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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:06] <clever> it may hang until it gets a reply, or times out
L2[00:00:37] <clever> "Normally the DHCP client will run in the foreground until is has configured an interface at which time it will revert to running in the background."
L3[00:16:41] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L4[00:20:58] <Ekoserin|Off> "eof expected near end" What kind of drugs are you on, Lua
L5[00:21:56] <Mimiru> you have too many ends
L6[00:22:47] <Devoenix> To a normal person: Several earths can fit inside Uranus
L7[00:23:07] <Ekoserin|Off> Mimiru: http://i.imgur.com/VmEhGQc.gif
L8[00:23:08] <Devoenix> ... nvm i'm not gonna continue that joke >.>
L9[00:23:20] ⇦ Quits: dangranos|nothome (webchat@178.187.94-252.xdsl.ab.ru) (Quit: Web client closed)
L10[00:23:35] <Kodos> ...
L11[00:40:07] <Ekoserin|Off> Working on a love tester game.
L12[00:40:38] <PotatoTrumpet> kjaSHkjsdahgf
L13[00:40:46] <PotatoTrumpet> I JUST WANT THE DAMN WIFI TOWORK
L14[00:41:10] <Ekoserin|Off> And that's why my love tester runs on a single computer and not two.
L15[00:44:25] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L16[00:44:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L17[00:45:02] <PotatoTrumpet> aKJHKFdslkajsdf
L18[00:45:02] <PotatoTrumpet> asd
L19[00:45:10] * PotatoTrumpet shoots Ekoserin|Off
L20[00:45:13] <Ekoserin|Off> Ow!
L21[00:45:28] <PotatoTrumpet> I just want this damn server to connect to wifi
L22[00:45:52] <Ekoserin|Off> What would happen if a file was magically changed whilst executed?
L23[00:46:04] <PotatoTrumpet> maybe the wifi would work >_<
L24[00:46:59] <Ekoserin|Off> It would make my program say "who has a ram editor?"
L25[00:48:18] ⇦ Quits: Something12_ (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L26[00:48:41] ⇨ Joins: Something12_ (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L27[00:49:27] <PotatoTrumpet> I may just re install ubuntu server
L28[00:49:41] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L29[00:49:47] <PotatoTrumpet> That's probally my best option
L30[00:50:43] <PotatoTrumpet> All my issues would be solved if my parents would install ethernet cable in our house
L31[00:51:55] <Ekoserin|Off> "but the government will be able to steal our powers!"
L32[00:52:57] <Ekoserin|Off> "do you not know how wireless works"
L33[00:53:23] <PotatoTrumpet> Welp
L34[00:53:28] <PotatoTrumpet> Time to reinstall it
L35[00:53:29] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L36[01:06:15] <Ekoserin|Off> By pure chance, I got 48/48 on my own love tester game.
L37[01:11:52] <Izaya> Ekoserin|Off: How does it determine?
L38[01:12:04] <Ekoserin|Off> math.random, like every love tester ever
L39[01:13:26] <Izaya> kek
L40[01:14:58] <Izaya> https://xkcd.com/55/ ?
L41[01:14:59] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Useless Posted on: 1/27/2006
L42[01:15:11] <Ekoserin|Off> okay.
L43[01:17:29] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L44[01:28:18] ⇦ Quits: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L45[01:31:43] <PotatoTrumpet> %xkcd 55
L46[01:31:43] <MichiBot> PotatoTrumpet: XKCD Comic Name:Useless URL: https://xkcd.com/55
L47[01:32:04] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L48[01:32:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Time to try to get wifi to work >_<
L49[01:35:36] <dangranos> ^
L50[01:35:37] <Kodos> If I were to make an addon, is there any possible way to sniff ports, or is that a completely removed function
L51[01:36:12] <Izaya> possibly
L52[01:36:24] <Izaya> you can retrieve port states
L53[01:37:23] <Kodos> How
L54[01:37:57] <Ekoserin|Off> Can hex color codes be stored in a format other than a string?
L55[01:38:43] <Izaya> I think you can format a number in hex
L56[01:38:53] <Izaya> ~w tostring
L57[01:38:53] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-tostring
L58[01:39:16] <Kodos> I have a few functions to move a hex value into other things
L59[01:39:21] <Ekoserin|Off> As in, local color = 0xFF0000;gpu.setForeground(color)
L60[01:41:01] <Kodos> Wouldn't gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000) work
L61[01:41:09] <Kodos> Or are you storing the var for later use
L62[01:41:39] <Ekoserin|Off> I need to change color frequently, and changing it directly in the gpu command will not work.
L63[01:41:45] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L64[01:41:53] <Kodos> Then how you said it before would work
L65[01:42:03] <Ekoserin|Off> Hm. Okay.
L66[01:46:57] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L67[01:48:47] <Ekoserin|Off> It doesn't work. It treats the variable as nil.
L68[01:53:45] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L69[01:54:09] <Kodos> Pastebin the code
L70[01:54:18] <Kodos> Also http://macromeme.com/cat/v.gif
L71[01:56:58] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L72[02:01:53] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L73[02:02:07] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L74[02:02:10] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L75[02:03:14] <Ekoserin|Off> If anyone is awake, http://pastebin.com/gJfMrTH2 "col" is interpreted as nil
L76[02:03:22] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L77[02:03:39] <Izaya> Ekoserin|Off, try unlocaling it
L78[02:04:01] <Ekoserin|Off> That did nothing.
L79[02:10:52] *** Something12_ is now known as Something12
L80[02:14:14] ⇦ Quits: piousminion_ (~clay@pool-173-65-90-24.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L81[02:17:33] *** Guest41987 is now known as Kamran
L82[02:17:59] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L83[02:19:16] ⇦ Quits: SageKitsune (~SageKitsu@2602:306:ce4f:a280:8100:bb76:713c:31bd) (Quit: Leaving)
L84[02:32:55] ⇦ Quits: lostkangaroo (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Quit: wandering off again.)
L85[02:43:27] <PotatoTrumpet> I THINK I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK
L86[02:43:29] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L87[02:43:56] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L88[02:44:18] <PotatoTrumpet> nooooo not izaya
L89[02:47:22] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L90[02:49:54] <PotatoTrumpet> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH
L91[02:50:19] <PotatoTrumpet> It's stopped back where this problem started again >_<
L92[02:50:25] <PotatoTrumpet> run sudo dhclient wlan0
L93[02:50:33] <PotatoTrumpet> and now it's just waiting
L94[02:50:44] * PotatoTrumpet screaches and throws Izaya at a table
L95[02:51:45] <Izaya> PotatoTrumpet, dhclient wlan0 &
L96[02:52:18] <PotatoTrumpet> returned [1] 1692
L97[02:53:06] <Izaya> can you ping now?
L98[02:53:46] <PotatoTrumpet> connect: Network is unreachable
L99[02:54:03] <Izaya> why not use a static IP then?
L100[02:54:06] <PotatoTrumpet> .-.
L101[02:54:11] <PotatoTrumpet> what?
L102[02:54:35] <Izaya> a non-DHCP IP address
L103[02:55:11] <PotatoTrumpet> example
L104[02:55:25] <Izaya> It's an IP address that doesn't change.
L105[02:55:28] <Izaya> Is that so hard?
L106[02:55:49] <PotatoTrumpet> are you telling me to ping one or get one
L107[02:56:06] <Izaya> use a local static IP address for this shitty Ubuntu box
L108[02:56:07] <Izaya> ffs
L109[03:05:50] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest39813
L110[03:05:50] ⇦ Quits: Guest39813 (~quassel@188-22-161-116.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (portlane.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L111[03:05:52] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-224-13.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L112[03:09:08] <PotatoTrumpet> how ._.
L113[03:10:20] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L114[03:11:42] <Mimiru> PotatoTrumpet, go google setting static ip ubuntu, it involves /etc/network/interfaces
L115[03:11:47] <Mimiru> gl,hf
L116[03:17:48] * PotatoTrumpet faints
L117[03:21:20] <PotatoTrumpet> tl;dr I need a long spool of ethernet cable
L118[03:22:14] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L119[03:26:08] <PotatoTrumpet> http://www.amazon.com/Powerline-500Mbps-Adapter-Kit/dp/B00C7LIHKA
L120[03:26:15] <PotatoTrumpet> I think I might just get this
L121[03:26:47] <Izaya> no
L122[03:26:48] <Izaya> don't
L123[03:26:57] <Izaya> you can't use surge protectors on those
L124[03:27:03] <Izaya> and when you do get a surge
L125[03:27:17] <Izaya> it has an effect similar to an etherkiller
L126[03:27:22] <PotatoTrumpet> i see
L127[03:27:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> also they just suck in general
L128[03:27:56] ⇨ Joins: nailfor (webchat@79-172-85-89.dyn.broadband.iskratelecom.ru)
L129[03:28:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L130[03:28:04] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L131[03:29:42] <PotatoTrumpet> time to start looking into wallplates and installing cable in my house >_<
L132[03:29:55] <Izaya> just tape a cable to the ceiling
L133[03:30:16] <PotatoTrumpet> I think that's what I am going to do
L134[03:30:33] <nailfor> Hello, all! Who can I write the idea openсomp modification?
L135[03:30:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> mine goes through the air duct XD
L136[03:30:54] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L137[03:31:02] <Izaya> nailfor, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues
L138[03:31:11] <Izaya> or a mod that extends OC?
L139[03:31:42] <Temia> Oh. The APU tiers got bumped up.
L140[03:32:00] <Temia> Darn. I guess that means I can't have decent graphics, internet and local net all in a tier 2 computer now :<
L141[03:32:13] <nailfor> i dont know... wireless Video ))
L142[03:33:28] <PotatoTrumpet> Izaya, http://www.microcenter.com/product/417038/CAT_6_Gray_Snagless_24AWG_Round_Network_Cable_-_100_Foot
L143[03:33:56] <Temia> Any way to restore that? I kind of liked that :<
L144[03:34:11] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L145[03:34:16] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye|Work
L146[03:34:34] <Izaya> PotatoTrumpet, what of it?
L147[03:34:41] <Izaya> And what's 100 foot in real measurements?
L148[03:35:09] <PotatoTrumpet> 30.48 meters
L149[03:35:28] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L150[03:35:49] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net)
L151[03:39:00] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L152[03:41:27] <PotatoTrumpet> I've decided how i'm going to route the cable once I get it
L153[03:41:39] ⇦ Quits: nailfor (webchat@79-172-85-89.dyn.broadband.iskratelecom.ru) (Quit: Web client closed)
L154[03:41:45] <PotatoTrumpet> Gonna route it on the ceiling/walls, have it come into my room
L155[03:41:50] <PotatoTrumpet> and have a switch
L156[03:42:09] <PotatoTrumpet> so I can have more than one wired connection
L157[03:42:33] <PotatoTrumpet> but first, I need to get some string to measure how long of a cable I need
L158[03:43:26] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~ironmount@cds69.ph2.hwng.net)
L159[03:43:32] <ironmountain> Hi
L160[03:43:50] <PotatoTrumpet> Howdy
L161[03:45:01] <Izaya> Whoa, ironmountain, haven't seen you for ages!
L162[03:45:37] ⇦ Quits: prestonelam2003 (~prestonel@71-215-35-188.omah.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L163[03:46:45] <ironmountain> Whoa Izaya, I haven't been on for ages!
L164[03:47:15] <PotatoTrumpet> Woah ironmountain, I don't recall ever seeing you before!
L165[03:48:28] <ironmountain> How is everything here on #oc?
L166[03:48:43] <ironmountain> groovy as usual?
L167[03:51:08] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5B102E9E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L168[03:51:36] <Vexatos> ewww groovy
L169[03:53:20] <PotatoTrumpet> ironmountain, #oc has burnt down an been rebuilt 200 times.
L170[03:54:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Izaya, Does $20USD (26.84 Aus$) sound good for 100ft of cat6 cable?
L171[03:54:56] <ironmountain> Oh my
L172[03:55:21] <ironmountain> That's a pretty good price
L173[03:56:28] <PotatoTrumpet> Now to find a switch
L174[03:57:56] <Izaya> PotatoTrumpet, gigabit, I'm assuming?
L175[03:57:58] <Temia> Hey, question
L176[03:58:10] <Izaya> How many ports do you intend to get?
L177[03:58:13] <Temia> Does anyone know why my OC computers are making note block noises for beeps? >.>
L178[03:58:23] <PotatoTrumpet> idk
L179[03:58:25] <Temia> It just started happening one day and I have no idea why.
L180[03:58:35] <PotatoTrumpet> Temia, your computer has a virus!
L181[03:58:37] <Temia> I miss my beeps ;w;
L182[03:58:38] <Vexatos> Temia, your sound card is so crappy MC couldn't load all the sounds
L183[03:58:44] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L184[03:58:46] <Vexatos> so OC is using noteblock sounds as a fallback
L185[03:58:52] <Vexatos> instead of horribly crashing
L186[03:58:52] <Temia> Wait, seriously?
