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L34[04:16:40] <Sangar> o/
L35[04:17:18] <Vexatos> o\
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L41[05:27:36] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
L42[05:27:36] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
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L45[06:18:14] * S3 yawns
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L51[07:10:00] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/f2f9yeS.jpg
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L55[07:55:19] <Inari> Izaya: is it a coherent game yet?
L56[07:56:32] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/IyGkHKw.png
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L58[07:59:53] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/umoKNBs.png
L59[08:06:07] <Sangar> mkay
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L63[08:16:08] <Izaya> Wow, he's bitter.
L64[08:16:43] <Inari> theres the theory of him being drunk
L65[08:16:46] <Izaya> Inari, it's quite nice, if not finished
L66[08:17:01] <Izaya> It's certainly playable and acceptably balanced
L67[08:17:55] <Inari> well last i tried it, it just felt pretty cobbled and slapped together to rush to putting it to steam... thing like terrible performance, bad interafce, stones exploding when you mine them up...
L68[08:17:55] <Inari> i think thats why I like non-unity/ue4 EA games more, everything thats implemented tends to be more grounded because you had to actaully implement it, not just slap it together xD
L69[08:18:09] <Inari> (no clue what they even use :P)
L70[08:18:27] <Izaya> It's a UE4 game
L71[08:18:30] <Izaya> rocks still explode
L72[08:18:36] <Izaya> performance is still meh
L73[08:18:45] <Izaya> but the game itself is good
L74[08:18:52] <Izaya> and my machine can run it well enough
L75[08:18:54] <Inari> is tehre a game now?
L76[08:19:13] <Inari> when i checked it was running around for 40 minutes, fighting some dude ofr 1 minute, followed by another running around for 40 minutes xD
L77[08:21:15] <Inari> maybe just not the right game for me
L78[08:21:24] <Inari> but i see it everytime i go to top sellers ~.~
L79[08:21:56] <Inari> oh, seems it now actually dropped out of top slelers
L80[08:21:56] <Inari> woo
L81[08:24:50] <S3> morning again
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L83[08:25:10] <^v> Oh noes! portlane split 3:
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L85[08:34:49] <Daiyousei> dagg
L86[08:34:54] <Daiyousei> gg*
L87[08:54:37] * vifino sighs
L88[08:55:16] <gamax92> hmm, what are NickServ groups?
L89[08:55:51] <gamax92> not like grouping a nick but theres a "Group:" thing
L90[08:58:21] <Daiyousei> you can put nicks into a group, and then set chanserv flags on it
L91[08:59:34] <Inari> i thought that just shows a lsit of your grouped nicks
L92[09:00:11] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L93[09:09:29] <vifino> gamax92: /msg GroupServ help
L94[09:09:42] <gamax92> oh jeez it has it's own Serv?
L95[09:10:13] <vifino> Anyone seen the EK Predator 360 yet?
L96[09:14:42] ⇨ Joins: FlyingLizard (webchat@
L97[09:14:57] <FlyingLizard> hi :)
L98[09:15:13] <gamax92> woooosh woooosh woooosh woooosh woooosh woooosh woooosh
L99[09:15:18] <FlyingLizard> I've got a question, or rather a Problem
L100[09:15:36] <FlyingLizard> concerning programmed Redstone Output
L101[09:15:54] <gamax92> woooosh woooosh woooosh woo-krkrkrisiiiiiiisiiiish BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP
L102[09:16:19] <FlyingLizard> I am aware that there is a hardcoded sleep of 0.1 Seconds after you called setOutput or setBundledOutput
L103[09:16:32] <gamax92> .... is that so?
L104[09:16:38] <gamax92> SANGAR WTF ARE YOU DOING
L105[09:16:53] <FlyingLizard> jup, I found the part in the source
L106[09:17:08] <gamax92> no Sangar no, now we can't make redstone networks
L107[09:17:12] <FlyingLizard> I believe it's implemented due to performance concerns?
L108[09:17:47] <Sangar> it is
L109[09:18:03] <FlyingLizard> however, I performed a simple binaryhack on the jar, to change the double value from 0.1 to 0, everything looks ok, minecraft is starting
L110[09:18:10] <FlyingLizard> it doesn't work >_>
L111[09:18:18] <FlyingLizard> do you have an idea what I'm missing?
L112[09:18:19] <Sangar> updating redstone can cause a crapton of block updates. it was really bad when it was unlimited (like really really bad for tps)
L113[09:18:32] * vifino blames Sangar for everything
L114[09:18:38] <FlyingLizard> I know, but we are playing on a private server, I know what I'm getting myself into :)
L115[09:18:56] <Sangar> well, i suppose i can just make that a setting
L116[09:19:47] <FlyingLizard> that would be even better, but just to satisfy my curiosity, do you have an idea what I'm missing? I already double checked, the modified files ARE being loaded by minecraft
L117[09:20:03] <gamax92> what did you use to edit the class?
L118[09:20:14] <FlyingLizard> Hexeditor
L119[09:20:29] <FlyingLizard> I changed the double value from 0x3fb999999999999a to 0x0
L120[09:20:42] <FlyingLizard> there is only one such value in the relevant files
L121[09:20:58] <gamax92> it probably would have been better if you'd just used a bytecode editor and remove the call
L122[09:21:21] <Sangar> FlyingLizard, did you change all the places? i.e. in normal redstone and bundled redstone (and wireless for that matter)
L123[09:21:28] <Sangar> also that
L124[09:21:46] <FlyingLizard> jup, I changed both
L125[09:22:06] <FlyingLizard> hm, you are right, the call to context.pause may default to a minimum value anyway
L126[09:22:13] <FlyingLizard> didn't think of that
L127[09:24:06] <FlyingLizard> does anyone know of a bytecode editor that works with those files? Those that I tested crashed when I tried to load them, that's why I resorted to hexediting anyway :/
L128[09:27:08] <Sangar> FlyingLizard, done, grab the build when it's done and give it a try
L129[09:27:18] <FlyingLizard> oh, ok XD
L130[09:27:31] <gamax92> FlyingLizard: reJ, though it may or may not even remove the call because it
L131[09:27:32] <Sangar> (http://ci.cil.li/)
L132[09:27:32] <FlyingLizard> May I make a suggestion?
L133[09:27:35] <gamax92> 's such a great editor
L134[09:27:46] <gamax92> otherwise krakatau's disassembler and assembler
L135[09:27:52] <FlyingLizard> thx
L136[09:28:19] <FlyingLizard> May I make a suggestion?
L137[09:28:31] <gamax92> no ofc you can't we don't listen to people here
L138[09:28:36] <Sangar> :P
L139[09:28:40] <Sangar> obviously
L140[09:28:50] <Sangar> we'd never quickly add a new setting because someone needs it or stuff like that
L141[09:28:51] <FlyingLizard> Pfeh, that's what you get for being polite D:
L142[09:28:57] <FlyingLizard> :D
L143[09:29:10] <gamax92> Well the general motto here is just do, don't ask to do
L144[09:29:52] <gamax92> like in the topic regarding asking
L145[09:30:08] <FlyingLizard> The delay for setting the output is actually just fine, the problem is that it is applied to each "wire" of a bundle individually.
L146[09:30:20] <FlyingLizard> so If you need to change several wires AT ONCE you can't do that
L147[09:30:20] <Sangar> you can pass a table
L148[09:30:25] <FlyingLizard> you can?
L149[09:30:29] <Sangar> yes
L150[09:30:31] <FlyingLizard> that's not documented :/
L151[09:30:38] <FlyingLizard> ok, I didn't know that
L152[09:30:48] <gamax92> I wish I knew that :/
L153[09:30:50] <Sangar> blame someone :X
L154[09:31:28] <FlyingLizard> hu, you're right :O "if (args.isTable(1)) {" there it is
L155[09:31:33] <Sangar> mhm
L156[09:31:44] <FlyingLizard> ok, consider me educated :)
L157[09:31:45] <Sangar> i'd hope i'm right, i wrote that :P
L158[09:31:54] <FlyingLizard> true XD
L159[09:31:56] <Sangar> feel free to add it to the wiki!
L160[09:31:59] <Sangar> to educate others :3
L161[09:32:10] <FlyingLizard> anyway, my suggestion was aiming for something sligtly different
L162[09:32:28] <FlyingLizard> I honestly don't know how good it would work with your code, I haven't really read that much of it
L163[09:33:21] <FlyingLizard> back in redpower, Elorams solution was to cache all Output changes for each frame, and apply the end result
L164[09:33:32] <FlyingLizard> I believe it applied every two frames or so
L165[09:33:54] <FlyingLizard> that way, you can edit and switch as much as you want, but it won't go live and won't force all those block updates
L166[09:34:19] <FlyingLizard> sry, I meant caching for each tick, not frame
L167[09:35:10] <FlyingLizard> I blieve that would be a more clean approach, instead of forcing the players programm to pause
L168[09:35:24] <gamax92> yes, anything for higher performance
L169[09:35:28] <Sangar> yeah, that's what i do for sending screen changes to clients actually :P dunno, would have to check if / how much rewriting that would require. possibly not much, might just be a matter of delaying a markDirty
L170[09:35:35] <Sangar> feel free to open a ticket
L171[09:36:26] <FlyingLizard> oh man, I don't even know how to use gitHubs ticket system, sry I'll pass on that XD
L172[09:36:40] <Sangar> >_>
L173[09:36:41] <gamax92> >_>
L174[09:36:42] <gamax92> click new issue, type things in it
L175[09:36:45] <Sangar> 1. Create account.
L176[09:36:48] <Sangar> 2. Click new issue.
L177[09:36:51] <Sangar> 3. Enter text.
L178[09:36:54] <Sangar> 4. ???
L179[09:36:57] <Sangar> 5. Profit
L180[09:37:28] <gamax92> Magik6k no
L181[09:37:33] <gamax92> stop replying to the orange
L182[09:37:42] <Sangar> :P
L183[09:37:46] <FlyingLizard> I just wanted to get the suggestion out there :)
L184[09:37:46] <FlyingLizard> ok, I'll go check out your new build now
L185[09:38:59] ⇨ Joins: gudenau (webchat@108-234-63-26.lightspeed.fyvlar.sbcglobal.net)
L186[09:39:04] <gudenau> Hello!
L187[09:39:13] <Ekoserin|Off> Hello!
L188[09:39:19] *** Ekoserin|Off is now known as Ekoserin
L189[09:39:30] <gudenau> Is there an editor that supports syntax higlighting for OC?
L190[09:39:58] <FlyingLizard> Codeblocks understands Lua
L191[09:40:20] <Sangar> gudenau, in oc or externally?
L192[09:40:25] <gudenau> I want one that is ingame, I do have Notepad++.
L193[09:40:43] <Sangar> the one in that pseudo-mac-os-ish one looked like it might, not sure tho
L194[09:41:43] <FlyingLizard> btw, I'm not averse to actually DOING something for a public project, I'm actually in the process to update the wiki as we speak >:(
L195[09:42:08] <Sangar> http://git.io/vsxb0 don't see a list of keywords at first glance though, so i might be wrong
L196[09:42:10] <gudenau> The data card is not on the wiki.
L197[09:42:27] <Sangar> FlyingLizard, good boy (?)
L198[09:42:29] <gamax92> ~w data
L199[09:42:29] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:data
L200[09:42:32] <gamax92> yes it is
L201[09:42:44] <gudenau> Or, the ingame eiki.
L202[09:42:47] <gudenau> wiki*
L203[09:42:50] <gamax92> oh i guess the item link doesn't exist
L204[09:43:19] <Sangar> http://git.io/vGZLe yes it is
L205[09:43:26] <gudenau> That Rushen?
L206[09:43:52] <Sangar> ?
L207[09:44:08] <gudenau> https://github.com/IgorTimofeev/OpenComputers/blob/master/Applications/MineCode/MineCode.lua#L19
L208[09:44:25] <gamax92> Russian
L209[09:44:29] <Sangar> ah; yeah. look in the dir, there's an english localization for the gui
L210[09:47:16] <gudenau> Ok, how am I supposed to use this?
L211[09:48:13] <gudenau> The readme does not help. -_-
L212[09:48:15] <FlyingLizard> sangar, I tested the new build
L213[09:48:31] <FlyingLizard> the config option does work, however only for larger values
L214[09:48:41] <FlyingLizard> you still have one hell of a delay when you enter 0
L215[09:48:54] <Sangar> well, there'll always be a one tick delay, maybe that's what you're seeing?
L216[09:49:59] <FlyingLizard> I wrote a simple script that activates all sides (for loop), sleeps for about 0.5 seconds, and then deactivates all sides
L217[09:50:20] <FlyingLizard> instead of simultaneously flashing on and off, the sides "cycle"
L218[09:50:26] <gudenau> Ok, diffrent question: How do I make the FS sync when editing it outside of the game?
L219[09:50:27] <Sangar> well, of course
L220[09:50:33] <Sangar> that's what i mean by one tick delay :P
L221[09:50:55] <gudenau> The computers do have a speed limit aswell.
L222[09:50:59] <Sangar> they should cycle slightly faster than before tho :P
L223[09:51:03] <Sangar> that, too
L224[09:51:09] <FlyingLizard> ah, so there is an enforced one tick sleep after the call to setOutput anyway?
L225[09:51:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665344D3A5CDD0C023D94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L226[09:51:15] <Sangar> shouldn't really matter in this case i don't think
L227[09:51:21] <gamax92> gudenau: in the config, you can set bufferChanges to false
L228[09:51:30] <Sangar> FlyingLizard, well, yeah, since it's a world interaction it has to be synced to the server thread
L229[09:51:56] <gamax92> this will make it always use whats in the world folder
L230[09:52:19] <FlyingLizard> ok, not much of a problem since you can call setBundledOutput with a table anyway
L231[09:52:44] <FlyingLizard> just makes it a pain to switch severall things simultaneously
L232[09:52:52] <gamax92> i need to fix ccemu then to support that
L233[09:53:55] <FlyingLizard> I'll update the documentation in the wiki now, maybe in the future Redstone changes will be cached
L234[09:54:15] <gamax92> I need to fix ccemu to be cc1.74 as well >_>
L235[09:54:43] <gudenau> ccemu? Does it make a ComputerCraft enviroment in OC?
L236[09:55:00] <gamax92> yes
L237[09:55:17] <gudenau> Neat.
L238[09:55:26] <gudenau> Is it on oppm?
L239[09:55:40] <gamax92> nope, but I probably should just go ahead and do that
L240[09:55:53] <gamax92> unless ...
L241[09:55:59] <gamax92> oh vex isn't here
L242[09:56:24] <gamax92> gudenau: https://github.com/gamax92/OCScriptDev/tree/master/ccemu
L243[09:56:39] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L244[09:56:42] <robhol> meow
L245[09:56:51] <gudenau> Thanks for the config option gamax92, that works for me!
L246[09:56:54] * gamax92 pets robhol
L247[09:57:13] * robhol bats at gamax92's hand
L248[09:57:24] <gamax92> :c
L249[09:57:35] * gudenau puts gamax92 and robhol in time-out
L250[09:57:48] <robhol> no no. just playful batting. :3
L251[09:59:03] <gudenau> I take it there is no "real" TCP?
L252[09:59:20] <gamax92> The internet card supports real TCP sockets
L253[09:59:29] <gudenau> I mean for ingame.
L254[09:59:51] <gamax92> there are network cards then?
L255[10:00:02] <gudenau> Yes.
L256[10:00:17] <gudenau> http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:network_card
L257[10:00:54] <robhol> what do you mean by "real" TCP?
L258[10:01:16] <robhol> isn't the usual stuff reliable?
L259[10:01:21] <robhol> albeit message-oriented
L260[10:01:21] <gudenau> A transparent stream with packet recovery.
L261[10:01:39] <gudenau> Just wondering, I can get along with the message system.
L262[10:01:50] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665074D3A5CDD0C023D94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L263[10:01:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L264[10:01:59] <gudenau> Starting to program some networking stuff, getting a feel for it.
L265[10:03:01] <gudenau> I need to stop putting ; at the end of lines. :-/
L266[10:08:45] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KK@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L267[10:09:17] <ds84182> gudenau: yeah, you should get out of that habit;
L268[10:09:29] <gudenau> I can shove a ... param into an array, correct?
L269[10:09:41] <ds84182> Yes
L270[10:09:46] <gamax92> { ... }
L271[10:09:47] <ds84182> you should use table.pack(...) for that
L272[10:09:48] <gudenau> {...}?
L273[10:09:48] <robhol> ds84182: I like semicolons. I use them in my Lua stuff
L274[10:10:05] <gudenau> Ok, what is the diffrence?
L275[10:10:05] <robhol> I try not to in python though, as it's more opinionated wrt to "pythonicness"
L276[10:10:09] <ds84182> I've encountered some problems using {...} vs table.pack(...)
L277[10:10:19] <ds84182> {...} doesn't like nil values much
L278[10:10:26] <gudenau> Ah.
L279[10:10:38] <gudenau> I could have bil here.
L280[10:10:40] <ds84182> #lua function tp(...) return {...} end return tp(1, nil, 2, 3)[4]
L281[10:10:40] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L282[10:10:41] <gudenau> nil*
L283[10:10:46] <ds84182> #lua function tp(...) return {...} end return tp(1, nil, nil, 2, 3)[4]
L284[10:10:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2
L285[10:10:54] <gamax92> gudenau: if you need to know how many arguments were given via ..., you use table.pack and then read the n key
L286[10:11:02] <ds84182> hmm... I can't remember the specific instance where it broke on me
L287[10:11:22] <gudenau> The char n, or a var n?
