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L1[00:16:18] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L2[00:20:23] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L3[00:31:04] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L17[03:11:17] ⇨ Joins: MegaUZI (MegaUZI@ABordeaux-652-1-194-208.w90-50.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L18[03:11:54] <MegaUZI> hello. Can I start using OpenComputers (and ComputerCraft maybe) effectively just by learning Lua entirely ?
L19[03:26:10] <Izaya> Oh hey it's MegaUZI
L20[03:26:34] <MegaUZI> that's why you never hang out on KSPofficial Izaya ! How good to see you :)
L21[03:26:42] <Izaya> Uh, I'd say learn using whichever one you prefer, the environment is rather different to stock Lua
L22[03:26:50] <Izaya> Yeah, this is my usual haunt.
L23[03:27:27] <MegaUZI> haunt ? why ?
L24[03:27:45] <Izaya> It's an expression, this is where I usually end up hanging out
L25[03:28:11] <MegaUZI> ok. *intense coding is intense*
L26[03:28:35] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/wn0h4k6.png :D
L27[03:29:02] <MegaUZI> Fallout 4 Linux edition ?
L28[03:29:24] <Izaya> Fallout 1
L29[03:29:45] <MegaUZI> oh
L30[03:30:12] <Izaya> I've decided to finish all the other Fallout games before I play 4
L31[03:31:22] <MegaUZI> I got F3 like 2 weeks ago
L32[03:31:47] <MegaUZI> and the graphics are crap. Mind you I think my standarts are too high
L33[03:32:11] <Izaya> I heard the FO3 graphics weren't all that good, but I haven't played it yet
L34[03:33:03] <MegaUZI> and since my copy was cracked i can't install graphics patches without messing up the game
L35[03:33:18] <Izaya> oh fun
L36[03:34:04] <Izaya> Think Fallout 1 and 2 would be bearable on a Pentium III?
L37[03:34:17] <Izaya> That was a few years after the two games were made...
L38[03:36:05] <MegaUZI> hell you need an overlocked i7-8600
L39[03:36:12] <MegaUZI> *k something idk
L40[03:36:55] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@arouen-651-1-336-196.w90-23.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L41[03:38:35] <MegaUZI> I can't wait for ME:A
L42[03:39:09] <Izaya> ME:A?
L43[03:39:24] <MegaUZI> Mass Effect : Andromeda
L44[03:39:43] <MegaUZI> I'm sure it'll cost 170€ with all the DLC's but still, I can't wait
L45[03:42:06] <MegaUZI> and I wish the new female character won't look like Femshep ME3
L46[03:42:12] <MegaUZI> that would really suck
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L56[05:37:14] <Inari> i still hope to someday find a website that has explanations for htings in various different ways... so like "How does a battery work?" On the level of electricity, then on the level of chemistry, then on the level of classical physics, then on the level of quantum physics
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L67[08:21:00] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L71[08:59:43] ⇨ Joins: Michi (webchat@
L72[08:59:55] zsh sets mode: +o on Michi
L73[08:59:57] <Michi> -_-
L74[09:04:28] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L75[09:04:29] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
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L79[09:12:18] <Mimiru> \o/
L80[09:13:02] <Mimiru> moved my ip from bast to eos
L81[09:14:00] <Elizabeth> cool
L82[09:14:25] <Mimiru> I had to add a 2nd nic to the VM.. I couldn't change the mac on eth0:0
L83[09:14:27] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L84[09:16:56] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L85[09:26:34] <dangranos> heh
L86[09:27:08] <dangranos> too bad that gpg 2.1 isn't in stable debian repos..
L87[09:27:31] <dangranos> it has working ssh support in gpg-agent
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L97[10:18:51] <Mimiru> … ¬_¬
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L100[10:19:22] <Mimiru> wtf
L101[10:19:36] <Mimiru> #p
L102[10:19:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.28342395800000003 Seconds passed.
L103[10:19:50] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L104[10:22:05] * Mimiru sighs
L105[10:23:01] <Mimiru> Oh that's speial
L106[10:23:03] <Mimiru> special too
L107[10:23:05] <Mimiru> load of 55
L108[10:23:07] <Mimiru> O_o
L109[10:26:34] <Mimiru> ipv4 is down?!
L110[10:26:46] <vifino> Daaaaaarn. I want a nvidia jetson tx1 ._.
L111[10:26:57] <vifino> Them gpu performancies *.
L112[11:11:14] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L113[11:11:15] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
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L123[11:29:37] <Mimiru> #p
L124[11:29:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.375176006 Seconds passed.
L125[11:30:56] <Michi> fmfl
L126[11:31:04] <Michi> I fucking hate OVH.
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L129[11:31:21] <Michi> Yep, there it goes.
L130[11:31:22] ⇦ Quits: Kodos_ (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L131[11:49:35] <Mimiru> ._.
