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L1[00:10:38] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Caitlyn@michiyo.science)
L2[00:10:52] zsh sets mode: +o on Caitlyn
L3[00:10:56] <Caitlyn> \o/
L4[00:10:57] <Caitlyn> it worked
L5[00:11:08] <Mimiru> Caitlyn (Caitlyn@michiyo.science)
L6[00:16:27] <dangranos> hm?
L7[00:24:07] <Mimiru> the vanity rdns for my home connection finally works
L8[00:32:23] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L9[00:47:43] ⇦ Quits: Caitlyn (Caitlyn@michiyo.science) (Quit: Leaving)
L10[00:58:11] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L11[01:02:29] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L12[01:27:30] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L13[01:39:05] <Kodos> Stupid question
L14[01:39:25] <Kodos> Are there any IRC clients that run in windows, but look like they're being run in DOS?
L15[01:39:56] <Kodos> Going to my mother in law's next month, and if I can find something that at least looks like a command line only interface, she'll stay away from it
L16[01:40:42] <gamax92> Kodos: telnet into irc :P
L17[01:41:07] <Kodos> Indeed
L18[01:45:36] <Kodos> Wonder if my brother's XP Laptop has Telnet
L19[01:45:41] <Kodos> I apparently do not
L20[02:05:38] <dangranos> Kodos, any terminal irc client?
L21[02:10:22] ⇦ Quits: lostkangaroo (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Quit: wandering off again.)
L22[02:18:00] <DeanIsaKitty> Kodos: Not sure if it went trough, but if not: weechat and irssi should work under windows
L23[02:18:48] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5B102996.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L24[02:38:58] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L25[02:38:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L26[02:43:45] ⇦ Quits: Temia (merlin@shellx.eskimo.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L27[02:46:15] ⇨ Joins: Temia (merlin@shellx.eskimo.com)
L28[02:47:58] <Skye> So...
L29[02:49:12] <Skye> The bus I was waiting for just went away from this station without picking up any passengers
L30[02:51:49] <DeanIsaKitty> So... It was full then?
L31[02:52:52] <Skye> No
L32[02:53:00] <Skye> It was a completely empty bus
L33[02:53:17] <Skye> As this is a terminus
L34[02:53:30] <DeanIsaKitty> 0.0
L35[02:53:41] <Skye> It turned off its signs and left.
L36[02:54:03] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty, hai
L37[02:54:14] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya, hai
L38[02:54:28] <Izaya> How are you today?
L39[02:55:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Quite good, how about you?
L40[02:55:31] <Izaya> Not amazing.
L41[02:55:42] <Skye> Yay... Another bus is coming...
L42[02:56:09] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Because of a reason or just cause fuck the world?
L43[02:56:15] <Izaya> Everything seems to be dead.
L44[02:56:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Uhm, the last time I checked I was very much alive. 0.0
L45[02:56:56] <Izaya> Let's do a headcount
L46[02:56:59] <Izaya> File server: SNAFU
L47[02:57:07] <Izaya> Main server: running off flash drives,
L48[02:57:18] <Izaya> My mum's computer: Not even POSTing any more
L49[02:57:24] <Izaya> Mine is acting up too.
L50[02:59:22] ⇦ Quits: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L51[03:00:28] <Skye> I'm currently hoping I'm not late to work experience
L52[03:01:03] <Izaya> that would suck
L53[03:01:04] <Izaya> :D
L54[03:01:08] <DeanIsaKitty> work experience? Is that as fucked up as it sounds?
L55[03:01:57] <Izaya> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_experience
L56[03:02:33] <DeanIsaKitty> that's a term and I know what it means. but you can't be late for a word.
L57[03:03:00] <dangranos> how do you get work experience if you need WE to to work and get WE?
L58[03:03:18] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-224-13.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Remote host closed the connection)
L59[03:04:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh wait, you're a brit. Nevermind me then
L60[03:05:31] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-23-112-222.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L61[03:05:58] <Skye> School makes us do work experience
L62[03:06:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Unpaid I guess? :P
L63[03:06:53] <Kubuxu> Who else would take Skye \s
L64[03:07:25] <Skye> Unpaid, but it's currently better than having to be in school.
L65[03:07:37] <Skye> Welp, I'm going to be late.
L66[03:07:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Then it *is* as fucked up as it sounds :P
L67[03:07:58] <Kubuxu> Oh you don't have vacations yet... ;p
L68[03:07:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Its not school. You ain't gonna be reprimanded for being late.
L69[03:08:18] <Kubuxu> You could...
L70[03:08:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Except if you have an asshole boss. And if so, have fun with the worst week of your life so far.
L71[03:08:58] <Kubuxu> They probably write report of you.
L72[03:09:08] <Skye> My bosses are nice.
L73[03:09:39] <DeanIsaKitty> And if they are half decend they don't mind being half an hour late if you work the same amount. :P
L74[03:11:53] <Skye> Okay, I called them.
L75[03:11:54] <Skye> It's okay
L76[03:14:21] * Skye sighs
L77[03:14:27] ⇨ Joins: samofdreams (webchat@c-71-57-86-46.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L78[03:14:29] <Skye> %p
L79[03:14:45] <Skye> #p
L80[03:14:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L81[03:15:20] <Skye> So andchat doesn't respond to pings
L82[03:15:22] <samofdreams> Sooo... I'm trying to 'make a turtle' as my first foray into opencomputers. I spent my lunchbreak at work reading dig.lua, and I want to work on programming a robot. I think I built it right... but I used a blank EEPROM. Was that bad? How do I fix it?
L83[03:15:35] * DeanIsaKitty hands Izaya a mug of coffee
L84[03:15:55] <samofdreams> And maybe a better question... how do I convert the blank one to the lua bios one?
L85[03:16:05] * Izaya drinks it and thanks DeanIsaKitty
L86[03:16:24] <Skye> samofdreams, shift right click the robot with a Lua BIOS?
L87[03:16:36] <Skye> I'm not sure if that works or not.
L88[03:17:20] <samofdreams> how do I make the Lua bios?
L89[03:17:33] <Kubuxu> EEPROM and OC manual.
L90[03:18:04] <Kubuxu> General question: Should manual be consumed when crafting Lua BIOS/OpenOS?
L91[03:18:43] <samofdreams> Oh, hey, I forgot I had that... I was piecing it all together off the website. Oops.
L92[03:18:47] <samofdreams> bbiab
L93[03:19:55] <dangranos> Kubuxu, dunno
L94[03:20:05] <dangranos> it's annoying at start that you need two of them
L95[03:23:43] <Kubuxu> 3. So you can have manual.
L96[03:26:38] <samofdreams> fyi, you can't shift+r click eeproms into robots
L97[03:26:51] <samofdreams> which means i've got to disassemble it... I think...
L98[03:27:18] <Kubuxu> Yes, place disasembler and chest next to it
L99[03:27:54] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, Yes it should
L100[03:28:05] <Kubuxu> Vexatos: then it isn't.
L101[03:28:14] <Kubuxu> Vexatos: we have Entity in MC... :p
L102[03:28:48] <Kubuxu> And priv+pub keys are fitting into NFC.
L103[03:28:51] <Kubuxu> TY Vex
L104[03:29:07] <Vexatos> So the new stuff works? :P
L105[03:29:41] <Kubuxu> Yup, MagiKoin is steadily developing.
L106[03:34:47] <dangranos> hmmm
L107[03:35:50] <dangranos> Kubuxu, what?
L108[03:36:00] <dangranos> wai, cryptocurrency for OC?
L109[03:36:17] <Kubuxu> It's not crypto in the sake of it.
L110[03:36:52] <Kubuxu> It's centralized and so on, but it is supposed to be a secure banking system in OC
L111[03:37:16] <Vexatos> I'd like Magikoin more than MagiKoin :|
L112[03:37:31] <Kubuxu> Why?
L113[03:37:49] <Vexatos> Because it's way easier to write and actually looks like a single word
L114[03:38:01] <Kubuxu> name is still not fixed.
L115[03:38:25] <Vexatos> I bet magik is only making it so you have a use for NFC cards
L116[03:38:30] <Vexatos> NFC*
L117[03:38:34] <Kubuxu> Magik6k|off was finishing a v0.1 yesterday/today's night.
L118[03:38:43] <Kubuxu> Vexatos: we are using NFC for StarGates.
L119[03:38:48] <Kubuxu> s/are/were
L120[03:38:48] <Vexatos> Heh
L121[03:38:48] <MichiBot1> <Kubuxu> Vexatos: we were using NFC for StarGates.
L122[03:39:02] <Kubuxu> Haven't setup it this pack yet.
L123[03:39:33] <Kubuxu> And also NFC are great for doors and so on.
L124[03:39:42] <Vexatos> Still considering what to do.....
L125[03:39:52] <Kubuxu> Everything.
L126[03:39:54] <Vexatos> I mean, this is way better than before, but changing the encoding is a breaking change
L127[03:40:05] <Vexatos> even though I doubt anyone else has made anything particularly useful with it yet
L128[03:44:23] <samofdreams> eeprom (lua bios) is a 'bootable medium', right? the assembler is still complaining that it doesn't have one
L129[03:45:55] <dangranos> what's EABI?
L130[03:46:14] <dangranos> and what's difference between EABI4 and 5?
L131[03:48:49] <samofdreams> oh... i need to install openos to the harddrive, just the eeprom/floppy isnt enough... well, crap. third times the charm.
L132[03:50:59] <dangranos> samofdreams, heh
L133[03:51:13] <dangranos> samofdreams, at least it's not magically installed unhackable OS
L134[03:51:37] <dangranos> well, it once was but it was long long ago
L135[03:54:41] <samofdreams> well, i was thinking of it like a dos boot disk. you can run a computer off just a single floppy drive. sooo.. why wouldnt a lua bios eeprom boot the robot?
L136[03:55:25] <dangranos> because eeprom is just a booloader
L137[03:55:32] <dangranos> default one ofc
L138[03:55:51] <dangranos> it just loads init.lua from FS
L139[03:56:39] <samofdreams> are eeproms not written in lua? like... i couldn't just throw dig.lua onto a eeprom and run the robot that way?
L140[03:57:52] <dangranos> samofdreams, they are written in lua, at least those targeted for lua arch
L141[03:58:07] <dangranos> dig.lua depends on some OpenOS libs
L142[03:58:09] <dangranos> iirc
L143[03:58:45] <Izaya> also it's probably too big
L144[03:58:52] <samofdreams> ... some of those words escape me.
L145[03:59:16] <samofdreams> i just want a pet robot to dig holes for me! T-T .goes back to crafting a disk drive.
L146[03:59:56] <dangranos> you can just, like, use /me :D
L147[04:00:28] * dangranos flops away and continues messing with crosscompiling for arm ereader
L148[04:02:27] <samofdreams> if a robot's got a HDD it can save programs and such, right?
L149[04:03:03] <Izaya> yeah
L150[04:19:32] ⇦ Quits: samofdreams (webchat@c-71-57-86-46.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L151[04:55:37] <Inari> how do i get the ingame docstring again?
L152[05:03:21] <Inari> counterintuitively crafting.craft doesnt actually seem to craft x times, but tries to create x items
L153[05:13:55] <dangranos> hm
L154[05:14:13] <dangranos> is it possible to get hercules archetecture for OC?
