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L1[00:16:25] ⇨ Joins: Doob (webchat@
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L5[00:34:22] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L6[00:34:35] <Lizzy> morning
L7[00:37:09] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L9[00:45:10] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
L10[01:02:15] <gamax92> ohai Lizzy
L11[01:02:28] <Lizzy> hai
L12[01:08:06] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L13[01:19:02] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E066560D8C4EE3E17A6EC83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L14[01:19:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L15[01:33:03] <Temia> Hmm. I wonder how plausible it'd be to make a tier 2 redstone card work with Tinker's Mechworks' signal busse
L16[01:33:05] <Temia> buses/
L17[01:33:06] <Temia> ...
L18[01:33:08] <Temia> BUSES
L19[01:33:16] * Temia seems to have lost her ability to type. @.@
L20[01:43:32] ⇨ Joins: Slikrick98 (~Ricky@2601:19c:4201:c40f:e962:3314:51f:6e9d)
L21[02:09:42] ⇨ Joins: Jarcode (~Jarcode@
L22[02:13:17] <sugoi> with openos - say i have a lot of disks installed. how do i know which component is mounted where?
L23[02:13:37] <sugoi> i find mount output to be a bit ... maybe lacking? having just labels
L24[02:14:17] <sugoi> like. if i see OpenOs on / and then i see 2 other OpenOs, one on /mnt/{guid} (rw) and another on /mnt/{guid} (ro)
L25[02:14:34] <sugoi> i can deduce which is what because i have a floop disk in
L26[02:14:52] <sugoi> but...it would be nice to see an output more like /mnt/{guid} on /path
L27[02:15:00] <sugoi> or... {guid} on /path
L28[02:15:01] <Lizzy> sugoi, try df
L29[02:15:57] <sugoi> hmm, that also doesn't give me guid on path, but label of path -- but, i'm not in game right now, but ocemu from gamax92_
L30[02:16:06] <sugoi> is it more detailed in-game?
L31[02:16:36] <sugoi> i think i should just write my own tool for this
L32[02:16:44] <Lizzy> I dunno
L33[02:16:51] <sugoi> anywhos, i have to go for now, i you give more info, i'll review the logs here later
L34[02:17:07] <sugoi> no worries. i'm basically focusing on making openos shell more gnu like
L35[02:17:14] <sugoi> might as well upgrade the mount as well while i'm at it
L36[02:17:21] <sugoi> Lizzy: thanks :) o/
L37[02:17:24] <Lizzy> Oww my stomach hurts
L38[02:17:24] * sugoi goes afk
L39[02:17:51] <Lizzy> I'm gonna need to start having breakfast
L40[02:33:07] ⇦ Quits: Flawedspirit (~Flawedspi@bas1-stcatharines11-2925496003.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L41[02:42:19] <Shuudoushi> I think I've made a monster... http://puu.sh/iDabh/73c62393a3.png
L42[02:43:21] *** Skye is now known as Skye|School
L43[02:43:22] <Shuudoushi> and holy hell the sound this thing is making XD
L44[02:51:09] <Shuudoushi> night all
L45[02:55:39] <dangranos> huh
L46[02:55:43] <dangranos> network simulators
L47[03:00:26] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest25843
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L56[04:08:55] <robhol> Is there such a thing as an OC emulator yet?
L57[04:10:46] <Izaya> robhol, I think gamax92 has one, check github
L58[04:17:24] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L59[04:22:38] <robhol> doesn't look like it
L60[04:22:58] <robhol> oh wait, yes
L61[04:25:13] <robhol> ah. I was hoping for something a bit more polished. not so much with manually compiling everything, copying lots of files around...
L62[04:25:54] <Shuudoushi> lol, yeah
L63[04:26:30] <Shuudoushi> the good news though is that it's the most error free emu afaik
L64[04:26:50] <Izaya> I haven't seen/heard people yelling about it not working
L65[04:26:52] <Izaya> so
L66[04:28:27] <robhol> bleh, it's actually made IN lua.. who does that :p
L67[04:29:23] <Izaya> what are luaffi's deps?
L68[04:29:26] <Izaya> It won't build for me
L69[04:30:24] <Izaya> call.c:179:31: error: ‘lua_remove’ undeclared (first use in this function)
L70[04:33:01] <dangranos> uh
L71[04:33:17] <dangranos> i think it needed argument somewhere
L72[04:33:52] * Izaya summons gamax92
L73[04:36:06] <dangranos> Izaya, add "-I/usr/include/lua5.2" to cflags in luaffi makefile
L74[04:36:10] <dangranos> without quotes ofc :P
L75[04:38:32] <Izaya> is /usr/include/lua5.2/ an /appropriate/path/for/lua/libraries/?
L76[04:38:39] <robhol> gamax92: any idea when the emulator will have those native windows bins :3
L77[04:42:40] ⇦ Quits: Krutoy242_ (Krutoy242@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L78[04:43:43] <Izaya> /usr/lib/lua/5.2/ffi.so: undefined symbol: lua_rotate
L79[04:48:45] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L80[04:48:57] <PotatoTrumpet> Apple Cider Vingear does not go good with eggs
L81[04:48:59] <PotatoTrumpet> its awful
L82[04:49:06] <PotatoTrumpet> I dont' know why I put it in my eggs
L83[04:49:11] <PotatoTrumpet> but they were awful
L84[04:49:14] <PotatoTrumpet> absolutly awfu
L85[04:49:17] <PotatoTrumpet> l
L86[04:49:30] <PotatoTrumpet> like, awful induces gagging awful
L87[04:49:35] <PotatoTrumpet> and I only put 1/8th a cup
L88[04:49:40] <PotatoTrumpet> with 3 eggs
L89[04:49:42] <PotatoTrumpet> some milk
L90[04:49:44] <PotatoTrumpet> and cheese
L91[04:49:46] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L92[04:49:54] <PotatoTrumpet> <->
L93[04:52:21] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L94[04:52:40] <robhol> PotatoTrumpet: but... but why, though
L95[04:56:21] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E066560D8C4EE3E17A6EC83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L96[05:01:09] ⇦ Quits: Slikrick98 (~Ricky@2601:19c:4201:c40f:e962:3314:51f:6e9d) (Quit: im out, cya o/)
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L100[06:07:49] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L101[06:17:01] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L103[06:42:05] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoSleep
L104[06:45:44] <Krutoy242> Did anyone writting browser for opencomputers?
L105[06:49:54] <Magik6k> http?
L106[06:50:20] <Magik6k> no I guess
L107[06:50:32] <g> I'd be surprised if there wasn't some text mode browser
L108[06:50:47] <g> However it would be hard to write since OC doesn't support ANSI codes
L109[06:55:20] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L110[06:57:38] <dangranos> g, what do you mean "doesn't support"?
L111[06:57:56] <g> dangranos: I mean, "doesn't support"
L112[06:58:00] <g> What's ambiguous?
L113[06:58:29] <dangranos> um
L114[06:58:35] <dangranos> isn't that an OS thing?
L115[06:58:59] <g> I suppose it would be, though I'm talking about OC as a whole, so yeah
L116[06:59:09] <g> OpenOS doesn't support it if you want to nitpick
L117[06:59:27] <g> But I haven't seen one that does
L118[06:59:32] <dangranos> well, it's not like openos is the only OS, and you can easily replace it
L119[06:59:55] <g> I haven't seen any really feasible ones yet
L120[07:00:04] <dangranos> iirc izaya makes OS that uses some term codes
L121[07:00:30] <g> I know of Lua and JS OSes which are both a terrible choice of language imo
L122[07:00:41] <g> Haven't seen one that supports term codes yet
L123[07:01:03] <dangranos> https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/amie i dont remember which term codes it uses
L124[07:01:13] <Izaya> VT52
L125[07:01:18] <Izaya> not yet implimented, though
L126[07:01:31] <Izaya> well, VT52 with extra functionality
L127[07:01:50] <dangranos> huh
L128[07:01:54] <dangranos> it has ansi mode
L129[07:02:07] <dangranos> will you implement it? in own time ofc
L130[07:02:44] <Izaya> one day ™
L131[07:03:27] <Magik6k> plan9k supports most of basic vt52/vt100 codes
L132[07:04:02] <dangranos> huh
L133[07:04:10] <Izaya> plan9k op
L134[07:04:13] <dangranos> so, we got to the era of vt52?
L135[07:04:22] <Izaya> and telnet!
L136[07:04:31] <dangranos> i wonder how long is it until ssh and linux
L137[07:04:43] <g> Someone is writing an asm OS
L138[07:04:47] <dangranos> *ARM
L139[07:04:53] <g> Close enough
L140[07:05:00] <dangranos> and not OS but addon
L141[07:05:13] <Magik6k> well look how I did term lib: http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/plan9k-corelibs/lib/term.lua
L142[07:05:14] <dangranos> iirc they try to get lua interpreter working on it
L143[07:05:30] <dangranos> so, we can run OC lua on OC ARM computer
L144[07:05:51] <g> Python pls
L145[07:05:59] <Izaya> sanity pls
L146[07:06:09] <dangranos> asm pls
L147[07:06:15] <Izaya> lisp pls
L148[07:06:22] <dangranos> "I laika the sound of that" oh god
L149[07:06:37] <g> Lisp? Thought you wanted sanity?
L150[07:06:40] <g> :P
L151[07:06:43] <dangranos> that's first pun i even groaned on
L152[07:06:52] <Magik6k> COBOL
L153[07:06:55] <Izaya> g, lisp is infinite sanity.
L154[07:06:57] <dangranos> BASIC
L155[07:07:05] <dangranos> hm..
L156[07:07:06] <Izaya> Lisp is pure sanity
L157[07:07:10] <Izaya> or not
L158[07:07:13] <g> It had better be IBM COBOL
L159[07:07:14] <Izaya> but anyway
L160[07:07:35] <dangranos> i wonder if it's possible to get hercules emulator hooked up to opencomputers
L161[07:07:59] <Krutoy242> Magik6k, I want to make html browser! Maybe you guys will give suggestions?
L162[07:08:08] <Krutoy242> Please*
L163[07:09:04] <Magik6k> firstly, don't try to use current html, start with its first version
L164[07:09:10] <Magik6k> ;p
L165[07:09:22] <Krutoy242> Why not?
L166[07:09:43] <Magik6k> have fun with parsing all the css correctly
L167[07:09:54] <Krutoy242> I want to parse any page. Sure, you will need custom CSS for right OC render, but still.
L168[07:10:30] <Magik6k> I'd say that writing browswer like that is harder than writing whole OS
L169[07:10:33] <Krutoy242> Yes, parsing CSS is question of performance. I still not sure how to parse CSS fast anought.
L170[07:10:58] <dangranos> eh
L171[07:11:01] <Magik6k> parsing is meh compared to correct/fast display of things
L172[07:11:03] <dangranos> lets not even think about css
L173[07:11:13] <dangranos> we need at least to display html first
L174[07:11:16] <Krutoy242> <Magik6k> Really? Well, i dont want to make copy of chromium. I will be glad if i ican even browse oc.cil.li
L175[07:11:17] <Magik6k> ^
L176[07:12:09] <dangranos> Krutoy242, look, biggest problem of thinking about implementing something is using something fully implemented and developed as target
L177[07:12:24] <dangranos> you need to implement at least basics
L178[07:12:32] <Magik6k> looking at source, oc.cil.li would require 75% of chrome to be displayed at least partially correct
L179[07:12:33] <Krutoy242> What you mean?
L180[07:12:35] <dangranos> like parsing html first
L181[07:12:36] <g> Why everybody talking in Russian English
L182[07:12:46] <g> Anyway yeah, start with the html
L183[07:12:55] <dangranos> g, because Krutoy242 and me are russian ._.
L184[07:12:56] <Krutoy242> I have HTML parser.
L185[07:12:57] <g> CSS is somewhat moot for text mode
L186[07:13:01] <dangranos> ^
L187[07:13:28] <Krutoy242> Parsing HTML is not big deal https://github.com/msva/lua-htmlparser
L188[07:13:28] <Magik6k> ~w floppy
L189[07:13:28] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:floppy
L190[07:13:31] <g> dangranos: is /r/ANormalDayInRussia accurate? I've always wanted to ask an actual Russian person that
L191[07:13:43] <dangranos> you could make a clone of links for OC
L192[07:14:06] <dangranos> g, uh, could you get me a reddit link here?
L193[07:14:09] * dangranos is lazy
L194[07:14:17] <Krutoy242> So, g, i already have HTML. Next step - CSS?
L195[07:14:22] *** Daiyousei is now known as Fairy
L196[07:14:24] <dangranos> too late
L197[07:14:36] <g> http://reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia
L198[07:14:41] <Magik6k> Krutoy242, you want to display html first, really
L199[07:14:56] <Krutoy242> But i need CSS to displaying HTML
L200[07:15:07] <Magik6k> you don't
L201[07:15:13] <Magik6k> or basic at least
L202[07:15:17] <Magik6k> *for
L203[07:15:35] <Krutoy242> Outline HTML is not big deat. Write text inline or blocks. What can go wrong?
L204[07:15:42] <dangranos> i really want to punch that guy who parked like taht
L205[07:15:46] <g> XD
L206[07:15:55] * dangranos slaps Krutoy242
L207[07:15:55] * EnderBot2 laughs
L208[07:16:00] <dangranos> never use that phrase
L209[07:16:27] <dangranos> and you dont need css for html
L210[07:16:30] <Magik6k> Is there any way to read-onlyfy a floppy?
