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L1[01:03:20] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L5[01:46:38] <Sandra> eclipse? that ide is terrible.
L6[01:47:18] <LJack2k> not the software eclipse the moon eclipse
L7[01:50:50] <Aedda> Temia: Is was off and on cloudy here (Florida), did get to see it, it never seemed to get to 100% shadow though, more like 95%. Still cool I guess but was hoping to see it fully "dark".
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L17[04:15:01] <Kodos> Who has one of those handy mod decompiler thingers
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L22[04:21:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L70[08:30:03] <vifino> mornin
L71[08:30:45] <Izaya> evening
L72[08:30:51] <gamax92> afternoon
L73[08:30:51] <Lizzy> afternoon
L74[08:30:54] <gamax92> HAH
L75[08:30:58] * Lizzy stabs gamax92
L76[08:31:16] * gamax92 dies
L77[08:31:18] <Izaya> vifino, if you were half an hour later
L78[08:31:22] <Izaya> I would have agreed with you
L79[08:31:27] <vifino> Pfft.
L80[08:31:28] <S3> So
L81[08:31:36] <vifino> Time doesn't matter to a vifino.
L82[08:31:55] <Izaya> :D so I put my glass
L83[08:31:57] <Izaya> on a case fan
L84[08:31:59] <gamax92> a vifino? does this mean there are more?
L85[08:32:04] <Izaya> hooked it up to 12V
L86[08:32:09] <vifino> gamax92: not that you know of, no.
L87[08:32:11] <Izaya> and now there are glass shards in my wall
L88[08:32:13] <S3> Holoirc is great except that it can't highlight you for shit
L89[08:32:31] * Lizzy has the master vifino
L90[08:32:37] <vifino> :3
L91[08:32:41] <Izaya> 11/10 would break glass again
L92[08:35:10] <vifino> Izaya: How tired are you? And how long did you sleep?
L93[08:35:20] <Izaya> very, not enough
L94[08:35:29] <vifino> Guessed that.
L95[08:35:33] <Izaya> and then I spent 3 hours bashing my head against grub rescue on UEFI
L96[08:35:53] <vifino> lol
L97[08:36:12] <Izaya> I've figured out what UEFI means though.
L98[08:36:23] <Izaya> Universal Extensible Fuckup Interface.
L99[08:36:39] <vifino> gotta love abusing a monitor as a music player.
L100[08:36:45] <vifino> Well, a pi and a monitor.
L101[08:36:54] <vifino> It has surprisingly good quality.
L102[08:37:58] <Izaya> oh yeah
L103[08:38:02] <gamax92> Unknown Energy Fission Interface
L104[08:38:07] <Izaya> I'm reinstalling the OS on my laptop
L105[08:38:09] <Izaya> soon(TM)
L106[08:38:15] <vifino> coolio.
L107[08:38:21] <Izaya> once this Doctor Who finishes copying to the network drive
L108[08:38:38] * Lizzy may have just figured out a way to access variables across threads
L109[08:38:41] <Izaya> Gonna do encrypted arch + partially encrypted Windows 7 dual-boot
L110[08:38:56] <vifino> Lizzy: \o/
L111[08:39:32] <gamax92> the Unknown Energy Fission Interface (UEFI) was implemented on computers after the built in geigercounters in harddrives stopped detecting emissions and went silent
L112[08:40:18] <S3> ..........
L113[08:40:19] <S3> Where did you find that gamax
L114[08:40:20] <Izaya> wouldn't that stop the butterflies?
L115[08:40:43] <gamax92> wut?
L116[08:40:46] <S3> No butterflies are attracted to uefi
L117[08:40:58] <S3> Like a magnet
L118[08:41:05] <Izaya> gamax92, it's to stop radiation, right?
L119[08:41:18] <Izaya> it would stop the cosmic rays used by Real Programmers
L120[08:41:36] <gamax92> does a geigercounter stop radiation?
L121[08:41:54] <S3> You guys are so random
L122[08:41:58] <Aedda> In reality? No.
L123[08:41:58] <Izaya> well it detects it
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L125[08:42:05] <gamax92> So your answer is no
L126[08:42:20] <Izaya> one assumes that the end intention would be to stop the radiation detected by the geiger counters
L127[08:42:37] <Izaya> but then again
L128[08:42:42] <Izaya> as said in a Die Hard movie
L129[08:42:49] <Izaya> "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups"
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L131[08:44:11] <Izaya> hrm
L132[08:44:21] <Izaya> VeraCrypt should work for encrypting Windows on my laptop
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L136[08:47:02] * Izaya obtains the ethernet drivers for Windows for his laptop
L137[08:47:05] <Izaya> if it can get network
L138[08:47:15] <Izaya> it can download all the other drivers itself
L139[08:48:44] <vifino> http://nomeliph.deviantart.com/art/Fedora-Tipping-Simulator-2016-560374361
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L141[08:49:57] <Izaya> >needs flash
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L144[08:52:36] <vifino> Izaya: It's worth it.
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L146[09:16:46] <Vexatos> it's so I don't even that I don't even
L147[09:17:02] <Turtle> ?
L148[09:17:12] <vifino> Vexatos is being a Vexatos.
L149[09:18:18] <Turtle> explain?
L150[09:22:17] <Izaya> thought:
L151[09:22:31] <Izaya> admins don't notice the noise from the servers and/or computers
L152[09:22:36] <Izaya> because they're listening to music
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L156[09:37:40] <Lizzy> HAHAHAHAHAHAH
L157[09:37:47] <LJack2k> agreed
L158[09:38:21] <Izaya> uh
L159[09:39:32] <Lizzy> i would have done that irl but there's people in the office
L160[09:39:51] <Izaya> why not use headphones?
L161[09:40:01] <Izaya> my speakers are all sorts of shit
L162[09:40:04] <Izaya> but my headset is nice
L163[09:40:05] <Lizzy> Izaya: i was refering to the manically laughing
L164[09:40:20] <Izaya> ohhhh
L165[09:43:48] <Vexatos> That was hysterical laughter
L166[09:43:57] <Vexatos> manical laughter is "Mwahahahaha"
L167[09:44:02] <Vexatos> :3
L168[09:45:59] <Lilly_Satou> http://gfycat.com/HollowWelltodoHawk
L169[09:46:00] <Lilly_Satou> SEEMS LEGIT
L170[09:47:12] <dangranos> M for maniacal, got it
L171[09:47:42] <Vexatos> Lilly_Satou, left-handed soldier? That's fake
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L173[09:54:33] <Lizzy> Vexatos: i think i know how i laugh
L174[09:59:53] <Izaya> anyone for xonotic?
L175[10:00:03] <Lilly_Satou> Vexatos: totally
L176[10:00:54] * vifino noms on Lilly_Satou
L177[10:00:59] <vifino> er
L178[10:01:06] * vifino noms on Lizzy
L179[10:01:10] <vifino> fucking hell weechat
L180[10:01:21] * vifino stabs weechat
L181[10:01:46] <vifino> i can't fucking tab anything anymore since the new build .-.
