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L1[00:24:34] <PotatoTrumpet> DIUEIPJNAHFL:HK
L2[00:39:49] <PotatoTrumpet> dangranos, isnt github a us website?
L3[00:44:56] ⇨ Joins: Solarstrike (~Solarstri@
L4[00:59:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh my god
L5[00:59:28] <Solarstrike> wat
L6[00:59:34] <PotatoTrumpet> There is this one person that I Was following (until now) who is basically harrasing gay people on instagram
L7[00:59:57] <PotatoTrumpet> and can't even fight her own battles, so she calls in some other bigots to fight them for her
L8[01:08:07] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L9[01:09:04] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L10[01:17:09] <Shuudoushi> PotatoTrumpet: wow...
L11[01:17:33] <Shuudoushi> what's her username, I want to see if anyone has doxed her yet lol
L12[01:18:09] <Solarstrike> I'll bring her down too
L13[01:18:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L14[01:18:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L15[01:19:15] <PotatoTrumpet> hold on, lemme find it
L16[01:19:33] <PotatoTrumpet> @KRAKZK
L17[01:21:18] <PotatoTrumpet> Shuudoushi,
L18[01:21:30] <Shuudoushi> yo?
L19[01:21:49] <Shuudoushi> you wanting bank accounts and shit too or something?
L20[01:21:52] <Shuudoushi> lol, j/k
L21[01:22:11] <Solarstrike> Oh, I wish I could register on the site itself
L22[01:22:31] <Shuudoushi> I think I have an instagram account
L23[01:23:14] <Solarstrike> Or search for accounts online
L24[01:24:28] <Shuudoushi> when the fuck did I make an instagram account o.O
L25[01:24:30] ⇦ Quits: Solarstrike (~Solarstri@ (Quit: I'll be taking my leave now.)
L26[01:27:08] <Shuudoushi> and ofc they leave after I get the link...
L27[01:27:15] <Shuudoushi> PotatoTrumpet: right person? https://instagram.com/KRAKZK/
L28[01:27:49] <PotatoTrumpet> Ye
L29[01:27:50] <PotatoTrumpet> s
L30[01:27:52] <Shuudoushi> the most useless box ever... http://puu.sh/iEiWn/d0455ed592.png
L31[01:28:49] <Shuudoushi> "I put the panic in hispanic." wait... wah?!
L32[01:34:19] <Shuudoushi> PotatoTrumpet: you got a link to one of the post or comments that she made?
L33[01:36:31] <PotatoTrumpet> not any more
L34[01:36:32] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L35[01:36:36] <PotatoTrumpet> unfollowed her
L36[01:36:42] <PotatoTrumpet> don't want to follow her again
L37[01:36:47] <Shuudoushi> fair enough
L38[01:36:51] <PotatoTrumpet> but, it was pretty hateful
L39[01:37:04] <Shuudoushi> I just thought you had one in your browser history
L40[01:41:26] <Shuudoushi> time for sleep for now
L41[01:43:49] <Izaya> :3 maxing a Pentium III playing chess
L42[01:46:44] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/QI5d817.jpg
L43[01:48:53] <PotatoTrumpet> you have already showed us that image
L44[01:48:58] <PotatoTrumpet> with the Internet for Dummies
L45[01:59:15] <Izaya> Dell Latitude C600
L46[01:59:43] <Izaya> trackpoint thing was derping, so had to disable it
L47[02:02:42] <Izaya> https://i.stack.imgur.com/ssRUr.gif
L48[02:04:01] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L49[02:12:37] ⇨ Joins: lucian2004 (webchat@c-24-56-253-110.customer.broadstripe.net)
L50[02:13:05] <lucian2004> Is anyone talking right now?
L51[02:13:43] <lucian2004> Ok then... lol
L52[02:13:49] ⇦ Quits: lucian2004 (webchat@c-24-56-253-110.customer.broadstripe.net) (Client Quit)
L53[02:13:53] <dangranos> lol
L54[02:13:53] <Izaya> ..
L55[02:14:00] <dangranos> i hate/love those kind of people
L56[02:14:15] <Izaya> I was looking up VT52 control codes, actually, not talking
L57[02:15:43] <Izaya> so if I wanted to reposition the VT52 cursor to 1,1
L58[02:15:51] <Izaya> would I do \eY0101?
L59[02:17:47] *** Vu`iku is now known as Vic
L60[02:34:16] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L61[02:34:34] <Vexatos> Computronics 1.5.5 is out in case anyone is interested :)
L62[02:36:23] <dangranos> anything new?
L63[02:38:00] <Vexatos> Well, see the changelog
L64[02:38:02] <Vexatos> mostly bug fixes
L65[02:56:31] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L66[03:00:26] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@194-166-0-107.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (warden.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
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L68[03:00:39] *** Vic is now known as Vi
L69[03:06:53] <Kodos> HOw hard would it be to set 3D Print opacity
L70[03:10:01] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L71[03:11:22] *** Vi is now known as Vi^2
L72[03:13:18] *** Vi^2 is now known as Vic
L73[03:19:32] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L74[03:19:53] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L75[03:20:16] <Izaya> huh
L76[03:20:17] <Izaya> oh yeah
L77[03:20:25] <Izaya> I switched my meta and super keys
L78[03:20:36] <dangranos> hm?
L79[03:20:56] <dangranos> oh
L80[03:22:19] <Izaya> if I were to steam some Minecraft
L81[03:22:26] <Izaya> would anyone bother to watch?
L82[03:22:59] * dangranos shurgs
L83[03:23:05] <dangranos> *shrugs*
L84[03:23:26] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L85[03:23:32] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L86[03:25:59] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L87[03:34:57] <Izaya> so
L88[03:35:20] <Izaya> how hard would it be to use an eeprom to disallow access to the eeprom?
L89[03:35:31] <Izaya> For bootloader-locking, of course
L90[03:48:52] <Shuudoushi> Izaya: how the fuck are you going to "steam" minecraft?
L91[03:49:06] <Izaya> stream*
L92[03:49:07] <Izaya> fuck off
L93[03:49:13] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L94[03:53:52] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L95[03:55:21] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L96[03:58:06] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L97[03:59:39] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L98[04:23:30] <dangranos> Izaya, override component api
L99[04:23:40] <dangranos> did that once with filesystem access
L100[04:24:22] <Izaya> thought that'd be it
L101[04:24:30] <Izaya> totally not gonna do vendor-locked tablets
L102[04:25:23] <dangranos> :D
L103[04:25:55] <dangranos> and if you'll set it as default eeprom instead of luabios..
L104[04:26:01] <dangranos> monopoly!
L105[04:36:04] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-252.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L106[04:41:35] <Izaya> How much energy do LanteaCraft stargates use?
L107[04:43:23] <Vexatos> |------------| this much
L108[04:45:14] <Izaya> Vexatos: so let's assume that amount is n
L109[04:45:22] <Izaya> okay, so if it uses n energy
L110[04:45:32] <Izaya> the amount of energy used by a stargate is n.
L111[04:45:37] <Izaya> Thanks, Vexatos!
L112[04:51:49] <Skye> Mobile Internet is so painful when youre on a train...
L113[04:54:33] <Skye> %p
L114[04:54:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.98s
L115[04:55:57] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L116[04:58:15] <Skye> %p
L117[04:58:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 4.15s
L118[04:59:51] <Skye> Uhoh
L119[05:00:52] <Izaya> %p
L120[05:00:53] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.84s
L121[05:01:02] <Izaya> not too bad for the underworld
L122[05:01:33] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L123[05:01:34] <Skye> %p
L124[05:01:50] <Lizzy> lol, i forgot i installed LM on my dad's pc ages ago, now just going through and updating it
L125[05:03:29] <Skye> %p
L126[05:03:31] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 1.27s
L127[05:09:29] <Skye> %p
L128[05:09:31] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 1.03s
L129[05:10:10] * Lizzy slaps Skye
L130[05:10:10] * EnderBot2 high-fives Lizzy
L131[05:10:22] <Skye> Huh?
L132[05:10:48] <Skye> Every time I pinged, my internet reconnected.
L133[05:13:45] * dangranos pokes Sandra
L134[05:13:53] <dangranos> uh....
L135[05:14:00] <dangranos> *Sangar
L136[05:15:23] ⇨ Joins: black3agl3 (~black3agl@
L137[05:36:02] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L139[05:40:14] ⇨ Joins: Thog_ (~Thog@thog92.eu)
L140[05:41:14] *** Thog_ is now known as Enju
L141[05:41:57] ⇦ Quits: Enju (~Thog@thog92.eu) (Client Quit)
L142[05:42:55] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L143[05:43:09] ⇨ Joins: Enju (~Enju@thog92.eu)
L144[05:43:23] ⇦ Parts: Enju (~Enju@thog92.eu) ())
L145[05:45:05] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L148[05:52:26] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B216586.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L149[05:56:37] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L150[06:11:23] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@abir139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
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L152[06:20:06] ⇨ Joins: Syrren (~syrren@wyrm.thenest.org)
L153[06:34:27] <Izaya> They told be go big or go home. Is this big enough? https://i.imgur.com/zz2xDmW.jpg
L154[06:34:59] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L155[06:37:12] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L156[06:44:35] <Shuudoushi> Izaya: no
L157[06:44:39] <Shuudoushi> now go home
L158[06:44:45] <cloakable> do better
L159[06:45:11] <Shuudoushi> ^
L160[06:45:24] <Temia> Not enough for hunger overhaul :V
L161[06:45:36] <Shuudoushi> XD
L162[06:45:51] <Shuudoushi> time to go back to sleep, bye again all lol
L163[06:46:36] <Temia> I am tempted to make the "we hate you and want you to die" pack, with Hunger Overhaul, EnviroMine, mob AI tweaks, hardcore darkness...
L164[06:46:56] <Izaya> Shuudoushi: what if I told you I had a second farm at the other side of the village?
L165[06:47:09] <Temia> Enough to feed one person with hunger overhaul :V
L166[06:47:16] <Shuudoushi> still not enough
L167[06:47:45] <Shuudoushi> I've built farms that cover a 16x16 chunk area
L168[06:48:02] <Shuudoushi> do that, then we'll talk }:D
L169[06:48:14] <Temia> I wish I had pics of the Estcraft server...
L170[06:48:40] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L171[06:48:53] <Izaya> I still have to automate the farms :/
L172[06:49:41] <Temia> We lived in a central city (besides a few outliers, one of which died a LOT) that had its own agricultural district taking up a 2x3 chunk area.
L173[06:50:44] <Temia> Automation hadn't been set up so it was usually picked on an as-needed basis except by the couple of folks who operated that district.
L174[06:51:16] <Temia> Actually, no, I guess the agricultural district was a lot larger than that, that was just the crops alone...
L175[06:52:45] <Temia> I just remembered I was the chief architectural planner and I had to put the power plant on the opposite wall to get fertiliser through the transceiver to our offsite treefarm.
L176[06:58:23] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L177[07:00:05] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L178[07:00:06] <dangranos> "The RFC process is documented in RFC 2026"
L179[07:00:07] <dangranos> lol
L180[07:01:06] <Inari> hm
L181[07:01:10] <Inari> does openOS try to cache require's?
