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L1[00:00:37] <ocdoc> DB Update Detected, reloading ..
L2[00:00:37] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
L3[00:02:30] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-223-12-224.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L4[00:06:09] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L5[00:06:09] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L6[00:06:10] <meto> ohai db update.
L7[00:10:05] <PotatoTrumpet> #w test
L8[00:10:11] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w test
L9[00:10:11] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:text
L10[00:10:18] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w OpenOS Floppy
L11[00:10:18] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:openos_floppy
L12[00:10:22] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L13[00:11:30] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (webchat@
L14[00:19:47] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L15[00:20:35] <meto> ~el
L16[00:20:35] <ocdoc> I have 740 entries in my DB.
L17[00:20:41] <meto> much entries
L18[00:28:47] <meto> ~reload
L19[00:28:47] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
L20[00:28:48] <meto> ~el
L21[00:28:49] <ocdoc> I have 909 entries in my DB.
L22[00:29:09] <meto> ~w OpenOS Floppy
L23[00:29:10] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:openos_floppy
L24[00:29:13] <meto> good, exact match
L25[01:40:52] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
L26[01:40:53] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L27[01:41:20] *** Caitlyn is now known as Guest67034
L28[01:41:34] <Katie> K, last reboot
L29[01:41:45] <Katie> I swear if this was the problem
L30[01:41:47] <Katie> I'll stab someone
L31[01:45:04] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
L32[01:45:05] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L33[01:45:22] <Katie> K... anyone here want to look at my interfaces and tell me wtf I'm doing wrong?
L34[01:45:34] *** Caitlyn is now known as Guest35566
L35[01:45:34] <Katie> If I do everything manually it works.. but in the interface file it doesnt
L36[01:46:10] <Katie> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/7ef84dd9
L37[01:50:11] <Izaya> TIL you can install Android in VirtualBox
L38[01:50:23] <Katie> yep
L39[01:50:54] <Izaya> Katie, set up a cronjob to start the interface?
L40[01:51:06] <Izaya> Not a clean method, but it would more-or-less work
L41[01:51:27] <Katie> how do I specify eth0 inet6 though?
L42[01:51:40] <Katie> cause just ifup eth0 replies file exists cause the interface is up
L43[01:52:24] <Katie> I suppose I could have a @reboot that just batch runs all the address commands
L44[01:53:03] <Izaya> Windows: Your AD admin account is allowed to have the weakest passwords of the entire network
L45[01:54:34] <Izaya> sakeko is kill
L46[01:54:36] <Izaya> >.<
L47[01:57:36] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (~ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d)
L48[01:59:43] <Oddstr13> Katie: hm.. what's your setup?
L49[02:00:24] <Katie> Oddstr13, Ubuntu 14.04.1, Running in a VBox instance, host is same OS on a OVH dedi
L50[02:01:00] <Oddstr13> I can't say I have much experience with Ubuntu
L51[02:01:09] <Katie> also, there was a typo in the past, it's not cof:fee but c0f:fee
L52[02:01:13] <Katie> paste*
L53[02:01:15] <Oddstr13> havn't used it since they started macifying the GUI
L54[02:01:27] <Katie> I run xfce :P
L55[02:01:31] <Oddstr13> good :P
L56[02:02:25] <Oddstr13> what software is handling networking stuff?
L57[02:02:35] <Izaya> Does that mean that Ubuntu is for people that like to think they want to know nothing about computers but actually have to know *something* because they run Linux?
L58[02:02:59] <Katie> Oddstr13, wtf ever debian/ubutnu use nothing special
L59[02:03:46] <Oddstr13> Katie: nothing special would be "ip addr" stuff in the init.rc or whatever that file is called:P
L60[02:04:07] <Katie> Well I mean nothing special compared to whatever debian uses.. lol
L61[02:04:08] <Oddstr13> I'ma go poke at my VMs
L62[02:04:21] <Oddstr13> I have a few debian VMs :P
L63[02:04:58] <Katie> ugh why hasn't my znc acct reconnected to the 3 other networks
L64[02:05:01] <Izaya> Hm, do I want ALSA on my server?
L65[02:05:08] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L66[02:05:21] <Katie> But yeah.. everything is stuck off in /etc/network/interfaces
L67[02:05:30] <Oddstr13> Izaya: if you want it to make noises? sure :P
L68[02:05:46] <Oddstr13> allow-hotplug eth0
L69[02:05:48] <Oddstr13> iface eth0 inet dhcp
L70[02:05:54] <Oddstr13> that's how far my configs go xD
L71[02:06:08] <Katie> lol
L72[02:06:11] <Katie> yeah no DHCP here :p
L73[02:06:15] <Katie> everything is manual
L74[02:06:17] <Izaya> Oddstr13, I was going with so I could make it broadcast modem noises when it kernel panics
L75[02:06:17] <Oddstr13> let's see if I can make it add some random IPv6
L76[02:06:53] <Oddstr13> Izaya: err, I don't think that works
L77[02:06:54] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L78[02:07:04] <Izaya> Neither do I.
L79[02:07:13] <Izaya> But I was gonna install minimodem
L80[02:07:22] <Oddstr13> kernel panic == BSOD you know
L81[02:07:38] <Izaya> So I could transfer files between (x other device with minimodem) and my server
L82[02:07:48] <Izaya> Oddstr13, I know, I've caused many, I was making a joke.
L83[02:07:57] <Oddstr13> k
L84[02:09:05] <Oddstr13> Katie: can't you just add IPv6 in the post-up of inet? :P
L85[02:09:16] ⇨ Joins: Shuudoushi|Away (~Shuudoush@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L86[02:49:07] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (~Katie@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L87[02:49:09] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L88[02:49:24] zsh sets mode: +o on Caitlyn
L89[02:49:59] <Caitlyn> why the hell am I on coffee
L90[02:57:02] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
L91[02:57:02] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L92[02:57:32] *** Caitlyn is now known as Guest75835
L93[02:58:02] zsh sets mode: +o on Guest75835
L94[02:58:03] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster71 (~Forecaste@
L95[02:58:22] *** Guest75835 is now known as Caitlyn
L96[02:58:33] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L97[03:00:17] ⇦ Quits: Katie (~Caitlyn@michiyo.pc-logix.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L100[03:03:21] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@178.186.22-191.xdsl.ab.ru) (Quit: Leaving)
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L102[03:04:47] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest98195
L103[03:04:48] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-22-163-163.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L104[03:05:07] <Izaya> What should I call my new S755 Pentium 4 machine?
L105[03:06:51] ⇦ Quits: Guest98195 (~quassel@188-23-114-123.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L107[03:18:26] *** Naomi|Off is now known as Naomi
L108[03:18:53] <Naomi> Holy Crap! I do exist on some form of a network around here! lol
L109[03:19:03] <Caitlyn> yay she lives
L110[03:19:20] <Naomi> I didn't think hexchat would ever reconnect.
L111[03:23:20] <Caitlyn> K, it's now 3:30 AM I'm going to bed
L112[03:23:23] <Caitlyn> Night.
L113[03:23:33] <Caitlyn> I swear if I wake up and eos is ded, I'll stab someone
L114[03:23:55] * Izaya suggests PotatoTrumpet for stabbing
L115[03:24:31] <Naomi> Fizz my stuff first before you go to bed bish!
L116[03:24:43] <Caitlyn> s/Fixx/Fix/
L117[03:24:48] <Caitlyn> s/Fizz/Fix/
L118[03:24:48] <Kibibyte> <Naomi> Fix my stuff first before you go to bed bish!
L119[03:24:50] <Caitlyn> nub
L120[03:25:13] <Naomi> I was using my cute speech that you like to laugh at me for! :(
L121[03:25:50] <Caitlyn> Nub.
L122[03:26:33] <Caitlyn> btw dangranos no idea if you're on.. but partyline is loaded
L123[03:38:08] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-12.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
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L125[03:54:24] <Lizzy> :o Naomi spoke
L126[03:54:41] <Lizzy> also good morning to you all]
L127[03:55:24] <Izaya> Morning Lizzy
L128[03:55:35] <Izaya> My VMs are now operating in bridged mode.
L129[04:04:40] <Lizzy> cool
L130[04:07:07] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L131[04:14:20] <dangranos> yay
L132[04:22:49] ⇨ Joins: sirius_black (~sirius_bl@dhcp-089-098-003-029.chello.nl)
L133[04:27:44] ⇨ Joins: EEVV (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L134[04:27:48] <EEVV> hello
L135[04:27:50] <EEVV> and welcome
L136[04:28:39] <Lizzy> o/
L137[04:31:08] <dangranos> oh, its you
L138[04:31:28] <Lizzy> it's been a long time. how have you been?
L139[04:33:51] <EEVV> oh hi
L140[04:33:54] <EEVV> sorry
L141[04:33:56] <EEVV> irc is like
L142[04:34:02] <EEVV> open and forget you opened it
L143[04:34:12] <EEVV> i posted kind of a depressed thread
L144[04:34:15] <EEVV> on the forums
L145[04:34:24] <EEVV> not aprroved or ignored
L146[04:34:51] <EEVV> I was basically writing about Computer Craft vs. Open Computers
L147[04:35:00] <EEVV> And I said open computers would be cool to use
L148[04:35:09] <EEVV> if you know what you are doing
L149[04:35:27] <EEVV> and the lack of documentation takes a long time to do anything
L150[04:36:29] <Sandra> There's a fair amount of documentation for OC.
L151[04:36:38] <Sandra> in fact a lot of it is ingame.
L152[04:36:39] <Lizzy> you dont need to repeat the thread here, I'm currently doing a sweep of the forums and i will get to it in due time
L153[04:36:58] <EEVV> so how do i access it in game
L154[04:37:23] <Lizzy> NEI
L155[04:38:01] <EEVV> nei?
L156[04:38:04] <EEVV> not enough items?
L157[04:38:07] <Sandra> yes.
L158[04:38:08] <EEVV> how is that relevant
L159[04:38:13] <Sandra> press U on any block.
L160[04:38:18] <Sandra> that has methods.
L161[04:38:20] <EEVV> and it shows api etc..?
L162[04:38:23] <Sandra> and others.
L163[04:38:24] <Sandra> yep.
L164[04:38:28] <EEVV> sandra
L165[04:38:33] <EEVV> you saved my life
L166[04:38:38] <EEVV> i wanted to program a drone
L167[04:38:46] <EEVV> but there is no way on the wiki
L168[04:38:48] <EEVV> like
L169[04:38:54] <EEVV> it doesn't document how to
L170[04:39:02] <Sandra> component.eeprom.set()?
L171[04:39:21] <EEVV> i have no idea
L172[04:39:39] <EEVV> i used this about half a year ago or something
L173[04:39:43] <EEVV> the oc
L174[04:39:45] <EEVV> i ditched it
L175[04:39:49] <EEVV> because of its documentation
L176[04:40:12] <Sandra> it has rather good documentation.
L177[04:40:14] <EEVV> ok ill press u
L178[04:40:18] <EEVV> wait
L179[04:40:32] <Sandra> the wiki is actually very good though.
L180[04:41:00] <EEVV> at first i went here http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:drone
L181[04:41:07] <EEVV> and then i was suprised
L182[04:41:10] <Lizzy> Sandra, the wiki only came around in the late half of last year
L183[04:41:12] <EEVV> how it only contains a few words
L184[04:41:20] <EEVV> ok
L185[04:41:24] <EEVV> so in game i press u?
L186[04:41:30] <Sandra> yep.
L187[04:41:37] <EEVV> ah.
L188[04:41:38] <EEVV> thanks
L189[04:41:45] <EEVV> do you have some free time?
L190[04:41:49] <Sandra> yep.
L191[04:42:32] <EEVV> maybe i can launch a server if you wouldnt mind joining?
L192[04:42:46] <EEVV> its up to you
L193[04:46:14] <EEVV> can anyone help me with the drone eeprom?
L194[04:46:15] <Lizzy> EEVV, well, i haven't seen any topics by you (unless you use a different alias on the forums) on my usual parole
L195[04:46:37] <EEVV> Lizzy, its still either 0EEVV0 or EEVV
L196[04:46:44] <EEVV> then ill post it again?
L197[04:46:53] <Lizzy> you can try i guess
L198[04:46:57] <Sandra> I don't currently have minecraft installed on my computer.
L199[04:47:03] <Sandra> had to delete it for starbound.
L200[04:47:13] <EEVV> lol
L201[04:47:15] <EEVV> starbound
L202[04:47:36] <EEVV> !forums
L203[04:47:39] <EEVV> !forums
L204[04:47:42] <EEVV> oops
L205[04:47:45] <Lizzy> .forums
L206[04:47:45] <EnderBot2> Since ^v is not here to tell you, you can find the forums here: http://oc.cil.li/
L207[04:48:55] <EEVV> .forums
L208[04:48:55] <EnderBot2> Since ^v is not here to tell you, you can find the forums here: http://oc.cil.li/
L209[04:49:04] <EEVV> oh lol
L210[04:49:05] <EEVV> enderbot
L211[04:49:08] <EEVV> didnt see ya there
L212[04:49:47] <EEVV> ok i added the post
L213[04:50:03] <EEVV> but i need approval
L214[04:52:47] <EEVV> can drones print to their screens?
L215[04:53:14] <Lizzy> I assume so, havent messed with them much. Izaya has done a fair bit though
L216[04:53:25] <Izaya> ohfuck
L217[04:53:30] <Izaya> don't bring me into this
L218[04:53:37] <Izaya> ~w drone
L219[04:53:37] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L220[04:53:39] <EEVV> god
L221[04:53:40] * Lizzy locks Izaya till the chair
L222[04:53:49] <Izaya> You can set the screen's text
L223[04:53:50] <Lizzy> brain pls
L224[04:54:06] <Izaya> drone.setStatusText("string")
L225[04:54:09] <EEVV> someone
L226[04:54:16] <EEVV> please tell me how to make them move
L227[04:54:18] <EEVV> or is just
L228[04:54:20] <EEVV> robot.move
L229[04:54:24] <EEVV> or robot.forward
L230[04:54:51] <Lizzy> also yeah, i see it (your post). just trying to figure out a way to allow people to discuss on it without it turning to a potential flame war
L231[04:54:59] <EEVV> will someone be willing to join my server? I can launch it
L232[04:55:20] <EEVV> Let the flame war BEGIN.
L233[04:55:21] <EEVV> xD
L234[04:55:27] <EEVV> cc fanboys vs oc
L235[04:55:30] <EEVV> fanboys
L236[04:56:29] <Rapthera> lol.
L237[04:56:33] <Lizzy> I do not want it to degrade to that
L238[04:57:34] <EEVV> xD
L239[04:57:37] <EEVV> why would it
L240[04:57:47] <EEVV> its an opinion
L241[04:58:02] <EEVV> i just find it too hard to learn anything on it
L242[04:58:35] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L243[04:58:40] <Lizzy> well, by that i dont want it degrading to "OMG CC SUX", a proper argument/discussion will be fine
L244[04:58:43] <EEVV> can i make the computer make hdd noise?
L245[04:58:51] <EEVV> lol
L246[04:59:00] <EEVV> cc sucks is because it is unrealistic
L247[04:59:07] <EEVV> os sucks because of the documentation
L248[04:59:15] <Rapthera> really?
L249[04:59:22] <EEVV> y3s m8
L250[04:59:30] <Rapthera> nope
L251[04:59:31] <Rapthera> cant even
L252[04:59:31] <Rapthera> cant
L253[04:59:32] <Rapthera> cant
L254[04:59:34] ⇦ Parts: Rapthera (~Rapthera@ (Leaving))
L255[04:59:45] <EEVV> so can i replace the drones eeprom any time?
L256[05:00:28] ⇨ Joins: WilliamG (webchat@
L257[05:01:01] <EEVV> turns out yes
L258[05:01:06] <Lizzy> I am not sure on the extent of drones as I haven't yet messed around with them
L259[05:01:08] ⇨ Joins: Berserker2K3 (~Berserker@p4FC78ECE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L260[05:01:24] <Lizzy> hello WilliamG aka Rapthera
L261[05:01:33] <EEVV> i wanted to make a drone irl with raspberry pi to arduino to radio to raspberyy pi
L262[05:01:53] <EEVV> but teh munney
L263[05:01:56] <EEVV> was a broblem
L264[05:01:58] <EEVV> any
L265[05:01:59] <EEVV> way
L266[05:02:03] <EEVV> i found out how to move it
L267[05:02:27] <EEVV> do i need to do
L268[05:02:33] <EEVV> component require drone?
