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L1[00:00:06] <PotatoXP> well, I got internet access via VM
L2[00:00:36] <PotatoXP> But it kicked off my computers connection
L3[00:01:21] <number5> are you using NAT adapter in VM? or bridge?
L4[00:02:55] <PotatoXP> Bridge
L5[00:02:58] <PotatoXP> can't get NAT to work
L6[00:04:04] <number5> what's your Internet connection? ADSL via a modem?
L7[00:04:18] <PotatoXP> wat
L8[00:04:33] <PotatoXP> I have a USB Dongle, connects to router which connects to modem
L9[00:06:30] <number5> hmm, maybe your usb dongle/NIC don't support two IP on same interface...
L10[00:07:32] <number5> have no idea why NAT not working
L11[00:18:02] ⇦ Quits: PotatoXP (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L12[00:19:09] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L13[00:26:44] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L14[00:49:36] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
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L16[01:05:39] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
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L20[01:18:41] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Away
L21[01:21:30] ⇨ Joins: pengo1998 (webchat@23-114-54-85.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net)
L22[01:22:18] <pengo1998> anyone available to help me troubleshoot some code? trying to get used to OC from CC coding and cant get it to pull modem message event
L23[01:22:53] <pengo1998> http://pastebin.com/n2EDcw7P
L24[01:23:18] <pengo1998> server code BTW
L25[01:26:07] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f11e3d.skybroadband.com)
L26[01:30:48] ⇨ Joins: wer38 (~wer38@wer38.info)
L27[01:39:14] <Sleepdra> pengo1998, what's not working?
L28[01:39:38] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p57A7C4AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L29[01:39:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L30[01:39:59] <Vexatos> \o
L31[01:40:36] <Sleepdra> pengo1998, you need to open the port. modem.open(port) I believe is the function.
L32[01:40:39] <Sleepdra> ~w modem
L33[01:40:39] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L34[01:40:51] *** Sleepdra is now known as TheSandromatic
L35[01:41:09] <pengo1998> it wont print anything and when i terminate it it gives [c]: in function 'error' /lib/event.lua:155: in function 'pull' /Server/AuthServer.lua:54: in main chunk (...tail calls...)
L36[01:41:21] <TheSandromatic> yeah, that's the one.
L37[01:41:28] <pengo1998> the port is opened succesfully in another file
L38[01:41:59] <TheSandromatic> what file, and how are you running this?
L39[01:42:13] <pengo1998> the port open file is being run on boot
L40[01:42:17] <pengo1998> 1s ill upload to pastebin
L41[01:42:41] <pengo1998> http://pastebin.com/sm2H4tRR
L42[01:43:07] <pengo1998> that opens port on startup
L43[01:43:21] <pengo1998> and runs the authserver code
L44[01:43:53] <TheSandromatic> that code looks kinda pointless but I'll let it slide
L45[01:45:07] <pengo1998> its going to be a autentication server for logging into computers around our base another guy is working on the user interface
L46[01:45:13] <TheSandromatic> yeah.
L47[01:45:40] <TheSandromatic> well, for one thing, you've got one too short _s in the file.
L48[01:45:52] <Vexatos> Sandra, why are you changing your name every week q_q
L49[01:46:14] <TheSandromatic> Vexatos, because I get bored with the same name all the time.
L50[01:46:14] <pengo1998> my game crashed will be like 10m before i can get back in and fix things and test fixes
L51[01:46:28] <TheSandromatic> but that shouldn't be the problem.
L52[01:46:47] <pengo1998> so where should the _ go?
L53[01:46:50] <pengo1998> _s
L54[01:47:06] <Vexatos> Holy.... So much pointless code
L55[01:47:09] <TheSandromatic> you're missing one at the start to match "modem_message"
L56[01:47:31] <TheSandromatic> yeah, for one thing, people don't normally use == true.
L57[01:47:46] <Vexatos> You can just do "if open then"
L58[01:48:07] <Vexatos> that will match any value that isn't nil and that isn't false
L59[01:48:09] <TheSandromatic> and, pengo1998, by the looks of things, it doesn't look like it's supposed to print anything, I don't see any print statements.
L60[01:48:23] <pengo1998> im comign from CC and my lower level knowledge of even that and having a hard time finding things on this mod and its specific lua style
L61[01:48:40] <Vexatos> It's not a specific Lua style
L62[01:48:43] <Vexatos> it's normal Lua
L63[01:48:49] <pengo1998> in AuthServer.lua?
L64[01:48:59] <TheSandromatic> yeah.
