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L1[00:06:06] ⇦ Quits: MrWonderful2012 (~EiraIRC@97-93-112-245.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L10[00:17:04] <sharpturn> any forum mods on?
L11[00:17:31] <Mimiru> for about 45 more seconds
L12[00:19:16] <Mimiru> sharpturn ^
L13[00:22:54] <Mimiru> K, well that was way more than 45 seconds.
L14[00:23:01] <Mimiru> I should have been in bed 22 minutes ago
L15[00:23:02] <Mimiru> night.
L16[00:30:37] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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L20[00:41:10] <sharpturn> oh. i should have watched this more closely.
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L22[01:04:55] <Sandra> ah, how I love that 4/5 of my shows are currently on a hiatus.
L23[01:06:23] <Sandra> also: i've put more time into fallout new vegas in the last three days than I did into skyrim in a month.
L24[01:07:04] <ping> still finnishing those sidequests in skyrim
L25[01:07:13] <ping> and modding to the max
L26[01:07:41] <ping> just plain boob jigglebone physics isnt enough
L27[01:07:49] <ping> i need lazer shark tits
L28[01:07:59] <ping> that shoot chainsaws
L29[01:08:37] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L30[01:13:19] <Sandra> ...
L31[01:13:52] <Sandra> and I had skyrim on a HOLIDAY.
L32[01:14:08] <Sandra> i.e. lots of free time to play it.
L33[01:14:13] <Sandra> and boredom aplenty.
L34[01:14:28] <Sandra> but new vegas somehow hooked me much more.
L35[01:41:39] <Kodos> Wish me luck
L36[01:41:45] <Kodos> Spending the next 3 hours on an SQL course
L37[01:44:21] <Sandra> good luck, you'll need it.
L38[01:52:46] <Kodos> Well, I learned 6 basic commands. Seems easy thus far. I definitely like the format
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L42[02:07:38] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L43[02:07:47] <McJty> Hi
L44[02:08:08] <McJty> I have a question. Someone told me that OC has support for giving in-game help on the OC api for a component
L45[02:08:15] <McJty> How can I easily implement that in RFTools?
L46[02:11:28] <Kodos> Your best bet is to check out Computronics, as it adds its own tabs to the OC manual
L47[02:11:35] <Kodos> Let me get you a link, one moment.
L48[02:14:45] <Kodos> I -think- most of the 'Tronics code for manual is here https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/tree/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/oc/manual
L49[02:15:03] <Kodos> I could be mistaken, you'd have to talk to asie or Vexatos for accurate information
L50[02:15:21] <Kodos> The information itself goes into your assets
L51[02:17:01] <McJty> ok thanks
L52[02:42:24] <Sangar> McJty, what Kodos linked is the ingame manual, that's usually for general info, for callback api doc you'll probably want @Callback(doc = "documentation"), e.g. http://git.io/v4w1S
L53[02:42:50] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L54[02:43:11] <Kodos> I assumed he meant the manual
L55[02:43:18] <Kodos> But I guess reading over it again, I can see where i messed up
L56[02:43:27] <Kodos> Brain's kind of screwy, I'm midway through an SQL course
L57[02:44:25] <Sangar> that'll be enough so that it shows up when querying the info in lua. if you want it to show up in oc's nei usage api doc page thinger, that depends :P
L58[02:44:27] <Sangar> heh
L59[02:45:46] <McJty> Sangar, aha thanks! That's perhaps closer to what I want indeed :-)
L60[02:45:53] <Sangar> for items and blocks with drivers, just implement EnvironmentAware in the driver like so http://git.io/v4wD6, for blocks that don't have drivers (i.e. implementing SimpleComponent or such), something like this http://git.io/veipb
L61[02:46:53] <Sangar> (i.e. a dummy driver)
L62[02:47:00] <Sangar> happy to help :)
L63[02:47:40] <Kodos> How goes 1.6, Sangar?
L64[02:47:53] <Sangar> it goes :P
L65[02:48:13] <Kodos> I shall await it with bated breath =D
L66[02:52:30] <McJty> Sangar, my blocks use SimpleComponent but I don't understand that latest link a lot. Not very familiar with Scala
L67[02:54:31] <Sangar> McJty, you can ignore most of the scala ;) basically: register a block driver that implements EnvironmentAware, "works" for nothing but returns the tileentity class of the blocks with tes implementing simplecomponent in providedEnvironment (given an itemstack)
L68[02:55:26] <Sangar> that essentially just gives oc a way to know stack -> tile entity to figure out if it's a component and what methods it provides
L69[02:55:41] <McJty> This does not affect the current methods already supported by the block?
L70[02:55:46] <McJty> i.e. I can use this to add documentation only?
L71[02:56:02] ⇨ Joins: DFrostedWang (~DFrostedW@
L72[02:56:03] <Sangar> exactly (given the @Callbacks on the methods have a doc string)
L73[02:56:04] <McJty> I'm now using @Callback
L74[02:56:21] <McJty> The doc string on the callbacks is not enough to have this feature?
L75[02:56:26] <McJty> i.e. you need the block driver?
L76[02:56:30] ⇨ Joins: ICWiener (~DFrostedW@
L77[02:56:34] <Sangar> that block driver would have no functionality except enabling oc's nei usage page for those stacks
L78[02:56:44] <Sangar> for tes with SimpleComponent, yes
L79[02:56:54] <Sangar> because oc couldn't figure out what te belongs to what stack on its own
L80[02:57:33] <Sangar> (since there's no clear mapping of stack -> tile entity in mc, since mods can do whatever in the placement events :P)
L81[02:57:56] <McJty> So what Environment implementation do I return?
L82[02:58:49] <Sangar> the tile entity with simplecomponent. oh, SimpleComponent. well, just hard cast the te class to Environment, that'll have been injected by OC's class transformer
L83[02:59:03] * McJty is getting lost
L84[02:59:08] <Sangar> sorry :X
L85[02:59:21] <Sangar> the returned class type is the class with the @Callbacks in it
L86[02:59:36] <McJty> But java will not let me allow to cast a TE to Environment?
L87[03:00:11] <Sangar> it won't? are the tes final?
L88[03:00:34] <Sangar> oh wait, class type
L89[03:00:45] <Sangar> well that sucks
L90[03:01:05] <Sangar> y u so smart java compiler
L91[03:01:12] <McJty> :-)
L92[03:01:22] <Sangar> hm
L93[03:01:51] <Sangar> try (Class<? extends Environment>)(Object)TE.class maybe?
L94[03:02:33] <McJty> Let me try
L95[03:02:39] <McJty> A bit weird api though
L96[03:02:47] <Sangar> horrible, admittedly, but as a stop-gap solution. i suppose i'll add a providedEnvironment method that excpects an arbitrary class in 1.6 and deprecate the old one
L97[03:02:53] <Sangar> yeeaaah, that's more of a workaround
L98[03:03:06] <Sangar> reusing the driver system to get the stack -> tile entity mapping
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L100[03:03:20] <McJty> Also what do I do with my EnvironmentAware implementation?
L101[03:03:52] <Sangar> api.Driver.add(...)
L102[03:04:24] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-23-117-190.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L103[03:04:45] <McJty> return (Class<? extends Environment>) ShieldTEBase.class;
L104[03:04:45] <McJty> <- satisfies the compiler but that will give a cast exception at runtime
L105[03:05:15] <Sangar> yeah, except it won't because of oc's class transformer. black magicks are black >_>
L106[03:06:02] <McJty> Driver.add() doesn't seem to want an implementation of EnvironmentAware
L107[03:06:16] <Sangar> yeah, needs to be a driver that implements that
L108[03:06:28] <Sangar> (i'll add an excplicit stack -> te conversion system in 1.6 i think >_>)
L109[03:06:44] <Sangar> i only used that internally so far, trying to explain it i see how terrible the workaround is :X
L110[03:06:58] <McJty> How do I make a Driver?
L111[03:07:02] <McJty> I cannot subclass Driver as it is final
L112[03:07:31] <Sangar> extend api.prefab.DriverBlock
L113[03:08:17] <McJty> Is returning null ok in createEnvironment?
L114[03:08:22] <Sangar> yep
L115[03:13:44] <McJty> Trying now
L116[03:14:22] <McJty> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: nanomachines
L117[03:14:48] <McJty> That's from within Proxy.scala (oc)
L118[03:14:54] <Sangar> mixing old dependency with newer mod or otherway around?
