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L1[00:00:39] <gamax92> wolfmitchell: I remember the old server you had
L2[00:01:09] <gamax92> I also remember putting a really slow timer chain hooked up to a nuke, which ended up existing in all of your backups :P
L3[00:01:17] <wolfmitchell> yes
L4[00:05:19] <Jarcode> hmm
L5[00:05:24] <Jarcode> wolf
L6[00:05:31] <wolfmitchell> what
L7[00:05:33] <Jarcode> maybe I should add an assembler
L8[00:05:37] <wolfmitchell> ...
L9[00:05:44] <Jarcode> and have it spawn drones
L10[00:05:46] <Jarcode> in consoles
L11[00:05:49] <Jarcode> :)
L12[00:06:02] <wolfmitchell> what blocks would they be in game
L13[00:06:04] <wolfmitchell> because this is uh
L14[00:06:04] <gamax92> No reassembly of your brain will make you smarter
L15[00:06:06] <Jarcode> <-- steals ideas
L16[00:06:06] <wolfmitchell> vanilla
L17[00:06:16] <Jarcode> yeah err
L18[00:06:21] <Jarcode> idk
L19[00:06:29] <wolfmitchell> inb4 flying sugar cane
L20[00:06:35] <gamax92> lol
L21[00:06:37] <Jarcode> I would probably just use a dropper and have a hologram above it or something .-.
L22[00:06:46] <wolfmitchell> Jarcode, minecart?
L23[00:06:48] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L24[00:06:59] <wolfmitchell> like, one w/ a chest
L25[00:07:06] <Jarcode> Maybe
L26[00:07:12] <Jarcode> Or I can just let the computer itself spawn them
L27[00:07:32] <Jarcode> making OC/ComptuerCraft functionality in bukkit is annoying :/
L28[00:07:43] <wolfmitchell> i'm saying use that for the block for the actual done in game
L29[00:08:55] <gamax92> heh
L30[00:10:09] <wolfmitchell> s/do/dro/
L31[00:13:48] <Mimiru> %test
L32[00:13:49] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Success
L33[00:13:53] <Mimiru> o_O
L34[00:13:57] <Mimiru> Test
L35[00:14:01] <Mimiru> s/Test/Testing/
L36[00:14:05] <Mimiru> wut
L37[00:14:09] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L38[00:14:09] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
L39[00:14:11] <Mimiru> Test
L40[00:14:13] <Mimiru> s/Test/Testing/
L41[00:14:13] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> Testing
L42[00:14:17] <Mimiru> Hmm
L43[00:14:32] <Mimiru> [23:26:13] <@TotallyNotKatie> %sed enable
L44[00:14:32] <Mimiru> [23:26:13] <MichiBot> TotallyNotKatie: Enabled SED for this channel
L45[00:14:36] <Mimiru> so... why didn't that stick
L46[00:14:48] <rashy> should have used glue
L47[00:15:18] <rashy> :3
L48[00:19:37] <wolfmitchell> s/glue/dickbutt/
L49[00:19:37] <MichiBot> <rashy> should have used dickbutt
L50[00:20:05] <rashy> u
L51[00:20:32] <gamax92> him
L52[00:26:21] <wolfmitchell> me
L53[00:32:05] <PotatoTrumpet> s/dickbutt/a dildo
L54[00:32:06] <MichiBot> <rashy> should have used a dildo
L55[00:32:09] <wolfmitchell> oh
L56[00:32:11] <wolfmitchell> ...oh
L57[00:32:17] * rashy smacks PotatoTrumpet with penguin flippers
L58[00:32:33] * PotatoTrumpet uses a dildo on rashy
L59[00:32:56] <Kodos> Oi
L60[00:32:59] <Kodos> Keep it PG
L61[00:33:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Sorry daddy
L62[00:33:16] <Kodos> ...
L63[00:33:19] <PotatoTrumpet> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L64[00:33:29] <wolfmitchell> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L65[00:33:35] <wolfmitchell> my lenny face is better
L66[00:33:40] <wolfmitchell> no spaces in front of it
L67[00:33:46] <PotatoTrumpet> ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡0)
L68[00:33:49] <wolfmitchell> oh ok
L69[00:34:24] <Kodos> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L70[00:34:29] <Kodos> Hm
L71[00:35:43] <PotatoTrumpet> ( ͡C ͡C ͜ʖ ͡C)
L72[00:36:08] ⇨ Joins: Jarcode_ (~Jarcode@
L73[00:36:12] <wolfmitchell> hi
L74[00:36:24] ⇦ Quits: Jarcode (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L75[00:36:29] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L76[00:36:36] *** Jarcode_ is now known as Jarcode
L77[00:38:37] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L78[00:38:46] <PotatoTrumpet> I have the Adobe CS4 Suite
L79[00:38:51] <PotatoTrumpet> and don't know what to do with it
L80[00:49:19] <Jarcode> uninstall
L81[00:49:21] <Jarcode> and get GIMP
L82[00:49:31] <Jarcode> open source software is the only software
L83[00:56:49] <rashy> pick something - digital painting, webdesign, whatever
L84[00:57:09] <rashy> (better options exist for both, but still)
L85[00:57:11] <Kodos> When I got CS2, I started designing logos for people
L86[00:57:24] <rashy> (Illustrator is better)
L87[00:57:49] <PotatoTrumpet> Jarcode, I hate GIMP tbh
L88[00:57:51] <PotatoTrumpet> it's ugly
L89[00:58:16] <rashy> I only really use PS for minor things in the process of working on html/css templates
L90[00:58:58] ⇨ Joins: Krutoy242 (webchat@
L91[01:01:17] <Izaya> Is it bad that my image editor of choice is ImageMagick?
L92[01:01:25] <rashy> XD
L93[01:03:41] *** Skye is now known as Skye|School
L94[01:04:39] <Izaya> Apparently I need to learn Photoshop for school though :/
L95[01:07:40] <Jarcode> I edit images in emacs
L96[01:12:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L97[01:12:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L120[05:27:44] <Krutoy242> Question: Why no one using goto? It can be very userful for "continue" in loops.
L121[05:28:26] <Izaya> GOTO considered harmful
L122[05:29:59] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles Izaya
L123[05:30:07] * Lizzy cuddles DeanIsaKitty
L124[05:30:10] * Izaya cuddles DeanIsaKitty
L125[05:30:15] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles Lizzy
L126[05:30:17] <Izaya> How are you today, DeanIsaKitty?
L127[05:30:25] <DeanIsaKitty> Quite fine, how about you?
L128[05:30:44] <Izaya> Bit tired, but same as usual.
L129[05:33:50] <Krutoy242> This cuddles... I thought only bronies using this.
L130[05:34:26] <Krutoy242> Izaya> GOTO considered harmful >> Well, then, why Lua developers add this feature in 5.2? They want to harm Lua users?
L131[05:34:30] * Lizzy throws a barrel at Krutoy242
L132[05:34:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Krutoy242: I can cuddle my bf and you can shut the fuck up
L133[05:35:12] <Krutoy242> Bf? Are you... gay?
L134[05:35:25] <Lizzy> Krutoy242: why does it matter to you?
L135[05:35:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh noes, random dude assumes everybody on the internet is male!
L136[05:36:38] <Krutoy242> Lol, so offensive. You guys seems like programmed too much.
L137[05:37:21] * Izaya frowns
L138[05:37:32] <Izaya> The network uses switches
L139[05:37:40] <Izaya> capturing packets from other machines is a pain
L140[05:38:43] * Izaya idly wonders if there is a monitor port on any of the switches
L141[05:39:26] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Most enterprise level switches can map ports to be monitor ones. But they are not by default. Refer to your manual if available :P
L142[05:39:47] <Izaya> There's also the issue of getting into the configs.
L143[05:42:06] <Izaya> maybe I should build a tap
L144[05:43:59] <Izaya> or maybe I should just capture from wifi
L145[05:45:45] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: What type of Wifi encryption does the network use?
L146[05:46:11] <Izaya> WPA2 enterprise, but I have a valid user/pass for it
L147[05:46:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Phase2 Auth?
L148[05:47:23] <Izaya> MSCHAP v2
L149[05:47:49] <DeanIsaKitty> lol https://www.cloudcracker.com/blog/2012/07/29/cracking-ms-chap-v2/
L150[05:48:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Much secure
L151[05:48:07] <DeanIsaKitty> such encryption
L152[05:50:27] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-209.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L153[05:54:04] <Izaya> I'm sorta proud - my mum has set up a dokuwiki on her site for the nonprofit she volunteers for
L154[05:56:56] <dangranos> https://vimeo.com/129318944 huh
L155[05:57:15] <dangranos> well, at least i'll get to see both movies!
L156[06:44:13] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L157[06:50:29] * Izaya pokes DeanIsaKitty
L158[06:50:51] <Lizzy> hmm
L159[06:51:13] * Lizzy wonders if she could do some magic to route traffic between 2 tinc networks
L160[06:51:39] * DeanIsaKitty pokes Izaya
L161[06:52:04] * Lizzy hugs both DeanIsaKitty and Izaya
L162[06:52:08] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty: you were going to develop third-party programs for amie, yes?
L163[06:52:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Yeah
L164[06:52:38] <Lizzy> :< there's a hole in my trousers
L165[06:52:45] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy!
L166[06:52:56] <Lizzy> eh?
L167[06:53:05] <Izaya> https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios so I turned SKS into an organisation, I can add you if you want
L168[06:53:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Sure, go ahead :D
L169[06:54:31] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQWf1Ix80Nw&index=10&list=PLUA4NojaBE4NimJkML0yvHHaZbnptEzyt unrelated
L170[06:54:31] <MichiBot> Izaya: Cmon Let's Play (MOB Remix) - Kandie Rush vs Wideeyez | length 2m 50s | Likes: 237 Dislikes: 3 Views: 30791 | by jordesuvi
L171[06:55:26] <Lizzy> Firefox why are you taking me to the Russian google? ¬_¬
L172[06:55:39] <Izaya> If you're proxying through thor, it does that.
L173[06:55:51] <Lizzy> No, this was on my work pc
L174[06:56:07] <Lizzy> also if you're going through Thor it should take you to the Canadian Google
L175[06:56:13] <Lizzy> seeing as it's in Canada
L176[06:56:25] <Lizzy> s/a$/ia
L177[06:56:34] <Izaya> when I proxy through thor, I either get russian or french google
L178[06:56:39] <Lizzy> weird
L179[06:56:43] <Izaya> so I use DuckDuckGo
L180[06:58:02] <Inari> if only duckduckgo was good
L181[06:58:25] <Izaya> I'm told Bing is actually good at finding porn, though I'm yet to try it.