L65[01:49:01] <pengo1998> well the apis im geting used to i should say
L66[01:49:04] <Vexatos> You are just spoiled with the Lua dialect CC provides :) CC uses a highly simplified version of Lua
L67[01:49:25] <TheSandromatic> it just loops it without printing anything as far as I can tell.
L68[01:49:39] <pengo1998> theres plenty of print lines in the AuthServer.lua
L69[01:49:42] <TheSandromatic> so are you sure it's not just losing it somewhere?
L70[01:49:48] <pengo1998> line 16, 21, 24, 28
L71[01:49:55] <TheSandromatic> none in the while loop.
L72[01:50:11] <pengo1998> im confused
L73[01:50:32] <TheSandromatic> there's nothing printing in the main loop.
L74[01:50:39] * Vexatos would like to throw the "This is not a Lua tutorial channel" around, but that would be impolite
L75[01:50:45] <TheSandromatic> so you wouldn't see it there.
L76[01:51:14] <TheSandromatic> Vexatos, well why isn't it?
L77[01:51:36] <pengo1998> oh i see why its not printing but thats not my worry im trying to figure out how to get it to pull modem message
L78[01:51:36] <Vexatos> >_>
L79[01:51:47] <Vexatos> ~w signals
L80[01:51:47] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L81[01:52:05] <TheSandromatic> pengo1998, it is pulling the modem message.
L82[01:52:27] <TheSandromatic> it'd just be looping back around to another event.pull.
L83[01:52:42] <pengo1998> so why do i get that error?
L84[01:53:41] <TheSandromatic> that means you're terminating it in the event.pull....
L85[01:53:49] <TheSandromatic> because it's looped back around to it.
L86[01:54:00] <TheSandromatic> add a print statement right after it and see what happens.
L87[01:55:07] <TheSandromatic> also, senders is not a file that exists.
L88[01:55:13] <TheSandromatic> I mean it's not a table.
L89[01:56:13] <pengo1998> im trying to adapt the code from CC
L90[01:56:33] ⇦ Quits: Cha0tixz (~Cha0tixz@2a00:d880:3:1::ab72:bf8a) (Remote host closed the connection)
L91[01:56:53] <TheSandromatic> and there is no function called handleEvent.
L92[01:57:03] <TheSandromatic> let's see, what else is there.
L93[01:57:15] <pengo1998> hmmm ok it didnt save
L94[01:57:25] <pengo1998> line 9 doesnt exist in the actual program anymore
L95[01:57:40] <TheSandromatic> ah.
L96[01:57:56] <pengo1998> http://pastebin.com/3eKc4NP3
L97[01:58:08] <pengo1998> should be updated
L98[01:58:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p57A7C4AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
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L101[01:59:33] <TheSandromatic> there's still the few things I talked about.
L102[01:59:57] <TheSandromatic> and what's actually happening?
L103[02:00:44] <pengo1998> i honestly have no idea....i really should just rewrite this code
L104[02:01:06] <TheSandromatic> that is actually a good idea, it's not particularly complex.
L105[02:01:37] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L106[02:01:53] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f11e3d.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L107[02:02:03] <pengo1998> basically im trying to create a server that listens for login requests and tells the computer wether or not the user gave the correct login credentials to unlock the computer
L108[02:02:23] <TheSandromatic> yeah, good idea.
L109[02:06:48] <TheSandromatic> .p
L110[02:06:50] <TheSandromatic> #p
L111[02:06:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.487 Seconds passed.
L112[02:08:51] <Skye|Away> #[p
L113[02:08:53] <Skye|Away> #p
L114[02:08:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.639 Seconds passed.
L115[02:09:04] <Skye|Away> %p
L116[02:09:07] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye|Away 2.4s
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L144[04:04:15] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|Zzz
L145[04:16:02] ⇨ Joins: Flash (webchat@
L146[04:16:38] <Flash> Hello there!
L147[04:19:51] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@apn-46-76-100-114.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L148[04:19:51] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L149[04:25:49] <Kamran> \o asie
L150[04:25:57] <Kamran> how are you?
L151[04:26:49] <Kamran> !dw20ts
L152[04:41:43] ⇨ Joins: pengo1998 (webchat@23-114-54-85.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net)
L153[04:41:48] <pengo1998> o/
L154[04:42:09] <Flash> Is it really not possibly to make a program sleep for a while when using a microcontroller?
L155[04:42:25] <Flash> The only way I've found is to copy the os.sleep function over into every microcontroller program I write.