L288[10:11:32] <robhol> I've always used {...} and never had a problem
L289[10:11:43] <gamax92> #lua table.pack(4, nil, nil).n
L290[10:11:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L291[10:11:47] <gamax92> #lua table.pack(4, nil, nil, nil, nil).n
L292[10:11:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 5
L293[10:11:55] <ds84182> #lua function tp(...) return {...} end return #tp(1, nil, nil, 2, 3)
L294[10:11:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 5
L295[10:12:09] <gamax92> where as
L296[10:12:19] <gamax92> #lua #({4, nil, nil, nil, nil})
L297[10:12:19] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L298[10:12:25] <robhol> ah
L299[10:12:34] <ds84182> yeah, thats it
L300[10:12:52] <ds84182> I remember I was getting bugs in LuaVM due to me using {...} instead of table.pack
L301[10:13:12] <Vexatos> Now to wait for reinei to get back online
L302[10:13:25] <gudenau> It would help to open the port. :-/
L303[10:15:50] <gudenau> Does interrupted only get fired when ctrl+c is pressed?
L304[10:17:40] <FlyingLizard> hm, when calling setBundledOutput with a table, it starts indexing the colors at 1, instead of 0 (or at least it has a similar result)
L305[10:17:58] <gudenau> Is that not "normal" for lua?
L306[10:17:58] <gamax92> FlyingLizard: probably since lua tables start at 1
L307[10:18:03] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L308[10:18:05] <FlyingLizard> hold on
L309[10:18:11] <FlyingLizard> let me type
L310[10:18:45] <FlyingLizard> setBundledOutput(x,{15,0,0,[etcetcetc]}) results in the orange wire being active, instead of the white one
L311[10:19:02] *** gudenau is now known as gudenau|afk
L312[10:19:22] <FlyingLizard> and a table with 16 fields of 15, activates everything but white
L313[10:19:49] <gamax92> FlyingLizard: so what happens if you put [0]=15, in the beginning of the table then?
L314[10:19:59] <FlyingLizard> hold on, testing
L315[10:20:20] <FlyingLizard> yes, that works
L316[10:20:28] <FlyingLizard> looks horrible though :(
L317[10:20:28] <gamax92> then the starting index is 0
L318[10:20:34] <gamax92> yeah but, lua
L319[10:21:17] <FlyingLizard> ok, I'll document that as well
L320[10:21:19] <Vexatos> that's an OC bug
L321[10:21:26] <Vexatos> Sangar: Fix yer indices
L322[10:21:37] <Vexatos> FlyingLizard, don't document that
L323[10:21:41] <Vexatos> Sangar is doing it wrong
L324[10:21:42] <Vexatos> D:
L325[10:21:56] <FlyingLizard> yes, but until it is fixed people should know what to do
L326[10:22:05] <Vexatos> to be fair, it's hard to keep the index shift in mind all the time
L327[10:22:09] <FlyingLizard> I'm adding that it is likely bugged and liable to change in the future
L328[10:22:19] <Vexatos> I have accidentally done it myself too, once
L329[10:22:40] <Sangar> no it's not
L330[10:22:46] <ds84182> It's not a bug
L331[10:22:47] <ds84182> :P
L332[10:22:47] <FlyingLizard> does Lua give the option to change the starting index anyway?
L333[10:22:54] <ds84182> FlyingLizard: nope
L334[10:22:55] <gamax92> no
L335[10:23:07] <FlyingLizard> so Sangar wont be able to change THAT anyway
L336[10:23:18] <Sangar> they're more ids than indexes, so them starting with 0 is fine :P
L337[10:23:24] <gamax92> FlyingLizard: yes Sangar can
L338[10:23:32] <gamax92> he would just go 1 to 16 instead of 0 to 15 :P
L339[10:23:36] <ds84182> I agree that he should of started reading the table on the Scala side by index 1
L340[10:23:51] <ds84182> But it's too late now
L341[10:23:56] <FlyingLizard> yes, but that would create problems when building a table through code
L342[10:24:05] <gamax92> mainly that tough, it's too late
L343[10:24:08] <FlyingLizard> due to the color api
L344[10:24:14] <Sangar> i wanted to have a 1:1 mapping for those and sides (to the sides enum in java code), so meh :P
L345[10:24:35] <FlyingLizard> I will add a warning for all of that to the wiki
L346[10:24:46] <ds84182> Sangar: who in here knows anything about the java side except gamax92 and I
L347[10:24:57] <gamax92> Mimiru has done java programming
L348[10:25:06] <ds84182> Most of the users wouldn't give a damn if it was one value off the java side implementation
L349[10:25:12] <Vexatos> well
L350[10:25:19] <gamax92> Vexatos: you don't count
L351[10:25:21] <Vexatos> I guess Sangar is right as you could probably do
L352[10:25:26] <ds84182> gamax92: I understand there are more, but I didn't want to ping them
L353[10:25:32] <Sangar> ds84182, at least for sides you shouldn't really care about the actual values at all :X
L354[10:25:33] <Vexatos> {[colors.white]=15}
L355[10:25:36] <Vexatos> Am I right?
L356[10:25:36] <Sangar> ^
L357[10:25:55] <FlyingLizard> in that case it would need to be 16
L358[10:26:06] <S3> I thought of a mod about RF transmission, and actually making different styles of antennas, etc and hooking it up to OC for networking with data loss, etc for very long range wireless stuff
L359[10:26:06] <FlyingLizard> 15 is already black
L360[10:26:09] <Sangar> just use the "enums"
L361[10:26:12] <S3> then I remembered we have those dimensional cards..
L362[10:26:33] <gamax92> the linked cards?
L363[10:26:36] <S3> yeah
L364[10:26:45] <gamax92> aren't those p2p only?
L365[10:26:48] <S3> makes the idea useless
L366[10:27:03] <S3> well you can route p2p
L367[10:27:03] <ds84182> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILW809I778k
L368[10:27:03] <MichiBot> ds84182: Dispossession (strings version) from NieR Gestalt/RepliCant OST | length 2m 13s | Likes: 28 Dislikes: 0 Views: 2981 | by ThePochaccos
L369[10:27:04] <Vexatos> gamax92, now have a server with 3 of those
L370[10:27:14] <Vexatos> and 4 servers with 3 of those each in a rack
L371[10:27:21] <Vexatos> voilà: Interdimensional router
L372[10:27:41] <S3> gamax92, my reasoning was like, huh. I'm 15 Kilometers away from my pal, wouldn't it be cool to set up a Yagi and pull a lot of RF to network with him?
L373[10:28:15] <S3> weather and other things can cause more packet loss, etc
L374[10:28:26] <Vexatos> The wireless network card
L375[10:28:29] <Vexatos> actually gets affected by weather
L376[10:28:33] <S3> yeah
L377[10:28:51] <S3> but does the wireless network card transmit as far as you want it to?
L378[10:28:57] <gamax92> yes
L379[10:29:04] <S3> without config changes
L380[10:29:08] <gamax92> yes
L381[10:29:09] <S3> huh
L382[10:29:17] <gamax92> it transmits as far as I want it to ;)
L383[10:29:25] <gamax92> which is near my base
L384[10:29:33] <Vexatos> maxWirelessRange: 400
L385[10:29:35] <S3> right but my point is there is a range
L386[10:30:11] <S3> with my setup, it would be more, as long as your equipment can handle that much RF without burning out or melting, and as long as the data loss isn't so high that you just can't reach them, you can technically communicate
L387[10:30:22] <S3> instead of, you are limited to absolutely this far
L388[10:30:56] <Vexatos> Sounds like something for OpenRadio
L389[10:31:41] <S3> I can make it so that if you really want long range you can use an amplifier that can catch fire and spew lava if you feed it like, 3 concurrent feeds of like 8000 RF/t
L390[10:31:44] <S3> at the sam,e time
L391[10:31:53] <S3> lol
L392[10:32:30] <gamax92> S3: how much latency would having several wifi repeater stations occur?
L393[10:32:31] <S3> and that your antenna can be struck by lightning and fry parts of your equipment if ungrounded
L394[10:32:47] <S3> not sure. it would be more than my CC repeater setup
L395[10:33:01] <S3> which only took like a seccond to travel 30KM
L396[10:33:02] <Vexatos> eww free lava
L397[10:33:04] <Vexatos> so OP
L398[10:33:06] <Vexatos> .-.
L399[10:33:10] <S3> which was like, one tower ever 700 meters
L400[10:33:12] * Vexatos takes cover
L401[10:33:12] <Sangar> wait what, the wlan card cares for the weather?
L402[10:33:28] <gamax92> what? are you saying that CC can do most everything faster than OC?
L403[10:33:31] * gamax92 gasps :O
L404[10:33:40] <S3> Vexatos, it would ruin your machine
L405[10:33:45] <Vexatos> Sangar, with the right mods :3
L406[10:33:48] <S3> and the equipment that would do that would be very expensive
L407[10:33:50] <Sangar> ah, ok
L408[10:33:52] <Sangar> :P
L409[10:33:59] <S3> it would be like, I dunno
L410[10:34:08] <S3> a 30,000RF/t power amplifier
L411[10:34:21] <S3> something ridiculous
L412[10:34:36] <S3> requires multiple feeds just to get the RF/t you need
L413[10:34:45] <Vexatos> Sangar, you better add that feature now :3
L414[10:35:00] <Vexatos> increase cost during rain and thunderstorm xD
L415[10:35:08] <S3> lol
L416[10:35:13] <Vexatos> S3, uuuh why 30k RF/t?
L417[10:35:16] <Sangar> eeeeh :P
L418[10:35:20] <Vexatos> That's impossible to maintain with BuildCraft ever
L419[10:35:23] <Sangar> packet loss maybe
L420[10:35:52] <S3> Vexatos, for one that's max
L421[10:35:57] <Vexatos> Would require 21 max-size HP steam boilers from railcraft with 375 Industrial Steam Engines
L422[10:36:00] <S3> :)
L423[10:36:01] <Vexatos> You can't do that
L424[10:36:09] <S3> doesn't matter
L425[10:36:27] <Vexatos> Would just promote Big Reactors >_>
L426[10:36:31] <S3> I'll get a reliable number it was just out there. either way Vexatos, if you know anything about amplifiers
L427[10:36:41] <S3> youy would know that I have an 8 kilowatt amplifier for my guitar
L428[10:36:45] <Vexatos> (FYI the default configs in BR are actually debug configs the dev used for testing his mod)
L429[10:36:49] <S3> but it doesn't require 8 kilowatts to run
L430[10:36:52] <S3> that's maximum
L431[10:37:31] <gamax92> Vexatos knows no thing
L432[10:37:52] <S3> and that amplifier would be super expensive, it would be like TIER 5+ parts just to cope with the heat
L433[10:38:08] <Vexatos> TIL there is a tier 5 in OpenCompuderps
L434[10:38:16] <S3> really?
L435[10:38:26] <Vexatos> " it would be like TIER 5+ parts"
L436[10:38:27] <Vexatos> apparently so
L437[10:38:33] <S3> you read it wrong.
L438[10:38:36] <S3> I'm not talking about OC
L439[10:38:51] <Vexatos> you are talking about data transmission .-.
L440[10:39:01] <S3> yeah a radio mod or something
L441[10:39:07] <gamax92> S3 means tier in his mod not tiers in OC
L442[10:39:08] <Vexatos> OpenRadio exists
L443[10:39:11] <Vexatos> it is an OC addon
L444[10:39:27] <S3> all I'm saying is that it would be like the highest amplifier you can get in my mod if I did that
L445[10:39:34] <Vexatos> mhm
L446[10:39:45] <Vexatos> OpenRadio kind of does what you say
L447[10:39:47] <Vexatos> just less hardcore
L448[10:39:51] <S3> heh
L449[10:39:54] <S3> I'm a HAM
L450[10:40:00] <S3> so I sort of get carried away with radio
L451[10:40:04] <S3> I'm also an EE student so heh
L452[10:40:26] <Vexatos> Eww equivalent exchange :3
L453[10:40:41] <S3> Electrical Engineer
L454[10:40:44] <Vexatos> >_>
L455[10:40:47] <Vexatos> orly? >_>
L456[10:41:09] <S3> It's a great major.
L457[10:41:48] <gamax92> Software Engineer
L458[10:42:04] <S3> gamax92, is it called that or are you CS?
L459[10:42:47] <gamax92> I'm not doing Software Engineering, but it's a related thing
L460[10:43:24] <gamax92> I just don't remember because holy shit, there are so many different classifications of basically the exact same thing except for many one class >_>
L461[10:43:33] <gamax92> maybe one*
L462[10:43:35] <S3> heh
L463[10:43:48] <S3> at my university, they merge CE and EE
L464[10:43:57] <S3> so we have two seperate majors alltogether
L465[10:44:03] <S3> but we all take classes in "ECE"
L466[10:44:27] <S3> the cool thing about that is that if I graduate with EE, I can take like 4 more ECE classes and get a CE degree
L467[10:44:31] <S3> or vice versa.
L468[10:45:26] <S3> EE takes more classes associated with electromagnetic theory, etc, CE is computer engineering and they deal more with things like fuzzy logic theory and stuff
L469[10:45:34] <FlyingLizard> ok, I added the part about using tables in setBundledOutput to the wiki. It was my first edit ever in a wiki, so it would be nice if someone could confirm if everything is in order :) http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:redstone
L470[10:45:53] <S3> but what's confusing to some gamax92 is that we also have a CS degree
L471[10:45:59] <S3> which is not part of ECE at all
L472[10:47:17] <S3> EWWWW camelcase
L473[10:47:46] <FlyingLizard> camelcase?
L474[10:48:12] <gamax92> "Here I come and I do not care"
L475[10:48:29] <S3> FlyingLizard, just being random
L476[10:48:41] <gamax92> same
L477[10:48:54] <FlyingLizard> ah ok
L478[10:49:45] <FlyingLizard> aaaaand I forgot an s in there
L479[10:49:48] <FlyingLizard> great >_>
L480[10:50:09] <Skye> #p
L481[10:50:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4.23766784 Seconds passed.
L482[10:50:46] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L483[10:50:47] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L484[10:51:07] <gamax92> S3: oh nvm
L485[10:51:11] <gamax92> I guess it's just CS
L486[10:51:14] <gamax92> :P
L487[10:51:16] <FlyingLizard> fixed. Ok, thanks again for the help, bye :)
L488[10:51:43] <S3> gamax92, I was thinking of taking a couple CS classes for fun here
L489[10:51:49] <S3> there are two which looked fun
L490[10:52:21] <S3> one is programming languages; you decide on a programming language to research for the entire rest of the semester and that's what all of your work is based on
L491[10:52:27] ⇦ Parts: FlyingLizard (webchat@ ())
L492[10:52:28] <ds84182> mpv is so good... I love hardware accelerated music
L493[10:52:37] <S3> I think it would be a good way to learn rust or something so I had an excuse to do it
L494[10:52:38] <ds84182> Uses less CPU, so I don't overheat :DDD
L495[10:53:03] <S3> the other class was operating systems, just because I was curious what cool trickery they would instruct in that class that I was unaware of
L496[10:53:30] <S3> ds84182, you shouldn't be overheating
L497[10:53:40] <ds84182> S3: Laptop.
L498[10:53:52] <ds84182> A laptop with both an AMD CPU and GPU
L499[10:53:53] <S3> and are you referring to DMA to your sound card?
L500[10:54:08] <ds84182> S3: No, GPU side music decoding
L501[10:54:14] <ds84182> Which is less taxing than CPU side
L502[10:54:17] <S3> GPU huh
L503[10:54:30] <S3> not SPU?
L504[10:55:09] <ds84182> nope
L505[10:56:25] <S3> but that's interesting, so you can just send DMA or whatever of unhandled sound data, and let the end device decode it for you. the problem I see with that is if a new format comes out or if a format's version changes in a way that breaks it.
L506[10:56:30] <Vexatos> S3, do some research on LOLCODE :P
L507[10:56:33] *** gudenau|afk is now known as gudenau
L508[10:56:44] <Vexatos> for half a year .-.
L509[10:56:49] <S3> Vexatos, I wrote a lolcode to assembly compiler in Perl
L510[10:56:54] <S3> I have no idea where it is
L511[10:56:55] <Vexatos> .....
L512[10:57:17] <Vexatos> HAI; HOW DOES I fish?
L513[10:57:23] <S3> yeah it was my attempt to prove that you could technically make an OS in LOLCODE but it was absolutely useless
L514[10:57:37] <S3> got bored of that shit real fast
L515[10:57:39] <Vexatos> You can make an OS in Lua
L516[10:57:46] <Vexatos> and LOLCODE has way more functionality than Lua
L517[10:57:54] <S3> LOLCODE is annoying
L518[10:57:57] <Vexatos> it's just more tedious to write for obvious reasons
L519[10:58:03] <Daiyousei> DANK MAY MAY LANG XDDDD 2007
L520[10:58:10] <gamax92> guys hold on
L521[10:58:12] <Vexatos> Daiyousei, that's not LOLCODE
L522[10:58:14] <S3> IZ VAR CATURDAY? GTFO
L523[10:58:15] <gamax92> creative name incomming
L524[10:58:20] <gamax92> OCLOLCODE
L525[10:58:22] <Daiyousei> Vexatos: did i say it was?
L526[10:58:23] <Vexatos> https://github.com/justinmeza/lolcode-spec/blob/master/v1.2/lolcode-spec-v1.2.md
L527[10:58:33] <S3> Vexatos, besides
L528[10:58:34] <gamax92> lolcode processor for oc
L529[10:58:36] <Vexatos> it's outdated
L530[10:58:42] <S3> I'm already knee deep in porting miniforth to OC
L531[10:58:42] <Vexatos> but I couldn't find a more recent spec
L532[10:58:45] <S3> and it is actually working btw
L533[10:58:46] <S3> :D
L534[10:58:52] <Vexatos> kewl
L535[10:58:56] <Vexatos> Cruor please
L536[10:59:12] <S3> I did not realize that Cruor was in this channel
L537[10:59:15] <Vexatos> Cruor, if S3 gets forth working on Lua, do Shrobot already ;_;
L538[10:59:35] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L539[10:59:59] ⇨ Joins: ltm (~ltm@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu)
L540[11:00:04] <S3> right now I am contemplating writing my function for handling non primative words, so that I can allow the declaration and execution of functions
L541[11:00:06] <ltm> Hi
L542[11:00:23] *** ltm is now known as LewisTehMinerz
L543[11:00:31] <LewisTehMinerz> hold on
L544[11:00:48] <gudenau> There is a way to access the servers remotly, correct?