L182[06:58:37] <Inari> lol
L183[06:58:39] <Lizzy> whenever I was tunneling through Anquietas, google kept making me to the captia thing
L184[06:58:46] <Inari> i just know DDG results tend to be far worse than google's
L185[07:01:29] * Lizzy is installing Adobe Fireworks CS6 from her works App cache
L186[07:05:32] ⇦ Quits: Wuerfel_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
L187[07:06:41] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
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L197[08:47:41] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L198[08:49:52] <Wuerfel_21> Now i know.... Stackoverflow is stupid.
L199[08:50:05] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L200[08:50:22] <Ditchbuster> for those helping me yesterday on creating a basic entity in 1.8 here is a tutorial that helped a ton, its in german but all the code is english so as an ignorant american i could still follow :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQQrYUtZKng
L201[08:50:23] <MichiBot> Ditchbuster: Entities I - Minecraft Forge Mods programmieren 1.8 [GERMAN/HD+] - Forge Modding #30 | length 11m 12s | Likes: 25 Dislikes: 0 Views: 640 | by MikasOrbit
L202[08:51:00] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L203[08:53:44] *** Guest28183 is now known as johnlage
L204[09:06:56] <dangranos> gg=G
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L221[11:15:32] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
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L223[11:26:46] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye|Homework
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L238[12:05:16] <robhol_> I suppose this is kind of a long shot, but - I run a server that's going to die unless we get at least one other admin capable of managing it through a CLI. Anyone interested/know someone?
L239[12:08:01] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L240[12:08:06] <gamax92> oh hey robhol_
L241[12:08:14] <robhol_> hi
L242[12:08:21] <Jarcode> hi
L243[12:08:27] <robhol_> surprised anyone here remembers my nick, lol
L244[12:08:35] <gamax92> I do
L245[12:08:39] * gamax92 throws rGUI at you
L246[12:08:45] * robhol_ ducks
L247[12:09:41] <Jarcode> what kind of server do you run robhol_?
L248[12:10:04] <robhol_> Currently RR3
L249[12:10:10] <robhol_> but the whole pack is just... a pile
L250[12:10:48] <Jarcode> is it pretty active or..?
L251[12:11:40] <robhol_> Not currently
L252[12:12:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> What os is the server running, XD
L253[12:12:46] <gamax92> DR-DOS
L254[12:12:56] <gamax92> with Java through HXRT
L255[12:12:56] <robhol_> "Oh, I made my own"
L256[12:13:05] <robhol_> nah, actually ubuntu
L257[12:13:06] <Jarcode> inb4 solaris
L258[12:13:17] <gamax92> your inb4 failed
L259[12:13:21] <Jarcode> ik
L260[12:13:28] <robhol_> in 2 ways :3
L261[12:13:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Better then Solaris at least
L262[12:13:48] <gamax92> I have a disc of OpenSolaris
L263[12:14:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Holy shit I have 11s of latency
L264[12:14:01] <gamax92> I also have a disc of Ubuntu 8.10
L265[12:14:09] <robhol_> me too, I think :D
L266[12:14:20] <Mimiru> %p SuPeRMiNoR2
L267[12:14:21] <Jarcode> yeah I have a few old ubuntu disks too
L268[12:14:22] <MichiBot> Ping reply from SuPeRMiNoR2 0.16s
L269[12:14:24] <Mimiru> :P
L270[12:14:31] <gamax92> %p
L271[12:14:32] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.3s
L272[12:14:37] <gamax92> ;~;
L273[12:14:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: I assume you know this, but I am going to say it anyway, that is my bouncer replying, not me
L274[12:15:06] ⇨ Joins: Mrmedic_ (webchat@adta22.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L275[12:15:15] <Mimiru> Yes, I'm aware.
L276[12:15:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Though so
L277[12:15:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> You so silly.
L278[12:15:40] ⇨ Joins: MrMedic (~mrmedic@adta22.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L279[12:15:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Thought*
L280[12:15:50] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L281[12:16:32] ⇦ Quits: MrMedic (~mrmedic@adta22.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: MrMedic)
L282[12:16:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I wish I had internet that good at home
L283[12:16:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: where is MichiBot located?
L284[12:16:53] <Mimiru> Eos
L285[12:17:00] <gamax92> Siberia
L286[12:17:03] <SuPeRMiNoR2> My bouncer is ny2
L287[12:17:19] <Lizzy> %p
L288[12:17:27] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Lizzy 7.2s
L289[12:17:28] <Mimiru> [MichiBot] (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) :P
L290[12:17:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Pretty low latency
L291[12:17:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Oh my
L292[12:17:43] <Mimiru> wow Lizzy o_O
L293[12:17:54] <Lizzy> my latency isn't that bad, just irssi has to decide if it wants to reply or not
L294[12:18:13] <Mimiru> lol
L295[12:19:07] ⇦ Quits: Mrmedic_ (webchat@adta22.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L296[12:30:40] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L297[12:33:55] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Latency is down to 34ms :D
L298[12:34:46] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ why is this not working?
L299[12:34:59] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Because something broke
L300[12:35:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Also because I ran hmm.lua
L301[12:35:12] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L302[12:35:16] * Mimiru stabs SuPeRMiNoR2
L303[12:35:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Meooowww
L304[12:35:49] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L305[12:36:18] <Mimiru> I really need teh Sangar
L306[12:36:22] <Mimiru> :/
L307[12:36:58] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L308[12:38:52] <Inari> Mimirin
L309[12:39:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Iniri
L310[12:39:51] <Inari> Super Minorin~
L311[12:40:16] <Mimiru> uhsf;ohsf;huf It only finds a single entity
L312[12:40:35] <Mimiru> does iterator not... iterate?
L313[12:41:31] <Mimiru> List e = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(null, AABBBS)
L314[12:41:45] <Mimiru> Iterator itr = e.iterator();
L315[12:41:45] <Mimiru> while(itr.hasNext()) { returns exactly one result, and there are atleast 2
L316[12:44:05] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L317[12:45:59] * Lizzy reboots Mimiru
L318[12:47:09] * SuPeRMiNoR2 boots Lizzy
L319[12:50:43] * Lizzy pouts
L320[12:52:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Sowwy
L321[12:53:03] * SuPeRMiNoR2 gives Lizzy a slice of cake
L322[12:53:07] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L323[12:53:23] * Lizzy stops pouting and noms cake
L324[12:53:54] <Mimiru> System.out.println(e.size()); prints 2, but for (int i = 0; i <= e.size() - 1; i++) { only prints 0
L325[12:54:39] <Lizzy> ... chrome why can you never stay signed in? ¬_¬
L326[12:54:41] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ it's my distance check
L327[12:54:43] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_12-54-37.png
L328[12:54:51] <Mimiru> comment that out and return 5 and it works
L329[12:56:08] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L330[12:56:42] <Lizzy> https://imgur.com/gallery/GcOKuev
L331[12:56:47] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L332[12:57:23] <Mimiru> lmao
L333[12:58:23] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L334[13:01:40] <gamax92> >muffled audio
L335[13:01:46] <gamax92> >disconnects and reconnects headphones
L336[13:01:50] <gamax92> >clean clear audio
L337[13:05:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> gamax92: obviously had to clean out the static from the ports
L338[13:05:21] <gamax92> yup
L339[13:05:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Or windows XD
L340[13:05:51] <gamax92> my phone is not running windows
L341[13:06:59] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ getting the fucking name of an entity should not be this hard.
L342[13:07:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> O
L343[13:07:44] <gamax92> Mimiru: Immibru sources are still available for looking at.
L344[13:07:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: try saying please
L345[13:07:52] <Mimiru> ?
L346[13:07:58] <gamax92> immibis
L347[13:08:17] <Mimiru> immibis's peripherals show you the name of a random entity?
L348[13:08:29] * MajGenRelativity mournfully pokes gamax92 :(
L349[13:08:40] <gamax92> MAJ STOP
L350[13:08:54] <MajGenRelativity> :(
L351[13:09:08] <MajGenRelativity> I don't know why you are so upset :'(
L352[13:09:09] <gamax92> Mimiru: err nvm, was thinking of entity sensors
L353[13:09:23] ⇦ Quits: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@c-174-51-244-114.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L354[13:09:35] <gamax92> MajGenRelativity: Because I'm doing other things than watching children on your server bicker about getting robbed of something
L355[13:09:59] <MajGenRelativity> we aren't children
L356[13:10:05] <MajGenRelativity> Lenny just acts really weird
L357[13:10:11] <MajGenRelativity> I was leading a coordinated war effort
L358[13:10:18] <Mimiru> gamax92, I mean I'm all for stealing code... it just has to exist :P
L359[13:10:27] <Mimiru> his RFID scans EntityPlaer, and EntityMinecart
L360[13:10:30] <gamax92> heh
L361[13:10:31] <Mimiru> Player*
L362[13:10:39] <gamax92> You can put RFID's in minecarts? :
L363[13:10:52] <gamax92> oh like chest carts?
L364[13:10:52] <Mimiru> I guess, my plan is to allow you to tag any entity with an RFID.
L365[13:11:07] ⇨ Joins: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@2601:1:9300:14a2:7cd1:c890:5562:5627)
L366[13:11:11] <gamax92> wait so why do you need the entity name for that?
L367[13:11:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I would not want to be named lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L368[13:11:32] <Mimiru> gamax92, so.. it can give you the name of the entity in the event, The event.
L369[13:11:36] <Mimiru> err
L370[13:11:40] <gamax92> oh right, that stuff
L371[13:11:43] <Mimiru> The event returns name, distance, rfid data
L372[13:12:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Or more likely, distance, name, RFID data
L373[13:12:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> :P
L374[13:12:13] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L375[13:12:21] * Mimiru stabs SuPeRMiNoR2 again
L376[13:12:35] <Mimiru> node.sendToReachable("computer.signal", "rfidData", em.getDisplayName(), rangeToPlayer, data);
L377[13:12:37] <gamax92> i remember the entity sensor would say something like "wolf3449" and "enderman7342"
L378[13:12:58] <Mimiru> I'm totally fine with that.... I just don't see an entity sensor in his code.
L379[13:13:01] <gamax92> not sure if the number was just random or if entity's have like a unique id
L380[13:13:10] <gamax92> Mimiru: no is not in his peripherals
L381[13:13:22] <Mimiru> entity's have 2 ids
L382[13:13:30] <Mimiru> they have a UUID, and a ID in the world entity list
L383[13:13:45] <gamax92> oh then it was probably the latter
L384[13:13:51] <gamax92> since a uuid would be way too big for that
L385[13:14:04] <Mimiru> yeah
L386[13:14:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: give up and make the player scanner
L387[13:14:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L388[13:15:08] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, stfu
L389[13:15:09] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_13-15-03.png
L390[13:15:13] <Mimiru> see the NAME IS in there...