L269[05:03:00] <Lizzy> er, i think you can just do drone = component.drone
L270[05:03:04] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5493419B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L271[05:03:30] <Lizzy> cause on the EEPROMs the low level component lib is already loaded
L272[05:03:58] <EEVV> lol
L273[05:04:01] <EEVV> drone cant get nil
L274[05:04:02] <EEVV> error
L275[05:04:04] <EEVV> ok il do that
L276[05:04:07] <EEVV> what you said
L277[05:04:29] ⇦ Quits: WilliamG (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L278[05:04:51] <Izaya> drone = component.proxy(component.list("drone")())
L279[05:05:03] <EEVV> yeh it didnt work
L280[05:05:07] <Izaya> The syntactical sugar of component.x is part of OpenOS and wasn't needed
L281[05:05:08] <EEVV> ok izaya ill try that
L282[05:05:25] <EEVV> that is alot just for component drone
L283[05:05:28] <EEVV> why cant it be automatic
L284[05:05:33] <Berserker2K3> hello there
L285[05:05:37] <EEVV> seeing as you will make a drone for flying
L286[05:06:14] <Lizzy> well EEPROMs are not just limited to drones so having the drone lib loaded on a computer would be useless
L287[05:07:11] <Berserker2K3> i'Ve updated to OC 1.5 and now i get this error on my screens:
L288[05:07:11] <Berserker2K3> bios:33 attempt to call field getBootAddress (a nil value)
L289[05:07:16] <EEVV> ha
L290[05:07:22] <EEVV> thanks izaya it worked
L291[05:07:23] <Lizzy> recraft your lua bios
L292[05:07:28] <Berserker2K3> ah thx :)
L293[05:07:33] <Izaya> EEVV, because writing a BIOS is all low-level stuff and you have to do that.
L294[05:07:41] <EEVV> now please tell me how to make it use network card
L295[05:07:46] <EEVV> with component
L296[05:07:46] <Lizzy> it does say that in the changelog, Berserker2K3
L297[05:07:50] <EEVV> the network card
L298[05:08:02] <Izaya> ~w component
L299[05:08:02] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component
L300[05:08:52] <Lizzy> netcard = component.proxy(component.list("modem")); netcard.broadcast(123, "hi")
L301[05:08:58] <Lizzy> ~w network
L302[05:08:58] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L303[05:09:08] <Izaya> for address, type in component.list() do component[type] = component.proxy(type) end
L304[05:09:19] <Izaya> Ugly, and probably not a good method, but it works
L305[05:09:35] <EEVV> dude
L306[05:09:36] <EEVV> thanks
L307[05:09:41] <EEVV> i wanted to find this out all they
L308[05:09:42] <EEVV> day
L309[05:09:43] <EEVV> lol
L310[05:09:46] <EEVV> yesterday
L311[05:10:01] <Izaya> You
L312[05:10:05] <Izaya> you're kidding me
L313[05:10:09] <Izaya> I told you that yesterday
L314[05:10:13] <Izaya> ._.
L315[05:10:15] <EEVV> seriously?
L316[05:10:19] <Izaya> Seriously.
L317[05:10:27] <EEVV> and lizzy
L318[05:10:36] <EEVV> well
L319[05:10:40] <Lizzy> ?
L320[05:10:44] <EEVV> someone linked me to some sks crap eeprom program
L321[05:10:50] <EEVV> that doesnt work
L322[05:11:05] <EEVV> i spent all day
L323[05:11:09] <EEVV> playing around with it
L324[05:11:18] <EEVV> ok
L325[05:11:21] <EEVV> so when i turn the drone oe
L326[05:11:22] <EEVV> one
L327[05:11:24] <EEVV> on
L328[05:11:25] <EEVV> *
L329[05:11:33] <EEVV> only with that setStatusText("blue")
L330[05:11:40] <EEVV> it turns off again
L331[05:13:59] <EEVV> sooo
L332[05:14:09] <EEVV> can you edit a eeprom
L333[05:14:16] <EEVV> or is it protected
L334[05:14:21] <EEVV> well i can reflash it
L335[05:15:30] <Izaya> http://shadowkat.tk/network/index2.php yay it's updated and the links are done
L336[05:17:55] <EEVV> why does that matter?
L337[05:27:27] <EEVV> any great tutorials for oc?
L338[05:27:56] <EEVV> !tutorials
L339[05:28:00] <EEVV> .tutorials
L340[05:28:08] <EEVV> ./tutorials
L341[05:28:13] <EEVV> nop
L342[05:32:10] <EEVV> ~tutorials
L343[05:32:14] <EEVV> ~w tutorials
L344[05:32:14] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorials
L345[05:32:20] <EEVV> g thanks bot
L346[05:32:25] <EEVV> gee thanks
L347[05:32:31] <EEVV> take me to your leader
L348[05:32:34] <EEVV> ~w leader
L349[05:32:34] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:adapter
L350[05:32:39] <EEVV> kk
L351[05:32:43] <Lizzy> ocdoc's owner is meto
L352[05:32:58] <EEVV> the bot thinks its an adapter xd
L353[05:33:30] <EEVV> lizzy do you have some time maybe? or are you busy?
L354[05:33:49] <Lizzy> I'm currently doing other things but I will try to help if i can
L355[05:34:05] <EEVV> ok
L356[05:34:08] <EEVV> tell me this one thing
L357[05:34:19] <EEVV> you know you need event to receive a modem_message?
L358[05:34:28] <Lizzy> yes?
L359[05:34:31] <EEVV> and when lua reaches that line
L360[05:34:36] <EEVV> it pauses
L361[05:34:43] <EEVV> i want it to continue
L362[05:34:59] <EEVV> like on cc its as simple as rednet.receive(*time*)
L363[05:35:09] <EEVV> and it'll wait for that timeout provided
L364[05:35:17] <EEVV> but i dont believe i can do that on oc
L365[05:35:27] <Lizzy> are you doing this on an EEPROM or full OpenOS?
L366[05:35:39] <EEVV> on eeprom now
L367[05:35:47] <EEVV> idk how to receive messages on it
L368[05:35:56] <EEVV> or do i just do
L369[05:35:58] <Lizzy> ~w custom os
L370[05:35:59] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L371[05:36:08] <EEVV> local r = component.proxy(component.list("event")())
L372[05:36:12] <EEVV> yes im on the same page
L373[05:36:23] <EEVV> except r is event
L374[05:36:23] <Lizzy> event is not a component
L375[05:36:27] <EEVV> yes?
L376[05:36:30] <EEVV> ok...
L377[05:36:44] <EEVV> computer.pullSignal
L378[05:36:53] <EEVV> i think that is what i need...
L379[05:37:18] <Izaya> EEVV, people post random stuff here lots. Get used to it, it's rarely anything to do with the current discussion.
L380[05:37:18] <Lizzy> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:computer
L381[05:37:35] <EEVV> "Signals must be processed using computer.pullSignal, you're free to use any model to provide this to programs running in your OS you please - this is what OpenOS' event.pull does, for example. "
L382[05:37:42] <Lizzy> EEVV, ^ for the computer.pullSignal stuff
L383[05:37:48] <EEVV> ok
L384[05:38:51] <EEVV> im confused
L385[05:38:58] <EEVV> it says use event.pull instead
L386[05:39:05] <EEVV> so is there such thing as event?
L387[05:39:56] <Izaya> Not on drones.
L388[05:40:08] <Izaya> computer.pullSignal is the closest you'll get, I believe
L389[05:40:11] <EEVV> what is a replacement ?
L390[05:40:17] <EEVV> yes can you give me an example
L391[05:40:35] <EEVV> like _,_,port = computer.pullSignal("modem_message")
L392[05:40:39] <EEVV> some thing similar?
L393[05:40:56] <Izaya> ~w computer.pullSignal
L394[05:40:56] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L395[05:41:12] <Izaya> You can only specify a timeout
L396[05:41:48] <EEVV> ...
L397[05:41:50] <Izaya> You'll have to filter using the first paramater
L398[05:41:55] <EEVV> then how do i receive a message?
L399[05:41:57] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L400[05:42:08] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L401[05:42:36] <EEVV> if the wiki was polished i would be done now...
L402[05:42:44] <Izaya> repeat evt, _, <params> = computer.pullSignal() until evt == "modem_message" <use params>
L403[05:43:21] <EEVV> is that the only way to receive a messsage?
L404[05:43:43] * EEVV asda
L405[05:43:43] <Lizzy> at a low level, yes
L406[05:43:50] <EEVV> wow
L407[05:43:56] <EEVV> so much for oc
L408[05:44:09] <Izaya> ._.
L409[05:44:20] * EEVV looks Lizzy in the eyes, and says; "It's all ogre now..."
L410[05:44:20] <Izaya> This is why OSes have handling for it.
L411[05:44:33] <EEVV> drones cant load lua os
L412[05:44:38] <Izaya> Anyway, 'bed time'
L413[05:44:41] <EEVV> their simply too stupid
L414[05:44:46] <EEVV> to read lua bios
L415[05:44:50] * Lizzy slowly swings her hammer
L416[05:44:55] <Izaya> No, you can't run OpenOS on a drone, as they're embedded platforms.
L417[05:45:01] <Lizzy> also about the wiki and OC in general: it's not as old as CC so documentation will be lacking in a few places
L418[05:45:13] <Izaya> You could run MicrOS or miniOS on a drone, but only if you netboot.
L419[05:45:13] <EEVV> i dont get this
L420[05:45:30] <EEVV> why does sangar make it so you have to make a custom os
L421[05:45:36] <EEVV> and makes everything difficult
L422[05:45:49] <EEVV> why cant i just have open os
L423[05:45:59] <Sandra> EEVV, because drones are limited by design.
L424[05:46:00] <EEVV> for all i know it uses the same cpu
L425[05:46:05] <Sandra> so they can only do a small amount.
L426[05:46:24] <EEVV> how do you guys know this
L427[05:46:30] <EEVV> the documentation isnt that good
L428[05:46:42] <Lizzy> because we've been in here when Sangar was making them
L429[05:46:50] <Sandra> it's good enough for us anyway.
L430[05:47:03] <Sandra> and if not we figure out how it works by testing. :D
L431[05:47:11] <EEVV> testing...
L432[05:47:23] <EEVV> wow...
L433[05:47:31] <EEVV> where can i get that mini os or something
L434[05:47:38] <EEVV> i dont want to deal with this thing
L435[05:47:52] <EEVV> this makes everything unprogrammable
L436[05:48:11] <Sandra> it's not really, just write a few quick helper functions to do what you want to do.
L437[05:48:21] <Sandra> and then do it.
L438[05:48:44] <EEVV> I want to receive a message
L439[05:48:55] <EEVV> but wtf is this "repeat evt, _, <params> = computer.pullSignal() until evt == "modem_message" <use params>"
L440[05:49:49] <EEVV> god...
L441[05:49:52] <EEVV> why oc
L442[05:49:54] <EEVV> why!?
L443[05:49:58] <EEVV> y u do dis
L444[05:50:12] <Lizzy> Because it wasn't designed for script kiddies
L445[05:50:12] <Sandra> it's not that hard.
L446[05:50:21] <EEVV> it is hard
L447[05:50:22] <EEVV> repeat evt, _, <params> = computer.pullSignal() until evt == "modem_message" <use params>
L448[05:50:27] <Sandra> there's the code right there.
L449[05:50:30] <Sandra> you've got it.
L450[05:50:38] <Sandra> just fill it in with what you want.
L451[05:50:39] <EEVV> i got a car
L452[05:50:46] <EEVV> now i need to learn how to drive it
L453[05:50:56] <EEVV> give me an example
L454[05:51:03] <EEVV> llike <params>
L455[05:51:04] <Sandra> ~w modem
L456[05:51:04] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L457[05:51:08] <EEVV> and then <use params>
L458[05:51:15] <EEVV> no
L459[05:51:19] <EEVV> i cant go there
L460[05:51:22] <EEVV> that crap is for openos
L461[05:52:10] <EEVV> where is sangaR?
L462[05:52:23] <Lizzy> Probably doing something else IRL
L463[05:52:24] <Sandra> repeat evt, _, from, port, distance, message = computer.pullSignal() until evt == "modem_message"
L464[05:52:39] <EEVV> ok
L465[05:52:43] <Sandra> then do whatever you want to do with those variables.
L466[05:52:44] <EEVV> is that all one line
L467[05:52:46] <EEVV> because i think
L468[05:52:52] <EEVV> that until is the next line
L469[05:53:00] <EEVV> it feels like it
L470[05:53:03] <Sandra> lua doesn't need line separators.
L471[05:53:07] <Lizzy> lines in lua doesnt matter
L472[05:53:13] <Sandra> yeah.
L473[05:53:19] <EEVV> is it just me or does oc make lua harder to use?
L474[05:53:22] <Lizzy> the EEPROM is just a 4k long string
L475[05:53:30] <Lizzy> no, OC makes lua normal to use
L476[05:53:38] <Sandra> no, CC makes lua easier to use.
L477[05:53:52] <EEVV> lua is still lua
L478[05:54:07] <EEVV> eeprom is 4k ok
L479[05:54:13] <Sandra> ~w custom_oses
L480[05:54:13] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L481[05:54:14] <EEVV> so tell me when someone uses it all
L482[05:54:25] <Sandra> that has a list of everything you have in OS mode.
L483[05:54:36] <EEVV> can i program os for pcs?
L484[05:54:58] <EEVV> ok ill test that drone code quick
L485[05:55:26] ⇦ Quits: Berserker2K3 (~Berserker@p4FC78ECE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Verlassend)
L486[05:57:35] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:89a6:902:eacd:4de2)
L487[05:57:38] <Izaya> Ah, I'm so happy I rarely have to do tech support at school
L488[05:57:41] <Sandra> the thing is, drones are just like microcontrollers. They are floating microcontrollers.
L489[05:57:47] <EEVV> do i need to do computer = component.proxy(component.list("computer")())
L490[05:58:04] <Izaya> ._.
L491[05:58:07] <EEVV> the thing is that idk how to use micro controllers or dorone
L492[05:58:09] <EEVV> drone
L493[05:58:10] <EEVV> drones
L494[05:58:17] <Sandra> EEVV, yes, but I don't know why you'd need to wrap the computer component.
L495[05:58:27] <EEVV> repeat evt, _, from, port, distance, message = computer.pullSignal() until evt == "modem_message"
L496[05:58:34] <EEVV> computer.pullSignal()
L497[05:58:57] <Lizzy> computer api is already loaded on EEPROMs
L498[05:58:59] <Sandra> yeah.
L499[05:59:00] <Izaya> why the second pullSignal?
L500[05:59:03] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L501[05:59:06] <EEVV> ok
L502[05:59:09] <Sandra> computer api is already available.
L503[05:59:25] <Sandra> it's part of the API not the component.
L504[05:59:36] <EEVV> ok
L505[05:59:37] <EEVV> so
L506[05:59:40] <EEVV> now i just do
L507[06:00:00] <EEVV> if port == 2 and message == "move 2" then
L508[06:00:05] <EEVV> drone.move(2,0,0)
L509[06:00:09] <EEVV> or something
L510[06:00:09] <EEVV> ?
L511[06:00:12] <EEVV> ~w drone
L512[06:00:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L513[06:00:29] <EEVV> yeah i gues it is
L514[06:00:31] <Sandra> that'll go +2 blocks in the x direction yep.
L515[06:00:51] <EEVV> ok
L516[06:01:01] <Sandra> oh yeah and remember that you have to open ports for the modem if you didn't already know.
L517[06:01:05] <EEVV> yes
L518[06:01:07] <EEVV> modem.open
L519[06:01:09] <EEVV> or in this case
L520[06:01:13] <EEVV> netcard.open
L521[06:01:18] <EEVV> ill open multiple ports
L522[06:01:23] <Sandra> good.
L523[06:01:24] <EEVV> to listen for different commands
L524[06:01:34] <EEVV> if the drone isnt stupid enough
L525[06:01:37] <EEVV> lets hope
L526[06:01:39] <EEVV> also
L527[06:01:48] <EEVV> what is this _,
L528[06:01:50] <EEVV> is it nil?
