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L4[00:12:50] <Caitlyn> hmm
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L38[01:35:59] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L39[01:36:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Afternoon o.
L40[01:36:41] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
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L44[01:40:37] <Kilobyte> morning
L45[01:40:44] <Kodos> What's the difference between an ExU transfer node and a retrieval node
L46[01:41:17] <Kilobyte> does the retrieval maybe pull from a remote inventory?
L47[01:41:19] <Kilobyte> idk
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L63[02:35:42] <gamax92> .l 32768/4096
L64[02:35:42] <^v> gamax92, 8
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L66[02:37:53] <gamax92> :O how dare you segmentation fault
L67[02:39:14] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, well, in my stuff, i never even get segmentation faults when i acces some non-malloc'ed pointer, it just hangsn up
L68[02:39:27] *** Nirek_b_d is now known as Nirek
L69[02:39:33] <gamax92> Wuerfel_21: da fak are you talking about.
L70[02:40:07] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, im bored
L71[02:40:34] <gamax92> sleep
L72[02:41:33] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, i just did
L73[02:42:04] <Wuerfel_21> its almost 10AM over here
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L85[03:12:36] <heatseeker0> Do I need to restart a robot after tweaking the config settings that control XP gain rates? Server was restarted.
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L95[03:51:41] <Wuerfel_21> heatseeker0, try
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L97[03:51:56] <Ender> heatseeker0: probably
L98[03:52:09] <heatseeker0> Wuerfel_21, done so. Not that big of a change to be visible soon
L99[03:52:56] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, also, thanks for removing the ban on me
L100[03:56:05] <Ender> i did that a while ago
L101[03:56:51] <dangranos> hello .-.
L102[03:57:17] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, just didnt check -.-
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L104[04:06:38] <Wuerfel_21> cpup has some kind of problems...
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L123[05:35:30] <heatseeker0> Umm... there's this I just noticed: [29/1/2015 13:31:58 PM] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: Catched unhandled exception : [class pl.asie.computronics.integration.waila.WailaComputronics] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: pl/asie/computronics/block/BlockDigitalReceiverBox
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L125[05:47:07] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L126[05:47:27] <McJty> Hi, is there a maven dependency for OpenComputers that I can put in my build.gradle so that I can support OC in my mod?
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L129[05:49:08] <heatseeker0> Hey McJty
L130[05:49:09] <heatseeker0> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers
L131[05:49:20] <heatseeker0> it has instructions for maven dep
L132[05:49:31] <McJty> aha ok thanks
L133[05:49:41] <heatseeker0> yay for adding OC support to RFTools \o/
L134[05:49:54] <McJty> Thanks :-)
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L138[06:01:57] <McJty> Is there any documentation on the API from the perspective of a modder trying to support OC in his mod?
L139[06:02:05] <McJty> i.e. not the lua api
L140[06:02:10] <Sandra> ~w addons
L141[06:02:10] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/addons
L142[06:02:19] <Sandra> no, maybe not there.
L143[06:02:36] <Sangar> morning o/
L144[06:02:46] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar! o/
L145[06:02:52] <Sandra> morning sangar \o
L146[06:03:07] <McJty> Hi Sangar
L147[06:03:08] <Wuerfel_21> its not really morning tho
L148[06:03:35] <McJty> BTW, this link doesn't appear to go to anywhere useful: https://ocdoc.cil.li/
L149[06:03:41] <McJty> It is linked from https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers
L150[06:03:49] <Sandra> it is the wiki though?
L151[06:03:50] <heatseeker0> McJty, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/java/li/cil/oc/api
L152[06:03:56] <Sangar> McJty, there's the readme in the repo http://git.io/VSoUBQ and the javadoc in the interfaces; there are also the example projects: http://git.io/FVSH http://git.io/FVS7 http://git.io/FVS5
L153[06:04:07] <McJty> Sangar, ok thanks!
L154[06:04:09] <Wuerfel_21> unless Sangar traveled a few timezones, it should be late noon
L155[06:04:19] <Sangar> wait it links to https?
L156[06:04:23] <Sangar> guh
L157[06:04:32] <heatseeker0> No, I liked it directly from my browser :P
L158[06:04:42] <dangranos_> O_o
L159[06:04:43] <dangranos_> wtf
L160[06:04:46] <dangranos_> is that
L161[06:04:47] <Wuerfel_21> heatseeker0, uhhhh, you liked it!
L162[06:04:51] <McJty> Sandra, it goes to a megazine wiki
L163[06:04:55] <Sangar> ugh, it does -.-
L164[06:04:56] <heatseeker0> hrmpf
L165[06:04:56] <McJty> Sandra, don't see anything OC related there
L166[06:04:59] <Sandra> I see, right.
L167[06:05:03] <Sandra> yeah.
L168[06:05:03] <Wuerfel_21> *heatseeker0 seems to be a licker*
L169[06:05:51] <Sangar> there, fitched
L170[06:05:51] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, what is that page even?
L171[06:06:06] <Sangar> another project
L172[06:06:09] <Ender> .time
L173[06:06:09] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Thu Jan 29 12:06:09 2015
L174[06:06:12] <McJty> Sangar, looks MUCH better :-)
L175[06:06:26] <Sangar> thanks for letting me know :P
L176[06:06:43] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, why did it ninja ocdoc then?
L177[06:06:43] * Sangar proceeds to check all other places where it might be linked to
L178[06:07:07] <Sangar> because there can only be one https domain apparently -.-
L179[06:07:10] <Sandra> hey sangar can you make it easier to add custom machines in the API, it's possible currently but really hard.
L180[06:07:27] <Sangar> Sandra, custom machines?
L181[06:07:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L182[06:07:41] <Sandra> yes, like custom MachineHosts.
L183[06:08:58] <Sangar> hm, that's hard. because they can be *very* different from usecase to usecase. also, really massive prefabs :/
L184[06:09:16] <Wuerfel_21> damn, need to integrate something into my mod that would make sense to do OC compat for :D
L185[06:10:03] <Sandra> I also mean simplify making assembler stuff that works like the vanilla OC stuff.
L186[06:11:12] <Sangar> Sandra, i think that's fairly simple? i mean i use it myself, after all :P
L187[06:11:38] <Sangar> http://git.io/FVQJ e.g., if you didn't find those yet
L188[06:11:39] <Sandra> yes, but you have massive levels of code there to simplify that for you.
L189[06:12:12] <Sangar> that's not massive >_>
L190[06:12:32] <Sandra> too massive for me.... :|
L191[06:12:53] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L192[06:13:34] <McJty> I'm checking out the example on how to make tile entities that can be used from within a computer. I have little experience with cross-mod stuff so I'm wondering how I can do that without incurring a hard dependency on OC?
L193[06:13:44] <Sangar> Sandra, if you have a suggestion for making it simple to use, by all means, make an issue describing it!
L194[06:14:11] <Sandra> McJty, if it's adapter based, you can add a driver.
L195[06:14:24] <Sangar> McJty, @Optional.Interface/InterfaceList
L196[06:14:29] <Sangar> if it's in the te itself
L197[06:14:40] <Sandra> if you want it to be an environment however, you can use @Optional as sangar said.
L198[06:14:51] <McJty> Currently just feeling around and trying to see what my options are.
L199[06:14:53] <Sandra> depends if you want it to be an adapter or not.
L200[06:15:09] <McJty> I'd like the machines in my mod to be controllable from within OC but not require everyone to install OC :-)
L201[06:15:19] <McJty> So what would be the easiest/best way to do that?
L202[06:15:21] <Sandra> adapter is normally easier in that case.
L203[06:15:31] <Sangar> the @Optional approach is also in the example in the readme in the pi package
L204[06:15:34] <Sandra> I would suggest adding a driver.
L205[06:15:45] <Sangar> yeah, adapter is easier indeed
L206[06:15:52] <McJty> Any examples on how to do that?
L207[06:15:58] <Sangar> block driver example
L208[06:16:15] <Sangar> http://git.io/FV78
L209[06:16:39] <McJty> ok thanks
L210[06:17:06] <Sangar> then just call Driver.add if oc is present and you've got yourself a soft dep :)
L211[06:17:11] <Sandra> yep!
L212[06:19:45] <Sandra> you could do it the more complex way, though that's better suited to blocks intended to be accessed by computer mods specifically.
L213[06:21:08] <Sangar> McJty, oh, one more thing: you can slap NamedBlock http://git.io/FV5O on your environment to have more control over what it appears as to Lua; since oc merges drivers (e.g. iinventory + energy + ... + your driver) the name might otherwise be automatically determined.
L214[06:21:24] *** Sandra is now known as Sleepdra
L215[06:21:31] <McJty> Sangar, ok thanks
L216[06:22:40] <McJty> First preparing for a new release of my mod and then I can start on this :-)
L217[06:22:44] <Sleepdra> I was trying to add a bauble computer Sangar, and it was overly complex and hard to use your api because "not enough prefabs".
L218[06:22:47] <McJty> Really looking forward to using OC together with my mod.
L219[06:22:53] <Sleepdra> :D
L220[06:23:53] <Sangar> Sleepdra, yeeeeah, i'm kind of hesitant to add big prefabs because they might change much, and with others shipping apis that'd be a nightmare, moreso than it is now :X
L221[06:24:40] <Sangar> McJty, i'm always happy to see mods add oc integration :D
L222[06:25:28] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, i might do at some point...
L223[06:25:42] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L224[06:27:32] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, maybe some sort of thing that can give you how fast an axis is
L225[06:27:45] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L226[06:27:48] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L227[06:29:45] <Wuerfel_21> but i have the thought that noone even understands the millstone and crank i have right now...
L228[06:30:50] <vifino> o/ Sangar
L229[06:30:55] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L230[06:35:02] <Wuerfel_21> cpup, y u joinspam?
L231[06:36:49] <Sangar> Wuerfel_21, what's your mod do?
L232[06:36:55] <Sangar> \o vifino
L233[06:37:22] <asie> Sangar: we did it!
L234[06:37:24] <asie> we made our first NOVA block
L235[06:37:29] <Sangar> asie, awesome!
L236[06:37:49] <asie> Sangar: see the #NovaAPI channel
L237[06:37:55] <Sangar> aye
L238[06:38:00] <heatseeker0> asie, there's this I just noticed: [29/1/2015 13:31:58 PM] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: Catched unhandled exception : [class pl.asie.computronics.integration.waila.WailaComputronics] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: pl/asie/computronics/block/BlockDigitalReceiverBox
L239[06:38:01] <asie> http://puu.sh/fbyTf/b74ae64a19.jpg
L240[06:38:46] <heatseeker0> Using AsieLib-1.7.10-0.3.9 & Computronics-1.7.10-1.4.0
L241[06:39:04] <asie> wait for vexatos
L242[06:39:40] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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L244[06:41:31] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, among other randomnes, suppsed to do mechanical energy
L245[06:41:42] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, not completly done yet tho
L246[06:41:46] <Sangar> i see
L247[06:42:21] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, how can you?
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L250[06:42:47] <Sangar> magic
L251[06:43:10] <MindWorX> Sangar, You're wonderfully efficient <3
L252[06:43:34] <Sangar> heh
L253[06:43:54] <MindWorX> Is there a way to get a build before you make a release without compiling one myself?
L254[06:44:22] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, you spyed my whois!
L255[06:44:46] <Sangar> MindWorX, jenkins, see topic
L256[06:44:51] <MindWorX> Yay!
L257[06:46:00] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L258[06:46:18] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L259[06:47:27] <MindWorX> "Last failed build (#293), 45 yr ago"
L260[06:47:35] <MindWorX> 45 years? :P
L261[06:47:59] <Sangar> moved server, timestamps got derped :P
L262[06:48:09] <MindWorX> :P
L263[06:49:36] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, diffrent epoch?
L264[06:50:21] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L265[06:50:24] <Sangar> not quite
L266[06:51:52] <MindWorX> Sangar, I noticed you omitted the sides variable from the removeItem function. Why is that?
L267[06:52:04] <MindWorX> I don't need it, I'm just curious. :)
L268[06:54:09] <Sangar> because i couldn't even remember why i added it for the insertion :P it's kind of pointless in this scenario after all
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L270[06:54:27] <MindWorX> Is it? What about sided inventories?
L271[06:55:36] <Wuerfel_21> isnt there ISidedInventory? this one needs sides
L272[06:55:38] <Sangar> sided inv is only a courtesy contract, i.e. the inv saying "i don't want you to do that". but if you use the debug card you don't really give a damn about contracts anymore, so :P
L273[06:55:48] <MindWorX> Ah :P
L274[06:55:52] <MindWorX> Makes sense then.
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L277[06:56:50] <MindWorX> Also, I just tested removeItem and it works flawlessly.
L278[07:01:25] <MindWorX> Wait. Maybe not. :P
L279[07:01:30] <MindWorX> Seems the server hasn't reloaded the file yet.
L280[07:04:47] <MindWorX> Yay!
L281[07:04:51] <MindWorX> I was changing the wrong file :P
L282[07:04:54] <MindWorX> Works perfectly :D
L283[07:06:09] <Soni> Caitlyn, thanks, I know :P
L284[07:10:58] <McJty> After updating the build.gradle with the maven stuff would it be sufficient to just do gradlew idea to get the OC stuff in your dev environment?
L285[07:12:01] <Sangar> i'm never sure, so i just do a gradlew build first when i add deps :P
L286[07:12:09] <McJty> Hmm I also did that actually
L287[07:12:18] <McJty> But I'm not seeing the OC stuff in my project.
L288[07:12:49] <McJty> It did say: Download http://maven.cil.li/li/cil/oc/OpenComputers/MC1.7.10-
L289[07:12:53] <McJty> So that looks good at least
L290[07:13:18] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L291[07:13:21] <Sangar> hrm. if you imported the gradle project try refreshing in the gradle tab
L292[07:13:46] <McJty> I exited IDEA already. But I don't have a gradle tab. I do the gradle stuff from the commandline.
L293[07:13:56] <McJty> Never managed to get the gradle tab working due to proxy issues here.
L294[07:14:14] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L295[07:14:20] <McJty> From the commandline I can give a proxy setting file to the gradle command. But I haven't been able to do that from within IntelliJ
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L297[07:14:51] <McJty> hmm let me try something
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L299[07:18:36] <Sangar> dunno then; when i open a gradlew idea'd project the first time, idea asks me whether to import the gradle project, and i always do that because it won't set up any deps correctly for me otherwise anyway :/
L300[07:18:48] <MindWorX> Can I remotely wake up robots?
L301[07:18:56] <MindWorX> turn on*
L302[07:20:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L303[07:21:12] <MindWorX> Sangar!
L304[07:21:31] <MindWorX> Is it possible to make Creatix unbreakable by normal players?
L305[07:21:31] <Sangar> MindWorX, wake on lan
L306[07:21:38] <MindWorX> Interesting. :D
L307[07:21:54] <Sangar> or wake on (wireless) redstone
L308[07:22:50] <Sangar> creative robots unbreakable... hrm, i *guess* that could be the exception. open an issue.
L309[07:23:00] <MindWorX> Will do!
L310[07:23:58] <Ender> robot.implode()
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L315[07:37:46] <McJty> Sangar, if I add the ":api" tag to my build.gradle it works fine.
L316[07:37:51] <McJty> I guess I'm going to do it that way then.
L317[07:37:59] <McJty> And just add the oc-dev manually to my mods folder.
L318[07:38:18] <Sangar> odd, but usually better anyway (usually you don't need to access oc's inner classes after all)
L319[07:38:22] <Sangar> yeah
L320[07:38:46] <McJty> I was lazy and wanted to avoid the hard work of having to download that dev file :-)
L321[07:38:51] <Sangar> hehe
L322[07:38:52] <McJty> Turned out that backfired slightly.
L323[07:39:16] <McJty> Let's see if things work
L324[07:39:22] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L325[07:39:37] <Wuerfel_21> *McJty's computer explodes*
L326[07:39:50] <McJty> I'm already typing from a distance
L327[07:40:11] <Soni> I miss the old BC with split packages
L328[07:40:55] <McJty> Nice! It works :-)
L329[07:41:03] <McJty> Time to start doing the real fun stuff.
L330[07:49:53] <Soni> meh, splitting BC to use gradle subprojects is a pain
L331[07:50:30] <asie> Soni: Exactly.
L332[07:50:45] <Soni> asie, but I'm doing it anyway
L333[07:50:47] <asie> Soni: Okay
L334[07:50:49] <asie> but I won't merge it
L335[07:50:54] <Soni> :(
L336[07:50:57] <asie> Soni: I warned you in the issue
L337[07:51:03] <asie> When I say no, close and lock the issue, it means I'm really no.
L338[07:51:04] <Soni> you didn't tell me why
L339[07:51:10] <Ender> i prefer a single download, takes less time to download it
L340[07:51:11] <asie> Soni: Exactly the reason you just mentioned.
L341[07:51:36] <Soni> once it's done it's much easier because you can control what each module depends on
L342[07:51:40] <asie> no
L343[07:51:43] <Soni> yes
L344[07:51:44] <asie> it's also far harder to maintain
L345[07:51:49] <Soni> not really
L346[07:51:53] <Soni> we have gradle
L347[07:51:55] <asie> and in many cases, i *do* want links between modules without a dependency
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L349[07:52:13] <Soni> >.>
L350[07:52:22] <Soni> you're supposed to keep them split
L351[07:52:40] <asie> Soni: No.
L352[07:52:48] <asie> I'm an intelligent individual and I know when to add code which is intentionally not split
L353[07:52:54] <asie> but gets called only if the other module is present
L354[07:53:02] <asie> because that makes things a million times easier and lets me not expose internal APIs
L355[07:53:46] <Soni> I still miss the old split packages
L356[07:53:51] <asie> but they will be split
L357[07:53:54] <asie> they just won't be subprojects
L358[07:53:58] <asie> that is how it used to be
L359[07:54:04] <Soni> subprojects makes them very easy to split
L360[07:54:07] <asie> no
L361[07:54:09] <Soni> yes
L362[07:54:12] <asie> that has nothing to do with splitting them
L363[07:54:12] ⇨ Joins: DarkIRC (~dark@
L364[07:54:14] <asie> it helps nothing
L365[07:54:16] <asie> absolutely nothing
L366[07:54:20] <Soni> because when you build the main project it generates a jar for each subproject
L367[07:54:20] <asie> it only makes 6 projects instead of 1
L368[07:54:21] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@
L369[07:54:27] <asie> Soni: i don't want that, you know that? i want one JAR
L370[07:54:32] <asie> if someone wants to split, there will be an alternate way
L371[07:54:39] *** Ender sets mode: +i
L372[07:54:40] <Soni> you can also configure it to generate one jar at the end
L373[07:54:42] <Ender> ¬_¬
L374[07:54:43] <asie> Soni: just fork BC already
L375[07:54:44] <Ender> ffs
L376[07:54:49] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, +i?
L377[07:54:55] <Ender> Wuerfel_21: me failing with flags
L378[07:54:58] <Soni> is that not what I'm doing?
L379[07:55:02] *** Ender sets mode: -i
L380[07:55:11] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, what qas +i again?
L381[07:55:13] <Wuerfel_21> *was
L382[07:55:19] <Soni> Wuerfel_21, invite only
L383[07:55:20] <Ender> Wuerfel_21: invite only
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L385[07:56:02] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, what flag did you want to set?
L386[07:56:32] ⇦ Quits: DarkIRC (~dark@ (Client Quit)
L387[07:56:37] <Ender> Wuerfel_21: you dont need to know
L388[07:56:41] <Soni> eh I think I'll do this to my own projects instead
L389[07:57:10] <Soni> less asie shouting at me and stuff .-.
L390[07:57:49] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L391[07:57:52] <asie> Soni: exactly
L392[07:57:54] <asie> look
L393[07:57:59] <asie> you can't just go into a project and say
L394[07:58:02] <asie> "I'LL CHANGE FUCKING EVERYTHING"
L395[07:58:12] <asie> it's a process that takes time
L396[07:58:14] <asie> and patience
L397[07:58:17] <Soni> I'm not changing /everything/
L398[07:58:22] <ds84182> .
L399[07:58:23] <asie> Soni: the entire project structure
L400[07:58:37] <Soni> still not the same as "rm -rf ./"
L401[07:58:47] <asie> Soni: you don't understand
L402[07:58:49] <ds84182> If you change the project structure you break other PRs
L403[07:58:58] <asie> you also break everyone's workflow
L404[07:59:00] <Soni> ... oh
L405[08:00:04] <Soni> so we'd have to use it for the next module, not change everything? (also I thought PRs could keep up with file moves/renames?)