L545[11:00:51] ⇦ Quits: LewisTehMinerz (~ltm@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu) (Client Quit)
L546[11:00:58] <S3> why not?
L547[11:01:09] <S3> you could use a wireless terminal
L548[11:01:17] <S3> or get a shell over the network..
L549[11:02:15] ⇨ Joins: LewisTehMinerz (~lewistehm@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu)
L550[11:02:15] <Vexatos> Yea
L551[11:02:22] <Vexatos> more basic would be to use the remote
L552[11:02:28] <Vexatos> but that has a limited range
L553[11:02:30] <LewisTehMinerz> Hi there
L554[11:02:42] <LewisTehMinerz> I'm using the In-game OpenIRC to use Irc
L555[11:02:43] <gudenau> Just need a few blocks.
L556[11:03:20] <Vexatos> gudenau, for that, you have the remote
L557[11:03:28] <Vexatos> the "range" setting in the server rack will relate to that
L558[11:03:29] <gudenau> Which I am now using.
L559[11:03:32] <LewisTehMinerz> How would I write a print function for a bios program?
L560[11:03:32] <Vexatos> ok
L561[11:03:58] <gudenau> Wow, 400 is kinda large. :-P
L562[11:04:14] <gamax92> nah, you can quickly exhaust that
L563[11:04:18] <LewisTehMinerz> Anyone?
L564[11:05:13] <LewisTehMinerz> Anyone know how to write a print function for an EEPROM :P
L565[11:05:47] <gamax92> whats an eeprom?
L566[11:05:58] <Ekoserin> gamax92: did you seriously just
L567[11:05:59] <Daiyousei> eeeeeeeep
L568[11:06:29] <LewisTehMinerz> An EEPROM is the BIOS for an OC
L569[11:06:30] <gamax92> LewisTehMinerz: I don't thing OC has printers anyway
L570[11:06:52] <Ekoserin> Don't mind gamax92.
L571[11:06:59] <gamax92> Don't mind Ekoserin either
L572[11:07:11] <LewisTehMinerz> What I mean is 'print text to the screen'
L573[11:07:13] <Ekoserin> Anyway, give me a sec
L574[11:07:16] <LewisTehMinerz> Not Print.
L575[11:07:26] <gamax92> insult generator: combine two swear words together
L576[11:07:30] <gudenau> ~= is not equal, correct?
L577[11:07:33] <gamax92> yes
L578[11:07:48] <LewisTehMinerz> I tried using the print() function and it didn't work... is actually BlueScreened the in-game PC
L579[11:07:48] <Ekoserin> ~= == ≠
L580[11:08:02] <Ekoserin> Yeah, print() doesn't work in BIOS-land
L581[11:08:13] <Sangar> LewisTehMinerz, try something like `function print(blah) component.proxy(component.list("gpu")()).set(1, 1, blah) end` to get you started
L582[11:08:45] <gamax92> all those precious characters
L583[11:09:07] <gudenau> Can I send an object over the modems?
L584[11:09:15] <LewisTehMinerz> ok
L585[11:09:17] <LewisTehMinerz> thank you
L586[11:09:23] <Sangar> gudenau, if you serialization.serialize it first
L587[11:09:35] <Ekoserin> "local gpu = component.proxy(component.list("gpu")())" might allow you to use standard GPU commands, I think.
L588[11:09:42] <Sangar> it does
L589[11:09:51] <gudenau> Thanks.
L590[11:10:20] <LewisTehMinerz> Thank to Sangar!
L591[11:10:22] <LewisTehMinerz> Bye!
L592[11:10:25] ⇦ Quits: LewisTehMinerz (~lewistehm@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu) (Quit: LewisTehMinerz)
L593[11:10:28] <gamax92> Hail Sangar!
L594[11:10:33] <Sangar> Praise Me!
L595[11:10:45] <Ekoserin> All hail Sangar.
L596[11:11:30] <ds84182> PRAISE DUARTE
L597[11:11:36] <Vexatos> Uhm
L598[11:11:36] <gudenau> ALL HAIL ME!
L599[11:11:38] <Vexatos> Didn't I make OC?
L600[11:11:45] <Vexatos> I remember something about that
L601[11:11:45] <Vexatos> :P
L602[11:11:46] <Ekoserin> Who are you?
L603[11:11:55] <Vexatos> Sangar made me to write OC
L604[11:11:58] <gamax92> yes but since Sangar is the owner now, we've deleted you from history
L605[11:12:04] <Sangar> yah, i'm stealing all of vex's credit
L606[11:12:16] <Vexatos> Yup
L607[11:12:27] <Vexatos> So far only one person properly thanked me for all my hard work
L608[11:12:33] <Vexatos> (Don't even remember the name)
L609[11:12:41] <Vexatos> Something with n
L610[11:13:13] <Sangar> also for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/ORmELHZanyw
L611[11:13:14] <MichiBot> Sangar: OpenComputers: Transposer Block Preview | length 2m 37s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 13 | by Florian Nücke
L612[11:17:45] <Vexatos> snagarrr
L613[11:18:05] <Vexatos> transposer op, pls nerf
L614[11:18:06] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L615[11:18:10] <Vexatos> it doesn't even transpose
L616[11:18:12] <Vexatos> how dare you
L617[11:18:38] <Vexatos> Do you even music, Snagar .-.
L618[11:18:49] <Inari> Snackar
L619[11:18:49] <Sangar> ?
L620[11:18:58] <gudenau> You have noteblocks and beep for that.
L621[11:19:11] <Skye> #p
L622[11:19:13] <Skye> Vexatos op, pls nerf
L623[11:19:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L624[11:19:48] <Vexatos> gudenau, in fact, I also have beep cards, iron note blocks and tape drives for that
L625[11:19:50] <Skye> #p
L626[11:19:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.23605547699999996 Seconds passed.
L627[11:20:13] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Stupid
L628[11:20:19] *** Skye|Stupid is now known as Skye|Idiot
L629[11:20:27] ⇦ Quits: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L630[11:20:29] <gamax92> Skye, it's alright
L631[11:20:59] <Skye|Idiot> don't mind me while I cry instead of doing my homework
L632[11:21:22] <gudenau> Is "if(request and request.data and request.type and request.port) then" valid?
L633[11:21:29] ⇨ Joins: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca)
L634[11:21:53] <Vexatos> gudenau, why brackets .-.
L635[11:22:00] <Cruor> Vexatos: JS Q_Q
L636[11:22:09] <gudenau> There are no brackets.
L637[11:22:22] <Vexatos> get rid of them parentheses
L638[11:22:26] <Vexatos> now
L639[11:22:26] <Vexatos> .-.
L640[11:22:45] <gudenau> I am used to C like languages, give me a break.
L641[11:22:50] <Vexatos> D:
L642[11:22:54] <Vexatos> Cruor: Make shrobot
L643[11:23:08] <Skye|Idiot> gudenau, Lua has not got C like syntax
L644[11:23:10] <Vexatos> S3 is making forth but I don't want to learn forth, so please do it
L645[11:23:22] * Sangar throws `break`s around
L646[11:23:26] <gudenau> Oh, forth!
L647[11:24:19] <Skye|Idiot> meh forth
L648[11:24:34] <Vexatos> Sangar, do you want the real deal?
L649[11:24:35] ⇨ Joins: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L650[11:24:36] <Sangar> go, forth, c, lua
L651[11:24:40] <gudenau> I take it I need "require("serialization")"?
L652[11:24:47] <Sangar> let's make sentences from language names! \o/
L653[11:24:52] <gamax92> lol
L654[11:25:01] <Vexatos> #lua local i = 0 ::fish:: print("Hi") i = i + 1 if i < 10 goto fish end
L655[11:25:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: 'then' expected near 'goto'
L656[11:25:06] <Sangar> gudenau, yep
L657[11:25:07] <Vexatos> wait what
L658[11:25:12] <Vexatos> #lua _VERSION
L659[11:25:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Lua 5.3 Sandbox
L660[11:25:18] <Vexatos> #lua local i = 0 ::fish:: print("Hi") i = i + 1 if i < 10 then goto fish end
L661[11:25:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | nil
L662[11:25:20] <Vexatos> aha!
L663[11:25:27] <Vexatos> that's how you need to do Lua code+
L664[11:25:29] <Vexatos> wait
L665[11:25:33] <gudenau> #lua while true do end
L666[11:25:35] <Vexatos> #lua local i = 0 ::fish:: print("Hi") i = i + 1 if i < 10 then goto fish else break end
L667[11:25:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L668[11:25:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: <break> at line 1 not inside a loop
L669[11:25:41] <gudenau> :-D
L670[11:25:49] <Vexatos> Heh
L671[11:25:59] <Vexatos> #lua local i = 0 while true do ::fish:: print("Hi") i = i + 1 if i < 10 then goto fish else break end end
L672[11:25:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | nil
L673[11:26:07] <Vexatos> We need moar bad things in Lua
L674[11:26:12] <Vexatos> Oh, I know another bad thing
L675[11:26:18] <Sangar> NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN you know the rest :P
L676[11:26:33] <Skye|Idiot> WAT
L677[11:26:38] <Vexatos> #lua local i = 0;;;;;; while true do ;;;;;; ::fish::;;;;;; print("Hi");;;;;; i = i + 1;;;;;; if i < 10 then;;;;;; goto fish;;;;;; else;;;;;; break;;;;;; end;;;;;; end;;;;;;
L678[11:26:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi | nil
L679[11:26:42] <gamax92> return "Vexatos is such a " .. insult()
L680[11:26:46] <Vexatos> #lua local i ;;;;;;= ;;;;;;0;;;;;; while true do ;;;;;; ::fish::;;;;;; print("Hi");;;;;; i = i + 1;;;;;; if i < 10 then;;;;;; goto fish;;;;;; else;;;;;; break;;;;;; end;;;;;; end;;;;;;
L681[11:26:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '='
L682[11:26:49] <Vexatos> Ok that does not work
L683[11:26:56] <Vexatos> I was curious
L684[11:27:02] <Sangar> <_>
L685[11:27:05] <gamax92> my eyes
L686[11:27:12] <Vexatos> #lua local i ;;;;;;= ;;;;;;0;;;;;; while true do ;;;;;; ::fish::;;;;;; print("Hi");;;;;; i = i ;+ 1;;;;;; if i < 10 then;;;;;; goto fish;;;;;; else;;;;;; break;;;;;; end;;;;;; end;;;;;;
L687[11:27:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '='
L688[11:27:13] <Sangar> looks like esolang
L689[11:27:14] <Vexatos> :P
L690[11:27:24] <gamax92> #lua return "Vexatos is such a " .. insult()
L691[11:27:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Vexatos is such a asshell
L692[11:27:27] <gamax92> wat
L693[11:27:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, it's called "sane-y-colon"
L694[11:27:44] <Sangar> same-y-colon
L695[11:27:45] <Sangar> actually
L696[11:27:52] <Vexatos> but that's not sane :3
L697[11:28:02] <Vexatos> Shurtle is an esolang
L698[11:28:02] <Sangar> :P
L699[11:28:06] <Vexatos> Cruor should port it
L700[11:28:08] <Vexatos> ;3
L701[11:28:18] <Sangar> make an arch that natively runs it :P
L702[11:28:29] <Vexatos> I wonder if Selene counts as an esolang as it does (obviously) support the arbitrary semicolons too
L703[11:28:51] <Skye|Idiot> #lua "Vexatos, you " + insult()
L704[11:28:51] <gudenau> #lua for key, value in pairs(local variables = {} local idx = 1 while true do local ln, lv = debug.getlocal(2, idx) if ln ~= nil then variables[ln] = lv else break end idx = 1 + idx end) do print(tostring(key)..":"..tostring(value)) end
L705[11:28:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
L706[11:28:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'local'
L707[11:28:55] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "Vexatos, you " + insult()
L708[11:28:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
L709[11:28:57] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "Vexatos, you " .. insult()
L710[11:28:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Vexatos, you cuntfuck
L711[11:29:02] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "Vexatos, you " .. insult()
L712[11:29:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Vexatos, you hellcunt
L713[11:29:06] <Vexatos> Skye D:
L714[11:29:06] <Sangar> ...
L715[11:29:06] <gamax92> make lolcode arch
L716[11:29:07] <Vexatos> Why D:
L717[11:29:10] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "Vexatos, you " .. insult()
L718[11:29:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Vexatos, you bitchfuck
L719[11:29:12] <Vexatos> Why would you do this
L720[11:29:13] <Sangar> enough already >_>
L721[11:29:14] <Vexatos> D;
L722[11:29:16] * Vexatos cries
L723[11:29:24] <Vexatos> #lua insult = nil
L724[11:29:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L725[11:29:26] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "Vexatos, you piece of toast"
L726[11:29:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Vexatos, you piece of toast
L727[11:29:26] <Vexatos> #lua insult
L728[11:29:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L729[11:29:28] <gudenau> Someone needs to make BrainF.
L730[11:29:38] * Vexatos cries some more
L731[11:29:41] <Sangar> sersiously
L732[11:29:42] <Vexatos> gudenau, someone did
L733[11:29:46] <gudenau> Great!
L734[11:29:50] <Sangar> v probably?
L735[11:29:54] <Daiyousei> INTERCAL ples
L736[11:29:57] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Pixel-Programs/tree/master/esolangs
L737[11:30:00] <Vexatos> gudenau ^
L738[11:30:08] <Sangar> hah
L739[11:30:08] <Vexatos> Yea, ping did
L740[11:30:08] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "* |0xDEADBEEF| kisses Vexatos"
L741[11:30:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unfinished string near <eof>
L742[11:30:11] <gudenau> I meant as a CPU.
L743[11:30:15] <Sangar> who else >_>
L744[11:30:31] <Sangar> off for a bit, laters o/
L745[11:30:32] <Skye|Idiot> #lua return "* \|0xDEADBEEF\| kisses Vexatos"
L746[11:30:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > * |0xDEADBEEF| kisses Vexatos
L747[11:30:53] <Vexatos> #lua return "\01ACTION\01"
L748[11:30:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > ACTION
L749[11:30:56] <Vexatos> dangit
L750[11:31:04] <Daiyousei> i dont think the bot dev is soni
L751[11:31:05] <Vexatos> only works at the start of a message it seems
L752[11:31:07] <Daiyousei> so that wouldnt work
L753[11:31:09] <Daiyousei> kek
L754[11:31:09] * S3 gives gudenau a break key
L755[11:31:13] <gamax92> kek
L756[11:31:19] <Vexatos> Biohazard pls
L757[11:31:21] <Daiyousei> remember soni's bot back in the old #cc days?
L758[11:31:25] <S3> oh that's another thing I should do
L759[11:31:26] <Daiyousei> you could /ctcp hisbot \1\11
L760[11:31:28] <Daiyousei> to crash it
L761[11:31:29] <S3> make the break key work with miniforth
L762[11:31:32] <Daiyousei> \1\1*
L763[11:31:39] <Vexatos> What is \1\1
L764[11:31:53] <Daiyousei> same as \01
L765[11:31:57] <Daiyousei> but without 0
L766[11:32:17] <Vexatos> so it is 0b11 ?
L767[11:32:19] <Vexatos> or what
L768[11:32:24] <gamax92> ...
L769[11:32:32] <gamax92> if \01
L770[11:32:34] <gudenau> 3
L771[11:32:37] * S3 has no idea wtf is going on
L772[11:32:40] <gamax92> no nvm
L773[11:32:45] <Daiyousei> its an escape
L774[11:32:46] <gamax92> i cannot deal with this level of stupidity
L775[11:32:48] <Vexatos> If it is 3 I was right .-.
L776[11:32:53] <gudenau> 0b11 == 3
L777[11:32:53] <Vexatos> Daiyousei, ok
L778[11:32:55] <Vexatos> Yea
L779[11:33:04] <gamax92> WHY WOULD IT BE THREE
L780[11:33:05] <Vexatos> I can binary, I swear
L781[11:33:20] <S3> can you?
L782[11:33:22] <gamax92> it's two characters, both are 0x01
L783[11:33:36] <Vexatos> ah
L784[11:33:47] <gudenau> 0b11 could be -1 aswell
L785[11:33:53] * Skye|Idiot binaries Vexatos
L786[11:34:04] <Vexatos> gudenau, liar :3
L787[11:34:08] <Vexatos> .-.
L788[11:34:14] <Vexatos> Skye|Idiot, why are you so evil today
L789[11:34:44] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-66.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L790[11:34:50] <gudenau> How am I a liar? A 2 bit signed value of 0b11 is -1
L791[11:34:53] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L792[11:34:55] <S3> A9 FF 8D 21 D0 00
L793[11:35:06] <gamax92> gudenau is correct there
L794[11:35:23] <gamax92> ... i think
L795[11:35:28] <ds84182> Yes
L796[11:35:33] <gamax92> yes, -2 -1 0 1
L797[11:35:35] <S3> LDA #$FF; STA $D021; BRK
L798[11:35:53] <ds84182> #lua -1 == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
L799[11:35:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L800[11:35:56] <ds84182> Yes
L801[11:36:09] <ds84182> #lua 0b1
L802[11:36:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: malformed number near '0b1'
L803[11:36:13] <ds84182> aww
L804[11:36:17] <ds84182> they didn't add that
L805[11:36:27] <Daiyousei> #lua -2 == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
L806[11:36:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L807[11:36:29] <gamax92> #lua function b(a) return tonumber(a,2) end
L808[11:36:29] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L809[11:36:39] <gamax92> #lua b"10010110"
L810[11:36:39] <S3> #lua fork while fork
L811[11:36:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 150
L812[11:36:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: syntax error near 'while'
L813[11:36:42] <gamax92> tada
L814[11:36:50] <Ivoah> #lua while 1 do print("hi") end
L815[11:36:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://hastebin.com/raw/asuwuxetal
L816[11:36:51] <ds84182> $lua b(10)
L817[11:36:56] <ds84182> #lua b(10)
L818[11:36:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'tonumber' (string expected, got number)
L819[11:37:03] ⇨ Joins: NeedHelp (~needhelp@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu)
L820[11:37:09] <ds84182> #lua function b(a) return tonumber(tostring(a),2) end
L821[11:37:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L822[11:37:10] <ds84182> #lua b(10)
L823[11:37:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2
L824[11:37:11] <NeedHelp> Another question
L825[11:37:15] <gamax92> i guess you can do that as well
L826[11:37:22] <S3> #lua print(_ENV)
L827[11:37:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7fb318c0bfb0 | nil
L828[11:37:24] <NeedHelp> If I use os.sleep() in my BIOS code
L829[11:37:25] <S3> I got your memories!