L529[06:01:58] <EEVV> or void
L530[06:02:10] <Sandra> _ means ignore this value.
L531[06:02:15] <Sandra> it won't assign it to anything.
L532[06:02:18] <EEVV> ok
L533[06:02:22] <EEVV> so basically nil right?
L534[06:02:33] <Sandra> sorta.
L535[06:02:35] <EEVV> ~w modem
L536[06:02:35] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L537[06:02:58] <EEVV> ~w gps
L538[06:02:59] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L539[06:03:06] <EEVV> so guessing no gps system
L540[06:03:17] <EEVV> I could build one myself using modem distance
L541[06:03:24] <Sandra> there is gps.
L542[06:03:27] <EEVV> then use math
L543[06:03:33] <Sandra> ~w geolocation
L544[06:03:34] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:serialization
L545[06:03:37] <Sandra> no....
L546[06:03:38] <EEVV> thanks man
L547[06:03:51] <Sandra> ~w navigation
L548[06:03:51] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:navigation
L549[06:03:56] <Sandra> there's the one.
L550[06:04:00] <Izaya> yay installing Android x86 in a VM
L551[06:04:17] <EEVV> lol
L552[06:04:21] <EEVV> i installed ubuntu on my android
L553[06:04:34] * Sandra uses stock android because android is great.
L554[06:04:35] <EEVV> minecraft server slow tho
L555[06:04:45] <EEVV> i has root
L556[06:04:47] <EEVV> :P
L557[06:04:58] <EEVV> didnt void warranty ok brb toilet
L558[06:05:03] * Sandra doesn't use root because she has never had any need for it.
L559[06:05:15] <Izaya> I have 1 Windows Server 2003 VM, 3 Windows XP x64 VMs, a Haiku VM and an Android VM on his server
L560[06:05:19] <Sandra> seriously, I have no reason to root my phone.
L561[06:05:21] <Izaya> ffs that morphed into me
L562[06:06:09] <EEVV> i thought i had no reason
L563[06:06:13] <EEVV> until i saw backups
L564[06:06:16] <EEVV> linux
L565[06:06:22] <EEVV> and more apps
L566[06:06:33] <EEVV> i cant live without root
L567[06:06:35] <Sandra> none of those three really appeal to me.
L568[06:06:40] <EEVV> and plus not voided warranty
L569[06:06:45] <EEVV> knox 0x0
L570[06:06:52] <EEVV> on the samsung s4
L571[06:06:55] <Sandra> backups I have never worried much about.
L572[06:07:01] <EEVV> yeah
L573[06:07:05] <Sandra> linux is already there for goodness sakes.
L574[06:07:10] <EEVV> but i do hold a high record on crossy road
L575[06:07:13] <Sandra> and what apps?
L576[06:07:15] <EEVV> linux is limited
L577[06:07:22] <Izaya> >linux
L578[06:07:24] <Izaya> >limited
L579[06:07:26] <EEVV> android is built on top of linux
L580[06:07:27] <EEVV> i mean
L581[06:07:28] <Izaya> Hahahahahaaaa.
L582[06:07:34] <EEVV> hehehehersoug
L583[06:07:43] <EEVV> leleleleololol
L584[06:07:44] * Izaya just wants Packet Tracer on his Android tablet - but his tablet runs 4.0.4 and it needs 4.1
L585[06:07:57] <EEVV> with root you can upgrade your android
L586[06:07:59] <EEVV> just saying
L587[06:08:01] <EEVV> dont hit me
L588[06:08:03] <Sandra> EEVV, do you have android 5 on your phone?
L589[06:08:07] <EEVV> i wish
L590[06:08:10] <EEVV> 4.4.2
L591[06:08:12] * Sandra does.
L592[06:08:14] * Izaya stabs EEVV - no hitting, just stabbing
L593[06:08:16] <EEVV> i will void my waranty
L594[06:08:25] <EEVV> if i try to flash another rom
L595[06:08:26] * Izaya has a phone from 2011
L596[06:08:36] * Sandra got a legal software update.
L597[06:08:36] <Izaya> Galaxy Ace yeah!
L598[06:08:43] <Sandra> so ha.
L599[06:08:56] <Sandra> I'm actually the first person of anyone I know with android 5.
L600[06:09:00] * EEVV thinks gloriously about his drone in dev, which he cannot code properly because his fingers are broken as f**k
L601[06:09:09] <Sandra> and it's GLORIOUS.
L602[06:09:17] <dangranos> Sandra, stahp
L603[06:09:20] <EEVV> so to get gps on a drone
L604[06:09:26] <EEVV> i need an upgrade?
L605[06:09:30] <dangranos> um
L606[06:09:51] <dangranos> wireless network cards do output distance, right?
L607[06:09:52] <EEVV> yes
L608[06:09:57] <EEVV> yes they do
L609[06:10:01] <EEVV> but i found navigation
L610[06:10:01] <Sandra> EEVV, yep. or you can use wireless network cards.
L611[06:10:03] <EEVV> thing
L612[06:10:09] <Sandra> though you'd have to code that yourself.
L613[06:10:12] <EEVV> wireless network card making gps is advanced
L614[06:10:19] <EEVV> and plus ill need at least 4 pcs
L615[06:10:23] <Sandra> navigation upgrade is limited to 1 map in size.
L616[06:10:25] <EEVV> 3 minimum prob
L617[06:10:34] <EEVV> oh
L618[06:10:37] <EEVV> god damn
L619[06:10:38] <Sandra> and it's relative to center of map.
L620[06:10:47] <EEVV> i dont want that na then
L621[06:10:50] <EEVV> nav*
L622[06:10:57] <EEVV> now need to code it myself
L623[06:11:01] <EEVV> but idk how
L624[06:11:13] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L625[06:11:31] <Sandra> perform extreme maths skills.
L626[06:11:39] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L627[06:11:39] <EEVV> yes
L628[06:11:40] <dangranos> noo
L629[06:11:41] <Sandra> anyway, I have to sleep now.
L630[06:11:46] <EEVV> where a is middle
L631[06:11:49] <dangranos> its relative to its crafting location, iirc
L632[06:11:51] <EEVV> b is x
L633[06:11:54] <EEVV> c is y
L634[06:11:56] <EEVV> d is z
L635[06:12:01] <EEVV> e is w
L636[06:12:05] <dangranos> um
L637[06:12:09] <Sandra> dangranos, it's relative to centre of map, I read the docs.
L638[06:12:15] *** Sandra is now known as Sleepdra
L639[06:12:15] <EEVV> some seryasssss meth skels
L640[06:12:25] <EEVV> ok so
L641[06:12:29] <EEVV> a is center
L642[06:12:35] <dangranos> uuuuh
L643[06:12:38] <EEVV> i lost it at math
L644[06:14:21] <EEVV> omg
L645[06:14:24] <EEVV> i know how to do this
L646[06:14:28] <dangranos> X2=X+ΔX and etc
L647[06:14:30] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L648[06:14:30] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L649[06:14:34] <EEVV> just to be safe
L650[06:14:38] <vifino> dangranos: Needs more λ.
L651[06:14:42] <EEVV> ill do get sitance
L652[06:14:46] <EEVV> distance
L653[06:14:46] <vifino> All you need is λ.
L654[06:14:52] <dangranos> what lambda means in maths?
L655[06:15:06] <vifino> I dunno :D
L656[06:15:06] <EEVV> wifi strengh = distance/2
L657[06:15:11] <EEVV> lol
L658[06:15:15] <EEVV> half life 3 confirmed.
L659[06:15:21] <vifino> Pfft.
L660[06:15:35] <vifino> lrn2lambda like a pro
L661[06:15:50] <Sleepdra> lambda means anonymous function of course.
L662[06:16:00] <vifino> ((λ (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)
L663[06:16:15] <Sleepdra> exactly.
L664[06:16:16] <EEVV> 1 x 2 = 2 Half life 2: Episode 2 came out in 2007 2 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 9 9 / 3 = 3
L665[06:16:30] <EEVV> half life 3 confirmed.
L666[06:16:36] <EEVV> wtf is lambda
L667[06:16:39] <EEVV> lmbdia
L668[06:16:42] <dangranos> >In handwritten Russian, this letter represents Л in both uppercase and lowercase formats.
L669[06:16:46] <EEVV> that hl simbol
L670[06:16:55] <vifino> q_q
L671[06:16:55] <Sleepdra> it's a greek letter.
L672[06:16:56] * dangranos cuts EEVV throat
L673[06:17:03] <EEVV> gee thanks
L674[06:17:11] <EEVV> it scary to be in this irc
L675[06:17:13] <dangranos> HISTORY MOTHERFUCKER. DO YOU GOOGLE IT?!
L676[06:17:14] * Izaya repeatedly stabs EEVV with cables from a LISP machine
L677[06:17:23] <EEVV> its a fucking murder house here
L678[06:17:26] <EEVV> target : me
L679[06:17:30] <dangranos> you didnt knew?
L680[06:17:33] * Sleepdra protects EEVV from stabbing.
L681[06:17:34] <Izaya> Yeah, you get used to it after a while
L682[06:17:35] <vifino> Izaya: :D
L683[06:17:37] * Sleepdra falls asleep.
L684[06:17:47] <EEVV> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus
L685[06:17:47] <vifino> I'd love to have one of them :(
L686[06:17:49] * Sleepdra no longer protects EEVV from stabbing.
L687[06:17:52] <EEVV> ~w sangar
L688[06:17:52] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-string.char
L689[06:17:57] ⇨ Joins: davs (~davs@bband-dyn8.178-41-250.t-com.sk)
L690[06:18:02] <Izaya> ooo, Android x86 comes with a terminal emulator
L691[06:18:05] <EEVV> ~w murder
L692[06:18:06] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:computer
L693[06:18:12] <dangranos> sks, heh
L694[06:18:12] <EEVV> facepalm*
L695[06:18:15] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L696[06:18:22] <dangranos> ~w i am dumb bot
L697[06:18:22] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L698[06:18:28] <dangranos> close one
L699[06:19:03] <Izaya> vifino: oh my holy shit
L700[06:19:07] <Izaya> wait
L701[06:19:09] <Izaya> hm
L702[06:19:13] <vifino> Wat?
L703[06:19:13] <EEVV> how do i code gps
L704[06:19:15] <Izaya> Forgot to finish the line
L705[06:19:29] <Izaya> Anyway, vifino, I have android x86 running in a VM on lain
L706[06:19:34] <vifino> \o/
L707[06:19:34] <Izaya> and I can use su
L708[06:19:41] <vifino> Wait, lain v2, right?
L709[06:19:46] <EEVV> x86?
L710[06:19:47] <EEVV> 86 8 x 6 = 48 4 / 8 = 0.5 (5 / 3) = 1.667 rounded to 2 Half life 2: Episode 2 came out in 2007 2 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 9 9 / 3 = 3
L711[06:19:52] <EEVV> half life 3 confirmed.
L712[06:20:00] <vifino> ._.
L713[06:20:05] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L714[06:20:11] <Izaya> EEVV: But Source 2: It will have a 64-bit version
L715[06:20:26] <EEVV> 64 6 x 4 = 24 2 / 4 = 0.5 5 - 5 Half life 2: Episode 2 came out 5 years ago 5 years is approximately 1800 days 1 + 8 + 0 + 0 = 9 9 / 3 = 3 HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!
L716[06:20:38] <EEVV> Xd
L717[06:20:42] <EEVV> guys
L718[06:20:46] <EEVV> http://www.maxheckel.me/hl3/
L719[06:20:47] <vifino> EEVV: r/halflife is a thing.
L720[06:20:49] <vifino> ya know.
L721[06:20:52] <EEVV> half life 3 calculator
L722[06:20:57] <vifino> I know.
L723[06:20:59] <EEVV> gotta love it
L724[06:21:11] <EEVV> so what is this lambd
L725[06:21:14] <EEVV> lambda
L726[06:21:21] <Izaya> vifino: Port 3391
L727[06:21:23] <EEVV> does it pose a story to hl3?
L728[06:21:29] <Izaya> VNC, lain.
L729[06:22:30] <EEVV> ok guys
L730[06:22:32] <vifino> Izaya: Doesn't work :(
L731[06:22:35] <EEVV> so how do i use ze gps
L732[06:22:38] <Izaya> No pass.
L733[06:22:43] <vifino> ~w gps
L734[06:22:43] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L735[06:22:47] <vifino> right
L736[06:22:56] <EEVV> ill wait 2 more years for oc to finish its god -damn documentation
L737[06:23:04] <EEVV> make it 5 because little progress..
L738[06:23:32] <Lizzy> Yes, we know the documentation is crap. please shut up about it
L739[06:23:46] <EEVV> sir yes sir
L740[06:23:56] <EEVV> reports of illegal documentation
L741[06:24:00] <EEVV> we will shoot them down
L742[06:24:04] <EEVV> *pewpew*
L743[06:24:08] <Lizzy> -_-
L744[06:24:23] <vifino> s/sir/madam/g
L745[06:24:23] <Kibibyte> <EEVV> madam yes madam
L746[06:24:39] <EEVV> yes ma'am
L747[06:24:42] <Lizzy> brb, food
L748[06:24:52] <Izaya> Lizzy: It's good for him that this isn't #computercraft, eh? He'd say something about docs, and AmandaC would be like, *ban*
L749[06:24:53] <EEVV> F00D!
L750[06:25:09] <EEVV> yes
L751[06:25:16] <EEVV> idk who amandac is
L752[06:25:25] <EEVV> i dont go to irc
L753[06:25:32] <Lizzy> ban happy operator in computercrafts irc channel
L754[06:25:35] <EEVV> wiki provides plenty so im not hungry for more ^^
L755[06:25:47] <Izaya> s/ban happy/batshit insane/g
L756[06:25:47] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> batshit insane operator in computercrafts irc channel
L757[06:26:09] <EEVV> any good tutorial for oc
L758[06:26:12] <EEVV> apart from sangar
L759[06:26:18] <EEVV> because he doesn't teach
L760[06:26:20] <EEVV> he's like
L761[06:26:24] <EEVV> oh this is a server
L762[06:26:26] <EEVV> admire it
L763[06:26:28] <EEVV> .
L764[06:26:28] <EEVV> .
L765[06:26:29] <EEVV> .
L766[06:26:35] <EEVV> You can stop admiring it now.
L767[06:26:40] <Izaya> You want easy?
L768[06:26:45] <EEVV> i want tutorial
L769[06:27:11] <EEVV> izaya
L770[06:27:19] <Izaya> Go use ComputerCraft if you want easy. What you get with OC is power. UNIX is more powerful than Windows, but UNIX is harder.
L771[06:27:26] <EEVV> where is shadow cat sutdio
L772[06:27:28] <EEVV> i use ubuntu
L773[06:27:31] <Izaya> That's OC and CC
L774[06:27:40] <EEVV> so no point in throwing that sentence out
L775[06:27:48] <Izaya> Ubuntu is for people who like to think they know how to use Linux.
L776[06:27:54] <EEVV> since ubuntu is harder to use but more flexible i use it
L777[06:28:02] <EEVV> well
L778[06:28:09] <EEVV> i dont want to start a distro war
L779[06:28:15] <EEVV> but this is why linux is annoying
L780[06:28:19] <EEVV> as soon as you mention one distro
L781[06:28:20] <vifino> -_-
L782[06:28:21] <Lizzy> also the shadowkat is here....
L783[06:28:27] <EEVV> the fanboys say you picked wrong
L784[06:28:29] <Izaya> Lizzy: Don't you dare.
L785[06:28:55] <Izaya> EEVV: Not every distro. Just Ubuntu
L786[06:28:56] <EEVV> so izaya your shadowkatstudios?
L787[06:28:57] <Lizzy> :/ cant decide what to eat
L788[06:29:10] <dangranos> >ubuntu is harder to use but more flexible
L789[06:29:11] <EEVV> lol just ubuntu
L790[06:29:11] <Izaya> No..?
L791[06:29:11] <dangranos> ahah
L792[06:29:13] <dangranos> AHAHAHA
L793[06:29:22] <Izaya> I'm not SKS
L794[06:29:23] * dangranos dies
L795[06:29:26] <Izaya> SKS isn't here.