L406[08:00:58] <ds84182> Nope, you have to manually fix any conflicts
L407[08:01:03] <Sangar> bbl
L408[08:01:08] <ds84182> Bai
L409[08:01:25] <asie> Soni: besides
L410[08:01:28] <asie> BuildCraft 6.3 is dead
L411[08:01:30] <asie> it's undergoing a full rewrite
L412[08:01:35] <asie> but you don't know this because you're not the maintainer
L413[08:01:43] <asie> so all your work is useless either way because this branch is *dyig*
L414[08:01:45] <asie> *dying*
L415[08:01:46] <Soni> I was doing it for BC 6.4
L416[08:01:49] <asie> Soni: so is 6.4
L417[08:01:57] <asie> 6.4 is just a heavily delayed release so people get SOMETHING
L418[08:01:59] <Soni> uhh... 7.0?
L419[08:02:00] <asie> in the wait for BC 7
L420[08:02:04] <asie> and BC 7 is a 100% rewrite
L421[08:02:12] <asie> using this little thing
L422[08:02:13] <Soni> oh cool
L423[08:02:15] <asie> https://github.com/NovaAPI
L424[08:02:17] <Soni> can you use subprojects for that then?
L425[08:02:19] <asie> no
L426[08:02:21] <asie> not yet
L427[08:02:28] <Soni> aw :/
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L432[08:15:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L435[08:19:36] <McJty> If you make a @Callback in a driver then can you return null or empty list in case you don't want the api to return anything in that method?
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L438[08:23:40] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L439[08:24:23] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L440[08:27:05] <Vexatos> McJty, return null or new Object[]{}
L441[08:27:11] <Vexatos> no difference
L442[08:27:14] <McJty> So either works. Good
L443[08:27:29] <Vexatos> :)
L444[08:28:17] <McJty> Ok. I added a driver for one of my blocks. Going to test it out but my OC is rusty. Has been a while since I've used the mod (and that was a bad idea I see now)
L445[08:29:16] <Vexatos> Your own blocks?
L446[08:29:21] <Vexatos> Then you wouldn't need to add a driver
L447[08:29:33] <McJty> Well I don't want a hard dependency with OC
L448[08:29:41] <McJty> So I can't have any OC interfaces/api in my main mod code.
L449[08:29:58] <McJty> That's why I thought a driver would be easiest.
L450[08:29:59] <Vexatos> err
L451[08:30:04] <Vexatos> @Optional exists for a reason
L452[08:30:09] <Soni> ^
L453[08:30:13] <McJty> Well...
L454[08:30:26] <McJty> The driver approach was recommended to me by Sangar.
L455[08:30:30] <McJty> So I went with that.
L456[08:30:45] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/tile/TileEntityPeripheralBase.java#L27-L31
L457[08:31:01] <Vexatos> McJty, Drivers should only be used for things that are not in your own mod
L458[08:31:12] <Vexatos> because you can only connect to driver components using the adapter block
L459[08:31:28] <McJty> ok...
L460[08:31:31] * McJty changes again
L461[08:32:16] <Vexatos> McJty, if you just want an incredibly easy thing
L462[08:32:20] <Vexatos> implement SimpleComponent
L463[08:32:22] <Vexatos> that's all you need
L464[08:32:35] <Vexatos> and make that @Optional, and make all the method it needs @Optional
L465[08:32:42] <McJty> ok
L466[08:32:45] <Vexatos> then you can drop as many @Callbacks into the tileentity as you want
L467[08:32:56] <Vexatos> (Make sure to make the @Callbacks @Optional as well=
L468[08:32:57] <Vexatos> )
L469[08:33:11] <Vexatos> then everything will be in the TE, nothing external
L470[08:33:17] <Vexatos> also you won't need to register the driver
L471[08:33:23] <Vexatos> it will be detected automatically
L472[08:33:54] <McJty> What's the modid for Open Computers?
L473[08:34:04] <Vexatos> OpenComputers
L474[08:34:49] <McJty> Ok, let me check that
L475[08:35:20] <McJty> Is there a convention on component names?
L476[08:35:35] <McJty> Like in my case: rftools:shield for example?
L477[08:35:51] <Vexatos> McJty, what's the name of your block?
L478[08:36:11] <McJty> "shieldBlock"
L479[08:36:18] <Vexatos> I mean, the localized name
L480[08:36:35] <McJty> Shield Projector
L481[08:36:38] <McJty> Is that what you mean?
L482[08:36:46] <Vexatos> Then call it "shield_projector"
L483[08:36:49] <Vexatos> that's the convention
L484[08:37:00] <McJty> ok
L485[08:37:02] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L486[08:37:10] <Vexatos> all lowercase
L487[08:37:14] <Vexatos> that's important
L488[08:38:04] <McJty> Hmm
L489[08:38:14] <McJty> InteilliJ is giving an error on the @Override annotation
L490[08:38:19] <McJty> Ah
L491[08:38:20] <McJty> nm
L492[08:38:31] <McJty> I actually have to add the interface to the implements line as well.
L493[08:38:36] <McJty> In addtion to the @Optional
L494[08:39:07] <McJty> I'm a bit worried though.
L495[08:39:23] <McJty> There is now an import line for SimpleComponent in my class: import li.cil.oc.api.network.SimpleComponent;
L496[08:39:28] <McJty> Will that not cause problems if OC is not present?
L497[08:40:02] <ds84182> No, import statements are not checked at runtime
L498[08:40:02] <Vexatos> No
L499[08:40:11] <Vexatos> imports are gone once the mod is compiled
L500[08:40:18] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@76.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L501[08:40:58] <McJty> Hmm because I've had issues with imports to WorldClient in server side code and that crashed the server.
L502[08:41:02] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L503[08:41:08] <McJty> Even though WorldClient wasn't used in the code. It was a left-over iport.
L504[08:41:10] <McJty> import
L505[08:41:39] <asie> McJty: imports are never stored in the .class
L506[08:41:42] <asie> they're only for the compiler
L507[08:41:45] <Vexatos> ^
L508[08:41:51] <McJty> Strange ok.
L509[08:41:56] <McJty> I'll just test it out later then :-)
L510[08:41:56] <Vexatos> they are just to make the code look better
L511[08:43:30] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@76.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com)
L512[08:43:37] <Wuerfel_21> lik #include in C only hides function signature definitions
L513[08:44:23] <Wuerfel_21> *like
L514[08:45:32] <heatseeker0> Hi Vexatos I have something for you
L515[08:45:46] <heatseeker0> there's this I just noticed: [29/1/2015 13:31:58 PM] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: Catched unhandled exception : [class pl.asie.computronics.integration.waila.WailaComputronics] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: pl/asie/computronics/block/BlockDigitalReceiverBox
L516[08:45:46] <heatseeker0> Using AsieLib-1.7.10-0.3.9 & Computronics-1.7.10-1.4.0
L517[08:46:24] <Vexatos> Let me check
L518[08:46:46] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, do you have Railcraft installed?
L519[08:46:58] <heatseeker0> no
L520[08:47:00] <Vexatos> Good
L521[08:47:06] <Vexatos> Then I can fix it
L522[08:48:17] <McJty> For the @callback thing do I also need the @Optional? I suppose yes
L523[08:48:26] <heatseeker0> Problem is I have no clue what to do to make it spit that error, as it doesn't always happen
L524[08:49:03] <Vexatos> McJty, yes
L525[08:49:56] <McJty> Ok, what's the fastest way in game to test if my block is working?
L526[08:50:34] <heatseeker0> write a small lua script to see if it shows the functions you published
L527[08:50:34] <Wuerfel_21> McJty, but creative computer next to it?
L528[08:50:41] <heatseeker0> then try them one by one
L529[08:50:53] <McJty> ok let's see
L530[08:51:19] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, I am pretty sure I know what is causing it
L531[08:51:30] <Vexatos> question: do you have the full error log?
L532[08:51:37] <Vexatos> or is that everything you get?
L533[08:51:38] <heatseeker0> That's the full log
L534[08:51:40] <Vexatos> k
L535[08:51:45] <heatseeker0> Client side, nothing shows on server
L536[08:51:49] <heatseeker0> No other issues
L537[08:51:55] <Vexatos> Of course
L538[08:51:58] <McJty> BTW, waila is having an issue with OC
L539[08:52:05] <heatseeker0> not for me
L540[08:52:06] <McJty> at li.cil.oc.common.item.Delegator.addInformation(Delegator.scala:142) [Delegator.class:?]
L541[08:52:07] <Vexatos> it's a bug with Waila and my Railcraft integration in case Railcraft isn't there
L542[08:52:10] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L543[08:52:13] <McJty> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class li.cil.oc.util.ItemCosts$
L544[08:52:34] <McJty> What's the name for the creative computer btw?
L545[08:52:39] <McJty> Creative Computer doesn't seem to be it :-)
L546[08:52:58] <heatseeker0> computer case (creative)
L547[08:53:26] <heatseeker0> or Creatix if you want the full thing prebuilt
L548[08:53:45] <McJty> aha
L549[08:54:19] <McJty> Ok, creatix is sitting next to my block.
L550[08:54:21] <McJty> Now what?
L551[08:54:25] <heatseeker0> umm
L552[08:54:34] <McJty> I activate it and I get a screen. But I can't type stuff there
L553[08:54:37] <heatseeker0> put a screen & keyboard on top of your block
L554[08:54:45] <heatseeker0> err... computer not your block
L555[08:54:52] <McJty> On top of creatix?
L556[08:54:55] <heatseeker0> yup
L557[08:55:12] <heatseeker0> no clue if it comes with lua os preinstalled or you have to install that
L558[08:55:17] <heatseeker0> i play legit :P
L559[08:55:30] <McJty> Me too but testing legit is time consuming :-)
L560[08:55:35] <heatseeker0> true that
L561[08:55:57] <heatseeker0> okay so after you have screen & keyboard, power it and see what it says
L562[08:56:07] <heatseeker0> if it gives you a prompt, you're good to go
L563[08:56:24] <McJty> I still can't type
L564[08:56:27] <McJty> Just get a black window
L565[08:56:28] <heatseeker0> oh crap
L566[08:56:34] <McJty> Power it?
L567[08:56:37] <heatseeker0> sorry McJty creatix is the creative robot not computer :(
L568[08:56:38] <heatseeker0> my bad
L569[08:56:41] <McJty> I thought the creative stuff didn't need power
L570[08:56:43] <McJty> ah
L571[08:57:06] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L572[08:57:20] <McJty> But I still can't type
L573[08:57:20] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@
L574[08:57:25] <McJty> Have a creative case. A screen and a keyboard.
L575[08:57:33] <McJty> Even put a creative energy cell next to the creative case.
L576[08:57:33] <heatseeker0> have you powered it?
L577[08:57:40] <heatseeker0> you need a power adapter
L578[08:57:46] <McJty> A creative case? Why is it creative if I still have to power it?
L579[08:57:55] <Vexatos> You don't
L580[08:57:58] <Vexatos> it's infinite power
L581[08:58:07] <McJty> I thought so
L582[08:58:11] <Vexatos> no energy cell required
L583[08:58:12] <heatseeker0> but you do have to put in a processor, memory, etc.
L584[08:58:13] <McJty> But if I try to turn it on it says there is no CPU
L585[08:58:19] <McJty> ah.
L586[08:58:21] <Vexatos> Tehn insert a CPU >_>
L587[08:58:24] <Vexatos> then*
L588[08:58:26] * McJty was hoping that a creative case would have all that
L589[08:58:57] <heatseeker0> you need the following minimum: cpu, ram, hard drive, lua bios, graphics card
L590[08:59:12] <Vexatos> and OpenOS
L591[08:59:21] <heatseeker0> also spawn yourself an openos floppy and stick it in
L592[08:59:26] <McJty> How is the RAM called?
L593[08:59:29] <heatseeker0> memory
L594[08:59:30] <Vexatos> memory
L595[09:00:43] <McJty> And the bios?
L596[09:00:47] <heatseeker0> lua bios
L597[09:01:09] <McJty> that comes up empty in NEI
L598[09:01:32] <heatseeker0> it shouldn't
L599[09:01:36] <Vexatos> if it's called "Lua BIOS", it's not empty
L600[09:01:42] <Vexatos> if it's called "EEPROM", it is
L601[09:01:50] <heatseeker0> no, he doesn't find it in NEI
L602[09:01:58] <Vexatos> ah
L603[09:02:02] <McJty> I can't find any of that in NEI
L604[09:02:04] <Vexatos> well, a) it should not
L605[09:02:05] <Ender> if you're in creative you can always get an EEPROM and craft it with a book
L606[09:02:06] <McJty> Nothing that has 'lua' in it
L607[09:02:12] <McJty> Nothing that has 'rom' in it
L608[09:02:13] <Vexatos> b) check the creative inventory, it contains the BIOS
L609[09:02:51] <McJty> Ok
L610[09:02:54] <McJty> It was called 'Unnamed'
L611[09:02:59] <heatseeker0> o.O
L612[09:03:00] <McJty> Seems a problem in the latest dev version
L613[09:03:13] <McJty> But still not working
L614[09:03:18] <McJty> the computer simply will not turn on
L615[09:03:23] <heatseeker0> no errors?
L616[09:03:29] <heatseeker0> beeps?
L617[09:03:32] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@95f105f4.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L618[09:03:38] <McJty> Only this one:
L619[09:03:39] <McJty> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class li.cil.oc.util.ItemCosts$
L620[09:03:44] <McJty> but nothing in game
L621[09:04:01] <heatseeker0> hmm... maybe that build is broken?
L622[09:04:28] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f105f4.skybroadband.com)
L623[09:04:30] <McJty> Just my luck :-)
L624[09:04:31] ⇨ Joins: hjfgnhbrgh (webchat@cpc17-bolt13-2-0-cust163.10-3.cable.virginm.net)
L625[09:04:45] <hjfgnhbrgh> jghghkhgj
L626[09:04:49] <hjfgnhbrgh> kjjgkhjhjyitofyjhhnjuj
L627[09:04:52] <heatseeker0> i could invite you to my server to try it out if you want to download the modpack
L628[09:05:05] <hjfgnhbrgh> oh
L629[09:05:08] <heatseeker0> hjfgnhbrgh, your cat seems to be sitting on your keyboard
L630[09:05:18] <McJty> heatseeker0, well you wouldn't have my code that I'm working on.
L631[09:05:18] <hjfgnhbrgh> oh i see
L632[09:05:39] <heatseeker0> McJty, true that
L633[09:06:05] <McJty> Can I force my build.gradle to use an older build?
L634[09:06:08] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, does that waila error occur when you look at a tape drive?
L635[09:06:08] <hjfgnhbrgh> is there partitons
L636[09:06:08] <McJty> One that will work
L637[09:07:10] <McJty> Vexatos, it was me that was getting that error and I get that while browsing NEI
L638[09:07:15] <heatseeker0> Vexatos, roughly yes even though it's hard to tell as there's also a camera right next to it
L639[09:07:23] <McJty> ah
L640[09:07:30] <McJty> You're talking about another error I suppose
L641[09:07:30] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, camera should also make it error
L642[09:07:49] <Vexatos> I am fixing it right now
L643[09:07:59] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L644[09:08:05] <heatseeker0> Okay. I can test whenever you want
L645[09:08:12] <gamax92> hjfgnhbrgh: no there is not.
L646[09:08:45] <gamax92> but that gives me an idea :D software hard drive partitioning
L647[09:08:46] ⇦ Parts: hjfgnhbrgh (webchat@cpc17-bolt13-2-0-cust163.10-3.cable.virginm.net) ())
L648[09:08:59] <heatseeker0> guess he wasn't too happy to hear that
L649[09:09:04] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L650[09:09:06] <gamax92> pfft, whatever.
L651[09:09:54] <gamax92> Why would you need partitions >_>
L652[09:10:15] <McJty> BTW, here is my computer setup: http://i.imgur.com/1tNwcXv.png
L653[09:10:21] <McJty> And you see how the item on the left is called unnamed
L654[09:10:49] <heatseeker0> apart from the tooltip blocking half of what you put in there, i think your unnamed is the empty bios
L655[09:11:10] <heatseeker0> what happens if you put that next to an empty book in a crafting window?
L656[09:11:20] <McJty> Will try
L657[09:12:57] <McJty> I get another unnamed item.
L658[09:13:00] <McJty> Will try if that one works
L659[09:13:23] <McJty> Now the gui of the computer will not open
L660[09:13:42] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/650861924673
L661[09:13:45] <gamax92> lol ...
L662[09:13:52] <McJty> That's the error that I get when I try to open the gui
L663[09:13:55] <gamax92> McJty: what version number is your build.
L664[09:13:56] <McJty> I'm now in survival however.
L665[09:14:09] <McJty>
L666[09:14:26] <McJty> Ah the gui only opens in creative mode.
L667[09:14:37] <heatseeker0> if it's the creative case, yes
L668[09:14:38] <McJty> Ok, the computer worked now
L669[09:14:56] <heatseeker0> you didn't put in an openos floppy
L670[09:14:57] <McJty> I get Uncrecovrable error
L671[09:14:59] <McJty> ah
L672[09:15:32] <McJty> finally
L673[09:15:39] <heatseeker0> now type install at that prompt
L674[09:15:48] <heatseeker0> so you won't have to go throught the floppy thing anymore
L675[09:15:56] <McJty> It gives me two choices
L676[09:16:05] <heatseeker0> use the one that has a bunch of numbers
L677[09:16:08] <McJty> They both have
L678[09:16:11] <heatseeker0> not the one that says openos
L679[09:16:18] <McJty> They are both gibberish like sequences
L680[09:16:24] <McJty> One labeled 1 and one labeled 2
L681[09:16:41] <heatseeker0> right, you put in 2 hdds
L682[09:16:44] <heatseeker0> use 1
L683[09:16:56] <Sangar> back
L684[09:17:14] <McJty> Lot of work to install a computer. I like it. It's rather realistic :-)
L685[09:17:26] <heatseeker0> Wait until you actually craft those in survival
L686[09:17:31] <McJty> Ok. So now
L687[09:17:38] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L688[09:17:40] <heatseeker0> type lua
L689[09:17:40] <McJty> How can I quickly see if my adjacent shield is correct?
L690[09:17:47] <heatseeker0> nvm
L691[09:17:53] <heatseeker0> press ctrl+c to exit lua
L692[09:17:56] <heatseeker0> and type components
L693[09:18:03] <heatseeker0> see if your block shows in that list
L694[09:18:11] <McJty> Hmm it doesn't
L695[09:18:20] <heatseeker0> is it touching the computer case?
L696[09:18:21] <gamax92> SANGAR
L697[09:18:25] <McJty> yes
L698[09:18:28] <Sangar> GAMAX
L699[09:18:30] <gamax92> last dev build is apparently broken
L700[09:18:33] <heatseeker0> then... i suppose it doesn't work
L701[09:18:34] <Sangar> wat
L702[09:18:46] <gamax92> eeproms showing up as "Unnamed"
L703[09:18:51] <Wuerfel_21> McJty, didnt you do it the adapter way?
L704[09:18:56] <Sangar> ...
L705[09:18:59] <McJty> Here is the block
L706[09:19:00] <McJty> https://github.com/McJty/RFTools/blob/master/src/main/java/com/mcjty/rftools/blocks/shield/ShieldTileEntity.java
L707[09:19:03] * Sangar beats up jenkins
L708[09:19:04] <McJty> I mean TileEntity
L709[09:19:08] <McJty> Maybe you can spot my mistake?
L710[09:19:27] <heatseeker0> oh try putting an adapter between the computer case and your block
L711[09:19:37] <Wuerfel_21> McJty, ^^^^^ninjad me
L712[09:19:55] <Sangar> McJty, if you use SimpleComponent you shouldn't need the adapter; do oc cables connect to your block?
L713[09:20:06] <McJty> Sangar, no, it is just adjacent to the cmoputer
L714[09:20:07] <McJty> computer
L715[09:20:17] <Sangar> also, check your log; oc logs when it tries injecting the component into SimpleComponents
L716[09:20:24] <Sangar> and if it fails, why
L717[09:20:45] <McJty> Hard because I get a lot of spam from that waila error.
L718[09:20:52] <Sangar> one sec
L719[09:20:57] <McJty> [16:19:38] [Client thread/WARN] [OpenComputers]: Error in item tooltip.