L156[04:42:55] <dangranos> aaaand yet another 3 months gone
L157[04:43:04] <dangranos> or 0.25 of year
L158[04:43:09] <dangranos> damn
L159[04:43:17] <dangranos> also, hi
L160[04:43:24] <pengo1998> whats a year? and a month?
L161[04:44:02] <dangranos> a lot of wasted time
L162[04:44:24] <pengo1998> whats time?
L163[04:44:35] <Flash> Time is relative.
L164[04:44:49] <dangranos> though it can end for us
L165[04:44:56] <pengo1998> that wonderful moment you are in the middle of coding and your client crashes.....and the chunk is about to despawn because your the only one online annnnd you haventsaved the file yet :/
L166[04:45:11] <dangranos> um
L167[04:45:17] <dangranos> computers are persistent
L168[04:45:26] <pengo1998> so theyll save the code though i havent saved it?
L169[04:45:31] <Flash> Yeah I was about to say, that shouldn't matter with OC.
L170[04:45:37] <pengo1998> i thought that it would be in a tmp
L171[04:45:47] <dangranos> well, if editor is still open
L172[04:45:53] <dangranos> then sure
L173[04:45:55] <pengo1998> editor is still open
L174[04:46:06] <dangranos> then dont worry
L175[04:46:08] <Flash> The tmp folder is only clearned when a computer reboots though?
L176[04:46:16] <dangranos> hardware reboots
L177[04:46:24] <pengo1998> right.....its almost 5am lol
L178[04:46:31] <pengo1998> and im new to oc coming from cc
L179[04:46:45] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L180[04:46:46] <Flash> Same here, I've been spending the past 5 hours playing around with it.
L181[04:46:57] <pengo1998> im the network monkey on this server lol
L182[04:47:38] <pengo1998> another guy is coding a GUI and we are going to combine the things we make into an OS
L183[04:47:56] <Flash> Just the sound effects of the fan running is enough to make me want to stay with OC rather than CC :P
L184[04:48:04] <Flash> Even though CC has more addons right now.
L185[04:48:09] <dangranos> meh
L186[04:48:25] <dangranos> most of them are "compatability with mod X"
L187[04:48:28] <pengo1998> CC has more support in the programming areas atm but once oc gets out there it should really take off
L188[04:48:48] <pengo1998> oc is too much fun
L189[04:48:57] <Flash> Yeah, once OC takes off properly it will be a major competition to CC.
L190[04:49:13] <Flash> I like OC better at least, it works much better for a survival world.
L191[04:49:49] <pengo1998> it makes more sense to actually having to upgrade and install the OS...
L192[04:50:01] <pengo1998> i need to figure out how to make an OS floppy to isntall from...
L193[04:50:04] <Flash> Just having problems with drones because none of the libs I need are available when coding the bios :P
L194[04:50:12] <pengo1998> i should check the network floppy install file....
L195[04:50:12] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:89a6:902:eacd:4de2)
L196[04:50:29] <pengo1998> recode the libs inside the bios?
L197[04:50:34] <dangranos> there is one drone os
L198[04:50:43] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:89a6:902:eacd:4de2) (Remote host closed the connection)
L199[04:50:44] <Flash> Oh there is?
L200[04:51:02] <dangranos> its more like remote line-editor
L201[04:51:33] <Flash> Where would that be located? It's worth taking a look at.
L202[04:51:36] <dangranos> it was on shadowkat.tk
L203[04:51:40] <dangranos> but
L204[04:51:46] <pengo1998> ok so this isntall file is like 1 line....
L205[04:51:55] <dangranos> their /srv hdd failed
L206[04:52:05] <pengo1998> now i gotta figure out how to modify it to install my authentication software....
L207[04:52:08] <dangranos> so no file on site
L208[04:52:20] <Flash> Ahh I see, that sucks :/
L209[04:52:31] <dangranos> but i have latest version
L210[04:52:33] <dangranos> *released
L211[04:52:35] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:b089:9e5f:2fe2:fded)
L212[04:52:43] <Flash> Well, I'm playing around with microcontrollers right now anyways.
L213[04:52:53] <Flash> Trying to find the best way of getting access to the sleep function.
L214[04:53:07] <Flash> It's quite annoying having to copy it over all the time.
L215[04:54:27] <dangranos> dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qq7ob4dp1438dnq/skex-BIOS-v0.1.2.tar
L216[04:56:01] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L217[04:56:19] <Flash> Thanks! Will have a look at that..
L218[04:56:51] <pengo1998> how do i make a program terminate itself.....
L219[04:57:02] <pengo1998> without shutting down the pc
L220[04:57:45] <Flash> If you have a while loop just break out of it.