L796[06:29:30] <EEVV> ok
L797[06:29:37] <Izaya> Even whois me.
L798[06:29:45] <EEVV> i was going to tell him that his eeprom script doesnt work
L799[06:29:49] * EEVV looks at Izaya
L800[06:29:58] <dangranos> EEVV, what is wrong with it?
L801[06:29:59] <Izaya> I'm not SKS, I'm not logged in as SKS.
L802[06:30:07] <EEVV> it doesnt work
L803[06:30:08] <Izaya> dangranos: Probably the DL link is fucked
L804[06:30:15] <Izaya> Very descriptive, EEVV
L805[06:30:27] <EEVV> dangranos remember yesterday, i got the skex into the drone and then when i go on the pc
L806[06:30:33] <EEVV> go to client.lua
L807[06:30:38] <EEVV> then type somethign
L808[06:30:43] <EEVV> edit
L809[06:30:46] <EEVV> or just commands
L810[06:30:47] <EEVV> it beeps
L811[06:30:50] <EEVV> so
L812[06:30:54] <Izaya> Oh hey, I think I've crossed the event horizon like asie - I've stopped being angry and instead just satire it.
L813[06:30:56] <dangranos> um
L814[06:30:56] <EEVV> i didnt want to start a musicle
L815[06:31:01] <Izaya> EEVV: Try using commands it knows.
L816[06:31:03] <asie> Izaya: for what?
L817[06:31:15] <EEVV> like drone.move(1,1,1,)
L818[06:31:20] <EEVV> minus the , at the back
L819[06:31:21] <Izaya> asie: EEVV
L820[06:31:25] <dangranos> EEVV, um
L821[06:31:40] <dangranos> have you looked at what it outputs?
L822[06:31:41] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L823[06:31:48] <EEVV> it beeps
L824[06:31:54] <EEVV> thats pretty much the whole program
L825[06:31:59] <dangranos> ugh
L826[06:32:04] <EEVV> 10/10 must get
L827[06:32:07] <dangranos> works fine here
L828[06:32:13] <Izaya> dangranos: Don't be angry, just laugh.
L829[06:32:18] * EEVV hehehe
L830[06:32:21] <EEVV> oops
L831[06:32:22] <Izaya> EEVV: Try inputting 'ei' first.
L832[06:32:27] <dangranos> ^
L833[06:32:31] * EEVV laughs and then chokes to death
L834[06:32:34] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-223-12-224.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L835[06:32:36] <Izaya> That's the interactively execute command
L836[06:32:40] <Izaya> ohyay, EEVV died
L837[06:32:49] <dangranos> the witch is dead!
L838[06:32:51] <EEVV> It's not ogre
L839[06:32:56] <EEVV> till i say its ogre
L840[06:33:06] <Lizzy> no
L841[06:33:11] <Sangar> o/
L842[06:33:16] <Skye> \o
L843[06:33:21] <vifino> Hello Sangar. Welcome to stupidity.
L844[06:33:23] <Lizzy> Sanger, run
L845[06:33:28] <Izaya> Sangar: Beware of the unintelligent one in our midst
L846[06:33:29] <EEVV> lol stupidity
L847[06:33:31] <dangranos> /o\
L848[06:33:33] <Sangar> eh?
L849[06:33:36] <EEVV> up high in the banana tree
L850[06:33:39] * Izaya stares at EEVV
L851[06:33:40] <Sangar> "one"
L852[06:33:41] <dangranos> Sangar, EEVV
L853[06:33:42] <EEVV> drone still doesnt work
L854[06:33:48] <Sangar> uhuh
L855[06:34:10] <Izaya> Apparently, not having a full nano editor = not working
L856[06:34:26] <Sangar> well. by that definition, i guess.
L857[06:34:31] <EEVV> can i code bios for a pc?
L858[06:34:41] <dangranos> uh
L859[06:34:42] <Sangar> yes, that's what eeproms are for
L860[06:34:44] <EEVV> say like without openos disk
L861[06:34:48] <dangranos> as in you CAN then yes
L862[06:34:56] <EEVV> yes but idk how to code them
L863[06:34:58] <dangranos> as in YOU can, 90% no
L864[06:35:05] <EEVV> lol
L865[06:35:09] <EEVV> so true
L866[06:35:10] <Izaya> dangranos: 98.5%
L867[06:35:16] <Sangar> use the flash program in openos
L868[06:35:17] <EEVV> well not exactly
L869[06:35:20] <dangranos> is that a score?
L870[06:35:33] <EEVV> ad 1.5%
L871[06:35:36] <EEVV> add*
L872[06:35:51] <EEVV> and it sums my knowledge for oc
L873[06:36:21] <EEVV> ill try that drone move thing quick
L874[06:36:57] <EEVV> sangar, what is your opinion on CC?
L875[06:37:13] <Sangar> why does that feel like a loaded question? >_>
L876[06:37:23] <EEVV> no it isn't
L877[06:37:26] <EEVV> if it would
L878[06:37:30] <EEVV> i would be banned already
L879[06:37:46] <EEVV> so flash drone
L880[06:37:48] <Sangar> i like it for what it is
L881[06:38:18] <EEVV> so
L882[06:38:27] <EEVV> when i added the command drone.move(1,1,1)
L883[06:38:39] <EEVV> the drone flies and instantly shutsdown
L884[06:38:46] <Sangar> use the analyzer on it
L885[06:38:50] <EEVV> "computer halted"
L886[06:39:01] <Izaya> how do I power off Android from software?
L887[06:39:04] <Sangar> do you have any code to keep it running after that?
L888[06:39:19] <EEVV> pretty much drone.move(1,1,1)
L889[06:39:20] <EEVV> and thats it
L890[06:39:22] <Sangar> because otherwise, yeah. if your (bi)os returns the computer shuts down
L891[06:39:26] <dangranos> Izaya, dunno
L892[06:39:28] <EEVV> get components modem
L893[06:39:36] <EEVV> then component drone
L894[06:39:38] <Izaya> Well then, control-C it is
L895[06:39:46] <Sangar> try throwing in a `while computer.pullEvent() end` at the end
L896[06:39:50] <Sangar> err
L897[06:39:52] <vifino> kevsmith, please. Enlighten me with your wonderful AOT Erlang compiler :(
L898[06:39:53] <Sangar> pullsignal
L899[06:40:01] <EEVV> so thats while true do ?
L900[06:40:08] <Sangar> err, yes
L901[06:40:15] <Sangar> sorry, can't lua right now apparently :X
L902[06:40:24] <EEVV> ok so
L903[06:40:33] <EEVV> while computer.pullEvent()
L904[06:40:38] <EEVV> drone.move(1,1,1)
L905[06:40:41] <EEVV> end
L906[06:40:42] <EEVV> yes?
L907[06:40:59] <Sangar> drone = ... ; drone.move(1,1,1) ; while computer.pullSignal() do end
L908[06:41:06] <Sangar> wait
L909[06:41:08] <Sangar> goddammit
L910[06:41:14] <Sangar> drone = ... ; drone.move(1,1,1) ; while true do computer.pullSignal() end
L911[06:41:15] <Sangar> that
L912[06:41:18] <dangranos> #notscala
L913[06:41:19] <Sangar> that should be right
L914[06:41:31] <Izaya> what the fuck
L915[06:41:41] <Izaya> Why do I get removed from the sudoers group?
L916[06:41:50] <dangranos> its wheel
L917[06:41:50] <Lizzy> ?
L918[06:41:53] <dangranos> or wheels
L919[06:41:59] <Vexatos> o/ snagar
L920[06:41:59] <EEVV> k ill flash that
L921[06:42:04] <EEVV> also sangar where di you learn lua
L922[06:42:04] <Sangar> \o
L923[06:42:13] <EEVV> the manual is jsut giving too advanced examples
L924[06:42:14] <dangranos> hehehe
L925[06:42:41] <Skye> EEVV, lean Lua buy making simple programs
L926[06:42:47] <EEVV> i do
L927[06:42:51] <EEVV> i usually use cc
L928[06:42:54] <EEVV> but i want to move to oc
L929[06:42:58] <EEVV> and find it a hard time
L930[06:43:05] <EEVV> on cc i know basically anything
L931[06:43:12] <dangranos> um
L932[06:43:12] <EEVV> if i want to program then i program it
L933[06:43:15] <Vexatos> Well, drones shouldn't be the first thing to look into
L934[06:43:16] <Skye> Do you know how require("thing") works?
L935[06:43:22] <EEVV> yes
L936[06:43:28] <EEVV> i need to memorize that
L937[06:43:33] <Vexatos> EEVV, drones are pretty much the most complicated thing in OC, you shouldn't start with THAT
L938[06:43:35] <EEVV> because it wont work
L939[06:43:40] <EEVV> i love drones
L940[06:43:48] <dangranos> what Vex said
L941[06:43:55] <EEVV> ok
L942[06:43:59] <EEVV> where to start from
L943[06:44:04] <EEVV> 101 tutorail for scrub
L944[06:44:05] <Vexatos> Computers?
L945[06:44:07] <EEVV> tutorial
L946[06:44:13] <EEVV> ok
L947[06:44:17] <Sangar> where i learned it? hmm. the first time i used it was probably wow, but that was ... minimal.
L948[06:44:17] <EEVV> lost you at computers
L949[06:44:22] <EEVV> no im joking
L950[06:44:31] <Sangar> actually dug into it when i needed scripting for a project
L951[06:44:31] <EEVV> world of warcraft?
L952[06:44:37] <Sangar> kinda larned it from the c side >_>
L953[06:44:38] <Sangar> yes
L954[06:44:40] <EEVV> wow
L955[06:44:53] <EEVV> wow indeed lel
L956[06:44:54] <Vexatos> EEVV, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aINHnHSMqU&list=PLcZKee5-koAC2-pKrE6NOycvfX-KMm013&index=16
L957[06:44:54] -Kibibyte- [Vexatos] OpenComputers v1.3 Tutorial 1: Blocks and Items (English) | by mightypirateslp | 14m11s | 28w3d ago | 3,728 views | Rated: 4.86/5.00
L958[06:44:54] <EEVV> anyway
L959[06:45:03] <EEVV> god
L960[06:45:06] <EEVV> i watched those vids
L961[06:45:07] <Vexatos> That's an OC tutorial
L962[06:45:12] <Sangar> there are some good tutorials on the forum
L963[06:45:14] <Vexatos> The only OC tutorial so far
L964[06:45:16] <EEVV> i know how to make a print commadn and so on
L965[06:45:16] <Vexatos> :P
L966[06:45:29] <EEVV> so
L967[06:45:32] <EEVV> say i want to make a server
L968[06:45:34] <EEVV> yes?
L969[06:45:57] <EEVV> ok
L970[06:46:09] <EEVV> tell me what program to make and ill try to do it on oc
L971[06:46:14] <EEVV> not anything advanced
L972[06:46:18] <EEVV> like "hello world"
L973[06:46:19] <EEVV> xD
L974[06:46:19] <Lizzy> hmm, do i want to reboot to windows to play SE
L975[06:46:20] <EEVV> jk
L976[06:46:29] <EEVV> SE?
L977[06:46:32] <Sangar> tic-tac-toe :P
L978[06:46:34] <EEVV> not werth it
L979[06:46:38] <EEVV> tic tac toe!?
L980[06:46:41] <Lizzy> Space Engineers
L981[06:46:45] <EEVV> that is like
L982[06:46:49] <EEVV> impossible
L983[06:46:52] <EEVV> on cc and o
L984[06:46:53] <EEVV> oc
L985[06:46:54] <EEVV> for me
L986[06:46:55] <Sangar> wat
L987[06:47:02] <dangranos> TTT?
L988[06:47:02] <EEVV> here is what i know
L989[06:47:08] <EEVV> tables
L990[06:47:10] <EEVV> functions
L991[06:47:17] <EEVV> functions arguments/parameters
L992[06:47:23] <EEVV> variables
L993[06:47:28] <EEVV> print and so on
L994[06:47:29] <EEVV> term
L995[06:47:37] <EEVV> and basically it i guess
L996[06:47:43] <EEVV> i think its like
L997[06:47:53] <Sangar> write the cc/oc hello world equivalent: big reactor control program >_>
L998[06:48:05] <EEVV> table = {eevv = "luapro", minecraft = "test"}
L999[06:48:16] <EEVV> oc?
L1000[06:48:18] <EEVV> would be
L1001[06:48:19] <Vexatos> Sangar, that's actually what I'm telling everyone starting with OC :3
L1002[06:48:31] <dangranos> hehehe
L1003[06:48:44] <EEVV> thats just print("Hello world!")
L1004[06:48:47] <Vexatos> Sangar, I wonder, are you able to assign new things to native APIs
L1005[06:48:56] <Vexatos> i.e.
L1006[06:48:59] <EEVV> gpu = component.require("gpu")
L1007[06:49:01] <EEVV> i think
L1008[06:49:04] <EEVV> for term.clear()
L1009[06:49:09] <Vexatos> os = {[cake]="hello"}
L1010[06:49:15] <Vexatos> and then the os functions are all gone?
L1011[06:49:15] <Sangar> Vexatos, sure
L1012[06:49:22] <Sangar> _G.os = ...
L1013[06:49:26] <Vexatos> yea
L1014[06:49:26] <Sangar> but other than that
L1015[06:49:39] <Sangar> EEVV, term = require("term")
L1016[06:49:39] <Vexatos> Are the native APIs stored in _G?
L1017[06:49:51] <EEVV> and
L1018[06:49:59] <EEVV> component = require("component") ?
L1019[06:50:06] <Sangar> Vexatos, everything globally available is stored in _G, so yup
L1020[06:50:11] <Vexatos> k
L1021[06:50:11] <Sangar> EEVV, aye
L1022[06:50:15] <Vexatos> Need to remember that
L1023[06:50:20] <Vexatos> _G is a nice feature in Lua
L1024[06:50:21] <EEVV> ok ill write a program
L1025[06:50:35] <Vexatos> allows you to pass values to other programs easily
L1026[06:50:59] <EEVV> im going to launch a server
L1027[06:51:05] <EEVV> any one want to join me?
L1028[06:51:12] <Izaya> no
L1029[06:51:18] <Izaya> I'm allergic to stupidity
L1030[06:51:21] <EEVV> :'(
L1031[06:51:25] <EEVV> thanks
L1032[06:51:30] <EEVV> means alot
L1033[06:51:32] * Izaya is also somewhat of an asshole and should be ignored
L1034[06:51:45] <EEVV> !ignore
L1035[06:51:58] <EEVV> but then
L1036[06:52:05] <EEVV> your allergic to stupidity
L1037[06:52:10] <EEVV> and you were born stupid
L1038[06:52:19] <EEVV> "This does not compute"
L1039[06:52:43] <EEVV> god damn
L1040[06:52:47] <EEVV> i think the font that oc uses
L1041[06:52:55] <EEVV> makes it look more advanced
L1042[06:52:55] <EEVV> xD
L1043[06:52:56] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~doty1154@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1044[06:53:09] <Izaya> EEVV: Funny. However, I have better things to do than argue.
L1045[06:53:20] <EEVV> god
L1046[06:53:27] <EEVV> its like i come here to start arguments
L1047[06:53:29] <Vexatos> EEVV, it's Unifont, meaning you can make it use almost any unicode character
L1048[06:53:39] <EEVV> ok
L1049[06:53:41] <dangranos> >YOUR
L1050[06:53:47] <dangranos> ugh
L1051[06:53:52] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L1052[06:53:58] * Izaya returns to configuring his virtual machine network
L1053[06:54:01] <Vexatos> RUOY<
L1054[06:54:03] <Vexatos> hgu
L1055[06:54:09] <EEVV> i remember when i played 1.6.4
L1056[06:54:11] <EEVV> survival
L1057[06:54:22] <EEVV> managed to get enough for making tier 1 pc
L1058[06:54:26] <EEVV> i made a big screen
L1059[06:54:33] <EEVV> basically a living room :)
L1060[06:54:39] <EEVV> i was writing a program
L1061[06:54:47] <EEVV> good times
L1062[06:55:18] <dangranos> i am idiot
L1063[06:55:28] <dangranos> "# sudo pacman -Syu sudo
L1064[06:55:41] <EEVV> sudo pacman lol
L1065[06:55:52] <EEVV> pacman requires root permissions to run
L1066[06:55:58] <EEVV> 100000% not a virus
L1067[06:56:02] <dangranos> um
L1068[06:56:13] <Izaya> dangranos: Laugh.