L391[13:15:21] <Mimiru> I just don't know how to get it.
L392[13:15:59] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L393[13:16:12] <gamax92> OH I'm thinking of occs
L394[13:16:48] <Lizzy> https://imgur.com/gallery/LYmlAE6
L395[13:17:10] <Mimiru> EntityCow['Cow'/182,
L396[13:17:34] <gamax92> Lizzy: XD
L397[13:17:53] <gamax92> that's amazing
L398[13:23:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: what is the 182
L399[13:24:08] <Mimiru> Good question, if you figure it out lemme know.
L400[13:24:18] <Mimiru> It might be the world entity list id.
L401[13:25:34] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Take the entity string and split on ', that is probably how I would make it since my lua string op skills suck
L402[13:25:53] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L403[13:25:58] <Mimiru> that output is .toStringing the entity array
L404[13:26:03] <Mimiru> So.. no :P
L405[13:26:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Why not? (I mean on the oc computer BTW)
L406[13:27:15] <Mimiru> Because I'm not passing in the entire array to OC?
L407[13:27:56] <Mimiru> fuck it
L408[13:28:00] <Mimiru> OpenCCSensors does map.put("RawName", living.getClass().getName());
L409[13:28:03] <Mimiru> so so will I.
L410[13:28:31] <gamax92> so so
L411[13:28:53] <Mimiru> English is great isn't it?
L412[13:29:12] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Will will Smith smith
L413[13:29:43] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L414[13:31:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Ooooo, E3
L415[13:32:05] <Mimiru> oUfhisugrff Why will OC randomly freak the fuck out if a component is connected twice.
L416[13:32:18] <Mimiru> I just had it happen with only a redstone IO
L417[13:32:36] <Inari> "freak the fuck out"?
L418[13:32:38] <Mimiru> oh my fucking god.
L419[13:32:38] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_13-32-35.png
L420[13:32:44] <Mimiru> entity.getCommandSender()
L421[13:32:57] <Mimiru> WHY would that give me the name of the entity when there is no command involved.
L422[13:33:18] <Mimiru> Inari, the computer will totally lock up, and every component on the network will stop working until you break EVERYTHING and replace it.
L423[13:34:19] <gamax92> Mimiru: Tell Sangar to make Component duplications less drastic
L424[13:34:41] <Mimiru> this redstone IO touched the monitor, AND a cable, and fucked the entire network
L425[13:34:52] <gamax92> XD
L426[13:35:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> You can't even turn off conputers
L427[13:35:32] <Mimiru> shift clicking the computer with a Network Debugger will reset it, but you still have to break everything except the computer.
L428[13:35:45] <Mimiru> including the monitor.
L429[13:36:33] <Mimiru> maybe I'll make an issue...
L430[13:36:43] <Mimiru> When thinking doesn't hurt
L431[13:36:53] * Mimiru grumbles obscene things about migraines
L432[13:37:50] <Mimiru> Ok, anyway, I think this will work...
L433[13:37:52] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: amazing that I broke it first, not Shuudoushi
L434[13:37:56] <Mimiru> Right?
L435[13:38:42] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L436[13:38:56] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L437[13:41:07] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L438[13:43:07] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Dinner
L439[13:46:45] * Mimiru sighs it still only lists the first entity it hits
L440[13:46:48] <Mimiru> and
L441[13:46:57] <Mimiru> There was supposed to be an enter there
L442[13:46:59] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L443[13:48:11] * SuPeRMiNoR2 laughs
L444[13:48:13] <Mimiru> damn cow bouncing on the scanner...
L445[13:48:20] <Mimiru> but it still only counts the creeper in the cage.
L446[13:51:54] ⇨ Joins: benjaminlecerf (webchat@benlecerf.tk)
L447[13:51:55] <Mimiru> Wait.
L448[13:51:58] <Mimiru> WAIT.
L449[13:52:03] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L450[13:52:09] <Mimiru> edit rfid
L451[13:52:10] <benjaminlecerf> hello
L452[13:52:11] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L453[13:52:13] <Mimiru> o/
L454[13:52:20] <benjaminlecerf> french here ?
L455[13:52:31] <Mimiru> Not that I know of.
L456[13:52:59] <Mimiru> Mainly English, a bit of German.. I took french in highschool and remember none of it.
L457[13:53:11] <Mimiru> Someone herem ight know French
L458[13:53:17] <Mimiru> s/m ight/ might
L459[13:53:17] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> Someone here might know French
L460[13:54:20] ⇦ Quits: benjaminlecerf (webchat@benlecerf.tk) (Client Quit)
L461[13:54:37] <vifino> :D
L462[13:54:42] <vifino> 4k monitor is win
L463[13:54:54] <Mimiru> Anyone see anything stupid wrong with this? http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_13-54-49.png
L464[13:55:55] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mimiru: yes
L465[13:56:02] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2?
L466[13:56:11] <gamax92> Mimiru: you have no locals
L467[13:56:13] <SuPeRMiNoR2> You made it ahaha
L468[13:56:15] <Mimiru> …
L469[13:56:30] <gamax92> Jeez even I can local most of the variables
L470[13:56:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Also it well never get to listen
L471[13:56:43] <Mimiru> Fuck
L472[13:56:44] <Mimiru> right
L473[13:56:49] <Mimiru> the listen is after the loop
L474[13:56:50] <Mimiru> fml
L475[13:57:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> and the callback listen wants is defined after you try to use it
L476[13:57:29] <Mimiru> It's also going to bitch about the function being nil cause it's defined after I try to call it
L477[13:58:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Yup
L478[13:58:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Other then those two small things, seems perfect
L479[13:58:27] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lol
L480[13:58:55] <Mimiru> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_13-58-46.png
L481[13:59:06] <Mimiru> player103, cow and creeper.
L482[13:59:41] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L483[13:59:42] <gamax92> Mimiru: "I'm not just a number"
L484[13:59:56] <Mimiru> Yes yes, Prisoner :P
L485[14:00:07] <gamax92> oh wait, this is a dev environment
L486[14:00:08] <Lizzy> I'm a free woman!
L487[14:00:17] <Mimiru> gamax92, yes. heh
L488[14:00:18] <gamax92> as in, that's actually your nickname :p
L489[14:00:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: Sit down, you're mine :P
L490[14:00:41] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, but...but... okay...
L491[14:00:44] * Lizzy hugs DeanIsaKitty
L492[14:00:48] * DeanIsaKitty hugs Lizzy
L493[14:00:52] <Mimiru> Why is distance nil though
L494[14:01:07] <Lizzy> Mimiru, because Hell is from Here to Eternity
L495[14:01:19] <Lizzy> :P
L496[14:01:22] <Mimiru> "3.9875659942626953"
L497[14:01:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Mimiru: They are creeps, they stalk you from directly behind :P
L498[14:01:28] <Mimiru> lol fair enough :P
L499[14:01:59] <Lizzy> :< why is it already 9pm
L500[14:02:13] <gamax92> It's only 1pm
L501[14:02:43] * Mimiru rages against the Java Virtual Machine
L502[14:04:41] * MajGenRelativity is here too
L503[14:05:36] <Mimiru> I need to unregister this listener without rebooting..
L504[14:06:01] <Lizzy> hmm, tinc isn't working properly on my laptop
L505[14:06:23] <Mimiru> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_14-06-19.png
L506[14:06:31] <Mimiru> Helps when I don't typo the variable name in my script.
L507[14:09:06] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_14-09-00.png
L508[14:09:08] <Mimiru> woo
L509[14:10:18] <Mimiru> Oh derp right that's why it doesn't work past 16 blocks, I forgot to change the config
L510[14:10:19] <Mimiru> heh
L511[14:15:28] <Lizzy> Mimiru, bug in open security, place an alarm, activate it, break alarm block without turning of RS signal, sound continues playing
L512[14:15:40] *** Skye|Dinner is now known as Skye
L513[14:15:49] <Mimiru> Lizzy, known bug :P
L514[14:15:52] <Lizzy> k
L515[14:15:59] <Mimiru> logging out and back in should fix it.
L516[14:16:11] <Mimiru> Theres something fucky going on in the TE destroy stuff I have to sort.
L517[14:16:27] <gamax92> bug in Outside, hurricane was demonstrating clipping through walls
L518[14:16:29] <Mimiru> Also http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_14-15-43.png
L519[14:16:38] <gamax92> Data
L520[14:16:47] <gamax92> Day or Dah?
L521[14:16:55] <gamax92> HMMMMMM MIMIRU?
L522[14:17:06] <Mimiru> 42.
L523[14:17:09] <Lizzy> gamax92, yes
L524[14:17:17] * gamax92 punches Lizzy
L525[14:17:22] * Lizzy off
L526[14:17:25] <Lizzy> *oof
L527[14:17:30] <Mimiru> I call scan with a os.sleep(0)
L528[14:17:39] <Mimiru> this is great.
L529[14:18:15] <Mimiru> The bad news is, RFIDs no longer see players
L530[14:18:15] <Mimiru> lmao
L531[14:19:04] * Temia totally wants to make that smart card PR. ;.; But she really shouldn't. she needs to focus on coding other things.
L532[14:19:17] <Temia> Plus I don't have an MC dev environment at present.
L533[14:19:47] <Mimiru> for the Smart card... wouldn't you just load the string then execute it?
L534[14:20:01] <gamax92> what is a smart card?
L535[14:20:10] <Mimiru> so like... just make the smartcard hold more data, then load it and execute?
L536[14:20:25] <Mimiru> gamax92, Temia wants a smartcard in OS.
L537[14:20:44] <gamax92> #g smartcard
L538[14:20:51] <gamax92> meh
L539[14:21:07] <Temia> You know those credit cards with metal contact spots?
L540[14:21:21] <Temia> Those typically have tiny embedded processors in them to run secure communications.
L541[14:21:24] <Temia> Those are smart cards.
L542[14:21:39] <Lizzy> hmm, i want to code something for oc (in game) but cant think of what
L543[14:21:42] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@bwp27.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L544[14:21:52] <gamax92> actually no I don't because the card here is a metalic strip
L545[14:22:02] <gamax92> magnetic*
L546[14:22:06] <Mimiru> Lizzy, write me a fancy Card Writer program :P
L547[14:22:24] <Lizzy> Mimiru, give me documentation and i might consider it
L548[14:22:29] <Mimiru> gamax92, http://guardianlv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Smart-card-2.jpg
L549[14:22:34] <Mimiru> Those.