L182[07:02:18] <dangranos> yup
L183[07:03:31] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L184[07:04:10] <Vexatos> It does
L185[07:04:21] <Vexatos> Just like any implementation of it should
L186[07:04:41] <Izaya> waste of memory
L187[07:06:30] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L188[07:08:06] <Vexatos> Izaya, it is in the official Lua manual
L189[07:08:20] <Vexatos> so you'd assume it's always there
L190[07:08:26] <Magik6k> umm, would you rather load same thing 10x times
L191[07:10:25] <Inari> why does scroll.v:test() not work when getmetatable(scroll.v) has a test function <.<
L192[07:11:35] <Inari> did lua 5.2 change that or so
L193[07:12:29] <Lizzy> \o/ mc is using all my ram
L194[07:12:31] <Lizzy> mostly
L195[07:13:01] <Lizzy> or rather, it's using so much pretty much everything else just went into swap
L196[07:13:17] <Inari> oh right
L197[07:13:23] <Inari> it was setting __index o the metatable :p
L198[07:13:23] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L199[07:13:34] <dangranos> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-tried and now i want to use that somewhere
L200[07:14:58] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@abir139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L201[07:15:40] <Skye> %p
L202[07:15:41] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.55s
L203[07:18:17] <Inari> ~oc gpu api
L204[07:18:17] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:gpu
L205[07:19:28] <Sangar> o/
L206[07:19:35] <Vexatos> SNAGAR
L207[07:19:36] <Vexatos> HI
L208[07:19:41] <Magik6k> o/
L209[07:19:59] <Sangar> EHLO
L210[07:20:07] <Vexatos> LEHO
L211[07:20:29] <Sangar> so Magik6k, any clue why plan9k refuses to work for me? :X
L212[07:20:36] <Magik6k> idk
L213[07:20:44] <Vexatos> works for me
L214[07:20:48] <Magik6k> I may need to grab latest oc
L215[07:20:53] <Magik6k> waait
L216[07:21:14] <Sangar> waiting
L217[07:21:15] <Magik6k> doen it only not mork on r/o wloppy?
L218[07:21:21] <Magik6k> *does
L219[07:21:25] <Magik6k> *work
L220[07:21:31] <Sangar> no, i also installed it to an hdd and that had the same behavior
L221[07:21:41] <Magik6k> wat
L222[07:21:49] * Sangar shrugs
L223[07:22:01] <Magik6k> but how
L224[07:22:07] <Sangar> i don't know :/
L225[07:23:04] <Sangar> i mean i do run it in dev-env, but i don't see how that could have any influence on a lua program
L226[07:23:14] <Magik6k> Sangar, try via oppm/mpt
L227[07:23:20] <Sangar> k
L228[07:23:30] <Magik6k> oppm install mpt; mpt --root/mnt/blah -S plan9k
L229[07:23:38] <Magik6k> root= ofc
L230[07:23:44] <Vexatos> ^ bleeding-edge version
L231[07:23:45] <Sangar> mhm
L232[07:23:53] <Sangar> mc is starting
L233[07:28:42] <Magik6k> Sangar, install plan9k-debug after plan9k too
L234[07:29:09] <Sangar> heh, mpt asks "Do you want to continue [Y/n]" indicating i can just press enter, but i still have to enter something :P
L235[07:29:13] <Sangar> k
L236[07:29:15] <dangranos> is there ctrl+c yet?
L237[07:29:33] <Magik6k> it works in event
L238[07:29:34] <Magik6k> lib
L239[07:29:47] <Magik6k> but I still need to polish that
L240[07:29:56] <Sangar> weee, it doesn't just stop anymore \o/
L241[07:30:13] <dangranos> also, usually if choise is written in capital [Y/n] or [y/N] that means it will default to capitalized one
L242[07:30:23] <dangranos> [y/n] would require input
L243[07:30:37] <Magik6k> yeah
L244[07:30:45] <Sangar> that's why i mentioned it ;)
L245[07:30:48] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L246[07:30:53] <Magik6k> need to fix that
L247[07:33:38] <Sangar> tab completion in shell please ;) (only took me a year or so in oc, so i can't really make any demands, but eh :P)
L248[07:33:55] <Sangar> *openos
L249[07:34:01] <dangranos> Sangar, why you cant make demands?
L250[07:34:29] <dangranos> you're creator of OC and OpenOS
L251[07:34:32] <Sangar> because i don't want to apply higher standards to others than i can meet myself? :P
L252[07:34:50] <dangranos> right, sorry
L253[07:35:18] <dangranos> though you can suggest :P
L254[07:35:37] <Inari> is "parent" some sort of reserved term for lua?
L255[07:35:49] <Vexatos> nope
L256[07:36:10] <Sangar> ok, now i know what Vexatos meant by edit being painfully slow when scrolling :X
L257[07:36:19] <Magik6k> hmm the hanging in most likely due to r/o filesystem
L258[07:36:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, needs more vram
L259[07:36:35] <Inari> weird
L260[07:36:45] <Sangar> really? that's odd. i ran install from the plan9k disk to install it, and afterwards still had the effect
L261[07:36:49] <dangranos> Magik6k, fallback to /tmp?
L262[07:36:52] <Sangar> Vexatos, uhuh
L263[07:36:53] <Magik6k> yup
L264[07:37:04] <Magik6k> kind of COW fs
L265[07:37:26] <Vexatos> Make sure the plan9k disk isn't r/o
L266[07:37:27] <Vexatos> :P
L267[07:37:31] <Sangar> pos1 and end would also be nice to have in edit ;) [which are probably on your todo list already, but i like nagging :P]
L268[07:37:38] <Vexatos> (The HDD you installed it to)
L269[07:37:45] <Vexatos> Sangar, I suggested that days ago
L270[07:37:55] <Sangar> Vexatos, you had it working days ago :X
L271[07:37:59] <Vexatos> home and end keys
L272[07:38:03] <Inari> self.parent lists the methods of obj.v even though self.parent should be set to obj and im calling obj.v:method()
L273[07:38:15] <dangranos> Magik6k, that prefers using /tmp for reading
L274[07:38:35] <Magik6k> yep
L275[07:38:45] <dangranos> DOOOO IIIIIT
L276[07:38:58] <Magik6k> hmm
L277[07:39:32] <Magik6k> Sangar, is there any way to read-onlyfy floppy without setting up dev env?
L278[07:39:55] <Sangar> you can add loot disks to the save dir
L279[07:40:14] <Magik6k> oh, nice
L280[07:40:51] <Sangar> opencomputers/loot/loot.properties <- same format as built-in loot.properties file
L281[07:40:59] <Sangar> subdirectories in there for individual loot disks
L282[07:41:17] <Sangar> *<savedir>/opencomputers/loot/... i mean
L283[07:44:02] <Inari> blah
L284[07:44:06] <Inari> need to install atom or sublime again
L285[07:44:08] <Inari> np++ is horrible
L286[07:44:20] * dangranos pats Inari
L287[07:44:29] <dangranos> speaking of atom
L288[07:44:32] <dangranos> gonna try it
L289[07:45:13] <Vexatos> what
L290[07:45:19] <Vexatos> NP++ masterrace ;-;
L291[07:45:29] <Skye> I like notepad++
L292[07:46:36] <dangranos> it's win only last time i checked
L293[07:46:55] <Inari> have: abcfljkdakljfabc
L294[07:46:58] <Inari> wand: "abcjlkfgdakljfdsaj"
L295[07:47:08] <Izaya> vim is the best editor
L296[07:47:16] <Inari> add a " at the end, np++ goes: oh you want a " so i put a ""
L297[07:47:27] <Magik6k> ^
L298[07:47:30] <Izaya> turn off completion
L299[07:47:34] <Inari> remov ethe second " and put a " at the begining, np++ goes: oh, you want a " and theres and unclosed unescaped " later in the line
L300[07:47:37] <Inari> but let me put a ""
L301[07:47:38] <Izaya> I fucking hate that part of NP""
L302[07:47:42] <Izaya> NP++
L303[07:48:09] <dangranos> XD
L304[07:48:11] <dangranos> best typo
L305[07:48:46] <Magik6k> ~w tmpfs
L306[07:48:46] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L307[07:49:00] <Sangar> atom still feels bloaty and slow to me :/ so i'll stick with sublime for now
L308[07:50:17] <dangranos> https://github.com/atom/metrics huh
L309[07:50:19] <Vexatos> wat
L310[07:50:25] <Vexatos> who would ever use autocomplete in NP++
L311[07:50:27] <Vexatos> that's just stupid
L312[07:50:34] <dangranos> "Commands run"
L313[07:50:48] <dangranos> not creepy at all, nope
L314[07:50:49] <Vexatos> Inari, it's you doing it wrong by having it enabled o_o
L315[07:51:41] <dangranos> heh
L316[07:51:54] <dangranos> encrypt master key with said key
L317[07:52:46] <Magik6k> ~w computer
L318[07:52:46] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:computer
L319[07:52:49] <Magik6k> ~w computer api
L320[07:52:49] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L321[07:57:50] <Inari> Vexatos: but its useful wehn you have: and want: ""
L322[07:58:41] <Vexatos> I use Notepad++ all the time because it's not bloated and it works
L323[07:58:52] <Vexatos> no fancy autocomplete or anything
L324[07:59:13] <Vexatos> just basic "do I have enough >end<s placed"
L325[08:08:07] <Inari> Vexatos: well i prefer the editor being smart enough to know if i want [] or [
L326[08:08:08] <Inari> :P
L327[08:08:50] <Vexatos> I prefer the editor to accept me being smart enough to place both brackets myself
L328[08:09:05] <Vexatos> Because that's really just one key more
L329[08:09:26] <Vexatos> and I am using a German keyboard so placing brackets is ctrl+alt+8 or 9
L330[08:09:27] <Izaya> Vexatos: but muh hipsterism
L331[08:09:45] <Izaya> /s
L332[08:09:52] <Vexatos> :P
L333[08:10:38] <Izaya> gotts have something that does more than everything else, after all
L334[08:10:41] <Izaya> and thus, emacs was born
L335[08:11:14] <Izaya> Worst part is, emacs is small compared to editors I see being used a lot
L336[08:12:25] <Inari> Vexatos: its about conveninece
L337[08:12:28] <Inari> esp on german keyboard :P
L338[08:12:55] <Vexatos> well, then use IDEA
L339[08:12:58] <Vexatos> and its Lua plugin
L340[08:13:02] <Inari> if you think placing a closing bracket makes you smart, well, it doesnt
L341[08:13:13] <Inari> nah
L342[08:13:16] <Inari> too bloaty
L343[08:14:51] <Kubuxu> Writting in C is so relaxing.
L344[08:14:59] <Inari> it is?
L345[08:15:02] <Kubuxu> After so much fights in java.
L346[08:15:26] <Kubuxu> I have rought relationship with Java's generic.
L347[08:15:42] <Kubuxu> In C there are no generics. ;p
L348[08:16:12] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/72ag3iw
L349[08:18:03] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-252.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L350[08:19:13] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-130-173.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L351[08:20:29] <Kubuxu> Inari: http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/3azruv/thats_what_happens_when_you_park_in_a_handicap/csht0vc
L352[08:21:18] ⇨ Joins: onifiv (uid94726@id-94726.charlton.irccloud.com)
L353[08:21:23] <Inari> yeah, was sure it was proably faked, but who cares, its still funny either way
L354[08:21:32] <Kubuxu> Yeah.