L211[07:17:55] <g> Is chmod a thing?
L212[07:18:04] <Magik6k> nope
L213[07:18:27] <Magik6k> from ch* commands I only plan chroot
L214[07:19:38] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L215[07:19:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L216[07:20:12] <dangranos> g, well
L217[07:20:34] <dangranos> there is no flags system (or how they're called?) in OC's FS
L218[07:20:56] <dangranos> maybe if someone would implement ext2 at least
L219[07:41:10] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L220[07:41:46] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L221[07:45:57] <Temia> Also
L222[07:46:06] <Temia> If you want an HTML viewer
L223[07:46:10] <Temia> Model it after links or something.
L224[07:46:38] <dangranos> Temia, that's what i said
L225[07:46:49] <dangranos> hm
L226[07:46:51] * Temia ^5 then
L227[07:47:05] <Temia> I'm tired so I missed that on the first pass, sorry
L228[07:47:06] <dangranos> browser is just glorified name for "html viewer"
L229[07:47:14] <dangranos> well, networked html viewer
L230[07:47:19] * g coffees Temia
L231[07:47:27] * dangranos pats temia
L232[07:47:42] <Temia> oh, oh
L233[07:47:47] <Temia> We should make a GOPHER CLIENT
L234[07:47:52] <g> Wat
L235[07:48:05] <Temia> And then port ocdoc to it
L236[07:48:06] <g> Actually, what is gopher? I've heard it before
L237[07:48:14] <Temia> It's... well, old.
L238[07:48:20] <g> Kinda like IRC then
L239[07:48:23] <g> :P
L240[07:48:25] <Temia> older.
L241[07:48:29] <g> Damn
L242[07:48:48] <CompanionCube> g, gopher, I believe, is a precursor to HTTP
L243[07:48:53] <Temia> It is.
L244[07:50:37] <Temia> More for document viewing and retrieval compared to the more freeform style of HTTP as well.
L245[07:51:07] <CompanionCube> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_%28protocol%29#/media/File:Floodgap_gopher_top_menu.PNG
L246[07:51:18] <Temia> But that'd be perfect for something like ocdoc :D
L247[07:51:18] * g shrugs
L248[07:51:36] <g> Someone should write a 0mq lua port
L249[07:51:45] <onifiv> meep, hai and baii~ \o
L250[07:51:48] <g> Or the successor
L251[07:51:52] <g> Can't remember what it's called
L252[07:52:26] <onifiv> g: nanomsg
L253[07:53:15] <Temia> But seriously.
L254[07:53:27] <Temia> Writing a gopher client would probably be a lot less painful in OC
L255[07:53:40] <Temia> Not just that but a lot lighter on memory footprint
L256[07:53:44] <onifiv> D: seriousness! *runs awaaaaaay*
L257[07:53:56] <Temia> It's a trick, Vifino
L258[07:54:05] <Temia> Gopher is never truly a serious suggestion
L259[07:54:07] <onifiv> o.o
L260[07:54:10] <Temia> Except by insane people
L261[07:54:13] <onifiv> aww :(
L262[07:54:24] <g> We're all mad here, Temia
L263[07:54:37] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L264[07:54:42] <onifiv> I like Gophers doe '.'
L265[07:54:54] <onifiv> aaand go, of course '.'
L266[07:55:12] <g> People use Go?
L267[07:55:20] <onifiv> ._.
L268[07:55:41] <onifiv> I'mma go now ._.
L269[07:55:46] <g> D:
L270[07:55:52] <Temia> HAH
L271[07:55:54] <Temia> I geddit :V
L272[07:56:06] <Temia> But yeah I guess I gotta wait until Sangar's alive
L273[07:56:33] <onifiv> Temia: Gopher and Gophers? :D
L274[07:56:35] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L275[07:57:04] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L276[07:57:19] <onifiv> aaaaaanyhoooooooow, I'mma head to the stores and get myself a raspberry tau :3
L277[07:57:30] <g> A raspberry what?
L278[07:57:33] * onifiv waves \o
L279[07:57:39] <Temia> Raspberry tau \o/
L280[07:58:06] <onifiv> g: .-. pi * 2 = 2 pi = tau
L281[07:58:10] <onifiv> pfft
L282[07:58:15] <g> Wat
L283[07:58:44] <Temia> AKA the Raspberry Pi 2, an upgraded device succeeding the original Raspberry Pi
L284[07:58:53] <Temia> I call it a Raspberry Tau because tau is awesome \o/
L285[07:59:35] <onifiv> Aaand I love the name :3
L286[08:00:41] <onifiv> okaaaai~ leaving now, been here longer than i wanted to '.'
L287[08:01:42] *** Fairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L290[08:14:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L291[08:19:01] <Temia> Say, whatever happened to that VRAM idea?
L292[08:19:57] <Temia> I've been thinking about implementation ideas that were posted and kind of wondered what happened in the end.
L293[08:21:45] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L297[08:36:59] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L299[08:41:09] <Temia> moo 'o'
L300[08:44:21] <cloakable> moo
L301[08:44:31] <dangranos> eep
L302[08:49:59] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
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L304[09:07:51] <gamax92> Agh
L305[09:07:57] <gamax92> Izaya: You cannot summon me when its 3am
L306[09:10:41] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L307[09:11:17] <Izaya> gamax92, I can try
L308[09:11:25] <gamax92> anyway, what did you want?
L309[09:13:41] <Izaya> /usr/lib/lua/5.2/ffi.so: undefined symbol: lua_rotate
L310[09:13:44] <Magik6k> Vexatos, I did things in plan9k
L311[09:13:56] <Vexatos> Oh noes
L312[09:14:01] <Vexatos> What happeneded
L313[09:14:52] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L314[09:15:47] <Magik6k> editor and term improvements
L315[09:15:53] <Magik6k> and eeprom in /dev
L316[09:16:00] <Temia> neat.
L317[09:16:40] <Vexatos> Magik6k, does the editor and shell and interpreter now support home/end/pageup/pagedown to navigate? p:
L318[09:17:00] <Magik6k> home and end
L319[09:17:14] <Magik6k> no pg up/dn iirc
L320[09:17:30] <Vexatos> well, no need for that thing in shell and interpreter obviously
L321[09:17:32] <Magik6k> shauld be eacy to add tho
L322[09:17:33] <Vexatos> but in edit it'd be nice
L323[09:17:57] <Vexatos> just skip a few lines
L324[09:18:10] <Vexatos> and Ctrl+key obviously skipping to the start/end of document
L325[09:18:15] <Vexatos> or shift+key
L326[09:18:20] <Vexatos> depending on what you prefer
L327[09:18:29] <Magik6k> also scrolling in edit is still uber slow
L328[09:22:49] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L329[09:25:04] * MajGenRelativity is seriously annoyed
L330[09:25:38] <MajGenRelativity> There is a world corrupting bug with Hardcore Ender Expansion, with TiCon POSSIBLY playing a role
L331[09:25:42] <dangranos> huh
L332[09:27:47] <dangranos> vifino has site?
L333[09:27:56] <Lizzy> dangranos: ?
L334[09:28:23] <dangranos> i am asking
L335[09:28:34] <Lizzy> ...
L336[09:28:45] * Lizzy walks away shaking her head
L337[09:29:10] <dangranos> is that no?
L338[09:36:56] * gamax92 walks away shaking his head
L339[09:37:10] <dangranos> guys?
L340[09:38:21] * Temia walks away seeking coffee
L341[09:39:40] * Mimiru walks in, throws up in the corner, and goes back to bed
L342[09:39:59] * Temia brings soothing tea back for Mimiru :<
L343[09:40:10] <Mimiru> mmmmm tea
L344[09:40:18] <Lizzy> errr
L345[09:40:21] <Mimiru> day 6 of this headache.
L346[09:40:26] * dangranos stands on same place he was standing for some time and looks around
L347[09:40:28] * Lizzy corners off the sick corner
L348[09:40:44] * Temia is safe! Minotaur! :D
L349[09:41:07] * dangranos discovered gpg
L350[09:41:09] <Mimiru> Lizzy, I ave people otw to take care of it.
L351[09:41:14] * Lizzy picks Temia up and puts her on her shoulders
L352[09:41:17] <dangranos> sooo... got any public keys?
L353[09:41:42] * Temia mrps. o.o
L354[09:41:47] <Krutoy242> Temia Model it after links or something. << What you mean under "model" ?
L355[09:42:13] <Temia> Design it like
L356[09:42:35] <Lizzy> ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAHIg2Pzr5PJFs7bnsZaQp1lVFRV3WG5JjTI3hqye162TCHJ1i/pJAfm88P211/JVyVbLFdaEfKIezDIaTrAjP7mLQA4uu8bBH4BnL4vqzah9JTmY9sjEOETDkmsUuGW0UMBiPO8ZWfVuoyQtGrJRjwBwpLMbkThqOz3CLb0sXns++KBXQ== lizzy@Merlin
L357[09:42:41] <Lizzy> dangranos: ^ :P
L358[09:44:12] <gamax92> "Github: 11 forks"
L359[09:44:20] <gamax92> *looks at Network view*
L360[09:44:25] <gamax92> No branches or forkes
L361[09:46:57] <Temia> Why are we handing around pubkeys?
L362[09:47:08] <Temia> Oh.
L363[09:50:44] <cloakable> :D
L364[09:53:49] <onifiv> meep
L365[09:53:56] <gamax92> peem
L366[09:53:58] <onifiv> Tau get :D
L367[09:54:22] <onifiv> Today was weird.
L368[09:54:42] <gamax92> onifiv: do you know how to dump http traffic from an application
L369[09:55:30] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L370[09:55:47] <onifiv> Someone asked for donations on the street, for the suppenküche, an organisation to get those who don't have food... food. I proudly donated.
L371[09:57:12] <onifiv> I walked a few metres, then someone asked me if i gave her money, to which i said "Yes, of course.". He told me that that woman didn't donate it to the suppenküche, but only collects it for herself.
L372[09:57:42] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:de:7c54:7066:f3df)
L373[09:57:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L374[09:58:02] <gamax92> isn't suppenküche, soup kitchen?
L375[09:58:26] <gamax92> if i had to guess based on the way that looks
L376[09:59:02] <onifiv> I asked how he knew that, he showed me his police mark and stuffs. Scanned my id card, asked me how much I donated and talked to someone just like you'd expect an fbi guy. He told me they are going to catch her any second.
L377[09:59:14] <Kodos> So, can we just call it marriage now
L378[09:59:15] <onifiv> I walked a few metres, then someone asked me if i gave her money, to which i said "Yes, of course.". He told me that that woman didn't donate it to the suppenküche, but only collects it for herself.
L379[09:59:46] <onifiv> so that was a weird encounter.
L380[09:59:51] <Mimiru> Kodos, I'm all for that...
L381[09:59:53] <gamax92> mmm, fun
L382[10:00:30] <onifiv> i also didn't have enough monies for a pci-e usb 3 card .-.
L383[10:00:39] <onifiv> 6€ too much
L384[10:00:46] <dangranos> Lizzy, uh.. gpg importable public key i meant
L385[10:02:32] <Lizzy> dangranos: you didn't specify that, you just specified 'public key'
L386[10:02:45] * dangranos hides in shame
L387[10:02:59] <Lizzy> wait, onifiv did you get a RPi2?
L388[10:03:45] <gamax92> I wonder if proxy chains can dump traffic
L389[10:04:06] <Lizzy> if it's http traffic you could try using wireshark
L390[10:04:10] <gamax92> https, sadly
L391[10:04:17] <Lizzy> ah
L392[10:05:11] <onifiv> gamax92: proxychains can't
L393[10:05:34] <gamax92> what can .-.
L394[10:05:36] <onifiv> but you could make a proxy that logs everything and stuffs
L395[10:06:25] <onifiv> Lizzy: yes i did :)
L396[10:06:31] <Lizzy> :D
L397[10:09:16] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@acjm11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L398[10:09:49] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye
L399[10:15:53] <gamax92> mitmproxy <3
L400[10:29:45] <Magik6k> https://github.com/magik6k/OpenComputers/commit/daf81473b9726d403aacf59b029e85408156f841 \o/
L401[10:30:44] <Vexatos> is scrolling still super-slow?
L402[10:30:53] <Magik6k> sort of
L403[10:31:00] <Vexatos> OC "fixes" it by skipping a bunch of lines at once :P
L404[10:31:27] <Magik6k> but at least it works
L405[10:31:28] <Magik6k> [and axists]
L406[10:31:28] <Magik6k> *exists
L407[10:31:35] <onifiv> gamax92: mitmproxy is boring .-.
L408[10:32:05] <Magik6k> Vexatos, I render whole thing line by line after scrolling
L409[10:32:13] <Vexatos> Magik6k, properly setting liveMode=true now :3
L410[10:32:21] <dangranos> Lizzy, do you have keybase account (or just gpg pubkey somewhere?)
L411[10:32:31] <Magik6k> wat
L412[10:32:34] <gamax92> onifiv: it did what I wanted to ...
L413[10:32:35] <Magik6k> mhat liveMode
L414[10:32:38] <Vexatos> Magik6k, remember how you tested selene
L415[10:32:45] <Vexatos> just piped "return true" into the config :P
L416[10:32:45] <Magik6k> ah
L417[10:32:46] <Magik6k> yeah
L418[10:32:50] <gamax92> why would i not want to use something that does want I wanted?