L132[11:51:02] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L133[11:51:03] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L134[11:51:04] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L135[11:53:03] <Elizabeth> Michi, feel free to join me on ts whenever your server is not throwing a paddy
L136[11:53:21] <Vexatos> asie: Not as part of the project
L137[11:53:28] <Vexatos> But simply... using the lib
L138[11:53:29] <Mimiru> I'm starting the instance on Kusanagi Elizabeth
L139[11:53:31] <asie> Vexatos: AsieLib is slated to die out
L140[11:53:34] <Vexatos> Exactly
L141[11:53:35] <asie> the chat tweaks will be moved to a separate mod
L142[11:53:40] <Vexatos> which is why I want to get rid of it
L143[11:53:40] <Vexatos> ASAP
L144[11:53:44] <asie> and Bane of Arthropods 9? No idea where, yet
L145[11:53:54] <asie> The chat tweaks mod will become part of my own server utility mod
L146[11:53:58] <Vexatos> When in doubt, I'll make it a separate mod
L147[11:53:59] <asie> which will be called something like @ (get it?)
L148[11:54:08] <Elizabeth> .-. dammit se
L149[11:54:13] <Vexatos> asie: call it >
L150[11:54:16] <Elizabeth> Mimiru, k
L151[11:54:18] <asie> Vexatos: no
L152[11:54:21] <asie> @ because it's tools for admins
L153[11:54:24] <Mimiru> Elizabeth, kusanagi.pc-logix.com
L154[11:54:27] <Vexatos> fair enough
L155[11:55:03] <Vexatos> asie: right now asielib is just an annoyance for me. I am not suggesting making tronics part of the Charset project
L156[11:55:10] <Vexatos> I'd just like to have a... more sane base lib
L157[11:55:11] <Vexatos> :P
L158[11:55:25] <asie> CharsetLib won't be much more sane
L159[11:55:27] <asie> but saner nonetheles
L160[11:55:37] <Vexatos> anything is better than asielib
L161[11:55:40] <Vexatos> except for DragonAPI, maybe
L162[11:55:44] <asie> >maybe
L163[11:55:45] <asie> leave
L164[12:46:59] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L165[12:47:00] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L166[12:47:14] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
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L172[12:53:32] <Turtle> .-. the more I look at insurance policies the more insurance companies look like asshats
L173[12:53:47] <Michi> 'POSEufjrh'oatgh'oaetg
L174[12:53:54] ⇦ Quits: spiriteddusty (spiriteddu@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L176[12:54:18] <Turtle> (Also every policy explicitly mentioning damage from nuclear reactions is not covered)
L177[12:54:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A468810BBFFCAA9CD0E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L180[12:54:56] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L181[12:55:01] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I am a random nuclear explosion
L182[12:55:22] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (ds84182@eos.pc-logix.com)
L183[12:55:33] <Michi> SuPeRMiNoR2: you have an ovh box.. right?
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L185[12:56:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yes
L186[12:56:13] <Michi> Any experince with setting up 2 failover ips?
L187[12:56:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> None at all. I am looking at setting up a second ipv6 address though
L188[12:56:38] <Michi> fak.
L189[12:56:48] <Michi> I'm trying to move Bast's IPv4 over to Eos
L190[12:56:49] <SuPeRMiNoR2> They say they only give you a /128 but I am pretty sure it is actually a /64
L191[12:56:55] <Michi> I moved the vmac over and it worked for a bit
L192[12:57:04] <Michi> now as soon as I add eth1's gateway eth0 dies
L193[12:57:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A466810BBFFCAA9CD0E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L194[12:57:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L195[12:57:11] <Michi> remove eth1's gateway and eth0 comes back
L196[12:57:15] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Yeah, I only have one ovh box
L197[12:57:29] <Michi> but eth1 doesn't work unless I specify the gateway
L198[12:57:39] <Michi> Well, I'm merging bast with eos
L199[12:57:58] <Michi> and I need bast's IP to point to eos cause I can't update the rdns for mail.pc-logix.com to point to eos..
L200[12:58:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> What is bast, i forget
L201[12:58:55] <Michi> bast was my windows VM
L202[12:59:00] <Michi> did Mail, XMPP, and SE
L203[12:59:13] <Michi> had to cut resources made it useless for SE, figured I'd roll it into eos
L204[12:59:23] <Michi> everything works on eos... except bast's IP.
L205[12:59:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh, i see
L206[12:59:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Well, sorry, I never have more then one ipv4 anywhere, So i have no experience with that
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L209[13:18:07] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L210[13:18:21] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
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L220[13:51:08] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L221[13:51:21] <Michi> The interface is up.