L720[09:20:58] <McJty> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class li.cil.oc.util.ItemCosts$
L721[09:21:20] <Sangar> McJty, look for "Successfully injected component logic" or "Failed injecting component logic"
L722[09:21:23] <Sangar> uhhhh
L723[09:21:26] <Sangar> o.O
L724[09:21:47] <McJty> [16:11:22] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class com.mcjty.rftools.blocks.shield.ShieldTileEntity.
L725[09:21:49] <McJty> So that's good at least
L726[09:21:55] <McJty> But still it wasn't listed in the components.
L727[09:22:24] <gamax92> omfg why is Github's file viewer so laggy T_T
L728[09:22:51] <Sangar> McJty, place a cable next to your block, see if that visually connects
L729[09:23:17] <McJty> It does
L730[09:23:34] <Sangar> then that works at least... no clue why it wouldn't show up though o.O
L731[09:23:35] <Wuerfel_21> McJty, it valid complicated computer bx
L732[09:23:38] <Wuerfel_21> *box
L733[09:24:40] <Sangar> gamax92, is it also unnamed if there are no other mods? which build exactly? 375?
L734[09:24:54] <gamax92> Sangar: Ask McJty
L735[09:25:00] * gamax92 is not in a state to test
L736[09:25:10] <McJty> Yes it is 375
L737[09:25:17] <McJty> Other mods are: extra utilities, thermal expansion, enderio
L738[09:25:18] <McJty> That's it
L739[09:25:21] <McJty> And rftools :-)
L740[09:25:27] <McJty> i.e. this is in my dev environment btw
L741[09:26:06] <McJty> BTW, even with the cable 'components' isn't showing the component
L742[09:26:10] * Sangar goes load example project to test
L743[09:26:40] <McJty> I have to go now. I will be back in a few hours from now.
L744[09:26:45] <McJty> Thanks for the help so far.
L745[09:26:49] <Sangar> later o/
L746[09:27:02] ⇦ Parts: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Gone))
L747[09:27:23] <Sangar> hum
L748[09:27:36] <Sangar> the callbacks aren't public, i wonder if that's causing some internal errors...
L749[09:28:40] <Sangar> or rather... i'm not sure components are visible if they have no methods at all, and if they're not public they may just be ignored. oh well. will have him test that later :P
L750[09:33:01] <gamax92> Sangar: patch em to be public?
L751[09:33:14] <Sangar> it's in his code
L752[09:33:20] <gamax92> Sangar: but you could?
L753[09:33:39] <Sangar> but then i'd have to clone and build his project. did i not mention i'm a lazy person yet?
L754[09:33:50] <gamax92> ._. i meant patch them from OC
L755[09:34:01] <Sangar> meh
L756[09:34:12] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L757[09:34:56] <Sangar> i *could*... but if anything i'd rather print a warning. not a fan of changing others' code around.
L758[09:35:14] <Vexatos> uuh
L759[09:35:21] <Vexatos> no need to clone the project
L760[09:35:30] <Vexatos> that fix is so small you can use the github browser editor
L761[09:35:36] <gamax92> lol ...
L762[09:35:44] <Sangar> well yeah. but then i still wouldn't know if it worked now would i :P
L763[09:37:22] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L764[09:39:13] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, fixed
L765[09:39:21] <Vexatos> would you like a new Computronics version to test?
L766[09:52:29] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L767[09:56:18] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L768[09:58:37] <heatseeker0> Vexatos, sure
L769[09:59:38] <Vexatos> heatseeker0, http://puu.sh/fbTIf/2f45e4e544.jar
L770[09:59:46] <Sangar> welp, looking at the code it should even log that callbacks have to be public already :X
L771[10:00:01] <heatseeker0> client update only or server too?
L772[10:00:41] <Vexatos> both
L773[10:02:45] <Sangar> hrm, it should still show up though... odd
L774[10:04:14] <heatseeker0> Vexatos, doesn't seem to spit that error anymore. Will let you know if it shows up as I noticed it wasn't always doing it before either
L775[10:05:49] <Vexatos> k
L776[10:07:20] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L777[10:14:00] <MindWorX> math.random(lower, upper) generates integer numbers between lower and upper.
L778[10:14:05] <MindWorX> Is lower and upper inclusive?
L779[10:14:16] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L780[10:17:49] <MindWorX> They're inclusive. The manual is a bit misleading :P
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L785[10:32:35] <asie> vonflynee: widze cie
L786[10:32:38] <asie> dammit
L787[10:37:02] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L793[10:41:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L794[10:42:07] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest56673
L795[10:42:07] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
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L800[10:49:43] <MindWorX> I'm a bit new to Lua
L801[10:49:44] <MindWorX> http://pastebin.com/6Es43CbX
L802[10:49:50] <MindWorX> Can anyone help me with how to do something like that?
L803[10:49:57] <MindWorX> I guess I need to use a table of sorts.
L804[10:50:17] <MindWorX> Basically, I want some weighted random.
L805[10:51:03] <Wuerfel_21> MindWorX, there no is "list<string>", use a table
L806[10:51:09] <MindWorX> Exactly :P
L807[10:51:13] <MindWorX> That's what I'm asking :P
L808[10:51:28] <MindWorX> How do I use a table like a list which can be indexed with an int.
L809[10:51:39] <MindWorX> table.insert?
L810[10:51:54] <Wuerfel_21> MindWorX, just make a table using "name = {}"
L811[10:52:10] <Wuerfel_21> and put stuff in it, using table.insert()
L812[10:52:35] <MindWorX> Alright
L813[10:52:51] <MindWorX> So just table.insert("minecraft:stone") to insert at the end?
L814[10:53:03] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L815[10:53:12] <Wuerfel_21> MindWorX, table.inset(yourTable,yourValue)
L816[10:53:13] <MindWorX> Err, table.insert(name, "minecraft:stone");
L817[10:53:15] <MindWorX> Alright.
L818[10:53:27] <MindWorX> How do I get the length?
L819[10:53:29] <MindWorX> name.size?
L820[10:53:57] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L821[10:53:57] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L822[10:53:59] <Wuerfel_21> MindWorX, #yourTable
L823[10:54:11] <MindWorX> Really? :P
L824[10:54:25] <Sangar> MindWorX, http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html :P
L825[10:54:35] <MindWorX> Helpful :P
L826[10:54:59] <MindWorX> table.getn(mytable)
L827[10:55:29] <Sangar> good job, you found a deprecated function :P use #t
L828[10:56:16] <Wuerfel_21> #yourTable is pretty much syntactic sugar
L829[10:57:18] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L830[10:57:18] <Sangar> you mean for rawlen?
L831[10:57:34] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L832[10:57:48] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, i dunno...
L833[10:58:28] <Wuerfel_21> still, someone must make a Java CPU for OC
L834[10:58:52] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L835[10:59:26] <Vexatos> No
L836[10:59:34] <Vexatos> But IIRC javascript is in works
L837[10:59:50] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L838[10:59:54] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L839[11:00:12] <MindWorX> Sangar, You gave me the link :P Who keeps deprecated information in their manual?
L840[11:00:23] <Wuerfel_21> but with java cpu and OCLights, we can do intresting things....
L841[11:00:28] <Sangar> MindWorX, people who want money for the newer versions :P
L842[11:00:39] <MindWorX> Ah :P
L843[11:00:43] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L844[11:00:48] <MindWorX> So the Lua people are worse than Microsoft. :P
L845[11:00:56] <vifino> :V
L846[11:01:25] <Sangar> MindWorX, there's also https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lua_Programming which is a little more up-to-date i believe (but more basic in some aspects)
L847[11:01:34] <vifino> No one is worse than micro$oft :v
L848[11:01:40] <Sangar> apple? :P
L849[11:01:48] <vifino> Sangar: Nope.
L850[11:02:13] <vifino> At least they don't have to do anything with windows :v
L851[11:02:33] <Sangar> they keep objective-c alive
L852[11:02:59] <MindWorX> Replacing the S with $ is the most obnoxius thing I've ever seen :P
L853[11:03:11] <MindWorX> Anywho, my table isn't working :(
L854[11:03:14] <Wuerfel_21> Sangar, they invent new even crappyer langs
L855[11:03:23] <Sangar> 0|21`/
L856[11:03:50] <MindWorX> Wait, it did!
L857[11:03:54] <MindWorX> Eureka!
L858[11:04:01] <MindWorX> Silly language!
L859[11:04:07] <vifino> :v
L860[11:04:13] <Negi> Microsoft are making W10 free...Guess which OS will get shortly to its 11th version soon ?
L861[11:04:13] <Wuerfel_21> Objective C was crossplatform at least...
L862[11:04:28] * CompanionCube will be replacing his vista with win10
L863[11:04:31] <Negi> MindWorX : Don't blame the software D:
L864[11:04:36] <CompanionCube> and then fixing the clobbered bootloader
L865[11:04:45] <vifino> Negi: Free for one year. Then they demand a subscription.
L866[11:04:56] <Negi> A
L867[11:04:57] <vifino> aka you are f'ed.
L868[11:04:57] <CompanionCube> vifino, that's not true
L869[11:04:59] <CompanionCube> it's just a rumor
L870[11:05:00] <Negi> Subscription
L871[11:05:10] <vifino> CompanionCube: >>>>>they said it in the presentation
L872[11:05:16] <vifino> pls
L873[11:05:18] <Caitlyn> .... The upgrade is free for the first year, anyone getting the upgrade after the first year has to pay
L874[11:05:19] <Wuerfel_21> EVERYONE PORT TO OPENBAD REAL QUICK!
L875[11:05:33] <Caitlyn> Meaning iuf I get w10 on day one it's free period.
L876[11:05:35] <CompanionCube> What Caitlyn said
L877[11:05:42] <vifino> pffft
L878[11:05:42] <Caitlyn> if I get w10 on day 366 it's $
L879[11:05:51] <vifino> like that matters .-.
L880[11:06:04] <vifino> m$ is a moneywhore .-.
L881[11:06:07] <Caitlyn> are you shitting me? You're shitting me right?
L882[11:06:20] <vifino> Shitting on you? No...?
L883[11:06:26] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L884[11:06:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L885[11:06:43] <Negi> vifino : People got to make their living. I'm not a Microsoft lover but that's
L886[11:06:46] * Negi sighs.
L887[11:06:52] <vifino> ._.
L888[11:07:08] <Caitlyn> Someone let me know when vifino is done spewing bs
L889[11:07:24] <vifino> Caitlyn: ^_^
L890[11:08:25] <vifino> Caitlyn: I think I'm done, but don't quote me on that :D
L891[11:09:49] <Negi> I'm just saying that there's a catch.
L892[11:10:32] <Negi> And that I'm pretty sure it's not a year after Windows 10's release, but after you bought your Windows not-10 computer. *shrugs*
L893[11:12:05] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L894[11:12:07] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L895[11:12:10] <Caitlyn> Negi, the wording implies it's a free upgrade. full stop.
L896[11:13:22] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L897[11:13:29] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-171.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L898[11:14:03] <Caitlyn> yay! W2!
L899[11:15:05] <vifino> Pfft, Windows 2. Windows 3.11 Windows for Workgroups all the way! Was the last windows I bought. Off of ebay. In 2011.
L900[11:16:14] <vifino> PS: It's a joke.
L901[11:16:20] <vifino> I bought it in 2012.
L902[11:16:37] <vifino> s/joke/lie/
L903[11:16:37] <Kibibyte> <vifino> PS: It's a lie.
L904[11:16:38] <vifino> w/e
L905[11:17:51] <Negi> Also vifino. Wherever you read that -which I'm guessing is a website- manipulated the words.
L906[11:18:13] <vifino> Oh, okay.
L907[11:18:51] <vifino> Thought I heard something about the subscription in the conference too, but I didn't really watch it, it were running in the background :x
L908[11:19:17] <Negi> 'cuz they said in fact they would keep supporting updates "at no cost", but it was to actually rassure that people who would get Windows 10 freely wouldn't have to buy it for updates later on.
L909[11:19:48] <Negi> I don't get how people can misunderstand that ._.
L910[11:20:29] <Caitlyn> though I'll end up having to buy w10 most likely, cause I really doubt my "activated" win7 will pass their tests...
L911[11:21:02] <Caitlyn> this isntall was a technet license that got invalidated :/
L912[11:21:38] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L913[11:21:45] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L914[11:23:43] <Negi> Caitlyn: I used the key under my laptop. Now Windows threatens to not boot if I don't find a new one.
L915[11:25:49] <Pwootage> Uh
L916[11:25:56] <Pwootage> I installed windows 8 with an upgrade key
L917[11:26:05] <Pwootage> then upgraded from that to windows 8 with my upgrade key
L918[11:26:12] <Pwootage> they don't check *that* closely
L919[11:28:28] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L920[11:29:47] <Caitlyn> Pwootage, we have no idea how stringent the checks will be for w10 though... I'd have to assume they'd atleast check validity
L921[11:30:23] <Pwootage> Probably what they will do is check to make sure that your windows is activated, possibly through m$'s servers, so it may or may not work
L922[11:30:26] <Pwootage> worth a try, though
L923[11:33:07] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L924[11:33:11] <Caitlyn> yep, and if it doesn't work I'll just shell out teh cash
L925[11:37:59] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:2133:248b:c056:6a23)
L926[11:38:00] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L927[11:39:15] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L928[11:41:56] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L929[11:45:08] <Caitlyn> And taxes are done
L930[11:45:08] <Caitlyn> woo
L931[11:46:44] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L932[11:51:55] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L933[11:54:14] <Pwootage> I should do my taxes, I generally get a nice refund atm
L934[11:59:14] <Caitlyn> yay I can no longer /part here
L935[11:59:35] <Wuerfel_21> Caitlyn, why?
L936[11:59:46] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L937[11:59:55] ⇨ Joins: Katie (~Caitlyn@michiyo.pc-logix.com)
L938[12:00:10] <Katie> lol but I can close the channel in the channel switcher
L939[12:00:13] <Katie> and I can't reopen it :D
L940[12:00:20] <Katie> !op
L941[12:00:21] zsh sets mode: +o on Katie
L942[12:01:06] *** Caitlyn was kicked by Katie (o-O))
L943[12:01:12] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
L944[12:01:12] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L945[12:01:12] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L946[12:01:12] zsh sets mode: +o on Caitlyn
L947[12:01:15] * Caitlyn sighs
L948[12:01:29] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:2133:248b:c056:6a23) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L950[12:01:49] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L951[12:02:41] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L952[12:04:20] <Ender> ?
L953[12:06:23] <Caitlyn> I turned on stickychans in ZNC which doesn't let you /part
L954[12:06:31] <Caitlyn> but then I closed it via the channel switcher
L955[12:06:39] <Caitlyn> I didn't part, but the window closed and I couldn't /join
L956[12:06:43] <Caitlyn> so I had to kick myself
L957[12:08:13] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L958[12:09:46] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:2133:248b:c056:6a23) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L959[12:14:43] <Ender> lol
L960[12:17:25] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:f87a:9cd7:b97:89b6)
L961[12:17:25] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L963[12:18:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
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L965[12:20:44] <Wobbo> o/
L966[12:22:21] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Homework
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L971[12:34:02] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F34B569094CFF6767C7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L972[12:35:22] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo_ (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L973[12:35:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo_
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L975[12:36:27] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:c087:4c03:9978:c72f) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L976[12:49:10] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L977[12:51:48] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L978[12:53:50] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L979[12:54:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Good morning o/
L980[12:55:56] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L981[12:56:12] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, good morning
L982[12:58:15] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L983[13:01:00] <Wobbo_> ShadowKatStudios, afternoon
L984[13:01:06] *** Wobbo_ is now known as Wobbo
L985[13:01:24] <ShadowKatStudios> I have just pulled off the impossible
L986[13:01:26] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L987[13:01:48] <Wuerfel_21> ShadowKatStudios, you pooped?
L988[13:01:51] <ShadowKatStudios> My firefox v35 looks like firefox 2.x
L989[13:02:19] <Wuerfel_21> ShadowKatStudios, accidently or intentional?
L990[13:02:24] <Wobbo> ShadowKatStudios: Wait, you are not using lynx? :P
L991[13:02:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Intentional
L992[13:02:44] <Stary2001> piiiiics
L993[13:03:24] <ShadowKatStudios> Getting there
L994[13:03:27] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L995[13:03:40] <ShadowKatStudios> meta-pics
L996[13:04:01] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/O85380x.png
L997[13:04:57] <ShadowKatStudios> It's no-where near exact but it's much nicer than the v29 theme
L998[13:05:11] <Wobbo> ShadowKatStudios: I had hoped a picture of your firefox shown inside your firefox :(
L999[13:05:14] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1000[13:05:33] <ShadowKatStudios> Wobbo: It's a picture inside a picture of my firefox.
L1001[13:05:46] <Wobbo> Yeah, not Droste enough
L1002[13:06:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Not XP enough
L1003[13:09:19] <Wuerfel_21> .help
L1004[13:09:19] <^v> Wuerfel_21, http://ocd.cil.li/
L1005[13:09:41] <Wuerfel_21> silly bot, wanted help 'bouut your commands
L1006[13:09:55] <Ender> .cmds
L1007[13:09:56] <EnderBot2> You can find information about the different bot commands here: http://goo.gl/X2hEb8
L1008[13:09:57] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1009[13:10:10] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:d551:39cd:26f1:2c16)
L1010[13:10:11] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L1011[13:10:26] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:f87a:9cd7:b97:89b6) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1012[13:12:25] <Wuerfel_21> is there some command to get files from http, for pipeing?
L1013[13:12:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1014[13:12:59] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
L1015[13:13:00] <^v> Wuerfel_21, unserialize | ipairs | pairs | assert | select | xpcall | error | tonumber | table | os | collectgarbage | print | bit32 | math | rawlen | coroutine | numstr | load | _G | rawequal | debug | io | _VERSION | type | serialize | string | rawget | tostring | pcall | next | rawset | nil
L1016[13:13:02] <Ender> what for?
L1017[13:13:14] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, brainfuck
L1018[13:13:26] * Ender shrugs
L1019[13:13:42] <Wuerfel_21> hmmm, this works?
L1020[13:14:53] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1021[13:15:05] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for i=0,9001 do getmetatable("")[i] = i end
L1022[13:15:05] <^v> Wuerfel_21, lua:1: attempt to call global 'getmetatable' (a nil value)
L1023[13:15:24] <Wuerfel_21> no metatables?
L1024[13:15:33] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for k,v in pairs(debug) do print(k) end
L1025[13:15:33] <^v> Wuerfel_21, upvalueid | getregistry | getupvalue | upvaluejoin | getmetatable | debug | setuservalue | setlocal | getuservalue | gethook | setmetatable | getlocal | setupvalue | sethook | traceback | getinfo | nil
L1026[13:15:47] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for i=0,9001 do debug.getmetatable("")[i] = i end
L1027[13:15:47] <^v> Wuerfel_21, no
L1028[13:15:54] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for i=0,9001 do debug.getmetatable("")[i] = i end
L1029[13:15:54] <^v> Wuerfel_21, no
L1030[13:16:00] <Wuerfel_21> lolwat?
L1031[13:16:19] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for i=0,9001 do debug.setmetavalue("",i)[i] = i end
L1032[13:16:19] <^v> Wuerfel_21, lua:1: attempt to call field 'setmetavalue' (a nil value)
L1033[13:16:37] <Wuerfel_21> .lua for i=0,9001 do debug.setupvalue("",i)end
L1034[13:16:38] <^v> Wuerfel_21, no
L1035[13:16:46] <Wuerfel_21> meh, can exploit
L1036[13:16:49] <Wuerfel_21> *cant
L1037[13:19:05] <v^> Wuerfel_21, stop spamming
L1038[13:19:20] <v^> if you want to fail at breaking ^v, do it in pm or in #ocbots
L1039[13:19:36] <Wuerfel_21> v^, yeah, will find a way!
L1040[13:20:18] <v^> good luck .-.
L1041[13:20:59] <Wuerfel_21> O.O th download count for my new version just passed 400... after being out for 3 days.... wtf, so less downloads, even tho annoying update checker?
L1042[13:22:08] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1043[13:25:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Lightbeam has created a Pentagram with facebook in the middle
L1044[13:26:13] <Ender> facebook should be put in the pit of eternal damnation
L1045[13:26:39] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1046[13:26:42] <CompanionCube> along with printer
L1047[13:26:46] <CompanionCube> *printers
L1048[13:26:59] <Ender> depends on the make/model
L1049[13:27:12] <CompanionCube> Printers in general I meN
L1050[13:27:15] <ShadowKatStudios> :D Guess what's under my desk and marked for destruction?