L355[08:21:44] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffkb0jwy5v8
L356[08:21:45] <MichiBot> Inari: Me, Myself and Irene - Handicap Chrysler | length 41s | Likes: 215 Dislikes: 6 Views: 85048 | by Matt Krueger
L357[08:27:40] <Izaya> onifiv: feeling OK there?
L358[08:28:14] <onifiv> Izaya: Uh, I guess?
L359[08:29:59] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L360[08:50:42] <Skye> %p
L361[08:50:43] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 1.07s
L362[09:03:16] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/L35kccv.jpg
L363[09:03:48] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com)
L364[09:03:48] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L366[09:25:08] ⇨ Joins: s0r00t (~s0@2a01:e35:243e:cb90:2447:70b5:3c:aa9e)
L367[09:26:31] <onifiv> Izaya: wat.
L368[09:27:02] <Izaya> onifiv: US supreme court ruled for gay marriage
L369[09:27:12] <Izaya> and while I'm straight, fuck yeah!
L370[09:27:55] <Izaya> yet Australia is still the bible thumper shithole it always has been
L371[09:30:25] <Inari> looking forward to the day when love will be free
L372[09:34:03] <Kodos> I'm looking forward to the day where we can casually go to a mall on the moon
L373[09:35:46] <Temia> I'm looking forward to the day we can cast off our fragile sheaths of flesh and evolve as a civilisation
L374[09:36:20] <Kodos> We
L375[09:36:22] <Kodos> err
L376[09:36:29] <Kodos> We'll likely have made ourselves extinct by then
L377[09:37:06] <Temia> A girl can hope, right? <
L378[09:37:09] <Temia> :<
L379[09:37:25] <Izaya> of course
L380[09:37:28] <Izaya> by that point
L381[09:37:31] <Izaya> we'll all be dead
L382[09:37:42] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L383[09:40:15] <robhol> Inari: that movie :D
L384[09:47:56] <Inari> riiihgt
L385[09:47:57] <Inari> im confsued
L386[09:48:03] <vifino> You are, Inari.
L387[09:48:10] <vifino> onifiv, pls
L388[09:48:30] <onifiv> slp ,vifino
L389[09:50:06] <Inari> oh
L390[09:50:08] <Inari> im dumb, nevermind
L391[09:53:03] <Vexatos> onifiv, you're so reverse
L392[09:53:57] <vifino> Yes, Vexatos.
L393[09:55:30] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L394[10:03:37] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/yqlELHX.webm
L395[10:06:26] <Kubuxu> LOL wtf: http://www.zdnet.com/article/why-open-source-dns-is-internets-dirty-little-secret/
L396[10:06:27] <Kubuxu> ??
L397[10:07:21] <Kodos> Kubuxu, can I pipe to a file with inflate/deflate.lua
L398[10:07:34] <Kubuxu> Kodos: IIRC yes.
L399[10:07:44] <Kubuxu> It is just clone of cat.
L400[10:07:55] <Kubuxu> But prints after the stream ends.
L401[10:08:22] <Izaya> Kubuxu: marketing garbage
L402[10:08:57] <Temia> What a dipshit.
L403[10:09:00] <Kubuxu> Izaya: yeah but I was WTF.
L404[10:09:01] <Izaya> http://imgur.com/gallery/k0vUo in other news, there is now a rating system
L405[10:09:05] <robhol> Kubuxu: what a fucktard
L406[10:09:16] <Izaya> sounds like an OS X user
L407[10:09:21] <Temia> I hope someone finds a gaping hole and wrecks him. >.>
L408[10:09:22] * Izaya stares at kalyx
L409[10:09:23] <robhol> even MS doesn't even say that shit with a straight face anymore
L410[10:09:44] <Vexatos> "if it's freeware or open source, the hacker can look at the code."
L411[10:09:49] <Vexatos> If it's not, I still can q_q
L412[10:09:58] <robhol> exactly
L413[10:10:00] <Vexatos> provided I understand binary garbage
L414[10:10:08] <Vexatos> which many people do
L415[10:10:27] <robhol> basically, that rustles my jimmies
L416[10:10:56] <vifino> I love synergy :D
L417[10:11:13] <vifino> It's awesome to just use one pair of mouse & keyboard for all the computers :D
L418[10:11:26] <Kubuxu> Vexatos: now a days static analisys went so far that with correct tools you get nice C/C++ code out of assembly.
L419[10:11:30] <vifino> Sadly it's movement is kinda f'd up ._.
L420[10:11:39] <vifino> Like, you can't even play doom remotely!
L421[10:11:42] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, pretty much
L422[10:11:53] <Temia> True, there have been problems with unresolved holes in major OSS lately, but that just means increased vigilance and the occasional audit is necessary.
L423[10:12:03] <vifino> I bet it's using absolute movements and stuff.
L424[10:12:13] <Kubuxu> ofc the license is like 10k a year.
L425[10:12:15] <gamax92> What is this site ...
L426[10:12:27] <vifino> gamax92!
L427[10:12:32] <Kubuxu> IDK. I am doing DNS protocol research.
L428[10:12:45] <gamax92> I go through that artical and a couple of others, eugh
L429[10:13:19] <vifino> ncmpcpp
L430[10:13:21] <vifino> woops
L431[10:13:27] * gamax92 picks up vifino and sets nearby
L432[10:13:32] <vifino> :o
L433[10:14:10] <vifino> dang you mopidy-spotify! The track starts so slowly >_>
L434[10:14:37] <Inari> ~oc events
L435[10:14:37] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L436[10:14:38] <vifino> aaaah, fuck it. I'm gonna make my own music player daemon.
L437[10:15:37] <Izaya> vifino: I use my keyboard with synergy
L438[10:15:45] <vifino> Izaya: :D
L439[10:15:50] <Izaya> due to the fact I can't unplug it from the computer it's in
L440[10:15:52] <vifino> It's awesome, right? :D
L441[10:15:58] <Izaya> my desktop has a mouse and a controller plugged in though
L442[10:15:58] <vifino> o.O
L443[10:16:13] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/rimfKlj.jpg my keyboard
L444[10:16:19] <Izaya> godly classic ThinkPad keys
L445[10:16:59] <vifino> God damn it, I want a thinkpad just as something to put on my wall.
L446[10:17:13] * vifino puts electronics on the wall '.'
L447[10:17:18] <Inari> hm
L448[10:17:23] <Inari> how w ould i get the tier of a connected screen?
L449[10:17:51] <Izaya> vifino: I hung the motherboard of my dead PIII server on the wall
L450[10:17:54] <Izaya> work of art, that is.
L451[10:18:01] <vifino> Izaya: :D
L452[10:19:29] <gamax92> Agh sourceforge stop being so slow, I'm trying to download packages here
L453[10:21:07] <Inari> ~oc event
L454[10:21:07] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L455[10:21:47] <robhol> sourceforge, eww
L456[10:22:07] <Vexatos> fourgesauce, eww
L457[10:22:17] <robhol> :o
L458[10:22:33] <Mimiru> Vexatos, ewwww
L459[10:22:37] <Mimiru> :P
L460[10:22:49] <robhol> gamax92: when are you fixing your OC emulator so it works on Windows? :3
L461[10:23:02] <vifino> Mimiru, ewheywww
L462[10:23:04] * vifino runs
L463[10:23:48] <gamax92> robhol: it works on windows
L464[10:24:03] <gamax92> if it doesn't, why haven't you told me about it
L465[10:24:07] <vifino> wtf mopidy-spotify, you take 4+minutes to start a song? >_>
L466[10:24:11] <robhol> yeah, but building it is such a massive hassle
L467[10:24:18] <vifino> and the song isn't even 4minutes q_q
L468[10:24:23] <robhol> I have no idea, haven't tested it
L469[10:24:23] <gamax92> robhol: I gave you a zip because of that reason
L470[10:24:36] <robhol> you did? I didn't see it anywhere
L471[10:24:43] <gamax92> ugh fine, hold on a bit
L472[10:25:05] <robhol> all I saw was the github readme that said "windows users have to build everything manually" or something to that effect :p
L473[10:26:04] <gamax92> yeah because luarocks doesn't work, and none of the libraries are in the repo's iirc, plus the lua in the repos is 5.3
L474[10:39:11] <gamax92> Right ... I forgot I was supposed to be making a zip .-.
L475[10:49:02] <gamax92> robhol: http://gamax92.pc-logix.com/OCEmu-x32.zip
L476[10:49:28] <robhol> lol
L477[10:49:30] <robhol> thanks
L478[10:49:40] <dangranos> eh
L479[10:49:46] <dangranos> use tar to distribute
L480[10:50:18] <gamax92> dangranos: Yes lets use non windows native formats to distribute windows programs
L481[10:50:25] <gamax92> dangranos: because that makes a whole lot of sense
L482[10:51:08] <dangranos> til zip was in windows all along
L483[10:51:22] <gamax92> Yes Windows can natively extract zip files
L484[10:51:44] <dangranos> >all along
L485[10:52:03] <dangranos> iirc it was introduced in win7
L486[10:52:12] <Lizzy> dangranos: nopew
L487[10:52:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L488[10:52:19] <Lizzy> I remember XP having it
L489[10:52:30] <dangranos> huh
L490[10:56:52] <Cazzar> xp had it, yea
L491[11:00:11] <Cazzar> windows 8 added ISO support
L492[11:00:18] <dangranos> huh
L493[11:03:07] <Izaya> i thought 10 was adding ISO support
L494[11:03:14] <Izaya> though I haven't really used 8 much
L495[11:03:19] <Izaya> also ow my hand is like broken
L496[11:03:26] <Izaya> yet I can type
L497[11:03:29] <Izaya> it's fine
L498[11:03:52] <Mimiru> Nah, it was 8
L499[11:03:58] <Mimiru> one of the few things I liked about 8
L500[11:05:56] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L501[11:06:52] <Cazzar> I love if in 8
L502[11:07:03] <Cazzar> makes things easier
L503[11:07:18] <Cazzar> 10 adds native mkv
L504[11:20:19] <Temia> moooo.
L505[11:20:26] <Lizzy> meeep
L506[11:20:40] <Inari> which openOs version will have native mkv?
L507[11:21:12] <dangranos> over 9000
L508[11:21:27] <Lizzy> :< my crusher wont form :/
L509[11:25:05] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L510[11:25:14] <PotatoTrumpet> I have maneged to get to the point where I dont feel tired
L511[11:29:25] <vifino> Lizzy: meep :D
L512[11:29:36] <Lizzy> vifino: meep <2
L513[11:29:39] <Lizzy> er
L514[11:29:42] <Lizzy> s/2/3
L515[11:29:42] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> vifino: meep <3
L516[11:29:54] <vifino> :3
L517[11:29:55] * PotatoTrumpet hugs Lizzy and vifino and goes back to installing ETS2 mods
L518[11:30:18] <dangranos> https://gitlab.prok.pw/Prototik/KCauldron niiice
L519[11:30:36] <dangranos> ETS2?
L520[11:30:36] <vifino> I need a language that has gstreamer bindings, suggestions? gc'd pls
L521[11:30:43] <vifino> gstreamer 1.0, that is
L522[11:32:11] <PotatoTrumpet> dangranos, Euro Truck Simulator 2
L523[11:32:21] <PotatoTrumpet> Downloading a russia map addon
L524[11:32:25] <PotatoTrumpet> and promods
L525[11:32:31] <PotatoTrumpet> and a poland thing
L526[11:33:19] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L527[11:34:23] <PotatoTrumpet> You know, I would visit russia
L528[11:34:28] <dangranos> does russia map addon includes meteorites?
