manager... possibly even using a GUI, a really hard requirement?
L1778[16:05:45] <Michiyo> I've had little issue out of Debian, and it's like.
L1779[16:05:51] ⇦ Quits: BarbasTheDog (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1780[16:05:59] <veltas> Here let me play the smallest violin in the world
L1781[16:06:12] <Michiyo> Because EVERY user of debian is the same?
L1782[16:06:13] <sugoi> question to all: we dont have /dev in openos, but often i'd like to quiet a command
L1783[16:06:20] <sugoi> normally i would >/dev/null
L1784[16:06:36] <sugoi> any suggestions for what i should add to openos for this type of behavior?
L1785[16:06:40] <Temia> You make it sound like the packages are magically maintained by some higher power, veltas. :p
L1786[16:06:46] <veltas> sugoi: Write a program to throw away input
L1787[16:06:59] <Inari> riiiiiight
L1788[16:07:01] <sugoi> veltas: um...yes
L1789[16:07:04] <Inari> i need to find an artist
L1790[16:07:07] <sugoi> veltas: that is precisely what i'm asking
L1791[16:07:19] <Michiyo> Does OpenOS even piping atm?
L1792[16:07:23] <sugoi> what form should i give it, what name, to someone expecting /dev/null, what should we give openos?
L1793[16:07:27] <Inari> casuse this doesnt look good: http://akari.in/pinky_Jnq3P
L1794[16:07:39] <veltas> sugoi: eat
L1795[16:07:41] <CompanionCube> veltas, at the very least provide instructions for both main branches
L1796[16:07:44] <sugoi> Michiyo: openos 1.5 piping is limited, i'm building 1.6 with a whole slew of niceties
L1797[16:07:49] <Temia> The package maintainers themselves have to deal with binary blobs being shoved into .debs, and a lot of the time don't actually want to be bothered.
L1798[16:07:49] <veltas> sugoi: I would call it /bin/eat.lua
L1799[16:07:52] <CompanionCube> that is to say, Debian and RedHat.
L1800[16:08:16] <sugoi> Michiyo: i would say my current openos state of things for piping is pretty awesome
L1801[16:08:29] <sugoi> even added &&, ||, and !
L1802[16:08:29] <Michiyo> You know how long it's been since I even BOOTED MC? lol
L1803[16:08:31] <sugoi> and ;
L1804[16:08:37] <Temia> I've had to manually extract and repackage .debs before, it's not fun
L1805[16:08:38] <CompanionCube> and if you are not being a total asshole provide a just-as-easy-to-get plain tarball
L1806[16:08:42] <sugoi> and removed need for whitespace
L1807[16:08:44] <Michiyo> Much less started a OC computer?
L1808[16:08:53] <veltas> CompanionCube: Of source or binaries?
L1809[16:08:56] <sugoi> Michiyo: :)
L1810[16:08:59] <veltas> Because binaries are annoying
L1811[16:09:01] <Michiyo> But nice sugoi
L1812[16:09:16] <CompanionCube> veltas, i'd say that depends on the software
L1813[16:09:27] <Michiyo> an hour.
L1814[16:09:38] * Michiyo sighs
L1815[16:09:44] <veltas> For any native application I'd say it's a "major fucking pain in the ass"
L1816[16:09:50] <Michiyo> Someone come rob this place.
L1817[16:09:56] <sugoi> Michiyo: finishing popen today (popen reads are working, writes almost) and then i want to tackle the rc init layer to be more linuxy
L1818[16:10:05] <Michiyo> Nice
L1819[16:10:35] <CompanionCube> if the software is complex/time-consuming to build from source, providing binaries would be a very good idea
L1820[16:10:36] <sugoi> popen i'll admit has taken my entire xmas break
L1821[16:10:41] <veltas> sugoi: I was annoyed that popen was not in OpenOS by default. Also I don't know why they implemented piping in the shell specifically and not somewhere... er... lower level
L1822[16:10:59] <sugoi> veltas: speak to me about your thoughts on this
L1823[16:11:05] <CompanionCube> but if it's simple/trivial or quick to build, there's no need to go through the effort of providing them
L1824[16:11:09] <sugoi> veltas: it's been assigned to me to add/fix/redo these things
L1825[16:11:09] <veltas> sugoi: so you are doing god's work
L1826[16:11:18] <veltas> sugoi: Okay
L1827[16:11:30] <sugoi> veltas: what level did you want piping support? can you elaborate?
L1828[16:11:31] <veltas> sugoi: print() shouldn't use io.stdout
L1829[16:11:49] <sugoi> veltas: io.write() io.stdout:write() and print() ALL go through stdout now
L1830[16:11:59] <veltas> Okay that's acceptable
L1831[16:12:01] <sugoi> veltas: but if you want something that is no "stdout" i've added term.drawText
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L1833[16:12:09] <veltas> sugoi: That's perfect
L1834[16:12:17] <sugoi> :) very pleased you agree
L1835[16:12:24] <sugoi> also, stdout and stderr are separate streams now
L1836[16:12:30] <veltas> Nice
L1837[16:12:34] <Temia> Yay
L1838[16:12:36] <sugoi> each process has an io layer, with numbered fd's
L1839[16:12:45] <sugoi> 0, 1, and 2
L1840[16:12:50] <CompanionCube> veltas, what do you think of that opinion
L1841[16:12:59] <sugoi> i'm not adding configurable/custom io fds
L1842[16:13:07] <sugoi> but, this could be expanded later for that
L1843[16:13:12] <veltas> CompanionCube: Yes, as long as they provide simple instructions for building
L1844[16:13:24] <sugoi> Temia: yay to me?
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L1848[16:13:39] <Temia> HAIL TO YOU
L1849[16:13:48] <sugoi> veltas: lib shell is the shell ... controller
L1850[16:14:00] <veltas> sugoi: yes
L1851[16:14:04] <sugoi> veltas: /bin/sh.lua is openos' default shell
L1852[16:14:13] <veltas> And piping is not a shell matter on POSIX
L1853[16:14:18] <sugoi> veltas: but almost all of /bin/sh.lua has been modularized to /lib/sh.lua
L1854[16:14:32] <sugoi> veltas: well...that's true ...
L1855[16:14:32] <veltas> It's usually implemented as an API and then implemented in shells using that API
L1856[16:14:44] <sugoi> veltas: yes, and to be honest, i haven't separated it that much
L1857[16:14:52] <sugoi> one could use /lib/sh.lua to call piping api
L1858[16:14:56] <sugoi> and i do, for popen
L1859[16:15:02] <veltas> Yes
L1860[16:15:04] <sugoi> but...it's NOT intuitive
L1861[16:15:09] <sugoi> i'll be honest :)
L1862[16:15:21] <veltas> IMO popen is the "API" that you expect piping to be based on in Lua
L1863[16:15:22] <sugoi> again, i've put a TON of time into popen and redoing the process layer
L1864[16:15:36] <sugoi> veltas: fair, but i haven't done it that way
L1865[16:15:55] <veltas> sugoi: What I am trying to say is that as long as I could use popen you've done it perfectly
L1866[16:16:02] <sugoi> i hope so
L1867[16:16:10] <veltas> That really is all I need
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L1869[16:16:19] <sugoi> you can put a hit out for me if it doesn't work :)
L1870[16:16:24] <veltas> Yep
L1871[16:16:35] <sugoi> i'm payonel in github, you'll see my commits in oc when it goes in i guess
L1872[16:16:39] <veltas> sugoi: What else are you cleaning up while you're at it? The whole system?
L1873[16:16:59] <sugoi> veltas: so popen write is next (read is done) then rc
L1874[16:17:01] <sugoi> then i'm done
L1875[16:17:07] <sugoi> i have a mock up for how i want rc
L1876[16:17:13] <veltas> What are you doing with rc?
L1877[16:17:21] <sugoi> i just need to make it "production" ready and replace the boot with it
L1878[16:17:50] <sugoi> veltas: very little...just a little bit of rc steps for boot, and to give user level rc levels and queries
L1879[16:18:07] <veltas> sugoi: Make sure you output the rc scripts being run in the init stage
L1880[16:18:19] <veltas> Because it's cool watching the boot scripts load
L1881[16:18:27] <veltas> So it would be nice to see the rc scripts load as well
L1882[16:18:36] <sugoi> haha yep, i'll be honest, that's a huge reason for adding it :)
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L1884[16:19:29] <sugoi> i've also redone a few /bin/ utils
L1885[16:19:37] <sugoi> like cd, cat, echo, grep, find, ls, ...
L1886[16:19:55] <veltas> sugoi: You can make /dev/null work
L1887[16:19:58] <sugoi> also tab completion and globbing
L1888[16:20:03] <sugoi> yes i could
L1889[16:20:07] <sugoi> but there is no other /dev point
L1890[16:20:14] <sugoi> and i'm not looking to create a /dev like mount
L1891[16:20:22] <veltas> /dev/zero and /dev/random would be nice
L1892[16:20:26] <veltas> I'd say it's worth it
L1893[16:20:37] <sugoi> a very reasonable argument
L1894[16:20:50] <Temia> /dev could easily hold unmanaged disks.
L1895[16:21:05] <veltas> sugoi: Cheat. Just add the files and then if someone references those files in the piping manually redirect to whatever should be happening
L1896[16:21:17] <veltas> Other people can set up proper /dev later
L1897[16:21:21] <sugoi> yeah - i'm okay hacking it for these dev purposes
L1898[16:21:41] <sugoi> also, often times when you're in the detail you tricks that make it not so bad
L1899[16:21:48] <sugoi> you find+ triks
L1900[16:21:52] <sugoi> tricks*...typos..
L1901[16:21:53] <veltas> Does globbing not already work?
L1902[16:21:57] <sugoi> veltas: it's buggy
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L1904[16:22:06] <sugoi> i fix a lot of it
L1905[16:22:19] <sugoi> i don't want to say "all" because...
L1906[16:22:30] <sugoi> in fixing glob i found SO MANY things i never knew globbing would do
L1907[16:22:41] <sugoi> so, i'd not be surprised if there was yet another thing
L1908[16:22:50] <sugoi> like touch echo;touch hi;*
L1909[16:22:52] <sugoi> will echo hi
L1910[16:22:57] <sugoi> (in an otherwise empty dir)
L1911[16:23:29] <sugoi> or, mkdir a;touch a/1;mkdir b;touch b/2;cd a;ls *;cd ../b;ls *
L1912[16:23:33] <sugoi> will ls 1 and then 2
L1913[16:23:41] <sugoi> so globbing needs to come later
L1914[16:23:51] <sugoi> thus, sh has been very much rebuilt
L1915[16:23:56] <veltas> sugoi: Wait what... it makes the files echo and hi, right?
L1916[16:24:03] <sugoi> veltas: yes
L1917[16:24:09] <veltas> Oh okay that makes sense then
L1918[16:24:24] <sugoi> yeah, just saying, "when to glob" is a tricky question
L1919[16:24:38] <sugoi> not tricky...but important
L1920[16:24:46] <veltas> Ah
L1921[16:24:47] <veltas> right
L1922[16:24:51] <veltas> I get you
L1923[16:24:55] <sugoi> so the text parsing had get a serious upgrade
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L1925[16:25:11] <veltas> I guess you just need to glob at the last possible moment
L1926[16:25:21] <sugoi> lib/text has a lot of internal api now, stored under text.internal -- for helping to tokenize without dropping tons of useful metadata
L1927[16:25:54] <veltas> Nice
L1928[16:26:05] <sugoi> i also added /lib/transforms.lua - to help navigate my thoughts
L1929[16:26:29] <sugoi> to give things like tx.first, tx.select
L1930[16:26:45] <sugoi> it's for tranforming tables (index arrays)
L1931[16:27:12] <sugoi> and tx.sub, which works like string.sub
L1932[16:27:35] <sugoi> anyways, i'm sure 99% of what i've done won't be used by the average joe/jill
L1933[16:27:46] <sugoi> but knowing at least you are looking for popen makes me happy :)
L1934[16:28:00] <veltas> sugoi: It is literally the first stuff I looked for when I started the system lol
L1935[16:28:06] <sugoi> haha, wow
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L1937[16:28:08] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L1938[16:28:09] <veltas> I was like "oh it has piping, huh?"
L1939[16:29:09] <Michiyo> 30 minutes...
L1940[16:29:16] <veltas> Piping is the easiest form of inter-process communication
L1941[16:29:47] <veltas> Well that's kind of bullshit
L1942[16:29:58] <veltas> I mean events are really easy to use by the looks of it
L1943[16:30:00] <veltas> But still
L1944[16:30:26] <veltas> sugoi: Is this code pushed to a repo I can see now?
L1945[16:30:52] <sugoi> veltas: i could push
L1946[16:31:05] <sugoi> i make local backups (i.e. copied to my own git server)
L1947[16:31:10] <sugoi> but i haven't pushed to my github for a while
L1948[16:31:30] <veltas> I would be interested to see e.g. /lib/transforms.lua
L1949[16:38:04] <sugoi> veltas: ok i'll push a branch - some files a quite wip and term.debug is used liberally
L1950[16:38:17] <sugoi> but i'm open to feedback
L1951[16:38:23] <veltas> awesome
L1952[16:39:04] <sugoi> also, this isn't merged/rebased yet with upstream -
L1953[16:39:11] <sugoi> i'll do that later
L1954[16:39:14] <sugoi> another day
L1955[16:41:04] <sugoi> ok i've pushed my sh-dev4 :) that branch is in the least horrible state
L1956[16:41:06] <sugoi> https://github.com/payonel/OpenComputers/tree/sh-dev4
L1957[16:41:46] <sugoi> transforms: https://github.com/payonel/OpenComputers/blob/sh-dev4/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/lib/transforms.lua
L1958[16:42:21] <sugoi> veltas: note that anything *.internal is not intended for api
L1959[16:42:40] <sugoi> but i expose everything for unit testing
L1960[16:42:54] <sugoi> (850 tests for openos currently)
L1961[16:44:27] <veltas> Not sure if this is the kind of thing you're doing
L1962[16:44:33] <veltas> But you should add "free"
L1963[16:44:49] <sugoi> command line free for memory usage?
L1964[16:45:01] <veltas> i.e. list the total memory, used memory, free memory
L1965[16:45:11] <sugoi> yeah
L1966[16:45:14] <veltas> Especially important for low-memory systems
L1967[16:45:19] <sugoi> so it isn't in my plans, but i'd like to have it too
L1968[16:45:27] <sugoi> i don't know actually how to get that info
L1969[16:45:35] <sugoi> do i have that at the openos leve?
L1970[16:45:37] <veltas> It's in computer API
L1971[16:45:37] <sugoi> level*
L1972[16:45:41] <sugoi> oh ok
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L1974[16:45:50] <veltas> So it's like 5 lines
L1975[16:45:54] <sugoi> haha
L1976[16:46:05] <sugoi> well, i'm happy to
L1977[16:46:09] <CompanionCube> veltas, well
L1978[16:46:18] <sugoi> but i plan to prepare my PR once popen and rc are done
L1979[16:46:22] <CompanionCube> depends on how you many features you want doesn't it?