L222[13:51:26] <Michi> but I can't make new connections
L223[13:51:27] <Michi> woo
L224[13:51:31] <Michi> afeffingk
L225[13:53:21] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L226[13:54:35] <Kodos> Oooh Elite 1.5 beta is up today
L227[14:03:27] <Elizabeth> arghh
L228[14:03:37] <Elizabeth> SE used all my ram and crashed
L229[14:11:30] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L230[14:18:53] <Vexatos> Sandra, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1524
L231[14:18:56] <Vexatos> Err Sangar
L232[14:18:58] <Vexatos> :D
L233[14:18:59] <Vexatos> Anyway
L234[14:19:04] * Vexatos pings Mimiru too
L235[14:20:53] * scj643 pokes a hole in Mimiru
L236[14:22:25] * vifino stabs scj643
L237[14:22:57] * scj643 bleeds to death
L238[14:23:10] <vifino> Mimi has nuff shit to deal with, so no need for you twat to make her life harder.
L239[14:23:14] <vifino> Dieing networking is bad.
L240[14:23:49] <Vexatos> dieing is bad too
L241[14:24:05] <Vexatos> since it is actually called "dying"
L242[14:24:14] <vifino> stfu Vexatos
L243[14:24:18] <vifino> it was intended.
L244[14:24:45] <Vexatos> indented
L245[14:25:03] <vifino> Oh, yeh, sorruy.
L246[14:25:11] * Elizabeth makes a dent in Vexatos's face
L247[14:25:33] <scj643> Double indented
L248[14:26:27] <gamax92> 4 space indented
L249[14:36:39] <Vexatos> 1 space indented because this is not the first line (Kodos style)
L250[14:36:55] <Kodos> !kick Vexatos Don't be a shitter
L251[14:36:56] *** Vexatos was kicked by zsh ((Kodos) Don't be a shitter))
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L253[14:40:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L254[14:40:51] * scj643 hides from Vexatos
L255[14:42:19] <Vexatos> Sooooooooooooo
L256[14:42:21] <Vexatos> uuuuuuuuuuuh
L257[14:42:23] <Vexatos> Computronics
L258[14:42:25] <Vexatos> Regex Car
L259[14:42:27] <Vexatos> Card*
L260[14:42:31] <Vexatos> ...asie?
L261[14:42:46] <scj643> What!
L262[14:42:52] <asie> approved!
L263[14:43:35] <Skye> Regex: Bigger than the Lua standard library
L264[14:43:43] <Vexatos> Skye, yes
L265[14:43:55] <Vexatos> But Java is bigger by a factor of 1500
L266[14:43:58] <Vexatos> P:
L267[14:44:27] <Vexatos> which functions should the thing have?
L268[14:44:59] <Vexatos> same gsub and gmatch etc as the standard Lua thing? Because I don't think I can add metatables to a returned object
L269[14:45:09] <Vexatos> Which meant I'd have to use userdata
L270[14:45:11] <Vexatos> and, ehm
L271[14:45:12] <Vexatos> meh
L272[14:45:27] <Skye> please please please please have a way to get the start and end indexes of each individual match
L273[14:46:33] <Vexatos> Doesn't Lua natively have that
L274[14:46:36] <Vexatos> 99% sure it does
L275[14:46:43] <Skye> for Regex
L276[14:46:45] <Skye> because
L277[14:46:47] <Skye> Java
L278[14:46:50] <Skye> regex
L279[14:46:51] <Skye> is
L280[14:46:52] <Skye> pain
L281[14:46:52] <Vexatos> () in the pattern will return the position of the thing
L282[14:47:02] <Vexatos> iIRC
L283[14:47:04] <Vexatos> IIRC*
L284[14:47:12] <Vexatos> Also, Java regex doesn't have %b equivalent
L285[14:47:21] <Vexatos> better use them both together \:D/
L286[14:47:33] <scj643> implement python regex
L287[14:47:34] <Kubuxu> Vexatos: implement PEG
L288[14:47:48] <Vexatos> then I can use https://luarocks.org/modules/jugglerchris/pegex
L289[14:47:53] <Vexatos> what is PEG even
L290[14:47:54] <Vexatos> :P
L291[14:48:15] <scj643> Wish there was more work on making a python archetecture
L292[14:48:22] <Vexatos> ahh I see
L293[14:48:23] <Vexatos> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percutaneous_endoscopic_gastrostomy
L294[14:48:23] <Kubuxu> Parsing expression grammar
L295[14:48:27] <Vexatos> Nono
L296[14:48:30] <Vexatos> Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
L297[14:49:09] <Kubuxu> quite more powerful than regex and you could probably map regex 1-to-1 to it
L298[14:49:52] <Vexatos> I won't implement anything amazing
L299[14:49:58] <Vexatos> I'd just relay it to java's regex stuff
L300[14:50:09] <Vexatos> not even catching any errors since OC does that for me :P
L301[14:50:14] * Kubuxu is kidding
L302[14:50:41] <Skye> Vexatos, Java regex is pain
L303[14:51:01] <Vexatos> Selene would have been a lot easier with it :P
L304[14:51:16] <Vexatos> I recently massively optimized the tokenizer and it's still a pain
L305[14:51:19] <scj643> No pain no gain
L306[14:51:57] <Vexatos> I mean, just look at it https://github.com/Vexatos/Selene/blob/master/selene/lib/selene/parser.lua#L28-L180
L307[14:52:02] <Vexatos> This is NOT how decent code looks
L308[14:52:05] <Kubuxu> Skye: Java's regex does not differ from standardized regexes.