L221[04:57:52] <pengo1998> not a while loop
L222[04:58:00] <pengo1998> is there an os. function?
L223[04:58:23] <Flash> Possibly, I'm not sure. I know there's a function called os.exit.
L224[04:58:35] <pengo1998> off to the wiki!
L225[04:58:36] <Flash> Normally a program terminates once it reaches the end of the file.
L226[04:58:57] <pengo1998> yes but i wanna end it at anif then statement if a value is returned false
L227[04:59:19] <dangranos> skex.lua is eeprom code
L228[04:59:30] <dangranos> client.lua is client (duh)
L229[04:59:43] <Flash> Ahh I see. I seem to remember a "goto" function in Lua?
L230[05:00:01] <Flash> I might be wrong but if it's there you should be able to tell your program to go to the end of the file.
L231[05:00:11] <Flash> I haven't used Lua all that much.
L232[05:00:51] <pengo1998> i must now remember how to make text center with a function.....
L233[05:01:44] <Flash> I haven't done any rendering in OC yet so I can't help you there :P
L234[05:01:56] <pengo1998> does math.floor work similar to cc?
L235[05:02:13] <dangranos> use return
L236[05:02:23] <Flash> math.floor just returns whatever number you pass to it rounded down.
L237[05:02:23] <dangranos> to end "program"
L238[05:02:29] <Flash> So if you pass 1.8 it returns 1.0.
L239[05:02:44] <dangranos> pengo1998, um
L240[05:02:51] <dangranos> CC uses luaj 5.1
L241[05:02:59] <pengo1998> dont judge ima noob
L242[05:03:18] <dangranos> so it should be working exactly as in lua 5.1 manuals
L243[05:03:24] <pengo1998> so is there a way to take the number od chars ina line of text?
L244[05:03:41] <Flash> Yes use #.
L245[05:03:50] <dangranos> or some string function, forgot the name
L246[05:03:57] <Flash> Example: local myText = "Hello";
L247[05:04:18] <Flash> Then you can get the length of the text by doing: local length = #myText;
L248[05:04:40] <Flash> That's how I've always done at least.
L249[05:04:42] <pengo1998> so say the function would be set up as cPrint(y, text) and then i would do something like (#text+5) to do say cPrint(5, "Hello!") #text - 5 to get 6?
L250[05:06:03] <pengo1998> er 1
L251[05:06:07] <Flash> In that case #text would return 6 yes.
L252[05:06:13] <pengo1998> er wait
L253[05:06:27] <Flash> #text-5 would return 1.
L254[05:06:29] <Flash> As you said.
L255[05:06:36] <pengo1998> yes 1 lol
L256[05:06:41] <pengo1998> codign at 5am FTW
L257[05:06:48] <Flash> Haha I know how that is :P
L258[05:09:49] <pengo1998> ok so far so good on this authentication server setup :3
L259[05:10:10] <pengo1998> 54 lines of code that CCwolda been like 25
L260[05:10:35] <Flash> True but I think that is what makes OC more fun :P
L261[05:10:37] <dangranos> can i look?
L262[05:10:43] <pengo1998> it does
L263[05:10:46] <pengo1998> yea 1 moment
L264[05:10:50] <dangranos> (is that server private?)
L265[05:10:55] <Flash> Also OC seems more customizable in terms of the software running on the computers.
L266[05:11:07] <pengo1998> no this is client side part ATM
L267[05:11:17] <Flash> Since you know.. You can make your own bios :P
L268[05:11:25] <dangranos> Flash, yeah
L269[05:11:38] <pengo1998> http://pastebin.com/37Cm5Amv
L270[05:11:45] ⇦ Quits: jokleinn (jokleinn@pool-98-110-178-64.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by jokleinn_)))
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L273[05:11:55] <dangranos> pengo1998, i am about server you are playing on
L274[05:11:58] <pengo1998> ignore the random mispelling xD
L275[05:12:10] <pengo1998> what?
L276[05:12:16] <dangranos> >sleep
L277[05:12:21] <dangranos> pengo
L278[05:12:25] <dangranos> can i kill you?
L279[05:13:08] <pengo1998> no
L280[05:13:21] <pengo1998> also why?
