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L1[00:00:20] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[00:00:27] <ds84182> brb, I don't think it can get overloaded... lemme research that
L3[00:00:36] <Sangar> Cinder, i'll be making it a setting in the text buffer - i.e. on t3 you can say screen.setHighPrecisionMode(boolean) or something like that
L4[00:00:44] <Sangar> an extra card would overcomplicate it implementation wise
L5[00:00:46] <Cinder> ahhhhh
L6[00:00:50] <Cinder> that makes more sense.
L7[00:00:59] <Pwootage> What is this feature?
L8[00:01:05] <gamax92> ^
L9[00:01:15] <Sangar> sub-"pixel" precision in mouse events
L10[00:01:21] <gamax92> oh i see.
L11[00:01:23] <gamax92> why
L12[00:01:26] <Pwootage> ah
L13[00:01:27] <Sangar> half-chars
L14[00:01:40] <Sangar> so you know whether you clicked top or bottom
L15[00:01:43] <Pwootage> ~w half-char
L16[00:01:43] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:charger
L17[00:01:47] <Pwootage> nope :P
L18[00:01:54] <gamax92> Pwootage: he means the unicode character
L19[00:02:05] <Pwootage> yeah
L20[00:02:13] <Cinder> ▀
L21[00:02:17] <Cinder> that char
L22[00:03:00] <Cinder> This would also potentially open expansion into proper pixel-based graphics in OC.
L23[00:03:16] <Pwootage> admidedly with kinda meh resolution :P
L24[00:04:26] <Cinder> Still, for people writing interfaces and games, the sub-pixel precision allows for some extra "nice-ness" in the interface.
L25[00:04:41] <Cinder> like offset boarders on buttons that still trigger it and stuff like that.
L26[00:04:42] * gamax92 downloads DebugVGA and component.gpu.setMaxResolution(320,100)
L27[00:05:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Damnit youtube
L28[00:05:06] <ShadowKatStudios> I don't even know what I just watched
L29[00:05:40] <Cinder> and actually, you can double both the horizontal and vertical resolution on OC monitors, but you need to do some Commodore demoscene level stuff to get colors to work properly.
L30[00:05:50] <Cinder> oooooh
L31[00:05:54] <Cinder> actually that gives me an idea
L32[00:06:04] <Cinder> brb writing super-highres GOL
L33[00:06:10] <Pwootage> do it
L34[00:06:27] <Cinder> I wish my computer could record.
L35[00:06:38] <Pwootage> obs doesn't run?
L36[00:06:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Horizontal resolution too?
L37[00:06:51] <Cinder> OBS runs but my CPU is crap.
L38[00:06:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Quarter blocks?
L39[00:06:58] <Cinder> Yep
L40[00:07:11] <Pwootage> OBS can hardware encode with nvidia if you have a newish card
L41[00:07:21] <ShadowKatStudios> That'd be odd, you couldn't have independant colours for the pixels
L42[00:07:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Hence the reason most people stick with doubling the vertical res and keep square pixels
L43[00:07:45] <Pwootage> ShadowKatStudios: JPEGs look fine too
L44[00:07:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Also 16:9
L45[00:07:52] <ShadowKatStudios> wait
L46[00:07:54] <ShadowKatStudios> what
L47[00:08:00] <ShadowKatStudios> we have rendering of jpegs?
L48[00:08:00] <gamax92> wait where are these quarter blocks
L49[00:08:04] <Pwootage> JPEGs have blocks sorta like that
L50[00:08:13] <Cinder> Pwoontage: i have a card JUST less than what's required.
L51[00:08:17] <gamax92> jpeg's also look really bad.
L52[00:08:26] <Cinder> 550 TI as opposed to 600 series.
L53[00:08:26] <Pwootage> Cinder: sad. Also, it's Pwootage. :)
L54[00:08:39] <Cinder> sorry
L55[00:08:44] <Pwootage> 550 ti is a nice card (I had two. Just replaced one of them with a 970)
L56[00:08:44] <Pwootage> nb
L57[00:08:45] <Pwootage> d
L58[00:08:55] <gamax92> i have a 650 ti
L59[00:09:02] <gamax92> woops almost said 6502 ti :P
L60[00:09:09] <Pwootage> haha
L61[00:09:10] <ShadowKatStudios> 8600GT - it's a bigger number so it must be better.
