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L1[00:06:12] *** Nihilumbra is now known as Azazel
L2[00:14:27] *** justastranger is now known as justachan
L3[00:17:05] *** justachan is now known as justastranger|zzz
L4[00:19:52] *** RaptorJeebus_ is now known as RaptorJeebus
L5[00:31:47] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L6[00:37:01] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L7[01:29:23] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@97e31234.skybroadband.com)
L8[01:35:52] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye|School
L9[01:40:24] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L10[01:44:26] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD36BD7DE3DB892B370A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L11[01:44:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L12[02:21:00] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L13[02:28:16] <Skye|School> %p
L14[02:28:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye|School 2.61s
L15[02:28:23] <Skye|School> O_O
L16[02:28:36] <Skye|School> Can a slow computer increase ping?
L17[02:34:37] <Temia> It'd have to be quite slow
L18[02:34:50] <Temia> Like constant interface lag.
L19[02:39:43] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L20[02:46:36] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye|SadAtSchool
L21[02:47:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Otherwise known as unusably slow
L22[02:47:23] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Or windows :D
L23[02:48:33] <Skye|SadAtSchool> this is a RPi B
L24[02:48:44] <Skye|SadAtSchool> With 512mb of ram
L25[02:49:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Ooo speaking of RPis, I think mine is at 110 days uptime
L26[02:50:05] <Skye|SadAtSchool> gah...
L27[02:54:22] * Lizzy is not sure what her Pi's uptimes are
L28[02:56:14] <Vexatos> Mine is at -1
L29[02:56:50] * Lizzy would check her pi uptimes but she cant ssh into them
L30[03:00:22] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@194-166-4-127.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (availo.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L31[03:00:24] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-133-232.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L32[03:01:06] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L33[03:14:29] <Skye|SadAtSchool> My pi goes up and down like a yoyo
L34[03:29:38] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L35[03:51:40] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[04:03:31] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L37[04:32:55] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L38[04:44:32] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L39[04:59:07] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-270-184.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L40[05:03:22] <hitecnologys> %p
L41[05:03:25] <MichiBot> Ping reply from hitecnologys 2.6s
L42[05:03:28] <hitecnologys> Bleh.
L43[05:03:28] <nxsupert_> o/
L44[05:03:53] <hitecnologys> \o
L45[05:09:05] <nxsupert_> Is there an environment variable for where man searches for files?
L46[05:10:39] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L47[05:35:49] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-124-176-174-208.lns2.win.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L48[05:36:13] ⇨ Joins: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-121-219-169-39.lnse2.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L49[05:51:11] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L50[06:27:35] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L51[06:50:42] <Sangar> o/
L52[07:00:29] <Lizzy> \o
L53[07:05:49] <hitecnologys> Sangar: hey, greetings! I was wondering if there's any way I could make computers reboot themselves in event of power failure or any other unpredictable event? Maybe you could add a watchdog or something?
L54[07:06:15] <Sangar> hitecnologys, there's wake on redstone and wake on lan
L55[07:06:39] <Sangar> (the first in the redstone card/block, the latter in the network card)
L56[07:07:49] <hitecnologys> Sangar: oh, indeed. Does it need to pulse or I can just put a torch and I'm good?
L57[07:08:18] <Sangar> needs a pulse. i.e. it triggers when it goes from below the threshold to above it.
L58[07:08:32] <hitecnologys> Bleh.
L59[07:08:44] <Sangar> :P
L60[07:08:48] <hitecnologys> Well, still better than running around pushing the button.
L61[07:09:01] <hitecnologys> I think I could implement automatic power monitor.
L62[07:09:14] <hitecnologys> Thank you very much, I'll take it from here.
L63[07:09:54] <Sangar> :)
L64[07:10:12] <hitecnologys> Though, is there any way I could make setWakeMessage check against multiple values?
L65[07:10:40] <hitecnologys> I've got link-local broadcasting using first value as protocol ID and second value as payload.
L66[07:11:06] <hitecnologys> And I'd like to avoid designing special case for WOL.
L67[07:11:06] <Sangar> i'm afraid not, single string it is. you can use an arbitrary string, though, so you could "tag" systems by that.
L68[07:11:27] <hitecnologys> Bleh. I see.
L69[07:11:53] <Sangar> if part of the message is dynamic, i'm afraid that won't work :/ if you can come up with a generic, simple to check way extending the current system, by all means make a suggestion on github ;)
L70[07:12:17] <hitecnologys> Well, I will once I'm done thinking.
L71[07:12:25] <Sangar> sure thing
L72[07:12:52] <Sangar> in the meantime... waiting for curse to fix their launcher so people will stop complaining about oc crashing \o/
L73[07:13:15] <hitecnologys> Curse's got a launcher? 0_0
L74[07:13:37] <hitecnologys> Woah, world's changing.
L75[07:15:08] <Sangar> it's been out for a bit now, yeah.
L76[07:15:20] <Sangar> and it fails to download the typesafe libs correctly -.-
L77[07:15:54] <Sangar> instead it fetches an html document (Directory Browsing Disabled \o/) and saves that as the jar. to no big surprise, things go horribly wrong as a result :P
L78[07:16:14] <nxsupert_> Is that because the Forge file server thingy changed? Or is it just a bug in the curse launcher?
L79[07:17:26] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L80[07:32:32] <Sangar> i'm pretty sure it's the launcher, because i think it downloads those files (well, tries to) from the maven central repo
L81[07:32:47] <nxsupert_> Ok.
L82[07:33:50] <nxsupert_> Also. Do you think lnano is hard to type?
L83[07:35:32] <Sangar> nah, why? making nano for oc? :3
L84[07:35:45] <nxsupert_> Yes.
L85[07:35:52] <Sangar> niiiice
L86[07:36:05] <nxsupert_> But I don't think I can implement all the features. So I don't want to call it nano.
L87[07:36:11] <vifino> Sangar: we need to be able to hit esc in oc ._.
L88[07:36:22] * vifino wants vim asap in oc
L89[07:36:42] <Sangar> vifino, but you need to close the screen somehow >_>
L90[07:36:47] <Vexatos> <hitecnologys> Sangar: hey, greetings! I was wondering if there's any way I could make computers reboot themselves in event of power failure or any other unpredictable event? Maybe you could add a watchdog or something?
L91[07:36:54] <vifino> Sangar: Big red X on top of the screen!
L92[07:36:55] <Vexatos> If you have BuildCraft, there is a very easy eay
L93[07:36:56] <Vexatos> way*
L94[07:37:03] <Vexatos> BuildCraft and Computronics* ;)
L95[07:37:30] <Sangar> vifino, no. esc is the convention for *all* guis in mc, not gonna break that, even for vi(m), sorry :P
L96[07:37:51] <vifino> Sangar: Make it an option! Or toggable via lua ._.
L97[07:37:55] <Sangar> use f1. or that thing left to the 1 :P
L98[07:37:56] <vifino> Pleaaaaaaaseeeeee ._.
L99[07:38:02] <Sangar> no :X
L100[07:38:04] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: don't have BuildCraft but still interested.