L309[14:52:17] <Skye> the API is pain
L310[14:52:38] <Skye> for example, it DOESN'T HAVE THE POSITIONS OF INDIVIDUAL MATCHES
L311[14:52:43] <Vexatos> string.replaceAll
L312[14:52:47] <Vexatos> P:
L313[14:52:56] <Skye> what?
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L317[15:18:13] <ds84182> Michi: whats going on with znc right now?
L318[15:19:17] <ds84182> Wait
L319[15:19:18] <ds84182> ffs
L320[15:19:25] <Mimiru> the primary IP on Eos is not reachable
L321[15:19:34] <ds84182> Hmm
L322[15:19:42] <Mimiru> If you have an existing connection it's fine...
L323[15:19:49] <Mimiru> but you can't open new connections.
L324[15:20:01] ⇨ Joins: giodamelio (webchat@c-98-237-142-15.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L325[15:20:02] <ds84182> That sounds really odd
L326[15:20:11] <Mimiru> ds84182, you wouldn't happen to want to help me fix OVH's stupid shit would you? :D
L327[15:20:22] <Vexatos> wait
L328[15:20:24] <Vexatos> OVH
L329[15:20:24] <ds84182> ... sure, I guess
L330[15:20:25] <Vexatos> dead
L331[15:20:28] <Vexatos> how does that even work?
L332[15:21:25] <CompanionCube> Vexatos, I found this with a quick google search
L333[15:21:26] <CompanionCube> http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/
L334[15:22:10] <Mimiru> I added a 2nd nic to Eos, set the mac to the vmac from Bast since that server is gone. started Eos, and tried to set it up to use Bast's old IP... as soon as eth1 comes up eth0 has a fit.
L335[15:22:55] <ds84182> Ugh, brb, friggen sister wants me to watch cat outside .-.
L336[15:23:00] <Mimiru> It's being nice right now, usually eth0 just totally dies
L337[15:23:07] <Mimiru> ATM it's just not accepting new connections
L338[15:23:14] <ds84182> They're always conveniently timed ugh
L339[15:25:47] ⇦ Quits: giodamelio (webchat@c-98-237-142-15.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L342[15:35:55] <ds84182> Ok, back
L343[15:36:51] <ds84182> Mimiru: Does dmesg say why eth0 has a fit, or is it completely silent?
L344[15:38:43] <Mimiru> I'll check when I finish really breaking it all
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L348[16:09:34] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
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L355[16:23:21] <ds84182> Oh hey
L356[16:23:23] <ds84182> it's a me
L357[16:23:24] <ds84182> ds84183:
L358[16:23:39] <MGR> leagris, I'm making my modpack :)
L359[16:23:47] <ds84182> Oh no.
L360[16:23:51] <ds84183> Halloew
L361[16:23:57] <MGR> why the oh no?
L362[16:24:06] <ds84183> I can't ghost myself, aparently
L363[16:24:08] <MGR> lol
L364[16:24:09] ⇦ Quits: ds84182 (~ds84182@68-184-83-17.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ds84183!ds84182@eos.pc-logix.com)))
L365[16:24:12] <ds84183> rekt fgt
L366[16:24:14] *** ds84183 is now known as ds84182
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L368[16:24:30] <MGR> hello?
L369[16:24:31] ⇦ Quits: ds84183 (~ds84182@68-184-83-17.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com) (Client Quit)
L370[16:24:32] <MGR> ok?
L371[16:25:02] ⇨ Joins: Uni (~Uni@p5DEC692C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L374[16:34:04] <MGR> Hi Inari
L375[16:34:48] <vifino> ds84182: * Incompatible GApps Currently Installed *
L376[16:34:55] <vifino> me irl: ; _ ;
L377[16:35:13] <MGR> install adobe reader
L378[16:36:09] <vifino> MGR: i have google ultron already, does that count?
L379[16:36:20] <MGR> you need them both XD
L380[16:36:31] <vifino> darn :(
L381[16:36:32] <MGR> watch out for that Jitterbug Gang though
L382[16:36:40] <MGR> I hear they are the most elite gang ever
L383[16:36:47] <MGR> pro hackers
L384[16:37:00] <vifino> :O I THINK I HEARD ABOUT THEM TOO
L385[16:37:05] <MGR> OH MAN
L386[16:37:22] <MGR> YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE ULTRON USES Internet Explorer 5 encryption!