L155[05:14:39] <dangranos> hm..
L156[05:15:01] <dangranos> nah, too different concepts
L157[05:15:40] <Inari> hm damn my autocrafting doesnt have oredict support yet
L158[05:19:21] <Inari> ~oc database
L159[05:19:21] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:database
L160[05:19:22] <Inari> ~oc oredict
L161[05:19:22] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L162[05:21:01] <Inari> so.... any way to get oredict names? :P
L163[05:21:20] <Inari> or is it going to be a PITA of having to add my own oredict mapping
L164[05:22:22] <dangranos> huehuehue
L165[05:29:04] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L166[05:33:17] <asie> Inari: it's going to be a peeta
L167[05:33:26] <Inari> bleh :p
L168[05:33:41] <Inari> ohwell
L169[05:59:42] <Lizzy> Morning
L170[06:06:15] ⇦ Quits: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L171[06:07:35] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1)
L172[06:18:49] ⇨ Joins: Nibato (~nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com)
L173[06:19:03] ⇦ Quits: Nibato (~nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) (Client Quit)
L174[07:05:51] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B2166D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L175[07:12:53] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L176[07:22:54] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L177[07:23:49] ⇨ Joins: s0r00t (~s0@AMarseille-652-1-48-207.w2-4.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L178[07:33:05] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L179[07:33:57] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L180[07:39:56] <Kodos> So I'm thinking I might do a building like this http://i.imgur.com/G72jaxr.png?1
L181[07:45:48] <Lizzy> looks cool
L182[07:47:59] <Inari> looks too big
L183[07:50:41] <Kodos> Inari, I have 140 mods, I'm sure I'll find something
L184[07:51:39] <Inari> most mods need no space at all :D
L185[07:51:53] <Kodos> Which is sad, really
L186[07:51:57] <Kodos> MC needs more multiblocks
L187[07:52:15] <Kodos> If I had money to throw at Sanger, I'd ask for multiblock supercomputers
L188[07:54:38] <dangranos> multiblock OC generators and energy storages
L189[07:54:40] * dangranos wants
L190[07:55:05] <Kodos> There is already plenty of multiblock generators and storage
L191[07:55:11] <Kodos> And OC accepts pretty much all the major power stuff
L192[07:55:16] <Inari> MC needs more actual machines
L193[07:55:16] <Kodos> So that's a bit redundant
L194[07:55:24] <dangranos> Inari, hm?
L195[07:55:29] <dangranos> Inari, IE, no?
L196[07:55:30] <Inari> see frame quarry
L197[07:55:40] <Inari> nope, IE is just multiblock machines
L198[07:56:01] <Kodos> dangranos, for an example of what I'm talking about, google 'Kraken Cray XT5'
L199[07:56:28] <Inari> well you can alrady build supercomputers
L200[07:57:13] <Kodos> Elaborate
L201[07:57:26] <Izaya> build a cluster of microcontrollers
L202[07:57:35] <Inari> build a cluster of serverracks
L203[07:57:38] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~ironmount@z65-50-91-155.ips.direcpath.com)
L204[07:57:54] <Kodos> That's a cluster of servers/microcontrollers though
L205[07:58:01] <Kodos> a proper supercomputer is one computer focusing on a task
L206[07:58:03] <Inari> well
L207[07:58:09] <Inari> which is kinda of what supercomputers tend to be
L208[07:58:16] <ironmountain> Ooh, supercomputers
L209[07:58:20] <Kodos> The kraken has upwards of close to 120k cores
L210[07:58:28] <Kodos> While I think that's a bit much for MC
L211[07:58:33] <dangranos> as one system?
L212[07:58:34] <Kodos> I think somewhere in the 200 range would be nice
L213[07:58:36] <Kodos> Yes
L214[07:58:37] <Kodos> I believe so
L215[07:58:43] <dangranos> ._.
L216[07:58:44] <Kodos> 1.17 petaflops
L217[07:58:47] <Kodos> and 117k and change cores
L218[07:58:51] * dangranos flops away
L219[07:58:52] <Inari> usually they are connected blades adns uch :p
L220[07:58:54] <ironmountain> I'd like support for at least 250k core cpu's in OC
L221[07:59:08] <Kodos> ironmountain, you have a better chance of me porting Redpower2
L222[07:59:24] <Kodos> Read: Isn't gonna happen
L223[07:59:25] * dangranos *petaflops away
L224[08:00:29] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L225[08:01:01] <Inari> any, cray is just a whole bunch of hardware hooked together, managed by software
L226[08:02:58] <ironmountain> cray fish are cool
L227[08:06:32] <clever> ironmountain: hmm, from what ive seen in OC, its entirely single core drive, all the cpu ingame does is control the throttling
L228[08:07:10] <ironmountain> There are projects working towards realistic cpu's in OC
L229[08:07:27] <clever> i was working on making OS run on normal lua, with the plan to boot it on a raspberry pi
L230[08:07:33] <clever> but then i got distracted
L231[08:13:54] ⇨ Joins: black3agl3 (~black3agl@
L232[08:14:44] <ironmountain> I wouldn't eat a black bagel
L233[08:15:04] <ironmountain> Burnt bagels are not good bagels
L234[08:23:58] <no84182> What sounds better? "Sorry, this folder cannot be removed" or "Sorry, this folder could not be removed"
L235[08:24:12] <no84182> Context: It's a folder that cannot be removed by the user no matter what
L236[08:25:03] <no84182> Actually, Material Design Guidelines say to use can't
L237[08:25:38] <no84182> I guess I'm settling with "This folder can't be removed."
L238[08:32:47] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com)
L239[08:32:47] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L240[08:33:28] <ironmountain> I think cannot sounds better
L241[08:37:59] ⇨ Joins: dangranos_ (webchat@
L242[08:38:11] <dangranos_> hi
L243[08:39:34] <dangranos> "Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; Linux) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Kobo eReader Safari/538.1" huh
L244[08:42:16] <Inari> > oc shouldn't rely on internal data, hows itemid not internal data
L245[08:44:06] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L246[08:45:01] <dangranos_> til ebook reader's browser works better than andr
L247[08:45:50] <dangranos_> *android pbone 's rbowser
L248[08:46:38] ⇦ Parts: dangranos_ (webchat@ ())
L249[08:50:22] *** no84182 is now known as IciWynd
L250[08:51:06] <IciWynd> dangranos: It depends on what phone it is :P
L251[09:27:36] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L252[09:37:09] <dangranos> FUCK
L253[09:37:18] <dangranos> i'm idiot
L254[09:37:22] <dangranos> i'm such an idiot
L255[09:38:46] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@ebp165.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L256[09:39:47] <Inari> dangranos: you are
L257[09:40:50] <dangranos> i bricked my ebook reader
L258[09:40:54] <dangranos> it's just 2 days old
L259[09:41:06] <Inari> gj
L260[09:41:09] <dangranos> guess how? i fucking did "cat /proc/*" from root
L261[09:41:13] <dangranos> on autorun
L262[09:41:23] <dangranos> in a script that runs every time i boot it
L263[09:41:33] <Kodos> gg
L264[09:41:51] <CompanionCube> dangranos, did you try booting into recovery mode
L265[09:41:53] <CompanionCube> or some shit
L266[09:42:00] <dangranos> there is none
L267[09:42:28] * dangranos starts crying
L268[09:42:42] <dangranos> it's just 2 days old and i already bricked it
L269[09:42:43] <ironmountain> Try a blowtorch, or send an extremely precise electromagnetic wave to the hard drive
L270[09:42:50] <ironmountain> to flip the right bits
L271[09:43:05] <ironmountain> and remove the autorun script
L272[09:43:22] <dangranos> i cant
L273[09:44:05] <dangranos> whew
L274[09:44:17] <dangranos> "Factory reset your eReader?"
L275[09:44:20] <dangranos> FUCKING YES YES
L276[09:44:39] <Kodos> inb4itdoesntchangethescript
L277[09:45:38] <Inari> ^
L278[09:45:42] <dangranos> dont call the murphy
L279[09:45:57] * Inari darkens the channel, puts up candles
L280[09:46:05] <Inari> Murphy~ Murphy~ Muuurphyy~
L281[09:46:10] <Kodos> By the power of #oc, I summon thee, Murphy of the realm of programming
L282[09:47:04] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L283[09:47:45] <dangranos> lesson learned: always add self-destruction into said autorun script at the FUCKING BEGGINING OF IT
L284[09:58:17] <CompanionCube> dangranos, lolwhy
L285[10:06:08] <IciWynd> %flip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L286[10:06:08] <MichiBot1> IciWynd: (╯°□°)╯︵¯/‾(ツ)‾\¯
L287[10:06:15] <IciWynd> erm
L288[10:06:20] <IciWynd> your arms, sir
L289[10:06:43] <IciWynd> So there needs to be a mapping between ¯ and _
L290[10:07:47] <IciWynd> ( ͡¯ ͜ʖ ͡¯)
L291[10:08:16] <vifino> IcyWind, pls.
L292[10:08:19] <IciWynd> no
L293[10:08:27] <IciWynd> And you spelled it wrong
L294[10:08:43] <vifino> No, you did.
L295[10:08:51] <IciWynd> ( ͡¨ ͜ʖ ͡¨)
L296[10:09:00] <IciWynd> Well, then you spelled your username wrong
L297[10:09:08] <vifino> Yes.
L298[10:10:46] ⇦ Quits: Bacon (~tasty@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L299[10:15:17] ⇨ Joins: Bacon (~tasty@
L300[10:15:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Bacon
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L302[10:19:00] <gamax92> %p
L303[10:19:02] <MichiBot1> Ping reply from gamax92 1.98s
L304[10:19:08] <gamax92> bleh
L305[10:21:54] <vifino> #p
L306[10:21:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.122001068 Seconds passed.
L307[10:21:59] <vifino> #p gamax92
L308[10:22:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.8010978830000001 Seconds passed.
L309[10:22:10] <vifino> MichiBot1 isn't that reliable :x
L310[10:22:15] <gamax92> no it's since gone down
L311[10:22:24] <gamax92> %p
L312[10:22:25] <MichiBot1> Ping reply from gamax92 0.5s
L313[10:22:54] <gamax92> anyway, gotta take out the trash
L314[10:23:32] * gamax92 puts IciWynd in a bag and dumps in the garbage bin
L315[10:23:41] <IciWynd> btich
L316[10:23:53] <IciWynd> #p
L317[10:23:54] <IciWynd> %p
L318[10:23:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.659798693 Seconds passed.
L319[10:23:55] <MichiBot1> Ping reply from IciWynd 1.53s
L320[10:24:02] <IciWynd> vifino: I think not
L321[10:24:21] <vifino> u wot
L322[10:24:22] <vifino> #p
L323[10:24:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.12318385600000001 Seconds passed.
L324[10:24:25] <vifino> %p
L325[10:24:26] <MichiBot1> Ping reply from vifino 0.19s
L326[10:26:46] <OneM_Industries> #p
L327[10:26:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.24444890800000002 Seconds passed.
L328[10:26:48] <OneM_Industries> %p
L329[10:26:49] <MichiBot1> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.31s
L330[10:27:34] <OneM_Industries> Pings!!!!!!