L101[07:38:15] * vifino slaps Sangar
L102[07:38:15] * EnderBot2 laughs
L103[07:38:16] <vifino> Do it D:
L104[07:38:17] <Vexatos> hitecnologys, get a BC gate with a quartz chipset integrated
L105[07:38:43] <vifino> Everybody in the whole universe needs vim in oc x.x
L106[07:38:56] <nxsupert_> Does shell.parse work for stuff like -c=blah ?
L107[07:39:05] * hitecnologys doubles that VIM request.
L108[07:39:18] <Vexatos> Needs to be a Gold (or higher) AND gate
L109[07:39:22] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: hmm. Haven't used BC in a while. Is that the one that creates pulses?
L110[07:39:27] <Vexatos> then do this http://puu.sh/gxftt/dd2e8e0228.png (minus the bottom-most part, do not do that)
L111[07:39:37] <Vexatos> It's the one adding a redstone clock
L112[07:39:55] <hitecnologys> I see.
L113[07:39:56] <Vexatos> add the top 3 entries of that screenshot
L114[07:40:10] <vifino> On another note, anyone got a pci usb3 card that doesn't require a molex connection/otherpowerconnection? ._. My server has no free power connectors :X
L115[07:40:45] <dangranos> WHAAAT
L116[07:40:54] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: so, it basically checks whether server's got power and if not, triggers a redstone signal?
L117[07:41:05] <dangranos> no ESC for vi(m) clones?
L118[07:41:06] <dangranos> D:
L119[07:41:12] <Vexatos> then it will, every 5/10/15 seconds (depends how quick you would like it, it's mainly there to reduce lag caused by the OC computer shutting down and instantly booting up again then getting power outage again etc),
L120[07:41:13] <hitecnologys> vifino: what kind of server do you have?
L121[07:41:25] <Vexatos> if the redstone signal is applied (so you can turn the auto-restart off)
L122[07:41:27] <vifino> hitecnologys: An HP ProLiant DL580. A big one :D
L123[07:41:35] <Vexatos> reboot the compuer if it's shut down
L124[07:41:44] <hitecnologys> vifino: oh, neat.
L125[07:41:48] <Vexatos> That's about it
L126[07:42:10] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: I see. Maybe I will try that some time in the future. Thanks.
L127[07:42:10] <Vexatos> computer*
L128[07:42:16] <Vexatos> no redstone signal whatsoever
L129[07:42:24] <Vexatos> no need for all the configuration Sangar told you about
L130[07:42:43] <Vexatos> in fact, before he added that reboot-by-redstone-ability, this was the only way of automatically turning on a computer
L131[07:43:32] <hitecnologys> vifino: you got that at work?
L132[07:43:33] <Vexatos> The first line is the only actually required one, the second line of the gate reduces lag and the third line makes it only work with a redstone signal (you can set it to work only without one) so you can do proper maintenance work
L133[07:43:44] <vifino> hitecnologys: Nope, under my bed.
L134[07:44:19] <vifino> My small nas is on top of it, got only a few millimeters left before hit hits my bed.
L135[07:44:40] <Vexatos> It still is the very best way of keeping a computer turned on
L136[07:44:43] <hitecnologys> vifino: heh, nice. It's good to hear I'm not the only one fan of hosting server at home out there.
L137[07:44:52] <Vexatos> Hooray for an actually useful feature in Computronics \o\
L138[07:45:07] <hitecnologys> vifino: though, I have a 40U rack with two servers and a switch.
L139[07:45:34] <vifino> hitecnologys: I have that thing + random cisco gear, no rack :P
L140[07:45:56] <hitecnologys> vifino: definitely get a rack, it feels so much better now.
L141[07:46:28] <hitecnologys> vifino: no need to crawl under the mess of wires anymore. =P
L142[07:46:36] <vifino> hitecnologys: Thing is, racks are expensive and while I would definitly want one, I cant afford one at the moment.
L143[07:47:04] <hitecnologys> vifino: well, I got used one for less than a $100.
L144[07:47:24] <vifino> hitecnologys: Not nuff money anymore :P
L145[07:47:34] <vifino> I'm almost broke \o/
L146[07:48:34] <hitecnologys> vifino: woah, how come?
L147[07:49:21] <vifino> hitecnologys: insanity + no steady income + "MUST GET!" will always result in being broke.
L148[07:50:01] <hitecnologys> vifino: heh, I know that feeling... Low on money here too. =|
L149[07:50:42] <vifino> hitecnologys: Sucks, especially when you go on amazon or ebay and find glorious deals that you can't afford =.=
L150[07:52:58] <hitecnologys> vifino: yeah. It's even worse for me as I know $5 thing you "need right now" is gonna cost over $70. Postage sucks.
L151[07:53:09] <vifino> O.O
L152[07:53:21] <vifino> I live in germany and it's less than that.
L153[07:54:00] <hitecnologys> Well, that's bloody Russia.
L154[07:54:10] <vifino> Oh, you live in russia?
L155[07:54:19] <hitecnologys> Sort of.
L156[07:54:28] <vifino> Sort of?
L157[07:54:36] <hitecnologys> You could easily have found that out by my IP address.
L158[07:54:49] <hitecnologys> Well, I do live there, yes.
L159[07:54:57] <hitecnologys> Just don't like direct answers. =P
L160[07:55:08] <vifino> -- | [hitecnologys] Russian Federation (RU)
L161[07:55:10] <hitecnologys> Makes me feel like a serious politician.
L162[07:55:44] <vifino> I knew your ip comes from russia before, but not sure whether you live there or not.
L163[07:56:07] <hitecnologys> I thought about tunneling my traffic though Europe but then reconsidered.
L164[07:56:20] <hitecnologys> Though, I probably gonna need to reconsider again.
L165[07:56:38] <hitecnologys> Because now they've blocked access to... enderio.com.
L166[07:56:46] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L167[07:56:57] <hitecnologys> Never though I would download Minecraft mods though Tor.
L168[07:57:07] <hitecnologys> s/though/thought/
L169[07:57:07] <Kibibyte> <hitecnologys> Never thought I would download Minecraft mods though Tor.
L170[07:57:35] <hitecnologys> s/though /through/
L171[07:57:35] <Kibibyte> <hitecnologys> Never thought I would download Minecraft mods throughTor.
L172[07:57:51] <hitecnologys> Goddamit. >_<
L173[07:58:46] <vifino> But yeah, got a server and a nas under my bed and I'm liking it :D
L174[07:59:18] <hitecnologys> How much disks have you got?
L175[07:59:44] <vifino> 4 72gb 10k rpm sas drives.
L176[07:59:54] <vifino> Basically the least I could get away with.
L177[08:01:13] <hitecnologys> What about NAS?
L178[08:01:24] <hitecnologys> Or it's the same machine?
L179[08:01:27] <vifino> That nas has 2 2TB barracuda drives.
L180[08:01:36] <vifino> mirrored, of course.
L181[08:01:36] <hitecnologys> RAID1?
L182[08:01:42] <hitecnologys> Neat.
L183[08:02:04] <vifino> The server ( = the one with the sas drives ) runs RAID5.
