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L1[00:12:25] ⇨ Joins: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@
L2[00:14:53] <Ditchbuster> can someone explain the first part of this: http://www.lua.org/pil/11.4.html about queues using tables. if i put this in my code how do i invoke it? am i just using List or do i make a new array and pass that as the list parameter? i understand what each of the pop and push are doing
L3[00:15:44] <Ditchbuster> or if there is a good article explaining tables in lua i could probably read that.
L4[00:21:29] <Izaya> #lua t={}
L5[00:21:29] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L6[00:21:44] <Izaya> #lua type(t)
L7[00:21:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table
L8[00:22:04] <Izaya> table.insert(t,"a")
L9[00:22:48] <Izaya> #table.insert(t,"a")
L10[00:22:54] <Izaya> fsck
L11[00:23:00] <Izaya> #lua table.insert(t,"a")
L12[00:23:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L13[00:23:56] <Izaya> #lua t[1]
L14[00:23:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a
L15[00:34:55] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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L17[00:44:22] <Ditchbuster> will a timer fire up another function if the first one still hasnt finished executing?
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L23[01:25:46] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L24[01:27:20] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/issues/151 ._________.
L25[01:37:32] <sugoi> Ditchbuster: the timers are not executed in parallel, nothing is. if you yield, you yield to the event loop, and if a timer fires, yes, another would be spawned.
L26[01:37:36] * sugoi is afk
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L53[05:31:43] <ccsonic> Is there a way to copy text in an OC computer? Its getting annyoing to write the whole stuff again if Im asking anything using pastebin.
L54[05:32:38] <Izaya> well, you can paste to it
L55[05:32:43] <Lizzy> ccsonic: you can alway set bufferchanges to false in the config file then use an external editor, as for copy/paste, paste you can do with insert, not sure about copy
L56[05:34:36] <ccsonic> So, how do you upload your text to pastebin? Just rewriting it?
L57[05:34:46] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L58[05:35:03] <Izaya> pastebin put filename
L59[05:35:21] <meep> ccsonic: Get an internet card, there is the pastebin program
L60[05:35:47] <ccsonic> Oh, right. Didnt think about that. Thx
L61[05:38:18] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-205.unity-media.net)
L62[05:42:13] <ccsonic> Now, how can I make an info output like stored energy which is updating? So far it always showed the amount of Energy it had when the program was executed first.
L63[05:46:07] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@
L64[05:49:13] <ccsonic> You dont know what Im meaning or is it not enough information?
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L73[07:05:29] <cinder1992> o/
L74[07:10:31] <S3> Yay
L75[07:10:59] <S3> Gamax92: so many repositories!
L76[07:11:26] <S3> Http://git.9600-baud.net/S3
L77[07:11:28] <S3> Lolol
L78[07:13:11] <cinder1992> I have a question regarding the Adapter block, is there anyone around that might be able to assist me?
L79[07:13:36] <S3> Just ask anyways
L80[07:13:48] <S3> Read the topic: P
L81[07:14:21] <cinder1992> I'm trying to set up some basic power automation for my base, and I'm a little confused about the Adapter block.
L82[07:14:32] <cinder1992> I have two adapters, both with a machine and a sign attached to them.
L83[07:15:12] <cinder1992> is there any way to address the machines (which both have the same name), by what adapter they're connected to?
L84[07:16:12] <S3> If they are supported by the adapter block then they will each have a unique uuid
L85[07:16:29] <S3> But do these machines require an adaptor?
L86[07:16:47] <cinder1992> They do, they're Mekanism power blocks.
L87[07:17:03] <S3> Some miss just integrate with the cable itself
L88[07:17:04] <S3> Ic
L89[07:17:21] <S3> Damn phone autocorrect
L90[07:17:58] <S3> So all you need to do then is differentiate between the two machine ids
L91[07:18:33] <cinder1992> The problem I'm having is actually that I want to be able to associate the sign text with what the adapter block is connected to.
L92[07:18:54] <cinder1992> like so: http://i.imgur.com/kOb9r1o.png
L93[07:19:17] <cinder1992> but I have no idea how to get the components connected to a single adapter.
L94[07:19:33] <S3> So each sign should have a uuid as well
L95[07:19:52] <cinder1992> Yes, but I can't find a way to associate the two UUIDs, the UUID of the machine and the UUID of the sign
L96[07:20:07] <cinder1992> Because well, they're unique and ambiguous.