L529[11:34:31] <PotatoTrumpet> if it wasn't messed up politically
L530[11:34:37] <PotatoTrumpet> dangranos, i don't think so
L531[11:34:39] <PotatoTrumpet> sadly
L532[11:34:41] <dangranos> "messed up"?
L533[11:35:28] * PotatoTrumpet looks at ukraine
L534[11:35:38] * PotatoTrumpet looks at threats against NATO
L535[11:35:54] * PotatoTrumpet looks at Coldwar like tensions
L536[11:37:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Not really the best idea for an american to travel there at the moment
L537[11:37:50] <PotatoTrumpet> But I would like to visit it
L538[11:39:05] <Temia> Honestly it's more a problem between the politiicans, not the people.
L539[11:39:40] <PotatoTrumpet> That's why I said "politically"
L540[11:40:40] <Temia> Still, if the common person can get along, then we can help dispel the bluster of those higher up.
L541[11:41:03] <Temia> Letting their paranoia leak down to our level only causes further damage.
L542[11:43:05] <dangranos> our politicians are idiots
L543[11:43:22] <dangranos> dad even says that they do that to cause something
L544[11:43:55] <Temia> pmuch.
L545[11:44:24] <Temia> On both sides of the fence, it's idiots in charge. We don't want this shit happening either.
L546[11:48:04] *** Graypup_ is now known as Grpp_
L547[11:48:12] *** Grpp_ is now known as Graypup_
L548[11:56:51] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-130-173.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L549[12:00:36] ⇦ Quits: onifiv (uid94726@id-94726.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L550[12:03:17] <Inari> ~oc tex tutils
L551[12:03:18] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorials
L552[12:04:20] <robhol> tex tutils :3
L553[12:12:29] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L554[12:17:22] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~alekso56@2001:464b:c2aa:0:250:56ff:fe31:2812) (Quit: baibai)
L555[12:23:40] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L556[12:26:46] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E066538E4F1A9D17C9FA902.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L557[12:26:46] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L558[12:30:20] <Shuudoushi|Away> btw, Inari http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:text
L559[12:30:41] <Inari> i know :P
L560[12:32:47] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L561[12:32:47] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L562[12:32:53] <vifino> Either write a GStreamer binding by hand ( 1000+ lines, at least ._. ), or write a GObject introspection binding generator ( 2000+ lines, at least ._. ) or just not do anything and cry in a corner ._.
L563[12:33:08] <Mimiru> Anyone have any experience with li.cil.oc.api.Items.registerFloppy?
L564[12:33:26] <vifino> Woops, I didn't mean 2000, I meant 100000.
L565[12:33:50] <Mimiru> Or at least Callable<FileSystem>
L566[12:34:02] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L567[12:34:04] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L568[12:35:38] ⇦ Quits: s0r00t (~s0@2a01:e35:243e:cb90:2447:70b5:3c:aa9e) (Quit: Leaving)
L569[12:40:49] <g> are the forims down? I'm just getting timeouts
L570[12:40:52] <g> forums*
L571[12:41:13] <Mimiru> %isup http://oc.cil.li
L572[12:41:14] <MichiBot> Mimiru: http://oc.cil.li Is Down.
L573[12:42:33] <Lizzy> where is Ir7_o when you need them
L574[12:43:47] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~alekso56@2001:464b:c2aa:0:250:56ff:fe31:2812)
L575[12:45:53] <Izaya> oh my god
L576[12:45:58] <Izaya> official GNU project docs
L577[12:46:27] <Izaya> you know that bad taste you get when Microsoft pointedly ignores that the rest of the world exists?
L578[12:46:42] <Izaya> this gives me the opposite bad taste
L579[12:47:08] <vifino> Is it just me, or do the HP ProLiant G9 server look sexy as fuck?
L580[12:47:57] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L581[12:50:10] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L582[12:52:14] <vifino> "The HP ProLiant DL580 G8 has 96 memory slots."
L583[12:52:17] <vifino> Hoooold on.
L584[12:53:32] <vifino> Oh, okay. DL560 G9 costs 14k in it's base configuration.
L585[12:53:34] <dangranos> DDR3?
L586[12:53:39] <dangranos> base is what?
L587[12:55:14] <vifino> dangranos: 32gb DDR4 ECC ram, 2 E5-4610 v3's
L588[12:55:24] <vifino> That's "base".
L589[12:55:34] <dangranos> hm
L590[12:55:42] <vifino> These are 10 core processors ._.
L591[12:55:43] <dangranos> #lua 96*8
L592[12:55:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 768
L593[12:55:51] <dangranos> niiiice
L594[12:56:07] <dangranos> a 0.75 of TB of RAM
L595[12:56:17] <vifino> dangranos: the DL560 only has 48 slots though
L596[12:56:24] <dangranos> D:
L597[12:56:27] <vifino> but takes 16gb dimms.
L598[12:56:39] <dangranos> max mem pls
L599[12:56:52] <vifino> #lua 16*48
L600[12:56:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 768
L601[12:56:55] <vifino> q_q
L602[12:57:24] <vifino> And I thought I had much with 48gb.
L603[12:57:29] <vifino> Heh, I was wrong apparently.
L604[12:57:41] <vifino> Very wrong..
L605[12:58:11] <vifino> :O I saw a DL160 for sub 1k!
L606[12:58:15] <dangranos> i have 8GB
L607[12:58:19] <dangranos> that's biggest i had
L608[12:58:20] <vifino> buybuybuybuybuy
L609[12:58:47] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L610[12:59:02] <Izaya> dangranos: vifino is of the sort that has access to their parents' credit card, they can afford 768GB RAM
L611[12:59:15] <vifino> Izaya: erm, no
L612[12:59:18] <vifino> i can't afford that
L613[12:59:22] <Izaya> even though they know they won't use it in the next 10 years
L614[12:59:45] <dangranos> half of it?
L615[12:59:48] <Izaya> can I point something out?
L616[12:59:52] <Izaya> 20 years ago
L617[13:00:00] <Izaya> people were amazed by 8MiB RAM
L618[13:00:06] <Izaya> today, 8GiB RAM is pretty nice
L619[13:00:08] <dangranos> hell, 100+ GB of RAM is fcking A LOT
L620[13:00:19] <Izaya> in 20 years, will we all have 8TiB RAM?
L621[13:00:24] <dangranos> 8GB is becomes common
L622[13:00:31] <dangranos> but still not everywhere
L623[13:00:48] <vifino> o.o there is a server
L624[13:00:52] <vifino> which can take 8 cpus
L625[13:00:57] <vifino> with 10 cores each
L626[13:00:59] <vifino> ._.
L627[13:01:12] <Izaya> Are they POWER CPUs?
L628[13:01:15] <dangranos> right now (fck you preinstalled 32 bit windos) ram is 4GB for most
L629[13:01:26] <vifino> Izaya: Nope, x86, xeons.
L630[13:01:28] <dangranos> vifino, i hate you, you make me jealous
L631[13:01:42] <vifino> dangranos: >implying i will ever buy things like that
L632[13:01:45] <Izaya> so when I upgrade my fileserver
L633[13:01:52] <Izaya> I'm gonna get some more drives
L634[13:01:53] <vifino> I don't have infinite money, okay?
L635[13:01:55] <vifino> Q_Q
L636[13:02:00] <Izaya> another 8GB RAM stick
L637[13:02:13] <Izaya> and something newer than a VIA C3
L638[13:02:14] <dangranos> vifino, just
L639[13:02:18] <Izaya> something with VT-x
L640[13:02:23] <dangranos> say me, what desktop do you have right now?
L641[13:02:28] <dangranos> or what you use as it
L642[13:02:51] <vifino> dangranos: uh, my desktop is a HP ProLiant DL580 G5
L643[13:02:58] <vifino> s/desktop/"desktop"/
L644[13:02:58] <Kibibyte> <vifino> dangranos: uh, my "desktop" is a HP ProLiant DL580 G5
L645[13:03:16] <dangranos> >enterprise class
L646[13:03:27] <dangranos> stats pls
L647[13:03:33] <vifino> dangranos: I got it for 500€. Including shipping.
L648[13:03:38] <vifino> Stop whining.
L649[13:03:53] <dangranos> i caaaaaaaant
L650[13:03:54] <vifino> 4x4x2.93ghz and 48gb ram.
L651[13:03:58] * dangranos whines
L652[13:04:15] <vifino> Oh, and 4 72gb 10k rpm sas drives.
L653[13:04:27] <cloakable> Nice desktop :P
L654[13:04:34] <vifino> + 3tb with an external hdd thingeh.
L655[13:04:37] <dangranos> oh wow, in jurassic world there are holograms?
L656[13:04:47] <dangranos> those guys are damn advanced
L657[13:04:55] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L658[13:05:05] <Izaya> maybe I'll buy another motherboard (less fancy than mine) and an i5 - put the i5 in my desktop, move the i3 to the fileserver and run VMs of that
L659[13:05:07] * cloakable considers a multisocket motherboard in the future
L660[13:05:20] * Izaya wants a dual-2011 motherboard
L661[13:05:40] * Izaya wants all the cores, all the RAM and all the Ghz
L662[13:05:44] * Izaya knows he will never get it
L663[13:06:49] <vifino> Izaya: If I (ever) get a better server, I'll be willing to ship my current one over. You pay the shipping.
L664[13:07:04] <Izaya> haah, like I could pay shipping for that
L665[13:07:09] <Izaya> nor the power bill
L666[13:07:15] <vifino> Is only ~500$
L667[13:07:31] <Izaya> interesting fact: I have to meter how much power my servers use and it comes out of my allowance
L668[13:07:33] <Izaya> >only
L669[13:07:35] <Izaya> dude
L670[13:07:44] <dangranos> i really hope there is "it's a unix system" joke in jurassic world
L671[13:07:50] <dangranos> latest one i mean
L672[13:07:54] <vifino> Izaya: It weighs a litteral fuckton.
L673[13:07:58] <Izaya> I would kill for $500
L674[13:08:12] * vifino notes down Izaya as a cheap hitman
L675[13:08:20] <Izaya> I could get a new graphics card, a better processor and upgrade my RAM for $500
L676[13:09:10] <Izaya> mind you, i3 4160 is pretty damn nice
L677[13:12:04] <vifino> .-. i forgot what i was working on
L678[13:12:22] <vifino> someone, hide ebay and hp's site from me x.x
L679[13:13:42] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L680[13:15:21] <dangranos> vifino, setup a webfilter
L681[13:15:23] <dangranos> and ban them
L682[13:15:32] <vifino> dangranos: q_q
L683[13:15:51] <dangranos> would be much safer for everyone (except HP and ebay, because they wont get moar money, duh)
L684[13:16:47] <vifino> dangranos: I payed only 4 times in my whole life to ebay.
L685[13:16:57] <gamax92> robhol, sugoi: https://github.com/gamax92/OCEmu/blob/master/msys2_setup_ocemu.sh
L686[13:16:58] <vifino> And I don't have enough money to buy anything right now.
L687[13:17:19] <vifino> Especially due to the fact that I have the next bill of my dedi in 6 days.
L688[13:17:35] <dangranos> so, you're just browsing it for cool stuff to dream about later?