L419[10:34:37] <vifino> I am baaaack.
L420[10:34:41] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L421[10:36:29] <Vexatos> vifinooooooo
L422[10:38:02] <vifino> Vexatos: What? >_>
L423[10:38:09] <vifino> do I have to fix more stuff now? .-.
L424[10:38:12] <Vexatos> No
L425[10:38:21] <vifino> k.
L426[10:38:25] <Vexatos> You're less reverted now
L427[10:38:28] <Vexatos> I like that
L428[10:38:28] <Vexatos> :P
L429[10:38:57] <vifino> ._. k
L430[10:45:02] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L431[10:45:44] <Lizzy> "(dangranos) [15:32:21] Lizzy, do you have keybase account (or just gpg pubkey somewhere?)" nope
L432[10:45:57] <dangranos> nope to all?
L433[10:46:13] <Lizzy> Nope to all (for now)
L434[10:46:52] <dangranos> do you want a kb account?
L435[10:47:22] <Lizzy> I'll look into it later
L436[10:49:01] <Lizzy> And by later I mean now because bored
L437[10:49:19] <Lizzy> Hmm, dangranos, sure
L438[10:49:32] <dangranos> mail?
L439[10:49:41] <Lizzy> lizzy.trickster@outlook.com
L440[10:51:10] * vifino cuddles Lizzy <3
L441[10:51:16] <vifino> I can also invite you, Lizzy :D
L442[10:51:24] <Lizzy> Either will work
L443[10:51:34] <vifino> can do, dangranos? :D
L444[10:51:50] <dangranos> hm?
L445[10:51:53] <dangranos> go on
L446[10:53:17] <vifino> Done, Lizzy :D
L447[10:53:52] * dangranos stores emails
L448[10:54:29] <vifino> dangranos: vifino@tty.sh; me@vifino.cc; adinator1999@gmail.com :)
L449[10:54:43] <vifino> ( lowest to highest priority )
L450[10:54:49] * dangranos doesnt has own domain
L451[10:54:50] <dangranos> T_T
L452[10:55:00] <CompanionCube> dangranos, not even a free one?
L453[10:55:00] <vifino> dangranos: i has a billion :D
L454[10:55:09] <dangranos> i dont even have a static ip
L455[10:55:24] <vifino> vifino.{cc,de,party}
L456[10:55:33] <vifino> + others i don't remember
L457[11:00:54] <Lizzy> [lizzy,ender]@theender.net
L458[11:00:54] <Lizzy> I don't check those that often though
L459[11:04:38] * Lizzy has keybase account
L460[11:06:01] * Lizzy has no key yet though
L461[11:07:43] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L462[11:07:56] <gamax92> https://i.imgur.com/2dujhiv.png
L463[11:08:31] <dangranos> >fake-username@fake-host
L464[11:08:36] <dangranos> why ._.
L465[11:08:46] <gamax92> why not
L466[11:08:54] <gamax92> why do yuo have a problem with my username
L467[11:09:35] <Inari> cause your thingy accepts faked credentials
L468[11:09:46] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L469[11:10:11] <dangranos> that's your desktop?
L470[11:10:39] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L471[11:11:04] <dangranos> Lizzy, gotcha
L472[11:11:28] <CompanionCube> https://keybase.io/samis
L473[11:11:40] <dangranos> that's you?
L474[11:11:48] <CompanionCube> yes
L475[11:12:27] <dangranos> whoised you
L476[11:12:33] <Sangar> ~
L477[11:12:35] * dangranos belives it, for now
L478[11:12:43] <Lizzy> Dammit I wish I had my phone's key on my servers
L479[11:12:48] <Lizzy> Ohai Sangar
L480[11:13:22] <Sangar> evening
L481[11:13:22] <dangranos> y ur keys are shown like "keybase.io/$username"?
L482[11:13:24] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L483[11:14:09] <Sangar> so. i guess i'll try to release .13 now, so i have a chance to fix the bugs that will inevitably be reported directly after before the weekend is over.
L484[11:14:29] <Sangar> time to write a changelog
L485[11:15:10] <Temia> Hey Sangar
L486[11:15:19] <Temia> I have a couple silly questions.
L487[11:15:42] <Temia> 1. Do you know whatever happened with that VRAM talk from before? 2. what do you think of providing a gopher mirror for OCdoc? '3'
L488[11:15:56] <MajGenRelativity_> I audi
L489[11:15:59] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L490[11:16:25] <Temia> I figure a gopher client would be easier to implement in lua than an HTTP one
L491[11:16:56] <Sangar> 1. idk, i thought someone had started working on a possible implementation, can't remember who though. 2. uhhh, why? >_>
L492[11:16:58] <Sangar> ah
L493[11:17:01] <Sangar> uhhh
L494[11:17:04] <robhol> g...gopher? now heres a name I haven't heard in a long time :p
L495[11:17:09] <dangranos> well
L496[11:17:15] <dangranos> maybe we could revive it?
L497[11:17:28] <dangranos> for our little OC "community"
L498[11:17:35] <Sangar> if dokuwiki has a gopher plugin... :X
L499[11:17:59] <dangranos> https://www.dokuwiki.org/urlschemes
L500[11:18:06] <dangranos> >by default
L501[11:18:13] <Sangar> as links
L502[11:18:18] <Sangar> not as what it serves
L503[11:18:28] <dangranos> ah
L504[11:18:32] ⇦ Quits: s0r00t (~s0@nsg93-10-78-236-116-224.fbx.proxad.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L505[11:18:34] <dangranos> sry
L506[11:18:37] <Sangar> :P
L507[11:18:47] * g sits on robhol
L508[11:18:51] <robhol> !
L509[11:19:08] <robhol> y u do dis
L510[11:19:15] <g> Pinged
L511[11:19:18] <g> XD
L512[11:19:29] <Sangar> gg? :P
L513[11:19:31] <robhol> well that's your fault, isn't it :p
L514[11:19:34] <dangranos> g, at least you arent pinged by "dang"
L515[11:19:43] <Lizzy> Dang
L516[11:19:44] <CompanionCube> dangranos, what's your keybase?
L517[11:19:46] <Lizzy> Dang
L518[11:19:51] <Lizzy> :P
L519[11:19:53] <dangranos> CompanionCube, guess it
L520[11:20:26] <dangranos> https://keybase.io/dangranos
L521[11:20:32] <dangranos> duh
L522[11:20:32] <Krutoy242> Hey guys, i made new topic! Screenshots, traffic: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/620-building-oc-data-center-screenshots/
L523[11:21:08] * dangranos expects screenshots from THAT SERVER
L524[11:21:33] <dangranos> also, looks nice
L525[11:21:36] <Temia> You know
L526[11:22:33] <Sangar> that looks amazing
L527[11:22:35] <dangranos> and gravatar is damn awesome
L528[11:22:52] * dangranos pokes Krutoy242
L529[11:22:57] <dangranos> is that roof transparent?
L530[11:23:20] <Krutoy242> Sure. Its glass.
L531[11:23:38] <Krutoy242> <Sangar>, Thanks ^_^
L532[11:23:50] <Sangar> seeing those cables running in parallel, just to make sure you're not spacing it out more than you have to: do you know you can color the cables?
L533[11:23:55] <gamax92> Sangar: Can I slip in a bug report really quickly?
L534[11:23:58] <Temia> I might know someone who would be interested in making a gopher service plugin for Dokuwiki.
L535[11:24:07] <Sangar> gamax92, always :P
L536[11:24:08] <dangranos> um.. where are models?
L537[11:24:25] <Krutoy242> Oh, i forgot online map. http://server1.computercraft.ru/#/10147/64/14195/-1/0/0
L538[11:24:26] <gamax92> Sangar: Also I really really really must ask, wth is getForeground and getBackground supposed to return for palettes?
L539[11:24:48] <dangranos> nevermind, found it in lua table form
L540[11:25:04] <gamax92> I've seen at times, [palette color, nil], other times [palette index, true], other times, [palette index, nil], like ... what
L541[11:25:11] <Sangar> gamax92, doesn't it say in the docstring? iirc `index, true`, for non palette `color, false` (or just `color`)
L542[11:25:24] <gamax92> wanted implementation != actual implementation
L543[11:25:28] <Sangar> uhh
L544[11:25:44] <dangranos> Krutoy242, since where there are those houses?
L545[11:25:45] <Krutoy242> <Sangar> Yes, i know cables can be colored. I made big spaces to allow enlarge network later.
L546[11:25:46] <gamax92> here i still have minecraft open
L547[11:25:47] <dangranos> *when
L548[11:25:52] <cloakable> Oh wow
L549[11:25:54] <dangranos> oh wow
L550[11:25:55] <Sangar> def getForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
L551[11:25:55] <Sangar> screen(s => result(s.getForegroundColor, s.isForegroundFromPalette))
L552[11:25:57] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L553[11:25:59] <dangranos> they reset the world
L554[11:26:00] <Sangar> that's the implementation
L555[11:26:11] <Sangar> so if you ever saw paletteColor, nil that's wrong :X
L556[11:26:19] <dangranos> and is that disk world?
L557[11:26:24] <Sangar> or is it?
L558[11:26:25] <Sangar> idfk
L559[11:26:32] <Sangar> now you confused me
L560[11:26:36] <Sangar> good job
L561[11:27:48] <Sangar> so. it's always a color value, with the boolean indicating whether it's from the palette or not.
L562[11:27:58] <Sangar> if you want the actual palette index, you'd have to use `get`
L563[11:28:05] <gamax92> Sangar: https://i.imgur.com/SzQfqwT.png
L564[11:28:39] <Lizzy> :@ fuck you c2c free WiFi
L565[11:28:39] <gamax92> getBackground returned [palette index, true] and getForeground returned [palette color, false]
L566[11:28:40] <Sangar> yeah, they're not really symmetric
L567[11:28:50] <Sangar> what
L568[11:29:04] <Sangar> back def getBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
L569[11:29:05] <Sangar> screen(s => result(s.getBackgroundColor, s.isBackgroundFromPalette))
L570[11:29:07] <Sangar> def getForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
L571[11:29:07] <Sangar> screen(s => result(s.getForegroundColor, s.isForegroundFromPalette))
L572[11:29:21] <Sangar> they must both return a color
L573[11:29:31] <Sangar> i don't see how it could possibly return an index
L574[11:30:05] <Sangar> unless
L575[11:30:09] <gamax92> BUT, the expected thing is: color value, and boolean indicating palette
L576[11:30:10] * Sangar goes digging deeper
L577[11:30:35] <Sangar> ha. the textbuffer itself is borked :X
L578[11:30:57] <Sangar> soo. guess time to break all scripts that relied on this \o/
L579[11:32:21] <Sangar> uhhh wait, textbuffer isn't borked
L580[11:32:27] <Sangar> just skipped a line
L581[11:33:00] <Sangar> if it's from the palette it should return an index in both cases
L582[11:33:23] <Sangar> if it doesn't something is weird
L583[11:34:07] <Lizzy> :@ fuck you c2c free WiFi
L584[11:34:07] <Sangar> so i suppose it's setForground that's broken in your screenshot...
L585[11:34:08] <Sangar> hrm
L586[11:35:13] <gamax92> Sangar: T_T what should it be? [index, true]?
L587[11:35:18] <gamax92> or [color, true]
L588[11:35:32] <Sangar> index, true
L589[11:35:39] <Sangar> or color, false
L590[11:35:55] <gamax92> okay good, so what I have now in my emulator
L591[11:35:55] <Sangar> sorry. my code confused me >_>
L592[11:36:02] <Sangar> k
L593[11:36:45] <Sangar> (specifically that getBackgroundColor in the TextBuffer interface can be a color or index based on isBackgroundFromPalette, whoever came up with that...)
L594[11:36:57] * dangranos pats Sangar
L595[11:37:14] <asie> Sangar: the graphics discussion woke up
L596[11:37:23] <asie> i'd love to design a graphics chipset for you, loosely inspired by the Atari ANTIC
L597[11:37:29] <Sangar> asie, it does that from time to time. then it goes back to sleep :X
L598[11:37:38] <Sangar> ok
L599[11:37:42] <gamax92> and then it sleeps forever
L600[11:37:46] <asie> the problem is it'd be incompatible with high-res displays
L601[11:37:49] <asie> by high-res i mean >80x25 or so
L602[11:37:52] <asie> due to too much data usage
L603[11:38:01] <CompanionCube> >80x25 >highres
L604[11:38:10] <gamax92> CompanionCube: 1280x800
L605[11:38:15] <asie> CompanionCube: >80x25 chars
L606[11:38:16] <Sangar> it's minecraft :P anything > 16x16 is hires
L607[11:38:18] <asie> anyway
L608[11:38:20] <asie> what I mean is
L609[11:38:25] <asie> ANTIC has this nice thing called a Display List
L610[11:38:32] <asie> essentially, it's a set of pointers to memory and mode specifications
L611[11:38:44] <asie> so for instance you can set it to 25 lines of "render 40 characters starting from this memory location"
L612[11:38:58] <Sangar> hmhm
L613[11:39:05] <asie> I'd code it for you but Scala :<
L614[11:39:15] <asie> perhaps get on teamspeak so we can discuss it?