L184[08:03:10] <vifino> Thought about changing the raid setup though.
L185[08:03:28] <hitecnologys> I have mostly SATAs but I wish I could get my hands on SAS controller as my board supports it.
L186[08:03:56] <hitecnologys> And I have some SAS disks in storage.
L187[08:04:00] <vifino> I kinda want to make two RAID0's out of that and RAID1 them together with btrfs so I get a better and hopefully faster raid.
L188[08:04:28] <hitecnologys> I see.
L189[08:04:33] <hitecnologys> That indeed should be faster.
L190[08:05:36] <vifino> And I would get higher chances of the data not getting corrupted.
L191[08:05:45] <vifino> Because of all the things btrfs has.
L192[08:06:13] <hitecnologys> You should try ZFS. I moved all my drives to it from btrfs and haven't yet had regrets.
L193[08:06:16] <vifino> I could also RAID5 with just btrfs, but that is still considered unstable.
L194[08:06:23] <hitecnologys> Though, ARC's memory hungry.
L195[08:06:57] <vifino> Nah, I prefer non cbbl'd fs that I could use in other things too.
L196[08:07:09] <hitecnologys> I see.
L197[08:07:44] <vifino> Apart from that I believe in btrfs and really liking it.
L198[08:08:40] <dangranos> huh?
L199[08:08:46] <hitecnologys> vifino: I like btrfs too but it's still in quite raw state.
L200[08:08:50] <dangranos> what are you talking about?
L201[08:09:02] <hitecnologys> dangranos: serious enterprise stuff.
L202[08:09:23] <vifino> Other than that, since I'm an arch guy, I get updates as fast as I can, and since I more often than not use either the mainline kernel or a patchset one ( -pf ), I don't see the point in modifying every small thing for zfs.
L203[08:09:54] <hitecnologys> Ah, I'm a Gentoo user so recompiling kernel here every week.
L204[08:10:23] <vifino> I actually end up doing that too.
L205[08:10:52] <vifino> But with the pf patchset. I'm addicted to it.
L206[08:11:06] <hitecnologys> I mostly use hardened patches.
L207[08:12:09] <vifino> For me it's the fact that I really badly notice the difference between a -pf kernel and a "normal" kernel.
L208[08:12:21] <vifino> BFQ and BFS are a god send.
L209[08:12:25] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L210[08:12:47] <vifino> Budget fair queue and Brain fuck scheduler respectively.
L211[08:13:07] <hitecnologys> Yeah, I know.
L212[08:14:23] <hitecnologys> I'm a user of CFS as it comes out of the box. Are those really as fast as they say?
L213[08:14:42] <vifino> Yep.
L214[08:15:03] <hitecnologys> Huh. Need to try those then, I guess.
L215[08:15:11] <hitecnologys> Thanks for advice.
L216[08:15:18] <vifino> No problem.
L217[08:16:14] <vifino> A really big difference for me is the fact that I can continue working while for example a kernel is compiling.
L218[08:16:27] <vifino> On all cores, that is.
L219[08:16:56] <hitecnologys> Isn't that what process grouping does?
L220[08:17:21] <hitecnologys> I can work while kernel is compiling as well.
L221[08:17:49] <vifino> Yes, but I just mean the fact that if your system is under full load, all processes equal priority, etc, the system feels more responsive.
L222[08:17:55] <vifino> Especially the IO.
L223[08:18:11] <hitecnologys> Ah, I see.
L224[08:18:46] <hitecnologys> Well, that's about enough IRCing for me for now. Code won't write itself (yet).
L225[08:18:59] <vifino> Yet.
L226[08:19:06] <vifino> See you later, hitecnologys :)
L227[08:19:31] <hitecnologys> See you too.
L228[08:25:46] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L229[08:48:15] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L230[08:52:57] <dangranos> http://i.imgur.com/1QjWerT.png >_<
L231[08:53:28] <dangranos> that's craft of Chamelium piece on server i play on
L232[08:53:37] <dangranos> 1 piace
L233[08:53:39] <dangranos> *piece
L234[08:53:43] <asie> nice font
L235[08:54:12] <dangranos> 100 point from that piece
L236[08:54:37] <dangranos> and printing speed is 10 times bigger
L237[08:54:51] <dangranos> AND 12 times more energy
L238[08:54:54] <dangranos> *15
L239[08:55:22] <Vexatos> dangranos, stop complaining
L240[08:55:31] <dangranos> sorry
L241[08:55:32] <Vexatos> start looking for a server with sane admins
L242[08:55:39] <dangranos> uh..
L243[08:55:43] <dangranos> that's hard thing to do
L244[08:55:45] <Vexatos> and admins with brains, for a change
L245[08:56:09] <dangranos> somewhy servers with such admins die after some time
L246[08:56:37] <Vexatos> mhm
L247[08:56:49] <Vexatos> Did you even complain at the admin yet?
L248[08:57:37] <dangranos> that was owner
L249[08:57:58] <dangranos> *is
L250[09:03:33] <Vexatos> At whoever is responsible for the recipes
L251[09:03:58] <Vexatos> Did you tell them that a wall of chamelium blocks is far less laggy than a single hopper
L252[09:06:38] ⇨ Joins: MisterErwin (~MisterErw@dslb-088-078-233-028.088.078.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L253[09:06:45] <Sangar> yeah. a wall of chamelium *blocks* is pretty much exactly as laggy as a wall of stone. even a wall of dirt would be laggier because of grass growth! :P
L254[09:07:31] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-6728.bb.online.no)
L255[09:07:32] <MisterErwin> Whats with silverfish "hopping" into stone blocks?
L256[09:07:52] <Sangar> that requires silverfish to be present, though :P
L257[09:08:08] <MisterErwin> Who knows what else you have on your shoulder :P
L258[09:08:21] <Sangar> not telling :P
L259[09:09:02] <MisterErwin> a flea without the "h"?
L260[09:09:21] <dangranos> what about wall of prints?
L261[09:09:37] <Vexatos> Same
L262[09:09:42] <Vexatos> it's more laggy on the client side
L263[09:09:51] <Vexatos> But as laggy as a wall of stone on the server side
L264[09:09:53] <dangranos> i give up at trying to make them think
L265[09:10:28] <Vexatos> MisterErwin, please, stop the puns
L266[09:10:39] <Vexatos> so horrible
L267[09:10:42] <Vexatos> dangranos, just tell them >:>
L268[09:11:22] <Sangar> eeh, prints *can* be a more expensive server side, too, while *and only while* an entity collides with them. depending on what the shape limit is set to, since if it collides with it more aabb-aabb checks are done. but those are dirt cheap. so yeah.