L830[11:37:35] <NeedHelp> It crashes saying it has a nil value
L831[11:37:40] <NeedHelp> Why is this?
L832[11:37:42] ⇨ Joins: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
L833[11:37:48] <ds84182> Yeah, os.sleep isn't defined outside of OpenOS
L834[11:37:49] <gudenau> There is no os?
L835[11:38:03] <ds84182> you can use the computer beep as a timer
L836[11:38:07] <ds84182> well, as sleep
L837[11:38:07] <gudenau> The thing about making an os is, there is no os.
L838[11:38:14] <Vexatos> gudenau, it was a joke >_>
L839[11:38:23] <NeedHelp> But when I use LUA in OpenOS
L840[11:38:28] <NeedHelp> os.sleep works
L841[11:38:31] <gamax92> TRIGGER
L842[11:38:38] <Mimiru> s/LUA/lua/
L843[11:38:38] <Kibibyte> <NeedHelp> But when I use lua in OpenOS
L844[11:38:42] <ds84182> NeedHelp: because it's only something in OpenOS
L845[11:38:49] <Vexatos> s/lua/Lua
L846[11:38:50] <Kibibyte> <NeedHelp> But when I use Lua in OpenOS
L847[11:38:50] <NeedHelp> hmm
L848[11:38:58] <Vexatos> Mimiru please
L849[11:39:03] <NeedHelp> s/lua/Lua?
L850[11:39:03] <Kibibyte> <NeedHelp> But when I use Lua? in OpenOS
L851[11:39:19] <Mimiru> I am so not in the mood for IRC today it seems, see you all in 48 hours.
L852[11:39:23] <NeedHelp> hi gamax92
L853[11:39:30] <ds84182> Ok, bai Mimiru
L854[11:39:32] <S3> wtf is going on
L855[11:39:34] <NeedHelp> (another person, OpenIRC)
L856[11:39:37] <S3> why is there so much dejavu?
L857[11:39:53] <NeedHelp> So
L858[11:40:04] <NeedHelp> How do I sleep in a BIOS program without using computer.beep?
L859[11:40:40] <S3> what
L860[11:40:45] <ds84182> NeedHelp: Either in OpenOS's init.lua or boot/os.lua find the function that says os.sleep and copy it
L861[11:40:46] <S3> coroutine.yield maybe ?
L862[11:40:51] <gudenau> Look at the source of os.sleep
L863[11:41:00] <NeedHelp> can i import it in any way from OpenOS?
L864[11:41:22] <gudenau> There is a github.
L865[11:41:35] <NeedHelp> MightyPirates/OpenComputers?
L866[11:41:51] <Mimiru> S3, how much deja vu is there..?
L867[11:42:15] <S3> just people repeating the same damn line
L868[11:42:26] <Vexatos> asie made me realize that Sangar actually made a Sortron
L869[11:42:27] <S3> particularly Kibibyte
L870[11:42:31] <Vexatos> with that transposer
L871[11:42:48] <gudenau> I just tried to use printf.
L872[11:42:50] <S3> Vexatos, really now?
L873[11:43:09] <S3> I remember in the days of RPC I wrote some C code so you sent a struct to the sortron
L874[11:43:13] <S3> and it would tell it what to do
L875[11:43:19] <NeedHelp> I just looked at OpenOS src on github and I can't find os.sleep in the init.lua
L876[11:43:21] <S3> using cc65 of course
L877[11:43:24] <Mimiru> Kibibyte, is a bot... and people are using sed to replace words..? My sarcas-o-meter is broken from having the plague, so forgive me if I'm missing obvious sarcasm.
L878[11:43:28] <gamax92> eww cc64
L879[11:43:39] <S3> gamax92, you know I noticed
L880[11:43:46] <S3> cc65 is now declared unmaintained
L881[11:43:48] <S3> for good
L882[11:43:53] <gamax92> good
L883[11:43:53] <NeedHelp> Found it
L884[11:44:00] <NeedHelp> Thank's for the link to github :D
L885[11:44:02] ⇦ Quits: NeedHelp (~needhelp@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu) (Quit: NeedHelp)
L886[11:44:17] <gamax92> it was a giant clusterfuck anyway
L887[11:44:39] <gudenau> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/a64fd8c4ba91dca579c337eaebd6267956b45322/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/boot/02_os.lua#L66
L888[11:45:05] <S3> gamax92, as much as every other compiler out there?
L889[11:45:13] * ds84182 makes gamax92 listen to Seven Rings in Hand from the Super Smash Brothers soundtrack on repeat with about 8 copies playing at the same time offset by about 300ms each
L890[11:45:29] * gamax92 makes ds84182 listen to shia lebouf
L891[11:45:41] <Vexatos> S3, well, adapter + inventory controller, combined with a transposer... yes
L892[11:45:48] <Vexatos> then you have a sortron, pretty much
L893[11:45:50] <gamax92> DON'T DO IT, LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS
L894[11:45:52] <Vexatos> THAT combined with forth
L895[11:45:53] <Vexatos> well
L896[11:45:55] <Vexatos> :O
L897[11:46:33] ⇨ Joins: NeedHelp (~needhelp@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu)
L898[11:46:38] <NeedHelp> Again
L899[11:46:39] <NeedHelp> It's me
L900[11:46:53] <NeedHelp> require is a nil value in BIOS?
L901[11:47:07] <S3> obviously
L902[11:47:14] <S3> you need to implement it
L903[11:47:21] <NeedHelp> How?
L904[11:47:25] <gamax92> hint, sir NeedHelp
L905[11:47:48] <gamax92> stop leaving and rejoining and leaving and rejoining and leaving and rejoining
L906[11:47:52] <gamax92> just stick around
L907[11:48:04] <NeedHelp> I would if I could.
L908[11:48:24] <gamax92> you can so do
L909[11:48:28] <NeedHelp> I keep switching back to my bios.lua editing trying to get it to boot my computer.
L910[11:48:46] <Temia> Log in via a different computer? Use Mibbit?
L911[11:48:52] <gamax92> then just use the espernet webchat >_> or even mibbit then
L912[11:48:58] <NeedHelp> I'm using OpenIRC from OC
L913[11:48:58] <Mimiru> A.) Get a real IRC client, and connect to irc.esper.net, B.) http://webchat.esper.net C.) Extra computer.
L914[11:49:07] <Temia> Oh yeah, Esperh has a webchat, huh.
L915[11:49:08] <NeedHelp> I prefer not to open a browser.
L916[11:49:16] <NeedHelp> Now nevermind about that
L917[11:49:17] <Temia> Real IRC client time o/
L918[11:49:26] <Temia> Quassel~ Quassel~
L919[11:49:32] <NeedHelp> I would like an answer to my question
L920[11:49:34] <gamax92> I've never used Quassel before
L921[11:49:46] <Vexatos> HexChat.-.
L922[11:49:48] <NeedHelp> How do I implement require() in a BIOS?
L923[11:49:49] <gamax92> my friend tells me they hate it, but then Temia seems excited for it
L924[11:50:01] <Mimiru> Welp, sorry we're on an entirely different subject now.
L925[11:50:09] <Temia> 1. I'm excitable
L926[11:50:10] <Mimiru> You'll have to wait till it comes back around to yours.
L927[11:50:13] <Temia> 2. I'm soft and cute. <3
L928[11:50:17] <Temia> 3. I'm very groggy
L929[11:50:19] <Skye|Idiot> NeedHelp, why do you need require() in the BIOS?
L930[11:50:20] * Temia flops on Gamax
L931[11:50:23] * Temia zzzmoo
L932[11:50:45] <NeedHelp> require('event')
L933[11:50:59] * Vexatos gievs some grog to Temia
L934[11:51:01] <ds84182> ...
L935[11:51:08] <ds84182> event doesn't exist in bios
L936[11:51:17] <NeedHelp> Well
L937[11:51:23] <Temia> you have signals and that's it.
L938[11:51:25] <NeedHelp> It's used in os.sleep
L939[11:51:29] <Inari> Temia: so you're saying you want to be "excited" you're likeable and drunk... not sure where this leads
L940[11:51:37] <NeedHelp> Which I've already implemented
L941[11:51:38] * gamax92 pets cute Temiamoo
L942[11:51:39] <Temia> what no D:
L943[11:51:41] <Vexatos> NeedHelp, I did implement os.sleep once
L944[11:51:43] <ds84182> change event.pull or whatever to computer.pullSignal
L945[11:51:43] <Mimiru> No one said copy and paste the code, they said look at it, and implement something like it.
L946[11:51:47] <Vexatos> But I don't have the code anymore it seems
L947[11:51:53] <Vexatos> I did it for someone else
L948[11:51:56] ⇦ Quits: gudenau (webchat@108-234-63-26.lightspeed.fyvlar.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L949[11:51:58] * Temia leans into pets.
L950[11:51:59] <NeedHelp> thank you
L951[11:52:03] * Temia muuu. =w=
L952[11:52:12] <NeedHelp> hopefully this is the last time i need to come here ._.
L953[11:52:22] ⇦ Quits: NeedHelp (~needhelp@ns317222.ip-37-187-134.eu) (Quit: NeedHelp)
L954[11:52:27] <gamax92> it won't be
L955[11:52:27] <ds84182> I'm not even looking at OC's code yet I still know what line he's talking about
L956[11:52:33] <ds84182> I'm special.
L957[11:52:50] <Mimiru> soooo tempted to ban
L958[11:52:53] <Mimiru> lol
L959[11:52:54] <gamax92> no, you're just someone who can actually do basic programming without copying and pasting it, duct-tape when necessary
L960[11:52:56] <Inari> don't excite her too much
L961[11:53:26] * Temia flails at Inari
L962[11:53:30] <Temia> It's not like thaaaaaaaaat
L963[11:53:35] <Temia> I have a boyfriend :<
L964[11:53:43] <gamax92> umm what
L965[11:53:51] <gamax92> where is conversation going
L966[11:53:56] <gamax92> please stop
L967[11:53:58] <S3> WHat did I walk into
L968[11:54:04] <S3> I literally just switched to this window
L969[11:54:21] <Inari> Temia: well depending on your relationship that doesnt mean anything ;3
L970[11:54:30] <Inari> Temia: is your bf a minotaur too?
L971[11:54:38] <Temia> Naw.
L972[11:54:48] <Temia> ...I kind of designed his character for him
L973[11:55:01] <Temia> A bard who's an avatar of the turul. >.>
L974[11:55:04] * Temia pokes her fingers together.
L975[11:55:05] <Vexatos> wait
L976[11:55:15] <Vexatos> didn't I do it for you once, ds84182 ?
L977[11:55:27] <Temia> and...
L978[11:55:29] <Inari> well
L979[11:55:33] <Inari> this is getting too lewd, im out
L980[11:55:41] <robhol> l00d
L981[11:55:49] <Temia> YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE IT LEWD
L982[11:55:53] <gamax92> ikr
L983[11:55:55] <S3> this channel has gone from PG, to WTF
L984[11:55:57] <Inari> nah
L985[11:55:59] <ds84182> Do what?
L986[11:55:59] <Inari> vex is making it lewd now
L987[11:56:03] <Inari> and im not into BL
L988[11:56:11] <Temia> :o
L989[11:56:12] <ds84182> What the fucks going on?
L990[11:56:13] <Vexatos> ds84182, implement os.sleep on a BIOS level
L991[11:56:20] <ds84182> Erm... no
L992[11:56:22] <Temia> Inari is the lewd one!
L993[11:56:26] <Vexatos> Didn't I do that for you once, a few months ago
L994[11:56:27] <Inari> haha
L995[11:56:37] <Vexatos> I know I did it for _someone_
L996[11:56:37] <Temia> She's interpreting their statements lewdly!
L997[11:56:44] <Temia> She's interpreting ALL of our statements lewdly!
L998[11:56:50] <ds84182> I remember copying it from OC and then changing event.pull
L999[11:56:55] <Inari> http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/35082806/images/1411591450254.jpg
L1000[11:57:09] <Temia> >.>
L1001[11:57:11] <Temia> yyyyep
L1002[11:57:15] <Temia> Inari is the lewd one
L1003[11:57:29] <Inari> tehe~
L1004[11:57:53] * gamax92 transfers Temia to Inari's lap
L1005[11:57:58] <robhol> I'm the lewdest o/
L1006[11:58:11] <Daiyousei> no i am
L1007[11:58:13] <Daiyousei> 1v1
L1008[11:58:14] * Inari holds onto Lizzy's lemons to avoid transfer
L1009[11:58:18] <Inari> er
L1010[11:58:20] <S3> I think I'm weird
L1011[11:58:21] <Inari> to hide <.<
L1012[11:58:23] <S3> because I don't have a toaster
L1013[11:58:29] <S3> so I just turn on my ovens boiler
L1014[11:58:39] <S3> and put my toast and bagels and shit way up in the top of the oven
L1015[11:58:45] <Inari> im way too bored
L1016[11:58:46] <robhol> .... weird.
L1017[11:58:51] <Inari> someone give me a good d2/d3 replacement
L1018[11:58:57] <Temia> I'm a monstergirl
L1019[11:59:05] <Temia> I am technically probably lewdest by default
L1020[11:59:06] <S3> when I first moved into this appartment with my fiance
L1021[11:59:09] <gamax92> I'm a person who goes mew
L1022[11:59:17] <S3> my fiance was really shocked that I didn't already have and didn't want a microwave
L1023[11:59:31] <S3> because I just reheat my stuff in a frying pan with a cover and water
L1024[11:59:39] <Temia> I am a Monstrous Humanoid [lewd] creature type
L1025[11:59:46] <Temia> I am locked to always detecting as chaotic lewd.
L1026[11:59:50] <Inari> Temia: well im pretty lewd
L1027[12:00:18] <Temia> You are. `o`
L1028[12:00:39] <Daiyousei> eating biscuits with camembert cheese from normandie
L1029[12:00:48] <Vexatos> It's only lewd if you think about how monstrous humanoids come to existence
L1030[12:00:55] <Vexatos> then it's something between lewd and gross
L1031[12:01:16] <ds84182> My wall looks like a gradient on a 16bit texture
L1032[12:01:25] <gamax92> My wall looks like a wall
L1033[12:01:29] <gamax92> Because it's a wall
L1034[12:01:55] <Vexatos> I mean, Minotaur literally was Pasiphaë having sex with a bull... soooo
L1035[12:01:56] <Vexatos> uhm
L1036[12:01:57] <robhol> Vexatos: what, you're prejudiced against some harmless monster-on-human action? :p
L1037[12:02:02] <Vexatos> greek myths are great
L1038[12:02:03] <Vexatos> and such
L1039[12:02:18] <robhol> yet further proof that greeks are a bit wonky in the head
L1040[12:02:25] * Skye|Idiot shoots gamax92 with the kitty ray
L1041[12:02:32] <Inari> i wonder if theres a term for minotaur fetish
L1042[12:02:32] <Vexatos> or did things they should not have done
L1043[12:02:33] <robhol> Anyway, playing CoC has kind of desensitized me :P
L1044[12:02:39] <gamax92> meow
L1045[12:02:42] <Vexatos> Inari, it's called Temia-ism
L1046[12:02:45] <robhol> incidentally, it has minotaurs :p
L1047[12:02:45] <Inari> i dont like CoC much xD
L1048[12:02:56] <Inari> temiataurs?
L1049[12:03:02] * Temia mu .w.
L1050[12:03:09] <robhol> Inari: 'cause you got raep'd (=ω =·)
L1051[12:03:11] <Temia> I'm cuter than most minotaurs!
L1052[12:03:15] <Vexatos> "Pasiphaë had craftsman Daedalus make a hollow wooden cow, and climbed inside it in order to mate with the white bull."
L1053[12:03:16] <Vexatos> yep
L1054[12:03:21] <Vexatos> that's how to make Temias
L1055[12:03:25] <Inari> robhol: eh, it isnt very interseting game-wise, and the scenes arent ver yinteresting either
L1056[12:03:40] <Temia> lewd.
L1057[12:03:41] <Vexatos> Temia's secret .-.
L1058[12:03:45] <Temia> What D:
L1059[12:03:46] * gamax92 mew
L1060[12:03:52] <Inari> lol
L1061[12:04:07] <robhol> Inari: true, it's a bit grindy
L1062[12:04:08] <Daiyousei> kek
L1063[12:04:12] <robhol> ... no pun intended D:
L1064[12:04:29] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1065[12:04:54] <Inari> robhol: the senes arent customizable enough
L1066[12:05:24] <robhol> mhm
L1067[12:05:28] <Temia> ...
L1068[12:05:34] * Temia ... has played a bit of CoC. >3>
L1069[12:05:39] * Temia fingerpokes.
L1070[12:05:43] <robhol> what kind of customization are you thinking about, btw?
L1071[12:05:49] <Vexatos> CoC?
L1072[12:05:51] <Temia> A friend tried to sell me on slimegirls being in it. :x
L1073[12:06:00] <robhol> Vexatos: Corruption of Champions
L1074[12:06:02] * Temia covers Vex's eyes and ears.
L1075[12:06:07] <Temia> Nothing. Nothing at all
L1076[12:06:09] <robhol> too late (¬u¬)
L1077[12:06:09] * gamax92 meow
L1078[12:06:10] <Vexatos> Do I even want to know
L1079[12:06:14] <Temia> No.
L1080[12:06:16] <Temia> You don't.