L1069[06:56:22] <Izaya> EEVV: pacman is the Arch Linux package manager.
L1070[06:56:24] <dangranos> i used "sudo" under root to install sudo
L1071[06:56:28] <EEVV> oh
L1072[06:56:41] * EEVV feels embarassed and hides under a rock
L1073[06:56:48] <EEVV> so
L1074[06:56:48] <Izaya> I'm sorry you're stuck with primative tools like apt-get and that horrendous GUI one packaged with Ubuntu
L1075[06:56:50] <EEVV> oppm
L1076[06:57:04] <EEVV> izyay dont hate
L1077[06:57:23] <EEVV> what distro your using?
L1078[06:57:29] <Izaya> Arch.
L1079[06:57:36] <EEVV> ok
L1080[06:57:39] <Izaya> Except for my server, it runs GUI-less debian
L1081[06:57:42] <dangranos> >-Izaya- VERSION HexChat 2.10.2 / Linux 3.17.3-1-ARCH [x86_64/2.27GHz/SMP]
L1082[06:57:59] <EEVV> why hate on ubuntu
L1083[06:58:07] <EEVV> i didnt say shit about arch
L1084[06:58:11] <Izaya> Because Ubuntu is a piece of shit.
L1085[06:58:18] <EEVV> gg
L1086[06:58:27] <dangranos> >ubuntu is harder to use but more flexible
L1087[06:58:38] <dangranos> that made me laugh
L1088[06:58:38] <EEVV> ubuntu isnt hard to use
L1089[06:58:43] <EEVV> god damn
L1090[06:58:47] <dangranos> its was your message
L1091[06:58:49] <Izaya> If I wanted slow, I would use Windows. If I wanted a simple-as-fuck GUI, I would use a Mac.
L1092[06:59:03] <Izaya> If I want power, which I do, I use Linux.
L1093[06:59:07] <EEVV> if you wanted shit gui
L1094[06:59:08] <EEVV> use lxde
L1095[06:59:12] <EEVV> wink wink
L1096[06:59:20] <Izaya> xfce best GUI
L1097[06:59:22] <Izaya> no
L1098[06:59:23] <dangranos> <EEVV> since ubuntu is harder to use but more flexible i use it
L1099[06:59:25] <Izaya> CLI best UI
L1100[06:59:39] <EEVV> correction
L1101[06:59:46] <EEVV> "CLI is the best UI for YOU"
L1102[06:59:50] <Izaya> :P
L1103[07:00:01] <Izaya> Paper tape best UI
L1104[07:00:05] <EEVV> xd
L1105[07:00:09] <Lizzy> your face best UI
L1106[07:00:11] <EEVV> dont know what that is
L1107[07:00:11] <Izaya> front panel switches best UI
L1108[07:00:28] <Izaya> rewiring best UI
L1109[07:00:30] <EEVV> sudo apt-get yourfaceui
L1110[07:00:40] <EEVV> what ui does arch linux use
L1111[07:00:42] <Lizzy> though seriously quit bitching about UIs and package managers
L1112[07:00:48] <dangranos> >_<
L1113[07:00:48] <EEVV> ikr
L1114[07:00:50] <Izaya> EEVV: By default? None.
L1115[07:00:52] <dangranos> none
L1116[07:00:57] <EEVV> wow
L1117[07:01:00] <EEVV> text mode
L1118[07:01:01] <Lizzy> we all know OPPM is best (cc Vexatos )
L1119[07:01:03] <Izaya> You can install whichever you like.
L1120[07:01:03] <EEVV> ui
L1121[07:01:14] <EEVV> i broke my default ui
L1122[07:01:17] <EEVV> do you use lxde?
L1123[07:01:22] <Vexatos> OPPM masterrace
L1124[07:01:23] <dangranos> kde here
L1125[07:01:25] <EEVV> i liked the performence
L1126[07:01:28] <Izaya> XFCE ftw
L1127[07:01:31] <EEVV> but the ui was kinda bull
L1128[07:01:37] * Lizzy likes cinnamon
L1129[07:01:39] <dangranos> wai, no
L1130[07:01:42] <Izaya> Low resource usage, better than KDE/GNOME IMO
L1131[07:01:45] <dangranos> its "Plasma 5"
L1132[07:01:46] <EEVV> i wanted to install cinnamon
L1133[07:01:53] <EEVV> i use gnome now
L1134[07:01:57] <EEVV> because i broke unity
L1135[07:01:59] <Izaya> EEVV: Except you use Ubuntu and can't do shit?
L1136[07:02:10] <dangranos> Izaya, i couldnt setup it to not look lke win2000
L1137[07:02:11] <EEVV> Take cover
L1138[07:02:15] <EEVV> teh fanboy approaches
L1139[07:02:22] <dangranos> *boys
L1140[07:02:25] *** Lizzy sets mode: +q *!*ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org
L1141[07:02:26] <EEVV> lol
L1142[07:02:26] <Izaya> dangranos: Try some of the other themes
L1143[07:02:26] <dangranos> no
L1144[07:02:30] <Izaya> D:
L1145[07:02:33] <dangranos> its fans
L1146[07:02:37] <Izaya> anyone
L1147[07:02:38] <EEVV> hating on ubuntu
L1148[07:02:38] <Izaya> D:
L1149[07:02:45] <EEVV> ubuntu is still linux
L1150[07:02:48] <dangranos> Lizzy, um
L1151[07:02:51] <Lizzy> Izaya, i will unquiet you in about 5 mins
L1152[07:02:55] <EEVV> and arch is still linux respectively
L1153[07:03:15] <dangranos> Lizzy, you know that your esper account is still "ender"?
L1154[07:03:25] <Lizzy> dangranos, yes, why?
L1155[07:03:29] <EEVV> for the best distro would be debian
L1156[07:03:35] <dangranos> nothin
L1157[07:03:37] <Lizzy> EEVV, end of discussion
L1158[07:03:38] <EEVV> since it extends to arm
L1159[07:03:44] <EEVV> kk lizzy
L1160[07:03:44] <Vexatos> The best distro is micrOS
L1161[07:03:48] <EEVV> xd
L1162[07:03:48] <dangranos> arch can into arm too
L1163[07:03:53] <EEVV> oh yeah
L1164[07:03:58] <dangranos> Vexatos, the sks' one?
L1165[07:03:58] *** Lizzy sets mode: -q Izaya!*@*
L1166[07:04:02] <Lizzy> ffs
L1167[07:04:03] <EEVV> but im beeing quiet becasue arm6
L1168[07:04:07] <EEVV> because*
L1169[07:04:09] <Vexatos> dangranos :3
L1170[07:04:11] <Izaya> Yay, micrOS best distro
L1171[07:04:15] <Lizzy> hexchat is stupid with it's quiets and unquiets
L1172[07:04:24] <Lizzy> Izaya, you're not yet -q'd, hold on
L1173[07:04:24] <dangranos> ahah
L1174[07:04:28] <EEVV> lizzy how do i quiet?
L1175[07:04:36] <dangranos> /ignore nick
L1176[07:04:38] *** Lizzy sets mode: -q *!*ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org
L1177[07:04:40] * vifino hugs Lizzy and Izaya
L1178[07:04:44] <Lizzy> EEVV, ?
L1179[07:04:52] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L1180[07:04:56] <EEVV> now you
L1181[07:04:57] <Izaya> Hm, I keep getting distracted.
L1182[07:05:00] <EEVV> lol
L1183[07:05:01] <EEVV> xd
L1184[07:05:15] <Izaya> This place will be so much quieter...
L1185[07:05:17] <Lizzy> also i have still yet to reboot to windows
L1186[07:05:18] <dangranos> what do we have here?
L1187[07:05:19] <EEVV> lizzy is it possible to make a game on oc?
L1188[07:05:25] <Izaya> EEVV!*@* added to ignore list.
L1189[07:05:26] <dangranos> systemd update, kernel update
L1190[07:05:27] <dangranos> damn
L1191[07:05:37] <Lizzy> EEVV, yes, i think some others have already done one
L1192[07:05:54] ⇦ Quits: davs (~davs@bband-dyn8.178-41-250.t-com.sk) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L1193[07:05:57] <EEVV> lizzy: also what is this microos nano os
L1194[07:05:58] <Izaya> I can log back into nickserv, too :D
L1195[07:06:13] <dangranos> micrOS is sks' OS
L1196[07:06:18] <dangranos> for OC computers
L1197[07:06:27] <Lizzy> why are you asking me all the questions for things other people poke at you?
L1198[07:06:31] <EEVV> so whats the advantages
L1199[07:06:55] <EEVV> oh nvm
L1200[07:07:38] * dangranos imprints text "****ING GOOGLE IT" on EEVV everything
L1201[07:07:43] <Lizzy> where is my laptop charger
L1202[07:07:44] <dangranos> *eevv's
L1203[07:08:02] <EEVV> wow
L1204[07:08:08] <EEVV> its like the irc has turned against me
L1205[07:08:13] <EEVV> every one is an enemy
L1206[07:08:14] <dangranos> aaah
L1207[07:08:15] <Lizzy> *pulls cable out of bag* no that's a serial cable
L1208[07:08:17] <dangranos> thats better
L1209[07:08:20] * Lizzy tries again
L1210[07:08:24] * dangranos highfives Izaya
L1211[07:08:31] * EEVV takes cover behind sand bags
L1212[07:08:40] <Izaya> What am I being high-fived for?
L1213[07:08:42] * EEVV exhales
L1214[07:08:46] <Lizzy> your face
L1215[07:08:49] <EEVV> XD
L1216[07:08:51] <dangranos> for ignore
L1217[07:08:53] <EEVV> haha
L1218[07:08:59] * Lizzy high fives Izaya's face
L1219[07:09:02] <EEVV> XD
L1220[07:09:14] <dangranos> EEVV, cant hear you
L1221[07:09:14] * Lizzy high fives EEVV's face
L1222[07:09:20] * EEVV is dizzy
L1223[07:09:31] * EEVV falls to the ground
L1224[07:09:35] * EEVV ded #2
L1225[07:09:41] <Izaya> Argh, WiFi is terrible for X11-over-ssh
L1226[07:09:46] <EEVV> that was quiet a high five
L1227[07:10:21] * EEVV tries to code somethin
L1228[07:10:29] <Izaya> Hm.
L1229[07:10:31] * EEVV forgot to put g at the end
L1230[07:10:34] <Lizzy> wanna see a low five?
L1231[07:10:38] <vifino> Izaya, Lizzy: Any of you want to play TF2 with me?
L1232[07:10:45] <EEVV> i do
L1233[07:10:48] <EEVV> pick me
L1234[07:10:51] <EEVV> !!!
L1235[07:10:56] <Lizzy> EEVV, are you sure?
L1236[07:11:01] <Izaya> I'm TF2-impaired
L1237[07:11:02] <EEVV> i am ready.
L1238[07:11:06] <Lizzy> vifino, i'll see if i have it on windows
L1239[07:11:12] <vifino> Lizzy: \o/
L1240[07:11:25] <EEVV> vifino can i play with you?
L1241[07:11:27] *** EEVV was kicked by Lizzy (* Lizzy roundhouse-kicks EEVV ))
L1242[07:11:32] <Lizzy> i did warn him
L1243[07:11:39] <dangranos> what he said?
L1244[07:11:53] * Izaya high-fives Lizzy
L1245[07:11:54] <Lizzy> i asked him if he wanted a low five, he said yes
L1246[07:12:11] ⇨ Joins: EEVV (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L1247[07:12:11] <Izaya> I wonder if he knows how to rejoin...
L1248[07:12:15] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1249[07:12:16] <EEVV> and then i got high
L1250[07:12:17] <vifino> Izaya: Does this mean you won't play with us?
L1251[07:12:19] <dangranos> hehehe
L1252[07:12:24] <vifino> :(
L1253[07:12:28] <EEVV> vifino can i?
L1254[07:12:29] <Izaya> vifino: I can't TF2.
L1255[07:12:30] <Lizzy> Izaya, you sent that right after he joined
L1256[07:12:38] <dangranos> vifino, i would like to play with you
L1257[07:12:38] <dangranos> but
L1258[07:12:41] <Izaya> Lizzy: Even better :D
L1259[07:12:42] <dangranos> homework :(
L1260[07:12:47] <vifino> dangranos: Aww..
L1261[07:13:02] <EEVV> conga
L1262[07:13:08] <EEVV> tun tun...
L1263[07:13:11] <Lizzy> anyway, rebooting to windows
L1264[07:13:35] <EEVV> windows
L1265[07:13:38] <EEVV> never heard ofi t
L1266[07:13:47] <vifino> Lizzy: I'll be waiting for you :3
L1267[07:13:51] <Izaya> macrosoft wandows merp
L1268[07:14:06] <EEVV> vifino can i join you guys
L1269[07:14:07] <EEVV> lol
L1270[07:14:08] * Lizzy wandows Izaya
L1271[07:14:17] <EEVV> i remember when i read an article
L1272[07:14:19] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1273[07:14:26] <EEVV> guy made a webpage mikerowesoft.
L1274[07:14:34] <EEVV> and was sent to court
L1275[07:14:59] <Lizzy> i remember when i read an article
L1276[07:15:04] <Lizzy> i didnt give a shit
L1277[07:15:16] <EEVV> lol
L1278[07:15:22] <EEVV> articles in a nutshell
L1279[07:15:26] <EEVV> :')
L1280[07:15:45] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5493419B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: reconnecting)
L1281[07:15:51] <EEVV> whois lizzy
L1282[07:15:54] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1283[07:16:01] <Izaya> Lizzy: I read an article like that. 10/inf would not re-read
L1284[07:16:03] <Lizzy> I am Lizzy
L1285[07:16:25] <EEVV> i see
L1286[07:16:25] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54935CDE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1287[07:16:41] <Lizzy> i booted into windows and i am suddenly unable to type on my keyboard properly :/
L1288[07:16:47] <Lizzy> brain pls
L1289[07:16:52] <dangranos> hehehe
L1290[07:16:57] <EEVV> well lizzy thanks for the help
L1291[07:16:57] <Izaya> It's the MS keylogger.
L1292[07:16:58] <EEVV> on oc
L1293[07:17:04] <EEVV> i will be going now
L1294[07:17:05] <Lizzy> np
L1295[07:17:10] <dangranos> alsa-VS-pulse war on #archlinux@freenode
L1296[07:17:13] <EEVV> roundhosue kick me pls
L1297[07:17:15] <EEVV> hose
L1298[07:17:16] <EEVV> house
L1299[07:17:27] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Client Quit)
L1300[07:17:37] <EEVV> !kick eevv
L1301[07:17:37] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1302[07:17:45] <EEVV> !roundhouse kick eevv
L1303[07:17:45] *** EEVV was kicked by Lizzy (* Lizzy throws her hammer at EEVV, knocking her out of the channel))
L1304[07:17:48] <Lizzy> er
L1305[07:17:50] <Lizzy> meh
L1306[07:17:54] <Lizzy> sod pronouns
L1307[07:18:47] <Izaya> dangranos: This will be fun to watch
L1308[07:18:47] <vifino> dangranos: So gonna throw jack audio in :D
L1309[07:19:12] <Lizzy> would i be evil if i put a command in EnderBot2 that when someone says "kick me" or some variant of it it replies back with "ok" then kicks them?
L1310[07:19:32] <dangranos> !suicide ?
L1311[07:19:45] <vifino> No, that's just doing them a favour, Lizzy! :P
L1312[07:21:41] <Lizzy> oh look, loads of things in the action center
L1313[07:21:50] <Lizzy> most of which are about Avast being outdated
L1314[07:21:53] <Lizzy> which it is
L1315[07:22:03] <Lizzy> because i havent booted windows in over 3 weeks
L1316[07:22:38] <Lizzy> now just waiting for steam to do it's thing
L1317[07:23:16] <Izaya> macrosoft wandows merp is totally gonna be in my user agent string
L1318[07:25:21] <dangranos> Lizzy, pls add
L1319[07:25:25] <Lizzy> ?
L1320[07:25:33] <dangranos> >
L1321[07:25:34] <dangranos> <@Lizzy> would i be evil if i put a command in EnderBot2 that when someone says "kick me" or some variant of it it replies back with "ok" then kicks them?