L97[07:20:21] <S3> They always remain the same
L98[07:20:36] <cinder1992> So I need to manually configure it in my lua then?
L99[07:21:33] <S3> You don't have to but you could. I might even write some configuration script for it where it writes to a sign and you verify which one is which
L100[07:22:05] <S3> Like
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L102[07:22:40] <cinder1992> But I was thinking of READING from the sign to tell the script what's what.
L103[07:22:55] <cinder1992> and I can't do that unless I can tell which sign is connected to which Adapter
L104[07:23:20] <cinder1992> and as far as I can tell, adapters are 100% transparent to OC lua and can't actually be addressed in any way.
L105[07:24:47] <S3> Have it print a number and you say which number showed up
L106[07:24:48] <S3> It'll save the uuid and associate with some machine
L107[07:24:48] <S3> You also would at that point configure the machine too..
L108[07:24:48] <S3> But you could do that by having it detect machine placement order then ecjo to the signs and you would match the sign number with the machine uuid it detected in that order
L109[07:24:51] <S3> Or just make it configure as you place them. Many ways to do it
L110[07:25:08] <cinder1992> would it be easier to just use a microcontroller to do it the way I want?
L111[07:26:15] <S3> I don't see how any of that conflicts with what I just said
L112[07:26:43] <cinder1992> It doesn't.
L113[07:27:07] <cinder1992> I just don't want to have to go mine up all my machines or place down components and run back and forth from somewhere to my computer.
L114[07:27:30] <S3> Lol
L115[07:27:51] <S3> I should make a CCTV camera add-on for oc
L116[07:28:51] <S3> That would be sick
L117[07:29:00] <cinder1992> indeed
L118[07:29:13] <cinder1992> I'm still working on my advanced audio card.
L119[07:29:21] <cinder1992> or rather, not working on it. 'cause I got lazy.
L120[07:29:23] <S3> Then you could configure them remotely heh
L121[07:29:42] <S3> Advanced audio eh
L122[07:29:56] <S3> I thought of making a 6581 card
L123[07:30:00] <cinder1992> SID?
L124[07:30:04] <S3> Know what that is?
L125[07:30:07] <S3> Yeah
L126[07:30:18] <cinder1992> I do indeed, I used the C64 back in the day
L127[07:30:28] <cinder1992> I was thinking about going a step beyond that.
L128[07:30:30] <S3> Heh
L129[07:30:54] <cinder1992> I confirmed that a .mod file is actually more than small enough (normally) to be used in OC
L130[07:31:14] <S3> Today I found the battery cover for my tape recorder I use to save files on
L131[07:31:21] <S3> In my backpack
L132[07:31:25] <cinder1992> lol
L133[07:31:50] <S3> I s like wat
L134[07:32:12] <S3> Cinder: you may like what I am working on right now
L135[07:32:43] <cinder1992> Which is?
L136[07:33:54] <S3> I am writing an opating system that runs on unmanaged disks. But a key advantage of that is the fact that it will have a concatenating disk driver
L137[07:34:58] <cinder1992> so basically a RAID?
L138[07:37:24] <S3> Allowing you to make ginormus disk arrays
L139[07:37:25] <S3> The partition table technically supports over a gig but that will kill your box before you get there lol
L140[07:37:25] <S3> That'd be a lot of tier 3 drives
L141[07:37:25] <S3> I am also pondering making a San add-on mod for oc server racks
L142[07:37:25] <S3> Operates as a San in unmanaged mode, or a NAS in managed mode
L143[07:37:26] <S3> It too supports fake hardware raid 0
L144[07:37:40] <S3> So all the disks can show up as one
L145[07:38:25] <S3> Yeah but the San holds more disks, fits in a rack and runs in unmanaged mode
L146[07:38:44] <S3> So it gives you block level access to the disks
L147[07:39:28] <cinder1992> mmhm
L148[07:40:09] <S3> It could be also useful for virt
L149[07:41:51] <cinder1992> You should make it an addition to plan9k
L150[07:42:27] <cinder1992> that way you don't have to actually write a whole new OS, and you keep compatibility with a lot of things
L151[07:42:51] <Izaya> S3, a ginormous array, huh
L152[07:43:07] <Izaya> I might need to write a ring network driver for this thing then
L153[07:43:28] <S3> Magic may be intersted
L154[07:43:28] <S3> Nah
L155[07:43:28] <S3> I'm actually rebirthing an old dead project
L156[07:43:28] <S3> Of mine of coursr
L157[07:43:38] <cinder1992> ah okey
L158[07:44:00] <S3> It has been relabeled OCBSD
L159[07:44:26] <S3> And is very close to the FreeBSD kernel topology
L160[07:44:44] <S3> Even has a forth bootloader :)
L161[07:44:59] <S3> Which I wrote last week
L162[07:45:21] <Izaya> Your FORTH bootloader is like 3k, right?