L182[10:01:46] <Lilly_Satou> HEY WHOS NOMMING
L183[10:01:48] <Lilly_Satou> AM BLIND
L184[10:02:07] * Izaya mumbles something about implications
L185[10:02:15] <vifino> Lilly_Satou: Dai, pls
L186[10:02:27] <Lilly_Satou> pls wot
L187[10:02:39] <vifino> pls.
L188[10:02:44] <Lilly_Satou> pls.
L189[10:02:45] <Lilly_Satou> wot
L190[10:02:52] <vifino> pls.
L191[10:03:11] <Lilly_Satou> no i dont program PLS systems
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L194[10:09:33] * Lizzy nyags
L195[10:10:31] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
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L198[10:16:53] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
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L221[11:16:19] zsh sets mode: +o on TotallyNotKatie
L222[11:27:50] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as Daiyousei
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L228[11:48:22] <gamax92> Question, why is using /proc/sys not recommended when sysctl uses /proc/sys?
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L236[11:58:15] <vifino> wee, scriptificating everything.
L237[11:59:34] <vifino> [vifino@acorn ~]$ ./rpiaout
L238[11:59:34] <vifino> Usage: ./rpiaout [auto|analog|hdmi]
L239[11:59:37] <vifino> \o/
L240[12:00:07] <vifino> I wonder.
L241[12:00:29] <vifino> Maybe I can hook up my old amp and stuff.
L242[12:00:42] <vifino> Gotta get new speakers tho, they blew.
L243[12:01:04] <vifino> Too bad though, they were a wonderful set.
L244[12:01:08] <vifino> Old, but darn good.
L245[12:01:54] <gamax92> vifino: hey
L246[12:02:01] <vifino> Hey gamax92!
L247[12:02:07] * vifino hugs gamax92
L248[12:02:11] * gamax92 hugs vifino
L249[12:02:16] <vifino> How are you doing?
L250[12:02:40] <gamax92> I've secretly fully updated my fathers windows 7, minus various windows 10 and telemetery updates
L251[12:03:53] <gamax92> Because it used to be Windows 7 - pre sp1, and only 1 update (project 64 needs an updated win(something).sys)
L252[12:04:59] <vifino> ah
L253[12:13:54] <Skye> Should I upgrade to windows 10 and then downgrade just for the product key?
L254[12:14:11] <vifino> gamax92: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQAY63GXAAAO0BQ.jpg:large
L255[12:14:33] <gamax92> I did get worried though, he has a firewall that will pop up a message when a program has changed and is being ran
L256[12:15:05] <vifino> Skye: I dont think that's how it works.
L257[12:15:06] <gamax92> so it's like, Windows search has changed allowed, update has changed, background diagnostics has changed ...
L258[12:15:31] <gamax92> HOWEVER, it has an option to allow stuff with a digital signature, like everything of microsoft
L259[12:16:41] * vifino pokes gamax92
L260[12:18:02] <gamax92> hi
L261[12:18:04] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L262[12:18:44] <gamax92> vifino: hi
L263[12:19:05] <vifino> Hai.
L264[12:19:13] <gamax92> Y U POKE ME
L265[12:19:19] <gamax92> RAAAAWR
L266[12:20:00] <vifino> gamax92: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQAY63GXAAAO0BQ.jpg:large
L267[12:20:13] <gamax92> ooh, whats this
L268[12:20:37] <cloakable> It's a LASAR
L269[12:20:43] <gamax92> OH NOES
L270[12:22:54] <vifino> gamax92: its my desk with my raspberry pi 2 as music box
L271[12:23:16] <gamax92> vifino: om nom nom
L272[12:23:22] <vifino> yes.
L273[12:23:55] <Lizzy> chrome if you could stop being a complete pile of wank that'd be nice
L274[12:30:55] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L275[12:33:09] ⇨ Joins: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net)
L276[12:35:02] ⇨ Joins: EliteAnax17 (~quassel@2601:100:8001:506:a907:ff59:5d67:d145)
L277[13:07:08] <S3> Hey
L278[13:09:57] <vifino> Greetings, fellow stranger!
L279[13:11:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> vifino: music box? what audio output are you using
L280[13:14:16] <S3> Probably speaker out
L281[13:14:56] <vifino> SuPeRMiNoR2: Switching between hdmi audio of my monitor (quite good) and crappy speakers via 3.5mm jack
L282[13:15:15] <vifino> wrote a script to do so, because i can't be arsed to remember the command
L283[13:15:19] <vifino> \o/ lazyness!
L284[13:15:22] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I need to listen to that 3.5mm jack on my pi, and see if it is any good
L285[13:15:37] <vifino> it has a little static in it
L286[13:15:55] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Would not want that XD
L287[13:16:00] <vifino> but not that noticable, really
L288[13:16:25] <vifino> after fiddeling with the plug a little, turning it around a few times, it is much less
L289[13:16:34] <vifino> so basically unhearable
L290[13:17:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hmm
L291[13:17:31] <vifino> What i can recommend though is using prelink to speed up stuffs on pi.
L292[13:17:43] <vifino> it made a noticable difference.
L293[13:17:51] <vifino> Granted, I tend to rice quite a lot.
L294[13:19:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> huh, didnt know that program existed
L295[13:19:33] <vifino> Aye.
L296[13:20:01] <vifino> I know quite a lot of stuff because i'm bored quite a lot a times.
L297[13:20:19] <vifino> Also arm-mem.
L298[13:20:34] <vifino> hand written assembly for memcpy and stuff.
L299[13:20:41] <vifino> also gives a boost.
L300[13:21:49] <vifino> I should also make a patched rpi kernel.
L301[13:22:00] <vifino> with something like -pf patches applied.
L302[13:22:14] <vifino> linux-ripf
L303[13:22:15] <gamax92> mmh, pf kernel
L304[13:23:08] <vifino> Aye.
L305[13:24:32] <vifino> SuPeRMiNoR2: oh, just a small note: dont do this stuff on raspbian.
L306[13:24:40] <vifino> it will probably break.
L307[13:27:47] <S3> I ran FreeBSD on my beaglebone black for a while
L308[13:27:52] <S3> running Slackware 14.1 now
L309[13:28:12] <S3> it's my ipv6 router and tinc node, plus other stuff.
L310[13:35:48] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC11BCE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L311[13:41:23] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11BCE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L312[13:42:29] <Kodos> Whee, I found a new SS13 server I like
L313[13:46:40] <S3> SS13?
L314[13:46:48] <Izaya> Space Station 13
L315[13:48:22] <scj643> How do I add an RSA key to my server
L316[13:51:39] <Inari> Kodos: have someone make a VR edition of SS13
L317[13:51:39] <S3> wut.
L318[13:51:48] <S3> scj643: for ssh?
L319[13:51:59] <S3> you just upload the public part to your authorized_keys file in ~/.ssh
L320[13:52:11] <S3> then set .ssh to 700 and all files under it to 600.
L321[13:52:27] <scj643> Id_rsa.pub
L322[13:53:21] <S3> that's the public part
L323[13:53:35] <S3> you append that to .ssh/authorized_keys. I usually just use a heredoc to do it
L324[13:53:45] <S3> cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys << "EOF" for example
L325[13:54:05] <S3> read up on those if you have no idea what that is :)
L326[13:56:17] <scj643> Did that still not allowing me to connect to my laptop
L327[13:56:35] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:bdb7:a3f7:1500:7590)
L328[13:56:47] <S3> you set the permissions right?
