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L1[00:06:11] <Kodos> This show is a fucking riot
L2[00:07:38] ⇨ Joins: h3po (~h3po@aftr-37-24-159-16.unity-media.net)
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L5[00:20:35] ⇨ Joins: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-164-10.lnse5.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L6[00:22:08] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L8[00:33:58] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L9[01:00:06] <darkstar> Is there any way for me to add an additional card to a computer when I'm out of slots?
L10[01:00:32] <darkstar> I'd really like an internet card in there to do http stuff but I can't with a graphics card, redstone and wireless card
L11[01:02:14] <Mimiru> Unless you need a t3 GPU use an APU?
L12[01:02:17] <Mimiru> Otherwise, no
L13[01:02:22] <darkstar> Oh, I'll try that
L14[01:02:22] <darkstar> hrm
L15[01:02:38] <Mimiru> Non creative APU tops out at T2 GPU
L16[01:04:53] <darkstar> Can I use T3 screens with a T2 cpu?
L17[01:05:20] <Kodos> Yes but things can get wonky
L18[01:05:38] <darkstar> Yeah, colors are a bit off
L19[01:06:44] <darkstar> I guess i can use this as an excuse to set up a server rack
L20[01:06:50] *** KomputerKid is now known as KK
L21[01:11:26] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L22[01:14:38] <darkstar> So to use a server I need to install openos onto the hard drive before booting itin the server rack?
L23[01:15:03] <Mimiru> Or, just use a disk drive, and set the server to use the side the drive is on in the rack gui
L24[01:15:12] <darkstar> I tried that, still the same error. Hrm
L25[01:15:32] <Mimiru> Did you remember the sides are from the POV of the server, not you?
L26[01:15:45] <darkstar> oh
L27[01:15:49] <darkstar> well there's the issue
L28[01:16:19] <Mimiru> Yeah left is the racks left, not yours if you're in front of the rack
L29[01:17:04] <Mimiru> Anyway, off to bed. Have to get oldest up for school tomorrow...
L30[01:17:23] <darkstar> Night, thanks for the help
L31[01:26:26] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L32[01:33:09] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-164-10.lnse5.lon.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L35[02:04:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665737CB98DB611C78479.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[02:04:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L44[03:07:12] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L47[03:23:28] <meigrafd> lo
L48[03:23:53] <robhol> Izaya: http://i.imgur.com/Gvb2oSc.png :3
L49[03:26:09] <dangranos> dont you dare to say it's win only
L50[03:26:17] <robhol> uses WPF
L51[03:26:24] <robhol> so, uh
L52[03:26:33] * robhol runs
L53[03:27:29] <robhol> well, I'm sure you could probably implement a separate GUI for it, the rest might run on Mono
L54[03:33:03] <Izaya> TIS-100?
L55[03:33:07] <robhol> yeah
L56[03:33:29] <robhol> the gui is very limited, but the rest works pretty well
L57[03:33:31] <Izaya> shiny
L58[03:35:01] <robhol> ironically I'm shit at the game itself (¬u¬)
L59[03:37:24] <dangranos> there are few simulators on github btw
L60[03:37:33] <dangranos> i saw one console
L61[03:38:53] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L62[03:43:56] <iamtakingiteasy> hi, how can i check current capacity of a capcitor?
L63[03:47:29] <Izaya> Right, gotta disconnect to install Aderp Creative Shit, back in an hour
L64[03:47:58] <iamtakingiteasy> aha, found it
L65[03:48:00] <iamtakingiteasy> analyzer that is
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L69[04:13:25] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L70[04:34:58] <meigrafd> why does the left work but not the right? http://i.imgur.com/0oKeHUW.png
L71[04:35:24] <meigrafd> the right gets executed over after modem_message got received
L72[04:36:11] <meigrafd> actually i recoded a bit to figure out why that doesnt work but thats the code: http://pastebin.com/hfjT7e8s
L73[04:36:50] <meigrafd> function @ line 125 and @ 204
L74[04:37:11] <meigrafd> after receiving PONG
L75[05:01:27] <dangranos> um
L76[05:01:46] <dangranos> you know that you can get table length using "#tbl"?
L77[05:05:37] <robhol> dangranos: I know. felt like making my own, though :3
L78[05:05:49] <dangranos> ._.
L79[05:06:04] <robhol> .-.
L80[05:06:08] <dangranos> i wasn't talking to you..
L81[05:06:22] <robhol> earlier?
L82[05:06:37] <dangranos> ah
L83[05:29:59] ⇨ Joins: KK (~KomputerK@
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L86[06:01:49] <meigrafd> dangranos i know... but that doesnt change anything
L87[06:03:20] <meigrafd> it looks like that the table Clients doesnt get expanded
L88[06:03:45] <meigrafd> but that behavior is only inside minecraft
L89[06:05:39] <meigrafd> with lua 5.3 it works as expected
L90[06:06:18] <meigrafd> but btw #table only works if the index is numeric ;)
L91[06:09:32] * Izaya yawns
L92[06:09:43] <Izaya> Fuck Adobe CS4 takes a long time to install
L93[06:09:48] <Izaya> it would be even worse if I was using discs
L94[06:10:27] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-437-5.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L95[06:13:51] <meigrafd> dangranos http://i.imgur.com/ishGfpe.png
L96[06:13:59] <meigrafd> thats why i think my methode is better ;)
L97[06:14:46] <dangranos> iirc # only works for numerical keys
L98[06:15:45] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L99[06:16:20] <meigrafd> thats what i sayd
L100[06:16:44] <meigrafd> so.. i know that
L101[06:16:44] <meigrafd> [12:01:46] (dangranos): you know that you can get table length using "#tbl"?
L102[06:16:57] <meigrafd> but i have a good reason why i did it not that way
L103[06:17:39] <meigrafd> anyway... this doesnt change my problem
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L106[06:36:24] <meigrafd> well i cant solve this prob since 3 days...
L107[06:36:42] <meigrafd> howfully someone in forum can help
L108[06:36:47] <meigrafd> hopefully*
L109[06:39:26] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
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L111[06:58:27] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
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L113[07:05:08] ⇦ Quits: Away_21 (crystal@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
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L115[07:16:19] <meigrafd> mmh i have tried to debug it and with this code it works as expected:
L116[07:16:20] <meigrafd> http://pastebin.com/NiL8rRkr
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L118[07:21:23] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Shopping
L119[07:22:43] <joshwoo69_> test
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L126[08:09:35] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L127[08:11:14] <Sandra> ahh, hacknet was fun.
L128[08:16:49] <meigrafd> it seems that all my Robots have the same 'modem' address... how can i change that?
L129[08:22:31] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/NiWxvZ5.png
L130[08:27:32] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-164-10.lnse5.lon.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L131[08:28:51] <Lizzy> meigrafd: did you clone the robots using NEI or something similar?
L132[08:29:59] <meigrafd> yes similar - im in creative mode..
L133[08:30:49] <Lizzy> that would be why then. you're gonna need to assemble new ones if you want them to have unique addresses
L134[08:30:54] <meigrafd> is there a way to change the address?
L135[08:31:17] <Lizzy> unless you wanna try editing the nbt data, not without disassembling and reassembling
L136[08:31:43] <Vexatos> the more I use this PC, the more I grow fond of it .-.
L137[08:32:34] <Lizzy> the more you fondle it? :O
L138[08:32:37] * Lizzy runs
L139[08:32:54] <Vexatos> Lizzy pls
L140[08:33:09] <Vexatos> I am not vifino
L141[08:33:35] <Lizzy> Vexatos: he doesn't fondle his pc...
L142[08:33:36] <Lizzy> :P
L143[08:33:43] <Vexatos> ...
L144[08:33:43] <Vexatos> you sure
L145[08:34:30] <Lizzy> yeah, he fondles his angel instead
L146[08:35:38] <Vexatos> .-.
L147[08:35:53] * Lizzy laughs
L148[08:38:02] <vifino> Yeah, that's true :3
L149[08:38:08] * Lizzy giggles
L150[08:38:28] * vifino Lizzysmooch <3
L151[08:38:58] * Lizzy vifinosmooch <3
L152[08:41:55] <Lizzy> afk, work stuff to do away from my desk
L153[08:43:13] <vifino> aww
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L158[09:27:08] <Lizzy> back
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L162[09:51:27] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L165[10:04:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L171[10:36:03] <darkstar> Is there any way to list all possible events you could pull from the event api?
L172[10:36:31] <gamax92> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals
L173[10:36:36] <darkstar> gah, thanks
L174[10:36:36] <gamax92> there's a good list of them there
L175[10:36:45] <darkstar> I was in the event api page and didn't see it
L176[10:37:49] <darkstar> I guess a better question might be is there any way to tell a player logs in or out? I tried the chatbox from computronics but the join and leave messages aren't picked up
L177[10:38:16] * gamax92 pokes Vexatos
L178[10:38:39] * Vexatos has been poked
L179[10:38:50] <gamax92> hath*
L180[10:39:19] <Vexatos> .-.
L181[10:39:59] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:296c:fefc:9168:71af)
L182[10:39:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
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L185[10:54:17] <vifino> ds84182: 3ds nyan cat hooray!
L186[10:54:22] <vifino> ironhax op
L187[10:55:42] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L189[11:02:35] ⇨ Joins: Gmawd (~gmawd@cpe-67-246-122-145.twcny.res.rr.com)
L190[11:04:04] <meigrafd> does the motion sensor also have an unique address if i craft it and add more than 1 to one computer?
L191[11:04:58] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L194[11:05:25] <dangranos> ._.
L195[11:05:27] <dangranos> uh
L196[11:05:29] <dangranos> man
L197[11:05:43] <dangranos> you do know that all components in OC has UID
L198[11:05:46] ⇦ Quits: Gmawd (~gmawd@cpe-67-246-122-145.twcny.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L199[11:05:54] <dangranos> every single one of them
L200[11:06:47] <meigrafd> well i just learnd thats not always true
L201[11:06:58] <dangranos> uh?