L269[09:11:28] <Sangar> *a bit
L270[09:12:08] <Vexatos> Well, that's one call per tick and only while the entity is touching it
L271[09:12:21] <Vexatos> Still less laggy than a hopper
L272[09:12:24] <Sangar> exactly
L273[09:13:07] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L274[09:13:22] <MajGenRelativity> big announcement in a couple minutes :)
L275[09:13:23] <Sangar> and even on the client side. they render as static blocks. aka chests are probably more expensive to render since they use a tile entity special renderer :P
L276[09:13:51] <Vexatos> Far more expensive
L277[09:14:10] <Vexatos> dangranos, just tell them all this
L278[09:14:19] <Vexatos> if you give up, then stop complaining
L279[09:14:32] <Sangar> we should have an faq/eaq on the wiki, including stuff like this :X
L280[09:14:36] <MisterErwin> And something lua related: Would a multi-dimensional array/table be the best way to store the environment blocks (x,y and z)
L281[09:14:48] <dangranos> i'll even try to translate that :D
L282[09:15:02] <Vexatos> russian servers \-.-\
L283[09:15:08] <dangranos> ^
L284[09:15:21] <dangranos> and THAT is a good one
L285[09:15:27] <Sangar> MisterErwin, probably good enough, sure, since tables can be sparse/hash maps.
L286[09:15:34] <dangranos> because no "pay to get everything"
L287[09:16:14] <Vexatos> So keen on finally getting proper income in ~ 7 years and getting myself a server to host all my shite >_>
L288[09:16:18] <MisterErwin> thanks Sangar
L289[09:16:29] <nxsupert_> o/
L290[09:17:04] ⇦ Quits: Kane_Hart (~Kane_Hart@CPE50455d826d7c-CMbc1401df1010.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L291[09:17:47] <MajGenRelativity> I did it
L292[09:17:59] <MajGenRelativity> I finally completed the basic messaging protocol I have been working on for weeks!
L293[09:18:02] <MajGenRelativity> http://pastebin.com/1WtdxQYz
L294[09:18:50] <MajGenRelativity> any comments?
L295[09:19:47] <nxsupert_> Cool.
L296[09:19:52] <MajGenRelativity> Thank you!
L297[09:19:56] <nxsupert_> But I do have some suggestions.
L298[09:20:02] <MajGenRelativity> Please tell me more!
L299[09:20:06] <nxsupert_> Line 10. Do some type checking?
L300[09:20:18] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L301[09:20:22] <Vexatos> that encryption
L302[09:20:25] <Vexatos> so safe
L303[09:20:32] <MajGenRelativity> lel, it is not
L304[09:20:34] * Vexatos approves by throwing cipher blocks at MajGenRelativity
L305[09:20:42] <MajGenRelativity> It's meant for basic security over a wired network
L307[09:20:59] * Vexatos hides
L308[09:21:02] <MajGenRelativity> Is it 1.8?
L309[09:21:14] <Vexatos> Step 1: Use 1.7
L310[09:21:18] <MajGenRelativity> Nope
L311[09:21:23] <Sangar> huehue
L312[09:21:42] <nxsupert_> How does OC update so fast compared to other mods?
L313[09:21:53] <Sangar> go Vexatos, port Computronics to 1.8! and disable 90% of the code :P
L314[09:21:56] <MajGenRelativity> Because the developer is obviously a great guy
L315[09:22:21] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-133-232.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L316[09:22:23] <Vexatos> Sangar, remove 90% and completely rewrite the rest
L317[09:22:30] <Sangar> the big chunk of work of the update i did over new years (the rendering stuff). since then it's pretty much "pull from 1.7, resolve conflicts"
L318[09:22:34] <Vexatos> MajGenRelativity, I can approve of asie being a great guy
L319[09:22:36] <MajGenRelativity> I got to go, but I will post the code on the forums later, and work on a beefed up program for a cellular network/WiFi type implementation
L320[09:22:40] <Vexatos> :3
L321[09:24:59] <nxsupert_> Ohh. Does shell.parse(...) support something like -d=blah ?
L322[09:25:29] <dangranos> yeah
L323[09:25:32] <Vexatos> Yes
L324[09:25:39] <Vexatos> it support -i as well as --someoption
L325[09:26:01] <nxsupert_> Ahh. Ok. Thanks :D
L326[09:26:21] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L327[09:26:31] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L328[09:27:02] <nxsupert_> So for --readonly would options.readonly == true?
L329[09:27:18] <Vexatos> Yes
L330[09:27:21] <Vexatos> Exactly
L331[09:27:33] <Vexatos> Sangar, we need some shellshock in OC >_>
L332[09:27:42] <nxsupert_> Shellsock?
L333[09:27:48] <Vexatos> almost
L334[09:29:03] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@91-115-115-38.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L335[09:33:07] <Katie> god damn it ISP...
L336[09:33:23] <nxsupert_> ?
L337[09:34:25] *** Guest48354 is now known as Magik6k
L338[09:35:27] <Katie> Cable went out, when it came back I have a new IP, now I have to reset all the shit for IPv6 tunnel on my network.
L339[09:37:34] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@aaoo208.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L340[09:38:08] <dangranos> ...
L341[09:38:16] <dangranos> that server accepts griefers
L342[09:38:37] <Kubuxu> I am thinking about using one of IPv6 addresses as an entry point to my PC.
L343[09:38:38] <nxsupert_> What are you looking for?
L344[09:38:49] <Kubuxu> From my VPS
L345[09:39:03] * dangranos wants moar peers for cjdns
L346[09:39:44] <Kubuxu> As it will take a looong time before I get IPv6 in home.
L347[09:40:34] <Katie> is cjdns still working on eos? You've not yelled about it breaking in a while, I just dunno if that means you gave up trying to use Eos..
L348[09:42:52] <dangranos> nope
L349[09:42:58] <Katie> Ohwell \o/
L350[09:43:04] <dangranos> i thought you give up trying to fix it
L351[09:43:13] <Katie> It was working last time I looked at it.
L352[09:43:16] <dangranos> so i give up poking you
L353[09:43:18] <Katie> well "working"
L354[09:43:23] <Katie> it had a single connection
L355[09:43:31] <Katie> I had no way of testing, cause the windows client sucks ass
L356[09:44:58] <dangranos> well, windows client works
L357[09:45:02] <dangranos> last time i checked
L358[09:45:16] <dangranos> requires tun driver ofc
L359[09:45:19] <Katie> I couldn't get the POS to start. so..
L360[09:47:54] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L361[09:53:17] ⇦ Quits: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@cucumber.kilobyte22.de) ()
L362[09:53:17] <Katie> %sed enable
L363[09:53:17] <MichiBot> Katie: Enabled SED for this channel
L364[09:53:24] <dangranos> looks like you got cjdns up
L365[09:53:39] <Katie> peerStats still times out
L366[09:53:52] <dangranos> well, i see znc on hypeirc
L367[09:53:55] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@cucumber.kilobyte22.de)
L368[09:53:55] <Katie> %sed disable
L369[09:53:56] <MichiBot> Katie: Disabled SED for this channel
L370[09:54:12] <Katie> I'd love to know why peerStats timesout then.
L371[09:55:26] *** Skye|SadAtSchool is now known as Skye|Sad
L372[09:55:27] <dangranos> can i temporary disable znc connection to some server?
L373[09:55:41] <Katie> Yeah, just uncheck the "Connect to serve" option on the panel
L374[09:55:45] <Katie> server*
L375[09:56:04] <dangranos> where?