L689[13:17:48] <gamax92> also now that I've actually built luasec-0.5 in windows, i shall update the zip file
L690[13:19:13] <vifino> dangranos: oh, right, the DL580 supports up to 4tb ram and soon 8tb.
L691[13:20:36] <dangranos> stahp
L692[13:22:01] <Inari> ~oc serialization api
L693[13:22:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:serialization
L694[13:22:34] <robhol> gamax92: nice
L695[13:23:07] <gamax92> I've only tested it on i686 msys2, but it should work fine for 64bit
L696[13:31:53] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vt0W9 ¬_¬
L697[13:31:55] <Mimiru> SANGAR!
L698[13:34:27] * vifino boops Lizzy
L699[13:35:46] <vifino> I'm bootstrapping arch linux arm on my pi 2, trying it on btrfs first, because I love btrfs :D
L700[13:36:12] <Inari> ~oc robot
L701[13:36:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:robot
L702[13:37:55] <Inari> um...
L703[13:38:10] <Inari> why does .getStackInSlot(sides.back, 1) say unsupported side
L704[13:38:11] <Inari> <.<
L705[13:41:34] * Lizzy booped
L706[13:43:14] <Inari> OC page is dead
L707[13:43:15] <Inari> :<
L708[13:49:28] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L709[13:49:30] <gamax92> Izaya: I don't believe a robot can see any sides besides the one in front, top, and bottom
L710[13:49:45] <gamax92> Inari*
L711[13:49:58] <Inari> well ocdoc for inv controlelr says back to use robot's inv
L712[13:50:50] <gamax92> oh ...
L713[13:52:00] <Mimiru> Anyone know how to get a Callable<li.cil.oc.api.fs.FileSystem> from a regular filesystem? since casting that seems to do this li.cil.oc.server.fs.FileSystem$ReadOnlyFileSystem cannot be cast to java.util.concurrent.Callable
L714[13:52:42] <gamax92> may I ask what you're trying to do in a broader sense?
L715[13:52:52] <Mimiru> * To use some directory in your mod JAR as the directory provided by the
L716[13:52:52] <Mimiru> * loot disk, use {@link FileSystem#fromClass} in your callable from the jdoc on registerFloppy
L717[13:53:16] <Mimiru> gamax92, simple, register a disk.
L718[13:53:17] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L719[13:53:40] <gamax92> brb linux
L720[13:53:49] <Mimiru> I have a filesystem, with the files in my assets dir
L721[13:59:07] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vt0RN http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/6b9f8095, that results in http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/f0d9574c
L722[13:59:07] <Mimiru> telling me to cast 'factory' to Callable<FileSystem>, or to change the type of factory to that. The first results in the above exception, the 2nd results in it telling me to cast again.
L723[14:01:10] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L724[14:01:42] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B216586.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L725[14:01:55] * Lizzy kisses vifino all over
L726[14:02:04] <vifino> :O
L727[14:02:05] <vifino> :3
L728[14:02:58] <Vexatos> Mimiru, FileSystem is not a Callable<FileSystem>...
L729[14:03:04] <Mimiru> I'm well aware.
L730[14:03:37] <Mimiru> Which is why I'm confused by " To use some directory in your mod JAR as the directory provided by the loot disk, use {@link FileSystem#fromClass} in your callable."
L731[14:03:48] <Vexatos> in the callable
L732[14:03:50] <Vexatos> not in the parameter
L733[14:04:43] <Vexatos> Callable<FileSystem> factory = new Callable<FileSystem> {public FileSystem call() {return li.cil.oc.api.FileSystem.fromClass(OpenSecurity.class, OpenSecurity.MODID, "/lua/SecureOS/");}}();
L734[14:04:47] <Vexatos> Mimiru, ^
L735[14:04:50] <Vexatos> something like that
L736[14:06:43] <Vexatos> (disclaimer: Didn't check for compilability)
L737[14:07:31] <Mimiru> If there were anymore red lines I'd go blind :P but thanks for the pointers, I'll figure it out from here.
L738[14:16:08] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L740[14:17:19] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CEC0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L741[14:28:45] <vifino> :O
L742[14:28:59] <vifino> I have arch linux arm running on a pi2 on btrfs!
L743[14:29:05] <vifino> Parteeeeey~~~!
L744[14:29:37] <vifino> I need more ethernet cables.
L745[14:29:41] <vifino> All of them.
L746[14:30:45] <vifino> Noooo, I am missing a hostname.
L747[14:31:32] <vifino> It can't be turing, because that's what my new desktop will be. Aperture, Tesla are gone too..
L748[14:31:52] <vifino> Lizzy: Help me find a name D:
L749[14:32:01] <Vexatos> Call it Ron :P
L750[14:32:36] <vifino> Vexatos: Ron as in who?
L751[14:32:50] <Vexatos> seecret
L752[14:34:20] <vifino> Vexatos: I didn't find it D: http://puu.sh/iESVN/43a00e5d63.png
L753[14:34:39] <Vexatos> xD
L754[14:34:52] <vifino> Vexatos: Seriously though, who? ._.
L755[14:35:50] <Vexatos> random name
L756[14:36:03] <vifino> acorn works, i guess.
L757[14:40:12] <Inari> apparently wik is outdated and theres a getStackInInternalSlot now
L758[14:40:21] <vifino> Whoa.
L759[14:40:26] <vifino> My Pi 2 is fast.
L760[14:40:35] <vifino> 10 seconds for boot with networking ready.
L761[14:41:41] ⇨ Joins: Totoro (webchat@
L762[14:44:42] <Totoro> Hello! Old wiki says, OC uses Eris library for Lua persistence e.t.c. And how Eris is implemented in Java?
L763[14:45:12] <Totoro> (or Scala)
L764[14:45:16] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Fuck you vifino
L765[14:45:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> you and your pi 2
L766[14:45:22] <SuPeRMiNoR2> :P
L767[14:45:23] <vifino> wot
L768[14:45:24] <vifino> :<
L769[14:45:33] <vifino> SuPeRMiNoR2: it isn't even overclocked
L770[14:45:35] <vifino> :D
L771[14:45:36] <Mimiru> Totoro, it's not, Eris is native code.
L772[14:45:50] <Mimiru> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Natives
L773[14:46:04] <Inari> gamax92: gimme improved ocnetfs :P
L774[14:46:22] <Lizzy> vifino: it may not be overclocked but the Pi2 is quad core, Pi1 is single core
L775[14:46:31] <sugoi> vifino: i'm also in love with btrfs
L776[14:46:36] <gamax92> Inari: ?
L777[14:46:44] <Inari> gamax92: that doesnt transfer all the data all the time
L778[14:46:54] <gamax92> so you want one that caches
L779[14:46:56] <vifino> Lizzy!!!! :D :D
L780[14:46:58] <Inari> of course
L781[14:46:58] <Inari> :P
L782[14:46:59] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L783[14:47:10] <vifino> sugoi: btrfs is awesome, right? :)
L784[14:47:10] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L785[14:47:11] <Totoro> Mimiru, thanks =)
L786[14:47:15] * vifino hugs Lizzy <3
L787[14:48:00] <Inari> might just go back to singleplayer stuff xD
L788[14:48:12] <sugoi> vifino: i hate how hard it is to explain to ppl why i like it so much
L789[14:48:23] <vifino> sugoi: Yeah, same :D
L790[14:48:27] <sugoi> vifino: of course, perhaps the grocery store teller isn't the right audience
L791[14:48:53] <Vexatos> o_o
L792[14:49:07] <Vexatos> "hey, random person, let me tell you about my new thinger"
L793[14:49:08] <sugoi> but to be sincere, it's the first fs that actually felt so valuable to me
L794[14:49:12] <vifino> sugoi: o.o
L795[14:49:24] <vifino> sugoi: Yeah!
L796[14:49:54] <Lizzy> .-., turned printer on for dad, made MC lag to hell because of ram usages
L797[14:50:03] <sugoi> nice
L798[14:50:50] <sugoi> so gamax92 - to be honest i'm a bit confused what even needs to be built for your project. after a lot of time trying to get the different projects to build
L799[14:51:03] <sugoi> luaffi, and trying to find how to install those other lua pkgs for msys
L800[14:51:09] <gamax92> sugoi: have you see the build script I added?
L801[14:51:18] <sugoi> i decided to just see how much was needed to make ocemu run
L802[14:51:32] <sugoi> gamax92: i'll check it out
L803[14:51:32] <gamax92> luafilesystem, luautf8, and luaffi is minimum
L804[14:51:58] <gamax92> unless ... you could have no filesystem component, no unicode api, or no screen
L805[14:52:20] <gamax92> actually no, luaffi is used beyond the screen, so you would have no emulator
L806[14:54:20] <Inari> ?
L807[15:02:49] <sugoi> gamax92: what i was trying to get at -
L808[15:03:01] <sugoi> was that it was odd to me that these components were depedencies in the makefile for the ocemu project
L809[15:03:11] <sugoi> like, i would expect that project to fail to build
L810[15:07:23] <sugoi> anywho, i got your updates and am running the script now
L811[15:11:51] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-104.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L812[15:13:01] <Mimiru> Vexatos, Cannot instantiate the type Callable<FileSystem> So it seems I'm just stupid.
L813[15:13:33] <Vexatos> are you even using an IDE ;_;
L814[15:13:50] <gamax92> notepad best ide
L815[15:13:55] <Mimiru> No, I'm wirting this in binary directly to the disk.
L816[15:13:58] <Mimiru> writing*
L817[15:14:05] <Vexatos> It sounds like you are, actually
L818[15:15:19] <Mimiru> Eclipse, and it tells me nothing about Callable<FileSystem>, I'd like to note I have NO javadocs at all for OC's API.
L819[15:17:03] <Vexatos> ....
L820[15:17:04] <Vexatos> ....
L821[15:17:09] <gamax92> ....
L822[15:17:28] <Mimiru> ellipsis period
L823[15:22:02] <sugoi> gamax92: ok your script completely successfully, awesome
L824[15:23:42] <gamax92> sugoi: yeah, I completely forgot about all the patching i had to do to get everything built
L825[15:23:47] <sugoi> but there is no run.bat, and main.lua seems to be missing component setup
L826[15:24:06] <sugoi> gamax92: i can just pull the parts i need for now from the zip you shared w/ me already
L827[15:24:25] <gamax92> sugoi: you'll notice a few couple of lines at the top of that archive's boot.lua
L828[15:24:51] <gamax92> I cheated and just put everything into an extras folder
L829[15:25:25] <sugoi> yeah, for the pkg path, right?
L830[15:25:36] <gamax92> both .path and .cpath
L831[15:32:38] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
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L840[16:52:28] <Kodos> Any of you lot use Engineer's Toolbox?
L841[16:52:54] <vifino> On Oddstr13's server we used it a little.
L842[16:53:02] <Kodos> Does it still need emashercore
L843[16:53:14] <vifino> No idea.
L844[16:53:28] * Kodos pokes Oddstr13
L845[16:54:49] <g> Kodos: toolbox is an addon mod as far as the ftb wiki is concerned
L846[16:54:57] <vifino> Odd-senpai is dead, 99% of the time.
L847[16:57:24] <reinei> vifino, atm I think he's using Cruo/r's device, or not, I'm not sure anymore
L848[16:57:58] <vifino> reinei: Alright.