L331[10:27:36] <OneM_Industries> !p
L332[10:27:45] <Lizzy> ...
L333[10:28:17] <OneM_Industries> Dude, I have 3-4 terminals just for running pings to various places.
L334[11:00:16] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L336[11:12:04] <dangranos> http://hastebin.com/raw/ugetaneyiw
L337[11:12:11] <dangranos> yay, got cpuinfo and uname finally
L338[11:45:29] <dangranos> http://xkcd.com/1549 they finally released v3!
L339[11:45:30] <MichiBot1> XKCD Comic Name: XKCD Phone 3 Posted on: 7/10/2015
L340[11:45:48] <IciWynd> Ugh, I'm just waiting til v4 comes out.
L341[11:46:14] <IciWynd> They forgot the toe print scanner.
L342[11:49:27] <Mimiru> %chgnick MichiBot
L343[11:49:27] *** MichiBot1 is now known as MichiBot
L344[11:54:29] <IciWynd> %chgnick Miriru++
L345[11:54:47] <IciWynd> Wow, I really can't spell for shit
L346[11:55:14] *** IciWynd is now known as gamax--
L347[11:55:25] <CompanionCube> lol
L348[11:55:33] *** gamax-- is now known as ds84182
L349[11:55:35] <CompanionCube> agario's TOS claims copyright over circles
L350[11:55:56] <ds84182> lol
L351[11:56:07] <ds84182> These circles are mine and only mine
L352[11:56:24] <CompanionCube> ds84182, it literally says
L353[11:56:34] <CompanionCube> use the Agario icon, the words AGARIO or AGAR, or any similar words on your website without the prior written consent of Agario;
L354[11:56:39] <CompanionCube> ...wait, wrong paste
L355[11:56:47] <CompanionCube> • copy any aspect of Agar.io which includes but is not limited to the shape of the cells, the gameplay mechanics, graphics and the default colour scheme available for the cells;
L356[11:56:58] <CompanionCube> The cells are shaped like circles.
L357[11:57:13] <Kodos> Steam needs to have a community tag "Not Early Access"
L358[11:57:21] <Kodos> Fucking every good looking game I've found is EA
L359[11:57:54] <ds84182> CompanionCube: darn, if I make a game using circles now I can't call them cells
L360[11:58:06] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L361[11:58:49] <CompanionCube> ds84182, pretty sure you wouldn't be able to use any circles
L362[11:58:55] <CompanionCube> if you used a strict interpretation
L363[11:59:39] <ds84182> I'll just make a program that generates it's own shapes
L364[11:59:57] <CompanionCube> ds84182, or
L365[12:00:04] <CompanionCube> make a circle that's just a tiny bit elliptical
L366[12:00:17] <CompanionCube> so it's no longer an actual circle
L367[12:03:28] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L368[12:05:46] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~ironmount@z65-50-91-155.ips.direcpath.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L369[12:11:11] <ds84182> So Goat Simulator is $0.99 on Google Play
L370[12:11:22] <ds84182> I purchased it.
L371[12:12:13] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L372[12:13:00] *** ds84182 is now known as the0-9A-}
L373[12:14:23] <Kodos> Chrome needs a reload all tabs button
L374[12:15:02] <the0-9A-}> Kodos: nah, my phone wouldn't take it if I reloaded my 100+ tabs
L375[12:24:15] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-52.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L376[12:29:01] ⇨ Joins: dob (~dob@dojulia.soborka.net)
L377[12:29:13] <dob> hi guys
L378[12:30:09] <Kodos> Howdy
L379[12:30:38] <dob> just connected with wocchat client from mc
L380[12:30:44] <dob> that's awesome
L381[12:31:54] ⇦ Quits: dob (~dob@dojulia.soborka.net) (Client Quit)
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L384[12:46:24] <the0-9A-}> gamax92: You made wocchat, rite?
L385[12:46:29] <gamax92> Yes
L386[12:46:47] * gamax92 stabs ds
L387[12:47:18] <the0-9A-}> That's probably the third most used thing you've made
L388[12:47:37] <gamax92> yes, I'm going to go malware in it now
L389[12:47:45] <the0-9A-}> YAY!
L390[12:47:56] <the0-9A-}> I FUCKING LOVE MALWARE
L391[12:48:06] * gamax92 swaps love and fucking around
L392[12:48:13] <the0-9A-}> None of this stupid buenowear
L393[12:48:29] <the0-9A-}> Malos dias!
L394[12:53:04] <Kodos> Oh wow
L395[12:53:17] <Kodos> Anyone have/play Masterspace?
L396[12:53:26] <CompanionCube> gamax92, how does one go malware in an app
L397[12:53:33] <CompanionCube> do you mean put malware
L398[12:53:44] <gamax92> CompanionCube: I accidentally a word
L399[13:01:40] ⇨ Joins: s0r00t (~s0@
L400[13:17:13] <Inari> TIL http://imgur.com/r/jellybeantoes
L401[13:39:41] *** the0-9A-} is now known as \\\\
L402[13:44:52] ⇨ Joins: dob (~dob@dojulia.soborka.net)
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L414[14:03:44] <vifino> .addfail <Allen`> If I can develop websites, I can develop games
L415[14:03:44] <^v> vifino, Fail 42 added
L416[14:04:18] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) (Quit: MichiBot)
L417[14:04:29] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com)
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L420[14:13:18] ⇨ Joins: dob (webchat@dojulia.soborka.net)
L421[14:13:22] <dob> hi guys
L422[14:13:35] <dob> is there any way to check battery level of tablet?
L423[14:13:36] <SpiritedDusty> hi dob
L424[14:13:45] <dob> inside OpenOS I mean
L425[14:13:59] <dob> I haven't found any api for this
L426[14:15:05] <SpiritedDusty> dob, I think you what you would use is computer.energy()
L427[14:15:47] <dob> SpiritedDusty: thanks!
L428[14:15:55] <SpiritedDusty> np
L429[14:18:21] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5B2166D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L432[14:22:11] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com)
L433[14:33:58] <\\\\> No matter how much memory I give Android Studio it always managed to use all of it
L434[14:46:23] <vifino> \\\\: is ART bound to the android runtime?
L435[14:47:29] <vifino> erm, s/runtime/library thing/
L436[14:48:28] <Temia> Man, it must suck to be named \\\\. If you're being referred to in any kind of scripting language, you become \\\\\\\\!
L437[14:49:20] <vifino> lol
L438[14:49:27] <Temia> And if you ever happen to be caught in a bad PHP script, you could degenerate into a writhing mass of escape characters D:
L439[14:49:42] <vifino> s/scripting language/string/
L440[14:49:53] <\\\\> vifino: yes, I think
L441[14:50:02] <\\\\> It could be ported to computers tho
L442[14:50:07] <Temia> I just woke up, gimme a break =.=
L443[14:50:14] <vifino> \\\\: shit, would be hella awesome to be used with the openjdk class library
L444[14:50:45] * gamax92 pours Temia a brew of coffee
L445[14:50:54] <\\\\> All you would have to do is port ART, then just throw openjdk's classes at it in a dex file :P
L446[14:51:05] <\\\\> then throw the app you want to run in a dex file
L447[14:51:11] <\\\\> then it spits out some odex
L448[14:51:17] <\\\\> Dunno where to go from there tho
L449[14:51:41] * vifino wants to have a openjdk with ART as backend
L450[14:51:55] <vifino> OpenJART.
L451[14:52:02] <gamax92> OpenUART
L452[14:52:11] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5B2166D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L453[14:52:24] <\\\\> OpenFART
L454[14:53:07] <gamax92> OpenHEART
L455[14:53:24] <\\\\> OpenHEART --surgery
L456[14:53:33] <Temia> coffeeeee.
L457[14:53:36] * Temia glub glub.
L458[14:56:25] <vifino> gamax92: Can haz coffee too? :o?
L459[14:57:08] <gamax92> Hi welcome to Gamax's Coffee Shop, what can I get for you today?
L460[14:57:41] <vifino> A cappuccino and a gamax92, please.
L461[14:58:06] * gamax92 gives vifino a poodle and a cardboard cutout
L462[14:58:25] <vifino> ;-;
L463[14:58:44] <vifino> I can't drink either of those!
L464[14:58:58] <gamax92> ... you wanted to drink me?
L465[14:59:08] <vifino> Uh, no.
L466[14:59:13] <vifino> ... I guess.
L467[14:59:36] <vifino> But I could hug you and sip my coffee, that would be great. ._.
L468[14:59:54] * gamax92 sits next to vifino and gives vifino a cappuccino
L469[15:00:10] <vifino> \o/
L470[15:00:24] * vifino sips on his coffee and hugs gamax92
L471[15:01:04] <vifino> It's 22:00. Time for coffee.
L472[15:01:20] <vifino> \o brb in a bit!
L473[15:01:24] * vifino Lizzysmooch <3
L474[15:01:31] * Lizzy vifinosmooch <£
L475[15:01:36] <Temia> It's never not time for coffee!
L476[15:01:38] <Lizzy> s/£/3
L477[15:01:54] ⇨ Joins: dob-mctablet (~dob-mctab@dojulia.soborka.net)
L478[15:01:59] <gamax92> I've never had coffee, like okay I've sipped it before, but not like drank a full cup
L479[15:02:14] <gamax92> good dob, using WocChat
L480[15:02:34] <dob-mctablet> gamax92: it's awesome
L481[15:02:51] <dob-mctablet> gamax92: I have a weird error on startup
L482[15:03:15] <gamax92> ofc you do, but I'm in no position to actually work on anything MC
L483[15:03:17] <dob-mctablet> 822 line, attemp to index field '?' (nil)
L484[15:03:23] <dob-mctablet> sure thing
L485[15:03:30] <gamax92> hmm ...
L486[15:03:32] <dob-mctablet> it's pretty awesome as is
L487[15:03:41] <Magik6k> ~w io.lines
L488[15:03:41] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.lines
L489[15:04:50] * Izaya yawns
L490[15:05:11] <gamax92> dob-mctablet: oh that, known, is Sangar's fault
L491[15:05:16] <Izaya> damn I hate winter
L492[15:05:43] <dob-mctablet> gamax92: ok
L493[15:05:54] <gamax92> I'm also not sure how to fix because, I couldn't really find much about it in the irc rfc
L494[15:05:58] * DeanIsaKitty hands Izaya a scarf and a mug of coffee with a Tad of chocolate
L495[15:07:00] <vifino> Back!
L496[15:07:14] * Izaya drinks the coffee and thanks DeanIsaKitty, but isn't entirely sure what one does with a scarf
L497[15:08:09] <DeanIsaKitty> its Australia and winter. it must be like 25°C out there. you must be freezing
L498[15:08:33] <Izaya> it's like 3C
L499[15:08:53] <DeanIsaKitty> 0.0
L500[15:08:56] <gamax92> why not 3D
L501[15:08:56] <gamax92> hue hue hue hue hue
L502[15:09:00] <Izaya> it was 3C in brisbane yesterday anyway
L503[15:09:03] ⇦ Quits: dob-mctablet (~dob-mctab@dojulia.soborka.net) (Quit: dob-mctablet)
L504[15:09:12] <gamax92> bleh whatever, 3C is above freezing
L505[15:09:40] <Izaya> and I'm like 300km south of brisbane
L506[15:11:26] <Izaya> ugh, no clouds today
L507[15:14:07] * Lizzy gives Izaya a heater that is powered by the blood of his enemies
L508[15:15:02] ⇨ Joins: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com)
L509[15:15:06] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty: the thermometer in the kitchen says 5C
L510[15:15:22] <DeanIsaKitty> You sure you fine?