L550[14:22:36] * Lizzy lizzybackscratch
L551[14:22:47] <gamax92> that metal thing reminds me of sim cards
L552[14:22:53] <Temia> A smartcard in OC would be pretty much Mimiru's RFID card + an EEPROM + a CU. The ROM on the card becomes forever permanent, and can no longer be read raw. Rather, the smart card can communicate with the host system.
L553[14:22:58] <Mimiru> Lizzy, it's one method.
L554[14:23:06] <Mimiru> write("data", lock)
L555[14:23:10] <Mimiru> lock is true or false.
L556[14:23:43] <Temia> It'd be a lot safer than an RFID card which can be duped, right?
L557[14:23:45] <Lizzy> how much data can it store?
L558[14:23:55] <Mimiru> 64 chars for RFID, 128 for MagStrip
L559[14:24:19] <Temia> My smartcard would have the same space as any normal EEPROM, OTOH.
L560[14:24:22] <Temia> For both ROM and data.
L561[14:24:28] <Mimiru> Temia, as it stands, RFIDs can be read by anyone with a reader
L562[14:24:35] <Temia> Yeah.
L563[14:24:41] <Temia> Security risk ahoy :X
L564[14:24:49] <Mimiru> Well, that's how RFIDs work :P
L565[14:25:02] <gamax92> I'll read your RFID ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L566[14:25:16] <Mimiru> Kinky
L567[14:25:36] <gamax92> anyway I'm going to go add unicode support to cclite
L568[14:26:01] <Temia> RFIDs typically employ smart card technology themselves, Mimiru.
L569[14:26:22] <gamax92> Temia is a hardware person, yes?
L570[14:26:23] <Mimiru> Some do yes, not all.
L571[14:26:25] <Lizzy> Mimiru, does OS have a creative tab?
L572[14:26:35] <Mimiru> Yeah in our pack it's the bottom of the 9th page
L573[14:26:38] <Mimiru> IIRC
L574[14:26:40] <Temia> Kind of >.> I like embedded technology and read up on this stuff a lot.
L575[14:26:51] <gamax92> close enough
L576[14:26:56] <gamax92> http://imgur.com/EWszvRU,6x6utlm,iOYNAC4,SEl6PQV,gpYOo49
L577[14:27:00] <Temia> But yeah, I'd totally want to put together a smart card. Problem is, a non-RFID one would have to be manually inserted.
L578[14:27:12] <Lizzy> Mimiru, ah, for me it's on the 8th page
L579[14:27:25] <Temia> On the plus side, the lua session for the card would only be active while inserted or within an RFID field :D
L580[14:28:42] <Mimiru> If/When you do it, I'll definitely accept the PR, I'd love to have the feature.
L581[14:28:54] <Temia> Eeee. <3
L582[14:29:02] <Temia> That might actually motivate me to get a dev environment set up then.
L583[14:29:25] <Mimiru> If you think you can deal with my crappy code stylings :P
L584[14:29:32] <Temia> I've been kind of itching to since I also want to try my hand at seeing if I can get dark steel armour to be paintable.
L585[14:29:43] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity
L586[14:29:55] <Temia> Oh, Mimiru.
L587[14:30:10] <Temia> Does OpenSecurity happen to include native cryptographic APIs?
L588[14:30:17] <Temia> Because that'd probably help with the security aspect a lot.
L589[14:30:25] <Mimiru> Not currently, the plan long long ago was to do a Crypto block...
L590[14:30:38] <Mimiru> but Vexatos added one to Computronics, and I lost intrest in the project.
L591[14:30:39] <Temia> Computronics kind of got that one though, yeah .-.
L592[14:30:56] <Mimiru> seriously that block was the whole reason I started OS back in 1.6
L593[14:31:12] <Mimiru> then he implemented it and I just said eff it.
L594[14:31:35] <Temia> Well, a TPM card would be worth looking into as well if you want :D
L595[14:31:52] <Temia> Exposes nice speedy native cryptographic APIs
L596[14:32:15] <Mimiru> Trusted Platform?
L597[14:32:23] * Temia nods
L598[14:33:07] <Lizzy> i wish there was a 'cover' for screens so i could have stuff right next to them on a different computer
L599[14:33:07] <Mimiru> Ahh I'm a derplord.
L600[14:33:19] <Mimiru> The reason it wasn't detecting players... was because I lost my RFID with data on it
L601[14:33:39] <Lizzy> wait wtf, it's only half-past...... fuck me my sense of time is way off today
L602[14:33:46] <Temia> Haha, whoops
L603[14:34:07] <Temia> So wait, are you adding RFID implants for mobs then?
L604[14:34:25] <Mimiru> Yeah
L605[14:34:40] <Temia> Eee. :D
L606[14:35:15] <gamax92> half past fuck me?
L607[14:36:03] <Lizzy> gamax92, yes
L608[14:37:24] <Temia> It's too bad microcontrollers can't attach to monitors. Having a tier 1 monitor to output little messages on would be nice.
L609[14:38:59] * PotatoSleep shoves gamax92 into Temia
L610[14:39:23] <Vexatos> Actually
L611[14:39:28] <Vexatos> Computronics has two crypto blocks
L612[14:39:32] * Vexatos goes back to making textures
L613[14:39:45] ⇦ Quits: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L614[14:40:04] <Temia> Yeah. The classic symmetrical but totally non-portable item-based one and the advanced RSA one.
L615[14:40:07] * gamax92 murders PotatoSleep
L616[14:40:18] <Temia> I was thinking something on a card would be nice for pocket systems, though.
L617[14:40:41] <gamax92> Temia: are there any component over wireless libraries yet?
L618[14:40:53] <Temia> Don't believe so.
L619[14:41:09] <Temia> Oh, Mimiru, question: are you making your cards colourable?
L620[14:41:15] <gamax92> lol
L621[14:43:23] <Mimiru> Temia, it's something I'd thought about but hadn't tried to implement yet
L622[14:43:44] <Temia> :D
L623[14:43:47] <Temia> I will see what I can do.
L624[14:43:57] <Temia> I... may also sneak in an easter egg or two.
L625[14:43:59] <Mimiru> Also thought about adding a "name" field to the cards that will show up when you mouse over.
L626[14:44:00] <Temia> Botania-style. <.<
L627[14:44:01] <Temia> >.>
L628[14:44:08] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L629[14:44:42] <Temia> (spoilers: the easter egg would be Nanotrasen ID graphics)
L630[14:46:17] <PotatoSleep> Mimiru, add some eastereggs
L631[14:46:21] <PotatoSleep> literal easter eggs
L632[14:46:29] <Mimiru> o_o
L633[14:46:43] <PotatoSleep> oc needs more eastereggs
L634[14:47:00] <Mimiru> lol.. for some reason scan returns the same player loooots of times now
L635[14:47:22] <Lizzy> do microcontrollers need power?
L636[14:47:38] <PotatoSleep> I don't think so
L637[14:47:46] <Mimiru> I thought they did?
L638[14:47:55] <Mimiru> I've never used one so IDK :P
L639[14:48:47] <PotatoSleep> ^
L640[14:49:00] <PotatoSleep> I've only watced the video thing once
L641[14:49:04] <PotatoSleep> was confused the entire time
L642[14:49:23] <Mimiru> ooooooh
L643[14:49:29] <Mimiru> I was looping the same loop twice
L644[14:51:05] <rashy> nicely done
L645[14:51:43] <Mimiru> Well I'm trying to merge functions... and I just copied the player detection into the other entity detection, and forgot to omit the loop that it called when I did so
L646[14:52:08] <rashy> :p
L647[14:56:21] * Techokami pokes Sangar
L648[14:56:41] <Lizzy> a wild Techokami appeared
L649[14:56:57] <Techokami> Sangar made an oopsie
L650[14:57:07] <Mimiru> Techokami, good luck, I've been poking for 26+ hours now
L651[14:57:27] <Techokami> he tried to fix a bug I reported, but instead fixed an unrelated bug in an unrelated version
L652[14:57:29] <rashy> uh oh. guess he's dead.
L653[14:57:34] <rashy> :o
L654[14:57:36] <Techokami> and then closed the report
L655[14:58:20] <Techokami> the bug I'm having is with NEI/Creative choking while rendering OC's items in 1.7.10
L656[14:58:40] <gamax92> can't you just re open it and yell at him?
L657[14:58:50] <Mimiru> I'm having issues with components with multiple connections corrupting the component network, and requiring you to break *everything* and replace it before stuff works again :P
L658[14:59:09] <Techokami> I can't reopen it because it was previously reported by another user, but got yelled at for using an old version of Java
L659[14:59:52] <gamax92> ahh
L660[15:00:08] <Techokami> I just don't get how an NPE with rendering Creatix in the creative inventory means loot disk desync
L661[15:01:13] <Techokami> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1191#issuecomment-110525085
L662[15:02:06] <Techokami> and since I didn't open a duplicate issue, I have no power to reopen this thing
L663[15:06:04] <Mimiru> Oh man Soni is being Soni in #minecraftforge
L664[15:06:07] <Mimiru> it's great.
L665[15:06:25] <Daiyousei> i need to see
L666[15:06:40] <Mimiru> you missed it
L667[15:06:41] <Mimiru> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/48e360be
L668[15:06:42] <Mimiru> There.
L669[15:06:43] <Daiyousei> fuck :(
L670[15:06:46] <Daiyousei> ooh thanks
L671[15:07:58] <Daiyousei> "<diesieben07> TLDR: If you do not like it, go fuck yourself and make your own stuff"
L672[15:08:03] <Daiyousei> well said, dieselben07
L673[15:08:06] <Mimiru> lol
L674[15:10:14] ⇨ Joins: phoxmeh (~phox@108-235-225-111.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net)
L675[15:11:20] <gamax92> Well diesieben07 was sorta being nitpicky about IRC
L676[15:11:52] <Mimiru> yeah..
L677[15:11:56] <gamax92> lol "<diesieben07> dont get nitpicky now."
L678[15:12:12] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR
L679[15:12:20] <Daiyousei> xD
L680[15:15:07] <gamax92> they can't call a timestamp an ID in irc if irc doesn't send timestamps
L681[15:16:49] <Mimiru> Boom: http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_15-16-46.png
L682[15:16:54] <Mimiru> I tagged the creeper with test
L683[15:16:56] <Mimiru> and there it is.
L684[15:17:03] <Mimiru> none of the other mobs are detected.
L685[15:17:31] <Lizzy> why hasn't soni been banned from forge yet? lex is usually ban happy
L686[15:17:38] <Mimiru> She has been
L687[15:17:39] <Mimiru> a few times.
L688[15:22:42] ⇨ Joins: iamtakingiteasy (~Wooga@eientei.org)
L689[15:22:53] <iamtakingiteasy> hello, which mods would you recommend alongside with OC?