L329[13:57:02] <S3> what is the error you get
L330[13:58:06] <scj643> Permisions denied pub key
L331[13:58:24] <S3> do you have more than one key pair?
L332[13:58:37] <S3> you can use -i to specify which private key to use
L333[13:58:45] <scj643> Forgot my username
L334[13:58:50] <S3> ........
L335[13:58:53] <S3> that too :)
L336[13:59:07] <S3> also I hope you added a passphrase to your key :)
L337[13:59:14] <Lizzy> scj643, copy the contents of your id_rsa.pub file and put it in the authorized_keys file
L338[13:59:24] <scj643> Did that
L339[13:59:28] <S3> Lizzy: I told him that like 2 times :P
L340[13:59:33] <scj643> It worked
L341[13:59:36] <S3> oh cool
L342[13:59:58] <scj643> Just forgot *@*.*
L343[14:00:06] <Lizzy> eh?
L344[14:00:24] <scj643> Scj@scj.theender.net
L345[14:00:25] <S3> it was trying to log in as whatever user he was logged in on his client it seems
L346[14:00:28] <S3> :)
L347[14:00:28] <Lizzy> ah
L348[14:00:31] <S3> which was not scj
L349[14:00:35] <scj643> Forgot scj@ part
L350[14:00:46] <S3> silly, but you can also use -L
L351[14:00:55] <S3> ssh =L scj scj.theender.net
L352[14:01:00] <S3> (not that it's worth it)
L353[14:01:06] <Lizzy> the -L option seems redundant
L354[14:01:07] <vifino> S3: Your point?
L355[14:01:12] <S3> Lizzy: doesn't it?!
L356[14:01:27] <scj643> Can you scroll back on tmux
L357[14:01:34] <vifino> Yes.
L358[14:01:35] <Lizzy> yes
L359[14:01:37] <S3> my point is that vifino is in the channel
L360[14:01:43] <scj643> How?
L361[14:01:43] <vifino> Lies.
L362[14:01:45] <Lizzy> Prefix+[ then up and down arrows
L363[14:01:47] * vifino poof
L364[14:01:58] <Lizzy> press escape a few times to get back to normal typing
L365[14:02:02] <S3> is that like cheezy poof?
L366[14:02:12] <scj643> Prefix is what?
L368[14:02:20] <Lizzy> ctrl+b
L369[14:02:24] <scj643> Ok
L370[14:02:27] <Lizzy> by default
L371[14:02:58] <S3> this is like the first time I wondered what vim did and then typed it pressing enter, and couldn't get out
L372[14:03:07] <gamax92> I know a language like that
L373[14:03:33] <S3> gamax92: stop typing GamaXSQL into channel
L374[14:03:51] <gamax92> insert would be a command that tells it to operate on an array, and it's like. insert type variable type variable
L375[14:04:02] <scj643> S3 noticed that you tried to connect yesterday
L376[14:04:09] <Lizzy> afk
L377[14:05:51] <S3> Yes scj
L378[14:06:10] <S3> I was going to show somebody the server that was visiting
L379[14:06:11] <scj643> Did you get the pack update.
L380[14:06:16] <S3> Nope
L381[14:06:23] <scj643> Oh
L382[14:06:25] <S3> Got way better things to do
L383[14:06:42] <scj643> Well the url is on the motd
L384[14:06:45] <S3> Like sitting here on phone waiting for meeting at work to start
L385[14:07:18] <scj643> :D
L386[14:09:25] <Lizzy> back
L387[14:09:57] <gamax92> side
L388[14:10:06] <LJack2k> front
L389[14:15:21] <scj643> Left
L390[14:16:36] <Kodos> right
L391[14:16:55] <scj643> Top
L392[14:19:04] <gamax92> butt
L393[14:19:44] <scj643> Dang you
L394[14:19:51] <scj643> Bottom
L395[14:19:59] <scj643> I got a builder for my server
L396[14:22:25] <gamax92> scj643: Butt = Bottom
L397[14:22:31] <gamax92> you've failed
L398[14:22:57] <nxsupert> o/
L399[14:24:02] <scj643> Lol
L400[14:37:40] <gamax92> "Does this page have too many videos related to a single video you have watched?"
L401[14:37:41] <gamax92> Yes
L402[14:37:42] <gamax92> yes it does
L403[14:50:07] <gamax92> "No problems at Facebook" "Facebook problems: 405"
L404[14:50:28] <gamax92> something seems wrong there
L405[14:52:11] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-27-21.rh.psu.edu) (Quit: Live long and prosper)
L406[15:00:23] <Temia> I got 99 problems and Facebook ain't one
L407[15:00:26] <Temia> .3.
L408[15:00:36] <Lilly_Satou> fuck facebook
L409[15:00:39] <Lilly_Satou> aint need fo' dat shit
L410[15:00:59] * Lizzy Temiapet
L411[15:03:42] * Temia leans into pets and tailswishes<3
L412[15:09:11] ⇦ Parts: tiin57 (~tiin57@tiin57.net) (Leaving))
L413[15:09:14] ⇨ Joins: tiin57 (~tiin57@tiin57.net)
L414[15:09:22] <tiin57> Middle-click actually leaves a channel >_>
L415[15:09:45] <tiin57> This is why one should not randomly click near the end of the workday.
L416[15:11:46] <Kodos> TIL
L417[15:11:53] <Sangar> o/
L418[15:12:01] <sugoi> hello!
L419[15:12:02] <Kodos> Herro
L420[15:12:40] <tiin57> ye haidere
L421[15:13:04] <Dashkal> tiin57: Just checking what client you were using to make that comment
L422[15:13:14] <tiin57> Oh lol
L423[15:13:40] <tiin57> Hmm, that's odd. Hexchat reports itself as being on Windows 8.
L424[15:13:56] <Sangar> that's a new type of *dere to me :P
L425[15:14:15] <tiin57> haidere is hai there
L426[15:14:25] <gamax92> ohaider
L427[15:14:33] <Sangar> well, ofc it is
L428[15:14:34] <tiin57> ohhaidere
L429[15:14:40] <tiin57> like that gamax92 u nub
L430[15:15:02] <tiin57> yours is "ohi-deir"
L431[15:15:17] <tiin57> it should be "oh-high-derr"
L432[15:16:00] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L433[15:16:11] <Kodos> So, they announced finding liquid water on Mars
L434[15:16:17] <Kodos> Am I the only one terrified now because of Doctor Who?
L435[15:16:38] <tiin57> I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.
L436[15:16:40] <gamax92> tiin57: mine works just fine you dipshit
L437[15:17:15] <tiin57> gamax92: PHONEYTICKS
L438[15:17:31] <gamax92> tiin57: LuaForgeFailure
L439[15:17:32] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L440[15:17:40] <tiin57> Has that become a thing .-.