L1322[07:25:44] <dangranos> DAMN YOU NEWLINE!
L1323[07:25:45] <Lizzy> will add to my notes for EB3
L1324[07:28:06] *** Daiyousei is now known as Fairy
L1325[07:28:17] <vifino> Lizzy: I could add that to |0xDEADBEEF| or Wizard in like, a minute :D
L1326[07:28:23] <vifino> Blame my macros :D
L1327[07:28:37] <vifino> Well, they are messy as hell..
L1328[07:28:43] <vifino> But they work(tm)
L1329[07:30:46] <Izaya> Something something vhosts
L1330[07:31:13] <Lizzy> vifino, i could add it to EnderBot2 rather easily, i just dont want to because i've feature locked it
L1331[07:31:26] <vifino> Oh, okay.
L1332[07:31:26] <Lizzy> Izaya, what did you break?
L1333[07:31:48] <dangranos> Lizzy, make it modular!
L1334[07:31:52] <Lizzy> dangranos, ?
L1335[07:32:26] <Izaya> Lizzy: they work, it's just that I don't know why.
L1336[07:33:17] <Lizzy> FFS steam, if i tell you to put a game at the top of the download queue, you do it. not do it for a split seccond then go onto another game
L1337[07:35:45] <Lizzy> steam, fucking download SE
L1338[07:36:11] ⇦ Quits: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@hathor.stary2001.co.uk) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1339[07:36:47] <Lizzy> k, steam is being glitchy as hell
L1340[07:36:48] <dangranos> Lizzy, you do know that SE runs on wine too?
L1341[07:37:14] <Lizzy> dangranos, i guessed it might but didn't want to wait for it to re-download all again
L1342[07:38:21] <Lizzy> k, so SE is getting a "disk write error"
L1343[07:38:29] <Lizzy> when it tries to update
L1344[07:39:58] * Izaya crashed Haiku again, before even installing it
L1345[07:41:22] <Lizzy> \o/ now need to reboot to do a disk check
L1346[07:43:30] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1347[07:44:37] <vifino> vifino | GO KICK ME YOU *******!
L1348[07:44:37] <vifino> <-- | Wizard has kicked vifino (No problem.)
L1349[07:44:43] <vifino> Lizzy: I did it :3
L1350[07:44:48] <Lizzy> lol
L1351[07:45:49] <Lizzy> wow, the amount of FS errors on my windows drive
L1352[07:46:31] <Izaya> Lizzy: is equal to the amount of NTFS blocks, yes?
L1353[07:46:40] <Lizzy> not quite
L1354[07:47:20] <dangranos> heh
L1355[07:47:28] <dangranos> havent used my root password for a while
L1356[07:47:36] <dangranos> just used it to set it on new arch
L1357[07:47:48] <Cazzar> What's a root password?
L1358[07:48:06] <dangranos> you are kidding. you are kidding, right?
L1359[07:48:11] <Lizzy> 42
L1360[07:48:15] <vifino> 42!!!!
L1361[07:48:45] <dangranos> you shall not pass :D
L1362[07:48:47] <Cazzar> dangranos, I run arch, it's just, i am one to always disable root login.
L1363[07:49:36] <Izaya> The amount of randoms that try to log into lain as root amaze me.
L1364[07:49:46] <Izaya> I have remote root login disabled, of course.
L1365[07:50:20] <Cazzar> At uni they had a common root password for lab VMa
L1366[07:50:37] * dangranos disabled root and password login on his desktop
L1367[07:50:39] <Cazzar> VMs* so I decided to troll.
L1368[07:51:22] <Izaya> I should make it so you can only log in as root by: sshing into the account using a private key from
L1369[07:51:52] <Lizzy> Izaya, check sshd's logs (or wherever login attempts show up)
L1370[07:52:07] <Izaya> Lizzy: I checked it and blocked a few IPs.
L1371[07:52:28] * dangranos goes sshing to izayas root
L1372[07:52:38] <dangranos> haxors gonnad ssh
L1373[07:52:40] <dangranos> *gonna
L1374[07:53:04] <Lizzy> Izaya, do you see my attmpte?
L1375[07:53:08] <Lizzy> attempts*
L1376[07:54:20] <Izaya> ohh, did you try?
L1377[07:54:42] <Lizzy> yes, i have done 3 times now
L1378[07:54:44] <Lizzy> :P
L1379[07:54:48] <dangranos> same
L1380[07:55:19] <Lizzy> 4
L1381[07:55:21] <Lizzy> :P
L1382[07:55:25] <Cazzar> Is this where I say I have sshd portfowarded for me? :3
L1383[07:55:34] <Lizzy> ?
L1384[07:55:57] <dangranos> prepare you daemons
L1385[07:55:59] <vifino> Lizzy: Isn't that a beautiful 'kick me'? http://hastebin.com/iroyifahab.ex
L1386[07:56:00] <vifino> :D
L1387[07:56:32] <Izaya> fuhh
L1388[07:56:42] <Izaya> Tracker won't run on my Haiku VM
L1389[07:57:11] ⇦ Quits: sirius_black (~sirius_bl@dhcp-089-098-003-029.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1390[07:57:15] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Quit: I think the BNC broke.)
L1391[07:58:37] <Lizzy> i'ma go get a pot noodle whilst pc is check disking
L1392[07:59:49] <Izaya> Lizzy: fsck.ntfs would probably be faster and more effective, ironically
L1393[08:00:11] <Lizzy> wouldnt suprise me
L1394[08:01:16] <dangranos> doesnt it flags it to check?
L1395[08:01:46] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no)
L1396[08:06:42] <Lizzy> back
L1397[08:07:17] <Izaya> ohshit
L1398[08:07:33] <Izaya> >/boot/User/Bootscript has failed
L1399[08:07:52] <Lizzy> \o/ steam is actually downloading SE updates now
L1400[08:08:47] <Lizzy> and avast is unable to launch it's stuff, meh
L1401[08:09:12] <vifino> Lizzy: I thought tf2? :(
L1402[08:09:18] <Izaya> I wonder if it will cope better without x86_64 support
L1403[08:09:23] <Lizzy> vifino, maybe later
L1404[08:09:27] <vifino> Okay :(
L1405[08:12:05] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L1406[08:13:20] <Izaya> D: Stuff is freaking out everywhere
L1407[08:13:35] <Lizzy> are you vhosts going to shit?
L1408[08:14:51] <Izaya> Lizzy: No, my Haiku VM won't work
L1409[08:15:13] <Lizzy> ah
L1410[08:15:18] <Lizzy> i blame your vhosts
L1411[08:15:39] *** Fairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1412[08:16:22] <Izaya> Lizzy: is that the standard response now?
L1413[08:16:26] <Lizzy> yes
L1414[08:16:46] <Izaya> Also, I'm out of CDs D: I can't burn BeOS 5 Pro, even though I have software capible of doing so D:
L1415[08:18:47] <Daiyousei> people actually use Haiku & BeOS?
L1416[08:18:49] <Daiyousei> o.o
L1417[08:19:44] <Izaya> Daiyousei: I have a system from ~2000, may as well try to make it run
L1418[08:20:13] <Izaya> Besides, if I can watch 480p video on it, I can watch SEL on intended hardware
L1419[08:22:27] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-24-214.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L1420[08:24:51] ⇨ Joins: EEVV (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L1421[08:24:56] <EEVV> hey
L1422[08:24:59] <EEVV> can someone help me quick
L1423[08:25:06] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1424[08:35:12] ⇦ Quits: EEVV (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1425[08:42:38] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Quit: In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.)
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L1427[08:52:25] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1428[08:56:21] ⇨ Joins: EEVV (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L1429[08:56:28] <EEVV> hey peoples
L1430[08:56:42] <EEVV> does this work on oc parallel.waitForAny(function1,,function2)
L1431[08:56:43] <Altenius> hi
L1432[08:56:53] <EEVV> hey altenius
L1433[08:56:55] <Altenius> no
L1434[08:57:00] <EEVV> D:
L1435[08:57:05] <EEVV> i want to make a chat program
L1436[08:57:05] <dangranos> yay
L1437[08:57:25] <EEVV> so how can i make on
L1438[08:57:27] <EEVV> one
L1439[08:57:36] <dangranos> i can see text from the bed!
L1440[08:57:46] <dangranos> hi eevv
L1441[08:58:20] <EEVV> hi dangranos
L1442[08:58:24] <EEVV> what do you mean bed?
L1443[08:58:30] <EEVV> your pc is on?
L1444[08:58:36] <dangranos> wut
L1445[08:58:43] <EEVV> :O
L1446[08:58:46] <EEVV> so dangranos
L1447[08:58:57] <EEVV> have you coded a messaging chat program
L1448[08:58:58] <vifino> TIL the guys in the erlang channel are mostly twats and the guys in the elixir channel are awesome.
L1449[08:59:04] <vifino> -_-
L1450[08:59:14] <dangranos> cant hear you
L1451[08:59:29] <EEVV> what do you mean cant hear me
L1452[08:59:35] <EEVV> im saying
L1453[08:59:43] <EEVV> have you made a chat program
L1454[08:59:51] * vifino palms face
L1455[09:00:06] * EEVV desks face
L1456[09:00:19] * EEVV waves at vifino
L1457[09:04:03] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1458[09:04:13] <EEVV> uhh
L1459[09:04:14] <EEVV> als
L1460[09:04:15] <EEVV> also
L1461[09:04:26] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L1462[09:04:28] <EEVV> can opencomputers interact with computercraft via modem
L1463[09:04:29] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L1464[09:04:33] <EEVV> the modem api
L1465[09:05:16] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1466[09:05:21] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L1467[09:05:50] <EEVV> also
L1468[09:05:57] <EEVV> say i have two strings
L1469[09:06:01] <EEVV> can i turn them into a table
L1470[09:06:05] <EEVV> or add them to a table
L1471[09:07:07] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L1472[09:08:30] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f11e3d.skybroadband.com)
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L1474[09:10:57] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L1475[09:15:20] <EEVV> hello guys?
L1476[09:20:58] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1477[09:20:58] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1478[09:22:18] <Skye> EEVV, what exactly do you want to do?
L1479[09:23:48] <vifino> Skye: Don't.
L1480[09:24:09] <CompanionCube> vifino, Don't what?
L1481[09:25:44] <EEVV> oh hey
L1482[09:25:47] <EEVV> sorry
L1483[09:26:00] <EEVV> i was trying to get a table working
L1484[09:26:08] <EEVV> but
L1485[09:26:09] <EEVV> also
L1486[09:26:25] <EEVV> does parallel.watForFunction or something like that exist in oc?
L1487[09:26:39] <Skye> Don't think so
L1488[09:26:47] <Skye> ~w parallel
L1489[09:26:47] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-coroutine
L1490[09:26:53] <Skye> yeah...
L1491[09:26:56] <Skye> complex stuff
L1492[09:27:16] <Skye> However, the recommended system is an event based system.
L1493[09:27:59] <Skye> EEVV, you know in Lua that a function is just a type of variable?
L1494[09:28:58] <EEVV> ok
L1495[09:29:03] <EEVV> well
L1496[09:29:04] <EEVV> not really
L1497[09:29:08] <EEVV> when i learned functions
L1498[09:29:17] <Skye> ok...
L1499[09:29:18] <Skye> so..
L1500[09:29:19] <EEVV> i knew that they were powerful tools
L1501[09:29:22] <EEVV> ok
L1502[09:29:25] <EEVV> ill read that quickl
L1503[09:29:26] <EEVV> quickly
L1504[09:29:52] <EEVV> _o_
L1505[09:29:54] <EEVV> wow
L1506[09:29:59] <Skye> a = function(args) print("I was given: " .. args) end
L1507[09:30:02] <EEVV> i dont know how to use that
L1508[09:30:03] <Skye> is the same as
L1509[09:30:04] <EEVV> yes
L1510[09:30:10] <EEVV> i know that
L1511[09:30:17] <EEVV> function(arg1,arg2,arg3)
L1512[09:30:21] <EEVV> print(arg1)
L1513[09:30:24] <EEVV> print(arg2)
L1514[09:30:26] <EEVV> and so on
L1515[09:30:27] <Skye> no
L1516[09:30:29] <Skye> Look
L1517[09:30:32] <Skye> a = function(args) print("I was given: " .. args) end
L1518[09:30:49] <Skye> function a(args) print("I was given: " .. args) end
L1519[09:30:56] <EEVV> wow
L1520[09:30:58] <Skye> They both do and mean exactly the same thing
L1521[09:31:12] <EEVV> so...
L1522[09:31:18] <EEVV> im confused
L1523[09:31:20] <EEVV> any way
L1524[09:31:29] <EEVV> how would i make it work
L1525[09:31:34] <EEVV> using that coroutine
L1526[09:31:39] <EEVV> or whats it called
L1527[09:31:44] <EEVV> because i wanted to make a chat program
L1528[09:31:48] <EEVV> and i did it
L1529[09:31:49] <Skye> You can treat a function as a variable.
L1530[09:32:01] <EEVV> ok
L1531[09:32:05] <Skye> Now...
L1532[09:32:10] <EEVV> hear this out quick
L1533[09:32:16] <EEVV> i have a server rack
L1534[09:32:18] <EEVV> in a server block
L1535[09:32:20] <EEVV> only 1
L1536[09:32:27] <EEVV> it has a program called chatserver
L1537[09:32:38] <EEVV> and made it handle all the incoming connections
L1538[09:32:43] <EEVV> and on the clients
L1539[09:32:48] <EEVV> there are programs called chat
L1540[09:32:53] <EEVV> where you open them
L1541[09:32:55] <EEVV> you type
L1542[09:32:58] <EEVV> well actually
L1543[09:33:03] <EEVV> first it asks your name
L1544[09:33:08] <EEVV> you type in "EEVV"
L1545[09:33:13] <EEVV> and then a message
L1546[09:33:16] ⇨ Joins: Naegi (webchat@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net)
L1547[09:33:20] <EEVV> it will resend to the client
L1548[09:33:27] <EEVV> EEVV: message
L1549[09:33:29] <EEVV> but
L1550[09:33:36] <EEVV> my 2nd client couldnt get the message
L1551[09:33:49] <Skye> OC doesn't have parallel, but it has got an event based system
L1552[09:33:52] <EEVV> as he was paused at sendhim = io.read()
L1553[09:33:59] <EEVV> so im confused
L1554[09:34:00] <Skye> yeah
L1555[09:34:04] <Skye> You use events.
L1556[09:34:16] <EEVV> so help me out here?
L1557[09:34:19] <Skye> Have you used events in ComputerCraft?
L1558[09:34:22] <EEVV> yes
L1559[09:34:27] <EEVV> modem_message
L1560[09:34:31] <EEVV> its how everything works
L1561[09:34:42] <EEVV> event_pull
L1562[09:34:44] <EEVV> i believe
L1563[09:34:47] <Altenius> There's an event API that takes a callback function for an event.
L1564[09:34:58] <Skye> In opencomputers there is another way of responding to an event
L1565[09:35:02] <Skye> Altenius, I was getting to that
L1566[09:35:09] <EEVV> lol altenius
L1567[09:35:19] <Altenius> :P
L1568[09:35:25] <EEVV> so i want either events to respond
L1569[09:35:33] <EEVV> like if say function receive
L1570[09:35:42] <EEVV> had its event triggered then it would run
L1571[09:35:47] <EEVV> or something like that
L1572[09:35:50] <EEVV> im not sure
L1573[09:35:54] <EEVV> how it works so.....
L1574[09:36:19] <Skye> function receive(args_for_modem_message)
L1575[09:36:32] <Skye> --put stuff onto screen
L1576[09:36:34] <Skye> end
L1577[09:36:42] <EEVV> kk
L1578[09:36:47] <Skye> -- Then you register the event
L1579[09:36:51] <EEVV> ok
L1580[09:36:55] <Skye> gah
L1581[09:36:58] <EEVV> so the events run side-by side?
L1582[09:36:59] <Skye> hold on
L1583[09:37:01] <Skye> yes
L1584[09:37:04] <EEVV> ok
L1585[09:37:10] <EEVV> btw thankyou for helping me
L1586[09:37:17] <Skye> You need to unregister them at the end of your program, though!