L376[09:56:28] <Katie> Edit network Checkbox " Active:
L377[09:56:28] <Katie> Connect to IRC & automatically re-connect
L378[09:56:28] <Katie> "
L379[09:58:00] <dangranos> nevermind, found it
L380[09:58:12] <Katie> ¬_¬
L381[10:00:48] <Lizzy> meep
L382[10:00:52] * Lizzy hugs Skye|Sad
L383[10:01:03] <Katie> Man colors changed a bit on this reinstall of Hex..
L384[10:01:31] <vifino> meep
L385[10:01:39] <Skye|Sad> eep
L386[10:01:40] * vifino hugs Lizzy and Skye|Sad
L387[10:01:49] * Skye|Sad hugs vifino and Lizzy back
L388[10:02:35] <Skye|Sad> I'm tired and stressed...
L389[10:02:40] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L390[10:02:43] <vifino> :/
L391[10:02:47] <hitecnologys> dangranos: oh, you're Russian too?
L392[10:02:51] <Skye|Sad> I have way too much homework and an exam tomorrow.
L393[10:03:01] <dangranos> SURPRISE!
L394[10:03:07] * Skye|Sad slaps his computer science teacher
L395[10:03:07] * EnderBot2 high-fives Skye|Sad
L396[10:03:13] * Skye|Sad pets EnderBot2
L397[10:03:17] <Lizzy> hehh
L398[10:03:36] * dangranos scratches EnderBot2
L399[10:03:45] * Lizzy slaps dangranos
L400[10:03:45] * EnderBot2 high-fives Lizzy
L401[10:03:52] * Lizzy high-fives EnderBot2
L402[10:03:53] * dangranos slaps Lizzy
L403[10:03:54] * EnderBot2 throws a brick at dangranos
L404[10:03:58] <Lizzy> hehe
L405[10:03:58] * dangranos pokes Lizzy
L406[10:04:02] * Skye|Sad giggles a little
L407[10:04:04] * Lizzy poked
L408[10:04:09] *** Skye|Sad is now known as Skye|SlightlyLessSad
L409[10:04:37] * vifino kisses Lizzy randomly
L410[10:05:01] * Lizzy blushes furiously
L411[10:07:08] <clever> well theres my problem!, OC's io package replaced lua core's io, so io.open became recursive!
L412[10:07:42] <gamax92> clever: hint, local all the things inside of wrap.lua
L413[10:07:46] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L414[10:09:44] <clever> yeah, i put local io = io at the top
L415[10:09:55] <clever> so i'm keeping a reference to it, i had the same issue with component
L416[10:10:31] <nxsupert_> o/
L417[10:10:46] <clever> but because of tail calls, i couldnt figure out what was causing it, the backtrace cencored the key piece
L418[10:11:30] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
L419[10:11:31] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L420[10:18:34] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~bhodgins@brian.hodgins.wireless.um.maine.edu)
L421[10:18:36] <gamax92> http://i.imgur.com/SGe99DT.png
L422[10:18:37] <gamax92> wat
L423[10:23:04] <clever> and lua doesnt have sleep, or dir listing!?!? lol
L424[10:23:24] <gamax92> clever: yes because thats not a multiplatform thing to do
L425[10:23:46] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-6728.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L426[10:24:26] <clever> so instead of providing a generic wrapper that does the right thing for each os, you are now forced to do non-portable things like execute dir/ls, or add c code into the mix
L427[10:25:24] <gamax92> clever: eww no, use luafilesystem
L428[10:25:47] <clever> was trying to avoid adding dependancies
L429[10:27:17] <gamax92> clever: btw does gentoo have luajit
L430[10:27:24] <clever> *looks*
L431[10:27:58] <clever> yep
L432[10:28:40] <gamax92> luajit is super fast awesome amazing blast processing version of lua
L433[10:28:48] <clever> lol
L434[10:30:29] <gamax92> Russian guy is surprised people don't like the Russian language on a project in English
L435[10:30:31] <clever> emerge -av luasocket luafilesystem
L436[10:30:42] <clever> once these are done, i can continue with this project
L437[10:30:51] <gamax92> lol, luasocket because socket.sleep?
L438[10:30:55] <clever> yep
L439[10:31:03] <clever> but i also plan to add the network card later
L440[10:31:51] <gamax92> I still need to do that
L441[10:32:23] <clever> 161 os.sleep(0.5) -- Allow signal processing by libraries.
L442[10:32:32] <clever> i have openos booting as far as this line of init.lua
L443[10:33:32] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L444[10:33:40] <dangranos> huh?
L445[10:33:47] <clever> which is just a couple lines away from the main event loop
L446[10:33:47] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L447[10:33:50] <MajGenRelativity> nvm
L448[10:33:53] <gamax92> wha?
L449[10:33:56] <gamax92> huh?
L450[10:33:58] <gamax92> ?_?
L451[10:34:11] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L452[10:34:19] <gamax92> clever: good luck with your HLE emulator
L453[10:34:59] <MajGenRelativity> hey gamax92, thanks for your help with my program
L454[10:35:02] <MajGenRelativity> I finished it!
L455[10:35:08] <gamax92> oh nice
L456[10:36:05] <MajGenRelativity> I will be embarking on a far greater project soon
L457[10:36:49] <MajGenRelativity> I am going to basically make the Internet :D
L458[10:37:04] <MajGenRelativity> thoughts?
L459[10:37:38] <gamax92> y
L460[10:37:46] <MajGenRelativity> For a number of reasons
L461[10:37:55] <clever> 165 require("term").clear()
L462[10:37:56] <MajGenRelativity> 1. Coordinated team chat in case they don't have google hangouts
L463[10:37:57] <gamax92> 1) Because
L464[10:37:59] <gamax92> 2) ?????
L465[10:38:01] <gamax92> 3) Profit
L466[10:38:06] <MajGenRelativity> 2. Profit :D
L467[10:38:10] <gamax92> you forgot ?????
L468[10:38:12] <MajGenRelativity> 3. Automating all of the things
L469[10:38:26] <MajGenRelativity> 4. Who knows what people will do?
L470[10:38:40] <clever> gamax92: hmmm, where did term come from
L471[10:38:44] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD37E11D6167FDBA19AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L472[10:38:45] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L473[10:38:46] <MajGenRelativity> 5. Oh and, creating a highly automated defense that can wreck everything
L474[10:38:56] <gamax92> clever: term is a openos thing
L475[10:38:59] <clever> yep
L476[10:39:04] <clever> but why isnt it loading it from lib
L477[10:39:12] <gamax92> because your amazing hle emulator
L478[10:39:20] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@68-204-184-175.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L479[10:39:35] <clever> /lib/filesystem.lua:292: attempt to call field 'exists' (a nil value)
L480[10:39:36] <clever> ah
L481[10:39:46] <clever> un-implemented method on the filesystem component
L482[10:41:28] <MajGenRelativity> So, anybody want to join my server and pay me a small fortune in gold and diamonds so I can network all the things?
L483[10:41:33] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L484[10:42:31] <nxsupert_> Has anyone attempted to implement git in lua?
