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L21[02:21:33] <Starhero> To whom it may concern: https://github.com/MineMaarten/PneumaticCraft/issues/675
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L26[02:55:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L27[02:56:54] <Noob> Hello there. I've got a question: how I could make navigation systems for robots? I mean, I don't want it to be limited within 1 map, but rather worldwide... Is there any way to do so?
L28[02:57:25] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E580253454216D60C78D3E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L33[03:08:37] <Noob> I mean I would like to implement "GPS" equialent like in MC, aka more long-distanced navigation system. Is there any way to do so?
L34[03:15:21] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
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L45[05:16:00] <vifino> gamax92: You are correct, good sir.
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L55[06:23:56] <S3> Well then
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L57[06:27:55] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L58[06:28:59] <S3> Partition editor is coming along. It is being optimized for tier 2 screens
L59[06:30:00] <S3> Tier 1s absolutely sucks
L60[06:30:14] <S3> And I can't read tier 3s
L61[06:31:54] <S3> Sangar would it be crazy to ask for swappable frame buffers?
L62[06:35:08] <S3> Not a big deal. Soft buffers should be fast enough
L63[06:36:05] <S3> I just think it might help with flicker from drawing the screen..
L64[06:37:36] <S3> With a frame buffer you could just write to an inactive buffer and swap so that if you print a lot of data then you can just swap the pages
L65[06:38:13] <S3> And bam, all the graphical data shows at the same time
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L71[07:13:37] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L72[07:32:17] <Magik6k> S3, partition editor?
L73[07:32:32] <Magik6k> And there is already about gpu buffer memory
L74[07:34:26] <Magik6k> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/779
L75[07:34:35] <Noob> Excuse me, could you enlight me what your talking about? >.<
L76[07:35:13] <Magik6k> about the robots, hmm
L77[07:35:17] <Magik6k> !w tunnel
L78[07:35:20] <Magik6k> ~w tunnel
L79[07:35:20] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:tunnel
L80[07:35:23] <Noob> And what is it about GPU memory?
L81[07:36:22] <Magik6k> With gpu memory you could draw things in offscreen memory area and copy it in one go on the screen
L82[07:37:26] <Magik6k> About the gps: assuming linked cards return distance it should be somewhat doable
L83[07:37:36] <Noob> Any ETA on this awesome feature?
L84[07:37:51] <Magik6k> Or you can just track your position
L85[07:37:54] <Noob> They return distance? Hm thats interesting. Anything else like direction or XYZ coords?
L86[07:37:59] <Magik6k> "When it's done"
L87[07:38:02] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L88[07:40:38] <Noob> I mean I'm fine even if that feature will be relative towards central element, but I didnt find a way to track my position across huge distances
L89[07:40:40] <Ender> #p
L90[07:40:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.817923736 Seconds passed.
L91[07:41:41] <Noob> I would like be able for robots and drones to tell where they are and go to desired location without using waypoints
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L96[08:44:18] <Inari> ba~ni~ra~ so~ru~to~ de
L97[09:16:53] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedAway
L98[09:23:53] <asie> Sangar: https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues/3004
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L109[10:54:56] <S3> Magic6k: yeah! My partition editor is nearly working :)
L110[10:55:11] <S3> It works as an init.lua on floppy
L111[10:55:42] <S3> It supports SOPT v0
L112[10:56:46] <S3> It is very similar to Linux fdisk
L113[10:57:13] <S3> So.. If you know how to use that then you will feel right at home
L114[10:59:41] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L115[11:01:41] <S3> I just realized there is a k in magik6k
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L117[11:01:45] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L118[11:01:57] <S3> Heyvv
L119[11:02:45] ⇨ Joins: ProbablyKodos (webchat@75-175-20-47.ptld.qwest.net)
L120[11:03:04] zsh sets mode: +v on ProbablyKodos
L121[11:03:23] <S3> Nxsupert: version 0x1 will probably add support for continuous disk concatenation
L122[11:03:45] <Vexatos> call it 0x01
L123[11:04:08] <S3> Doesn't married
L124[11:04:12] <S3> Matter*
L125[11:04:18] <Vexatos> that autocomplete
L126[11:04:24] <S3> Damn phone
L127[11:04:52] ⇦ Quits: ProbablyKodos (webchat@75-175-20-47.ptld.qwest.net) (Client Quit)
L128[11:04:52] <S3> You should just call it $#1 not 0x01
L129[11:05:03] <S3> Er #$1 I mean
L130[11:05:04] ⇨ Joins: ProbablyKodos (webchat@75-175-20-47.ptld.qwest.net)
L131[11:05:16] <ProbablyKodos> Fucking keybinds
L132[11:05:26] <S3> Hey kodos
L133[11:05:42] <ProbablyKodos> Someone apparently figured out how to get ONE piece of coal to run for over 66 minutes, smelting 79,600 items
L134[11:05:49] <ProbablyKodos> Using botania of all things
L135[11:05:50] <S3> Try not to type pkill -9 irc
L136[11:05:52] <S3> :)
L137[11:05:54] <Izaya> w
L138[11:05:55] <Izaya> wat
L139[11:06:02] <Izaya> 66 minutes
L140[11:06:05] <ProbablyKodos> http://imgur.com/a/AS6Ew
L141[11:06:10] <ProbablyKodos> Scroll to the bottom
L142[11:07:01] <S3> UP
L143[11:07:16] <S3> Definitely UP
L144[11:08:07] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~ping@adsl-108-70-56-252.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L145[11:08:15] <ProbablyKodos> I wish FTB would stick OC in more packs
L146[11:08:41] <Vexatos> IIRC they even force LuaJ in the one pack they have it in
L147[11:08:54] <Vexatos> That pack still uses Computronics 1.5.0 which crashes with the OC version it has
L148[11:09:04] <Vexatos> the bug has been fixed almost 4 months ago
L149[11:09:05] <Vexatos> :P
L150[11:09:14] <S3> We have oc in our pack
L151[11:09:17] <ProbablyKodos> Took em what though, 3 years?
L152[11:09:18] <S3> At work
L153[11:38:46] * SkySom has OC in his pack too.
L154[11:38:50] <SkySom> Though I also have CC so anyone can pick their favorite
L155[11:41:42] <ProbablyKodos> I'm glad P:R got integrated circuits
L156[11:41:52] <ProbablyKodos> I never could get that IC mod to work
L157[11:42:04] <ProbablyKodos> (Without it needing CC)
L158[11:43:01] <Vexatos> s/got/copied
L159[11:43:01] <Kibibyte> <ProbablyKodos> I'm glad P:R copied integrated circuits
L160[11:43:44] <ProbablyKodos> Yes, because ICs were an original idea that came into existance with a mod
L161[11:44:05] <ccsonic> SkySom, what is your pack's name?
L162[11:44:11] <ProbablyKodos> And frankly they're more fitting in P:R than a standalone mod
L163[11:44:30] <Vexatos> ProbablyKodos, the GUI looks almost the same
L164[11:44:35] <Vexatos> just with different textures
L165[11:44:35] <ProbablyKodos> Cool
L166[11:44:39] <SkySom> It's just a private pack, called Hypnos
L167[11:45:09] <SkySom> (After the Greek Deity. our game servers use Greek Letters)
L168[11:45:16] <ccsonic> Oh alright.
L169[11:47:03] <SkySom> Been considering getting permissions to use it on Curse.
L170[11:47:04] <ccsonic> I still don't know how to build my own pack… every time I tried it crashed most likely on startup
L171[11:47:31] <SkySom> but eh. I don't update enough and it's a kitchen sink pack with very little additional configuration
L172[11:47:57] <S3> Wh3eeeeeee
L173[11:48:21] <SkySom> ccsonic, start with a base and go from there.
L174[11:48:22] <S3> ¿
L175[11:48:35] <SkySom> We started as a direwolf20 pack in 1.6 and just kinda went from there.
L176[11:48:59] <S3> We use a heavily modified infinity at work
L177[11:49:18] <S3> Gutted a lot of junk
L178[11:49:29] <S3> Added a lot of crap
L179[11:49:31] <Techokami> I personally found some of P:R's assets to look somewhat... fugly
L180[11:49:46] <Techokami> and I never had a problem getting IntegratedCircuits running without needing CC
L181[11:50:16] <S3> The grammar in that sentence
L182[11:50:23] <S3> Good job:)
L183[11:50:27] <ccsonic> Yeah. There's this Lite pack which is quite a good base i guess.