L849[16:58:29] <vifino> Cruor: boo-hoo I'mma ghost!
L850[16:58:39] <Cruor> rip
L851[16:58:51] <vifino> Cruor: where is odd? he ded?
L852[17:00:22] <vifino> Cruor: juliachan sux q_q
L853[17:00:32] <vifino> lua beats it
L854[17:00:47] <vifino> :(
L855[17:00:56] <vifino> Cruor ded. Normally that triggers him.
L856[17:08:48] <vifino> Hmm. I want to buy a satelite messaging set.
L857[17:08:50] <sugoi> gamax92: hello again. i progress this week wil lbe slow :) yay vacation with the family :)
L858[17:08:53] <vifino> But they are expensive ._.
L859[17:09:05] <vifino> Especially credits and stuff.
L860[17:09:08] <gamax92> vifino: I wanna buy a piece of bread
L861[17:09:28] <vifino> Like, 8€/month for line rental and .1€/message..
L862[17:09:37] <sugoi> gamax92: but, i got things running with the build, had to touch up the boot.lua
L863[17:09:55] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B216586.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L864[17:09:59] <sugoi> gamax92: also, added a thing to boot so i can specify two different instances (by command line)
L865[17:10:24] <sugoi> i looked in main.lua and saw the components listed, i added {"modem"} but =components.list() doesn't list modem
L866[17:10:34] <sugoi> any hints on what i should look at next?
L867[17:10:36] <gamax92> components get loaded from ocemu.cfg
L868[17:10:41] <sugoi> oh ok
L869[17:10:47] <sugoi> i'll look at that
L870[17:11:03] <gamax92> what you can do is just throw {"modem"} at the bottom of that list and it should auto get an address
L871[17:11:25] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@ip-2-207-84-204.web.vodafone.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L872[17:11:26] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Pyrolusite2)))
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L875[17:12:30] <gamax92> ooooor not ...
L876[17:12:44] <sugoi> i can find no ocemu.cfg
L877[17:12:46] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L878[17:13:20] <gamax92> sugoi: should be in your home folder
L879[17:13:26] <gamax92> cd ~/.ocemu/
L880[17:13:32] <sugoi> ah
L881[17:13:52] <vifino> Wow, iridiums website is slow as fuck.
L882[17:14:07] <vifino> Like, they own 66 satelites but can't pay for a server?
L883[17:14:10] <vifino> >_>
L884[17:15:02] <gamax92> sugoi: oh and you'll have to do {"modem",nil,nil,true/false}, since modem takes an argument if its wireless or not
L885[17:15:12] <sugoi> ah ok
L886[17:15:29] <gamax92> also I'm not quite sure why i put commas on the ends of the lines
L887[17:16:03] <sugoi> it didn't bother me - i've worked with many kinds of styles
L888[17:17:25] <sugoi> awesome
L889[17:17:28] <sugoi> i'm good to go!
L890[17:17:31] <sugoi> :)
L891[17:17:41] <sugoi> here's hoping the kids stay occupied with cousins for a while
L892[17:18:01] <sugoi> thanks for your patience :)
L893[17:18:52] <vifino> gamax92: Do you think a C header parser for automatic binding generation would be a good idea?
L894[17:18:52] <sugoi> never worked on a lua-based project, and my total git(and github) experience is about 20 minutes
L895[17:20:19] <gamax92> vifino: doesn't that already exist
L896[17:21:18] <Kodos> Oddstr13, I see you
L897[17:23:41] <Kodos> marcin212, latest ZI from jenkins have OC cables for IE?
L898[17:23:53] <marcin212> Kodos, yes
L899[17:23:57] <Kodos> Cheers
L900[17:24:56] <Kodos> Wired Networking I'm guessing
L901[17:26:15] <vifino> gamax92: yes, but it's language specific, so you have to remake it for every language >_>
L902[17:26:41] <gamax92> vifino: how is your idea not language specific
L903[17:27:03] <vifino> gamax92: I never said it wouldn't be not language specific.
L904[17:27:20] <gamax92> agh too many negations
L905[17:34:29] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
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L908[17:57:35] ⇨ Joins: esteban (~esteban@r167-61-207-202.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy)
L909[17:58:15] <esteban> hi?
L910[17:58:29] <esteban> ...
L911[17:58:43] <gamax92> Hello
L912[17:59:00] <gamax92> just because you don't get a reply in 13 seconds doesn't mean you need to ... us
L913[17:59:16] <esteban> sorry :(
L914[17:59:29] <gamax92> anyway, what can we do for you
L915[17:59:39] <esteban> im just testing this thing...
L916[17:59:49] <gamax92> oh, WocChat
L917[17:59:54] <esteban> yea
L918[18:00:30] ⇦ Quits: esteban (~esteban@r167-61-207-202.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy) (Client Quit)
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L923[18:28:30] ⇨ Joins: prozacgod (~Prozacgod@
L924[18:28:59] <prozacgod> hello! How is everyone?
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L926[18:32:42] <gamax92> prozacgod: hello
L927[18:32:52] <gamax92> also hello rashy
L928[18:32:59] <rashy> o/
L929[18:33:46] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L931[18:34:20] <prozacgod> I was looking for help on networking raid devices
L932[18:34:25] <prozacgod> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1249
L933[18:34:44] <prozacgod> I think Lizzy responded to me there, thanks for that btw.
L934[18:37:44] <gamax92> prozacgod: oh boy ...
L935[18:38:52] <gamax92> you can edit init.lua and ... some other file, to favor a specific screen
L936[18:39:19] <gamax92> keyboards however, would need to have an event filter to only see events from a specific address
L937[18:39:50] <prozacgod> ouch, that's not as painless as I'd hoped... oh well, if I roll up something usefull I'll paste it post it up somewhere.
L938[18:40:28] <prozacgod> I think at the very least the tooltip for the raid device, is probably a bit misleading, since it would never work "out of the box"
L939[18:40:29] <prozacgod> for simple computers
L940[18:40:42] <prozacgod> now, headless is a different story, probably works fine there.
L941[18:41:39] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L942[18:54:56] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L946[19:10:28] <Kodos> prozacgod, there's an easier way to do what you want
L947[19:11:07] <Kodos> Before connecting each computer, go through its components, and make an autorun script that primaries the gpu, keyboard, and screens for each computer
L948[19:12:04] <prozacgod> tx, which api calls should I be looking at?
L949[19:12:14] <prozacgod> to set the primaries.
L950[19:13:08] <Kodos> Give me a bit to check on what you need exactly, I'm having to fix my MC again
L951[19:14:08] <prozacgod> np, I see component get/set primary I'll futz with that
L952[19:14:09] <Mimiru> wouldn't it just be component.setPrimary(componentType: string, address: string) so like component.setPrimary("keyboard", "address") ?
L953[19:14:39] <prozacgod> wouldn't the keyboard events still get propagated through?
L954[19:14:43] <gamax92> ^
L955[19:15:05] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CEC0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L956[19:15:35] <Kodos> If I can't get this to work in the next 30 minutes, I'm just going to wipe my MC and make a fresh pack
L957[19:15:44] <Kodos> I'm not spending an entire 3 days again trying to get this to work
L958[19:15:49] <gamax92> primary keyboard also makes no sense when the keyboard component has no methods to it, all it does is create events
L959[19:16:06] <Mimiru> gamax92, was just showing HOW to do the setPrimary.
L960[19:16:31] <prozacgod> the monitor situation is fixed, so that's a plus..
L961[19:17:18] <prozacgod> in my real server world, I um.. took the dirty approach, and stuffed a cc floppy drive between them with adapters... shared communal storage
L962[19:17:53] <prozacgod> I can hear the simultaneous facepalm of the whole of #OC right now ;)
L963[19:17:54] <gamax92> hah
L964[19:18:12] <Kodos> I'm too busy ragefacing at my Minecraft
L965[19:18:31] <prozacgod> when I have to code on a server, I make 2 computers, code on one and execute on the other.
L966[19:18:33] <Kodos> Worked fine last night, literally the only thing I did was update IE and ZI, and added Engineer's Toolbox
L967[19:20:16] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B216586.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L968[19:23:09] <Kodos> Okay, new instance, with just my mods copied over
L969[19:23:11] <Kodos> Let's see what happens
L970[19:23:25] <Kodos> I'll be damned it works, what the actual fuck
L971[19:25:07] <Kodos> Annnd minechem crashed
L972[19:26:32] <Kodos> Oh what the fuck
L973[19:26:37] <Kodos> Fuck you Minecraft
L974[19:26:39] <Kodos> You're getting uninstalled
L975[19:26:41] <Kodos> Fuck this
L976[19:32:15] ⇦ Quits: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@2601:280:4402:426c:bc45:f27d:b279:1ba2) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L978[19:34:25] <Kodos> Okay, new instance works. Experiment time
L979[19:35:07] <Mimiru> root
L980[19:35:09] <Mimiru> asfsdf
L981[19:35:37] <gamax92> ls
L982[19:35:44] <gamax92> cd Music/modules
L983[19:35:58] <gamax92> xmp ritanx.xm
L984[19:35:58] <prozacgod> sudo makemeasandwich
L985[19:36:37] <Kodos> awekjghwregwerh
L986[19:36:41] <Kodos> Okay, so
L988[19:36:57] <Kodos> Is now locking up at the usual spot
L989[19:36:59] <Kodos> I literally changed nothing
L990[19:37:03] <Kodos> I saved, quit, hit play again
L991[19:37:04] <Kodos> And boom
L992[19:37:24] <Kodos> I wonder if MultiMC is being a piece of shit
L993[19:42:04] <prozacgod> I feel like maybe you should nuke the computer from orbit, to save the rest of us from whatever you have.
L994[19:43:18] <Kodos> Indeed
L995[19:43:28] <Kodos> Instead, however, I'm going to...
L996[19:43:30] * Kodos shudders
L997[19:43:35] <Kodos> Install the vanilla launcher and try with that
L998[19:43:44] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L999[19:47:22] <Kodos> If I grab the Forge installer, it installs MC as well, doesn't it? (I haven't used anything but MultiMC in about 2 years, so bear with me)
L1000[19:48:32] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1001[19:48:49] <Mimiru> the forgei nstaller will want a matching MC version installed.
L1002[19:48:56] <Kodos> Ok
L1003[19:54:44] <Kodos> hjgfkawehgtwe
L1004[19:54:49] <Kodos> No launcher profile found in this location
L1006[20:01:26] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1007[20:03:43] * Kodos apparently has no idea how to install Forge, even with an installer
L1008[20:07:59] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1009[20:09:10] <Kodos> What the fuck, I don't even have mods installed and it's locking up at the same spot with the vanilla launcher
L1010[20:11:06] <Kodos> Fuck it, time to go to the Forge channel
L1011[20:16:38] <PotatoTrumpet> Kodos, have you tried turning it off and on again?
L1012[20:16:57] <Kodos> !kick PotatoTrumpet fuck you
L1013[20:16:57] *** PotatoTrumpet was kicked by zsh ((Kodos) fuck you))
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L1015[20:17:10] <Kodos> Yes I realize that was probably an abuse of power
L1016[20:17:31] <PotatoTrumpet> i really don't care
L1017[20:17:45] <PotatoTrumpet> All you did was cause the incovenience of my bouner having to reconnect me
L1018[20:17:50] <sugoi> Kodos: i know that mmc does some lib sharing
L1019[20:17:57] <sugoi> Kodos: maybe something is wrong with a shared lib
L1020[20:18:04] <Kodos> sugoi, that'd be great and all, but I get it with the vanilla launcher now too
L1021[20:18:06] <Kodos> With NO mods
L1022[20:18:09] <Kodos> Just forge
L1023[20:18:12] <sugoi> try mv to a bk everything, and setup new instances?