L511[15:18:01] <Kubuxu> Sangar: It would be nice if you could label servers.
L512[15:18:14] <Kubuxu> So you don't have to run it to check what it was.
L513[15:18:31] <Lizzy> Kubuxu, anvil
L514[15:18:54] <Kubuxu> Hmmm, yeah. It would be nicer if you could do that from server itself...
L515[15:19:16] <Kubuxu> Also on our pack xp is valuable resource.
L516[15:20:38] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L517[15:24:10] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L518[15:27:47] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L519[15:32:14] <gamax92> %p
L520[15:32:15] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.59s
L521[15:32:29] <gamax92> ... HexChat you're drunk
L522[15:34:45] <Shuudoushi> %p
L523[15:34:46] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Shuudoushi 0.24s
L524[15:34:53] <Shuudoushi> eh
L525[15:42:52] <Skye> %p
L526[15:42:53] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.39s
L527[15:42:58] <Skye> #p
L528[15:42:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.156537058 Seconds passed.
L529[15:48:19] ⇨ Joins: dob-mctablet (~dob-mctab@dojulia.soborka.net)
L530[16:01:39] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L531[16:07:06] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L532[16:13:45] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L540[16:57:54] <Inari> i'll name one of my HM cows Temia
L541[16:58:03] <Temia> :o
L542[16:58:05] <Temia> moo.
L543[16:59:01] * Inari pushes Temia outside and burshes
L544[16:59:01] <Inari> :P
L545[17:02:40] ⇨ Joins: [zzz] (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L546[17:03:21] <Inari> http://gfycat.com/GiftedImmaculateAnt
L547[17:04:45] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (Altenius@Moving.Mountains.At.PanicBNC.us) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L548[17:05:48] <Devoenix> holy f!@k ._.
L549[17:05:52] <Devoenix> that is epic
L550[17:09:14] <OneM_Industries> HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 8 x AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.40GHz ** RAM: Physical: 15.7GB, 74.5% free ** Disk: Total: 1.8TB, 76.4% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640] ** Sound: CA0106 - CA01061: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB2: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gig
L551[17:09:14] <OneM_Industries> abit Ethernet ** Uptime: 2d 23h 8m 24s **
L552[17:13:56] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L553[17:14:10] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (Altenius@Moving.Mountains.At.PanicBNC.us)
L554[17:20:38] <Ekoserin|Off> Oi, ya bloody dingbat!
L555[17:30:05] <vifino> Fuck.
L556[17:30:08] <vifino> Fuck fuck fuck.
L557[17:31:09] <Lizzy> vifino, what did you break?
L558[17:33:04] <vifino> Lizzy: My dad isn't home at midnight. He didn't respond to the calls my mom did.
L559[17:33:22] <vifino> Then I called him, I asked where he is and stuff.
L560[17:33:41] <vifino> He said "I'm home in 20 minutes, just like planned."
L561[17:33:42] <vifino> thing is
L562[17:33:45] <vifino> there is nothing planned
L563[17:33:54] <vifino> and he took longer than usual to respond
L564[17:34:07] <vifino> there is something wrong
L565[17:34:13] <vifino> something fucking wrong
L566[17:34:37] <Ekoserin|Off> I hope you figure it out.
L567[17:34:52] <vifino> So my mom called him, he said nothing was wrong, just like before, but my mom started with Adrian told me something seems wrong, so he didn't repeat that part with "just like planned".
L568[17:35:47] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-52.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L569[17:40:07] ⇦ Quits: black3agl3 (~black3agl@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L570[17:51:59] <Temia> Hopefully it's all just a misunderstanding and something just kept him busy at work.
L571[17:53:16] ⇦ Quits: BarbasTheDog (~Barbas@ (Quit: I quit!)
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L586[18:42:29] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L587[18:48:44] <Izaya> what happened Temia?
L588[18:52:24] <Temia> ?
L589[18:52:49] <Temia> I was responding to Vifino's situation. I don't know anything. o.o
L590[18:58:47] ⇨ Joins: VikeStepFTB (~VikeStep@
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L597[19:03:24] <vifino> Temia: He's alive, but lies about what happened/sais nothing happened.
L598[19:03:31] <vifino> So yaaaay.
L599[19:04:38] <Temia> yaaay?
L600[19:04:57] <Temia> Does he look like something happened?
L601[19:07:21] <\\\\> vifino: It is possible that he "planned to be home", as in, he wanted to go home
L602[19:07:43] <\\\\> not "i'm going to tie you to the radiator and grape you in the mouth"
L603[19:07:50] <vifino> \\\\: no, its not
L604[19:07:58] <vifino> Temia: Not sure.
L605[19:08:06] <vifino> But something seems off.
L606[19:16:12] ⇦ Quits: Evey (evey@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:bad:ca7:babe) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L610[19:33:47] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L611[19:35:54] <\\\\> #lua 1/(1+math.ln(-0.3775)
L612[19:35:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '1'
L613[19:36:02] <\\\\> #lua 1/(1+math.ln(-0.3775))
L614[19:36:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'ln')
L615[19:36:08] <\\\\> #lua 1/(1+math.logn(-0.3775))
L616[19:36:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'logn')
L617[19:36:10] <\\\\> fak
L618[19:36:29] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@ebp165.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L619[19:37:03] <\\\\> #lua 1/(1+math.exp(-0.3775))
L620[19:37:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.59326999210719
L621[19:37:15] <\\\\> erm
L622[19:40:56] ⇦ Quits: solenoids (~phillips1@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
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L624[20:11:44] ⇨ Joins: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com)
L625[20:36:54] <Shuudoushi> ~w alias
L626[20:36:55] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/apis
L627[20:37:35] <Shuudoushi> ...
L628[20:45:09] <Devoenix> I am learning Java...
L629[20:45:14] <Devoenix> This is gonna end horribly
L630[20:50:35] <\\\\> Devoenix: If your modding, make sure you don't leak the world (as in keep a static reference to the World) >-<
L631[20:51:17] <\\\\> Many mods used to accidentally leak the world, which caused the entire Minecraft world object to stay in memory after you left that world
L632[20:54:27] <Mimiru> shit..
L633[20:54:31] <Mimiru> just got the Win 10 RTM
L634[20:54:35] <Mimiru> and my cursors are hosed
L635[20:54:41] <Shuudoushi> o.O
L636[20:54:47] <Ekoserin|Off> ..?
L637[20:54:57] <\\\\> %flip µ
L638[20:54:57] <MichiBot> \\\\: (╯°□°)╯︵µ
L639[20:55:00] <\\\\> aww
L640[20:55:07] <Mimiru> it's a display only thing too, cause screenshots don't have the issue
L641[20:55:18] <\\\\> %flip ¿Que?
L642[20:55:18] <MichiBot> \\\\: (╯°□°)╯︵¿ǝnΌ?
L643[20:55:32] <\\\\> >hosed
L644[20:55:33] <\\\\> wat
L645[20:55:57] <Mimiru> Stretched, colors fucked up, off by roughly 30 px
L646[20:56:07] <\\\\> Mimiru: Upgrade drivers maybe?
L647[20:56:16] <Mimiru> I'm on the latest beta
L648[20:56:23] <Mimiru> this same thing happened, which is why IO updated to said beta
L649[20:56:25] <OneM_Industries> %flip Banana!
L650[20:56:25] <MichiBot> OneM_Industries: (╯°□°)╯︵¡ɐuɐuɐℇ
L651[20:56:43] <Mimiru> s/IO/I/
L652[20:56:45] <\\\\> The cursors are composted onto the screen using hardware layers, dunno if graphics card driver fucked with those hardware layers or not
L653[20:56:55] <Mimiru> seriously MichiBot?
L654[20:57:03] <Mimiru> Oh fuck right
L655[20:57:06] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L656[20:57:06] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
L657[20:57:13] <Mimiru> It's not saving settings right now
L658[20:57:19] <Shuudoushi> lol
L659[20:57:39] <Mimiru> Ok... now it's just the text entry cursor
L660[20:57:44] <Mimiru> opening chrome fixed the rest
L661[20:57:45] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: good news everyone! I have 'sudo' mostly doing sudo things now
L662[20:57:51] <Mimiru> yay
L663[20:58:20] <Mimiru> For a second I thought you might have invented the Finglonger
L664[20:58:30] <Shuudoushi> that was last week
L665[20:58:41] <Mimiru> Ah neat
L666[20:58:42] <Shuudoushi> the GF LOVED it at least
L667[20:58:46] <Mimiru> I
L668[20:58:48] <Mimiru> Um
L669[20:58:49] * Shuudoushi is now going to hell.
L670[20:58:50] <Mimiru> Right.
L671[20:59:16] * Shuudoushi hopes he burns well.
L672[20:59:27] <Mimiru> Seems it's a common issue
L673[20:59:31] <Mimiru> https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/3djldg/broken_cursor_in_windows_10_build_10240/
L674[20:59:34] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L675[20:59:53] * Mimiru ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro ** CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (4.00 GHz) ** RAM: 16333 MB Total (12826 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 ** Uptime: 0.80 Hours **
L676[20:59:57] <Kodos> Spend 3 hours designing ship, or spend 3 hours watching movie
L677[21:00:02] <Mimiru> Doesn't say tech preview anymore
L678[21:00:04] <Mimiru> \o/
L679[21:00:26] * Shuudoushi ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate ** CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 12253 MB Total (3018 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST ** Uptime: 31.92 Hours **
L680[21:00:42] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: spend 4 hours doing both!
L681[21:00:48] <Kodos> No no
L682[21:00:51] <Kodos> The movie is 3 hrs long too
L683[21:00:58] <Shuudoushi> so?
L684[21:01:06] <Kodos> So, the xbox is 20 feet behind me
L685[21:01:10] <Kodos> And the TV is facing away from my PC
L686[21:01:15] <Kodos> So I simply cannot do both
L687[21:01:18] <Shuudoushi> you'll have like 1 1/2 hours worth of boringness in that movie
L688[21:01:49] <Kodos> Actually, movie is scifi, I might get inspiration for the ship
L689[21:01:50] <Kodos> Movie first
L690[21:01:51] <Kodos> Ta
L691[21:04:30] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L694[21:08:14] <\\\\> .p
L695[21:08:14] <\\\\> %p
L696[21:08:14] <\\\\> gamax92: Should I touch OCLights2 source?
L697[21:08:16] <\\\\> I see lots of stuff I should go ahead and refactor around
L698[21:08:18] <\\\\> God damn this code is a fucking jungle
L699[21:08:19] <\\\\> Maybe I'll just make OCLights3
L700[21:08:21] <\\\\> OK, I figured out that the actual drawing stuff was in Texture
L701[21:08:29] <^v> Ping reply from \\\\ 14.8s
L702[21:08:30] <MichiBot> Ping reply from \\\\ 15.65s
L703[21:08:39] <\\\\> Wow what the hell is going on with my internet
L704[21:10:02] <OneM_Industries> %p
L705[21:10:03] <MichiBot> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.61s
L706[21:10:04] <OneM_Industries> #p
L707[21:10:05] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.31211666299999996 Seconds passed.