L202[11:07:08] <dangranos> excluding the things you duped somehow
L203[11:07:13] <meigrafd> a component have a ID, yes... but not each another
L204[11:07:20] <meigrafd> each of the same type
L205[11:07:25] <dangranos> wat
L206[11:07:55] ⇨ Joins: Gmawd (~gmawd@cpe-67-246-122-145.twcny.res.rr.com)
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L208[11:08:28] <dangranos> components always have unique (well, as unique as random can get, but i dont think there ever was any dupes)
L209[11:08:35] <dangranos> *unique id
L210[11:08:48] <vifino> uuid*
L211[11:08:58] <dangranos> thanks vifino
L212[11:09:03] <vifino> np
L213[11:09:04] * dangranos pats vifino
L214[11:09:11] <vifino> :D
L215[11:09:12] <meigrafd> well i picked up several wireless cards out NEI and all had the same ID .... coded and read 3 days the wiki etc but nowhere stands this fact
L216[11:09:22] <dangranos> ._.
L217[11:09:25] <dangranos> man
L218[11:09:42] <dangranos> i was talking about legally acqured components
L219[11:09:52] ⇦ Quits: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L220[11:09:58] <meigrafd> whats the diffrent?
L221[11:09:59] <Mimiru> Erm... even NEI components should have unique uuids....
L222[11:10:06] <dangranos> though that shouldn't even happen
L223[11:10:06] <meigrafd> Mimiru nop
L224[11:10:12] <meigrafd> not the wireless cards
L225[11:10:15] <dangranos> wat
L226[11:10:19] <meigrafd> others i had not tried
L227[11:10:20] <Mimiru> the ONLY time I've had dupes was when I copied a computer with WE
L228[11:10:27] <dangranos> pics or didn't happened
L229[11:10:31] ⇨ Joins: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@vps1.kubuxu.ovh)
L230[11:10:40] <Mimiru> meigrafd, Then you've fucked something up, as I've pulled wireless cards from NEI with unique IDs.
L231[11:10:44] <dangranos> ^
L232[11:10:55] <Mimiru> I'm creative 99.9% of the time, I use NEI ALL the time.
L233[11:10:56] <dangranos> they dont get id until you insert them
L234[11:11:02] <meigrafd> ...
L235[11:11:15] <dangranos> if they get id when you spawn them from NEI.. you fucked up somewhere
L236[11:11:30] <dangranos> or something else?
L237[11:11:37] <dangranos> try updating?
L238[11:11:52] <meigrafd> anyway ... can i add more than one 'Motion Sensor' to only one computer?
L239[11:12:04] <Mimiru> Yes... you reference them by the.... UUID.
L240[11:12:43] <dangranos> ba-dum-tss
L241[11:13:10] <meigrafd> ...dont get so often angry Daiyousei
L242[11:13:12] <meigrafd> dangranos
L243[11:13:36] <dangranos> uh
L244[11:13:43] <meigrafd> im new to this and tried alot...
L245[11:13:44] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L246[11:14:02] <dangranos> i thnk you may have misplaced some words in that msg with misping
L247[11:14:51] <Daiyousei> fuck
L248[11:14:53] <Daiyousei> FUCK
L249[11:14:54] <Daiyousei> jk
L250[11:15:11] * dangranos pats Daiyousei
L251[11:15:18] <Daiyousei> :>
L252[11:15:23] <dangranos> it's all over now.
L253[11:15:31] <dangranos> he wont ping you now, right?
L254[11:16:14] <meigrafd> ...i've setup 6 robots, each with "card upgrade" so i can add a wireless card later... than i took a stack of wireless cards out NEI and put them into each Robot.... boot all up, installed my "network ping" script and than saw that all 6 robots have the same network address..
L255[11:16:41] <meigrafd> than i crafted 6 cards myself and voila - all have another address
L256[11:16:43] <dangranos> um
L257[11:17:21] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L258[11:19:02] <meigrafd> so i figured out that not my code was bad (took me 3 damn days) - it was the damn wireless cards
L259[11:20:36] <meigrafd> and btw when i take a wireless card out NEI it doesnt display any id ... but when i craft a wireless card it displays the ID by mouse over...
L260[11:20:48] <meigrafd> in the tooltip
L261[11:21:22] <Mimiru> meigrafd, when you put it in the computer it will get an ID
L262[11:21:23] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-08-17_11-20-47.png
L263[11:21:28] <Mimiru> Do you see any duplicates there?
L264[11:21:52] <Mimiru> both modems came from the same stack of wireless network cards taken from NEI.
L265[11:21:56] <Stary2001> lal
L266[11:23:01] <meigrafd> well as i sayd... 6 times it had the same id
L267[11:23:09] <Mimiru> Well as I said, twice, NOT the same ID
L268[11:23:13] <meigrafd> in the robot..
L269[11:23:13] <Mimiru> I've went through 12 more cards
L270[11:23:19] <Mimiru> all have had unique UUIDs.
L271[11:27:49] <meigrafd> how can i handle more than one motion sensor?
L272[11:27:58] <Mimiru> .... By using the UUID.
L273[11:28:07] <meigrafd> i cant find an example how to bind to the uuid
L274[11:28:21] <Mimiru> component.proxy(component.get("first 3-5 chars of uuid"))
L275[11:28:33] <meigrafd> thnx
L276[11:30:41] <dangranos> ._.
L277[11:30:57] <dangranos> there are manuals exactly for that reason
L278[11:31:03] <dangranos> we have like what? 3 of them?
L279[11:31:26] <dangranos> "man" in openos, manual as a book and ocdoc.cil.li
L280[11:31:40] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L281[11:32:00] <meigrafd> i just checked ocdoc and dindt find it.... now im not allowed to ask ?
L282[11:32:23] <dangranos> ~w component api
L283[11:32:23] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:component
L284[11:32:27] <Mimiru> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:component
L285[11:32:34] <Mimiru> component.proxy(address:string):table
L286[11:32:46] <Mimiru> component.get(address: string[, componentType: string]): string | (nil, string)
L287[11:33:15] <Lizzy> meigrafd, no-one said you couldn't ask, dangranos just said that there is about 3 or more ways to get the information you require
L288[11:33:23] <dangranos> ^
L289[11:33:43] <dangranos> and please, dont assume bad things until someone says them on the internet
L290[11:34:36] <dangranos> *dont deny something that wasn't even said (even if it was implied)
L291[11:35:10] <Lizzy> .load
L292[11:35:11] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.47 0.63 0.85 , RAM: 7733.6M/7883.9M (~96.9%), SWAP: 2180.3M/4095.0M (~53.2%)
L293[11:35:21] <Lizzy> woah, thats a lot of swap usage
L294[11:35:49] <Izaya> vrcig83we4
L295[11:35:58] <Lizzy> ?
L296[11:36:01] <Daiyousei> yup
L297[11:36:31] <LewsTherin> Lizzy, the RAM is maxed, is why.
L298[11:36:51] * Lizzy beats LewsTherin with a pool noodle
L299[11:36:58] * LewsTherin iz whipped
L300[11:37:18] <meigrafd> Lizzy well it sounded like " there are a wealth of 3 ways we provide that ppl figure it out themselves! why the fuck your asking here? "
L301[11:37:26] <Lizzy> ah, Temia's server is running, that explains it being stupid
L302[11:38:33] <Lizzy> sounds like you need to learn to comprehend better
L303[11:38:44] <Temia> I actually couldn't run it without halving the chunkloading range.
L304[11:38:52] <Temia> It's been in a bad way.
L305[11:39:02] <Temia> I mentioned that to you a while ago but I never saw a reboot
L306[11:39:16] <Lizzy> ah, well i have Athar now :D
L307[11:39:27] <Lizzy> hold on i'll get specs
L308[11:40:20] ⇨ Joins: LizzyTrickster (~root@62-4-22-248.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L309[11:40:21] zsh sets mode: +o on LizzyTrickster
L310[11:40:28] <LizzyTrickster> CPU~Quad core Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3 (-HT-MCP-) clocked at Min:3590.718Mhz Max:3799.898Mhz Kernel~3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Up~1:06 Mem~221.3/32076.5MB HDD~2000.4GB(4.6% used) Procs~142 Client~Irssi 0.8.17 inxi~2.1.28
L311[11:40:33] <Lizzy> ^ Temia
L312[11:40:37] <Lizzy> :P
L313[11:40:40] <meigrafd> sounds like it maybe meanwhile normal for you
L314[11:40:42] <Lizzy> you can go now, other me
L315[11:40:48] <LizzyTrickster> k
L316[11:40:52] ⇦ Quits: LizzyTrickster (~root@62-4-22-248.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Client Quit)
L317[11:41:58] <Temia> \o/
L318[11:42:17] <Temia> Should I prepare for a move over, or should Amalgamcraft stay on Thor?
L319[11:42:31] <Lizzy> hmm
L320[11:42:32] <Mimiru> Lizzy, how much is that?
L321[11:42:47] <Lizzy> Mimiru, 34.99€/mo
L322[11:43:18] <Lizzy> Temia, it can stay on there for now but Thor only has 1 month left
L323[11:43:24] <Temia> Ah, hm.
L324[11:44:23] <Lizzy> also Mimiru the new box (from here on named Athar) compiled inspircd in about a minute
L325[11:44:31] <Stary2001> hahha
L326[11:44:32] <Stary2001> nice
L327[11:44:56] <Lizzy> with make -j 16
L328[11:46:26] <Lizzy> also Temia Athar is located somewhere in France so not sure if that'll be a problem for you since Thor is in canada
L329[11:46:44] <Temia> Eh, no big deal
L330[11:46:49] <Lizzy> okay
L331[11:47:22] <Temia> I honestly feel like Amalgamcraft was a flop anyway. Ended up not having any of the sense of community I had hoped to import from Estcraft.