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L185[11:51:01] <ProbablyKodos> Techokami: I plan on trying again once I get home on the 23rd, but P:R is staying int he pack anyway, so I may not bother
L186[11:51:09] <S3> Hey start hero
L187[11:51:13] <S3> Star*
L188[11:51:18] <Techokami> immibis' RedLogic looks much nicer imho, but it's harder to use with other mods. Multibloooocks
L189[11:51:54] <Vexatos> multiblocks?
L190[11:51:57] <S3> People keep telling me about blue power
L191[11:51:59] <ProbablyKodos> I stick to P:R and FMP
L192[11:52:13] <ProbablyKodos> If only because of how many mods use them, as well as the P:R addon, Project Blue
L193[11:52:15] <Techokami> immibis has his own multiblock system that nobody else uses
L194[11:52:17] <ProbablyKodos> Because control panels :3
L195[11:52:33] <S3> Tech: people used to use it
L196[11:52:36] <Techokami> so you can't mix RedLogic with FMP
L197[11:52:56] <ProbablyKodos> http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/minecraft/mods/ProjectBlue/doc/ControlPanel.html :3
L198[11:53:05] <Vexatos> Techokami, noone (but OC) uses IM
L199[11:53:12] <Vexatos> but IM is compatible with many things FMP isn't
L200[11:53:13] <Techokami> yeah
L201[11:53:13] <ProbablyKodos> OC uses FMP too
L202[11:53:34] <Vexatos> IM is compatible with Thermal Dynamics, ComputerCraft cables, BuildCraft, any many other things
L203[11:54:06] <S3> Interesting
L204[11:54:17] <ProbablyKodos> I use Mekanism these days, over BC and TD
L205[11:54:23] <S3> Fmp?
L206[11:54:27] <ProbablyKodos> And Mekanism is FMP compatible
L207[11:54:31] <ProbablyKodos> Forge Multipat
L208[11:54:33] <ProbablyKodos> part, even
L209[11:54:36] <S3> Ic
L210[11:54:49] <S3> Multipat it is
L211[11:54:50] <Techokami> what I mean is, I can't use FMP (Forge MultiPart) to cover wires and cables from RedLogic
L212[11:54:52] zsh sets mode: +v on ProbablyKodos
L213[11:55:08] <Techokami> it ONLY supports IM
L214[11:55:09] <S3> Redlogic is awful
L215[11:55:32] <S3> It doesn't come with some key important blocks.
L216[11:55:33] <Techokami> but I don't like how P:R looks
L217[11:55:37] <ProbablyKodos> The only reason there ever was to use RedLogic was custom ICs, which can be done with other mods now
L218[11:56:06] <Vexatos> S3, It was the first to have integrated circuits :P
L219[11:56:11] <S3> Iirc redlogic doesn't come with and cells or nand cells
L220[11:56:13] <ProbablyKodos> And you don't need a big ass mustard yellow 'clean room' to do it
L221[11:56:19] <Vexatos> S3, it very much does
L222[11:56:24] <Vexatos> it has all the gates Redpower had
L223[11:56:26] <Vexatos> all of them
L224[11:56:30] <S3> It wss one of those blocks
L225[11:56:35] <S3> If not those two
L226[11:56:46] <S3> And it was one I use a lot
L227[11:57:07] <S3> Can't quite remember
L228[11:57:42] <S3> My decoders are incredibly fast now :)
L229[11:57:58] <S3> Thanks to buffer cells nand cells and null cells
L230[11:58:24] <Noob> Excuse me for interrupting you with my stupid question but what is the point of database upgrade? From what I've read it sounds pretty much the same what inventory controller is
L231[11:58:33] <S3> It's all you need to make a PLA / PAL decoder
L232[11:58:36] <Techokami> maybe I'll look into switching from RedLogic to P:R, if there's a significant benefit and won't fuck up my server too hard (probably won't) AND I can replace the fugly caged lamps with something nicer
L233[11:58:41] <ProbablyKodos> Noob, there are no stupid questions
L234[11:58:51] <ProbablyKodos> ~w Database
L235[11:58:51] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:database
L236[11:58:54] <Noob> I mean I don't get it's purpose lol
L237[11:59:15] <ProbablyKodos> Say you use it in a robot scripted to mine, you could use a database as an 'ore filter' of sorts
L238[11:59:56] <S3> Whee database
L239[12:01:17] <Techokami> oh nice there's a bus input gate in P:R :O Too bad you can't use it as a Bus Monitor
L240[12:01:21] <Noob> But what does it mean that database has limited ammount of "entries"? Meaning it can address only specific ammount of item types? Or what, I dont get it >.<
L241[12:01:39] ⇨ Joins: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-152-69.dyn.centurytel.net)
L242[12:01:43] <ProbablyKodos> Think of them as 'slots' like how a chest has only 27 slots
L243[12:01:59] <ProbablyKodos> A T3 database only has 81 entries
L244[12:03:13] <rjs232323> Does anyone know a wiki or a tutorial where it explain how to write to floppy disk?
L245[12:03:21] <rjs232323> I want to make a bootup floopy disk
L246[12:03:24] <S3> Connect to AE
L247[12:03:26] <S3> :)
L248[12:03:40] <S3> Easy rjs
L249[12:03:46] <ProbablyKodos> rjs232323: A floppy disk with a file named 'autorun.lua' will automatically execute the code within that file on startup
L250[12:03:53] <S3> Just put an init.lua on the floppy
L251[12:04:01] <ProbablyKodos> Don't do that
L252[12:04:05] <rjs232323> Explain
L253[12:04:15] <ProbablyKodos> ~w Tutorials
L254[12:04:15] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorials
L255[12:04:19] <S3> Well.. If he wants openos sure
L256[12:04:24] <rjs232323> I mean autorun.lua and init.lua
L257[12:04:34] <rjs232323> I dont want openOS at the moment, i'm trying to make my own
L258[12:04:39] <rjs232323> with specific functions only
L259[12:04:41] <S3> OK. Init.lua
L260[12:04:45] <ProbablyKodos> rjs232323: see the tutorial on labeling and mounting hard dri- Oh, good luck. THat's not my department
L261[12:04:48] <Noob> So the only purpose for this thing is for creating like an item that remembers specific properties of items and to carry that information around and compare it with real items in containers?
L262[12:04:58] <rjs232323> haha. Ok
L263[12:05:11] <rjs232323> I labeled my floppy as "Momma"
L264[12:05:15] <ProbablyKodos> Noob, yes, but databases store the full NBT of the item
L265[12:05:16] <S3> Rjs I am currently writing an OS that uses unmanaged drives :)
L266[12:05:28] <rjs232323> and I'm trying to upload a program to the floppy
L267[12:05:29] <ProbablyKodos> So no RAIDs then, S3?
L268[12:05:33] <rjs232323> :O
L269[12:05:35] <Noob> Like for example, I fill information into DB, then clone database few times and put each copy to my mining robots and they do comprasion with "virtual" items in DB?
L270[12:05:41] <rjs232323> unmanaged drive? Like floppies?
L271[12:05:49] <S3> Probablykodos use the ccd driver
L272[12:05:50] <Noob> I see then, thanks :O
L273[12:06:02] <S3> You can make massive arrays of disks
L274[12:06:30] <rjs232323> whats the benefit out of this, S3
L275[12:06:38] <rjs232323> I dont see it.
L276[12:06:45] <S3> And with my SAN oc add-on mod I'm writing you can have raid0 unmanaged disk arrays :)
L277[12:07:07] <rjs232323> ooo
L278[12:07:09] <rjs232323> I see now
L279[12:07:18] <rjs232323> touf.
L280[12:07:22] <S3> Rjs: so.. Unmanaged means that you handle dtlrives at a block level
L281[12:07:45] <S3> There is no filesystem. You have to roll your own
L282[12:07:49] <Noob> By the way, is there a way to make global GPS-like navigation with OC for robots? For example I just want to have 1 central computer that would control all robots around and move them according to their coords, or to have multiple robots controlling their drones lol
L283[12:07:51] <S3> All binary
L284[12:08:51] <rjs232323> so you convert to binrary when writing and to unicode when reading?
L285[12:08:54] <Noob> I heard of navigation upgrade but it's limited to a map, and I wanted rather world-wide network lol
L286[12:08:57] <S3> Noob, with CC I made turtlesattelites. Maybe you can do something similar on oc
L287[12:09:22] <S3> Unicode is binary...