L441[15:17:50] <tiin57> everyone is spooting that in my face
L442[15:18:04] * vifino purrs and snuggles Lizzy back
L443[15:18:14] <tiin57> I made an assembly architecture for OC, if that makes up for it c:
L444[15:18:37] <gamax92> what type of processor
L445[15:18:49] <tiin57> totally fictional
L446[15:18:51] <tiin57> xComputer
L447[15:19:00] <tiin57> math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/DownloadingAndInfo.html
L448[15:19:01] <gamax92> what type of processor is it most similar to then
L449[15:19:04] <tiin57> dunno lol
L450[15:19:28] <tiin57> used it in CSCI-230 last week and I got tired of the emulator they were using
L451[15:19:33] <tiin57> *interpreter
L452[15:19:41] <gamax92> CSCI?
L453[15:19:48] <tiin57> CS course
L454[15:19:54] <tiin57> IU is weird
L455[15:21:28] <gamax92> think of a sentence where swapping a word and it's neighbor completely changes the meaning
L456[15:21:30] <Temia> >If you are using Microsoft's version of Java in Internet Explorer in Windows
L457[15:21:34] <Temia> How fucking old is this site?
L458[15:21:52] <Sangar> > June 2004
L459[15:21:59] <Temia> ...
L460[15:22:00] <Temia> :I
L461[15:22:04] <gamax92> Hey Temia
L462[15:22:07] <Temia> Sometimes I forget how primitive MS can be
L463[15:22:12] <gamax92> think of a sentence
L464[15:22:15] <gamax92> please
L465[15:22:46] <Temia> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
L466[15:23:28] <gamax92> oh right, and if you swap the fourth word with the fifth, you get ... exactly the same thing.
L467[15:23:49] <Sangar> fish and chips? :P
L468[15:24:06] * Temia flops in Gamax's lap and sprawls. zzzmoo.
L469[15:24:19] <gamax92> fine nvm, I see I'm boring you to sleep
L470[15:25:12] <Sangar> there, found it "Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"
L471[15:25:40] <gamax92> XD
L472[15:26:48] <Temia> No gamax
L473[15:26:54] <Temia> I just couldn't sleep
L474[15:26:57] <Temia> And thus compounded it by
L475[15:27:02] <Temia> Building a giant train station
L476[15:27:04] <gamax92> :I
L477[15:27:07] <Temia> In survival
L478[15:27:11] * gamax92 cuddles Temia to sleep
L479[15:27:17] * Temia eeee. <3
L480[15:27:17] <gamax92> get your rest
L481[15:28:12] <gamax92> Sangar: I have to get a tts for this, cannot say it properly
L482[15:30:45] <Sangar> :X
L483[15:31:05] <Izaya> #lua 238474/2
L484[15:31:05] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 119237.0
L485[15:31:14] <Izaya> #lua 119237-4096
L486[15:31:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 115141
L487[15:31:37] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L488[15:33:43] <scj643> My server is up
L489[15:33:54] <S3> So
L490[15:34:01] <S3> Gamax92
L491[15:34:23] <Kodos> So, Sangar, what's next for OC?
L492[15:34:31] <Kodos> How are you going to top Nanomachines
L493[15:34:32] <S3> Ocbsd.
L494[15:35:23] <Dashkal> Sangar: Seems I caught an update after our conversation. I see some nifty RPCs in those machines in my book :D
L495[15:35:30] <Dashkal> Must play with this...
L496[15:35:45] <S3> Kodos: I'm hoping that my ocbsd project will attract a lot of the hardcore *nix mc'ers
L497[15:36:06] <scj643> Yeah
L498[15:36:19] <Sangar> Dashkal, the convo was before release, so yep :)
L499[15:36:22] <S3> Especially since networking is it's strength
L500[15:36:25] <Sangar> Kodos, as per usual: idk :P
L501[15:36:41] <S3> Maybe even sangar will connect to the oc ARPANET
L502[15:36:44] <scj643> What about SSL verification
L503[15:36:48] <S3> :)
L504[15:37:02] <Dashkal> I wasn't sure if I was going to catch it. For technical reasons my server is on what I think is it's last revision, so I'm happy I got it.
L505[15:37:18] <Dashkal> (I reached the memory limit for my server, and I don't want to pay to up the cap)
L506[15:37:24] <Izaya> ... my laptop is now booting Windows Server 2012 R2
L507[15:37:25] <S3> BTW sangar can we get aes256 on the data card?
L508[15:38:01] <gamax92> BTW Sangar can we get streams on the data card?
L509[15:38:11] <S3> Gamax what
L510[15:38:15] <gamax92> Sangar: and vector graphics terminals
L511[15:38:27] <S3> Lol vector graphics terminals
L512[15:38:33] <Izaya> vextor graphics terminals
L513[15:38:38] <Izaya> we needs them
L514[15:38:51] <Izaya> I want to play lunar lander
L515[15:39:00] <Izaya> and weird 3D wireframe games
L516[15:39:05] <S3> Aes would make network encryption etc much faster and easier
L517[15:39:07] <Temia> >.>
L518[15:39:09] <Kodos> Virtual Boy Simulator
L519[15:39:12] <Izaya> I want to play Elite!
L520[15:39:27] <Temia> If you want Virtual Boy Simulator
L521[15:39:30] <Temia> Use OpenGlasses :V
L522[15:39:31] <S3> Dude
L523[15:39:31] <S3> I remember when virtual boys came out
L524[15:39:41] <gamax92> I wish openglasses would Z buffer
L525[15:39:44] <S3> They were pretty awful
L526[15:40:10] <Temia> oh, oh
L527[15:40:15] <S3> No z buffer?
L528[15:40:25] <Temia> I guess I should try to do that graphical thing.
L529[15:40:29] <gamax92> polygons are rendered in the order you put them up in
L530[15:40:33] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4E7333B99AC3F626F233F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L531[15:40:42] <Temia> But I haven't thought of a good way to implement a raster framebuffer yet.
L532[15:40:46] <Dashkal> I wonder how long until we manage to invent optical tech that lets us emit images that you focus on at a different distance than the surface that emits it...
L533[15:40:55] <gamax92> so if you put one farther away after one closer, it draws ontop as a tiny triangle and screw up the whole perspective
L534[15:41:10] <S3> An SDL graphics card with opengl bindings would be nice
L535[15:41:17] <scj643> Lol
L536[15:41:19] <vifino> ...
L537[15:41:19] <Sangar> gamax92, addon >_>
L538[15:41:19] <Temia> No no no, that's too much.
L539[15:41:23] <Temia> Pain in the ass to sandbox.
L540[15:41:32] <Temia> I was thinking something fairly basic.
L541[15:41:32] <Kodos> TIL if you shiftclick the scrollbar in Chrome, it moves it to that spot
L542[15:42:01] <Dashkal> cool, IDEA does that too.
L543[15:42:09] <gamax92> Sangar: Do it
L544[15:42:25] <S3> Sangar realistically I've really wanted a console frame buffer set for text manipulation
L545[15:42:31] <S3> So you can flip screens
L546[15:42:41] <Sangar> gamax92, why would i write an addon :X
L547[15:42:42] <S3> Instead of having to redraw then
L548[15:42:44] <ds84182> Oh yeah, I remembered what I wanted to do today
L549[15:42:45] <Temia> Putting pixels, drawing lines, fills, maybe circles and polygon primitives, and block copying with a transparency mask
L550[15:42:50] <S3> Them
L551[15:42:56] <ds84182> Temia: OCLights2
L552[15:43:03] <ds84182> It literally has all of that
L553[15:43:10] <Temia> In the computer screen alone?