L119[03:15:02] <Kodos> (Unrelated) is it update then upgrade, or upgrade then update, when updating packages
L120[03:15:07] <McJty> Possibly
L121[03:15:16] <McJty> What dependency should I put in build.gradle?
L122[03:15:40] <Sangar> what do you have in your run|eclipse/mods dir? :P
L123[03:16:01] <McJty> The latest:
L124[03:16:06] <Sangar> for this it doesn't matter, but the two should be in sync
L125[03:16:14] <Sangar> (it being the exact version in general)
L126[03:16:44] <Sangar> also, http://git.io/v4whY <- would this be clearer?
L127[03:17:11] <Sangar> (with the documentation of the interface explaining that that'd be used for documentation lookup and such)
L128[03:17:28] <McJty> yes, seems better
L129[03:17:44] <Sangar> if you have and idea to improve it further, let me know ;)
L130[03:27:53] <McJty> Sangar, also once this works. Where can I actually see that doc?
L131[03:29:50] <Sangar> press u in nei when hovering the block (or whatever usage is bound to for you), cycle through until you hit the oc api page.
L132[03:30:15] <McJty> aha
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L136[03:31:20] <McJty> Nice! It works
L137[03:31:56] <McJty> But I have a problem
L138[03:32:14] <McJty> Now that I added OC to my mods in my dev env my MC client hangs after opening 4-5 GUI's
L139[03:32:16] <McJty> Of any block
L140[03:32:27] <Sangar> o.O
L141[03:32:29] <Sangar> that's new
L142[03:32:48] <McJty> Let me try to disable OC again to see if the problem goes away and that I'm not looking at something else
L143[03:32:50] <Sangar> do you know where it hangs? (hit pause)
L144[03:33:14] <McJty> hold on. First doing a test
L145[03:34:46] <McJty> Ok, problem goes away with OC disabled
L146[03:34:49] <McJty> Enabling it again
L147[03:37:35] <McJty> How do I use pause?
L148[03:37:39] <McJty> I mean how can I see where it is?
L149[03:37:59] <Sangar> in intellij there's a pause button in the debug tab, in eclipse, idk :/
L150[03:38:05] <McJty> yes using intellij
L151[03:38:07] <McJty> It is paused
L152[03:38:08] <McJty> But I see nothing
L153[03:38:35] <McJty> Dump Threads isn't doing anything either
L154[03:39:03] <Sangar> the dropdown list of threads doesn't work?
L155[03:39:03] <McJty> Note that I'm not using the dev version of OC. Could that be an issue?
L156[03:39:24] <Sangar> would be the first time i hear it, so i kinda doubt it :/
L157[03:39:50] <McJty> I seem to be able to use the arrows to go to different parts of the threads
L158[03:40:11] <McJty> oh no that's something else
L159[03:40:18] <McJty> Where is that dropdown supposed to be?
L160[03:40:22] <McJty> Never used this part of Intellij :-/
L161[03:40:25] <Sangar> above the callstack iirc
L162[03:40:30] <Sangar> don't have it open here at work :X
L163[03:40:35] <McJty> Well I see no callstack
L164[03:40:37] <McJty> That's the problem
L165[03:40:40] <McJty> I only have the console output
L166[03:40:45] <Sangar> hrm
L167[03:40:59] <McJty> Ah
L168[03:41:04] <McJty> I had to unpause to see the stacktrace
L169[03:42:12] <Sangar> oh
L170[03:42:36] <McJty> hold on. Pasting a lot of struff
L171[03:42:45] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/0d9dd07ad5e3
L172[03:42:52] <McJty> There is some OC stuff in there
L173[03:42:59] <McJty> But not sure if that's the problem or something
L174[03:43:33] <McJty> The top trace of the dump seems to be NEI item filtering
L175[03:44:30] <Sangar> hrm
L176[03:45:12] <McJty> So it seems the problem has to do with NEI. Because it occurs when opening user interfaces (i.e. NEI visible)
L177[03:45:32] <McJty> I hope it is only a problem in the dev env however
L178[03:46:07] <Sangar> starting at 1851 it gets interesting, let's see what's blocking there...
L179[03:47:14] <Sangar> hrm, doesn't look like a deadlock tho
L180[03:47:30] <Kodos> Ugh, OpenOffice Portable can't do databases because it's not detecting a JRE
L181[03:47:52] <McJty> Sangar, btw. Before this hang I notice it goes slower and slower very quickly
L182[03:48:08] <McJty> Sangar, it is as if there is something that is getting an order of a magnitude slower
L183[03:48:19] <Sangar> hrm
L184[03:48:20] <McJty> So it may not be technically hanging but doing O(n^x) calculations or something
L185[03:48:42] <McJty> First few times is ok. Then it starts to slow down and after a few more tries it appears to hang (or be VERY slow)
L186[03:51:06] <McJty> I'm going to try to remove the Driver.add and see if that makes the problem go away
L187[03:51:13] <Sangar> yeah. i dunno. maybe try disabling your driver, just to make sure that didn't introduce it. tell me what to clone to setup the devenv and i'll try to reproduce it when i get home and have a look.
L188[03:51:16] <Sangar> heh
L189[03:51:57] <McJty> I haven't commited this yet but I will if I cannot get it to work (and also if I can :-)
L190[03:52:11] <McJty> It will be at https://github.com/McJty/RFTools
L191[03:52:16] <McJty> But first trying without the driver
L192[03:53:43] <McJty> Hmm, removing the driver actually did not help
L193[03:53:52] <McJty> It is most certainly related to NEI though
L194[03:54:07] <McJty> As it started when I was pressing 'u' the first time and hovering over items
L195[03:54:38] <McJty> Oh
L196[03:54:41] <McJty> Just noticed this:
L197[03:54:42] <McJty> [10:53:49] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
L198[03:54:42] <McJty> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
L199[03:54:42] <McJty> [10:54:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
L200[03:55:23] <McJty> That was not in my previous log though
L201[03:56:34] <Sangar> huh
L202[03:57:17] <McJty> I'll try raising it and see if that could be the cause
L203[03:57:27] <Sangar> aye
L204[03:58:30] <McJty> It looks like that was the problem
L205[03:58:50] <McJty> So issue solved :-)
L206[03:58:54] <Turtle> Sangar, it's likely unrelated, but didn't you use something slightly hacky to only grab the nei blocks/items on the current page?
L207[03:59:05] <Kubuxu> McJty: it just run out of space for classes.
L208[03:59:15] <McJty> Kubuxu, yes but why didn't it tell me that the first few times?
L209[03:59:20] <McJty> It is only the last run that I found out
L210[03:59:30] <Sangar> Turtle, yeah, that'd have been fixed a while ago tho
L211[03:59:31] <Sangar> also yay
L212[03:59:47] <Sangar> perhaps it was trying to
L213[03:59:48] <Kubuxu> It for sure told you but this message can be hidden somewhere
L214[03:59:52] <McJty> Ok really happy with this. Going to be a lot of help for people who want to use OC with rftools
L215[03:59:54] <Kubuxu> Switch to Java 8 if you can.
L216[03:59:59] <Sangar> the server thread was stuck in the logging method trying to do a class load, no?
L217[04:00:06] <McJty> Kubuxu, I had the entire log and it wasn't there
L218[04:00:08] <Turtle> I know it has been fixed, prehaps NEI broke it or something randomly exploded
L219[04:00:10] <McJty> Kubuxu, https://bpaste.net/show/0d9dd07ad5e3
L220[04:00:41] <McJty> Kubuxu, I develop on java 8 on my linux machine but on this one I want to stay on java 7 to be sure about compatibility
L221[04:01:08] <Sangar> ah, was only getting the class loader (line 1654). but who knows :X
L222[04:01:22] <Kubuxu> Java8 if backward compatible (apart from ASM but almost all fixed it already)
L223[04:01:43] <Kubuxu> You needed to change one constant while creating writer.
L224[04:02:03] <McJty> Kubuxu, I want to make sure I don't accidently use java8 features
L225[04:03:42] <Kubuxu> You could choose do double install and use JDK7 lib to develop.
L226[04:03:44] <Sangar> heh. i can relate to that. had my jenkins fail a couple of times because of that :P (well, that was 1.6 vs 1.7, but same thing)
L227[04:04:10] <Kubuxu> You get Java8 JVM and Java7 (or 6) libs.
L228[04:06:40] <McJty> What does the 'direct' parameter mean in the doc tag?