L332[11:54:05] <Lizzy> ... come on thor, ssh isn't that hard to to
L333[11:54:13] <Lizzy> s/to to/to do
L334[11:54:13] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> ... come on thor, ssh isn't that hard to do
L335[11:54:14] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L336[11:54:15] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L337[11:55:28] * vifino yawns and flops on Lizzy
L338[11:55:37] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L339[11:56:35] <Lizzy> Temia, does your server have any players on it at the moment?
L340[12:00:24] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L341[12:01:27] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L342[12:01:58] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L343[12:02:39] <Temia> Uh, don't think so? Lemme check
L344[12:03:10] <Lizzy> if not would you mind turning it off? at least till i can get some other stuff rsynced to Athar
L345[12:03:21] <Temia> ...if bash can even start
L346[12:03:48] <Lizzy> ah, yeah, hdd is being hammered for swap stuff so woo
L347[12:03:55] <Temia> not surprised.
L348[12:04:20] <Temia> Eh, fuck it, if it's this bad odds are nobody can even get on the server right now
L349[12:04:42] <Stary2001> ...lol
L350[12:04:42] <Temia> Feel free to give it a kick
L351[12:04:49] <Lizzy> will try
L352[12:04:59] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L353[12:05:03] <Vexatos> mmhm, Mint 17.2 is kewl
L354[12:05:08] <Lizzy> yup
L355[12:05:10] <Vexatos> good thing I updated
L356[12:05:18] <Vexatos> them fancy new settings GUI
L357[12:05:22] <Temia> Any luck?
L358[12:05:37] <vifino> Vexatos: cli best gui
L359[12:05:43] <Vexatos> What I still lack is a decent audio something
L360[12:05:49] <Vexatos> to boost my headset microphone >_>
L361[12:05:56] <Vexatos> it's unusably quiet on my PC
L362[12:06:03] <Lizzy> well i was root but then i went to su into your user to gracefully shutdown the server but currently i'm just waiting for it to switch users....
L363[12:06:15] <Temia> Oh.
L364[12:06:34] <Temia> Lemme see if I can squeeze in with a direct command to screen
L365[12:07:31] <Lizzy> wow, can't even sudo echo hi
L366[12:07:41] <Lizzy> like sudo gets my pass btu then nothing
L367[12:07:41] <Lizzy> ...
L368[12:07:44] <Lizzy> wat
L369[12:07:46] <Temia> Yeah, uh...
L370[12:07:51] <Vexatos> what does "su" even mean
L371[12:07:54] <Temia> Maybe just sending it a SIGTERM might be best
L372[12:07:59] <gamax92> Switch User
L373[12:08:00] <Lizzy> switch user
L374[12:08:22] <Temia> Which defaults to the superuser too, for fun in abbreviation
L375[12:08:22] <Vexatos> aha
L376[12:08:28] <Temia> And yeah, screen's not starting up for me.
L377[12:08:41] <Lizzy> Temia, i accedentially dropped back to my user so i cant kill it from here ¬_¬
L378[12:08:54] <Temia> Can't sudo killall java?
L379[12:09:02] <Lizzy> cant even ^C the sudo echo hi....
L380[12:09:07] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L381[12:09:09] <Lizzy> .load
L382[12:09:09] <Vexatos> grr, the update manager is showing me this linux kernel update for a month now .-.
L383[12:09:09] <EnderBot2> CPU: 4.87 5.48 4.14 , RAM: 7540.8M/7883.9M (~92.1%), SWAP: 2135.6M/4095.0M (~52.2%)
L384[12:09:22] <Lizzy> Vexatos, just install it, it wont use it
L385[12:09:29] <Lizzy> unless you specify it to
L386[12:09:29] <gamax92> Vexatos: y u no install update
L387[12:09:30] <Vexatos> ...what?
L388[12:09:44] <Vexatos> gamax92, last time I installed a level-5 update my graphics driver broke
L389[12:09:51] <gamax92> and?
L390[12:09:53] <gamax92> that was last time
L391[12:09:54] <Lizzy> if only i put an exec command in EnderBot2
L392[12:09:57] <gamax92> get over your feer
L393[12:10:09] <Lizzy> s/feer/fear
L394[12:10:09] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> get over your fear
L395[12:10:15] <vifino> beer!
L396[12:10:22] <gamax92> dammit vifino i was just going to do that
L397[12:10:26] <vifino> :<
L398[12:10:28] <Vexatos> and I had to use my laptop to find the place symlinks to drivers are stored, then use the live DVD-ROM to fix the symlink the update corrupted
L399[12:10:49] <Vexatos> that was frustrating as heck
L400[12:10:55] <Temia> Attempting to kill over ssh, not seeing anything.
L401[12:11:00] <Vexatos> worst "first experience with linux" :P
L402[12:11:13] <Temia> Christ, this is awful.
L403[12:11:17] <Lizzy> well if it wasn't official, thor is a piece of crap
L404[12:11:25] <Temia> On the plus side, I never set up a crontab, so, uh
L405[12:11:36] <Temia> If you don't have anything critical running on thor, you could probably give it a reboot?
L406[12:11:45] <Temia> Or a virtual serial console if your host provides one
L407[12:11:49] <Temia> *or use
L408[12:12:04] <gamax92> wouldn't that be quite ungraceful
L409[12:12:09] <Lizzy> host for thor is kimsufi, gl;hf to serial consoles
L410[12:12:14] <Lizzy> also i don't wanna break gitlab
L411[12:12:23] <Temia> Ah .w.
L412[12:12:31] <Lizzy> Temia, did you manage to get in with ssh after some time?
L413[12:12:35] <Temia> No.
L414[12:12:37] <Lizzy> damn
L415[12:12:45] <Temia> Every connection attempt I've had has failed.
L416[12:13:16] <Temia> I can try to get in in-game and run /stop from there but
L417[12:13:21] <Temia> I have my doubts
L418[12:13:32] <Lizzy> well, lets play the waiting game for my ssh connection from root on Athar to go to root of Thor
L419[12:13:35] <Lizzy> Temia, try it
L420[12:13:54] <gamax92> you can still join the server
L421[12:13:56] <gamax92> and nobody is on
L422[12:14:47] <Lizzy> huh, yeah. Temia see if you can /stop from ingame which should at least give me some headroom to get in and kill other processes
L423[12:15:20] <Temia> Something's wrong with my local area network. The DHCP server isn't responding so I can't get my laptop online
L424[12:15:25] <vifino> .load
L425[12:15:28] <Lizzy> oh yay
L426[12:15:31] <Temia> Perfect fucking storm. Be right back.
L427[12:15:36] <Lizzy> vifino, only responds to me
L428[12:15:38] <Lizzy> .load
L429[12:15:39] <EnderBot2> CPU: 6.66 5.62 4.56 , RAM: 7486.1M/7883.9M (~92.8%), SWAP: 2041.5M/4095.0M (~49.9%)
L430[12:15:44] <vifino> aww :(
L431[12:16:03] <Lizzy> and it was mainly so i didn't have to ssh into thor to check it
L432[12:16:12] <vifino> You lazy you! :3
L433[12:16:20] <Lizzy> :P
L434[12:18:11] <Temia> Okay, that kick was light enough that my existing connections weren't disrupted but the DHCP server came back online. coo'.
L435[12:18:30] <Lizzy> hah
L436[12:21:14] <gamax92> r.i.p server
L437[12:21:17] <Temia> And it's down.
L438[12:21:23] <Lizzy> .load
L439[12:21:24] <EnderBot2> CPU: 6.06 6.06 5.1 , RAM: 6247.3M/7883.9M (~77.7%), SWAP: 796.4M/4095.0M (~19.4%)
L440[12:21:41] <Lizzy> .load
L441[12:21:42] <EnderBot2> CPU: 5.82 6.0 5.11 , RAM: 6247.4M/7883.9M (~77.7%), SWAP: 796.2M/4095.0M (~19.4%)
L442[12:21:42] <Temia> I don't know what it was doing to eat so much RAM.
L443[12:21:55] <Lizzy> something on Thor is eating a lot of ram
L444[12:22:00] <Temia> Remind me next time it's up to check it out on Opis
L445[12:22:14] <Temia> Though I think there won't be a next time until it gets a proper update
L446[12:22:22] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L447[12:22:38] <Stary2001> fun
L448[12:22:38] <Temia> And like I said, Lizzy, there's probably a memory leak.
L449[12:22:42] <Lizzy> ¬_¬ come on ssh, get through
L450[12:22:53] <Temia> Yeah, I still can't ssh in.
L451[12:22:59] <Lizzy> \o/ sudo echo hi just exited
L452[12:23:02] <Lizzy> IM IN
L453[12:23:04] <Temia> Wait
L454[12:23:05] <Temia> There we go
L455[12:23:09] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L456[12:23:17] <Lizzy> ffs
L457[12:23:19] <Temia> God, how much of the userland was stuck in swap?\
L458[12:23:25] <Lizzy> LAPTOP NOW IS NOT THE TIME
L459[12:23:38] <Temia> Aha.
L460[12:23:38] <gamax92> STOP
L461[12:23:51] <Temia> There's a kernel worker thread looking pretty badly locked up
L462[12:23:58] <Temia> That might explain the problem
L463[12:24:11] <Lizzy> hmm
L464[12:24:58] <Lizzy> shutting down gitlab
L465[12:25:14] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L466[12:25:52] <Temia> Huh. Load seems to be bouncing between a pair of worker threads.
L467[12:26:09] <Temia> aaaand done.