L62[00:09:12] <ShadowKatStudios> :P
L63[00:09:26] <Cinder> ShadowKatStudios: that's exactly the reason I used halfchar instead of quarter-char on the image renderer.
L64[00:09:27] <ShadowKatStudios> (I know it's a potato-tier card now, don't worry)
L65[00:09:29] ⇦ Quits: thisischrys (thisischry@d8D8788AA.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L66[00:09:30] <gamax92> you guys should check out the 6502 architecture, I'll compile up a jar if someone wants one.
L67[00:09:52] <Cinder> i wrote a "demo" once for the commodore 64, it was fun.
L68[00:09:52] <Pwootage> POOT WANT C++ NOT 6502
L69[00:09:56] <Cinder> Simple yet effective.
L70[00:09:58] <Wired> ShadowKatStudios: o/
L71[00:10:03] <ShadowKatStudios> \o Wired
L72[00:10:17] <Pwootage> mostly cuz I don't want to learn 6502 asm
L73[00:10:26] <gamax92> .-. its simple as shit
L74[00:10:32] <Cinder> but yeah, GOL would work perfectly for the super-highres
L75[00:10:33] <Pwootage> yes. Yes it is.
L76[00:10:36] <Cinder> because monochrome.
L77[00:11:21] * ShadowKatStudios knew 6502 machine code at one point
L78[00:11:26] * ShadowKatStudios doesn't now
L79[00:11:59] <gamax92> Here have a jar http://tempsend.com/7DC6A60628
L80[00:12:17] <gamax92> ... also may or may not have some slight debugging output when you boot the arch
L81[00:12:44] <Cinder> I'm going to play with this later
L82[00:12:51] <Cinder> I might fork it and bother to re-learn java
L83[00:13:04] <ShadowKatStudios> "slight" I assume spammy?
L84[00:13:04] <Pwootage> uh, OC is Scala
L85[00:13:26] <gamax92> no
L86[00:13:28] <gamax92> like 10 lines.
L87[00:13:34] <gamax92> err 16
L88[00:13:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, okay.
L89[00:13:43] <ShadowKatStudios> I remembered the last time
L90[00:13:56] <Pwootage> class over. Train ride soon, then I'll be home.
L91[00:14:12] <gamax92> Yes, once upon a time i left opcode debugging in there, so you'd get like 20000 lines per second.
L92[00:14:29] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L93[00:14:44] <Cinder> n00b question time, is there a rand function in Lua?
L94[00:14:48] <gamax92> math.random
L95[00:14:52] <Cinder> thank you
L96[00:14:56] <gamax92> ~w rand
L97[00:14:56] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/file:read
L98[00:14:58] <gamax92> nope :p
L99[00:15:53] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106001217d8177c.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L100[00:17:02] <Cinder> math.random() > 0.5 will return a boolean, right?
L101[00:17:14] <gamax92> uhh yes
L102[00:17:17] <Cinder> okay
L103[00:17:41] <Cinder> honestly for memory reasons I really should use bitwise for this but I'm just doing a mockup.
L104[00:17:41] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671
L105[00:18:51] <ShadowKatStudios> gg steam
L106[00:18:54] <Cinder> gg
L107[00:19:27] <Wired> ShadowKatStudios: What's steam doing? ._.
L108[00:19:48] <ShadowKatStudios> above link
L109[00:20:23] <Wired> lol gg
L110[00:21:17] <Wired> ShadowKatStudios: Where's that area on your website with all the images again? I feel like watching images load slowly.
L111[00:21:39] <ShadowKatStudios> I can't even tell if you're messing with me or not.
L112[00:21:45] <ShadowKatStudios> But I did re-write my CSS
L113[00:21:58] <TabletCube> At least no-one runs steam as root....right?
L114[00:22:45] <ShadowKatStudios> No-one I know.
L115[00:29:26] <Wired> ShadowKatStudios: Your server has pinging disabled :(
L116[00:29:33] * vifino waves to ShadowKatStudios
L117[00:29:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Or my router is fucked, Wired.
L118[00:29:50] <ShadowKatStudios> It's a consumer router
L119[00:29:55] * ShadowKatStudios waves to vifino
L120[00:29:55] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L121[00:30:13] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: http://ci.tty.sh/ \o/
L122[00:30:32] <vifino> Avian + OpenJDK builds are on there, oh and my luajit compiler.
L123[00:31:29] <vifino> I should actually delete that job, since it is kinda secret ._.