L187[03:59:06] <Mimiru> Pretty much.
L188[03:59:15] <Temia> Well, at least that gives me a lead on what to look for in the logs.
L189[03:59:16] <PotatoTrumpet> Izaya, http://www.amazon.com/Cable-Matters%C2%AE-Snagless-Ethernet-Patch/dp/B007NZKWLC/
L190[03:59:26] <Temia> I really don't expect that out of what's supposed to be a gaming laptop though... c.c;
L191[03:59:42] <Vexatos> Temia, http://git.io/vmcQl
L192[04:00:10] <dangranos> :3
L193[04:00:22] * dangranos got ebook with eink touchscreen
L194[04:00:42] <dangranos> and i'm also back from little camping trip
L195[04:00:50] <Izaya> Vexatos, but OC sounds are generated on the spot, or at least beeps?
L196[04:01:07] <Izaya> PotatoTrumpet, not a bad deal at all
L197[04:01:43] <PotatoTrumpet> I'm looking for a switch with about 5 ports
L198[04:03:00] <Izaya> Go for 8 if you want 5 - room for expansion and not much more expensive
L199[04:03:12] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L200[04:03:15] <Izaya> I know officeworks in town here sells 8-port gigabit switches for $20-$30 AUD
L201[04:03:21] <PotatoTrumpet> http://www.microcenter.com/product/361817/TL-SG1008D_8_Port_10-100-1000_Gigabit_Desktop_Switch ?
L202[04:03:49] * Izaya wants to get a fancy Cisco or HP switch with like 28 ports
L203[04:04:51] <Temia> Hmm. I don't see anything in the code that shows where disableAudio could be on, which makes it a bit harder to narrow down what to look for in the logs.
L204[04:05:04] <Temia> Oh wait, there it is.
L205[04:05:13] <Izaya> PotatoTrumpet, looks like a decent entry-level switch that will last a while though
L206[04:05:22] <Izaya> $20 isn't a bad deal, even if it's USD
L207[04:05:38] <Izaya> See if you can get this stuff locally though
L208[04:05:44] <Izaya> so if something goes wrong
L209[04:05:49] <Izaya> you can yell at them
L210[04:05:53] <PotatoTrumpet> microcenter is local
L211[04:05:55] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L212[04:06:01] <Izaya> that does indeed work then
L213[04:06:16] <PotatoTrumpet> by local I mean an hour and a half away
L214[04:06:25] <PotatoTrumpet> which is okay since my dad works by there
L215[04:06:30] <Temia> Ah, yep. OOM was thrown.
L216[04:06:48] <Temia> bleeeeh.
L217[04:07:43] <Vexatos> Temia, get less mods
L218[04:07:47] <Vexatos> or mods will less sounds
L219[04:07:48] <Temia> I wish I could
L220[04:07:58] <Temia> But people kept asking for more and more in this pack
L221[04:08:12] <Temia> ...I'll see if I can disable Rotarycraft's sounds. =.=
L222[04:08:44] <Izaya> heh
L223[04:08:49] <Izaya> something nice about IC2
L224[04:08:55] <Izaya> is that it has roughly 2 sounds
L225[04:08:57] <Izaya> :D
L226[04:08:58] <PotatoTrumpet> I love ic2 sounds :3
L227[04:09:07] <Temia> Really o.o 2?
L228[04:09:26] <Inari> rotarycraft soounds are nice
L229[04:09:27] <Temia> Does it apply various sound procesing to expand upon the two or something?
L230[04:09:35] <PotatoTrumpet> I should be able to get that 40$ worth of stuff within two weeks
L231[04:10:16] <Izaya> Temia, most of the machines make the same sound
L232[04:10:29] <Temia> Ah.
L233[04:10:31] <Izaya> a sort of nondescript mechanical churning
L234[04:10:44] <Temia> I haven't used much of anything in IC2 for ages besides the compressor and canner, so.
L235[04:11:34] <Vexatos> Inari, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gih_4IZrFzM
L236[04:11:34] <MichiBot> Vexatos: New Jet Engine Upgrade | length 1m 31s | Likes: 108 Dislikes: 1 Views: 5468 | by ReikasMinecraft
L237[04:11:35] <Vexatos> dat sound
L238[04:11:51] <Temia> Still OOMed. >_<
L239[04:12:45] <Inari> i love jet engine sound :D
L240[04:13:52] <Temia> I don't get it. I've never had this issue before.
L241[04:13:52] <Inari> wait
L242[04:14:05] <Inari> reika seriously put a thingy into dragonapi so he has a dragon-ish playermodel? x.x
L243[04:14:28] <Temia> That I was not aware of. also wow.
L244[04:15:00] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqO8HDz2wjQ <- or at least he has that diffrent model here
L245[04:15:01] <MichiBot> Inari: Uhhhhh | length 15s | Likes: 63 Dislikes: 8 Views: 5062 | by ReikasMinecraft
L246[04:15:04] <Temia> Not like I have any room to talk, what with being a minotaur monstergirl on the internet, but .3.
L247[04:15:21] <Inari> and: http://akari.in/pinky_hxMIL0
L248[04:17:14] <Temia> I wish there was some debug information I could squeeze out of OpenAL for this or something. x.x
L249[04:17:51] <Vexatos> ewwww
L250[04:18:05] <Vexatos> I could make a DragonAPI addon allowing every player to make their own models
L251[04:18:23] <Vexatos> as long as the model file and texture is present on every client O-o
L252[04:18:24] <Inari> Temia: tried dsiabling dragonapis sound channel thing?
L253[04:18:49] <Temia> Oh, that might be it.
L254[04:19:12] <Inari> i had issues with it because my USB soundcard didnt like it :P
L255[04:21:39] <dangranos> Vexatos, DO IT
L256[04:22:20] <dangranos> maybe even without dragonapi, just add it's model into list of selectable if present
L257[04:22:25] <Inari> i would say do it, but tppi2 doesnt actaully have dragonapi
L258[04:22:26] <Izaya> weird
L259[04:22:27] <Inari> so *shrug*
L260[04:22:31] <Izaya> browsing /x/ seems to summon my ex
L261[04:22:51] <Inari> whats /x/ even
L262[04:23:00] <Izaya> the paranormal board on 4chan
L263[04:23:05] <Inari> lol
L264[04:23:08] <Inari> ghost ex confirmed
L265[04:23:11] <Temia> It beeps! \o/
L266[04:23:21] <Inari> oh right i recall that issue
L267[04:23:25] <Inari> getting an oom error instead ofa b eep
L268[04:23:27] <Temia> I missed you, beepy ;w;
L269[04:23:31] <Inari> with OC and dragonapi's soundchannel thingy
L270[04:23:34] <Izaya> seriously though, it's happened a few times, it's weird
L271[04:23:37] <Vexatos> Temia, have you tried the glorious beep card yet?
L272[04:23:38] <Vexatos> :P
L273[04:23:52] <Temia> Not in ages.
L274[04:23:58] <Temia> I think I played with it once
L275[04:24:46] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vmchi :P
L276[04:24:58] <Vexatos> The glorious regexes of music
L277[04:25:02] <Izaya> what is an MRE? it's food of some sort?
L278[04:25:44] <Vexatos> lmgtfy.com/?q=MRE
L279[04:26:24] <Izaya> ah
L280[04:33:33] <Temia> I forget, Vex, what was your music player on OPPM called again?
L281[04:33:44] <Vexatos> song
L282[04:33:46] <Vexatos> also
L283[04:33:52] <Vexatos> no wait
L284[04:33:54] <Vexatos> that's it
L285[04:34:04] <Temia> Ah, right
L286[04:36:44] <PotatoTrumpet> I think i'm going to sleep
L287[04:36:47] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L288[04:36:51] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoSleep
L289[04:37:23] <Temia> Oh, this wasn't modified to use the beep card. Darn.
L290[04:37:29] ⇨ Joins: Scoopta (~ashton@99-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L291[04:37:33] <Temia> Do you have any examples to use with it, Vex? >>
L292[04:37:57] <PotatoSleep> the beep card?
L293[04:37:57] ⇨ Joins: PandaBot (~PandaBot@99-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L294[04:37:57] <EnderBot2> !kick PandaBot Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell Lizzy or Sangar)
L295[04:37:57] *** PandaBot was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (EnderBot)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell Lizzy or Sangar)))
L296[04:38:14] <PotatoSleep> lol
L297[04:38:17] <Vexatos> Temia, 20 TPS and possibly singleplayer? Yes I do
L298[04:38:41] <Temia> Couldja please toss 'em my way? :3
L299[04:40:18] ⇨ Joins: PandaBear (~PandaBear@99-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L300[04:40:45] <ironmountain> -help
L301[04:41:23] <ironmountain> -glasses
L302[04:41:23] <PandaBear> ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
L303[04:41:35] <ironmountain> totally not a bot
L304[04:42:18] <Inari> lol
L305[04:42:22] <Inari> ~glasses
L306[04:42:26] <Inari> -glasses
L307[04:42:26] <PandaBear> ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
L308[04:42:31] <Inari> totally not
L309[04:42:33] <ironmountain> Definately don't type -help
L310[04:43:43] <ironmountain> -potato Scoopta
L311[04:43:43] * PandaBear throws a potato at Scoopta
L312[04:43:55] <ironmountain> -moon
L313[04:43:55] <PandaBear> Doge jumps over the moon
L314[04:44:06] <Inari> -help
L315[04:44:32] <Inari> Scoopta: whys your bot here :<
L316[04:44:42] <ironmountain> Because Scoopta is bored
L317[04:44:44] <Scoopta> Idk...why not
L318[04:45:47] <Inari> channel rules, mostly
L319[04:46:05] <Scoopta> this is honestly the first time I've been in this channel
L320[04:46:27] <Inari> as should have been indicated by your bot being kicked and it being told that its owner doesnt have authorization to bring it here :P
L321[04:47:13] <Scoopta> Ik XD...but I was like hmmmm let's rename it and honestly it's not in here to be annoying. Someone kicks it or abuses it and I'll pull it out. I'm not in here to cause problems
L322[04:47:39] <ironmountain> -boobs
L323[04:47:40] <PandaBear> ( o Y o )
L324[04:47:52] <ironmountain> -look
L325[04:47:53] <PandaBear> L ( o Y o ) K
L326[04:47:59] <Inari> > http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171-oc-channel-rules/
L327[04:49:13] <Scoopta> yea I noticed the rules
L328[04:50:56] <ironmountain> meckpomm
L329[04:51:05] <ironmountain> meckpomm scoops scoopta
L330[04:51:05] <PandaBear> `insult MeckPomm
L331[04:51:54] <ironmountain> -fish
L332[04:51:54] <PandaBear> ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>
L333[04:52:03] <ironmountain> -mad
L334[04:52:08] <ironmountain> -mad?
L335[04:52:08] <PandaBear> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L336[04:52:22] <Izaya> ow
L337[04:52:25] <Izaya> too much reading
L338[04:52:29] <Izaya> eyes feel like sandpaper
L339[04:52:45] <ironmountain> Catching up is hard
L340[04:53:04] <Scoopta> XD gg
L341[05:01:23] ⇦ Parts: Scoopta (~ashton@99-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) ())
L342[05:01:32] ⇦ Quits: PandaBear (~PandaBear@99-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L343[05:01:50] <ironmountain> He went to sleep
L344[05:09:57] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L345[05:16:01] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L346[05:29:02] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L347[05:35:04] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L348[05:40:26] <dangranos> awesome
L349[05:40:29] <dangranos> calibre is awesome
L350[05:41:14] <Izaya> ebook swiss army knife-screwdriver-axe-computer-everything?
L351[05:41:47] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net)
L352[05:42:00] <dangranos> yeah
L353[05:42:12] <dangranos> and it even has plugin that downloads fanfics from site for me
L354[05:42:26] <dangranos> just, you know, put story url into it
L355[05:42:38] <dangranos> and it supports my ebook reader :3
L356[06:12:10] *** Lizzy sets mode: +b *!*@*-119-254-129.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net
L357[06:18:44] <Lizzy> well, i've found out what was causing my Pi's power to fluctuate
L358[06:20:32] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L359[06:23:03] ⇦ Quits: Ekoserin|Off (~Ekoserin@2601:144:1:1059:9175:3919:31e9:7c84) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L360[06:31:46] <ironmountain> O noes
L361[06:31:55] <ironmountain> You banned poor Scoopta
L362[06:37:20] <Lizzy> hey shouldn't be bringing a bot in without asking
L363[06:37:24] <Lizzy> *they
L364[06:50:30] <ironmountain> Yeah, though in his defense, he was pretty bored.