L690[15:23:16] <Lizzy> all of them
L691[15:23:16] <Lizzy> jk
L692[15:23:16] <rashy> Vexatos will suggest computronics
L693[15:23:26] * Lizzy goes back to making accounts on her bouncer
L694[15:23:36] <Mimiru> OpenSecurity FTW! :P
L695[15:23:45] <Mimiru> OpenPrinter, and OpenLights as well
L696[15:23:49] <Mimiru> I'm totally not biased.
L697[15:24:06] <rashy> y'know, I've been thinking. do you really want "security" to be "open"? ;D
L698[15:24:24] <Mimiru> Yes, got a better way to get bug fixes quick? :P
L699[15:24:30] <rashy> >.>
L700[15:24:49] <iamtakingiteasy> i don't mean strictly OC-aware mods, thanks for the suggestions but i am ready for more
L701[15:24:53] <Mimiru> Seriously, publicly audited code ftw.
L702[15:25:06] <iamtakingiteasy> also, security via secrecy is the weak security
L703[15:25:26] <rashy> I know xD it works well for Linux
L704[15:26:00] <Mimiru> iamtakingiteasy, it really depends on the flavor of your pack...
L705[15:26:17] <rashy> mods I personally like though: AE2, Mekanism, EnderIO, Thermal Expansion
L706[15:26:24] <gamax92> security via only secrecy is weak, yes
L707[15:26:28] <iamtakingiteasy> Mimiru: more tech, less magic, thats all the flavor i have
L708[15:26:31] <Mimiru> http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pc-logix-17.422708/mods Heres what I run for my little private pack
L709[15:26:44] <Lizzy> 'little'
L710[15:26:48] <Mimiru> It has exactly one magic mod, Thaumcraft. As it was requested by my wife.
L711[15:26:48] <gamax92> but not everything is only secrecy, but is secrecy combined with other tactics
L712[15:27:02] <Mimiru> Lizzy, "little" indeed :P
L713[15:27:19] * Lizzy looks at it's ~4GB ram usage
L714[15:27:44] <Mimiru> :P
L715[15:27:52] <Mimiru> I give it 3, works pretty well for me
L716[15:27:52] <Mimiru> lol
L717[15:28:04] <iamtakingiteasy> aha, thank you
L718[15:29:53] <Vexatos> iamtakingiteasy, Computronics, BuildCraft
L719[15:30:11] <Vexatos> Maybe GregTech if you like a harder challenge
L720[15:30:28] <iamtakingiteasy> yeah, i love that
L721[15:30:35] <iamtakingiteasy> i am playing terrafirmacraft right now
L722[15:30:44] <gamax92> I find myself using ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like Kappa
L723[15:30:47] <gamax92> is this wrong?
L724[15:30:48] <gamax92> Y/N
L725[15:30:57] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L726[15:31:05] <iamtakingiteasy> but thinking about something more technological
L727[15:32:22] <gamax92> I AM YOUR FATHER
L728[15:32:42] <gamax92> Ugh i need to leave and do other thins.
L729[15:33:03] <Daiyousei> Lex_ has kicked Soni (stop being a twat its the internet, everyone is a straight fbi agent pretending to be a underage girl until proven otherwise.)
L730[15:33:07] <Daiyousei> haha
L731[15:33:12] <Temia> Daiyousei recommends LittleMaidMob.
L732[15:33:13] <Temia> That perv.
L733[15:33:19] <Daiyousei> sh
L734[15:33:20] <Temia> `-`
L735[15:33:21] <Daiyousei> ssssh
L736[15:33:23] <Daiyousei> im a fbi agent
L737[15:33:33] <gamax92> But are you pretending to be a underage girl
L738[15:33:36] <rashy> o/ Temia
L739[15:33:50] <Daiyousei> no i pretend to be a 60 year old tiny fairy girl
L740[15:33:58] <gamax92> oh okay
L741[15:34:17] <Daiyousei> desu desu uguu
L742[15:34:18] <Daiyousei> jk
L743[15:34:26] <gamax92> anyway I must leave irc for a while, is being too addicting
L744[15:34:32] <Temia> Anyway, modwise, hm. Botania and Witchery are both neat on the magic front. Railcraft adds a lot of nice stuff...
L745[15:34:46] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Quit: Bye!)
L746[15:35:07] <Daiyousei> if i can get my shitty irc bot to compile...
L747[15:35:11] <Daiyousei> rust pls
L748[15:35:25] <Lizzy> i need to make an automated script for creating bouncer users
L749[15:35:26] <Daiyousei> no updaterino of AST package please
L750[15:35:54] <iamtakingiteasy> Daiyousei: hello great fairy
L751[15:36:04] <Daiyousei> hola
L752[15:37:41] <Lizzy> wait, it's only 9 37
L753[15:37:48] <Lizzy> s/ 3/:3
L754[15:37:48] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> wait, it's only 9:37
L755[15:38:19] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-209.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L756[15:38:27] <Lizzy> .time
L757[15:38:27] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Mon Jun 15 20:38:27 2015
L758[15:38:36] <Lizzy> fuck me i thought it was later
L759[15:38:45] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L760[15:39:40] <Lizzy> there, installed ntp on my computer so hopefully it can combat witching to windows
L761[15:39:46] <Lizzy> s/w/sw
L762[15:39:46] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> there, installed ntp on my computer so hopefully it can combat switching to windows
L763[15:40:48] ⇦ Quits: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L764[15:41:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lizzy: combat switching to windows?
L765[15:41:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> does windows mess up your rtc time?
L766[15:41:08] <Lizzy> yes
L767[15:41:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i know how to fix that :D
L768[15:41:14] <Lizzy> shut it
L769[15:41:23] <XDjackieXD> Windows never touched my rtc \o/ XD
L770[15:43:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lizzy:
L771[15:43:11] * CompanionCube uses the regedit hack
L772[15:43:25] <CompanionCube> RealTimeIsUniversal ftw
L773[15:43:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> either make windows use UTC for the RTC (Harder) or make linux use local time for the RTC (Easy)
L774[15:43:44] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L775[15:43:46] * iamtakingiteasy is using linux/qemu-kvm as hypervisor for windows virtual machine
L776[15:44:17] <iamtakingiteasy> never gave a taste of bare metal besides passed-trhough GPU
L777[15:44:20] <Lizzy> SuPeRMiNoR2, meh, it's updated now
L778[15:44:22] <Mimiru> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_15-44-19.png
L779[15:44:23] <Mimiru> it workd
L780[15:44:25] <Mimiru> worked too
L781[15:44:39] <Mimiru> I wrote RFID data to a creeper by right clicking it
L782[15:44:41] * rashy pats Mimiru
L783[15:45:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lizzy: edit /etc/default/rcS and do UTC=no
L784[15:45:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> its around the middle of the file
L785[15:45:10] * Lizzy implants an RFID chip in Mimiru's brain
L786[15:45:23] <Mimiru> In theory... you can also RFID players....
L787[15:45:24] <Mimiru> lol
L788[15:45:25] <iamtakingiteasy> >rcS
L789[15:45:34] <iamtakingiteasy> how about systemd?
L790[15:45:52] <iamtakingiteasy> it has timectl
L791[15:46:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> that is the way i did it, and lizzy has the same os as me
L792[15:46:05] <iamtakingiteasy> timedatectl*
L793[15:46:08] <SuPeRMiNoR2> so it should work
L794[15:46:20] <Mimiru> Now to port this code over to the RFID Card..
L795[15:47:03] ⇦ Quits: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@ (Client Quit)
L796[15:47:17] <CompanionCube> When using Linux it is beneficial to have the hardware clock set to the UTC standard and made known to all the installed operating systems. Defining the hardware clock in Linux as UTC means that Daylight Saving Time will automatically be accounted for. If using the localtime standard the system clock will not be changed for DST occurrences assuming that another operating system will take care of the DST switch (and provided no NTP agent is operati
L797[15:47:17] <CompanionCube> ng).
L798[15:48:59] *** Altenius|Vacation is now known as Altenius
L799[15:50:22] <Mimiru> Wonder if I can tag minecarts...
L800[15:50:37] <Mimiru> That was part of the initial plan but this interact event only covers EntityLiving...
L801[15:50:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i have ntpd and i dont want to fuck around with windows
L802[15:52:25] * Mimiru sighs it does not..
L803[15:53:05] <Mimiru> itemInteractionForEntity only likes EntityLiving...
L804[15:54:11] <Temia> It's still a shame even tier 1 graphics cards can't be put in a microcontroller. Using sign I/O to display things that could otherwise be printed seems so... primitive.
L805[15:55:32] <Temia> Maybe I'll build some kind of UART screen. Takes bundled cables and prints stuff out according to a rising clock signal.
L806[15:55:44] <Temia> Or maybe rising/falling. Double data rate \o/
L807[15:56:01] <Temia> ...No, that's needlessly complex. Would be fun though.
L808[16:02:04] <Mimiru> Eh, I'll try minecarts later.
L809[16:02:09] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L810[16:03:26] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L811[16:03:32] <Mimiru> K, RFIDing mobs will be a thing when next build runs.
L812[16:03:56] <Mimiru> You'll get mob name, distance and data, just like with players.
L813[16:04:30] * Inari RFID's Mimiru
L814[16:04:46] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, starting on the detector now... it's literally the RFID, without checking if they have RFID data.. :P
L815[16:05:02] <Mimiru> Inari, yes, you can RFID anything that inherits EntityLiving, which includes players AFAIK.
L816[16:05:21] * Inari sticks RFID tags all over Mimiru
L817[16:07:14] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, just players or entities too, or both? :P
L818[16:07:23] <Mimiru> so you can filter
L819[16:07:48] <Mimiru> I'll do scanPlayers() and scanEntites() which will exclude players...
L820[16:07:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> both could be cool
L821[16:07:52] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yes
L822[16:10:00] <Temia> Doesn't Computronics have a radar? :o
L823[16:10:16] <Mimiru> IDK, but why would that stop me from adding features? :P
L824[16:10:47] * Temia shrug.
L825[16:11:11] <Temia> Just in case you didn't feel like doing something that's been done?
L826[16:12:01] <Mimiru> scanEntities will also return items.. cause.... ya know items are entities.. lol
L827[16:17:06] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L828[16:21:38] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
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L832[16:31:14] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
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L835[16:35:08] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
L836[16:36:57] <Mimiru> Xbox 360 backward compatibility coming to Xbox One o_O
L837[16:36:59] <Mimiru> well... shit
L838[16:37:05] <gamax92> Mimiru: you're late
L839[16:37:38] <Mimiru> I didn't watch the E3 BS, so bite me.