L708[21:10:12] <Ekoserin|Off> %p
L709[21:10:13] <OneM_Industries> .p
L710[21:10:14] <^v> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.32s
L711[21:10:14] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Ekoserin|Off 1.75s
L712[21:10:18] <Mimiru> …
L713[21:10:43] <OneM_Industries> The one true ping shall be found!
L714[21:11:12] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@ (Quit: I'm out.)
L715[21:11:30] <OneM_Industries> .p
L716[21:11:31] <^v> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.31s
L717[21:11:33] <OneM_Industries> #p
L718[21:11:33] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.269210023 Seconds passed.
L719[21:11:36] <OneM_Industries> %p
L720[21:11:37] <MichiBot> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.46s
L721[21:12:25] <Shuudoushi> .p
L722[21:12:25] <Shuudoushi> #p
L723[21:12:25] <Shuudoushi> %p
L724[21:12:26] <^v> Ping reply from Shuudoushi 0.61s
L725[21:12:26] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Shuudoushi 0.27s
L726[21:12:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.342628967 Seconds passed.
L727[21:12:29] <Shuudoushi> there
L728[21:12:52] <OneM_Industries> Mine was still faster.
L729[21:13:27] <Ekoserin|Off> By > 0.001
L730[21:13:49] <OneM_Industries> Still.
L731[21:13:59] <\\\\> .p
L732[21:14:08] <\\\\> dammit
L733[21:14:11] <OneM_Industries> What is your up/down.
L734[21:14:15] <OneM_Industries> ?*
L735[21:14:23] <Ekoserin|Off> Any century now...
L736[21:14:34] <Shuudoushi> 30mb/s down/5mb/s up
L737[21:14:47] <\\\\> It was just a case of my fucking wifi card doing it's common bullshit
L738[21:14:57] <\\\\> And also, Ekoserin|Off, shut the fuck up and eat a dick.
L739[21:14:58] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L740[21:15:27] <Ekoserin|Off> \\\\ what the fuck, man?
L741[21:15:29] * OneM_Industries whistles the Jeopardy theme...
L742[21:16:18] ⇦ Parts: \\\\ (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d) (Q_Q))
L743[21:16:26] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L744[21:16:49] <OneM_Industries> I think we are on 50/5.
L745[21:17:03] <Ekoserin|Off> > 10
L746[21:17:21] <OneM_Industries> What?
L747[21:20:07] ⇨ Joins: michty (webchat@pool-71-178-225-136.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L748[21:20:14] <Ekoserin|Off> Hi michty.
L749[21:20:16] ⇦ Parts: michty (webchat@pool-71-178-225-136.washdc.fios.verizon.net) ())
L750[21:20:32] ⇨ Joins: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@
L751[21:20:43] <Ekoserin|Off> Hi mrdeadlocked.
L752[21:33:13] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L753[21:36:54] <Mimiru> Oh hey Notifico is back \o/
L754[21:40:45] <OneM_Industries> .p
L755[21:40:45] <^v> Ping reply from OneM_Industries 0.29s
L756[21:40:51] <OneM_Industries>
L757[21:42:56] * Mimiru sighs
L758[21:43:05] <Mimiru> So hotfix of OpenSecurity is pending approval on Curse
L759[21:45:40] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L760[21:48:21] <Temia> Hotfix? o.o What happened?
L761[21:50:18] <Mimiru> Someone reported that you were able to break the top half of a security door
L762[21:51:06] <Temia> Gasp! I am gasping! D:
L763[21:51:19] <OneM_Industries> Um...
L764[21:51:32] <OneM_Industries> So, you can get in now.
L765[21:51:47] <OneM_Industries> Try pointing a RoC bedrock breaker at it.
L766[21:52:35] <Mimiru> if(!xEntity.getOwner().isEmpty()) {
L767[21:52:35] <Mimiru> event.setCanceled(true);
L768[21:52:35] <Mimiru> }
L769[21:52:40] <Mimiru> Break everything around it? Sure.
L770[21:52:43] <Mimiru> Break it? Nah.
L771[21:53:02] <OneM_Industries> Hm, try it.
L772[21:53:18] <OneM_Industries> I have a feeling there will be a surprise.
L773[21:53:44] <Mimiru> Unless it bypasses forge's block break checks, which if it does the mod author should be beaten
L774[21:54:13] <OneM_Industries> Try it, I know it goes through almost anything.
L775[21:54:30] <Mimiru> Or, no.
L776[21:54:34] <Mimiru> If you wanna know, you try it.
L777[21:55:19] <Mimiru> I refuse to touch any of Reika's mods
L778[21:55:38] <OneM_Industries> Oh?
L779[21:55:46] <OneM_Industries> How come?
L780[21:55:56] <Mimiru> I'd rather not go into that rant filled list.
L781[21:56:03] <OneM_Industries> Go ahead.
L782[21:56:11] <OneM_Industries> I am curious now...
L783[21:56:12] <Mimiru> … Take a god damned hint.
L784[21:57:54] <OneM_Industries> Please? Even in PM?
L785[21:58:09] <Mimiru> Stop.
L786[21:58:15] <OneM_Industries> Ok...
L787[21:58:54] * Ekoserin|Off 's stomach rumbles
L788[21:59:12] * Temia gives Ekoserin a hotdog-filled bicycle frame to snack on.
L789[21:59:21] <Ekoserin|Off> Ew, it's rotten!
L790[21:59:58] <Ekoserin|Off> Is this the one I used?
L791[22:00:45] <Temia> Maybe.
L792[22:00:53] <OneM_Industries> Food...
L793[22:01:08] <Temia> Don't look at me, you're the one who didn't refrigerate it afterwards
L794[22:01:08] <OneM_Industries> If I had not just had Tuna pasta, I would be hungry.
L795[22:03:09] <vifino> ._.
L796[22:03:14] <vifino> Now I want tuna again.
L797[22:03:31] <Pwootage> ANyone know of an OC component that can track the amount of RF going through it per tick?
L798[22:03:43] * Ekoserin|Off leaves the room
L799[22:03:48] <Pwootage> or even something that just emits redstone for that matter
L800[22:04:00] * vifino blinks at Temiamoo
L801[22:04:17] <vifino> Can.. Can haz?
L802[22:04:17] <Mimiru> Pwootage, Zetta industries has an RF meter, not sure on it's exact capabilities
L803[22:04:33] <Pwootage> Time to find out I guess :P
L804[22:04:37] * Ekoserin|Off enters the room with four cans of tuna
L805[22:04:41] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L806[22:04:44] <Mimiru> I have ZI for the OC cbales
L807[22:04:46] <Mimiru> cables*
L808[22:04:57] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L809[22:05:01] <Mimiru> cause IE cables are awesome.
L810[22:05:40] <Temia> Moo? o.o
L811[22:05:42] <Temia> Can has what?
L812[22:05:54] <vifino> Tunaaaaa~ :D
L813[22:06:03] <Temia> ...
L814[22:06:13] <Temia> Meow cutely.
L815[22:06:32] <Pwootage> That's a first, I found the github repo but no wiki or dl
L816[22:06:40] * vifino meows cutely and tilts his head a little, blinking
L817[22:06:51] * Temia eeeee~ >w< opens up a can and gives. Goes to fangirl over catboy cuteness.
L818[22:07:06] <vifino> \o/
L819[22:07:16] * Devoenix le sigh
L820[22:07:19] * vifino glomps Temiamoo and omnomnoms tuna <3
L821[22:07:21] <Devoenix> i'm blind so i can't see the cuteness
L822[22:07:51] <Devoenix> However, being blind has some significent advantages
L823[22:07:58] <Temia> Wait, is a minotaur monstergirl squeeing and fangirling also cute? Am I engaging in cascading cute? .3.
L824[22:08:00] <OneM_Industries> Tuna.
L825[22:08:20] <OneM_Industries> I have 4+ cans of that, 3 cans of Herring, and a bunch of beans.
L826[22:08:37] <OneM_Industries> (This is IRL)
L827[22:08:45] <Devoenix> I just have a shitton of mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets
L828[22:08:49] <Temia> There's some canned herring in my house, but nobody touches it. I can't stand fish bones myself :<
L829[22:08:58] <Devoenix> if only i had biscuits
L830[22:09:01] <Devoenix> and BBQ sauce
L831[22:09:14] <Temia> Or... bones in general, really.
L832[22:09:24] <wolfmitchell> oh my gosh
L833[22:09:25] <OneM_Industries> Herring in both Horseradish and lemon as well.
L834[22:09:28] <wolfmitchell> powerline is sexy
L835[22:09:45] <Devoenix> wat ._.
L836[22:09:54] <wolfmitchell> one sec
L837[22:09:59] <wolfmitchell> lemme upload screenshot
L838[22:10:09] <wolfmitchell> http://i.imgur.com/E2zbSW7.png
L839[22:10:10] <Mimiru> wolfmitchell http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-07-16_22-09-42.png ???
L840[22:10:11] <vifino> Temia: Yes, very :3
L841[22:10:17] * vifino hides
L842[22:10:40] <Temia> o.o Woah.
L843[22:10:43] <Mimiru> I'm probably the only person in this channel who was a kid when that movie came out... ;_;
L844[22:10:52] <Temia> That's a pretty neat shell.
L845[22:11:15] <Devoenix> when what movie came out?
L846[22:11:23] <Mimiru> I'm probably one of the few people here ALIVE when that movie came out.
L847[22:11:28] <Temia> Cough.
L848[22:11:30] <Mimiru> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Goofy_Movie
L849[22:11:41] * wolfmitchell waits for chrome to start
L850[22:11:49] <Temia> Oh jeez, that thing.
L851[22:11:52] <Temia> I tried so hard to forget.
L852[22:11:53] <Mimiru> April 7, 1995
L853[22:12:03] <Temia> ._.
L854[22:12:06] <Devoenix> F!@k
L855[22:12:16] <Temia> My family wasn't a very disney household so we kind of stayed clear of that.
L856[22:12:23] <Ekoserin|Off> Want to see something gross but cool?
L857[22:12:24] <Temia> Instead we had Ghibli. ... and Akira.
L858[22:12:24] <Devoenix> Came out 5.1 years before i was born
L859[22:12:36] <vifino> wolfmitchell: http://puu.sh/j265m/3c4300905c.png
L860[22:12:38] <Temia> I watched Akira when I was 5. No wonder I'm a headcase <.<;;
L861[22:12:42] <wolfmitchell> vifino, i can't see it ok
L862[22:12:45] <wolfmitchell> chrome is being a pita
L863[22:12:45] <vifino> that's my promppt.
L864[22:12:49] <vifino> *prompt
L865[22:13:10] <wolfmitchell> ook
L866[22:13:12] *** Barbas is now known as Barbas|sleep
L867[22:13:15] <Temia> So wait, what shell trickery is this?
L868[22:13:21] <wolfmitchell> Temia, powerline!