L1980[16:46:31] <sugoi> +++and i clean this code up for "1.0"
L1981[16:46:32] <veltas> sugoi: Fair enough
L1982[16:46:57] <veltas> CompanionCube: Seems like a pretty tiny file to add which is quite useful
L1983[16:52:23] <sugoi> veltas: also added /bin/time
L1984[16:52:39] <veltas> Yeah I saw that :D
L1985[16:53:00] <sugoi> anywho, i'll be out of this window for a bit. feel free to @payonel on oc's github repo if you have other feature requests, concerns
L1986[16:53:09] <veltas> Okay
L1987[16:53:10] <sugoi> that'd be better for tracking/discussion than my repo
L1988[16:53:28] <veltas> Alright
L1989[16:54:25] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1990[16:55:01] <Michiyo> argh 5 minutes
L1991[16:55:54] <sugoi> veltas: oh also i have grep, just not in sh-dev4 branch. in case you were going to request that too
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L1993[16:56:19] <veltas> sugoi: Does it use lua patterns or actual grep?
L1994[16:56:36] <veltas> Because I would be fine with lua patterns personally
L1995[16:57:15] <sugoi> lua patterns
L1996[16:57:20] <veltas> Cool
L1997[16:57:30] <veltas> I prefer that actually, makes the system more consistent
L1998[16:57:36] <sugoi> i agree
L1999[16:57:44] <sugoi> well duh i agree :) haha
L2000[16:57:48] <veltas> :P
L2001[17:00:31] <Michiyo> WOOOO
L2002[17:00:36] <Michiyo> counting time then home
L2003[17:01:09] <sugoi> Michiyo: what is this amazing employment you have?
L2004[17:01:40] <Michiyo> RadioShack
L2005[17:01:48] <sugoi> liar
L2006[17:01:52] <sugoi> those don't exist anymore
L2007[17:02:04] <Michiyo> BS
L2008[17:02:08] <sugoi> :)
L2009[17:02:09] <Michiyo> RadioShack.
L2010[17:02:47] <Alissa> Michiyo: how does it feel like to be employed by an ancient artifact
L2011[17:03:10] <Michiyo> I fucking love RadioShack, so bite me.
L2012[17:03:42] <Alissa> kinky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L2013[17:04:34] <sugoi> "<@Michiyo> Someone come rob this place.", "<@Michiyo> I fucking love RadioShack, so bite me."
L2014[17:04:36] <Temia> Radioshack is kind of boring for me. All the fun stuff is in the back :<
L2015[17:05:17] <vifino> Does anybody know what a rad1o is?
L2016[17:05:35] <vifino> Plus, would anybody be interested in buying one?
L2017[17:07:33] *** Keanu73 is now known as Keanu73_OFF
L2018[17:07:38] <Michiyo> sugoi Because I was bored out of my mind at the time :P
L2019[17:08:08] *** Keanu73_OFF is now known as Keanu73
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L2023[17:12:36] <Michiyo> hhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
L2024[17:12:37] <veltas> All good radioshack employees will give their lifes protecting radios before their employment is up
L2025[17:14:58] * Elizabeth yawns and falls asleep resting on vifino
L2026[17:16:08] * vifino pets Elizabeth
L2027[17:27:03] <Antheus> bbback
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L2032[17:38:08] <Inari> maaaaah
L2033[17:38:15] <Inari> why is drawing stupid arrows so hard
L2034[17:39:37] <Inari> hm
L2035[17:39:41] <Inari> guess i need to simplify this
L2036[17:44:03] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L2037[17:46:44] <Inari> nope, still looks like crap http://akari.in/pinky_QPe4Q
L2038[17:47:00] <Inari> lets try making the arrow sthinner <.<
L2039[17:48:40] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L2044[17:55:59] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_ecdyF somewhat better but still crap :P
L2045[17:56:30] <Cruor> Inari: daheck is that
L2046[17:56:41] <Inari> an emerald and a villager connected by an arrow D:
L2047[17:57:04] <Inari> maybe i just need a better idea
L2048[17:57:09] <v^> :/
L2049[17:57:10] <Inari> like en emerald printed on a sack
L2050[17:57:13] <Inari> liek you print $ on it
L2051[17:57:49] <v^> Is it bad that I feel like being top #20 in the world :/
L2052[17:57:53] <v^> Isn't enough
L2053[18:00:14] <v^> I've been so obsessed and competitive that it feels like its either #1 or nothing
L2054[18:00:46] <vifino> v^: Top #20 in what?
L2055[18:00:58] <gamax92> being a horrible person
L2056[18:01:04] <Inari> still looks kinda bad http://akari.in/pinky_6RiEF xD
L2057[18:01:15] <v^> Robotics, both user control and autonomous modes
L2058[18:01:29] <v^> Auton is actually #18 in the world
L2059[18:01:55] <vifino> Inari: The heck is that?
L2060[18:02:01] <Inari> a bag
L2061[18:02:04] <Inari> with an emerald on it
L2062[18:02:05] <vifino> wat
L2063[18:02:12] <vifino> That's.... a bag?
L2064[18:02:19] <Inari> hey i never claimed to be good at art
L2065[18:02:31] <vifino> Yeah, you shouldn't.
L2066[18:02:41] <Inari> well i need to unless someone else does
L2067[18:02:42] <Inari> xD
L2068[18:02:54] <Inari> vifino: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/bag-money-dollars-2699409.jpg like that
L2069[18:02:56] <Inari> but wiht emerald
L2070[18:03:13] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-80-27.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L2071[18:04:28] <vifino> Inari: Soo... a Zelda pouch?
L2072[18:04:41] <Inari> vifino: i dont care, just something that represents trade with villagers XD
L2073[18:05:02] <Inari> maybe just a villager picture would do it
L2074[18:05:03] <Inari> :P
L2075[18:05:03] <vifino> Le sigh.
L2076[18:05:09] <Inari> vifino: ?
L2077[18:05:14] <vifino> Inari: Res?
L2078[18:05:19] <Inari> 16x116?
L2079[18:05:20] <Inari> 16x16?
L2080[18:05:26] <vifino> Alright.
L2081[18:05:31] <Inari> its the icon
L2082[18:05:32] <Inari> for the trading upgrade
L2083[18:05:33] <Inari> xD
L2084[18:13:44] <vifino> ugh
L2085[18:15:21] <vifino> Inari: thing is, if you want to fit in the mostly vanilla emerald thing, its gonna be waaay too huge
L2086[18:15:42] <Inari> thats why i scaled down the emerald
L2087[18:15:42] <Inari> xD
L2088[18:16:00] <Inari> might need to scale it down more
L2089[18:17:15] <vifino> Inari: I would give you what I have in front of me right now, but it's ugly, mostly in the colors.
L2090[18:17:24] <Inari> show
L2091[18:17:24] <Inari> xD
L2092[18:17:28] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L2093[18:18:33] <vifino> Inari: It's the most simplistic I could come up with in 5 minutes. https://puu.sh/mhrBR/d61b57c3d8.png
L2094[18:18:50] <vifino> 3 colors total. :D
L2095[18:19:04] <Cruor> .-.
L2096[18:19:06] <Cruor> wtf is this
L2097[18:19:12] <Inari> ...
L2098[18:19:27] <Inari> well it looks better than mine :P
L2099[18:19:41] <vifino> Eh, dunno.
L2100[18:20:10] <Inari> mine just looks better cause i copypasted the emerald and OC upgrade icons
L2101[18:20:10] <Inari> xD
L2102[18:20:25] <vifino> .-.
L2103[18:20:51] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@s0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2104[18:20:56] <vifino> If I put zero effort in it and only took a minute or so, how much time and effort did you spend on that?
L2105[18:20:58] <vifino> .-.
L2106[18:21:06] <Inari> dunno
L2107[18:21:13] <Inari> 5-15 mins?
L2108[18:21:45] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L2109[18:21:54] <vifino> I like the colors of the bag, but the shape is just terrible.
L2110[18:22:10] <vifino> It's a bag not a circle .-.
L2111[18:22:49] <Inari> i have no clue what i shoudl squash
L2112[18:22:50] <Inari> and what not
L2113[18:23:02] <vifino> Squash?
L2114[18:23:06] <Inari> commits
L2115[18:23:14] <vifino> ah.
L2116[18:23:37] <vifino> If you have like 3 fixes in a row because the previous ones broke something, squash em.
L2117[18:25:42] <Inari> sigh
L2118[18:26:14] <Sangar> i'm off, gnight o/
L2119[18:26:21] <Inari> night xD
L2120[18:26:50] <sugoi> o/
L2121[18:27:02] <Inari> i hate squashing already
L2122[18:27:14] <Inari> Failed to merge in the changes.
L2123[18:27:14] <Inari> Patch failed at 0001 Added DataCard.
L2124[18:29:12] <vifino> gg
L2125[18:30:14] * gamax92 patches something, then immediately unpatches various parts, then repatches them in a better way, then tweaks all the patches
L2126[18:30:54] * gamax92 then squashes the commits, so that people couldn't see the stupidity that was patch 1 and 3
L2127[18:31:19] <Inari> except this commit is like 2 weeks old and behind a oc1.6 merge
L2128[18:33:56] <Antheus> lol
L2129[18:34:49] <Inari> i might just do the ultiamte squash
L2130[18:34:55] <Inari> delete the whole repo and re-commit the finished carp
L2131[18:34:55] <Inari> <.<
L2132[18:35:33] <Negi> Inari: You're still looking for icons?
L2133[18:35:44] <Inari> yes :p
L2134[18:35:59] <gamax92> Negi: take the ghost pepper sauce, an dump a lil bit on your tongue
L2135[18:36:23] <Negi> I kinda have an idea.
L2136[18:36:34] <vifino> NEGI!
L2137[18:36:43] <Inari> i should properly learn git someday
L2138[18:37:02] <vifino> Inari: $ git rekt
L2139[18:37:41] <gamax92> git: 'rekt' is not a git command.
L2140[18:37:56] <Negi> vifino!
L2141[18:37:56] <Inari> gittosaurau r3kt
L2142[18:38:03] <Inari> s/rau/rus/
L2143[18:38:04] <MichiBot> <Inari> gittosaurus r3kt
L2144[18:38:09] <vifino> Negi!
L2145[18:38:14] <Inari> Negi: which is?
L2146[18:38:26] <sugoi> my work will be 'pushing' git here soon
L2147[18:38:35] <sugoi> i think this month
L2148[18:38:47] <vifino> git push git origin
L2149[18:39:27] <Negi> I'll send something when I'm done.
L2150[18:39:31] <Inari> git push something
L2151[18:39:42] <Antheus> git add *
L2152[18:39:48] <sugoi> it's going to be a mess :)
L2153[18:39:49] <Antheus> git commit -m "Stuff"
L2154[18:39:51] <Inari> Cruor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNPhk-97ZvQ
L2155[18:39:52] <Antheus> git push
L2156[18:39:53] <MichiBot> Inari: Idol College - Ichizu Recipe (Shomin Sample Op) | length: 5m 46s | Likes: 356 Dislikes: 1 Views: 17499 | by Nguyen Nhật
L2157[18:46:30] <Inari> Rebasing (4/372)
L2158[18:46:31] <Inari> funb stuff
L2159[18:46:40] <gamax92> b
L2160[18:46:46] <Inari> s/funb/fun
L2161[18:46:46] <MichiBot> <Inari> fun stuff
L2162[18:46:55] <gamax92> s/b/
L2163[18:47:00] <Inari> s/gam/
L2164[18:47:06] <gamax92> ;-;
L2165[18:47:10] <gamax92> s/;/moo/
L2166[18:47:11] <MichiBot> <gamax92> moo-;
L2167[18:47:18] <Inari> s/;/toryufu mittai
L2168[18:47:18] <MichiBot> <gamax92> moo-toryufu mittai
L2169[18:47:31] * Inari moos at Temia
L2170[18:47:36] * Inari rebases Cruor
L2171[18:47:40] * gamax92 moos at Temia
L2172[18:47:50] <Cruor> ;_; i am bed
L2173[18:47:57] <Inari> Cruor is bed
L2174[18:47:58] <Inari> lewd
L2175[18:48:00] <Temia> Mu? o-o
L2176[18:48:12] <Inari> i hate you git
L2177[18:48:21] <Inari> how can you have a rebase conflict
L2178[18:48:23] <Inari> that makes like no sense
L2179[18:48:35] <Negi> Inari: http://whatleek.tk/dropbox/RNDM/Exchange.png
L2180[18:48:37] <Negi> vifino!
L2181[18:48:49] <Inari> that looks fancy
L2182[18:49:34] <vifino> Negi!
L2183[18:50:24] <Inari> does that look like a trading upgrade? http://akari.in/pinky_PkZli
L2184[18:51:20] <gamax92> no o.o
L2185[18:51:42] <Cruor> Inari: it looks like a wtf upgrade
L2186[18:52:12] <Negi> Welp
L2187[18:52:36] <Negi> I guess I can try to make a pouch.
L2188[18:53:27] <Inari> haha
L2189[18:57:32] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2190[18:58:28] <Inari> i swear if i push this and things go crap i'll just remake the repo <.<
L2191[19:01:31] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L2192[19:02:58] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-134-3-200-62.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L2193[19:03:18] <Inari> Cruor: i hate git :<
L2194[19:03:26] <Inari> it complains about crap conflicts in flies i didnt even change
L2195[19:03:27] <Inari> Oo
L2196[19:05:47] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2197[19:06:29] <Inari> you know what, screw this, i'll pack the whole thing into 1 commit on a new fork
L2198[19:06:37] <Inari> tomorrow.
L2199[19:06:37] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L2200[19:06:43] <Negi> Hey Inari if I send you the bag, can you slap the emerald on it?
L2201[19:06:50] <Inari> i guess?
L2202[19:09:38] * Izaya yawns
L2203[19:10:04] ⇨ Joins: CyanideX (sid17234@id-17234.tooting.irccloud.com)
L2204[19:10:13] <Negi> Here it is then: http://whatleek.tk/dropbox/RNDM/Exchange.png
L2205[19:10:15] <vifino> Heya Izaya.
L2206[19:10:24] <Sandra> Cyanide?
L2207[19:10:28] <CyanideX> Yes
L2208[19:10:40] <vifino> Negi: :O That is an awesome bag!
L2209[19:10:41] <Sandra> didn't know you go in this channel.
L2210[19:10:55] <Izaya> Hai vifino
L2211[19:10:55] <CyanideX> I'm only here because Sangar has mad texture skills.
L2212[19:11:24] <Sandra> ah yes. that is certainly true.
L2213[19:12:18] <Sangar> :3
L2214[19:12:32] <Negi> vifino: Drawing for two years and learning balloon physics sure helped that one.
L2215[19:12:48] <Izaya> Hey Sandra, you're a wizard with Android, is there an easy way to toggle my mobile network usage on Android 5? Can't just hold power like in 2.3, I have to go like 3 levels deep into the settings
L2216[19:13:13] <Sandra> NOPE!
L2217[19:13:14] <Inari> Sangar: weren tyou supposed to be off?
L2218[19:13:20] <Sangar> i was
L2219[19:13:30] <Sangar> then i remembered something so now i'm not off
L2220[19:13:44] <Sandra> the easiest way for me to do it is by going to the quick settings, selecting the sim, then that takes me to the settings.
L2221[19:13:48] <Sandra> where I disable it.
L2222[19:14:10] <Sandra> iirc there's an API for it to disable it and enable it from other apps.
L2223[19:14:10] <Izaya> Bah, that's a pain.
L2224[19:14:24] <Sandra> so it's probably possible to get an app for it.
L2225[19:14:31] <Sandra> or write your own.