L615[11:39:15] <gamax92> ^
L616[11:39:19] <Sangar> you don't have to use Scala :P
L617[11:39:27] <asie> still, we should discuss it
L618[11:39:31] <asie> as it requires a core change for OC 1.6
L619[11:39:37] <asie> specifically letting GPUs specify custom client-side renderers
L620[11:39:46] <Sangar> sure, in... ~1-2h?
L621[11:39:49] <asie> okay, sure
L622[11:39:57] <asie> i'll explain to you what the ANTIC does and what my proposal would be for a VRAM system
L623[11:40:05] <asie> it might even end up being backwards compatible with what we have now!
L624[11:40:16] <asie> (of course, what i wish to propose would be far more powerful than the ol' ANTIC, but not by much)
L625[11:40:27] <Sangar> :D
L626[11:40:42] <Temia> I was actually thinking something like the ZX Spectrum or PC8801 might be a fun target.
L627[11:40:50] <asie> Temia: Atari's ANTIC's main downfall is the lack of a colormap.
L628[11:40:56] <asie> What the Spectrum does is nice, but it's very painful to work with.
L629[11:40:59] <Temia> Haha.
L630[11:41:03] <asie> What the ANTIC does lets you very easily do scrolling with little data sending
L631[11:41:11] <asie> and pre-cache data in VRAM
L632[11:41:17] <asie> then just change pointers
L633[11:41:37] <Temia> Well yeah, the whole thing started with the thought of bufferswaps.
L634[11:41:38] <Sangar> that does sound pretty ideal for "across the internet" graphics
L635[11:41:40] <asie> Sangar: Yes.
L636[11:41:45] <asie> I wanted to use it for BuildCraft|Computing
L637[11:41:50] <asie> but I think integrating my visions with OC would be superior.
L638[11:41:57] <Sangar> :3
L639[11:42:34] <Sangar> getting actual graphics into oc would make a lot of people happy, so it'd make me more than happy :)
L640[11:42:55] <asie> Also, ComputerCraft still didn't release theirs. At the same time, this would let pre-buffer a lot of stuff
L641[11:43:00] <Temia> Fuck it, I need an excuse to code. I've been slacking off way too much.
L642[11:43:03] <asie> also, ANTIC's display modes are characterized by varying in RAM usage
L643[11:43:12] <asie> you have 40-pixel modes, 80-pixel modes, etc. with varying BPP
L644[11:43:21] <Vexatos> Temia, Selene
L645[11:43:24] <asie> that in the 8-bit days meant less CPU cycles spent on GPU DMA
L646[11:43:25] <gamax92> Sangar: also not sure if bug, but you can copy characters into the overlapping portion of a wide character via copy
L647[11:43:25] <Vexatos> find some use for Selene
L648[11:43:26] <Vexatos> :P
L649[11:43:27] <asie> so faster software
L650[11:43:29] <Temia> eeennh.
L651[11:43:32] <asie> in the OC days would mean a lot less bandwidth
L652[11:43:33] <Temia> Something lower-level.
L653[11:43:36] <dangranos> Temia, OS
L654[11:43:45] <Temia> I want to see something with higher resolution running in OC honestly
L655[11:43:46] <Sangar> gamax92, maybe bug, but too don't-care :P
L656[11:43:51] <Temia> So we can make visual novels
L657[11:43:54] <dangranos> izaya's amie or Magik6k's plan9k
L658[11:43:58] <gamax92> alright
L659[11:44:00] <Temia> Or something.
L660[11:44:01] <Temia> <_<
L661[11:44:03] <asie> Temia: Eh.
L662[11:44:07] <vifino> >o
L663[11:44:14] <vifino> ./.
L664[11:44:18] <Sangar> asie, allright; you'll have to tell me that again in slow later ;)
L665[11:44:20] <asie> Okay.
L666[11:44:21] <vifino> faking kezboard lazout
L667[11:44:26] <dangranos> ._.
L668[11:44:28] <gamax92> Temia: OCLights2? :D
L669[11:44:35] <Temia> :T
L670[11:44:51] <Lizzy> Lol
L671[11:44:53] <dangranos> crypto mesh-net for OC?
L673[11:45:01] * Temia flails!
L674[11:45:15] * dangranos is a generator of impossible ideas
L675[11:45:23] * Lizzy Temiahug
L676[11:45:25] * dangranos pats Temia
L677[11:45:25] <Sangar> that moment when i grab a computer in my test world and it's so old that lua doesn't have autocompletion >_>
L678[11:45:26] * Temia moo.
L679[11:45:45] <dangranos> Sangar, lua has autocompletion?
L680[11:45:51] <Sangar> dangranos, for a while now, yes
L681[11:46:03] <Sangar> it's quite limited, but good enough for testing stuff
L682[11:46:03] <dangranos> and that's feature from where?
L683[11:46:16] <Sangar> hmm? i mean the lua interpreter in openos
L684[11:46:28] <dangranos> i know, i meant the source of idea..
L685[11:46:30] <Lizzy> -_- told Tablet to restart, it shut down
L686[11:46:30] <gamax92> it's like the windows cmd
L687[11:46:40] <gamax92> when you tab complete, it destroys whatever was past the cursor
L688[11:46:57] <dangranos> gamax92, ok, got it
L689[11:51:16] <vifino> q?q haaal, z u no work
L690[11:54:20] <Sangar> ahhhh, gamax92: getForground() in the lua interpreter doesn't return the "actual" foreground, because it meddles with those values before running the command, apparently. so it actually works as it should on the "hardware" side
L691[11:55:28] <gamax92> You should fix that then :D
L692[11:56:14] <Sangar> hrm... or term.read..., because lua.lua looks fine, actually. strange.
L693[11:56:20] ⇨ Joins: Michi (webchat@ip-64-134-191-149.public.wayport.net)
L694[11:56:33] <Michi> %lookuphttp://vexatos.com
L695[11:56:36] <Michi> Ugh
L696[11:56:38] <Vexatos> k
L697[11:56:43] <Vexatos> wait wat
L698[11:56:46] <Vexatos> w
L699[11:56:46] <Vexatos> at
L700[11:56:48] <Vexatos> wa
L701[11:56:48] <Vexatos> t
L702[11:56:49] <Michi> %lookup vexatos.com
L703[11:56:50] <MichiBot> Michi: DNS Info for vexatos.com 2607:5300:60:51da::dead:90d
L704[11:56:51] <Vexatos> no
L705[11:56:52] <Vexatos> pleas
L706[11:56:54] <Vexatos> please
L707[11:56:55] <Vexatos> q-q
L708[11:56:57] <Vexatos> p_p
L709[11:56:58] <gamax92> PLEASE
L710[11:57:04] * Vexatos dies
L711[11:57:15] <Michi> Lol
L712[11:57:28] <gamax92> I don't think Vexatos wants a personal website
L713[11:57:36] <gamax92> Judging from his childlike behaviour
L714[11:57:40] <Michi> It's k
L715[11:57:49] <Sangar> huh, term and io don't touch the colors though. i'm confused.
L716[11:57:58] <gamax92> Michi: is it though?
L717[11:58:03] <Michi> Yes
L718[11:58:11] <Sangar> eh, whatever. known shippable >_>
L719[11:58:32] <vifino> :D
L720[11:58:37] <vifino> I got it half working :D
L721[11:58:43] <vifino> yaaay
L722[11:58:48] <gamax92> Sangar: oh yeah, when you immediately return getForeground afterwards, it gives the right values
L723[11:59:00] <Vexatos> gamax92, the problem is that people are spending money for me
L724[11:59:19] <Sangar> gamax92, the magic of the interpreter!
L725[11:59:31] <gamax92> I'm also going to add that to the gpu tests
L726[11:59:45] <Vexatos> My mother just got me clothes for €450 and we both know I'll only wear them once (for the graduation ball)
L727[11:59:56] <Michi> Vexatos if I cared I wouldn't have done it.
L728[12:00:06] <Vexatos> ;-;
L729[12:00:24] <Vexatos> oh well
L730[12:00:33] <Michi> I'll make an act on my dns site when I get home so you can point it whereever you want
L731[12:00:57] <Vexatos> well thank you
L732[12:01:03] <Vexatos> thanks a bunch :)
L733[12:01:10] <Michi> Np
L734[12:01:27] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L735[12:03:29] <vifino> synergy is buggy ;-;
L736[12:03:36] <vifino> keyboard layout is all over the place
L737[12:04:33] <vifino> >has german macintosh keyboard on server >has set german layout on client >gets us keyboard layout >sets us keyboard layout >gets some weird half german keyboard
L738[12:04:38] <vifino> I don't even ;-;
L739[12:05:20] <Vexatos> And then you find out about Microsoft IME and start typing random characters for fun
L740[12:05:57] <vifino> ah, i know why things not working - spotify paused; I don't work without moosic
L741[12:07:09] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L742[12:08:45] <Kodos> <3
L743[12:08:57] <vifino> I really wish it'd work right out of the box ._.
L744[12:10:33] ⇦ Quits: Michi (webchat@ip-64-134-191-149.public.wayport.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L745[12:11:11] <Kodos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTHTEKwaYdI
L746[12:11:12] <MichiBot> Kodos: Star Wars Wars: All 6 Films At Once (720p HD) | length 2h, 22m 30s | Likes: 310 Dislikes: 11 Views: 9271 | by maurcs
L747[12:14:22] * vifino smooches Lizzy <3
L748[12:14:29] * Lizzy smooches vifino
L749[12:14:31] <Lizzy> <3 <3
L750[12:15:03] <vifino> :3
L751[12:22:36] <dangranos> uh
L752[12:22:37] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L753[12:22:40] <dangranos> wut
L754[12:22:49] <dangranos> "Fixed: Behavior of /dev/null in robots."
L755[12:23:05] <gamax92> Sangar: explain
L756[12:23:32] <dangranos> EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!
L757[12:23:35] <cloakable> The /dev/null eats items
L758[12:23:55] <Sangar> yes. it's referring to the item
L759[12:23:59] <gamax92> What is "The /dev/null" ... do robot's come with built in trash cans?
L760[12:24:06] <Sangar> placement of stuff in the dev/null didn't properly work before
L761[12:24:13] <cloakable> There we go
L762[12:24:20] <Sangar> no, it's in... openblocks it think?
L763[12:24:26] <cloakable> Yup
L764[12:24:32] <cloakable> Very useful :D
L765[12:24:39] <Sangar> aye
L766[12:24:49] <Vexatos> Now we need a /dev/random or whatever it was called
L767[12:24:53] <Vexatos> in openblocks
L768[12:25:00] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L769[12:25:00] <Vexatos> as EE3 compat
L770[12:25:05] <Sangar> >_>
L771[12:25:12] <Vexatos> :3
L772[12:25:32] <dangranos> XD
L773[12:25:50] <cloakable> /dev/urandom
L774[12:26:04] <dangranos> /dev/sda1
L775[12:26:47] <cloakable> /dev/ee3 where robots can pull whatever the hell they want out of it :P
L776[12:27:03] ⇨ Joins: s0r00t (~s0@2a01:e35:243e:cb90:e941:2aaf:c32d:c859)
L777[12:27:19] <cloakable> dangranos: make robots able to use ee3 tablets please
L778[12:27:32] <dangranos> ...
L779[12:27:38] <dangranos> why are you asking me?
L780[12:28:06] <cloakable> Because why the hell not :D
L781[12:28:26] <gamax92> I think I need to make yet another variable, one for what was requested, and one for what was actually received
L782[12:29:17] * gamax92 pokes sugoi
L783[12:29:39] <cloakable> Mmm four minutes until pizza
L784[12:29:45] <sugoi> hi
L785[12:30:24] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L786[12:30:58] <sugoi> Sangar is here!?
L787[12:31:05] <sugoi> hello :)
L788[12:31:24] <Sangar> \o
L789[12:32:02] <sugoi> gamax92: did you have a question for me?
L790[12:32:15] <gamax92> no
L791[12:32:30] ⇨ Joins: Michi (webchat@ip-64-134-191-149.public.wayport.net)
L792[12:32:47] <Michi> http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/1340329214 sigh
L793[12:32:48] * sugoi wonders why he got poked
L794[12:33:50] <cloakable> Ooof that's not good
L795[12:34:00] <sugoi> gamax92: it's weird, in your ocemu, i have PATH="/bin:/hsr/bin:/home/bin:." and I have /usr/bin/mpt.lua
L796[12:34:18] <sugoi> but `mpt` (and `mpt.lua`) says "file not found"
L797[12:34:46] <gamax92> i dunno, programs in /usr/bin launch just fine for me
L798[12:34:54] <sugoi> >.< ok
L799[12:35:11] <sugoi> oh! for some reason, it's a dir!?
L800[12:35:13] * sugoi investigates
L801[12:36:41] <cloakable> http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4461901942 >.> Mine's slightly better
L802[12:37:16] <sugoi> gamax92: also, i'd like to add a feature to let me start the emulator with the userdir specified on the command line
L803[12:37:25] <sugoi> so i can have multiple and specified paths
L804[12:37:29] <Michi> A bridge, you can jump off of.