L163[07:46:53] <cinder1992> FORTH bootloader?
L164[07:48:31] <S3> Yes ixaya
L165[07:48:38] <S3> Izaya*
L166[07:48:52] <S3> It works on an eeprom
L167[07:48:55] <Izaya> right
L168[07:49:01] <Izaya> I may need to abuse that into something else :3
L169[07:49:11] <S3> Lol
L170[07:49:24] <S3> It needs some big fixes
L171[07:49:24] <Izaya> but not today
L172[07:49:34] <Izaya> today I need a drink and to go to bed
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L176[08:17:50] <S3> Back
L177[08:17:58] <S3> What'd I miss
L178[08:19:24] <cinder1992> not much
L179[08:20:11] <cinder1992> S3, do you think it'd be a good feature to be able to get a list of components connected to a certain adapter block?
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L181[08:20:53] <cinder1992> or should that functionality be deliberated to microcontrollers and the like?
L182[08:22:44] ⇦ Quits: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L183[08:22:50] <S3> An active adaptor may be nice
L184[08:23:17] <S3> I would say if you power an adaptor block it should let you do that
L185[08:23:35] <S3> But if it isn't powered it is just passive and does not
L186[08:23:48] <S3> What do you think of that sangar?
L187[08:25:54] <cinder1992> The only issue I see is that a Adapter counts as a network device rather than a component
L188[08:26:05] <S3> Right
L189[08:26:07] <cinder1992> it'd have to be a component to do that sort of thing, and that brings up the component count.
L190[08:26:16] <cinder1992> so +1 components for every active adapter.
L191[08:26:56] <S3> But if it had an active powered behavior it could act as both a component and a network device
L192[08:27:08] <cinder1992> but again, that brings up the component count
L193[08:27:10] <S3> If not powered.. It doesn't act as a component
L194[08:27:22] <cinder1992> meaning that some people might be confused as to why it's capping out their CPUs
L195[08:27:28] <S3> Component count doesn't matter on servers
L196[08:27:45] <S3> I've had ridiculous sums of them in one server
L197[08:27:49] <cinder1992> It doesn't indeed, which would give servers a practical use.
L198[08:28:02] <cinder1992> (Since I haven't actually found one myself yet :U
L199[08:28:55] <S3> Well I'm planning on making an oc CPU arch that just extends the lua cpu
L200[08:29:12] <S3> It provides a virt api
L201[08:29:52] <cinder1992> why not implement that in software?
L202[08:29:56] <S3> Which lets you run multiple side by side instances of the lua interpreter in the same box and route component access to them from a privileges vm
L203[08:30:10] <S3> Because that would be lame
L204[08:30:21] <S3> And this would be threaded
L205[08:31:10] <S3> Thats like arguing why not pv instead of hvm lol
L206[08:31:23] <cinder1992> True
L207[08:31:35] <cinder1992> but you'd run into resource issues pretty quick imo
L208[08:31:45] <S3> Meh
L209[08:31:53] <S3> I have a lot of resources
L210[08:32:13] <S3> And lua interpreters are very tiny.
L211[08:32:51] <S3> I can spawn 100s of thousands of them in < a second
L212[08:34:03] <S3> Of course that was with perl
L213[08:34:19] <S3> Might be a bit more intensive and slower in Java
L214[08:35:51] <cinder1992> Ah, a fellow Perl Hacker :D
L215[08:37:01] <S3> I'm going to be giving vifino sla nice little chrooting perl eval script for his eval not soon
L216[08:37:26] <S3> Using buu's buubot / perlbuut
L217[08:37:39] <vifino> "not soon"
L218[08:37:46] <S3> No?