L485[10:43:12] <gamax92> nxsupert_: yes, no one has survived
L486[10:43:14] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@68-204-184-175.res.bhn.net)
L487[10:43:26] <MajGenRelativity> I'm just focusing on networking and military applications
L488[10:43:33] <gamax92> do you have icmb
L489[10:43:40] <gamax92> icbm*
L490[10:43:45] <nxsupert_> I'm currently focusing on one thing. LNANO!
L491[10:43:47] <MajGenRelativity> No :(
L492[10:44:17] <gamax92> JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
L493[10:44:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD36BD7DE3DB892B370A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L494[10:44:20] <MajGenRelativity> However, I do have a flying battleship
L495[10:44:32] <MajGenRelativity> that can cloak
L496[10:44:33] <nxsupert_> also. What server?
L497[10:44:46] <MajGenRelativity> me?
L498[10:44:50] <nxsupert_> yes.
L499[10:45:09] <MajGenRelativity> I run a private server running 1.8 with OC, Random Things, and more mods as they com eout
L500[10:45:23] <nxsupert_> ok.
L501[10:45:31] <MajGenRelativity> Would you be interested in joining?
L502[10:45:37] <gamax92> Guns of Icarus
L503[10:45:38] <nxsupert_> Maybe.
L504[10:45:42] <dangranos> 24/7?
L505[10:46:21] <MajGenRelativity> I sent you a PM :)
L506[10:49:27] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@91-115-115-38.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L507[10:50:02] <gamax92> active dreamcast emulation is rather non existent, nullDC is dead, demul's not been updated, lxdream is dead, chankast is super old, makaron's not been updated, and reicast is barely active
L508[11:02:12] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L509[11:03:22] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
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L512[11:09:07] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L513[11:10:39] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L514[11:18:45] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-6728.bb.online.no)
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L517[11:29:35] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L518[11:51:10] Katie sets mode: +v on Katie
L519[11:51:19] Katie sets mode: -o on Katie
L520[11:51:27] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L521[11:51:40] zsh sets mode: +o on Katie
L522[11:51:51] * Katie slaps hexchat
L523[11:51:52] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L524[11:55:00] <Vexatos> "rulls"#
L525[11:58:45] * Lizzy slaps Vexatos
L526[11:58:46] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L527[11:58:48] <Lizzy> deal with it
L528[11:59:48] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@
L529[12:02:49] <nxsupert_> I have a dreamcast. Somewhere.
L530[12:04:12] ⇦ Quits: S3 (~bhodgins@brian.hodgins.wireless.um.maine.edu) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L531[12:08:15] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
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L534[12:13:12] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
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L536[12:28:18] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L537[12:30:48] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L540[12:40:21] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L541[12:41:34] <Inari> ~oc waypoint
L542[12:41:38] <Inari> ~w waypoint
L543[12:41:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/block:waypoint
L544[12:42:09] <Inari> hm i shtere a max range fro findwaypoints?
L545[12:43:17] <Sangar> same as for wireless stuff; also consumes energy based on range like wireless stuff (a bit less)
L546[12:43:32] <Inari> ah
L547[12:43:41] <Inari> hmm guess it'll be internal tracking then :D
L548[12:43:50] <Inari> to get accurate coordinates
L549[12:48:25] <Inari> hmm
L550[12:48:32] <Inari> that migth get hard though as drones only have eeprom
L551[12:48:50] <Sangar> what are you trying to do?
L552[12:49:28] <Inari> using drones for mapping/navigation pretty much.. atm tryign to figure how i'd get accurate coordinates, only good way i can think of is internal tracking , since the drone always knows how it moves
L553[12:51:05] <Inari> wow openglasses be pricey XD
L554[12:51:22] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L555[12:54:06] <gamax92> gerd dermit I've not gotten done anything I wanted to do.
L556[12:54:08] <Vexatos> mapping? Better use a Camera Upgrade ;)
L557[12:54:25] <Inari> Vexatos: well still need coordintaes XD
L558[12:54:37] <gamax92> Need to test OpenGlasses, CC beta, write basic internet component
L559[12:56:21] <Inari> Vexatos: and well morel ike, transit mapping i guess, i'll try to have it follow me orsuhc
L560[12:56:28] * Skye|ExamRevision wonders when OC will have graphics
L561[12:57:49] <Sangar> ah well, yeah. you'll need to convert the local to global coordinates, true. if you boot them at home, you could load more complex code via the network, though ;) so just have a network boot loader on the eeprom
L562[12:58:58] * vifino pokes gamax92
L563[12:59:08] <gamax92> hi
L564[12:59:58] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
L565[13:04:45] <Inari> drones have no permanent data storage?
L566[13:04:55] <gamax92> yep i literally have no idea how to use openglasses
L567[13:04:57] <Inari> Sangar: true
L568[13:04:59] <vifino> Who needs data anyways?
L569[13:05:05] <gamax92> I follow the example and then i see no cubes
L570[13:05:44] <Inari> hm this will be interesting, i could make a uh "leash" out of drones :P when i leave home, one follow me, once it gets to the broder of broadcasting range a seconds tarts up autoamtically to act as a relay, then once that gets far out, a third, etc
L571[13:07:18] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L572[13:07:45] <Inari> hm
L573[13:07:50] <Inari> theres chunkloading isues though xD
L574[13:08:45] <Sangar> Inari, not besides the data section of the eeprom, no (which are 256 byte by default)
L575[13:08:59] <Sangar> as for chunkloading, the chunkloader upgrade can be installed in drones iirc
L576[13:09:11] <Inari> xnice, thanks
L577[13:09:17] <gamax92> Sangar: could also use the remaining code section of the eeprom
L578[13:12:04] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L588[13:37:01] <AshenWonderland> Are OpenPeripherals Terminal Glasses able to respond to input? I've been looking around and can't find any documentation on them.
L589[13:37:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L590[13:38:25] <Inari> o.o
L591[13:38:30] <Inari> ~w print
L592[13:38:30] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-print
L593[13:38:47] <AshenWonderland> ?
L594[13:39:00] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L595[13:39:27] <Inari> not Poundland? and not sure, i recall some glasses being able to respdn to input you prefix wiht $ or $$
L596[13:40:41] <Inari> theres no printer in oc? D:
L597[13:40:57] <Katie> OpenPrinter ftw.
L598[13:41:27] <Katie> Also, fak, mods.pc-logix.com is puking an error \o/
L599[13:41:41] <Inari> whys that not a default machine ;-;
L600[13:41:51] <Katie> idfk?
L601[13:42:03] <Katie> http://jenkins.pc-logix.com/job/OpenPrinter1.7/
L602[13:42:12] <Katie> works in 1.5.9 for sure.
L603[13:45:12] ⇦ Quits: eughara (webchat@151-98-35-72.mtaonline.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L608[14:10:28] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L609[14:16:47] <CompanionCube> lol
L610[14:16:56] <CompanionCube> 'you don't seem to do much online gaming'
L611[14:17:09] <CompanionCube> >can't do online gaming because old Radeon + OSS drivers
L612[14:28:20] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L613[14:33:51] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-89-51.pool.digikabel.hu)
L614[14:35:05] <MajGenRelativity> This program refuses to work: http://pastebin.com/vRxyL2VK
L615[14:35:20] <MajGenRelativity> It says that the file exists, but it keeps printing nil to the screen instead of information
L616[14:35:25] <MajGenRelativity> any tips on how to make it work?