L2226[19:14:42] <Sandra> but that's the best in stock afaik.
L2227[19:14:57] <Izaya> Oh well :|
L2228[19:15:05] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_m9DPR looks the best i had so far xD
L2229[19:15:52] <Sandra> I think 5.1 or 6 fixes that though.
L2230[19:15:57] <Sandra> but I've never used them.
L2231[19:16:08] * Inari pokes Negi / vifino
L2232[19:16:10] <Inari> comments?
L2233[19:16:32] <vifino> Inari: I like it.
L2234[19:16:37] <Sandra> Inari, what's that?
L2235[19:17:14] <Inari> ~.~
L2236[19:17:23] <Izaya> Sandra, I'm running 5.1 so the fix isn't in that
L2237[19:17:28] <Sandra> oh, a trading upgrade?
L2238[19:17:29] <Sandra> nice.
L2239[19:17:32] <Inari> Sandra: ya xD
L2240[19:17:43] <Negi> I can't comment my own work but looks good
L2241[19:17:47] <Sandra> for an addon or for stock?
L2242[19:17:59] <Inari> Negi: k, so, i'll let you commit the icon tomorrow or so :P when i remake the repo
L2243[19:18:05] <Inari> Sandra: stock i suppose
L2244[19:18:26] <Sandra> cool.\
L2245[19:18:45] <Inari> or at least its an issue ticket wiht "feature accepted" and "open for adoption"
L2246[19:18:49] <Inari> so i guess it meanst hat
L2247[19:18:49] <Inari> :P
L2248[19:18:55] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/aboutphone.png
L2249[19:19:18] <Sandra> oh cool.
L2250[19:19:41] <Sandra> I only have 5.0.2 on mine.
L2251[19:20:02] <Sandra> because god knows motorola don't feel like updating to 5.1 yet.
L2252[19:20:10] <Sandra> oh yeah.... speaking of my phone.
L2253[19:20:36] <Sandra> it is currently stuck on the very first stage of the bootloader permanently.
L2254[19:20:40] <Sangar> allrighters, off for good now! gnight o/
L2255[19:20:47] <vifino> See ya, Sangar!
L2256[19:20:53] <Izaya> that sounds less than ideal
L2257[19:20:55] <Izaya> bai Sangar
L2258[19:20:58] <Sandra> Yep.
L2259[19:21:01] <Sandra> I
L2260[19:21:23] <Sandra> 'm gonna be sending it back as soon as I can deliver it back to the JB HiFi I bought it from.
L2261[19:21:35] <Sandra> which is tomorrow.
L2262[19:21:43] <Izaya> Still under warranty or no?
L2263[19:21:43] <Sandra> hopefully they'll take it.
L2264[19:22:02] <Sandra> apparently we only had a 1 year warranty and we got it last christmas....
L2265[19:22:19] <Izaya> though I guess if it's stuck in the bootloader you probably weren't sticking to the rules of the contract anyway
L2266[19:22:26] <Sandra> although I did have to send it back to be replaced about 6 months ago.
L2267[19:22:31] <Sandra> Izaya, of course I was.
L2268[19:22:43] <Izaya> so how'd the bootloader freak?
L2269[19:22:44] <Sandra> all I did was force turn it off when it stopped responding.
L2270[19:22:48] <Izaya> ...oh
L2271[19:22:53] <Izaya> yeah that sounds less than ideal
L2272[19:23:05] <Sandra> and by that I mean i held the power button for 10 seconds.
L2273[19:23:14] <Sandra> yep.
L2274[19:23:47] <Sandra> the weird thing is that I had to send it back a while ago...
L2275[19:23:58] <Sandra> for the reason that it booted up to a blank screen.
L2276[19:24:12] <Sandra> and they replaced the entire chip inside it.
L2277[19:25:58] <vifino> I never used my warrenty on any phones or laptops.
L2278[19:26:05] <Sandra> heh.
L2279[19:26:10] <Sandra> I've had to for everything.
L2280[19:26:11] <Sandra> ever.
L2281[19:26:13] <vifino> First, because my warrenty ends the day I get it...
L2282[19:26:22] <vifino> And second, because I take care of my things.
L2283[19:26:32] <Sandra> I take care of my things!
L2284[19:26:43] <Sandra> they just break around me for some reason.
L2285[19:27:06] <vifino> rip.
L2286[19:27:16] <Sandra> I don't do things that break the warranty.
L2287[19:27:32] <Sandra> I'm just using them as intended.
L2288[19:27:38] <Sandra> someone stood on my laptop.
L2289[19:27:44] <Sandra> that was not me.
L2290[19:27:49] <Sandra> it was in a safe place.
L2291[19:28:01] <Sandra> but someone still managed to stand on it.
L2292[19:28:14] <vifino> Currently, my most dropped phone is my iphone.
L2293[19:28:29] <Sandra> so the screen's broken, and all the hardware in it is gradually failing.
L2294[19:28:35] <Inari> well night folks
L2295[19:28:41] <vifino> I drop it more than three times as much I do my normal phones. Weird statistics and stuff.
L2296[19:28:44] <vifino> Night, Inari.
L2297[19:28:58] <Sandra> like the USB slots are capable of running a wired mouse.
L2298[19:29:01] <Sandra> and that's it.
L2299[19:29:06] <Sandra> nothing else works.
L2300[19:29:13] <Sandra> USB sticks? nah.
L2301[19:29:21] <Sandra> more complex mouse? nah.
L2302[19:29:32] <vifino> rip
L2303[19:29:34] <Sandra> anything else just makes the whole USB hardware fail.
L2304[19:29:44] <Sandra> making the other mouse not work either.
L2305[19:29:49] <Negi> I sat on my laptop because I forgot it was in my bag.
L2306[19:29:54] <vifino> Also, my cousin's/now my S4 Active is quite a good phone.
L2307[19:29:57] <Negi> Everything works, I had to replace the screen.
L2308[19:30:11] <vifino> 1080p, snapdragon 600, two gb ram. It has opencl \o/
L2309[19:30:16] <Sandra> I could replace the screen on this.
L2310[19:30:52] <Sandra> vifino, so it's a high-end-ish phone.
L2311[19:31:14] <Sandra> I could replace the screen on this computer, but it'd cost more than just buying another one.
L2312[19:31:23] <Sandra> which is what I'm doing.
L2313[19:31:32] <Sandra> and I'm using this computer.... as something.
L2314[19:31:47] <Sandra> probably as a steambox.
L2315[19:33:26] <vifino> Sandra: Yes. It's a small step up from my note 2, which bit the dust in 2015.
L2316[19:33:34] <vifino> I miss my old friend :<
L2317[19:33:48] <Sandra> >samsung phones
L2318[19:33:51] <Sandra> >apple phones.
L2319[19:33:56] <vifino> Yes, and yes.
L2320[19:34:06] <Sandra> why would you do that to yourself.
L2321[19:34:21] <Xal> protip: Ctrl-K 3 to get >greentext
L2322[19:34:34] <Sandra> >i know
L2323[19:34:44] <Sandra> but i can't be fucked.
L2324[19:34:54] <vifino> If I would explain that, all you could see is the brand names, so I'm not gonna bother.
L2325[19:35:08] <Xal> >NOT ENOUGH GREEN
L2326[19:35:32] <CompanionCube> >implying literal greentext on irc is good
L2327[19:35:41] <vifino> >mfw green everywhere
L2328[19:35:49] <Xal> >implying there's a time when greentext isn't good
L2329[19:35:49] <Sandra> vifino, my point is why would you pay twice as much money for the same thing as something else?
L2330[19:35:57] <Sandra> for the OEM apps?
L2331[19:35:58] <CompanionCube> Xal, greentext is good
L2332[19:36:02] <alekso56> vifino: you should get another note, i have note4
L2333[19:36:03] <CompanionCube> not so much literal greentext
L2334[19:36:31] <Xal> I present to you: >redtext
L2335[19:36:37] <Xal> for when there's to much greentext
L2336[19:36:39] <Sandra> if you got it cheap, I'm not gonna complain.
L2337[19:36:40] <vifino> Sandra: Sure, just give me something which drawbacks I can deal with.
L2338[19:36:57] <Sandra> but if you paid full price.....
L2339[19:37:01] <Inari> >lel
L2340[19:37:15] <vifino> alekso56: I should, indeed.
L2341[19:37:33] <alekso56> Inari: go to bed already b-b
L2342[19:37:35] <Sandra> especially for the apple phones.
L2343[19:37:45] <vifino> But for now I have my iphone and a s4 active with a cracked screen.
L2344[19:37:51] <vifino> Sandra: >paying full price on apple stuff
L2345[19:37:55] <vifino> m8.
L2346[19:38:01] <Sandra> yeah.
L2347[19:38:05] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC64C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L2348[19:38:05] <Sandra> I bet you didn't.
L2349[19:38:10] <Sandra> neither does anyone.
L2350[19:38:14] <Sandra> which is fine.
L2351[19:38:26] <vifino> I did for my laptop, not for this thing.
L2352[19:38:46] <Sandra> apple tax is waaaay too much.
L2353[19:38:55] <vifino> And yes, *flamewars intensify*, I like my macbook.
L2354[19:39:00] <vifino> And yes, there are cheaper ones.
L2355[19:39:05] <Sandra> yes, here's $1000 for a thing that's the same as another things.
L2356[19:39:08] <vifino> And yes, there are higher specced ones for less.
L2357[19:39:12] <Sandra> s/things/thing
L2358[19:39:13] <MichiBot> <Sandra> yes, here's $1000 for a thing that's the same as another thing.
L2359[19:39:38] <Sandra> for $500
L2360[19:39:45] <vifino> Yes, I get it, Sandra.
L2361[19:40:00] <Sandra> VALID PURCHASING DECISIONS.
L2362[19:40:16] <Sandra> so explain yourself?
L2363[19:40:34] <alekso56> no limit on money? xd
L2364[19:40:48] <vifino> "If I would explain that, all you could see is the brand names, so I'm not gonna bother." - me
L2365[19:40:57] <Sandra> no, please do.
L2366[19:41:49] <Sandra> I mean, apple and samsung products have worse software than others anyway, but for the sake of this conversation, I'll ignore that.
L2367[19:42:26] <alekso56> hehe, i voided the warranty after 2 hours.
L2368[19:42:52] <alekso56> cleaned out all the software and the kernel, to get my own rom running again.
L2369[19:43:11] <vifino> alekso56: That iphone was jailbroken after a few minutes, because that's how long the setup takes.
L2370[19:43:33] <vifino> My note 2 took a little longer.
L2371[19:43:39] <Sandra> the weird thing about me is that my dad is all like "nah you won't need extended warranties, they hardly cover anything." when i've needed warranties for all my stuff.
L2372[19:43:40] <vifino> Was a few days, I think.
L2373[19:44:22] ⇦ Quits: Pingex (~pingex@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2374[19:44:43] <alekso56> I've never needed a warranty, but if i do. it's usually 2 years after the warranty ran out.
L2375[19:44:50] <vifino> Same.
L2376[19:47:17] <vifino> Sandra: Got my iphone via my dad's company and stuff, they switched to them for... cisco or something remote access thing. Not sure exactly what it was called. Jailbroke it, because otherwise it's completely useless. I like samsung phones, a friend of mine works at samsung, gets us samsung stuff cheaper than usual.
L2377[19:47:37] <vifino> Other than that, there aren't many alternatives to my preferred style of phone.
L2378[19:47:46] <vifino> The note series was just perfect.
L2379[19:47:55] <Sandra> fair.
L2380[19:47:58] <vifino> Big, pen, good specs.
L2381[19:48:06] <Sandra> that's fair.
L2382[19:49:16] <alekso56> im not going to buy the note 5++, i only buy phones with the built in microsd and swappable battery xd
L2383[19:49:16] <vifino> I also wanted to make apps for iphones and shit to get a little bit more money, but I couldn't deal with OSX for long, so developing was basically not possible.
L2384[19:49:23] <Sandra> tell me you at least rooted it and installed some rom that's not crap?
L2385[19:49:31] <vifino> Of course.
L2386[19:49:37] <Izaya> so I just generated an OpenTTD world, and there's a town called 'Lanville'
L2387[19:49:49] <Sandra> oh yeah.
L2388[19:50:09] <Sandra> whatever happened to that openttd game that the channel was gonna play.
L2389[19:50:43] <Xal> ... still waiting on an OSH phone
L2390[19:51:01] <vifino> Sandra: My note 2 ran all kinds of roms, I think the latest one was either Dirty Unicorns or something after that. Had a custom kernel with usb keyboard emulation that allowed me to use my phone as a keyboard and mouse. GLTools and stuff was also there, so I had glsl optimization.
L2391[19:51:20] <Sandra> mmm hmm.
L2392[19:51:24] <vifino> I overclocked and undervolted that thing to 2ghz stable.
L2393[19:51:34] <vifino> Had a battery life of two weeks.
L2394[19:51:47] <Sandra> wow.
L2395[19:52:00] <Sandra> 2 weeks unused?
L2396[19:52:05] <Sandra> or....
L2397[19:52:21] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/lanvilletransport.png
L2398[19:52:28] <vifino> Sandra: https://puu.sh/mhrBR/d61b57c3d8.png
L2399[19:52:33] <vifino> wait
L2400[19:52:42] <alekso56> wut
L2401[19:52:46] <vifino> Sandra: https://twitter.com/vifino/status/649991804792737793
L2402[19:52:47] <MichiBot> Fri Oct 02 11:58:17 CDT 2015 @vifino: Note 2 still holding strong. http://t.co/n2Okq0EPQO
L2403[19:53:06] <Sandra> you just crashed chrome.
L2404[19:53:13] <Sandra> thanks guys
L2405[19:53:14] <vifino> \o/
L2406[19:53:35] <alekso56> vifino: isn't that like 1 day?
L2407[19:53:50] <vifino> alekso56: ?
L2408[19:54:04] <Sandra> and... again.
L2409[19:54:20] <Sandra> chrome crashed again.
L2410[19:54:25] <alekso56> cannot read that date format @_@
L2411[19:54:43] <vifino> alekso56: that picture was about 9-10 days.
L2412[19:54:48] <vifino> of battery life, that is.
L2413[19:55:16] <vifino> 6% - 7 hours left.
L2414[19:55:42] <vifino> Man, I loved that phone.
L2415[19:55:45] <alekso56> my note4 lasts 7 days on idle. 4 days if i check the phone sometimes.
L2416[19:56:01] <alekso56> 1 and a half on medium gaming
L2417[19:56:29] <vifino> alekso56: For a note 2, that is really really impressive.
L2418[19:56:35] <vifino> Just sayin.
L2419[19:56:52] <alekso56> did you underclock it?
L2420[19:57:05] <vifino> If I didn't check it spontaneously, it would last like 14 days or so.
L2421[19:57:20] <vifino> alekso56: Overclocked and undervolted, not underclocked.
L2422[19:57:36] <Sandra> good to see your tweet crashes my computer.
L2423[19:57:50] <vifino> Sandra: have you tried rebooting?
L2424[19:57:52] * Izaya hasn't tested his phone battery life yet
L2425[19:58:02] <Sandra> yes, I just did.
L2426[19:58:10] <alekso56> Sandra: stop breaking things!
L2427[19:58:23] <alekso56> the internet doesn't have warranty!
L2428[19:58:41] <Sandra> my phone (moto g 2nd gen) lasts roughly a day.