L554[15:43:11] <ds84182> maybe except polygons
L555[15:43:26] <ds84182> Nah, it's a two block wambo combo
L556[15:43:27] <S3> With frame buffers for the graphics card I could flip ttys fast
L557[15:43:36] <ds84182> And it does have frame buffers
L558[15:43:44] <ds84182> and textures
L559[15:43:44] <Sangar> S3 yeah, that kinda falls into the gpu rework issue thinger... if that doesn't go anywhere in the next half year (like it did in the last year...) i might just throw in a back-buffer + swpa and be done with it >_>
L560[15:43:47] <S3> How?
L561[15:43:50] <ds84182> gamax92: Am I forgetting anything?
L562[15:43:53] <Temia> Hmm. Got any example screenshots?
L563[15:43:55] <Temia> I want to see this.
L564[15:43:55] <gamax92> oclights2 has the triangles (polygon as java considers it)
L565[15:44:10] <S3> Sangar oh...
L566[15:44:13] <ds84182> Temia: I could fish up some old CCLights2 screenshots
L567[15:44:23] <ds84182> I have none of OCLights2, which is gamax92's fork
L568[15:44:26] <Temia> Nah, I'd rather see this in a proper OC context :x
L569[15:44:37] <gamax92> I also only have CC screenshots
L570[15:44:41] <Temia> oh.
L571[15:44:45] <Temia> I guess I'll look into it later
L572[15:44:55] <S3> Sangar will what about instead of frame buffers sangar.. What if instead we could write to free gpu memory
L573[15:45:06] <Temia> Got a build I can grab then?
L574[15:45:09] <S3> And make frame buffers with memory copying functions
L575[15:45:14] <gamax92> believe there is a link on my github
L576[15:45:25] <ds84182> github.com/gamax92/OCLights2
L577[15:45:45] <gamax92> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93572794/Mods/OCLights2-1.7.10-0.4.5.jar
L578[15:46:02] <Temia> I was thinking of writing VRAM object instantiation from the GPU would be good in that case -- it'd take up memory, but it would have methods to copy to a screen and such
L579[15:46:05] <Sangar> S3 i think that's also been discussed in that or a linked issue, yeah >_> we'll see.
L580[15:46:06] <Temia> Ah, thanks
L581[15:46:13] <S3> Hehe
L582[15:46:32] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L583[15:46:35] <S3> I ask for ridiculous stuff
L584[15:46:58] <gamax92> Temia: ocl2 has separate textures, so you can draw to them and then copy them to the screen
L585[15:47:16] <S3> But it does allow us to fake vsync draws
L586[15:47:29] <Temia> Hmm.
L587[15:47:41] <gamax92> Gotta go though, bbl
L588[15:47:50] <Temia> Maybe we could mainline OCL2 later on, if it's lightweight enough
L589[15:47:58] <ds84182> >lightweight
L590[15:48:01] <ds84182> HUEHUEHUE
L591[15:48:27] <ds84182> It could be rewritten to Scala and improved upon
L592[15:48:40] <ds84182> but right now it's full of code I wrote 2-3 years ago
L593[15:49:39] <Sangar> hey, that's how old oc is! (isn't it?)
L594[15:49:50] <Temia> ...wow.
L595[15:49:54] <Temia> Yeah, some refitting could be done
L596[15:50:44] <S3> I wonder if fry is still around.
L597[15:51:55] <Temia> For one, I was thinking
L598[15:52:03] <Temia> It'd be best to do a dual-layer thing on existing OC screens
L599[15:52:11] <Temia> Graphics under text, PC-9801-style
L600[15:52:33] <ds84182> Maybe some drawing apis also, like easy lines or something
L601[15:52:40] <S3> Maybe it would help if we just made our addons and if sangar likes them they will be integrated
L602[15:52:50] <S3> Maybe
L603[15:53:06] <Temia> Or we could put in the work to make a PR to mainline them :P
L604[15:53:22] <Temia> But with his blessings only, I suppose
L605[15:53:25] <ds84182> Well, Sangar would have to rewrite Java to Scala, because god knows I'm not going to use Scala
L606[15:53:33] <Sangar> also an option ;) if you do addons and need something in the api, lemme know :P
L607[15:53:53] <Sangar> eh, there's already some Java stuff in OC :P it's not like i'm totally against having java in there
L608[15:54:07] <Sangar> it's just that i write scala because i find it easier
L609[15:54:18] <Temia> I'm willing to learn Scala to integrate real graphics. I'm just going to prioritise my attempt at VRAM objects first
L610[15:54:25] <Sangar> and when i touch stuff i might convert a class or two to scala :P
L611[15:54:30] <Temia> Sangar, does my implementation of VRAM sound acceptable?
L612[15:54:38] * Sangar reads up
L613[15:55:30] <ds84182> How do I install an EEPROM into a Drone
L614[15:55:31] <Sangar> so, create 'buffers', limited gpu tier, allow editing those like screen now, plus copying between buffers / front buffer?
L615[15:55:37] * Temia nods.
L616[15:55:41] <Sangar> yeah
L617[15:55:45] <Temia> Alright
L618[15:55:56] <Sangar> that's one of the variants discussed i liked most, too, coincidentally :P
L619[15:56:02] <Temia> Variable width, height and depth of course.
L620[15:56:02] <Sangar> ds84182, craft it with it
L621[15:56:07] <ds84182> Oh
L622[15:56:38] <Sangar> Temia, hmhm. depth conversion between buffers could be interesting, but sure :P
L623[15:56:50] <Temia> Hmm.
L624[15:56:51] <Temia> It would.
L625[15:56:59] <Temia> Actually
L626[15:57:04] <Temia> I can come up with a way to capitalise on that.
L627[15:57:30] <Temia> Make the 8-bit palette fully customisable and add palette mapping when copying from tier 2 to tier 3 :D
L628[15:58:02] <Temia> Voila, SNES-grade graphics, albeit without alpha
L629[15:58:22] <Temia> Then again there never really was real alpha in the SNES... it was mostly additive blending
L630[15:58:23] <Sangar> ehhh, 256 sized palette is kinda crazy :X
L631[15:58:28] <Temia> Or multiplying
L632[15:58:32] <Temia> Naw, it totally isn't
L633[15:58:47] <Temia> Well, okay, maybe it is for a text system
L634[15:59:05] <Temia> But it can be put on the PR for the graphics subsystem when that's written up, how about that?