L288[12:09:29] <ProbablyKodos> I still remember using LeoSAT
L289[12:09:41] <rjs232323> oh lol
L290[12:09:51] <ProbablyKodos> Leo_Verto told me once that I was the only one he knew of that used his program
L291[12:10:04] <Noob> I know but turtles had relative coordinates, like they could tell relative position of an objects around them (given upgrades installed)
L292[12:10:13] <rjs232323> I tho unicode was actually a binary conversion to text
L293[12:10:14] <Noob> Idk how to do sth like that in OC though lol
L294[12:10:14] <S3> Rjs if you use a managed drive it uses the underlying fs of your server or whatever mc runs on
L295[12:10:17] <ProbablyKodos> You can with robots, using navigation upgrades
L296[12:10:35] <rjs232323> hm I see
L297[12:10:36] <rjs232323> interesting
L298[12:10:43] <S3> But if you use unmanaged drives you literally get a flat file
L299[12:11:18] <S3> My operating system runs on unmanaged drives because it allows for easy permissions handling etc
L300[12:11:34] <rjs232323> does it slow down when it gets too big (like too many conents)
L301[12:11:43] <Noob> So the only way would be to cover entire world with microcontrollers that have navigation upgrades and tell coords when requested, like "Sector2,1:999x999"?
L302[12:11:46] <S3> Not noticeably
L303[12:11:50] <Izaya> S3, wow, so Windows users could finally have a decent filesystem?
L304[12:12:06] <S3> Izaya kol!
L305[12:12:06] <Izaya> I'm pretty sure my OS won't run on Windows
L306[12:12:11] <S3> Lol
L307[12:12:16] <ProbablyKodos> Noob: until someone swallows their pride and allows for global coordinates, yes
L308[12:12:23] <Izaya> it relies on a sane filesystem
L309[12:12:29] <S3> :)
L310[12:12:50] <Noob> I see, thanks lol
L311[12:12:51] <S3> Magik6k has written Mr.fs
L312[12:13:03] <S3> And I have written a position table
L313[12:13:06] <Noob> I somewhat enjoy such challenges though, CC sounded pretty boring
L314[12:13:12] <S3> Partition table*
L315[12:13:29] <ProbablyKodos> ~w sign
L316[12:13:29] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:sign
L317[12:13:30] <S3> I plan on testing mrfs on it
L318[12:13:44] <S3> But mrfs is under heavy dev
L319[12:14:23] <Noob> Really the only thing I miss in OC for it to become computer mod of my dream is pixel-access xD
L320[12:15:22] <Vexatos> there is an issue on github for that
L321[12:16:13] <S3> Noob: if nobody does I plan on making an add-on mod to provide opengl graphics cards
L322[12:16:36] <ProbablyKodos> Anyway, have fun and good luck, wife wants the laptop =) See you guys later
L323[12:16:38] <Noob> Well I just want a fast pixel framebuffer xD
L324[12:16:49] <Noob> I've seen it. Because you could, ofc, draw with pseudo-graphics but text-mode is so slow ._.
L325[12:16:50] <Vexatos> Noob, there is an issue on github for exactly that
L326[12:16:55] <Vexatos> it's really worth reading
L327[12:16:58] ⇦ Quits: ProbablyKodos (webchat@75-175-20-47.ptld.qwest.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L328[12:17:09] <S3> I asked for text frame buffers this morning isn't that ironic?
L329[12:17:32] <Vexatos> Noob, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/779
L330[12:17:38] <Vexatos> P:
L331[12:17:46] <nxsupert> Kon'nichiwa.
L332[12:18:10] <Noob> Yeah I've seen it, though it was opened long time ago. Still im not so worried, seeing how CC is never updating and OC has decent update activity lol
L333[12:19:29] <S3> I still wish raid worked with unmanaged disks
L334[12:19:47] <S3> But I think a rackmount San might be a nice add-on mod
L335[12:20:41] <S3> My partition table technically supports over a GB of space
L336[12:21:05] <S3> But with raid you may not want partitions
L337[12:21:21] <S3> Mrfs may work fine on bate metal
L338[12:21:30] <S3> Bare*
L339[12:21:51] <gamax92> S3
L340[12:22:08] <S3> Gamax92
L341[12:22:15] <gamax92> hello
L342[12:22:59] <S3> I think I'm going monolithic.
L343[12:23:09] <gamax92> no no no go modular
L344[12:23:13] <S3> As much as micro kernels are nice..
L345[12:23:48] <S3> Monolithic kernels can still be fairly modular...
L346[12:23:59] <S3> Especially with lua
L347[12:24:05] <Noob> Linux monolithic isnt it? And I heard Windows is hybrid... Micro-kernel even...
L348[12:24:31] <S3> Both Linux and FreeBSD are monilithic
L349[12:25:07] <Noob> And they're both are good OSes, unlike NSA/Windows...
L350[12:25:11] <S3> Monolithic designs are generally simpler but may be less stable during fatal errors
L351[12:25:46] <S3> Minix is a microkernel. It's almost unbreakable
L352[12:26:08] <S3> Considering you can literally crash the PCI bus and still run
L353[12:26:39] <gamax92> what happens if you crash the ISA bus
L354[12:26:48] <S3> You run
L355[12:26:55] <gamax92> away?
L356[12:26:59] <S3> Yes
L357[12:27:18] <Noob> What happens if you crash the crashing mechanism?
L358[12:27:20] <gamax92> Why don't I have to run away if the PCI bus dies
L359[12:27:21] <S3> As soon as you unpackage that motherboard you run
L360[12:27:54] <S3> And you take all that EDO ram for making keychains
L361[12:27:59] <gamax92> What happens if you use magic sysrq?
L362[12:28:07] <S3> ...
L363[12:28:20] <S3> Then you call the mighty REISUB
L364[12:28:25] <gamax92> C
L365[12:29:10] <S3> I have a feeling that nobody knows what we are talking about
L366[12:29:38] <gamax92> while true; do killall -9 Xorg; done
L367[12:29:42] <gamax92> make X stay ded
L368[12:29:59] <gamax92> gotta go
L369[12:31:01] <S3> I noticed killall5 is no longer supplied with Slackware
L370[12:31:16] <nxsupert> Well. I got bored and decided to make a new programming language.
L371[12:31:55] <S3> Nxsupert have you gotten my updates?
L372[12:32:03] <nxsupert> No.
L373[12:32:11] <Noob> I wish I was able to make a new programming language everytime I was getting bored...
L374[12:32:22] <nxsupert> Umm.
L375[12:32:30] <S3> I been posting pictures of my bootable floppy partition editor!
L376[12:32:38] <S3> For sopt
L377[12:32:57] <nxsupert> It isn't anything special Noob. Each instruction is mapped to a character.
L378[12:33:52] <nxsupert> Link S3?
L379[12:34:18] <Vexatos> Noob, I was getting bored
L380[12:34:20] <S3> Nxsupert: as a test, should I include a command that lets you install the editor on an unmanaged floppy ?
L381[12:34:21] <Vexatos> and I made a language
L382[12:34:26] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/selene/README.md :P
L383[12:34:35] <S3> Nxsupert I will later. At work atm
L384[12:35:05] <Noob> I've once tried to make 8086 emulator... Haven't got past the few instructions because I've got frustrated about how irrational my code was ._.
L385[12:36:47] <Sangar> GOOD EVENING
L386[12:36:52] <Sangar> err
L387[12:36:53] <Sangar> hi
L388[12:36:59] * Sangar slaps keyboard
L389[12:36:59] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L390[12:37:13] <nxsupert> V]V[(?{-]+[)}]* is what you would use to add 2 numbers together in my yet unnamed language.
L391[12:37:41] <Vexatos> HAI SNAGAR
L392[12:37:47] <Sangar> looks like shurtle or what it was called :X
L393[12:37:54] <Sangar> OHAI VEX
L394[12:37:57] <nxsupert> Kon'nichiwa Sangar.
L395[12:38:00] <Vexatos> nxsupert, in Cruor's language it would be VV+
L396[12:38:02] <S3> Sangar is freaking out because I wrote a partition table and editor for unmanaged drives
L397[12:38:17] <Sangar> konbanwa even (or ha if you have to :X)
L398[12:38:33] <Sangar> i am?
L399[12:38:37] <nxsupert> I've realised I missed some stuff out of the BIOS I wrote.
L400[12:38:38] <Sangar> good to know, i wasn't sure
L401[12:39:05] <nxsupert> At the moment it constantly checks the 1st partition entry.
L402[12:39:44] <Sangar> huh
L403[12:40:00] <Sangar> seems some people still think it's fun to yell 'clone'
L404[12:40:19] <nxsupert> ?
L405[12:40:24] <rjs232323> *Whisper* clone!
L406[12:40:31] <Sangar> eh, some people posted on the mcf
L407[12:40:41] <Sangar> feels like they're a year or two late, but eh
L408[12:40:43] <nxsupert> Oh. About OC?