L219[08:37:51] <S3> Why not
L220[08:38:03] <vifino> S3 | I'm going to be giving vifino sla nice little chrooting perl eval script for his eval not soon
L221[08:38:40] <S3> Vifino you need to realize that I am back in college for my second degree
L222[08:39:01] <S3> I don't have time to do everything at once
L223[08:39:22] <vifino> S3: I was just wondering what you mean with not soon, but now I'm even more wondering at your "No?".
L224[08:39:38] <S3> If I showed you my workload you might run away screaming
L225[08:39:51] <vifino> ¬_¬
L226[08:41:10] <S3> Oh
L227[08:41:10] <S3> I typoed
L228[08:41:10] <S3> That is supposed to say bot
L229[08:41:10] <vifino> Ah, that makes more sense.
L230[08:41:10] <cinder1992> lol
L231[08:41:10] <S3> I thought you changed it lol
L232[08:42:26] <S3> But yeah cinder I will probably implement some sort of paravirt for ocbsd
L233[08:42:48] <S3> It just won't be so nicr
L234[08:42:52] <S3> Nice*
L235[08:43:01] ⇨ Joins: Ludge (~Ditchbust@
L236[08:45:07] <S3> Time to head to work and manage some servers with lack of something better to do
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L256[10:10:48] <gamax92> etuc si taht
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L261[10:54:04] <dangranos> hi
L262[10:54:23] <gamax92> hi.
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L265[11:19:46] <vifino> hi
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L267[11:45:40] <ds84182> hi
L268[11:45:54] <ccsonic> mhi
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L275[12:45:26] <S3> Hey
L276[12:55:59] <nxsupert> o/
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L280[14:05:54] ⇨ Joins: kingmaker (webchat@99-19-118-145.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)
L281[14:08:08] <kingmaker> Hi all
L282[14:08:22] * gamax92 looks around the channel for lochie
L283[14:08:40] <kingmaker> I'm just trying out oc for the first time and it looks great, but I seem to be having a problem rendering text on the screen
L284[14:08:41] <gamax92> Sorry ALL isn't here
L285[14:09:10] <gamax92> kingmaker: how so?
L286[14:09:17] <kingmaker> specifically, output from the screen looks like this: http://snag.gy/naLvp.jpg
L287[14:09:34] <gamax92> SANGAR
L288[14:09:41] <Sangar> #BlameMac
L289[14:09:52] <kingmaker> heh lol osx eh?
L290[14:10:08] <kingmaker> bummer. Any work arounds?
L291[14:10:13] <Sangar> seriously, no idea tho. do you have any mods that change graphics stuff like optifine?
L292[14:10:46] <kingmaker> ah ok. hmm.. I don't *think* I have optifine running but I'll check out my graphics settings thnx
L293[14:11:01] *** Vex|Away is now known as Vexatos
L294[14:11:09] <Sangar> other than that, try messing with general graphics settings like anisotropic filtering, mipmapping and such
L295[14:11:20] <Sangar> does it look like that in-world, too?
L296[14:11:54] <kingmaker> yes
L297[14:12:03] <Vexatos> snag.gy?
L298[14:12:07] <gamax92> Vexatos: irk
L299[14:12:09] <Vexatos> Sangar: Please buy snag.ar
L300[14:12:11] <Vexatos> now
L301[14:12:29] * kingmaker googled "pastebin for jpgs"
L302[14:12:39] <gamax92> heh
L303[14:12:45] <Sangar> >_>
L304[14:12:47] <Vexatos> argentinian tld can't be that expensive
L305[14:13:31] <Sangar> kingmaker, also have a look in the config and try the old font renderer, maybe that'll work
L306[14:14:22] * gamax92 shudders
L307[14:18:29] ⇦ Quits: ccsonic (~ccsonic@dyndsl-091-096-184-116.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L308[14:19:22] <kingmaker> huh.. well it went away
L309[14:19:31] <kingmaker> dangit I'm not sure what I did though
L310[14:19:55] <kingmaker> I turned off mipmapping, but turning it back on doesn't break it again
L311[14:19:59] * kingmaker shrugs
L312[14:20:02] <kingmaker> welp thanks!
L313[14:20:05] <Sangar> hohum
L314[14:20:20] <Sangar> next time also try reloading the textures (f3+t or what it is)
L315[14:20:24] <Sangar> might also help then
L316[14:22:10] <kingmaker> awesome thanks
L317[14:22:16] ⇦ Quits: kingmaker (webchat@99-19-118-145.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L318[14:22:28] <Vexatos> snag.ar
L319[14:22:32] <Vexatos> we need that
L320[14:22:35] <Vexatos> so badly
L321[14:24:06] <vifino> I still have cake.party, hmm..