L391[16:40:01] <MGR> IT WILL STOP THEM
L392[16:40:32] <vifino> I AM DOWNLOADING NOW
L393[16:40:46] <vifino> ITS GOING AT 3FASTS/H
L394[16:40:55] <MGR> OH MAN
L396[16:41:18] <vifino> ITS ALL ABOUT TIM
L397[16:42:19] <MGR> OH DANG
L400[17:00:28] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com)
L401[17:01:17] <MGR> vifino, it was nice having a crazy conversation in caps lock with you :)
L402[17:01:29] <vifino> You're welcome :P
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L407[17:05:43] <CompanionCube> SSLv3 would be better than IE5
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L409[17:08:43] ⇦ Parts: Voidi (~tobias@cable-86-56-107-16.cust.telecolumbus.net) ())
L410[17:09:51] <MGR> and CompanionCube missed the entire point of our conversation
L411[17:09:57] <MGR> literally the ENTIRE point
L412[17:14:07] <vifino> Thanks for playing along, CompanionCube. Thanks.
L413[17:18:17] <ds84182> vifino: then what arch is the phone
L414[17:18:32] <vifino> ds84182. ARM
L415[17:18:36] <vifino> *caps
L416[17:18:39] <ds84182> That makes no sense
L417[17:18:43] <ds84182> it should be compatible
L418[17:18:52] <vifino> I don't know.
L419[17:18:54] <ds84182> vifino: what phone
L420[17:19:00] <vifino> ds84182: note2
L421[17:19:05] <ds84182> hmm
L422[17:19:41] <ds84182> maybe get gapps full
L423[17:21:41] <vifino> ds84182: i tried aroma and stock
L424[17:21:48] <vifino> aroma didn't launch
L425[17:21:58] <ds84182> hmm
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L427[17:22:44] <ds84182> TangentDeezNewts.
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L439[18:02:40] <leagris> good MGR
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L446[18:19:25] <Izaya> WINE on a P 3
L447[18:19:29] <Izaya> Why not?
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L450[18:20:04] <Izaya> All I want is Fallout 2, after all
L451[18:20:16] <Izaya> Or perhaps I'll add an IDE drive
L452[18:20:22] <Izaya> dual-boot XP and Linux
L453[18:20:39] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L454[18:23:26] <vifino> Izaya: Good lord.
L455[18:23:34] <vifino> Have fun.
L456[18:23:47] <Izaya> Always do.
L457[18:23:57] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L458[18:24:02] <Izaya> I got FO2 running in WINE on my desktop
L459[18:24:09] <Izaya> now I want more of a challenge
L460[18:24:16] <MGR> IDE drives
L461[18:24:20] <MGR> blast from the past
L462[18:24:35] <Izaya> IDE drives
L463[18:24:40] <Izaya> still in use here
L464[18:24:51] <Izaya> nothing critical
L465[18:24:52] <vifino> MGR: Australia.
L466[18:25:04] <Izaya> just the occasional X terminal
L467[18:25:12] <MGR> vifino, Australia has older tech?
L468[18:25:41] <Izaya> No, imports just have a 100% markup
L469[18:25:46] <Temia> Doujin games.
L470[18:25:58] <Temia> Try to get doujin games from the 90s working in WINE
L471[18:26:05] <Izaya> hence I tend not to buy stuff, and just dumpster dive and similar
L472[18:26:12] <vifino> Doodoo games.
L473[18:26:20] <MGR> Izaya, makes sense
L474[18:26:28] <Izaya> Temia, what, were they written in asm?
L475[18:26:35] <MGR> not the 100% markup thing, that's crazy, but your actions do
L476[18:26:51] * Temia shrugs.
L477[18:27:07] <Temia> Just saying, doujin games are one of the biggest nightmares for WINE comapt
L478[18:27:08] <Temia> *compat
L479[18:27:56] <Izaya> MGR, Got like a 24U rack on thursday :D
L480[18:28:15] <MGR> MGR, what's a 24U rack?
L481[18:28:17] <MGR> lol
L482[18:28:21] <MGR> ping myself please
L483[18:28:25] <Izaya> I could try to get CLANNAD running in WINE
L484[18:28:33] <MGR> Izaya, what's a 24U rack?
L485[18:28:54] <Izaya> MGR, it's a 24 rack unit tall server rack
L486[18:29:56] <MGR> I'll be honest, no clue what that means, but it sounds cool
L487[18:30:00] * MGR gives thumbs up
L488[18:30:18] <Temia> Jesus, do you even have the parts to fill that rack up?
L489[18:30:49] <Izaya> Temia, nope, nor do I have any rack nuts to do so atm
L490[18:31:37] <vifino> Haha, I might need another rack :D
L491[18:31:45] <Izaya> But soon, I tell you
L492[18:31:48] <Izaya> SOON
L493[18:31:56] <Temia> :p
L494[18:32:04] <Izaya> And after I get a new phone
L495[18:32:09] <vifino> Izaya: If shipping wouldn't cost that much, I'd ship you some.