L365[06:51:18] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L366[06:51:53] <Lizzy> that's not a reasonable excuse
L367[06:52:00] * Izaya frowns
L368[06:52:05] <Izaya> looks like my DE crashed
L369[06:52:14] <Lizzy> lol
L370[06:56:27] <Izaya> ugh
L371[06:56:31] <Izaya> why am I so tired? D:
L372[06:59:26] <ironmountain> Try injecting one whole marijuana
L373[07:05:22] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Zzz (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:615b:977c:c590:e7f9) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L374[07:05:45] ⇨ Joins: Kodos|Zzz (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:615b:977c:c590:e7f9)
L375[07:05:45] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos|Zzz
L376[07:13:27] <Inari> "im pretty bored, so i'll go here, ignore the rules (even saying that they read teh rules but still leaving teh bot here Oo) and do whatever"
L377[07:14:23] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-89-188.pool.digikabel.hu)
L378[07:15:51] <Lizzy> Being bored isn't an excuse to suddenly disobey the rules
L379[07:17:21] <ironmountain> Is he perma banned?
L380[07:18:00] <Lizzy> he's banned for the next 24 hours at least
L381[07:18:28] <ironmountain> alright
L382[07:18:34] <ironmountain> He probably wasn't coming back anyway
L383[07:22:22] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~ironmount@cds69.ph2.hwng.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L384[07:22:25] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~ironmount@cds69.ph2.hwng.net)
L385[07:23:09] <Lizzy> \o/ put my Pi2 back in it's case without knocking it offline (much)
L386[07:33:21] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11877.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L387[07:36:01] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L388[07:37:46] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L389[07:38:32] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
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L393[08:45:25] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhi78.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
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L396[09:05:25] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com)
L397[09:05:25] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L398[09:11:59] <ironmountain> Whoa
L399[09:13:21] ⇨ Joins: black3agl3 (~black3agl@
L400[09:17:01] ⇨ Joins: Ekoserin (~Ekoserin@c-73-133-224-81.hsd1.va.comcast.net)
L401[09:19:53] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L402[09:20:54] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-89-188.pool.digikabel.hu) (Remote host closed the connection)
L403[09:31:06] <Vexatos> http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Comparison_of_Programming_Mods heh
L404[09:31:16] <Vexatos> Which mod could possibly appear the most? U:
L405[09:32:36] <Inari> thats a pretty terrible list :p
L406[09:33:18] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11877.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L407[09:35:42] <Vexatos> It is
L408[09:39:35] <CompanionCube> This does include Drag and Drop Programming, as many do not believe that field to be considered real programing because of its limited and easy use.
L409[09:39:38] <CompanionCube> contradiction much
L410[09:40:04] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-89-188.pool.digikabel.hu)
L411[09:40:09] <Inari> contradiction how
L412[09:41:00] <CompanionCube> Inari, good point
L413[09:41:08] <Inari> ?.?
L414[09:41:12] <CompanionCube> it requires a doubletake, but could likely be re-worded
L415[09:41:36] <Inari> well theres a sl ight wording mistake, unless you read it as "we write this because many do not believe"
L416[09:41:43] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@ (Quit: I'm out.)
L417[09:42:27] <CompanionCube> FIxed.
L418[09:42:34] <CompanionCube> This does include Drag and Drop Programming, as many do not believe that field to be considered real programing because of its limited and easy use.
L419[09:43:26] <Inari> um
L420[09:43:41] <Inari> isnt that the same?
L421[09:45:01] <CompanionCube> ...copypasta fail
L422[09:45:17] <CompanionCube> This is a comparison of "Programming Mods": mods that add programmable utilities into the game. This does include Drag and Drop Programming, even though many do not believe that field to be considered real programing because of its limited and easy use.
L423[09:45:53] <Inari> better, still a pretty bad list in general
L424[09:49:16] <vifino> I kinda miss powercraft.
L425[09:49:24] <vifino> Was my favourite mod for a long long time.
L426[09:53:48] ⇨ Joins: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@
L427[09:53:50] <Inari> not sure if thats better or worse
L428[09:56:33] <Inari> also sorted the list
L429[09:56:36] <Inari> and add pneumaticcraft
L430[09:57:20] <dangranos> halp
L431[09:57:31] <Vexatos> PneumaticCraft isn't mainly a programming mod though
L432[09:57:32] <dangranos> http://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/Kobo_Touch_Hacking#Enabling_USB_networking i found that and i want to test it now Q_Q
L433[09:57:46] <Inari> Vexatos: it adds programmable utilities though
L434[09:57:46] <Inari> :p
L435[09:58:51] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@ (Quit: I'm out.)
L436[10:02:18] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L437[10:03:49] ⇨ Joins: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@
L438[10:09:28] *** Skye|Work is now known as Skye
L439[10:23:42] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1)
L440[10:45:16] <Sandra> there's a mod that adds brainfuck?
L441[10:47:34] ⇨ Joins: BarbasTheDog (~Barbas@
L442[10:49:15] ⇦ Quits: Barbas (~Barbas@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L443[10:52:35] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L444[10:52:39] <Flawedspirit> What loving and caring god would allow such a thing?
L445[10:57:53] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-87-126.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
L446[10:58:31] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-89-188.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Roguexy)
L447[11:00:09] <vifino> I would.
L448[11:00:35] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L449[11:02:24] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L450[11:02:38] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L451[11:02:40] <Flawedspirit> Ever wonder why no one worships you?
L452[11:03:10] *** BarbasTheDog is now known as Barbas
L453[11:03:19] * Ekoserin barks
L454[11:03:49] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L455[11:04:30] <Skye> vifino, you are a god? or are you saying that if you were a god, you would do such a thing?
L456[11:05:05] <Flawedspirit> We MAY need to vivisect him to find out. Y'know... for science.
L457[11:05:56] <vifino> Skye: What do you think?
L458[11:06:17] <Skye> I don't know...
L459[11:06:23] <Lizzy> right, lets see if i can break znc
L460[11:06:38] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L461[11:06:39] <Flawedspirit> It's not hard
L462[11:07:07] <Flawedspirit> I'm not even sure how my znc is still running. I try to poke it of little as possible.
L463[11:07:14] <Flawedspirit> a/of/as
L464[11:07:17] <Flawedspirit> fail
L465[11:07:19] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L466[11:07:27] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L467[11:08:04] <Lizzy> well, i'm about to copy users from one config to another without shutting znc down first
L468[11:08:27] <Skye> Lizzy, should I be worried?
L469[11:08:43] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L470[11:08:44] <vifino> Whoa, syslog-ng can send to graphite directly o.o
L471[11:08:46] <vifino> CompanionCube: ^
L472[11:08:48] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L473[11:08:54] <Lizzy> Skye, i have a backup. at most if i do break it there will be minor interruptions whilst i restore it
L474[11:08:55] <Flawedspirit> A znc problem would only affect Lizzy and whoever else is connecting through it
L475[11:08:55] <CompanionCube> vifino, hehe
L476[11:09:06] <Lizzy> Flawedspirit, Skye uses my bouncer
L477[11:09:07] <Flawedspirit> whomever* >>
L478[11:09:23] <Flawedspirit> Makes sense
L479[11:09:25] <vifino> CompanionCube: I recommend looking into syslog-ng, it is a god damn masterpiece.
L480[11:09:33] <gamax92> no, if Lizzy causes problems with her ZNC, then everyone on the internet dies
L481[11:09:48] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L482[11:09:51] <Flawedspirit> Pfft. I have my own bouncer. It is an isl;and of safety
L483[11:09:55] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net)
L484[11:09:59] <Flawedspirit> And blackjack
L485[11:10:02] <vifino> if Lizzy has problems with her ZNC, me will get sad :(
L486[11:10:24] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net)
L487[11:10:27] <Lizzy> vifino, i'll still be here because i connect differently to everyone else
L488[11:10:40] <gamax92> hah
L489[11:10:43] <vifino> \o/
L490[11:10:51] <Lizzy> i.e. for Skye it's client > znc > esper, for me it's client > znc > irssi proxy > esper
L491[11:12:00] <vifino> Fuck. Graphite func is in ver 3.6. Nas has 3.5.5 :|
L492[11:12:05] * vifino flips table
L493[11:13:27] <vifino> >available version in repos
L494[11:13:29] <vifino> >2.0
L495[11:13:32] <vifino> :|
L496[11:14:32] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L497[11:14:47] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-146-71.clt.bellsouth.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L498[11:15:45] <Lizzy> here goes nothin
L499[11:16:09] <Lizzy> well, nothing died horribly
L500[11:16:15] <Lizzy> \o/
L501[11:16:42] <vifino> \o/
L502[11:18:06] ⇨ Joins: AngieBLD- (AngieBLD@2001:19f0:6800:8161:a:1ce:c01d:babe)
L503[11:18:24] <Lizzy> i told it to use _ but - will suffice
L504[11:19:24] ⇨ Joins: LordFoka- (LordFokas@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:be:a:7001)
L505[11:21:19] ⇦ Quits: AngieBLD (AngieBLD@heyo.theender.net) (Quit: Bye o/)
L506[11:21:19] *** AngieBLD- is now known as AngieBLD
L507[11:21:44] ⇦ Quits: LordFokas (LordFokas@heyo.theender.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
L508[11:22:06] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L509[11:24:18] <CyberTurd> Lizzy
L510[11:24:24] <CyberTurd> Thor is down
L511[11:24:50] <Lizzy> CyberTurd, no, it's up. i just forgot to start your server back up when i updated it yesterday, hold on
L512[11:25:10] <CyberTurd> ok but the website dosent work
L513[11:25:19] <Lizzy> what website?
L514[11:25:35] <Lizzy> oh the manager page? yeah, that's what i forgot to start
L515[11:25:47] <CyberTurd> the thor.theender.net:8085
L516[11:26:05] <Lizzy> yeah, that's the wrapper that controls your server, starting it now
L517[11:26:14] <CyberTurd> thanks
L518[11:26:23] <Lizzy> and starting
L519[11:35:00] ⇦ Quits: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-87-126.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L520[11:36:33] <Kodos|Zzz> Woo, Bdew fixed it
L521[11:36:36] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L522[11:40:31] <Ekoserin> Fire in the vicinity of: Kodos.
L523[11:40:37] * Ekoserin uses a fire extinguisher on Kodos.
L524[11:40:48] * Kodos slaps Ekoserin around a bit with an OC Networking cable
L525[11:40:48] * EnderBot2 laughs
L526[11:41:05] <Ekoserin> Ow!
L527[11:41:12] <Ekoserin> Damn, these cables are thick.
L528[11:41:31] * Lizzy whips Ekoserin with the Cat of 9 tails
L529[11:41:38] <Ekoserin> Ow?
L530[11:41:56] <cloakable> :D
L531[11:42:15] ⇦ Quits: sugoi (~sugoi@71-217-124-111.tukw.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L532[11:44:32] <Sandra> Lizzy, what're you doing with the bouncer?
L533[11:44:56] <Lizzy> Sandra, *was, i was manually transporting users from heyo to janus
L534[11:45:03] <Sandra> ah right.
L535[11:45:11] <Lizzy> tis all fine now
L536[11:45:16] <Lizzy> well
L537[11:45:24] <Lizzy> nothing is on fire so all is well
L538[11:46:43] <Lizzy> right, lets go turn off heyo's IRCd
L539[11:47:46] <vifino> syslog-ng: symbol lookup error: /lib/libsyslog-ng-3.5.5.so: undefined symbol: syno_is_diskfull_and_ioerror ;-;
L540[11:50:37] <Lizzy> %lookup janus.theender.net
L541[11:50:37] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for janus.theender.net 2001:19f0:6800:8161::1
L542[11:50:51] <Lizzy> #dnsv2 A janus.theender.net
L543[11:50:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> >
L544[11:51:02] <CompanionCube> http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/gadgets-computers-software/165832-shady-business-airtel-mtnl-injecting-advertisements-js-into-websites-you-visit.html
L545[11:51:05] <CompanionCube> lol shit isp
L546[11:55:18] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L547[11:56:45] * Ekoserin microwaves some frozen feet
L548[11:56:54] <Lizzy> #dnsv2 A theender.net
L549[11:56:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> >
L550[11:57:00] <Lizzy> \o/
L551[11:57:15] <Ekoserin> Lizzy, want some cooked feet?
L552[11:57:25] <Lizzy> sure!
L553[11:57:34] * Ekoserin microwaves a second package.
L554[12:00:18] * Ekoserin gives the package to Lizzy.
L555[12:00:22] <Lizzy> :D
L556[12:00:28] * Lizzy opens it and noms
L557[12:00:54] <vifino> Wh..?!
L558[12:01:08] <Ekoserin> It's good.
L559[12:01:25] <vifino> ... Okaaay theeen.
L560[12:01:29] * Ekoserin consumes his package.
L561[12:02:12] <Lizzy> Right, now that's done i should probably get going to my mother's
L562[12:04:28] * cloakable commits to watercooling her desktop
L563[12:04:32] <Lizzy> maybe
L564[12:05:13] * vifino waves to Lizzy and waits for her to arrive at her mother's
L565[12:05:25] * cloakable microwaves some frozen peaches
L566[12:05:34] <Lizzy> not going just yet, going to move my TS over to Janus then i'll go
L567[12:05:38] <vifino> ah
L568[12:06:05] * CompanionCube microwaves Ekoserin's CPU
L569[12:06:14] <Ekoserin> ...where did you get that?