L229[04:06:44] <McJty> I mean Callback
L230[04:07:32] <Sangar> McJty, http://git.io/v4rGs
L231[04:08:55] <Turtle> ... I probably need to ensure to not use that xD
L232[04:10:01] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L233[04:13:57] <McJty> In game help for the OC api for rftools blocks is really awesome. Very nice that I found out this existed :-)
L234[04:14:42] <Sangar> :)
L235[04:15:09] <Turtle> McJty, there's still going to be that one jerk who's going to ask you about generic lua things :P
L236[04:15:33] <Sangar> once I get the new API for that done I'll add a note to the simplecomponent doc :P
L237[04:15:49] <Kodos> Heh, you guys wanna hear something funny?
L238[04:16:02] <Kodos> I got complimented on my Lua code earlier, someone was browsing my pastebin
L239[04:17:15] <Sangar> congratulations?
L240[04:17:29] <Sangar> anyway, back to focusing on work >_> laters
L241[04:17:47] <Turtle> Quickly, break all the things while he is gone :P
L242[04:21:28] <Turtle> side note, does anyone here happen to know at which point (As in, how many computers/components/whatever) OC starts to impact performance significantly?
L243[04:26:24] <Kodos> I haven't really ran into an issue yet, though I would imagine you would once you get into absurd numbers
L244[04:27:01] <Turtle> Yeah, I need some way to avoid a single T1 computer from doing literally everything a spaceship needs to move around
L245[04:27:15] <Turtle> but spamming dozens of components would be silly
L246[04:27:15] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L247[04:27:37] <Kodos> A T3 server can deal with 64 components
L248[04:27:40] <Kodos> Surely that would be enough
L249[04:28:06] <Turtle> obv, but T3 server vs T1 computer is a slight difference
L250[04:28:13] <Kodos> Well
L251[04:28:18] <Kodos> It's a space ship, not a merry go round
L252[04:28:34] <Turtle> but nuking server performance is not worth a little extra balancing
L253[04:28:41] <Kodos> What I mean is
L254[04:28:49] <Kodos> You can't expect a space ship to operate on a potato
L255[04:28:55] <Turtle> That was my point :P
L256[04:29:08] <Kodos> What'
L257[04:29:10] <Kodos> err
L258[04:29:16] <Turtle> I need some way to achieve not being able to use a potato
L259[04:29:17] <Kodos> What is the memory slot tiers on the computer cases
L260[04:29:32] <Kodos> You could tie it to available memory
L261[04:29:50] <Sangar> if the component doesn't *do* much, it won't have much of an impact.
L262[04:30:54] <Turtle> Sangar, yeah, it'd still be a bit weird to spam 60ish components :P
L263[04:30:55] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L264[04:31:07] <Sangar> it would :P
L265[04:32:26] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L266[04:33:05] <Turtle> There isn't a not-completely-terribly-hacky way to have a component use more than 1 component 'slot', right? :P
L267[04:34:13] <Sangar> not yet. nobody needed that yet :P i could add that though, would also get rid of the filesystems only taking up .25 being hardcoded
L268[04:34:17] <Sangar> make an issue
L269[04:35:27] <Kodos> I can't wait until servers are visually different >.>
L270[04:35:44] <Turtle> I suppose it would be a neat way to make tiered components too, without just crafting expense and power requirements
L271[04:36:31] <Sangar> for blocks you mean? yeah. for items there's the slots after all, but for blocks there's no such concept yet :P
L272[04:37:00] <Turtle> I blame you for slightly confusing naming :P, but, Will throw up an issue later
L273[04:37:29] <Turtle> (Need to go catch a bus T.T)
L274[04:37:35] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L275[04:37:43] <Kodos> Well wtf
L276[04:37:55] <Kodos> I take a 3 hour SQL course, and now things like OpenOffice Database are completely foreign
L277[04:39:49] <McJty> When I return a list of maps in a java method (for lua) what exactly is the resulting object called in lua? My lua is rusty again :-)
L278[04:39:53] <McJty> A list of?
L279[04:41:13] <Kodos> Table?
L280[04:41:16] <Kubuxu> table of tables
L281[04:41:32] <Kubuxu> In lua you have only basic variables or tabes
L282[04:41:45] <Kubuxu> where tables can be indexed by anything.
L283[04:42:59] <Sangar> ^
L284[04:43:34] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L285[04:43:43] <McJty> aha ok
L286[04:43:44] <Turtle> Surprise schedule change .-.
L287[04:44:10] <Sangar> so yes, lists essentially also become tables, just integer indexed
L288[04:47:32] <Sangar> unity compile times are great for getting distracted >_>
L289[04:48:17] <Kubuxu> waiting for light rebake in UE4 is even worst
L290[04:48:22] <Turtle> https://xkcd.com/303/
L291[04:48:23] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Compiling Posted on: 8/15/2007
L292[04:50:53] <Sangar> guess what's hanging in printed out form on the office door :P
L293[05:25:10] <Turtle> Alright, issue made, will have to actually catch the bus soon(tm)
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L305[07:40:26] <raisin> Hi
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L324[11:01:04] <WireWolf> i have a quick question about file formats that OC will find, i know its good will Lua and no file format as well as 3dm, but i can't get it to see a .rom file?
L325[11:07:16] <WireWolf> is anyone online?
L326[11:07:40] <Sangar> oc doesn't care about file types. i'm assuming you copied the file to your saves directory. did you set `bufferChanges` to false in the config?
L327[11:08:01] <Sangar> otherwise you'll have to either force a world save or take out the hdd and put it back in to force an update of the contents
L328[11:09:51] <WireWolf> um, let me check the cfg sangar
L329[11:10:40] <WireWolf> just so where on the sam page, i am trying to flash tarts.rom from ARM api so i can try and see where it stands
L330[11:11:14] <WireWolf> ok, bufferChanges in my cfg is true
L331[11:12:13] <WireWolf> thats it worked sangar tetris.rom showed thanks
L332[11:13:45] <Sangar> np
L333[11:14:15] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L334[11:14:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L337[11:50:28] <Vexatos> SANGAR
L339[11:54:41] <Turtle> VEXATOS ... I'm not Sangar so I don't have a bloody idea.
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L341[12:07:03] <Sangar> vex: because you're manually adding connections
L342[12:07:16] <Vexatos> I am just adding an FS node
L343[12:07:28] <Sangar> come to think of it, instead of creating one per computer, you could just set it to network visible.
L344[12:07:30] <Vexatos> it's literally just another node .-.
L345[12:07:37] <Vexatos> wait, it isn't?
L346[12:07:43] <Vexatos> how did it work before, then
L347[12:07:54] <Turtle> :MAGIC:
L348[12:08:02] <Sangar> is it?
L349[12:08:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/tile/TileTapeDrive.java#L88
L350[12:08:07] <Sangar> idk, i just saw the opensec code
L351[12:08:15] <Sangar> and Mimiru said it's copypasta from tronics
L352[12:08:25] <Vexatos> obviously not
L353[12:08:26] <Sangar> yeah that's perfectly fine
L354[12:08:33] <Vexatos> onConnect is adding the node
L355[12:08:34] <Vexatos> as you can see
L356[12:08:38] <Vexatos> onDisconnect is removing it
L357[12:08:45] <Sangar> uhhh
L358[12:08:53] <Sangar> no
L359[12:08:56] <Sangar> nononono
L360[12:08:58] <Sangar> not fine
L361[12:09:16] <Sangar> you're manually connecting to the contexts
L362[12:09:20] <Sangar> which could be anywhere
L363[12:09:22] <Vexatos> contices*
L364[12:09:33] <Sangar> don't do that, just connect it to your own node
L365[12:09:51] <Turtle> 'context (plural contexts)' *Sad trombone*
L366[12:10:06] <Vexatos> Turtle, do you even scientific
L367[12:10:14] <Vexatos> Sangar, when would I do that
L368[12:10:33] <Turtle> :P I realize it's not literally that specific noun, but the object is named that for a reason
L369[12:10:49] <Sangar> this way: comp1 <-> comp2, add tapedrive: comp1 <-> comp2 *and* comp1 <-> tape *and* comp2 <-> tape, disconnecting comp1 from comp2 would then not cause a disconnect because, well, they're still connected (via tape)
L370[12:11:25] <Sangar> iirc onconect also gets called for the node itself when it's first added to a network
L371[12:11:37] <Sangar> so in onConnect, if (node == this.node) { ...} should do the trick
L372[12:11:58] <Vexatos> and onDisconnect kill it again?