L2429[19:58:45] <jhagrid7> -Where is the website with most of the Dev builds?
L2430[19:58:48] <Sandra> so I just charge it overnight.
L2431[19:58:57] <Sandra> and it works fine.
L2432[19:59:26] <Sandra> vifino, what on earth theme is that?
L2433[19:59:32] <Izaya> http://ci.cil.li jhagrid
L2434[19:59:39] <vifino> Sandra: Don't remember.
L2435[19:59:46] <vifino> Why?
L2436[20:00:00] <Sandra> it's just weird to me.
L2437[20:00:04] <Sandra> that it's not material.
L2438[20:00:20] * Izaya dislikes material
L2439[20:00:28] <vifino> It's 5.1.1 regardless.
L2440[20:00:43] <Izaya> I prefer the theme of android 4 but apparently I get stabbed for saying that
L2441[20:00:44] <Sandra> material is my baby.
L2442[20:00:59] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L2443[20:01:10] <Sandra> Izaya, well.... apps can override the theme on an app-by-app basis.
L2444[20:01:18] <Sandra> well, no.
L2445[20:01:27] <Sandra> an activity-by-activity basis.
L2446[20:01:37] <S3> Lol
L2447[20:01:43] <Izaya> and custom ROMs can override the global theme
L2448[20:01:45] <vifino> Izaya: As long as it's black, I can live with that.
L2449[20:01:47] <Sandra> yeah.
L2450[20:01:51] <orthoplex64> are network messages slower with servers than they are with computer case computers?
L2451[20:01:53] <S3> there are people in the arcade channel of sc2 advertising their custom matches and saying "FREE BEER IF YOU JOIN!"
L2452[20:01:53] <Izaya> soon(TM)
L2453[20:01:57] <vifino> If it isn't, my eyes burn.
L2454[20:02:11] <Sandra> I know there is a material dark theme.
L2455[20:02:11] <Izaya> Don't want to void my warranty just yet.
L2456[20:02:28] <vifino> Izaya: Come to the dark side, we have root.
L2457[20:02:35] <S3> LOL
L2458[20:02:37] <Sandra> and android 5.1 or 6 has that.
L2459[20:02:38] <S3> seen it
L2460[20:02:44] <Sandra> as an option.
L2461[20:02:45] * alekso56 hands cookies out.
L2462[20:02:47] <S3> why would that void your warranty :P
L2463[20:03:11] <Izaya> unlocking the motorola bootloader voids your warranty
L2464[20:03:23] <Izaya> gonna install cyanogenmod on my old phone once I find my other SD card though
L2465[20:03:27] <vifino> Actually, I think my note 2 still technically has warrenty, just because they can't detect if I flashed something or not :D
L2467[20:03:36] <Sandra> unfailingly.
L2468[20:03:54] <Sandra> so the low priority category is actually the high priority category.
L2469[20:04:03] <Sandra> it puts all the high priority stuff there.
L2470[20:04:06] <Sandra> unfailingly.
L2471[20:06:34] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-299-164.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2472[20:06:44] <Sandra> oh, apparently I own ass-software.com?
L2473[20:06:49] <Sandra> and it's just about to expire.
L2474[20:06:52] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L2475[20:06:55] <Sandra> wow.
L2476[20:07:29] <Sandra> i thought it'd already expired.
L2477[20:10:54] <Negi> Sandra: Why do you own that?
L2478[20:11:31] <Sandra> because why not.
L2479[20:11:46] <Sandra> i did host a website there at one point.
L2480[20:11:55] <Sandra> when I had a large amount of stolen money.
L2481[20:12:09] <vifino> <h1>Literally just ass.</h1>
L2482[20:12:09] <Sandra> (i stole it from myself don't worry.)
L2483[20:13:10] <alekso56> vifino: that reminds me of https://cax.no/potato/?channel=oc&lines=20&raw=true
L2484[20:13:35] <vifino> hahahaha
L2485[20:14:11] <vifino> color
L2486[20:14:16] <vifino> alekso56: fix it
L2487[20:14:38] <alekso56> vifino: but y, it's raw.
L2488[20:14:49] <vifino> alekso56: the non &raw=true
L2489[20:15:12] <alekso56> ohk
L2490[20:16:36] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@2a00:c1a0:c091:5700:8b0:b5a6:b1ce:ca94) (Quit: Leaving)
L2491[20:16:41] <vifino> Ah, there we go.
L2492[20:16:44] <vifino> That is indeed metal.
L2493[20:17:04] <gamax92> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
L2494[20:17:14] <gamax92> linux not booting
L2495[20:17:29] <vifino> gamax92: error
L2496[20:17:47] <gamax92> Gave up waiting for root something something
L2497[20:18:08] <vifino> Yer hard drive may be dead.
L2498[20:18:17] <vifino> /partition table ded
L2499[20:18:28] <gamax92> no is fine I can see it in livecd
L2500[20:18:33] <Izaya> yet it got to grub and loaded the grub menu
L2501[20:18:39] <gamax92> ^
L2502[20:19:02] <vifino> Izaya: Just the uuid part corrupted
L2503[20:19:44] <Izaya> uuid part?
L2504[20:19:54] <Izaya> wouldn't that break the FS?
L2505[20:19:59] <vifino> no idea
L2506[20:20:03] <gamax92> the uuid listed in grub and fstab also matches what I see from the livecd
L2507[20:20:15] <vifino> cosmic rays, bitflips!
L2508[20:20:20] <vifino> gamax92: then i do not know.
L2509[20:20:27] <gamax92> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
L2510[20:20:44] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:a9f3:ab5c:5dd1:c7c2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2511[20:21:05] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2512[20:21:15] <Izaya> gamax92, did you try multiple times?
L2513[20:21:38] <gamax92> I'm just going to move all the folders from / into a folder and reinstall ._.
L2514[20:22:44] <CompanionCube> what distro was it
L2515[20:22:50] <vifino> I wonder if I should use gentoo on my phone instead of alpine.
L2516[20:23:01] <vifino> I mean, no reason, just bragging rights.
L2517[20:23:11] <gamax92> CompanionCube: I'd rather not open up any kind of stupidity debate
L2518[20:23:21] <vifino> CompanionCube: linux mint
L2519[20:23:25] <gamax92> nope
L2520[20:23:27] * CompanionCube doesn't judge except for gentoo
L2521[20:23:30] <vifino> ubuntu?
L2522[20:23:34] <gamax92> yes
L2523[20:23:36] <vifino> ah
L2524[20:23:43] <vifino> CompanionCube: and funtoo?
L2525[20:23:46] <vifino> is funtoo okay?
L2526[20:23:52] <gamax92> genbuntu
L2527[20:23:56] ⇨ Joins: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net)
L2528[20:23:57] <CompanionCube> vifino, idk
L2529[20:23:57] <gamax92> ubuntoo
L2530[20:24:06] <vifino> CompanionCube: what do you have against gentoo?
L2531[20:24:20] <vifino> its a lot of time investement, but it's good when you got the time.
L2532[20:24:37] ⇨ Joins: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net)
L2533[20:24:38] <CompanionCube> I just have the image of 4chan's /g/ in my head with regards to Gentoo.
L2534[20:24:48] <vifino> ¬_¬
L2535[20:24:49] <gamax92> oh lol
L2536[20:25:05] <vifino> To r/unixporn we shall go.
L2537[20:25:07] <zmdudeman> Greeting comrades!
L2538[20:25:16] <gamax92> help me comrade
L2539[20:25:23] <zmdudeman> Im here for help
L2540[20:25:28] <CompanionCube> vifino, that one has given the same image to i3wm
L2541[20:25:44] <vifino> CompanionCube: but but but i use i3 and awesome and gentoo and urxvt
L2542[20:25:54] <vifino> JUDGE ME
L2543[20:25:55] <zmdudeman> Does anyone know how to use the computronics mod?
L2544[20:26:06] <gamax92> Vexatos knows how to use the computronics mod ;3
L2545[20:26:14] <zmdudeman> Specifically the tape drive and cassette tape?
L2546[20:26:18] <CompanionCube> vifino, awesome actually looks sweet
L2547[20:26:20] <gamax92> put tape drive to computer
L2548[20:26:21] <CompanionCube> because lua scripting
L2549[20:26:25] <gamax92> put tape in tape drive
L2550[20:26:28] <gamax92> use tape command
L2551[20:26:52] <zmdudeman> I type "tape command"
L2552[20:26:54] <zmdudeman> ?
L2553[20:27:05] <gamax92> ._.
L2554[20:27:10] <gamax92> you cannot be helped
L2555[20:27:16] <vifino> CompanionCube: It is.
L2556[20:27:18] <EmanuelE> im here too for the same question
L2557[20:27:21] <vifino> Can confirm, I use it.
L2558[20:27:22] <EmanuelE> i open lua
L2559[20:27:33] <EmanuelE> and type tape and it returns nil
L2560[20:27:43] <EmanuelE> obviously it needs arguments
L2561[20:27:54] <EmanuelE> what are they?
L2562[20:27:54] <gamax92> you don't run commands from the lua prompt ._.
L2563[20:28:06] <gamax92> you run commands from the red "#/" prompt
L2564[20:28:22] <gamax92> you run lua code in the lua prompt, and I guess you can start out with =component.tape_drive
L2565[20:28:43] <Negi> CompanionCube: B-B-But I use i3 D:
L2566[20:28:59] <vifino> CompanionCube: also, the /g/ fav is i3-gaps.
L2567[20:29:01] <EmanuelE> yeah sorry but what is this #/ prompt
L2568[20:29:10] <gamax92> the very first thing you see when you boot.
L2569[20:29:20] <gamax92> it's red, has a # sign, blinking cursor
L2570[20:29:21] <EmanuelE> oh the normal place you run programs from
L2571[20:29:43] <EmanuelE> i dont see a # sign though
L2572[20:30:43] <EmanuelE> can you literally walk me through each step?
L2573[20:30:54] <CompanionCube> vifino, i3 and i3-gaps are basically equivalent
L2574[20:30:54] <gamax92> no I'm fixing my computer atm
L2575[20:31:01] <EmanuelE> *sigh* fine
L2576[20:31:10] <gamax92> I should have PS2 keyboard somewhere ... ;-;
L2577[20:31:14] <EmanuelE> ill go elsewhere if no one else here can help me
L2578[20:31:32] <zmdudeman> Nobody else knows about computronics?
L2579[20:31:44] <gamax92> vifino, help the people here
L2580[20:32:14] <zmdudeman> Can you vifino?
L2581[20:34:27] ⇦ Parts: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net) ())
L2582[20:34:47] ⇦ Quits: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L2583[20:35:24] <vifino> CompanionCube: No, they aren't.
L2584[20:35:33] <vifino> i3 is cool. i3-gaps is what race cars use.
L2585[20:36:23] <vifino> I know, because I am a race car.
L2586[20:41:34] ⇨ Joins: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net)
L2587[20:42:16] <zmdudeman> Can someone help me with the computronics mod?
L2588[20:42:35] <primetoxinz> with?
L2589[20:42:44] <zmdudeman> Cassette tapes and tape drives
L2590[20:42:47] <zmdudeman> Do you know?
L2591[20:43:02] <primetoxinz> never used them, but may be able to help
L2592[20:43:06] <primetoxinz> what specifically?
L2593[20:43:18] <zmdudeman> Just how to use it, it sems to be a very in depth thing
L2594[20:44:35] ⇨ Joins: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net)
L2595[20:44:37] ⇨ Joins: PoodleDemolisher (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net)
L2596[20:44:52] <PoodleDemolisher> poodles should explode!
L2597[20:45:02] <primetoxinz> it's just converting an audio file to bytes and reading them back
L2598[20:45:20] <vifino> gamax92: http://phosphor.i0i0.me/p/qLxRFSU4
L2599[20:45:25] <zmdudeman> Do you know how to do it entirely like the commands in the computer though?
L2600[20:45:25] <PoodleDemolisher> yesterday i clubbed a baby poodle\
L2601[20:45:33] <vifino> Sandra: ^
L2602[20:45:43] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:f448:e309:83cd:a897)
L2603[20:46:03] <PoodleDemolisher> t3hero, did you know i dont like poodles?
L2604[20:46:13] <primetoxinz> http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics:tape zmdudeman
L2605[20:46:27] <PoodleDemolisher> is that a vid about sad poodles
L2606[20:46:28] ⇦ Quits: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net) (Client Quit)
L2607[20:46:41] <PoodleDemolisher> rdfgvhhhhhhhfgfgfgfgfgvfjhiuyhfgyjhuyhiuyhgjhuiuyh
L2608[20:46:49] <zmdudeman> Ok il ltalke a lot at it thnaks
L2609[20:46:55] <zmdudeman> look at it*
L2610[20:46:57] <primetoxinz> np
L2611[20:52:39] <zmdudeman> That wiki page doesnt really make an sense to me
L2612[20:53:21] <zmdudeman> Do you understand how to completley use the tape drive and cassette?
L2613[20:53:45] <zmdudeman> And we are talking about computercraft and computronics correct?
L2614[20:55:17] <zmdudeman> I really just need a quick walkthrough of this from somebody?
L2615[20:55:21] <PoodleDemolisher> saaay fat harbor
L2616[20:55:40] <PoodleDemolisher> da na na na nana
L2617[20:56:50] <zmdudeman> Out of all the people connected to this IRC, someone has to know how to use the tape drive?!!
L2618[20:57:35] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L2619[20:57:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L2620[20:57:50] <Negi> zmdudeman: http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics:tape
L2621[20:57:51] <zmdudeman> Cant someone just walk me though it?
L2622[20:57:52] <Kodos> #lua return btm
L2623[20:57:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > http://btm.asie.pl/16/
L2624[20:58:22] <zmdudeman> I clicked that, it doesnt help, it says to use the OpenComputers mod, which isnt in the modpack
L2625[20:58:37] ⇦ Quits: PoodleDemolisher (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L2626[20:58:59] <Negi> Why do you have Computronics if you don't have either OC or CC ._.
L2627[20:59:11] <zmdudeman> Im in the Tekkit legends modpack
L2628[20:59:16] <zmdudeman> It has CC
L2629[20:59:19] <Kodos> Does it have ComputerCraft?
L2630[20:59:22] <zmdudeman> yes
L2631[20:59:23] <Kodos> Okay then
L2632[20:59:53] <Kodos> What are you trying to do? I just logged on
L2633[21:00:08] <zmdudeman> Make a tape with the cassette tapes and tape drive
L2634[21:00:15] <Kodos> Audio, or data?
L2635[21:00:18] <zmdudeman> Audio
L2636[21:00:29] <Kodos> What format is your audio file currently in?
L2637[21:00:43] <zmdudeman> What format does it need to be in?
L2638[21:01:05] <Kodos> For the easiest methods, an uncompressed 8 or 16 bit PCM .wav file
L2639[21:02:41] ⇨ Joins: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net)
L2640[21:02:45] <zmdudeman> Ok talk to Emanuel
L2641[21:03:10] <Kodos> Howdy, EmanuelE. Are you the one trying to make an audio cassette?
L2642[21:03:28] <EmanuelE> im helping zmdudeman make one
L2643[21:04:04] <Kodos> Okay, your audio file should be an uncompressed 8 or 16 bit PCM .wav file
L2644[21:04:08] <EmanuelE> ok
L2645[21:04:17] <Kodos> If you need to convert what you have, I recommend Audacity, as it's free
L2646[21:04:36] <EmanuelE> Yeah we have audacity
L2647[21:05:32] <Kodos> Once you have the file converted, let me know
L2648[21:05:59] <EmanuelE> Ok almost done
L2649[21:06:15] <EmanuelE> Oh be right back
L2650[21:06:21] <zmdudeman> I have the wav file btw
L2651[21:06:53] <zmdudeman> What is next?