L409[12:40:50] <Sangar> unsure whether i should even bother replying :X
L410[12:40:51] <Sangar> yeah
L411[12:41:21] <nxsupert> The only things that are the same about OC and CC are they both use Lua.
L412[12:42:05] <Cruor> Vexatos: are you bashing my sane stuff? D:
L413[12:42:17] <Noob> That's like the times when people used to call any fps a "doom clone"
L414[12:42:40] <Noob> Just because both games had a gun and a monster to shoot at
L415[12:42:46] <Sangar> think i'm gonna make a bc/te/im/mek/etc clone next
L416[12:42:53] <Sangar> seems to be less of an issue there :P
L417[12:43:00] <nxsupert> Hahahaha.
L418[12:43:17] <Vexatos> Cruor, I am not
L419[12:43:24] <Vexatos> I already told you, I really like Shurtle
L420[12:43:37] <Noob> And in all that talk... I don't see anything bad about 'clones' as long as they've done awesomely and really good, honestly
L421[12:43:53] <Cruor> Vexatos: may be working on it this weekend
L422[12:43:58] <Cruor> i have stuff i want implemented
L423[12:43:59] <Vexatos> finally
L424[12:44:03] <Vexatos> PRAISE THE WEEKEND
L425[12:44:03] <Sangar> clone wars!
L426[12:44:06] <Sangar> wat
L427[12:44:16] <Sangar> oh
L428[12:44:20] <Noob> Besides if 'original' is like ten years behind anything 'clone' done
L429[12:44:29] <Sangar> i thought you meant it was weekend finally/already :X
L430[12:44:32] <Sangar> got me confused there
L431[12:44:42] <Cruor> Vexatos: brace yourself, word operators are comming
L432[12:44:45] <Cruor> you know
L433[12:44:53] <Sangar> communicating?
L434[12:44:56] <Cruor> #!dig {forward}
L435[12:44:56] <Vexatos> Cruor, have you tested cc-selene yet D:
L436[12:45:00] <Cruor> uhhh
L437[12:45:01] <nxsupert> Thinking about it. If OC;s a clone of CC. CC is a clone Redpower computers.
L438[12:45:03] <Cruor> i have like
L439[12:45:07] <Cruor> short term short term memory
L440[12:45:24] <Cruor> unless its something completely, and absoulutely useless random
L441[12:45:30] <Sangar> pretty much everythings a clone of something, it's hard to creaty anything in isolation after all ^^
L442[12:45:42] <Sangar> ahh, well, not a discussion i wanted to trigger anyway
L443[12:45:52] <Sangar> just was annoyed a little :X
L444[12:45:58] <Sangar> so
L445[12:46:08] <Sangar> more fun topic: soni's back, apparently
L446[12:46:16] <Cruor> Sangar: wtf, i ban you from CC, u clone is evul
L447[12:46:18] <Noob> Apple cloned Xerox because they've... STOLE MOUSE!
L448[12:46:32] <Noob> (Even though Xerox had no idea how to use mouse properly)
L449[12:46:33] <Cruor> now let me cuddle your drones, they are adorkable :I
L450[12:46:36] <Sangar> Cruor, ohnoes umake me fail dare!
L451[12:46:40] <Sangar> haha :D
L452[12:47:02] <Sangar> (nice word btw)
L453[12:47:07] * Sangar writes down for later cloning
L454[12:47:11] <Vexatos> Sangar: FZ is not a clone
L455[12:47:18] <Sangar> so you say
L456[12:47:20] <Vexatos> neptunepink is still coming up with stuff noone has ever done before
L457[12:47:27] <Vexatos> it was the first mod to add ore tripling :P
L458[12:47:31] <nxsupert> The wheel was a clone of the sun :P
L459[12:47:32] <Vexatos> mind that!
L460[12:47:32] <Sangar> but it has energy cables!
L461[12:47:40] <Sangar> surely it's a clone of some other power mod!
L462[12:48:01] <Vexatos> I don't recall any other mod having their cables like that, even redpower blutricity came later :P
L463[12:48:16] <Sangar> that's some dedication right there
L464[12:48:20] <Sangar> going back in time to clone something
L465[12:48:24] <Noob> Hey Sangar, sorry if somebody asked it already or if it's stupid but... Are you planning on tiers for EEPROMS? Like 4k, 8k, 16k...
L466[12:48:36] <vifino> Sangar: ooooh boy, why is he/she/it back? .-.
L467[12:48:37] <Sangar> not planned, no
L468[12:48:55] <Sangar> vifino, something about inventory methods being implemented 'incorrectly'
L469[12:49:06] <vifino> """incorrectly"""
L470[12:49:12] <rjs232323> Noob: What about using floppy drive? They hold 5126bytes I think
L471[12:49:14] <Vexatos> vifino, this is not scala
L472[12:49:16] <Vexatos> """""""""""""""""""2
L473[12:49:19] <Vexatos> :P
L474[12:49:23] <Sangar> since it hasn't caused a single issue in 2+ years, i really doubt it's an actual issue...
L475[12:50:04] <rjs232323> Maybe it hasn't caught up to the latest standard?
L476[12:50:06] <rjs232323> :p
L477[12:50:34] <Magik6k> S3, do you have some sort of custom partition table, or do you just use MBR format + LUA bootstrap code?
L478[12:53:50] <Noob> And, well, any ETA on when video pixelmode would appear in OC? :O
L479[12:53:52] <ccsonic> Uhm, did I get it right that if I want to autorun a program on startup I need a floppy disk with that program on it named autorun.lua ?
L480[12:54:18] <Vexatos> ccsonic, just edit /autorun.lua
L481[12:54:28] <Vexatos> it does run such a file on your main hard drive too
L482[12:54:43] <Noob> rjs232323: No I just couldn't fit my awesome BIOS into 4k format :D
L483[12:54:45] <Vexatos> it checks autorun.lua on every connected filesystem
L484[12:54:48] <Vexatos> including the main one
L485[12:54:55] <ccsonic> Okay
L486[12:54:56] <Vexatos> Noob, minify it
L487[12:54:58] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L488[12:55:07] <ccsonic> Thx
L489[12:55:07] <Magik6k> ohgodno, autorun is evil
L490[12:55:21] <Magik6k> read on rc system
L491[12:55:29] <Noob> Yeah but I still doubt I'll be able to fit like settings tab and icons into 4K format
L492[12:55:42] <Magik6k> [man rc] in oc shell
L493[12:56:06] <Magik6k> Or there: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/usr/man/rc
L494[12:58:04] <Noob> Vexatos: my original idea was to make BIOS that supported "netboot", configuration and HDD encryption but apparently it's not possible within 4K unless I cud apply dirty hacks like with using internal floppy lol
L495[12:58:24] <Vexatos> minify it :D
L496[12:58:32] <Vexatos> cuts the space needed roughly in half
L497[12:59:11] <Noob> Vexatos, Ill try >.< any convinient tool to do the minification btw?
L498[12:59:32] <Magik6k> There is one on forums iirc
L499[13:00:13] <rjs232323> Noob: what about splitting some stuff into network and leave the important one in the BIOS. Load those files on network on demand or something
L500[13:00:37] <rjs232323> like your icons
L501[13:00:48] <rjs232323> I guess :S
L502[13:03:13] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L503[13:06:05] <Sangar> i'm... confused
L504[13:06:13] <Sangar> soni is actually making sense. kinda.
L505[13:06:40] <vifino> Sangar: proof or didnt happen.
L506[13:06:58] <Sangar> 1414 is as close at it gets i'm afraid :P
L507[13:09:52] <S3> Magik6k: custom. All documented. Nxsupert can give you a copy of the soptv0r2: doc or I can link it when I get home
L508[13:10:11] <S3> It is somewhat like HPT and simple
L509[13:10:17] <S3> Got*
L510[13:10:24] <S3> Damn you. Phone.
L511[13:10:29] <S3> GPT
L512[13:10:44] <Magik6k> heh
L513[13:11:14] <Magik6k> I'm prabably going to Implement it to plan9k as sort of standard
L514[13:11:37] <Magik6k> so portitions would be /dev/sda1 or /tev/tape1p1
L515[13:12:16] <Magik6k> I'd only need a way to automagically detect it
L516[13:12:28] <S3> Neat. I'm sticking with bad style dev names for ocbsd
L517[13:12:35] <Magik6k> Sort of blockdevice tree/registry like in linux
L518[13:12:43] <S3> The dev names are named after the driver
L519[13:13:13] <S3> Like ada0p1 is partition 1 of the first disk behind the ada driver
L520[13:13:14] <Magik6k> Sort of the case in plan9k too, at least now
L521[13:13:59] <S3> I was seriously confused during my first BSD experience
L522[13:14:34] <vifino> Sangar: link pls
L523[13:14:48] <S3> Computronics provide tapes right?