L840[16:37:54] * gamax92 bites Mimiru :3
L841[16:37:59] * Mimiru sighs
L842[16:40:06] <cloakable> No, bad.
L843[16:42:24] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L844[16:44:08] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L845[16:45:17] <Mimiru> K, I lied, just made players non taggable... at least for now
L846[16:49:35] *** alekso56 is now known as cax
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L848[17:11:34] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L851[17:19:31] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L852[17:24:38] <PotatoSleep> X
L853[17:50:16] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_17-48-07.png Does that look like it returns a valid lua table?
L854[17:51:00] <Mimiru> Disclaimer, lua noob
L855[17:52:14] ⇦ Quits: PHP (~PHP@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L856[17:56:10] ⇦ Quits: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L858[17:58:26] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L859[17:59:11] <gamax92> &@$$^%*@#$%^&*$&587vb^GG 7Gy7xh978n
L860[17:59:20] <gamax92> *output's paper*
L861[17:59:27] <gamax92> *&)j0*Y#(
L862[17:59:35] <gamax92> outputs another sheet of paper
L863[18:01:32] <Mimiru> o_O
L864[18:02:06] <gamax92> Mimiru: aren't printers great
L865[18:02:28] <Mimiru> Seriously though... does this look valid? http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_18-02-21.png
L866[18:02:29] <gamax92> OpenPrinters totally needs a outputs-garbage-for-an-hour mode
L867[18:02:47] <Mimiru> name being invalid of course
L868[18:02:50] <Mimiru> that's an oversite :P
L869[18:02:52] <Mimiru> sight*
L870[18:02:56] <PotatoSleep> didn't open printers get intigrated into OC
L871[18:03:00] <PotatoSleep> or was that another mod
L872[18:03:19] <gamax92> Mimiru: but what if you have multiple of those entities?
L873[18:03:27] <gamax92> they cant' all be stored in the same key>?
L874[18:03:30] <Mimiru> IDFK..
L875[18:03:46] <Mimiru> I don't even want to do this.
L876[18:03:48] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, wants it.
L877[18:03:52] <Mimiru> so..
L878[18:04:39] <Mimiru> gamax92, there entity.getCommandSenderName() + entity.getEntityId()
L879[18:05:56] <Mimiru> {Pig149={range=80.61593627929688, name=Cow} Really gotta figure out why it's doing that
L880[18:06:03] <Mimiru> pig is not named cow.
L881[18:06:55] <gamax92> The Pig is a Spy!
L882[18:07:03] <PotatoSleep> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooompus
L883[18:07:10] *** PotatoSleep is now known as potpaotpafadf
L884[18:07:46] <potpaotpafadf> top kek
L885[18:07:54] <potpaotpafadf> dank memes can't melt oc
L886[18:08:48] <gamax92> I spy with my little eye a texture so large it'll melt your card
L887[18:09:46] <potpaotpafadf> its ur mum
L888[18:09:50] <potpaotpafadf> lel
L889[18:09:53] <gamax92> no it's the weird speaker block
L890[18:09:57] <potpaotpafadf> oh
L891[18:09:58] <potpaotpafadf> wat
L892[18:10:01] <potpaotpafadf> speaker block
L893[18:10:02] <potpaotpafadf> WHJAT
L894[18:10:11] <potpaotpafadf> Explain this speaker block
L895[18:10:35] <Mimiru> gamax92, if you mean the one in my screenshot
L896[18:10:38] <Mimiru> it's 64x
L897[18:10:47] <Mimiru> hardly gpu melting.
L898[18:11:00] <potpaotpafadf> Mimiru, dat texture is fugly
L899[18:11:06] <gamax92> it could be a nearest neighbor upscaled 8192x8192 texture
L900[18:11:14] <Mimiru> Well you know I asked people for fucking textures, and got shit
L901[18:11:17] <Mimiru> so you deal with it.
L902[18:11:23] <Mimiru> s/you/you can/
L903[18:11:24] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> so you can deal with it.
L904[18:11:46] <potpaotpafadf> atleast make the black a different color
L905[18:11:50] <gamax92> I can do both!
L906[18:11:51] <Mimiru> No.
L907[18:12:11] <gamax92> but i need to know what it actually is
L908[18:12:31] <potpaotpafadf> Mimiru, how does the speaker block work
L909[18:12:35] <potpaotpafadf> what does it do
L910[18:13:02] <Mimiru> It sticks giant poison tipped arrows up your a... no.. nvm
L911[18:13:05] <Mimiru> I'm done.
L912[18:13:15] <potpaotpafadf> K
L913[18:13:21] <gamax92> sorry
L914[18:13:34] <Mimiru> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/606-opensecurity-1710-oc-14/
L915[18:14:55] <potpaotpafadf> I was hoping that it would be kinda like computer .beeo
L916[18:15:01] <potpaotpafadf> but continious
L917[18:15:07] <potpaotpafadf> and can have multiple ones at once
L918[18:15:14] <gamax92> potpaotpafadf: so like immibis's speaker? :P
L919[18:15:22] <potpaotpafadf> Yes
L920[18:15:23] <gamax92> also i wonder if that would work on oc
L921[18:15:40] <Mimiru> if you enable it in the config, you can alarm.playSoundAt(x, y, z, sound, pitch) :P
L922[18:16:03] <potpaotpafadf> -_-
L923[18:16:09] <potpaotpafadf> that's to complicated
L924[18:16:13] <potpaotpafadf> to much wrrk
L925[18:16:19] <Mimiru> It's disabled by default cause it has the possibility to be very annoying/exploitable
L926[18:16:38] * gamax92 shakes fist at Mimiru
L927[18:16:46] <gamax92> terking mer jerb
L928[18:17:06] <Mimiru> "disabled by default"...
L929[18:17:11] <potpaotpafadf> alarm.playSound(pitch, vol)
L930[18:17:20] <Mimiru> Also, you can't specify x y z with yours gamax92.
L931[18:17:22] <gamax92> actually, that sounds like something a debug card should have.
L932[18:17:39] <gamax92> Well yes, I don't feel like defying logic
L933[18:17:50] <Mimiru> Which is why it's disabled by default. :P
L934[18:18:03] <Mimiru> also it's sound, volume, pitch I think...
L935[18:18:22] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, had the volume so high it covered the entire dim
L936[18:18:34] <gamax92> I should try to add NBT stuff to the debug card some time
L937[18:18:35] <potpaotpafadf> lol
L938[18:19:05] *** g is now known as gDroid2002
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L940[18:22:19] <Mimiru> chicken265 is named cow
L941[18:22:20] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L942[18:22:21] <Mimiru> wtf
L943[18:22:45] <potpaotpafadf> Mimiru, you working on this addon: http://i.imgur.com/PbSePV5.gif
L944[18:23:40] <Mimiru> umm...
L945[18:23:41] <Mimiru> okay.
L946[18:25:53] <Mimiru> fix't http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_18-25-50.png
L947[18:27:04] *** cax is now known as alekso56_off
L948[18:32:30] <potpaotpafadf> fkajld;s
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L950[18:34:40] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L951[18:35:24] <Mimiru> Ok great, found an issue with the RFID reader returning tables ¬_¬
L952[18:35:59] <Mimiru> A player can have more then one RFID on them, they can also be tagged with an RFID directly, so in theory a player can have number of inventory slots + 1 RFID on them at anytime
L953[18:36:07] <Mimiru> So... how do I represent all of those ¬_¬
L954[18:36:42] <gamax92> {{I am one rfid thing},{I'm another rfid thing},{Hello there, also rfid thing},{hi, rfid}}
L955[18:37:11] <Mimiru> and how the hell exactly would I do that? lol
L956[18:44:25] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_18-42-25.png ¬_¬
L957[18:44:28] * Mimiru sighs
L958[18:44:35] <Mimiru> I hate typed languages.. lol
L959[18:46:27] <gamax92> Mimiru: Maps?
L960[18:47:22] <gamax92> (If you couldn't tell, i use maps for everything)
L961[18:53:07] <Mimiru> gamax92, currently using HashMaps..
L962[18:53:20] <gamax92> oh
L963[18:53:35] <Mimiru> HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> output = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); ftl..
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L965[18:54:46] <gamax92> Mimiru: then it would just be a HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, String>>, and you track an index
L966[18:55:13] <Mimiru> The initial string is the entity name/id
L967[18:55:30] <gamax92> so just move that into the internal map >_>
L968[18:55:33] <gDroid2002> Multimap maybe?
L969[18:56:09] <Mimiru> gamax92, that's not the map that's storing the RFID data that's the map that stores everything, the rfid data is stored in ArrayList<string>
L970[18:56:29] <gamax92> I thought that was what was being returned to the computer
L971[18:56:47] <Mimiru> gDroid2002, I used MultiMaps in MichiBot... I wanted to cry by the time I was done
L972[18:57:00] <gDroid2002> XD
L973[18:57:01] <gamax92> Do I need to hit you and then do it myselg
L974[18:57:04] <gDroid2002> They have their uses
L975[18:57:28] <Mimiru> gDroid2002, no doubt, but oww..
L976[18:58:08] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L977[18:59:13] <Mimiru> gamax92, http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/eb193778
L978[18:59:13] <Mimiru> Feel free to call me stupid, I've been at this for too damn long and I'm probably over complicating it
L979[18:59:28] <Mimiru> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/raw/eb193778 for a less derp view :P
L980[19:00:18] <Mimiru> mind you I'm in mid rewrite of this
L981[19:00:23] <Mimiru> so it is a bit more shit then usual.
L982[19:00:53] <rashy> o/
L983[19:01:14] <gamax92> dat duplicated code
L984[19:01:58] <gamax92> Mimiru: simple, you make an int right before the if statement, set it to 1, and then when you go to do output.put(), you use that var and then increment it
L985[19:02:40] <Mimiru> gamax92, I DID say I was mid rewrite.
L986[19:03:50] <Mimiru> Also, sadly I have to duplicate the code a bit, cause em.getDisplayName() is not hte same as entity.getCommandSenderName() in some cases.
L987[19:04:21] <Mimiru> I forget where I ran into the problem at.. but yeah
L988[19:04:29] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L989[19:04:45] <Mimiru> Also, I'm really not sure how an int is going to help.
L990[19:05:28] <gamax92> Mimiru: so you aren't overriding the data stored for the player?