L1051[13:27:37] <Ender> your face?
L1052[13:27:51] <Ender> jk
L1053[13:27:57] <ShadowKatStudios> ._.
L1054[13:28:02] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, a printer or windows box?
L1055[13:28:17] * Skye gives ShadowKatStudios his dying printer
L1056[13:28:34] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: A Brother printer.
L1057[13:28:46] <Ender> lol, Skye said that then detached
L1058[13:28:58] <gamax92> detached?
L1059[13:29:04] <gamax92> did he remove his head
L1060[13:29:04] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1061[13:29:13] * vifino slaps Ender
L1062[13:29:13] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1063[13:29:13] <Ender> gamax92, ¬_¬
L1064[13:29:16] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, did I ever tell you how I broke a printeR?
L1065[13:29:24] * gamax92 slaps vifino with no intent of harm
L1066[13:29:24] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1067[13:29:24] * vifino would slap gamax92, but is not being violent today
L1068[13:29:29] <gamax92> :o
L1069[13:30:09] <Wuerfel_21> v^, broke it
L1070[13:30:41] <gamax92> inb4 bullshit
L1071[13:30:56] <Ender> inb4 v^ just made it ignore you
L1072[13:31:06] <vifino> gamax92: welp, i am getting forced to play doom by myself
L1073[13:31:16] <gamax92> vifino: forced?
L1074[13:31:25] <vifino> gamax92: yes
L1075[13:32:12] <vifino> gamax92: my internet doesn't want to work so I won't even bother asking you to play with me .-.
L1076[13:32:34] <gamax92> vifino: icecream
L1077[13:32:46] <Wuerfel_21> .... ....
L1078[13:33:00] <gamax92> inb4 fake
L1079[13:33:21] <gamax92> is not even loading.
L1080[13:33:37] <v^> .p
L1081[13:33:40] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, because it seems like still lagging
L1082[13:33:48] <v^> yes
L1083[13:33:50] <v^> he broke it
L1084[13:33:59] <gamax92> v^: inb4 you are covering for him.
L1085[13:34:01] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/qQQoGXg.jpg
L1086[13:34:06] <Wuerfel_21> v^, wanna knoe how?
L1087[13:34:12] <gamax92> wait ...
L1088[13:34:14] <v^> Wuerfel_21, i have logs >_>
L1089[13:34:15] <gamax92> v^: is that your ip?
L1090[13:34:22] <v^> gamax92, yes it changed
L1091[13:34:22] <gamax92> didn't you have a 7 .... something?
L1092[13:34:27] <gamax92> daaaaaaym
L1093[13:34:43] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: XD
L1094[13:34:48] <vifino> v^: Want me to update pt.i0i0.me?
L1095[13:34:52] <Negi> Either people who contribute on the OC repo are gods, or I'm expecting too much from people when I expect them to actually manage the issue tracker correctly ._.
L1096[13:34:53] <Wuerfel_21> v^, basically i just piped lots of rainbows....
L1097[13:35:00] <v^> Wuerfel_21, :/ i know
L1098[13:35:06] <v^> i already knew that was bork
L1099[13:35:06] <Negi> s/the/their/
L1100[13:35:06] <Kibibyte> <Negi> Eitheirr people who contribute on the OC repo are gods, or I'm expecting too much from people when I expect them to actually manage the issue tracker correctly ._.
L1101[13:35:36] <Ender> Negi, ?
L1102[13:35:45] <vifino> ._. my volume level is always at 69
L1103[13:35:52] <vifino> .-. too loud
L1104[13:36:17] <Negi> Ender : https://github.com/illuminatedwax/pesterchum/issues This is the worst-managed issue tracker I ever saw.
L1105[13:36:37] <gamax92> asie: I came up with a 1:11 audio compression syste
L1106[13:36:51] <gamax92> or would that be 11:1?
L1107[13:36:51] <vifino> gamax92: also, i will get a 5.1 speaker system soon :D
L1108[13:36:57] <gamax92> either way its 1/11th of the file size.
L1109[13:37:44] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1110[13:38:01] <gamax92> much lossy
L1111[13:38:01] <gamax92> vifino: .-. why
L1112[13:38:03] <Negi> About 90 of the 124 open issues are the same one, there aren't any tags, and even the solved issues aren't closed...
L1113[13:38:27] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, i only have 2 open 1 closed :(
L1114[13:38:30] <vifino> gamax92: ._. i have a crappy mono speaker on my desk, let me have proper speakers
L1115[13:38:33] <Wobbo> Negi: That sounds horrible D:
L1116[13:38:57] <ShadowKatStudios> https://www-s.acm.illinois.edu/404
L1117[13:38:59] <Wobbo> ShadowKatStudios: A friend of mine had his gfs bobby pins all over his printer once
L1118[13:39:06] <gamax92> vifino: do you have some fancy sound card?
L1119[13:39:20] <vifino> gamax92: no .-.
L1120[13:39:28] <gamax92> I want one.
L1121[13:39:44] <gamax92> then i can push the audio mixing to the card and not to the cpu
L1122[13:39:52] <Caitlyn> Your federal return was accepted by the IRS
L1123[13:39:53] <Caitlyn> woot
L1124[13:40:02] <Negi> Wobbo: It doesn't only sound horrible. It is horrible T_T
L1125[13:40:16] <Ender> lol, pc was using ~6GB of ram, close chrome, down to ~2GB
L1126[13:40:25] <vifino> gamax92: I want a soundcard with a synth ._.
L1127[13:40:26] <Negi> Wuerfel_21: The number of issues doesn't really mean anything. The way you manage these do.
L1128[13:40:37] <gamax92> vifino: i have a sound card with a synth :D
L1129[13:40:41] <gamax92> and its not isa
L1130[13:40:44] <ShadowKatStudios> <!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements -->
L1131[13:40:48] * vifino stabs gamax92
L1132[13:40:49] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, these are all todos :(
L1133[13:41:19] * gamax92 explodes and showers vifino in blood.
L1134[13:41:39] * vifino cries
L1135[13:41:45] <Negi> Wuerfel_21: Todos are cool.
L1136[13:41:49] <Wobbo> ShadowKatStudios: windows should kill IE6-8
L1137[13:41:54] <Ender> though i will point out that chrome's been running for most of my computer's uptime which is currently around 10days, 11 hours
L1138[13:42:28] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, because apperantly, noone can read and post thier errors on mcf -.-
L1139[13:42:29] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1140[13:42:31] <gamax92> Ender: y u have >=6GB ram
L1141[13:42:38] <Ender> gamax92, i have 12GB
L1142[13:42:42] * gamax92 only has 4GB of ram and 9GB swap
L1143[13:42:51] <Ender> i would have 16GB but one of the sticks died
L1144[13:43:18] <gamax92> R.I.P stick
L1145[13:43:49] <v^> katt is coming over today
L1146[13:43:55] <v^> R.I.P. my stick
L1147[13:44:03] <Ender> R.I.P your face
L1148[13:44:22] <Negi> Wuerfel_21: MCF ?
L1149[13:44:30] <gamax92> v^: eww
L1150[13:44:44] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, tha minceraftz forumz
L1151[13:45:48] <Negi> Welcome to the wonderful world of forums Wuerfel_21. As soon a
L1152[13:45:55] <Soni> I had an idea
L1153[13:45:58] <Soni> then I forgot it
L1154[13:46:00] <Soni> :/
L1155[13:46:18] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, as soon as a...?
L1156[13:46:36] <Negi> as there are more than 300 members, the general IQ starts dropping, and people who can't do basic debug start invading the userlist :D
L1157[13:47:27] <CompanionCube> Negi, isn't that true in general
L1158[13:47:30] <gamax92> Heres a question: If you are given a point, and are told to draw a circle around it, where around the point do you start?
L1159[13:47:43] <CompanionCube> average intelligence decreases in general as more people are added
L1160[13:48:24] <Negi> gamax92: What kind of tools do I get ?
L1161[13:48:38] <gamax92> just a drawing tool, a pencil/marker/knife/etc
L1162[13:48:53] * Katie stabs Caitlyn
L1163[13:48:54] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Dinner
L1164[13:49:01] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell_ (~wolfmitch@ns510198.ip-198-27-68.net)
L1165[13:49:12] ⇨ Joins: ThatJoshGreen (Ender@theender.net)
L1166[13:49:12] zsh sets mode: +o on ThatJoshGreen
L1167[13:49:16] <gamax92> theres no real answer to this, it could be east/west/north/south/northNorthWest/northWestWest/ etc ...
L1168[13:49:25] <Wuerfel_21> Negi, well, i have 6000+ downloads, i put it up right above the download button, and people ignore it?
L1169[13:49:30] <ThatJoshGreen> stupid esper
L1170[13:49:41] ⇦ Quits: Ender (Ender@theender.net) (Killed (insanity.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L1171[13:49:41] *** ThatJoshGreen is now known as Ender
L1172[13:49:45] <gamax92> D: Don't insult the mighty Esper!
L1173[13:49:45] <Negi> CompanionCube: for i=1, group.size do group.people[i].IQ = group.lowestIQ/group.size end
L1174[13:49:53] <gamax92> or it might just collapse and destroy itself
L1175[13:50:04] <Caitlyn> gamax92, right...?
L1176[13:50:10] <Ender> gamax92, wouldn't surprise me if it did that
L1177[13:50:13] <Caitlyn> then we all jump ship to PC-Logix!
L1178[13:50:14] <Caitlyn> :P
L1179[13:50:19] <Ender> heh
L1180[13:50:21] <Negi> Oh and gamax92 I start at a random point depending on my mood and my point of view on the drawing plane.
L1181[13:50:22] <gamax92> lol
L1182[13:50:33] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@ns510198.ip-198-27-68.net) (*.net *.split)
L1183[13:50:33] ⇦ Quits: Roadcrosser (potato@hi.i.just.wanted.to.say.that.programming.is.evidently.sexy) (*.net *.split)
L1184[13:50:35] <^v> Oh noes! portlane split 3:
L1185[13:50:37] <gamax92> Negi: well then.
L1186[13:50:48] <Soni> I need help with C
L1187[13:50:52] <Soni> more specifically, parsing C
L1188[13:51:04] <Soni> and writing code based on that
L1189[13:51:07] <gamax92> Soni: there's a lib for that
L1190[13:51:11] <v^> Soni, ((void(*)(void))0)()
L1191[13:51:13] <gamax92> no seriously, there is a lib for parsing C
L1192[13:51:31] <Soni> for python?
L1193[13:51:46] <gamax92> well ...
L1194[13:51:59] <Soni> (so I can call it PyCLua)
L1195[13:52:17] <gamax92> ...
L1196[13:52:22] * gamax92 refuses to help you now.
L1197[13:52:25] <v^> >_>
L1198[13:52:27] <ShadowKatStudios> http://shadowkat.tk/404.php
L1199[13:52:29] <v^> yeah
L1200[13:52:49] <gamax92> Soni: I'm referring to sparse though.
L1201[13:52:51] <gamax92> glhf
L1202[13:52:54] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L1203[13:53:15] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: it couldn't find the 404?
L1204[13:53:26] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: No, that's my 404 page
L1205[13:53:33] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: "404 not found."
L1206[13:53:36] <gamax92> it couldn't find the 404
L1207[13:53:39] <ShadowKatStudios> What do you think?
L1208[13:53:45] <gamax92> Where is the 404?
L1209[13:53:55] <ShadowKatStudios> You're looking at it.
L1210[13:54:17] <Stary2001> gamax92: ....404.php
L1211[13:54:27] <gamax92> ._. none of you get it.
L1212[13:55:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1213[13:55:25] <Negi> http://prettypiexes.tumblr.com/post/109499429701 That man is my new god.
L1214[13:55:35] <ShadowKatStudios> I get it, I choose to ignore it
L1215[13:55:38] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1216[13:55:53] <gamax92> since Caitlyn is at the top of the nicklist on my screen, Caitlyn is my new god.
L1217[13:56:02] <Caitlyn> \o/
L1218[13:56:19] <Stary2001> all hail Caitlyn
L1219[13:56:39] <Caitlyn> \o/
L1220[13:56:46] * Ender is the demi god
L1221[13:56:48] * CompanionCube rises up against the tyranny of Caitlyn
L1222[13:56:59] * Caitlyn smites CompanionCube
L1223[13:57:04] * CompanionCube respawns
L1224[13:57:08] * Caitlyn smites CompanionCube again
L1225[13:57:14] <gamax92> your level of godness is 1/(position on my nick list)
L1226[13:57:16] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1227[13:57:17] <Caitlyn> We can keep this up all night
L1228[13:57:22] <gamax92> Sangar is now 1/4th of a god.
L1229[13:57:32] * CompanionCube becomes a forkbomb
L1230[13:57:42] <Caitlyn> so I'm 1 1/3rd goddess? :P
L1231[13:57:51] <gamax92> Caitlyn: 1/1 == 1
L1232[13:58:15] <Caitlyn> gamax92, Caitlyn and Katie.
L1233[13:58:17] <Caitlyn> both ops
L1234[13:58:31] <gamax92> .-. are you also Katie?
L1235[13:58:37] <Katie> Yes
L1236[13:58:48] <gamax92> Note to self, Katie is not a different person.
L1237[13:59:01] <Caitlyn> I had to login to kick myself after a malfunction with ZNC sticky chans and me closing this channel in the channel switcher
L1238[13:59:05] <Caitlyn> gamax92, whois Katie..
L1239[13:59:08] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Leaving))
L1240[13:59:10] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L1241[13:59:10] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1242[13:59:14] <Caitlyn> gamax92, whois Katie..
L1243[13:59:15] <Negi> No-one ever tells us the important stuff D;
L1244[13:59:21] *** Skye|Dinner is now known as Skye
L1245[13:59:30] <Ender> Negi, you're adopted
L1246[14:00:12] <gamax92> Negi, I am sad
L1247[14:00:17] <gamax92> That's important, right?
L1248[14:00:29] <Kubuxu> Sangar: Would be it possible in 1.5 for Value to heve metatable?
L1249[14:00:37] <Negi> gamax92: That would be important if you could be unsad-ed.
L1250[14:00:47] <Ender> \o/ broke Kimsufi/OVH panel somehow
L1251[14:00:49] <gamax92> I can be!
L1252[14:01:01] <Kubuxu> It would greatly increses funcionality and allowed iteratin over it.
L1253[14:01:03] <Negi> Ender: I knew that. Both my parents are too different from me to be my actual parents.
L1254[14:01:27] <gamax92> Negi: what if they are your actual parents and they just wanted you to be different from them
L1255[14:01:40] <Ender> Negi, uh, okay... was originally intending it as a joke because you said no-one tells you the important stuff
L1256[14:01:46] <Negi> gamax92: I thought you were an ununsaddable guy. No one ever tells me the important stuff. :I
L1257[14:01:56] <Negi> Ender: I knew and I bounced back on that joke.
L1258[14:02:03] <Ender> k
L1259[14:02:15] <Negi> gamax92: They're my actual parents or I think so and they don't give a fuck, so shrugs.
L1260[14:02:37] <gamax92> Negi: shrugs is similar to the word hugs
L1261[14:02:43] * gamax92 would like a hug :D
L1262[14:03:00] <Sangar> Kubuxu, it already has, hence the call/apply/unapply stuff. what other metamethods do you need to override? operators?
L1263[14:03:03] * Ender hugs gamax92
L1264[14:03:05] * Negi hugs gamax92.
L1265[14:03:14] <gamax92> damn ninjas.
L1266[14:04:37] <gamax92> dis fucking guy
L1267[14:04:39] <gamax92> next to me
L1268[14:04:41] <gamax92> he has a fedora
L1269[14:04:45] <Negi> Shit I have a paper to turn in tomorrow
L1270[14:04:50] <gamax92> Shit I have no fucks to give
L1271[14:04:52] <Negi> gamax92: He's a brony then.
L1272[14:04:53] <gamax92> I'm sorry.
L1273[14:05:03] <gamax92> Negi: actually he is.
L1274[14:05:07] <gamax92> How did you guess
L1275[14:05:27] <ShadowKatStudios> http://shadowkat.tk/nope_does_not_exist yay it works
L1276[14:05:32] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-111-148.rh.psu.edu) (Quit: Live long and prosper)
L1277[14:06:36] <Soni> how does OC do its buffering?
L1278[14:06:57] <Ender> magic
L1279[14:06:57] <Caitlyn> pixie dust
L1280[14:07:00] <Caitlyn> boom
L1281[14:07:04] <Soni> more specifically, output buffering
L1282[14:07:15] <Ender> we said, magic and pixie dust
L1283[14:07:30] <gamax92> don't forget the boom
L1284[14:07:34] <gamax92> that's the most important step
L1285[14:08:06] <Soni> does it just .. everything? or table.insert and then table.concat?
L1286[14:08:09] ⇨ Joins: nwmqpa (~EIRC_RR@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1287[14:08:31] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1288[14:08:32] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1289[14:10:22] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1290[14:11:20] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1292[14:14:35] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa (~EIRC_RR@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1293[14:15:03] ⇨ Joins: nwmqpa (~nwmqpa@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1294[14:15:43] <Kubuxu> Sangar: for example __pairs, __ipairs or custom value.
L1295[14:15:48] * Ender waits for his dedi to install
L1296[14:16:24] <Wobbo> Someone just hijacked the news here.
L1297[14:16:49] <ShadowKatStudios> http://shadowkat.tk/nope_does_not_exist So there are now 3 possible 404 messages, all in haiku. Fun.
L1298[14:17:04] <Wobbo> Well, at least he tried.
L1299[14:19:25] <Negi> ShadowKatStudios: No Miku telling you that you got the wrong page ? D:
L1300[14:20:34] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1301[14:21:07] ⇨ Joins: nwmqpa_ (~EIRC_RR@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1302[14:22:07] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1303[14:25:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Negi: I could probably do an image of her but I have to go now.
L1304[14:25:42] <gamax92> apparently #elseif doesn't work on g++
L1305[14:25:49] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L1306[14:26:47] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L1307[14:28:41] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1308[14:29:01] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L1309[14:30:35] <gamax92> oh because its #elif and this website is a lie
L1310[14:31:25] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1311[14:31:58] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1312[14:32:00] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L1313[14:32:05] <Sangar> Kubuxu, hrm... any ideas on how to do that other than adding it directly to the Value interface though? because that'd a) make it tad too verbose for most cases b) be a tad too Lua-specific; i'd like to keep that at least somewhat generic, to give other archs at least a chance to support it.
L1314[14:32:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1315[14:32:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1316[14:33:03] <Sangar> what's the use-case, anyway? i.e. why can't you just use a normal table but need __pairs/__ipairs instead?
L1317[14:36:02] <Caitlyn> Oh hey... the FCC raised the minimum download speed to be considered broadband from 4Mbps to 25Mbps
L1318[14:38:44] <Negi> Fu c k Dalvik <_>
L1319[14:38:55] ⇨ Joins: boubou_19 (~EiraIRC@
L1320[14:39:18] <Negi> Fu c k Sense. Damn it Android, why's it you gotta be soslo.
L1321[14:39:35] <Kubuxu> Sangar: If you want to return table-like which content can be iterated and changed from Java side.
L1322[14:39:40] <nwmqpa> #Hello
L1323[14:41:01] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1324[14:44:57] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1325[14:45:41] <nwmqpa> Hello , did you know how Computronics tapes works ?
L1326[14:46:23] <Vexatos> I did
L1327[14:46:48] <nwmqpa> Please you explain please ?
L1328[14:47:13] <Vexatos> I'm sorry, it's very late and I need to go now, wait a while for someone else to explain you :(
L1329[14:47:40] <nwmqpa> Okay , thanks
L1330[14:47:53] * Vexatos pokes asie
L1331[14:48:07] * asie falls over
L1332[14:48:15] <Vexatos> Go, explain, asie
L1333[14:48:20] <Vexatos> kthxbye
L1334[14:49:01] *** Vexatos is now known as Vex|Away
L1335[14:50:29] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1336[14:51:44] <nwmqpa> Asie ? You're away too ?