L281[05:13:34] <dangranos> no offence, but its really annoying when there is a lot of sleeps that do nothing
L282[05:13:51] <pengo1998> looks? :c
L283[05:13:59] <Flash> True, he just wanted to make the start up sequence look cool :P
L284[05:14:04] <pengo1998> ^
L285[05:14:19] <Nirek> it also makes that file about 2/3 longer than it needs to be
L286[05:14:28] <dangranos> ^
L287[05:14:32] <dangranos> also true
L288[05:14:35] <pengo1998> so lol im the one writing it and having to deal with it :P
L289[05:14:53] <dangranos> we could be one of the future users
L290[05:15:36] <pengo1998> then ill set up your personal computers with a modified version with no sleeps lol
L291[05:15:53] <pengo1998> im not the asshole that says you ahve to deal with useless waiting
L292[05:16:03] <pengo1998> im not THAT mean
L293[05:18:03] <pengo1998> ok say i got 2 tables one usernames one passwords.....say someone puts in username 3 how do i pull the corrosponding password 3rd int he apssword table to compare them?
L294[05:18:23] <pengo1998> er 3rd in the username table
L295[05:18:33] <pengo1998> wait
L296[05:18:38] <pengo1998> i need to rephrase this
L297[05:19:22] <dangranos> make sql database :D
L298[05:19:28] <pengo1998> someone sends username 3 how i tel the computer to look for a username that matches (usernames ina table) to compare them
L299[05:19:36] <pengo1998> you can do that with oc?
L300[05:20:17] <dangranos> for k,v in ipairs(users) do if username == k then return v end end
L301[05:20:41] <dangranos> will work if you store passwords in table with username as keys
L302[05:20:53] <dangranos> and this code will return password
L303[05:20:54] <pengo1998> in datebase with username as keys?
L304[05:21:18] <dangranos> you can do example_table["keys"]="value"
L305[05:21:23] <dangranos> *key
L306[05:22:28] <Flash> t
L307[05:22:34] <Flash> Oh, sorry.
L308[05:22:42] <dangranos> wrong window?
L309[05:22:47] <Flash> Forgot to give focus back to MC :P
L310[05:23:43] <pengo1998> ok so how would i do the table for users? to specify the usernames
L311[05:24:17] <pengo1998> users = {"user1", "user2"}?
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L313[05:24:55] <dangranos> no
L314[05:25:30] <pengo1998> wait colors api uses a table i think
L315[05:25:48] <dangranos> users = {user1 = "passw0rd", user2 = "pa55word"}
L316[05:26:03] <pengo1998> ok so storing username and password in same table
L317[05:26:24] <dangranos> yep
L318[05:26:58] <pengo1998> so how would i pull the username from it into a var
L319[05:27:36] <dangranos> uh
L320[05:27:53] <dangranos> you could pull a password
L321[05:28:05] <dangranos> if you know username
L322[05:28:17] <dangranos> and you could get all the usernames from table
L323[05:28:22] <Flash> The user sends their username when they log in right? So you already have the username.
L324[05:28:42] <Flash> When you look for the password in the table using the username as the key you can check if the result is nil.
L325[05:28:43] <pengo1998> right so sending the username the server then finds the right username and loads its password into username as a var?
L326[05:28:54] <Flash> If it is nil it means the username was incorrect.
L327[05:29:01] <pengo1998> ok i understand that now
L328[05:29:45] <pengo1998> then to compare ass i would do if(pass == user1) then pass being the password received from client user1 being the password stored under user1 in the table
L329[05:29:56] <dangranos> nooo
L330[05:30:12] <dangranos> if(pass == users["user1"])
L331[05:30:27] <dangranos> wai
L332[05:30:37] <pengo1998> so replace user1 with the user var received from client?
L333[05:30:44] <dangranos> yes
L334[05:30:47] <pengo1998> ok
L335[05:30:56] <pengo1998> so if(pass == users[user])
L336[05:31:00] <dangranos> yep
L337[05:31:02] <pengo1998> awesome
L338[05:32:38] <Flash> http://pastebin.com/q7VdhLdJ
L339[05:32:47] <Flash> Something like that I'd say.
L340[05:33:43] <Flash> You could even serialize the accounts table and save it to a file, then retrieve it from file whenever a user tries to log in.
L341[05:33:57] <Flash> Instead of having it hardcoded into the server program.
L342[05:34:13] <dangranos> ^
L343[05:34:51] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@apn-46-76-100-114.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L344[05:35:32] <pengo1998> serialization thats soemthing ive never touched i think i might implement that later....
L345[05:35:58] <Flash> It's quite easy to do, there's a lib already made for that in OpenOS.
L346[05:36:59] <pengo1998> ill have to look into it
L347[05:38:13] <Flash> Basically you just pass the accounts table to serialization.serialize.
L348[05:38:28] <Flash> It will then return a string version of the table which you can save to a file.