L570[12:06:36] <CompanionCube> I didn't. I just ensured they passed through the case.
L571[12:06:59] * vifino pokes cloakable and wonders if she can indeed cloak herself
L572[12:07:04] * vifino observes
L573[12:07:15] <Ekoserin> Ow.
L574[12:07:49] * cloakable cannot cloak herself and instead offers vifino some thawed peaches
L575[12:07:50] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin, I wonder
L576[12:07:56] <vifino> :o
L577[12:07:59] <CompanionCube> what if you stored your tapes in a VCR
L578[12:08:14] * Ekoserin stares
L579[12:08:19] * vifino gladly takes and omnomnoms them :D
L580[12:08:25] * vifino loves fruit
L581[12:08:27] <cloakable> :D
L582[12:08:31] <Ekoserin> CompanionCube, it's 2015.
L583[12:08:49] * Lizzy 's fruit best fruit
L584[12:08:50] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin, hey
L585[12:08:52] <cloakable> But which do you love more, fruit or Lizzy? =3
L586[12:08:54] * Lizzy giggles
L587[12:08:56] <CompanionCube> do you want a free USB stick
L588[12:09:00] * Skye sets CompanionCube on fire
L589[12:09:08] <Ekoserin> I want a free USB stick.
L590[12:09:16] <Skye> Ekoserin, are you MAD?!
L591[12:09:26] <Ekoserin> What?
L592[12:09:26] <vifino> cloakable: Lizzy. Without a doubt.
L593[12:09:31] * CompanionCube tosses a 64GB USB stick to Ekoserin
L594[12:09:45] * Ekoserin takes it.
L595[12:09:45] <cloakable> :D
L596[12:09:48] <Lizzy> Awww *hugs vifino*
L597[12:09:55] <cloakable> So cute :D
L598[12:09:58] * CompanionCube offers some free fruit to Skye
L599[12:10:00] * vifino hugs Lizzy back :3
L600[12:10:04] * Ekoserin leaves the room
L601[12:10:25] * Lizzy sighs
L602[12:10:33] <cloakable> Radiator was just shipped :D
L603[12:10:36] <Skye> CompanionCube, wat?
L604[12:10:39] * Lizzy wonders why she's so shy/scared of meeting new people
L605[12:10:43] <CompanionCube> Skye, don't you like fruit?
L606[12:11:00] * vifino hugs Lizzy more
L607[12:11:01] * Ekoserin begins to format the USB on an Ubuntu machine.
L608[12:11:17] <cloakable> Haha
L609[12:11:30] <vifino> I could sing a song about that :/
L610[12:11:40] <vifino> I can't meet new people at all.
L611[12:11:52] <Skye> CompanionCube, It might be poisoned
L612[12:11:59] * Lizzy giggles as she just remembered something one of her old college classmates said
L613[12:12:36] <vifino> :o?
L614[12:12:39] <CompanionCube> Skye, it's not.
L615[12:12:43] * Ekoserin returns to the room with a formatted 64GB USB stick.
L616[12:12:44] * CompanionCube eats some
L617[12:12:45] <CompanionCube> see?
L618[12:13:14] * Skye eats some of the fruit that CompanionCube offered
L619[12:13:19] * Ekoserin walks over to CompanionCube.
L620[12:13:27] <Ekoserin> Thanks for the USB.
L621[12:13:53] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin, indeed
L622[12:14:06] <CompanionCube> Did you follow good security practices and format it?
L623[12:14:20] <Ekoserin> Yes.
L624[12:14:28] * vifino mumbles about reflashing the arm being the usb sticks usb controller
L625[12:15:03] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin, what will you use it for?
L626[12:15:09] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L627[12:15:19] <Ekoserin> Transferring information.
L628[12:15:24] <Lizzy> vifino, I think the class was talking about gay something or other (bear in mind this was in 2013) and one of my classmates asked another "are you homophobic", the reply was "No, i'm not scared of gays" (because usually when something is suffixed with phobia it means it's a fear)
L629[12:15:29] <Ekoserin> Or I'll put numbers on it and roll it like a die.
L630[12:15:50] <vifino> Lizzy: ah
L631[12:16:02] <Skye> CompanionCube, how safe is that USB?
L632[12:16:08] <CompanionCube> Skye, extremely.
L633[12:16:15] <Ekoserin> What brand is it?
L634[12:16:26] <vifino> AS
L635[12:16:30] <Lizzy> Not very, it will explode upon looking at the single cat picture on it
L636[12:16:32] <Temia> muuuu. =A=
L637[12:16:33] <vifino> Apertu.. I mean, Asmedia.
L638[12:17:15] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, there are no cat pictures
L639[12:17:19] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin formatted it.
L640[12:17:19] * Lizzy strokes Temia's fur
L641[12:17:24] * vifino waves to Temiamoo and gives her a hug
L642[12:17:28] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, that's what you think
L643[12:17:33] * Ekoserin plugs the USB stick into himself just to put a cat picture on it.
L644[12:17:50] * Temia blinkblinks. b-but the only fur she has is from the waist down... o////o
L645[12:17:51] <Inari> http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/690/931/412.png
L646[12:18:16] <Ekoserin> Inari, thanks, I'm going to put that on there.
L647[12:18:23] * Lizzy giggles
L648[12:18:26] <Temia> Perfect timing, Inari
L649[12:18:48] * Lizzy pats Temia's head instead
L650[12:18:59] * Temia ... leans into headpats and tailswishes =w=
L651[12:19:06] <Ekoserin> Cat.jpg, 3.1 MB.
L652[12:19:14] * Ekoserin removes the USB stick.
L653[12:19:29] <Inari> http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/Lewd+_05236480f407d9a755617be8c3140971.jpg
L654[12:20:07] <Ekoserin> Those two too, why not.
L655[12:20:24] ⇨ Joins: BarbasTheDog (~Barbas@
L656[12:20:36] <Inari> hm
L657[12:20:39] <Inari> damn, it didnt link thea ctual pic
L658[12:20:48] * CompanionCube likes the cat picture he had covertly gathered
L659[12:20:58] <cloakable> Hee :D
L660[12:21:11] <Inari> meh
L661[12:21:12] <Inari> bored
L662[12:21:16] <Temia> Well okay, technically my ears are furry too >.>
L663[12:21:29] <Ekoserin> I'll put an owl in a bathtub on there.
L664[12:21:30] * cloakable pets Temia ears. :D
L665[12:21:34] <gamax92> But do you want people to pe- welp
L666[12:21:41] * Temia eeees and eartwitches >w<
L667[12:22:33] ⇦ Quits: Barbas (~Barbas@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L668[12:22:34] <cloakable> :D
L669[12:22:46] <Inari> https://visitfromtheinternet.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/863fiftyshadesoftemia.png o.ô
L670[12:22:53] <Temia> o.o
L671[12:22:57] <Ekoserin> Should I replace my neck with a ball joint?
L672[12:23:16] <Temia> Wait did you just google me
L673[12:23:23] <Inari> yep
L674[12:23:44] <Ekoserin> Telecom Expense Management Industry Association.
L675[12:23:45] <cloakable> haha that's adorable
L676[12:23:53] <Inari> "temia minotaur"
L677[12:23:53] <Temia> >.>
L678[12:23:55] <Inari> google picture search
L679[12:24:16] <Temia> That is part of a series of comics of IRC shenanigans. I miss Ash so. ;.;
L680[12:24:52] * Temia is curious. hits up the googs
L681[12:25:15] <vifino> Hey, Temia: Did you continue working on that bullethell game on the tau?
L682[12:25:37] <Inari> "When Thordall was 12 years old a Lord of Chaos attacked and most of the people on Ogromar died by the lava falling out of the sky, he was inside a cave hunting a bear when it happened and after the attack he was left with 3 girls named Helga, Varia and Temia and was since then afraid of the other sex. "
L683[12:25:37] * cloakable totally adds Temia on Steam
L684[12:26:07] <Temia> I... have been busy with other things in life.
L685[12:26:15] <Temia> Mostly being depressed about college .-.
L686[12:26:23] <Temia> And... about things in life.
L687[12:26:26] <vifino> :/
L688[12:26:49] <ds84182> So I made a thing. It takes two images and attempts to compute a pixel displacement map. Then you can use that displacement map to animate the pixels from the source image to the dest image. Only problem I'm getting is that GLSL is being a little bitch and is leaving rogue pixels everywhere :<
L689[12:26:56] * Temia huhs. Mostly things by BC and Ashley in GIS. o.o
L690[12:27:04] <ds84182> I could probably bake the animation in software...
L691[12:27:28] <vifino> ds84182: memexec when
L692[12:27:29] <gamax92> ds84182: baka
L693[12:27:48] * Ekoserin belches
L694[12:27:54] <ds84182> I stayed up til 6 to make it, then I slept until 12
L695[12:28:03] * ds84182 slaps gamax92 with vifino
L696[12:28:03] * vifino tries to execute ds84182: "ERROR: StupidityIndexOutOfBoundsException"
L697[12:28:03] * EnderBot2 laughs
L698[12:28:14] <gamax92> HAH
L699[12:28:51] <vifino> Thou shalt not slap a robot.
L700[12:28:55] * Ekoserin vomits all over the floor.
L701[12:29:03] <ds84182> Ekoserin: Sir, please stop
L702[12:29:11] * vifino throws Ekoserin in the incinerator
L703[12:29:24] * Inari floors all over Ekoserin
L704[12:30:13] <Lizzy> right, that's my TS moved over, lets go get dressed and head back to my mothers
L705[12:30:28] <Inari> mothers? :o
L706[12:30:54] <Lizzy> mother's* currently at my dad's
L707[12:31:09] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyouse
L708[12:31:14] <Temia> Having two moms would be awesome. >>
L709[12:31:49] <ds84182> Too many mom jokes for me
L710[12:31:59] <Lizzy> Indeed, though the constant loop of "go ask your mother" would be hard to cope with
L711[12:32:20] <Temia> Solution: have one of those moms be Nanoha.
L712[12:32:24] <ds84182> Lizzy: Go ask your go ask your go ask your go ask your...
L713[12:32:35] <Lizzy> ?
L714[12:32:39] <Temia> Either "SURE" or *nuke*
L715[12:32:50] <Inari> fate > nanoha
L716[12:32:56] * gamax92 asks Temia for a nuke
L717[12:32:58] <Temia> ofc.
L718[12:33:05] <Temia> '-'
L719[12:33:10] <Inari> nucular
L720[12:33:24] * Temia summons magical milkmaid axe
L721[12:33:31] <Skye> wut
L722[12:33:34] * gamax92 hides
L723[12:33:36] * Temia full power total destruction etc.
L724[12:33:38] * Inari hides from temia's milk
L725[12:33:52] * Temia befriends Inari with laser.
L726[12:33:53] * gamax92 hides in general
L727[12:33:58] <Inari> xD
L728[12:34:12] <gamax92> sdjfsdfskdlfjdsklfjdsklfjdsgklsghsfjkgsdhgklsdhfs8dfusdjkfsjdf
L729[12:34:19] <Inari> vita is nice too thouhg
L730[12:34:20] <gamax92> My phone is reboot cycling again
L731[12:34:26] <gamax92> even though I redid the entire thing
L732[12:34:29] * Inari recycles gamax92
L733[12:34:33] <Temia> Damn my brother. :< he's the one who got me into Nanoha.
L734[12:34:35] <gamax92> and swapped the sd card out with a new one
L735[12:34:40] <Inari> haha
L736[12:34:43] <vifino> I'm not sure if I would like having two moms. If they would be both like my mom, It would be awesome, because my mom is very supportive in everything I do.
L737[12:34:52] <Inari> i like nanoha and madoka :3 wish tehre was more mahou shoujo like that
L738[12:35:00] <gamax92> I wouldn't mind having two moms
L739[12:35:07] <Inari> my mom is hugely annoying
L740[12:35:25] * Temia has an awesome mom. =w= would appreciate having two awesome moms.
L741[12:35:25] <vifino> My dad doesn't talk to my anymore.
L742[12:35:33] <vifino> So I guess that sais much :x
L743[12:35:38] <Inari> gamax92: you would have 4 moms if your dad had a harem Kappa
L744[12:35:43] <Ekoserin> ~oc keyboard
L745[12:35:43] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:keyboard
L746[12:35:43] <gamax92> ...
L747[12:35:46] <gamax92> ........
L748[12:35:53] <gamax92> Anyway, My father has good intentions at heart but goes about being a jackass
L749[12:36:11] *** Daiyouse is now known as Daiyousei
L750[12:36:17] <Inari> hm thats an interesting point about polyamourous relationships though
L751[12:36:35] <Temia> My dad's like that too >.>
L752[12:36:39] <vifino> My dad doesn't respect me, doesn't care what I do, the only thing I am there for in his eyes is to fix his things.