L805[12:37:44] <gamax92> I don't understand
L806[12:38:04] <sugoi> .ocemu/ is created by default in %appdata%
L807[12:38:16] <gamax92> ahh
L808[12:38:35] <gamax92> that would be in boot.lua that you'd change
L809[12:38:44] <sugoi> i want separate paths for separate virtual devices
L810[12:38:52] <sugoi> ok
L811[12:38:56] <gamax92> in getSaveDirectory
L812[12:41:52] <Sangar> aaand food time, brb
L813[12:43:25] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L814[12:46:15] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vtlOd
L815[12:46:18] <Vexatos> HAIPE
L816[12:53:18] <Kodos> Can I pipe deflate.lua to a file yet
L817[13:01:47] <Michi> Superminor2 why u ded?
L818[13:03:04] <gamax92> woah what
L819[13:03:07] <gamax92> we have debug.getinfo?
L820[13:05:08] <Michi> Yeah where you been?
L821[13:05:16] <Michi> :p
L822[13:05:26] <gamax92> Not looking at the debug api that I didn't think would ever change?
L823[13:05:29] * Lizzy pokes Michi
L824[13:05:50] * Michi pokes lizzy
L825[13:05:56] <Lizzy> :O
L826[13:06:24] <Michi> Gamax, I had no idea, was being a smartass.
L827[13:06:35] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-184.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L828[13:07:25] <Michi> Will be heading home soon.... I hope
L829[13:07:26] <vifino> meep
L830[13:07:29] * Lizzy prints a label with "smart" on it and sticks it on Michi'a ass
L831[13:07:34] <Lizzy> vifino, meep
L832[13:07:39] <gamax92> woah there
L833[13:07:55] <Lizzy> s/'a/'s
L834[13:07:55] <Kibibyte> * Lizzy prints a label with "smart" on it and sticks it on Michi's ass
L835[13:08:12] <Michi> :p
L836[13:11:53] <Lizzy> https://keybase.io/lizzytrickster tada
L837[13:15:47] ⇦ Quits: Michi (webchat@ip-64-134-191-149.public.wayport.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L838[13:21:52] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L839[13:24:10] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.5.13 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: Dead for now | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L840[13:25:22] <Vexatos> \o\
L841[13:25:43] <Sangar> asie, i'm available now, lemme know which ts when you're ready
L842[13:28:49] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L843[13:38:54] <dangranos> oh lol
L844[13:39:04] <dangranos> reading some debian tutorial about subkeys
L845[13:39:15] <asie> Sangar: goldspeak.pl of course
L846[13:39:49] <dangranos> so, they said to delete keyring and import secret subkeys back, but they didnt said that you need to keep master key too somewhere
L847[13:39:53] <dangranos> yay to backups
L848[13:40:31] <dangranos> oh
L849[13:40:55] <dangranos> they did said that you need to store master key somewhere
L850[13:42:05] ⇨ Joins: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@85-91-28-39.ptr.magnet.ie)
L851[13:42:56] <asie> Sangar: look for the landing area
L852[13:43:00] <asie> scroll down
L853[13:53:36] ⇦ Quits: Krutoy242 (~Krutoy242@ (Quit: Leaving)
L854[13:53:39] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L855[14:00:31] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L856[14:27:24] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L857[14:35:56] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:bc6b:cafb:e4fc:65b7)
L858[14:35:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L859[14:38:52] <dangranos> huh
L860[14:38:53] <dangranos> so
L861[14:39:01] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:de:7c54:7066:f3df) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L862[14:39:02] <dangranos> keybase uses first encryption key
L863[14:47:31] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L864[14:51:28] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L865[15:03:19] * vifino flops on Lizzy <3
L866[15:03:32] * Lizzy snuggles vifino <3
L867[15:03:37] <vifino> Wanna watch a movie together, mi lady? :)
L868[15:04:53] <Lizzy> can do
L869[15:04:58] <vifino> :D
L870[15:05:06] <Techokami> Sangar, any luck with the NEI/creative issue?
L871[15:06:25] <Mimiru> I'd love to know which of my mods is crashing whenever I type Upgrade in NEI... lol
L872[15:08:38] <Sangar> Techokami, couldn't reproduce it i'm afraid, so i just added some wrapper code to avoid crashing for now, but that could mean those devices simply will be spawned without os in those cases
L873[15:08:45] <Techokami> aha
L874[15:08:54] <Techokami> very odd
L875[15:11:54] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L876[15:12:15] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L877[15:18:09] <vifino> Lizzy: ts in a second? :)
L878[15:18:17] <Lizzy> sure
L879[15:18:21] <vifino> :D
L880[15:24:20] ⇨ Joins: marcin212_ (~marcin212@abir139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L881[15:26:46] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@acjm11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L882[15:27:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L883[15:29:19] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L884[15:30:59] <MajGenRelativity> bye Sangar
L885[15:33:09] *** marcin212_ is now known as marcin212
L886[15:40:07] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L887[15:40:09] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/tk5HVc6.gif
L888[15:52:42] <sugoi> gamax92: do you use mpt?
L889[15:52:46] <sugoi> in your emulator?
L890[15:52:55] <sugoi> i'm going to setup this machine to build ocemu now
L891[15:53:05] <sugoi> you recommended msys? right?
L892[15:54:33] <gamax92> sugoi: msys2
L893[15:54:39] <gamax92> msys is bad, original mingw is bad
L894[15:54:47] <gamax92> msys2 is pretty good, and mingw-w64 is good
L895[15:54:58] <gamax92> you can install mingw-w64 from msys2
L896[15:56:39] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-184.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L897[16:03:57] <sugoi> gamax92: so when i use mpt in the emu, the first step in setting up mpt is installing it, it creates a /usr/bin/mpt.lua
L898[16:04:05] <sugoi> but in the emulator, for some reason, mpt.lua is a directory
L899[16:04:09] <sugoi> the fs nodes seem confused
L900[16:04:11] <sugoi> i haven't debugged it
L901[16:04:33] <sugoi> perhaps an incompatibility with mpt and the filesystem.lua in the emulator
L902[16:04:36] <sugoi> not sure
L903[16:06:23] <gamax92> sugoi: uhh, installing it from what, oppm?
L904[16:07:20] <sugoi> actually, mpt works a bit differect
L905[16:07:23] <sugoi> different
L906[16:07:52] <sugoi> first you wget the a starter mpt file, and then you install the mpt package via the strter mpt file
L907[16:08:04] <gamax92> Oh, I was just installing it from mpt
L908[16:08:05] <sugoi> the install step, of the mpt package, is supposed to create a mpt.lua file
L909[16:08:06] <gamax92> oppm*
L910[16:08:24] <sugoi> so, just oppm mpt
L911[16:08:38] <sugoi> i haven't used oppm, mpt only
L912[16:09:03] <sugoi> so after you install mpt via oppm, mpt -S <pkg> works fine?
L913[16:09:56] <gamax92> yah
L914[16:10:08] <sugoi> ok, well, i'm going to focus on getting my env ready to build it
L915[16:10:30] <gamax92> also I've just introduce some bug somewhere >_> *shakes fist*
L916[16:10:36] <sugoi> first, now downloading msys2
L917[16:10:37] <sugoi> haha, ok
L918[16:11:06] <sugoi> i'm on vacation with in-laws (not so much a vacation....)
L919[16:11:19] <sugoi> but in the time i can get away, i'll be setting this up and working on the modem stuff
L920[16:11:24] <sugoi> sadly, it won't be a lot of time
L921[16:11:41] <sugoi> also, the internet here is pretty spotty
L922[16:16:09] <sugoi> so while i wait for msys2 to download to finish. your readme says i need luafilesystem, utf8, and luaffi
L923[16:16:16] <sugoi> are these utils i get via msys2?
L924[16:16:28] <sugoi> or, is there some type of lua sdk, and i include those in my install?
L925[16:17:08] <Kubuxu> You are my friends so this is not vote manipulation: http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/3b8lye/this_addon_makes_it_possible_to_connect/
L926[16:18:18] <gamax92> sugoi: i don't believe they are in the repo's but I had to manually compile them
L927[16:18:56] <gamax92> I can also just give you the compiled dll's or use the one in the OCEmu-x32.zip
L928[16:20:15] <gamax92> somewhere, os.exit on oc returns true, while on ocemu it returns false, nil
L929[16:21:31] <gamax92> nvm no bug, my OpenOS was just outdated
L930[16:23:40] <sugoi> with msys, is there no editor?
L931[16:23:44] <sugoi> or how do i add pkgs?
L932[16:25:42] <gamax92> sugoi: via pacman
L933[16:26:25] <gamax92> sugoi: btw you've seen this right? http://sourceforge.net/p/msys2/wiki/MSYS2%20installation/
L934[16:27:15] <sugoi> that's where i download it from
L935[16:27:40] <sugoi> ah, but didn't read that wiki page
L936[16:27:43] <gamax92> sugoi: you can't download files from a wiki page
L937[16:27:45] <sugoi> i see the pacman ref now
L938[16:27:55] <gamax92> You should also see the updating ref
L939[16:27:57] <sugoi> i only read the domain, sourceforge :)
L940[16:28:02] <sugoi> did see it was a wiki link at first
L941[16:42:52] <Mimiru> http://imgur.com/gallery/bBKJ7Ag looks legit.
L942[16:43:12] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L943[16:43:54] <gamax92> lol
L944[17:14:20] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L945[17:14:36] <Lizzy> ?
L946[17:15:10] <Mimiru> Playing with adding a mod to the pack, and getting NoClassDefFound BS
L947[17:16:41] * Mimiru pokes marcin212 with a stick
L948[17:17:29] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: which mod?
L949[17:17:32] <marcin212> Mimiru, ?
L950[17:17:35] <Mimiru> ZI
L951[17:17:42] <Shuudoushi> ooooo
L952[17:17:44] <Mimiru> marcin212, am I overlooking something here? http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/dafc3c97
L953[17:18:49] <marcin212> Mimiru, Update IE to 3.0
L954[17:19:00] <Mimiru> Ah.. I had it downloadd, justn ot updated yet..
L955[17:19:05] <Mimiru> downloaded*
L956[17:19:39] <Mimiru> Thanks marcin212
L957[17:19:43] <Shuudoushi> s/downloadd, justn ot/downloaded, just not
L958[17:19:43] <Kibibyte> <Mimiru> Ah.. I had it downloaded, just not updated yet..
L959[17:20:21] * Mimiru sets mode (#oc +q Shuudoushi)
L960[17:20:28] <Shuudoushi> T.T
L961[17:20:52] * Mimiru sets mode (#oc +b Shuudoushi@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L962[17:21:01] <Shuudoushi> -_-
L963[17:21:08] <Mimiru> ^_^
L964[17:21:18] <Shuudoushi> .!.-_-.!.
L965[17:21:58] <Mimiru> Don't make me actually do it :P
L966[17:22:05] <Shuudoushi> lol this isn't a even a human, this is a deer http://i.imgur.com/PRmW37u.gif
L967[17:22:30] <Mimiru> Welcome to Russia.
L968[17:22:35] <Shuudoushi> XD
L969[17:23:00] <Shuudoushi> *gets hit by a speeding car*
L970[17:23:08] <Shuudoushi> *WALKS THE FUCK AWAY*
L971[17:23:50] <Shuudoushi> that gif really does make think that russians are half deer or something
L972[17:24:06] <Shuudoushi> I've seen lots of videos/gifs of shit like that lol
L973[17:25:02] <gamax92> why does the dude look like he appears out of thin air ...
L974[17:25:03] <vifino> Russians are full of vodka, I bet that guy didn't even notice the car AFTER it hit him.
L975[17:25:51] <Inari> gamax92: cuase bad quality
L976[17:25:54] * vifino hides
L977[17:26:06] <vifino> I'm kinda sorry dangranos :P
L978[17:27:19] <gamax92> oh, because there are a few missing intermediate frames
L979[17:27:36] <gamax92> also because bad dithering
L980[17:29:25] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L981[17:33:58] <Shuudoushi> gamax92: it's crappy dashcam footage, what were you expecting? lol
L982[17:35:24] <gamax92> Shuudoushi: dashcam's do not render to gif's ...
L983[17:35:48] <Mimiru> my dashcam captures shit tons of bmps.
L984[17:36:15] <Shuudoushi> gamax92: my dashcam can o.O
L985[17:36:36] <Shuudoushi> well, it can do .png movie files
L986[17:36:37] <gamax92> Mimiru: why do you have a dashcam, this isn't russia
L987[17:36:46] <Mimiru> gamax92, maybe it is?
L988[17:36:48] <gamax92> :o
L989[17:36:53] <Shuudoushi> XD
L990[17:36:57] <Mimiru> Mind. Blown?
L991[17:37:25] <Shuudoushi> is it bad that I don't even remember what company makes my dashcam...
L992[17:37:28] <gamax92> Mimiru: Wow I just said that to myself T_T
L993[17:38:22] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: have you updated the pack yet?
L994[17:38:47] <Mimiru> Shuudoushi, I'm working on 0.7.3 it's not published yet
L995[17:38:55] <Shuudoushi> kk
L996[17:38:58] <Mimiru> lots of updates and shit
L997[17:39:05] <Mimiru> OC, BC, IE, Mek etc
L998[17:39:06] <Shuudoushi> let me know when you have it up
L999[17:39:09] <Shuudoushi> damn lol
L1000[17:39:13] <Mimiru> Later tonight maybe
L1001[17:39:40] <Mimiru> I need to figure out how to add loot disks via OS
L1002[17:39:46] <Mimiru> so I can add your OS.