L349[05:38:50] <Flash> When you want to load it again you pass the string version through serialization.unserialize and it returns the table back to you.
L350[05:40:54] <Flash> Quick dumb question: In CC you could terminate a running program by holding CTRL+T, is there a similar function in OC?
L351[05:41:03] <pengo1998> ctrl alt c
L352[05:41:10] <Flash> Great, thanks!
L353[05:41:35] <pengo1998> now to figure out why my server is not responding.....
L354[05:42:28] <Wuerfel_21> ctrl alt c wont work if it is in an infinte loop without event.pull
L355[05:42:55] <pengo1998> wait is there a way to pull terminate command? without an infinite loop?
L356[05:43:24] <Flash> The computer would crash if it ends up in an infinite loop though?
L357[05:43:28] <pengo1998> annd threres why my server wasnt set up to use the network cable ont he back of the server chasis lol
L358[05:43:59] <pengo1998> remote terminals are so damn glitchy
L359[05:55:28] <Wuerfel_21> you can do "while true do os.pullSignal (or was it computer.pullSignal?) end" to brick the computer, cause ctrl-alt-c is handled in event.pull
L360[05:55:55] <pengo1998> i dont wanna brick the computer i just want it to not be able to terminate a program
L361[05:56:45] <Wuerfel_21> pengo1998, wait...
L362[05:57:00] <pengo1998> ?
L363[05:58:13] <Izaya> TheSandromatic, sorry, the asshole that helped me get that TAFE account changed the password today ._.
L364[05:58:34] <Wuerfel_21> pengo1998, "event.shouldInterrupt = function() return false end" will disable the ctrl-alt-c for all programs until a reboot
L365[05:59:23] <pengo1998> awesome thanks
L366[06:00:22] <dangranos> sks, tafe?
L367[06:00:38] <Izaya> University but not university
L368[06:01:03] * Izaya continues working on his evil plans
L369[06:01:04] <dangranos> additional additional education?
L370[06:01:47] <Izaya> Nah, generally, you either go to TAFE or university depending on what you want to do
L371[06:02:28] <Izaya> ie people that want to do mechanics work for the army go to TAFE, and people that want to be a scientist go to uni, for example.
L372[06:05:06] ⇦ Quits: Wuerfel_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
L373[06:06:05] <Izaya> I'm*
L374[06:06:19] <Izaya> Also maybe a comma, Wuerfel_21, get your quit messages up to standard.
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L376[06:09:41] <pengo1998> ugh i cant get my client to listen for messages....
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L379[06:34:01] <Flash> Hmm, it's kinda annoying that term.read() has a line break at the end.
L380[06:34:09] <Flash> Easy way of getting rid of that?
L381[06:36:30] <Lizzy> o/
L382[06:39:53] <dangranos> great
L383[06:39:56] <dangranos> i forgot how to use nano
L384[06:39:58] <dangranos> .-.
L385[06:40:07] <Izaya> dangranos: Simple: use vim
L386[06:40:10] <Lizzy> It has the controls at the bottom
L387[06:40:25] <dangranos> Lizzy, vi(m) is better :P
L388[06:40:44] <Lizzy> dangranos, I know
L389[06:43:53] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L390[06:44:08] <dangranos> http://gist.io/5660494
L391[06:46:45] <Flash> Lovely story.
L392[06:47:12] <dangranos> and that's why we use -Syu
L393[06:47:24] <dangranos> speaking of that
L394[06:47:40] <dangranos> huh, nvidia update
L395[06:51:18] <Wuerfel_21> debians vi is so messed up :/
L396[06:51:56] <Wuerfel_21> as well as debians default ksh config
L397[07:01:26] * Lizzy is hungry
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L402[07:13:14] <dangranos> .-.
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L404[07:14:32] <Izaya> Thrilling conversation.
L405[07:14:42] <Lizzy> ?
L406[07:15:38] <Flash> Weirdest error, in the lua interpreter I can do "myTable[myKey] == nil" and it returns true as expected when the table is empty. If I do the same thing in my program it returns false.
L407[07:21:36] <Lizzy> also woo, bass should be arriving thursday
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L413[08:14:10] <dangranos> lol
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L419[08:32:50] <fiws> o/
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L455[10:26:23] <ectoBiologist> fuck you netflix this is why piracy exists https://db.tt/c0Fk8TUp
L456[10:28:36] <Izaya> >DVD
L457[10:28:50] <Izaya> People still use optical media for anything other than installing Windows?
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L460[10:30:03] <dangranos> ^
L461[10:30:55] <ectoBiologist> Izaya, thats another reason why i'm going to the pirate bay for it.