L617[14:40:47] <gamax92> MajGenRelativity: if you open a file for writing, you cannot read from it
L618[14:41:00] <gamax92> if you open a file for reading, you cannot write to it
L619[14:41:05] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L620[14:41:07] <MajGenRelativity> makes sense
L621[14:41:12] <gamax92> you'll have to close and then re open the file
L622[14:41:18] <MajGenRelativity> got it, thank you
L623[14:47:11] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-6728.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
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L625[14:49:12] *** PotatoZzz is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L626[14:49:19] <PotatoTrumpet> Lelelelelelel
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L631[14:58:57] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L634[15:05:27] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L635[15:07:36] <Inari> hm i now get why people find OC crafting annoying, but really people, just auotmate it <.< you got OC or AE or whatever
L636[15:07:58] <Vexatos> BuildCraft*
L637[15:08:02] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD37E11D6167FDBA19AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L638[15:08:09] <Inari> oookay
L639[15:08:35] <PotatoTrumpet> What happened to Ir7_0
L640[15:10:02] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L641[15:10:07] <MajGenRelativity> how do i RAID?
L642[15:10:13] <MajGenRelativity> It doesn't show up when i type df
L643[15:16:28] <PotatoTrumpet> is it hooked up directly
L644[15:19:27] <MajGenRelativity> yes
L645[15:19:39] <PotatoTrumpet> have you turned it off and on?
L646[15:19:53] <MajGenRelativity> the computer? yes
L647[15:20:11] <PotatoTrumpet> are there HDD's in the RAID?
L648[15:20:53] <MajGenRelativity> 1
L649[15:21:12] <PotatoTrumpet> try 2
L650[15:21:44] <MajGenRelativity> ok
L651[15:29:59] <MajGenRelativity> huh
L652[15:30:07] <MajGenRelativity> RAID only works when there are 3 disks in it
L653[15:35:03] ⇦ Quits: MisterErwin (~MisterErw@dslb-088-078-233-028.088.078.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L654[15:38:28] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L655[15:41:47] <Inari> ~w raid
L656[15:41:47] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:rc
L657[15:42:07] <Inari> ~w hdd
L658[15:42:07] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:hdd
L659[15:42:10] <MajGenRelativity> there is no raid paige :(
L660[15:42:26] <Inari> *shrug*
L661[15:42:33] <Inari> whats raid even supposd to be doing in OC
L662[15:43:13] <MajGenRelativity> denser storage?
L663[15:45:13] <MajGenRelativity> that is what I am using it for :)
L664[15:45:23] <MajGenRelativity> Because NSA
L665[15:48:03] <MajGenRelativity> *cough* I mean for totally benign cybersecurity applications
L666[15:48:36] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L667[15:50:47] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L668[15:58:56] <PotatoTrumpet> Err
L669[15:59:00] <PotatoTrumpet> MajGenRelativity, what are you doing
L670[15:59:34] ⇨ Joins: Evey (~Evey@anquietas.theender.net)
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L674[16:03:47] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L675[16:07:31] ⇨ Joins: ghostrider2537 (webchat@pool-71-126-233-92.bstnma.east.verizon.net)
L676[16:07:48] <ghostrider2537> hello can someone help me
L677[16:08:22] <ghostrider2537> i have a question
L678[16:08:33] <ghostrider2537> well its more of an issue
L679[16:08:33] <gamax92> well, if you never ask it
L680[16:08:36] <gamax92> nobody can help you
L681[16:08:45] * Lizzy points to the end of the topic
L682[16:09:32] <ghostrider2537> ok when i load up my world it always runs out of memmory but i have taken out all the main overhaul mods but it still runs out of memory
L683[16:10:23] <ghostrider2537> i have had to take out IC2, Buildcraft, and Railcraft
L684[16:10:35] <Lizzy> did you give mc more memory?
L685[16:10:51] <ghostrider2537> how do you do that
L686[16:11:02] <ghostrider2537> on a mac
L687[16:11:06] <Lizzy> what launcher are you using?
L688[16:13:14] * Lizzy flops on vifino
L689[16:13:38] * vifino pets Lizzy and gives her a kiss :3
L690[16:13:45] <ghostrider2537> i have or had: IC2, Buildcraft, Railcraft, mouse and inventory tweaks, bibliocraft, optifine, voxel minimap, and carpenters blocks installed. Could it be an incompatibility
L691[16:14:10] * Lizzy doesn't know
L692[16:14:13] * Lizzy sleep now
L693[16:14:17] * Lizzy zzz on vifino
L694[16:14:37] * vifino grins and loves being Lizzy's pillow :3
L695[16:15:11] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:c51:27a0:e3d6:c08a)
L696[16:15:12] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L697[16:15:22] <vifino> .stats
L698[16:15:23] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L699[16:15:24] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: http://stats.theender.net/opencomputers/ Page title: #oc @ EsperNet stats by Lizzy
L700[16:15:33] <ghostrider2537> appreciate the sence of humor but ,and im putting this nicely, can you help me or not
L701[16:15:52] <CompanionCube> ghostrider2537: errorlog?
L702[16:15:55] <Lizzy> no, really, am going to bed
L703[16:15:56] <Katie> You were asked which launcher you're using.
L704[16:16:18] <ghostrider2537> the normal MC launcher version 1.6.1
L705[16:16:42] <Katie> Then edit your profile check JVM Arguments
L706[16:16:46] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L707[16:16:55] <Katie> IIRC the default for forge is -Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M
L708[16:17:02] <Katie> change the 1G to 2G or whatever/
L709[16:17:03] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:e5fe:b784:fecf:2f5c) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L710[16:18:36] <ghostrider2537> and what will that do
L711[16:19:23] <Katie> That'll make it use more RAM....
L712[16:19:47] <Evey> it makes you toast
L713[16:20:00] <Katie> heh..
L714[16:20:52] <Lizzy> hmm
L715[16:20:57] <Evey> dammit go to bed Lizzy
L716[16:21:00] <Lizzy> :<
L717[16:21:03] <Evey> :<
L718[16:21:06] <vifino> :<
L719[16:21:23] * Evey sits on Lizzy
L720[16:21:26] * Lizzy oof
L721[16:21:35] * vifino wraps his arms around Lizzy and waits for her to sleep
L722[16:21:55] * vifino slaps Evey for sitting on Lizzy D:<
L723[16:21:55] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L724[16:22:02] <Evey> :(
L725[16:22:06] <vifino> Lizzy is MINE! D:
L726[16:22:14] * Evey ggets off Lizzy
L727[16:22:18] * Lizzy slowly drifts off to sleep
L728[16:22:27] * vifino continues petting Lizzy
L729[16:22:37] ⇦ Quits: ghostrider2537 (webchat@pool-71-126-233-92.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L730[16:22:47] * vifino waves Evey to him and pets Evey too
L731[16:23:12] * Evey happy
L732[16:23:15] * Evey purrs
L733[16:23:25] <vifino> :)
L734[16:23:48] <Evey> AHHH
L735[16:23:50] * Evey zzz
L736[16:23:54] <vifino> o.o
L737[16:24:22] <vifino> I.. I'm not gonna question what happened.