L1337[14:52:24] <nwmqpa> Because , your mod is broken
L1338[14:52:33] <nwmqpa> I cannot write and read tapes
L1339[14:52:48] <nwmqpa> 8-bit , 16-Bit , I've test all
L1340[14:52:51] <nwmqpa_> t
L1341[14:52:51] <Sangar> Kubuxu, well, yeah :P i mean what do you need this for, specifically (justifying the work adding this and its complexity :P)
L1342[14:56:02] <Wobbo> Sangar: Got scans for different blocks at different height with default settings for 16 layers
L1343[14:56:24] <Wobbo> Sangar: Does x,z distance from robot actually influance shit?
L1344[14:56:55] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1345[14:57:21] <Sangar> Wobbo, idk, if it doesn't it should :P
L1346[14:57:41] <Wobbo> Sangar: Look that up in code then :P
L1347[14:58:34] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (~alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: Will return tomorrow (unfortunately)!)
L1348[15:00:30] ⇦ Quits: Vex|Away (~Vexatos@p5B3C9663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1349[15:01:40] <Wobbo> Sangar: Currently I'm only testing direct down from the robot
L1350[15:02:51] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@superminor2.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1351[15:02:52] ⇦ Quits: SuperBot (~SuperBot@superminor2.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1352[15:05:20] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1353[15:08:11] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1354[15:10:01] <Sangar> yey, internet died. uh, i'll have a look.
L1355[15:10:11] <Wobbo> Always fun :P
L1356[15:11:14] <Negi> nwmqpa_: What do you exactly do to write/read ?
L1357[15:11:29] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@superminor2.net)
L1358[15:11:29] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L1359[15:11:41] <nwmqpa> Wait 2 s
L1360[15:11:48] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@superminor2.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1361[15:11:49] * gamax92 waited 2 seconds
L1362[15:12:19] <Sangar> Wobbo, so yeah, it currently gives ~0 fucks about x and z according to the code >_>
L1363[15:12:20] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@superminor2.net)
L1364[15:12:20] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L1365[15:12:25] <nwmqpa> input = assert(io.open("/mnt/131/music/mario.dfpwm"))
L1366[15:12:32] <nwmqpa> data = input:read("*all")
L1367[15:12:37] <Wobbo> Wobbo: Lets keep it that way for now :P
L1368[15:13:09] <nwmqpa> tapeDrive = component.tape_drive
L1369[15:13:10] <Sangar> with the emphasis on 'for now' :P
L1370[15:13:15] <nwmqpa> tapeDrive.write(data)
L1371[15:13:30] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:d551:39cd:26f1:2c16) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1372[15:13:36] <nwmqpa> Am I wrong ?
L1373[15:13:36] <gamax92> "write(byte) 0.1.0 Write a single byte to the tape. byte - value from 0 to 255."
L1374[15:13:44] <gamax92> write doesn't do huge strings
L1375[15:13:46] <gamax92> it does a number.
L1376[15:13:54] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1377[15:14:17] <nwmqpa> In 1.6.4 it's works perfectly
L1378[15:14:22] <Wobbo> Sangar: After I've got some nice density plots at least :P
L1379[15:14:29] <gamax92> ehh ...
L1380[15:18:10] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1381[15:18:11] <Sangar> Wobbo, i'll just throw it onto the todo list for oc 1.5, then you won't have to worry about it happening too soon :P
L1382[15:19:52] <nwmqpa> Will it work If I get all the char from the file and write it byte per byte
L1383[15:20:08] <nwmqpa> ?
L1384[15:21:30] ⇦ Quits: boubou_19 (~EiraIRC@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1385[15:21:51] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa_ (~EIRC_RR@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1386[15:22:03] <nwmqpa> ?
L1387[15:22:18] <Sangar> nwmqpa, code says it should also take strings: http://git.io/F6Zm - have you rewound the tape before trying to write?
L1388[15:22:29] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1389[15:22:30] <nwmqpa> Yes
L1390[15:22:38] <Sangar> welp, then idk
L1391[15:23:15] <nwmqpa> Sigh
L1392[15:24:27] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1393[15:24:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1394[15:24:39] <Wobbo> Sangar: If I set the noise to 0, all I get back is the hardness of dirt, irregardless of the type
L1395[15:26:19] <Sangar> huh
L1396[15:27:44] <Wobbo> Maybe my code for writing is wrong, will check
L1397[15:28:31] <Wobbo> Sangar: The code for data gathering was wrong >.< will need to rerun tests
L1398[15:28:48] <Sangar> \o/
L1399[15:29:00] <Wobbo> Wait, nvm, misinterpreted my own code :P
L1400[15:29:12] <Sangar> >_>
L1401[15:31:13] <Sangar> well, either way, setting it to zero gives exact hardness for me
L1402[15:31:39] <Wobbo> Well, it should. :P
L1403[15:31:47] <Sangar> indeed
L1404[15:31:55] <Sangar> that's what i'm saying, it's working for me ;)
L1405[15:32:27] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1406[15:33:53] <Wobbo> Sangar: It isn't for me, it gives back 1.5 for dirt, stone and coal
L1407[15:35:22] <Sangar> `for _,v in ipairs(component.geolyzer.scan(0,0)) do io.write(v.." ") end` only prints 1.5?
L1408[15:35:42] <Wobbo> Sangar: If I place the idividual blocks underneath it, it gives the right hardness for the different blocks
L1409[15:35:54] <Wobbo> Sangar: =geo.scan(0,) only shows 1.5
L1410[15:36:11] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1411[15:37:18] <Wobbo> Sangar: It ends with a bunch of zeros
L1412[15:37:20] <Sangar> to make sure this isn't a misunderstanding: the geolyzer is at 32 (33? 31?) in that aray
L1413[15:37:26] <Sangar> *array
L1414[15:37:34] <Sangar> i.e. in the middle
L1415[15:37:51] <Wobbo> Sangar: Wut? O_o that is kinda counterintuitive.
L1416[15:38:10] <Sangar> why? it scans in a pillar centered at the height of the geolyzer
L1417[15:38:58] <Sangar> it's also documented on the wiki :P
L1418[15:39:01] <Wobbo> I thought It scanned underneath itself -_-
L1419[15:39:23] <Wobbo> Fuck my reading skills then
L1420[15:39:47] * Wobbo goes to wiki
L1421[15:39:52] ⇨ Joins: MandrakeF (~jircii@ool-2f148d28.dyn.optonline.net)
L1422[15:40:04] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1423[15:42:20] <Kubuxu> Sangar: It was extremly useful for OpenGlasses but we worked around of it.
L1424[15:42:47] <Wobbo> Sangar: Lets try this again ¬_¬
L1425[15:44:42] <Sangar> Wobbo, the positive: then the noise may also not be as horrible for nearby blocks as expected with the current default :P
L1426[15:44:58] <MandrakeF> What does: "Remove memory size info from RAM items, make interpretation depend on architecture" mean exactly?
L1427[15:45:00] <Wobbo> Sangar: that is true, we will find out soon :P
L1428[15:45:20] <Sangar> MandrakeF, just that the size won't be in the tooltip anymore
L1429[15:45:29] <MandrakeF> Why is that.
L1430[15:45:37] <MandrakeF> Upcomming new CPU's?
L1431[15:46:04] <Sangar> because different architectures may have very different memory requirements, and it'd be silly having to introduce new memory sticks that'd be totally op/useless for other archs :P
L1432[15:46:26] <Sangar> that way it can be up to the arch to interpret the tier and map it to an actual memory size however they wish
L1433[15:46:32] <Sangar> which they can already do ofc
L1434[15:46:39] <Sangar> but that'd then be quite misleading for users
L1435[15:47:55] <Temia> here's a question -- will microprocessors be limited to lua or will EEPROMs be able to be programmed with different architectures in mind too?
L1436[15:49:05] <MandrakeF> I think thats upto the author
L1437[15:49:26] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1438[15:50:24] <MandrakeF> Theres a few chips in the works
L1439[15:50:49] <MandrakeF> https://github.com/gamax92/OCSymon
L1440[15:51:03] <MandrakeF> https://github.com/perkinslr/OpenComputersX86
L1441[15:51:30] <Wobbo> Sangar: Forgot file:close() at the end, again ¬_¬
L1442[15:52:01] <MandrakeF> Wobbo what are you updating
L1443[15:52:12] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: SCIENCE!
L1444[15:52:24] <MandrakeF> For srs
L1445[15:52:38] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f105f4.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1446[15:52:41] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: I'm testing apporpriete noise levels for the geolyzer, so yes
L1447[15:53:00] <MandrakeF> Ahh
L1448[15:53:26] <MandrakeF> Your making an example program to bundle with OC for the geolyzer or modifying the code for the device
L1449[15:53:51] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: I want to apply machine learning to geolyzer.scan data for OCJam
L1450[15:54:10] <MandrakeF> And to think im just gonna make some replica DOS viruses.
L1451[15:54:14] <MandrakeF> DiGi Power!
L1452[15:54:20] <Sangar> Temia, they just store a byte array. so any arch can use them however it wants
L1453[15:54:44] <Sangar> Lua arch just happens to interpret that byte array as a string being a script
L1454[15:54:46] <Temia> Well yeah, I was thinking more about how to determine architecture in the devices that use them. o.o
L1455[15:54:52] <Sangar> ah
L1456[15:54:55] <Sangar> that's set via the cpu
L1457[15:54:57] <MandrakeF> Still trying to work out how to make a replica com file infector
L1458[15:55:30] *** wolfmitchell_ is now known as wolfmitchell
L1459[15:55:54] <Sangar> archs can either add their own cpu item, or register themselves to be usable via the oc cpus (if there are multiple archs they can be cycled by shift-rightlicking a cpu while holding it)
L1460[15:56:32] <Temia> Ah, the arch will transfer over to the microcontrollers (why was I typing microprocessor >_<) without a problem?
L1461[15:56:46] <Wobbo> Sangar: Data for noise=0 is get *phew*
L1462[15:56:48] <Sangar> ah, yes, yes they will
L1463[15:56:53] <Sangar> they'll work in any machine
L1464[15:57:03] <Temia> Excellent. :o Okay, that's all I was worried about, awesome
L1465[15:57:04] <Sangar> Wobbo, gj :P
L1466[15:57:28] <MandrakeF> Whats the diffrence bewteen io.write and print. I frogot
L1467[15:57:36] <Sangar> newline
L1468[15:57:44] <MandrakeF> print does newline
L1469[15:57:48] <MandrakeF> Ahh ok
L1470[15:57:53] <Sangar> exactly
L1471[15:57:54] <Sangar> ;)
L1472[15:57:59] <MandrakeF> K forgot
L1473[15:58:00] <MandrakeF> so long
L1474[15:58:01] <MandrakeF> hahah
L1475[15:58:16] <Wobbo> Sangar, MandrakeF: And print write to term, not to a redirected stdout
L1476[15:59:04] <Sangar> oh, it does? if that's the standard, does it also do that correctly in oc? >_>
L1477[15:59:25] <Wobbo> Sangar: I thought it did that correctly
L1478[15:59:29] <Sangar> ok
L1479[15:59:41] <Wobbo> To bothered to test though :P
L1480[15:59:45] <Temia> print always writes to term? Eegh .-.
L1481[16:00:10] <Wobbo> Temia: print is for debug, not for writing to the screen, its in the reference
L1482[16:00:21] <Temia> Fair enough.
L1483[16:00:48] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1484[16:00:49] <Temia> Come to think of it, is there a way in OC to determine if stdout's a tty?
L1485[16:00:57] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1486[16:01:09] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f105f4.skybroadband.com)
L1487[16:01:34] <heatseeker0> Come to think of it, there doesn't seem to be support for redirection in the scripts coming on the openos disk.
L1488[16:02:10] <Sangar> Temia, not really; the closest thing is to test if io.output() == io.stdout (where stdout uses the term)
L1489[16:02:27] <Temia> Ah .-. oh well.
L1490[16:02:41] <Wobbo> Sangar: There should really be a readline library that handles shit like that
L1491[16:02:49] <Temia> Is the solution for stdin similar?
L1492[16:03:03] <Sangar> heatseeker0, yeah, the closest thing is besh which does redirects. but it may or may not be broken... it's not very... maintained >_>
L1493[16:03:10] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L1494[16:03:13] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L1495[16:03:24] <Sangar> Wobbo, go for it. switch to that for ocjam? :P
L1496[16:03:25] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L1497[16:03:27] <heatseeker0> Sangar, tried components > components.txt or components | more. None work.
L1498[16:03:37] <heatseeker0> I assumed there's no support for pipes in OC
L1499[16:03:44] <Wobbo> Sangar: Could I do both for extra points? :P
L1500[16:03:46] <Sangar> Temia, yeah, should work for stdin too
L1501[16:03:57] <MandrakeF> So what do I use for a simple goat file (to test the infection routines)
L1502[16:04:00] <Wobbo> heatseeker0: try using besh
L1503[16:04:07] <Sangar> Wobbo, as far as i'm concerned, sure :P
L1504[16:04:09] <MandrakeF> print or io.wirte
L1505[16:04:13] <heatseeker0> Wobbo, will give it a go
L1506[16:05:18] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: For writing, use io.write. Always. For debugging, use print
L1507[16:05:23] <MandrakeF> Allright
L1508[16:05:24] <MandrakeF> Got it
L1509[16:05:53] <Temia> So wait, is there no stderr? .-.
L1510[16:06:06] <Sangar> there is
L1511[16:06:13] <Temia> Okay, I'm just blind then
L1512[16:06:27] <Sangar> it even prints red when it can :P
L1513[16:06:42] <Wobbo> Temia: there is no io.error if I'm not mistaken though
L1514[16:07:43] <Sangar> true; you'll have to io.stderr:write()
L1516[16:08:01] * Sangar kills wolfmitchell
L1517[16:08:06] <wolfmitchell> Stary2001, ^
L1518[16:08:24] <Stary2001> hahahahahahaha
L1519[16:08:29] <Stary2001> thanks
L1520[16:08:38] <wolfmitchell> no u, Stary2001
L1521[16:08:53] * TabletCube revives wolfmitchell
L1522[16:08:58] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1523[16:08:58] <TabletCube> for the irony
L1524[16:08:58] <wolfmitchell> thanks TabletCube
L1525[16:09:02] <wolfmitchell> U WOT M8
L1526[16:09:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: Would it be possible to include a isScreen onto io.stdout and io.stdin if they are using term?
L1527[16:09:29] <Stary2001> ha
L1528[16:09:29] <Stary2001> ha
L1529[16:09:37] <MandrakeF> Is it me or is OC getting more complicated by the second
L1530[16:09:47] <gamax92> MandrakeF: #BlameSangar
L1531[16:10:01] <Temia> More complexity is more power!
L1532[16:10:04] <Sangar> #BlamePeople
L1533[16:10:05] ⇦ Quits: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:50d3:dc3f:9f09:d861) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1534[16:10:13] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: It is just you, you're to slow. Its getting more complicated by the parsec
L1535[16:10:17] <Temia> Better to be capable of more rather than be stuck in your little rut.
L1536[16:10:27] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:50d3:dc3f:9f09:d861)
L1537[16:10:27] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L1538[16:10:28] <Temia> ...
L1539[16:10:31] * Temia smacks Wobbo
L1540[16:10:32] <MandrakeF> I feel like I need to write about a megabyte of code to get a replica of cascade
L1541[16:10:50] <Wuerfel_21> welp, my computer all the time makes this noise... it has widows on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJbTjBLEKBU
L1542[16:10:50] -Kibibyte- [Wuerfel_21] Windows Error Remix [10 Hours] | by hermtrololol | 10h0m | 148w6d ago | 4,237,728 views | Rated: 4.89/5.00
L1543[16:10:59] <Wuerfel_21> it does that all day
L1544[16:11:00] <MandrakeF> But who would not want to see all the letters fall down to te bottom of the screen
L1545[16:11:05] <gamax92> Wuerfel_21: yeah sure it does.
L1546[16:11:22] <gamax92> totally not troll, especially not with what username of hermtrololol
L1547[16:11:26] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, thats how ervery windows computer sounds, i guess
L1548[16:11:28] <Sangar> as for adding something like that to the buffers... maybe? i dunno.
L1549[16:11:35] <Temia> Oh, that reminds me -- have there been some murmurings of there being an offscreen buffer in the GPU API's future?
L1550[16:11:45] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Can't you use gpu.copy to copy lines to the next?
L1551[16:11:50] <MandrakeF> Problay
L1552[16:11:52] <gamax92> Wuerfel_21: I must be the only one who's computer doesn't make that sound.
L1553[16:12:03] <Pwootage> Yay, functional programing in python! https://gist.github.com/Pwootage/d5ea24d4e35ff39d0671
L1554[16:12:16] <MandrakeF> Python is somthing I never ever want to learn
L1555[16:12:19] <Pwootage> (it also uses close to minimal memory, so that's neat)
L1556[16:12:26] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, but thats how winderps computers sound...
L1557[16:12:47] <Sangar> Temia, that fell asleep a bit after bumping the default speed of the gpus
L1558[16:12:48] <MandrakeF> (But I will problay need to at some point)
L1559[16:12:55] <Wobbo> Pwootage: That looks like a job for… HASKELL!!! :P
L1560[16:12:58] <Temia> Ah, darn.
L1561[16:13:07] <Pwootage> Wobbo: it would be easier to read in haskell, that's for sure
L1562[16:13:19] <Temia> Because it would be super-useful for any high-colour graphics rendering
L1563[16:13:22] <MandrakeF> Never seen haskell code in my life
L1564[16:13:23] <MandrakeF> haha
L1565[16:13:35] <gamax92> oh god its 3pm .-.
L1566[16:13:35] <gamax92> i've been without food for 7 hours.
L1567[16:13:44] <Pwootage> I know exactly enough of haskell to know it would be better looking like that
L1568[16:13:45] <MandrakeF> I was really intersted in the Video memory discussion
L1569[16:13:47] <Pwootage> gamax92: OH NOES 7 HOURS
L1570[16:13:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: Why is there no turnon command in OpenOS? :P
L1571[16:14:06] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1572[16:14:15] <MandrakeF> Is there a short cut on the keyboard to reset the computer like in CC
L1573[16:14:39] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: ctrl+alt+C aborts the current program
L1574[16:14:43] <MandrakeF> Yes
L1575[16:14:47] <Ender> it's snowing where i am :D
L1576[16:14:48] <MandrakeF> but hard reset
L1577[16:15:45] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: reboot in shell
L1578[16:15:59] <Wobbo> Ender: Its not snowing here now :(
L1579[16:16:06] <Ender> :/
L1580[16:16:22] <Ender> also my MC server is back :D
L1581[16:16:45] <gamax92> Pwootage: ;~;
L1582[16:17:35] <MandrakeF> Whats the default close command
L1583[16:17:38] <MandrakeF> for programs
L1584[16:17:43] <MandrakeF> control w right?
L1585[16:18:26] <Sangar> if by "default" you mean what edit uses, yes :P
L1586[16:18:46] <MandrakeF> Oh eatch program does it difrrently
L1587[16:18:55] <Sangar> also for a hard reset you have to press the actual power button in the gui; no shortcut
L1588[16:19:03] <MandrakeF> And ctrl+alt+c is for a hung program
L1589[16:19:04] <MandrakeF> allright
L1590[16:19:18] <Sangar> yeah, pretty much
L1591[16:19:21] ⇨ Joins: amphibulus (Mibbit@firewall.mitsi.com)
L1592[16:19:46] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: It should be Ctrl+C to stop program, but Sangar says I should implement that myself :P
L1593[16:19:50] <MandrakeF> LOL
L1594[16:19:59] <MandrakeF> Shoudlnt be too hard lol
L1595[16:20:01] <Sangar> iwot
L1596[16:20:07] <MandrakeF> just add a || or whatever
L1597[16:20:09] <amphibulus> Ctrl+Alt+C to interupt key listeners
L1598[16:20:11] <asie> Sangar: http://a.pomf.se/xfrvsx.png <- NOVA
L1599[16:20:21] <Sangar> asie \o/
L1600[16:20:27] <MandrakeF> Asie whats that block for
L1601[16:20:31] <asie> MandrakeF: it's a long story
L1602[16:20:37] <asie> a long and grueling story you're not up for
L1603[16:20:47] <MandrakeF> Also asie minechem is fucked agaiN!
L1604[16:20:48] <MandrakeF> Wahoo!
L1605[16:20:51] <amphibulus> MandrakeF: any luck figuring out how to make a program run in the background?
L1606[16:21:04] <MandrakeF> I havent even wirtten a single line of my file infector
L1607[16:21:11] <Sangar> event.listen/timer
L1608[16:21:36] <amphibulus> Sangar: is that at me?