L1081[12:06:17] <robhol> :> yes
L1082[12:06:23] <Temia> He doesn't! D:
L1083[12:06:26] <Vexatos> I take that as a "no"
L1084[12:06:32] <Inari> robhol: what happens and such :P even if my character is the "acting" one, theres barely any choice
L1085[12:06:46] <Vexatos> On the other hand, I know greek myths so I already know the most gross things a human mind can imagine
L1086[12:06:48] * gamax92 meow
L1087[12:06:49] <Temia> Anyway I tended to play a chaste incorruptible sort.
L1088[12:07:14] <robhol> Temia: I think you may be missing the point :p
L1089[12:07:18] <Temia> No.
L1090[12:07:24] <Temia> I just don't like noncon.
L1091[12:07:25] <Temia> >.>
L1092[12:07:37] * gamax92 mews and rubs his head up against Temiamoo
L1093[12:07:41] <Temia> That was pretty much the best way to get around it.
L1094[12:08:23] <robhol> it's basically the rapiest game in existence though :p
L1095[12:08:28] <Temia> Exactly.
L1096[12:08:32] <Temia> I was going against the system.
L1097[12:08:39] <robhol> Complicated.
L1098[12:08:53] <Temia> Of course it made me a bit of a bitch towards demonkind. <.< I kind of went straight for offing the taint factory owner.
L1099[12:09:02] <Temia> But eeeehh.
L1100[12:09:07] <Vexatos> Meh
L1101[12:09:15] * gamax92 claws Skye|Idiot to death
L1102[12:09:18] <Vexatos> uhm
L1103[12:09:26] <Skye|Idiot> gamax92, you can speak
L1104[12:09:29] <Vexatos> So when did this channel turn into a talk about
L1105[12:09:29] <S3> lol
L1106[12:09:30] <Vexatos> uhm
L1107[12:09:31] <Vexatos> "games"
L1108[12:09:40] <Temia> Inari's lewdness got everywhere.
L1109[12:09:43] <S3> Vexatos, you think this channel turned into that?
L1110[12:09:45] <Temia> And then Robhol lewded all over the place.
L1111[12:09:53] <Temia> You might want some galoshes.
L1112[12:09:53] <S3> Like I said
L1113[12:09:53] <gamax92> eww gross
L1114[12:09:58] <S3> this channel went from PG to WTF
L1115[12:10:03] <robhol> Temia: hey D:<
L1116[12:10:19] <S3> Hello kitty
L1117[12:10:23] <S3> say hello to everyone
L1118[12:10:32] <S3> she wants to type on my keyboard
L1119[12:10:43] <gamax92> frheskjd;agflkajdfklajfk
L1120[12:10:44] <S3> maybe not.
L1121[12:10:48] <S3> lol
L1122[12:10:55] <ds84182> umm
L1123[12:10:57] <Inari> https://groupees.com/vn3 since were at it already
L1124[12:11:34] <Vexatos> Dough nut click
L1125[12:11:36] <S3> dunno what that is
L1126[12:11:38] <Vexatos> I bet it's bad
L1127[12:11:41] <S3> but I closed it as soon as it opened
L1128[12:11:42] <Temia> It's...
L1129[12:11:46] <Temia> pretty bad, yes.
L1130[12:11:48] <Temia> jesus.
L1131[12:11:55] <vifino> meep
L1132[12:11:57] * robhol snorts
L1133[12:12:00] <robhol> lightweights..
L1134[12:12:00] <Daiyousei> more shitty animu visual novels?
L1135[12:12:02] <vifino> ew D:
L1136[12:12:08] <robhol> Daiyousei: pretty much
L1137[12:12:09] <Mimiru> ._.
L1138[12:12:12] <Daiyousei> tip
L1139[12:12:13] <ds84182> vifino: good morning?
L1140[12:12:14] <Daiyousei> rip*
L1141[12:12:15] * Temia sets Inari on fire for linking something with a noncon CG asits logo
L1142[12:12:23] <vifino> ds84182: Not a good one, but a morning.
L1143[12:12:26] <Vexatos> While we're at it, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minotaur to learn more about Temia
L1144[12:12:28] <ds84182> vifino: morning?
L1145[12:12:31] * Temia also sets Robhol on fire.
L1146[12:12:34] <vifino> ds84182: evening
L1147[12:12:39] <ds84182> vifino: evening?
L1148[12:12:43] <Mimiru> Could we possibly try to get this channel back to a semi relevant topic?
L1149[12:12:43] <ds84182> vifino: good evening?
L1150[12:12:47] <vifino> ds84182: late evening
L1151[12:12:50] <Mimiru> or atleast a less non relevant topic?
L1152[12:12:50] <robhol> Temia: what'd I do D:
L1153[12:12:53] <ds84182> vifino: good late evening?
L1154[12:13:01] <vifino> ds84182: Not good, but late evening.
L1155[12:13:06] <ds84182> vifino: late evening?
L1156[12:13:06] * Daiyousei puts Temia in a maze
L1157[12:13:06] <Inari> Temia: a what?
L1158[12:13:10] <Temia> Calling me a lightweight when my reaction was mostly towards the noncon part :X
L1159[12:13:13] <vifino> ds84182. Yes.
L1160[12:13:13] * Temia climbs out of it
L1161[12:13:17] <ds84182> Ok
L1162[12:13:43] <robhol> Temia: lol. fair enough. truth be told, noncon isn't really my cup of tea either
L1163[12:14:16] <Temia> Hold on.
L1164[12:14:21] <Temia> I have a link for this.
L1165[12:14:39] <Inari> referring to ruby striker?
L1166[12:14:57] <Vexatos> <Temia> I have a link for this.
L1167[12:14:57] <Vexatos> uhm
L1168[12:14:59] <Vexatos> .-.
L1169[12:15:01] <Vexatos> no?
L1170[12:15:14] <robhol> Apparently not. :>
L1171[12:15:31] <Daiyousei> link is kill
L1172[12:15:32] <Daiyousei> f
L1173[12:15:35] <ds84182> f
L1174[12:15:36] <vifino> f
L1175[12:15:51] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1176[12:16:08] <Vexatos> g
L1177[12:16:13] <Temia> http://41.media.tumblr.com/748d43a001246b8b59ee91341ba8ca7c/tumblr_nsfx3wA7kK1s2kojso1_1280.jpg
L1178[12:16:22] <Inari> eh i dont mind non-con with drawn characters, and non-con as a fantasy can be pretty nice (keyword fantasy)
L1179[12:16:30] <Temia> This is how I imagined you when you said "fair enough" in response to being set on fire.
L1180[12:16:40] <Temia> Don't worry
L1181[12:16:45] <Temia> It's worksafe.
L1182[12:16:52] <vifino> safework.
L1183[12:16:54] <Temia> Well
L1184[12:16:58] <Temia> It's Jojo
L1185[12:17:02] <Daiyousei> JOJO
L1186[12:17:03] <Temia> So it's bizarre.
L1187[12:17:09] <vifino> Daiyousei: Shh, it's okay..
L1188[12:17:10] <Temia> But still harmless for the most part
L1189[12:17:16] * vifino pats Daiyousei
L1190[12:17:17] <Inari> is nsfw nsfw when you're working as a prostitute?
L1191[12:19:16] <Temia> I do mind noncon meanwhile because it's not something I want in a fantasy on either end :<
L1192[12:19:20] <Vexatos> is nsfy nsfy when you don't identify yourself as existant?
L1193[12:19:22] <Vexatos> >_>
L1194[12:19:54] <robhol> oh lol Temia
L1195[12:20:12] <robhol> I said fair enough @ not liking noncon
L1196[12:20:16] <gamax92> robhol
L1197[12:20:19] <gamax92> Temia:
L1198[12:20:24] <gamax92> PLEASE
L1199[12:20:24] <Temia> Still!
L1200[12:20:26] <gamax92> I BEG
L1201[12:20:31] <ds84182> I identify as a non-existent. My personal pronouns are nil, null, and nullself
L1202[12:20:32] <gamax92> SHUT THE FUCK UP
L1203[12:20:34] <gamax92> AND SWITCH TOPICS
L1204[12:20:41] <Temia> Okay
L1205[12:20:43] <Temia> Topic is now Jojo.
L1206[12:20:54] <Temia> Who is your favourite Jojo and why is it always Joseph?
L1207[12:20:57] <ds84182> Also, I got a text message from null this morning, and the message was null
L1208[12:20:58] <robhol> wow, gamax92. no need to be an asshole
L1209[12:21:09] <ds84182> robhol: wow robhol, no need to be existent
L1210[12:21:18] <gamax92> wow robhol no need to ignore several people including channel ops telling you to switch topics
L1211[12:21:24] <vifino> ds84182: I'm a message and why did you insult me?
L1212[12:21:26] <gamax92> you fucking dipshit
L1213[12:21:44] <Temia> Hey you two
L1214[12:21:45] <robhol> suck a fuck, you shit-for-brains, talentless idiot
L1215[12:21:47] <Temia> Topic is Jojo
L1216[12:21:49] ⇦ Parts: robhol (~robhol@ (東雲家は、今日も平和であった。))
L1217[12:21:54] * ds84182 explodes channel ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1218[12:21:57] <Temia> If you want to duke it out, do it fabulously
L1219[12:22:10] <gamax92> How does one duke fabulously?
L1220[12:22:27] <ds84182> thathappened.jpeg
L1221[12:22:30] <Temia> With breathing techniques or psychic projections!
L1222[12:22:38] <Temia> And lots of posing
L1223[12:22:41] <ds84182> Gonna go downstairs and eat some gamegrumps while watching pizza
L1224[12:22:55] <Daiyousei> jay peg
L1225[12:23:22] <gamax92> no its gay peg, if gif is GUUH iff
L1226[12:23:44] <Temia> It's only gaypeg if it's coming from /y/
L1227[12:23:49] <Temia> Don't you know anything gamax
L1228[12:23:54] <gamax92> I don't :c
L1229[12:24:00] <Temia> (also /cm/)
L1230[12:24:05] <Daiyousei> 4chinchin xdddddddddddddd
L1231[12:24:12] <vifino> Wrong, gamax92 knows many things.
L1232[12:24:15] * vifino hugs gamax92
L1233[12:24:20] * gamax92 cries
L1234[12:24:54] * vifino hugs gamax92 more
L1235[12:25:03] * gamax92 chokes
L1236[12:25:39] * vifino stops hugging
L1237[12:25:58] * Temia hugs gamax :<
L1238[12:25:58] * gamax92 makes tuna sandwiches
L1239[12:26:14] <Temia> I'm sorry for insinuating you don't know anything
L1240[12:26:23] <gamax92> if a fuzzy gives you a hug is it a fuzzy hug?
L1241[12:26:32] <Temia> Yes.
L1242[12:26:37] <Temia> am I a fuzzy .w.
L1243[12:26:38] <ds84182> s/zz/rr
L1244[12:26:38] <Kibibyte> <Temia> am I a furry .w.
L1245[12:26:43] <gamax92> are you a fuzzy?
L1246[12:26:45] * Temia punches ds84182
L1247[12:26:48] <ds84182> dammit, no replace gamax92's message dammit
L1248[12:26:53] * Temia doesn't stop punching
L1249[12:27:00] <ds84182> Temia: D: I'm sorry
L1250[12:27:12] <ds84182> I meant to replace gamax92's message Q_Q
L1251[12:27:18] <S3> #lua type("123")
L1252[12:27:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > string
L1253[12:27:21] <ds84182> I was 2 seconds late
L1254[12:27:21] * Temia still punches :E
L1255[12:27:27] <S3> hmm
L1256[12:27:35] <ds84182> #lua type("123"+0)
L1257[12:27:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > number
L1258[12:27:36] <gamax92> qualifications for fuzzy are being fuzzy
L1259[12:27:39] <ds84182> #lua type("123"+"0")
L1260[12:27:40] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > number
L1261[12:27:44] <ds84182> magic
L1262[12:28:00] <Temia> :gonk:
L1263[12:28:09] <Temia> Even Python is more internally consistent than that D:
L1264[12:28:11] <gamax92> oh Temia I need to ask
L1265[12:28:13] <Inari> Temia: theres some con tentacles tuff, but its kinda rare
L1266[12:28:27] <Temia> Oh, yeah, I know.
L1267[12:28:31] <S3> #lua if tonumber("123") ~= nil then return 1 end
L1268[12:28:33] <ds84182> Temia: actually, thats the reson .. is concat
L1269[12:28:36] <Temia> Let's speak no more of that though lest we cause more trouble >.>
L1270[12:28:36] <Daiyousei> >string + string = number
L1271[12:28:36] <S3> oops
L1272[12:28:38] <Daiyousei> what
L1273[12:28:42] <S3> #lua if tonumber("123") ~= nil then return 1 end
L1274[12:28:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L1275[12:28:43] <S3> cool
L1276[12:28:45] <ds84182> so it's actually better than JavaScript in this case
L1277[12:28:47] <Daiyousei> javascriptitis is a very dangerous disease
L1278[12:28:59] <ds84182> Because you wouldn't usually add 2 strings together
L1279[12:29:09] <gamax92> well no theres a difference there
L1280[12:29:10] <ds84182> but it makes it so you can get rid of extra tonumbers everywhere
L1281[12:29:23] <gamax92> if concat is +, then yeah you get that weird js behaviour
L1282[12:29:25] <gamax92> but lua concat is ..
L1283[12:29:35] <ds84182> It's actually more consistent this way since + will now always mean addition
L1284[12:29:39] <gamax92> and like ds said you normally don't try to add strings
L1285[12:30:15] <ds84182> And you can actually pass strings to lua c methods that require a number
L1286[12:30:15] * vifino stares at gamax92
L1287[12:30:16] <Temia> I dunno, I guess :x I tend to think more about the types themselves and not their content though
L1288[12:30:17] <vifino> '.'
L1289[12:30:25] <Temia> Behaviour should never change arbitrarily based on content
L1290[12:30:26] <ds84182> #lua math.pow("3","2")
L1291[12:30:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 9.0
L1292[12:30:32] <dangranos> heh Ping reply from irc.nsu.ru: ? second(s)
L1293[12:30:39] <ds84182> because it does luaL_tonumber
L1294[12:30:42] <ds84182> which is tonumber
L1295[12:30:48] <ds84182> #lua math.pow("3","bby")
L1296[12:30:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #2 to 'pow' (number expected, got string)
L1297[12:30:53] <gamax92> vifino: I'm actually having tuna melts
L1298[12:31:01] <dangranos> looks like i'm connected nearly directly to whatever backbone this server is connected
L1299[12:31:05] <Temia> explicit is better than implicit and so on
L1300[12:31:08] <gamax92> I would send some but I don't live near you nor in Germany
L1301[12:31:13] <ds84182> It' was actually accidental though
L1302[12:31:17] <vifino> '^'
L1303[12:31:28] <gamax92> that won't work on me
L1304[12:31:30] <ds84182> Most of the code uses tonumber, and tonumber will take a string and turn it into a number
L1305[12:31:39] <ds84182> this is just a side effect from that
L1306[12:31:55] <ds84182> But atleast it's consistent with every library function
L1307[12:31:56] * vifino hides in a corner and cries
L1308[12:32:02] <ds84182> #js Math.pow
L1309[12:32:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [Function]
L1310[12:32:08] <ds84182> #js Math.pow("2", "3");
L1311[12:32:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 8
L1312[12:32:09] <gamax92> vifino: do you have tuna at home?
L1313[12:32:15] <ds84182> lel, js does it too
L1314[12:32:36] <ds84182> #js "4"+"3"
L1315[12:32:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "43"
L1316[12:32:38] <gamax92> it's like a grilled cheese sammich but with tuna as well
L1317[12:32:40] <Daiyousei> #js Math.pow(2, 3);
L1318[12:32:40] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 8
L1319[12:32:47] <ds84182> #js "4"+3
L1320[12:32:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "43"
L1321[12:32:54] <Daiyousei> #js Math.pow("mein","nein");
L1322[12:32:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > NaN
L1323[12:32:59] * ds84182 slaps js
L1324[12:32:59] * EnderBot2 high-fives ds84182
L1325[12:33:03] <Daiyousei> and now its a float
L1326[12:33:04] <Daiyousei> ok
L1327[12:33:04] <ds84182> thanks EnderBot2
L1328[12:33:16] <ds84182> Daiyousei: mein is NaN
L1329[12:33:16] <Daiyousei> did not know ints had NaN
L1330[12:33:18] <ds84182> but nein is 9
L1331[12:33:26] <Daiyousei> ds84182: yes
L1332[12:33:43] <ds84182> anyways, pizza
L1333[12:34:38] <Temia> >NaN
L1334[12:34:51] <Temia> >Not throwing an exception
L1335[12:34:52] <Temia> What is even
L1336[12:34:52] <gamax92> ... now I forgot what I wanted to ask ...
L1337[12:34:57] <Temia> lua is weird :x
L1338[12:35:14] <gamax92> js?
L1339[12:35:48] <gamax92> Temia: Do you remember that arbitrary math bot I had?
L1340[12:37:24] <Temia> Not really?
L1341[12:37:48] <gamax92> awww :<
L1342[12:38:18] <gamax92> but it did all the maths withs the fractions and stuffs
L1343[12:39:20] <Daiyousei> and so did wolfram alpha
L1344[12:39:25] <Daiyousei> and my calculator
L1345[12:40:04] <gamax92> nuuh
L1346[12:40:07] <Daiyousei> :>
L1347[12:44:26] * vifino crawls out of the corner and sneaks away
L1348[12:44:32] * gamax92 pounces on vifino
L1349[12:44:40] * vifino runs away
L1350[12:44:43] <Daiyousei> tf2 has a banana hat now
L1351[12:44:45] <Daiyousei> http://i.imgur.com/8wAnZOU.png
L1352[12:48:40] <vifino> Docker on a synology nas is very cool :o
L1353[12:48:59] <vifino> I have arch on it :3
L1354[12:49:59] * cloakable puts three kittens on vifino
L1355[12:50:26] * vifino puts the kittens away and hugs cloakable
L1356[12:50:42] * cloakable cuddles vifino and kittens :D
L1357[12:50:48] <vifino> You could just say hello, cat lady '^'
L1358[12:52:07] <Temia> She's not a cat, she's a fennec `o`
L1359[12:52:23] <S3> sad face
L1360[12:52:28] <gamax92> happy face
L1361[12:52:36] <S3> I can't be like if (foo = somefunc()) ~= nil then
L1362[12:52:38] <Temia> cute face :3
L1363[12:52:45] <cloakable> =3
L1364[12:53:04] <cloakable> I could just say hello with kittens!