L524[13:14:54] <Magik6k> yup
L525[13:15:01] <S3> Interesting
L526[13:15:02] <Sangar> vifino, http://git.io/vZcMS
L527[13:15:07] <vifino> ty
L528[13:15:14] <Magik6k> they are quite fast
L529[13:15:17] <Magik6k> and big
L530[13:15:28] <Magik6k> yet slower that raw OC hdd
L531[13:15:33] <S3> I am thinking of making a rack mountable san for raid0 unmanaged drives.
L532[13:15:41] <S3> It could be fun with Mr.fs
L533[13:15:52] <S3> Add-on mod*
L534[13:16:00] <Magik6k> hehe
L535[13:16:29] <Magik6k> oh, btw Sangar is there any reason for no unmanaged raids?
L536[13:16:40] <S3> Then all we need is hadoop + zfs :)
L537[13:16:54] <S3> I think he said nobody would use week
L538[13:16:55] <rjs232323> the language you guys speak isn't english, but it is english
L539[13:16:56] <rjs232323> what is going on
L540[13:16:57] <S3> Em*
L541[13:16:59] <Sangar> Magik6k, mostly me being lazy and it being achievable via ingame coding+servers now :P
L542[13:17:39] <S3> Maybe sangar will want to take my SAN mod
L543[13:17:40] <S3> :)
L544[13:17:41] <Magik6k> S3, Mr. FS will support clustering up to 256 block devices
L545[13:17:56] <S3> That would be very useful
L546[13:18:27] <ccsonic> Is it possible to make a program creating buttons on a touchscreen?
L547[13:18:39] <S3> I just want to see full permissions support :)
L548[13:18:41] <Magik6k> ccsonic, it is
L549[13:18:53] <Magik6k> hmm
L550[13:19:11] <ccsonic> Is there any example i can take a look at to understand?
L551[13:19:28] <rjs232323> ccsonic: you could even make programs without pushing a single button or touchscreen!
L552[13:19:38] <S3> Ccsonic: screen is also a touchscreen
L553[13:19:55] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L554[13:20:03] <ccsonic> Yeah I know T2 screen is touchable
L555[13:20:13] <Magik6k> It is also a.. hmm 'walkscreen' IIRC
L556[13:20:31] <Magik6k> ~w screen
L557[13:20:31] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:screen
L558[13:20:32] <S3> Magik6k still got that Mr. Fs doc? I'm not at home
L559[13:20:55] <Magik6k> S3, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfGkJs_NT-txI0c8tnBWxsUhgMsFNxaeqt65inKCYW4/edit?usp=sharing
L560[13:21:41] <Magik6k> S3, I could steal 1 byte from UID for User permissions
L561[13:21:58] <Magik6k> *1 bit
L562[13:22:08] <Magik6k> or have only 1 executable bit
L563[13:22:26] <Magik6k> hmm, in fact executable is sort of useless in OC
L564[13:23:02] <Magik6k> But I may make FUSE implementation of it someday
L565[13:24:12] <S3> Yeah Mr. Fs would be fun with sans, since in raid0 mode each unit shows all disks as one drive component
L566[13:25:56] <S3> I wonder if there is a rackmount base class the servers use which I can inherit
L567[13:26:48] <Magik6k> S3, plans: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1323#issuecomment-124853025
L568[13:26:48] <rjs232323> How do i reset EEPROM (Lua BIOS) back to just EEPROM? I forgot
L569[13:27:01] <Magik6k> rjs232323, just overwrite it
L570[13:27:18] <Sangar> crafting it with itself should also work
L571[13:27:33] <Sangar> i.e. put it into a crafting grid and nothing else
L572[13:27:40] <rjs232323> when I tried to wipe its content out to nothing and put it back into the computer and turn it on. It gives this error "Computer has halted"
L573[13:27:43] <rjs232323> ah
L574[13:27:49] <rjs232323> i forgot abotu that yes ok let me tgry that
L575[13:28:26] <gamax92> Queue for the first delay in responding sooner than later
L576[13:28:28] <rjs232323> ok thank works
L577[13:29:02] <gamax92> It wants to work but ultimately fails to do so
L578[13:29:28] <S3> WAT UPSes!
L579[13:29:38] <S3> Amazing
L580[13:29:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, please no unmanaged RAIDs kthx
L581[13:30:22] <Vexatos> let's at least keep a littlle purpose in tapes >_>
L582[13:30:28] <Sangar> haha
L583[13:31:01] <Sangar> who needs ore quintupling when you have raw storage octupling! :X
L584[13:31:32] <gamax92> Because you can't store ores in raw drives
L585[13:31:43] <gamax92> yet
L586[13:31:53] <Vexatos> gamax92, Applied Energistics.
L587[13:32:10] <gamax92> Yes, which isn't open computers
L588[13:32:24] <Magik6k> hmm
L589[13:32:52] <vifino> I'm bad at spending money.
L590[13:32:55] <vifino> ._.
L591[13:32:58] ⇨ Joins: lonely112 (webchat@n06-05-07.opera-mini.net)
L592[13:33:23] ⇦ Quits: lonely112 (webchat@n06-05-07.opera-mini.net) (Client Quit)
L593[13:34:02] <gamax92> Hey there vifino
L594[13:34:02] <Magik6k> Is it possible to make putting dirves into AE racks create some data storage(along with 'data [import/export] bus' or data interface)
L595[13:34:09] <vifino> Hello gamax92!
L596[13:34:44] <gamax92> Note to self, vifino autocompletes to bikini
L597[13:34:47] <rjs232323> Like hybird data/physical content hybird drives?
L598[13:34:53] <rjs232323> *mind blown*
L599[13:34:58] <gamax92> Good job phone
L600[13:35:01] <vifino> '.'
L601[13:35:06] <gamax92> Haha
L602[13:35:20] <S3> Magik6k,: 10 bits for uid gives 1024 users. 15 bit 42768 and gives the one bit needed for u,g,o perms. However I can see if you are trying to avoid things that aren't aligned to a byte
L603[13:35:32] <S3> 32768*
L604[13:36:29] <Magik6k> hmm
L605[13:36:38] <S3> 8 bits would only give 256 users which may be sufficient. If you have256 users you should probably be using a lua ldap
L606[13:36:47] <S3> XD
L607[13:37:07] <gamax92> 65536
L608[13:37:11] <gamax92> Do it
L609[13:37:43] <Magik6k> just `for [...] useradd; done`
L610[13:37:46] <Magik6k> hehe
L611[13:38:22] <S3> Problem is gamax 9 bits is needed for ugo perms
L612[13:38:33] <Magik6k> S3, I'm thinking about shared executable bit
L613[13:38:41] <gamax92> Eww no
L614[13:38:43] <S3> Wait.. I think I see something...
L615[13:39:09] <S3> Magik6k yeah you would need more for sticky etc
L616[13:39:28] <Magik6k> hmm
L617[13:39:49] <Magik6k> ext has 2 bytes for flags
L618[13:39:56] <Magik6k> (incl permissions)
L619[13:40:39] <Magik6k> shouldn't be too hard to change at current implementation stage
L620[13:40:56] <gamax92> ext5 best filesystem
L621[13:41:09] <S3> Magik6k: says here your inide is 14 bytes
L622[13:41:34] <Magik6k> S3, 16
L623[13:41:39] <S3> I would add two bytes in there. Maybe one for rrservervedvand one ... Oh?
L624[13:41:54] <S3> Mismarked then I thought that looked wrird
L625[13:42:03] <Magik6k> last value there should 15, fixed
L626[13:42:11] <S3> Hmm
L627[13:42:21] <Magik6k> (counting from 0)
L628[13:42:25] <S3> That makes it hard to add an extra byte
L629[13:42:35] <Magik6k> 1 was reserved
L630[13:42:47] <S3> If you want sector fragmentation safety
L631[13:43:20] <Magik6k> Now it looks like that: http://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/Screenshot-20-43-11.png
L632[13:45:07] <Magik6k> I love string.pack
L633[13:45:14] <S3> Where are filenames stored?
L634[13:45:26] <Magik6k> in directory data
L635[13:45:46] <Magik6k> Ext does it like that too IIRC
L636[13:45:58] <S3> Ah ok
L637[13:46:16] <S3> Never looked at ext
L638[13:46:40] <gamax92> String.pack is nice
L639[13:46:44] <S3> But I did write a perl program that extracts Wii and GameCube isos
L640[13:47:06] <S3> And they used a string table.