L1609[16:21:40] <Sangar> yep
L1610[16:21:42] <amphibulus> do you have an example of it's use?
L1611[16:21:52] <MandrakeF> Im planning on making a repository of replica dos viruses. Ofc it will have a Dont be a dick warning with it
L1612[16:22:09] <Sangar> if you don't mind the massive rest of the code around it look at the irc program
L1613[16:22:17] <Sangar> not sure if there's an example on the wiki
L1614[16:22:27] <MandrakeF> But I will say it would be kinda funny to see ambulance infect a machine
L1615[16:22:37] <MandrakeF> BOOM! NO more redx!
L1616[16:26:38] <Wobbo> Now My data is easily visible, but not that easy to plot :/
L1617[16:29:35] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1618[16:35:00] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1619[16:35:55] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1620[16:36:10] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1621[16:36:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
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L1623[16:41:28] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1624[16:43:46] <amphibulus> still not finding any examples of listenting to a timer event
L1625[16:43:59] <amphibulus> i see how to subscribe to key presses
L1626[16:44:38] <Wobbo> amphibulus: Check energyd on my openprograms repo. The code is kinda outdated, but it might still work
L1627[16:45:15] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1628[16:46:46] <amphibulus> ok thx
L1629[16:49:46] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1630[16:50:10] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1631[16:51:14] <heatseeker0> Sangar, got this while looking at a projector:
L1632[16:51:15] <heatseeker0> [30/1/2015 00:50:20 AM] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Hologram.func_145841_b:371
L1633[16:51:15] <heatseeker0> [30/1/2015 00:50:20 AM] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: mcp.mobius.waila.api.impl.MetaDataProvider.handleBlockTextData:84
L1634[16:51:15] <heatseeker0> [30/1/2015 00:50:20 AM] [00:50:20] [Client thread/WARN] [Waila]: Catched unhandled exception : [mcp.mobius.waila.api.impl.MetaDataProvider] java.lang.NullPointerException
L1635[16:51:35] <heatseeker0> Build: OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
L1636[16:52:04] <MandrakeF> Is there any example programs in like a central repo
L1637[16:52:06] <Sangar> which waila version?
L1638[16:52:17] <heatseeker0> Waila-1.5.8a_1.7.10
L1639[16:53:14] <MandrakeF> Or are they all strewn about
L1640[16:54:42] <MandrakeF> Whats your gitub name wobbo
L1641[16:54:52] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Rmellema
L1642[16:55:09] <MandrakeF> k
L1643[16:56:38] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa (~nwmqpa@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
L1644[16:57:31] <MindWorX> Is there any way I can find out why a program doesn't work?
L1645[16:57:39] <MindWorX> Like, grab an error?
L1646[16:57:40] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1647[16:58:09] ⇨ Joins: SuperBot (~SuperBot@superminor2.net)
L1648[16:58:10] <heatseeker0> MindWorX, print out values in your script in various places to simulate a debugger
L1649[16:58:17] <MindWorX> Hrm
L1650[16:58:38] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L1651[16:58:40] *** Daiyousei is now known as Daisy
L1652[16:58:41] <MandrakeF> Hah thats a great idea. An open computers debugger
L1653[16:58:44] *** Daisy is now known as Daiyousei
L1654[16:58:51] <heatseeker0> *nods*
L1655[16:59:19] <heatseeker0> it could actually be relatively easy implemented
L1656[16:59:52] <heatseeker0> idea: have the debugger read the lua file as text line by line, then execute each of them
L1657[16:59:55] <amphibulus> interesting, so you don't do an event.listen at all? you initilialize an event.timer(timeout, handler)
L1658[16:59:58] <heatseeker0> problem: keeping contexts
L1659[17:00:25] <Negi> heatseeker0: Or have the debugger reimplement the "error" function.
L1660[17:00:41] <Negi> And have it run the code.
L1661[17:00:59] <Temia> I think any debugger would naturally have to override error() just so it could break out
L1662[17:01:06] <Wobbo> Sangar: Expect plots in the near future :P
L1663[17:01:29] <heatseeker0> Negi, that's a useful idea but error alone won't do it. You often want to debug logical paths and see values, not just error places
L1664[17:01:32] <Sangar> Wobbo, nice :>
L1665[17:01:51] <Negi> Logical paths ? Values ?
L1666[17:02:11] <heatseeker0> say i want to see value of some variable inside a loop after the loop has ran a couple times
L1667[17:02:26] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1668[17:02:54] <MandrakeF> I really am intersted to see how the x86 project is going
L1669[17:03:00] <Temia> If there was some kind of "kernel debugger" you could run for the whole system, that'd be even neater
L1670[17:03:11] <heatseeker0> Sangar ^
L1671[17:03:13] <Temia> Just a basic interface for a remote line to hook into.
L1672[17:03:34] <amphibulus> so help my poor c brain understand whats going on here. event.timer(period, handler) creates some kind of subscription under the hood and returns an instance of the subscription? which event.cancel(...) takes that subscription instance
L1673[17:03:42] <Temia> ...Maybe a rewritten LuaBIOS
L1674[17:03:53] <heatseeker0> luabios is nothing but a lua script
L1675[17:03:57] <Temia> Yeah, I know
L1676[17:04:11] <heatseeker0> i was actually thinking of having a debugger implemented at interpreter level
L1677[17:04:12] <Temia> But if you wrote it so that a debugger client could hook into it and stop everything
L1678[17:04:15] <Temia> It'd be neat.
L1679[17:04:15] <amphibulus> am I thinking about it right?
L1680[17:04:16] <Temia> Ah.
L1681[17:04:19] <Temia> Yeah, that'd be trickier
L1682[17:04:37] <heatseeker0> amphibulus, think so, yes
L1683[17:04:45] <MandrakeF> Ive got no idea how to make a file infector. And how to make it so that when the infected program is ran it runs the program but runs the virus in the backround
L1684[17:04:46] <Sangar> if it involves hooks/the debug lib the answer will be no, because of sandboxing+hooks not being persistable i'm afraid
L1685[17:04:47] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1686[17:05:13] <heatseeker0> daww, okay. so lua debugger it is then
L1687[17:05:25] <Negi> MandrakeF: Why the hell would you even want to make a virus in the first place ?
L1688[17:05:30] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L1689[17:05:31] <MandrakeF> Negi, Old dos ones
L1690[17:05:33] <Temia> Negi: Why not
L1691[17:05:42] <Negi> Because that's mean D:
L1692[17:05:53] <MandrakeF> But cascade
L1693[17:06:10] <Negi> No buts :I
L1694[17:06:19] <heatseeker0> Negi, good trolling other people like print a msg and take out control of their systems for a couple seconds to sing a song on Christmas morning?
L1695[17:06:33] <Negi> Yeah no.
L1696[17:06:46] <MandrakeF> Or techno
L1697[17:06:49] <amphibulus> stuxnet them and wreck their reactors
L1698[17:06:53] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1699[17:06:53] <MandrakeF> Dont touch the keyboard
L1700[17:07:00] <Negi> I generally don't like being mean to people that didn't ask for it.
L1701[17:07:18] <Temia> Really though, figuring out implementations of viruses in an OC environment allows one to find ways to combat them
L1702[17:07:19] <heatseeker0> Mean would be to delete their files or cause disruptive behavior
L1703[17:07:21] <Temia> White hat security
L1704[17:07:28] <heatseeker0> Printing a message and singing a song is cute, not mean
L1705[17:07:31] <MandrakeF> Mean would be making CIH
L1706[17:07:36] <heatseeker0> ^ this
L1707[17:07:48] <Negi> heatseeker0: Anything that implies the word "trolling" is mean. :I
L1708[17:07:53] <MandrakeF> But the spacefilling file infection routine would be epci
L1709[17:07:59] * Temia gnaws on Negi
L1710[17:08:19] <heatseeker0> Is there such thing as whitehat trolling? If no, why not?
L1711[17:08:20] <Negi> And anything that might upset someone is mean.
L1712[17:08:27] <heatseeker0> Negi, then life is mean.
L1713[17:08:29] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L1714[17:08:29] <MandrakeF> Yes
L1715[17:08:31] <MandrakeF> Also
L1716[17:08:33] <MandrakeF> DiGi power!
L1717[17:08:36] * Negi encases Temia in a wooden box and sends it off to Groenland.
L1718[17:08:40] <Temia> D:
L1719[17:08:43] <Negi> heatseeker0: Life is mean.
L1720[17:08:45] * Temia bangs on the box and moos ;A;
L1721[17:08:48] <Negi> Don't gnaw on me.
L1722[17:08:57] <Temia> But I'm hungry D:
L1723[17:08:59] <MindWorX> How do I invert a variable? I need to do something along the lines of "while !variable do"
L1724[17:09:04] <heatseeker0> ~
L1725[17:09:07] <MindWorX> Okay
L1726[17:09:09] <Negi> But I'm toxic
L1727[17:09:17] <Temia> But I have a good fortitude save!
L1728[17:09:26] ⇦ Quits: amphibulus (Mibbit@firewall.mitsi.com) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L1729[17:09:27] <MandrakeF> I think the infection routines are gonna be hard to implement. perhaps just payloads for now
L1730[17:09:29] <Negi> Don't you tabletop me
L1731[17:09:41] <Temia> But I'm a minotaur! Tabletopping's what I do D:
L1732[17:10:00] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L1733[17:10:01] <heatseeker0> MandrakeF, have the virii hidden in a single place, add a line of text to invoke this file at the beginning of each lua it can find and not already infected
L1734[17:10:06] <Negi> Over my dead potatody !
L1735[17:10:13] <heatseeker0> Saves disk space
L1736[17:10:14] <MandrakeF> I want a replica com file infector
L1737[17:10:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: I got plots, shall I email them?
L1738[17:10:27] <Temia> Anyway whitehat trolling is doable
L1739[17:10:37] <heatseeker0> Oh, uh... have a bios virii. That'd be really neat
L1740[17:10:41] <MindWorX> What's the shortest possible sleep?
L1741[17:10:49] <MindWorX> 0.05?
L1742[17:10:50] * Negi isa sweep
L1743[17:10:53] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L1744[17:10:54] <MandrakeF> Or just be a prick and make "Dat CIH"
L1745[17:10:59] <Temia> It just implies teasing the target while making it clear what the vulnerability is so they can fix it
L1746[17:11:00] <Sangar> Wobbo, why email?
L1747[17:11:09] <Wobbo> Sangar: Because easy :D
L1748[17:11:11] <Temia> Just messing with them for a bit. Pretending to make the computer crash for a bit.
L1749[17:11:13] <Temia> Stuff like that
L1750[17:11:22] <MandrakeF> Techno. DONT TOUCH THE KEYBOARD
L1751[17:11:34] <MandrakeF> Amublance
L1752[17:11:36] <heatseeker0> It would be neat if the floppy drives would have a command to spit out the disk
L1753[17:11:51] <Temia> An eject() method?
L1754[17:11:51] <Sangar> Wobbo, dropbox? ;)
L1755[17:11:59] <heatseeker0> Temia, yes
L1756[17:12:08] <MandrakeF> Would be useful and funny if you made the bios spit out disks and say somthing and beep
L1757[17:12:20] <MandrakeF> Like "Try again later"
L1758[17:12:34] <Temia> Pfft
L1759[17:12:36] <Wobbo> Sangar: Dropbox email then? Then I will share all the files in one go
L1760[17:12:37] <heatseeker0> Remmeber trolling ages ago a poor secretary somewhere by playing mind tricks with a remote admin software and her cd tray
L1761[17:13:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1762[17:13:09] <Temia> Sadly I imagine OC floppy drives are probably the ones with those old mechanical ejection/lock mechanisms.
L1763[17:13:13] <Sangar> Wobbo, uhhhh, lemme look that up :X
L1764[17:13:19] <Temia> Pushbutton or *gasp* LEVER LOCKS.
L1765[17:13:32] <heatseeker0> Oh my, that does bring back memories
L1766[17:13:40] <Temia> I know, right?
L1767[17:13:56] <heatseeker0> 180 kb floppies half the size of the desk i'm having the laptop on
L1768[17:13:59] <Wobbo> Sangar: nvm: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qy66t4wt6kgb5ts/AABfJ7si4_Em8kt6ZHTAoKGfa?dl=0
L1769[17:14:10] <Sangar> haha, ok
L1770[17:14:11] <heatseeker0> 8"
L1771[17:14:29] <MandrakeF> I never grew up with dos.
L1772[17:14:48] <heatseeker0> when you started one of those it made the same noise as a high power vacuum cleaner does nowadays
L1773[17:15:01] <MandrakeF> But when I was in my middle school days I found dannoct1 and
L1774[17:15:06] <Temia> Sadly I'm not as old as Heatseeker clearly is, but I did spend much of my childhood on a Commodore 64
L1775[17:15:10] <MandrakeF> A dos virus soruce code site
L1776[17:15:13] <Temia> ...partly because I broke the IBM-compatible we had
L1777[17:15:19] <MandrakeF> How
L1778[17:15:28] <Temia> I don't recall.
L1779[17:15:36] <MandrakeF> did you just virus it up!
L1780[17:15:46] <heatseeker0> Oh my... First assembler cpu I learned to program was a Commodore Plus/4
L1781[17:15:52] ⇦ Quits: MindWorX (~MindWorX@80-161-13-134-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1782[17:15:58] <MandrakeF> First asm I ever did was dos asm
L1783[17:16:10] <heatseeker0> Came with it's own debugger embedded in whatever little eeprom it had
L1784[17:16:21] <Sangar> Wobbo, the numbers in the names are the noise setting?
L1785[17:16:22] <MandrakeF> So thats why dos viruses make me so happy
L1786[17:16:23] <Temia> Never really played with ASM myself .w. 68K always looks fun, especially given how easy it would be to integrate into any hobby projects, but...
L1787[17:16:32] <Wobbo> Sangar: Yeah.
L1788[17:16:40] <heatseeker0> It was neat: one press of a key and you'd be in the middle of the code of the game you were playing
L1789[17:16:47] <MandrakeF> I remeber some of the various design fuckups in dos
L1790[17:16:59] <heatseeker0> Had no printer, copied pages and pages of asm code by hand
L1791[17:17:11] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1792[17:17:16] <MandrakeF> The nicest thing I did was get a pentium 1 and put freedos on it
L1793[17:17:35] <MandrakeF> And then virus the fuck out of it
L1794[17:18:23] <Sangar> Wobbo, well, looks like it does what it should at least
L1795[17:18:23] <MandrakeF> I have what claims to be the asm soruce of CIH
L1796[17:19:14] <Sangar> 4 might be a tad harsh though, after all
L1797[17:19:22] <Wobbo> Sangar: Yeah, just need to find out where they overlap
L1798[17:19:33] <MandrakeF> (I dont feel like it is tho. Too many db statments to be original soruce code
L1799[17:20:06] <MandrakeF> Well perhaps not
L1800[17:21:09] <Sangar> Wobbo, tending towards lowering it to 2, thoughts?
L1801[17:21:32] <Wobbo> Sangar: Maybe boxplots would have been better.
L1802[17:21:33] <MandrakeF> I have no idea how I would assemble this soruce
L1803[17:21:50] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1804[17:21:54] <Sangar> yeah...
L1805[17:22:11] <Wobbo> Sangar: But yeah, that seems to be nice. Will produce boxplots though
L1806[17:22:20] <Sangar> ok
L1807[17:23:02] <MandrakeF> If anyone knows about windows 95 asm. Ive got a good read for you.
L1808[17:23:04] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@76.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1809[17:23:06] <MandrakeF> I cant understand alot of this haha
L1810[17:23:08] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1811[17:23:10] <MandrakeF> I only know dos asm
L1812[17:23:27] <MandrakeF> Also what the fuck was that picture?
L1813[17:23:38] <Caitlyn> "alot"
L1814[17:23:38] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1815[17:23:41] <Caitlyn> :D
L1816[17:23:49] <MandrakeF> I dont understand....
L1817[17:23:53] <Caitlyn> http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html
L1818[17:23:54] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1819[17:23:58] * Caitlyn pets MichiBot
L1820[17:23:58] * MichiBot Puurs
L1821[17:24:23] <MandrakeF> So are these just internal jokes? Like me randomly posting. DiGi power! and stuff like that
L1822[17:24:38] <Caitlyn> no, it's pointing out that it's a lot.
L1823[17:24:52] <MandrakeF> What does the drawing mean?
L1824[17:24:57] * Caitlyn facedesk
L1825[17:25:00] <Caitlyn> read the linkj I posted.
L1826[17:25:06] <Caitlyn> s/j//
L1827[17:25:06] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> read the link I posted.
L1828[17:25:36] * Temia allots a lot of alots to the lot.
L1829[17:25:45] <Caitlyn> lol
L1830[17:25:48] <MandrakeF> Well I see that its from the "X all the things" blog
L1831[17:25:59] <gamax92> T_T
L1832[17:26:25] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L1833[17:26:26] <MandrakeF> Dont Touch The Keyboard
L1834[17:26:50] <Wobbo> Sangar: Boxplots are way clearer.
L1835[17:26:56] <gamax92> MandrakeF: lol yes.
L1836[17:26:59] <gamax92> please port Techno
L1837[17:27:36] <MandrakeF> Or cascade
L1838[17:28:22] <MandrakeF> or infect an admins base with ambulance
L1839[17:28:23] <MandrakeF> BOOM!
L1840[17:28:27] <MandrakeF> NO MORE REDX!
L1841[17:28:49] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1842[17:29:07] <MandrakeF> this is one of my personal favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWtcvOLsLIk
L1843[17:29:08] -Kibibyte- [MandrakeF] Virus.DOS.Kuku | by danooct1 | 2m29s | 67w4d ago | 66,452 views | Rated: 4.96/5.00
L1844[17:30:48] <MandrakeF> Problem is I gotta do graphics chekcs and stuff
L1845[17:31:08] <MandrakeF> I have no idea how OC graphics works
L1846[17:33:54] <gamax92> ~w component:gpu
L1847[17:33:55] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L1848[17:33:58] <gamax92> MandrakeF: have fun ^
L1849[17:35:06] <MandrakeF> Whats the bind for
L1850[17:35:16] <MandrakeF> I dont need to use that if its a openos program
L1851[17:35:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1852[17:36:06] <MandrakeF> Is there any graphical programs for oc I can look at?
L1853[17:36:15] <gamax92> MandrakeF: T_T
L1854[17:36:26] <MandrakeF> You have a gui api dont you
L1855[17:36:31] <gamax92> yes ...
L1856[17:36:32] <gamax92> ~w component:gpu
L1857[17:36:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L1858[17:36:33] <gamax92> that
L1859[17:36:49] <gamax92> did you really just look at the first function and then stop looking?
L1860[17:37:22] <MandrakeF> Well right now im trying to resolve how to do the kuku payload. I think it can be done trough term
L1861[17:37:38] <gamax92> brb watching kuku
L1862[17:37:49] <MandrakeF> I know how to do it in CC
L1863[17:38:07] <MandrakeF> But thats not really the point
L1864[17:40:02] <gamax92> MandrakeF: local gpu = component.gpu local w,h = gpu.getResolution() while true do gpu.setBackground(math.random(0,0xFFFFFF)) gpu.setForeground(math.random(0x0xFFFFFF)) gpu.set(math.random(1,w),math.random(1,h),"Kuku!") end
L1865[17:40:15] <Pwootage> Wait does michi auto-alot? <3
L1866[17:40:15] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1867[17:40:18] <Pwootage> best bot
L1868[17:40:21] <gamax92> yes
L1869[17:40:33] <Caitlyn> <3
L1870[17:40:53] <Pwootage> I need this bot in all the twitch chats and an alot emote
L1871[17:40:53] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1872[17:41:09] <Pwootage> (maybe I should do a-lot or something to not trigger that when I'm talking about it)
L1873[17:41:09] <Caitlyn> lol..
L1874[17:41:32] <gamax92> i have xchat replace it with the correct form
L1875[17:42:00] <Pwootage> I don't type "a lot" a lot, but when I do I type it as a lot (not the wrong way)
L1876[17:42:13] <gamax92> lol
L1877[17:42:56] <Caitlyn> yeah gamax92 I do too.. I have to force it to type it wrong..
L1878[17:43:47] <Pwootage> Come to think of it if I type it wrong I'm reffering to that picture pusposefully :P
L1879[17:44:05] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1880[17:44:44] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1881[17:45:29] <gamax92> I swear every time I check if my oc version is out of date there's always another dev build.