L1365[12:53:51] <S3> anyways
L1366[12:54:00] <cloakable> because kittens
L1367[12:54:04] <S3> OC miniforth now supports numbers
L1368[12:54:13] <S3> like, being able to put any number on the stack
L1369[12:54:52] <vifino> cloakable: I'd prefer a "(Hey )vifino!" and a nice hug '.'
L1370[12:54:55] <S3> I need to write an interpretnonprimitive()
L1371[12:55:04] <cloakable> vifino: noted =3
L1372[12:55:12] <Daiyousei> why did the github code view font turn into cansur suddently
L1373[12:55:17] <vifino> \o/
L1374[12:55:18] <Daiyousei> cant read shit
L1375[12:55:25] <S3> force it to be Terminus
L1376[12:55:38] <Daiyousei> it used to be terminus
L1377[12:55:45] <vifino> Temia: I never said cloakable would be a cat, she just puts cats everywhere '^'
L1378[12:56:02] <Temia> I know, I'm just being overly literal `o`
L1379[12:56:14] <Daiyousei> i blame firefox
L1380[12:56:20] ⇨ Joins: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net)
L1381[12:56:23] <cloakable> kittens!
L1382[12:56:24] <Inari> lets replace al spiders in tehw orld wtih cats
L1383[12:56:28] <cloakable> all the kittens!
L1384[12:56:37] * cloakable puts a kitten on Inari
L1385[12:56:42] <cloakable> you get a kitten!
L1386[12:56:47] <Inari> i prefer cats
L1387[12:56:48] <Temia> aww, but spiders can be cute too.
L1388[12:56:51] * vifino hides his cat ears '.
L1389[12:56:56] <vifino> '.'*
L1390[12:57:00] <XDjackieXD> :P
L1391[12:57:05] * cloakable peers at vifino's hidden ears
L1392[12:57:09] * Temia ... quietly tucks away her nerdy bespectacled drider sysadmin character concept >.>
L1393[12:57:25] <vifino> '^'
L1394[12:57:35] <cloakable> spiders can be either cute or terrifying
L1395[12:58:02] * cloakable offers vifino a hug =3
L1396[12:58:06] <vifino> :o
L1397[12:58:12] * vifino hugs cloakable :3
L1398[12:58:15] <cloakable> :D
L1399[12:58:39] * cloakable wriggles her fennec ears
L1400[13:00:08] <S3> lua
L1401[13:00:17] <cloakable> >
L1402[13:00:19] <S3> how is lua, how is 9 - 1 -8
L1403[13:00:37] <S3> wow that sentence got screwed up
L1404[13:00:58] <cloakable> yes
L1405[13:01:20] <S3> according to lua 9 - 1 is -9
L1406[13:01:22] <S3> -8*
L1407[13:01:30] <vifino> #lua 9 - 1
L1408[13:01:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 8
L1409[13:01:37] <vifino> Not really, no.
L1410[13:01:48] <S3> according to this instance
L1411[13:01:50] <cloakable> someone's messed up their math
L1412[13:02:15] <S3> ok so
L1413[13:02:21] <S3> * works..
L1414[13:02:21] * cloakable observes judgingly
L1415[13:02:24] <vifino> Lua 5.3.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2015 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
L1416[13:02:25] <vifino> > 9 - 1
L1417[13:02:25] <vifino> 8
L1418[13:02:27] <vifino> :v
L1419[13:02:34] <S3> + works
L1420[13:02:38] <Vexatos> vifino, how
L1421[13:02:41] <Vexatos> :O
L1422[13:02:47] <Vexatos> Is this magic?
L1423[13:02:49] <S3> ...
L1424[13:02:53] <vifino> Vexatos: Yes!
L1425[13:02:59] <cloakable> mathemagic
L1426[13:03:10] <Vexatos> s/ic/ics/
L1427[13:03:10] <Kibibyte> <cloakable> mathemagics
L1428[13:03:10] <vifino> And it's yours for only $99.99!
L1429[13:03:13] <S3> _F["-"] = function () push(DS, pop(DS) - pop(DS)) end
L1430[13:03:27] <vifino> s/mathe/matho/
L1431[13:03:27] <S3> oh that's why
L1432[13:03:27] <Kibibyte> <cloakable> mathomagics
L1433[13:03:31] <S3> I'm subtracting backwards.
L1434[13:03:40] <vifino> s/mag/mat/
L1435[13:03:40] <Kibibyte> <cloakable> mathomatics
L1436[13:03:47] <vifino> s/s$//
L1437[13:03:47] <Kibibyte> <cloakable> mathomatic
L1438[13:03:48] <vifino> '^'
L1439[13:04:02] <vifino> Mathomatic version 16.0.5
L1440[13:04:05] <S3> I should reverse them..
L1441[13:05:06] <vifino> S3: push("a") push("b") print(pop(), pop()) would return "b a"...
L1442[13:05:06] <S3> works now :D
L1443[13:05:08] <vifino> Just sayin..
L1444[13:05:28] <S3> vifino, I did that with much lkess code
L1445[13:05:45] <vifino> lwhat.
L1446[13:05:46] <S3> besides print() is not usable
L1447[13:05:58] <vifino> ¬_¬
L1448[13:06:54] ⇦ Quits: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1449[13:08:01] <S3> okay, + - / * % . [L and %L are all implemented
L1450[13:08:11] <Daiyousei> https://db.tt/C2Cdst88 fonts are kill
L1451[13:09:04] <S3> also DUP
L1452[13:11:43] ⇨ Joins: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net)
L1453[13:11:44] <gamax92> Daiyousei: oh jeez
L1454[13:13:10] ⇨ Joins: KomputerKid (~KK@
L1455[13:14:06] <Daiyousei> gamax92: i know D:
L1456[13:14:06] <Daiyousei> i didnt even touch anything
L1457[13:15:07] <CompanionCube> I <3 Pragmata Pro
L1458[13:19:00] <S3> interesting..
L1459[13:19:23] <S3> so I went to grab that lua script I wrote on my oC machine on my windows box
L1460[13:19:29] <S3> so I could move it to my FreeBSD box
L1461[13:19:39] <S3> and the way stuff is saved on windows is odd..
L1462[13:19:51] <S3> on *nix it the disk uuids just show up as directories
L1463[13:19:53] <vifino> S3 confirmed windows user
L1464[13:20:35] <S3> vifino, I have to have a machine lying around so that my fiance's dumb teachers don't fail her
L1465[13:20:43] <S3> with windeows
L1466[13:21:17] <S3> but either way this makes me wonder
L1467[13:21:18] <vifino> I was kidding :P
L1468[13:21:23] <S3> how the frig do I get my files off this OC box
L1469[13:21:57] <vifino> !!!MAGIC!!!
L1470[13:24:31] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-476-12.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1471[13:25:27] <S3> and there crashes minecraft
L1472[13:25:35] <S3> oh well
L1473[13:25:36] <Mimiru> S3, Erm, they should just be directories on windows too
L1474[13:25:39] <S3> nah
L1475[13:25:44] <S3> they're flat files
L1476[13:25:52] <Mimiru> They're directories for me.
L1477[13:25:53] <S3> but whatever I'm rebooting
L1478[13:25:55] <Mimiru> so... Yeaaah
L1479[13:26:03] <S3> had enough of this windows crap
L1480[13:26:08] <S3> brb
L1481[13:26:16] <Mimiru> C:\Users\Caitlyn\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\pc-logix-17\saves\New World\opencomputers\3f8f654f-41be-419a-91f7-79a7e8ecd0ea
L1482[13:26:31] <Mimiru> And the usual files are in there.
L1483[13:26:34] <gamax92> they're directories for me as well
L1484[13:26:44] <Temia> say, thought.
L1485[13:26:55] * gamax92 is listening
L1486[13:27:12] <Temia> What if OC computers could see their own slots for the purpose of defining component order only?
L1487[13:27:46] <gamax92> I think there's something already like that though
L1488[13:27:51] <Temia> Oh, is there?
L1489[13:27:57] <gamax92> ~w api componet
L1490[13:27:57] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:component
L1491[13:28:14] <gamax92> bleh where is it
L1492[13:28:16] <Temia> I was mostly wondering because the way devices are mounted is still rather @_@
L1493[13:28:46] <Temia> We could use some disk and card differentiation for sure
L1494[13:28:51] <S3> much better.
L1495[13:28:58] <gamax92> either way i think you can tell what slot components are in or convert slot numbers to uuid's or something like that
L1496[13:29:10] <Temia> Hmm.
L1497[13:30:34] <Mimiru> seriously though S3 I dunno what kinda fucked up shit your Windows/OC/MC/Forge is doing, but: http://michi.pc-logix.com/3f8f654f-41be-419a-91f7-79a7e8ecd0ea_2015-08-29_13-30-09.png
L1498[13:30:51] <S3> I was considering the idea of how to implement arrays in forth
L1499[13:31:04] <S3> and I was curious if it'd be too much to implement an idea called "user stacks"
L1500[13:31:16] <S3> and have them be the underlying mechanism
L1501[13:32:10] <gamax92> Temia: right you can do component.slot("address-thingy-with-dashes") and it'll tell you what slot number the component is in
L1502[13:32:12] <S3> user stacks can't be used as a working data stack, but they can be used as a data stack that can store things for a period of time, and are caopable of transferring to and from the data stack.
L1503[13:32:23] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L1504[13:32:30] <gamax92> or -1 if it's not in an internal slot
L1505[13:37:30] <Temia> Ah, convenient.
L1506[13:37:51] <Temia> ...So I guess the trick is just patching the mounting subsystem.
L1507[13:42:22] <Inari> "mounting"
L1508[13:42:25] * Inari hides
L1509[13:42:46] <S3> .. So what I'm thinking is that only one userstack can be accessed at any given time. %U is used to set the currently active user stack, and some functions (such as the equivilent of component.list) will place its return data in the active user stack
L1510[13:43:20] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@p5B368EB3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1511[13:43:28] <S3> the other way I can do it is to make it put its return data in a new user stack and then display the user stack index it used on the data stack, but that's memory wasteful, though convenient
L1512[13:44:05] <gamax92> Inari and I are similar, except Inari voices her lewdness and I keep it to myself >_>
L1513[13:44:24] <Temia> :T
L1514[13:44:27] * Temia drags Inari out
L1515[13:44:29] * Temia nosebaps
L1516[13:44:55] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1517[13:50:32] * cloakable giggles
L1518[13:51:12] <S3> I wonder if I could make it so that functions that return arrays actually return an immutable user stack that can be transferred to a mutable one
L1519[13:51:21] <S3> and somehow gets destroyed after
L1520[13:51:22] <Inari> xD
L1521[13:51:45] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KK@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1522[13:51:47] <cloakable> ln /usr/bin/man /usr/bin/fox && fox mount
L1523[13:51:52] <cloakable> >.>
L1524[13:52:41] <ds84182> ln /usr/bin/man /usr/bin/foxylady && fox mount
L1525[13:52:46] <ds84182> ln /usr/bin/man /usr/bin/foxylady && foxylady mount
L1526[13:52:54] <gamax92> you failed
L1527[13:53:06] <ds84182> you: operation failed
L1528[13:53:19] <cloakable> =3
L1529[13:53:24] <gamax92> mountfs -t msdos /mnt/tape/data.raw
L1530[13:56:52] <gamax92> S3: an issue with sfs's over simplicity is renaming something means scanning the ENTIRE INDEX AREA for every mention of the old path and replacing it with the new path
L1531[13:57:08] <gamax92> same thing with deleting a path
L1532[13:57:33] <S3> gamax92: yep.
L1533[13:57:36] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1534[13:57:55] <gamax92> I don't even know how I'm going to handle allocating files .-.
L1535[13:58:10] <S3> but gamax92, if you went with the "parent directory" method you'd still have a similar problem
L1536[13:58:25] <gamax92> go on?
L1537[13:58:26] <S3> for deletion
L1538[13:58:44] <S3> if you deleted an entire path
L1539[13:58:56] <S3> I know that's a differenty operation but
L1540[13:59:21] <S3> if it used parent node entries then you'd still have to scan that crap
L1541[13:59:26] ⇨ Joins: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
L1542[14:02:26] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~Reinei@ip-2-202-217-125.web.vodafone.de)
L1543[14:04:20] <reinei> gosh its not even fall yet and erveryone is already starting the road of depression -.-
L1544[14:04:38] <gamax92> ...
L1545[14:05:07] <Inari> i want winter
L1546[14:05:08] <Inari> :<
L1547[14:05:08] <Lizzy> ....
L1548[14:05:12] <Inari> /summerdepression
L1549[14:05:15] <gamax92> I also want winter
L1550[14:05:25] <reinei> yep winter ftw
L1551[14:05:35] <reinei> sorry Lizzy ...
L1552[14:05:45] * Lizzy just wants to get off of the planet and explore space
L1553[14:06:02] * Temia is actually finally shaking off her depression. .o
L1554[14:06:03] <Temia> o.o
L1555[14:06:23] * reinei would happily join you to get off of this world
L1556[14:06:29] * Lizzy hugs Temia
L1557[14:07:35] <LordFokas> Lizzy, more rockets is always the answer.
L1558[14:07:56] <reinei> LordFokas, not ALWAYS
L1559[14:08:12] <Lizzy> Also reinei you don't have to worry about "triggering" me, I get myself into my breakdowns,, noone else
L1560[14:08:13] <reinei> sometimes BETTER rockets are, well Better
L1561[14:08:22] <LordFokas> well, yeah, some times you just nee more struts :p
L1562[14:08:26] <LordFokas> need*
L1563[14:09:15] <Lizzy> LordFokas: or have a few 10 or so vtol wings on a plane then put them into normal flight and pitch up
L1564[14:09:24] <reinei> well my family is a hydrogenbomb waiting to happen and my grandfather just finished his birthday party ...
L1565[14:09:31] <Lizzy> Lemme go find my past broadcast
L1566[14:10:11] <reinei> well struts + those new engines with a COM outside of the engine
L1567[14:11:53] <Lizzy> http://www.twitch.tv/lizzytrickster/v/12220245 LordFokas
L1568[14:12:09] <Lizzy> Somewhere in there
L1569[14:13:39] <Sangar> baaack
L1570[14:13:50] <reinei> wb Sangar
L1571[14:15:32] * vifino snuggles Lizzy <3
L1572[14:15:47] * Lizzy throws a sponge at Sangar
L1573[14:15:54] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L1574[14:16:20] <reinei> why are /me s shown in all channels except this one xD
L1575[14:16:20] * vifino lets Lizzy piggyback him
L1576[14:16:50] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1577[14:16:53] * Sangar catches sponge, puts it aside
L1578[14:17:00] <Sangar> thanks, i'll shower tomorrow :P
L1579[14:17:18] * Lizzy jumps on vifino's back and holdgugs
L1580[14:17:34] <Lizzy> s/gu/hu
L1581[14:17:34] <Kibibyte> * Lizzy jumps on vifino's back and holdhu gs
L1582[14:17:39] <Lizzy> -_-
L1583[14:17:43] <vifino> :P
L1584[14:18:08] <reinei> is there such a thing as a holdhug?
L1585[14:18:53] <Lizzy> Yes, holding onto him but also hugging him at the same time
L1586[14:19:19] <reinei> i meant from the linguistic viewpoint
L1587[14:19:25] <Lizzy> Why is Higgledy-piggledy in my suggestion list
L1588[14:19:54] *** Skye|Idiot is now known as Skye|StupidIdiot
L1589[14:20:19] <S3> hmmm
L1590[14:20:28] <gamax92> ...
L1591[14:20:33] <S3> Sangar: does OC cache the files on disk?
L1592[14:20:40] <S3> or openos at least maybe
L1593[14:20:41] <gamax92> ds84182: why does an empty string take up more lua memory than a one character string
L1594[14:20:41] <reinei> yes
L1595[14:20:52] <reinei> unless you disable buffering
L1596[14:20:58] <S3> ooh
L1597[14:20:58] <Sangar> ^
L1598[14:21:06] <S3> that might be what I want
L1599[14:21:25] <ds84182> gamax92: ... it doesn't?
L1600[14:21:51] <S3> I imagine thats in the oc config and not a command I can do?
L1601[14:22:01] <reinei> yep
L1602[14:22:03] <gamax92> ds84182: http://hastebin.com/uqewoziyop.erl
L1603[14:22:04] <S3> sigh
L1604[14:22:09] <gamax92> S3: bufferChanges=false
L1605[14:22:25] <S3> no command to wipe it?
L1606[14:22:27] <gamax92> in config obviously :P
L1607[14:22:55] <S3> well honestly, I would have probably made some sort of funcall to flush it
L1608[14:22:56] <gamax92> ds84182: but yeah, basically with an empty string i get 129, but with a one character string I get 104
L1609[14:22:57] <reinei> wipe what?
L1610[14:23:05] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1611[14:23:17] <gamax92> ... and a "b" is 130?
L1612[14:23:27] <ds84182> gamax92: consistently?
L1613[14:23:29] <gamax92> why does "a" give 104
L1614[14:23:30] <gamax92> yes
L1615[14:23:32] <ds84182> Probably not consistently
L1616[14:23:45] <gamax92> ooooh
L1617[14:23:48] <ds84182> If a is giving you something different than b, then it's not consistent
L1618[14:23:51] <gamax92> because my local variable is called a
L1619[14:24:03] <gamax92> lua is smart
L1620[14:24:12] <ds84182> Yes, it reuses a lot of strings
L1621[14:24:25] <ds84182> like, a metric fuckton
L1622[14:24:45] <S3> there. buffering disabled
L1623[14:25:24] <ds84182> and strings larger than a certain size aren't put in the hash list, so doing operations on some huge string won't eat your memory
L1624[14:25:26] <gamax92> ds84182: oh will string.pack support packing a table?