L2652[21:06:59] <Kodos> Once you have the wav file, you'll need to download LionRay, available at http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics:tape
L2653[21:07:07] <Kodos> To convert the wav to a DFPWM file, which is what is needed
L2654[21:07:27] <zmdudeman> Downloaded
L2655[21:07:52] <Kodos> Okay, just run that, and plug your wav file in, and then it should put the output file into the same directory
L2656[21:08:49] <zmdudeman> I selected it as the input put nothing for the output changed
L2657[21:09:10] <zmdudeman> What should the outpuit be?
L2658[21:09:10] <Kodos> It won't, it just auto-outputs to the same directory, with the same filename
L2659[21:09:20] <zmdudeman> It says it needs a specified output
L2660[21:09:21] <Kodos> So myfile.wav will output to a file called myfile
L2661[21:09:30] <Kodos> Rest assured, even with no extension, it's a DFPWM file
L2662[21:09:50] <zmdudeman> Well it just said "No specified file for output"
L2663[21:09:55] <Kodos> Hm, hang on
L2664[21:10:02] <Kodos> Wife'll kill me, but let me grab LionRay
L2665[21:10:06] <Kodos> (I'm on her PC atm)
L2666[21:10:10] <zmdudeman> Lol k
L2667[21:10:11] <Kodos> Actually
L2668[21:10:14] <Kodos> Paging gamax92
L2669[21:10:29] <zmdudeman> He said he couldnt help because he was fixing his computer
L2670[21:10:32] <Kodos> Ah
L2671[21:10:38] <Kodos> Nevermind, gam =)
L2672[21:10:40] <Kodos> One moment
L2673[21:11:04] <zmdudeman> I could just chose the same file as an output?
L2674[21:11:19] <Kodos> Nah, you basically need to tell it where the new file will go, and give it a name
L2675[21:11:36] <zmdudeman> So should I just put it in a new foldeR?
L2676[21:11:47] <Kodos> You can, yes, or put it anywhere you know where it'll b e
L2677[21:12:44] <zmdudeman> I typed in the name of the folder and it said conversion complete but it isnt in the folder
L2678[21:13:06] <Kodos> The bar you type in should be a filename, the location of the file browser is where the file will be
L2679[21:13:19] <Kodos> So if you want it in C:\My\Folder, make sure you're browsing that directory before typing in a filename
L2680[21:14:32] <zmdudeman> Ok got it
L2681[21:14:34] <zmdudeman> Converted
L2682[21:14:38] <Kodos> Okay, NOW
L2683[21:14:43] <Kodos> Do you have Puush's app, or Gyazo?
L2684[21:14:54] <zmdudeman> No do I need to download one?
L2685[21:15:04] <gamax92> kfhdslkjfjdsklfjdslkfjslkfjasldksadjsalkdhaskldjsad
L2686[21:15:05] <Kodos> Ehh, not really, but I've found those to be the easiest methods of file hosting
L2687[21:15:06] <gamax92> it boots
L2688[21:15:16] <Kodos> %g boot to the head
L2689[21:15:17] <MichiBot> Kodos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFldBVWFgWo - Phoenix Wright - Boot to the Head - YouTube: "Apr 28, 2007 ... http://www.thefrantics.com/index.cfm?PID=18446&PIDList=18105,18446 I just
L2690[21:15:20] <zmdudeman> II Hve a method
L2691[21:15:23] <gamax92> i just upgraded the kernel out and then it worked
L2692[21:15:27] <zmdudeman> of file hosting
L2693[21:15:28] <gamax92> now to quickly put everything back
L2694[21:15:29] <gamax92> ;-;
L2695[21:15:36] <Kodos> Okay, so basically what you want to do, is host the file, and get the URL of the direct link to the file
L2696[21:15:46] <zmdudeman> Ok one second
L2697[21:17:22] <zmdudeman> Done
L2698[21:17:48] <Kodos> Okay, now on your OC computer, with a tape drive hooked up, and a tape inserted, just run 'tape', look for the one marked write I think? And then do 'tape write URLtoTheFileHere'
L2699[21:17:50] <Kodos> Without quotes
L2700[21:17:59] <Kodos> Or whatever the command is
L2701[21:18:36] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-199-130-114.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L2702[21:18:42] <zmdudeman> There isnt opencomputers
L2703[21:18:49] <zmdudeman> Theres Computer craft
L2704[21:18:52] <Kodos> Try running tape anyway
L2705[21:19:01] <zmdudeman> It doesnt work
L2706[21:19:06] <Kodos> Okay, hang on
L2707[21:19:08] <greaser|q> Kodos: fun thing is the MMD version of that vid works quite well in the, well, asie's decided to call it the OCVid codec
L2708[21:19:12] <greaser|q> i just call it the cirno codec
L2709[21:19:26] <Kodos> Wat
L2710[21:19:28] <greaser|q> because it was made for one specific video as a bet which i won
L2711[21:19:56] <jhagrid7> Kodos, sir, I know you are good at programing, in OpenOS how can I make it so that my resolution stays after boot, I am trying to avoid an autorun.lua that way I can try to improve my coding skill ...
L2712[21:20:15] <Kodos> Without an autorun? Edit the resolution being set in the init.lua
L2713[21:20:38] <jhagrid7> I have, it won't stay after boot, unless there is another section for it
L2714[21:20:44] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-129-17.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: i died thanks for asking</sarcasm>)
L2715[21:20:48] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2716[21:20:53] <Kodos> Uhh
L2717[21:21:00] <Kodos> Hang on, let me get out of Time Clickers, and I'll boot up MC
L2718[21:21:25] <zmdudeman> Ok
L2719[21:21:50] <zmdudeman> Are you talking to him or me?
L2720[21:22:35] <Kodos> Him. As for your issue, iirc the tape drive's CC api version of write() takes a string, I wonder if you could read the entire DFPWM file and write it at once
L2721[21:22:42] <Kodos> I don't use CC, so I have no idea to be perfectly honest
L2722[21:23:09] <EmanuelE> he went afk but ill try for him
L2723[21:23:13] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L2724[21:23:33] <Kodos> Okay. Are you familiar with reading an entire file and storing it as a string var?
L2725[21:23:48] <EmanuelE> nope
L2726[21:24:41] <EmanuelE> i tried just opening the file in n++ but its not just normal characters which leads me to believe it needs to be parsed into a string
L2727[21:24:43] <EmanuelE> ?
L2728[21:25:46] <Kodos> Nah, it's just raw data iirc
L2729[21:25:58] <EmanuelE> hmm
L2730[21:26:04] <EmanuelE> so how would i pass it to write()
L2731[21:26:07] <greaser|q> if you were on the BTM server 25 mins ago or so you would have heard my talk on it
L2732[21:26:21] <greaser|q> which probably confused the hell out of everyone but at least had pretty pictures
L2733[21:26:29] ⇨ Joins: MrWonderful2015 (webchat@97-93-112-245.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L2734[21:26:30] <jhagrid7> Lol
L2735[21:26:36] <Kodos> I saw the camera upgrade in the theatre, I wonder what that was used for
L2736[21:26:38] <greaser|q> ah right yeah you'd basically do something like
L2737[21:27:18] <greaser|q> fp = io.read("some_crap.dfpwm", "rb"); while true do local s = fp:read(8192); if s == "" or s == nil then break end; tape.write(s); end
L2738[21:27:35] <jhagrid7> Greaser I would have been confused, I have trouble with basic coding, I actually tried "print("Hello user have a good day at BTM")" I did that on a computer at BTM lol
L2739[21:28:01] <MrWonderful2015> print shouldnt be in quotes
L2740[21:28:12] <Kodos> He was quoting what he had put in
L2741[21:28:16] <MrWonderful2015> oh
L2742[21:28:20] <EmanuelE> ah ok so how would i use t he http api to store the dfpwm file into the computer itself?
L2743[21:28:20] <jhagrid7> Yep
L2744[21:28:38] * Kodos shrugs
L2745[21:28:41] <MrWonderful2015> what do you mean by dfpwm?
L2746[21:28:42] <jhagrid7> Another question, can I change the size of font?
L2747[21:28:46] <greaser|q> wget http;//whatever.loli/honk.dfpwm
L2748[21:28:50] <jhagrid7> Or is it not supported?
L2749[21:28:52] <Kodos> As I said, I don't use CC, you'll have to ask over in #computercraft
L2750[21:29:02] <EmanuelE> ok great either way
L2751[21:29:07] <EmanuelE> ill do some testing now
L2752[21:29:11] <Kodos> Just tell them you need to know how to get a file from online, into a file on a computer
L2753[21:29:16] <greaser|q> dfpwm is a codec used by the tapes in the computronics mod
L2754[21:29:17] <Kodos> And, piece of advice
L2755[21:29:25] <Kodos> If you go into #computercraft, try not to piss off AmandaC
L2756[21:29:28] <Kodos> She's ban-happy
L2757[21:29:33] <zmdudeman> lol
L2758[21:29:35] <EmanuelE> haha ok ill try my best
L2759[21:29:42] <zmdudeman> Ok thanks for your help Kodos
L2760[21:29:44] <greaser|q> in other words don't say fuck even when you're angry
L2761[21:29:44] <Xal> also don't be afraid to get into OC >:)
L2762[21:29:46] <Kodos> Yep, no problem
L2763[21:29:49] <MrWonderful2015> you could just get the contents of the file and the name+extension
L2764[21:29:51] <EmanuelE> Yep thanks for the help
L2765[21:29:55] <Kodos> Yeah, if I am being completely honest
L2766[21:29:59] <Kodos> OC is so much more robust
L2767[21:30:02] <jhagrid7> Don't mess with Kodos either lol
L2768[21:30:02] <Kodos> And you can do tons more with it
L2769[21:30:07] <zmdudeman> Well were in Tekkit legends which doesnt have it
L2770[21:30:13] <Kodos> I know, I'm just saying
L2771[21:30:14] <greaser|q> OC also has 5.3 support
L2772[21:30:16] <jhagrid7> It is also more realistic
L2773[21:30:17] <MrWonderful2015> any good low level minecraft computer mods
L2774[21:30:18] <Kodos> If you get a chance, you can add it to your pack
L2775[21:30:21] <vifino> Hahaha, I am awesome.
L2776[21:30:26] <Xal> TBH the CC community is 100x more toxic than the OC one
L2777[21:30:27] <vifino> I got i3 running *on* the device.
L2778[21:30:29] <Kodos> TIS-3D, MrWonderful2015
L2779[21:30:29] <greaser|q> but basically it's a nicer architecture
L2780[21:30:33] <vifino> In an Alpine Chroot.
L2781[21:30:43] <MrWonderful2015> TIS-3D?
L2782[21:30:46] <MrWonderful2015> what is that
L2783[21:30:47] <Kodos> Yes, TIS-3D
L2784[21:30:52] <Kodos> It's basically ASM computing
L2785[21:31:00] <jhagrid7> So Kodos can you help me?
L2786[21:31:01] <greaser|q> TIS-3D is... special
L2787[21:31:04] <greaser|q> yeah pretty much
L2788[21:31:08] <Kodos> jhagrid, waiting on MC to load
L2789[21:31:08] <Xal> have you heard of the zachtronics TIS-100?
L2790[21:31:14] <MrWonderful2015> yeah
L2791[21:31:18] <Xal> it's that
L2792[21:31:19] <Kodos> It's that, but in MC
L2793[21:31:20] <greaser|q> it's probably more MC-esque than CC or OC
L2794[21:31:21] ⇦ Quits: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L2795[21:31:25] <jhagrid7> Kodos, alright, I know the feeling
L2796[21:31:36] <MrWonderful2015> sounds like a great mod
L2797[21:31:43] <Kodos> I'll be back in a moment, I need to run next door. Mom just texted and needs some help.
L2798[21:31:45] <Kodos> Won't be long
L2799[21:31:47] <MrWonderful2015> I'll look it up and download it
L2800[21:31:54] <Kodos> It's on the OC jenkins iirc
L2801[21:31:58] <Kodos> Sanger made it =D
L2802[21:32:07] <Xal> http://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/attachments/29/680/01-setup.png
L2803[21:32:27] <Xal> it's not restricted liek tis-100, you can have as many nodes as you like
L2804[21:32:30] <greaser|q> i really should try making a TIS-3D demo, i need to make sangar run out of non-brown trousers
L2805[21:32:54] <Xal> it's got the whole shebang, comp nodes, stack nodes, and a TON of extra moduels and integration
L2806[21:33:44] ⇦ Quits: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L2807[21:34:21] <MrWonderful2015> is there a documentation?
L2808[21:34:28] <MrWonderful2015> like a wiki
L2809[21:34:31] <MrWonderful2015> or pdf
L2810[21:34:40] <MrWonderful2015> that describes the modules
L2811[21:34:58] <MrWonderful2015> /nodes
L2812[21:35:29] <Xal> full in-game documentation, yep
L2813[21:36:10] <MrWonderful2015> good
L2814[21:37:17] <MrWonderful2015> does it use assembly or does it use a made up language
L2815[21:37:55] <MrWonderful2015> and is the architecture virtualized and is thus always the same or does it depend on the hardware of the server
L2816[21:38:00] <MrWonderful2015> I mean emulated
L2817[21:38:49] <Xal> virtualized
L2818[21:39:00] <Xal> it's meant to be massively parralel
L2819[21:39:22] <MrWonderful2015> ok
L2820[21:39:35] <Xal> the computation nodes on their own aren't that powerful but they can be easily chained together to make very powerful parallel computations
L2821[21:40:03] <MrWonderful2015> is it based off of a real architecture?
L2822[21:40:17] <MrWonderful2015> this mod seems awesome
L2823[21:42:21] <Xal> nope, the architecture is unlike anything you've ever seen!
L2824[21:42:32] <Xal> very different from programming a standard cpu
L2825[21:42:42] <Xal> you have to think not sequentially but in parallel
L2826[21:42:56] <Xal> you have to deal with the limited memory available too
L2827[21:43:03] <Xal> there's no random-access bulk ram
L2828[21:43:17] <Xal> only the limited registers, and stack nodes
L2829[21:43:26] <jhagrid7> Anyone screwing around with OC 1.6?
L2830[21:44:04] <MrWonderful2015> oh so its like how computers were programmed in the days before ram
L2831[21:44:33] <MrWonderful2015> seems interesting
L2832[21:46:31] <jhagrid7> There was always RAM, just like 1kb lol
L2833[21:47:01] <MrWonderful2015> not always
L2834[21:47:02] <jhagrid7> Heck I got a Dell Inspiron 8000 with 512KB of ram lol or is it MB?
L2835[21:47:14] <greaser|q> it's basically the ZZT of artificial CPUs
L2836[21:47:20] <jhagrid7> I thought there was... guess I was wrong
L2837[21:47:24] <MrWonderful2015> in the very old days, when computers were for military purposes only
L2838[21:47:32] <jhagrid7> Ahh yes
L2839[21:47:44] <MrWonderful2015> for cracking encryption
L2840[21:47:47] <greaser|q> i happen to own an HP 95LX which actually does have 512KB of RAM, NOT MB
L2841[21:48:03] <greaser|q> and a lot of that is used up by ramdisk storage (you can set the split)
L2842[21:49:11] <MrWonderful2015> the univac had no ram
L2843[21:51:14] <MrWonderful2015> univac 1
L2844[21:52:43] <MrWonderful2015> any limits to how many processors you can have in parallel
L2845[21:53:58] <MrWonderful2015> and how many stack nodes?