L641[13:47:20] <gamax92> But sangar refuses to add backwards compatibility
L642[13:47:34] <S3> Gamax: no unpack?
L643[13:47:59] <gamax92> 5.2 has no pack and unpack for string
L644[13:48:04] <S3> Oh
L645[13:48:13] <S3> Packing is nice
L646[13:48:20] <S3> Oh btw
L647[13:48:26] <rjs232323> where is OpenOS source code stored in?
L648[13:48:27] <gamax92> And 5.2 is the default cpu
L649[13:48:30] <rjs232323> is it this: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Magik6k-Programs/blob/master/p6/mod_init.lua?
L650[13:48:34] <S3> Does lua not have a xor operator?
L651[13:48:43] <S3> Like ^
L652[13:49:02] <gamax92> That is not OpenOS no
L653[13:49:07] <S3> Damn
L654[13:49:11] <Magik6k> rjs232323, no, it's not
L655[13:49:29] <S3> Because that's how you typically edit flags.. Shifts and xor
L656[13:49:40] <Magik6k> It's actually POC OpenOS multithreading which almost worked
L657[13:49:48] <gamax92> Lua should have an xor...
L658[13:49:58] <rjs232323> Oooh lol
L659[13:50:02] <rjs232323> i thin kI found it: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/init.lua
L660[13:50:17] <rjs232323> sweet
L661[13:50:42] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L662[13:52:41] <gamax92> #lua 57~69
L663[13:52:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 124
L664[13:53:00] <gamax92> S3: it's tilde
L665[13:53:12] <S3> Tilde should be not
L666[13:53:29] <gamax92> It shouldn't be but it is
L667[13:53:32] <Magik6k> S3, but it's not
L668[13:53:33] <Magik6k> ;p
L669[13:54:24] <S3> #lua 0xff ~ 0xff
L670[13:54:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L671[13:54:27] <S3> Wat
L672[13:54:35] <Magik6k> It's good
L673[13:54:38] <S3> Then what is not.
L674[13:54:42] <Sangar> #lua ~5
L675[13:54:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -6
L676[13:54:48] <S3> Wtf?!
L677[13:54:51] <gamax92> Also tilde
L678[13:54:58] <Sangar> :3
L679[13:55:08] <S3> This language is so weird!
L680[13:55:14] <Magik6k> #lua ~("lua")
L681[13:55:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform bitwise operation on a string value (constant 'lua')
L682[13:55:19] <Sangar> #lua 0xff ~ ~0xff
L683[13:55:19] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -1
L684[13:55:21] <Sangar> heh
L685[13:55:43] <gamax92> Both bnot and bxor are tilde
L686[13:56:12] <Vexatos> lua ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0xff
L687[13:56:19] <Vexatos> #lua ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0xff
L688[13:56:22] <S3> ~(0xff ~ 0xff)
L689[13:56:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -256
L690[13:56:28] <S3> Lol
L691[13:56:39] <S3> No xnor?
L692[13:56:40] <Vexatos> I broke it
L693[13:57:38] <Sangar> #lua load(string.rep("~ ", 100).."0xff")()
L694[13:57:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (global 'load')
L695[13:57:46] <Sangar> bleh
L696[13:58:42] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L697[13:58:42] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L698[13:59:45] <gamax92> #lua ~(0xff ~ 0xff)
L699[14:00:05] <gamax92> Fuggin spaces
L700[14:00:19] <Vexatos> where is entity when you need them
L701[14:00:27] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com)
L702[14:01:03] <Magik6k> Vexatos, it's booting
L703[14:01:36] <Magik6k> It's just not here
L704[14:02:44] <Sangar> .-.
L705[14:03:04] <Sangar> curse uses a unicode char in their mailer's "name" that looks like thunderbird's spam icon
L706[14:03:25] <Sangar> i get it's supposed to be the curse "flame", but...
L707[14:19:21] <S3> ~w sangar
L708[14:19:21] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-string.char
L709[14:19:44] <Vexatos> .w Sangar
L710[14:19:44] <^v> Vexatos, Not found. did you want "non standard"?
L711[14:19:49] <Vexatos> .w Vexatos
L712[14:19:49] <^v> Vexatos, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylcyclopentadienyl_Manganese_Tricarbonyl
L713[14:20:46] <Lizzy> .w Lizzy
L714[14:20:46] <^v> Lizzy, Not found. did you want "bizzy"?
L715[14:20:53] <Lizzy> heh, no
L716[14:21:31] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L717[14:21:31] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L718[14:23:53] <S3> .w phi
L719[14:23:53] <^v> S3, Not found. did you want "redstone in motion component"?
L720[14:24:06] <S3> .............?
L721[14:24:10] <S3> ¿(
L722[14:25:24] <Vexatos> .w bizzy
L723[14:25:24] <^v> Vexatos, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrofluoric_acid
L724[14:28:32] <S3> .w warter
L725[14:28:32] <^v> S3, Not found. did you want "pattern"?
L726[14:28:54] <S3> Not is being dumb
L727[14:30:15] <Lizzy> .w Ender
L728[14:30:15] <^v> Lizzy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod's_law
L729[14:30:18] <vifino> .w Lizzy
L730[14:30:18] <^v> vifino, Not found. did you want "bizzy"?
L731[14:30:27] <vifino> WHEN I SAY LIZZY I WANT LIZZY!
L732[14:30:36] * Lizzy hands herself to vifino
L733[14:30:40] <Lizzy> I'm all yours
L734[14:30:41] <S3> .w become better bot
L735[14:30:41] <vifino> \o/
L736[14:30:41] <^v> S3, Not found. did you want "computer api"?
L737[14:30:53] <S3> ...
L738[14:30:59] <gamax92> ~w become better bot
L739[14:30:59] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:robot
L740[14:31:12] <gamax92> see that makes sense, robot and bot are similar
L741[14:31:22] <gamax92> how phi -> "redstone in motion component" ...
L742[14:31:56] <vifino> !!!LOGIC!!!
L743[14:32:07] <gamax92> you okay vifino?
L744[14:32:16] <vifino> Yes, yes, YES!!!!
L745[14:32:24] * vifino laughs like a maniac
L746[14:32:27] <S3> Weird
L747[14:34:20] <S3> Phone on 14% batt
L748[14:34:34] <S3> Should run for another few days
L749[14:36:10] ⇨ Joins: xyuc (~xyuc@
L750[14:36:33] <ccsonic> Bot is quitw intelligent. Actually I'm not aftaid anymore of intelligent robots killing humanity someday :D
L751[14:37:27] <gamax92> ~w phi
L752[14:37:27] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api
L753[14:37:46] <gamax92> makes sense
L754[14:38:04] <xyuc> did anyone write a simple browser like lynx?
L755[14:38:38] <vifino> Nope.
L756[14:39:13] <xyuc> impossible
L757[14:39:37] <vifino> Make one!
L758[14:39:38] <gamax92> it's impossible for for no one to have written a lynx like browser?
L759[14:40:04] <xyuc> making one will take too long
L760[14:40:31] <gamax92> sure, if you don't know what you're doing
L761[14:41:17] <xyuc> I guess I know what I will do but I have no time
L762[14:45:03] ⇦ Parts: xyuc (~xyuc@ ())
L763[14:46:04] <S3> Xyuc it is less work to make an operating system than a web browser
L764[14:46:13] <gamax92> they left
L765[14:46:22] <S3> :(
L766[14:46:43] <S3> Still though. Nobody wants to parse xml
L767[14:46:58] <S3> Not even non confirmation xml
L768[14:47:11] <S3> Conformant*
L769[14:48:15] ⇨ Joins: ccsonic_ (~ccsonic@dyndsl-091-096-255-185.ewe-ip-backbone.de)
L770[14:50:39] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@
L771[14:51:39] <CompanionCube> XML itself is hell.
L772[14:54:52] <ccsonic_> Uhm, does anyone of you know why my Pulverizer wont continue working when a redstone signal is gone. Applying that signal should and does stop it.
L773[14:56:50] <S3> Check Redstone settings.
L774[14:56:55] <ccsonic_> Nvm, got it... :D
L775[15:27:43] ⇦ Quits: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-152-69.dyn.centurytel.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L776[15:30:39] <SnowDapples> Is there a way for oc to speak to chat/broadcast messages?
L777[15:30:45] <nxsupert> o/
L778[15:30:55] <Sangar> SnowDapples, Computronics' ChatBox
L779[15:31:17] <SnowDapples> Ah, I think I remember that one.
L780[15:31:23] <SnowDapples> Thanks!