L1625[14:25:41] <ds84182> ... packing a pre existing table? no
L1626[14:25:47] <gamax92> darn
L1627[14:25:50] <S3> noob
L1628[14:25:51] <ds84182> but string.copy and stuff kinda does that
L1629[14:25:53] <S3> :)
L1630[14:25:58] <ds84182> table.copy
L1631[14:26:01] <gamax92> ds84182: where is your binary serializer then
L1632[14:26:10] <ds84182> ugh
L1633[14:26:13] <ds84182> lemme find it
L1634[14:27:05] <S3> oh that is so nice
L1635[14:27:06] <ds84182> actually, it's broken.
L1636[14:27:12] <S3> beingh able to just edit files from outside of mc
L1637[14:27:18] <S3> with no delay
L1638[14:28:06] <vifino> .-. linux-pf aur package isn't updated yet to 4.1
L1639[14:28:10] <vifino> even though it's out
L1640[14:28:25] <S3> heh
L1641[14:28:30] <S3> vifino: no nftables? :)
L1642[14:28:39] * vifino stabs S3
L1643[14:28:53] <S3> XTABLES?
L1644[14:28:54] <vifino> linux-pf is not the berkley packet filter.
L1645[14:28:54] <reinei> vifino!!
L1646[14:29:23] <vifino> It's linux post-factum, a patchset with awesome stuff.
L1647[14:29:28] <S3> reinei: miniforth is coming along
L1648[14:29:29] <vifino> reinei: Yes?
L1649[14:29:39] <S3> and I even figured out reinei how arrays are going to work
L1650[14:29:55] <reinei> don't stab people!
L1651[14:30:00] <reinei> oh nice
L1652[14:30:05] <reinei> will maps work as well?
L1653[14:30:39] <S3> well I found out why the cat was so frigging hungry today
L1654[14:30:41] <S3> all day
L1655[14:31:03] <S3> I found loads of cat puke all over my blankets
L1656[14:31:07] <Stary2001> ;-;
L1658[14:31:56] <S3> BLARGH
L1659[14:32:08] <S3> this is a very awkward situation
L1660[14:32:23] <S3> because I have absolutely nothing to clean it up with atm due to low resources
L1661[14:32:32] <S3> gotta go grocery shopping I guess
L1662[14:33:12] <reinei> low resources? You shpuld upgrade your RAM then to hold more stuff
L1663[14:35:07] <ds84182> That reminds me, I need to find a 4gb ddr3 laptop ram stick
L1664[14:35:16] <ds84182> or buy a new laptop, whatever comes first
L1665[14:35:17] <S3> there
L1666[14:35:21] <S3> waste of toilet paper but
L1667[14:35:26] <S3> its cleaned up at least
L1668[14:35:39] <S3> ds84182: 16GB stick
L1669[14:36:09] <ds84182> S3: but, I'm planning on replacing this laptop soon
L1670[14:36:14] <ds84182> I don't need that much ram
L1671[14:36:24] <reinei> someone should make a handhelp acceleration tool, time feels like honey here -.-
L1672[14:36:41] <S3> I have 16 in my box :D
L1673[14:36:47] <reinei> s/help/held/
L1674[14:36:47] <Kibibyte> <reinei> someone should make a handheld acceleration tool, time feels like honey here -.-
L1675[14:37:57] ⇦ Quits: Graypup_ (Graypup@lfcode.ca) (Quit: restart unicorn power plant)
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L1678[14:58:10] *** Skye|StupidIdiot is now known as Skye|Stupid
L1679[14:58:25] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@p5b368eb3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1680[15:02:59] <gamax92> S3: hmm okay, so caching the entire index area is about 7.17 times increase than what the actual data is, and my vfs structure is about 2.84 times
L1681[15:04:51] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~Reinei@ip-2-202-217-125.web.vodafone.de) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)
L1682[15:06:04] <gamax92> I can do a simple trick with using strings instead of the table, and that gives 1.44 times for the vfs structure
L1683[15:08:19] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@p5b368eb3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1684[15:10:27] <gamax92> yeah so, the index area will mainly just be loaded when necessary, with a small cache to hold a few, since I really only need it for file operations, making directories, and removing things
L1685[15:10:41] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L1687[15:13:11] <S3> hehe
L1688[15:13:20] <S3> I got miniforth down to about .97K
L1689[15:13:27] <gamax92> nice
L1690[15:13:52] <S3> O M G
L1691[15:13:55] <S3> pastie is broken
L1692[15:14:05] <gamax92> becky?
L1693[15:14:10] <S3> looks like somebody was screwing with rewrites
L1694[15:14:41] <S3> http://pastie.org
L1695[15:15:09] <gamax92> S3: looks fine
L1696[15:15:14] * vifino throws phosphor.i0i0.me at S3 as an alternative
L1697[15:15:53] <S3> says The page isn't redirecting properly
L1698[15:15:55] <S3> lol
L1699[15:16:02] <Lizzy> fine for me
L1700[15:16:03] <S3> in firefox
L1701[15:16:06] <gamax92> fine for me
L1702[15:16:12] <S3> weird.
L1703[15:16:16] <S3> they broke my version of firefox
L1704[15:16:34] <gamax92> It's not their fault you use firefox 1.3
L1705[15:16:42] <S3> gamax92: I like that paste site
L1706[15:16:45] <Lizzy> works fine for me in firefox
L1707[15:17:10] <S3> Lizzy: what version?
L1708[15:17:29] <gamax92> ff41.0
L1709[15:17:37] <S3> thats why
L1710[15:17:37] * cloakable offers Lizzy a kitten
L1711[15:17:41] * S3 has 38
L1712[15:17:41] <Lizzy> 40.0.3
L1713[15:17:48] * Lizzy takes kitten and pets it
L1714[15:17:53] <cloakable> :D
L1715[15:17:54] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1716[15:17:56] <S3> hey thats my kitty!
L1717[15:17:59] <vifino> cloakable: Oh you, she has me already '.'
L1718[15:18:01] <S3> she just meowed before you typed that lol
L1719[15:18:13] <S3> and dissapeared..
L1720[15:18:44] <Lizzy> my cat is licking out the scraps in my microwave meal pot
L1721[15:19:53] <S3> wow that's a powerful paste gamax92
L1722[15:19:57] <S3> neato
L1723[15:20:10] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1724[15:20:22] <S3> either way, this is the entire forth port so far: http://phosphor.i0i0.me/EvN7Gusi
L1725[15:20:33] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1726[15:20:36] <S3> without the code that adds dup and array stacks etc
L1727[15:20:38] * vifino jumps on Lizzy aand purrs
L1728[15:20:41] <S3> because that is done using forth
L1729[15:20:47] * Lizzy pets vifino
L1730[15:20:54] <vifino> S3: I gave you that paste, because I made it :P
L1731[15:21:00] <vifino> pastebin*
L1732[15:21:15] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1733[15:21:20] <S3> vifino: interesting
L1734[15:21:36] <S3> I did bookmark it
L1735[15:21:42] <vifino> woo
L1736[15:21:53] <S3> but is it secure..
L1737[15:21:59] <vifino> :l
L1738[15:22:06] <S3> let's see if it can handle buffer flowerflow!
L1739[15:22:08] <vifino> what are you, nsa?
L1740[15:22:09] <S3> lol just kidding
L1741[15:22:20] <vifino> rate limiting? nah, cba
L1742[15:22:40] <vifino> but just sayin, redis goes down before my webserver does
L1743[15:22:47] * Lizzy sneezes
L1744[15:22:48] <vifino> i made my webserver gud :3
L1745[15:22:54] <vifino> Bless you, Lizzy.
L1746[15:23:02] * vifino gives Lizzy a paper towel
L1747[15:23:10] * ds84182 sneezes on Lizzy I think
L1748[15:23:11] <S3> so there is one limitation of the miniforth port which I do not care about but somebody might
L1749[15:23:23] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONpC2vAmsJ4 ~
L1750[15:23:23] <MichiBot> Inari: werner beinhart hochzeit | length 2m 6s | Likes: 1201 Dislikes: 30 Views: 518785 | by tschickracha
L1751[15:23:30] <S3> it only supports one chunk of code to be processed at a time
L1752[15:23:51] <S3> this means you can't be in the middle of a forth file and expect to just load more forth code halfway in and then go back to your other forth code you were continuing to parse
L1753[15:24:13] <S3> but, this is not really an issue, considering the way it would likely be used
L1754[15:27:12] <S3> vifino: does it only support lua?
L1755[15:27:40] <vifino> S3: It is written in lua, if you mean that. :P
L1756[15:27:48] *** dmod is now known as dsirius
L1757[15:27:49] <vifino> The syntax highlighting is language-agnostic.
L1758[15:28:04] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L1759[15:28:15] <vifino> It doesn't care what language it is, because it knows how strings are defined usually, etc..
L1760[15:28:30] <S3> let's see
L1761[15:28:35] *** dsirius is now known as dmod
L1762[15:28:41] <vifino> It's not 100% accurate, but it does a good job at a wide vareity of languages.
L1763[15:29:54] <S3> vifino: not bad!
L1764[15:29:56] <S3> http://phosphor.i0i0.me/mrMpHqHz
L1765[15:30:01] <S3> it parsed my Perl :)
L1766[15:30:03] <S3> quite well
L1767[15:30:16] <vifino> Indeed.
L1768[15:30:16] <S3> I'm impressed
L1769[15:30:21] <Daiyousei> peeeeerl
L1770[15:30:26] <Daiyousei> :D
L1771[15:30:33] <S3> Daiyousei: GOOD Perl
L1772[15:30:40] <vifino> Daiyousei: S3 is a perl afficionado.
L1773[15:30:43] <S3> not crazy unreadable CGI junky Perl
L1774[15:30:51] <Daiyousei> vifino: i know ;)
L1775[15:30:59] <gamax92> now give it haskell
L1776[15:31:09] <Daiyousei> but haskell isnt really hard to parse
L1777[15:31:21] <gamax92> what is
L1778[15:31:26] <S3> hmmm
L1779[15:31:35] <S3> biohazard is a haskell guy iirc
L1780[15:31:38] <Daiyousei> aye
L1781[15:31:40] <Daiyousei> das me
L1782[15:31:41] <Daiyousei> :>
L1783[15:31:43] <S3> AHA
L1784[15:32:00] <ds84182> s/AHA/AHA, FOUND U KUNT
L1785[15:32:00] <Kibibyte> <S3> AHA, FOUND U KUNT
L1786[15:32:04] <vifino> Yeah..
L1787[15:32:14] <vifino> Shoulda told ye that.
L1788[15:32:21] <vifino> anywho.
L1789[15:32:31] <ds84182> I love Lua.
L1790[15:32:41] <vifino> ds84182: You do, yes.
L1791[15:32:42] <S3> Lua is too simple
L1792[15:32:47] <ds84182> In fact, if Lua was a person, I wouldn't care what gender they were
L1793[15:32:51] <cloakable> vifino: but you're a catboy not a kitten
L1794[15:33:04] <S3> Lua is not a person
L1795[15:33:04] <vifino> cloakable: pettable enough '^'
L1796[15:33:07] <ds84182> I'd still put my finger in their wyw.
L1797[15:33:09] <Vexatos> Lua is a female noun
L1798[15:33:10] <ds84182> *eye
L1799[15:33:16] <gamax92> ... wow ds84182
L1800[15:33:17] * ds84182 stabs Vexatos.
L1801[15:33:18] <S3> Vexatos: ???wtf?
L1802[15:33:23] <S3> where do you guys come up with this crap
L1803[15:33:30] <Vexatos> S3, knowing languages
L1804[15:33:31] <ds84182> Don't ruin my 50 shades of grey like fantasies
L1805[15:33:35] <cloakable> true
L1806[15:33:39] * gamax92 pets vifino
L1807[15:33:41] * cloakable pets vifino ears
L1808[15:33:57] <S3> /ignore *
L1809[15:34:01] <S3> lololol
L1810[15:34:06] * vifino purrs
L1811[15:34:23] <vifino> Erm, wtf dad.
L1812[15:34:51] <vifino> "Here is your breakfast. *hands over breakfast i didn't want or ate, put it in the fridge*".
L1813[15:34:53] <S3> I need to figure out now
L1814[15:35:00] <S3> how I will make the built in eeprom stuff work
L1815[15:35:00] <vifino> It's fucking 22:30.
L1816[15:35:12] <vifino> :l
L1817[15:35:45] <Vexatos> 22:35
L1818[15:35:47] <Vexatos> actually
L1819[15:35:58] * vifino stabs Vexatos
L1820[15:36:03] <ds84182> 22:36
L1821[15:36:05] <ds84182> actually
L1822[15:36:19] <Lizzy> approximation is not required
L1823[15:36:32] * ds84182 pulls out the sigfigs.
L1824[15:36:35] <vifino> ds84182: I'd stab you, but you'd probably get off to it.
L1825[15:36:44] <ds84182> vifino: I would, how did you know?
L1826[15:36:55] <vifino> ¬_¬
L1827[15:37:22] <Daiyousei> guro
L1828[15:37:40] * vifino mehs and curls up on Lizzy
L1829[15:37:54] <ds84182> Things I get off to: Lua, design.google.com, Stabbing, Lynching, {{list_item[4]}}
L1830[15:38:39] <ds84182> .p
L1831[15:38:39] <^v> Ping reply from ds84182 0.29s
L1832[15:39:43] <vifino> ds84182: You get off to anything and everything q_q
L1833[15:40:41] <Vexatos> .p
L1834[15:40:41] <^v> Ping reply from Vexatos 0.55s
L1835[15:40:42] <Vexatos> #p
L1836[15:40:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.3332352679999999 Seconds passed.
L1837[15:40:45] <cloakable> =3
L1838[15:41:12] * gamax92 snuggles vifino
L1839[15:41:34] * Lizzy growls at gamax92
L1840[15:41:37] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L1841[15:45:24] * vifino hugs gamax92 back
L1842[15:48:07] <ds84182> vifino: that is true
L1843[15:49:07] <vifino> inb4 "to you too <lenny>"
L1844[15:50:39] * cloakable offers Lizzy and vifino a fennec hug
L1845[15:51:06] * vifino hugs cloakable
L1846[15:51:07] * Lizzy brings cloakable in on the hugging
L1847[15:51:11] <gamax92> Lizzy: neh :c
L1848[15:51:15] <gamax92> vifino is my friend
L1849[15:51:24] <gamax92> you are not going to steal him away
L1850[15:51:58] ⇦ Parts: Lizzy (lizzy@lizzy.theender.net) (meh))
L1851[15:54:06] <gamax92> :c
L1852[15:54:18] <gamax92> ... wat
L1853[15:54:23] <gamax92> .youtube is a tld?
L1854[15:55:06] <Daiyousei> what
L1855[15:55:24] <Daiyousei> pornhub.youtube
L1856[15:55:26] <ds84182> gamax92: i guess it is
L1857[15:55:59] <vifino> ._.
L1858[15:57:56] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius` (~Lunatrius@
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L1861[15:59:33] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (lizzy@lizzy.theender.net)
L1862[15:59:33] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
L1863[15:59:33] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L1864[15:59:46] <Lizzy> i really need to disable that...
L1865[15:59:46] <S3> Daiyousei: ...
L1866[15:59:50] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665074D3A5CDD0C023D94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1867[16:00:51] <S3> okay
L1868[16:01:00] <S3> miniforth with some bare minimals gives us 1.3K
L1869[16:01:16] <S3> I need to implement user stacks and test it with a component.list
L1870[16:01:26] <Daiyousei> xD
L1871[16:01:31] <S3> functions that return arrays will dump them into user stacks
L1872[16:02:29] <S3> So I'm sort of curious
L1873[16:02:38] <S3> if I can do much more with less memory using forth in lua
L1874[16:03:10] <S3> unfortunately I don't think the programs will ever become large enough to run out of even the lowest tier of memory
L1875[16:04:28] <S3> the eeprom is structured as follows: phosphor.i0i0.me/On9eUZ0A
L1876[16:04:46] <S3> the built in code will be flashed along with the miniforth port under -- DATA --
L1877[16:05:07] <S3> as you can see there where the forth environment is all set up using lua evaluations
L1878[16:05:07] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-66.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1879[16:06:39] <S3> if I can get user stacks implemented, and uder defined functions working, then all I have left to really do is build a small REPL, some forth code for handling the screen print()ing, and some way of loading 4th files off of a disk.
L1880[16:06:45] <S3> all in under 4K
L1881[16:08:51] <vifino> gamax92: Is there much difference in FFI vs c binding speed?
L1882[16:09:18] <gamax92> I dunno, I've never really tested anything like that
L1883[16:14:26] * vifino hugs Lizzy tightly
L1884[16:14:49] * Lizzy sighs happily
L1885[16:22:11] *** Skye|Stupid is now known as Skye|Sad
L1886[16:32:26] <Ivoah> Is there a config setting to make assembly and disassembly instant?
L1887[16:33:57] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1888[16:38:21] <Sangar> you can change how much energy it takes to assemble the different devices and/or change how fast the assembler uses energy, so via that means, yes
L1889[16:44:15] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1890[16:50:17] ⇨ Joins: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-145-47.dyn.centurytel.net)
L1891[16:50:29] <rjs232323> Hi guys, Is there a way to lock the address to specific screens?
L1892[16:50:54] <rjs232323> so I can break it and its address wont change
L1893[16:50:58] <rjs232323> when I place it back on
L1894[16:52:15] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC113D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1895[16:59:26] <Sangar> nope, sorry. block components never store their address
L1896[17:05:54] ⇦ Quits: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1897[17:07:11] <gamax92> Sangar: just to make sure, the buffer lib (io file) should handle writing lots of small amounts of data?
L1898[17:07:17] <gamax92> or should i try to group it into large chunks
L1899[17:08:11] <Sangar> the buffer should buffer a bunch of small writes/reads and write/read larger chunks to the actual fs to be more efficient
L1900[17:09:55] ⇦ Quits: {0xc6} (~c6h@cpc80353-grim18-2-0-cust241.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Eternity beckons.)