L1024[20:18:16] <Kodos> I have a feeling it's a problem that runs deeper than MC
L1025[20:18:18] <sugoi> Kodos: ok
L1026[20:18:26] <Kodos> It's seizing up at something to do with the sound engine
L1027[20:18:36] <gamax92> openal?
L1028[20:18:51] <sugoi> Kodos: hmm, forge from any launcher then? or can anything run a forge pack?
L1029[20:18:51] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/QUze8A4Z
L1030[20:19:03] <Kodos> There's my log
L1031[20:19:06] <Kodos> I'm at my wit's end with it
L1032[20:19:40] <Kodos> I've already removed all but one MMC instance, and all other installs of Minecraft other than MMC and the vanilla launcher
L1033[20:19:46] <Kodos> Freed up 4 gb of data doing so
L1034[20:19:57] <Kodos> If I can't get this to work in the next few days, I'm just done with MC
L1035[20:20:27] <Kodos> My blood pressure's already spiked from being pissed off at shit today, I don't need this too
L1036[20:20:49] <sugoi> is this the freeze bug?
L1037[20:20:53] <sugoi> the one you mentioned earlier?
L1038[20:20:54] <Kodos> Yes
L1039[20:21:06] <Kodos> I thought it was a mod doing it
L1040[20:21:07] <Kodos> But it's not
L1041[20:21:08] <sugoi> if you zip it up, i'll run it
L1042[20:21:12] <Kodos> That's the thing
L1043[20:21:14] <Kodos> I've done that before
L1044[20:21:18] <Kodos> And it ran fine on someone else's machine
L1045[20:21:21] <Kodos> So it's not MC
L1046[20:21:25] <Kodos> It's something on my machine
L1047[20:21:45] <sugoi> someone here ran it successfully?
L1048[20:21:58] <Kodos> Magik6k|off did, yes
L1049[20:22:11] <Kodos> To elaborate and repeat what I've said earlier
L1050[20:22:14] <Kodos> It runs fine once, on the first load
L1051[20:22:19] <Kodos> But when I load it a second time, it freezes
L1052[20:22:27] <Kodos> And every subsequent load
L1053[20:22:27] <sugoi> oh hmm
L1054[20:22:31] <sugoi> until?
L1055[20:22:38] <sugoi> i mean, how do you repro a "first" ?
L1056[20:23:01] <Kodos> I make a new install
L1057[20:23:05] <Kodos> Add in JUST the mods
L1058[20:23:06] <Kodos> Loads fine
L1059[20:23:07] <Kodos> Run it again
L1060[20:23:09] <Kodos> Freeze
L1061[20:23:22] <Kodos> Made a new vanilla launcher install
L1062[20:23:24] <Kodos> Installed forge
L1063[20:23:25] <Kodos> Ran once
L1064[20:23:26] <Kodos> Worked
L1065[20:23:28] <Kodos> Ran again
L1066[20:23:29] <Kodos> Froze
L1067[20:23:30] <Kodos> NO MODS
L1068[20:24:05] <sugoi> ok, so clearly forge+your machine
L1069[20:24:14] <sugoi> but
L1070[20:24:18] <Kodos> I should note this is Forge 1448
L1071[20:24:20] <Kodos> 1291 ran fine
L1072[20:24:21] <sugoi> something that persists in the forge run
L1073[20:24:29] <Kodos> So something changed with Forge
L1074[20:24:32] <sugoi> agreed
L1075[20:24:43] <gamax92> Kodos: hmm, if you go into splash.properties and set enabled to false or whatever, does it work then?
L1076[20:24:59] <sugoi> but it gets past that
L1077[20:25:06] <sugoi> the freeze is at the end of the log (so i thought)
L1078[20:25:08] <gamax92> mine doesn't
L1079[20:25:26] <Kodos> sugoi, are you aware of the little loading bars that FML does
L1080[20:25:27] <Kodos> in 1448
L1081[20:25:27] <gamax92> I've had it get up to initializing the sound stuff and then immediately crash before
L1082[20:25:39] <gamax92> when i disabled forge's loading screen, it booted fine
L1083[20:25:50] <sugoi> Kodos: i am
L1084[20:25:51] <Kodos> gamax92, where's the setting for that
L1085[20:25:56] <gamax92> Kodos: in the config folder
L1086[20:25:59] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/iBUYJ/fdb79a80a5.png This is where it locks up
L1087[20:26:08] <sugoi> btw, my connection is horrible so i get d/c from this chat a lot
L1088[20:26:17] <sugoi> forgive me if my responses sometimes lag or if i just stop talking
L1089[20:26:25] <sugoi> (yay, vacation)
L1090[20:27:30] <Kodos> gamax92, I only have forge.cfg and forgechunkloading.cfg
L1091[20:27:45] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1092[20:27:54] <gamax92> uhh, I'll go setup an instance real quick
L1093[20:29:24] <sugoi> hmm, i agree trying to disable new splash
L1094[20:29:33] <gamax92> it appears not to write it if it crashes
L1095[20:29:39] <sugoi> or, trying
L1096[20:29:49] <Kodos> sugoi, one of the mods I use depends on 1448
L1097[20:29:55] <sugoi> :(
L1098[20:30:04] <gamax92> imma see if i make a file with enabled=false in it, if that works
L1099[20:30:22] <gamax92> that does indeed work
L1100[20:30:45] <gamax92> Kodos: just make a file called splash.properties and write enabled=false in it
L1101[20:31:15] <Kodos> in the config folder
L1102[20:31:17] <gamax92> yeayh
L1103[20:31:57] <Kodos> Trying it in MMC first
L1104[20:32:34] <sugoi> what os?
L1105[20:32:42] <gamax92> winders probably
L1106[20:32:43] <sugoi> (save me from re-pasting the pastebin)
L1107[20:32:43] <Kodos> W&
L1108[20:32:44] <Kodos> err
L1109[20:32:46] <Kodos> W7
L1110[20:33:26] <Kodos> It appears to be working
L1111[20:33:37] <Kodos> Let me go play for 5 minutes and then re load it again
L1112[20:33:38] <sugoi> with splash disabled?
L1113[20:33:40] <Kodos> Yes
L1114[20:33:52] <Kodos> I watched that part of the log write and go past
L1115[20:33:53] <gamax92> I know my issue isn'
L1116[20:34:05] <gamax92> t exactly the same, mine is related to linux and MESA
L1117[20:34:45] <Kodos> Annnd crashe don world load
L1118[20:35:03] <Kodos> mekanism y u do dis
L1119[20:35:14] <gamax92> well, it atleast loaded to title screen, right?
L1120[20:35:27] <gamax92> err ... yes ofc it did >_>
L1121[20:36:23] <Kodos> Let's try a new world
L1122[20:36:42] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/iiQgT/57b471e3af.png
L1123[20:37:18] <gamax92> mmm, nether portal
L1124[20:39:03] <sugoi> gamax92: sorry i doubted you :), reading thegithub discussion board about the new splash with cpw and lexmanos now
L1125[20:39:31] <gamax92> you doubted me?
L1126[20:39:33] <PotatoTrumpet> So, I was texting my german friend about the Alabama cheif justice saying that the gay marriage ruling was the worse thing since the segregation ruling
L1127[20:39:34] * gamax92 smites sugoi
L1128[20:39:45] <sugoi> what shall be my curse?
L1129[20:39:50] <PotatoTrumpet> and then texted that I would like to visit Europe because of how beautiful it is and went to bed
L1130[20:40:19] <PotatoTrumpet> I woke up, forgot about sending the europe thing, and saw his response "It really is and you should too!"
L1131[20:40:32] <PotatoTrumpet> Needless to say, I was very confused for a moment
L1132[20:40:59] <Kodos> Fucking Minechem
L1133[20:41:09] <sugoi> Kodos: yeah, having read all the posts in the thread, disabling the new splash sounds like your best option
L1134[20:41:21] <Kodos> There's a thread?
L1135[20:41:29] <gamax92> it's a github issue, but yeah
L1136[20:42:34] <Kodos> D= I just want to use IE what the hell
L1137[20:43:26] <sugoi> Kodos: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/issues/644
L1138[20:43:27] <gamax92> oooooooooh, what if AR glasses 3d printer previewer
L1139[20:44:09] <Kodos> gamax92, I want a hologram previewer first
L1140[20:44:10] <Kodos> brb
L1141[20:44:26] <gamax92> ~w hologram
L1142[20:44:26] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:hologram
L1143[20:51:22] <PotatoTrumpet> Kodos, have you figured it out
L1144[20:51:50] <PotatoTrumpet> ph my gawd
L1145[20:51:59] <PotatoTrumpet> is that a 3d image in OC?
L1146[20:52:08] <PotatoTrumpet> I should really get back to playing with oc
L1147[20:52:20] <gamax92> like that totally hasn't been possible since forever
L1148[20:54:51] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1149[20:58:08] <Kodos> Not forever, only since Sanger did the raycast
L1150[20:58:11] <Kodos> lib
L1151[20:58:37] <Kodos> Does Emasher have a channel
L1152[20:59:02] <Mimiru> Shuudoushi, you tool
L1153[21:00:08] <Shuudoushi> ?
L1154[21:00:14] <Shuudoushi> how am I a tool?
L1155[21:00:34] <Kodos> gamax92, I love you
L1156[21:00:37] <Kodos> Just putting that out there
L1157[21:00:38] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-06-27_21-00-45.png ¬_¬
L1158[21:00:59] <gamax92> Kodos: no, I've done 3d stuff before sangar's did his raycaster
L1159[21:01:20] <gamax92> also thanks
L1160[21:01:37] <Kodos> Someone remind me to pester emasher about making redstone sockets solid
L1161[21:01:49] <gamax92> Mimiru: did you remove the openos floppy/hdd?
L1162[21:01:57] <PotatoTrumpet> Gamax and kodos sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G
L1163[21:01:59] <Mimiru> gamax92, that's from the SecureOS floppy, and no.
L1164[21:02:26] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: kodos has a wife ...
L1165[21:02:36] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: how the fuck?
L1166[21:02:38] <Mimiru> fak why is bin missing from this god damn floppy
L1167[21:03:06] <Shuudoushi> so you're the tool huh lol
L1168[21:03:09] <Mimiru> No...
L1169[21:03:11] <Mimiru> It's there
L1170[21:03:13] <Mimiru> o_O
L1171[21:03:14] <Mimiru> wtf
L1172[21:03:44] <Mimiru> GOD DAMN IT TO FUCKING HELL
L1173[21:03:45] <Mimiru> WEfryhW)tghW$T
L1174[21:04:59] <Mimiru> fuck git.
L1175[21:05:20] ⇦ Quits: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@85-91-28-39.ptr.magnet.ie) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1176[21:05:26] <PotatoTrumpet> fucking twat?
L1177[21:05:35] <gamax92> you are?
L1178[21:06:20] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: so gits the tool this time?
