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L4[00:07:44] <sugoi> what do people use the wakeMessage for from modem?
L5[00:08:11] <Kobuntu> I use it to simultaneous start servers
L6[00:08:44] <sugoi> i dont see how it helps that. why not just broadcast and all servers are listening
L7[00:09:01] <sugoi> why is a wake message also needed?
L8[00:09:26] <Kobuntu> I'm confused, what are you asking
L9[00:09:35] <Kobuntu> Sending the wake message will power on the server
L10[00:09:42] <sugoi> aaah
L11[00:11:27] <sugoi> ok but...what you just check the message recv'd and if msg == m.getWakeMessage() ?
L12[00:11:37] <sugoi> i mean...what else am i missing?
L13[00:12:21] <sugoi> why not just have a local str to compare against? what value is there in an api just to hold a str?
L14[00:13:42] <dangranos> ugh
L15[00:13:44] <dangranos> so
L16[00:13:54] <dangranos> i setup ipv6 on my router, for lan
L17[00:14:14] <dangranos> now hexchat just tried to go on ipv6 server Q_Q
L18[00:14:27] <Kobuntu> sugoi, it's automatic. If the message is sent, even if the port is closed, the computer/server will power on if it's off
L19[00:14:30] <Kobuntu> Works for MCUs too
L20[00:14:41] <sugoi> Kobuntu: it boots it?
L21[00:14:44] <Kobuntu> Yes
L22[00:14:47] <sugoi> wow, that's cool
L23[00:15:28] <sugoi> i understand this for real life networks, i ... am not sure why i didn't consider that for oc computers
L24[00:16:13] <sugoi> mcu's?
L25[00:16:29] <Kobuntu> microcontrollers
L26[00:16:33] <Kobuntu> And anything that can use a modem, really
L27[00:16:34] <sugoi> ah
L28[00:16:41] <sugoi> that's cool
L29[00:16:52] <Kobuntu> Also works on Redstone
L30[00:17:58] <sugoi> you're saying there is a wake on redstone signal api for the redstone component?
L31[00:18:11] <Kobuntu> ~w redstone
L32[00:18:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L33[00:18:33] * sugoi thought it would be faster to ask
L34[00:18:45] * Kobuntu can't remember what the function is exactly
L35[00:19:31] <sugoi> getWakeThreshold
L36[00:19:35] <sugoi> neat
L37[00:19:37] <Kobuntu> Set as well
L38[00:27:14] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
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L48[01:09:00] <Kobuntu> Sleep~
L49[01:12:25] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L50[01:15:38] ⇦ Quits: Kobuntu (~Kodosuntu@75-175-20-47.ptld.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L63[02:27:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L89[04:38:06] *** irgusite is now known as [afk]irgusite
L90[04:38:21] <Vexatos> Hmmm... so a Microcontroller can run for 8 minutes without being recharged by default :/
L91[04:45:22] <cloakable> moar runtime!
L92[04:45:53] <Izaya> Vexatos, is that yielding or no?
L93[04:46:20] <Vexatos> Izaya, that's the base running cost only
L94[04:46:27] <Vexatos> yielding it's 10 times as much I think
L95[04:46:35] <Vexatos> not sure though
L96[04:47:07] * Temia gives cloakable a spacefaring cat.
L97[04:47:14] * Temia faceplants shortly thereafter. zzzmoo.
L98[04:48:11] * cloakable sprawls out and becomes bed for tinymoo and cat.
L99[04:48:57] <cloakable> I need to figure out things a microcontroller can -do- >.>
L100[04:50:39] <Izaya> Vexatos, I thought sleeping was less cost
L101[04:50:51] <Vexatos> Izaya, ye
L102[04:50:52] <Vexatos> yes
L103[04:50:57] <Vexatos> a tenth of the cost by default
L104[04:51:04] <Vexatos> so 80 minutes doing nothign
L105[04:51:15] <Izaya> 80 minutes waiting for input
L106[04:51:16] <Izaya> not bad
L107[04:51:18] <Izaya> now enable WoL
L108[04:51:25] <Izaya> and make it only start when it needs to
L109[04:51:34] <Vexatos> and a solar gen... seems to be 0.2 OC per tick
L110[04:51:36] <Vexatos> during the day
L111[04:51:41] <Vexatos> Soo it COULD work
L112[04:51:45] <Vexatos> a completely free MCU
L113[04:52:13] <cloakable> :D
L114[04:52:25] <Vexatos> assuming it listens to some kind of event
L115[04:54:36] <cloakable> I do wish microcontrollers could access external components >.>
L116[05:04:02] <Inari> MCU is never free
L117[05:04:11] <Inari> the productionb cost of the MCU and solar panel offset the eco-balance
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L125[05:58:04] <dangranos> ._.
L126[05:58:16] <dangranos> rly
L127[05:59:04] <dangranos> okay, i understand when there is game X and then after couple of YEARS comes out "X 2" or something, but when it's just a year or less and it's just and expansion of main game? WTF
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L129[06:00:46] <meep> dangranos: What game?
L130[06:01:13] <dangranos> Planetary Annihilation and it's TITANS "standalone"
L131[06:01:14] <dangranos> seriosly
L132[06:01:28] <dangranos> it uses SAME HUB
L133[06:08:07] <Ekoserin|Off> "JustinBieberVEVO Recommended channel for you" What the FUCK YOUTUBE
L134[06:10:34] <Inari> Ekoserin|Off: well youtube recommends videos to their own creators
L135[06:10:35] <Inari> so, yeah
L136[06:11:40] <Ekoserin|Off> Inari:
L137[06:15:54] <meep> Hah.
L138[06:16:16] <meep> Ekoserin|Off confirmed Justin Bieber.
L139[06:16:23] <meep> xD
L140[06:17:26] <Inari> :P
L141[06:17:35] <Inari> more in the wy of " do you really expect it to recommend you good stuff"
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L149[06:39:52] <vifino> Aye.
L150[06:42:32] <vifino> ds84182: awesomesauce.
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L153[06:59:38] <vifino> #lua local x = "aye."
L154[06:59:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L155[06:59:42] <vifino> #lua x
L156[06:59:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L157[06:59:44] <vifino> good.
L158[07:05:07] ⇦ Quits: Away_21 (crystal@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
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L169[08:34:53] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L170[08:49:17] <Vexatos> Look what I have done :D https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/selene/README.md#assignment-operators
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L172[08:56:34] * XDjackieXD gives Vexatos a virtual cookie :P
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L175[09:16:18] <vifino> Vexatos: noice
L176[09:19:15] <Magik6k> Vexatos, meh, do it like scala
L177[09:19:31] <Magik6k> so I can do `a /\/\ 3`
L178[09:19:58] <Magik6k> or `b -=*** 1`
L179[09:21:26] <vifino> Magik6k: how about no?
L180[09:22:05] <vifino> its simple and good, and it doesnt give you cancer looking at it
L181[09:28:46] <Vexatos> the heck is that even, Magik6k .-.
L182[09:30:29] <dangranos> <nohitall> rick&morty is free online right?
L183[09:30:29] <dangranos> <ansuz> *tpb torrent link*
L184[09:30:30] <dangranos> <nohitall> yea dling already
L185[09:32:19] * CompanionCube is moderately annoyed about the lack of package updates for his desktop
L186[09:34:33] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L187[09:41:38] ⇦ Quits: meep (uid94726@id-94726.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L194[09:57:22] <Daiyousei> "`b -=*** 1`"
L195[09:57:24] <Daiyousei> thats not scala
L196[09:57:26] <Daiyousei> thats scalaids!
L197[09:57:52] <Daiyousei> srs pls no long operators ok
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L199[10:02:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L200[10:14:47] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L201[10:14:50] <vifino> Daiyousei: wait, there is a difference?
L202[10:14:51] <vifino> kek
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L206[10:30:03] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L207[10:34:09] <nxsupert> Is there anything like udev for OpneOS?
L208[10:35:09] <v^> yes iirc
L209[10:36:10] <v^> filesystem.mount(fs: table or string, path: string): boolean or nil, string
L210[10:37:29] <nxsupert> Ahh. Ok.
L211[10:37:46] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~Majgenrel@132.sub-75-194-175.myvzw.com)
L212[10:40:59] <nxsupert> What does it mena by "file system component's proxy"
L213[10:41:29] <nxsupert> s/mena/mean
L214[10:41:30] <Kibibyte> <nxsupert> What does it mean by "file system component's proxy"
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L219[10:47:32] <v^> nxsupert, a filesystem component is a component registered for every hdd/floppy
L220[10:48:23] <v^> you can create a fake emulated filesystem proxy
L221[10:54:35] ⇨ Joins: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L222[11:00:11] <v^> ^> nbt
L223[11:00:11] <^v5> v^, table: 0x41ef6298
L224[11:00:13] <v^> why
L225[11:00:24] <v^> derp
L226[11:02:37] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~Majgenrel@132.sub-75-194-175.myvzw.com) (Quit: Dave)
L227[11:08:22] <sugoi> gamax92: good morning?
L228[11:09:14] <nxsupert> Can I mount something before "90_filesystem.lua" is ran?
L229[11:09:17] <sugoi> nvm, i have an idea
L230[11:11:56] <Vexatos> just call it 89_?
L231[11:11:58] <Vexatos> :P
L232[11:14:10] <nxsupert> It looks like I can make /dev before 90_filesystem.lua is run.
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L235[11:36:10] <gamax92> sugoi: hi
L236[11:39:44] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L237[11:40:37] <gamax92> ............
L238[11:40:43] <gamax92> Computer please
L239[11:46:16] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L240[11:48:21] <Lizzy> "No." ~ gamax92's Computer
L241[11:49:04] * gamax92 gives lizzy an apple
L242[11:49:20] * Lizzy eats the apple because she is hungry
L243[11:55:26] * Lizzy thanks gamax92
L244[11:55:53] <gamax92> I'm going to have a try at Zucchini bread
L245[11:56:09] <gamax92> making it, that is
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L250[12:04:14] * Inari rolls gamax92 up in a giant zucchini
L251[12:05:00] <nxsupert> Before I go on a mad coding streak. Is there any /dev manager or anything that has already been made?
L252[12:06:35] <Inari> hows lnano coming
L253[12:07:24] <nxsupert> It turns out gamax already made nano.
L254[12:07:36] <nxsupert> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/gamax92-Programs/blob/master/nano/nano.lua
L255[12:07:51] <nxsupert> So.
L256[12:09:23] <Vexatos> "oppm install nano" even
L257[12:10:03] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L258[12:10:59] <nxsupert> I'm looking for a new project.