L991[19:05:41] <Mimiru> I'm already not doing that
L992[19:05:47] <Mimiru> without having to use an int
L993[19:05:53] <gamax92> <Mimiru> A player can have more then one RFID on them, they can also be tagged with an RFID directly, so in theory a player can have number of inventory slots + 1 RFID on them at anytime
L994[19:05:53] <gamax92> <Mimiru> So... how do I represent all of those ¬_¬
L995[19:05:57] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_18-42-25.png
L996[19:06:05] <Mimiru> see the last call to rfid.scan()
L997[19:06:20] <Mimiru> data="[Meh, Test Data]"
L998[19:06:29] <Mimiru> I just need a better way to represent that
L999[19:06:45] <Mimiru> Meg is one card, Test Data is another
L1000[19:06:49] <Mimiru> Meh*
L1001[19:07:05] <gamax92> soo .... multiple entries like a sane person?
L1002[19:07:20] <gamax92> instead of merging them all into one
L1003[19:07:55] <Mimiru> The plan was to be a table in a table... not just merging them directly
L1004[19:08:49] <Mimiru> I still don't see why signals are such a bad idea for this.
L1005[19:08:51] * Mimiru sighs
L1006[19:10:04] <gamax92> Uhh, Can a HashMap have Object specified as a type?
L1007[19:10:16] <Mimiru> afaik
L1008[19:10:24] <gamax92> because then you could just shove another hashmap there for data
L1009[19:13:36] *** gDroid2002 is now known as gAway2002
L1010[19:14:54] <Mimiru> gamax92, http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_19-14-51.png >
L1011[19:14:57] <Mimiru> err ?*
L1012[19:15:58] <gamax92> I give up, you design things the way you want to design things
L1013[19:16:06] <gamax92> pizza time! :D
L1014[19:16:12] <Mimiru> I did exactly what you said...
L1015[19:16:15] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1016[19:16:16] <Mimiru> Fuck this
L1017[19:16:40] <gamax92> well no, it is much better yes
L1018[19:16:46] <gamax92> but there's pizza
L1019[19:17:20] <gamax92> Mimiru: that's a List isn't it?
L1020[19:17:23] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_19-17-21.png
L1021[19:18:30] <Mimiru> =#rfid.scan()["Player40"]["data"] returns 2, since I have 2 cards
L1022[19:32:46] <Mimiru> Seriously though, is there a better way to return it? I'd like to know for end user ease. I thought the signals were enough, but Super wanted a return value from scan()
L1023[19:33:12] <Mimiru> you can loop rfid.scan()["Player40"]["data"] to get all cards
L1024[19:33:25] <gamax92> oh, this is actually intended to be used beyond Super's usage of it?
L1025[19:33:40] <Mimiru> o_O
L1026[19:33:43] <Mimiru> umm.. yes?
L1027[19:34:06] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1028[19:34:27] <Temia> Hmm.
L1029[19:34:31] <Temia> I just had a crazy idea.
L1030[19:34:39] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://hastebin.com/xufunadeta.hs
L1031[19:34:44] <gamax92> I much prefer the simplistic life
L1032[19:35:28] <Mimiru> how is that simpler then rfid.scan()["Player40"]["data"][1] = Meh [2] = Test Data
L1033[19:36:10] <Temia> A chip fabricator -- uses less materials per run when performing large numbers of items, but will dump any fractional resources left after a run. No GUI control, just a way to insert materials, get the chips out and view of the current job, instead has to be controlled by a computer.
L1034[19:37:24] <gamax92> Mimiru: simple to iterate over, can be consistantly identified if moved within players or animals, and doesn't need to check if data is a string or an table
L1035[19:37:35] <Temia> Uses a fair chunk of power in exchange for the benefit of resourceful automation, BUT components have a risk of yield problems -- any organic material within an 8x8x8 cubic radius of the fabricator drops the yield, from a base count and tier reduction.
L1036[19:38:05] <Temia> Eh? Eh? :D
L1037[19:38:15] <gamax92> why would organic materials affect a fabricator?
L1038[19:38:17] <Mimiru> Then add an ID to the data you write?
L1039[19:38:22] <Temia> Contamination
L1040[19:38:36] <Temia> Ever heard of the story where a tech company's janitors were cooking pizza in a chip curing oven?
L1041[19:38:44] <gamax92> nope
L1042[19:39:24] <Temia> Well, some guy working late found it out, explaining the reason why chip yields for that company inexplicably tanked at random times.
L1043[19:39:39] <Mimiru> the closest you'll get to IDs like that is if I write a random UUID to the card when write is called.
L1044[19:40:04] <gamax92> The closest I get to that is writing that myself and not using your mod
L1045[19:40:10] <Temia> Now imagine pollen, spores, grave dust getting into a fabricator...
L1046[19:40:12] <Mimiru> but, that has nothing to do with the table which I return.
L1047[19:40:35] <gamax92> Temia: mmmm, lovely
L1048[19:40:53] <Temia> A chicken's down feathers, tracked mud from a cow or a pig...
L1049[19:41:13] <Temia> Even the moisture from the air you breathe.
L1050[19:41:15] <gamax92> fibers from a little maid's dress
L1051[19:41:19] <Temia> Pfft
L1052[19:41:20] <gamax92> no maids near fabricators
L1053[19:41:33] <Temia> They'd probably try to dust it anyway.
L1054[19:42:08] <Mimiru> %part
L1055[19:42:09] ⇦ Parts: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) (Commanded to part by Mimiru))
L1056[19:43:11] *** Mimiru was kicked by TotallyNotKatie (Mimiru))
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L1058[19:43:21] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
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L1060[19:43:21] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L1061[19:43:26] <Mimiru> fucking znc.
L1062[19:43:44] <gamax92> Did I piss her off :s
L1063[19:44:08] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
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L1076[21:32:04] * Mimiru pokes gamax92
L1077[21:32:27] <gamax92> ?
L1078[21:35:35] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1079[21:36:00] <Xilandro> Did anyone catch the E3 coverage of No Man's Sky
L1080[21:36:19] <gamax92> I've gotten nothing done today besides feel like crap
L1081[21:37:17] <Mimiru> Xilandro, I watched exactly 0 seconds of E3
L1082[21:37:20] <Mimiru> Sorry.
L1083[21:37:33] <Xilandro> http://www.cringechannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/11418329_10206529917714243_94977515_n1.jpg That's okay, enjoy some OMG Shakespeare instead.
L1084[21:37:54] <Mimiru> I
L1085[21:37:55] <Mimiru> Wit.
L1086[21:37:56] <Mimiru> arfst
L1087[21:37:58] <Mimiru> WUT
L1088[21:38:30] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ please don't be real.. lol
L1089[21:38:33] <Xilandro> I find it most ironic that it's still printed on paper
L1090[21:38:46] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1091[21:38:47] <Xilandro> http://www.amazon.com/YOLO-Juliet-OMG-Shakespeare-William/dp/0553535390
L1092[21:38:47] <Mimiru> http://www.amazon.com/YOLO-Juliet-OMG-Shakespeare-William/dp/0553535390
L1093[21:38:49] <gamax92> JPEG DETECTED
L1094[21:38:49] <Mimiru> fml
L1095[21:38:54] <Xilandro> Jinx
L1096[21:38:56] <gamax92> lol
L1097[21:39:39] <Xilandro> Oh neat, there's apparently most of WS' major works
L1098[21:39:54] <Mimiru> q_q
L1099[21:41:22] ⇨ Joins: MasterChilly (~masterchi@
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L1101[21:42:58] <Mimiru> So.. I'm ditching the table return stuff I guess.
L1102[21:43:45] <Mimiru> I have no clue how to usefully return this data.
L1103[21:45:22] <Xilandro> What sort of data are you trying to return
L1104[21:45:26] <Mimiru> And no one seems willing to tell me what would be most useful. so Meh.
L1105[21:45:28] <Xilandro> I've been afk most of the day, so I missed the convo
L1106[21:45:40] <Mimiru> rfid data, in mass amounts.
L1107[21:45:49] <Xilandro> mass amounts? Hm
L1108[21:45:51] <Mimiru> right now it just queues a signal.
L1109[21:45:59] <gamax92> :|
L1110[21:46:01] <Xilandro> I don't know about that, but having different 'levels' of access would be handy
L1111[21:46:09] <Mimiru> Which is imo great, I love it.. just listen for a signal and... magic.
L1112[21:46:51] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_19-14-51.png Is what it returns.. or returned before I started ripping code out
L1113[21:46:56] <Mimiru> in table format.
L1114[21:47:18] <Xilandro> I've been awake all day. Can you translate that table into english
L1115[21:47:47] <Xilandro> Also what is the species of the guy in the background here https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-eZN4t5h-0jz6_JMiCJdxAYHdvc=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3616580/Star-Wars-Battlefront-_4-17_E.0.jpg
L1116[21:47:49] <Mimiru> It doesn't really matter anyway.
L1117[21:48:18] <Mimiru> Sullustan I'd say.
L1118[21:48:34] <Mimiru> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sullustan/Canon Ah I'm right.
L1119[21:48:38] <Mimiru> it seems anyway
L1120[21:48:59] <Xilandro> Looks right to me
L1121[21:49:17] * Mimiru sighs
L1122[21:49:31] <Xilandro> Anyway, as for cards
L1123[21:49:46] <Mimiru> the table return stuff is going anyway, It'll stay on the Entity Detector.
L1124[21:49:47] <Xilandro> I think assigned player name, access level (Integer), and an optional string
L1125[21:49:48] <Mimiru> cause it already works.
L1126[21:49:55] <Xilandro> Or that
L1127[21:50:19] <Mimiru> Access Level and stuff would be best to keep on the computer anyway
L1128[21:50:48] <Xilandro> True
L1129[21:50:54] <Xilandro> Too used to Gopher's Biolocks I guess :x
L1130[21:50:56] <Mimiru> you get a UUID written to the card once, so you can check validity of cards too
L1131[21:51:06] <Mimiru> first call to write writes a UUID
L1132[21:51:07] <gamax92> mmmm, biolocks
L1133[21:51:31] <Mimiru> It's returned in the signal.
L1134[21:51:40] <gamax92> rain rain go away
L1135[21:51:42] <Xilandro> Ah, so when I swipe, the UUID is given?
L1136[21:51:48] <gamax92> please don't kill my power again
L1137[21:51:50] <Mimiru> _, _, player_name, range, rfidData, uuid
L1138[21:52:05] <Xilandro> So all I'd have to do is hash the uuid and compare to existing database of valid users
L1139[21:52:08] <Mimiru> for mag cards it's player_name, magData, uuid
L1140[21:52:20] <Xilandro> Sounds like magData would be more up my alley
L1141[21:52:24] <Mimiru> you can also tag entites and it transfers the UUID to them
L1142[21:52:26] <Xilandro> RFID seems... complicated for what I'd be using
L1143[21:53:13] <gamax92> Mimiru: okay so, you take the same return format that signals do, but just shove it in a table
L1144[21:53:16] <Mimiru> yeah mag readers require direct interaction.