L2846[21:56:11] <greaser|q> i recall reading something on the internet on how you can handle subroutines on a Z80 with no RAM
L2847[21:57:13] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2848[21:58:29] ⇨ Joins: EmanuelE (webchat@50-88-22-34.res.bhn.net)
L2849[21:58:36] <EmanuelE> Is Kodos here?
L2850[21:58:39] ⇨ Joins: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net)
L2851[22:01:38] <Kodos> sec
L2852[22:02:06] <jhagrid7> Kodos had to go next door to his mom's said that she needed help
L2853[22:02:11] <jhagrid7> Ahh
L2854[22:02:20] <Kodos> And now I'm back, just had to put some stuff away into the freezer
L2855[22:02:44] <EmanuelE> So I got code from some nice people in #computercraft and it downloaded successfully
L2856[22:03:00] <Kodos> Awesome =)
L2857[22:03:11] <Kodos> Did they help you get it written onto the tape?
L2858[22:03:28] <EmanuelE> Now when I tried the little snippet you gave me it gave me this: io:10: Unsupported format
L2859[22:05:00] ⇦ Quits: tim4242 (~tim4242@dslb-188-097-147-094.188.097.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2860[22:05:00] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961334.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2861[22:05:28] <Kodos> That was someone else, not I
L2862[22:05:34] <EmanuelE> Oh?
L2863[22:05:36] <EmanuelE> hmm
L2864[22:05:37] <Kodos> I know pretty much fuckall how to do stuff in CC
L2865[22:05:47] <Kodos> I've used OC for... 2 years now?
L2866[22:06:25] <Kodos> I'm still mildly annoyed that 3D prints only put out weak RS signals
L2867[22:06:31] <EmanuelE> Well... who else was here talking with us before I left?q
L2868[22:06:43] <Kodos> I think you want greaser|q
L2869[22:06:48] <EmanuelE> Ah yes
L2870[22:06:53] <EmanuelE> Is he still around?
L2871[22:07:37] <jhagrid7> I summon thee mighty Greaser!
L2872[22:07:54] <jhagrid7> Nope
L2873[22:08:14] <jhagrid7> Kodos can you help my situation?
L2874[22:08:25] <Kodos> Remind me again what it was?
L2875[22:08:34] <Kodos> There was a lot of food and some cold medicine between now and when you asked
L2876[22:09:04] <jhagrid7> Kodos, sir, I know you are good at programing, in OpenOS how can I make it so that my resolution stays after boot, I am trying to avoid an autorun.lua that way I can try to improve my coding skill ...
L2877[22:09:19] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961D64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2878[22:09:21] <Kodos> Ah, yes
L2879[22:09:24] <Kodos> One moment
L2880[22:09:54] ⇨ Joins: MyrddinE (webchat@cpe-24-167-198-13.wi.res.rr.com)
L2881[22:10:54] <Kodos> I'm guessing you were editing line 44 in init.lua
L2882[22:11:03] <MyrddinE> The maker of RFTools mentioned he added support for RFTools to OC. But in the Integrations folder I see no RFTools integration; and when I put an Adaptor next to a Teleporter block it has no relevant methods (just power methods that nearly any block supports).
L2883[22:11:25] <Kodos> What version of RFTools are you using
L2884[22:11:43] <MyrddinE> Next to a dialing device I mean.
L2885[22:11:52] <MyrddinE> Hmm. Not sure, checking...
L2886[22:12:07] <zmdudeman> greaser|q?
L2887[22:13:33] <MyrddinE> I can't see the RFTools version, but I can say that right-clicking a Dialing Device in NEI brings up the methods I need.
L2888[22:13:50] <MyrddinE> But those methods don't show up on a dialingdevicetileentity component.
L2889[22:13:52] <Kodos> What's the filename
L2890[22:14:00] <Kodos> Of your RFTools jar
L2891[22:14:29] <MyrddinE> 4.13
L2892[22:14:48] <jhagrid7> Yes I am
L2893[22:15:43] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2894[22:16:31] <greaser|q> what am i getting yelled at for?
L2895[22:16:36] <greaser|q> zmdudeman: hmm?
L2896[22:16:37] <EmanuelE> Ah greaser
L2897[22:16:44] <zmdudeman> Emanuel needs you
L2898[22:16:50] <Kodos> Hmm, one sec jhagrid
L2899[22:16:56] <EmanuelE> Remember that snippet you gave me to save the dfpwm to the tape?
L2900[22:16:56] <Kodos> Let me see if I can find where it's getting the new resolution from
L2901[22:17:50] <Kodos> jhagrid, it's getting it from the term lib
L2902[22:18:00] <Kodos> clear() is checking the max resolution of the gpu, and setting that
L2903[22:18:07] <Kodos> So you'll need to adjust that
L2904[22:18:09] <greaser|q> ah yeah
L2905[22:18:28] <EmanuelE> Well for some reason it returns io:10: Unsupported format
L2906[22:18:37] ⇨ Joins: jhagrid7 (~jhagrid7@c-68-62-82-1.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L2907[22:19:19] <greaser|q> fuck i meant io.open not io.read sorry
L2908[22:19:28] <EmanuelE> ah ok ill try it real quick
L2909[22:20:23] <EmanuelE> drive:8 attempt to index ? (a nil value)
L2910[22:20:34] <jhagrid7> Kodos: can you tell me that line, I kinda deleted it to see if it would stop it, but it doesn't lol
L2911[22:20:36] <EmanuelE> drive is the program name btw
L2912[22:21:13] <EmanuelE> do i need to wrap the tape drive to the tape variable?
L2913[22:21:37] <Kodos> lmao
L2914[22:21:38] <Kodos> hang on
L2915[22:21:48] <Kodos> You don't need to delete it, just change the setResolution invoke
L2916[22:22:00] <Kodos> Where it's using w, h, you just change those to your desired width and height
L2917[22:22:14] <jhagrid7> I did, it won't stay after boot is finished
L2918[22:22:50] <jhagrid7> http://snag.gy/Wojtg.jpg
L2919[22:23:30] <EmanuelE> greaser
L2920[22:23:56] <EmanuelE> err i meant greaser|q
L2921[22:24:15] <Kodos> jhagrid7: I said to edit the clear() method in the term lib, that's where the new resolution is being set
L2922[22:24:42] <greaser|q> i think you can just do tape = component.tape_drive
L2923[22:24:49] <EmanuelE> ok ill try
L2924[22:24:50] <Kodos> greaser, he's using CC
L2925[22:24:54] <jhagrid7> Ah, could you tell me that line? lol
L2926[22:24:55] <greaser|q> ah fuck
L2927[22:25:04] <EmanuelE> oh yeah did i forget to mention that? lol
L2928[22:25:13] <greaser|q> well my advice is if you can, move to OC
L2929[22:25:29] <EmanuelE> the modpack im in doesnt have it
L2930[22:25:30] <Kodos> jhagrid, open the term lib, and look for where it's defining the clear() method
L2931[22:25:31] <greaser|q> of course plan B is, well, yeah you'd probably have to wrap it
L2932[22:26:08] <EmanuelE> well i tried to wrap it and i got this error peripheral:74: Too long without yeilding
L2933[22:27:11] <jhagrid7> I'm such a noob, where's the term lib?
L2934[22:27:32] ⇦ Quits: jhagrid7 (~jhagrid7@c-68-62-82-1.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: jhagrid7)
L2935[22:27:45] <Kodos> In the lib folder.
L2936[22:28:36] <greaser|q> EmanuelE: shove in an os.sleep(0.05) or whatever the fuck the sleep function is in CC in the while loop
L2937[22:28:54] <Corded> * jhagrid7 slaps himself
L2938[22:29:00] <jhagrid7> I should have seen it
L2939[22:29:00] <EmanuelE> beginning or end of the loop
L2940[22:29:21] <MrWonderful2015> opencomputers is better than computercraft in every way
L2941[22:29:30] <gamax92> except being fast
L2942[22:29:33] <MrWonderful2015> excet for computercraft being older
L2943[22:29:36] <MrWonderful2015> except
L2944[22:29:52] <MrWonderful2015> opencomputers isnt more of a resource hog than cc
L2945[22:29:52] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: beginning or end of the loop
L2946[22:30:05] <Xal> opencomputers has a native module making it waaay faster
L2947[22:30:09] <greaser|q> EmanuelE: doesn't matter, it has to be called somewhere in there
L2948[22:30:18] <gamax92> opencomputer's has callback limits making it waaay slower
L2949[22:30:20] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: ok ill try
L2950[22:30:28] <MrWonderful2015> those can be changed in the config
L2951[22:30:29] <Xal> something being older doesn't make it better, just often means there is more support
L2952[22:30:35] <MrWonderful2015> I set mine to be 1 ms
L2953[22:30:44] <Xal> however oc can still use cc addons, but the contrary is not true
L2954[22:30:46] <Kodos> Not to mention, OC has a better community <3
L2955[22:30:50] <MrWonderful2015> for non calls
L2956[22:31:02] <MrWonderful2015> and I double it for calls
L2957[22:31:06] <greaser|q> i remember some time before they banned viruses from the CC forums i wrote a decent one
L2958[22:31:15] <MrWonderful2015> yeah
L2959[22:31:26] <greaser|q> and reading some of the terrible ones and i critiqued one that probably wouldn't ever work properly
L2960[22:31:29] <greaser|q> quines are fun
L2961[22:31:30] <jhagrid7> Kodos have you seen Jeff Dunham?
L2962[22:31:58] <Kodos> yes
L2963[22:32:31] <MrWonderful2015> I remember writing a worm for firewolf
L2964[22:32:33] <greaser|q> also i'd look at it this way: OC has slower I/O, but faster internal operation
L2965[22:32:34] <jhagrid7> I feel like Walter "What the hell!" That's how I'm feeling looking at this coding lol
L2966[22:32:53] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: so its just sitting there not doing much
L2967[22:32:56] <MrWonderful2015> and oc just has more features
L2968[22:33:03] <Sandra> Xal, CC can use OC addons.
L2969[22:33:05] <EmanuelE> the program itself hasnt stopped yet
L2970[22:33:10] <Sandra> it's 2way.
L2971[22:33:13] <Xal> I has no idea Sandra, huh
L2972[22:33:16] <greaser|q> EmanuelE: it's not doing nothing, it's writing your tape ;)
L2973[22:33:23] <Sandra> they just have to get power from the OC network if they require power.
L2974[22:33:30] <EmanuelE> so will the program itself stop when its finished writeing?
L2975[22:33:49] <greaser|q> it should
L2976[22:33:57] <greaser|q> wait fuck
L2977[22:34:10] <EmanuelE> wait fuck what? im worried now lol
L2978[22:34:12] <greaser|q> it'll write it really fucking slowly because CC's io module is fucking retarded
L2979[22:34:18] <greaser|q> but it's writing
L2980[22:34:19] <EmanuelE> oh i see
L2981[22:34:23] <EmanuelE> ok thanks
L2982[22:34:40] <greaser|q> CC has a completely bullshit interpretation of "binary mode"
L2983[22:34:41] <EmanuelE> i suppose ill stay here and let you know if it ever finishes
L2984[22:35:10] <jhagrid7> Kodos has disappeared at the most important time XD
L2985[22:35:12] <MrWonderful2015> computercraft is older and benefits from having more apis and programs up
L2986[22:35:24] <greaser|q> in the case where newlines are chr(10), rather than chr(13)..chr(10) or chr(13), binary mode and text mode are identical
L2987[22:35:24] <MrWonderful2015> but overall oc has a better community
L2988[22:35:25] <jhagrid7> Wait I think I found it!
L2989[22:35:42] <greaser|q> CC doesn't have an epic video player ;)
L2990[22:35:56] <EmanuelE> lol
L2991[22:36:06] <Kodos> openlights?
L2992[22:36:10] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2993[22:36:20] <Kodos> err
L2994[22:36:25] <Kodos> oclights
L2995[22:36:30] <Kodos> i think
L2996[22:36:34] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:a02e:d9d:f881:6346)
L2997[22:36:37] <Sandra> yep.
L2998[22:36:43] <Kodos> i have drugs and ice cream
L2999[22:36:47] <EmanuelE> fun
L3000[22:36:56] <Sandra> but I love how OC has complete 2 way compatibility with CC if both are installed.
L3001[22:36:57] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L3002[22:37:07] <greaser|q> can you mix monitor types?
L3003[22:37:15] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L3004[22:37:33] <Sandra> you can use a CC monitor on an OC computer, but not vice versa, sadly.
L3005[22:37:47] <Sandra> since a CC monitor is a peripheral.
L3006[22:37:53] <Sandra> while an OC one requires a GPU.
L3007[22:38:04] <Sandra> (which sadly is not compatible with CC.)
L3008[22:38:21] <jhagrid7> Kodos I found what I need to edit, but it's a pain
L3009[22:38:22] <Sandra> cards aren't compatible with CC unfortunately.
L3010[22:38:26] <Sandra> but the rest are.
L3011[22:38:37] <Xal> but if it's all compatible with oc, why even have cc installed?
L3012[22:38:58] <Sandra> Xal, because it's not compatible without CC's api being there.
L3013[22:39:00] <greaser|q> so you can have shitty broken knockoffs of the lua API :^)
L3014[22:39:02] <jhagrid7> http://snag.gy/Vvfb3.jpg
L3015[22:39:05] <Sandra> which OC doesn't provide.
L3016[22:39:23] <gamax92> you may or may not need CC installed to use certain peripherals
L3017[22:39:23] <Sandra> of course, you can disable crafting of everything in CC.
L3018[22:39:37] <gamax92> so, it's better to leave it installed and then just do ^
L3019[22:39:46] <MrWonderful2015> for one thing in cc since resources are shared and computers dont have any limits you can hog all the resources which slows all the other computers down
L3020[22:39:53] <Sandra> yep!
L3021[22:40:10] <Sandra> CC is not designed for survival servers at all.
L3022[22:40:11] <CompanionCube> Can't you also break shit by abusing the string metatable
L3023[22:40:17] <Kodos> Ah, right, things were updated because reasons
L3024[22:40:19] <CompanionCube> or did they fix that
L3025[22:40:24] <Sandra> it's designed for learning lua.
L3026[22:40:26] <MrWonderful2015> and bypass password locked doors for one thing
L3027[22:40:28] <Xal> we don't have cc on my server for balance reasons, but are there any cc addons worth having
L3028[22:40:28] <Sandra> which it does very well.
L3029[22:40:36] <Sandra> but balancing? nah m8.
L3030[22:40:49] <MrWonderful2015> computers in cc are way too cheap
L3031[22:40:58] <greaser|q> i'd totally do this in my stuff:
L3032[22:41:02] <MrWonderful2015> not to mention that you can crash the real server easily in cc
L3033[22:41:10] <greaser|q> fp = io.open(fname, "rb"); k = fp:read(1); if type(k) == "number" then error("STOP USING CC YOU FUCKING PLEB THE IO API'S BROKEN") end
L3034[22:41:14] <jhagrid7> Kodos: How do I edit this lol, I tried to edit the maxw, maxh but it still didn't work
L3035[22:41:22] <MrWonderful2015> dont worry I tried this on a server hosted on my computer
L3036[22:41:32] <Kodos> Yeah, I have no idea tbh. term.lua was updated to support 'windows' or some shit
L3037[22:41:33] <Sandra> I would suggest not using OpenPeripheral, since it's OC api is horrible.