L869[22:13:28] <Temia> Powerline? o.o
L870[22:13:36] <wolfmitchell> #g powerlie
L871[22:13:37] <Mimiru> ohmyzsh powerline theme afaik
L872[22:13:38] <wolfmitchell> #g powerline
L873[22:13:39] <Devoenix> goddamnit azanor answer my tweet >.>
L874[22:13:44] <wolfmitchell> Kilobyte, where is kibi
L875[22:13:50] <wolfmitchell> Mimiru, yes
L876[22:13:52] <Temia> I just kind of figured it was a fancy prompt formatting for bash or something.
L877[22:13:52] <vifino> Temia: Powerline, basically, an awesome shell thing and patched fonts.
L878[22:14:01] <wolfmitchell> Temia, zsh>bash
L879[22:14:01] <wolfmitchell> ok
L880[22:14:02] <Temia> ah.
L881[22:14:12] <Temia> Hey, I'm not arguing about which shells are better.
L882[22:14:18] <wolfmitchell> Temia, https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh&sa=U&ved=0CBUQFjAAahUKEwjTluComeHGAhVDax4KHRUHB0Y&usg=AFQjCNEiOuB3aeXbitvE7SDuEkzNbKd5Dg
L883[22:14:20] <wolfmitchell> ..
L884[22:14:24] <Mimiru> https://github.com/jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme
L885[22:14:28] <wolfmitchell> http://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
L886[22:14:29] <Mimiru> actualy decent link.
L887[22:14:33] <wolfmitchell> with what Mimiru linked
L888[22:14:33] <Mimiru> :P
L889[22:14:34] <wolfmitchell> = good
L890[22:14:35] <Temia> Ahh.
L891[22:14:35] <Temia> Neat.
L892[22:14:41] <gamax92> ..-
L893[22:14:43] <wolfmitchell> oh and you need a patched font for it
L894[22:14:48] <wolfmitchell> i'm using dejavu sans mono
L895[22:15:00] <vifino> I like Ubuntu Mono.
L896[22:15:03] <gamax92> why does it have to be patched
L897[22:15:09] <Temia> Why patched? Does it rely on private use characters?
L898[22:15:12] <wolfmitchell> gamax92, extra symbols needed for powerline
L899[22:15:22] <vifino> A decent font that looks very good on hidipi displays.
L900[22:15:55] <vifino> Especially with inifinality patches to fontconfig and stuff.
L901[22:16:06] <Temia> Anyway it seems cute, but I can't imagine it'd play well with a textmode or even framebuffer console.
L902[22:16:20] <vifino> Sadly it does not.
L903[22:16:28] <wolfmitchell> ^
L904[22:16:33] <Temia> of course not.
L905[22:16:58] <vifino> But since my tty's are broken anyways, I don't mind.
L906[22:17:05] * vifino sighs
L907[22:17:08] <vifino> Thanks nvidia.
L908[22:17:39] <gamax92> My tty's are still function but they are in a crappy resolution
L909[22:17:40] <Temia> Meanwhile I've got a busted display manager on my college laptop, so I have to start in console until I can figure out what's borked.
L910[22:18:32] <vifino> What WM/DM/DE do you use, Temiamoo? I'm guessing something like XFCE or LXDM?
L911[22:19:46] <Temia> ...That exact combination, actually >.>
L912[22:20:18] <Temia> I used Antergos for my college laptop for a speedy install process, and it defaulted to LightDM, but I use XFCE anyway
L913[22:20:39] <vifino> Huh, nice.
L914[22:21:10] <wolfmitchell> Temia, i'm on arch linux with the Antergos lightdm theme
L915[22:21:16] <vifino> I use AwesomeWM and LXDM myself. I like simplicity and customisability.
L916[22:21:21] <Temia> Heh.
L917[22:21:36] <gamax92> I use Windows NT4
L918[22:21:40] <Temia> I'm coupling some of MATE's core programs to round out XFCE as well, myself.
L919[22:21:57] <wolfmitchell> using mate here
L920[22:22:00] <Temia> For themes, I use Numix-Archblue with Faenza-Dark icons
L921[22:22:58] <gamax92> I use MATE as well
L922[22:23:04] <gamax92> on Windows NT4 ofc
L923[22:26:17] <wolfmitchell> ughh chrome (and steam) are broken atm for some reason
L924[22:26:25] <wolfmitchell> googling errors say reboots fix it
L925[22:27:35] <vifino> 8 minutes till I can play Fallout 3 in wine! \o/
L926[22:27:42] * vifino waits patiently
L927[22:28:03] <vifino> Or not, because I'm not a very pationt person..
L928[22:28:35] <wolfmitchell> ok that wsa a fast reboot
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L930[22:30:02] <OneM_Industries> What kind of sadist puts the CPU fan plug right under where the drive bays and the main mobo power cable are?
L931[22:30:22] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971263.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L933[22:31:28] <wolfmitchell> ...lol
L934[22:32:00] <OneM_Industries> Geez, this is impossible!
L935[22:32:08] <wolfmitchell> what are you doing?
L936[22:32:14] <OneM_Industries> I am going to have to be in a yoga position to plug this in!
L937[22:32:23] <OneM_Industries> Putting a new fan in.
L938[22:33:10] <OneM_Industries> I will have to bend my arm in at least 3 different places, at angles about 5-10 degrees outside what the human body is mean to do to plug this in.
L939[22:33:25] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549709BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L940[22:34:02] * Ekoserin|Off saws a bicycle frame into 3 bars.
L941[22:35:08] <OneM_Industries> GOT IT, DANG IT!
L942[22:35:11] * vifino saws a chocolate bar into 3 parts and hands one to wolfmitchell and Temiamoo
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L944[22:35:29] <wolfmitchell> :D
L945[22:35:29] <OneM_Industries> Ok, that was a not fun thing to do.
L946[22:35:30] * Temia nibbles.
L947[22:35:34] * wolfmitchell likes chocolate
L948[22:35:42] * wolfmitchell looks at oreos and has an idea
L949[22:35:44] * Ekoserin|Off inserts a modified piston into the longest bicycle frame part.
L950[22:35:50] * wolfmitchell puts chocolate in oreo and eats it
L951[22:35:51] <wolfmitchell> lel
L952[22:35:52] <OneM_Industries> Wow.
L953[22:36:06] <OneM_Industries> I did not know the human hand could bend that way...
L954[22:36:31] <OneM_Industries> Go the maker of this mobo for showing me just how flexible my hands can be! /s
L955[22:38:46] * Ekoserin|Off attaches a switch to one of the smaller bicycle frame parts and wires it to the piston.
L956[22:40:42] <OneM_Industries> Right, so. Two CPU fans at 100% power, check. Three case fans, one at 100%, two fooling the CPU into thinking they are the case and CPU fans? Check.
L957[22:40:57] <OneM_Industries> Cooling that will blow your mind? O F*** yeah.
L958[22:41:39] <Temia> To be fair, if you poured liquid nitrogen on a brain, the heat stress would probably make it explode
L959[22:42:18] <Shuudoushi> why are your case fans "fooling the CPU into thinking they are are the case and CPU fans"?
L960[22:42:29] <OneM_Industries> Because.
L961[22:42:55] <Shuudoushi> why?
L962[22:43:10] <OneM_Industries> The wiring is done in such a way that having everything proper would be a right pain in the bum.
L963[22:43:21] <Shuudoushi> ...
L964[22:43:45] <OneM_Industries> Dude, I am NOTgetting back into that yoga position.
L965[22:43:45] <Shuudoushi> why not just run the fans right off the 2v rail like a sane person?
L966[22:43:53] <OneM_Industries> I have that.
L967[22:43:56] <Shuudoushi> 12v*
L968[22:44:02] <Mimiru> Oh ffs Immibis core
L969[22:44:14] <OneM_Industries> This thing won't post unless it reads fans on the case and CPU.
L970[22:44:23] <Shuudoushi> back to being afk-ish
L971[22:44:48] <Shuudoushi> what kind of ghetto POS did you start with o.O
L972[22:44:51] <Mimiru> pulled IC2 from my pack, and now immibis core is bitching about not having IC2.
L973[22:44:51] <Shuudoushi> a Dell?
L974[22:44:56] <Temia> That seems kind of ridiculous. What if you want passive cooling? >.>;
L975[22:45:00] <OneM_Industries> Nope, a HP.
L976[22:45:17] <OneM_Industries> And some Dell bits.
L977[22:45:17] <Shuudoushi> ...
L978[22:45:19] <Temia> Then again I think DEC had the same thing on their alphastations -- a failsafe that triggers if the fan goes.
L979[22:45:26] <Shuudoushi> why not just flash the bios...
L980[22:45:29] <Temia> So kinda funny that HP's doing it since
L981[22:45:31] <Temia> Y'know.
L982[22:45:35] <OneM_Industries> And a few bits from Grandma's box...
L983[22:45:47] <OneM_Industries> And a few bits from my personal stash...
L984[22:45:58] <OneM_Industries> And a few bits from the neighbors...
L985[22:46:03] <Temia> ANYWAY probably wouldn't be hard to just solder a good high-ohm resistor onto a fan cable.
L986[22:46:05] <Shuudoushi> flash bios >> do wtf/e you want with the cooling >> profit
L987[22:46:22] <Temia> ...Or maybe if they're looking for the hall effect sensor, add a crystal.
L988[22:46:22] <OneM_Industries> It reads it via the little yellow wire.
L989[22:46:23] <Shuudoushi> Temia does have a good point
L990[22:46:35] <piousminion> Mimiru: Easy fix. sec for link.
L991[22:46:44] <OneM_Industries> Can't be asked, and I have enough fans to not care.
L992[22:47:07] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L993[22:47:16] <gamax92> My case and board is kinda crappy in the fan department
L994[22:47:23] <piousminion> Mimiru: Put this in mods. http://jenkins.ic2.player.to/job/IC2_experimental/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/industrialcraft-2-2.2.749-experimental-api.jar
L995[22:47:28] <Shuudoushi> I have three 80mm case fans, a 70mm on the CPU cooler, and a 140mm in my PSU
L996[22:47:33] <OneM_Industries> Anyway, I now have 5 fans in this thing, 3 of which are heavy duty CPU and PSU fans with new leads electrical tape onto them.
L997[22:47:34] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ the IC2 api
L998[22:47:34] <Mimiru> lol
L999[22:47:35] <gamax92> plus the case light which is supposed to be like, what temperature the computer is, always is purple
L1000[22:47:43] <Mimiru> fucking seriously immi?
L1001[22:47:50] <gamax92> never blue, never red
L1002[22:48:07] <Shuudoushi> gamax92: lulz
L1003[22:48:11] <OneM_Industries> And it now sounds like a Rotarycraft microturbine.
L1004[22:48:14] <OneM_Industries> Lovely.
L1005[22:48:15] <piousminion> Mimiru: yes, exactly. Something is including an old ic2 api and installing that overrides it.
L1006[22:48:35] <wolfmitchell> gamax92, http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/857/264/a09.gif
L1007[22:49:22] <Ekoserin|Off> Damn.
L1008[22:50:12] <Shuudoushi> anytime I see someone say something like "I graduated top of my class as a Navy Seal" I just laugh my ass off
L1009[22:50:15] <OneM_Industries> Still, one core is 5C hotter than the other.