L259[12:11:38] <Inari> make an IDE?
L260[12:12:08] <nxsupert> What more than NANO do you need for an IDE in lua?
L261[12:12:26] <Vexatos> have you tried his nano yet?
L262[12:12:32] <nxsupert> No.
L263[12:12:43] <nxsupert> brb
L264[12:14:37] <dangranos> huh
L265[12:14:54] <dangranos> 64bit things are smaller than 23bit on linux
L266[12:14:57] <dangranos> *32
L267[12:15:02] <dangranos> >_<
L268[12:16:09] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L269[12:16:46] <v^> dangranos, ofc
L270[12:16:57] <v^> or wait that doesnt make sense
L271[12:17:02] <dangranos> mhm
L272[12:17:07] <dangranos> that's what i'm talking about
L273[12:17:18] <v^> im guessing you mean x64_32 is smaller than 32bit
L274[12:17:20] <v^> which is true
L275[12:17:26] ⇨ Joins: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106bc4dfb2d6523.vc.shawcable.net)
L276[12:18:24] <v^> er, x64_86?
L277[12:18:45] <v^> i forgot what its called but all modern processors run in both i386 and 64
L278[12:19:49] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L279[12:27:50] <nxsupert> Back
L280[12:28:54] <nxsupert> Well. It appears mpmxyz has already made devfs.
L281[12:32:49] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L282[12:36:05] <gamax92> why do i keep opening github on this computer
L283[12:36:10] <gamax92> all it does is just lock up the browser
L284[12:40:25] <nxsupert> ?
L285[12:48:02] <gamax92> when I open github's file viewer on this computer, the browser locks up
L286[12:49:42] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L287[12:49:56] <nxsupert> Huh. Odd.
L288[12:50:00] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
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L300[13:13:48] ⇦ Quits: Evey (~Evey@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:bad:ca7:babe) (Quit: leaving)
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L302[13:17:02] ⇨ Joins: Evey (evey@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:bad:ca7:babe)
L303[13:17:37] <Evey> \o/ ident nolonger derping
L304[13:18:18] * Lizzy pets Evey
L305[13:18:22] * Evey purrs
L306[13:18:29] <Evey> You doing okay now Liz?
L307[13:19:03] <Lizzy> Yep, knackered for some reason but other than that I'm fine
L308[13:19:18] * vifino pets Lizzy and Evey
L309[13:19:23] * Lizzy purrs
L310[13:19:33] * Evey purrs in stereo with Lizzy
L311[13:19:43] ⇨ Joins: h3po1 (~h3po@aftr-37-24-157-113.unity-media.net)
L312[13:19:46] <vifino> :3
L313[13:22:34] ⇨ Joins: h3po2 (~h3po@aftr-37-24-157-113.unity-media.net)
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L315[13:23:11] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L316[13:23:22] <Wobbo> o/
L317[13:23:40] <Lizzy> \o
L318[13:24:40] <Wobbo> So, how are things going here?
L319[13:24:48] ⇦ Quits: h3po1 (~h3po@aftr-37-24-157-113.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L320[13:25:02] ⇨ Joins: [afk]irgusite (~irgusite@
L321[13:25:59] <Lizzy> We're running low on ducttape but everything seems to be fine for now
L322[13:26:25] <vifino> :P
L323[13:26:54] *** [afk]irgusite is now known as irgusite
L324[13:27:11] *** irgusite is now known as [afk]irgusite
L325[13:27:25] <Wobbo> That can be really problematic once things do start to break.
L326[13:27:43] <Wobbo> Maybe you should apply for a ductape grant.
L327[13:28:15] <vifino> I'm running low on Lizzy.
L328[13:28:17] <Lizzy> Yeah, I've ordered some more industrial strength ducttape from Amazon, i just hope it gets here soon
L329[13:28:19] * vifino nibbles on Lizzy
L330[13:28:25] * Lizzy nyahs
L331[13:28:44] <Wobbo> Get a room you too :P
L332[13:29:04] <Lizzy> That's hard when we both live in different countries :(
L333[13:29:12] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-43.mycingular.net)
L334[13:29:20] * Lizzy phones Kodos|Phone
L335[13:29:27] <Kodos|Phone> Hai
L336[13:29:29] <vifino> Lizzy and nyahs replenished: Check.
L337[13:29:48] <Kodos|Phone> Hope you are feeling better Lizzy <3
L338[13:29:49] <Wobbo> Lizzy: Only one solution, move :P
L339[13:30:22] <Lizzy> Kodos|Phone, I am thanks, feeling knackered today though
L340[13:30:42] <gamax92> >_> why do people make songs with one line of lyrics, for the entire song
L341[13:30:57] <Wobbo> Easier to learn the lyrics
L342[13:30:59] <Kodos|Phone> Hehe. I am stoked to get home and play MC and try all the new stuff in all my mods
L343[13:31:20] <Kodos|Phone> Been playing LBX non stop
L344[13:32:14] <Lizzy> Wobbo, kinda hard when I'm 19 and earning 20p higher than the national minimum wage for apprenticeships, don't have much savings and wont be guaranteed a job over there
L345[13:32:34] <Lizzy> same for vifino except an age difference and earnings
L346[13:32:39] <nxsupert> Kon'nichiwa
L347[13:32:49] <Wobbo> I was joking, I know moving accross countries isn't that easy
L348[13:33:25] <Wobbo> Unless you are a student that is studying abroad
L349[13:33:28] <nxsupert> Unless you are in the EU.
L350[13:33:45] <Lizzy> nxsupert, Both of us are in the EU, it's still not that easy
L351[13:33:46] <Wobbo> Even if you are in the EU it isn't that easy. The countries just make it easy
L352[13:34:13] <nxsupert> Really?
L353[13:34:22] <Lizzy> though i will be honest, i haven't yet looked at Germany's policies for immigrants
L354[13:34:52] <Lizzy> UK one is kinda strict and complicated
L355[13:34:55] <gamax92> I tried to type a joke
L356[13:34:57] <Wobbo> You need a house, work, stuff like that
L357[13:35:09] <gamax92> but my brain is too much of a giant typo, that the time passed for the joke
L358[13:35:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos|Phone
L359[13:35:27] <Lizzy> gamax92, i get that occasionally
L360[13:35:35] <Wobbo> Its much like moving to another city, but with a larger distance.
L361[13:35:57] <Lizzy> cities are easier, you're already int he country
L362[13:36:46] <nxsupert> Whatever you do. Don't try and move to London :P
L363[13:36:50] <Wobbo> That is just upping the logistics.
L364[13:36:54] <Lizzy> I don't plan to
L365[13:37:06] <Wobbo> Moving to London sounds like the stupidest thing to do
L366[13:37:11] <Kodos|Phone> Cardiff best city
L367[13:37:26] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L368[13:37:31] <Lizzy> Don't feel like moving to Wales either
L369[13:37:47] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L370[13:37:59] <Wobbo> I quite liked Edinburgh. I might try to study there. Maybe a second Master?
L371[13:38:08] <nxsupert> Wales is ok. But the poverty is rather bad in places like Newport.
L372[13:38:48] <nxsupert> I live in the country side. Rather nice.
L373[13:38:50] <Lizzy> hm, have i moved EnderBot2 over to Athar
L374[13:40:47] <Wobbo> I moved to a city a year ago, I quite like having everything within biking distance. :D
L375[13:41:24] <Kodos|Phone> We have been contemplating moving to either Portland OR or Vancouver WA
L376[13:41:52] <Lizzy> The town(s) i live in are generally okay-ish, I wouldn't want to live in a big city
L377[13:42:21] <Wobbo> Lizzy: What do you consider a big city?
L378[13:42:28] <Lizzy> London
L379[13:42:53] <Wobbo> ¬_¬
L380[13:43:03] <Wobbo> That is a fucking metropolis! Not a big city!
L381[13:43:10] <Lizzy> Plus there's also pricing and health reasons i don't want to live in very condensed areas
L382[13:44:07] <Wobbo> I get the pricing complaints. But not everything is as expensive as london :P
L383[13:44:30] <Kodos|Phone> Jow far from london is Cambridge
L384[13:44:43] <nxsupert> If London is a metropolis. What is Tokyo?
L385[13:44:51] <gamax92> So where is a relatively safe area that has all the essentials for life
L386[13:44:55] <Wobbo> I have 20 m^2 and a shared kitchen/shower/toilet for €375,-
L387[13:45:13] * Lizzy wants to live in a lost city in the sea
L388[13:45:33] <Wobbo> But that is specifically for students, not normal Dutch housing :P
L389[13:45:42] <Wobbo> Tokyo is also a metropolis I think
L390[13:46:51] <nxsupert> London's population is 13,879,757. Tokyo's population is 36,923,000...
L391[13:47:05] <Kodos|Phone> Back soon
L392[13:47:49] <gamax92> where is the least populated area but still populated (as in has atleast one person :P)
L393[13:48:07] * vifino just wants to live with Lizzy and doesn't care where
L394[13:48:19] <nxsupert> Greenland?
L395[13:48:21] <Wobbo> nxsupert: Metropolis does not just refer to population, but yeah.
L396[13:48:45] <Lizzy> vifino, we need to find the city of the Anquietas
L397[13:48:51] <vifino> hah
L398[13:49:04] <nxsupert> Well. London is still the biggest city in the EU. So I guess it is still big.
L399[13:49:05] <Wobbo> vifino, Lizzy: Move to the Netherlands, lots of small villages, and if you chose the correct city, you don't even have to learn Dutch :P
L400[13:49:17] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L401[13:49:19] <Lizzy> hmm
L402[13:49:30] <vifino> Wobbo: does that mean no netherlandian to learn?
L403[13:49:30] <Stary2001> London is meh.
L404[13:49:32] <vifino> woo
L405[13:49:32] * Lizzy notes that down in her 'future plans' section
L406[13:49:36] <Stary2001> netherlandian
L407[13:49:37] <Stary2001> 10/10
L408[13:49:39] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L409[13:49:41] <Stary2001> vifino, turtle can help you lel
L410[13:49:45] <vifino> Stary2001: ikr
L411[13:49:54] <Wobbo> vifino: Its called Dutch, that shit is confusing :P
L412[13:49:58] <Stary2001> you, lizzy and turtle! totally!
L413[13:50:07] <vifino> I have quite many friends from the netherlands, Cruor, Oddstr13, etc..