L3038[22:41:36] <Kodos> I haven't updated yet
L3039[22:41:44] <CompanionCube> MrWonderful2015: does it involve a certain metatable
L3040[22:41:56] <jhagrid7> I'm screwing around with 1.6
L3041[22:42:02] <MrWonderful2015> it was a long time ago but I belive so
L3042[22:42:03] <Sandra> but if there's something it supports that OC/Computronics doesn't, you can do it.
L3043[22:42:13] <Kodos> Yeah, 1.6 has the terminal windows support
L3044[22:42:34] <jhagrid7> Yeah I'm having trouble with the terminal thingy
L3045[22:42:54] <jhagrid7> I tried to see what all it added, but it didn't seem to add much
L3046[22:43:08] <CompanionCube> MrWonderful2015: try it on the newest CC version>
L3047[22:43:13] <jhagrid7> 2 Things for servers and suppose to have another card
L3048[22:43:33] <MrWonderful2015> it didnt crash as in error
L3049[22:44:02] <MrWonderful2015> it just hogs all the ram
L3050[22:44:13] <CompanionCube> still worth a shot
L3051[22:44:17] <MrWonderful2015> making the server crash with an out of memory error
L3052[22:44:24] <MrWonderful2015> I'll try it
L3053[22:44:27] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I appear to have flexed out of the room.)
L3054[22:44:49] <MrWonderful2015> well anyway you should get computronics
L3055[22:45:47] <Sandra> OC addons: OpenRadio,Computronics,OpenPrinter(? does this still exist),OCGlasses.
L3056[22:45:52] <greaser|q> hmm, does OC term have ANSI support
L3057[22:45:54] <Kodos> OpenFC
L3058[22:45:56] <Sandra> afaik.
L3059[22:45:57] <Kodos> err FM
L3060[22:46:01] <Sandra> that one too.
L3061[22:46:05] <Kodos> OpenPrinter and OpenSecurityt
L3062[22:46:17] <Sandra> oh yeah, opensecurity.
L3063[22:46:34] <Sandra> they're all open* heh.
L3064[22:46:34] <gamax92> lol greaser|q, that error message
L3065[22:46:53] <greaser|q> if i could be arsed with getting MCP set up in eclipse which involves being arsed getting eclipse set up i would totally make a decent audio mod
L3066[22:47:06] <greaser|q> i would totally call it OpenSoundSystem
L3067[22:47:15] <Kodos> OpenSpeakers, OpenAudio
L3068[22:47:17] <Kodos> etc
L3069[22:47:17] <Sandra> greaser|q, but computronics.
L3070[22:47:24] <greaser|q> fuck i totally could have built up to a joke
L3071[22:47:44] <greaser|q> Sandra: that's for streamed compressed audio
L3072[22:48:03] <Sandra> what are you wanting?
L3073[22:48:05] <greaser|q> should've said "i would provide an interface on a file /dev/dsp, and you'd call ioctl on it"
L3074[22:48:06] <CompanionCube> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sound_System
L3075[22:48:08] <dangranos> any good GUI lib for OC?
L3076[22:48:13] <Sandra> also note blocks.
L3077[22:48:13] <CompanionCube> That's already a thing
L3078[22:48:18] <Kodos> You know what I want? A sampler/synthesizer, that I can use to make beat tracks with any loaded sounds
L3079[22:48:20] <dangranos> or is it better to write it myself? ._.
L3080[22:48:23] <Sandra> dangranos, ROLL YOUR OWN!
L3081[22:48:28] <Sandra> :D
L3082[22:48:31] <greaser|q> Sandra: ^ pretty much what Kodos said
L3083[22:48:51] <Kodos> Technically, I could code one with MassSoud
L3084[22:48:52] * dangranos slaps Sandra
L3085[22:48:52] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L3086[22:48:53] <Kodos> Sound*
L3087[22:49:00] <greaser|q> oh hey if i ever get around to deciphering the mouse events i could totally make a GUI OS
L3088[22:49:04] <Sandra> yeah, you've got MassSound.
L3089[22:49:16] <Sandra> which'll play any sound, correct.
L3090[22:49:21] <jhagrid7> dangranos: If you find one tell me, I want a GUI lol
L3091[22:49:45] <dangranos> there is something on forums..
L3092[22:49:54] <greaser|q> i'd just want switchable terminals
L3093[22:50:04] <greaser|q> and by want i mean like
L3094[22:50:14] <MrWonderful2015> I want a mod that adds stuff like ip addresses and MAC addresses rather than them being the same, more low level stuff, and a better simulation of a real computer
L3095[22:50:36] <Sandra> MrWonderful2015, well.... OC's API lets you do ALLLL that.
L3096[22:50:40] <CompanionCube> MrWonderful2015: go look at plan9k and Magi6k's stuff in general
L3097[22:50:56] <MrWonderful2015> hmm
L3098[22:51:02] <dangranos> uh..
L3099[22:51:08] <dangranos> basically UUIDs ARE MACs
L3100[22:51:11] <jhagrid7> I need sine help with Plan9k
L3101[22:51:13] <Sandra> OC literally has one of the most modular api's I've ever seen.
L3102[22:51:15] <dangranos> just longer
L3103[22:51:26] <CompanionCube> and in a different format
L3104[22:51:33] <Sandra> yeah.
L3105[22:52:19] <dangranos> mhm
L3106[22:52:30] <dangranos> there is some lib that adds ip-like ids
L3107[22:52:33] <dangranos> even hostnames
L3108[22:52:39] <dangranos> it's on networking floppy
L3109[22:52:53] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:a02e:d9d:f881:6346) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3110[22:52:56] <CompanionCube> interestingly, OC's way of giving everything a uuid
L3111[22:53:26] <Sandra> the thing that I dislike about OC's networking is that there's absolutely no way of sniffing directly addressed packets.
L3112[22:53:28] <dangranos> What's so bad with it?
L3113[22:53:37] <CompanionCube> allows for much more effective hardware-based DRM....but you can't hide your lua code so it'd be useless
L3114[22:53:44] <dangranos> (i was saying about UUIDs)
L3115[22:53:49] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:bd5d:a47f:2ab:a19d)
L3116[22:53:52] <MrWonderful2015> I agree
L3117[22:54:05] <dangranos> you could use some obfuscation?
L3118[22:54:08] <dangranos> with some VM
L3119[22:54:14] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:bd5d:a47f:2ab:a19d) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3120[22:54:26] <Sandra> also, tfw a 200MB game lasts all of 5 minutes.
L3121[22:54:26] <MrWonderful2015> What I do is I use broadcast, but encrypt it using rsa
L3122[22:54:30] <CompanionCube> dangranos: you *could* but is it worth it
L3123[22:54:34] <Sandra> a 200MB 2D game.
L3124[22:54:42] ⇦ Quits: MyrddinE (webchat@cpe-24-167-198-13.wi.res.rr.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L3125[22:54:58] <MrWonderful2015> I add double encrypt it in aes for more sensitive communications
L3126[22:54:59] <Sandra> and not even an interesting 5 minutes full of lots of assets.
L3127[22:55:05] <CompanionCube> Checking UUIDs is trivial. Writing a VM and obsfucator.
L3128[22:55:12] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:bdf6:1c25:a68d:a25c)
L3129[22:55:13] <CompanionCube> isn't at all
L3130[22:55:21] <Sandra> MrWonderful2015, yeah.
L3131[22:55:26] <Sandra> I like broadcasting.
L3132[22:55:30] <dangranos> ^
L3133[22:55:31] <Kodos> Sandra, Undertale?
L3134[22:55:35] <CompanionCube> hm
L3135[22:55:39] <dangranos> XD
L3136[22:55:55] <Sandra> Kodos, undertale lasts 4 hours of 1 run.
L3137[22:55:55] <CompanionCube> What if one seeded a RNG of suitable quality
L3138[22:56:03] <Sandra> and it's repeatable.
L3139[22:56:10] <Sandra> this was a pokemon fangame.
L3140[22:56:18] <CompanionCube> with the UUID of a specific, but consistent component
L3141[22:56:38] <CompanionCube> and then used that to decrypt the actual code before running it
L3142[22:56:42] ⇦ Quits: zmdudeman (webchat@184-88-62-162.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L3143[22:57:02] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: the program still hasn't finished writing
L3144[22:57:14] <greaser|q> yeah it's doing one byte per tick
L3145[22:57:15] <Kodos> Working as intended, most likely
L3146[22:57:19] <EmanuelE> ouch
L3147[22:57:20] <greaser|q> because CC
L3148[22:57:22] <EmanuelE> thats slooooow
L3149[22:57:53] <EmanuelE> considering the file is 483 kb
L3150[22:58:01] <EmanuelE> this is gonna take a loooooong time
L3151[22:58:05] <Xal> wow rsa get with the times
L3152[22:58:15] <Xal> i will accept nothing less than 384 bit elliptic curve
L3153[22:58:17] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:bdf6:1c25:a68d:a25c) (Remote host closed the connection)
L3154[22:58:27] <MrWonderful2015> That is why I use aes for more secure stuff
L3155[22:58:28] <Xal> ;)
L3156[22:58:36] * CompanionCube gives Xal 56-bit DES
L3157[22:58:39] <Kodos> T3 Data Card can do ECC iirc
L3158[22:59:22] <MrWonderful2015> rsa is primarily to deter someone who is just monitoring everything to see if it is interesting
L3159[22:59:41] <Xal> TBH you could just XOR something to protect it from the average cc user
L3160[22:59:43] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:c7aa:bdf6:1c25:a68d:a25c)
L3161[22:59:53] <CompanionCube> Xal: or even just r
L3162[23:00:05] <CompanionCube> ROT, if you used an unusal numbrr
L3163[23:00:12] <MrWonderful2015> of course its not good enough to stop a hacker who is targeting me, but they arent going to waste the time 90% of the time
L3164[23:00:41] <Sandra> >words on my screen that i don't understand
L3165[23:00:42] <Xal> I was joking when I said RSA was bad, there's no way someone in minecraft is going to crack it
L3166[23:01:04] <MrWonderful2015> well someone could crack it using amazons cloud service
L3167[23:01:18] <MrWonderful2015> it is obviously impossible on a minecraft computer
L3168[23:01:33] <Kodos> If someone is willing to try and crack some obscure piece of data I've encrypted and transmitted on Minecraft, more power to them
L3169[23:01:34] <Xal> no one cares that much to spend that much computational power
L3170[23:01:35] <CompanionCube> MrWonderful2015: at that point you'd be better off trying to backdoor the serv4r
L3171[23:01:49] <MrWonderful2015> good point
L3172[23:01:55] <EmanuelE> what is the difference between the chatbox and the creative chatbox
L3173[23:01:58] <EmanuelE> im guessing range?
L3174[23:02:06] <MrWonderful2015> I like excessive security though
L3175[23:02:07] <Xal> creative has inf. range
L3176[23:02:10] <Sandra> EmanuelE, yeah. creative chatbox has infinite range.
L3177[23:02:11] <EmanuelE> thought so
L3178[23:02:28] <Sandra> and regular just has a couple hundred blocks range.
L3179[23:02:28] <Xal> I used to use challenge-response auth for simple things
L3180[23:02:43] <CompanionCube> Someone should make an OOP-based OS
L3181[23:02:54] <MrWonderful2015> that can easily be defeated
L3182[23:03:04] <MrWonderful2015> well if you have computronics that is
L3183[23:03:09] <MrWonderful2015> spoofing card
L3184[23:03:21] <Xal> there's a shared code, the server transmits a random number and broadcasts, the client hashes the number together with the challenge, sends that, server checks it
L3185[23:03:27] <Xal> no way of recreating the original code
L3186[23:03:56] <Xal> unless you can reverse SHA-256, of course ;)
L3187[23:03:59] <Sandra> the spoofing card isn't really that much spoofing tbh.
L3188[23:04:09] <Xal> what we need is a SNIFFING card
L3189[23:04:13] <MrWonderful2015> you can do a mitm attack
L3190[23:04:13] <Sandra> yeah.
L3191[23:04:20] <Sandra> we need SNIFFING.
L3192[23:04:34] <MrWonderful2015> I allow sniffing by just banning the send command
L3193[23:04:38] <greaser|q> CompanionCube: isn't that what OpenOS is?
L3194[23:04:39] <MrWonderful2015> broadcast only
L3195[23:04:40] <CompanionCube> we need wirehsark.lua /s
L3196[23:04:41] <greaser|q> well, somewhat
L3197[23:04:47] <Xal> MrWonderful2015, how can you do mitm attack it
L3198[23:04:54] <CompanionCube> greaser|q: not in the general sense
L3199[23:05:09] <Sandra> yeah.
L3200[23:05:20] <Sandra> broadcast only imo.
L3201[23:05:23] <MrWonderful2015> if they are behind a router
L3202[23:05:23] <Sandra> same.
L3203[23:05:31] <Sandra> I only use broadcasts in my coding.
L3204[23:05:50] <MrWonderful2015> you sniff them, modify the packet, and send it to the target before it gets relayed
L3205[23:06:21] <Xal> yeah but you need the original code to respond to the challenge?
L3206[23:06:58] <MrWonderful2015> you wait for the legit user to respond to it
L3207[23:07:00] <greaser|q> hmm just realised, my ideal audio mod would involve linking boxes together in some sort of order to produce the sound you want
L3208[23:07:12] <MrWonderful2015> then you modify any requests they make to do what you want
L3209[23:07:38] <Xal> the only thing I used it for was on-off, so it didn't matter
L3210[23:07:48] <Xal> that's what I get for trying to make my own security protocol :)
L3211[23:09:18] <EmanuelE> i wonder how difficult it would be to create my own security protocol for inter-computer communications within a server
L3212[23:09:38] <EmanuelE> yes ik thats what xal did but i still wonder
L3213[23:10:36] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L3214[23:10:52] <dangranos> okay, so be it
L3215[23:11:29] <Xal> why do you need crypto for intra-server?
L3216[23:11:37] <EmanuelE> dunno
L3217[23:11:48] <Xal> protip: you don't
L3218[23:11:51] <Xal> probably
L3219[23:11:54] <EmanuelE> so people dont see what im transmitting to other computers in the server?
L3220[23:12:00] <dangranos> nope
L3221[23:12:03] <EmanuelE> idk what im even talking about anyway lol
L3222[23:12:04] <dangranos> if you use send
L3223[23:12:06] <Xal> you put the server behind a relay
L3224[23:12:12] <Xal> it's a local network
L3225[23:13:55] <EmanuelE> are communications to a computer in a different server even possible?
L3226[23:14:05] <MrWonderful2015> yes
L3227[23:14:11] <EmanuelE> using what?