L468[12:26:16] <Lizzy> Temia, we have htop by the way
L469[12:26:21] <Temia> I KNOW
L470[12:26:24] <Temia> BUT I'M USED TO TOP :<
L471[12:26:28] <Lizzy> k
L472[12:26:39] <Stary2001> htop ftw
L473[12:27:59] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L474[12:28:23] <Lizzy> well, it's down to ~4GB ram usage with minecraft, gitlab, syncthing and transmission turned off
L475[12:28:28] <gamax92> being on
L476[12:29:06] <gamax92> well, its down to 12GB ram usage with nothing runni- wait ...
L477[12:30:15] <gamax92> Lizzy: how powerful is thor
L478[12:30:22] <gamax92> if you plan on not using it anymore can I use it
L479[12:30:27] <Lizzy> gamax92, core i3
L480[12:30:52] <Lizzy> 8gb of ram and generally just consumergrade crap
L481[12:31:13] <gamax92> but howfast is the i3
L482[12:31:29] <Lizzy> 3.2GHz max
L483[12:32:05] <Vexatos> Hmm
L484[12:32:13] <Vexatos> Any nice linux programs you can recommend?
L485[12:32:18] <Vexatos> The PC still feels quite empty :P
L486[12:33:17] <Lizzy> ....
L487[12:33:18] <gamax92> Vexatos: for (;;;) { fork(); }
L488[12:33:30] <Lizzy> something is using the max of one core
L489[12:33:33] <Lizzy> on thor
L490[12:33:37] <Lizzy> .-.
L491[12:33:52] <Lizzy> fuck it, it's enough to start rsyncing stuff over
L492[12:34:14] <v^> htop masterrace
L493[12:34:22] <gamax92> v^: RING MODULATION
L494[12:34:27] <Vexatos> gamax92, I mean seriously
L495[12:34:32] <v^> gamax92, ?
L496[12:34:34] <Vexatos> remember I'm still a massive noob :P
L497[12:35:36] <gamax92> AMD Media Devices?
L498[12:36:03] <Lizzy> what does dbus do and will it kill the system if i kill it?
L499[12:36:28] <gamax92> it's interprocess communication related
L500[12:36:30] <gamax92> so probably
L501[12:36:36] <Temia> IPC and RPC.
L502[12:36:37] <Temia> So... yeah
L503[12:36:42] <Lizzy> grr
L504[12:37:22] <gamax92> are you getting high dbus cpu?
L505[12:37:38] <Lizzy> no i'm just taking pot shots at processes to kill
L506[12:37:48] <gamax92> o.o pot shots
L507[12:38:42] <Lizzy> Temia, can you get process ids from top? if so can you get me the PID for the kernel process that's hogging all of one core
L508[12:38:56] <Temia> Oh, I just hopped out. Lemme get back in
L509[12:39:53] <Temia> It's bouncing between a few worker threads. At first it was 3:1 and 1:3, but now it's 0:0 and 2:1.
L510[12:40:03] <Temia> rcu_sched is pretty heavily involved too.
L511[12:40:23] <Lizzy> fuck it, lets reboot it
L512[12:40:31] <Stary2001> :D
L513[12:40:33] <Temia> Probably best
L514[12:40:41] <Lizzy> or try to
L515[12:40:44] <Temia> If you're looking into killing kernel worker threads, something has gone terribly wrong
L516[12:40:56] <Daiyousei> gamax92: fork while fork;
L517[12:41:02] <Stary2001> :D
L518[12:41:05] <Daiyousei> le perl
L519[12:42:07] <Lizzy> system is slowly reboting...
L520[12:42:20] <Lizzy> i think
L521[12:42:53] <Lizzy> i'll give it 5 mins and if it's still not shut down i'm going to go kill it from the web console
L522[12:42:59] <Stary2001> :D
L523[12:43:11] <Stary2001> Lizzy: and this is why idrac is useful lel
L524[12:43:32] <Lizzy> Stary2001, no this is why consumer grade hardware being a server is crap
L525[12:43:45] <Stary2001> that too
L526[12:44:03] <Lizzy> still not rebooting yet
L527[12:44:26] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L528[12:45:01] <h3po> is there a "how to get a list of component events" for dummies?
L529[12:45:29] <h3po> i wonder if could listen for events from my thermal expansion machines instead of polling hasWork
L530[12:45:53] ⇦ Quits: DrummerMC (DrummerMC@no.love.for.the.world.panicbnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L531[12:46:13] <Lizzy> told the web panel to hard reboot it
L532[12:46:54] <Lizzy> this thing just doesn't want to die, does it? It knows it's being replaced
L533[12:47:08] <Stary2001> hahaha
L534[12:47:09] ⇦ Quits: Ender (ender@thor.theender.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L535[12:47:31] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@thor.theender.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L536[12:47:35] <Lizzy> there we go
L537[12:47:53] <Lizzy> i think that's still the shutdown -r command, not the reboot from the kimsufi website
L538[12:48:10] ⇨ Joins: DrummerMC (DrummerMC@no.love.for.the.world.panicbnc.org)
L539[12:49:50] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@thor.theender.net)
L540[12:49:51] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L541[12:49:58] <Lizzy> .load
L542[12:50:01] <Lizzy> .load
L543[12:50:01] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.61 0.44 0.19 , RAM: 1086.6M/7883.9M (~10.4%), SWAP: 0B/4095.0M (~0.0%)
L544[12:50:04] <Lizzy> much better
L545[12:50:09] <vifino> meep
L546[12:50:23] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L547[12:51:57] <Lizzy> now back to rsyncing
L548[12:55:54] <Kodos> Bah, I wanna sell my T6, but I don't know what to get
L549[13:02:16] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L550[13:03:20] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L551[13:04:36] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L552[13:07:13] <Lizzy> urghh, yay
L553[13:07:51] <Lizzy> to backup gitlab from thro and restore it on Athar i need to have the same version on both
L554[13:09:53] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L555[13:10:33] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L556[13:13:47] <Lizzy> oh thats nice, the version i have has an auto-updater
L557[13:13:50] <Lizzy> handy
L558[13:15:03] <Lizzy> oh wait derp
L559[13:15:51] <Mimiru> I'm running gitlab via docker now \o/
L560[13:18:52] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L561[13:19:33] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L562[13:20:13] <Lizzy> :O?
L563[13:21:18] <Mimiru> https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab
L564[13:22:09] <Mimiru> The only real issue is.... gitlab's ssh has to run on a different port, so ssh commits have to go to 10022 for instance..
L565[13:22:45] ⇨ Joins: KK (~KomputerK@
L566[13:24:28] <Mimiru> Also have to edit the docker-compose.yml to set the mail params cause doing it in the command didn't work
L567[13:24:40] <Vexatos> git.asie.pl .-.
L568[13:25:19] <Mimiru> http://git.pc-logix.com/, but I don't have it pointed to the new instance yet :P
L569[13:29:29] <Lizzy> i think i'll leave gitlab installed via omnibus
L570[13:33:42] <Mimiru> Eh, I had docker installed, and wanted an excuse to use it.. lol
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L575[13:39:48] <Lizzy> Temia, rsyncing your stuff over to Athar now
L576[13:39:55] <Temia> Mmkay
L577[13:40:23] <Lizzy> :@ LAPTOP!
L578[13:42:33] * vifino curls up on Lizzy's lap
L579[13:46:55] <Lizzy> hopefully once it's done you should just be able to substitute thor.theender.net for athar.theender.net and you should be good to go (mostly, i'm not sure if java is on Athar by default)
L580[13:47:01] <Lizzy> Temia, ^
L581[13:47:08] <Lizzy> and it's done
L582[13:47:17] <Temia> Mmk.
L583[13:47:23] <Temia> Well, I'm gonna wait to update the pack before I do anything.
L584[13:47:25] <Temia> It needs it.
L585[13:47:58] <Lizzy> k, I'd prefer if you put the newer packages on Athar but if you put them on Thor i can always rsync them over
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L587[13:49:52] <Temia> Oh, no, of course I wouldn't do that
L588[13:50:00] <Temia> Well, I might in testing
L589[13:50:07] <Temia> But production would be on Athar exclusively
L590[13:50:34] <rjs232323> Hello folks, small question regarding Lua... Is there a way to obtain a description of a function and store it to a file?
L591[13:50:54] <rjs232323> like if I type print(component.proxy(component.filesystem))
L592[13:51:17] <rjs232323> it would show up something like this: function(path:string):boolean -- Removes the object at the specified absolute path in the file system.
L593[13:51:30] <rjs232323> How to obtain that "-- Removes the object at the specified..." and save it to a file?
L594[13:53:31] <rjs232323> When I serialize it, it just becomes {address="150d...", name="read"} etc
L595[13:53:34] <rjs232323> removing descriptions
L596[13:53:45] <rjs232323> how would I retain the description?
L597[13:55:57] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
L598[13:56:07] <Lizzy> I'm not sure how the descriptions get added so i don't lnopw
L599[13:56:50] <Temia> Honestly I feel like Amalgamcraft has been a big flop but that's just me.
L600[13:57:06] <Temia> Problem is I don't know what I'd do in its place if anything
L601[13:57:08] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L602[13:57:41] <rjs232323> yea, I dont know either ;p, Lizzy. I'm guessing its some kind of special behavior :S?
L603[13:57:57] <Lizzy> probably
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L605[14:02:25] <rjs232323> Ah! Found it
L606[14:02:42] <rjs232323> Apparently I missed something. It's component.doc (address, method name)
L607[14:03:39] <rjs232323> It will output description of that function. Awesome sauce.
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L609[14:13:19] <Vexatos> ok, so my 1TB partition works now
L610[14:13:26] <Vexatos> fancy FAT32 HDD .-.
L611[14:13:29] <Vexatos> what to put on it
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L613[14:14:47] <rjs232323> Fat32 can do 1TB?
L614[14:15:00] <rjs232323> Isnt it limited to like.. 32gb or something
L615[14:16:37] <Temia> No, it is actually capable of achieving quite large file sizes.