L462[10:31:04] <ectoBiologist> you now can't say i tried to watch it from a legit source
L463[10:31:35] <Alissa> Izaya: People use optical media for installing Windows?
L464[10:31:39] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, ^ rite
L465[10:32:00] <ectoBiologist> Alissa, my windows installs now normally consist of a VM and sysprep.
L466[10:32:03] <Izaya> Alissa: It's often easier to burn an iso than try to abuse it into going on a USB
L467[10:32:14] <Stary2001> lol yes
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L469[10:32:32] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, do you like my install process
L470[10:32:54] <Izaya> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
L471[10:33:10] <ectoBiologist> no that's how to install freebsd /s
L472[10:33:48] <ectoBiologist> http://i.imgur.com/JMa4Lkm.webm HOW IS THIS NOT A PERFECT LOOP
L473[10:33:54] <ectoBiologist> s/NOT //
L474[10:33:54] <Kibibyte> <ectoBiologist> http://i.imgur.com/JMa4Lkm.webm HOW IS THIS A PERFECT LOOP
L475[10:34:00] <Izaya> I once took a very large neodiynium or whatever magnet to a HDD contaning vista
L476[10:34:39] <Izaya> The bump
L477[10:34:45] <Izaya> it tricks your brain
L478[10:36:03] <Caitlyn> ^
L479[10:36:11] <Stary2001> Haha
L480[10:36:13] <Izaya> Is hair blond or blonde? or something else?
L481[10:36:37] <Izaya> also, look at the trails in the snow, they don't match
L482[10:38:37] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, guess what class i have today
L483[10:38:44] <Caitlyn> blonde
L484[10:38:57] <Caitlyn> also when he lands you see the top left of the scene shift
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L486[10:39:02] <ectoBiologist> oh ok
L487[10:39:19] * Izaya may or may not be trying this fiction thing again
L488[10:39:40] <meto> Caitlyn: what happened to eos anyway?
L489[10:40:20] <meto> back when everything ping timeout'd
L490[10:41:06] <Skye|Away> Has anyone here seen my stupid funny story that I wrote for copygirl and asie?
L491[10:41:43] <Izaya> nope?
L492[10:42:53] <Skye|Away> You either laugh or hate it.
L493[10:43:27] <Caitlyn> meto, no idea, the entire network just died, the host, and the other VM on the same box had no issue
L494[10:43:38] <Caitlyn> I could connect via RDP over VBox.. so the VM itself was fine
L495[10:43:53] <Caitlyn> rebooted and got ipv4 back, but ipv6 was being stupid
L496[10:44:04] <Caitlyn> took 3 hours to get everything back up
L497[10:45:28] <Skye|Away> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1acksipTr4-fI-WnVWZaPYEv2SHKWVbzTUQLpOCTcUwQ/edit?usp=docslist_api
L498[10:45:49] * Skye|Away hides
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L500[10:48:13] <ectoBiologist> k gotta go :<
L501[10:54:03] <Izaya> http://shadowkat.tk/projects/psyche/browse.php?id=1 yay I did something tonight, and now I crash.
L502[10:54:30] <Izaya> Fixed the story gaps.
L503[10:54:49] <Stary2001> Penis
L504[11:02:29] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L505[11:05:11] <Lizzy> Caitlyn, oh shit, what hapopened?
L506[11:05:23] <Lizzy> *happened
L507[11:05:24] <Caitlyn> ?
L508[11:05:38] <Lizzy> eos died?