L3228[23:14:18] <MrWonderful2015> http
L3229[23:14:34] <EmanuelE> but thats using another external http server
L3230[23:14:41] <MrWonderful2015> yeah
L3231[23:14:43] <MrWonderful2015> so
L3232[23:14:44] <EmanuelE> i mean directly from one computer to another
L3233[23:15:00] <MrWonderful2015> the http server relays everything
L3234[23:15:14] <EmanuelE> yeah but what if you dont have an http server to use
L3235[23:15:18] <MrWonderful2015> it goes from computer->server->computer
L3236[23:15:22] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:f448:e309:83cd:a897) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3237[23:15:26] <Xal> oh man I just had cool tape idea
L3238[23:15:26] <MrWonderful2015> host yourown on your pc
L3239[23:15:28] <EmanuelE> then you would need a way to directly communicate from one server to another
L3240[23:15:44] <EmanuelE> and i know you can easily as i already do but im just saying what if
L3241[23:15:45] <Xal> you know those big tape libraries with the robots inside them that move the tapes around?
L3242[23:15:47] <MrWonderful2015> host your own http server
L3243[23:15:57] <Xal> you could make it with computronics and factorization sevos
L3244[23:15:58] <MrWonderful2015> it doesnt need to be fast
L3245[23:16:02] <Xal> servos*
L3246[23:16:03] <EmanuelE> yeah i know what youre talking about xal
L3247[23:16:30] <EmanuelE> MrWonderful2015: I see what youre going for (simplest solution) but its not really answering my question
L3248[23:16:30] <Kodos> It would only look cool if you could see when a servo was holding a tape
L3249[23:16:57] <EmanuelE> my question being: can you directly communicate from one computer in one server to another computer in another server
L3250[23:17:06] <Kodos> No
L3251[23:17:11] <gamax92> what is directly?
L3252[23:17:18] <Kodos> Without accessing the internet, it wouldn't even know the other computer directly
L3253[23:17:21] <Kodos> err
L3254[23:17:24] <EmanuelE> from one to another computer without a relay server
L3255[23:17:25] <Kodos> s/directly/exists
L3256[23:17:26] <MichiBot> <Kodos> Without accessing the internet, it wouldn't even know the other computer exists
L3257[23:17:49] <MrWonderful2015> yes, but not in a way that is practical
L3258[23:18:01] <gamax92> so basically, you'd need a relay server
L3259[23:18:06] <EmanuelE> ok thats what i wanted to know to answer my curious question
L3260[23:18:12] <MrWonderful2015> if for some reason boths server owners are willing to give you ssh access
L3261[23:18:28] <MrWonderful2015> which I cant imagine happening
L3262[23:18:59] <MrWonderful2015> so no
L3263[23:19:14] <EmanuelE> ok thats fine
L3264[23:19:17] <gamax92> you didn't even answer the question ...
L3265[23:19:23] <MrWonderful2015> but you can do what you want to do by using a relay sercer
L3266[23:19:28] <EmanuelE> what was your question gamax92
L3267[23:19:35] <gamax92> I mean MrWonderful2015
L3268[23:19:45] <EmanuelE> oh ok
L3269[23:19:52] <gamax92> all you did was go well if you had this kind of setup with ssh, nvm you can't do anything
L3270[23:19:56] <gamax92> don't back out
L3271[23:20:10] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:d877:cea2:1379:8523)
L3272[23:20:12] <MrWonderful2015> my answer was yes, but it is so impractical that its not really an option
L3273[23:20:16] <gamax92> wtf was the point of talking about ssh if you're just gonna go "so no"
L3274[23:20:34] <gamax92> no you didn't answer anything, nothing was said that could be remotely used as an answer
L3275[23:21:05] <MrWonderful2015> I was saying you could do that, but it would be impractical because both server admins would have to trust their entire computer to you
L3276[23:21:09] <gamax92> that's like being the jackass that goes, "hey do you know how to do X?" "Yeah, but I'm not gonna tell you"
L3277[23:21:12] <gamax92> that's who you are
L3278[23:21:20] <MrWonderful2015> I will explain
L3279[23:21:46] <MrWonderful2015> server a directly connects to server b
L3280[23:22:35] <MrWonderful2015> server a logs the commands computer a on server a tells to send to computer b on server b
L3281[23:23:24] <MrWonderful2015> it sends them to server b
L3282[23:23:47] <MrWonderful2015> computer b accesses it through the http api by accessing a server on localhost
L3283[23:23:58] <MrWonderful2015> and vice versa for server b to server a
L3284[23:24:09] <Alissa> package installation list so long i can't even see what packages it's installing
L3285[23:24:39] <MrWonderful2015> problem is that it requires both the owners of server a and server b to cooperate and open driect connections to each other
L3286[23:24:39] <EmanuelE> where instead you could use one http relay server and have both computers checking that server for new messages from the other computer?
L3287[23:24:48] <MrWonderful2015> yeah
L3288[23:24:52] <EmanuelE> ok simple enough
L3289[23:24:57] <MrWonderful2015> sorry I didnt explain myself
L3290[23:25:08] <EmanuelE> hm?
L3291[23:25:30] <MrWonderful2015> its better to just use a http server relay
L3292[23:25:35] <CompanionCube> inb4 lisp machine/OS in OC
L3293[23:25:40] <EmanuelE> ah ok
L3294[23:26:03] <MrWonderful2015> if you really want to and you are friends with the owners of both servers than you can do it
L3295[23:26:19] <MrWonderful2015> but otherwise just use a http relay server
L3296[23:26:21] <Izaya> Oh hey, then CompanionCube can use emacs in OC
L3297[23:26:26] <Izaya> wonderful
L3298[23:26:34] <MrWonderful2015> yeah
L3299[23:26:36] <CompanionCube> Izaya: nah
L3300[23:26:39] <EmanuelE> a relay server would probably be easier in either situation
L3301[23:26:51] <CompanionCube> that would require C.
L3302[23:26:57] <EmanuelE> especially in my case as i am more of a web programmer than a java programmer
L3303[23:27:20] <MrWonderful2015> I actually run Debian on my opencomputer by using the http api to remotely login to my computer
L3304[23:27:36] <EmanuelE> oh neat
L3305[23:27:40] <Izaya> why the fuck
L3306[23:27:47] <Izaya> are you using
L3307[23:27:53] <Izaya> http for that
L3308[23:28:25] <Alissa> MrWonderful2015: there's no TLS; why are you using authentication >:I
L3309[23:28:32] <Izaya> run a telnet server, connect over TCP to that
L3310[23:28:41] <MrWonderful2015> you can connect over telnet?
L3311[23:28:56] <MrWonderful2015> I was using a http to telnet bridge relay
L3312[23:29:04] <MrWonderful2015> a raspberry pi
L3313[23:29:18] <Izaya> so like it needed a full browser then
L3314[23:29:22] <MrWonderful2015> I didnt know you could directly open a tcp socket
L3315[23:29:28] <MrWonderful2015> nice
L3316[23:29:32] <Izaya> and you just casually did that
L3317[23:29:34] <Izaya> k
L3318[23:29:46] <Xal> emacs would probably require like 500 computers to store because of how bloated it is :P
L3319[23:30:07] <Izaya> Well, I'm gonna go impliment a thing
L3320[23:30:21] <EmanuelE> so i calculated how long it would take for a full song to write to a tape using cc
L3321[23:30:24] <EmanuelE> 6.7 hours
L3322[23:30:26] <EmanuelE> >.<
L3323[23:30:37] <MrWonderful2015> really that long?
L3324[23:30:43] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L3325[23:30:47] <CompanionCube> Xal: and much more than 4096K RAM. But so would your sainted vim.'
L3326[23:30:47] <EmanuelE> yeah because it only does one byte per tick
L3327[23:30:52] <Izaya> one byte at a time?
L3328[23:30:59] <EmanuelE> and with a 483kb dfpwm song
L3329[23:31:03] <EmanuelE> you do the math
L3330[23:31:04] <MrWonderful2015> that is insanely slow
L3331[23:31:07] <EmanuelE> yup
L3332[23:31:17] <MrWonderful2015> well you could decrease the audio resolution
L3333[23:31:18] <Izaya> You do realise you can write however much fits in mem, right?
L3334[23:31:28] <Izaya> In one go.
L3335[23:31:32] <EmanuelE> yeah but one song is all im puting on it
L3336[23:31:42] <gamax92> err ...
L3337[23:31:54] <Izaya> It would take one tick to write
L3338[23:32:02] <EmanuelE> oh
L3339[23:32:04] <EmanuelE> hmm
L3340[23:32:04] <Izaya> provided you had the memory
L3341[23:32:24] <EmanuelE> well considering im using cc instead of oc (modpack doesnt have oc)
L3342[23:32:27] <gamax92> doesn't write take a string, meaning you can dump more than one byte at a time?
L3343[23:32:29] <EmanuelE> im kinda limited
L3344[23:32:31] <gamax92> even in CC
L3345[23:32:32] <CompanionCube> ohey, someone implemented a Scheme in java
L3346[23:32:48] <Izaya> gamax, that's my point
L3347[23:33:04] <Izaya> also screw portrait having no tab key
L3348[23:33:13] <EmanuelE> hmm
L3349[23:33:55] <EmanuelE> not sure but the people i have consulted gave me the code i have and unless you can make something that goes that fast im stuck with it
L3350[23:34:24] <Izaya> why not fix it yourself?
L3351[23:34:35] <EmanuelE> because i am a lua novice
L3352[23:34:54] <EmanuelE> and to be frank, i dont understand what precisely is happening in the small program myself
L3353[23:35:38] <greaser|q> EmanuelE: you could try reading it as io.open("filename.dfpwm", "r") which is technically bad practice but yeah
L3354[23:35:48] <EmanuelE> hmm
L3355[23:35:55] <EmanuelE> atm its opened as rb
L3356[23:35:59] <EmanuelE> not sure what it means
L3357[23:36:01] <gamax92> greaser|q: no no no
L3358[23:36:08] <gamax92> new CC reads it as UTF-8
L3359[23:36:26] <EmanuelE> i suppose b as in binary
L3360[23:36:53] <greaser|q> gamax92: and this provides even more reason to not use CC
L3361[23:36:53] <Izaya> almost sanity
L3362[23:37:01] <greaser|q> and yeah b as in binary
L3363[23:37:06] <gamax92> which Java will take everything not UTF-8 and destroy it, and then everything that isn't 0-255 in UTF-8 is also destroyed, and then the UTF-8 equivalents of 0-255 to their bytes.
L3364[23:37:18] <greaser|q> not as in "read now returns one byte at a time as a number"
L3365[23:37:25] <greaser|q> which is what CC does
L3366[23:37:34] <greaser|q> so you basically have to hack around CC's bullshit
L3367[23:39:53] <Xal> lua not having a continue staatement is really starting to annoy me
L3368[23:40:01] <ds84182> Xal: labels
L3369[23:40:06] <gamax92> gotos
L3370[23:40:14] <greaser|q> fp = io.open("fuckcc.dfpwm", "rb"); while true do os.sleep(0.05) l = {}; for i=1,8192 do l[i] = fp:read(1) end tape.write(l) end fp:close()
L3371[23:40:14] <greaser|q> ^ try that
L3372[23:40:19] <Xal> but I was told I would be killed with raptors if I ever used a goto...
L3373[23:40:33] <greaser|q> Xal: i used a goto in C not that long ago for a far break
L3374[23:40:38] <gamax92> Wheatley was told he'd die if he ever used his flashlight
L3375[23:40:56] <ds84182> s/flash/flesh
L3376[23:40:56] <MichiBot> <gamax92> Wheatley was told he'd die if he ever used his fleshlight
L3377[23:40:59] <ds84182> woopsies
L3378[23:40:59] <gamax92> no
L3379[23:41:04] <ds84182> s/a/e/g
L3380[23:41:04] <MichiBot> <gamax92> Wheetley wes told he'd die if he ever used his fleshlight
L3381[23:41:29] <Xal> i dunno man, is it worth the risk? I mean the raptors in jurrassic park were really scary
L3382[23:41:31] <gamax92> staph
L3383[23:41:33] <gamax92> s/e/a/g
L3384[23:41:33] <MichiBot> <Xal> i dunno man, is it worth tha risk? I maan tha raptors in jurrassic park wara raally scary
L3385[23:41:37] <gamax92> lololo
L3386[23:41:55] <ds84182> s/[aeiou]/e/g
L3387[23:42:13] <ds84182> .-.
L3388[23:42:25] <Xal> s/./*/g
L3389[23:42:25] <MichiBot> <ds84182> ***
L3390[23:42:32] <Xal> hunter2?
L3391[23:42:37] <ds84182> It just doesn't like me
L3392[23:42:39] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: it says "first argument needs to be a number or string
L3393[23:42:42] <ds84182> Xal: *******?
L3394[23:42:51] <Xal> hunter2
L3395[23:42:51] <greaser|q> ah fuck, lemme redo that
L3396[23:42:54] <Xal> s/./*/g
L3397[23:42:54] <MichiBot> <ds84182> ***
L3398[23:43:02] <ds84182> <Xal> *******
L3399[23:43:04] <ds84182> It worked!
L3400[23:43:09] <greaser|q> fp = io.open("fuckcc.dfpwm", "rb"); while true do os.sleep(0.05) l = ""; for i=1,8192 do l = l .. string.char(fp:read(1)) end tape.write(l) end fp:close()
L3401[23:43:17] <greaser|q> s/./&&/g
L3402[23:43:19] <MichiBot> <greaser|q> &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
L3403[23:43:28] <greaser|q> apparently doesn't do everything
L3404[23:43:33] <Xal> s/&/&&/g
L3405[23:43:33] <MichiBot> <greaser|q> &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
L3406[23:43:42] <gamax92> s/.//g
L3407[23:43:44] <MichiBot> <greaser|q>
L3408[23:43:45] <gamax92> can you not
L3409[23:43:49] <Kodos> Oi
L3410[23:43:53] <Kodos> Don't make the bots spam
L3411[23:43:54] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L3412[23:44:22] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: well its doing something
L3413[23:44:28] <EmanuelE> how long should it take with the improved code
L3414[23:44:37] <gamax92> 22 years
L3415[23:44:45] <EmanuelE> *nods* thought so
L3416[23:47:58] <greaser|q> EmanuelE: probably about a minute unless it decides to throttle you horribly with the io read
L3417[23:48:44] <veltas> This channel is impressively actuve
L3418[23:48:54] <veltas> I wish all channels were as actuve as this
L3419[23:49:14] <veltas> All this amazing actuvity and no typos
L3420[23:50:02] <EmanuelE> greaser|q: its still going so im assuming that its throttling me ;(
L3421[23:50:14] <greaser|q> how long is the tape?
L3422[23:50:25] <EmanuelE> size is 483kb
L3423[23:51:06] <greaser|q> string assembly might be slowing it down, still shouldn't be too long
L3424[23:51:44] <EmanuelE> the song itself is 2 minutes
L3425[23:51:46] <EmanuelE> which isnt much
L3426[23:52:01] <EmanuelE> the tape capacity is 8 minutes so it has room
L3427[23:52:20] <greaser|q> on the plus side at least it's not assembling the whole string before writing it to tape, strings tend to get a bit O(n^2)
L3428[23:52:31] <EmanuelE> mhm
L3429[23:53:01] <greaser|q> also fun lua fact, if lua detects that something is not referenced AT ALL it gets freed immediately
L3430[23:53:03] <greaser|q> that bit me in the arse once
L3431[23:53:08] <greaser|q> when i was using the C API
L3432[23:53:22] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L3433[23:53:23] <EmanuelE> ouch i see how that could cause problems
L3434[23:56:59] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L3435[23:57:07] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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