L373[12:12:56] <Sangar> uhuh
L374[12:13:03] <Sangar> well
L375[12:13:16] <Vexatos> (which I am already doing, apparently .-.)
L376[12:13:19] <Sangar> that'd probably not be necessary even?
L377[12:13:22] <Vexatos> I guess
L378[12:13:23] <Sangar> yes you are
L379[12:13:28] <Vexatos> I mean
L380[12:13:32] <Vexatos> if the block is placed down
L381[12:13:36] <Vexatos> just that
L382[12:13:49] <Vexatos> it won't evaluate the network until some Computer gets connected, right?
L383[12:14:04] <Sangar> eh?
L384[12:14:17] <Vexatos> or will onConnect be called kind of as soon as the tape drive is placed down
L385[12:14:30] <Vexatos> so the tape drive, stand-alone, would form its own tiny network with only itself and the FS
L386[12:14:37] <Sangar> as soon as the node is connected to some network. aka when you call joinOrCreateNetwork
L387[12:14:42] <Sangar> which i'm assuming will be in the first tick
L388[12:14:58] <Vexatos> Yea I am
L389[12:15:07] <Sangar> then that's when that'll be called first
L390[12:15:56] <Sangar> and yeah, since you clean up with node.remove on unload/invalidate (which is good) you don't really need to manually disconnect the fs, it already will be
L391[12:17:14] <Vexatos> so onDisconnect can actually be empty
L392[12:17:22] <Sangar> y
L393[12:17:29] <Vexatos> and onConnect just has a if(node==node()) node.connect(oc_fs.node());
L394[12:17:38] <Sangar> indeed
L395[12:18:26] <Vexatos> but will node.remove() also kill the FS node?
L396[12:18:37] <Sangar> define kill
L397[12:19:58] <Vexatos> well
L398[12:20:08] <Vexatos> calling node.remove() in invalidate() on the TE
L399[12:20:25] <Vexatos> I don't think that does anything to the FS node, does it
L400[12:20:29] <Vexatos> that one would just float there
L401[12:20:33] <Vexatos> with its own network
L402[12:20:35] <Vexatos> forever
L403[12:20:56] <Sangar> with no references to it, so gc will happen :P
L404[12:21:24] <Sangar> but sure, also calling .remove on it would be safer. just in case something else added a direct link to it or whatnot
L405[12:22:22] <Vexatos> yea
L406[12:25:05] <Vexatos> http://paste.asie.pl/a8Ql
L407[12:25:09] <Vexatos> like this, sangar?
L408[12:25:53] <Vexatos> Oh yea, same stuff in onChunkUnload and invalidate, by the way
L409[12:29:49] <Sangar> aye
L410[12:33:55] <Vexatos> I wish there was a way to access a computer's global variables
L411[12:34:14] <Vexatos> And I could make the FS visible only to those running OpenOS :P
L412[12:34:33] <cloakable> xP
L413[12:34:40] <Turtle> Stop trying to pull an Apple :P
L414[12:42:32] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/commit/0967bc7c7d2fbd2e340dc6d99cd677715303cac0
L415[12:42:37] <Vexatos> does that look right?
L416[12:46:21] <Sangar> i think so. test it tho, i'm only 99% sure onConnect and onDisconnect is called for the node itself when joining/leaving a network :P
L417[12:49:06] <Vexatos> ui
L418[12:49:11] <Vexatos> it seems to have connected, yes
L419[12:55:04] <Sangar> yey
L420[13:08:17] ⇦ Quits: tisp (~tisp@ip4d15d397.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L422[13:47:17] <Elizabeth> ~w custom os
L423[13:47:17] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L424[13:48:37] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be)
L425[13:49:20] <McJty> Hi
L427[13:49:43] <Vexatos> Hi McJty
L428[13:50:08] <McJty> Just got this:
L429[13:50:09] <McJty> /home/jorrit/mc/MultiMC/instances/On The Edge/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2015-11-18_20.47.20-client.txt
L430[13:50:15] <McJty> Oops
L431[13:50:16] <McJty> Wrong paste
L432[13:50:16] <Vexatos> ah good
L433[13:50:21] <Vexatos> let me quickly gedit
L434[13:50:22] <McJty> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Please register all drivers in the init phase.
L435[13:50:28] <McJty> But it worked in my dev env?
L436[13:50:39] <Vexatos> some mod is not registering their stuff in init()? :P
L437[13:50:45] <McJty> Well it is rftools
L438[13:50:57] <McJty> But why don't I have to do that in dev?
L439[13:51:03] <McJty> Otherwise I would have catched that error
L440[13:53:37] <Vexatos> easa
L441[13:53:38] <Vexatos> easy*
L442[13:53:56] <Vexatos> You don't have a "before:OpenComputers" or "after:OpenComputers" in your @Mod dependencies, I assume?
L443[13:54:07] <Vexatos> because without a load order, your mod will always load first in dev env
L444[13:54:20] <McJty> I have no such thing as my mod doesn't depend on OC
L445[13:54:24] <McJty> But I see
L446[13:54:38] <Vexatos> "after" / "before" is not related to hard dependencies
L447[13:54:48] <Vexatos> for that, use "required-after" and "required-before"
L448[13:55:02] <Vexatos> after and before just mean "if that mod is loaded, load after/before it"
L449[13:55:11] <Vexatos> you are also free to add a version after that
L450[13:55:31] <McJty> I'll just move the thing to init as the error suggests
L451[13:55:32] <Vexatos> to say "if that mod is loaded, load after it, but don't accept any version below <this> or above <that> or whatever"
L452[13:55:41] <Vexatos> and then it'll display you are using a wrong version
L453[13:55:49] <Vexatos> that's extremely useful for using mods' APIs
L454[13:56:04] <Vexatos> See https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/Computronics.java#L90-L99
L455[13:59:07] <sugoi> Sangar: hello again. been busy and away a lot lately - but i'm back working hard on the upgrades we discussed. how close am i to missing the train?
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L457[14:08:53] <Sangar> sugoi, glad to hear it! you still have time ;)
L458[14:09:12] <Sangar> been making pretty slow progress, too
L459[14:09:15] <Sangar> work and such
L460[14:16:20] <Vexatos> regress?
L461[14:16:22] <Vexatos> degress?
L462[14:16:25] <Vexatos> egress?
L463[14:16:31] <Vexatos> no! Progress!
L464[14:17:04] <Sangar> quite
L465[14:18:14] <Elizabeth> how would i unpack computer.pullSignal() to give the event name in the first variable then all extras into a table? so like a,b = computer.pullSignal(); a would be the signal name and b would be a table containing all the other bits?
L466[14:18:56] <sugoi> Elizabeth: nil the item you want then repack?
L467[14:19:48] <sugoi> oh it's an array, so table.remove it out
L468[14:19:56] <sugoi> that'll shift for you
L469[14:20:41] <sugoi> t = table.pack(computer.pullSignal());n=table.remove(t, 2);return n, t
L470[14:20:55] <Elizabeth> cool, cheers
L471[14:20:56] <sugoi> something like that methinks (if 2 is the index of the name you want
L472[14:20:59] <sugoi> )
L473[14:21:12] * Sangar yawns
L474[14:21:19] <Sangar> i'm off, night o/
L475[14:21:20] <sugoi> bored or sleepy? :)
L476[14:21:22] <sugoi> goodnight
L477[14:21:26] <Sangar> sleepy ;)
L478[14:21:27] <Sangar> very
L479[14:21:34] <sugoi> o/
L480[14:29:44] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L481[14:32:07] <Vexatos> sugoi, why not just {computer.pullSignal()}
L482[14:32:21] <sugoi> that is beuatiful
L483[14:32:23] <sugoi> never considered that
L484[14:32:36] * sugoi gives Vexatos a chocolate chip cookie
L485[14:32:44] <Vexatos> ...what
L486[14:32:58] <Vexatos> did you never do stuff like {...}
L487[14:33:03] <sugoi> nope
L488[14:33:06] <sugoi> table.pack
L489[14:33:13] <Vexatos> table.pack is nigh useless
L490[14:33:16] <sugoi> why even have table.pack
L491[14:33:17] <sugoi> ^ :)
L492[14:33:26] <sugoi> so NOT useless?