L322[14:24:50] <vifino> actually, do i have it..
L323[14:25:55] <vifino> nope, only holy.party
L324[14:25:59] <vifino> meh.
L325[14:27:00] <Vexatos> cake.vifino.cc
L326[14:27:02] <Vexatos> where is it+
L327[14:27:09] <vifino> Vexatos: Died with my server.
L328[14:27:26] <Vexatos> OOOOOOOOOOH, CHOCOLATE CAKE
L329[14:27:36] <Vexatos> OOOOOOOOOOH, CHOCOLATE CAKE♪♪♪♪
L330[14:27:59] <Sangar> "Registering a .AR domain directly is not allowed"
L331[14:28:01] <Sangar> ohwell
L332[14:28:39] <Vexatos> at least you tried
L333[14:28:50] <Sangar> mhm
L334[14:28:54] <Vexatos> m.hm
L335[14:30:21] <Sangar> ...
L336[14:30:25] <Sangar> that's actually a tld
L337[14:30:27] <Sangar> til
L338[14:30:42] <Sangar> for the mcdonald islands no less
L339[14:31:25] <Inari> lol
L340[14:31:43] <Inari> Sangar: just make a .sangar TLD
L341[14:31:48] <Sangar> hahaha
L342[14:32:09] <Sangar> "so, uh, i'd like to register a tld?"
L343[14:32:31] <Sangar> ugh, brb, need to eat something >_>
L344[14:32:58] <Inari> wel
L345[14:33:08] <Inari> you just need to pass some tests, spend some money and build some infracstructure
L346[14:36:00] <Vexatos> mmmmmm.hm
L347[14:36:03] <Vexatos> Do it
L348[14:36:04] <Vexatos> now
L349[14:36:48] <Vexatos> Sangar, registering a TLD is easy, you just need to prove that you and your company are capable of supllying the €2000000 needed every year consistently for at least 4 years in a row
L350[14:36:58] <Vexatos> supplying*
L351[14:37:41] <Lizzy> https://vine.co/v/eIXejbQ2utM
L352[14:37:57] <Inari> Vexatos: cant you just hand them 8000000 then?
L353[14:38:27] <Vexatos> nope
L354[14:38:30] <Vexatos> 2M a year
L355[14:38:35] <Inari> rude
L356[14:38:44] <Vexatos> you basically rent the right to own a tld
L357[14:38:51] <Vexatos> .google is such a rented tld
L358[14:38:51] <^v> Vexatos, https://www.google.com/search?q=is+such+a+rented+tld
L359[14:39:03] <Vexatos> caretv pls
L360[14:55:56] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
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L362[15:05:52] <vifino> hah, fail
L363[15:07:04] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580253B47051837C0DD518.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L366[15:25:31] *** Skye is now known as Skye|SadZZZ
L367[15:40:53] <gamax92> .google 
L368[15:40:54] <^v> gamax92, https://www.google.com/search?q=%07%1B%5B2J
L369[15:43:56] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L370[15:48:32] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L373[15:53:11] <Izaya> so uh
L374[15:53:16] <Izaya> with the new nvidia driver
L375[15:53:25] <Izaya> it has no display, it flickers a few times
L376[15:53:33] <Izaya> and in /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
L377[15:53:44] <Izaya> [ 86.006] (II) NVIDIA: Freed GPU:0 (GPU-26506185-ff7a-f813-3735-a1f36c645502) @
L378[15:54:11] <Izaya> anyone know what's going on?
L379[15:54:46] <gamax92> #js "a" * 5 + "h"
L380[15:54:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "NaNh"
L381[15:54:51] <gamax92> oops
L382[15:57:58] <Ivoah> #js Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"
L383[15:57:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!"
L384[16:01:48] <Daiyousei> #js {} + {}
L385[16:01:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > NaN
L386[16:02:01] <Daiyousei> so {} are floats
L387[16:02:02] <Daiyousei> ok
L388[16:04:20] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L391[16:51:54] * gamax92 looks at the 260 Open Issues on GLideN64
L392[17:05:17] <Starhero> Ivoah, that was an amazing display of a use of Not a number I have ever seen!
L393[17:06:35] <Izaya> wat, right?