L124[00:31:41] <vifino> oh well
L125[00:34:44] ⇦ Quits: Wired (~jacob@c-75-72-220-179.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L126[00:36:55] <Cinder> is there a non-blocking event function or should I just use a coroutine?
L127[00:37:14] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L128[00:37:32] <Cinder> oh wait I can just use event.listen nvm
L129[00:38:12] <Sangar> all right, precision mode for t3 is up
L130[00:38:31] <ShadowKatStudios> It's probably a good thing that I clean my HDD out regularly...
L131[00:39:05] <Cinder> Yay!
L132[00:39:16] <Cinder> I'm almost done with V0.5 of my GOL code.
L133[00:39:21] <vifino> Sangar: Precision Mode?
L134[00:39:24] <vifino> What's that?
L135[00:39:34] <Sangar> floating point mouse event coords
L136[00:39:35] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: you should make your router respond
L137[00:39:42] <Cinder> sub-character precision on touch events.
L138[00:39:44] <TabletCube> Check the web interface
L139[00:40:53] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L140[00:41:17] <Sangar> would be great if you (the general "all of you" you :P) could test the wake-on-rs/lan stuff and if normal mouse events still work so i can release 1.4.5 tomorrow :>
L141[00:41:28] <Sangar> because i'm off to bed now
L142[00:41:31] <Sangar> gnight o/
L143[00:41:35] <lperkins2> Heh, night!
L144[00:41:40] <vifino> Good night, Sangar. Sleep well.
L145[00:41:43] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: If the web interface worked, it would also respond to pings
L146[00:41:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Night Sangar
L147[00:41:47] <lperkins2> I'll probably have more weirdness to report in the morning
L148[00:41:55] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L149[00:42:00] <Sangar> i'm looking forward to it :P
L150[00:42:17] <ShadowKatStudios> But you see, after a couple of days online, my router shits itself- the web interface dies and it stops responding to pings
L151[00:42:29] ⇨ Joins: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L152[00:43:43] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106001217d8177c.vf.shawcable.net)
L153[00:43:57] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: ah
L154[00:44:28] <TabletCube> Virgin Media supplies routers widely known to have similar issues.
L155[00:44:31] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L156[00:45:28] <Pwootage> Ick
L157[00:45:36] <Pwootage> I hate having to sit and wait for the train
L158[00:45:55] <Pwootage> It's still 12 minutes out
L159[00:47:06] <ShadowKatStudios> Oddly enough, port forwarding and normal routing continues to function, even if you can't get at the settings
L160[00:47:49] <Cinder> Having a dumb
L161[00:47:58] <Cinder> is there a way to tell if a value is negitive?
L162[00:48:04] <gamax92> < 0
L163[00:48:05] <Cinder> ...now that I've asked I can just check
L164[00:48:09] <Cinder> that exactly yeah
L165[00:49:10] <gamax92> Cinder: tostring(x):sub(1,1) == "-" :P
L166[00:49:31] <gamax92> .l tostring(-6):sub(1,1) == "-"
L167[00:49:31] <^v> gamax92, true
L168[00:49:34] <gamax92> .l tostring(6):sub(1,1) == "-"
L169[00:49:34] <^v> gamax92, false
L170[00:49:47] <vifino> #l tostring(0):sub(1,1) == "-"
L171[00:49:52] <vifino> #lue tostring(0):sub(1,1) == "-"
L172[00:49:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Well.
L173[00:49:57] <vifino> #lua tostring(0):sub(1,1) == "-"
L174[00:49:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > false
L175[00:49:58] <ShadowKatStudios> My disk image is dead
L176[00:50:03] <vifino> ... I can't type tonight
L177[00:50:07] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: D:
L178[00:50:19] <Pwootage> Rip disk image
L179[00:50:27] <ShadowKatStudios> So apparently I lost my Analogue save file.
L180[00:50:27] <vifino> rip diskimage senpai
L181[00:51:25] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: :(
L182[00:51:41] <TabletCube> was an ai your waifu yet?
L183[00:51:55] <ShadowKatStudios> no
L184[00:51:58] <ShadowKatStudios> not that far
L185[00:52:10] <ShadowKatStudios> It just means I have to re-read the stuff to find the password >.<
L186[00:52:14] <gamax92> </spoilers>
L187[00:52:15] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
L188[00:52:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I'll create a usable save file, copy it to my Windows drive and make a symlink in place of it
L189[00:52:56] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: can i spoil the password for you?