L414[13:50:17] <Stary2001> oshit yes
L415[13:50:25] <gamax92> the netherlands is also pretty good for ham radio stuffs iirc
L416[13:50:30] <Stary2001> neat
L417[13:50:30] <Wobbo> Cruor is from the Netherlands? O_o And nobody told me?
L418[13:50:38] <Lizzy> most of my friends are spread around Europe and the US
L419[13:50:39] <vifino> Stary2001: I probably know them longer than I know you guys lel
L420[13:50:44] <Stary2001> ye
L421[13:50:50] <Stary2001> i remember from pcl way back when
L422[13:50:57] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-43.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L423[13:51:07] <Stary2001> when we had #nsfwcraft iirc
L424[13:51:07] <Stary2001> xD
L425[13:51:52] <Lizzy> does that not exist anymore on PCL?
L426[13:52:11] <Stary2001> it's still existant
L427[13:52:12] <vifino> it does, still
L428[13:52:13] <Stary2001> just dead
L429[13:55:19] <Wobbo> Ah, dead internet spaces. I new some of those.
L430[13:55:50] <Wobbo> s/new/knew/
L431[13:55:51] <Kibibyte> <Wobbo> Ah, dead internet spaces. I knew some of those.
L432[13:56:58] <Stary2001> xD
L433[13:59:53] <Cruor> vifino, Wobbo: im from norway ffs
L434[14:00:01] * Oddstr13 slaps vifino
L435[14:00:01] * EnderBot2 throws a brick at Oddstr13
L436[14:00:02] * vifino thinks that Oddstr13 REALLY needs a BATH...
L437[14:00:10] <vifino> Cruor: wait, there is a difference?
L438[14:00:11] <vifino> kek
L439[14:00:20] <Wobbo> ¬_¬
L440[14:00:27] * Wobbo throws stones at vifino
L441[14:00:28] * Oddstr13 hurls vifino into a low moon orbit
L442[14:00:39] <vifino> geez, calm down
L443[14:00:54] <Oddstr13> gamax92: norway not so much, I guess
L444[14:01:15] <Oddstr13> I wish there was more stuffs like ham radio around here
L445[14:01:25] * Lizzy joins vifino in the low moon orbit
L446[14:01:33] <vifino> Lizzy: Write down norway too, after all I could slap Oddstr13 back then :P
L447[14:01:36] <Stary2001> oh ok
L448[14:03:19] <Lizzy> what flag is it to only affect 'others' with chmod? is it o-/+whatever?
L449[14:03:57] <Daiyousei> norway represent <---
L450[14:03:59] <Stary2001> Lizzy: yep
L451[14:04:08] <Lizzy> Stary2001, k
L452[14:08:35] <gamax92> Lizzy: my favorite is o-o
L453[14:13:28] <Lizzy> .load
L454[14:13:29] <EnderBot2> CPU: 3.42 4.08 3.88 , RAM: 6472.3M/7883.9M (~73.0%), SWAP: 232.2M/4095.0M (~5.7%)
L455[14:14:27] * vifino flops on Lizzy and purrs
L456[14:14:41] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L457[14:17:28] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@asie.pl)
L458[14:17:28] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L459[14:17:41] <asie> Sangar: have you heard the word of the cult of kitteh yet?
L460[14:18:56] ⇨ Joins: PedroBarbosa (webchat@
L461[14:18:59] <PedroBarbosa> Hy
L462[14:19:00] <PedroBarbosa> Hi*
L463[14:19:05] <Lizzy> Hi
L464[14:19:07] <Skye> * [Sangar] is away (off)
L465[14:19:36] <PedroBarbosa> I have a question, the chuckloader upgrade how do i install it? in the assembler?
L466[14:19:54] <Lizzy> yes
L467[14:19:59] <PedroBarbosa> It dosen't fit
L468[14:20:03] <PedroBarbosa> any slot :8
L469[14:20:18] <Lizzy> then you probably ran out of complexity points
L470[14:20:34] <Lizzy> could you take a screenshot of the GUI?
L471[14:21:24] <PedroBarbosa> ofc
L472[14:22:32] <Wobbo> Hi asie
L473[14:22:33] <PedroBarbosa> http://imgur.com/1w2fATC
L474[14:23:29] <Lizzy> PedroBarbosa, what colour is the name of the chunkloader in it's tooltip?
L475[14:24:08] <PedroBarbosa> blue
L476[14:24:21] <PedroBarbosa> 4416
L477[14:24:38] <PedroBarbosa> 4416:62
L478[14:24:44] <Lizzy> ah, yeah, the chunkloader upgrade is Teir 3, you'll need to use a Teir 3 case int eh assembler to use it
L479[14:25:03] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2_ (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net)
L480[14:25:03] <EnderBot2> !kick EnderBot2_ Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell Lizzy or Sangar)
L481[14:25:03] *** EnderBot2_ was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (EnderBot)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell Lizzy or Sangar)))
L482[14:25:08] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L483[14:25:14] <Lizzy> .shutdown
L484[14:25:14] <EnderBot2> Bye bye
L485[14:25:14] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@thor.theender.net) (Quit: ByeBye)
L486[14:25:32] <PedroBarbosa> Ok thanks
L487[14:25:35] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2_ (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net)
L488[14:25:39] <Lizzy> .default
L489[14:25:40] *** EnderBot2_ is now known as EnderBot2
L490[14:25:41] <PedroBarbosa> 1 more thing, how can i turn off the monitor?
L491[14:25:51] <Lizzy> what do you mean?
L492[14:25:54] <Lizzy> .shutdown
L493[14:25:55] <EnderBot2> Bye bye
L494[14:25:55] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L495[14:26:05] <PedroBarbosa> I turn off the computer and the monitor stays on
L496[14:26:06] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net)
L497[14:26:07] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L498[14:26:12] <PedroBarbosa> blocked on the image
L499[14:26:27] <Lizzy> mind taking before and after screenshots?
L500[14:28:06] ⇦ Quits: PedroBarbosa (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L501[14:28:10] ⇨ Joins: PedroBarbosa (webchat@
L502[14:28:11] <PedroBarbosa> Here you can see the computer is off and the screen still on: http://imgur.com/8RwtlRU
L503[14:28:33] <Temia> THORBOT WANTS TO LIVE
L504[14:28:54] <Lizzy> that's because the computer crashed and didn't have the chance to clear the screen
L505[14:29:06] <PedroBarbosa> Even then if i turn off the computer the monitor still on
L506[14:29:28] <PedroBarbosa> wait
L507[14:29:36] <gamax92> Temia: hehe
L508[14:29:44] <PedroBarbosa> yes
L509[14:30:08] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-51.mycingular.net)
L510[14:30:42] <PedroBarbosa> Here you can see it is OFF and the screen still on
L511[14:30:42] <PedroBarbosa> http://imgur.com/cQTa8jF
L512[14:31:06] <PedroBarbosa> But i can't controll it
L513[14:31:19] <Lizzy> have you tried turning it off using the shutdown command?
L514[14:31:19] <Wobbo> PedroBarbosa: If you give the screen a redstone input it turns off.
L515[14:31:31] <Lizzy> .load
L516[14:31:32] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.06 0.1 0.14 , RAM: 15180.2M/32076.5M (~14.4%), SWAP: 0B/90338.0M (~0.0%)
L517[14:31:38] <Lizzy> :D
L518[14:31:54] <Wobbo> PedroBarbosa: But really, if you want to turn the computer off, use `shutdown` like Lizzy said
L519[14:31:58] <Lizzy> i have no idea where all that swap came from
L520[14:32:28] <PedroBarbosa> ah ok
L521[14:32:30] <PedroBarbosa> lol
L522[14:33:23] <gamax92> O_O
L523[14:33:30] <gamax92> #lua 90338/1024
L524[14:33:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 88.220703125
L525[14:33:34] <PedroBarbosa> BTW: The keyboard achivement has a mispell error
L526[14:33:35] <gamax92> why do you have 88GB's of swap
L527[14:33:40] <Lizzy> i have no clue
L528[14:33:58] <PedroBarbosa> "Have you tried turning it of and on again?"
L529[14:34:03] <Lizzy> it should only have 2GB, i think the partitioning borked
L530[14:35:54] <Lizzy> PedroBarbosa, that's the screen's achievement and looking at the source on github it's correct there
L531[14:36:49] <Lizzy> su - enderbot2
L532[14:36:52] <Lizzy> whoops
L533[14:36:56] <Lizzy> this isn't a terminal
L534[14:37:44] <nxsupert> o/
L535[14:37:50] <Lizzy> \o
L536[14:39:16] <Wobbo> Lizzy: Everything is a terminal!
L537[14:39:26] <gamax92> Everything is an Object
L538[14:39:53] <Wobbo> Except for int, float, double, boolean, and the like
L539[14:40:39] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net) (Quit: Ohh Noes)
L540[14:40:49] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (~EnderBot2@athar.theender.net)
L541[14:40:49] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L542[14:40:51] <Lizzy> meep
L543[14:40:55] <Lizzy> .load
L544[14:40:55] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.1 0.08 0.12 , RAM: 14.8G/31.3G (~14.4%), SWAP: 0B/88.2G (~0.0%)
L545[14:41:03] <vifino> MEEP
L546[14:41:18] <Lizzy> there, not as precise but i don't need it to be
L547[14:43:35] <Wobbo> As long as you know what is happening
L548[14:44:29] <Lizzy> Wobbo, well, Athar has 32GB of ram compared to Thor's 8GB so i'm not that worried
L549[14:44:52] <Wobbo> I only have 8 GB on my main Laptop :(
L550[14:45:48] <Lizzy> HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-33-generic x86_64 ** Distro: LinuxMintD=LinuxMint ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.69GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.8GiB, 53.0% free ** Disk: Total: 2.7TiB, 55.0% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK104 [GeForce GTX 760] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia ** Ethernet: Intel Corporation 82579V Gigabit Network Connection ** Uptime: 3h 29m
L551[14:45:54] <Lizzy> 40s **
L552[14:46:14] <Lizzy> my pc normally has 16GB but i put half of it in my dad's pc
L553[14:46:53] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11A24.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L554[14:47:07] <Lizzy> it will be going back up to 16 on wednesday
L555[14:47:07] <nxsupert> 4 GB :( . But I have an SSD so Swap isn't too bad.