L1179[21:08:51] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-06-27_21-08-59.png
L1180[21:09:21] <Shuudoushi> o.O
L1181[21:12:07] <Mimiru> What the illegitimate fuck
L1182[21:13:40] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-2-200.w90-23.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1183[21:14:02] <gamax92> Someone PM me
L1184[21:14:40] <Mimiru> K.
L1185[21:14:57] <gamax92> Ouch
L1186[21:15:03] <gamax92> that was not the sound i told it to play
L1187[21:15:05] <gamax92> that was noise
L1188[21:16:10] <Mimiru> fml running build 34.
L1189[21:16:13] <Mimiru> 44*
L1190[21:16:15] <Mimiru> apw3urjhas0ht
L1191[21:16:16] <Mimiru> 33*
L1192[21:18:30] <gamax92> sugoi: you use 32 or 64bit os?
L1193[21:19:46] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@boi177.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1194[21:20:36] <Kodos> Damn, I was just about to ask marcin something
L1195[21:25:38] <Kodos> https://twitter.com/bymarcin/status/614542444324089860
L1196[21:26:53] <PotatoTrumpet> OH MY GAWD
L1197[21:26:58] <PotatoTrumpet> THAT MOD LOOKS REALLY COOL
L1198[21:27:02] <PotatoTrumpet> AND I WANT IT NAOW
L1199[21:35:22] <Mimiru> http://checkoutmydong.com
L1200[21:35:23] <Mimiru> Warning...
L1201[21:35:24] <Mimiru> Loud.
L1202[21:36:43] <sugoi> gamax92: 64
L1203[21:36:53] <gamax92> oh good!
L1204[21:37:05] <gamax92> now i can confirm the script works on 64bit
L1205[21:37:51] <sugoi> :)
L1206[21:41:56] <Kodos> awwwwwwwww
L1207[21:42:08] <Kodos> IE's excavator isn't animated
L1208[21:42:35] <gamax92> So, how about SSL in pure lua
L1209[21:42:42] <gamax92> go go go!
L1210[21:45:43] <sugoi> i thought i've seen a project for that
L1211[21:45:45] <sugoi> ..
L1212[21:46:31] <gamax92> tls 1.2 in pure lua?
L1213[21:48:52] <Kodos> LuaIDE in OC?
L1214[21:49:12] <gamax92> Kodos: I should work on that shouldn't I?
L1215[21:49:32] <Kodos> I haven't seen neither hair nor hide of GravityScore
L1216[21:49:33] <Kodos> So yes
L1217[21:49:40] <Kodos> err
L1218[21:49:43] * Kodos is bad grammer
L1219[21:49:49] <gamax92> Kodos: you mean he's unactive?
L1220[21:49:53] <Kodos> inactive, yes
L1221[21:50:03] <prozacgod> I just started writing a bit of an emulation layer for CC in OC
L1222[21:50:24] <prozacgod> maybe my dribbles would be useful, it almost runs edit, so... next up LuaIDE?
L1223[21:50:40] <gamax92> prozacgod: I also have an emulation layer for CC in OC :D
L1224[21:50:43] * gamax92 competes with you
L1225[21:51:08] <gamax92> I'm kidding, mine is more of an intergration layer than an emulation layer
L1226[21:52:08] <sugoi> gamax92: so why not add extras to the boot.lua?
L1228[21:54:06] <Kodos> http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/1-3-changelog.20617/
L1229[21:54:07] <Kodos> Hypetrain!
L1230[21:57:23] <sugoi> heh
L1231[21:57:28] <sugoi> i never got really into terraria
L1232[21:59:45] <gamax92> sugoi: Because I'm lazy :P
L1233[21:59:47] <gamax92> I'll go do it now
L1234[22:07:10] <Kodos> Bleh, stupid IE excavator
L1235[22:12:29] <Mimiru> %ram
L1236[22:12:30] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Used RAM: 27.8 MB
L1237[22:12:51] <Kodos> Anyone in Immersive Engineering's IRC channel?
L1238[22:13:43] <sugoi> gamax92: oh, i had that change locally, could have included it in my pull request
L1239[22:13:47] <sugoi> i thought yo uhad a reason
L1240[22:13:49] <sugoi> :)
L1241[22:13:54] <gamax92> sugoi: yes, because its not cross platform
L1242[22:14:02] <sugoi> gamax92: btw, first github pull request!
L1243[22:14:03] <sugoi> so excited
L1244[22:14:14] <gamax92> oh, I'll check it out in a bit
L1245[22:14:18] <sugoi> gamax92: because of / vs \
L1246[22:14:19] <sugoi> ?
L1247[22:14:49] <gamax92> and .dll
L1248[22:14:56] <gamax92> and because it doens't use package.config
L1249[22:15:44] <sugoi> oh ha, how did i miss the .dll in that
L1250[22:16:53] <sugoi> well, i dont care, was just curious. those are valid reasons to be lazy :)
L1251[22:20:20] <gamax92> I uhh, much not a fan of that pr
L1252[22:21:34] <sugoi> haha, ok why?
L1253[22:21:39] <sugoi> also, question
L1254[22:21:55] <gamax92> you can specify function arguments in xpcall, no need for a wrapper
L1255[22:21:55] <sugoi> in the emulator, i started a lua prompt
L1256[22:22:13] <sugoi> to test require('socket'), and it said some failure
L1257[22:22:38] <gamax92> probably because that would also fail in OC ;)
L1258[22:22:55] <sugoi> so i was looking in to the internet.lua code
L1259[22:23:03] <sugoi> btw...internet SO bad - this is taking forever to type
L1260[22:23:13] <sugoi> you have local okay, socket = pcall(require, "socket")
L1261[22:23:25] <sugoi> i guess that works? but not in the emulator? what does that mean?
L1262[22:23:38] <gamax92> lua's require != openos require
L1263[22:23:46] <sugoi> as for params for xpcall, i didn't know. saw a stackoverlow question about that and someone said you have to wrap it
L1264[22:23:54] <gamax92> you did in 5.1
L1265[22:24:02] <sugoi> i'm happy to change it, recall, i don't know lua. this last week is my only experience
L1266[22:27:39] <gamax92> sugoi: okay so basically, do "print(xpcall(boot,debug.traceback,emulationInstancePath))", remove the boot_wrapper function, and get rid of all the semi colons
L1267[22:27:42] <gamax92> and I'll accept
L1268[22:28:09] <gamax92> trying to figure out why my java is being stupid
L1269[22:28:19] <sugoi> i'm happy to remove the ; too, that's just my own thing. but for your PR's, i'm happy (of course) to follow your preference
L1270[22:28:53] <sugoi> right now trying to understand why my git history is messed up locally
L1271[22:28:56] <sugoi> new to git, too
L1272[22:29:00] <sugoi> yay....
L1273[22:29:17] <gamax92> I use a git client :D
L1274[22:33:04] <sugoi> i use sourcetree
L1275[22:33:22] <sugoi> with some terminal help for some commands
L1276[22:36:15] <sugoi> gamax92: how can i use a custom name+email for this repo, for pushing to github in thie repo only?
L1277[22:36:27] <gamax92> ?
L1278[22:36:43] <sugoi> say my name is sugoi for all other projects, for github i want it to be payonel
L1279[22:37:11] <gamax92> it showed up for payonel for me
L1280[22:37:14] <sugoi> will git config user.name payonel in the git folder base enough?
L1281[22:37:22] <sugoi> gamax92: i had to use a github rewrite history tool
L1282[22:37:28] <sugoi> to fix it
L1283[22:37:30] <gamax92> oh, never do that
L1284[22:37:33] <sugoi> i had to
L1285[22:37:47] <sugoi> the initial data sent was not acceptable
L1286[22:38:01] <gamax92> Well i dunno how to configure git
L1287[22:38:07] <sugoi> :)
L1288[22:38:36] <sugoi> well i'm about to blow my local clone
L1289[22:38:40] <sugoi> and repull from github, as it is correct
L1290[22:45:33] <gamax92> i normally do that
L1291[22:45:58] <gamax92> git completely messed up? move the changed files out of repo, destroy repo and clone, put changed files back
L1292[22:46:18] <Mimiru> open git shell git reset --hard head
L1293[22:46:19] <Mimiru> :P
L1294[22:46:35] <gamax92> You hard head
L1295[22:46:40] <gamax92> is that an insult?
L1296[22:46:42] <gamax92> not sure
L1297[22:46:44] <rashy> mmm, git commandline <3
L1298[22:47:11] <Mimiru> mind you reset --hard head wipes all changes, so you again have to copy your changed files out..
L1299[22:47:18] <Mimiru> but you don't have to reclone and shit
L1300[22:49:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1301[22:52:29] <sugoi> gamax92: no my history was crap
L1302[22:52:40] <sugoi> when i did the fix, i couldn't get my local one to toss the wrong entries
L1303[22:53:11] <gamax92> yeah rewriting history ... not really worked too well for me
L1304[22:53:19] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971F21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1305[23:02:13] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549701B1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1306[23:06:55] <sugoi> gamax92: hm, now i dont get extras/
L1307[23:07:00] <sugoi> i thought your new script made that for me
L1308[23:07:10] <gamax92> it doesn't, it puts everything in the folder it was ran in
L1309[23:08:04] <sugoi> oh, so i should mkdir extras and then run it from there?
L1310[23:08:12] <sugoi> well, if i want my path to be extras
L1311[23:08:34] <sugoi> how did i miss this detail the last time? :) weird
L1312[23:08:38] <sugoi> it's been a busy day
L1313[23:17:28] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@pD9588819.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD9589D65.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L1314[23:17:35] ⇨ Joins: SnowDapples (~powered@pD9589D65.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1315[23:23:47] <sugoi> gamax92: now i can't seem to get things running again :(
L1316[23:30:29] <sugoi> gamax92: ok, what builds the lua.exe, or downloads it, or whatever
L1317[23:30:31] <sugoi> to the src dir
L1318[23:30:37] <sugoi> what step does that require?
L1319[23:43:16] ⇦ Quits: prozacgod (~Prozacgod@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1320[23:47:15] ⇨ Joins: prozacgod (~Prozacgod@
L1321[23:51:05] <prozacgod> has anyone ever considered porting openos to a real device? like a bare metal lua interpreter?
L1322[23:51:52] <sugoi> well, gamax92 is working on an emulator
L1323[23:52:08] <sugoi> it esentially runs the openos on a lua.exe process locally
L1324[23:52:45] <prozacgod> I have been partially working on an html5/javascript emulator
L1325[23:52:45] <prozacgod> using vm.lua.js
L1326[23:53:40] <prozacgod> but... vm.lua.js is so under-documented that I've been stuck on the emscripten build trying to compile lua myself.
L1327[23:54:52] <prozacgod> sooooo maybe it's true after all gamax92 and I are competing :P
L1328[23:55:46] <Izaya> >lua.exe
L1329[23:55:51] <Izaya> My condolences.
L1330[23:58:43] <gamax92> sugoi: well you didn't really miss that, I sorta never told you that it didn't make an extras folder
L1331[23:59:04] <gamax92> sugoi: also https://github.com/gamax92/OCEmu/blob/master/msys2_setup_ocemu.sh#L4-L16 makes the lua package
L1332[23:59:42] <gamax92> prozacgod: isnt vm.lua.js a 5.1 port?
L1333[23:59:55] <Izaya> gamax92: Does your emulator have a GUI or does it use the term and escape sequences?
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