L1003[17:40:11] <Shuudoushi> cool
L1004[17:40:36] ⇦ Quits: onifiv (uid94726@id-94726.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1005[17:40:55] <Shuudoushi> I'll be working on making program blacklist to keep people from editing them.
L1006[17:40:58] <vifino> q_q onifiv pls
L1007[17:41:19] <Shuudoushi> and adding SuPeRMiNoR2's AES to the whole thing
L1008[17:41:51] ⇨ Joins: onifiv (uid94726@id-94726.charlton.irccloud.com)
L1009[17:42:20] <vifino> onifiv, pls
L1010[17:42:42] <onifiv> slp ,vifino
L1011[17:49:21] ⇦ Quits: Jarcode (~Jarcode@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1012[18:02:53] ⇦ Parts: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@ ())
L1013[18:06:34] ⇦ Quits: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@85-91-28-39.ptr.magnet.ie) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1014[18:19:27] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1015[18:20:29] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
L1016[18:20:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
L1017[18:24:43] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@
L1018[18:43:00] <gamax92> Don't you love reading help topics and seeing that one guy, the one who goes "do it yourself is so simple"
L1019[18:44:01] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-304-151.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1020[18:50:41] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1021[18:56:34] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1022[18:57:54] <Inari> dont you love reading help topics and seeing that one guy who asked something, then goes "ah, figured it out" a post later with no mor einfo? :p
L1023[18:58:15] * Shuudoushi stabs that guy...
L1024[19:01:03] <PotatoSleep> OH MY GOD
L1025[19:01:11] <PotatoSleep> GAY MARRIAGE WAS LEGALIZED
L1026[19:01:17] <PotatoSleep> WHILE I WAS SLEEPING
L1027[19:03:16] <gamax92> PotatoSleep: no it was all in your sleep
L1028[19:03:41] <Shuudoushi> and an alabama judge got disbared :D
L1029[19:03:43] <PotatoSleep> My dad said that it was ruining society and that gays have a mental disorder
L1030[19:03:53] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1031[19:03:56] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1032[19:04:08] <PotatoSleep> I called him a homophobic douche and went on with my evening
L1033[19:04:10] <Shuudoushi> can I drill a hole into your days skull to she if there is a brain in it?
L1034[19:04:20] <Shuudoushi> dads*
L1035[19:04:38] <Shuudoushi> s/days skull to she/dads skull to see
L1036[19:04:38] <Kibibyte> <Shuudoushi> can I drill a hole into your dads skull to see if there is a brain in it?
L1037[19:04:41] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1038[19:04:42] <Shuudoushi> THERE!
L1039[19:04:45] <gamax92> lol
L1040[19:04:54] <PotatoSleep> He is pretty smart
L1041[19:04:59] <PotatoSleep> but only watches fox news
L1042[19:05:00] <Mimiru> could you not have just s/day/dad/?
L1043[19:05:04] <Shuudoushi> ah...
L1044[19:05:11] <PotatoSleep> don't forget she to see
L1045[19:05:22] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: I typed "she" instead of "see" as well >.>
L1046[19:05:30] <PotatoSleep> I wonder if anything will happen in Texas now...
L1047[19:05:37] <gamax92> you also typed they're instead of there
L1048[19:05:43] <PotatoSleep> or if they are gonna have to bring in the national gard
L1049[19:05:45] <PotatoSleep> guard
L1050[19:05:52] <gamax92> gourd
L1051[19:05:57] <Shuudoushi> gamax92: o.O
L1052[19:06:47] <Shuudoushi> all I know is that there is an Alabama judge that's getting taken to the chopping block lol
L1053[19:07:02] <PotatoSleep> Shuudoushi, link to an articke?
L1054[19:07:06] <PotatoSleep> artichoke
L1055[19:07:12] <Shuudoushi> and a lot of probate judges about to get canned as well
L1056[19:07:56] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/03/14627/
L1057[19:09:12] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1058[19:10:37] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@abir139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1059[19:16:20] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: I can't seem to find the story I was reading earlier, it must not be very high in googles search rankings yet x.x
L1060[19:16:21] <PotatoSleep> OH my gawd
L1061[19:16:33] <PotatoSleep> Since I live in texas
L1062[19:16:39] <PotatoSleep> its about 80% for
L1063[19:16:50] <PotatoSleep> (teen age people age)
L1064[19:16:52] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L1065[19:16:55] <PotatoSleep> and 21% against
L1066[19:17:00] <PotatoSleep> 20*
L1067[19:17:26] <PotatoSleep> and looking at the 20% say on how it is the end of the world and all civil rights are gone, I can't help but laugh my ass off
L1068[19:17:32] <Shuudoushi> to bad the US supreme court has alrady told them that they have no choice in the matter XD
L1069[19:17:44] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: ikr XD
L1070[19:17:59] <PotatoSleep> My mom, sister, and aunts are all 100% supportative
L1071[19:18:05] <PotatoSleep> but my dad.....
L1072[19:18:13] <Shuudoushi> needs a brick to the head?
L1073[19:18:16] <PotatoSleep> Yes.
L1074[19:18:26] <PotatoSleep> A very large lego brick
L1075[19:18:29] <Shuudoushi> just tell him to suck it the fuck up
L1076[19:18:31] <PotatoSleep> cone shaped lego brick
L1077[19:18:44] <Shuudoushi> LMFAO
L1078[19:19:05] <Shuudoushi> I do know some 'bearly bears', I can send a few of them to your house :3
L1079[19:19:33] <Shuudoushi> I'd like to see him try to tell them that their just mentally sick :3
L1080[19:19:47] <PotatoSleep> FYI I live in a very republican, religious town (bout 10,000 ppl) outside of Dallas/Ft. Worth
L1081[19:19:49] <Inari> well the supreme court also rule on the welfare program anumber of times
L1082[19:19:55] <Inari> and people are still dicsussing that
L1083[19:19:57] <Inari> so, yeah :P
L1084[19:20:09] <Shuudoushi> true enough Inari
L1085[19:20:16] <PotatoSleep> Thena gain, I am apart of bad
L1086[19:20:17] <PotatoSleep> band
L1087[19:20:19] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: then you might have a riot :D
L1088[19:20:23] <PotatoSleep> which is where most of my friends are
L1089[19:20:29] <Shuudoushi> death metal?
L1090[19:20:41] <PotatoSleep> Highschool band
L1091[19:20:49] <Shuudoushi> so black metal?
L1092[19:20:56] <PotatoSleep> :|
L1093[19:20:59] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1094[19:21:13] <Shuudoushi> marching band then?
L1095[19:21:16] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1096[19:21:20] <PotatoSleep> yes
L1097[19:21:26] <PotatoSleep> marching, concert music
L1098[19:21:28] <Shuudoushi> going to go get cake, brb
L1099[19:21:31] <PotatoSleep> indoor drumline
L1100[19:21:39] <Shuudoushi> YAY!!
L1101[19:21:47] <Shuudoushi> another drummer!
L1102[19:21:54] <PotatoSleep> :O
L1103[19:21:57] <Shuudoushi> I miss my snare drum tbh...
L1104[19:22:04] <PotatoSleep> My sister plays snare
L1105[19:22:07] <PotatoSleep> i'm in pit
L1106[19:22:11] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1107[19:22:19] <PotatoSleep> because I like pit, and it was the only way I could get into drumline
L1108[19:22:22] <PotatoSleep> since I play trumpet
L1109[19:22:33] <Shuudoushi> I had a carbon fiber drum with a kevlar head, it was so nice :3
L1110[19:22:54] <Shuudoushi> and I can bash the fuck out of people with it without worrying about fucking it up :D
L1111[19:23:11] <Mimiru> <-- Trumpet player.
L1112[19:23:14] <Inari> ;yt trumpted from the new world
L1113[19:23:18] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@
L1114[19:23:31] <gamax92> <-- Not physical instrument player.
L1115[19:23:38] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: brass or silver plated copper?
L1116[19:23:38] <PotatoSleep> You poor thing, gamax92
L1117[19:23:43] <PotatoSleep> bless your heart
L1118[19:23:48] <Shuudoushi> ikr >.>
L1119[19:23:55] <PotatoSleep> Shuudoushi, brass
L1120[19:23:57] <gamax92> Excuse me?
L1121[19:24:00] <Shuudoushi> nice
L1122[19:24:06] <PotatoSleep> I still only use my horn that I got in 6th grtade
L1123[19:24:13] <PotatoSleep> because I can't afford a better one
L1124[19:24:16] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1125[19:24:38] <Shuudoushi> that's about how long i had my snare lol
L1126[19:24:55] <PotatoSleep> https://youtu.be/1sy3r27eaTk
L1127[19:24:56] <MichiBot> PotatoSleep: Azle High School Indoor Drumline - "Up In The Air" 2015 WGI World Championships | length 7m 31s | Likes: 37 Dislikes: 0 Views: 2257 | by Azle Drumline
L1128[19:24:59] <PotatoSleep> is our indoor show
L1129[19:25:08] <Mimiru> The shit our Governor says... http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-06-26_19-25-02.png
L1130[19:25:16] <Shuudoushi> I had a buddy whose dad worked with carbon fiber, so all i had to buy was the head
L1131[19:25:18] <Mimiru> I hate this state
L1132[19:25:39] <Shuudoushi> still cost me a pretty penny, but I got a $5k drum for like $150 or so lol
L1133[19:25:41] <PotatoSleep> Mimiru, a lot of people hate alabama
L1134[19:25:53] <PotatoSleep> Shuudoushi, watch that video I linked
L1135[19:26:02] <Mimiru> PotatoSleep, Arkansas here.
L1136[19:26:06] <PotatoSleep> got 16th in Scholastic world
L1137[19:26:08] <PotatoSleep> oh sorry
L1138[19:26:13] <wolfmitchell> https://imgur.com/a/JDA5j this is vanilla MC
L1139[19:26:14] <wolfmitchell> :3
L1140[19:26:23] <PotatoSleep> I get Alabama and Arkansas mixed up
L1141[19:26:33] <wolfmitchell> (well, client-side vanilla)
L1142[19:26:34] <Mimiru> wolfmitchell, spigot plugin right?
L1143[19:26:39] <wolfmitchell> Mimiru, yee
L1144[19:26:42] <Mimiru> yeah..
L1145[19:26:47] <PotatoSleep> I've only driven through Ar Kansas to get to ohio
L1146[19:26:47] <wolfmitchell> Mimiru, what?
L1147[19:26:50] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1148[19:26:56] <wolfmitchell> have you seen that plugin? :p
L1149[19:27:06] <Mimiru> wolfmitchell, well, did I correctly identify it?
L1150[19:27:10] <Mimiru> then I'm going to say, yes.
L1151[19:27:22] <wolfmitchell> Mimiru, what's the name of the plugin
L1152[19:27:23] <wolfmitchell> lel
L1153[19:27:27] * wolfmitchell knows it obviously
L1154[19:27:34] <Mimiru> Consoles?
L1155[19:27:36] <gamax92> Those Consoles
L1156[19:28:02] <wolfmitchell> Mimiru, ye
L1157[19:28:12] * wolfmitchell has the dev on a TS server w/ him
L1158[19:28:15] <Mimiru> Wow look I'm not a moron!
L1159[19:28:37] <gamax92> Sorry Wheatley
L1160[19:28:44] <wolfmitchell> https://db.tt/COj3lN2e
L1161[19:29:07] * Mimiru slowclap
L1162[19:30:10] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: your band director is a lot cooler than mine was... we only ever played beethoven and shit...
L1163[19:30:16] <PotatoSleep> lol
L1164[19:30:25] <PotatoSleep> and thats just our indoor show
L1165[19:30:31] <PotatoSleep> lemme se if I can find the marching show
L1166[19:30:46] <PotatoSleep> https://youtu.be/1WmQt6nR1Rc
L1167[19:30:48] <MichiBot> PotatoSleep: Azle MGP UIL Marching Contest 2014 "Greatest Show on Turf" | length 9m 44s | Likes: 18 Dislikes: 0 Views: 1721 | by highendredneck
L1168[19:30:53] * Izaya yays
L1169[19:31:09] <Izaya> Next episode of Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu is on kickass
L1170[19:31:10] <Shuudoushi> PotatoSleep: btw, ode to joy on a snare is fucking bitch...
L1171[19:31:34] * Izaya is musically impaired
L1172[19:32:15] <Shuudoushi> well, it's a bitch when trying to play in sync with 20 other drummers
L1173[19:32:45] <PotatoSleep> Shuudoushi, the marching show I just linked to is for our off year
L1174[19:32:49] <PotatoSleep> this year is a state year
L1175[19:32:55] <PotatoSleep> and its about 200% times better
L1176[19:32:58] <Shuudoushi> cool
L1177[19:33:14] <Shuudoushi> wait... "200% times"...