L493[14:34:04] *** Daiyousei is now known as Lilly_Satou
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L496[15:12:59] <Elizabeth> grr
L497[15:13:21] <Elizabeth> anyone know what the computronics chatbox MCU upgrade's component name is?
L498[15:15:47] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L499[15:16:09] <Elizabeth> ah
L500[15:16:10] <Elizabeth> chat
L501[15:16:22] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L502[15:23:11] <Elizabeth> #lua a = {"sdbsd",42,45,"8"}; return table.unpack(a)
L503[15:23:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > sdbsd | 42 | 45 | 8
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L507[16:05:53] <Rorax> the format for transferFluid from a transposer is transferFluid(x,y[z]) correct?
L508[16:08:49] <Rorax> nope found a video
L509[16:11:22] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L510[16:11:32] <scj643> A laptop charger isn't supposed to semll
L511[16:11:34] <scj643> *smell
L512[16:11:36] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@
L513[16:11:47] <scj643> buying laptop chargers sucks
L514[16:11:53] <scj643> Lossing one sucks too
L515[16:11:59] <Rorax> if its brand new it might smell weird
L516[16:12:15] <scj643> It's not new
L517[16:12:23] <scj643> a couple weeks
L518[16:12:34] <IzayaXMPP> scj643: It's really convenient to use the same one the laptops at school use
L519[16:12:57] <scj643> Yeah I would have to go dell though
L520[16:13:00] <scj643> Fuck that
L521[16:13:27] <Izaya> fuck
L522[16:13:37] <Izaya> gmail crashed luakit
L523[16:13:52] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@ ())
L524[16:13:56] <scj643> Sometimes my screen goes dim because it stopped charging
L525[16:14:03] <scj643> for like less than a second
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L530[16:43:36] <ds84182> Holy shit the rain just started getting really bad here
L531[16:43:41] <ds84182> And it stopped???
L532[16:43:50] <ds84182> wtfweather
L533[16:44:59] <Temia> Where is "here"?
L534[16:45:53] <ds84182> Like, there
L535[16:46:06] <ds84182> (Georgia)
L536[16:46:10] <ds84182> Hell
L537[16:46:26] <ds84182> I can't see through my windows
L538[16:46:45] <ds84182> 70 mph winds
L539[16:46:48] <ds84182> ofuk
L540[16:46:51] <ds84182> Hamlet exits
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L550[17:20:05] <MrWonderful2012> why cant the relayer infinitely relay packets?
L551[17:20:16] <MrWonderful2012> well a computer could probably do the job
L552[17:20:34] <MrWonderful2012> but why?
L553[17:53:17] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L554[18:01:27] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L555[18:31:09] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L556[18:37:00] ⇦ Quits: MrWonderful2012 (~EiraIRC@97-93-112-245.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L557[18:38:39] <Rorax> whats the low level version of os.sleep? I needa micro controller to wait
L558[18:39:25] <SF-MC> It's a low-level event pull with a timeout
L559[18:39:33] <SF-MC> I don't remember the exact name or args atm
L560[18:39:54] <Rorax> okie dokie
L561[18:39:59] <Rorax> thanks for the clue
L562[18:40:56] <SF-MC> aha
L563[18:41:02] <SF-MC> computer.pullSignal()
L564[18:41:22] <SF-MC> ~w computer
L565[18:41:22] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L566[18:43:38] <Rorax> also event.pull(time) seems correct aswell
L567[18:43:50] <SF-MC> you asked for low-level
L568[18:43:59] <SF-MC> so I assumed no OC libraries
L569[18:44:11] <SF-MC> and with a uc you don't have them
L570[18:44:20] <sugoi> gamax92: hi
L571[18:44:27] <gamax92> hi.
L572[18:44:30] <gamax92> how are you.
L573[18:44:34] <sugoi> pretty good
L574[18:44:46] <Rorax> yes I did ask for low level thank you :)
L575[18:44:52] <Rorax> I was just searching at the same time as you'
L576[18:44:59] <sugoi> i've not been 'in' the ocemu guts for a bit, where do you make the sdl window answer to the gpu calls?
L577[18:45:02] <Rorax> event seems "low enough" for micro controllers. we will see
L578[18:45:08] <sugoi> i'm looking at hooking up another driver
L579[18:45:11] <SF-MC> It's not
L580[18:45:18] <SF-MC> event is an OpenOS provided library
L581[18:45:27] <Rorax> well then straight to computer.pullSignal
L582[18:45:33] <SF-MC> You will not have it in freestanding environments
L583[18:45:44] <gamax92> sugoi: screen_sdl2.lua ?
L584[18:45:58] <sugoi> ah yes!
L585[18:46:00] <sugoi> thanks
L586[18:46:05] <gamax92> the simulated gui component is literally just a wrapper to whatever it's binded to
L587[18:46:13] <sugoi> THAT i remember
L588[18:46:15] ⇨ Joins: WireWolf (webchat@pool-100-7-2-43.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L589[18:46:16] <sugoi> the where, i did not
L590[18:46:35] <WireWolf> can someone help me with another quick file question?
L591[18:46:40] <SF-MC> shoot
L592[18:47:35] <WireWolf> how can one edit a elf or rom file? i am trying to update the ARM architecture mod, and to do so i want to first take a look at the current stand point of the add on in OC. but i need to be able to edit the file extinsions
L593[18:47:38] <Kodos> PotatoTrumpet, what the fuck
L594[18:47:40] <Rorax> it works!
L595[18:47:42] <vifino> gamax92!
L596[18:47:46] <Rorax> thanks SF-MC <3
L597[18:47:50] <SF-MC> WireWolf: with a hex editor
L598[18:47:55] <gamax92> hey there vifino :3
L599[18:47:59] <vifino> hai :D
L600[18:48:01] <SF-MC> You also probably want an ARM disassembler
L601[18:48:16] <vifino> How are you doing, gamax92?
L602[18:48:18] <WireWolf> SF-MC: can i msg u so i can only see your text?
L603[18:48:36] <gamax92> Oh god, the lack of caring in that typing.
L604[18:48:44] <SF-MC> not easily
L605[18:48:49] <WireWolf> ok mvmd then
L606[18:48:56] <gamax92> AGH IT HAPPENED AGAIN
L607[18:49:00] <SF-MC> ?
L608[18:49:00] <WireWolf> :D
L609[18:49:01] <vifino> ?
L610[18:49:31] <WireWolf> i am not to familiar with hex editors, plus i didn't actually get a straight return when i moved it to a hex dump.
L611[18:49:33] <gamax92> WireWolf: didn't he publish the source code?
L612[18:49:53] <WireWolf> yes gamax92 but its in rom and elf format D:
L613[18:49:53] <SF-MC> for the reading part
L614[18:50:01] <SF-MC> you want a disassembler
L615[18:50:12] <SF-MC> And that's not the source code btw
L616[18:50:16] <SF-MC> that's the binary
L617[18:50:19] <WireWolf> ok, gimme a bit to find on for mac
L618[18:50:40] <SF-MC> also
L619[18:50:40] <WireWolf> welp, it was in the source code folder so i just went off that my bad
L620[18:50:58] <gamax92> WireWolf: there's source code for the roms.
L621[18:50:58] <SF-MC> make sure the disassembler is for the version of ARM that the CPU is
L622[18:51:06] <SF-MC> there is half a dozen versions of ARM
L623[18:51:33] <WireWolf> i know thats not a very well asked question
L624[18:52:40] <gamax92> the stuff for the roms is /jarm_incomplete/C Code iirc
L625[18:56:28] <vifino> So how are you, gamax92? ._.
L626[18:56:35] <gamax92> good
L627[18:56:37] <vifino> :D
L628[18:56:48] <vifino> That's nice to hear.
L629[18:57:08] <gamax92> I've been working with lua-enet
L630[18:57:58] <vifino> enet? Isn't that the udp tcp-like thing?
L631[19:01:06] <gamax92> yeah
L632[19:01:32] <gamax92> I was originally using udp with luasocket, vomited all over the place, and just switched to enet
L633[19:03:24] <WireWolf> gamax92: you said there source code for the rams?
L634[19:03:39] <gamax92> roms, adn yes.
L635[19:03:42] <WireWolf> gamax92: where did you find it. its going to be WAY easier that way.