L496[18:32:30] <Izaya> I'll look into getting some 4U ATX cases
L497[18:32:37] <vifino> oooo
L498[18:32:50] <Izaya> vifino, Jaycar sells rack nuts and we're going outside today
L499[18:32:59] <vifino> :D
L500[18:34:52] <Izaya> So, soon, I can move the switch into the rack
L501[18:34:59] <Izaya> not on top of it
L502[18:37:18] <vifino> Izaya: If you find some case for an atx board, a gpu and stuff fitting in a network rack, poke me with it.
L503[18:37:57] <Izaya> Oh a two-pole rack?
L504[18:38:09] <Inari> paris so screwed D:
L505[18:38:10] <vifino> Yeah.
L506[18:38:23] <Izaya> If I find one I'll link it
L507[18:38:29] <vifino> Thanks! :D
L508[18:38:54] <vifino> I may even get you something for finding one, who knows :D
L509[18:38:57] <Izaya> But first I need to add a CPU to a Pentium III box
L510[18:39:12] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L511[18:40:32] <MGR> just loaded OC into my future modpack
L512[18:42:16] <leagris> MGR 1U as a height unit in a server rack closet. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rack_unit
L513[18:42:40] <MGR> thanks for hitting me up with the link leagris
L514[18:43:24] <leagris> a 24U server is big, either old gear no one want to spend the costly hosting in a data center or it is a disk array.
L515[18:43:39] <Izaya> it's just the rack
L516[18:43:46] <leagris> ah ok
L517[18:43:49] <Izaya> nothing in it
L518[18:43:49] * Temia admittedly has a 4U box gathering dust. Also had a 3U UPS way back when but its charging circuit fried from static during a move
L519[18:44:13] <Izaya> I'm gonna need $170 to buy a 4U ATX case
L520[18:44:34] <Izaya> http://www.mwave.com.au/product/astrotek-at4u22atx2-4u-rack-chassis-ab67515#detailTabs=tabOverview
L521[18:44:57] <leagris> rackmounnt server boxes often have dual redundant power supplies, noisy fans. Not the thing you like in your home ;D
L522[18:45:23] <Izaya> That's why we have a specific computer room
L523[18:45:37] <Izaya> with a brick wall between it and the rest of the house
L524[18:45:52] <leagris> there are also flightcase rack for audio equipment. This is good if you often move your audio gear.
L525[18:46:07] <Temia> Eh, my workstation already makes plenty of white noise, and the server box is pretty much entirely non-original parts.
L526[18:47:18] <Izaya> near-silent here :3
L527[18:48:43] <leagris> with OCC in mind I often use server racks for convenience in OCC. Though I haver never coded a multi server application or one that need so much computing power. As most of the time, bottlenecks in OCC are due to pulling informations from other mods/blocks, interacting with entities and displaying tings.
L528[18:48:54] <vifino> leagris: You learn to live with the noise.
L529[18:49:09] <vifino> Accepting it, acknowledging the reason for the noise.
L530[18:49:13] <vifino> Pure power.
L531[18:49:20] <vifino> It's like a war cry for computers.
L532[18:49:30] <Temia> I actually find the fans running in my machine rather calming.
L533[18:49:38] <leagris> vifino, I never had issue to live in a quiet environment :)
L534[18:49:38] <vifino> So be proud you have ears to listen to the war cries.
L535[18:50:11] <Temia> Having absolutely no noise means my tinnitus kicks in.
L536[18:50:17] <Temia> And that really drives me mad
L537[18:50:28] <leagris> I invested in a quite computer case 7 years ago. It is a good investment still today.
L538[18:51:00] <Temia> As such I've kind of associated a lack of noise with something being very wrong.
L539[18:51:06] <vifino> Same.
L540[18:51:09] <leagris> hehehe
L541[18:51:20] <vifino> If I don't hear my fan noise, I freak out.
L542[18:51:26] <vifino> Happened recently, too.. ._.
L543[18:51:30] <leagris> If there is somke, something is wrong ;D
L544[18:52:08] <Izaya> Temia, my old 200GB HDD from my C2D box used to make a weird ticking noise
L545[18:52:09] <vifino> leagris: There doesn't have to be smoke.
L546[18:52:14] <Izaya> I freaking loved that noise
L547[18:52:35] <Temia> Some things don't go out with a bang but a whisper.
L548[18:52:51] <vifino> ^^
L549[18:52:54] <vifino> ^*
L550[18:53:20] <Izaya> you just hear that final sigh and the noise stops
L551[18:53:25] <leagris> Has someone created a GUI interface with pre-drawn client side widgets? I mean not needing emulating widgets by drawing characters?
L552[18:54:16] <leagris> Something like the original X11 procol who only transmit primitives to have client side asset drawn?
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L554[18:55:22] <leagris> It would be cool to have load bars presets where client get only transmitted side and % filled and update messages.