L635[15:59:45] <Sangar> you mean the hypothetical second layer? ehh, maybe :P
L636[15:59:52] <S3> Well. If we listen to pie crust ( I can find the reference) we can use a Google packet size of 32 which won't work with rpc's two bit color (uppercase and lowercase)
L637[15:59:54] <S3> Lololololol
L638[16:00:08] <Sangar> wat
L639[16:00:08] <S3> I love that pwnage
L640[16:00:22] <S3> Yeah I'll find the #redpower log
L641[16:00:28] <Sangar> brb
L642[16:01:14] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Quit: I just nomnomed the Interweb)
L643[16:05:58] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L644[16:07:55] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@2a01:238:42a2:1400:a97e:754c:40cd:724)
L645[16:07:56] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L646[16:10:01] <Temia> I kind of admit, part of why I'm doing this is because I want to see an OC demoscene
L647[16:10:44] <Lilly_Satou> i want to make an amiga one
L648[16:11:13] <Lilly_Satou> but i cannot into music
L649[16:18:20] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L650[16:21:41] <Temia> I kind of want to make FM synth in OC a thing, but I dunno if there are any suitable java libs or sufficiently small native ones. Probably best for an addon, I suppose .w.
L651[16:22:48] <vifino> Synths? :o
L652[16:22:53] * vifino wants '.'
L653[16:25:05] <scj643> Seconds vifino
L654[16:25:22] <Temia> They'd probably be somewhat limited. An independent memory space for asynchronous play, but enough control given to do synchronous via writing signal throwing into the subsystem code if you wanted
L655[16:25:49] <Temia> Probably three or four channel with a DFPWM track to boot.
L656[16:26:00] <vifino> Temia: midi pipelines in mc when? '.'
L657[16:26:30] <Temia> ...One could probably write a MIDI player for it
L658[16:30:41] * Lizzy flops on vifino's lap
L659[16:31:00] * vifino pets Lizzy
L660[16:31:17] <vifino> Sleepy, angel?
L661[16:31:28] <Lizzy> slightly
L662[16:31:32] <vifino> hehe.
L663[16:33:43] <gamax92> Temia: basic fm synth is actually pretty simple
L664[16:39:39] <gamax92> Temia: I wanted to do something similar, but ran into the issue of syncronization, like proper timing and stuffs, and not taxing the client's cpu
L665[16:40:46] <Temia> hum.
L666[16:41:09] <gamax92> Temia: the cpu thing is mainly my fault though, you may have much better luck with that
L667[16:41:14] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/3ZkKWjh.png
L668[16:42:58] <Temia> Yeah, synchronisation is a big issue with a tick-based system
L669[16:42:59] <Sangar> Temia, just always keep bandwidth usage in mind, if you can make funky graphics and audio work anyway, pr away :P
L670[16:43:18] <Temia> Oh, believe me
L671[16:44:41] <Temia> As someone whose bandwidth can be measured in hundreds of kilobytes per second on a GOOD day, it's always first and foremost on my mind
L672[16:44:54] <Sangar> hehe
L673[16:45:18] <Sangar> good to hear ;)
L674[16:45:35] <gamax92> don't think bandwidth is that much of an issue tbh
L675[16:45:44] <ds84182> #lua ("hue.hue"):gsub("%.","%.")
L676[16:45:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: invalid use of '%' in replacement string
L677[16:45:47] <ds84182> #lua ("hue.hue"):gsub("%.","%%.")
L678[16:45:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > hue%.hue | 1
L679[16:45:50] <Temia> It is.
L680[16:45:58] <gamax92> no, i mean for audio
L681[16:46:13] <gamax92> very much especially if you're doing a synthesizer
L682[16:46:15] <Izaya> #lya 2700/1440
L683[16:46:19] <vifino> gg Izaya
L684[16:46:21] <Izaya> #lua 2700/1440
L685[16:46:21] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.875
L686[16:46:30] <gamax92> that's like what, key on and key off events?
L687[16:46:40] <Temia> Uh
L688[16:46:41] <gamax92> maybe some frequency changes
L689[16:46:42] <Temia> Actually
L690[16:46:53] <Temia> Again, I was going to do async.
L691[16:47:06] <Izaya> so 2700x1440 is a 15:8 aspect ratio
L692[16:47:17] <Temia> Individual programs written to run on the client side.
L693[16:47:24] <Izaya> I should totally make a 3-wide array of 1440x900 vertical monitors
L694[16:47:26] <gamax92> ooh that works.
L695[16:47:44] <Izaya> I have 3 1440x900 19" monitors now
L696[16:48:02] <gamax92> (sorry if you had said async earlier, probably missed it)
L697[16:49:40] <Temia> No problem.
L698[16:49:41] <Temia> For graphics though, bandwidth is definitely an issue.
L699[16:50:21] <Temia> Even with my planned defaults, 640x480x8 at tier 3 is 2MBs uncompressed.
L700[16:50:37] <Temia> ...wait, no, I was going to do 640x400.
L701[16:51:12] <Temia> Still about 2MBs >.>
L702[16:51:32] <gamax92> #lua 80*8,25*16
L703[16:51:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 640 | 400
L704[16:51:54] <gamax92> T2 would be 320x200 and T3 would be 640x400?
L705[16:52:01] * Temia nods
L706[16:53:19] <Temia> So I was thinking compressed framebuffers on chunkload, and for additional operations... hm.
L707[16:53:36] <Temia> I guess it depends on how fast compression/decompression can be
L708[16:53:51] <gamax92> I'm using PNG :I
L709[16:54:36] <gamax92> OCL2 persists it's textures by storing them as png
L710[16:55:23] <vifino> how does one fix windows? .-.
L711[16:55:41] <gamax92> first you need to know what exactly is broken
L712[16:56:26] <vifino> i can't open any menus in windows 10
L713[16:56:35] <vifino> sfc errors out
L714[16:56:52] <vifino> ntfsfix and chkdsk both finish successfully
L715[16:57:06] <vifino> dism errors out too
L716[16:57:08] <vifino> \o/?
L717[16:57:51] <vifino> dism sais "The file or directory is corrupt" .-.
L718[16:57:59] <vifino> gamax92: wat do.
L719[16:58:17] * gamax92 shrugs, schedule a chkdsk
L720[16:58:40] <vifino> I already did that around 10 times .-.
L721[17:00:20] <gamax92> vifino: I don't know
L722[17:00:32] <vifino> I need the halps ._.
L723[17:01:02] <ds84182> Temia: LZ4 compression if you don't want to depend on PNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L724[17:01:11] <gamax92> Java has png
L725[17:01:22] <ds84182> gamax92: Yeah, but LZ4 is fasterd
L726[17:01:34] <gamax92> and also not a picture compressor
L727[17:02:01] <ds84182> Yes but
L728[17:02:04] <ds84182> :(
L729[17:02:21] <tiin57> Anyone happen to know how to write to a screen from Java (using li.cil.oc.api.machine.Machine)?
L730[17:02:34] <gamax92> Why Yes, sorta
L731[17:02:45] <gamax92> oh, machine
L732[17:02:52] <gamax92> invoke gpu methods
L733[17:03:07] <tiin57> GPU not screen durp
L734[17:03:08] <tiin57> thank you
L735[17:03:28] <Altenius> Is this a bug with OC or am I missing something? lib/filesystem.lua isn't being completely read http://hastebin.com/xevuxaguka.lua
L736[17:03:47] <gamax92> This text is suposed to be white
L737[17:03:56] <gamax92> but Window's font renderer makes it look pink
L738[17:03:59] <gamax92> please send help
L739[17:07:21] <Inari> theres a kernel now?
L740[17:07:34] <Altenius> I'm writing an OS.