L394[17:07:34] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L395[17:08:03] <sugoi> that's actually where i agree with js
L396[17:08:12] <sugoi> {} + {} is not a number, i agree
L397[17:08:44] <Izaya> but the type of NaN is number
L398[17:08:48] <Izaya> \o/
L399[17:12:51] <Ivoah> Starhero: I didn't make it up
L400[17:13:09] <Ivoah> Starhero: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat
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L413[18:11:48] <ds84182> .p
L414[18:13:07] <^v> Ping reply from ds84182 78.98s
L415[18:14:22] <ds84182> wtf
L416[18:16:07] <ds84182> what the fuck is happening to my local network
L417[18:17:06] <Izaya> gah
L418[18:17:21] <Izaya> can you get RealVNC for Linux?
L419[18:17:38] <Izaya> won't auth with tightvnc
L420[18:21:50] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://www.realvnc.com/download/vnc/
L421[18:21:58] <CompanionCube> yes
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L425[18:34:41] <S3> 7
L426[18:42:55] <ds84182> 6
L427[18:45:17] <gamax92> 74
L428[18:55:08] <Ekoserin> 76?
L429[19:03:12] <S3> ok
L430[19:03:13] <S3> nxsupert:
L431[19:03:43] <S3> nxsupert: you around? do you have that eeprom source lying around? I might want to look at it for some references while I build my sopt object
L432[19:03:49] <S3> for the partitioner
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L434[19:51:31] <Izaya> 8
L435[19:52:37] <gamax92> Izaya: you're l8
L436[19:53:01] ⇨ Joins: ThePotato (~ThePotato@68-185-232-89.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com)
L437[19:53:27] <Ekoserin> gamax92: I thought Izaya was 80
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L439[20:02:44] <Izaya> m8
L440[20:03:35] <Temia> 80 Going 18?
L441[20:04:00] <S3> wat
L442[20:04:02] <gamax92> Press F3 to taunt
L443[20:04:21] <S3> maybe I am doing lua wrong
L444[20:04:47] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L445[20:04:51] <S3> I thought component.list() returned an iterator, and I thought you could use it like, for foo in component.list('bar') do
L446[20:07:30] <S3> no it returns table
L447[20:07:42] <gamax92> it's a table, with an interator in __call
L448[20:07:46] <S3> huh
L449[20:07:53] <S3> but you can't use it like you do gmatch?
L450[20:08:00] <gamax92> yes you can
L451[20:08:03] <S3> huh
L452[20:08:15] <gamax92> i think it's address, type that the iterator returns
L453[20:08:25] <S3> huh
L454[20:08:39] <S3> O h I think I know what's going on..
L455[20:15:20] <ThePotato> ~oc 3d printer
L456[20:15:20] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:3d_printer
L457[20:19:43] ⇦ Quits: ThePotato (~ThePotato@68-185-232-89.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L458[20:33:14] <Ekoserin> Suddenly I'm level 10.
L459[20:33:59] <gamax92> l0?
L460[20:34:06] <Ekoserin> 10.
L461[20:34:16] <gamax92> What happens at 1eve1 l0?
L462[20:34:27] <Ekoserin> Well, you get a showcase box on Steam.
L463[20:34:42] <gamax92> and?
L464[20:34:42] <Ekoserin> Speaking of Steam, why the fuck did you sign me out?
L465[20:34:47] <gamax92> sorry
L466[20:34:53] * gamax92 signs Ekoserin back into Steam
L467[20:35:31] <Ekoserin> Good luck with that gamax92.
L468[20:36:14] <S3> wait what
L469[20:36:17] <S3> what happened to table.getn
L470[20:36:29] <gamax92> depreciated
L471[20:36:45] <gamax92> was removed in 5.2
L472[20:36:50] <S3> aww
L473[20:38:05] <Ekoserin> It signed me out again
L474[20:39:17] <gamax92> S3: why do you need that, just use #
L475[20:39:58] <S3> oh that was lua
L476[20:40:05] <S3> I thought that was some other language that did that
L477[20:40:21] <gamax92> ... what were you talking about then
L478[20:40:49] <S3> LOL. WHAT
L479[20:41:31] * S3 prints #foobar
L480[20:41:31] <gamax92> LOLCODE?
L481[20:41:33] <S3> gets 0
L482[20:41:36] <S3> right after
L483[20:41:57] * S3 prints each element in the table. gets stuffs.