L616[14:16:47] <Temia> FAT32 did have 4GB limits on files though.
L617[14:17:06] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L618[14:18:24] <Temia> s/file sizes/drive sizes
L619[14:18:24] <Kibibyte> <Temia> No, it is actually capable of achieving quite large drive sizes.
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L624[14:34:35] <Vexatos> well, it's the recommended file system in case I ever want to use the hard drive with windows too :P
L625[14:34:40] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
L626[14:34:46] <Vexatos> the max limit on it is 8 TiB
L627[14:35:18] <vifino> Vexatos: File size limit.
L628[14:35:27] <vifino> Have fun with 4gb+ files.
L629[14:35:28] <Vexatos> no, partition size limit
L630[14:35:37] <Vexatos> that's what I meant
L631[14:36:03] <vifino> Yes. But have fun with fat32 and non-baby sized files.
L632[14:40:45] * Lizzy grabs a shotgun and stands next to vifino
L633[14:40:52] * Lizzy giggles
L634[14:40:59] <vifino> '.'
L635[14:41:32] <Lizzy> If i have a shotgun, what am i?
L636[14:41:41] <Lizzy> :P
L637[14:41:55] * vifino thinks Lizzy wants to hear badass..
L638[14:42:28] <Lizzy> ?
L639[14:42:38] * vifino shrugs
L640[14:42:42] * Lizzy thinks vifino doesn't get what she's implying
L641[14:42:53] * vifino thinks he doesn't get anything
L642[14:44:45] <Kodos> Lizzy what were you hauling yesterday from Wohler to Eravate?
L643[14:44:55] * Lizzy sighs and streches her wings out
L644[14:45:03] <Lizzy> Kodos, silver i think
L645[14:45:17] <Kodos> Okay, were you bringing anything back from Eravate to Wohler?
L646[14:45:23] * vifino holds onto Lizzy
L647[14:45:28] <Kodos> And do you remember which station in Eravate it was
L648[14:45:55] <Lizzy> that or i took silver from wohler to somewhere and ended up doing bountyboard missions to get to Eravate
L649[14:45:58] <Lizzy> i cannot
L650[14:46:03] <Kodos> Mkay
L651[14:46:06] <Kodos> I'll stick to BB then
L652[14:46:10] <Kodos> Thanks anyway :3
L653[14:47:30] * vifino grabs the shotgun from Lizzy
L654[14:47:36] <vifino> With that shotgun, what am I? :3
L655[14:47:58] <Lizzy> vifino with a shotgun
L656[14:48:04] <vifino> x.x
L657[14:48:16] * Lizzy takes the shotgun from vifino
L658[14:48:17] * Lizzy prods vifino them stands to face him with her shotgun in hand and her wings outstretched and wonders if he will get what she's trying to imply
L659[14:49:07] <vifino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQKMLmXc0xo
L660[14:49:07] <MichiBot> vifino: Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab [Lyrics] | length 3m 42s | Likes: 38835 Dislikes: 641 Views: 4350493 | by Nicole Lowe
L661[14:49:19] <Lizzy> :D
L662[14:49:23] <Lizzy> took you long enough
L663[14:49:27] <vifino> Shh!
L664[14:49:33] * Lizzy giggles
L665[14:49:51] <vifino> i was looking for that video, trying to get more time for my internet to get it's shit together x.x
L666[14:50:03] <vifino> s/that/a/
L667[14:50:03] <Kibibyte> <vifino> i was looking for a video, trying to get more time for my internet to get it's shit together x.x
L668[14:50:19] <vifino> 600ms ping to google! woo
L669[14:51:47] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedResting
L670[14:53:28] * vifino snuggles Lizzy and then goes off to fetch a drink for Lizzy and him
L671[14:53:49] * Lizzy waits for vifino to return and continues migrating stuff from Thor to Athar
L672[14:54:34] <Lizzy> hmm, postfix is gonna need to be transfered over
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L674[14:54:56] <Lizzy> or moved to Janus though i need to reboot janus for that
L675[14:55:08] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L677[15:02:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665907CB98DB611C78479.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L678[15:05:42] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
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L680[15:09:12] * vifino returns with coke, pepsi and pizza
L681[15:09:22] * vifino hands pepsi and a slice of pizza to Lizzy
L682[15:09:29] <Lizzy> :O
L683[15:09:49] <Lizzy> my 2nd and 3rd favourite things
L684[15:09:57] * Lizzy noms pizza
L685[15:10:46] <meigrafd> whats the first? :p
L686[15:10:54] <Lizzy> vifino, of course
L687[15:11:16] <vifino> :3
L688[15:12:41] <h3po> "The binary ^ operator performs the same job as math.pow(), i.e. math.pow(x,y) == x^y"
L689[15:12:47] <h3po> http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/templates/194976.jpg
L690[15:15:18] <h3po> that sort of stuff means i'm doomed in lua xD
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L696[15:53:27] <montana> getLocation() robot.forward() getlocation() will give me the same location twice, the function getLocation() i wrote and works flawlessly and the issue is somewhere in timing, casue a few os.sleep()'s inbetween fix the problem
L697[15:53:42] <montana> but i would like it to be as fast as possible and i need advice
L698[15:58:51] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L699[16:02:02] ⇦ Quits: lostkangaroo1 (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Quit: wandering off again.)
L700[16:02:33] <h3po> montana: getLocation only once, then keep track of your movement
L701[16:08:22] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L706[16:17:48] <ds84182> "The rowdy sweaty centipede tiptoes over the irritated centipede."
L707[16:17:49] <ds84182> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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L710[16:39:03] <h3po> wrote a little script for measuring stuff with a tablet + navigation upgrade:
L711[16:39:03] <h3po> https://gist.github.com/h3po/d6f434473cf34e7b53db
L712[16:42:36] ⇨ Joins: KomputerKid (~KomputerK@
L713[16:45:35] <Shuudoushi> h3po: you don't have to require math or os
L714[16:46:30] <Inari> #lua 1/0
L715[16:46:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > inf
L716[16:46:36] <h3po> because lua builtins?
L717[16:46:42] <Shuudoushi> yes
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L737[17:36:45] <darkstar> Anyone know of a way to put your gui scale somewhere between "Large" and "Auto"?
L738[17:36:56] <darkstar> err whoops, wrong channel
L739[17:37:16] * gamax92 throws tomatoes at darkstar
L740[17:50:43] <gamax92> v^
L741[17:51:12] <gamax92> what's the proper way to interpolate values in a random noise generator for audio
L742[17:51:56] <v^> ?
L743[17:52:25] <v^> im confused, what are you interpolating with
L744[17:52:30] <v^> it shouldnt matter
L745[17:52:42] <gamax92> not interpolating (square) gives crap loads of upper frequencies
L746[17:53:10] <gamax92> linear interpolation (triangle) gives less but still a lot of upper frequencies
L747[17:53:40] <v^> ^v5 now with fancy splash page http://v5.ptoast.tk/
L748[17:53:44] <ds84182> Android Mashed Potato (Name is final) is out
L749[17:53:48] <gamax92> and now I'm using cosine from pi -> 2pi to get a more smoother interpolation
L750[17:54:00] <gamax92> that clears up even more upper frequencies but they're still there
L751[17:54:22] <gamax92> ds84182: tubehax
L752[17:54:30] <ds84182> gamax92: I killed my 3DS yesterday.
L753[17:54:37] <ds84182> Right before tubehax came out
L754[17:54:43] <gamax92> ds84182: but what's next to be broken
L755[17:54:45] <ds84182> Fuck me, right?
L756[17:54:47] <v^> gamax92, i think you are experiencing aliasing
L757[17:54:50] <ds84182> gamax92: eShop.
L758[17:54:57] <gamax92> shophax!
L759[17:55:10] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L760[17:55:20] <v^> do the interpolation at a higher frequency and scale it down again again to reduce the aliasing
L761[17:55:21] <ds84182> themehax
L762[17:55:43] <gamax92> themereactofexistinghax
L763[17:55:54] <ds84182> webkithax
L764[17:55:57] <ds84182> haxhax
L765[17:56:02] <ds84182> we have gone full circle
L766[17:56:08] <ds84182> ROP inside Homebrew Channel
L767[17:56:17] <gamax92> theMe reAct Of Existing
L768[17:56:42] <v^> or just apply a verry high low-pass filter/equalizer
L769[17:57:06] <ds84182> MAOE
L770[17:57:16] <gamax92> maoehax
L771[17:57:30] <ds84182> maoe money maoehax
L772[17:59:04] <gamax92> I miss perkymern ert ercerdermr
L773[17:59:23] <gamax92> we need more berri ern rerss
L774[18:01:40] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE525.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L775[18:12:25] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-37-24-159-99.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L776[18:12:43] <vifino> ds84182: i got the fancy tubehax and ironhax
L777[18:12:46] <vifino> :3
L778[18:15:10] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-248.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L779[18:16:05] <ds84182> .-.
L780[18:16:29] <vifino> ds84182: i got nyan cat on it :3
L781[18:16:32] <vifino> huehuehue
L782[18:16:33] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L783[18:16:34] <Negi> moehax
L784[18:16:37] <ds84182> I don't really fucking care.
L785[18:16:40] <vifino> :(
L786[18:16:59] <gamax92> vifino: his 3ds is broken
L787[18:17:07] <gamax92> stop taunting him with your working 3ds
L788[18:17:07] <vifino> oh
L789[18:17:11] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L790[18:17:14] <vifino> :V
L791[18:17:38] <Stary2001> gg
L792[18:18:00] <Negi> Ironfall has been removed as soon as smealum told everyone to download it...