L555[18:55:35] <leagris> size and %
L556[18:56:24] <leagris> The intent would be reducing the amount of data a game client has to deal with to draw screens.
L557[18:56:44] <Izaya> that'd be cool
L558[18:56:49] <Izaya> I want vector graphics terminals
L559[18:57:02] <vifino> Vextor!
L560[18:57:09] <leagris> Client would handle layout and drawing of basic widgets (buttons, text areas, input areas) like HTML forms
L561[18:57:18] * vifino slaps Vexatoa..
L562[18:57:18] * EnderBot2 high-fives vifino
L563[18:57:21] <vifino> God damn it.
L564[18:57:57] <CompanionCube> if the blinkenlights and fans aren't running
L565[18:58:03] <CompanionCube> something has gone wrong
L566[18:58:49] <leagris> And nixie tube blocks
L567[18:59:06] <vifino> CompanionCube: Yes.
L568[18:59:11] <vifino> Very, very correct.
L569[18:59:12] <leagris> to have badass mad scientist computer cave.
L570[18:59:43] <Izaya> I'm just trying to figure out how you'd display W T F on nixie tubes
L571[18:59:46] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L572[18:59:50] <Izaya> for What a Terrible Failure, of course
L573[19:00:35] <leagris> Thinkgs like this in OC would be awesome: http://daduke.org/nixie/
L574[19:00:39] <vifino> Izaya: Do you know if the lights on a cisco catalyst are software controlled/controllable? :D
L575[19:00:49] <Izaya> vifino, no? They are?
L576[19:00:51] * vifino wants to make a VU meter out of his old cisco
L577[19:01:04] <vifino> Izaya: I don
L578[19:01:07] <vifino> q_q
L579[19:01:17] <vifino> I don't know, but I really hope so.
L580[19:01:29] <Izaya> that would be amazing
L581[19:01:35] <vifino> Indeed.
L582[19:01:35] <Izaya> would probably need tcl though
L583[19:01:41] <vifino> Yeah.
L584[19:01:44] <Izaya> which my switch can't run >.<
L585[19:01:59] <vifino> ... Then mine probably can't either.
L586[19:02:00] <vifino> ._.
L587[19:04:01] <vifino> Actually, let me just get some LED fabric and make a 2d matrix.
L588[19:04:19] <vifino> Audio meters, audio meters everywhere.
L589[19:07:23] <MGR> alright, I assembled almost all of the mods for my pack, now I just need to assemble a few more and the documentation
L590[19:07:30] <MGR> however, I audi for tonight
L591[19:07:36] <MGR> bai
L592[19:07:38] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L593[19:07:58] ⇨ Joins: jhagrid77 (webchat@c-68-62-82-1.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L594[19:08:09] <jhagrid77> Hi everyone
L595[19:09:24] <scj643> Everyone hear about paris
L596[19:09:51] <Izaya> nop?
L597[19:10:17] <jhagrid77> No what happened?
L598[19:10:39] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L599[19:10:52] <jhagrid77> Anyone good with interperting crash reports?
L600[19:11:24] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L601[19:12:08] <Temia> I've heard.
L602[19:12:17] <Izaya> shit
L603[19:12:23] <Temia> ISIL attack on a concert hall, restaurant, and surrounding streets.
L604[19:12:24] <Izaya> just turned on the radio
L605[19:12:30] <Temia> yyyyep.
L606[19:12:39] <Temia> A hundred or so confirmed dead.
L607[19:13:37] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
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L609[19:15:03] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L610[19:16:20] <scj643> Cranium: have you heard the news
L611[19:16:40] <Cranium> do i have to talk to you about it?
L612[19:16:55] <vifino> Cranium: Ignore him.
L613[19:17:21] <jhagrid77> vifino: Can you help me interpret my crash report?
L614[19:17:24] <Cranium> vifino: i don't like ignoring people.
L615[19:17:45] <vifino> Cranium: Not /ignore, just ignore him.
L616[19:18:04] <vifino> jhagrid77: I can try, but I ain't a wizzard.
L617[19:18:30] <jhagrid77> vifino: Thats all I'm asking for.
L618[19:18:30] <Mimiru> You could just paste a link, and if anyone can figure it out I'm sure they'd help
L619[19:18:43] <vifino> ^
L620[19:18:52] <vifino> Mimi here is a wizzard :P
L621[19:19:00] <jhagrid77> http://pastebin.com/dbwvDUFs
L622[19:19:38] <Mimiru> jhagrid77, server or client crash?
L623[19:19:44] <jhagrid77> Client
L624[19:19:46] <Mimiru> nvm client
L625[19:19:50] <Mimiru> Yeah caught the Type at the end
L626[19:20:56] <Cranium> jhagrid77: tried with default textures?
L627[19:21:13] <Mimiru> Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_B2
L628[19:21:16] <Mimiru> try removing Optifine.