L741[17:07:42] <Inari> ah
L742[17:07:43] <Inari> :p
L743[17:08:02] <Inari> ~oc read
L744[17:08:02] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.read
L745[17:08:05] <Inari> ~oc fs
L746[17:08:05] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L747[17:08:06] <Altenius> I'll try updating OC.... 1.5.9 is out of date anyway.
L748[17:08:36] <Inari> well
L749[17:08:39] <Inari> file:read?
L750[17:08:51] <ds84182> Altenius: Did you read all of the file?
L751[17:09:21] <ds84182> Altenius: A single read is not enough
L752[17:09:29] <Inari> theres no filesystem.read :<
L753[17:09:30] <ds84182> you need to read until component.invoke returns nil
L754[17:09:42] <Altenius> oh :\
L755[17:09:43] <Inari> or at least wiki says there isnt
L756[17:10:09] <Inari> or wait
L757[17:10:13] <Inari> is that he openos or the component <.<
L758[17:10:29] <Inari> the openOS
L759[17:10:30] <Inari> ignore me :D
L760[17:10:37] <Inari> *wiki needs better arrangement*
L761[17:11:02] <Inari> so yeah just keep calling it till nil
L762[17:12:38] <scj643> S3 when do you think you think you can get on
L763[17:14:50] * Lizzy gets up, stretches then flops on vifino's lap again, falling asleep
L764[17:15:14] * vifino pets Lizzy and kisses her
L765[17:15:22] <Sangar> Altenius, when in doubt, borrow from the default bios ;) (that also reads until nil)
L766[17:15:38] * Inari paints onto Lizzy's sleeping face
L767[17:16:52] <scj643> I aru hey
L768[17:16:57] <scj643> Inari:
L769[17:17:24] ⇦ Quits: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Killed (Spam is off topic.))
L770[17:17:26] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L771[17:17:55] <Inari> well that was a quick carsh
L772[17:18:19] <scj643> Need to update
L773[17:18:27] <Inari> update what
L774[17:18:29] <scj643> Look at the motd
L775[17:18:38] <Inari> i did, else i couldnt have joined ~.~
L776[17:18:47] <scj643> Why did you crash
L777[17:19:29] <Inari> cause fernflower :D
L778[17:19:49] <scj643> What?
L779[17:20:42] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/b09d947b6ce4c84a7ee1
L780[17:21:51] <scj643> Change optifine settings
L781[17:22:00] <Inari> ugh
L782[17:22:10] <Inari> i tend to trust modpacks enouhg to not have optifine these days
L783[17:22:33] <scj643> Mine is for low end
L784[17:22:43] <Inari> #MakingItWorse
L785[17:23:00] <scj643> Then get rid of optifine
L786[17:23:07] <Inari> i did :P
L787[17:23:17] <Inari> just didnt check fro optifine as i went "eh, no modpack has that anymore anyway"
L788[17:24:40] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as SleepingLilly
L789[17:24:41] * vifino stabs Inari
L790[17:24:52] <vifino> *My* Lizzy. I get to paint on her.
L791[17:25:12] <Inari> nyan~ l-lewd :3
L792[17:33:13] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L793[17:34:21] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L794[17:36:50] <vifino> \o
L795[17:52:07] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC11BCE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L796[17:54:02] ⇨ Joins: KomputerKid (~KK@
L797[18:00:25] <scj643> S3 Ping me when you can get on mumble or the server
L798[18:06:05] <Inari> ~oc internet
L799[18:06:06] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:internet
L800[18:12:28] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L801[18:29:53] <S3> back
L802[18:30:08] <S3> scj643: oh hey scj643
L803[18:30:13] <S3> how long ago did you say that
L804[18:31:33] <vifino> bout 30 mins ago
L805[18:32:36] <S3> scj643: wont lete me log in lol
L806[18:33:18] <S3> ok im on
L807[18:33:28] <S3> and it looks like he's not..
L808[18:49:39] <Altenius> Is OC 1.5.18 compatible with 1.7.10?
L809[18:50:16] <Mimiru> Err.. Yes.
L810[18:50:30] <S3> :)
L811[18:50:52] <gamax92> ... Altenius did you just
L812[18:51:15] <Altenius> o, found it :). The one in the news was 1.8, I had to look in the jenkins.
L813[18:51:56] <gamax92> Also, I love that there are like millions of custom themes for windows 7, but very hard to find any for 8, 8.1, or 10
L814[18:52:11] <gamax92> I did find a 8.1 dark theme that I'm pleased with, works on 10
L815[18:52:15] <Altenius> GTK has a lot ;)
L816[18:52:22] <gamax92> thats nice
L817[18:55:34] <ds84182> gamax92: DeviantArt has a LOT of themes
L818[18:55:44] <S3> GTK has a lot of what. bloat? yep
L819[18:55:51] <gamax92> that was the first place I looked ds ...
L820[18:56:04] <gamax92> a lot of them were just mockups
L821[18:56:44] <Temia> At least it's not Qt
L822[18:56:57] <S3> right
L823[18:57:00] <S3> QT is awful
L824[18:57:37] <S3> I know some of you will be like wat
L825[18:58:15] <vifino> I know I am like stfu S3, you dislike everything. :|
L826[18:58:44] <S3> but lately I've found that making applications by rendering a frameless window with gecko / webkit and using HTML5 and CSS3 for my gui design, using a lightweight live web framework such as mojo is much more efficient.
L827[18:58:52] <S3> sometimes I'd just rather do that
L828[18:59:12] <S3> at least then you don't spend a lot of crap working around inline GUI loops and shit
L829[18:59:37] <Temia> ...
L830[18:59:41] <vifino> ...
L831[18:59:41] <Temia> nevermind
L832[18:59:50] <Temia> You just
L833[18:59:51] <Temia> Guh
L834[18:59:57] <vifino> I don't even, S3.
L835[18:59:57] <Temia> Washing out ears
L836[19:00:04] * gamax92 gives Temia bleach
L837[19:00:05] <vifino> Temia: please halp ._.
L838[19:00:38] <S3> :)
L839[19:01:00] <S3> I -really- hate handling GUI stuff.
L840[19:01:05] * Temia hugs Vifino and pets. it'll be okay.
L841[19:01:15] <S3> This is why 99.9999% of everything I do is CLI
L842[19:01:27] * vifino purrs, curls up on Temia and covers ears
L843[19:01:38] <S3> wow.
L844[19:01:53] <S3> vifino: so Lizzy dumped you eh?
L845[19:01:58] <vifino> ...
L846[19:02:04] <Temia> ...
L847[19:02:06] <tiin57> S3: once you understand that no one wants to hear your shit, you might stop to save everyone the headache .-.
L848[19:02:18] <Temia> Yeah, not cool.
L849[19:02:56] <Temia> I'm good friends with both Vifino and Lizzy, I don't want to hear that shit just because we're being friends.
L850[19:03:08] <S3> tiin57: :)
L851[19:03:21] <tiin57> I have no personal investment, I don't want to hear people being a douche at all >_>
L852[19:03:47] <S3> Well technically speaking I wasn't being a douche, I mean you only implied it that way.
L853[19:04:03] <gamax92> No you were being a douche
L854[19:04:11] <S3> Not at all
L855[19:04:11] <tiin57> All communication is measured by the impact it has on the audience.