L753[12:37:14] <gamax92> Dammit java, I don't want to kill you but if you don't go above 0 fps I will have to kill you
L754[12:38:18] <Inari> blackmail
L755[12:38:28] <Inari> #g whitemail
L756[12:38:50] <Temia> Cheating, continually failing to break his smoking habit, going from a constant rebound to having a child at age 40...
L757[12:39:21] <Skye> O_o
L758[12:39:39] <gamax92> ouch, child at old age = stress for both child and parent
L759[12:39:50] <Inari> you call 40 old? xD
L760[12:40:21] <gamax92> It is a huge distance between the parent and the child
L761[12:40:24] <Inari> s/at old age //
L762[12:40:24] <MichiBot> <gamax92> It is a huge distance between the parent and the child
L763[12:40:25] <Temia> I have a sibling I'm old enough to be an aunt for.
L764[12:40:28] <Inari> x.x
L765[12:40:37] <Inari> i forgot how se dworks
L766[12:40:38] <Temia> That's stressful for more than the parent and the child.
L767[12:40:47] <Inari> s/child at old age =/child =/
L768[12:40:47] <MichiBot> <Temia> That's stressful for more than the parent and the child.
L769[12:40:51] <Inari> whatever
L770[12:40:56] <ironmountain> Real programmers use Fortran
L771[12:41:00] <gamax92> ironmountain: shut up
L772[12:41:09] <gamax92> Go back to idling
L773[12:41:21] <Temia> or making the big bucks
L774[12:41:23] <Temia> either or
L775[12:41:24] <Inari> <+gamax92> ouch, child = stress for both child and parent
L776[12:41:26] <Inari> there, fixed it
L777[12:41:49] <gamax92> having a child when you're older increases said stress
L778[12:41:50] <CompanionCube> ironmountain, Real Programmers use Assembly
L779[12:42:04] <Inari> sure but you can just aovid all stress related to it :D
L780[12:42:15] <Flawedspirit> inb4 xkcd
L781[12:42:18] <Inari> olbigatory https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAAahUKEwiegbfM193GAhWH9HIKHdBqA30&url=https%3A%2F%2Fxkcd.com%2F378%2F&ei=dJumVZ73G4fpywPQ1Y3oBw&usg=AFQjCNHEuSy8Oov6dUlf0PGNDPpw8xbp2w&sig2=JnZekJhkiXiNyvNvpXY4qQ&bvm=bv.97949915,d.bGQ
L782[12:42:22] <Inari> yeah
L783[12:42:25] <Inari> gj google
L784[12:42:30] <Inari> * https://xkcd.com/378/
L785[12:42:37] <gamax92> .de
L786[12:42:39] <gamax92> GERMAN
L787[12:42:44] <Temia> What doesn't help is that said sibling's mother spoils him rotten and he's become a little shit =.=
L788[12:43:03] <vifino> CompanionCube: Real programmers use binary written on punchcards.
L789[12:43:15] <Temia> Also I see no peek/poke anywhere in that comic. for shame munroe.
L790[12:43:16] <gamax92> binary written on punchcards is not a language
L791[12:43:23] <CompanionCube> vifino, Real programmers use a magnetised needle and a HDD.
L792[12:43:25] <Flawedspirit> Real programmers use a magnetized needle to flip drive sectors
L793[12:43:30] <Flawedspirit> ninjad
L794[12:43:34] <vifino> CompanionCube: Get out.
L795[12:43:46] * Skye gets a butterfly
L796[12:43:48] <gamax92> again none of these are languages
L797[12:43:51] <Inari> real programmers program instead of arguing about what real programmers are
L798[12:43:56] <gamax92> ^
L799[12:44:10] <Inari> also
L800[12:44:11] <Inari> im bored
L801[12:44:12] <CompanionCube> vifino, 404 'out' not found
L802[12:44:14] <vifino> Real programmers are bored: Example: This.
L803[12:44:22] <Flawedspirit> Technically, that comis was about what real programmers *use*
L804[12:44:25] <Flawedspirit> comic*
L805[12:44:44] <Inari> Flawedspirit: stop baiting so hard
L806[12:44:50] <Inari> but i'll bite
L807[12:44:51] <Inari> https://xkcd.com/1475/
L808[12:44:51] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Technically Posted on: 1/19/2015
L809[12:45:03] <Flawedspirit> So begins the latest shitstorm
L810[12:45:45] <Flawedspirit> Ok, I'll just make sure to use the exact same sentence, but without :"technically"
L811[12:46:03] <Flawedspirit> It loses no meaning
L812[12:46:23] <vifino> gamax92: vifino.de
L813[12:46:23] <vifino> GERMAN
L814[12:46:38] <gamax92> Deutschmens
L815[12:46:42] <Inari> yet you felt compelled to add it, because you knew its a moot point ;D
L816[12:46:59] <Inari> anyone here listen to hello internet?
L817[12:47:21] <vifino> I listen to hello world.
L818[12:47:46] * vifino $ echo "Hello World." | espeak
L819[12:47:57] <Inari> hello worId
L820[12:48:38] <Inari> meh i should code more on my crafting thigny
L821[12:49:03] <Kodos> Just read the readme for echo chamber. Mind blown
L822[12:49:13] <Inari> Kodos: haha
L823[12:49:38] <vifino> Hey, Inari, where do you live again?
L824[12:49:57] <Inari> karlsland
L825[12:50:37] <Flawedspirit> Karl is one lucky dude
L826[12:50:44] <Flawedspirit> I don't own any land :<
L827[12:50:45] <Lizzy> Right of to my mother's i go
L828[12:50:56] * vifino :* Lizzy
L829[12:51:07] * Lizzy :8 vifino
L830[12:51:11] <Inari> vifino: why even :P
L831[12:51:12] <Lizzy> s/8/*
L832[12:51:12] <MichiBot> <Inari> vifino: why even :P
L833[12:51:15] <Lizzy> .-.
L834[12:51:16] <Inari> ...
L835[12:52:02] <vifino> Inari: Just wondering, you seem nice and stuff. And I need a few SATA cables.
L836[12:52:05] <vifino> Got some? :P
L837[12:52:10] <Inari> lol
L838[12:52:12] <Inari> nope
L839[12:52:14] <vifino> aww
L840[12:52:45] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ I need to rip apart MichiBot at some point today
L841[12:52:47] <Inari> ~flip ( ゚◡゚)
L842[12:52:53] <Inari> #flip ( ゚◡゚)
L843[12:52:58] <Inari> .flip ( ゚◡゚)
L844[12:53:01] <Inari> whatever
L845[12:53:04] <Mimiru> it's %
L846[12:53:07] <Mimiru> and it wouldn't work anyway :P
L847[12:53:09] <Inari> %flip ( ゚◡゚)
L848[12:53:09] <MichiBot> Inari: (╯°□°)╯︵(゚◡゚ )
L849[12:53:15] <Inari> broken
L850[12:53:24] <Mimiru> Umm no, I just don't have those characters mapped.
L851[12:53:31] <Inari> aka
L852[12:53:31] <Mimiru> feel free to PR a mapping for them.
L853[12:53:33] <Inari> broken
L854[12:53:35] <Mimiru> …
L855[12:53:47] <Inari> why cant it map them itself :<
L856[12:53:56] <Mimiru> ffs people, I get eye strain from all of the eye rolling I do here.
L857[12:54:25] <Inari> like, it could look at the pixels, and find an appropriate flipped version
L858[12:54:46] <Temia> I like to think of it as the unshakeable resolve of that smile
L859[12:54:47] <ds84182> .-.
L860[12:54:54] <Temia> It can't even be flipped, it just rolls back upright
L861[12:55:00] <Inari> lol
L862[12:55:03] <Inari> nice one
L863[12:55:36] <Inari> http://somethingnothing.net/ ~
L864[12:57:19] * Ekoserin enters the room
L865[12:58:00] <vifino> mmmm, seagate barracuda drives
L866[12:58:09] <Temia> ...fish sounds good.
L867[12:58:12] * Temia wanders off for fish
L868[12:58:30] <Inari> temia wandered off to go handfishing
L869[12:58:49] * vifino pokes Temia and meows for tuna :<
L870[12:58:58] * Temia gives Vifino a can
L871[12:59:10] * Temia headpats. :>
L872[12:59:10] <vifino> \o/
L873[12:59:19] * vifino omnomnomnomnom <3
L874[12:59:27] * Temia eeee. ~w~
L875[12:59:38] * Temia may or may not be imagining cute catboys right now.
L876[12:59:43] * vifino hugs Temia and thanks her
L877[12:59:58] <Inari> lol
L878[13:00:10] <Temia> ./me glee~ hugs <3
L879[13:00:25] <Temia> ...well, y'know.
L880[13:02:01] <cloakable> :D
L881[13:05:46] <Inari> http://gfycat.com/YearlyKeenFruitfly omg its alive
L882[13:06:02] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L883[13:06:17] <Kubuxu> Sangar: You would read whole avalible data (in non blocking mode it is simple) and push that data as signal.
L884[13:06:42] <Kubuxu> `select` then could be done even on the lua side.
L885[13:06:46] <Kubuxu> s/whole/all
L886[13:06:46] <MichiBot> <Kubuxu> `select` then could be done even on the lua side.
L887[13:07:20] * Vexatos appears to have missed something
L888[13:07:48] <Kubuxu> #1297
L889[13:11:35] <vifino> where the heck do I get sata cables now ._.
L890[13:11:53] * vifino needs to add 2x2tb to his nas asap
L891[13:12:03] <ironmountain> Tried to flash CM 11 on a nexus 7 and now it's in a loading screen loop -_-
L892[13:12:18] * cloakable needs to mod one of her cases >.>
L893[13:13:44] <CompanionCube> ironmountain, bootlooped?
L894[13:13:50] <ironmountain> yep
L895[13:14:04] <Kodos> vifino, Germany, right?
L896[13:14:10] <vifino> Kodos: Correct.
L897[13:14:13] <Kodos> Sec
L898[13:14:23] <ironmountain> Companion, do you know how to get it into the bootloader from a bootloop?
L899[13:15:12] <Kodos> vifino, Did you check geizhals?
L900[13:15:31] <vifino> Uh, no.
L901[13:15:36] <Kodos> http://geizhals.de/?m=1
L902[13:15:55] <DeanIsaKitty> ironmountain: Take out the battery. oh wait, Google made the same shitty stuff apple does. You're screwed :P
L903[13:16:04] <ironmountain> fuck
L904[13:16:17] <ironmountain> So is it bricked?
L905[13:16:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Nah
L906[13:16:35] <DeanIsaKitty> Try the loading mode combo
L907[13:16:48] <CompanionCube> ironmountain, isn't there uh a way of accessing bootloader
L908[13:16:54] <DeanIsaKitty> if that does not work let it drain its battery and start over
L909[13:17:03] <CompanionCube> (iirc there's also a way to use ADB but I'm not sure.)
L910[13:17:24] <ironmountain> I tried rebooting with adb though it doesn't detect the device
L911[13:17:34] <ironmountain> cant push anything to it
L912[13:17:37] <vifino> ironmountain: hold power down until it goes off, recovery
L913[13:17:39] <DeanIsaKitty> CompanionCube: (I don't think adb initializes that early)
L914[13:17:56] <CompanionCube> DeanIsaKitty, adb wait-for-device, then adb shell stop
L915[13:18:01] <CompanionCube> http://xda-university.com/as-a-user/how-to-recover-from-a-bootloop
L916[13:18:14] <ironmountain> k
L917[13:18:19] <ironmountain> I've gotten into the bootloader
L918[13:18:26] <Temia> \o/
L919[13:18:34] <ironmountain> and now into recovery so I can reflash it
L920[13:18:42] <DeanIsaKitty> Huh. TIL. well, I can remove the battery anyway :P
L921[13:19:40] <vifino> ironmountain: It worked what I said? Good.
L922[13:21:05] <ironmountain> Hopefully this flash works
L923[13:21:27] <ironmountain> if not I'll just use a different version of cm 11
L924[13:21:36] <ds84182> You can't really brick a device unless you fucked up when flashing the bootloaders
L925[13:21:41] <vifino> ^
L926[13:21:44] <CompanionCube> ^
L927[13:21:54] <ds84182> And I say bootloaders because theres multiple on some phones :P
L928[13:21:56] <ironmountain> ^
L929[13:21:56] <CompanionCube> ds84182, or your ROM causes physical hardware damage
L930[13:22:14] <ds84182> And if it qualcomm then you can use QHSUSB Loader to reflash
L931[13:22:31] <ds84182> QHSUSB only comes into play when the system is bricked though
L932[13:22:43] <ds84182> But thats how people got root on the Moto X and other Motorola devices
L933[13:22:46] <vifino> ds84182: most androids use uboot, right?
L934[13:23:02] <ds84182> vifino: Only custom roms I think
L935[13:23:12] <vifino> what loader is it?
L936[13:23:31] <ds84182> The boot loader isn't the same across every phone
L937[13:23:49] <ds84182> The Moto X for instance has 2 levels of secure bootloader
L938[13:23:58] <vifino> I know that far, but on a pie chart, what would be the dominant boot loader?