L556[14:47:17] <Lizzy> my laptop has my ssd in it
L557[14:47:54] <Lizzy> kinda want to get another one or two for my desktop but i don't want to spend money then realise i need it
L558[14:48:00] <Lizzy> the ram is an exception
L559[14:48:31] <Wobbo> I still have a HDD. It doesn't really bother me, but I don't have a device which does have ssd so I wouldn't know the difference
L560[14:48:57] ⇨ Joins: MGR (~androirc@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L561[14:49:27] <Lizzy> on linux my performance is not that bad generally, but that's mainly because i just sleep my pc so stuff just stays in ram
L562[14:49:41] <Lizzy> on a reboot or going into windows though it's really slow
L563[14:49:56] <MGR> I have good performance on Windows 8.1
L564[14:49:56] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L565[14:50:00] * MGR hides
L566[14:50:36] <Lizzy> we were talking about hdds and ssds
L567[14:50:38] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-51.mycingular.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L568[14:50:41] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-51.mycingular.net)
L569[14:50:47] <MGR> Oh, ok
L570[14:50:53] <MGR> I have a mag disk
L571[14:51:11] <gamax92> thats cool, we're still talking about hdds and sdds
L572[14:51:19] <MGR> Is not as fast as sold state, but is ok
L573[14:51:29] <nxsupert> I like SSDs. But My one is only 128 GB's and I keep running out of space :(
L574[14:51:32] <Kodos|Phone> Solid
L575[14:52:05] <MGR> Samsung Pro 850 series is supposed to last pretty long
L576[14:52:13] <MGR> I think a 10 year home warranty
L577[14:52:21] <nxsupert> I would install a bigger one. But Mac's are really hard to upgrade.
L578[14:52:31] <MGR> Oh. A mac.
L579[14:52:49] <Wobbo> nxsupert: The reason I don't have an SSD
L580[14:52:52] <Lizzy> Mine is 240GB, i should probably get a 120GB one when i next get paid and swap it with the 240GB in my laptop then put the 240GB one in my pc
L581[14:53:00] <nxsupert> You say that as if you are disappointed MGR.
L582[14:53:13] <MGR> I gtg eat
L583[14:53:24] <MGR> I'm going to just not start an argument
L584[14:53:29] <Wobbo> nxsupert: He runs Windows 8.1, I guess he just makes poor live decisions :P
L585[14:53:39] <MGR> Shut up Wobbo
L586[14:53:43] <nxsupert> Indeed.
L587[14:53:46] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~androirc@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
L588[14:53:55] <Lizzy> hehe
L589[14:54:02] * Lizzy sighs
L590[14:54:07] * Lizzy wants cat ears
L591[14:54:14] <nxsupert> ... What?
L592[14:54:21] <XDjackieXD> :P
L593[14:54:26] <Wobbo> As in, real cat ears? Or fake ones?
L594[14:54:38] <Lizzy> either, real ones would be awesome
L595[14:55:03] <XDjackieXD> if you can hear as good as a cat than I want a pair too ^^
L596[14:55:25] <Wobbo> Lizzy: cat ears at the position of your current ears would be really weird
L597[14:55:28] <nxsupert> Why would you want cat ears?
L598[14:55:44] <Lizzy> Wobbo, a bit higher obviously
L599[14:55:50] <Lizzy> nxsupert, because they are awesome
L600[14:55:55] <nxsupert> ...
L601[14:56:09] <Lizzy> though listening to headphones would be a bit hard and so would headgear
L602[14:56:18] <nxsupert> Exactly.
L603[14:56:54] <Lizzy> but that's a sacrifice i'd be willing to take if i was getting a pair :P
L604[14:56:58] <nxsupert> Meow.
L605[14:57:03] * Lizzy meows
L606[14:57:09] <XDjackieXD> You would have to cut holes in your caps/hats :P
L607[14:57:13] * Evey meows
L608[14:57:16] <nxsupert> But seriously. Why?
L609[14:57:18] <Wobbo> Lizzy: So would listening anyway, You can't just move your ears around.
L610[14:57:23] * XDjackieXD meows
L611[14:57:28] * nxsupert barks
L612[14:57:31] <XDjackieXD> XD
L613[14:58:10] <Lizzy> nxsupert, are you questioning me wanting to have real cat ears or just a fashion accessory?
L614[14:58:23] <nxsupert> Both.
L615[14:58:42] <Lizzy> because it'd be awesome and cute :3
L616[14:58:51] * Lizzy :3 at vifino
L617[14:59:28] <nxsupert> Cute on a kitten maybe. But. On a human? Weird.
L618[14:59:34] <Lizzy> Nah
L619[14:59:44] * vifino grins at Lizzy :3
L620[14:59:52] * Lizzy blushes
L621[15:00:02] <nxsupert> Ummm.
L622[15:00:07] <XDjackieXD> ^,^
L623[15:00:14] <Lizzy> ^_^
L624[15:00:15] <Wobbo> I really don't get the enourmous interest people have for cats
L625[15:00:27] <nxsupert> What would you want to look like then?
L626[15:00:31] <XDjackieXD> internet is like 40% cats XD
L627[15:00:38] <XDjackieXD> (and 40% porn)
L628[15:00:51] <gamax92> whats the remaining 20%
L629[15:01:07] <v^> pictures of nick cage
L630[15:01:08] <Wobbo> Us
L631[15:01:20] <Daiyousei> a
L632[15:01:26] <XDjackieXD> Woboo: exactly :P
L633[15:01:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665719488E7D6A963E8AA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L634[15:01:49] * vifino snugglesqeezes Lizzy :3
L635[15:02:03] <Wobbo> We are 20% of the internet
L636[15:02:10] * Lizzy sqeees and snugglesqueezes back
L637[15:02:24] <vifino> :3
L638[15:02:28] <nxsupert> Umm. Get a room.
L639[15:02:43] <gamax92> They have
L640[15:02:45] <gamax92> it's called #oc
L641[15:02:53] <Wobbo> Lets start the moving discussion again!
L642[15:02:58] <nxsupert> Ok.
L643[15:02:59] * Lizzy puts a "don't look" sign up then continues cuddling vifino
L644[15:03:10] <XDjackieXD> :P
L645[15:03:10] <Kodos|Phone> Who wants to go test my lua function
L646[15:03:13] <nxsupert> ....................
L647[15:03:20] <gamax92> I wants to go test your lua function
L648[15:03:29] <gamax92> also I need to finish writing socfs stuffs
L649[15:03:48] * nxsupert drags Lizzy away from Vifino.
L650[15:03:50] <gamax92> ... crap i think I accidentally broke both
L651[15:03:55] <vifino> D:
L652[15:04:01] <Kodos|Phone> #lua githubName ("mynameiskodos")
L653[15:04:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > http://www.github.com/mynameiskodos
L654[15:04:07] * Lizzy screeches and bites nxsupert
L655[15:04:21] * vifino punches nxsupert and frees Lizzy
L656[15:04:22] <Kodos|Phone> Go get my lib from my oc repo
L657[15:04:23] * nxsupert puts Lizzy in a cage.
L658[15:04:23] <gamax92> I moved some shared functions into an fslib.lua but forgot to mark it as a dependency for both file systems
L659[15:04:34] <gamax92> okay
L660[15:04:35] <Wobbo> #lua githubName "rmellema"
L661[15:04:37] <Kodos|Phone> I need the justify functio. Tested
L662[15:04:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > http://www.github.com/rmellema
L663[15:04:40] * Lizzy bites her way out of the cages and runs back to vifino
L664[15:05:15] * nxsupert trans Lizzy in the event horizon of a black hole.
L665[15:05:25] <nxsupert> s/trans/traps
L666[15:05:25] <Kibibyte> * nxsupert traps Lizzy in the event horizon of a black hole.
L667[15:05:42] * Lizzy warps back to vifino
L668[15:05:58] <nxsupert> Thats impossible.
L669[15:06:16] <Lizzy> from your limited science, yes.
L670[15:06:17] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L671[15:06:50] <Wobbo> nxsupert: You're not going to win this I fear
L672[15:06:57] * vifino hugs Lizzy tightly
L673[15:06:59] <nxsupert> No. It is simple impossible unless the blackhole decays from hawkin radition.
L674[15:07:17] * nxsupert nukes vifino.
L675[15:07:30] * Lizzy wraps herself around vifino to protect him
L676[15:07:39] <nxsupert> You would die!
L677[15:07:49] <Lizzy> Negative
L678[15:08:11] <nxsupert> Ok.
L679[15:08:15] <gamax92> Kodos|Phone: seems to work
L680[15:08:21] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L681[15:08:33] <Kodos|Phone> Screen pls
L682[15:08:36] <gamax92> though there might be off by one errors in right
L683[15:08:39] <gamax92> Kodos|Phone: huh?
L684[15:08:42] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L685[15:08:43] <vifino> #lua test
L686[15:08:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L687[15:08:45] <Kodos|Phone> Screnshot
L688[15:08:46] * nxsupert modifies lizzy to be dead.
L689[15:08:49] <vifino> It seems slow today.
L690[15:08:51] <gamax92> ... okay then ...
L691[15:09:04] * vifino punches nxsupert's head till it goes *splat*
L692[15:09:23] <nxsupert> I can not die.
L693[15:09:24] * Lizzy gasps for air and comes back to life
L694[15:09:33] <nxsupert> For I am Porky!
L695[15:09:48] * Lizzy hugs vifino and gets her breath back
L696[15:09:53] <Wobbo> So, we have undead Lizzy and headless nxsupert now
L697[15:10:01] <gamax92> Kodos|Phone: http://i.imgur.com/84Hw4S1.png
L698[15:10:22] <gamax92> and yeah, you have to do maxW - #str + 1
L699[15:10:25] <Lizzy> Wobbo, you can't destroy a fixed point in time
L700[15:11:02] <Wobbo> If you were a fixed point in time, We wouldn't know you because we all travel through time
L701[15:11:06] * nxsupert puts Lizzy and vifino in the "Absolutely Safe Capsule"
L702[15:11:29] <gamax92> ...
L703[15:11:30] <gamax92> nx
L704[15:11:35] <gamax92> SHADDAP
L705[15:11:42] <nxsupert> Ok.
L706[15:11:49] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L707[15:11:56] <Lizzy> Wobbo, but i exist everywhere and nowhere at the same time
L708[15:12:16] * Lizzy is a Quantum Chick
L709[15:12:27] <Wobbo> Lizzy: Then you are omnipresent, not a fixed point in time
L710[15:12:33] <nxsupert> You keep getting weirder and weirder.
L711[15:12:48] <gamax92> if you can't handle it then leave
L712[15:13:28] <nxsupert> It it just a bunch of 1 and 0's traveling across the internet. It can't get that weird.