L1882[17:45:32] <gamax92> y Sangar y
L1883[17:45:44] <Pwootage> Uh, I can answer that one
L1884[17:45:50] <Pwootage> it probably auto-builds on every commit
L1885[17:46:17] * Sangar pushes change, triggering another build
L1886[17:46:49] ⇨ Joins: Altenius_ (~Altenius@
L1887[17:47:55] <Sangar> heatseeker0, next build should suppress the logged Waila error... looks like Waila still calls writeToNBT on the client side sometimes, after all :/ [specifically, looks like it does that when there's no waila on the server?]
L1888[17:48:33] <MandrakeF> gamax thats funny ctrl+alt+c doesnt break out of kuku
L1889[17:49:02] <heatseeker0> Sangar, yes I haven't put waila on server.
L1890[17:50:33] <Sangar> yay, suspicion was right
L1891[17:50:59] <gamax92> MandrakeF: ooh, Kuku makes a neat screensaver
L1892[17:51:33] <Sangar> you might want to though; there's a bunch of information only available if it is (e.g. component addresses). and i'm pretty sure that's also true for many other mods
L1893[17:51:35] <MandrakeF> Haha thanks for the payload man
L1894[17:52:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: Updated plots
L1895[17:53:29] <Sangar> muuuch clearer indeed :D
L1896[17:53:39] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-171.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1897[17:53:43] <Pwootage> Plots?
L1898[17:54:04] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1899[17:54:12] <Wobbo> Sangar: 2 seems reasonable, then you should be able to see the difference between stone and ore for ten levels deep
L1900[17:54:44] <Wobbo> Pwootage: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qy66t4wt6kgb5ts/AABfJ7si4_Em8kt6ZHTAoKGfa?dl=0
L1901[17:54:46] <Sangar> yep
L1902[17:56:05] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-58-165-35-99.lns1.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L1903[17:56:43] <Wobbo> Maybe more testing with different materials will help, but I cba right now
L1904[17:56:45] <Sangar> Wobbo, hmm, actually. considering setting it to 1 and taking x/z into account right away.
L1905[17:56:46] <MandrakeF> gamax92 How would I make some flash to be true to the real virus
L1906[17:56:47] <Pwootage> why are these pdfs D:
L1907[17:56:59] <Sangar> Pwootage, be happy they're not word documents :P
L1908[17:57:03] <gamax92> Sangar: can the gpu set text to flash?
L1909[17:57:15] <Sangar> gamax92, what?
L1910[17:57:19] <Wobbo> Sangar: if you want to take x/z into account that should be better yes
L1911[17:57:20] <MandrakeF> Im wondering somthing
L1912[17:57:23] <gamax92> Sangar: you know, blinking text?
L1913[17:57:24] <MandrakeF> Thats why hes asking
L1914[17:57:28] <MandrakeF> Im making replica dos viruses
L1915[17:57:31] <Wobbo> Pwootage: Because png had lesser quality
L1916[17:57:49] <Sangar> gamax92, uhh, no. you'll need to change color and set again continuosly to make it blink
L1917[17:57:50] <Wobbo> Pwootage: Also, vector graphics ftw
L1918[17:58:01] <MandrakeF> Ahh ok, So blinking is not possable
L1919[17:58:02] <MandrakeF> allright
L1920[17:58:10] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1921[17:58:14] <gamax92> well it is, would take more work
L1922[17:58:15] <Pwootage> Wobbo: that's what svg is for
L1923[17:58:24] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: You can, but you have to implement it yourself
L1924[17:58:37] <Wobbo> Pwootage: I don't know if R can go to svg
L1925[17:58:38] <MandrakeF> Ah ok, Theres no prebuild function for it
L1926[17:58:52] <Pwootage> Well the plotter I used last in python had svg output /shrug
L1927[17:59:19] <Wobbo> Pwootage: R has svg as well, but what is wrong with pdf exactly?
L1928[17:59:51] <Pwootage> Mostly because pdf is harder to open in a web browser (depening on your web browser)
L1929[18:00:06] <Wobbo> Pwootage: Get a better web browser. Mine does it correctly
L1930[18:00:07] <Pwootage> also, SVG can be shown all on one page by concating them, basically
L1931[18:00:08] <Sangar> meh. but then i'll have to sqrt for each block... meh, no x/z, who cares anyway
L1932[18:00:27] <Pwootage> (chrome did it correctly :P but not all browsers do)
L1933[18:00:36] <gamax92> .l 44100*0.001
L1934[18:00:38] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1935[18:00:42] <^v> gamax92, 44.1
L1936[18:01:02] <Pwootage> gotta go, back later
L1937[18:01:12] <Wobbo> Pwootage: preview can concat pdfs :P
L1938[18:01:37] <Wobbo> Sangar: Shall I upload my data and scripts as well? its all in R
L1939[18:02:19] ⇦ Quits: Kubuxu (~root@kubuxu.magik6k.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1940[18:03:11] <Sangar> if you want. i won't look at R anymore, though, had enough of that at uni :X
L1941[18:03:26] <Sangar> but maybe it'll be interesting to someone else :P
L1942[18:03:38] <Wobbo> I kinda like R for doing statitics and manipulating data.
L1943[18:03:54] <Wobbo> But then again, I haven't used python for that yet
L1944[18:04:17] <MandrakeF> So what is all the data processing stuff ro
L1945[18:04:19] <MandrakeF> (for
L1946[18:04:24] <MandrakeF> the geolyser mapping program?
L1947[18:04:52] <Wobbo> Yep. We needed to know what noise level for the geolyzer would be acceptable for normal use
L1948[18:05:03] <MandrakeF> for a program or the whole device?
L1949[18:05:34] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:8d35:4b86:b7fd:187a) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1950[18:06:10] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: The noise is for the whole mod
L1951[18:06:25] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1952[18:06:36] <MandrakeF> Allright
L1953[18:06:42] <MandrakeF> I dont know mutch about DSP and stuff
L1954[18:06:45] <MandrakeF> so bear with me
L1955[18:07:01] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: A single program will allow you to classify blocks under ground according to hardness
L1956[18:07:16] <MandrakeF> Allright neat
L1957[18:07:19] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Its what I will write for OCJam
L1958[18:08:09] <Wobbo> Sangar: So noise is 2 and x/z are ignored?
L1959[18:08:46] <gamax92> MandrakeF: http://i.imgur.com/WBnPetP.png
L1960[18:09:00] <Sangar> Wobbo, yes
L1961[18:09:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: Alright, then I will already use these parameters
L1962[18:09:17] <MandrakeF> A wav player for what?
L1963[18:09:18] <MandrakeF> Oc?
L1964[18:09:22] <gamax92> MandrakeF: lolno
L1965[18:09:33] <MandrakeF> Man i wanted to do some 8bit jams but allright
L1966[18:09:34] <gamax92> its an experimental audio codec i was working on.
L1967[18:09:41] <Wobbo> Sangar: What do you actually dislike about R? Just wondering
L1968[18:09:49] <gamax92> MandrakeF: oh you can always put audio on the computronics tapes.
L1969[18:10:32] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1970[18:10:50] <gamax92> the audio codec is basically just ... currently trying to reproduce audio with sinewaves.
L1971[18:11:08] <Sangar> Wobbo, dunno, initially that it was very unintuitive to me, and that is was slow; now that i associate it with the statistics courses :/
L1972[18:11:31] <Wobbo> I'm hungry but I'm at my parents and I don't know where they store shit :(
L1973[18:11:31] <gamax92> #lua 441001/44
L1974[18:11:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 10022.75
L1975[18:11:42] <gamax92> i only 10022/65536
L1976[18:11:46] <gamax92> oops.
L1977[18:11:49] <gamax92> #lua 10022/65536
L1978[18:11:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.15292358398438
L1979[18:11:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: I headr that last one multiple times :P And it is indeed slow.
L1980[18:11:52] <gamax92> 15%
L1981[18:12:33] <Wobbo> Sangar: But it plays nicely with LaTeX and it is way better than Matlab imo
L1982[18:13:13] <MandrakeF> Lul latex
L1983[18:13:27] <Sangar> that may well be. my matlab experience was very brief, 2nd and 3rd semester or so :P
L1984[18:15:06] <Dashkal> Wobbo: I could go on at some length about R if you'd like a rant...
L1985[18:15:15] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1986[18:15:59] <Wobbo> Sangar: Matlab is kinda nonsensical. 1 is a vector according to matlab.
L1987[18:16:05] <Wobbo> Dashkal: Go ahead.
L1988[18:16:22] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1989[18:16:51] <Dashkal> Incomplete documentation. Non-obvious scoping rules. No sane foreach operations. Random cooersions (often undocumented). No working socket implementation.
L1990[18:17:06] * Dashkal browses through his hacks^w util.R
L1991[18:18:05] <Wobbo> Dashkal: incomplete documentation? I never have any problems finding what I need
L1992[18:18:20] <Dashkal> Oh I've had nothing but issues. The docs leave out lots of details.
L1993[18:18:34] <Dashkal> What does this argument mean in the context of that function you bundled all in one file?
L1994[18:18:41] <Dashkal> ... is often just left
L1995[18:18:42] <Wobbo> Just ?subj or ??subj normally helps me
L1996[18:18:47] <Dashkal> No matching section below
L1997[18:19:02] <Wobbo> Ah, ... is sometimes also used for generic functions.
L1998[18:19:17] <Dashkal> I do understand it's purpose, but the problem is the interpretation of it is often just never mentioned
L1999[18:19:24] <MandrakeF> I dont understand any of this DSP talk
L2000[18:19:24] <MandrakeF> lol
L2001[18:19:33] <Dashkal> Or at least, I found it so in the functions I was looking up when I was writing R code.
L2002[18:19:45] <Wobbo> And how does R do scoping then?
L2003[18:19:51] <Dashkal> I've stayed clear of it for a couple months. With an eye towards porting the R stuff out of R into Scala.
L2004[18:19:53] <Wobbo> I have actually no clue
L2005[18:20:02] <Dashkal> Scoping. The difference between <- and <<-
L2006[18:20:13] <Wobbo> There is a <<-?
L2007[18:20:22] <Dashkal> Yes, you use it to edit a variable in a higher scope
L2008[18:20:41] <MandrakeF> Why not just use erlang. its already user unfrendly enough!
L2009[18:20:42] <Dashkal> You can read functions you're closed over, but can only write to them with <<-, leading to unexpected bugs. I read it fine, but writing it does nothing!
L2010[18:21:24] <Wobbo> Dashkal: That sounds just as insane as pythons global.
L2011[18:21:30] <Dashkal> Indeed
L2012[18:21:50] <MandrakeF> Python is somthing I never ever want to learn haha
L2013[18:21:56] <Dashkal> "you can read variables you're closed over..."
L2014[18:22:07] <Wobbo> And what about the random cooercions?
L2015[18:22:25] <Dashkal> Many functions will cooerce values between the various collection types (vector, list, data.frame)
L2016[18:22:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2017[18:22:51] <Dashkal> And many others will accept any of the above, but behave differently in non-obvious ways when they do so.
L2018[18:23:03] <Dashkal> ad-hoc polymorphism. weeeee
L2019[18:23:04] <Wobbo> Yeah, I did have problems with that tonight, but only with mapply
L2020[18:23:12] <Dashkal> *apply is...
L2021[18:23:19] <Dashkal> Well, they're essential, but a minefield
L2022[18:23:27] <Dashkal> I ended up just writing a few of my own with known beheviour
L2023[18:23:51] <Wobbo> Using for? That is really slow
L2024[18:24:10] <Dashkal> Usually using llply from plyr.
L2025[18:24:17] <Dashkal> But I'd take slow and correct over fast and bugs.
L2026[18:24:55] <Wobbo> Yeah, that is also true
L2027[18:25:38] <MandrakeF> How did we start to talk about DSP again?
L2028[18:26:17] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Digital Signal Processing?
L2029[18:26:31] <MandrakeF> Yeah thats what it seemed like you were doing. If im not mistaken
L2030[18:26:37] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: We were talking about Machine Learning, R and plotting, not DSP
L2031[18:27:12] <MandrakeF> It seems like you might need a dedicated OC FPU for all this
L2032[18:27:13] <MandrakeF> haha
L2033[18:27:17] ⇨ Joins: JjStAr992_Gaming (~jjstar992@server.modrealms.net)
L2034[18:28:00] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ~w graphics
L2035[18:28:00] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:graphics_card
L2036[18:28:01] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Its all based on distances, so no == is needed and Luas precission is enough
L2037[18:28:17] <Dashkal> The goal going forward is to port everything out of it, but the roadblock is we don't have anybody who can both implement the stuff we're using and write scala. So it's a bit of a pita.
L2038[18:29:18] <Wobbo> I wanted to say that I can R and Scala, but then I realised that it is probably for a company :P
L2039[18:29:19] <ds84182> After looking at source code for about 5 minutes I can understand scala... ish
L2040[18:29:31] <ds84182> One does not simply understand scala
L2041[18:29:41] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L2042[18:29:52] <Dashkal> Wobbo: Indeed it is
L2043[18:30:03] <MandrakeF> I havent a clue what your doing but I support it as history has shown the most insane and innovative ideas win out.
L2044[18:30:09] <Dashkal> ds84182: I've been at it years, I 'get it', but I also see all the sharp edges and nastiness.
L2045[18:30:32] <Dashkal> Frustrating thing is I now routinely make IDEA cry.
L2046[18:30:35] <Dashkal> I might have to move to vim.
L2047[18:30:38] <Wobbo> MandrakeF: Its just simple Machine Learning
L2048[18:30:54] <Wobbo> Dashkal: IDEA has a vim mode
L2049[18:30:57] <MandrakeF> If it isnt DOS asm or scripting for a game. I dont know it haha
L2050[18:31:06] <Dashkal> No, I mean nix idea. Idea reimplemented the scala type checker... badly
L2051[18:31:17] <Dashkal> And I push the type system to its limit
L2052[18:31:18] <ds84182> if I throw lua at a machine learning algorithm for long enough it could write lua
L2053[18:31:34] ⇦ Quits: JjStAr992_Gaming (~jjstar992@server.modrealms.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2054[18:31:46] <Wobbo> ds84182: Probably
L2055[18:32:07] <Dashkal> I just wrote a piece of code that makes idea peg a core at 100% for about 20 seconds every time I type something.
L2056[18:32:14] <Dashkal> scalac doesn't even blink at it
L2057[18:33:01] <MandrakeF> Is it true that scala is faster than java?
L2058[18:33:07] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L2059[18:33:08] <Pwootage> Dashkal: https://gist.github.com/Pwootage/d5ea24d4e35ff39d0671
L2060[18:33:16] <ds84182> I could possibly make a small ai to take lua source code and backtrack to find what arguments a method could take
L2061[18:33:20] <Dashkal> MandrakeF: Your question is wrong, I'm afraid. It's all JVM code.
L2062[18:33:20] <Pwootage> Scala is sometimes faster than java but has a horrendus optimizer
L2063[18:33:30] <MandrakeF> Ahh
L2064[18:33:32] <Pwootage> It's only faster in cases of tail-recursion, really
L2065[18:33:36] <Wobbo> Dashkal: Why didn't IDEA just use scalas type system?
L2066[18:33:43] <Dashkal> Scala tail recursion is literally a jvm while loop
L2067[18:33:50] <Dashkal> Wobbo: NFI
L2068[18:34:10] <Dashkal> Maybe at the time they wrote it they couldn't get at the existing one? I dunno
L2069[18:34:14] <Pwootage> yep, but the jvm doesn't do that optimiation :P
L2070[18:34:28] <Dashkal> You could still just write the while loop
L2071[18:34:48] <Pwootage> Dashkal: if you're feeling ambitious, format that one=line in a readable way (with comments, if you can figure out how it does it without going insane)
L2072[18:35:11] <Dashkal> Not really feeling ambitious :P
L2073[18:35:25] <Dashkal> I run up against the optimiztaion limits more than I like
L2074[18:35:29] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L2075[18:35:40] <Dashkal> I'm often faced with slow but terminates vs fast but risks StackOverflowError. Not a happy situation
L2076[18:36:21] <Pwootage> YOu mean writing tail-recursive java or just general recursion limits?
L2077[18:36:30] <Pwootage> stack limitations are inherit in not-tail-recursive programming =\
L2078[18:37:00] <Dashkal> Proper tail call optimization is a requirement to have type safety to the strength I need and be visible to the hotspot compilier. It doesn't exist.
L2079[18:38:00] <Dashkal> I can keep the type safety (and be 100% certain of normal termination) but hotspot can't handle it. Or I can do it the way hotspot can see, but end up with StackOverflowError for large collections. Finally I can hack it (drop type safety) but that leads to crashes in production later.
L2080[18:38:04] <Dashkal> Pissing off customers is bad...
L2081[18:38:19] <Pwootage> After I finish compilers this semester, my next not-game project is probably going to be a scala-ish langauge that compiles to native and is less... dumb?
L2082[18:38:39] <Wobbo> Pwootage: Make it compile to llvm
L2083[18:38:41] <Dashkal> That exists :P See Haskell.
L2084[18:38:54] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2085[18:39:01] <Pwootage> Eh, I'll have to take a look at haskell and see if it does what I want
L2086[18:39:03] <Pwootage> Wobbo: duh :P
L2087[18:40:05] <Dashkal> It can do what you want. The question is if you're willing to learn how to do it :P
L2088[18:40:16] <Wobbo> Pwootage: I don't call llvm native, llvm is better than native
L2089[18:40:43] <Pwootage> The big thing is I like scala's ability to write java/c-style iterative code and functional code within a good typing system
L2090[18:41:33] <Pwootage> Dashkal: can it write c/java/whatever style line-by-line code? Not really.
L2091[18:41:42] <Dashkal> Haskell is probably the best language for imperative style I've ever used.
L2092[18:41:47] <Pwootage> Actually probably not at all because you can't mutate
L2093[18:41:50] <Dashkal> Pwootage: Yes, yes it can. See do notation
L2094[18:41:57] <Dashkal> And yes, you can mutate
L2095[18:42:11] <Pwootage> I have only gotten as far as pulling up the haskell homepage :P
L2096[18:42:26] <Pwootage> Wobbo: yeah, llvm is better than native
L2097[18:43:17] <Dashkal> There's a myth that Haskell cannot do mutation/effects/imperative. It's just people jumping to conclusions. Such effects can be tracked, and then hidden from the programmer's immediate awareness via do notation.
L2098[18:43:21] <Pwootage> Maybe I'll write my initial parser in haskell the port it to my language and be one of the cool langs that can only compiled by themselves
L2099[18:43:37] <Dashkal> (Or applicative style, or arrows, and a few other forms of plumbing you pick based on the context)
L2100[18:44:41] <Pwootage> but can you write (literally) for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {sum += i;}
L2101[18:44:42] <Pwootage> (yes I know there's way cooler ways of doing that functionally, that's not the point)
L2102[18:44:47] <Wobbo> Pwootage: But then how would I compile it? :P
L2103[18:45:05] <Pwootage> Wobbo: same way you compile GCC: by using a version of it that's already compiled!
L2104[18:45:05] <Dashkal> Pwootage: If you like? Yeah, there's a way to do exactly that... yech
L2105[18:45:37] <Pwootage> Heh, I probably will just write it in something that's already compileable by llvm
L2106[18:46:52] <Dashkal> There's a literal for loop of that kind available somewhere in the lib. Mutable references as well. That said, (foldr [1..49] (+) 0) is a hell of a lot cleaner.
L2107[18:47:45] <Pwootage> Dashkal: well yeah :P
L2108[18:47:48] <Dashkal> erm, replace that 0 with sum.
L2109[18:47:59] <Dashkal> Since sum was a free var in your example that could have had a value
L2110[18:48:58] <Wobbo> I'm going anyway, its almost 2 in the morning
L2111[18:49:15] <Wobbo> Bye!
L2112[18:49:35] <Pwootage> O/
L2113[18:49:39] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L2114[18:50:05] <Dashkal> aww, too slow
L2115[18:51:56] <Pwootage> Funnily enough, functional programming is easier to codegen too :P
L2116[18:52:27] <Pwootage> (Well, closures are interesting)
L2117[18:52:52] ⇨ Joins: JjStAr992_Gaming (~jjstar992@server.modrealms.net)
L2118[18:53:20] <Dashkal> Heh, I'm dealing with that actually
L2119[18:53:51] <Dashkal> OCλ is a high level language that actually transpiles to OCCore which is more or less the λ-calculus directly. That thing is what gets run.