L509[11:06:16] <Caitlyn> Yeah like night before last
L510[11:06:21] <Lizzy> ah
L511[11:06:34] <Caitlyn> I still have no idea why
L512[11:06:38] <Caitlyn> just lost all networking
L513[11:10:03] <Stary2001> :l
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L524[11:29:27] <Gaming_21> .lua return 4*4
L525[11:29:33] <Gaming_21> meh
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L540[11:58:52] <Caitlyn> http://gfycat.com/MiserableBoilingFrog
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L544[12:04:11] <fiws> any of the irc bots actual minecraft computers? :D
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L546[12:08:43] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, hi
L547[12:08:44] <ectoBiologist> am in english class
L548[12:08:50] <Stary2001> ohi
L549[12:08:51] <Stary2001> ke
L550[12:08:51] <Stary2001> k
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L552[12:09:25] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, i think someone took 2 books that i kinda need for this class
L553[12:09:31] <Stary2001> gggg
L554[12:09:42] <ectoBiologist> so i'm taking pictures of my friend's unanswered questions and doing them on my laptop
L555[12:09:45] <Stary2001> ha
L556[12:09:46] <Stary2001> h
L557[12:09:46] <Stary2001> a
L558[12:11:42] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, dling Tron Legacy
L559[12:11:42] <ectoBiologist> kek
L560[12:11:55] <ectoBiologist> Stary2001, would 9tracker be wanted for it
L561[12:15:21] <Stary2001> Naah
L562[12:17:01] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
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L614[12:27:41] <Caitlyn> weee
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L677[12:37:19] <ectoBiologist> hey fgts
L678[12:37:23] <ectoBiologist> unreal engine 4 is free now
L679[12:38:09] <vifino> we aint no fgts, unlike u
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L681[12:42:23] <ectoBiologist> no u vifino
L682[12:42:44] <Lizzy> %flip ectoBiologist
L683[12:42:44] <MichiBot> Lizzy: (╯°□°)╯︵ʇsıɓoloıℇoʇɔǝ
L684[12:42:51] <ectoBiologist> u wot Lizzy
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L756[13:17:20] <Kubuxu> LOL we've lost zsh.
L757[13:17:31] <CompanionCube> yeah
L758[13:17:37] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Dinner
L759[13:17:39] <CompanionCube> services was on my side of the split
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L815[13:18:01] <nxsupert> o/
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L884[14:41:58] <Caitlyn> wow Esper is doing great today
L885[14:42:55] <SkySom> That's quite the split
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L949[15:19:33] <Wuerfel_21> now i finally have the most epic MCF signature in the world: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2302145-the-derpy-shiz-mod-now-with-less-bugs-and-10000?page=7
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L953[15:56:46] <Soni> hi
L954[15:57:29] <Soni> how do I get my 2nd monitor working?
L955[15:58:55] <Kodos> bind both monitors to their own, independent GPUs in your code
L956[15:58:57] <Wuerfel_21> Soni, add a secong gpu? also, OpenOS has no native dual-monitor support, so you need to write you own programs for it
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L958[16:05:40] <Soni> I mean IRL
L959[16:05:54] <Soni> I thought this was #archlinux ?
L960[16:06:05] <Soni> (or at least close to it)
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L963[16:08:45] <Kodos> ...
L964[16:10:37] <Soni> I blame AMD GPU
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L966[16:16:10] <Soni> brb
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L983[16:48:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ...
L984[16:50:55] <SkySom> ...
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L986[16:58:04] <Temia> Moo?
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L988[17:03:11] <meto> Temia: moo!
L989[17:03:27] <SkySom> MOO?!
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L1011[18:31:30] <PotatoTrumpet> Buenas Tardes
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L1016[18:59:25] <PotatoTrumpet> Omg
L1017[18:59:56] <PotatoTrumpet> so in APWH, we watched this awesome video on Womens Suffrage in the US: http://youtu.be/IYQhRCs9IHM
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L1039[20:18:36] <Dnulho> Hey all, I was wondering what the stance on modpacks is? I have looked around but I cant find any written documentation anywhere so far. If anyone knows where I can find it, and can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
L1040[20:25:26] <Gopher> I'm not sure I've ever seen it spelled out
L1041[20:26:05] <Gopher> but with the source itself being free to be copied, modified, and redistributed at-will, so long as the license is preserved, I don't see why it would be different for the binaries
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L1044[20:36:18] <PotatoTrumpet> Dnulho, I know you can redistribute it, as it is open source
L1045[20:53:07] <Dnulho> ok, im not going to worry about perms or anything with my modpack
L1046[20:53:26] <Dnulho> ^for CC that is :P
L1047[20:56:17] <Blykrym> insert generic statement to complain about the state of upper management.
L1048[20:59:03] <Blykrym> insert a generic statement about inserting a generic statement about the genericness of these generic statments that were inserted.
L1049[20:59:12] <Blykrym> insert generic statement alerting nobody about me going away from keyboard
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L1060[21:54:04] <Dashkal> If that question gets asked again, the binaries are marked MIT as well: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223008-opencomputers (Look in the right-hand sidebox)
L1061[22:16:54] <Ditchbuster> Where can I find the changes for 1.5?
L1062[22:17:20] <Ditchbuster> Been away awhile, 1.4 had just come out last I was playing
L1063[22:30:45] <Dashkal> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/page/index.html
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L1066[22:45:17] <pengo1998> anyone know how to set up pedrosgali's file/DNS server?
L1067[22:45:29] <pengo1998> and how to use it?
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L1084[23:55:01] <Izaya> Afternoon o/
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