L713[15:13:42] <Lizzy> I am a 2
L714[15:13:52] <Kodos|Phone> Gamax pls pr it so I can learn how to merrge a pr in git shell
L715[15:14:04] <Wobbo> nxsupert: You seen doctor Who? shit can get really weird. Also, this is #oc. Shit is weird all the time
L716[15:14:08] <gamax92> uhh
L717[15:14:14] <gamax92> is merging even possible from the git shell?
L718[15:14:17] <nxsupert> Yes/
L719[15:14:20] <nxsupert> I have.
L720[15:14:34] <Kodos|Phone> You can do more in shell than github for windows
L721[15:14:46] <nxsupert> Old Doctor Who > New Doctor Who.
L722[15:14:52] <gamax92> oh well yeah
L723[15:14:54] <Lizzy> github for windows is a peice of turd
L724[15:15:04] <Lizzy> so is my spelling
L725[15:15:09] <Wobbo> gamax92: git shell? as in /usr/bin/git?
L726[15:15:29] <vifino> Lizzy: No, you are a 11/10 :3
L727[15:15:43] <gamax92> though the only gui I use for git is git-cola and thats for the sole purpose of a visual diff and writing a commit
L728[15:18:39] <gamax92> vifino: I has made zucchini bread
L729[15:18:51] <Inari> vifino publicly posting lizzy's measurements?
L730[15:18:52] <Inari> lewd
L731[15:19:17] <Lizzy> congratulations, you know my shoe size
L732[15:19:17] <Kodos|Phone> woo
L733[15:19:48] <gamax92> Kodos|Phone: would you like some mac and cheese?
L734[15:20:09] <Kodos|Phone> No I just ate at a place called Burgerville
L735[15:20:16] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/oHuJt
L736[15:20:24] <Inari> Lizzy: some poeple have a foot fetish
L737[15:21:29] <gamax92> Gah the lewd radar is going off ag- INARI...
L738[15:21:37] <Inari> lol
L739[15:21:45] ⇦ Quits: PedroBarbosa (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L740[15:21:45] <Wobbo> Lizzy: You have extremly small feet, like child sized! O:
L741[15:21:46] <vifino> gamax92: Oooh :D
L742[15:21:58] <Lizzy> Wobbo, that's UK sizes, not EU
L743[15:22:10] <Lizzy> EU would be around 46
L744[15:22:27] <Wobbo> :P I already expect that. Those feet are quite big. I have 44 or something
L745[15:22:52] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/WbYexlC
L746[15:23:14] <vifino> My shoe size is 42 :o
L747[15:23:15] <Lizzy> Kinda wish my feet were a bit smaller but oh well
L748[15:24:24] <Inari> i bet theres some surgery for that
L749[15:24:37] <Inari> sadly we dont havea ny good surgery fro getting less tall xD
L750[15:25:02] <Inari> theres the whole making the bones shorter and such, but its prone to infection which may lead to amputation
L751[15:25:05] <Inari> which i guess makes you a lot shorter
L752[15:25:08] <Inari> but i'D ratehr keep my legs
L753[15:25:09] <Kodos|Phone> What is us 12.5 in eu shoe size
L754[15:25:19] * vifino thinks Inari wants to be a smurf
L755[15:25:39] <Lizzy> Kodos|Phone, hold on
L756[15:25:44] <Inari> i dont think so, at least from how i understand that term :p
L757[15:25:51] <Wobbo> Inari: What length are you?
L758[15:26:06] <Inari> not small enough :D
L759[15:26:12] <vifino> Inari: that doesnt mean you are blue ~.~
L760[15:26:20] <Lizzy> Kodos|Phone, size 12 us is 30 EU
L761[15:26:25] <Inari> vifino: no but it would mean my legs are like 5 cm
L762[15:26:28] <Inari> which i ddint quitemean
L763[15:26:32] <vifino> wat.
L764[15:26:36] <Kodos|Phone> Wat
L765[15:26:40] <gamax92> uhh Lizzy
L766[15:26:47] <Inari> well either way
L767[15:26:49] <Inari> they are too small
L768[15:26:49] <Lizzy> ?
L769[15:26:49] <Inari> :P
L770[15:27:01] <Wobbo> Inari: Cause as long as you are still growing there is surgery to stop that, But you have to be unusually tall to get that
L771[15:27:03] <Lizzy> wait wrong graph
L772[15:27:11] <gamax92> was gonna say
L773[15:27:21] <Inari> Wobbo: :P
L774[15:27:23] <Lizzy> Kodos|Phone, US 12.5 is 46.5 EU
L775[15:27:29] <Inari> Wobbo: im not unusually tall, i'd just like to be shroter :D
L776[15:27:32] <Kodos|Phone> That sounds right
L777[15:27:37] <Lizzy> was looking at the female one !_!
L778[15:27:43] <Kodos|Phone> Loool
L779[15:27:44] <Wobbo> Inari: WHY? Just WHY?
L780[15:27:59] <Inari> cause being short is cute and cool :3 so like 1.48m woudl be pretty good
L781[15:28:05] <Wobbo> Why are there different charts for males and females? D:
L782[15:28:16] <Inari> chartSß
L783[15:28:33] <Wobbo> Inari: Yeah, then you would be really small -_-
L784[15:28:40] <Lizzy> Wobbo, http://www.dancesport.uk.com/shoes/conchart.htm no idea
L785[15:28:46] <Kodos|Phone> Okay. Killing data again. See you guys soon
L786[15:28:49] <Inari> Wobbo: nah
L787[15:28:52] <Wobbo> I blame the stupid imperial system
L788[15:29:22] <vifino> Inari: uuuuuuh, aaaaare you sure about that? ._.
L789[15:29:23] <Inari> iirc since men generally have larger feet their size chart starts on a higher number?
L790[15:29:26] <Inari> or something of that effect
L791[15:29:33] <Inari> vifino: about what?
L792[15:29:50] <Wobbo> Inari: They you would just get a longer chart, no need to have two.
L793[15:29:58] <vifino> about 1.50m and "cool".
L794[15:30:04] <Inari> vifino: yup :D
L795[15:30:14] <vifino> Oh welp.
L796[15:30:25] <Inari> if you're a cute girl at least
L797[15:30:26] <Inari> :p
L798[15:31:03] * Lizzy is fairly tall at 178cm
L799[15:31:18] <Wobbo> Lizzy: That is not that tall.
L800[15:31:19] <vifino> Inari: How tall are you, if I may ask?
L801[15:31:27] <Inari> not that tall cant be cute, but small emphasizes the loli effect
L802[15:31:38] <vifino> ooooooh boooy.
L803[15:31:43] <Lizzy> Wobbo, i am compared to my family
L804[15:32:14] <vifino> ~.~
L805[15:32:27] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-51.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L806[15:32:30] <vifino> Inari: that is wrong on so many levels.
L807[15:32:35] <Inari> hm?
L808[15:32:43] * vifino hides
L809[15:32:49] * Lizzy pets Inari
L810[15:32:59] <Inari> nyan
L811[15:33:06] * Inari pets Lizzy's lemons
L812[15:33:16] * Lizzy blushes
L813[15:33:26] * Lizzy giggles
L814[15:33:38] <vifino> o_o
L815[15:34:03] * vifino slaps Inari
L816[15:34:04] * EnderBot2 laughs
L817[15:34:07] <vifino> Bad.
L818[15:34:13] <Wobbo> Lizzy: You are still shorter than the average Dutch man :P Slightly above the average Dtuch woman
L819[15:34:25] * gamax92 pets vifino's head
L820[15:34:32] * Lizzy pets gamax92
L821[15:36:28] <Wobbo> Lizzy: you on reddit? cause there is a subreddit for tall people
L822[15:36:39] <Skye> I want to be shorter and more cute
L823[15:36:46] <Lizzy> Wobbo, i don't do reddit unless it's tales from tech support
L824[15:37:03] <gamax92> oooh yeah
L825[15:37:09] * gamax92 goes to read TFTS
L826[15:37:10] <Wobbo> What does everybody have with being short in here? O_o
L827[15:37:19] <gamax92> what is short?
L828[15:37:40] <Wobbo> The whole frikking world, and they want to get even shorter!
L829[15:38:12] * Temia flops with Skye
L830[15:38:16] * Temia wants to be short and cute too ;w;
L831[15:38:25] <Temia> I hit my head on doorframes.
L832[15:38:39] <Temia> People edge away from me on the street.
L833[15:38:52] <Temia> I can't be spooned very effectively by my boyfriend.
L834[15:38:57] <Temia> And his shirts aren't oversized on me :<
L835[15:39:01] <Temia> I wanna be shoooort ;A;
L836[15:39:38] <Wobbo> Temia: How tall are you?
L837[15:39:43] * Lizzy is a bit shorter than vifino so she's fine with her height
L838[15:39:46] <Temia> 6'. ._.
L839[15:40:02] <Wobbo> Now I need to convert that >_>
L840[15:40:23] <Temia> 183cm.
L841[15:40:43] <Lizzy> damn, you're taller than me and vifino
L842[15:40:55] <Wobbo> According to wolfram alpha, you are about as long as the length of the DNA strand of the human genome
L843[15:40:56] <Temia> Yeah :<
L844[15:41:19] <vifino> Lizzy: I could check my hight right now, brb
L845[15:41:32] * vifino lets Lizzy piggyback him before that and runs to messure himself
L846[15:41:35] <Lizzy> vifino, :O
L847[15:41:39] <Wobbo> You all need to come to the netherlands, I wouldn't be scared if a gril of 180 came walking in my direction
L848[15:41:41] * Lizzy holds on
L849[15:41:56] <Lizzy> Wobbo, grils?
L850[15:42:06] <Wobbo> s/gril/girl/
L851[15:42:06] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> Wobbo, girls?
L852[15:42:09] <Lizzy> I ain't gonna grill you steak
L853[15:42:12] <Temia> It's funny because my paternal family line in fact emigrated from the Netherlands.
L854[15:42:24] <Wobbo> LOL, sed is not selecting my messages :P
L855[15:42:29] <Wobbo> Explains your height
L856[15:42:35] <Temia> Yeah .w.
L857[15:43:01] <Lizzy> it selects the most recent message, Wobbo. and since i repeated it again it got mine
L858[15:43:15] <Lizzy> (>^.^<)
L859[15:44:34] <gamax92> I'm about 5'8 (172?)
L860[15:44:50] <Lizzy> .conv
L861[15:44:55] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L862[15:44:57] <Lizzy> hm
L863[15:45:20] <Wobbo> The last time I measured myself I was 190~192
L864[15:45:22] * Lizzy notes down to add a conversion command into her new bot
L865[15:45:41] * vifino returns
L866[15:45:45] <Lizzy> \o/
L867[15:46:10] <vifino> 178cm.