L636[19:03:49] <gamax92> WireWolf: http://mcjarm.tejat.net/jarm_incomplete.tar.gz
L637[19:04:05] <WireWolf> thanks, i thought i downloaded that, must've been the wrong one
L638[19:07:39] <WireWolf> ah it was in the src dir. i feel really Really REALLY STUPID now
L639[19:09:54] <DeanIsaKitty> WireWolf: I don't want to stop you or anything, but if you have to ask how to edit an elf file you probably maybe really don't want to write on the ARM architecture mod.
L640[19:10:02] <SF-MC> yeaaah
L641[19:11:55] <WireWolf> i know that people hate it when someone asks a core question like that, its like have to ask what deobf code is, buuuuuuuut i am going at it to do two things, increase my knowledge of java and finally wrap my self around ARM arch's
L642[19:12:15] <WireWolf> its going to take me nothing short of many years i know
L643[19:12:49] <DeanIsaKitty> WireWolf: Honestly though, why not start with something a little bit easier like a Ruby/Python/JS arch?
L644[19:13:14] <DeanIsaKitty> Or help out with an existing one. IIRC there are Python and JS in the works
L645[19:13:41] <gamax92> Why not a ssh architecture.
L646[19:13:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Especially since there are good Java-based implementations of those languages.
L647[19:14:31] <gamax92> so that you could boot up the computer, type some stuffs in, and then connect to a real computer with real power.
L648[19:15:23] <WireWolf> welp, my attention was drawn to ARM arch for OC because i am trying to make ARM boards in real life and i am not going to get real far because i don't know the ARM arch so knock two birds out with one stone
L649[19:15:49] <WireWolf> gamax92: that might be a good idea for a start i guess, i will place ARM on the back burner and start looking into doing ssh
L650[19:15:50] <WireWolf> thx
L651[19:16:04] <gamax92> .-. I was joking but okay
L652[19:16:23] <WireWolf> well, a lot of my ideas come from jokes
L653[19:16:27] <ds84182> I did an ARM arch once. Java is retarded when it comes to integers so accurate emulation was never going to happen
L654[19:16:31] <DeanIsaKitty> WireWolf: I'm just gonna be direct this time: You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. You are like a person who started a bit of welding and now decides to build a car. It's a bit more complicated than you think it is.
L655[19:16:42] <ds84182> Half of newlib's custom arm code for library functions fail randomly
L656[19:17:01] <ds84182> And even after that the OS I made in it was half working at best
L657[19:17:04] <WireWolf> DeanIsaKitty: Thats why i am doing it the guy that starts welding yesterday and builds a car today learns ALOT
L658[19:17:04] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L659[19:17:13] <ds84182> If only Java wasn't stupid.
L660[19:17:20] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~Sora@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L661[19:17:34] <DeanIsaKitty> WireWolf: More like he's going to die in the fire his stupidity caused.
L662[19:18:04] <WireWolf> well, thats not a possibility from my experience in programming just extreme frustration :)
L663[19:18:10] <SoraFirestorm> WireWolf: do you know C?
L664[19:18:25] <SoraFirestorm> You're not going to get a whole lot done on this without that
L665[19:18:26] <WireWolf> some C# and ISO c++
L666[19:18:30] <SoraFirestorm> (amongst all the other things)
L667[19:18:32] <gamax92> so no
L668[19:18:42] <gamax92> You're not goingto get a whole lot done on a lot without that
L669[19:19:05] <DeanIsaKitty> WireWolf: glhf, but stubbornness won't get you far in CS. :)
L670[19:19:21] <SoraFirestorm> C++ and C# are meant more for high-level application programming
L671[19:19:27] <SoraFirestorm> C is meant for systems programming
L672[19:19:29] <ds84182> SoraFirestorm: Actually no
L673[19:19:35] <gamax92> ehh.
L674[19:19:35] <ds84182> C++ can be used for systems programming
L675[19:19:38] <gamax92> yeah
L676[19:19:41] <SoraFirestorm> It *can* be
L677[19:19:47] <ds84182> Windows is written in C++
L678[19:19:53] <DeanIsaKitty> *mostly
L679[19:19:59] <DeanIsaKitty> parts of the kernel are C
L680[19:20:00] <SoraFirestorm> but you end up not using half of it because it needs runtime
L681[19:20:09] <SoraFirestorm> no exceptions for example
L682[19:20:25] <ds84182> SoraFirestorm: Yeah, but you can still have the core part that makes C++ C++: classes
L683[19:20:34] <WireWolf> well, thanks, i will halt and make 100% sure i know C
L684[19:20:37] <WireWolf> thanks, gtg
L685[19:20:42] <gamax92> first lesson
L686[19:20:45] <SoraFirestorm> meeeh
L687[19:20:47] <gamax92> I is capitalized always.
L688[19:20:55] <SoraFirestorm> I'm overly traditional like that
L689[19:20:56] <WireWolf> gamax92: you talking to me?
L690[19:21:01] <ds84182> gamax92: First lesson is always capitalized
L691[19:21:09] <SoraFirestorm> I don't get the extreme appeal in OOP
L692[19:21:11] <WireWolf> welp, bye
L693[19:21:12] ⇦ Quits: WireWolf (webchat@pool-100-7-2-43.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L694[19:21:21] <SoraFirestorm> I see the benefits
L695[19:21:25] <gamax92> "You talking to me, you talking to me? You must be talking to me cause I'm the only one standing here"
L696[19:21:27] <DeanIsaKitty> The ignorance of some people....
L697[19:21:38] <SoraFirestorm> and I've written some stuff that was OO
L698[19:21:45] <SoraFirestorm> But I don't get why everyone loves it so much
L699[19:21:56] <ds84182> People just like it
L700[19:21:59] <ds84182> Not love it
L701[19:22:03] <SoraFirestorm> aaand I'm going to have to kill Minecraft
L702[19:22:04] <SoraFirestorm> dammit
L703[19:22:21] <DeanIsaKitty> SoraFirestorm: They don't. It's just the only thing that is teached nowadays and most people don't want to have to learn new stuff. See Mr ARM here.
L704[19:22:21] <ds84182> It's just a way to organize your code
L705[19:22:24] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L706[19:22:25] <ds84182> Not a way of life
L707[19:22:26] <gamax92> I wanted to tell him no, because code written by people that don't care to get the core understanding behind stuff first generally looks like shit
L708[19:22:35] <gamax92> like, the first time I jumped into udp and luasocket
L709[19:22:43] <ds84182> gamax92: And is generally exploitable ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
L710[19:22:57] <SoraFirestorm> let's see if the world got corrupted
L711[19:23:39] <SoraFirestorm> eh
L712[19:23:45] <gamax92> ds84182: I finally figured out why I kept getting luajit segmentation faults
L713[19:23:55] <ds84182> gamax92: ... why?
L714[19:23:59] <SoraFirestorm> I just feel like a minority in not thinking OOP is the end-all-be-all
L715[19:24:14] <malcom2073> SoraFirestorm: You don't? You should sit in your corner and cry alone then
L716[19:24:16] <malcom2073> ;)
L717[19:24:25] <SoraFirestorm> :P
L718[19:24:34] <SoraFirestorm> brb
L719[19:25:00] <gamax92> ds84182: using a string with ffi.new puts a null byte
L720[19:25:06] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L721[19:25:09] <gamax92> which, if you don't allocate +1, "The extra byte written beyond the end of the array trashes the
L722[19:25:09] <gamax92> memory allocator info."
L723[19:25:16] <malcom2073> I like OOP because it allows for very easy to understand (for me) code organization. I never really learned how to do it without OOP though, so I'm biased.
L724[19:25:23] <ds84182> gamax92: lol
L725[19:25:35] <gamax92> which would explain as soon as garbage collection kicked in it segfaulted
L726[19:25:41] <SoraFirestorm> OOP *can* be used for good organization
L727[19:26:05] <SoraFirestorm> It just tends to turn into a spahgetti mess instead
L728[19:26:19] <SoraFirestorm> Because you are doing multiple inheritance
L729[19:26:19] <malcom2073> I won't argue that you can do terribly bad things with it heh
L730[19:26:23] <ds84182> >OOP >sphagetti mess
L731[19:26:28] <ds84182> >multiple inheritance
L732[19:26:29] <gamax92> >>
L733[19:26:29] <SoraFirestorm> 'mixins' (whatever the hell that is)
L734[19:26:31] <malcom2073> Look at anybodys c# code
L735[19:26:37] <ds84182> SoraFirestorm: I've never used mixins in my life
L736[19:26:52] <ds84182> And I'd say that non OOP code is the real spahgetti mess
L737[19:26:53] <SoraFirestorm> I'm still not 100% sure wtf those even are
L738[19:27:05] <ds84182> OOP is spahgetti, but in orderly lines
L739[19:27:37] <SoraFirestorm> ds84182: sure, but style poorly written is spahgetti mess
L740[19:28:18] <SoraFirestorm> s/style/any style/
L741[19:28:20] <SoraFirestorm> oops
L742[19:28:20] <gamax92> OOP is braided spaghetti
L743[19:28:37] <SoraFirestorm> no kibibyte?