L1587[09:37:38] <EEVV> ok
L1588[09:38:00] <EEVV> so tell me that command or whats it called to make them run
L1589[09:38:05] <EEVV> wait
L1590[09:38:10] <EEVV> by arg for modem you mean
L1591[09:38:13] <EEVV> stuff like the
L1592[09:38:19] <EEVV> port,distance,message etc...?
L1593[09:42:26] <EEVV> altenius
L1594[09:42:31] <EEVV> whats that api
L1595[09:42:42] <EEVV> i think skye died...
L1596[09:47:05] <Skye> sorry
L1597[09:47:12] <Skye> i was getting ice cream
L1598[09:47:15] ⇨ Joins: Blue (~blue@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L1599[09:47:19] <Izaya> noms
L1600[09:47:21] <EEVV> ok
L1601[09:47:29] <Blue> hello im eevv
L1602[09:47:33] <EEVV> xD
L1603[09:47:53] <Blue> testing irc within maincrieft
L1604[09:48:07] ⇦ Quits: Blue (~blue@th-186-47.splius.lt) (Client Quit)
L1605[09:48:10] <EEVV> so
L1606[09:48:42] <Skye> ~w event
L1607[09:48:42] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L1608[09:48:47] <EEVV> ok
L1609[09:48:51] <Skye> ~w modem signal
L1610[09:48:51] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L1611[09:49:25] <Skye> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals#network_cards
L1612[09:49:26] <EEVV> wow
L1613[09:49:34] <Skye> modem_message(receiverAddress: string, senderAddress: string, port: number, distance: number, ...)
L1614[09:50:02] <EEVV> i feel
L1615[09:50:17] <EEVV> i feel like doing computercraft to opencomputers w/ redstone
L1616[09:50:21] <EEVV> but it will be much harder
L1617[09:50:23] <EEVV> twss
L1618[09:50:27] <Skye> uhm
L1619[09:50:33] <EEVV> ok
L1620[09:50:35] <EEVV> so
L1621[09:50:57] <EEVV> god
L1622[09:51:05] <EEVV> it just looks to difficult
L1623[09:52:01] <EEVV> hmm
L1624[09:52:39] <EEVV> i wish i could do something like text = event.pull(1,"io_read")
L1625[09:52:53] <EEVV> demmit
L1626[09:53:07] <EEVV> i might stick to emails loleth
L1627[09:53:25] <Skye> EEVV...
L1628[09:53:30] <Skye> Look
L1629[09:53:33] <EEVV> yes skye?
L1630[09:53:47] <EEVV> ok looking
L1631[09:54:07] <Skye> function received(receiverAddress, senderAddress, port, distance)
L1632[09:54:23] <EEVV> addres = receive()
L1633[09:54:24] <Skye> function received(receiverAddress, senderAddress, port, distance, message)
L1634[09:54:28] <EEVV> would that work
L1635[09:54:34] <Skye> no
L1636[09:54:36] <Skye> function received(receiverAddress, senderAddress, port, distance, message)
L1637[09:54:55] <EEVV> address,sender,port,distance,message = received()
L1638[09:54:56] <EEVV> like event
L1639[09:55:00] <Skye> NO
L1640[09:55:01] <EEVV> because what do i put ther
L1641[09:55:04] <Skye> ...
L1642[09:55:05] <EEVV> there*
L1643[09:55:08] <Skye> wait.
L1644[09:55:10] <EEVV> ok
L1645[09:55:10] <EEVV> so
L1646[09:55:15] <Skye> shush
L1647[09:55:19] <Skye> let me show you
L1648[09:55:21] <EEVV> what happens if i do received(123)
L1649[09:55:21] <EEVV> ok
L1650[09:55:24] <Skye> function received(receiverAddress, senderAddress, port, distance, message)
L1651[09:55:34] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: WeeChat 1.2-dev)
L1652[09:55:39] ⇨ Joins: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L1653[09:55:53] <EEVV> and?
L1654[09:56:01] <Skye> print("Message `" .. message .."`")
L1655[09:56:05] <Skye> end
L1656[09:56:07] <Skye> It's a function
L1657[09:56:20] <Skye> You make a function that will get called when a message is received
L1658[09:56:30] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L1659[09:56:50] <EEVV> ok
L1660[09:57:03] <EEVV> well i gtg niw]
L1661[09:57:03] <EEVV> now
L1662[09:57:07] <EEVV> so brb
L1663[09:57:37] *** Daiyousei is now known as Lily_Green
L1664[09:58:52] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Client Quit)
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L1669[10:02:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L1678[10:34:16] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L1683[11:07:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Fucking hell, reading the backlog was an adventure
L1684[11:07:52] <Naegi> SuPeRMiNoR2: Why'd you do that ?
L1685[11:08:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> People in #SKSDev were talking about a moron in #oc
L1686[11:08:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> so i wanted to see what it was about
L1687[11:08:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Turns out, yes
L1688[11:10:04] <Alissa> who did what?
L1689[11:10:23] <Naegi> What did who ?
L1690[11:10:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> EEVV did EEVV
L1691[11:15:15] ⇦ Quits: prassel|off (~Prassel@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1692[11:16:38] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
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L1694[11:16:51] ⇦ Quits: Naegi (webchat@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1695[11:17:15] <Wuerfel_21> why can i neither texture springs nor fire fireballs correctly (partially caused by inactivity on the forge forums)?
L1696[11:19:36] ⇨ Joins: prassel|off (~Prassel@
L1697[11:23:02] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@hathor.stary2001.co.uk)
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L1700[11:44:37] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
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L1703[11:56:25] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1704[12:07:31] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1705[12:07:32] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1706[12:11:44] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1707[12:12:15] ⇨ Joins: Naegi (webchat@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net)
L1708[12:17:36] ⇨ Joins: Amelorate (webchat@cpe-76-188-216-98.neo.res.rr.com)
L1709[12:18:40] <Amelorate> Any idea why drone.move(1, 0, 0) moves 4 blocks instead of 1?
L1710[12:19:10] <Lizzy> Magic
L1711[12:19:15] ⇦ Quits: Naegi (webchat@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1712[12:19:24] ⇨ Joins: Naegi (webchat@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net)
L1713[12:25:28] <Wuerfel_21> i order everyone having a parameter naming convention of "ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer, int par4" to be executed
L1714[12:26:07] <Wuerfel_21> more specifically, burned to death slowly by a lighter
L1715[12:26:08] *** ds84182 is now known as me
L1716[12:26:55] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L1717[12:26:55] * Lizzy executes Wuerfel_21
L1718[12:27:51] ⇦ Quits: prassel|off (~Prassel@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1719[12:29:50] <Wuerfel_21> Lizzy, but i dont have a naming convention of "parXClazz"
L1720[12:30:11] <Amelorate> I found the issue. I had an access point and a wireless modem.
L1721[12:30:49] <Lizzy> That is irrelevant, Wuerfel_21
L1722[12:31:03] <Wuerfel_21> Lizzy, what is relevant then
L1723[12:31:04] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-24-214.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L1724[12:31:22] <Lizzy> Your death
L1725[12:31:29] * Lizzy stabs wi
L1726[12:31:35] <Lizzy> Afk u phone
L1727[12:31:39] <Lizzy> -_-
L1728[12:32:09] ⇨ Joins: prassel|off (~Prassel@
L1729[12:35:13] <Naegi> Someone help me obtain EL sewing thread.
L1730[12:39:45] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD50690794C2FAF44AA6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1731[12:49:39] ⇦ Quits: Amelorate (webchat@cpe-76-188-216-98.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1732[12:57:54] ⇦ Quits: prassel|off (~Prassel@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1733[12:58:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Naegi: EL as in Electroluminescent?
L1734[12:59:40] ⇨ Joins: prassel|off (~Prassel@
L1735[13:06:43] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1736[13:13:19] ⇦ Quits: Logan (~Logan@2607:5300:60:47bc:dead:beef:dead:beef) (Quit: robots are cool)
L1737[13:18:35] ⇨ Joins: Svid1 (webchat@202.141-0-122.customer.lyse.net)
L1738[13:18:41] <Svid1> Hello
L1739[13:18:43] <Svid1> anyone her*?
L1740[13:19:12] <Svid1> I cant start my computer
L1741[13:19:26] <Svid1> says i need a configured EEPROM
L1742[13:19:35] <Svid1> i have a EEPROM
L1743[13:19:37] <Svid1> :p
L1744[13:22:14] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1745[13:22:14] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1746[13:22:44] <Kodos> Did you craft the EEPROM into a Lua Bios EEPROM?
L1747[13:23:24] *** PotatoZzz is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1748[13:23:33] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L1749[13:24:04] <PotatoTrumpet> That's it. I'm making a frequently problems thingy
L1750[13:24:14] ⇨ Joins: gamax486 (~root@c-75-70-114-152.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1751[13:24:17] <gamax486> halp
L1752[13:24:22] <gamax486> everything == segfault
L1753[13:25:19] <gamax486> all lost is hope
L1754[13:25:40] <PotatoTrumpet> what
L1755[13:25:41] <PotatoTrumpet> gamax
L1756[13:25:43] <PotatoTrumpet> are you ok
L1757[13:25:48] <PotatoTrumpet> do you need help
L1758[13:25:48] <gamax486> are you okay?
L1759[13:25:55] <gamax486> do you need help?
L1760[13:25:55] <PotatoTrumpet> DO YOU NEED A DOCTOR
L1761[13:26:00] <gamax486> DO YOU NEED A DOCTOR
L1762[13:26:09] <gamax486> .exe
L1763[13:26:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Someone, git this man a doctor!
L1764[13:26:19] <CompanionCube> 'git doctor'
L1765[13:26:24] <gamax486> i actually don't kno what irc client this is
L1766[13:26:29] <gamax486> the program is just called irc
L1767[13:26:33] ⇨ Joins: Logan (~Logan@2607:5300:60:47bc:dead:beef:dead:beef)
L1768[13:26:41] <CompanionCube> -gamax486- VERSION ircII 4.4Z Linux 2.4.18 :ircii 2.9: AT&T you will (ojnk!)
L1769[13:26:44] <PotatoTrumpet> ircII 4.4z
L1770[13:26:49] <gamax486> oh, ircii
L1771[13:26:56] <PotatoTrumpet> So, what's wrong gamax486
L1772[13:27:11] <CompanionCube> ...2.4.18
L1773[13:27:13] <gamax486> oh, just everything was segfaulting.
L1774[13:27:13] <CompanionCube> holy fuck that's old
L1775[13:27:28] <PotatoTrumpet> what is segfaulting
L1776[13:27:32] <Lizzy> you
L1777[13:27:54] <PotatoTrumpet> r mother
L1778[13:27:59] <gamax486> >potato doesn't know what a
L1779[13:28:09] <gamax486> ~~dsfsdfokay then i cannot backs
L1780[13:28:10] <gamax486> agh
L1781[13:28:14] <gamax486> the end key doesn't work
L1782[13:28:19] <gamax486> and i keep accidently hitting home
L1783[13:28:22] <Lizzy> lol
L1784[13:28:34] <gamax486> and del doesn't work
L1785[13:29:29] <gamax486> CompanionCube: It could have been older, and was older
L1786[13:29:39] <gamax486> there used to be a 2.0 kernel on here
L1787[13:29:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1788[13:29:58] <gamax486> yay no unicode
L1789[13:30:11] * PotatoTrumpet unicodes gamax486
L1790[13:30:25] <gamax486> nooou
L1791[13:30:35] ⇦ Parts: gamax486 (~root@c-75-70-114-152.hsd1.co.comcast.net) ())
L1792[13:31:46] <PotatoTrumpet> yeessss
L1793[13:31:54] * PotatoTrumpet loves SSD boot times
L1794[13:40:45] * Naegi cooks PotatoTrumpet.
L1795[13:41:09] * PotatoTrumpet feeds Naegi to some maggots
L1796[13:43:22] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1797[13:45:07] <PotatoTrumpet> test
L1798[13:45:13] <PotatoTrumpet> excelent
L1799[13:45:19] <PotatoTrumpet> winders was 6 hours ahead
L1800[13:45:33] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1801[13:47:59] <PotatoTrumpet> Man, I really want some Whataburger now
L1802[14:10:14] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L1803[14:11:34] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Tubez_21
L1804[14:14:48] <meto> you have been tainted
L1805[14:14:56] <meto> rawr
L1806[14:16:17] <PotatoTrumpet> I've turned my base to lava http://puu.sh/gifgs/a9973b75e6.jpg
L1807[14:34:09] ⇨ Joins: Svid1_ (webchat@202.141-0-122.customer.lyse.net)
L1808[14:35:24] <Caitlyn> \o/ fun at the hospital
L1809[14:36:51] ⇦ Quits: Svid1 (webchat@202.141-0-122.customer.lyse.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1810[14:37:23] ⇦ Quits: Svid1_ (webchat@202.141-0-122.customer.lyse.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1811[14:37:49] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1812[14:38:39] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1813[14:41:23] <Kodos> I still remember my last trip to the hospital
L1814[14:41:30] <Kodos> I was having surgery
L1815[14:41:40] <Kodos> When I was in recovery, the nurse said I couldn't lift anything over 10 lbs
L1816[14:41:56] <Kodos> I asked her 'Does that mean I can't masturbate?" because I was still high on the anesthesia
L1817[14:42:04] <Kodos> She turned beet red and left the room
L1818[14:43:02] <vifino> ._.
L1819[14:44:55] <PotatoTrumpet> lel
L1820[14:45:01] <PotatoTrumpet> 10/10
L1821[14:45:01] <Stary2001> haha
L1822[14:45:27] <meto> +10
L1823[14:46:31] <PotatoTrumpet> Are we talking british pounds or freedom pounds?
L1824[14:46:41] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com)
L1825[14:47:06] <meto> >freedom pounds
L1826[14:48:45] <PotatoTrumpet> Well, that's enough #oc today
L1827[14:49:42] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1828[14:50:43] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1829[14:52:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I have never been to the hospital, (other then being born)
L1830[14:52:18] <SuPeRMiNoR2> apparently i am not reckless enough
L1831[14:52:22] <PotatoTrumpet> I had some cough where I couldn't breath
L1832[14:52:32] <PotatoTrumpet> got some anti-biotics
L1833[14:52:38] <PotatoTrumpet> as it was a bacteria
L1834[14:52:55] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh, and when my aunt gave birth to both my cousins
L1835[14:52:57] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1836[14:53:16] <SuPeRMiNoR2> that is not you though
L1837[14:53:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> just being there
L1838[14:53:23] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1839[14:53:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i mean never been there as a patient
L1840[14:53:38] <PotatoTrumpet> And I thought I broke my LET IT GOOOO LET IT GOOOOOOOO
L1841[14:53:42] <PotatoTrumpet> Dear god
L1842[14:53:46] <meto> ._.
L1843[14:53:48] <PotatoTrumpet> Why did I choose to watch froszen
L1844[14:53:52] <PotatoTrumpet> Send help
L1845[14:53:54] <PotatoTrumpet> please
L1846[14:53:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> dont take it out on us
L1847[14:54:09] <PotatoTrumpet> The cold never bothered me any way..............
L1848[14:54:35] <meto> plsno
L1849[14:54:37] <meto> ibeg
L1850[14:55:33] <PotatoTrumpet> And that's the last gamax ever heard of me
L1851[14:55:36] <meto> nope
L1852[14:55:51] <PotatoTrumpet> to bad he has moved on
L1853[14:55:56] <PotatoTrumpet> He was a cool person
L1854[14:57:10] <meto> i will kill you
L1855[14:58:06] <PotatoTrumpet> Some say his ghost still haunts #oc with a butcher knife
L1856[14:59:39] <me> Um.
L1857[14:59:43] <me> The snow bothers me.
L1858[14:59:54] <me> And gamax still hears of me.
L1859[15:00:02] <meto> I do still hear of me
L1860[15:00:10] <meto> me is a cool guy
L1861[15:00:41] <me> inb4 nick is I and you /me
L1862[15:00:48] *** meto is now known as I
L1863[15:00:55] * I loves you
L1864[15:00:57] <I> fail
L1865[15:01:00] <me> fail
L1866[15:01:00] *** I is now known as meto
L1867[15:01:09] *** me is now known as we
L1868[15:01:09] <meto> I didn't think that through.