L939[13:24:24] <ds84182> Idk
L940[13:24:36] <vifino> Fair enough.
L941[13:24:40] <ds84182> Probably Cyanoboot because cyanogenmod
L942[13:25:06] <ds84182> Actually, no
L943[13:25:10] <ds84182> Thats nook color only
L944[13:25:51] <vifino> brb, stealing from my dads desk
L945[13:25:57] <vifino> well "stealing"
L946[13:26:02] <ds84182> be careful
L947[13:26:12] <vifino> its taking my stuff from the mess my dad calls his desk
L948[13:26:20] <Kodos> vifino, did that site help
L949[13:26:21] * CompanionCube has a tablet that others have booted Windows and Ubuntu on.
L950[13:26:24] <ironmountain> I feel you there
L951[13:26:25] <CompanionCube> Awesome yesyes?
L952[13:26:38] <vifino> Kodos: Eh, kinda.
L953[13:26:45] <vifino> Thanks anyways.
L954[13:28:54] <Kodos> https://youtu.be/RbIivGvflkk
L955[13:28:55] <MichiBot> Kodos: Man jumps out of plane with no parachute, lands on trampoline | length 3m 59s | Likes: 6834 Dislikes: 6454 Views: 1596670 | by More Passport Stamps
L956[13:29:09] <Kodos> I showah
L957[13:29:27] <Ekoserin> #lua 6834/6454
L958[13:29:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.0588782150604
L959[13:30:46] <Vexatos> #lua 6834//6454
L960[13:30:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L961[13:31:06] <vifino> CompanionCube: I have a tablet that I multiboot on.
L962[13:31:13] <vifino> gitrektscrub.
L963[13:31:23] <ds84182> #lua ++-5
L964[13:31:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L965[13:31:27] <ds84182> #lua +-5
L966[13:31:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L967[13:31:36] <ds84182> #lua +(-5)
L968[13:31:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L969[13:31:40] <ds84182> so I can't do that
L970[13:31:43] <vifino> ds84182: you can't use -+ or +-
L971[13:31:48] <vifino> only one of the two
L972[13:31:52] <CompanionCube> vifino, was it explicitly designed for multibooting?
L973[13:31:55] <Kodos> #lua myCount = 0 return mycount++
L974[13:31:57] <ds84182> I can't unary unnegatate
L975[13:31:59] <vifino> CompanionCube: lolno
L976[13:31:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L977[13:32:04] <CompanionCube> vifino, neither was mine
L978[13:32:07] <Kodos> #lua myCount = 0 return ++myCount
L979[13:32:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L980[13:32:09] <ds84182> Kodos: no, like this
L981[13:32:16] <vifino> but you aren't multibooting, are you, CompanionCube?
L982[13:32:19] <ds84182> #lua myCount = -1 return myCount--
L983[13:32:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -1
L984[13:32:22] <ds84182> :O
L985[13:32:24] <ds84182> magik
L986[13:32:31] <Kodos> #lua myCount = 0 return myCount++
L987[13:32:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+'
L988[13:32:32] <CompanionCube> vifino, no because I don't have any USB OTG stuff
L989[13:32:42] <CompanionCube> which is required to access the functionality
L990[13:32:53] <Kodos> ~w ++
L991[13:32:54] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/addon ( I tried D: )
L992[13:32:58] <vifino> CompanionCube: buy one for a buck at the dollar store?
L993[13:33:00] <Kodos> ~w io
L994[13:33:01] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io
L995[13:33:01] <ds84182> ~w nexus
L996[13:33:01] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-next
L997[13:33:10] <ds84182> pretty close
L998[13:33:13] <ds84182> ~w --
L999[13:33:13] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:non-standard-lua-libs ( I tried D: )
L1000[13:33:52] <vifino> Also TIL: My dad has 3 computers on/under his desk.
L1001[13:34:05] <ds84182> vifino: Server time?
L1002[13:34:11] <ds84182> MAKE MORE FUCKING SERVERS ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1003[13:34:15] <ds84182> MAKE MORE FUCKING SERVERS ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡*)
L1004[13:34:16] <vifino> ds84182: I'm gonna steal one, thats for sure.
L1005[13:34:26] <ds84182> MAKE MORE FUCKING SERVERS ( ͡$ ͜ʖ ͡$)
L1006[13:34:38] <ds84182> ( ͡` ͜ʖ ͡`)
L1007[13:35:12] <vifino> ds84182: nas, ghettonas/desktop, 4u server, laptop and two pi's just aint cuttin it.
L1008[13:35:55] * ds84182 just sitting here with laptops for days
L1009[13:36:10] <ds84182> I have like 3 laptops, 2 hp minis and a SHITTY MOTHERFUCKING ACER
L1010[13:37:02] <vifino> I remember using that old computer in his room to run a minecraft server and run johntheripper.
L1011[13:37:06] <vifino> Fun times.
L1012[13:38:20] <vifino> oh, and i forgot to add my tablet that I abuse as a server panel :P
L1013[13:39:59] <vifino> I also have my moms old laptop. But its litterally the slowest shit on earth.
L1014[13:40:25] <vifino> Especially the hdd.
L1015[13:40:35] <vifino> 80gb op.
L1016[13:40:55] <vifino> it runs at 3slow's per minute.
L1017[13:45:54] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-99.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1018[13:46:44] <Lizzy> meep
L1019[13:48:13] <vifino> :O
L1020[13:48:15] <vifino> MEEP
L1021[13:48:20] <Lizzy> :)
L1022[13:48:31] * vifino runs to Lizzy <3 <3 :*
L1023[13:48:44] * Lizzy giggles
L1024[13:48:46] <vifino> Was boring without you :(
L1025[13:48:46] <Lizzy> :*
L1026[13:49:23] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L1027[13:49:40] <Lizzy> you could have texted me but then again my phone was in Stamina mode so it might not have gotten through
L1028[13:52:40] <vifino> My phone is on the other side of the room, all the efforts :P
L1029[13:53:10] <Lizzy> but all that effort rewards you with me!
L1030[13:54:55] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, Stary2001's alive
L1031[13:55:05] ⇦ Quits: s0r00t (~s0@AMarseille-652-1-48-207.w2-4.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1032[13:55:09] <Daiyousei> he has like always been alive
L1033[13:55:13] <Daiyousei> lol
L1034[13:55:24] <Lizzy> tell him he needs to update his PCL IRCd so it uses the git method
L1035[13:56:21] <vifino> Lizzy: Fair enough, but now I got you anyways :3
L1036[13:56:33] <Lizzy> :*
L1037[13:56:37] <vifino> Are youtube images not loading for anybody else...?
L1038[13:56:43] <vifino> :*
L1039[13:59:41] <Mimiru> Lizzy, doesn't it already? I thought it did?
L1040[13:59:50] <vifino> ... I can't load any images.
L1041[14:00:12] <vifino> ... Imgur works. Rest not.
L1042[14:00:13] <vifino> :|
L1043[14:00:16] <Lizzy> Mimiru: i told it not to use heyo as a failover a while back, rehashed it, rsquit it and it still joined back to heyo
L1044[14:01:04] <Mimiru> Oh shit so it doesn't no deploy keys
L1045[14:01:20] <Mimiru> Wow... so it's a good thing I didn't kill the php/sql system yet
L1046[14:01:27] <Lizzy> yeah
L1047[14:02:28] <Kodos> That's what OC needs! SQL addon blocks :3
L1048[14:03:13] <Mimiru> I used the hell out of those in CC
L1049[14:03:17] <Mimiru> it was a pain in the ass to setup
L1050[14:03:20] <Mimiru> but SO useful.
L1051[14:03:21] *** Daiyousei is now known as Fairy
L1052[14:04:06] <CompanionCube> Kodos, why restrict it to SQL?
L1053[14:04:16] <Vexatos> SQL is a stupid language
L1054[14:04:25] <Kodos> Vexatos, you're an idiot if you think SQL is a stupid language
L1055[14:04:31] <Vexatos> it's ugly though
L1056[14:04:34] <Kodos> You're ugly
L1057[14:04:37] <Vexatos> Indeed
L1058[14:04:40] <Vexatos> but who cares :P
L1059[14:04:41] <vifino> o.o
L1060[14:04:48] <robhol> You're an idiot if you instantly think someone with an opinion has to be an idiot :p
L1061[14:05:06] <Kodos> robhol, you're an idiot if you think I'm not allowed to have an opinion of someone based on their opinion
L1062[14:05:18] <CompanionCube> Raw SQL is ugly.
L1063[14:05:20] * Ekoserin films
L1064[14:05:23] <CompanionCube> Wrap it ffs.
L1065[14:05:27] <robhol> Kodos: you're an idiot.
L1066[14:05:29] * robhol runs
L1067[14:05:35] * Kodos slaps robhol around a bit with an OC Networking cable
L1068[14:05:36] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L1069[14:05:38] <robhol> D:
L1070[14:06:58] <vifino> Please calm down a little, Kodos.
L1071[14:07:18] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1072[14:07:37] *** OneM_Sawmill is now known as OneM_Industries
L1073[14:09:02] <Kodos> vifino, okay, but just remember, I'll never be as bad as Kenny.
L1074[14:09:15] <vifino> I'm sure of that.
L1075[14:09:32] <Kodos> Anyway, it's 2, I'm gonna actually go get that shower now because I'm freezing
L1076[14:10:33] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1077[14:11:06] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L1078[14:11:45] ⇨ Joins: sugoi (~sugoi@75-172-10-216.tukw.qwest.net)
L1079[14:12:44] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11877.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1080[14:17:44] <Ekoserin> If Steam didn't close non-Steam games whilst rebooting, that would be great.
L1081[14:22:09] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-99.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1082[14:26:20] <CompanionCube> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/07/windows-10-has-apparently-rtmed-with-build-10240-and-is-out-now-to-insiders/
L1083[14:26:46] <ds84182> CompanionCube: before I click, is there anything that's new?
L1084[14:26:51] <CompanionCube> idk
L1085[14:32:23] <Inari> hm
L1086[14:32:27] <Inari> do i report bugs of old versions? :P
L1087[14:33:35] <Inari> well cant reproduce it anyway
L1088[14:34:59] <Inari> OC doesnt like something of my lua code XD
L1089[14:38:14] ⇨ Joins: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com)
L1090[14:39:12] <Inari> http://pastebin.com/qy4znKhU but old version, so *shrug*
L1091[15:01:44] *** Fairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1092[15:02:36] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1093[15:08:57] <Devoenix> In a few weeks
L1094[15:09:06] <Devoenix> 1.9 snapshots are gonna start appearing out of mojang's ass
L1095[15:09:42] <Devoenix> Holy f!@k, We havn't even conquered 1.8 yet, And we're already on the verge of 1.9
L1096[15:10:51] <Devoenix> 1.9's gonna be hell for Battlegear x3
L1097[15:10:59] <Devoenix> and hardcore ender expansion
L1098[15:12:35] <CompanionCube> Didn't most modders flip the bird at 1.8?#
L1099[15:13:03] <Kodos> Most, yes
L1100[15:13:06] <Kodos> some are supporting both
L1101[15:13:12] <Kodos> And some went full retard and dropped 1.7 for 1.8
L1102[15:14:43] *** Daiyousei is now known as Biohazard
L1103[15:14:51] *** Biohazard is now known as Daiyousei
L1104[15:18:22] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~ironmount@cds69.ph2.hwng.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1105[15:18:32] <dangranos> Kodos, or even use some non-standart 1.8 version
L1106[15:18:39] <dangranos> like 1.8.3
L1107[15:24:22] ⇨ Joins: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@rrcs-98-101-86-110.midsouth.biz.rr.com)
L1108[15:41:21] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L1109[15:52:32] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@rrcs-98-101-86-110.midsouth.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1110[15:53:47] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-51.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1111[15:58:42] <ds84182> Lightning struck on the street infront of mine, I exclaimed "SHIT" while jumping back
L1112[16:00:17] <Inari> i feel like when you have a upvote/downvote system you should require users to leave a comment iwth the up/downvote, and if the comment has no content it can be removed (along with the up/downvote itself)
L1113[16:00:47] <ds84182> But that can be exploited.
L1114[16:00:54] <Inari> in what way?
L1115[16:00:56] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1116[16:01:15] <ds84182> Plus, I wouldn't want to have to explain why a spammer shouldn't spam every time I downvote their shit.
L1117[16:01:15] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1118[16:01:31] <Inari> then you write "known spammer, see <other posts>"
L1119[16:01:38] <ds84182> Inari: Who is the one who removes the comment? The content creator or the content moderator?
L1120[16:01:44] <Inari> moderator
L1121[16:02:05] <ds84182> Then why would the moderator want to go through all those comments all day long
L1122[16:02:13] <Inari> just annoying to see people downvoted with no clue as to why *shrug*
L1123[16:02:26] <Inari> ds84182: well they only do when someone complains
L1124[16:02:29] <Inari> and well, because its theri job?