L1178[19:33:28] <PotatoSleep> We got 13th at state last time we went to state
L1179[19:33:36] <Shuudoushi> s/about 200% times/times
L1180[19:33:36] <Kibibyte> <PotatoSleep> and its times better
L1181[19:33:38] <PotatoSleep> and since it was an off year
L1182[19:33:41] <Shuudoushi> s/about 200 times/times
L1183[19:33:47] <PotatoSleep> it was a fun show
L1184[19:33:51] <Shuudoushi> fuck you too kibi -_-
L1185[19:33:55] <PotatoSleep> geared to be fun to the students
L1186[19:34:21] <PotatoSleep> and the empty dancy bit is supposed to have That circus song by britney spears in it
L1187[19:34:31] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1188[19:34:31] <PotatoSleep> but UIL doesn't allow eletronic volcals
L1189[19:34:36] <Shuudoushi> what a way to get sued XD
L1190[19:35:06] <PotatoSleep> We get the rights to use it
L1191[19:35:10] <PotatoSleep> iirc
L1192[19:35:18] <PotatoSleep> so no suing
L1193[19:35:24] <Shuudoushi> that won't stop them fro trying to sue anyway XD
L1194[19:35:29] <Shuudoushi> from*
L1195[19:35:51] <PotatoSleep> Music like that is quite common
L1196[19:36:00] <PotatoSleep> in marching shows where I live
L1197[19:36:03] <PotatoSleep> the whole area
L1198[19:40:35] <PotatoSleep> :3
L1199[19:40:47] <PotatoSleep> Our show this year is "To The Edge"
L1200[19:41:56] *** PotatoSleep is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1201[19:45:15] ⇦ Quits: s0r00t (~s0@2a01:e35:243e:cb90:e941:2aaf:c32d:c859) (Quit: Leaving)
L1202[19:48:25] * Izaya looks along the front page of /r/talesfromtechsupport
L1203[19:48:35] * Izaya notes the lack of airz23 and tuxedo_jack
L1204[19:48:36] * Izaya frowns
L1205[19:50:36] ⇦ Quits: onifiv (uid94726@id-94726.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1206[19:53:48] *** samrg472 is now known as deathcrazyuberlironman
L1207[19:55:47] <Izaya> /home/share/transmission/[HorribleSubs] The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan - 13 [720p].mkv - 100% 451MB 451.4KB/s 17:02
L1208[19:56:37] <PotatoTrumpet> I'm still laughing my ass off at all of the people saying the US is nolonger a democracy
L1209[19:56:42] <PotatoTrumpet> so damn funny
L1210[19:56:46] <Izaya> it never was :D
L1211[19:57:49] *** deathcrazyuberlironman is now known as samrg472
L1212[19:59:39] <PotatoTrumpet> i know
L1213[19:59:42] <PotatoTrumpet> its a damn republic
L1214[19:59:48] <PotatoTrumpet> and now the Texas Att. General
L1215[19:59:58] <PotatoTrumpet> is saying that state law is above federal law
L1216[20:00:07] <PotatoTrumpet> I hope I see the national guard in texas soon
L1217[20:00:14] <PotatoTrumpet> kinda like alabama
L1218[20:13:24] <Izaya> guys
L1219[20:13:25] <Izaya> quick
L1220[20:13:40] <Izaya> whats a laptop with better specs than the current Retina MBP all-round?
L1221[20:22:19] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L1222[20:22:57] <Kodos> So, https://twitter.com/I_Mod_Minecraft/status/614580440599412736 makes me wonder if we can have security camera components with monitors
L1223[20:55:45] <PotatoTrumpet> Mimiru, how is opensecurity commin aloing?
L1224[20:55:47] <PotatoTrumpet> asdkl;fja
L1225[20:55:50] <PotatoTrumpet> i scuk at tupioing
L1226[20:55:53] <PotatoTrumpet> todyad
L1227[20:56:32] <gamax92> yiou suck at srypkjifn
L1228[20:59:12] <Mimiru> PotatoTrumpet, fine..?
L1229[20:59:17] <Mimiru> it's released... lol
L1230[20:59:21] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L1231[20:59:22] <PotatoTrumpet> LINK
L1232[20:59:26] <PotatoTrumpet> I NEED ZE LINKZ
L1233[20:59:28] <PotatoTrumpet> NAOW
L1234[20:59:33] <PotatoTrumpet> GIMME GIMME
L1235[20:59:34] <Mimiru> http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/231687-opensecurity
L1236[20:59:39] <PotatoTrumpet> ew cyrse
L1237[20:59:57] <Mimiru> suck it up.
L1238[21:00:37] <g> Could you at least make the link in the description a link?
L1239[21:00:39] <g> :P
L1240[21:00:47] <Mimiru> nope.
L1241[21:00:54] <g> It won't let you?
L1242[21:01:11] <g> My overlay browser doesn't have an address bar
L1243[21:01:24] <Mimiru> it IS a link here http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/231687-opensecurity
L1244[21:01:27] <Mimiru> IDK why it's not there.
L1245[21:04:16] <g> Thanks
L1246[21:04:21] <g> Good run, looks good though
L1247[21:23:41] ⇨ Joins: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
L1248[21:27:24] <Kodos> Mimiru, remind me again how to add sounds to the OS alarm
L1249[21:27:46] <Mimiru> The same as the Nuclear Control alarm... I never got the external loading working
L1250[21:28:32] <Mimiru> Open the jar, edit the sounds.json follow the format to add your sounds, put the sounds in the assets/opensecurity/sounds/ directory
L1251[21:28:35] <Mimiru> and add them to the config
L1252[21:28:42] <Kodos> Mkaty
L1253[21:29:43] <PotatoTrumpet> thats SO MUCH work
L1254[21:30:35] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1255[21:33:35] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1256[21:37:02] <Kodos> Bleh, trying to remember how to use component.me_controller.getCraftables().getItemStack()
L1257[21:37:23] ⇨ Joins: lucian2004 (webchat@c-24-56-253-110.customer.broadstripe.net)
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L1259[21:58:45] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/QI5d817.jpg
L1260[22:00:10] <sugoi> gamax92: poke
L1261[22:25:40] *** Logan is now known as DavidTennant
L1262[22:28:01] <PotatoTrumpet> Izaya, I didn't know you needed a book for dummies over the internet
L1263[22:34:19] *** samrg472 is now known as kaendfork
L1264[22:34:27] *** DavidTennant is now known as kaendfinger
L1265[22:35:24] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1266[22:35:26] *** kaendfork is now known as TheSpoon
L1267[22:36:36] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1268[22:36:46] *** TheSpoon is now known as dartinthefork
L1269[22:39:51] <PotatoTrumpet> wwwwwasdawasdawdaw wadsWdadaWd dwadw
L1270[22:42:05] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L1271[22:44:26] <gamax92> sugoi: wah
L1272[22:46:01] *** kaendfinger is now known as Logan
L1273[22:46:08] *** dartinthefork is now known as samrg472
L1274[22:46:21] <Izaya> oh fuck
L1275[22:46:40] <Izaya> I've somehow ended up at a party
L1276[22:47:00] <Izaya> and I'm expected to be social
L1277[22:47:06] <Izaya> shit
L1278[22:47:15] <gamax92> Izaya: stop being drunk
L1279[22:47:40] <sugoi> gamax92: hi - got away from family :)
L1280[22:47:43] <sugoi> now trying to build
L1281[22:47:57] <sugoi> everything with lua and this build env is new to me
L1282[22:48:10] <sugoi> so, i'm throwing darts in the dark here
L1283[22:48:17] <Izaya> gamax92: I'm social I swear
L1284[22:48:26] <Izaya> sober*
L1285[22:48:28] <Izaya> ...
L1286[22:48:29] <gamax92> That's what a drunk would say
L1287[22:48:30] <sugoi> gamax92: your instructions were to get msys2, i have that
L1288[22:48:31] <gamax92> Word for word
L1289[22:48:41] <sugoi> and i read that wiki page.
L1290[22:48:47] <sugoi> i updated the core libs first
L1291[22:49:00] <gamax92> Good boy
L1292[22:49:00] <sugoi> then installed any updates, then dev-base and nano
L1293[22:49:06] * gamax92 throws sugoi a treat
L1294[22:49:08] <sugoi> oh i run gentoo
L1295[22:49:13] <Izaya> >nano
L1296[22:49:16] <Izaya> pfft
L1297[22:49:16] <sugoi> i'm very good at following instructions
L1298[22:49:18] <gamax92> Izaya: shut the fuck up
L1299[22:49:34] <Izaya> gamax92: never
L1300[22:49:37] <gamax92> no more social
L1301[22:49:39] <sugoi> :) gentoo, for those that want a thousand steps to setup of working environment
L1302[22:49:44] <gamax92> you've very drunk
L1303[22:50:17] <sugoi> gamax92: but on your github readme, it says i need luafilsystem, utf8, and luaffi
L1304[22:50:20] <Izaya> sugoi: Arch, for those that want 500 steps
L1305[22:50:31] <sugoi> then luasocket for the internet component
L1306[22:50:38] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1307[22:50:43] <sugoi> but then later you say windows will need to build everything
L1308[22:50:43] <gamax92> Yeah I forgot how I did all that, to be honest
L1309[22:50:46] <Izaya> Windows: for those that want to do 1000 steps every day
L1310[22:50:48] <sugoi> so i assume i don't install those
L1311[22:51:00] <gamax92> sugoi: you do install those, but not from luarocks
L1312[22:51:09] <sugoi> so i could find no luarocks pkg, and you say i shouldn't anyways
L1313[22:51:17] <gamax92> It just ... doesn't work
L1314[22:51:24] <sugoi> well, so i decided to close luaffi as well
L1315[22:51:27] <gamax92> like I don't know why it doesn't work, but it doesn't work
L1316[22:51:29] <sugoi> it's next to ocemu
L1317[22:51:34] <sugoi> that's fine
L1318[22:51:41] <sugoi> couldn't find it in pacman anyways
L1319[22:51:46] <sugoi> note that pacman is utterly new to me as well
L1320[22:51:49] <sugoi> but i'm okay with that
L1321[22:52:03] <sugoi> oddly (to me, new to pacman and new to msys) -
L1322[22:52:07] <gamax92> I used a GUI for pacman :P
L1323[22:52:19] <sugoi> after pacman -S lua (technically, the mingw64 version)
L1324[22:52:34] <sugoi> lua wasn't in path, had to add it myself (/mingw64/bin)
L1325[22:52:43] <gamax92> ehh, I think that might be lua 5.3 ...
L1326[22:52:55] <sugoi> it is
L1327[22:52:58] <sugoi> can i not use 5.3?
L1328[22:52:59] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970BE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1329[22:53:04] <sugoi> i thought sangarr updated to 5.3 recently
L1330[22:53:12] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1331[22:53:18] <gamax92> its 5.2 and 5.3, and still not exactly released
L1332[22:53:23] <gamax92> just released canadated
L1333[22:53:25] <Shuudoushi> sugoi: take your CPU and right click in the air
L1334[22:53:43] <gamax92> also I've not really built anything with 5.3 to see if it works :D
L1335[22:53:48] <sugoi> Shuudoushi: haha, what?
L1336[22:53:58] <Shuudoushi> sneak+ right click*
L1337[22:54:08] <sugoi> what like, an OC cpu?
L1338[22:54:12] <sugoi> i'm not in game
L1339[22:54:16] <sugoi> but, sure - ican do that
L1340[22:54:16] <gamax92> yeah, it switches the architecture of it
L1341[22:54:23] <sugoi> ha, funny
L1342[22:54:23] <gamax92> so, can choose between 5.2 and 5.3
L1343[22:54:26] <sugoi> from 5.2 to 5.3?
L1344[22:54:27] <Shuudoushi> http://puu.sh/iEbTG/ecc171fdf2.png
L1345[22:54:35] <Shuudoushi> and back
L1346[22:54:37] <sugoi> fun
L1347[22:54:54] <sugoi> gamax92: anywho, you're just not sure if things will be okay for me with 5.3
L1348[22:54:58] <Shuudoushi> and if there is any add-ons that add a new arch, you can switch to that arch the same way
L1349[22:55:02] <gamax92> yeah basicall
L1350[22:55:04] <sugoi> i'll remove 5.3 and specify 5.2
L1351[22:55:07] <Shuudoushi> no need for 5000 CPUs
L1352[22:55:29] <gamax92> Shuudoushi: unless I make my addon require the specific CPU
L1353[22:55:35] <Shuudoushi> yes
L1354[22:55:40] <gamax92> mahuhuhuhuh
L1355[22:55:41] <Izaya> just a bunch of toggle switches?
L1356[22:55:49] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1357[22:56:41] <Shuudoushi> I still have no idea how OC natively sets things as read-only...
L1358[22:57:13] <sugoi> ok, so which lua pkg did you install via pacman?
L1359[22:57:18] <Izaya> you can't, IIRC
L1360[22:57:27] <Shuudoushi> I found 'x.isReadOnly()' looking through the built in programs and the like, but I have no idea what it really does...
L1361[22:58:07] <Izaya> it's from pre-1.3
L1362[22:58:16] ⇨ Joins: Krutoy242 (~Krutoy242@
L1363[22:58:16] <Izaya> dunno if it still works
L1364[22:58:20] <Shuudoushi> line 22 of edit.lua local readonly = options.r or fs.get(filename) == nil or fs.get(filename).isReadOnly()
L1365[22:58:39] <Izaya> it's originally from the ROM
L1366[22:58:51] <gamax92> sugoi: I also didn't install lua from pacman, I got it from http://git.io/vt4Sf
L1367[22:58:58] <Izaya> but we have no ROM any longer
L1368[22:58:59] <gamax92> So have fun
L1369[22:59:06] <sugoi> >.<
L1370[22:59:18] <Shuudoushi> x.x
L1371[22:59:25] <gamax92> <.>
L1372[23:00:00] <Shuudoushi> so to make read-only files and the like, I'll have to make a blacklist or w/e and modify edit.lua to use the blacklist...