L868[15:46:14] * vifino giggles
L869[15:46:25] <Lizzy> damn
L870[15:46:32] <Lizzy> we're the same height
L871[15:46:42] <Stary2001> perfect
L872[15:46:45] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@
L873[15:46:59] <vifino> well, +/- a few cm, because i am bad at standing straight
L874[15:47:00] <Lizzy> though you're still 3 years younger than me so you'll probably grow a bit more
L875[15:47:05] <Wobbo> So you can look each other into the eye without getting neck cramps!
L876[15:47:06] <Stary2001> lol
L877[15:48:35] <vifino> Lizzy: Don't worry, you can still be the little spoon in all cases :3
L878[15:48:55] <Lizzy> \(>^.^<)/
L879[15:49:16] <vifino> ^_^
L880[15:49:18] <Wobbo> Being the little spoon while you are taller is weird. Don't know how it would be if you are the same height
L881[15:49:37] <v^> Wobbo, me n katt are the same height
L882[15:49:41] <Stary2001> kek
L883[15:49:45] <v^> its not awkward at all
L884[15:50:00] <vifino> v^: You just don't notice.
L885[15:50:06] <Lizzy> Wobbo, we're the same height but vifino is ~3 year younger than me so he still has a bit of growing to do
L886[15:50:35] <v^> well if her shoulder isnt on a pillow its hard to put my arm under
L887[15:50:47] <Wobbo> Lizzy: He will probably still grow yeah.
L888[15:50:49] <v^> and if i dont its awkward
L889[15:50:58] <Wobbo> v^: Putting your arm under is weird anyway
L890[15:51:14] <v^> its quite comfy sometimes
L891[15:51:22] <v^> even for the little spoon
L892[15:51:25] * vifino is proud to have Lizzy <3
L893[15:51:41] * Lizzy is proud to have vifino <3
L894[15:51:50] <vifino> :3
L895[15:52:18] <Lizzy> (>^.^<)
L896[15:52:43] ⇦ Quits: Ekoserin|Off (~Ekoserin@2601:144:1:73ae:a5a8:5c48:678c:c5a) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L897[15:52:50] <vifino> You like that face, don't you? :3
L898[15:53:05] <Wobbo> v^: Its nice to put the arm under, but if you do it incorrectly you stop your blood circulation D:
L899[15:54:44] ⇨ Joins: PedroBarbosa (webchat@
L900[15:54:45] <Lizzy> maybe
L901[15:54:48] <gamax92> death by love
L902[15:55:15] <PedroBarbosa> Hey, can i destroy and place a assembler in a another place while crafting a drone?
L903[15:55:24] <Wobbo> Unless you have your heart in your arm it should only kill your arm though
L904[15:55:38] <Lizzy> PedroBarbosa, the assembler does not keep it's inventory
L905[15:55:42] <Wobbo> PedroBarbosa: Probably not
L906[15:55:47] <Lizzy> Wobbo, i can stop blood circulation to my legs if i sit in a certain position, getting up after that is fun
L907[15:56:00] <Wobbo> And if you have your heart in your arm you should probably get that checked out
L908[15:56:12] <Wobbo> Lizzy: I know that feel
L909[15:56:32] <PedroBarbosa> ok
L910[15:56:37] <Lizzy> Wobbo, what about having 2 hearts?
L911[15:56:52] <Inari> link has 20 hearts
L912[15:56:59] <Wobbo> You are not a time lord. But it is theoretically possible
L913[15:57:11] <Lizzy> Wobbo, ;(
L914[15:57:13] <Wobbo> You had two hearts at some point in your life
L915[15:57:55] <vifino> Wobbo: Correct, she is my timelord.
L916[15:58:13] <Lizzy> hmm, would it be timelord or timelady?
L917[15:58:20] <Sangar> asie, what cult? o.O
L918[15:58:22] <Wobbo> vifino: I said she wasn't a time lord
L919[15:58:28] <vifino> timelady hehe
L920[15:58:28] <Lizzy> a wild Sangar
L921[15:58:29] <asie> Sangar: http://asie.pl/kitteh/
L922[15:58:32] <asie> it's a bit of a joke
L923[15:58:34] <asie> it's also a bit serious
L924[15:58:55] * Sangar starts reading
L925[15:59:10] <asie> it's provocative
L926[15:59:13] <asie> on purpose
L927[15:59:22] <Sangar> "all the game was is blocks"
L928[15:59:47] <vifino> Wobbo: Yes, she is my timelady.
L929[15:59:54] <Wobbo> Lizzy: According to wikipedia, Time Lady
L930[15:59:59] <Lizzy> WOO
L931[16:00:01] <Lizzy> \o/
L932[16:00:28] <Wobbo> vifino: She is not a Time Lady. If she was, she would have a TARDIS and you would be exploring all of space time now.
L933[16:01:17] <vifino> Wobbo: I couldn't get off the internet to do that ._.
L934[16:01:22] <vifino> Too much effort.
L935[16:01:24] <Lizzy> Wobbo, what if i lost my tardis or it got grounded?
L936[16:01:33] <Lizzy> vifino, we could take the internet with us
L937[16:01:40] <vifino> :o
L938[16:01:53] <Wobbo> Rose had a phone that could call through time and space.
L939[16:02:03] <Wobbo> You could probably do the same for the internet
L940[16:02:09] <vifino> \o/
L941[16:02:17] <vifino> Lets hope it's not dialup.
L942[16:02:26] * vifino crosses fingers
L943[16:02:30] <Lizzy> and Martha left her phone on the tardis and it could be called when earth and the tardis were out of sync from each other
L944[16:02:31] <Sangar> "removing GUIs is the only way to save Minecraft modding" heh
L945[16:02:39] <Sangar> how involved is vazkii in this :P
L946[16:02:47] <Wobbo> Lizzy: Hmmm… That might be a possibility. That doesn't explain why you are 19 though…
L947[16:03:16] <Lizzy> technically i'm part timelord. this body is 19
L948[16:05:08] <Lizzy> I wonder where Ender got to...
L949[16:05:57] <Sangar> asie, "existing GUIs"? meaning inventories or what?
L950[16:06:26] <Wobbo> Lizzy: He went to his brethren in the end I guess
L951[16:06:54] <Lizzy> possibly
L952[16:06:55] <asie> Sangar: yeah.
L953[16:06:56] <Wobbo> Lizzy: So you are a human that is concived in the time vortex?
L954[16:07:08] <Lizzy> Wobbo, eh, kinda
L955[16:08:07] <Lizzy> My Father was a Timelord, mother was human
L956[16:11:16] * Evey licks Lizzy then rubs her head against Lizzy's hand
L957[16:11:29] * Lizzy pets Evey
L958[16:11:36] * Evey purrs loudly
L959[16:12:27] <Wobbo> https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/3i1wkr/mean_while_in_the_netherlands/?
L960[16:12:55] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L961[16:13:01] * vifino licks Lizzy's face and rubs his head against Lizzy
L962[16:13:09] * Lizzy pets vifino
L963[16:13:17] * vifino purrs
L964[16:14:06] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L965[16:14:19] * Skye melts from cuteness overload
L966[16:14:22] <Lizzy> Wobbo, HAHAHA
L967[16:14:51] <Wobbo> While we are at it: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/3fedd9/hilarious_commercial_for_english_language/? Propably NSFW
L968[16:21:26] <PedroBarbosa> Could anyone tell me a nice use of the drone?
L969[16:21:58] <Lizzy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0gED3rn2Tc is cool
L970[16:21:59] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Pipe Guy - House/Trance/Techno Live | length 10m 6s | Likes: 131700 Dislikes: 1217 Views: 11317748 | by Pipe Guy
L971[16:23:12] <Wobbo> That is nice
L972[16:23:22] <Sangar> aand off again, gnight o/
L973[16:23:31] <XDjackieXD> \o
L974[16:26:27] <vifino> Lizzy: Whoa, that is awesome.
L975[16:26:36] <vifino> I want pipes now :O
L976[16:28:21] <Wobbo> I'm going as well, bye!
L977[16:28:33] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L978[16:30:30] <PedroBarbosa> df
L979[16:30:35] <PedroBarbosa> Could anyone tell me a nice use of the drone?
L980[16:30:57] <Lizzy> 42
L981[16:31:12] * Lizzy curls up on vifino and dozes off to sleep
L982[16:31:31] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L983[16:33:39] <sugoi> gamax92: in the emu, is error changed for the environment?
L984[16:33:51] <gamax92> no
L985[16:42:56] <PedroBarbosa> What if the drones have weapons and a camera so that you can control over the distance by 4G connection
L986[16:43:05] <PedroBarbosa> xD
L987[16:44:40] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L988[16:45:19] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqHrTtvFFIs ?