L1125[16:02:40] <ds84182> But thats called vote manipulation
L1126[16:02:41] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L1127[16:02:58] <Inari> how so?
L1128[16:03:09] <Inari> if your vote is dumb it gets removed, done :D
L1129[16:03:11] <ds84182> Thats like requesting each person to write an essay about why they chose said president to vote on, just to know that it will only be read if their vote comes onto question
L1130[16:03:20] <Inari> doesnt need to be a huge essay
L1131[16:03:35] <Inari> just a sensible reason, and yeah, if you want to make an actual point you should put some effort and make an actual point
L1132[16:03:42] <Inari> if not, you dont want to discuss and shouldnt be in a discussion forum
L1133[16:03:49] <ds84182> But the whole thing is: thats vote manipulation
L1134[16:04:09] <Inari> thats a technicality and doesnt really matter
L1135[16:04:13] <Inari> we're not voting on who runs the country
L1136[16:04:22] <ds84182> Some moderator could be corrupt and remove negative criticism COUGH ELLEN PAO COUGH
L1137[16:04:35] <Inari> some moderator could be corrupt and do that anyway :P
L1138[16:04:55] <ds84182> But the only way to get rid of votes is by getting rid of the content
L1139[16:05:15] <Inari> yeah, if you have to put content to vote :D
L1140[16:05:18] <ds84182> Which makes sense. If you don't want Donald Trump to run for president you get rid of Donal Trump
L1141[16:05:22] <Inari> with most systems curretnly you just lcick a button
L1142[16:05:25] <Inari> no content
L1143[16:05:47] <ds84182> But the whole base of voting is to be a simple yes or no
L1144[16:06:04] <ds84182> Adding commenting to voting just makes it commenting and not voting
L1145[16:06:23] <ds84182> And commenting with a vote like thing is called flagging
L1146[16:06:37] <ds84182> Flagging content as good, bad, spam, etc
L1147[16:06:38] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1148[16:06:39] <Inari> but thats the point
L1149[16:06:45] <Inari> if you're gonna rate someone, you explain your rating
L1150[16:06:51] <ds84182> So it's not voting, it's flagging/reactions
L1151[16:07:11] <ds84182> And the thing is, people should be able to do whatever without their stuff getting removed
L1152[16:07:30] <ds84182> I can react however I want to, the moderator cannot remove my reaction even if it has no factual basis
L1153[16:07:37] <Inari> well keep the comment, make the rating nto count
L1154[16:07:52] <ds84182> But thats manipulating ratings.
L1155[16:07:57] <ds84182> Which is bad practice
L1156[16:08:41] <Inari> nope, thats not counting BS ratings :D
L1157[16:09:53] <ds84182> Any rating is a rating, no matter how bs it is
L1158[16:10:02] <ds84182> a small rating doesn't count against big ratings
L1159[16:10:06] <Inari> next you're gonna tell me how removing spam is a violation of freedom of expression
L1160[16:10:40] <Inari> anyway, just annoying to see up/down votes with no explanation *shrug*
L1161[16:22:54] *** Fridtjof is now known as prasselpikachu
L1162[16:23:09] *** prasselpikachu is now known as Fridtjof
L1163[16:24:01] <Ekoserin> Aluminum.
L1164[16:24:17] <Inari> Aluminium.
L1165[16:24:50] <Ekoserin> That's offensive! I sexually identify as aluminum! You should be ashamed of yourself!
L1166[16:25:25] <Izaya> I can't understand why USish has it as that, aluminium is phonetic
L1167[16:25:28] <Izaya> well
L1168[16:25:33] <Izaya> you can say it if you read it
L1169[16:25:44] <Izaya> then again
L1170[16:26:03] <Izaya> the speech writers had to use special spelling to stop politicians saying nucular
L1171[16:30:44] <ds84182> Al um in i um
L1172[16:30:55] <ds84182> Al um in um
L1173[16:31:18] <ds84182> Alumistring
L1174[16:31:21] <ds84182> Alumistr
L1175[16:52:51] ⇦ Quits: black3agl3 (~black3agl@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1176[16:58:03] <Ekoserin> Ever choked on your own throat?
L1177[17:06:49] <Inari> ~oc api inventory controller
L1178[17:06:50] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L1179[17:17:57] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1180[17:19:14] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L1181[17:21:15] <Inari> ~oc sids api
L1182[17:21:15] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:sides
L1183[17:22:05] * ds84182 chokes Ekoserin
L1184[17:22:13] * Ekoserin chokes
L1185[17:22:15] <ds84182> And
L1186[17:22:16] * ds84182 runs
L1187[17:22:37] * vifino presses a button and ds84182 lights on fire
L1188[17:22:39] <gamax92> chokeNrun
L1189[17:22:41] <ds84182> no
L1190[17:22:53] <gamax92> %p
L1191[17:22:54] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.57s
L1192[17:23:00] * Ekoserin recovers from being choked
L1193[17:27:33] ⇨ Joins: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106bc4dfb2d6523.vc.shawcable.net)
L1194[17:42:50] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-51.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1195[17:43:42] <ds84182> %p
L1196[17:43:43] <MichiBot> Ping reply from ds84182 1.04s
L1197[17:44:00] ⇨ Joins: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-110-148-167-124.vxl8.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L1198[17:48:34] <Inari> ~oc robot
L1199[17:48:34] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:robot
L1200[17:48:36] <Inari> ~oc robot api
L1201[17:48:37] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L1202[17:49:12] <Ekoserin> Besiege got an update :D
L1203[17:59:38] <Inari> ~oc doc
L1204[17:59:39] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/
L1205[18:00:09] <Inari> how do i print a docstring again :P
L1206[18:02:00] *** PotatoSleep is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1207[18:10:46] * PotatoTrumpet eats Inari
L1208[18:28:26] <Inari> woo my autocrafting hafl works
L1209[19:18:27] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1210[19:22:12] <Temia> Oh, so hey
L1211[19:22:13] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1212[19:22:17] <gamax92> Hey
L1213[19:22:18] <Temia> Late to the party probably but
L1214[19:22:23] <Temia> What led to the change in APU tiering? .-.
L1215[19:22:35] <Temia> I kind of liked it. It made mid-tier systems worth looking at.
L1216[19:22:56] <Temia> And low-tier tablets too.
L1217[19:23:36] <Temia> Before the tier change, I mean
L1218[19:24:17] <gamax92> wait what happened to APUs? (also late to the party)
L1219[19:24:38] <Temia> They jumped a tier. Tier 1s count as tier 2 procs and tier 2s count as tier 3 procs.
L1220[19:25:06] <Temia> Which is kind of troublesome because I've actually got a tier 1 computer with a tier 1 APU on a server that's pending a pack update .-.
L1221[19:25:56] <gamax92> that ... seems like a weird change ...
L1222[19:26:08] <Temia> Well, I can sort of see why? The APUs are made using CPUs that are already a tier higher
L1223[19:26:22] <Temia> But I figure that could just be balanced by reducing the component count to the appropriate tier anyway
L1224[19:32:55] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1225[19:43:56] <CompanionCube> http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3ddazp/in_what_fictional_universe_would_you_be_happy_to/ct43804
L1226[19:50:27] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L1227[19:51:47] ⇦ Quits: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106bc4dfb2d6523.vc.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1228[19:52:40] ⇨ Joins: Uni (~Uni@p5B102996.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1229[19:53:02] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5B102E9E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1230[19:53:23] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-392-184.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1231[19:53:30] *** Uni is now known as Inari
L1232[19:58:23] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5B102996.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1233[20:04:30] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (Pooooooooo@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so) (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish!)
L1234[20:05:01] <Temia> ...So does anyone happen to know what happened there? o.o
L1235[20:05:08] ⇨ Joins: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106bc4dfb2d6523.vc.shawcable.net)
L1236[20:08:02] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@
L1237[20:08:27] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L1238[20:10:27] <gamax92> Please tell skeletons to turn their aimbots off
L1239[20:10:46] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L1240[20:11:59] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 72.81s
L1241[20:16:13] <PotatoTrumpet> gamax92, they only have an aimbot for people who don't know how to avoid them
L1242[20:16:36] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L1243[20:16:37] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.96s
L1244[20:16:39] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: no they will still hit you even if you're zooming around them with like haste 32767
L1245[20:17:02] <PotatoTrumpet> gamax92, they only have an aimbot for people who don't know how to avoid them
L1246[20:17:39] <PotatoTrumpet> in other news
L1247[20:17:52] <PotatoTrumpet> my mom is ordering that switch and 150ft long ethernet cable
L1248[20:18:08] <PotatoTrumpet> \o/
L1249[20:19:32] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L1250[20:19:42] <ds84182> PotatoTrumpet: Doot doot mr skeleton
L1251[20:19:49] <vifino> ds84182: ~!
L1252[20:19:54] <ds84182> hi
L1253[20:20:01] <ds84182> OC needs smart watches.
L1254[20:20:10] <ds84182> Press right shift to look at your watch
L1255[20:20:54] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@ (Quit: I'm out.)
L1256[20:21:33] <PotatoTrumpet> right shit is so far way from wsad
L1257[20:21:39] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC11A8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1258[20:21:43] <ds84182> PotatoTrumpet: Correct!
L1259[20:21:50] <ds84182> Watches are so far away
L1260[20:21:57] <ds84182> Because Sangar isn't here
L1261[20:23:40] <PotatoTrumpet> Sangar, is always here, in our hearts
L1262[20:23:59] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11877.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1263[20:24:12] * Ekoserin barks
L1264[20:24:52] * PotatoTrumpet neuters Ekoserin
L1265[20:25:00] <PotatoTrumpet> Now, be a good boy
L1266[20:25:10] <PotatoTrumpet> here is your dog food
L1267[20:25:15] * PotatoTrumpet pours dog food
L1268[20:25:36] <Ekoserin> You can cut through pants?
L1269[20:27:22] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@p5DC11A8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L1270[20:28:15] *** Ekoserin is now known as Ekoserin|Off
L1271[20:29:06] <Lizzy> Well, It's time to say goodbye to Heyo
L1272[20:29:20] <PotatoTrumpet> Lizzy, ist thou leaving?
L1273[20:29:46] <Lizzy> No, I'm staying. Heyo (one of my servers) is being decomissioned
L1274[20:29:56] <PotatoTrumpet> and my switch/150 ft cable are on their way!
L1275[20:30:04] <PotatoTrumpet> why?
L1276[20:30:06] ⇦ Quits: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1277[20:30:36] <PotatoTrumpet> Will there be a fireing squad?
L1278[20:30:42] <PotatoTrumpet> What about a buffet?
L1280[20:31:08] <Lizzy> Because it is no-longer needed and I don't want to have servers with DO anymore
L1281[20:31:26] <Lizzy> if you want to arrange those things, sure
L1282[20:32:53] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@heyo.theender.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1283[20:32:59] <Lizzy> o/ Heyo
L1284[20:33:23] * PotatoTrumpet sheds a tear
L1285[20:33:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Does this mean that enderbot3 will be joining us?
L1286[20:33:49] ⇨ Joins: mrdeadlocked (~mrdeadloc@
L1287[20:33:59] <PotatoTrumpet> <0>_<0>
L1288[20:34:01] <Lizzy> soon, I have yet to get it into a working state
L1289[20:34:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Soon TM
L1290[20:34:37] <Lizzy> yes, Soon™
L1291[20:34:59] * CompanionCube un-neuters Ekoserin
L1292[20:35:11] * PotatoTrumpet bashes CompanionCube with a jackhammer
L1293[20:35:24] <Lizzy> We have now entered the final stage of decomission, deletion and scrubbing of data
L1294[20:35:42] <CompanionCube> Warning: Chassis Intruded!
L1295[20:36:05] <CompanionCube> Lizzy: dd irf=/dev/urandom of=/
L1296[20:36:14] <Lizzy> CompanionCube: too late
L1297[20:36:16] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L1298[20:36:25] <CompanionCube> Lizzy: did you do it though
L1299[20:36:31] <Lizzy> no
L1300[20:36:31] <PotatoTrumpet> :'(
L1301[20:37:37] * PotatoTrumpet grabs a bagpipe and starts playing amazing grace
L1302[20:39:08] * CompanionCube hacks into PotatoTrumpet's box and runs rm /lib/ld-linux.so.2
L1303[20:39:21] <CompanionCube> playing funeral music for a server is weird
L1304[20:39:32] <PotatoTrumpet> Silly CompanionCube, it's not even connected to any network!
L1305[20:39:34] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/j0NKa/4495f412aa.png
L1306[20:39:47] <PotatoTrumpet> 45 years ago
L1307[20:40:04] <CompanionCube> PotatoTrumpet: unix time bro
L1308[20:40:10] <CompanionCube> 1/1/1970
L1309[20:40:10] <PotatoTrumpet> bruh
L1310[20:40:17] <PotatoTrumpet> 1/1/-1970
L1311[20:41:37] <Lizzy> %lookup heyo.theender.net
L1312[20:41:39] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for heyo.theender.net 2a03:b0c0:1:d0::17:4001
L1313[20:41:50] <Lizzy> ,-,
L1314[20:42:01] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L1315[20:42:04] <Lizzy> wait
L1316[20:42:10] <Lizzy> where is it getting that...