L1373[23:00:28] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971F21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1374[23:01:20] <Izaya> re-define the function
L1375[23:02:27] <Izaya> CAKE
L1376[23:02:27] <Shuudoushi> which one?
L1377[23:02:33] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1378[23:02:44] <gamax92> ALL OF THEM :3
L1379[23:02:53] <Izaya> fs.isReadOnly
L1380[23:02:53] * Shuudoushi slaps gamax92.
L1381[23:02:53] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L1382[23:03:02] <gamax92> Shuudoushi: We aren't getting married
L1383[23:04:21] <Shuudoushi> Izaya: this is the only mention of .isReadOnly() in the filesystem lib http://puu.sh/iEcnn/cc13a0e525.png
L1384[23:05:01] <Izaya> tis a component function
L1385[23:05:11] <Shuudoushi> but which one?
L1386[23:05:24] <Izaya> isReadOnly
L1387[23:05:27] <Shuudoushi> ...
L1388[23:05:38] * Shuudoushi slaps Izaya.
L1389[23:05:38] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1390[23:05:51] <sugoi> gamax92: i'd like to install/setup similar to how you did it
L1391[23:06:03] * Izaya stabs Shuudoushi with a cake knife
L1392[23:06:10] <sugoi> but i'm confused what i'm looking at. that link for lua, it's some pkg definition for mingw i guess?
L1393[23:06:20] * Shuudoushi stabs Izaya with a rusty squid.
L1394[23:06:40] <sugoi> do i use some tool to apply that pkg? is there source i build? is there a binary i download from that github project?
L1395[23:06:42] <gamax92> sugoi: maybe I'll eventually make a script to setup everything
L1396[23:06:53] <gamax92> sugoi: but https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages/blob/master/README.md
L1397[23:07:16] * Izaya stabs Shuudoushi with an explosive glass bowl
L1398[23:07:49] * Shuudoushi malices Izaya with a shoehorn.
L1399[23:08:19] <Izaya> ~w component:filesystem
L1400[23:08:19] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L1401[23:08:44] <sugoi> gamax92: you'll laugh, but even that readme leaves me with questions
L1402[23:08:48] <sugoi> cd ${package-name}
L1403[23:08:49] <Izaya> isReadOnly
L1404[23:09:09] <sugoi> i dont know the name of my package, and besides, there are no dirs on my msys env with the name lua in it
L1405[23:09:25] <sugoi> well some under /usr/share/swig/...
L1406[23:09:29] <Shuudoushi> so no way to really set something to read-only...
L1407[23:09:57] * gamax92 hits sugoi
L1408[23:09:59] <sugoi> besides, it says after starting the msys2_shell, to cd to package name, there are no dirs at my home dir
L1409[23:10:11] <Shuudoushi> sugoi: ... this is way you should specify the download path...
L1410[23:10:11] <gamax92> staph
L1411[23:10:17] <gamax92> just staph
L1412[23:10:19] <gamax92> you know nothing
L1413[23:10:34] <gamax92> I'll go write a script to do everything tomorrow
L1414[23:10:38] <Shuudoushi> and know WTF YOU'RE DOWNLOADING
L1415[23:10:47] <sugoi> ?
L1416[23:10:57] <sugoi> i'm quite aware of the concept of the tools i've downloaded
L1417[23:11:04] <sugoi> i simply find these instructions pretty lacking
L1418[23:11:05] <dangranos> ._.
L1419[23:11:07] * Shuudoushi smashes his head into a brick wall till it's dust...
L1420[23:11:15] <gamax92> sugoi: you don't know how to clone a git repo?
L1421[23:11:28] <dangranos> really, pinging me at 04:26? i am deeeeeeep asleep at that point
L1422[23:11:29] <sugoi> of course i do
L1423[23:11:43] <sugoi> am i do clone the lua git repo you links, and then follow these instructions?
L1424[23:11:49] <sugoi> i didn't realize that was implied
L1425[23:11:51] <Shuudoushi> dangranos: who the fuck pinged you?
L1426[23:11:57] <gamax92> sugoi: here just download this https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages/archive/541d0da31a4d2e648689655e49ddfffbe7ff5dfe.zip
L1427[23:12:01] <dangranos> vifino,
L1428[23:12:02] <gamax92> it's the right commit id
L1429[23:12:08] <Shuudoushi> huh
L1430[23:12:29] <sugoi> dangranos: and besides, who lets irc pings make a notification enough to wake them, esp. at 4:26 :)
L1431[23:12:34] <gamax92> unpack, go into mingw-w64-lua, run makepkg-mingw, install the package it made
L1432[23:12:38] <dangranos> uh
L1433[23:12:45] <dangranos> it's not 4 right now
L1434[23:12:48] <dangranos> it's 10
L1435[23:12:58] <dangranos> i woke up little less than hour ago
L1436[23:12:59] <Shuudoushi> 23:12 here
L1437[23:13:10] <dangranos> just frustrating to find why they pinged
L1438[23:13:21] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1439[23:15:29] <dangranos> oh god
L1440[23:15:35] <dangranos> have you seen github logo?
L1441[23:15:43] <gamax92> yes and?
L1442[23:15:44] <dangranos> today i mean
L1443[23:15:52] <gamax92> yes and?
L1444[23:15:54] <Shuudoushi> gay pride colors thing
L1445[23:15:54] <dangranos> what's up with that?
L1446[23:16:40] <Shuudoushi> it's b/c the US supreme court shoved their feet up ever states ass that has a ban on gay marriage
L1447[23:16:51] <dangranos> ._.
L1448[23:16:54] <dangranos> question
L1449[23:17:01] <Shuudoushi> ?
L1450[23:17:04] <dangranos> why the fck is that shown to WHOLE FCKING WORLD?!
L1451[23:17:04] <gamax92> answer
L1452[23:17:12] <gamax92> why are you bothered by it
L1453[23:17:17] <Shuudoushi> ^
L1454[23:17:29] <dangranos> because that thing everywhere and i just woke up
L1455[23:17:35] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1456[23:17:36] <sugoi> maybe because scotus is a us thing, not a world thing
L1457[23:17:40] <dangranos> and i am slightly annoyed that it's everywhere
L1458[23:17:49] <dangranos> and what sugoi
L1459[23:17:51] <dangranos> said
L1460[23:18:02] <Shuudoushi> b/c it's world news after russia declared open season on gays
L1461[23:18:05] <Shuudoushi> ?*
L1462[23:18:18] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@p5791B42E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD9588819.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L1463[23:18:24] ⇨ Joins: SnowDapples (~powered@pD9588819.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1464[23:18:32] <dangranos> ._.
L1465[23:18:36] <dangranos> who the hell read news
L1466[23:18:43] <Shuudoushi> old people
L1467[23:19:23] <Kodos> I read the news...
L1468[23:19:33] <gamax92> Therefor you are old!
L1469[23:19:39] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L1470[23:19:43] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, problem with marriage equality?
L1471[23:19:46] <gamax92> Wait when did Izaya leave?
L1472[23:19:54] <Kodos> 23:13 CDT
L1473[23:20:03] <gamax92> oh yeah
L1474[23:20:05] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: I don't really give a shit about who marries who lol
L1475[23:20:28] <Shuudoushi> none of this shit affects me anyway
L1476[23:20:39] <dangranos> that's like shoving something US-specific to everyone who isnt in it
L1477[23:20:55] <Shuudoushi> eh, maybe
L1478[23:20:56] <gamax92> dangranos: yes, we shove a tiny 32px icon in your face
L1479[23:21:12] <Shuudoushi> but github is also based in the US
L1480[23:21:28] <dangranos> ugh, whatever
L1481[23:21:34] <gamax92> oh it's actually 28px
L1482[23:21:52] <Kodos> dangranos, why can't a site be glad that marriage equality is a thing
L1483[23:21:55] <Shuudoushi> and employs a fuck tn of people, some of which could be extremely happy about this shit
L1484[23:22:00] <gamax92> A rainbow colored icon that doesn't affect me because I live in a different country
L1485[23:22:10] <gamax92> Holy shit, such a big deal, I must get pissy about it
L1486[23:22:15] <Shuudoushi> ^
L1487[23:22:39] <dangranos> sorry, just little pissed generally (not at anything specific)
L1488[23:23:08] <dangranos> nor because of that, just wanted to vent that somewhere, sorry
L1489[23:23:12] <Shuudoushi> just so you know, you sounded like a major homophobe >.>
L1490[23:23:31] <dangranos> ikr
L1491[23:23:31] <sugoi> dangranos: it's very pc for github to do that, too
L1492[23:23:40] <Kodos> Speaking of which, the next person to tell me they think homosexuality is a mental disorder is getting the shit slapped out of them
L1493[23:23:55] <Shuudoushi> ^
L1494[23:24:44] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: or it's "the evil powers of SATAN!!!" corrupting their "souls"
L1495[23:25:04] <Shuudoushi> I've heard that one a LOT
L1496[23:25:07] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, don't get me wrong, my wife and myself are both Christians, but we're firm believers in the fact that we should love everyone equally, and leave the judging to God
L1497[23:25:15] <dangranos> Kodos, "shit hits the fan"?
L1498[23:25:32] <Kodos> dangranos, https://twitter.com/anti344/status/614540671496646656
L1499[23:25:52] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: you and your wife are just about the only kind of christian I can stand then :D
L1500[23:26:16] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, I struggle with her parents. They're the semi-crazy kind of christians
L1501[23:26:16] * sugoi checks what channel this is
L1502[23:26:20] <dangranos> the one who prefer to let people choose to belive or not to? yay
L1503[23:26:24] <Kodos> They're also anti-vaccers
L1504[23:26:39] <dangranos> (that was written before your msg about parents, that was about you)
L1505[23:27:14] <Kodos> dangranos, I could give a shit whether you believe or not. When we both die, I'll go where I go, and if the faith I have in life proves to be correct, then more power to me, if it's not, and there's nothing else, then that's just something I'll deal with then (Assuming I exist)
L1506[23:27:30] <Shuudoushi> I'm the kind of person that joins the church of satan just to piss with bible thumpers >.>
L1507[23:28:06] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: so "if I go to hell I hope I burn well"?
L1508[23:28:23] <Shuudoushi> holy fuck I just made my self feel old with that one...
L1509[23:28:25] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, if you already know you're going to hell, you may as well make the trip worth it
L1510[23:28:33] <Shuudoushi> ^
L1511[23:28:35] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L1512[23:28:39] <gamax92> I don't mind people and their religions, it just pisses me off when they try to hold you up and don't respect that you don't exactly care or have somewhere to go
L1513[23:28:50] <gamax92> I've even had someone call me an asshole, when I was in a hurry to get somewhere
L1514[23:29:02] <dangranos> Kodos, that should be saved as a quote somewhere
L1515[23:29:14] <Kodos> I should also point out that I don't attend church regularly, because going to a building once a week makes you no more a christian than sitting in a garage makes you a car.
L1516[23:29:21] <Shuudoushi> I've had someone take a sing at me when I told them to gfts when I was busy lol
L1517[23:29:44] * Shuudoushi is 6' (2 meters) and 213lbs of mostly muscle.
L1518[23:30:16] <gamax92> And then there are those who give you a bible flyer and a box of food and then leave you be
L1519[23:30:23] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: HOLY SHIT! no homo, but I love you man!
L1520[23:30:48] <Shuudoushi> gamax92: "give me cookies or go eat shit and die"
L1521[23:31:02] <gamax92> uhh, no not exactly like that
L1522[23:31:04] <gamax92> like at all
L1523[23:31:23] <Shuudoushi> it's a bad joke from years past lol
L1524[23:32:11] <gamax92> anyway, I'mma go do musical stuffs
L1525[23:32:16] <Shuudoushi> o/
L1526[23:32:30] <Shuudoushi> btw, where the "burn well" quote came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7OvPTmhtiY
L1527[23:32:30] <MichiBot> Shuudoushi: Bloodhound Gang - Fire water burn (explicit) | length 4m 51s | Likes: 744 Dislikes: 12 Views: 105720 | by Mrmelpit
L1528[23:32:36] <Kodos> Frankly, I think anyone who claims that gay marriage is against their religion is (And I'm gonna steal a quote here) like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet.
L1529[23:32:53] * Shuudoushi nods.
L1530[23:33:05] <dangranos> or anything is against it
L1531[23:33:18] <Shuudoushi> I just love when people start trying to quote ezicio(?)
L1532[23:33:33] <sugoi> mmm, actually, it's more like -- those against gay marriage for religious reasons are like those against anti-vaccers
L1533[23:34:25] <dangranos> they scream and shout but have no solid base against it?
L1534[23:34:45] <sugoi> dangranos: those against anti-vaccers, not the anti-vaccers
L1535[23:35:42] <Shuudoushi> oh, my bad, Leviticus
L1536[23:35:58] <sugoi> what i'm saying, religeous perspective is that inclusion and support of homosexuality activity is immoral and damages a persons spirituality
L1537[23:36:08] <Shuudoushi> that's the one that bible thumpers try to quote from while saying being gay is a sin
L1538[23:36:10] <sugoi> anywho, back to oc
L1539[23:43:58] <Izaya> they're not anti-vaxers
L1540[23:44:09] <Izaya> they're pro-disease
L1541[23:44:25] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1542[23:55:40] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
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