L744[19:28:40] <gamax92> kibided
L745[19:28:42] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L746[19:28:53] <malcom2073> mebbebytes
L747[19:29:13] <gamax92> malwarebytes
L748[19:29:19] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L749[19:29:22] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
L750[19:29:36] <gamax92> michibyte!
L751[19:29:37] <SF-MC> oh
L752[19:29:37] <SF-MC> right
L753[19:29:39] <Mimiru> THe bot I had doing that is gone.
L754[19:29:55] <SF-MC> thank you Mimiru
L755[19:30:08] <ds84182> s/thank you Mimiru/no, thank you
L756[19:30:08] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> no, thank you
L757[19:30:19] <Mimiru> s/style/any style/
L758[19:30:19] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> ds84182: sure, but any style poorly written is spahgetti mess
L759[19:30:23] <Mimiru> :P
L760[19:30:26] <SF-MC> :P
L761[19:30:29] <gamax92> :P
L762[19:30:30] <ds84182> P:
L763[19:30:37] <SF-MC> s/P:/:P/
L764[19:30:38] <MichiBot> <ds84182> :P
L765[19:30:42] <ds84182> Oh no.
L766[19:30:43] <malcom2073> I've always heard of non OOP C programs being described as spagetti
L767[19:30:45] <Mimiru> Someone ping me if/when Kilobyte comes back
L768[19:30:51] <SF-MC> ok
L769[19:30:51] <ds84182> Mimiru: Nah
L770[19:30:57] <ds84182> We want Michi
L771[19:31:00] <Mimiru> Unless I'm asleep, then meh. :P
L772[19:31:09] <Mimiru> Well, tell that to Kilo
L773[19:31:09] <ocdoc> Hey there, whats up?
L774[19:31:09] <ds84182> Double sed madness?
L775[19:31:10] <ds84182> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L776[19:33:15] <gamax92> Remember way back when, that whole irc client shitstorm where a guy refused to add color support and yell at people who wanted it because it's not an official thing?
L777[19:33:36] <gamax92> That person went bankrupt, because nobody wanted their product since it was inferior to other products.
L778[19:33:38] <ds84182> Well, fuck that guy, he sounds like a meanie
L779[19:34:06] <SF-MC> wtf
L780[19:34:08] <SF-MC> I mean seriously
L781[19:34:14] <ds84182> Just sitting here enjoying my underlined italic sentence. Isn't this bold?
L782[19:34:14] <gamax92> ?
L783[19:34:24] <SF-MC> yes it is
L784[19:34:28] <gamax92> no its bold-rhombus
L785[19:34:30] <SF-MC> not italic though
L786[19:34:34] <gamax92> it's italic for me
L787[19:34:45] <ds84182> SF-MC: Did you download the italics DLC?
L788[19:34:45] <SF-MC> My clients are irssi and EiraIRC
L789[19:34:49] <SF-MC> oh
L790[19:34:50] <SF-MC> oops
L791[19:34:58] <SF-MC> I don't have the Italics DLC
L792[19:34:59] <SF-MC> mybad
L793[19:35:14] <gamax92> I wish oc supported the upper unicode set
L794[19:35:15] <malcom2073> SF-MC: Please enter your password to make that in-app purchase!
L795[19:35:21] <SF-MC> hunter02
L796[19:35:22] <gamax92> then wocchat could have bold characters
L797[19:35:23] <ds84182> hunter3
L798[19:35:28] <gamax92> hunter69
L799[19:35:34] <ds84182> hunter96
L800[19:35:46] <gamax92> ds, the number of stars changed
L801[19:35:47] <SF-MC> malcom2073: only you saw that, right?
L802[19:35:49] <gamax92> are you lying?
L803[19:36:04] <ds84182> gamax92: The number of what
L804[19:36:07] <ds84182> wat
L805[19:36:08] <SF-MC> stars
L806[19:36:08] <ds84182> what?
L807[19:36:09] <SF-MC> ***
L808[19:36:12] <SF-MC> those
L809[19:36:13] <ds84182> *
L810[19:36:16] <ds84182> **?
L811[19:36:18] <ds84182> *.
L812[19:36:23] <DeanIsaKitty> .*
L813[19:36:35] <malcom2073> SF-MC: ofc
L814[19:36:38] <gamax92> (.*)%d-
L815[19:36:40] <SF-MC> oh good
L816[19:37:40] <SF-MC> anyone have ideas on where to get glowstone in the overworld?
L817[19:38:02] <malcom2073> witches
L818[19:38:06] <SF-MC> Thaumcraft towers in villages have a block
L819[19:38:09] <SF-MC> hm
L820[19:38:13] <SF-MC> haven't seen one yet
L821[19:38:34] ⇨ Joins: Dominance_ (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net)
L822[19:38:39] <SF-MC> hiya
L823[19:39:14] <Temia> If you have thaumic tinkerer, you can convert... oh, what was it... clay, I think? Into glowstone with imbued fire
L824[19:39:21] <SF-MC> no TT
L825[19:39:28] <Temia> But that is very, VERY dangerous so--oh
L826[19:39:29] <Temia> okay.
L827[19:39:37] <SF-MC> I'm also still really early game
L828[19:40:01] <Temia> I honestly tend to research imbued fire early since it's fairly easy to make and can be valuable in creating things
L829[19:40:32] <SF-MC> I really only need 1 more too
L830[19:40:52] <SF-MC> so I can get a philosopher's stone when I get the rest of the materials
L831[19:41:02] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L832[19:50:07] <Temia> Only thing that imbued fire can't make is blaze powder, which is sad :C
L833[19:55:46] ⇦ Quits: Dominance_ (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L834[19:57:37] <SF-MC> aha
L835[19:57:37] <SF-MC> diamond
L836[19:57:42] <SF-MC> I'm so cool
L837[19:58:25] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L838[19:59:58] <SF-MC> last item
L839[20:00:00] <SF-MC> glowstone
L840[20:03:37] <SF-MC> yisssssh
L841[20:13:20] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (*.net *.split)
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L852[20:35:39] <Mfernflower> Anyone ever see SJ
L853[20:35:40] <Mfernflower> CJ
L854[20:39:02] ⇦ Quits: Mfernflower (Mfernflowe@ool-45791436.dyn.optonline.net) (Client Quit)
L855[20:44:08] <Inari> http://cdn.webfail.com/upl/img/aeba6811553/post2.jpg
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L858[21:00:31] <Kodos> Jesus I really want SQL in OC now
L859[21:01:24] <Mimiru> soon(tm)
L860[21:01:27] <SF-MC> lol
L861[21:01:39] <SF-MC> "just write it yourself" :P
L862[21:01:42] <Mimiru> I've got part of it done.
L863[21:01:46] <Mimiru> justn ot neough to release
L864[21:01:49] <Mimiru> wow
L865[21:01:59] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ Just not enough to release
L866[21:02:56] <Kodos> I'm taking an online course for SQL. I reallllly like it
L867[21:03:10] <Kodos> I'm a sucker for data management as it is, so this is wicked fun for me
L868[21:03:54] <Kodos> Just aced the Query section of the course
L869[21:15:18] * Inari infects Mimiru with typing race conditions
L870[21:23:38] <Kodos> Well, joins are a little weird, but I can see how they'd be confusing. I think with time, I'll grasp it better
L871[21:23:51] <Kodos> In any case, SQL course passed
L872[21:25:38] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:e486:1b74:41a5:d523) (Quit: Leaving)
L873[21:27:34] <Mimiru> Kodos, I get to have fun with crap like this http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/2e7a2173
L874[21:27:57] <SF-MC> why
L875[21:28:06] <Kodos> No wonder your brain hurts on joins
L876[21:28:09] <SF-MC> that is too complicated
L877[21:28:14] <SF-MC> I don't even SQL
L878[21:28:23] <Kodos> What's that searching for, anyway
L879[21:28:23] <SF-MC> and I can tell that is too complicated
L880[21:28:42] <Mimiru> And that is one of the smaller ones...