L1145[21:53:34] <Mimiru> gamax92, I can't.. can I? With signals you get a signal for EACH card in someones inventory.
L1146[21:53:50] <gamax92> i mean when doing scans
L1147[21:53:52] <Mimiru> with a table... each entry would overwrite the previous if I just stuck them into the same table.
L1148[21:54:30] <gamax92> not if you do the table index as integer
L1149[21:54:39] <Xilandro> So basically the card is like having a name tag with a chip, and the door has a sensor and just 'knows' when to open and when not to
L1150[21:55:48] <Mimiru> Which is why I was trying to do Entity[Name, range="10", rfidData=[[data="Data1", uuid="uuid1"],[data="data2", "uuid2"]]], Entity2... etc
L1151[21:55:55] <Xilandro> What is the range
L1152[21:56:01] <gamax92> which is very complicated by design
L1153[21:56:02] <Xilandro> Distance from the reader?
L1154[21:56:30] <Mimiru> 1-64 blocks in each direction, which means at 64 it's 128 blocks
L1155[21:56:44] <Xilandro> wat
L1156[21:57:07] <Mimiru> the default in the config is 16 blocks
L1157[21:57:08] <Mimiru> so 32.
L1158[21:58:01] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1159[21:58:04] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1160[21:58:40] <Mimiru> as of 30 seconds ago the config range is 1-64
L1161[21:58:45] <Mimiru> default is 16
L1162[21:59:05] <Mimiru> you can scan(1) right now to scan smaller then 16
L1163[21:59:24] <Mimiru> scan(1-64) or scan() for the configed default.
L1164[21:59:38] <Xilandro> How hard would it be to have a creative RFID card that would return the global coordinates of the person holding it
L1165[21:59:51] <Mimiru> Very?
L1166[21:59:55] <Xilandro> Hm
L1167[22:00:16] <Mimiru> the item only holds the data, the reader is a physical block, or card that has a radius
L1168[22:00:22] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://hastebin.com/mimaxogeyi.txt
L1169[22:01:28] <Mimiru> gamax92... my example is almost exactly your first one.
L1170[22:01:32] <Mimiru> like seriously.
L1171[22:01:39] <gamax92> Mimiru: yes, that was the point
L1172[22:01:54] <gamax92> which is why drawbacks are listed below it
L1173[22:02:13] <Mimiru> But it's close enough to the bottom I don't see how you figure.
L1174[22:02:49] <Mimiru> I don't have data={rfidData1, rfidData2},
L1175[22:02:49] <Mimiru> id={uuid1, uuid2}
L1176[22:03:09] <gamax92> oh, what did it change to now?
L1177[22:03:45] <Mimiru> it was never that?
L1178[22:03:50] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_19-14-51.png
L1179[22:03:54] <gamax92> it is that, precisely here
L1180[22:04:02] <Mimiru> hell I didn't even ADD the uuid until AFTER I left.
L1181[22:04:06] <gamax92> minus the non existant uuid stuff
L1182[22:04:13] <Mimiru> the n=2 is BS added by either java, or OC IDFK
L1183[22:04:22] <gamax92> oc
L1184[22:04:34] ⇨ Joins: PHP (~PHP@
L1185[22:04:44] <Mimiru> Why the hell are we even discussing this?
L1186[22:05:48] <gamax92> ._. I fucking give up
L1187[22:06:12] <gamax92> If you're just going to yell at me for giving you a suggestion then specifically exclude me when you ask for user friendly designs
L1188[22:06:38] <Mimiru> No, but if you have a god damn idea of how to IMPLEMENT it I'm all fucking ears
L1189[22:06:46] <Mimiru> What I'm fucking telling you is I DON'T KNOW HOW.
L1190[22:06:49] <Mimiru> ffs.
L1191[22:06:52] <gamax92> oh,
L1192[22:06:56] <gamax92> Mimiru: is it on github, will pr
L1193[22:06:58] <Mimiru> Jesus fucking christ.
L1194[22:07:02] <Mimiru> No.
L1195[22:07:09] <Mimiru> No it's not on github
L1196[22:07:17] <Mimiru> the github links I've shown were magical.
L1197[22:07:32] <Mimiru> I've already nuked my local changes with the return stuff anyway
L1198[22:07:33] <Mimiru> so
L1199[22:09:44] * Mimiru sighs I have an old paste of it.. I can try to dig out
L1200[22:10:02] <Mimiru> ugh
L1201[22:10:04] <Mimiru> fuck
L1202[22:10:10] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://hastebin.com/tiduyomoxo.java
L1203[22:10:17] <Mimiru> "3 Weeks ago."
L1204[22:10:35] * Mimiru stabs Stikked
L1205[22:11:30] <Mimiru> That's almost exactly what I had, other then the int index.
L1206[22:11:32] <Mimiru> :/
L1207[22:12:45] <gamax92> Mimiru: Yes it is, it's advantages is that each rfid gets an entry, and i don't have to do something like if type(data) == "table" then search table for specific thing elseif type(data) == "string" then check if data is specific thing
L1208[22:14:20] <gamax92> also by using Object as the second inner type, range can actually be an Integer
L1209[22:15:59] ⇦ Quits: samrg472 (~deathcraz@I.got.g-lined.cu.cc) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1210[22:16:39] <Xilandro> Going to bed. Mimiru, I hope you get everything figured out without too much rageface. Rageface isn't healthy. *Hugs* Goodnight.
L1211[22:20:42] ⇨ Joins: samrg472 (~deathcraz@I.got.g-lined.cu.cc)
L1212[22:24:15] <wolfmitchell> Jarcode, you here?
L1213[22:29:07] ⇨ Joins: michi (~androirc@2001:470:1f0f:dec:c4a3:f9a0:238f:a58c)
L1214[22:30:07] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/raw/9a9c4297
L1215[22:33:03] ⇦ Quits: michi (~androirc@2001:470:1f0f:dec:c4a3:f9a0:238f:a58c) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1216[22:33:11] <Mimiru> sorry internet died i'm still fixing shit on my network
L1217[22:33:22] <gamax92> oh alright
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L1226[22:56:41] <Mimiru> DAMN IT
L1227[22:56:48] <Mimiru> I have to take my keys off of my keyboard now
L1228[22:57:12] <gamax92> o.o'
L1229[22:57:26] <Mimiru> spilled tea on my keyboard
L1230[22:57:30] <Mimiru> now it's gonna get sticky
L1231[22:58:03] <gamax92> oh, atleast its not something like a tiny earring
L1232[22:59:00] <Mimiru> lol
L1233[22:59:22] <Mimiru> so the left side of my kb left of wsx id midding..
L1234[22:59:39] <Mimiru> is*
L1235[23:00:32] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1236[23:02:27] <Mimiru> edc.. lol
L1237[23:03:14] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L1240[23:09:44] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L1242[23:10:40] <Mimiru> OK, FIX'T
L1243[23:10:44] <Mimiru> Oh
L1244[23:10:46] <Mimiru> capslock
L1245[23:10:48] <Mimiru> hi
L1246[23:12:19] <Mimiru> Oh man, headlamp to hold the ponytail up \o/ sooo much better
L1247[23:13:11] <gamax92> it's still raining, and lightning
L1248[23:13:22] <Mimiru> :(
L1249[23:13:31] <Mimiru> tell it to stahp
L1250[23:13:48] * gamax92 goes outside to shout at a rain, gets struck by lightning
L1251[23:13:53] <Mimiru> Also, thanks for the link to the paste, I'd found it in my scrollback before the net died
L1252[23:14:01] * Mimiru revives gamax92
L1253[23:14:06] <Mimiru> stahp
L1254[23:14:37] <gamax92> Mimiru: is modified a bit you know
L1255[23:14:47] <Mimiru> Oh, was it?
L1256[23:14:57] <Mimiru> Ah, so it was
L1257[23:15:04] <gamax92> Mimiru: this is yours http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/raw/eb193778
L1258[23:15:09] <Mimiru> I see it
L1259[23:15:10] <Mimiru> shush :P
L1260[23:15:40] <Mimiru> The method info(Entity, String, UUID) from the type TileEntityRFIDReader refers to the missing type UUID :P
L1261[23:16:15] <gamax92> I don't at all know how UUID's work in Java
L1262[23:16:20] <Mimiru> heh it's all good
L1263[23:16:23] <Mimiru> I can work it from here
L1264[23:17:48] <Mimiru> Thanks gamax92
L1265[23:18:05] <gamax92> Welcome
L1266[23:20:07] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E066555DC8E701269E4476D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L1269[23:22:44] <Mimiru> gamax92, http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-15_23-22-41.png
L1270[23:23:13] <Mimiru> and the range is an actual number, not an effing string.
L1271[23:23:16] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ fml
L1272[23:23:18] <Mimiru> I suck.
L1273[23:23:23] * Mimiru signs
L1274[23:23:26] * Mimiru sighs too
L1275[23:23:36] <gamax92> ?
L1276[23:23:43] <gamax92> Wouldn't you want it to be an actual number
L1277[23:23:55] <Mimiru> No, I totally did.
L1278[23:24:15] <Mimiru> You did in fewer lines, and nicer code what I couldn't..
L1279[23:24:24] <Mimiru> "FML, I suck."
L1280[23:24:33] <gamax92> :D
L1281[23:25:17] <gamax92> Mimiru: btw what happens if you name an mob?
L1282[23:25:37] <Mimiru> I can add a conditional to get the name, it's just another NBT tag.
L1283[23:25:44] ⇨ Joins: michi (~androirc@2001:470:1f0f:dec:c4a3:f9a0:238f:a58c)
L1284[23:26:10] <Mimiru> How would it be best to show that, replace the "name" of the mob?
L1285[23:26:13] <gamax92> well, not if it already happens! (Which i don't at all know what entity.getCommandSender() gets)
L1286[23:26:30] <gamax92> yeah you would just replace it if it doesn't already happen
L1287[23:26:32] <Mimiru> it doesn't afaik.. I'll check in a second
L1288[23:26:57] <Mimiru> I need to update the code in the entity detector too
L1289[23:31:17] <Mimiru> SDGOfUHSFEkgSET
L1290[23:31:25] <Mimiru> Tagging entites doesn't work now... wtf did I fuck up
L1291[23:32:30] <Mimiru> it consumes the RFID.. so
L1292[23:32:32] <Mimiru> idfk
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L1296[23:41:00] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1297[23:49:20] <Mimiru> This was working fine... wtf
L1298[23:49:44] <Mimiru> my itemInteractionForEntity is being called, my prints are being called in the if entity instanceof entityliving
L1299[23:56:08] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~doty1154@2601:648:8001:575d:4225:c2ff:fe31:732c) (Quit: Leaving)
L1300[23:59:07] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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