L1901[17:14:00] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1902[17:16:36] ⇨ Joins: KomputerKid (~KK@
L1903[17:19:40] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L1904[17:23:59] <gamax92> >opens up computer to put internet card in
L1905[17:24:03] <gamax92> >irl computer freezes
L1906[17:24:18] <ds84182> lol
L1907[17:24:27] <ds84182> dammit, my copmuter just frooze for a secone
L1908[17:24:41] <ds84182> god dammit I can't sspell today and It forze again
L1909[17:25:05] <ds84182> Damn you Android Stduio
L1910[17:28:12] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius` (~Lunatrius@
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L1913[17:29:11] *** Lunatrius` is now known as Lunatrius
L1914[17:30:09] <S3> think thatl work
L1915[17:30:39] <S3> D>S and S>D are two words that transfer the top element of the user and data stacks between them
L1916[17:31:14] <S3> so you could do a component.list type of deal, then U>D for the first component, and use that for whatever.
L1917[17:31:15] <Lizzy> #lua 19.68*2
L1918[17:31:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 39.36
L1919[17:31:43] <S3> !lua print("\0")
L1920[17:31:49] <S3> #lua print("\0")
L1921[17:31:54] <S3> did wrong one heh
L1922[17:38:39] ⇨ Joins: BlackFalcon (~blackfalc@85-168-141-39.rev.numericable.fr)
L1923[17:38:47] <ds84182> S3: you should add named stacks
L1924[17:39:34] <ds84182> and then yohich stack is user and whichata :P
L1925[17:40:27] ⇦ Quits: BlackFalcon (~blackfalc@85-168-141-39.rev.numericable.fr) (Client Quit)
L1926[17:40:38] <ds84182> ... my computer was lagging when I typed that
L1927[17:45:31] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1928[17:45:36] <S3> ds84182: I thought of that
L1929[17:45:43] <S3> I dunno how I'd handle them named
L1930[17:45:50] <S3> right now they're just numbers
L1931[17:45:53] <S3> 3 %U
L1932[17:45:56] <S3> switches to user stack 3
L1933[17:46:09] <ds84182> Wait, do you have strings implemented?
L1934[17:46:16] <S3> not yet, but I will.
L1935[17:46:23] <S3> you know what
L1936[17:46:25] <S3> ds84182:
L1937[17:46:26] <ds84182> Well then it should already work with %U :P
L1938[17:46:28] <S3> I can do it without strings
L1939[17:46:40] <S3> but itl be forward notation
L1940[17:46:45] <S3> %U foobar
L1941[17:47:23] <S3> %U would tell forth to enter "stack_switch" mode
L1942[17:47:24] <S3> or something
L1943[17:47:30] <S3> and in stack switch mode the next word is the name of the stack
L1944[17:47:56] <S3> very simular to how : works
L1945[17:48:01] <S3> : SQUARE DUP * ;
L1946[17:48:05] <S3> 5 SQUARE
L1947[17:48:09] <S3> -> 25 Ok.
L1948[17:48:42] <ds84182> #lua 1440888300000+(60*1000)
L1949[17:48:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1440888360000
L1950[17:48:56] <ds84182> hmm, this whole thing is veri odd
L1951[17:50:06] <S3> ?
L1952[17:50:09] <S3> lol
L1953[17:50:21] <S3> #lua 42
L1954[17:50:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 42
L1955[17:51:01] <ds84182> I was trying to fix a bug with my app, and time and stuff...
L1956[17:51:24] ⇦ Quits: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-145-47.dyn.centurytel.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1957[17:51:30] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1958[18:04:31] <Sangar> Magik6k, i'm thinking to release tomorrow afternoon-ish, think you can have the pr done by then?
L1959[18:06:51] <vifino> Why are windows batchfiles so cancerous? .-.
L1960[18:07:50] <Ekoserin> I use them all the time to trick people into thinking I'm a hacker.
L1961[18:09:55] ⇨ Joins: lostkangaroo (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
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L1963[18:14:15] <Sangar> well, lemme know tomorrow, i'm off for today :P
L1964[18:14:17] <Sangar> gnight all o/
L1965[18:21:18] <cloakable> sleep well
L1966[18:23:37] <Magik6k> Sangar, maybe, not 100% sure, will try
L1967[18:29:22] <Skye|Sad> #p
L1968[18:29:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.24198434900000002 Seconds passed.
L1969[18:30:28] <ds84182> vifino: Are you still there?
L1970[18:30:46] <vifino> ds84182: Nope, don't think so.
L1971[18:30:58] <ds84182> CHELL DOESN"T SPEAK D:
L1972[18:31:03] * ds84182 bans vifino
L1973[18:31:11] <ds84182> anyways, lemme show you app icon <3
L1974[18:33:03] <ds84182> vifino: http://i.imgur.com/fayYvyh.png
L1975[18:33:21] <vifino> ds84182: nice
L1976[18:33:30] <vifino> i like it.
L1977[18:33:33] <vifino> 10/10
L1978[18:33:45] <vifino> actually
L1979[18:33:46] <ds84182> thx, I threw it together in Inkscape
L1980[18:33:47] <vifino> 9/10
L1981[18:33:54] <ds84182> aww Q_Q
L1982[18:33:57] <vifino> because Y U NO GIB DEV BUILD?!?!?!
L1983[18:33:59] <ds84182> why not 9/11
L1984[18:34:12] <ds84182> vifino: lol, I gave my mom a debug build :P
L1985[18:34:16] <Ekoserin> Nice logo
L1986[18:34:17] <vifino> @_@
L1987[18:34:42] <vifino> something something you said i was going to get the first build something something
L1988[18:35:09] <ds84182> Well, I needed to see what the app looked like on Lollipop, and my mom had her LG G4
L1989[18:35:23] <ds84182> Something something I only did it to see what it looked like on Lollipop
L1990[18:35:32] <ds84182> And it looks amazeballs on lollipop
L1991[18:35:45] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (qnet@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1992[18:36:12] <S3> ds84182: so I thought this was pretty funny..
L1993[18:36:33] <ds84182> Thought what
L1994[18:36:40] <S3> if you do %U foobar itl switch to a user stack named "foobar". however, if it isn't there it will create it for you. The funny part is
L1995[18:36:46] <S3> when you are done with it
L1996[18:36:51] <S3> you can destroy it with a crunch
L1997[18:36:52] <S3> #U
L1998[18:37:08] <S3> to free up memory
L1999[18:37:10] <ds84182> crunch bar ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L2000[18:37:21] <S3> I just thought it was funny
L2001[18:37:23] <Ekoserin> I feel uncomfortable.
L2002[18:37:28] <S3> because I read it as "smash Userstack"
L2003[18:37:34] <ds84182> lol
L2004[18:37:58] <ds84182> You should add stack canaries
L2005[18:38:02] <ds84182> hate those little buggers
L2006[18:38:19] <Ivoah> Is there a way to make assembling and disassembling instant?
L2007[18:38:22] <ds84182> You have to precisely stack exploit to get around those fucker
L2008[18:38:30] <ds84182> Ivoah: I don't think so
L2009[18:38:36] <Ivoah> no config option?
L2010[18:39:36] <S3> ds84182: just remember
L2011[18:39:37] <ds84182> I actually don't know if theres one or not
L2012[18:39:42] <S3> this is intended to run on an EEPROM
L2013[18:39:47] <S3> so 4K is the limit
L2014[18:39:52] <S3> I'm already at about 1.5K minified
L2015[18:40:07] <S3> and I still have to write all of the forth to boot the system
L2016[18:40:14] <ds84182> damn
L2017[18:40:23] <S3> It's going to be a tight fit but I can do it
L2018[18:41:30] <S3> ds84182: but I already have a good set of features :D
L2019[18:41:31] <S3> http://phosphor.i0i0.me/BUr7mi9j
L2020[18:41:39] <S3> that's the default forth code it loads
L2021[18:41:48] <S3> which is 90% lua evals to bootstrap features
L2022[18:41:57] <S3> this way you can redesign the forth interpreter to behave how you wish
L2023[18:42:07] <ds84182> nice
L2024[18:43:33] <S3> but alltogether before becoming minified it's pretty small: http://phosphor.i0i0.me/Wyla1vyf
L2025[18:57:15] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KK@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L2026[18:59:59] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L2027[19:07:05] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L2028[19:07:48] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L2029[19:10:15] <gamax92> PHONE PLEASE
L2030[19:10:17] <gamax92> STAPH
L2031[19:10:53] <Lizzy> "No" ~ Phone
L2032[19:11:01] <Stary2001> lel
L2033[19:11:54] <ds84182> ele
L2034[19:15:39] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
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L2036[19:18:49] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L2037[19:27:04] <gamax92> ._.
L2038[19:27:14] <gamax92> trying to install anything on my phone causes it to freeze and then reboot
L2039[19:35:49] <ds84182> gamax92: what phone?
L2040[19:36:02] <ds84182> and what version of software or whateverz
L2041[19:36:48] <gamax92> ds84182: is there a way to expose an open port on the computer to the phone over usb?
L2042[19:37:00] <ds84182> yes, I think
L2043[19:37:03] <gamax92> instead of an open port on the phone, which adb forward does
L2044[19:37:07] <ds84182> wait
L2045[19:37:11] <ds84182> oh, welp, nope
L2046[19:37:27] <gamax92> ,_,
L2047[19:37:37] <ds84182> what you can do is have a server port on the phone, then connect to it on your computer, and export that as a port on your computer
L2048[19:37:54] <ds84182> Basically the port centipede
L2049[19:38:02] <gamax92> ds84182: but there's no ready made app to do that, is there
L2050[19:38:13] <ds84182> Nope
L2051[19:38:37] <ds84182> gamax92: why not use phone on same network as computer?
L2052[19:38:50] <gamax92> because that is giving me stuttery audio
L2053[19:38:52] <ds84182> and then just do things by ip address
L2054[19:38:56] <gamax92> (am doing audio streaming)
L2055[19:39:18] <ds84182> Yeah, you should have audio server on phone and use computer as audio client
L2056[19:39:24] <ds84182> so you can adb that shit
L2057[19:39:52] <gamax92> from computer to phone?
L2058[19:40:03] <gamax92> ;)
L2059[19:42:44] <ds84182> yis
L2060[19:42:49] <gamax92> wat how
L2061[19:42:51] <gamax92> where
L2062[19:42:54] <gamax92> what program
L2063[19:43:00] <ds84182> pls
L2064[19:43:18] <gamax92> ds i must know ;-;
L2065[19:43:40] <ds84182> gamax92: get ssh server app 4 phone
L2066[19:44:21] ⇨ Joins: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L2067[19:44:42] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L2068[19:44:42] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L2069[19:44:51] <gamax92> ds84182: okay, now what
L2070[19:45:22] <ds84182> put ssh over adb forward, forward port over ssh
L2071[19:53:31] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L2072[19:56:53] <S3> somebody told me you can upgrade a robot's inventory like crazy?
L2073[19:56:54] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L2074[19:57:06] <S3> whats the maximum?
L2075[19:59:22] <gamax92> ds84182: i don't get it
L2076[20:00:02] <gamax92> ds84182: I got "Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port #####"
L2077[20:00:27] <S3> gamax92: is gatewayports enabled?
L2078[20:00:33] <S3> asseuming you're doing ssh forwarding
L2079[20:00:47] <gamax92> how do i check/do that
L2080[20:00:57] <S3> /etc/ssh/sshd_config usually
L2081[20:00:59] <S3> on teh server
L2082[20:01:04] <S3> it's disabled by default
L2083[20:04:06] <gamax92> S3: problem, / seems to be a readonly type filesystem
L2084[20:04:13] <gamax92> and /etc/ssh/sshd_config is on that
L2085[20:06:40] <S3> uh
L2086[20:06:45] <S3> gamax92: if / is read only that's bad
L2087[20:07:15] <gamax92> well it is and the phone runs perfectly phone so it's fine
L2088[20:07:17] <S3> I've had it happen a couple times on Linux specifically
L2089[20:07:20] <S3> OH
L2090[20:07:22] <S3> it's a phone
L2091[20:07:25] <S3> alright
L2092[20:07:27] <Stary2001> LOL
L2093[20:07:33] <gamax92> stary shut up
L2094[20:07:36] <S3> in normal circumstances on a server it would be bad lol
L2095[20:07:40] <Stary2001> gamax92: on android isnt /etc /system/etc
L2096[20:08:01] <gamax92> oh that also exists
L2097[20:12:39] ⇨ Joins: Caleb (webchat@z65-50-96-95.ips.direcpath.com)
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L2100[20:18:50] ⇨ Joins: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-98-240-4-254.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L2101[20:19:46] <shortybsd> they have OpenGlasses updated yet for OC? been dying for it but looks to be updated ages ago
L2102[20:25:36] <Mimiru> it should work fine, I have it on my server with a somewhat recent build
L2103[20:26:08] <shortybsd> awesome Mimiru. I will test it now
L2104[20:38:40] <S3> oi m g crisis
L2105[20:38:59] <S3> our AE system is full with 20 disks
L2106[20:39:01] <S3> lol
L2107[20:39:09] <S3> and the ender quarries are backing up
L2108[20:39:14] <shortybsd> Mimiru: the link for OpenGlasses is broken for version 1.0.46. Server is down
L2109[20:39:43] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/OpenGlasses-1.0.46.jar
L2110[20:41:20] <shortybsd> thank you kindly
L2111[20:43:53] <gamax92> oh ...
L2112[20:44:04] <gamax92> S3: can ssh do udp forwarding? ,_,
L2113[20:44:30] <Mimiru> If it can, I've yet to get it working...
L2114[20:44:40] <Mimiru> Tried to tunnel torrents on UDP trackers over SSH on Eos...
L2115[20:44:45] <Mimiru> those trackers never connected
L2116[20:46:57] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-476-12.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L2117[21:04:23] <S3> gamax92: gamax92 I have done layer 2 tunneling with it, so I wouldn't be surprised if it can?
L2118[21:05:16] <gamax92> S3: everything I see says to basically do a udp <-> tcp <-> ssh <-> tcp <-> udp
L2119[21:05:21] <ds84182> S3: S3 you pinged him twice
L2120[21:05:32] <gamax92> which, that'd be fine, except android has no netcat nor socat
L2121[21:05:47] <ds84182> gamax92: throw netcat binary at it
L2122[21:05:53] <gamax92> what netcat binary
L2123[21:05:59] <ds84182> a netcat binary
L2124[21:06:00] <S3> gamax92: looks liek you can use netcat to make a TCP < -- > UDP tunnel on the end host
L2125[21:06:03] <ds84182> go fucking find one
L2126[21:06:04] <S3> with ssh
L2127[21:06:06] <gamax92> exactly
L2128[21:06:32] <gamax92> ds84182: go die you fucking idiot
L2129[21:06:48] <gamax92> I've already tried to find one
L2130[21:06:50] <gamax92> found none
L2131[21:07:00] <S3> the name of the netcat binary is nc
L2132[21:07:05] <Temia> S3, question
L2133[21:07:08] <Temia> Do you have TiC?
L2134[21:07:12] <S3> in case you think its netcat
L2135[21:07:38] <S3> Temia: why?
L2136[21:07:47] <Temia> If you do, start melting down the metal and storing it in drums. Much more compact.
L2137[21:08:15] <S3> Oh you mean tinkers construct?
L2138[21:08:19] <Temia> Yes.
L2139[21:08:30] <S3> I thought you were asking if I had ticks or some shit LOL
L2140[21:09:57] <S3> what if we stored it in the liquid AE drives?
L2141[21:10:23] * Temia shrugs.
L2142[21:10:26] <Temia> How much can they hold?
L2143[21:11:13] ⇨ Joins: caleb (~caleb@z65-50-96-95.ips.direcpath.com)
L2144[21:20:03] <caleb> Oh my
L2145[21:20:12] <caleb> What
L2146[21:25:11] <caleb> I can't even
L2147[21:45:23] ⇦ Quits: caleb (~caleb@z65-50-96-95.ips.direcpath.com) (Quit: Lost terminal)
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L2149[21:58:56] *** Kodosuntu is now known as Kobuntu
L2150[21:59:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Kobuntu
L2151[22:02:49] <Kobuntu> So, I'm spending the week at the beach
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L2155[22:19:24] <gamax92> my phone appears to have bricked itself
L2156[22:20:11] <vifino> :(
L2157[22:20:31] <gamax92> oh good, recovery still works, it just refuses to boot normally
L2158[22:22:06] <gamax92> alright, time to see if it still lives
L2159[22:23:49] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2160[22:24:00] <Kobuntu> Any of you lot running OCEmu or OC in MC atm?
L2161[22:34:22] <v^> hmmm
L2162[22:35:03] <v^> Kobuntu, wasnt aware there was an OCEmu
L2163[22:36:21] <Kobuntu> gamax92 has it
L2164[22:37:17] <v^> oh so it uses sdl over FFI
L2165[22:41:57] ⇦ Quits: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L2169[22:59:15] <Ekoserin> Look at this cat. http://i.imgur.com/gtgpi1Y.gifv
L2170[23:02:06] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~tangentde@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2171[23:09:01] <gamax92> hmm okay, so I've found the audio routing option in SoundWire, and even though it yells at me and advises me to not use "android native audio" because my phone is too old, it works a crap load better
L2172[23:10:07] <Temia> Everyone thinks their way is all that and a reel of SoCs
L2173[23:10:45] ⇦ Quits: Kobuntu (~Kodosuntu@184-100-164-233.ptld.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L2174[23:10:46] <gamax92> Temia: ?
L2175[23:11:00] <Temia> Just commenting on your situation
L2176[23:11:15] <gamax92> oh that was for me, I don't get what you mean then
L2177[23:11:35] <Temia> I'm assuming they offered their own in-house alternative.
L2178[23:11:40] <Temia> Or did they not?
L2179[23:13:50] <gamax92> oh the only other option was "Standard audio"
L2180[23:14:06] <Temia> Ah
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