L2120[18:54:03] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Can you put linked cards in tablets? Gonna write a long-distance chat program for a friend on a server.
L2121[18:54:18] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2122[18:54:24] <MandrakeF> ~w computers
L2123[18:54:24] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:computer
L2124[18:54:34] <MandrakeF> ~w Api computer
L2125[18:54:34] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L2126[18:54:53] <Pwootage> Do you have an example of some haskell perchance?
L2127[18:55:31] <Dashkal> Not offhand. My head is full of Scala atm.
L2128[18:55:46] <Dashkal> Learn You A Haskell For Great Good is a good resource.
L2129[18:56:07] <Dashkal> Do yourself a favour. Don't worry about when you'll get to the "good part". What's simple and what's complex is different from the languages you're used to.
L2130[18:56:44] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Can you put linked cards in tablets? Gonna write a long-distance chat program for a friend on a server.
L2131[18:56:53] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2132[18:57:52] <Dashkal> I believe so, yes
L2133[18:58:02] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Ok, thanks
L2134[19:00:41] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2135[19:02:06] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Hmm, doesn't seem to be able to go in...
L2136[19:02:28] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ~w wireless card
L2137[19:02:28] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:wireless_network_card
L2138[19:03:06] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ~w api wireless card
L2139[19:03:06] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:wireless_network_card
L2140[19:03:39] <Magik6k> JjStAr992_Gaming, wireless are just like regular network cards
L2141[19:03:39] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ~w network api
L2142[19:03:39] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L2143[19:04:01] <Magik6k> ~w modem
L2144[19:04:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L2145[19:04:08] <Magik6k> JjStAr992_Gaming, ^
L2146[19:04:41] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Yep, found that
L2147[19:05:34] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Does wireless card have a max range?
L2148[19:05:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2149[19:06:04] <Temia> Probably based on the upper limit of its signal strength or energy capacity
L2150[19:06:49] <JjStAr992_Gaming> SO, if it had infinite power,it would have infinite range?
L2151[19:07:20] <Magik6k> most likely
L2152[19:07:21] <Temia> If setStrength() can take an infinite value, maybe
L2153[19:07:22] * Temia shrug
L2154[19:08:04] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Ok, cool
L2155[19:08:09] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Thx guys
L2156[19:08:30] <Magik6k> JjStAr992_Gaming, you may also be interested in network floppy
L2157[19:11:03] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L2158[19:14:52] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2159[19:23:29] <Csstform> OI
L2160[19:23:57] <Csstform> OCJAM IS IN PROGRESS
L2161[19:24:05] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L2162[19:25:01] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2163[19:29:53] <Csstform> Pwootage: OCJAM IS A THING RIGHT NOW
L2164[19:32:26] <vifino> Csstform: You waited too long, its over.
L2165[19:32:31] <vifino> Noone cares anymore.
L2166[19:33:10] <TabletCube> vifino: such has
L2167[19:33:16] <TabletCube> *harsh
L2168[19:33:36] <vifino> TabletCube: I've been telling him this for ages, but he doesn't listen.
L2169[19:33:47] <vifino> So I said it less friendly.
L2170[19:33:56] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2171[19:33:57] <gamax92> vifino: noone cares, except for everyone who does
L2172[19:34:12] <vifino> gamax92: Do you?
L2173[19:34:23] <gamax92> well no it conflicts with my schedule
L2174[19:34:56] ⇦ Quits: JjStAr992_Gaming (~jjstar992@server.modrealms.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2175[19:35:21] <vifino> Does anyone here have any intrest to join a competition with only one prize, that's been 'coming soon' for ages, and made by Csstform?
L2176[19:35:46] <Csstform> vifino: some people signed up
L2177[19:35:49] <vifino> Like, he made 'CCJam', which was pretty quiet too.
L2178[19:35:51] <gamax92> pretty sure Wobbo and Pwootage are participating
L2179[19:35:53] <Csstform> I'm just letting them know
L2180[19:36:12] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/dBqDL/30f09f0944.jpg You mean this thing?
L2181[19:36:35] <vifino> Kodos: lol, you got that the prize already :P
L2182[19:36:47] <vifino> That's the only prize Csstform has for OCJam.
L2183[19:37:31] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2184[19:37:55] <Csstform> vifino: look m8, I don't need your crap
L2185[19:37:59] <Csstform> u wanna fite?
L2186[19:38:16] <vifino> What crap? I didn't give you anything.
L2187[19:38:19] <Dashkal> Heh, such a cute thing. I still need to dig in and learn the trick.
L2188[19:41:39] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L2189[19:43:26] <Pwootage> I want to, I have to do a bunch of homework so hopefully I have some time
L2190[19:43:28] <Pwootage> I should
L2191[19:44:57] <Csstform> Pwootage: you have 3 days from an hour ago
L2192[19:45:24] <Csstform> just stay in #ocjam while coding so I can keep track of you if possible
L2193[19:49:53] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L2194[19:51:56] <Pwootage> I think my language (tentitively named cacaphony) is going to have lots of small libraries and a compartively small default library
L2195[19:53:26] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2196[19:53:42] <wolfmitchell> ughh fuck you windows seerver for requiring a reboot
L2197[19:56:57] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2198[20:00:41] <Pwootage> s/seerver//
L2199[20:00:41] <Kibibyte> <wolfmitchell> ughh fuck you windows for requiring a reboot
L2200[20:02:28] <Pwootage> http://i.imgur.com/PnUmaFm.png
L2201[20:02:43] <Pwootage> (shameless repost from frontpage of /r/funny)
L2202[20:08:38] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549704FA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2203[20:10:48] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971388.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2204[20:12:05] <Inari> Pwootage: i'll assuem thats about "you can google a proof for anything"
L2205[20:12:20] <Pwootage> yeah pretty much
L2206[20:18:41] ⇦ Quits: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:50d3:dc3f:9f09:d861) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2208[20:19:00] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L2209[20:20:46] <Pwootage> well quicksort is awesome in haskell... that's about all I can tell so far
L2210[20:28:54] <MandrakeF> And were still talking about haskell i see
L2211[20:32:08] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2212[20:32:22] <Csstform> Pwootage: make a chef interpreter
L2213[20:32:57] <MandrakeF> Haha
L2214[20:33:36] <Csstform> esoteric ftw
L2215[20:34:57] <MandrakeF> Is there anyway to bring up the BSOD on OC while under open os or do I need to replicate it by hand
L2216[20:36:02] <gamax92> flushing the screen to blue and putting white text on the screen isn't that hard.
L2217[20:36:06] <MandrakeF> True
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L2221[20:40:31] <MandrakeF> ~w gpu api
L2222[20:40:31] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:gpu
L2223[20:40:52] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L2224[20:41:38] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L2225[20:43:51] <Temia> Hmm.
L2226[20:44:21] <Temia> I just realised: the tier 3 screen has a 16:10 aspect ratio if using half-block characters for pixels.
L2227[20:44:31] <Temia> Because it is literally 160x100
L2228[20:45:22] <Csstform> Temia: no robots
L2229[20:45:39] <Temia> Huh?
L2230[20:45:47] <Temia> What about robots? .-.
L2231[20:48:23] <MandrakeF> Im leaving for a bit
L2232[20:48:26] <MandrakeF> see you all later
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L2235[20:54:31] <Pwootage> I just got home and ate dinner so I'm reading about haskell to see if it sucks or not ;D
L2236[20:55:07] <gamax92> #lua b
L2237[20:55:07] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
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L2239[20:55:19] <Pwootage> Dashkal: are you around? I'm curious how haskall picks certain things
L2240[20:55:23] <gamax92> #lua function b(z) return tonumber(z,2) end
L2241[20:55:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2242[20:55:25] <gamax92> #lua b
L2243[20:55:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > function: 0x7f888c018610
L2244[20:55:27] <gamax92> :D
L2245[20:55:57] <Temia> #lua b("10")
L2246[20:55:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2
L2247[20:56:11] <gamax92> i prefer: b"10"
L2248[20:56:17] <Pwootage> yay, binary
L2249[20:56:34] <Pwootage> #lua b"101010"
L2250[20:56:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 42
L2251[20:56:39] <Pwootage> hehe
L2252[20:56:40] <gamax92> woahg
L2253[20:57:01] <Temia> Suddenly anyone who's read a Douglas Adams novel has their brain pop.
L2254[20:58:34] <Pwootage> Seriously? Noone knew that? it's easy to remember :P
L2255[20:59:05] <Temia> If you actually looked for it, yes.
L2256[20:59:14] <Temia> It's never actually come up in contemporary usage for me.
L2257[21:00:05] <Pwootage> I think I was first shown that by a professor ages ago
L2258[21:00:22] <Pwootage> k time to mess around in haskell instead of working on homework
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L2274[21:53:37] <gamax92> Pwootage: is there an easy way to flip binary? like 3 -> 192
L2275[21:54:02] <Pwootage> #lua ~3
L2276[21:54:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: unexpected symbol near '~'
L2277[21:54:15] <Pwootage> .l53 ~3
L2278[21:54:15] <^v> Pwootage, -4
L2279[21:54:26] <Pwootage> ~ is "bitwise not"
L2280[21:54:35] <Pwootage> .l53 ~3&0xFF
L2281[21:54:35] <^v> Pwootage, 252
L2282[21:54:37] <gamax92> how is -4 == 192
L2283[21:55:12] <Pwootage> but what do you mean by flip binary if not bitwise not?
L2284[21:55:22] <gamax92> 00000011 -> 11000000
L2285[21:55:44] <Pwootage> Ooooh left to right
L2286[21:55:45] <Pwootage> umm
L2287[21:56:15] <Pwootage> there might be a really slick way of doing it using a nifty property of some function but afaik you have to do it by hand
L2288[21:57:05] <gamax92> #lua bit
L2289[21:57:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2290[21:57:07] <gamax92> #lua bit32
L2291[21:57:07] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2292[21:57:09] <gamax92> damn
L2293[21:57:33] <Pwootage> #lua require("bit32")
L2294[21:57:33] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
L2295[21:57:45] <Pwootage> pretty sure OC has access to bit32
L2296[21:57:48] <Pwootage> .l bit32
L2297[21:57:48] <^v> Pwootage, table: 0x2531d00
L2298[21:59:11] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L2299[22:04:54] <Dashkal> Pwootage: Heya. Sorry, not here. Spending time with the SO
L2300[22:05:20] <Pwootage> Dashkal: I figured the one out from earlier, I feel a bit dumb
L2301[22:06:26] <Pwootage> From what I've seen so far I can see why haskell is so useful for parsers, but it looks like too much of a pain to integrate with llvm that I might just write it in (eew) c
L2302[22:06:30] <Pwootage> (++)
L2303[22:06:54] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2304[22:06:57] <Dashkal> IIRC someone's already done a LLVM back-end
L2305[22:07:03] <Dashkal> Not sure how that project's going
L2306[22:07:07] <Dashkal> But it's definitely a thing attempted
L2307[22:07:15] <Pwootage> ...and I just got a sudden urge to write a haskell-bot like the various .l's that has access to the last n lines printed
L2308[22:08:01] <gamax92> .l local function invert(z) return bit32.band(z,1)*128 + bit32.band(z,2)*32 + bit32.band(z,4)*8 + bit32.band(z,8)*2 + bit32.band(z,16)/2 + bit32.band(z,32)/8 + bit32.band(z,64)/32 + bit32.band(z,128)/128 end return invert(3)
L2309[22:08:01] <^v> gamax92, 192
L2310[22:08:04] <Dashkal> lambdabot would probably be a decent starting point. Standard REPL bot with a few nice extras (type inference, free theroem prover, hoogle, a few others)
L2311[22:08:44] <Pwootage> oooh neat
L2312[22:08:50] <Pwootage> Oh I had one other question
L2313[22:09:14] <Pwootage> how would you handle e.g. minecraft's entity subtype polymorphism in a language without subtype polymorphism?
L2314[22:09:31] <Dashkal> Tautology much? I'd design the system differently
L2315[22:09:54] <Dashkal> The whole isa mess in minecraft wouldn't be a thing (I'm looking at you, wrenches)
L2316[22:10:19] <Pwootage> Well yes but you still need to handle the situation where there are types of mobs, which have different (common) traits under subgroups but not across all types?
L2317[22:10:29] <gamax92> .l 7.543/0.419
L2318[22:10:29] <^v> gamax92, 18.002386634845
L2319[22:10:31] <Dashkal> There are other forms of polymorphism you can leverage. The one I use most often is parametric polymorphism. Universally quantified types.
L2320[22:10:37] <gamax92> oh cool, 18 times faster than my old invert function :D
L2321[22:11:00] <Dashkal> Pwootage: Composition, mostly. The common code is moved to functions and invoked from more than one place. Standard decomposition.
L2322[22:11:14] <Pwootage> Yeah I'm not sure I prefer that layout
L2323[22:11:24] <Dashkal> With universally quantified types, you can factor out a great deal more than you can otherwise.
L2324[22:11:25] <Pwootage> the big reason I'm asking is I don't really want to implement vtables :P
L2325[22:11:50] <Dashkal> vtables are only required if you're determined to use sub-typing and inclusion polymorphism.
L2326[22:11:53] <Dashkal> I just don't go there.
L2327[22:12:03] <Pwootage> although I suppose llmv bytecode might just handle it
L2328[22:12:12] <Dashkal> Composition is much more, well, composible. I just use the code I want to and don't worry about what I "am"
L2329[22:12:27] <Dashkal> It all ends up functions. Call what you need.
L2330[22:12:38] <gamax92> #lua b"10101010"
L2331[22:12:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 170
L2332[22:13:16] <Pwootage> I don't actually know how complex types work in haskell, havn't gotten that far
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L2334[22:14:40] <Dashkal> Universal quantification (my function works for all types). Typeclasses (all these types admit the following operations). Existential quantification (my function works for any type that satisfies the following conditions...).
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L2337[22:15:48] <Queen_Elsa> nite folks
L2338[22:16:12] <Dashkal> Dialing back a bit, it has both product (has all these members) and disjoint types (is one of these options).
L2339[22:16:32] <Pwootage> I think I can pull off a language that supports subtypes but disallows overriding and still survives in a purely functional world
L2340[22:16:36] <Pwootage> I have some ideas...
L2341[22:17:10] <Pwootage> I just really like object.function type syntax, even though it's easily worked around with, say, curry class function
L2342[22:17:12] <Dashkal> Inclusion polymorphism. Yeah, can be done, but there's a cost. Type inference is undecidable in the general case when subtyping is involved.
L2343[22:17:30] <Dashkal> Read: You'll have to type annotate quite a bit.
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L2345[22:18:09] <Dashkal> Sec, there's a paper you should read.
L2346[22:18:30] <Pwootage> I also have some ideas there... but I'm purposefully enforcing some type annotation because type annotation is not always bad :P
L2347[22:18:49] <Dashkal> I enforce at the top level. Below that, meh. If I can infer it, I'll do so.
L2348[22:19:00] <Dashkal> If not (my fault, in this case, it's all decidable) I error.
L2349[22:19:28] <Dashkal> Pwootage: http://lucacardelli.name/papers/onunderstanding.a4.pdf
L2350[22:19:46] <Dashkal> Worth reading. You'll learn quite a bit about type theory in doing so, even if you end up writing a very different language.
L2351[22:19:50] <Pwootage> although I think I'll disallow all type cohersion (with the exception of integer literals -> other number literals)
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L2353[22:20:16] <Pwootage> because typing 1f sucks when you can just assume it's a float if you're passing it into a float >.>
L2354[22:20:26] <Pwootage> or worse, 1.toByte
L2355[22:20:35] <Dashkal> There are ways to allow that syntax without need for type coercsion
L2356[22:20:41] <Dashkal> (Wow, cannot spell tonight)
L2357[22:21:23] <Pwootage> Yeah, I was planning on doing it by compile-time interpretation and validation of number constants
L2358[22:21:34] <Dashkal> Once of the very nice things you can do if you keep things decidable, is you can have return type polymorphism
L2359[22:22:08] <Dashkal> So here's how Haskell does it. There's a typeclass called Num, and all numeric types implement it. One of the functions is fromInteger with the type Integer -> N (where N is the type implementing the thing)
L2360[22:22:32] <Dashkal> So integer literals are handled by the complilier as (fromInteger 123)
L2361[22:22:50] <Pwootage> yeah that could do it too
L2362[22:23:03] <Dashkal> This can only exist if your types system is constrained enough to allow return type polymorphism
L2363[22:23:38] <Dashkal> Otherwise you have to ad-hoc it. (Numeric literal, ok try int first, next float, next double, ...)
L2364[22:23:53] <Pwootage> I *think* I can pull that off... that one is a case I'll have to try when I get to it
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L2366[22:25:38] <Dashkal> Do read that paper. Worth learning the concepts. Does a good job of explaining the roadblocks you will encounter as you try to encode these concepts.
L2367[22:26:09] <Dashkal> Also, try not to be too sad about the date on it... Concepts we've known this long and still get wrong *sigh*
L2368[22:26:26] <Dashkal> Why are programmers so bad at learning from the past?
L2369[22:26:28] <Pwootage> *reads the date* ah
L2370[22:26:43] <Pwootage> Well part of it is the fact computers were slow when that was written :P
L2371[22:27:05] <Pwootage> Compiling was genuinely a processor-intensive process at the time
L2372[22:27:42] <Dashkal> Not quite what I mean. Many of the concepts that paper covers are still trouble today. Not just because they're hard, but because so many language designers actively avoid taking them on.
L2373[22:27:59] <Pwootage> Well yeah
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L2375[22:28:44] <Dashkal> I have a good deal more where that came from too :P My reading list is a mile long. I'm about half-way through the one I just linked.
L2376[22:28:54] <Dashkal> I get an hour in the morning on the way to work.
L2377[22:29:08] <Pwootage> basically what I want to try to do is find a way to combine two relatively disparate universes (traditional imperative programming, pure functional programing) in a way that doesn't totally suck
L2378[22:29:18] <Dashkal> Next one for me is Write You A Haskell. That one's current.
L2379[22:29:36] <Dashkal> Yeah, Haskell has done this :P I'm not kidding when I say it's my favorite imperative language.
L2380[22:29:54] <Pwootage> Yeah but it's much more on the pure functional side
L2381[22:30:07] <Dashkal> You're making a mistake: Functional and Imperative are not opposing concepts.
L2382[22:30:41] <Pwootage> No, they are not
L2383[22:30:49] <Dashkal> I absolutely do write code of the style: Do this. Do that. Fire the missiles. Read that memory location. Write to that socket.
L2384[22:31:33] <Dashkal> What Haskell does is it allows me to restrain what each function does so I can only invoke the side effects I intend to. It also allows me to not when I just want to quick and dirty prototype something (IO Type... weeeee)
L2385[22:32:07] <Pwootage> but there is a clear distinction between the two examples on the intro to haskell page, for example
L2386[22:32:09] <Dashkal> (I'm speaking a little sloppy here. Haskell doesn't actually do side effects unless you mess with unsafe* functions)
L2387[22:32:40] <Pwootage> Idk, sometimes abstraction is unnecessary I think
L2388[22:32:46] <Dashkal> do notation will look the most familiar, but there are a good number of other ways to do imperative style.
L2389[22:33:04] <Pwootage> aw crap, I'm going to have to write a garbage collector
L2390[22:33:07] <Pwootage> at least llvm helps with that
L2391[22:33:11] <Dashkal> Indeed, when I don't feel the need for proper abstraction I just IO it up and fire the missiles and then mold it into what I want.
L2392[22:34:02] <Dashkal> IO and do notation are a blunt instrument and every bit as dangerous as any other language's default imperative.
L2393[22:35:38] <Dashkal> Alrighty, my SO is no longer busy. Time to spend some time with her. Will probably be back tomorrow.
L2394[22:35:50] <Pwootage> Eh, maybe it's all the OS/other low level development I've been doing, but sometimes I like to be able to shoot my self in the foot :P
L2395[22:35:58] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L2396[22:36:01] <Dashkal> Oh yes, you can do that :P
L2397[22:36:02] <Pwootage> cya o/
L2398[22:36:05] <Dashkal> Laters
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L2431[23:55:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Afternoon o/
L2432[23:55:38] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: i made an image cipher thingy
L2433[23:56:06] <ShadowKatStudios> Okey..?
L2434[23:56:16] <gamax92> Okey.
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