L793[18:18:11] <Stary2001> nope, it took like a week
L794[18:18:17] <vifino> ^
L795[18:18:19] <vifino> few days
L796[18:18:22] <vifino> 3 or so
L797[18:18:25] <Stary2001> no
L798[18:18:29] <Stary2001> it was like a week
L799[18:18:30] <Stary2001> when you got it
L800[18:18:41] <vifino> Stary2001: no, it was like, 4 days
L801[18:18:41] <vifino> or so
L802[18:18:42] <vifino> idk
L803[18:18:43] <gamax92> and in those few days, everyone got ironfall
L804[18:18:44] <Stary2001> w/e
L805[18:18:53] <Negi> I got it before going on the 9th.
L806[18:18:55] <Stary2001> nintendo are somehow worse than sony at taking stuff down lel
L807[18:19:17] <vifino> Stary2001: our exploit games are still there
L808[18:19:18] <vifino> kek
L809[18:19:18] <Negi> There's a missing comma somewhere.
L810[18:19:37] <Negi> Wasn't there something with OOT too?
L811[18:19:40] <Stary2001> yeah
L812[18:20:01] <Negi> Have they took down Youtube yet?
L813[18:20:09] <Negi> taken*
L814[18:20:14] <Negi> Did*
L815[18:20:17] <Negi> take*
L816[18:20:22] <Negi> Shit I don't know how to english.
L817[18:20:33] <Stary2001> lolol
L818[18:20:51] <Negi> Bear with me it's like 1AM
L819[18:20:58] <Stary2001> :p
L820[18:21:14] <vifino> oh, right
L821[18:21:18] <Stary2001> psh 1am
L822[18:21:21] <Negi> tbh I can't check if they got rid of Youtube since you can't go on eShop when tubehax is active.
L823[18:21:29] <vifino> i gotta get my netboot stuff on an usb stick before bed
L824[18:21:38] <Negi> Stary2001: I've been going to sleep at 5AM the past 6...weeks.
L825[18:21:39] <vifino> because cousinoffice has no real internet
L826[18:21:40] <vifino> :v
L827[18:21:43] <Stary2001> Negi: yaaaay
L828[18:21:45] <Stary2001> vifino: gg
L829[18:21:54] <vifino> Stary2001: 6 months man.
L830[18:21:59] <Stary2001> vifino: are you gonna load typhon into your car kek
L831[18:22:01] <vifino> 6 months till gbit.
L832[18:22:01] <Stary2001> s/your/the
L833[18:22:01] <Kibibyte> <Stary2001> vifino: are you gonna load typhon into the car kek
L834[18:22:27] <vifino> Stary2001: we're gonna move it. eventually.
L835[18:22:38] <Stary2001> xd
L836[18:22:42] <vifino> for now, it is too fucking heavy to do anything with
L837[18:23:16] <Stary2001> lel
L838[18:23:27] <Negi> HBL is so not finished yet :9
L839[18:24:05] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L840[18:24:06] <gamax92> is it possible to setup a proxy inbetween the 3ds and this custom sploit so you can locally use tubehax?
L841[18:24:25] <vifino> Stary2001: after typhon is moved, i may go on the e of bays and get more servers
L842[18:24:26] <vifino> kek
L843[18:24:42] <vifino> not as big ones as typhon ofc
L844[18:24:59] <vifino> but something we could use for stuff that doesn't require... 16 cores
L845[18:25:59] <Stary2001> m8888
L846[18:27:08] <vifino> Stary2001: you can get cheap servers for like, 100€
L847[18:27:38] * Negi goes kill himself.
L848[18:27:44] <gamax92> Negi: please don't
L849[18:28:02] <Mimiru> I've got this awesome blue screen with tubehax.. which is funny cause people are talking about a redscreen...
L850[18:28:16] <Stary2001> vifino: M8888
L851[18:28:36] <vifino> Stary2001: :3
L852[18:28:56] <vifino> gigabit fiber + awesome as fuck servers = ??!?!?!?!
L853[18:29:21] <Negi> gamax92: That's just a metaphorical way to say that I'm going to not do anything, because of lack of dual head and organisation.
L854[18:29:23] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L855[18:31:20] <Temia> Mimiru: fw revision?
L856[18:32:45] <vifino> gamax92: probably.
L857[18:32:46] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC119E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L858[18:32:53] <vifino> worst case, squid.
L859[18:33:00] <vifino> cache all the thing.
L860[18:33:49] <Mimiru> Temia, 9.9.0-26U
L861[18:35:23] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B2166F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L863[18:37:17] <montana> getLocation() robot.forward() getlocation() will give me the same location twice, the function getLocation() i wrote and works flawlessly and the issue is somewhere in timing, casue a few os.sleep()'s inbetween fix the problem
L864[18:37:19] <montana> i need to get location
L865[18:37:28] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B2166F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L866[18:37:30] <montana> i need to get location twice to get the heading
L867[18:40:31] <Kodos> montana, pastebin your code please, so that we may better troubleshoot your problem
L868[18:41:15] <Mimiru> Ahh, had to switch to an older boot.3dsx
L869[18:41:49] <montana> ight, its a lot though
L870[18:42:25] <Negi> "a lot" is relative in this case.
L871[18:42:26] <montana> http://pastebin.com/aEn1WALZ
L872[18:42:59] <montana> 1600 lines i think? but you only have to look at a few functions. trace back from get heading
L873[18:43:19] <Negi> Ouch the indentation.
L874[18:43:26] <montana> the gps algorithm i wrote works of of 4 hosts broadcasting their location
L875[18:43:38] <montana> pastebin screws up indentation
L876[18:44:01] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B2166F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L877[18:44:15] <Negi> montana: Tabs screw up indentation.
L878[18:44:35] <montana> ah, i tab
L879[18:45:57] <Kodos> I've fixed the indentation, now let me see if I can find the problem
L880[18:46:01] <Negi> Oh wait your problem
L881[18:46:22] <Negi> Is that the "getLocation" returns the wrong coordinate the second time?
L882[18:46:30] <montana> its worth noting that some of the functions there are not yet ported from computercraft, but my problem is seperate to that
L883[18:46:59] <montana> kinda, it returns the same coords as it does the first time
L884[18:47:02] <Negi> Kodos: Aren't the robot.<movement>() functions non-blocking?
L885[18:47:18] <gamax92> I'm pretty sure they are blocking
L886[18:47:32] <gamax92> from the time I wrote robotex
L887[18:47:41] <Negi> Well that's the only thing I can see that would make that kind of problem.
L888[18:47:42] <montana> non-blocking? the issue is in timing cause os.sleep() calls inbetween fix it
L889[18:48:11] <Negi> montana: A non-blocking function returns as soon as the action is started. A blocking one returns as soon as the action ends.
L890[18:48:25] <Negi> Unless the system's sluggish of course :7
L891[18:48:51] <montana> ah. one of the two, either movement, or get location, is non-blocking, i beleave
L892[18:49:15] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11F5F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L893[18:50:03] <Negi> montana: getLocation will be "blocking" (my bad, I didn't use the right terms in the first place), because it's Lua-defined.
L894[18:50:12] <montana> i have though about adding in the smalles possible os.sleep() time i can to keep it fast, but if there's a better way, id like to do that
L895[18:50:28] <Negi> I'm not sure there is a better way, though.
L896[18:50:30] <gamax92> I've experienced random crap like, breaking a block and then doing a detect immediately afterwards saying theres a block there
L897[18:51:03] <Negi> So, probably the system being sluggish then. :v
L898[18:51:06] <montana> gamax92: is that because some kind of blocking issue as well?
L899[18:51:15] <gamax92> I don't actually know what that's from
L900[18:51:19] <montana> that might not be my issue but thats the way it seems to me
L901[18:52:11] <Temia> random thought: mermaid cuddles should be prescribed to cure depression.
L902[18:52:27] <gamax92> where do we get mermaids though
L903[18:52:29] <Negi> gamax92: I'd say the server taking some time to update the actual block grid?
L904[18:52:32] <montana> mermaid's don't exist
L905[18:52:46] <montana> that could possible be it.
L906[18:52:55] <Negi> Temia: Cuddles of anything or anyone one likes should be prescribed for that.
L907[18:53:00] * Negi eats cookies.
L908[18:53:14] <montana> suggestions? and can i check for sure that robot.<movement> is blocking somehow?
L909[18:53:31] <Temia> meh. .3.
L910[18:53:32] <Temia> Well
L911[18:53:47] <Temia> Maybe I should major in genetics or cybernetics
L912[18:53:49] <Negi> Hm only OC's code could tell that. But...Scala radiations...
L913[18:54:01] <Negi> Temia: Every Major's Terrible.
L914[18:54:02] <gamax92> Well blocking would be you go to run robot.forward() and it doesn't immediately return until the robot has completed moving
L915[18:54:03] <Temia> and create an ideal world where everyone is a cute monstergirl.
L916[18:54:13] <gamax92> not blocking would be the function immediately returns, despite the robot still moving
L917[18:54:18] <Negi> Temia: That's not ideal D:
L918[18:54:28] <Temia> Okay fine
L919[18:54:31] <Temia> Cute monsterfolk
L920[18:54:34] <Negi> Yay
L921[18:54:55] * gamax92 roars cutely?
L922[18:55:08] <montana> i would prefer blocking functions in this case. my coordinates would be off otherwise (which is happening)
L923[18:55:17] <gamax92> lemme look
L924[18:56:08] * Temia hugs on Gamax <3
L925[18:57:25] <Kodos> montana, I've provided you a copy of your program with fixed indentation here: https://pastebin.com/dx5dZ1sJ
L926[18:57:53] <gamax92> yeah it's blocking
L927[18:58:07] <gamax92> it takes ... firefox why are you launching?
L928[18:58:14] <gamax92> it takes 0.4 seconds to move
L929[18:59:00] <Negi> > Firefox: Annoy user.
L930[19:00:22] <Negi> tfw values aren't the same for webkit and firefox x_x
L931[19:00:39] <montana> alright, thanks. it apears the block grid is not updating fast enough then? the best option is probably just a os.sleep(.4)
L932[19:01:03] <gamax92> 0.05 is probably suficient
L933[19:01:42] * Negi flips table at 1px difference between webkit and moz.