L989[16:45:19] <MichiBot> Inari: Flying Gun | length 15s | Likes: 4605 Dislikes: 1969 Views: 3295800 | by Hogwit
L990[17:06:15] ⇦ Quits: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L991[17:13:10] ⇦ Quits: PedroBarbosa (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L992[17:14:36] <gamax92> "It's always in the last place you look"
L993[17:14:47] <gamax92> no fucking shit, why would I keep looking after I found it
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L996[17:26:44] <sugoi> gamax92: i think i'm a bit stuck, at least...i feel a lack of lua ideas
L997[17:27:17] <sugoi> so for the modem to work, i need separate machines to pass messages, i need some shared host
L998[17:27:30] <sugoi> now, because each machine is a different process, i need to use some type of ipc
L999[17:28:00] <sugoi> i'd like to use named pipes, but i also don't want to include more api to your emu, anyways, i'm trying to build the ipc on socket
L1000[17:28:05] <sugoi> and use tcp or udp
L1001[17:28:53] ⇦ Quits: piousminion (~clay@pool-173-65-90-24.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1002[17:29:03] <sugoi> because a machine doesn't know about other processes, i need a common host. i could fork a host, or just make the first machine the host. i've gone with the latter
L1003[17:29:26] <sugoi> i can change that, there are disadvantages, but i'm going with that for now
L1004[17:29:39] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-31.mycingular.net)
L1005[17:30:04] <sugoi> the backend therefore is using tcp, the host binds and then any subsequent machine joins it as a client
L1006[17:30:13] <Kodos|Phone> I can smell the pacific
L1007[17:30:17] <sugoi> (this happens on the first broadcast or port open)
L1008[17:30:26] <sugoi> Kodos|Phone: ! :)
L1009[17:31:08] <sugoi> gamax92: (cont) because real sockets are going to buffer all messages, and in oc modem_message is ignored unless the client is pulling...i need to simulate that
L1010[17:31:31] <sugoi> thus i need to know when the client is pulling, and during that pull put the modem_host (my object) in a acceptingMessages state
L1011[17:32:14] <sugoi> now herein lies my problem - how do i know the client is pulling? event.pull calls computer.pullSignal, which is defined in machine.lua and passed in a sandbox env
L1012[17:32:40] <gamax92> pulling an event is the main coroutine yeilding
L1013[17:32:54] <sugoi> but, `sandbox` is a local var to machine.lua, and even the sandbox is passes a 2nd coroutine layer (bootstrap() uses it)
L1014[17:33:17] <v^> :(
L1015[17:33:20] <sugoi> well but that.. i think (i hope im wrong)
L1016[17:33:28] <sugoi> is called more often than just event.pull
L1017[17:33:43] <Kodos|Phone> Ugh I have to pee so bad but we are still 40 miles to a rest stop
L1018[17:33:54] <sugoi> Kodos|Phone: are you driving? :/
L1019[17:33:57] <Kodos|Phone> No
L1020[17:34:01] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L1021[17:34:04] <Kodos|Phone> Inlaws have been taking turns
L1022[17:34:08] <sugoi> ah
L1023[17:34:25] <gamax92> sugoi: again
L1024[17:34:31] * sugoi waits for Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-31.mycingular.net) has quit (Quit: dead)
L1025[17:34:44] <Kodos|Phone> Ive been in the back seat playing my 3ds
L1026[17:34:50] <gamax92> in oc, it gets events by machine.lua yeilding
L1027[17:34:52] <Kodos|Phone> And writing lua code into a notebook
L1028[17:35:06] <gamax92> sugoi: https://github.com/gamax92/OCEmu/blob/master/src/main.lua#L288
L1029[17:35:08] <Kodos|Phone> Paper notebook
L1030[17:35:20] <sugoi> gamax92: thanks, i'm good with that side (or so i think)
L1031[17:35:33] <sugoi> but i need to intercept event.pull
L1032[17:35:37] <gamax92> why
L1033[17:36:01] <Kodos|Phone> Reasons
L1034[17:36:25] <sugoi> because, using real sockets - my backend is getting ALL messages. but in oc, modem_message is only generated on packets gathered during event.pull
L1035[17:36:40] <sugoi> so id like to prePull and postPull
L1036[17:37:22] <Kodos|Phone> Something something peePull
L1037[17:37:32] <gamax92> sugoi: if you need to know when the computer is pulling for a signal, it's when lua isn't in the machine coroutine
L1038[17:37:43] <gamax92> i.e anywhere before or after that highlighted line
L1039[17:38:25] <sugoi> ok, i'll work with that
L1040[17:40:20] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1041[17:41:00] <sugoi> yeah, that's called far too often
L1042[17:41:55] <sugoi> hmm
L1043[17:42:20] <sugoi> i think i'm wrong about something
L1044[17:42:24] * sugoi goes back to thinking
L1045[17:43:33] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@mobile-166-176-187-31.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1046[17:44:13] <sugoi> in OpenOs, events are put in a queue and left there forever until dequeued, right?
L1047[17:44:55] <gamax92> don't believe so
L1048[17:45:17] <gamax92> what's so "called far too often" about it?
L1049[17:45:45] <sugoi> well, that's where i might be wrong -- about my assumptions about modem_messages
L1050[17:46:05] <gamax92> so question
L1051[17:46:08] <sugoi> maybe it is okay for me to generate modem_message all the time
L1052[17:46:23] <sugoi> and they can be dequeued and ignored, and thus correctly 'lost' if not pulled by the user
L1053[17:46:53] <gamax92> how do you know that modem_message's are being ignored until the computer is pulling, if you cannot get get the signal without pulling it
L1054[17:46:54] <sugoi> is it os.sleep that is calling back to your main on a timer-like frequency?
L1055[17:47:04] <gamax92> yah
L1056[17:47:15] <sugoi> gamax92: well i mean if i send from another computer, and THEN pull, the modem_message is not there
L1057[17:47:25] <sugoi> ok
L1058[17:47:31] <gamax92> ... that sounds like a bug
L1059[17:47:32] <sugoi> then it must be os.sleep that is consuming it
L1060[17:47:37] <sugoi> gamax92: this is in oc
L1061[17:47:39] <sugoi> not my modem
L1062[17:47:40] <gamax92> yes i know
L1063[17:47:52] <sugoi> ha, well i've assumed it was a 'feature'
L1064[17:47:52] <gamax92> that is terrible behaviour
L1065[17:47:56] <sugoi> haha
L1066[17:48:00] <sugoi> i do not disagree
L1067[17:48:06] <sugoi> but i've been working to simulate it exactly
L1068[17:48:07] * gamax92 goes to look
L1069[17:48:08] <v^> katt's dog is being put down
L1070[17:48:17] <v^> :( she has a really deep cut in her arm
L1071[17:48:21] <v^> cant move it
L1072[17:48:32] ⇨ Joins: PedroBarbosa (webchat@
L1073[17:48:58] <sugoi> v^: sorry for the dog :(. who is katt? how did the dog get the cut?
L1074[17:49:33] <sugoi> gamax92: so, assuming this is a feature, and not a bug, then i realize it must be os.sleep that is "correctly" dropping the message
L1075[17:49:55] <sugoi> and os.sleep is called from term "read" [iirc]
L1076[17:50:12] <sugoi> so it is simply the terminal is general that is dropping events
L1077[17:50:43] <gamax92> hmm, probably
L1078[17:50:57] <sugoi> ok well this is good
L1079[17:51:13] <sugoi> significantly simplifies my arch
L1080[17:51:19] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L1081[17:51:35] <sugoi> well, simplifies a part i didn't like
L1082[17:51:55] <gamax92> oh, yes
L1083[17:52:05] <gamax92> os.sleep just pull until it's deadline is up
L1084[17:52:06] <gamax92> here
L1085[17:52:18] <v^> sugoi, gf
L1086[17:52:19] <gamax92> sugoi: register an event listener that prints out the message
L1087[17:52:30] <v^> katt got cut, not the dog
L1088[17:52:43] <gamax92> ouch ...
L1089[17:53:01] <sugoi> oh, the dog acted out?
L1090[17:59:06] <PedroBarbosa> Hi
L1091[17:59:30] <PedroBarbosa> I build my robot and he says too many componements why? What can i do to fix?
L1092[18:01:37] <sugoi> PedroBarbosa: reduce # of componets or upgrade case
L1093[18:02:00] <gamax92> cpu is what determines component count
L1094[18:02:04] <sugoi> thanks
L1095[18:02:09] <sugoi> PedroBarbosa: upgrade cpu
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L1104[18:30:50] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1105[18:34:03] <PedroBarbosa> sugoi: I allready build my robot, should i use dissasembler and build again?
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L1116[18:52:29] <ds84182> v^: damn :(
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L1128[19:50:54] <MJRLegends> hey
L1129[19:52:07] <MJRLegends> anyone know any youtube videos with some cool open computer creations
L1130[19:52:19] <MJRLegends> *opencomputers
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L1136[20:05:55] <S3> ok
L1137[20:05:57] <S3> after first day of classes
L1138[20:06:03] <S3> never received email back from teacher
L1139[20:06:13] <S3> therefore, no idea what class is required to do
L1140[20:06:21] <S3> this one class
L1141[20:06:25] <S3> also
L1142[20:07:01] <S3> found out today that my campus leaked info they didn't want to and it turns out that the info was: they made $3 million in parking tickets last year on campus
L1143[20:07:33] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-476-12.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1147[20:32:39] <ds84182> Ugh, my asthma is acting up .-.
L1148[20:34:33] <ds84182> Like, it's not extreme, but it's the reason why I get a really terrible cough after I wake up in the mornings
L1149[20:40:44] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Phone (~androirc@
L1150[20:48:57] <Izaya> that is unfortunate
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L1154[21:24:38] ⇨ Joins: Kodosuntu (~Kodosuntu@
L1155[21:29:10] <Kodosuntu> Okay, finally at our seaside cottage
L1156[21:29:23] <Kodosuntu> I can literally throw a rock from the back deck and have it land in the Pacific Ocean
L1157[21:29:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodosuntu
L1158[21:29:55] *** Kodosuntu is now known as Kodos
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L1161[21:39:43] <Kodos> Uhh
L1162[21:39:53] <Kodos> Who wants to walk me through how to install flash for Firefox in Ubuntu
L1163[21:43:24] <Izaya> Use html5
L1164[21:43:34] <Kodos> Tell that to Speedtest.net
L1165[21:44:02] * Izaya opens speedtest.net and says "use html5"
L1166[21:44:05] <Kodos> #p
L1167[21:44:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.251731548 Seconds passed.
L1168[21:45:30] <Kodos> #p
L1169[21:45:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.280002464 Seconds passed.
L1170[21:47:17] <Kodos> 14 down, 14 up
L1171[21:48:35] <Kodos> sugoi, did you get the wake stuff working
L1172[21:50:03] <Izaya> symmetric?
L1173[21:50:48] <gamax92> Kodos: did you still need help or?
L1174[21:56:46] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1175[22:02:24] <Kodos> gamax92, with flash?
L1176[22:02:29] <Kodos> No, I used my phone for speedtest
L1177[22:02:29] <gamax92> yes
L1178[22:02:44] <gamax92> so yes.
L1179[22:02:47] <Kodos> Though I still have to learn how to merge a PR
L1180[22:02:54] <Kodos> With git
L1181[22:03:44] <gamax92> For me the flash player plugin is in the flashplugin-installer package: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
L1182[22:04:34] <gamax92> If you want to live life on the mainly safe but still an edge, there's also freshplayerplugin, which gives you latest flash for non-chrome browsers
L1183[22:06:19] <Kodos> Ehh, I don't care that much
L1184[22:06:29] <Kodos> This netbook is for IRC and git/coding, both of which I can already do
L1185[22:06:38] <gamax92> oh a netbook
L1186[22:06:40] <Kodos> I just needed flash for speedtest
L1187[22:06:48] <Kodos> But I used my phone
L1188[22:10:55] <Kodos> How does git merge <branch> work
L1189[22:11:06] <Kodos> Which branch do I merge from, and which do I use in the command
L1190[22:11:15] <Kodos> (Example using master and dev would be ideal)
L1191[22:17:56] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L1192[22:31:54] <sugoi> is there a quick way to create a table array from a subset of another table array from i to end?