L1869[15:01:18] <we> got that one too
L1870[15:01:22] * we love you
L1871[15:01:28] <meto> you own both I and we?
L1872[15:01:34] <we> yes
L1873[15:01:39] <we> not I
L1874[15:01:40] <meto> you could have ghosted me D:
L1875[15:01:41] <we> me and we
L1876[15:01:42] <meto> oh
L1877[15:01:53] <we> idk who owns I
L1878[15:02:06] <meto> someone nammed Spydar007 does
L1879[15:02:11] <we> FFS
L1880[15:02:16] <we> FOR FUCKS SAKE SPYDAR
L1881[15:02:34] <we> vifino: EAHUG, SPYDAR
L1882[15:02:42] <meto> (z-x)*y+x
L1883[15:03:07] <we> x=(z-x)*y+x solve for x
L1884[15:04:48] <meto> Wolfram Elpha
L1885[15:05:16] <we> x=z
L1886[15:07:04] <we> z=x
L1887[15:07:06] <we> y=0
L1888[15:10:06] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (~dustinm@105.ip-167-114-152.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1889[15:16:24] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L1890[15:17:49] ⇨ Joins: jokleinn (jokleinn@pool-98-110-178-64.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1891[15:18:14] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (~dustinm@105.ip-167-114-152.net)
L1892[15:20:18] *** Tubez_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L1893[15:22:49] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: WeeChat 1.2-dev)
L1894[15:22:55] ⇨ Joins: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L1895[15:23:06] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1896[15:23:40] <PotatoTrumpet> .tell Sangar Are monitors supposed to give off light while unpowered? http://puu.sh/gilyE/67f6c35c5e.jpg
L1897[15:23:47] <PotatoTrumpet> ...
L1898[15:26:16] <we> PotatoTrumpet: it's because extra block updates are avoided
L1899[15:26:27] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1900[15:26:37] <we> to change the block's light, you have to issue a block update and a lighting update
L1901[15:26:42] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as nosotros
L1902[15:26:43] <we> lighting updates are expensive
L1903[15:26:48] <we> rlly
L1904[15:26:58] <nosotros> yes rlly
L1905[15:27:19] <nosotros> s/yes/Si
L1906[15:27:19] <Kibibyte> <nosotros> Si rlly
L1907[15:31:03] * nosotros and we are the same
L1908[15:31:24] *** we is now known as Blykrym
L1909[15:31:44] *** nosotros is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L1910[15:39:07] <meto> oh man ... lua ... i hate you sometimes.
L1911[15:39:45] <meto> Blykrym: a, through a set of mathematical equasions, resolves to 0.1, b gets 0.1 directly, a < b == true
L1912[15:40:32] <Blykrym> meto: it's not a lua thing
L1913[15:40:37] <Blykrym> blame floating point numbers
L1914[15:40:55] <Blykrym> if you print out a without cutting off numbers it may be 0.100000000000000000000004
L1915[15:41:08] <Blykrym> #lua tostring(0.100000000000000000000004)
L1916[15:41:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.1
L1917[15:41:11] <Blykrym> see
L1918[15:41:17] <Blykrym> #lua tostring(0.100000000000000000000004 > 0.1)
L1919[15:41:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > false
L1920[15:41:21] <Blykrym> wat
L1921[15:41:23] <Blykrym> #lua tostring(0.1000000000000000004 > 0.1)
L1922[15:41:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > false
L1923[15:41:27] <Blykrym> #lua tostring(0.10000000004 > 0.1)
L1924[15:41:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L1925[15:41:32] <Blykrym> #lua tostring(0.10000000004)
L1926[15:41:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.10000000004
L1927[15:41:44] <Blykrym> just imagine that without the 0000000000004
L1928[15:45:03] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1929[15:49:41] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-223-12-224.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1930[15:57:32] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f11e3d.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1931[16:04:26] ⇨ Joins: V0r_ (~V0r_@
L1932[16:04:47] ⇦ Parts: V0r_ (~V0r_@ ())
L1933[16:05:13] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f11e3d.skybroadband.com)
L1934[16:22:19] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L1935[16:32:10] <PotatoTrumpet> #stats
L1936[16:32:12] <PotatoTrumpet> err
L1937[16:32:19] <PotatoTrumpet> what's the enderbot command for ststs
L1938[16:36:11] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1939[16:36:40] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-223-12-224.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L1940[16:41:17] <Skye|ZZZ> .stats
L1941[16:41:17] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L1942[16:41:31] <Skye|ZZZ> PotatoTrumpet: ^
L1943[16:41:47] <PotatoTrumpet> s/Ender/Lizzy
L1944[16:42:02] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/gissx/b533552658.png
L1945[16:43:03] *** Kamran is now known as Ralybot
L1946[16:43:23] <PotatoTrumpet>
L1947[16:43:25] <PotatoTrumpet> err
L1948[16:43:33] <PotatoTrumpet> PotatoTrumpet wasn't very popular, getting kicked 6 times!
L1949[16:43:33] <PotatoTrumpet> For example, like this:
L1950[16:43:33] <PotatoTrumpet> *** PotatoTrumpet was kicked by Lizzy (get off of me)
L1951[16:43:43] *** The_Doctors_Life is now known as DoctorBot
L1952[16:43:47] *** Ralybot is now known as Kamran
L1953[16:43:57] *** DoctorBot is now known as The_Doctors_Life
L1954[16:49:15] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-141-153-248.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) ()
L1955[16:58:22] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1956[17:06:56] ⇨ Joins: heliochrome (webchat@c-50-187-166-199.hsd1.ct.comcast.net)
L1957[17:07:14] <heliochrome> Anybody know why I'd get "too long without yeilding" on a computer that isn't even running anything?
L1958[17:09:17] <PotatoTrumpet> Are you running it in a loop
L1959[17:09:21] <PotatoTrumpet> heliochrome,
L1960[17:09:43] <heliochrome> no, literally not running anything
L1961[17:09:46] <heliochrome> sitting at the shell
L1962[17:11:44] ⇨ Joins: jokleinn_ (jokleinn@pool-98-110-178-64.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1963[17:11:44] ⇦ Quits: jokleinn (jokleinn@pool-98-110-178-64.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by jokleinn_)))
L1964[17:11:49] *** jokleinn_ is now known as jokleinn
L1965[17:22:17] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L1966[17:28:03] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L1967[17:29:13] *** kirby|away is now known as mrkirby153
L1968[17:29:19] <vifino> %flip ¬_¬
L1969[17:29:22] <vifino> :<
L1970[17:35:46] <Caitlyn> There is no MichiBot...
L1971[17:35:53] <Caitlyn> and it wouldn't know how to flip 2/3 of that anyway
L1972[17:36:03] <Stary2001> xD
L1973[17:38:07] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬ wtf
L1974[17:38:17] *** g is now known as gDroid2002
L1975[17:38:37] *** gDroid2002 is now known as gAway2002
L1976[17:38:47] <Caitlyn> lol wtf
L1977[17:39:34] <Lizzy> PotatoTrumpet wasn't very popular, getting kicked 6 times!
L1978[17:39:34] <Lizzy> For example, like this:
L1979[17:39:34] <Lizzy> *** PotatoTrumpet was kicked by Lizzy (no)
L1980[17:39:37] <Lizzy> :P
L1981[17:39:51] <PotatoTrumpet> Kick me, I DARE you
L1982[17:39:56] * PotatoTrumpet hides
L1983[17:39:57] *** PotatoTrumpet was kicked by Lizzy (ok))
L1984[17:40:07] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (PotatoTrum@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so)
L1985[17:40:10] <Lizzy> :P
L1986[17:40:18] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L1987[17:40:35] <Lizzy> anyway, i should be in bed sleeping
L1988[17:40:36] <Lizzy> o/
L1989[17:40:53] <Caitlyn> So many broken things
L1990[17:40:55] * Caitlyn sighs
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L1992[17:44:44] <Blykrym> %flip Caitlyn sighs
L1993[17:44:45] <MichiBot> Blykrym: (╯°□°)╯︵sɥɓıs uʎlʇıɐƆ
L1994[17:45:26] <vifino> Lizzy: Want to have Wizard here? He'd kick anyone saying "kick me" :P
L1995[17:45:35] <vifino> Well, Wizard is an asshole :v
L1996[17:46:34] <vifino> This channel _needs_ a thing that just goes apeshit and kicks everything mentioning 'kick' xD
L1997[17:47:42] <PotatoTrumpet> We already have Lizzy vifino.
L1998[17:47:49] <vifino> .
L1999[17:47:55] <PotatoTrumpet> .
L2000[17:48:02] <vifino> Except Lizzy is sane and doesn't go apeshit.
L2001[17:48:08] <vifino> Like you
L2002[17:48:15] <Caitlyn> Wait... I thought that wasm y job
L2003[17:48:20] * PotatoTrumpet kicks *
L2004[17:48:36] <Caitlyn> Also <*status> Disconnected from IRC (Software caused connection abort). Reconnecting...
L2005[17:48:37] <Caitlyn> :/
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L2009[18:01:20] * vifino cuddles Lizzy
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L2036[19:37:38] ⇨ Joins: marcin212_ (~marcin212@amv31.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L2037[19:40:06] <heliochrome> I'm having trouble with variable scopes, I think
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L2039[19:40:20] <heliochrome> Trying to implement event handling like in the first example here http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:event
L2040[19:40:30] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p54935CDE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2041[19:40:48] <heliochrome> My running variable gets set to false, but the while running loop still sees it as true
L2042[19:40:50] <heliochrome> what do?
L2043[19:42:28] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L2044[19:43:08] <Kodos> Let's see your code
L2045[19:44:25] <heliochrome> Is there an easy way to get code out of MC?
L2046[19:44:46] <Kodos> It's saved locally in your instance's save folder
L2047[19:44:55] <Kodos> Or you can use the pastebin program to put your program on pastebin
L2048[19:45:09] <heliochrome> No internet card, gimme a sec to grab it
L2049[19:48:51] <heliochrome> http://pastebin.com/vS8bMP00
L2050[19:50:00] <Kodos> You localized running
L2051[19:50:15] <Kodos> You are indeed having trouble with scopes =P
L2052[19:50:42] <heliochrome> Example uses "local running = true -- state variable so the loop can terminate"
L2053[19:50:47] <heliochrome> is that not right?
L2054[19:56:18] ⇦ Quits: marcin212_ (~marcin212@amv31.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L2055[19:58:42] <heliochrome> Ok, had to add in the check for a specific key, otherwise it kills itself immediately after launch (presumably letting go of enter)
L2056[19:58:59] <heliochrome> but I'm pretty sure the events example in the docs is wrong
L2057[20:00:21] <heliochrome> actually, the example runs fine
L2058[20:00:31] <heliochrome> but my version doesn't work if I declare it as local
L2059[20:00:36] <heliochrome> anybody know what's up with that?
L2060[20:04:44] <heliochrome> ooooooh, I need to declare it earlier
L2061[20:05:23] <Kodos> Sorry, I had to pee
L2062[20:05:52] <heliochrome> No worries, I figured it out!
L2063[20:06:02] <heliochrome> thanks for the help, you got me pointed in the right direction
L2064[20:06:09] <Kodos> You're quite welcome =)
L2065[20:06:27] <heliochrome> onward to recieving modem messages!
L2066[20:08:12] <heliochrome> Actually, onward to taking a shower
L2067[20:08:14] <heliochrome> then the modem messages
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L2069[20:27:27] <Kamran> \o/ Kodos
L2070[20:27:32] <Kodos> o7
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L2075[20:54:31] <PotatoTrumpet> Urrg
L2076[20:54:43] <PotatoTrumpet> More winter weather wednesday
L2077[20:55:01] * PotatoTrumpet misses Tornado Season
L2078[21:03:46] <ectoBiologist> http://imgur.com/gallery/aGcH64y what the fuck
L2079[21:04:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Someone should tell meto
L2080[21:04:42] <PotatoTrumpet> his life could be in danger
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L2082[21:08:03] <ElvishJerricco> So who here codes in C very often?
L2083[21:08:40] <PotatoTrumpet> I code in F Natural
L2084[21:08:47] * PotatoTrumpet runs away with his trumpet
L2085[21:09:02] <PotatoTrumpet> s/F Natural/ B Flat
L2086[21:09:02] <Kibibyte> <PotatoTrumpet> I code in B Flat
L2087[21:10:53] <ElvishJerricco> Lol. Well I'm writing a custom architecture for OpenComputers. 6502 emulator, using cc65 to compile and run C on it.
L2088[21:11:06] <ElvishJerricco> Curious on opinions about how to invoke the components API
L2089[21:11:38] <ElvishJerricco> In a C-friendly fashion, that is. The API itself would likely use assembly to interface with some hardware hacks.
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L2094[21:12:04] <PotatoTrumpet> what is the GHOST command
L2095[21:12:37] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-10-234.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Client Quit)
L2096[21:13:02] <ectoBiologist> PotatoTrumpet, /ns ghost
L2097[21:13:04] <ectoBiologist> lol
L2098[21:43:43] <heliochrome> Program flow question, I have one end of my thing recieving events automatically to do stuff
L2099[21:43:54] <PotatoTrumpet> FYI: Winders95 takes forever to download at 200KB/s
L2100[21:44:03] <heliochrome> but how do I structure the transmitter to go automatically (say every few seconds), and still handle events like keypresses to exit?
L2101[21:44:34] <PotatoTrumpet> event.register?
L2102[21:45:56] <heliochrome> ok, the docs made it sounds like that was a thing you just use for background programs
L2103[21:46:06] <PotatoTrumpet> :?
L2104[21:46:09] * PotatoTrumpet has no idea
L2105[21:46:20] <heliochrome> You're probably right, I was just reading too much into it
L2106[21:47:05] <PotatoTrumpet> You know what would be cool
L2107[21:47:24] <PotatoTrumpet> If there was super small ram and hard disk drives
L2108[21:47:30] <PotatoTrumpet> and super simple graphic stuff
L2109[21:47:42] <PotatoTrumpet> in oxc
L2110[21:47:43] <PotatoTrumpet> oc
L2111[21:47:52] <heliochrome> wait, is event.register a thing?
L2112[21:47:59] <heliochrome> the events docs don't mention it once
L2113[21:48:01] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w event
L2114[21:48:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L2115[21:48:18] <heliochrome> are you talking about event.listen?
L2116[21:48:23] <PotatoTrumpet> ^
L2117[21:48:36] <PotatoTrumpet> event.listen
L2118[21:48:37] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L2119[21:48:39] <heliochrome> kk
L2120[21:49:34] <heliochrome> Oh actually, it looks like setting this up with event.timer might be what I want
L2121[21:49:54] <heliochrome> then I can run transmissions periodically on the timer and it won't be pausing and waiting to catch an event
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L2130[22:14:56] zsh sets mode: +v on meto_
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L2137[22:33:41] <meto> u
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L2145[22:52:45] <PotatoZzz> damn windows XP, taking 39 minutes to install
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L2147[23:04:49] <PotatoZzz> WTH is a "ZIP Disk"?
L2148[23:06:37] <Gopher> lol
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L2152[23:13:44] <SuPeRMiNoR2> its a zip disk
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L2154[23:13:46] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L2155[23:13:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> dur
L2156[23:16:07] <Kodos> I miss my ZIP Drive =(
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L2159[23:16:39] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L2162[23:17:18] <sugoi> can i use jdk for 1.8 to build oc source?
L2163[23:17:23] <sugoi> or do i need to use 1.7?
L2164[23:17:44] <Kodos> I believe it's built against 1.7 but I could be wrong
L2165[23:17:58] <sugoi> well i'll work with 1.7 then
L2166[23:19:59] <Kubuxu> sugoi it builds on 1.8 too.
L2167[23:21:01] <sugoi> ok
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L2170[23:28:34] <PotatoZzz> Errrgg
L2171[23:28:51] <PotatoZzz> Having issues setting up a internet connection in windows xp inside a oracle VM
L2172[23:31:40] <number5> virtualbox?
L2173[23:33:21] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L2174[23:33:27] <PotatoZzz> yah
L2175[23:35:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD50B0ADE285338EF3E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L2179[23:56:12] <number5> PotatoZzz: have you install the virtualbox guest additions on WinXP?
L2180[23:59:54] ⇨ Joins: PotatoXP (webchat@
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