L934[19:01:44] <montana> i think ill write a quick program to time it maybe and get the value exactly
L935[19:02:06] <gamax92> well just note its in 1/20th (0.05) intervals
L936[19:02:08] <montana> also, is it better practice to space twice rather than tab? ive always tabbed
L937[19:02:10] <gamax92> because world tick rate
L938[19:02:31] <Negi> montana: That's in the OC's code conventions, yes.
L939[19:02:41] <montana> ah, yes ticks. ill do some experimenting then, probably faster
L940[19:03:00] <Negi> (Depends on what the environment/project recommends, tbh)
L941[19:03:14] <montana> oc as is opencomputers specifically?
L942[19:03:18] <Negi> Yes.
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L945[19:03:48] <Negi> Generally looks nicer to space 2 or 4 than to tab, because tabs are of variable width. (As you can see with pastebin's 8-tabs)
L946[19:04:35] <montana> haha, ya no kidding. i write the code in notepad++ though and just use pastebin so i can download it easily to my computer and share it
L947[19:04:38] <gamax92> yeah, 8 spaces for a tab is kinda horridly excessive
L948[19:04:45] <gamax92> also why my tab width is set to 4 normally
L949[19:05:05] <Kodos> One thing I love about Atom.io, is the autoindent function =)
L950[19:05:10] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L951[19:05:27] <Negi> montana: Even easier then, you can just configure it to use spaces instead of tabs when you're writing Lua.
L952[19:05:32] <montana> atom.io?
L953[19:05:49] <Negi> Kodos: Isn't that a thing most modern code editors have?
L954[19:05:51] <Kodos> Atom is an editor made by the folks over at Github
L955[19:06:01] <Kodos> Negi, I only really used NP++ before getting Atom
L956[19:06:07] <Negi> (An editor that runs on webkit)
L957[19:06:32] <Negi> Also, when you say auto-indent, auto-indent as in live auto-indent, or post-writing auto-indent?
L958[19:06:53] <Kodos> I do it in post
L959[19:06:58] <Kodos> Not sure if it has it live
L960[19:07:21] <Negi> I think it has live auto-indentation, from when I tried it out?
L961[19:07:26] <Kodos> Could be
L962[19:07:36] <Kodos> Back in a mo though, gotta call my inlaws. It's their anniversary today
L963[19:08:54] <Negi> Ugh why isn't there any way to list open files that isn't unproductive ? x_x
L964[19:08:55] <gamax92> I love it when most people look and notice I generally use the most basic text editor and go "WOW HOW CAN YOU USE THAT, DON'T YOU WANT AUTO INDENTATION AND AUTO COMPLETION AND FANCY RUN BUTTONS AND DEBUGGING AND ... AND ... ?"
L965[19:09:24] <ds84182> Generally, I say "fuck you" to those people
L966[19:09:27] <gamax92> same
L967[19:09:30] <gamax92> fuck you Negi
L968[19:09:31] * Negi actually does most coding in nano.
L969[19:09:43] <Negi> gamax92: I never said anything, so fuck you.
L970[19:09:45] <Kodos> I wrote a program or two on my phone
L971[19:09:47] <gamax92> <3
L972[19:09:54] <Kodos> Using Samsung Memo
L973[19:10:05] <Negi> I wrote a program or two using my phone.
L974[19:10:07] <ds84182> Kodos: .
L975[19:10:09] <Negi> SSHing to my laptop.
L976[19:10:13] <Negi> To open nano.
L977[19:10:15] * Negi derp.
L978[19:10:19] <vifino> vim works for me :D
L979[19:10:22] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L980[19:10:38] <vifino> sometimes i use nano for things i need to paste stuff in
L981[19:11:02] <gamax92> It's also because I have a habit of automatically doing the auto-complete manually and so I just end up with multiple characters and then I have to delete one and it might delete the beginning character as well
L982[19:11:25] <Negi> Often to just paste-run a file, it's faster to open nano, save and run than to start Sublime and have my gazillions of tabs opened.
L983[19:11:58] <gamax92> Often to just run a file, it's faster to click my terminal, press up and enter
L984[19:12:20] <Negi> To cd, it's often faster to omit the cd.
L985[19:12:49] <Negi> Also i need to find which plugin makes rm interactive by default and disable the shit out of it.
L986[19:12:51] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L987[19:15:37] <Kodos> https://youtu.be/yModCU1OVHY
L988[19:15:38] <MichiBot> Kodos: Tally Hall - Banana Man | length 4m 42s | Likes: 4950 Dislikes: 104 Views: 375264 | by tallyhall
L989[19:35:48] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KomputerK@ (Quit: I'm leaving because either I'm going to work, going into town, or doing something else fun.)
L990[19:37:42] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L995[19:44:36] <gamax92> :o
L996[19:44:43] <gamax92> it's a Gopher
L997[19:44:59] <Stary2001> :o
L998[19:45:05] <Gopher> Nope. Optical illusion,
L999[19:45:14] <gamax92> oh
L1000[19:45:16] <Stary2001> aw ok
L1001[19:45:21] <gamax92> Sorry everyone, carry on
L1002[19:45:33] <Gopher> I'm totally just a reflection of venus off some swamp gas.
L1003[19:47:20] <Kodos> WTB OC Keypads :3
L1004[19:47:40] <gamax92> so I just build a special OC jar, time to see if it works
L1005[19:47:43] <Mimiru> I have like... part of that working in OS...
L1006[19:47:55] <Kodos> Mimiru, models or just blocks?
L1007[19:48:05] <Mimiru> ATM it's a block, no model for it
L1008[19:48:07] <Kodos> because I was referring to Gopher's keypads from Biolocks
L1009[19:48:11] <Kodos> Which iirc were models
L1010[19:48:15] <gamax92> yep
L1011[19:48:29] <Mimiru> Yeah, I remember 'em
L1012[19:48:42] <gamax92> good ol models that spawn lava particles when you break them :v
L1013[19:49:01] <Gopher> the whole biolocks mod is on github. If it's not MIT license it's because I'm lazy, not because I reserve any rights XD
L1014[19:49:27] <Mimiru> So, you wouldn't mind if I ripped the model, and anything else I saw fit? :P
L1015[19:49:34] <Mimiru> I'll credit you and all lol
L1016[19:50:27] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
L1017[19:50:33] <Kodos> Mimiru, does this mean we'll get proper biometric scanners, and not hurduruseascreen?
L1018[19:50:44] <Mimiru> Maybe?
L1019[19:51:14] <Kodos> https://github.com/GopherAtl/BioLock/blob/master/src/main/java/gopheratl/biolock/client/TileEntityRendererKeypad.java
L1020[19:51:20] <Kodos> Looks like that's the keypad
L1021[19:51:39] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L1022[19:51:45] <gamax92> ._.
L1023[19:51:55] <gamax92> After making everything direct and ripping out the limit checks
L1024[19:51:58] <gamax92> OC STILL SLOW
L1025[19:52:23] <Kodos> What could you possibly need breakneck speeds for?
L1026[19:52:51] <gamax92> cause ocemu isn't slow
L1027[19:53:01] <Kodos> It's also ran external
L1028[19:53:07] <Kodos> So of course it isn't slow
L1029[19:53:15] <gamax92> shush you, stop making sense
L1030[19:53:19] <Mimiru> lol
L1031[19:53:45] <Kodos> Also, new starbound update Soon™
L1032[19:53:50] <Kodos> It hit unstable today
L1033[19:53:53] <Kodos> So stable soon
L1034[19:53:59] <gamax92> but yeah, the only thing it seems to have done is made OpenOS boot instantly
L1035[19:54:07] <gamax92> but you can still see noticible lag on the GPU
L1036[19:54:35] <Kodos> Oooh, PRB would be nice too
L1037[19:54:36] <gamax92> oh right, i forgot a thingy
L1038[19:54:39] <Kodos> Though it doesn't fit the security thing
L1039[19:54:43] <Kodos> s/thing/theme
L1040[19:54:43] <Kibibyte> <Kodos> Though it doesn't fit the security theme
L1041[19:57:07] <Gopher> no, but it fits the "programmable blocks" theme
L1042[19:57:36] <Kodos> Yes, but I was referring to Mimiru's OC addon, OpenSecurity
L1043[19:57:42] <Gopher> code-wise, it's basically the biolocks or keypads with the physical interface stripped off
L1044[19:57:47] <Gopher> ah
L1045[19:58:15] <Kodos> I think yours and Immi's were the only two addons for CC I used, before OC came along.
L1046[19:58:36] <Kodos> I had dual-authorization entry to my nuclear reactor area on the server I played on
L1047[19:58:53] <Kodos> With a list of people authorized to toy with the reactor, so both people that handprinted in had to match the list
L1048[19:58:53] <Gopher> heh
L1049[19:59:09] <Gopher> nice :)
L1050[19:59:31] <gamax92> I wonder if Gopher still remembers that crappy elevator i made using *cough* biolocks and immi peripherals
L1051[20:00:03] <Gopher> the one that used microblock slices?
L1052[20:00:08] <gamax92> yep
L1053[20:00:15] <Gopher> no, I don't remember that :)
L1054[20:00:35] <gamax92> you've let me down
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L1056[20:01:26] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L1058[20:02:44] <gamax92> hmm okay, even after removing context pausing, it still has noticible delay
L1059[20:04:10] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|HK3
L1060[20:05:58] <Kodos> http://imgur.com/a/lvUcT
L1061[20:07:01] <Kodos> Oh sweet Jesus someone updated Growthcraft
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L1066[20:42:14] <Kodos> What's the term for having backups of backups, and backups of those backups, etc
L1067[20:44:00] <Shuudoushi> redundancy?