L484[20:42:16] <gamax92> getn isn't the number of things in the table, it's the same as #
L485[20:42:32] <S3> ?
L486[20:42:48] <S3> so then how the frig do I know how many components were found with component.list()
L487[20:42:58] <gamax92> you count
L488[20:43:04] <gamax92> # is just the last numerical index before the first nil
L489[20:43:04] <S3> ew.
L490[20:43:11] <gamax92> omg counting, such ew
L491[20:43:17] <S3> man I love Perl :P
L492[20:43:33] <S3> because shit is so complex which is beastly
L493[20:43:45] <S3> Lua is too simple :)
L494[20:44:34] <S3> well actuallyu
L495[20:44:40] <S3> even #foo shouldn't return 0
L496[20:45:06] <gamax92> and whys that
L497[20:45:14] <S3> well because tehre's stuff in the table
L498[20:45:19] <S3> and not nil
L499[20:45:23] <gamax92> but there are no numerical indexes
L500[20:45:27] <S3> damn
L501[20:45:46] <S3> Lua needs to seperate hashes from arrays
L502[20:45:48] <S3> :)
L503[20:46:06] <S3> It's way too weird.
L504[20:46:22] <S3> Which is hilarious because Perl hashes are arrays XD
L505[20:48:41] <gamax92> Lua's length thing is confusing to be honest :/
L506[20:48:59] <gamax92> #lua #({1,nil,nil,4})
L507[20:48:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4
L508[20:49:07] <gamax92> #lua #({1,[4]=4})
L509[20:49:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L510[20:49:55] <S3> woops
L511[20:50:05] <S3> dont' put the number of components in the component table itself
L512[20:50:18] <S3> I knew it was going to become part of what I got out of the iterator somehow..
L513[20:57:45] <Ivoah> Is |0xDEADBEEF| opensource?
L514[20:58:22] <gamax92> yes
L515[20:58:37] <gamax92> https://github.com/vifino/Numatron I believe it is this
L516[20:59:29] <ping> <S3> Lua needs to seperate hashes from arrays
L517[20:59:30] <ping> wut
L518[20:59:31] <ping> why
L519[21:01:05] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L520[21:01:28] <S3> ....
L521[21:01:37] <S3> this really happened just a few minutes ago gamax92:
L522[21:01:53] <S3> person a) Isn't it anorexia when something is wrong with your blood?
L523[21:02:03] <S3> person b) No, I believe you are thinking of belemia
L524[21:02:24] <gamax92> umm
L525[21:02:29] <S3> XD
L526[21:02:52] <S3> the sarcasm in person b's response.. or is it? :)
L527[21:07:53] <S3> 200 lines of lua code gamax92
L528[21:08:00] <S3> and file size is 3 KB
L529[21:08:05] <S3> ... that's some good compression
L530[21:08:36] <gamax92> cannot tell if sarcastic or actual
L531[21:08:51] <S3> I'm not being sarcastic at the moment
L532[21:09:11] <S3> it would be better if it werent for the help menu and motd heredocs :)
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L534[21:18:38] <sulljason> Think OC has a memory leak in the virtual filesystem.
L535[21:19:38] <sulljason> Object arrays containing hashmaps containing hashmap nodes. All 3 pretty much the top mem users according to profiler. :3
L536[21:19:56] <sulljason> Guess I'll post an issue with the heap dump.
L538[21:21:22] <Ekoserin> Inkscape is such a hassle to use sometimes.
L539[21:22:44] <S3> whee!
L540[21:22:46] <S3> http://postimg.org/image/r3saxdjlh/
L541[21:22:48] <S3> it's coming!
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L548[22:13:34] <Mimiru> %p
L549[22:13:35] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.33s
L550[22:14:13] <ProbablyKodos> #p
L551[22:14:17] * Mimiru sighs too many networks/channels
L552[22:14:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.37907769100000005 Seconds passed.
L553[22:15:07] <Mimiru> 6 networks, 53 channels
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L555[22:15:32] <ds84182> dammit, my IP changed
L556[22:19:23] <ds84182> Welp, at least all this port forwarding works
L557[22:19:27] <ds84182> #openwrt
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L568[22:47:02] <ProbablyKodos> This weekend can't come quick enough
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L590[23:34:36] <ProbablyKodos> Is anyone in the Big Reactors IRC over on Syn?
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