L1317[20:42:15] <CompanionCube> http://i.imgur.com/owtqdro.png i feel sorry for this dude
L1318[20:42:42] <PotatoTrumpet> umm
L1319[20:42:43] <PotatoTrumpet> wat
L1320[20:42:50] <PotatoTrumpet> %lookup potatotrumpet.tk
L1321[20:42:51] <MichiBot> PotatoTrumpet: DNS Info for potatotrumpet.tk
L1322[20:42:58] <Mimiru> Lizzy, http://michi.pc-logix.com/CWINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe_2015-07-15_20-42-41.png
L1323[20:42:58] <Lizzy> oh, i still have it in the IPv6 sftrsd
L1324[20:43:00] <Lizzy> *areas
L1325[20:43:03] <Mimiru> thats what i get too
L1326[20:43:10] <PotatoTrumpet> I wonder if that is even hooked up to anything .-.
L1327[20:43:32] <Lizzy> no-ip has a habit of hiding all the extra records .-.
L1328[20:43:42] <Mimiru> Eww. :P
L1329[20:44:00] * CompanionCube has ran his own DNS server before
L1330[20:44:06] <CompanionCube> using powerdns
L1331[20:44:08] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1332[20:44:35] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1333[20:44:38] <Lizzy> %lookup heyo.theender.net
L1334[20:44:39] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for heyo.theender.net 2a03:b0c0:1:d0::17:4001
L1335[20:44:46] <Lizzy> meh, will let it update
L1336[20:45:27] <Lizzy> %lookup heyo.theender.net
L1337[20:45:28] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for heyo.theender.net
L1338[20:45:32] <Lizzy> er
L1339[20:45:46] <Lizzy> wtf MichiBot
L1340[20:45:49] <Mimiru> When it can't find anything it derps and grabs eos
L1341[20:45:56] <Lizzy> ah
L1342[20:46:02] <Mimiru> I'm not sure why
L1343[20:46:12] <Mimiru> something fucky in the java dns shit
L1344[20:46:12] <Lizzy> currently heyo.theender.net is a CNAME for janus.theender.net
L1345[20:46:38] <PotatoTrumpet> I still need to figure out how to get past this Telrad thing: http://puu.sh/j0O9r/55002fac7c.jpg
L1346[20:46:42] <Mimiru> iirc it only looks for A/AAAA
L1347[20:47:03] <Lizzy> actually, i don't need the extra CNAMES seeing as i have the wildcard on the base domain
L1348[20:47:05] <PotatoTrumpet> I get it when I go to my ip address
L1349[20:47:37] <CompanionCube> PotatoTrumpet: if only you knew the password
L1350[20:47:44] <Lizzy> %lookup heyo.theender.net
L1351[20:47:45] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for heyo.theender.net
L1352[20:47:49] <CompanionCube> and the user
L1353[20:47:50] * Lizzy shrugs
L1354[20:47:56] <PotatoTrumpet> yah.....
L1355[20:48:14] <PotatoTrumpet> don't know how to get that. I think it may be the modem thingy
L1356[20:48:14] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L1357[20:48:19] <PotatoTrumpet> well
L1358[20:48:21] <Lizzy> oh
L1359[20:48:28] <Lizzy> noip doesn't answer or whateve
L1360[20:48:41] <Lizzy> meh
L1361[20:49:43] <CompanionCube> PotatoTrumpet: you could always obtain a copy of the firmware
L1362[20:49:48] <Lizzy> Right, so I nolonger have any servers on DO.
L1363[20:50:01] <CompanionCube> You might get lucky and discover a hardcoded password
L1364[20:50:32] <Lizzy> i should go to bed
L1365[20:54:10] <Lizzy> yeah, gonna go to bed
L1366[20:54:15] <Mimiru> Night Lizzy
L1367[20:55:02] <PotatoTrumpet> I can't find anything on it >_<
L1368[20:55:14] <PotatoTrumpet> it seems to only be on port 80
L1369[20:57:20] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1370[20:57:49] <Mimiru> PotatoTrumpet, the IP you're currently connecting from, or a different one?
L1371[20:58:08] <PotatoTrumpet> currently connecting from
L1372[20:58:59] <Mimiru> I get nothing on that IP
L1373[21:00:06] <Mimiru> So, yeah it's just your modem being shit and not allowing loop back properly
L1374[21:00:28] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1375[21:00:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Such is the life of living in rural texas
L1376[21:00:49] <PotatoTrumpet> where no one has owned the cable lines that run in my neighborhood in the 15 years I have been alive
L1377[21:00:51] <CompanionCube> also, doesn't it make you vulnerable to a certain type of exploit if the attack
L1378[21:01:02] <Mimiru> So others could probably let other access it just not you
L1379[21:01:06] <CompanionCube> *attacker knows the pasword
L1380[21:01:22] <Mimiru> CompanionCube, not really, cause out side of the network you can't really get to it
L1381[21:01:35] <CompanionCube> ah
L1382[21:02:06] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L1383[21:02:23] <PotatoTrumpet> Yep
L1384[21:02:30] <CompanionCube> Mimiru: I once listened to a DEFCON talk on DNS rebinding. Was interesting and related
L1385[21:02:31] <PotatoTrumpet> it's only if i'm connected to my local network
L1386[21:05:25] ⇦ Quits: kane_hart (~Kane_Hart@CPE50465d926d78-CMbc4dfbd56480.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) ()
L1387[21:06:15] ⇨ Joins: lostkangaroo (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
L1388[21:08:45] ⇨ Joins: PotatoAway (Potato@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so)
L1389[21:09:21] <PotatoTrumpet> ooh my bouncer is back
L1390[21:09:41] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@ (Quit: But if I don't use mayonaise how will her legs grow back?)
L1391[21:10:05] ⇦ Quits: sugoi (~sugoi@75-172-10-216.tukw.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1392[21:10:45] <Kodos> Games that have mining, go
L1393[21:10:55] <Mimiru> Minecraft!
L1394[21:10:56] <PotatoAway> Space Engineers
L1395[21:11:02] <Kodos> Keep going
L1396[21:11:04] <PotatoAway> Factorio
L1397[21:11:12] <PotatoAway> Skyrim
L1398[21:11:14] <Kodos> Preferably games with multiplayer
L1399[21:11:25] <Kodos> Space games are exempt though
L1400[21:11:26] <PotatoAway> Don't Starve/Factorio
L1401[21:11:59] <Kodos> Does 7 days to die have mining
L1402[21:12:00] <Kodos> I forget
L1403[21:12:05] * Ekoserin|Off barks
L1404[21:12:56] *** PotatoAway is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1405[21:13:58] <PotatoTrumpet> My bouncer still trys to connect to these:http://puu.sh/j0PDa/05aa4f7abb.png
L1406[21:14:43] <Mimiru> then fuckin remove 'em
L1407[21:15:11] <PotatoTrumpet> I'm working on it :P
L1408[21:17:03] * CompanionCube loves autosynced bouncer confihs
L1409[21:17:10] <CompanionCube> *configs
L1410[21:35:33] * Ekoserin|Off yawns
L1411[21:40:28] <PotatoTrumpet> I wonder how much a .us domain would cost
L1412[21:42:09] <PotatoTrumpet> yay http://puu.sh/j0Rb9/1203a4c9ec.png
L1413[21:44:55] <Mimiru> PotatoTrumpet, namecheap is like 4.88 for the first year 8.48 after for a .us
L1414[21:48:25] <PotatoTrumpet> I can't wait to go watch DCI tomorrow and Saturday
L1415[21:48:51] <PotatoTrumpet> Tomorrow, Denton | Saturday, San Antonio
L1416[21:51:53] <PotatoTrumpet> I forgot I created #PotatoTrumpet
L1417[21:53:02] <PotatoTrumpet> Just me, |0xDEADBEEF|, and zsh :|
L1418[21:59:30] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-392-184.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1419[22:05:18] <Ekoserin|Off> Running an engine install, running a game, streaming an episode, and chatting.
L1420[22:08:13] ⇨ Joins: sugoi (~sugoi@75-172-66-192.tukw.qwest.net)
L1421[22:12:21] * PotatoTrumpet stabs Ekoserin|Off
L1422[22:12:28] <Ekoserin|Off> Ow!
L1423[22:15:48] * PotatoTrumpet saws of Ekoserin|Off'S foot and puts it in a stew
L1424[22:16:12] <Ekoserin|Off> Good thing I disabled pain registers in that area when I cut my foot off.
L1425[22:17:45] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1426[22:18:47] <Ekoserin|Off> Unreal Engine, hurry up installing
L1427[22:31:46] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549716AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1428[22:37:27] * ds84182 cuts PotatoTrumpet
L1429[22:38:08] * PotatoTrumpet throws ds84182 into the stew with Ekoserin|Off's leg in it
L1430[22:38:35] <ds84182> Uh, eww no
L1431[22:38:45] <ds84182> You need to be stewed
L1432[22:38:48] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971263.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1433[22:38:53] * ds84182 removes PotatoTrumpet's Trumpet
L1434[22:39:07] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoNoTrumpet
L1435[22:39:12] <PotatoNoTrumpet> :(
L1436[22:39:22] * PotatoNoTrumpet removes ds84182's ds
L1437[22:39:30] *** ds84182 is now known as no84182
L1438[22:39:38] <no84182> ):
L1439[22:39:46] <PotatoNoTrumpet> (:
L1440[22:40:36] *** PotatoNoTrumpet is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1441[22:41:22] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1442[22:41:37] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1443[22:42:34] <Ekoserin|Off> Sometimes I play Agar.io as "Free Food" and fly directly into larger cells.
L1444[22:42:42] <PotatoTrumpet> I know
L1445[22:42:47] <PotatoTrumpet> I've done that some times
L1446[22:43:14] <Ekoserin|Off> Sometimes I go into the food source in experimental, or I develop, then split and get eaten.
L1447[22:44:59] <Ekoserin|Off> I'm going to try and make a Minigolf map in Unreal.
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L1611[22:53:10] <OneM_Industries> Ok, IRC just brownloaded.
L1612[22:53:50] <PotatoTrumpet> :O I didn't know Mimiru was part of that netsplit
L1613[22:53:58] <PotatoTrumpet> :{
L1614[22:54:38] <Ekoserin|Off> Mimiru: 19somemthing-2015 Died in the netsplit of '15
L1615[22:55:56] <Ekoserin|Off> This statue has the collision model of a cylinder.
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L1618[23:03:31] <PotatoTrumpet> Hrmrhrm
L1619[23:03:35] <PotatoTrumpet> should I go to sleep
L1620[23:03:36] <PotatoTrumpet> yes
L1621[23:03:39] <Ekoserin|Off> no
L1622[23:03:41] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoSleep
L1623[23:04:28] <PotatoSleep> sleep = inbedwatchingnetflix
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L1740[23:05:13] nova.esper.net sets mode: +v on Bacon
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L1785[23:05:17] * Ekoserin|Off licks his lips
L1786[23:05:26] * Ekoserin|Off licks his lips
L1787[23:05:46] <PotatoSleep> welcome back peoples
L1788[23:05:57] <no84182> Wow
L1789[23:06:00] <PotatoSleep> damn netsplits
L1790[23:06:06] <no84182> was it portlane that split?
L1791[23:06:12] <Ekoserin|Off> Bite my shiny metal netsplit
L1792[23:06:20] <PotatoSleep> idk
L1793[23:06:27] <OneM_Industries> Oddly, freenode is unaffected.
L1794[23:06:44] <PotatoSleep> well, freenode is a different irc thing
L1795[23:06:45] <Ekoserin|Off> ...what smells like bananas?
L1796[23:06:57] <PotatoSleep> clamity?
L1797[23:07:15] * Ekoserin|Off falls asleep on the floor.
L1798[23:10:17] <Ekoserin|Off> Imagine if humans acted like cats.
L1799[23:12:34] * no84182 prods Ekoserin|Off
L1800[23:12:36] * no84182 prods Ekoserin|Off
L1801[23:12:37] * no84182 prods Ekoserin|Off
L1802[23:12:41] <no84182> NOTICE ME
L1803[23:12:45] * Ekoserin|Off wakes up
L1804[23:12:53] * no84182 bites hand
L1805[23:12:54] * no84182 sleeps
L1806[23:12:57] * Ekoserin|Off yawns
L1807[23:15:52] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhi78.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1808[23:16:06] <Ekoserin|Off> Would an infinitely thin object be infinitely fragile?
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L1810[23:20:28] <Ekoserin|Off> Would an infinitely thin object be able to pass through any object?
L1811[23:23:58] <dangranos> do init.d scripts halt if command not found? irl i mean
L1812[23:36:03] <dangranos> Q_Q
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