L629[19:22:13] <Mimiru> Or atleast update
L630[19:22:21] <Mimiru> OptiFine 1.8.1 HD U C7 is latest
L631[19:22:42] <jhagrid77> http://pastebin.com/SuDHzMQM
L632[19:22:57] <vifino> Oh boy, optifine..
L633[19:22:58] <Mimiru> Optifine is still loaded.
L634[19:23:08] <Mimiru> FML: MCP v9.10 FML v8.0.99.99 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_B2 15
L635[19:26:14] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L636[19:26:51] <jhagrid77> Thanks, that and Inventory-Tweaks didn't want to work since IT is a coremod along with OC
L637[19:28:30] <Izaya> fuck
L638[19:28:31] <Izaya> fucking
L639[19:28:38] <Izaya> Pentium III cooleras
L640[19:33:11] <scj643> Wtf
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L643[19:39:20] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92)
L644[19:39:39] <Izaya> scj643, wtf what?
L645[19:40:18] <scj643> The pentium
L646[19:41:31] <Izaya> what of it?
L647[19:42:52] <scj643> why do you have something like that
L648[19:43:01] <scj643> isn't the pentium III ancient
L649[19:44:23] <Izaya> it is
L650[19:44:25] <Izaya> and?
L651[19:46:03] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L652[19:46:04] <scj643> You working with hardware that has it
L653[19:47:29] <Izaya> yup
L654[19:47:33] <Izaya> trying to install a second CPU
L655[19:51:39] <vifino> scj643: Yeah, you can buy him a few new computers, can't you?
L656[19:51:57] <scj643> Your nuts
L657[19:52:21] <vifino> See, either you buy him new computers or you shut the hell up.
L658[19:52:25] <vifino> Your choice.
L659[19:53:17] <Izaya> My hardware is indeed old
L660[19:53:22] <Izaya> but I don't run Windows
L661[19:53:31] <Izaya> so I could be running a PDP-11 and I wouldn't notice
L662[19:55:03] <scj643> Just learned my gpu runs at typicle 650 mhz
L663[19:55:12] <scj643> and can boost to 1100 mhz
L664[19:55:18] <scj643> intel intigrated
L665[19:58:05] <Izaya> okay, I thought I'd never beat bluetacking the CPU cooler on in dodgyness
L666[19:58:43] <Izaya> but I just did
L667[19:58:50] ⇨ Joins: TheMadman (~TheMadman@
L668[19:59:41] <Izaya> so the cooler won't stay on unless the box is vertical
L669[19:59:50] <Izaya> and I needed to weight part of the cooler down
L670[19:59:54] <Izaya> but it works mostly on gravity
L671[20:01:39] <TheMadman> good day, folks. Can someone lend me a few minutes of their time to help with the program? Fairly new to both Lua and OC, and I am struggling trying to get the methods I need.
L672[20:02:29] <Izaya> The RAID card takes a few mins to start, what's your issue?
L673[20:04:21] <TheMadman> I just need help with using the Lua interpretor to get the methods for a block that has OC computability. Already hooked it up to an adapter and have the address, and have the computer running and all that. It is the getting the methods I've been trying to do for the last half hour.
L674[20:04:47] <Izaya> First, know the component name for that block?
L675[20:05:00] <TheMadman> flux_gate
L676[20:05:32] <TheMadman> Managed to get that much after scanning through the wiki, trying commands.
L677[20:05:52] ⇨ Joins: Wembly (~Wembly@
L678[20:06:15] <Izaya> =component.flux_gate
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L681[20:08:07] <TheMadman> Ah, thank you very much.
L682[20:08:21] ⇦ Quits: jhagrid77 (webchat@c-68-62-82-1.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L684[20:09:33] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/PlIviJu.jpg
L685[20:15:22] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92)
L686[20:27:25] <Izaya> if you have multiple CPUs, should they match?
L687[20:28:25] <TheMadman> Thank you again for your time, that has done the trick. Sadly, it had not the method I was looking for, but that isn't your issue. I'll see myself out, Windows is insisting on restarting for updates...
L688[20:28:39] <Izaya> Hah, have fun
L689[20:28:50] <Izaya> =component.whatever will show you the methods that a component has
L690[20:28:52] <Izaya> for reference
L691[20:29:10] <TheMadman> I worked that part out, but thanks anyway.
L692[20:29:31] ⇦ Quits: TheMadman (~TheMadman@ (Quit: In a puff of smoke and fire, he turns to ash in the wind)
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L694[20:40:20] <vifino> Izaya: Yes, they should.
L695[20:40:31] <vifino> The have to, too.
L696[20:41:58] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/BEgpA
L697[20:42:02] <Izaya> that would be why nothing is working
L698[21:01:53] <Inari> https://twitter.com/Tillirix/status/654448860962627584
L699[21:29:58] <Temia> Inari, that is some seriously Wallace & Gromit-level madness
L700[21:45:22] <Izaya> I write stuff like that on occasion
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