L781[15:31:45] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580224454216D60C78D3E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L782[15:36:39] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L783[15:36:40] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L784[15:41:57] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L785[15:53:16] <gamax92> vifino: Do you know how to build linux-pf without tuxonice?
L786[15:53:31] <vifino> Nope.
L787[15:53:37] <gamax92> cause tuxonice doesn't work at all on my laptop and causes a kernel panic when restoring
L788[15:53:43] <gamax92> oh good, r.i.p linux-pf then
L789[15:53:59] <vifino> Then just don't use it..?
L790[15:54:06] <gamax92> vifino: how do I turn it off
L791[15:54:14] <vifino> shutdown
L792[15:54:30] <gamax92> ... while retaining old hybernation fuctionality that did work
L793[15:55:18] <Magik6k> gamax92, turnoff swap
L794[15:55:29] <gamax92> the netbook has 1GB of memory
L795[15:55:55] <vifino> I have no idea, gamax92. I don't use hybernation or anything like that.
L796[15:56:08] <vifino> My hibernation is shutdown.
L797[15:56:14] <Magik6k> It should be turnoffable in kernel menuconf
L798[15:59:08] * Lizzy hibernates her laptop but she isn't compiling kernels herself
L799[16:00:10] * cloakable sleeps her netbook
L800[16:00:51] <Lizzy> i sleep my pc, don't do it on my laptop though cause it'd most likely die int he night
L801[16:01:35] *** Skye is now known as skyem
L802[16:02:20] <cloakable> I've sometimes left my netbook unplugged for a few days >.>
L803[16:04:03] *** skyem is now known as skyem123
L804[16:04:15] *** skyem123 is now known as Skye
L805[16:14:12] ⇦ Quits: mrammy (~mrammy@steven.es) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L807[16:24:07] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L808[16:24:15] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
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L810[16:27:25] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L811[16:53:20] <Skye|ZZZ> How possible is it to make a custom computer case in a different mod?
L812[16:53:45] <Mimiru> I tried once...
L813[16:54:05] <Mimiru> Went poorly, unless you're writing your mod in scala I don't know if you can
L814[16:54:19] <Mimiru> I couldn't extend the case classes in java, and theres no API for cases in java
L815[16:54:40] <Temia> I thought there were examples of making new computers with the Java API
L816[16:54:56] <Mimiru> Please find them I'd love to be able to.
L817[16:55:06] <Mimiru> OpenSecurity was to have blast resistant cases...
L818[16:55:10] <Mimiru> didn't work so well
L819[16:55:30] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L820[16:55:42] <Temia> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Example-Machine ?
L821[16:55:50] * Lizzy blast-resists Mimiru
L822[16:56:58] <Mimiru> I was really not wanting to have to fully implement a case, I was shooting for extending an existing one and modifying it...
L823[16:57:05] <Mimiru> This *will* work, I think
L824[16:57:06] <Mimiru> but blah
L825[16:57:07] <Mimiru> so lazy
L826[17:00:44] <Mimiru> Also, I have to implement my own GUI stuff so mega bleh
L827[17:06:39] <Temia> Solution: copy the OC GUI files, add rivets and reinforced plating
L828[17:07:02] <Mimiru> Erm...
L829[17:07:06] <Mimiru> GUI not so much a problem.
L830[17:07:12] <Temia> Oh.
L831[17:07:15] <Mimiru> but the handling yes.
L832[17:07:48] <Mimiru> But yeah the textures aren't an issue
L833[17:08:01] <Mimiru> I've got 2 people that'll do my textures, heh
L834[17:13:35] <ds84182> Copy scala, paste into SangarCLI vSoon™, output Java code for everything
L835[17:15:26] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ (Quit: Leaving)
L836[17:15:27] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L840[17:50:47] <lacsap> Is there any way to set an ip address on my computers so I don't have to broadcast all the time?
L841[17:52:19] <S3> Magik6k: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/559661b06b50fe04c736
L842[17:52:24] <S3> I can't find revision 2
L843[17:52:29] <S3> but that one is pretty close
L844[17:54:10] <S3> lacsap: you are technically broadcasting IRL with IPs as well, just that you have things like switches and routers to seperate subnets and distribute access controlled messages
L845[17:54:24] <S3> which you could implement in OC
L846[17:54:28] * gamax92 slaps S3
L847[17:54:28] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L848[17:54:47] <S3> :)
L849[17:54:51] <S3> Hey gamax92
L850[17:55:09] <gamax92> lacsap: You can just send directly to a network card address, so you "ip address" is the network card's uuid
L851[17:55:10] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L852[17:55:26] <gamax92> that whole blahblah-blah-blah-blah-blahblahblah looking thing
L853[17:56:15] <S3> Well I was just pointing out that just because something has an IP and is sending a message to an IP doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't broadcasting..
L854[17:56:30] <lacsap> S3: yea that makes sense
L855[17:56:39] <S3> but do what gamax92 said :)
L856[17:56:41] <gamax92> Yeah, but that doesn't apply in OpenComputers
L857[17:56:47] <lacsap> but it would be kinda useful to have an ip address on a machine
L858[17:57:10] <Temia> Isn't a network card's UUID closer to a MAC address than anything?
L859[17:57:26] <S3> gamax92: using UUIDs for mac addresses would work pretty well..
L860[17:58:02] * gamax92 giggles, UUID V1 ;)
L861[17:58:05] <Temia> But yeah, a TCP/IP protocol would probably be useful.
L862[17:58:07] <S3> In fact, if I were to make a switched network I think that's how I'd try doing it
L863[17:58:19] <S3> use address UUID for layer two
L864[17:58:20] <S3> and bam
L865[17:58:30] <S3> don't even need IP really even
L866[17:58:40] <S3> also, why you need TCP for OC?
L867[17:58:44] <S3> there is no data loss?
L868[17:58:49] <S3> should be*
L869[17:59:17] <lacsap> oh, I just found out I can do "ifconfig bind" then I can ping that machine on that
L870[17:59:27] <lacsap> thats what I was looking for
L871[17:59:35] <gamax92> wait what
L872[17:59:36] <S3> on plan9k?
L873[18:00:05] <S3> I have to write interface drivers for OCBSD
L874[18:00:13] <S3> then I'm going to port some protocols
L875[18:00:26] <Temia> If you're routing on more advanced protocols than a basic switch, you'll probably need at least a microcontroller passing things around, which does add potential for error
L876[18:00:29] <S3> I might make the linked card the ln driver
L877[18:00:37] <S3> so that linked cards will show as ln0, ln1, etc
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L879[18:00:57] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L880[18:01:00] <S3> what about internet cards?
L881[18:01:03] <S3> what should I name that
L882[18:01:06] <S3> inet?
L883[18:01:14] <Temia> Sounds about right
L884[18:01:18] <S3> sounds good to me
L885[18:01:27] <S3> lan0, lan1, lan2 sounds weird though
L886[18:01:37] <S3> or whatever that card was..
L887[18:01:48] <lacsap> no I'm doing the ifconfig bind on openOS
L888[18:01:55] <S3> I didn't know openOS had that
L889[18:01:57] <Temia> Could always do eth0, eth1, eth2
L890[18:02:01] <gamax92> neither did I
L891[18:02:06] <S3> Temia: that doesn't really work
L892[18:02:16] <S3> it's not ethernet :P
L893[18:02:20] <Temia> Eh.
L894[18:02:45] <lacsap> It doesnt keep the ip on reboot though
L895[18:02:45] <Temia> It's an abstraction that works well enough for the purpose.
L896[18:03:04] <Temia> So DHCP servers are a thing that needs implementing too, I suppose.
L897[18:03:05] <S3> in the past before it died, the cc modem showed up in /dev/ccmodem0 as a serial IO device
L898[18:03:17] <S3> in the previous os experiment I did
L899[18:03:47] <lacsap> is there anyway to run "ifconfig bind" on every boot?
L900[18:04:05] <S3> Temia: I think that a RARP would be fine.
L901[18:04:48] <Temia> meeeh.
L902[18:04:58] <S3> well they're not much different..
L903[18:05:04] <S3> I mean, the protocol itself is a lot but
L904[18:05:13] <S3> don't need a lot of advanced stuff
L905[18:05:13] <Temia> I'm feeling lazy. Imma go watch Jojo and fiddle with Minetweaker
L906[18:05:41] <S3> mojo jojo?
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L909[18:28:56] <S3> Y E S
L910[18:29:06] <S3> gamax92: type i to see disk info in partitioner floppy
L911[18:29:13] <S3> says SOPT Installed on disk: yes
L912[18:29:13] <gamax92> i
L913[18:29:14] <S3> :D
L914[18:29:22] <S3> ..