L1193[22:32:45] <sugoi> rather than say...for i=n,#t do s[#s+1]=t[i] end
L1194[22:35:08] <v^> sugoi, literally that
L1195[22:35:25] <sugoi> good enough :)
L1196[22:36:17] <sugoi> gamax92: i look forward to your review of this work
L1197[22:36:37] <sugoi> i kind of wish i wasn't using real sockets
L1198[22:36:59] <sugoi> kind of wish i had changed how machines boot, with main.lua...perhaps to have multiple sdl windows on a single main
L1199[22:37:11] <sugoi> and then share a process
L1200[22:37:17] <sugoi> but, meh
L1201[22:37:33] <sugoi> this way is far less impactful on everything ELSE not modem
L1202[22:37:54] <sugoi> also sorry it's been like a month
L1203[22:38:27] <gamax92> plus I really don't know how SDL works with multiple windows, with the whole events and what nots
L1204[22:38:48] <gamax92> infact that's already somewhat possible, if you had two gpu's and two screens
L1205[22:40:44] ⇦ Quits: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1207[22:43:06] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970352.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1208[22:43:50] <sugoi> so right now
L1209[22:44:05] <sugoi> i can modem message my ocemu instance via telnet
L1210[22:44:33] <sugoi> next, bug: first message never signaled
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L1212[22:50:08] <sugoi> oh for crying out loud
L1213[22:50:21] <sugoi> it was a 1-based index bug
L1214[22:50:25] * sugoi shakes fist
L1215[22:50:40] <Kodos> How do I remove a nonempty dir and its subdirectories
L1216[22:50:50] <sugoi> Kodos: os.remove
L1217[22:51:06] <sugoi> it'll remove all, in posix
L1218[22:51:33] <Kodos> sugoi, in ubuntu
L1219[22:51:34] <sugoi> if not, see ifs.rmdir
L1220[22:51:37] <sugoi> Kodos: rm -r
L1221[22:51:44] <sugoi> -f to force
L1222[22:52:00] <sugoi> r for recursive
L1223[22:58:59] <Kodos> Just going over the tutorial for git rebase
L1224[22:59:03] <Kodos> this looks confusing as fuck
L1225[22:59:44] <sugoi> Kodos: you're not alone. git is quite different than tools ive used my whole life
L1226[23:00:27] <Kodos> Literally the only tutorial I wanted was to be able to merge a PR into my, well, either repo,local or remote
L1227[23:00:40] <Kodos> And this site has like every tutorial but that
L1228[23:00:50] <sugoi> haha
L1229[23:01:03] <Kodos> remote would make more sense
L1230[23:01:08] <sugoi> i like how linus said git was to remove all the trouble with merges
L1231[23:01:17] <sugoi> and git is (for me) the hardest tool to use for merging
L1232[23:03:26] <Kodos> Figuring out git grep now
L1233[23:03:35] <Kodos> Looks easy enough, just wish it would tell me line numbers
L1234[23:04:12] <Temia> Linus is THE Linux dev. Never trust a Linux dev for advice on streamlining coding activities
L1235[23:04:29] <Kodos> LinusTechTips linus?
L1236[23:04:40] <Temia> even I'm terrible and make things overly complicated
L1237[23:04:40] <Temia> Oh
L1238[23:04:52] <Temia> Okay nevermind then >.>
L1239[23:04:58] <Kodos> Or are we talking about a different one
L1240[23:05:09] * gamax92 whistles
L1241[23:05:39] <Temia> I assumed you meant Torvalds since he made git as well
L1242[23:05:57] <Temia> :p
L1243[23:07:13] <sugoi> Kodos: does it support -n ?
L1244[23:07:21] <sugoi> grep -n will show line numbers on normal greping
L1245[23:07:24] <Kodos> Yeah, I helped it
L1246[23:07:29] <Kodos> Line 29 :3
L1247[23:10:03] <Kodos> Any easy way to view my local network's map (Seeing other PCs on the network(
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L1249[23:21:01] <sugoi> Kodos: there are some tools in wm's, like some gnome tools
L1250[23:21:07] <sugoi> but i dont use wm on linux
L1251[23:21:13] <sugoi> so i am unfamiliar with them
L1252[23:21:39] <sugoi> wm==Window Manager, like an X interface
L1253[23:23:40] <sugoi> i think i'm making this too hard
L1254[23:23:45] <sugoi> i want to append ... to an array
L1255[23:25:39] <sugoi> e.g. table.insert(packed, table.unpack(table.pack(...)))
L1256[23:25:56] <sugoi> that has got to be a weird way of doing it
L1257[23:26:01] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1258[23:26:05] <sugoi> oh, and won't work...methinks
L1259[23:26:18] <Kodos> ~w table
L1260[23:26:18] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table
L1261[23:27:24] <sugoi> aye, ergo: won't work
L1262[23:27:30] <sugoi> insert doesn't take a vargs
L1263[23:27:33] <sugoi> it take an element
L1264[23:27:45] <sugoi> so any clever way besides looping on ... ? :(
L1265[23:28:43] <sugoi> e.g. for _,v in ipairs(table.pack(...)) do table.insert(packed, v) end
L1266[23:30:39] <Kodos> What about instead of v, do #packed + 1
L1267[23:30:47] <Kodos> Err
L1268[23:30:58] <Kodos> Not sure on the + 1
L1269[23:31:20] <sugoi> that'd work too, table.insert will append when not given a pos
L1270[23:31:40] <sugoi> Kodos: for table.insert, you use i, not i + 1
L1271[23:31:48] <sugoi> no
L1272[23:31:51] <sugoi> +1
L1273[23:31:55] <sugoi> anywho
L1274[23:31:59] <sugoi> it's fine as is
L1275[23:34:49] * Kodos wonders if gam is around
L1276[23:36:03] <gamax92> you're lucky that I was looking at the window
L1277[23:36:09] <gamax92> that doesn't ping me
L1278[23:36:36] <Kodos> I know, it was intentional
L1279[23:36:48] <Kodos> I was going to ask what you were saying earlier about off by one errors
L1280[23:36:51] <Kodos> and what I needed to fix it
L1281[23:37:30] <gamax92> so imagine you have a 10 character display and a 4 character string, you do 10-4 and get 6, so putting the string at 6 will occupy 6, 7, 8, and 9
L1282[23:37:44] <gamax92> but that's not fully to the right, so adding one would do 7, 8, 9, and 10
L1283[23:37:51] <Kodos> Ahhh
L1284[23:37:59] <Kodos> So I'd need to + 1 to the value
L1285[23:38:00] <Kodos> thanks
L1286[23:41:07] <gamax92> hmm so ... for center, 10 - 4 gives 6, divide 2 gives 3, placing at three would be 1, 2, [3, 4, 5, 6], 7, 8, 9, 10
L1287[23:41:32] <gamax92> so, i guess that also needs a + 1
L1288[23:41:52] <sugoi> anyone got oc open in real game?
L1289[23:42:14] <sugoi> does broadcast modem_message get localAddress or is it nil?
L1290[23:42:17] * sugoi can test
L1291[23:42:19] * sugoi open mc
L1292[23:42:27] <gamax92> i don't have it open no
L1293[23:43:50] <gamax92> I sleep now bai
L1294[23:43:50] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1295[23:44:19] <sugoi> o/
L1296[23:46:00] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@pD95882E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD958874A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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L1298[23:46:59] <Kodos> sugoi, are you familiar with my lib? You could test the fixes I just pushed :3
L1299[23:49:04] <sugoi> fyi, broadcast modem_message DOES have localAddress
L1300[23:49:12] <sugoi> i am not
L1301[23:49:16] <sugoi> what is your tool?
L1302[23:49:21] <sugoi> or, lib?
L1303[23:49:27] <Kodos> #lua githubName("MyNameIsKodos")
L1304[23:49:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (global 'githubName')
L1305[23:49:29] <Kodos> ffs
L1306[23:49:33] <Kodos> Why does the sandbox keep resetting
L1307[23:49:38] <sugoi> :)
L1308[23:49:55] <Kodos> https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/blob/master/lib/kodos.lua
L1309[23:49:59] <Kodos> dot
L1310[23:50:00] <sugoi> #lua goto die; return; ::die:: error("fail")
L1311[23:50:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: <eof> expected near '::'
L1312[23:50:03] <sugoi> meh
L1313[23:50:30] <Kodos> #lua goto die return end ::die:: print("This works.")
L1314[23:50:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: <eof> expected near 'end'
L1315[23:50:36] <Kodos> #lua goto die return ::die:: print("This works.")
L1316[23:50:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '::'
L1317[23:50:40] <Kodos> uwoty
L1318[23:50:49] <Kodos> #l53 goto die return ::die:: print("This works.")
L1319[23:50:54] <Kodos> meh
L1320[23:50:55] <Kodos> Anyway
L1321[23:50:59] <Kodos> The justify stuff
L1322[23:51:03] <Kodos> center and right both have new fixes
L1323[23:51:26] <Kodos> Been debating whether to add left just because standards and such
L1324[23:51:33] <Kodos> Even though left is default
L1325[23:51:51] <sugoi> how would you go back to default without?
L1326[23:52:04] <Kodos> It's only a per use thing
L1327[23:52:11] <Kodos> It only justifies if you call justify
L1328[23:52:16] <sugoi> ok, well i'd include it
L1329[23:56:00] <Kodos> There, now left is in
L1330[23:56:05] <Kodos> Because reasons
L1331[23:56:37] <sugoi> so i have a little test file
L1332[23:57:04] <sugoi> local k=require('kodos'); k.textutils.justify(2,'1',right')
L1333[23:57:31] <sugoi> and then io.write, but it doesn't put it on the right or anything
L1334[23:57:41] <sugoi> i'm unfamilar with gpu set code, want to give me an example use?
L1335[23:57:56] <Kodos> The way the justify function works, si
L1336[23:57:57] <Kodos> is
L1337[23:58:43] <Kodos> it takes 3 params; a is the line you want it on, b is the text you want to justify, and c is the type of justification you want
L1338[23:59:17] <sugoi> ok, but it didn't print anything
L1339[23:59:19] * sugoi tries again
L1340[23:59:36] <Kodos> Make sure you reboot the computer after installing the lib
L1341[23:59:42] <Kodos> Package loading is weird sometimes
L1342[23:59:45] <sugoi> why?
L1343[23:59:48] <Kodos> ^
L1344[23:59:54] <sugoi> oh i only wget'd the lib directly to usr lib
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