L1010[22:50:22] <Mimiru> eh, it worked.. thans piousminion
L1011[22:50:35] <Shuudoushi> OneM_Industries: congrats, your CPU is cooked
L1012[22:50:38] <Mimiru> s/thans/thanks
L1013[22:50:39] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> eh, it worked.. thanks piousminion
L1014[22:50:44] <OneM_Industries> What do you mean?
L1015[22:50:46] <piousminion> Mimiru: no prob :)
L1016[22:50:55] <Shuudoushi> I mean, that core is toast
L1017[22:51:03] <gamax92> literally
L1018[22:51:05] <gamax92> it's a piece of toast
L1019[22:51:11] <gamax92> toast can't do math
L1020[22:51:12] <Mimiru> eww, toast.
L1021[22:51:15] <OneM_Industries> Oh? It is only at 42C.
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L1023[22:51:33] <Shuudoushi> if it's running hooter than the rest, it's done for
L1024[22:51:46] <OneM_Industries> Anyway, there are only two cores.
L1025[22:51:49] <Shuudoushi> time to shop for a new CPU before you have a cascade failure
L1026[22:52:02] <OneM_Industries> No money.
L1027[22:52:09] <Shuudoushi> Intel right?
L1028[22:52:13] <OneM_Industries> Nope!
L1029[22:52:20] <OneM_Industries> AMD all the way!
L1030[22:52:20] <Temia> AMDerp?
L1031[22:52:20] <Shuudoushi> then even better
L1032[22:52:26] <Temia> What socket?
L1033[22:52:28] <Shuudoushi> what socket?
L1034[22:52:29] <Temia> AM2?
L1035[22:52:29] <OneM_Industries> AM2.
L1036[22:52:32] <Shuudoushi> FM?
L1037[22:52:36] <Temia> Hang on.
L1038[22:52:36] <Shuudoushi> AM2...
L1039[22:52:40] <Temia> I might have something.
L1040[22:52:40] <Shuudoushi> hmmm
L1041[22:52:50] <OneM_Industries> Better than my other server CPU.
L1042[22:52:54] <Temia> ...Wait, no, shit, I think I sent the spare parts to RePC
L1043[22:52:57] <OneM_Industries> socket 939.
L1044[22:52:58] <gamax92> What if NVidia CPU
L1045[22:53:01] <Shuudoushi> you can get a AM2 CPU for like $20 (USD) off of newegg
L1046[22:53:11] <Temia> So that leaves the AM3 Phenom II I'm on and the Brisbane in my old planned server
L1047[22:53:18] <Temia> Ew, 939 >.>
L1048[22:53:30] <gamax92> my father has a Phenom II X2
L1049[22:53:30] <OneM_Industries> 1 core, 1.0Ghz.
L1050[22:53:30] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1051[22:53:35] <OneM_Industries> On a good day.
L1052[22:53:40] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1053[22:53:46] * Shuudoushi ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate ** CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 12253 MB Total (4839 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST ** Uptime: 33.81 Hours **
L1054[22:53:48] <Temia> Ewww.
L1055[22:53:50] <gamax92> It's ... very weird and probably almost dead
L1056[22:53:51] <Shuudoushi> my specs ^
L1057[22:53:52] <OneM_Industries> HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 8 x AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.40GHz ** RAM: Physical: 15.7GB, 75.8% free ** Disk: Total: 1.8TB, 76.4% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640] ** Sound: CA0106 - CA01061: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB2: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gig
L1058[22:53:52] <OneM_Industries> abit Ethernet ** Uptime: 3d 4h 53m 2s **
L1059[22:54:09] <OneM_Industries> Ignore the Ghz, it underclocks to conserver power.
L1060[22:54:22] <OneM_Industries> It is a 4.0 GHz chip.
L1061[22:54:23] <gamax92> suuuuuuuuuuure
L1062[22:54:35] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L1063[22:54:46] <gamax92> ... Temia how much memory do you have?
L1064[22:54:52] <Temia> In my workstation?
L1065[22:55:00] <Temia> 6GBs out of a theoretical maximum of 8.
L1066[22:55:11] <OneM_Industries> Look, when one room is drawing 1500W on computers alone, you need to underclock when not using the power.
L1067[22:55:12] <Temia> Problem is my broke ass can't even get a nice 2x2 DDR2 pair :<
L1068[22:55:27] <OneM_Industries> This server has 6Gb DDR2.
L1069[22:55:42] <Shuudoushi> btw, hexchat is a lieing fuck, my CPU is overclocked to 3.05(5) GHz
L1070[22:55:45] <OneM_Industries> The old 939 has a max of 4Gb total.
L1071[22:55:57] <Temia> Sounds about right.
L1072[22:56:06] <OneM_Industries> It is running WinXP on 2GB right about now.
L1073[22:56:21] <OneM_Industries> It can still amazingly load firefox...
L1074[22:57:04] <Mimiru> Ok... so this is the 4th time that all 3 of my monitors have went blank, played the hardware disconnect sound, and came back up
L1075[22:57:06] <Shuudoushi> OneM_Industries: why don't you just use cpufreq?
L1076[22:57:16] <OneM_Industries> What is that?
L1077[22:57:21] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1078[22:57:32] <OneM_Industries> Sorry.
L1079[22:57:51] <Shuudoushi> it's a software base CPU controller for linux
L1080[22:58:00] <OneM_Industries> Ah!
L1081[22:58:08] <OneM_Industries> So, how do I use it?
L1082[22:58:09] <Shuudoushi> it lets you activly control your CPUs clock speeds
L1083[22:58:20] <OneM_Industries> I am just using the MOBO's control.
L1084[22:58:39] <OneM_Industries> Also, how would I tell how bad the CPU in the server is?
L1085[22:58:41] <Shuudoushi> use ppa to install the package and it will run in the background and give you nice little button in the taskbar to fuck with it
L1086[22:58:52] <OneM_Industries> Ooh,. nice.
L1087[22:58:57] <Shuudoushi> OneM_Industries: run a prime test n it
L1088[22:59:10] <OneM_Industries> Ok, how would I do that?
L1089[22:59:14] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1090[22:59:28] <OneM_Industries> Sorry, very new to this whole thing.
L1091[22:59:40] <Shuudoushi> download prime93 and run it for a little bit, if the computer shits out and shutsdown, the CPU is 100% fucked
L1092[22:59:42] <OneM_Industries> Was using WinXp until early 2014.
L1093[22:59:51] <OneM_Industries> Ok, working on it.
L1094[23:00:00] <Mimiru> >93
L1095[23:00:28] <OneM_Industries> Prime 93 pulls up shopping and restaurants...
L1096[23:00:32] <Devoenix> i looked in this chat, just ot see what was going on
L1097[23:00:34] <Shuudoushi> as for cpufreq on the linux box, just google 'cpufreq'
L1098[23:00:34] <Mimiru> Prime95...
L1099[23:00:39] * Mimiru slaps Shuudoushi
L1100[23:00:42] <Devoenix> and i already see someone who i want to befriend x3
L1101[23:00:50] <OneM_Industries> Oh?
L1102[23:00:58] <Shuudoushi> or look it up in your package manager
L1103[23:01:13] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: close a fucking 'nough
L1104[23:01:19] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1105[23:01:26] <Shuudoushi> GF is back, so I'm going back to terraria
L1106[23:01:30] <Mimiru> Fair enough Shoedouchei
L1107[23:01:39] <OneM_Industries> GNU Ada?
L1108[23:01:39] <Mimiru> Close a fucking 'nough, right?
L1109[23:01:40] <Mimiru> :P
L1110[23:01:40] <Shuudoushi> -_-
L1111[23:02:16] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1113[23:02:46] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
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L1116[23:07:14] *** Something12 is now known as Unspecial
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L1118[23:09:08] <OneM_Industries> Adapter: PCI adapter
L1119[23:09:08] <OneM_Industries> Core0 Temp: +54.0°C
L1120[23:09:08] <OneM_Industries> Core0 Temp: +54.0°C
L1121[23:09:08] <OneM_Industries> Core1 Temp: +59.0°C
L1122[23:09:08] <OneM_Industries> Core1 Temp: +53.0°C
L1123[23:09:20] <OneM_Industries> Almost instant temp spike.
L1124[23:10:12] <OneM_Industries> I..I don't believe it. It is holding steady.
L1125[23:12:13] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@p5794D1CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD9588A2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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L1128[23:16:53] <dangranos> hm?
L1129[23:16:55] <Izaya> oh my everything
L1130[23:16:57] <Izaya> this is too good
L1131[23:17:27] <Izaya> the school (or rather, my IST teacher) has decided that they're going to start watching screens
L1132[23:17:36] <Izaya> after our rather loud and violent quake match
L1133[23:17:39] <Izaya> now that isn't okay
L1134[23:18:19] <Izaya> we won't be able to play quake if they can kill sessions
L1135[23:18:52] <Izaya> so between midday and now
L1136[23:18:56] <Izaya> we have a plan to deal with it
L1137[23:18:59] <dangranos> wat "in1: +1.01 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM; in4: +1.03 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM; in6: +0.82 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM"
L1138[23:19:27] <dangranos> "SYSTIN: +61.0°C (high = +0.0°C, hyst = +0.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermistor"
L1139[23:19:29] <wolfmitchell> Izaya, http://i.imgur.com/qKZ2LgH.webm
L1140[23:19:40] <dangranos> ah
L1141[23:19:45] <dangranos> that is a very nice pic
L1142[23:19:48] <dangranos> *video
L1143[23:19:52] <wolfmitchell> yes
L1144[23:19:56] <wolfmitchell> very meme much dank
L1145[23:20:26] <Izaya> nice
L1146[23:20:30] <Izaya> anyway
L1147[23:20:40] <Izaya> we're going to deal with this screen watching
L1148[23:20:41] <OneM_Industries> Haha! Dance for the BOFH, dance! Just like Firefox and 2GB total of RAM with no swap!
L1149[23:20:45] <Izaya> using the Windows firewall
L1150[23:20:51] <OneM_Industries> Oh geez.
L1151[23:20:57] <Izaya> and an admin hack
L1152[23:21:04] <Izaya> and I am the BOFH
L1153[23:21:08] <Izaya> during lunchtimes
L1154[23:21:11] <OneM_Industries> The godmode desktop thing?
L1155[23:21:22] <Izaya> yeah
L1156[23:21:30] <Izaya> where they can kill processes on the client machines
L1157[23:21:35] <OneM_Industries> I run a cute little thing with a USB jupmdrive.
L1158[23:21:50] <Izaya> I'm gonna use an admin hack on the master computer
L1159[23:21:58] <OneM_Industries> And a registry editor.
L1160[23:22:02] <Izaya> add a firewall rule to block the software
L1161[23:22:14] <OneM_Industries> Watch out, some schools have monitoring.
L1162[23:22:16] <Izaya> and there will be no evidence
L1163[23:22:18] <Izaya> :D
L1164[23:22:42] <Izaya> We don't. Sauce: I'm student IT.
L1165[23:22:48] <OneM_Industries> Oh.
L1166[23:22:52] <Izaya> This is the beginnings of the monitoring.
L1167[23:22:57] <Izaya> I have to stop it before it starts.
L1168[23:23:10] <OneM_Industries> Well, in that case, the new policy can get bent.