L915[18:29:35] <S3> so that's sorta working
L916[18:29:58] <S3> I'm writing a closure based Lua class for handling SOPT on a disk uuid
L917[18:30:11] <S3> getting partitions, flags, etc
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L920[19:00:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Aww yeah
L921[19:00:31] <SuPeRMiNoR2> just had a power failure
L922[19:00:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> UPS is working :D
L923[19:00:47] <gamax92> Shoulda got FedEX
L924[19:01:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> XD
L925[19:02:01] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Would be funny if UPS ran into a pole and took out the power
L926[19:02:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> more like IPS
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L929[19:17:28] <ds84182> TFT
L930[19:17:32] <ds84182> AMOLED
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L932[19:19:40] <rjs232323> Hi, small question. Is it possible to enable touchscreen in tier 1 screen?
L933[19:20:31] <Ekoserin> I don't believe it is.
L934[19:20:58] <S3> looks like this SOPT api should be fairly simple to use.
L935[19:22:41] <S3> local p_table = sopt(disk_uuid); for part in p_table.partitions do; -- Do stuff with partition -- end
L936[19:24:29] <S3> creating a new partition automatically adjusts itself for a safe default offset location on disk, so you can just be like, local newpart = p_table.partiton() , and then ptable.save(newpart) later. Of course, you can still specify your own offsets.. newpart.offset(0x12345)....
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L943[20:10:15] <S3> 4MAN THIS IS SO CONFUSING
L944[20:10:27] <S3> why do arrays and shit have to start at 1
L945[20:10:31] <S3> it's so annoying
L946[20:10:38] <S3> makes math so hard
L947[20:11:05] <ds84182> S3: Because fuck you, thats why
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L949[20:11:50] <ds84182> And you can start an array from whereever you like. You just need to do work arounds for table len and [i]pairs
L950[20:12:22] <S3> Still it's lame lol
L951[20:13:03] <ds84182> #lua function zpairs(tab) local i=0 return function() i = i+1 return i-1, tab[i-1] end end
L952[20:13:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L953[20:13:22] <ds84182> #lua for i, v in zpairs({[0]=1,2,3,4,5,6}) do print(i,v) end
L954[20:13:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://hastebin.com/raw/uxadixivin
L955[20:13:26] <S3> :)
L956[20:13:46] <ds84182> I'm guessing the output is 0 1 1 2 ...
L957[20:14:05] <S3> that bot is dangranos
L958[20:14:08] <ds84182> #lua for i, v in zpairs({[0]=1,2}) do print(i,v) end
L959[20:14:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://hastebin.com/raw/imajugerig
L960[20:14:13] <ds84182> #lua for i, v in zpairs({[0]=1}) do print(i,v) end
L961[20:14:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://hastebin.com/raw/mawituxame
L962[20:14:16] <ds84182> wat
L963[20:14:19] * ds84182 stabs vifino
L964[20:14:27] <S3> #lua coroutine.yield()
L965[20:14:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L966[20:14:30] <S3> aww
L967[20:14:35] <S3> #lua exit
L968[20:14:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L969[20:14:50] <S3> #lua while true do coroutine.yield end
L970[20:14:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: syntax error near 'end'
L971[20:14:53] <S3> oops
L972[20:17:33] ⇦ Quits: ccsonic_ (~ccsonic@dyndsl-091-096-255-185.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L973[20:18:44] <S3> #lua 0x80 & (0x01 << 7)
L974[20:18:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 128
L975[20:18:53] <S3> #lua 0x00 & (0x01 << 7)
L976[20:18:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L977[20:19:01] <S3> #lua 0x79 & (0x01 << 7)
L978[20:19:01] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L979[20:19:03] <S3> good.
L980[20:19:09] <S3> so I can do that
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L984[20:25:21] *** Ekoserin is now known as Ekoserin|Off
L985[20:41:41] <S3> just realized I never accepted my loans this year
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L987[20:45:31] <S3> apparently I have a syntax error in here..
L988[20:46:07] <S3> #lua flags = 0x80; if (flags & (0x01 << 7)) ~= 0 then active = 1 end
L989[20:46:07] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L990[20:46:12] <S3> no syntax error?
L991[20:46:20] <S3> #lua flags = 0x80; if (flags & (0x01 << 7)) ~= 0 then return 1 end
L992[20:46:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L993[20:46:23] <S3> yeah wtf OC
L994[20:46:35] <S3> no syntax error you doof
L995[20:48:14] <S3> yeah that syntax errors on OC
L996[20:48:18] <S3> gamax92: you can't use that
L997[20:48:40] * gamax92 uses that
L998[20:49:21] <S3> doesn't work on 5.2 or 5.3 OC..
L999[20:50:21] <ds84182> Sw3, whats the full error message
L1000[20:50:25] <S3> apparently & isn't a thing
L1001[20:50:32] <ds84182> it is
L1002[20:50:36] <ds84182> it is a thing
L1003[20:50:46] <ds84182> what does _VERSION report?
L1004[20:50:47] <S3> in OC I can be like print(1 & 2)
L1005[20:50:53] <S3> and it just says syntax error
L1006[20:51:03] <ds84182> print(_VERSION) dAMMIT
L1007[20:51:44] <S3> oooooooook
L1008[20:52:18] <S3> found the issue
L1009[20:52:53] <S3> ds84182: I thought I was on 5.3 on the box with the whole flags thing there.
L1010[20:52:57] <S3> but I was on 5.2 on that one
L1011[20:53:10] <S3> works on 5.3
L1012[20:54:13] <rjs232323> wasn't binary bitwise disabled on OC?
L1013[20:54:23] <rjs232323> oh nvm
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L1016[20:55:27] <S3> rjs232323: if they disable that
L1017[20:55:32] <S3> they will be getting a lot of pull requests
L1018[20:55:34] <S3> :P
L1019[20:55:46] ⇦ Quits: Starhero (~Starhero@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Quit: Oh shit I left! How rude!)
L1020[20:57:08] <S3> you know what I forgot though
L1021[20:57:30] <S3> I forgot to add it so that if you hold control it subtract 64 from the character code
L1022[20:57:37] <S3> that I need to do
L1023[20:57:53] <S3> since that's literally what the control key does
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L1033[21:06:20] <S3> cra[
L1034[21:06:21] <S3> crap*
L1035[21:07:19] <S3> why no work
L1036[21:07:24] <S3> it says 10 goto 10 syntax error
L1037[21:07:26] <S3> :)
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L1040[21:19:16] <rjs232323> lol, S3
L1041[21:19:21] <rjs232323> yea good point
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L1118[21:46:29] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
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L1128[22:19:16] <rjs232323> Hi guys, is there a way to read pixel screen?
L1129[22:19:30] <rjs232323> like grab the pixel's forecolor and its character?
L1130[22:19:49] <rjs232323> I was goign to use gpu.getBackgroundcolor but i realize its just meant current setting, not the pixel itself
L1131[22:20:40] <rjs232323> never mind
L1132[22:20:42] <rjs232323> There is gpu.get
L1133[22:23:39] <Izaya> that does colours?
L1134[22:23:46] <gamax92> yes it does
L1135[22:23:54] <Izaya> huh
L1136[22:26:25] <rjs232323> color and character
L1137[22:26:37] <rjs232323> both background and foreground in both hex and names
L1138[22:30:27] <rjs232323> erm. Actually hold on. Maybe I'm getting different results from gpu.get
L1139[22:33:03] <rjs232323> nvm, it works
L1140[22:40:12] <rjs232323> #lua "10"+0
L1141[22:40:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 10.0
L1142[22:45:21] <rjs232323> or not. Strange..
L1143[22:47:15] <rjs232323> #lua 0xff55ff
L1144[22:47:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16733695
L1145[22:53:27] <Ditchbuster> will a new function called by a timer fire if the first one still hasnt finished running?
L1146[22:54:30] <rjs232323> a new function called after the one hasn't finish executing will be called after it finishes
L1147[22:56:26] <Ditchbuster> ok, so if i have a function called by a timer that is reading a socket and responding, it won't get interupted by another function called by the same timer but it will be called again immedatly after or does it "pause" the timer while running?
L1148[22:58:11] <rjs232323> It normally wont get interrupted. It basically continue on while another function that got called are waiting for that to finish first before it can function
L1149[22:58:15] <rjs232323> I dont think it pauses the timer
L1150[22:58:31] <rjs232323> it just basically get queuned
L1151[22:58:35] <Ditchbuster> ok
L1152[22:58:38] <Ditchbuster> thanks!
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