L856[19:04:28] <tiin57> You may not have meant it in a douchy manner (which I seriously doubt) but it came across and is received as such.
L857[19:04:33] <Temia> There's a line between contentious opinions and just trolling.
L858[19:04:38] <S3> Wether or not it is measured by the impact on the audience doesn't matter. If you take it wrong that is your problem :)
L859[19:04:48] <Temia> And you're clearly past it.
L860[19:05:04] <tiin57> S3: That is human communication, deal with it or shut up.
L861[19:05:07] <Mimiru> Yeah... no, I'm with them you're totally being douchey
L862[19:05:31] <S3> I'm -really- not
L863[19:06:04] <Mimiru> …
L864[19:06:43] <tiin57> There's those moments when a normal "..." isn't enough.. at those moments, only the … can express the extreme "fuck you".
L865[19:07:04] <S3> I don't know -anything- about friendship relationship - whatever vifino has with those two, and I also don't care. But I consider vifino to be a pretty cool guy and if I ask him a question no matter how slightly joking I may be it was not trolling, and I was not being a douche.
L866[19:07:32] <tiin57> And you consider a public channel to be the proper place to discuss that?
L867[19:08:18] <S3> And it's not like I don't have feelings, but if I wanted to be a douche, you would -really- know it. and I mean, -really-. I would have made it a massive point long before now if I were trying.
L868[19:09:10] * Mimiru sighs
L869[19:09:24] * tiin57 flops away to greener pastures
L870[19:09:37] <Mimiru> I'm Really not in the mood to deal with this kind of shit right now.
L871[19:09:46] *** Mimiru sets mode: +q *!*@9600-baud.net
L872[19:10:01] <Mimiru> Someone remind Lizzy, or Sangar to do something about that at some point.
L873[19:10:34] <gamax92> Temia: btw, did you ever find an synth library or wanted to try making one?
L874[19:16:15] <Temia> Hm?
L875[19:16:17] <Temia> Oh, no
L876[19:16:19] <Temia> I've been out all day
L877[19:38:46] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~tangentde@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L878[19:55:32] <ds84182> Is there an easy way way to copy the address of a wireless modem
L879[19:56:10] <ds84182> gamax92: poke
L880[19:56:35] <gamax92> Why, yes there is, with easy wireless modem address copier mod!
L881[19:56:38] <gamax92> i don't know
L882[19:56:40] <scj643> S3
L883[19:56:55] <gamax92> scj643: S3 is muted for the time being, message him
L884[20:00:24] *** Mimiru sets mode: -q *!*@9600-baud.net
L885[20:04:23] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5B102651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L886[20:31:40] <ds84182> So I managed to securely accept code from a computer in an EEPROM
L887[20:31:48] <ds84182> luasrcdiet3op
L888[20:31:54] <gamax92> crunch is better
L889[20:32:11] <ds84182> howso
L890[20:32:30] <ds84182> Link?
L891[20:34:22] <ds84182> Is there a version of crunch for outside OC?
L892[20:34:56] <gamax92> crunch runs outside of OC, but will force certain options due to a lack of an argument parser
L893[20:35:36] <vifino> Gawd, the pi's audio hardware is so bleh i need something like this to get audio without xruns or jitter
L894[20:35:39] <vifino> /usr/bin/jackd -P99 -d alsa -X raw -P -p 1024 -n 16 -r 44100
L895[20:36:05] <vifino> i sat here for like, an hour trying each combination
L896[20:36:09] <vifino> ._.
L897[20:36:51] <vifino> at least mpd plays without jitter.
L898[20:36:53] <vifino> \o/
L899[20:37:09] <vifino> could've just continued using alsa but that would be too normal \o/
L900[20:39:14] <vifino> i wonder if i could get mumble or so running on my pi.
L901[20:40:54] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:bdb7:a3f7:1500:7590) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L902[20:43:22] <vifino> shit, i heard an xrun
L903[20:43:29] <vifino> gaaaaawwwwd
L904[20:43:46] <vifino> 3 now
L905[20:44:01] <vifino> meh, its not that obvious
L906[20:44:09] <vifino> a normal person wouldnt be able to tell, i guess.
L907[20:44:28] <gamax92> 7, 12, 43, 89, 169, 307, 975, 5030, 45048, 320624, 9852405
L908[20:44:46] <ds84182> gamax92: crunch doesn't fucking work
L909[20:46:32] <Antheus> 8/8
L910[20:46:42] <vifino> at least it doesnt pop when there is a medium cpu load.
L911[20:46:45] <vifino> good.
L912[20:47:25] <ds84182> Old size: 1677 bytes
L913[20:47:25] <ds84182> New size: 0 bytes
L914[20:47:29] <ds84182> What the fuck is this bullshit
L915[20:52:27] <ds84182> gamax92: Fuck that crunch shit
L916[20:52:32] <ds84182> Doesn't work outside OC
L917[20:53:21] <vifino> Rebooted, jack being started from systemd, no pops at all :)
L918[20:55:27] <vifino> anyways, gotta sleep
L919[20:55:31] <vifino> it is like
L920[20:55:32] <vifino> late.
L921[20:55:35] <ds84182> I... wasted my time for some output that's only two characters better than luasrcdiet
L922[20:56:01] <vifino> ds84182: all the two characters.
L923[20:56:04] <vifino> all of them.
L924[20:56:50] <vifino> anyways, sleep
L925[20:56:52] <vifino> bai ds84182
L926[20:57:05] <ds84182> bye.
L927[20:57:10] <vifino> bai other people who are probably ideling, including gamax92 and Temiamoo
L928[20:57:12] <vifino> \o
L929[20:57:21] <Temia> Baiba
L930[20:57:22] <Temia> i
L931[20:57:32] <Mimiru> later vifino
L932[20:57:43] <vifino> cya Mimiru :P
L933[21:00:25] <ds84182> #lua 268*4
L934[21:00:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1072
L935[21:01:42] <ds84182> So apparently the New 3DS can clock up to 1072MHz with yellows8's testing
L936[21:01:51] <ds84182> The Old 3DS had a max of 268MHz
L937[21:02:07] <ds84182> The New 3DS has a faster CPU that the Wii.
L938[21:02:32] <Temia> Clock speed means dick
L939[21:02:58] <ds84182> Temia: Shhhh, let me have fun
L940[21:03:04] <Temia> I refuse! D:<
L941[21:03:07] <ds84182> It still has more memoriez
L942[21:03:14] <ds84182> 128mb vs 80mb on a good day
L943[21:03:34] <gamax92> Clock speed means cock
L944[21:03:42] <ds84182> Thats assuming fucking starlet didn't take half your ram
L945[21:03:56] <ds84182> Starlet can suck a clock speed
L946[21:05:07] <ds84182> anyways, it's time for sleep
L947[21:05:12] <ds84182> goodnight *
L948[21:05:22] <ds84182> Actually
L949[21:05:30] <ds84182> Goodnight (.+)
L950[22:42:57] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
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L958[23:26:41] <Sandra> I'm actually really enjoying ME^-1, wow.
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L961[23:44:32] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as Daiyousei
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