L738[16:33:44] ⇨ Joins: ghostrider2537 (webchat@pool-71-126-229-51.bstnma.east.verizon.net)
L739[16:33:59] <ghostrider2537> even at 3G it didn't work
L740[16:34:10] <ghostrider2537> any ideas
L741[16:34:17] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L742[16:34:58] <Katie> Well, how much RAM do you have?
L743[16:35:44] <ghostrider2537> 4 GB of memory
L744[16:36:50] <ghostrider2537> its a mac book air labtop given to me by my school
L745[16:38:20] <Katie> As long as it's checked in the profile you're using it should work, if it doesn't I have no clue. I'd send you to the forge channel, but I wouldn't send anyone there...
L746[16:38:45] <ghostrider2537> why ?
L747[16:38:52] <Katie> Trust me.
L748[16:39:01] <ghostrider2537> bad service
L749[16:39:12] <ghostrider2537> rude people
L750[16:39:16] <Katie> If you REALLY want to find out for yourself, register your name with nickserv, and join #minecraftforge
L751[16:39:22] <Katie> yes to both.
L752[16:39:46] <ghostrider2537> then never mind i guess i will have to go with computercraft
L753[16:40:03] <ghostrider2537> thanks for your help
L754[16:41:11] <vifino> Katie: Permgen
L755[16:41:16] <vifino> anyway, busy
L756[16:41:33] <Skye|ZZZ> Goodnight, people...
L757[16:41:47] <Katie> Oh right, Mac.... probs using fuckin Java 1.6..
L758[16:42:30] <Katie> ghostrider2537, edit the JVM arguments again, and add -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
L759[16:42:37] <gamax92> if that were the issue wouldn't it have not loaded at all?
L760[16:42:42] <vifino> s/256/128/
L761[16:42:42] <Kibibyte> <Katie> ghostrider2537, edit the JVM arguments again, and add -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
L762[16:42:56] * Katie stabs vifino
L763[16:43:06] * vifino hugs Katie back
L764[16:43:20] <Katie> I've ran out of permgen at 128mb..
L765[16:43:31] ⇦ Quits: ghostrider2537 (webchat@pool-71-126-229-51.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L766[16:43:36] <Katie> ¬_¬
L767[16:43:39] <gamax92> Very confused why OC wouldn't run at standard settings, works fine for me
L768[16:43:49] <Katie> gamax92, he has other mods?
L769[16:44:05] <gamax92> oh yeah
L770[16:45:29] <Katie> those poor bastards at #cc
L771[16:53:46] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L772[16:54:53] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L773[17:07:39] <vifino> Mmm. Just had a coke bottle explode, almost got killed thanks to electric outlet, almost ruined my laptop and just lost a hour or so of work.
L774[17:07:45] <vifino> Fuck my god damn life.
L775[17:07:50] <Inari> sigh
L776[17:07:57] <Inari> pipes not working is like one of the most annoying things
L777[17:08:34] <vifino> At least I only got a few more narbs instead of being electrocuted.
L778[17:08:59] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L779[17:10:50] <Inari> vifino: uhhh
L780[17:10:51] <Inari> okay?
L781[17:11:47] <vifino> If you ask wether I am okay, which would be no, or just write "okay?" as in "okay, that happened." is unclear to me.
L782[17:12:10] <Inari> im like "i have no idea what you just said o rhwo that even happened" :P
L783[17:13:23] <vifino> Inari: A soda bottle next to me exploded, painted my couch black, my laptop got a nice bit of it too, main burst hit the power strip there and almost electrocuted me.
L784[17:15:31] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L785[17:25:06] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|RO
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L788[18:04:08] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L792[18:36:19] *** g is now known as gDroid2002
L793[18:49:41] ⇨ Joins: Admin1 (~admin1@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L794[18:49:42] <Admin1> hallo
L795[18:52:11] ⇨ Joins: Admin2 (~admin2@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L796[18:52:20] <Admin2> moin
L797[18:53:43] <Admin2> exit
L798[18:54:05] <Admin2> q
L799[18:55:23] <Admin2> jgrewg
L800[18:55:39] ⇦ Quits: Admin1 (~admin1@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L802[18:57:46] <Inari> vifino: you should secure your power strips better :P
L803[18:57:52] <Inari> also, why are sodabottles exploding..
L804[18:58:02] * vifino slaps the living shit out of Inari
L805[18:58:02] * EnderBot2 high-fives vifino
L806[18:58:22] <Inari> such aggro
L807[19:02:17] ⇨ Joins: Admin2 (~admin2@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L808[19:02:33] <Admin2> Hallllloooooooooooooo??????
L809[19:02:46] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L810[19:03:26] ⇨ Joins: Admin1 (~admin1@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L811[19:03:28] <Admin1> g
L812[19:03:33] <Admin2> f
L813[19:03:53] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L814[19:03:56] <Admin2> admin1
L815[19:04:10] <Admin2> fesgfa
L816[19:04:14] <Admin1> fewaf
L817[19:04:25] <Admin2> sagasgf
L818[19:04:29] <Admin1> vqagf
L819[19:04:37] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
L820[19:05:25] <Admin1> h
L821[19:05:46] <Azazel> Mm
L822[19:07:27] <gDroid2002> What's with the spam
L823[19:07:27] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L824[19:07:28] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: Monty Python - Spam | length 3m 20s | Likes: 27558 Dislikes: 672 Views: 6605744 | by zumpzump
L825[19:07:34] <gDroid2002> Sangar?
L826[19:08:59] <Sangar> someone not capable of controlling the ingame irc? -.-
L827[19:09:24] <Azazel> Mmm
L828[19:10:14] <gDroid2002> Does it connect here by default?
L829[19:10:19] <gDroid2002> That seems.. Unwise
L830[19:10:28] <Sangar> i... don't know
L831[19:10:35] <Sangar> maybe?
L832[19:10:39] * gamax92 pokes Azazel
L833[19:10:40] <gDroid2002> XD
L834[19:10:50] <Xilandro> Default it to #minecraftforge
L835[19:10:50] <Azazel> Hi
L836[19:11:07] ⇦ Quits: Admin1 (~admin1@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L837[19:11:12] <Sangar> Xilandro, yeaaah, that'll work just great with no registered nick :P
L838[19:11:25] <Xilandro> Oh right, isn't there some rude af autoforward?
L839[19:11:35] ⇦ Quits: Admin2 (~admin2@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L840[19:11:46] <Sangar> mhm, to #RegisterYourNameMoron or something like that
L841[19:12:04] ⇨ Joins: Admin1 (~admin1@ip2504aad3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L894[23:23:33] <PotatoTrumpet> who da fuq is Admin1
L895[23:23:51] * PotatoTrumpet stabs Admin1 with a stick
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L904[23:52:49] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
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