L881[21:28:43] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L882[21:28:47] <Mimiru> I can't find the big one.
L883[21:28:49] <Kodos> Also, what can I use with the ubuntu install that Xubuntu does, that I can use to run SQL and shit
L884[21:28:56] <Kodos> Because I want to make databases and do things with them
L885[21:29:16] <Mimiru> sudo apt-get install mysql-server
L886[21:29:44] <Mimiru> I'm sure there is a sql admin client for *nix
L887[21:30:23] <Mimiru> MySQL Workbench is linux native
L888[21:30:27] <Mimiru> I've never used it though
L889[21:37:30] <Kodos> Looks like it installs a client, too
L890[21:37:33] <Kodos> Just figuring out how to use it now
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L892[21:48:06] <dangranos> gah
L893[21:48:07] ⇨ Joins: beholdthepenguin (webchat@dcfb02c69d81.click-network.com)
L894[21:48:14] <dangranos> updated plasma 5 breeze
L895[21:48:25] <dangranos> it's. so. damn. flat
L896[21:48:46] <beholdthepenguin> Anyone know how to double the output of the remote terminal on a connected screen?
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L898[21:50:07] <dangranos> beholdthepenguin: um
L899[21:50:37] <dangranos> i think you could create a wrapper api that will just execute functions to both screens?
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L901[21:54:46] <beholdthepenguin> was hoping there was an easier way but interesting idea
L902[21:55:13] <SF-MC> one other way would be to build a card peripheral that could do that
L903[21:55:20] <SF-MC> share a single frame buffer between screens
L904[21:55:27] <SF-MC> but that would take more effort :P
L905[21:55:32] <MrWonderful2012> I am trying to use a screen to access a server so I can get t3 graphics but the screen terminal doesnt respond
L906[21:55:46] <SF-MC> why do you want T3 graphics on a server?
L907[21:56:27] <MrWonderful2012> I am just using the server for extra RAM
L908[21:57:08] <MrWonderful2012> and more components and cards
L909[21:57:17] <beholdthepenguin> Ya I have a 10 wide 5 tall screen connected to a server. When I try to use a keyboard connected to the screen it doesn't register my keystrokes. SO I have been using my remote terminal as a wireless keyboard
L910[21:57:51] <MrWonderful2012> gtg
L911[21:57:53] <beholdthepenguin> but it displays the init.lua boot messages then displays nothing (the remote terminal) so it is in the way
L912[21:58:03] <SF-MC> you probably haven't liked it
L913[21:58:07] <SF-MC> s/liked/linked/
L914[21:58:08] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> you probably haven't linked it
L915[21:58:25] <beholdthepenguin> the remote terminal is linked
L916[21:58:30] <beholdthepenguin> it registers the keystrokes
L917[21:58:51] <beholdthepenguin> once OpenOS boots it selects the connected tier 3 screen to the server as the Local Screen
L918[21:59:06] <beholdthepenguin> then the frame feed ends to the remote terminal
L919[21:59:09] <SF-MC> makes sense
L920[21:59:26] <beholdthepenguin> BUT the keystrokes from the remote terminal show up on the tier 3 screen
L921[21:59:30] <SF-MC> You're just going to have to rewrite the terminal library to do what you want
L922[21:59:38] <SF-MC> You wanted to mirror, yes?
L923[21:59:43] <beholdthepenguin> yup
L924[21:59:52] <SF-MC> that's the way to go then
L925[22:00:04] <beholdthepenguin> or a wireless keyboard function ;P
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L927[22:03:47] <vifino> Anybody knows how to add custom library loaders?
L928[22:04:27] <vifino> like so that require() loads custom handeled sources and stuffs...
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L931[22:08:20] <vifino> Ah, figured it out, _G.package.loaders.
L932[22:08:56] <vifino> actually, I take that back
L933[22:09:02] <vifino> I figured part of it out.
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L935[22:12:56] <vifino> http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaModulesLoader \o/
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L937[22:14:37] <dangranos> augh
L938[22:14:43] <dangranos> too bright
L939[22:15:01] * dangranos slaps that guy who decided to rework breeze... again?
L940[22:15:01] * EnderBot2 chuckles
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L943[22:29:52] <vifino> panic: test.lua:1: module 'idontexist' not found:
L944[22:29:52] <vifino> no field package.preload['idontexist']
L945[22:29:52] <vifino> no asset '/libs/idontexist.lua' (not compiled in)
L946[22:30:00] <vifino> I am.. AWESOME!
L947[22:30:01] <vifino> :D
L948[22:30:09] <SF-MC> :D
L949[22:31:02] <vifino> I hooked into require() unobtrusively and made it look for and load compiled in lua libraries :3
L950[22:44:25] <Kodos> Bleh, stupid git. If I remove a branch locally, how do I tell the remote to remove it as well
L951[22:44:39] <SF-MC> 'git branch -d -r $BRANCH"
L952[22:44:52] <SF-MC> in the form of alias/name
L953[22:45:02] <SF-MC> s/alias/remote/
L954[22:45:04] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> in the form of remote/name
L955[22:47:42] <Kodos> Still not working, likely user error
L956[22:47:55] <Kodos> The branch is gone locally, but still there on my github
L957[22:48:19] <SF-MC> I'd just login to Github and delete from there then
L958[22:48:25] <Kodos> -.-
L959[22:48:34] <Kodos> I'm trying to figure out how to do it from the netbook, but yeah I know I could do that
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L965[23:32:42] <Kodos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/1532
L966[23:32:44] <Kodos> Interesting
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L969[23:46:54] <SoraFirestorm> Kodos: something like the CC windowing API?
L970[23:47:32] <Kodos> Looks to be yeah
L971[23:47:50] <Kodos> Speaking of CC, as much hate as I dish on it, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to try out the new gaming shit Dan's working on
L972[23:48:04] <SoraFirestorm> That does look kinda neat
L973[23:48:11] <SoraFirestorm> What I'd really like tbh
L974[23:48:20] <SoraFirestorm> Is for OC to have a real framebuffer mode
L975[23:48:27] <SoraFirestorm> that would be friggin awesome
L976[23:48:41] <Kodos> That's been discussed to death, iirc
L977[23:48:47] <SoraFirestorm> yeah ik
L978[23:48:52] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L979[23:48:59] <SoraFirestorm> but that's what Dan200's new stuff reminds me of
L980[23:50:12] <Kodos> I still want the Keypad from Biolocks
L981[23:50:15] <Kodos> But for OC
L982[23:51:13] <SoraFirestorm> found what you're talking about
L983[23:51:18] <SoraFirestorm> I'd personally just do it in software
L984[23:51:23] <Kodos> I could, easily, yeah
L985[23:51:29] <SoraFirestorm> I think it looks better than what's in the mod imo
L986[23:51:43] <Kodos> Eh, I guess if you did fancy buttons and shit
L987[23:51:47] <Kodos> And had them 'light up' when pressed
L988[23:52:06] <SoraFirestorm> I just think that the block looks bad
L989[23:52:20] <SoraFirestorm> something about it is just not right to me
L990[23:52:25] <SoraFirestorm> but that's just my opinion
L991[23:53:08] <SoraFirestorm> I still think the framebuffer would be nice
L992[23:53:26] <SoraFirestorm> That makes more sense for X style windowing systems
L993[23:54:15] <Kodos> Well
L994[23:54:24] <Kodos> I just want the server rack rework before I worry about much else
L995[23:54:37] <SoraFirestorm> What's wrong with the server rack?
L996[23:54:46] <Kodos> Sang's reworking them for OC 1.6
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L998[23:55:22] <SoraFirestorm> tl;dr of changes
L999[23:55:24] <SoraFirestorm> ?
L1000[23:55:27] <Kodos> Hang on
L1001[23:56:08] <Kodos> https://youtu.be/OH7sCSN8AxA
L1002[23:56:16] <SoraFirestorm> thank yoy
L1003[23:56:21] <SoraFirestorm> s/yoy/you/
L1004[23:56:21] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> thank you
L1005[23:56:39] <Kodos> ~w custom os
L1006[23:56:39] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L1007[23:59:34] <SoraFirestorm> so basically reworking how the sides system works?
L1008[23:59:41] <Kodos> Among other things, yeah
L1009[23:59:48] <SoraFirestorm> neat
L1010[23:59:52] <Kodos> Servers as a whole are getting an overhaul
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