L1169[23:23:13] <dangranos> "intrusion0: ALARM"
L1170[23:23:16] <dangranos> hm
L1171[23:23:22] <OneM_Industries> HAHA!
L1172[23:23:40] <Izaya> with some luck
L1173[23:23:43] <Izaya> the master computer
L1174[23:23:47] <OneM_Industries> I am going to stresstest this machine until a) Magic smoke b) 65C c) I deem it good enough to live.
L1175[23:24:02] <Izaya> has all the BIOS settings in NVRAM
L1176[23:24:04] <OneM_Industries> And it will never be good enough to live.
L1177[23:24:09] <OneM_Industries> Oh, ouch.
L1178[23:24:25] <Izaya> run JTR on it for 3 days?
L1179[23:24:38] <OneM_Industries> stress -c 10, actually.
L1180[23:24:47] <OneM_Industries> Make that -c 20...
L1181[23:25:04] <Izaya> I ran JTR on my desktop for 3 days
L1182[23:25:08] <Izaya> it sat at 69C
L1183[23:26:04] <OneM_Industries> Nice, this one appears to auto throttle at 60C.
L1184[23:26:17] <OneM_Industries> It isn't dancing hard enough.
L1185[23:26:28] <OneM_Industries> Next, I kill power to fans.
L1186[23:26:31] <Izaya> Disable throttling? :D
L1187[23:26:40] <Izaya> ... what.
L1188[23:27:09] <OneM_Industries> I am evil, and want a better CPU for the server.
L1189[23:27:25] <OneM_Industries> And I like the smell of magic smoke.
L1190[23:27:37] <OneM_Industries> Like the time I blew up a capacitor.
L1191[23:28:05] <OneM_Industries> Intentionally. With a 3 amp power source.
L1192[23:28:08] <Izaya> so you're killing this one as an excuse?
L1193[23:28:08] * Izaya overclocked a Pentium 4 excessively once for kicks
L1194[23:28:08] <Izaya> those things are fucking fire hazards.
L1195[23:28:18] <OneM_Industries> I have a pentium 4.
L1196[23:28:33] <OneM_Industries> Fan 1: down.
L1197[23:29:34] <OneM_Industries> I *may* have a slight sadistic streak.
L1198[23:29:39] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1199[23:29:40] <OneM_Industries> About a mile wide.
L1200[23:29:48] <OneM_Industries> Fan 2: down.
L1201[23:30:02] * Ekoserin|Off welds the small bicycle frame piece to the larger one.
L1202[23:30:10] <Izaya> how's it going now?
L1203[23:30:17] <Izaya> 99C?
L1204[23:30:18] <OneM_Industries> Dang it, 60C
L1205[23:30:45] <OneM_Industries> Oh! 62C!
L1206[23:31:12] <OneM_Industries> 66C!
L1207[23:31:37] <OneM_Industries> Dang, one fan left.
L1208[23:32:00] <OneM_Industries> Well, it passes the test.
L1209[23:32:15] <Izaya> does it live?
L1210[23:32:23] <OneM_Industries> It had one CPU fan going, and it was only at 67C.
L1211[23:32:28] <OneM_Industries> And it lives!
L1212[23:32:45] ⇨ Joins: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@
L1213[23:33:37] <OneM_Industries> Wow, old AMD live 64 CPUs are tough.
L1214[23:34:50] <OneM_Industries> OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!!!
L1215[23:35:16] <OneM_Industries> It bit me....
L1216[23:35:40] <Izaya> AMD 64 X2?
L1217[23:36:37] <OneM_Industries> Yep, I think so.
L1218[23:36:48] <OneM_Industries> 5000+
L1219[23:37:04] <Izaya> I've got an AMD 64 X2 box
L1220[23:37:09] <Izaya> motherboard is dead though
L1221[23:37:34] <OneM_Industries> I have the mobo, 6GB of RAM, and 160GB total Hdd.
L1222[23:37:53] <OneM_Industries> A nice little 250W PSU, and off you go!
L1223[23:38:23] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1224[23:38:24] <Izaya> what video card?
L1225[23:38:26] <OneM_Industries> BTW, total meaning there are 2 80GB HDDs, one IDE, one SATA.
L1226[23:38:30] <OneM_Industries> Integrated.
L1227[23:38:38] <OneM_Industries> It is a server box, after all.
L1228[23:38:39] <Izaya> bah
L1229[23:38:45] <Izaya> ATI
L1230[23:38:58] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1231[23:39:06] <Izaya> I'd stick a low-end NVIDIA in or use integrated if it's Intel
L1232[23:39:07] <OneM_Industries> Anyway, my spare video card got lost to a former friend.
L1233[23:39:10] * Ekoserin|Off pours an extremely slick fluid into his DIY gun.
L1234[23:39:20] <Izaya> but AMD video I won't touch with a 10-metre pole
L1235[23:39:35] <OneM_Industries> Why, if it is only doing text?
L1236[23:39:57] <Izaya> 'cause it's AMD
L1237[23:40:15] <Izaya> for text it might be ok
L1238[23:40:16] <Izaya> maybe
L1239[23:40:26] <OneM_Industries> Okay....90% of my stuff is AMD.
L1240[23:40:34] <OneM_Industries> I run an AMD shop.
L1241[23:40:50] <Izaya> AMD video cards and Linux are a special hell.
L1242[23:40:56] <OneM_Industries> Only Intel I have is an old laptop.
L1243[23:41:05] <OneM_Industries> HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 8 x AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.40GHz ** RAM: Physical: 15.7GB, 75.4% free ** Disk: Total: 1.8TB, 76.4% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640] ** Sound: CA0106 - CA01061: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB2: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gig
L1244[23:41:05] <OneM_Industries> abit Ethernet ** Uptime: 3d 5h 40m 15s **
L1245[23:41:20] <OneM_Industries> Ok, my GPU is NVIDIA.
L1246[23:41:20] <Izaya> HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 ** Distro: Debian 8.0 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 933MHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.7GiB, 81.7% free ** Disk: Total: 229.2GiB, 53.5% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel MID ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 46m 57s **
L1247[23:41:25] <Izaya> Hi from my laptop.
L1248[23:42:04] <OneM_Industries> My laptop would show "Error: out of range. Number must be higher than .5"
L1249[23:42:18] <OneM_Industries> Seriously, it is a good thing I only use it for SSH.
L1250[23:42:33] <Izaya> weird error
L1251[23:42:43] <OneM_Industries> Hold on, let me see...
L1252[23:42:58] <OneM_Industries> 10 minutes of loading IE later....
L1253[23:43:10] <Izaya> IE?
L1254[23:43:15] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1255[23:43:20] <Izaya> There's your issue, Windows.
L1256[23:43:20] <OneM_Industries> Internet Explorer.
L1257[23:43:35] <OneM_Industries> Bitvise, man.
L1258[23:43:47] <OneM_Industries> It is an awesome SSH/FTP client.
L1259[23:43:57] <OneM_Industries> Only Windows though.
L1260[23:44:12] <Izaya> On linux I use native because it's awesome
L1261[23:44:34] <OneM_Industries> Boogers, no XP support in Hexchat.
L1262[23:44:35] <Izaya> well, rather, it's the reference implimentation
L1263[23:45:02] <Izaya> XP!?
L1264[23:45:07] <Izaya> Could be worse, I guess.
L1265[23:45:08] <OneM_Industries> Yeah.
L1266[23:45:11] <Mimiru> OneM_Industries, 2.9.4
L1267[23:45:15] <Izaya> Could be Vista or ME
L1268[23:45:15] <OneM_Industries> It came with vista.
L1269[23:45:19] <OneM_Industries> HA!
L1270[23:45:40] <Mimiru> https://dl.hexchat.net/hexchat/HexChat%202.9.4%20x86.exe
L1271[23:45:45] <Mimiru> should work on expee
L1272[23:45:57] <OneM_Industries> We tolerated 2 months of vista, then said "FSCK this, back to Xp.".
L1273[23:46:12] <Izaya> Didn't install some form of Linux?
L1274[23:46:14] <OneM_Industries> Doh, cannot join #oc, you are banned.
L1275[23:46:32] <OneM_Industries> I have mission critical windows only software on this laptop.
L1276[23:47:02] <Izaya> ah
L1277[23:47:05] <Mimiru> banned eh...
L1278[23:47:08] <Izaya> unfortunate
L1279[23:47:19] <OneM_Industries> According to your webportal.
L1280[23:47:35] <Mimiru> web..portal?
L1281[23:47:39] <Mimiru> Are you trying webchat?
L1282[23:47:43] <OneM_Industries> Yes.
L1283[23:47:46] <Mimiru> if so, that's not "ours"
L1284[23:47:47] <Izaya> Also, for SSH on Windows I use KiTTY
L1285[23:47:49] <Mimiru> that's Espernets.
L1286[23:47:58] <Mimiru> Also... I just linked you to HexChat for Expee :P
L1287[23:48:12] *** Mimiru sets mode: -b *!*webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net
L1288[23:48:16] <Mimiru> There though
L1289[23:48:16] <OneM_Industries> This laptop will blow a brick if I try to load anything more than minesweeper.
L1290[23:48:20] <Mimiru> that should take card of it.
L1291[23:48:29] <Mimiru> s/card/care/
L1292[23:48:29] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> that should take care of it.
L1293[23:48:36] ⇨ Joins: Banana (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L1294[23:48:42] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm_ (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1295[23:48:53] ⇦ Quits: Banana (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) (Client Quit)
L1296[23:50:45] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1297[23:51:14] <OneM_Industries> Oh f off, avast.
L1298[23:52:10] <OneM_Industries> Ok, installing now.
L1299[23:53:35] <OneM_Industries> I need to register.
L1300[23:53:38] <OneM_Industries> What the...
L1301[23:53:45] ⇨ Joins: Family (~Family@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L1302[23:53:55] * Family ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.9.4 (x86) ** OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83GHz (1.00 GHz) ** RAM: 3062 MB Total (1519 MB Free) ** VGA: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family ** Uptime: 9.79 Hours **
L1303[23:54:07] <OneM_Industries> The laptop of crud!
L1304[23:54:42] <Family> I....can....move...a...file....*GHACK.....*
L1305[23:54:52] <Ekoserin|Off> ..?
L1306[23:55:00] <OneM_Industries> Me with two clients.
L1307[23:55:27] <OneM_Industries> If I had my other monitor yet, I would have three screens around me!
L1308[23:55:31] <OneM_Industries> HAHAH!!!
L1309[23:55:58] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L1310[23:56:20] <Family> Wow this thing is hot.
L1311[23:56:24] <Ekoserin|Off> I could use three monitors.
L1312[23:56:37] <Ekoserin|Off> Very cramped.
L1313[23:56:38] <Family> You could use it to jumpstart a fusion reactor.
L1314[23:57:17] <OneM_Industries> But yeah, I will soon have the primary monitor, the laptop, and the server/old cabinet box monitor.
L1315[23:57:32] <Family> Which will be awesome on a whole new level.
L1316[23:57:52] <OneM_Industries> This is fun, switching between accounts and computers.
L1317[23:58:03] <Family> It is kind of trippy too.
L1318[23:59:37] <OneM_Industries> But yeah, the above specs, a 160GB HDD in 3 partitions, because.
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