L1068[20:44:50] <Gopher> the NASA process?
L1069[20:47:14] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, thanky ou
L1070[20:47:58] <ds84182> gamax92: The delay is Scala
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L1073[21:10:55] <Kodos> MFW I'm using a sign as a screen for a microcontroller.
L1074[21:11:46] <Stary2001> lolol
L1075[21:12:50] <ds84182> Kodos: You didn't make a face. Liar.
L1076[21:13:24] <Kodos> http://i.imgur.com/K03tSUF.jpg
L1077[21:20:31] <ds84182> ... checks out
L1078[21:35:44] ⇦ Quits: montana (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L1081[21:51:24] *** Pyrolusite|HK3 is now known as Pyrolusite
L1082[21:52:27] <Kodos> Are there any idiot's guides to Markdown?
L1083[21:53:10] <Shuudoushi> yes
L1084[21:53:32] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/
L1085[21:53:40] <Kodos> Woo, thanks
L1086[21:53:53] <Shuudoushi> np
L1087[21:54:10] <Shuudoushi> there is two more as well, but I don't remeber how to get to them off hand.
L1088[21:54:21] <v^> made ^v5's page fancier http://v5.ptoast.tk/
L1089[21:54:37] <Kodos> This one's fine
L1090[21:54:48] <Kodos> Just using Atom's markdown preview to tinker a bit with an idea I had
L1091[21:54:58] <Shuudoushi> ah
L1092[21:55:10] <Shuudoushi> how you liking Atom so far?
L1093[21:55:23] <Kodos> I like it, it's been superhelpful with my code
L1094[21:55:45] <Shuudoushi> ikr :3
L1095[21:56:16] <Shuudoushi> it does have more of a performance hit than others, but offers enough to negate the very small hit XD
L1096[21:56:36] <Kodos> Right now, I'm working on a file, probably a set of files, to help me remember how to do certain things
L1097[21:56:50] <Kodos> Going to structure it like I'm making a website
L1098[21:56:57] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1099[21:59:11] <Kodos> Being able to add inline code WITH syntax highlighting is amazeballs
L1100[21:59:22] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1101[22:00:04] <Kodos> It even supports commenting within the inline code
L1102[22:00:26] <Kodos> So you could not only comment your code in a program, but break the program down in to parts, and explain each bit
L1103[22:01:13] <Shuudoushi> yep
L1104[22:01:25] <Shuudoushi> markdown is freaky powerful lol
L1105[22:01:34] <CompanionCube> Kodos: so...literate programming?
L1106[22:02:41] <Kodos> CompanionCube, I am a moron. I want someone like me to be able to look at a program I wrote, and know what the eff is going on
L1107[22:03:02] <Kodos> I'm basically making code breakdowns of my programs in markdown
L1108[22:03:31] <CompanionCube> Kodos: neat
L1109[22:04:15] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus_ (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-61-167.lnse5.win.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1111[22:05:58] <CompanionCube> Kodos: http://rgieseke.github.io/locco/
L1112[22:07:17] <Kodos> Sweet
L1113[22:07:19] <Kodos> Now make it run in OC
L1114[22:10:11] <CompanionCube> Not my problem :p
L1115[22:15:21] <v^> .mcdown
L1116[22:15:21] <^v> v^, all good
L1117[22:15:32] <v^> forgot that existed
L1118[22:15:46] <v^> like damn ^v is useful sometimes
L1119[22:16:04] <v^> but most of the time i forget i made these things
L1120[22:21:37] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/jFlKW/0f0a470520.png
L1121[22:23:00] <dangranos> .p
L1122[22:23:01] <^v> Ping reply from dangranos 0.52s
L1123[22:25:01] <Kodos> http://imgur.com/a/aLreT Jesus, I want this map
L1124[22:27:10] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1125[22:27:14] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@ddsl-71-181-49-152.taconic.net)
L1126[22:27:36] <dangranos> The main room is for Thaumcraft. We're not that far into the mod but it should be big enough to house everything.
L1127[22:27:38] <dangranos> heh
L1128[22:28:11] * Izaya waits for the images to load over this shitty connection
L1129[22:28:14] <KomputerKid> Kodos: that is beautiful
L1130[22:28:20] <dangranos> OMG
L1131[22:28:23] <dangranos> catwalks
L1132[22:28:26] <dangranos> i'm sold
L1133[22:30:05] <v^> .commit
L1134[22:30:56] <v^> .commits
L1135[22:30:57] <^v> v^, Total commits: 4015, fnuecke 89.2%, lordjoda 3.5%, Vexatos 1.3%, magik6k 1%, gamax92 0.7%
L1136[22:36:11] <Kodos> Is there any nub guides for programming at the hardware level? Trying to get a tiny idea I had going
L1137[22:36:58] <v^> Kodos, what do you mean by hardware level
L1138[22:36:59] <v^> asm?
L1139[22:37:03] <Kodos> No, in OC
L1140[22:37:09] <Kodos> I'm writing a program for a microcontroller
L1141[22:37:31] <v^> arent microcontrollers just lua
L1142[22:37:41] <Kodos> Nevermind x.x.
L1143[22:37:56] <v^> c_c
L1144[22:39:02] <Kodos> I'm basically wanting to write a program that will listen to network messages, and if the first payload parameter in a received message is 'updateSign', it uses the next 4 parameters to use the sign upgrade to change the text on the sign
L1145[22:48:43] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|HK3
L1146[22:49:43] <gamax92> Weee, now after porting a bunch of stuff to 1.7, time to see if it works
L1147[22:54:04] <gamax92> boots to title screen ...
L1148[22:54:55] <gamax92> can place blocks down
L1149[22:56:01] <gamax92> yay it appears to all work
L1150[22:58:44] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970E9F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1151[23:03:01] <Kodos> If I'm running a simple test server that is set up to echo things, what can I use to test it/interact with it
L1152[23:03:08] <Kodos> (RL Computer stuff)
L1153[23:04:33] <Stary2001> Telnet
L1154[23:05:32] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5497190A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1155[23:07:48] ⇨ Joins: KK (~KomputerK@
L1156[23:08:02] <Kodos> Seems to be making me double input things
L1157[23:08:39] <Kodos> Okay, now I'm running a Time server, let's see if I can figure out how to request the time
L1158[23:08:42] <Stary2001> lol
L1159[23:09:01] ⇦ Quits: Flawedspirit (~flawedspi@ (Quit: Eat it; I'm outters!)
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L1161[23:09:34] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KomputerK@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1162[23:11:08] <Kodos> Woo, there we go
L1163[23:11:10] <Kodos> Got FTP Servers working
L1164[23:11:18] <Kodos> I now have FTP access to my phone
L1165[23:11:26] <Stary2001> lel
L1166[23:11:47] *** Pyrolusite|HK3 is now known as Pyrolusite
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L1170[23:14:05] ⇨ Joins: ping (~pixel@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1171[23:14:05] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1172[23:14:33] <Kodos> Well, it works in Chrome anyway. I have no idea how to use a cli for ftp
L1173[23:15:55] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1174[23:15:55] ⇦ Quits: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1175[23:17:26] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1176[23:17:26] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L1178[23:20:12] <Kodos> Oh nice, this thing can do IRC networks, too
L1179[23:23:26] <Kodos> How would I give myself IRCOp on a custom network?
L1180[23:23:59] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L1181[23:25:05] <Mimiru> Well, that depends on the IRC server... Usually theres a config to edit
L1182[23:25:16] <Mimiru> then you'll /oper username pass
L1183[23:25:42] <Kodos> I'm using Servers Ultimate Pro, not sure if there's a config
L1184[23:28:09] ⇨ Joins: ^v5 (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1185[23:29:09] <Kodos> Just had an idea for an OC program =D
L1186[23:29:12] <Kodos> brb
L1187[23:29:21] <Kodos> ~w modem
L1188[23:29:21] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L1189[23:34:49] <Kodos> Bleh
L1190[23:35:19] ⇨ Joins: jamie_3 (~jamie_2@cpc8-uddi21-2-0-cust1019.uddi.cable.virginm.net)
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L1192[23:36:56] * Kodos just made an echo server in OC
L1193[23:37:21] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1194[23:37:56] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1195[23:43:37] <Kodos> Oh neat, jukebox has methods
L1196[23:43:52] <Shuudoushi> yw
L1197[23:44:34] <Shuudoushi> unless someone expanded em, should just be stop, play, and pause
L1198[23:44:43] <Kodos> stop play and getRecord
L1199[23:44:47] <Kodos> Which is enough
L1200[23:44:53] <Shuudoushi> oh yeah!
L1201[23:44:59] <Kodos> I can slave a robot to move records around
L1202[23:45:02] <Shuudoushi> it's all you need really
L1203[23:45:22] <Kodos> But I use CMD, so I have a BUNCH of extra discs
L1204[23:45:33] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1205[23:45:34] <Kodos> Currently listening to "Never going to the nether"
L1206[23:45:42] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1207[23:48:19] <Kodos> Okay, so I have an idea for networking this thing
L1208[23:48:44] <Kodos> Having a local value that gets changed within the code when someone 'handshakes' with my server, and stores the other computer's address
L1209[23:48:50] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@p5791B25E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD95890B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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L1211[23:48:59] <Kodos> And having whatever code gets executed in a 'while connected do' loop
L1212[23:49:15] <Kodos> So when the client tells the server it wants to disconnect, it just sets connected to false
L1213[23:49:20] <Kodos> And clears the value
L1214[23:51:26] <Kodos> Maybe as a failsafe, if nothing gets received after 5 minutes, it disconnects automatically
L1215[23:51:34] <Kodos> No idea how to set that up though
L1216[23:54:48] <Kodos> Ah, damn, this echo server can't handle multiple data segments
L1217[23:57:08] <Kodos> err
L1218[23:57:10] <Kodos> wut
L1219[23:58:12] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
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