L190[00:53:07] <gamax92> </spoilers!!!!!!!!>
L191[00:53:10] <ShadowKatStudios> I remember it.
L192[00:53:13] <gamax92> y u no listen TabletCube
L193[00:53:42] <TabletCube> gamax92: the password is h[REDACTED]
L194[00:53:42] <ShadowKatStudios> "ERROR: admin access temporarily disabled, please speak with AI to restore" damnit I just wanted to skip talking to Hyun-ae
L195[00:53:54] <Kodos> I need a fancy avatar for forums and my github icon
L196[00:54:21] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: you a *Mute fan?
L197[00:54:27] <Cinder> damn
L198[00:54:35] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm a fan of not repeating the story
L199[00:54:37] <Cinder> I'm at a loss as to why this code is telling me something's nil.
L200[00:55:18] <gamax92> echo -e "P6\n64 64\n255\n" > avatar.ppm; dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/stdout bs=12288 count=1 >> avatar.ppm
L201[00:55:24] <gamax92> instant avatar
L202[00:55:48] <Cinder> hah
L203[00:55:51] <ShadowKatStudios> ppm?
L204[00:56:07] <gamax92> maybe i got that wrong ...
L205[00:56:46] <gamax92> D: why's it getting rid of my header
L206[00:57:07] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: I only had to say hi to *Hyun-ae
L207[00:57:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Which was nice, I already got past this, but some nice skipping.
L208[00:57:47] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: you met *Mute yet?
L209[00:57:48] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: think of a BMP except without all of the bullshit padding and huge header and loading bottom up
L210[00:58:15] <gamax92> all you have to do is strip the first three lines and its a raw file
L211[00:58:19] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: Way past meeting her- honestly still just looking through logs, but ugh
L212[00:59:05] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: do you plan to end the game with a waifu or no?
L213[00:59:26] <ShadowKatStudios> I dunno.
L214[00:59:33] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll see how it turns out.
L215[01:00:44] <TabletCube> btw, getting all the endings involves a broken wall
L216[01:00:57] ⇨ Joins: NixUmbreon|Phone2 (~nixill@2601:4:4180:94c0:fdb7:9bf2:ada2:6291)
L217[01:00:57] ⇦ Quits: NixUmbreon|Phone (~nixill@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L218[01:01:06] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: A broken fourth wall?
L219[01:01:07] <Csstform> waifu
L220[01:01:13] <Csstform> WAIFFFUUU
L221[01:01:20] <Csstform> WAI? F. U.
L222[01:01:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohai Csstform, haven't seen you in a while.
L223[01:01:24] <Csstform> ohai
L224[01:02:11] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: why that specific wall? :>
L225[01:02:21] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: Because I heard about this.
L226[01:02:31] <Csstform> TabletCube: he actually beat the game
L227[01:02:41] <TabletCube> oh, ne\t
L228[01:02:43] ⇨ Joins: thisischrys (thisischry@d8D8788AA.access.telenet.be)
L229[01:03:10] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: http://shadowkat.tk/image/noquestion.png I'll be up to that part shortly
L230[01:03:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Or perhaps, I'll go with the general history this time
L231[01:03:32] <ShadowKatStudios> I can always ask again...
L232[01:03:49] <Altenius> Agh. OCEmulator depends on referencing pointers to lua states to a computer instance.... But each coroutine has a different state >_>
L233[01:04:17] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: hey
L234[01:04:34] <TabletCube> I use that xfce wm theme too
L235[01:04:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I switched from that yesterday
L236[01:04:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Now using plain gtk
L237[01:04:54] <Cinder> my code is suffering from the Black Screen of Death
L238[01:04:54] <ShadowKatStudios> because reasons
L239[01:04:55] <Cinder> no idea why.
L240[01:06:22] <Kodos> Cinder, if you need some help debugging, I've got a few moments free =)
L241[01:06:24] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L242[01:06:35] <gamax92> i have 10 hours free.
L243[01:07:00] <gamax92> Cinder: can see code?
L244[01:07:10] <Cinder> hang on
L245[01:07:28] * gamax92 swaps out the 6502 for the lua processor
L246[01:07:33] <Cinder> lemme add some comments
L247[01:08:14] * Kodos still thinks PSUs would be a neat component
L248[01:08:27] <gamax92> .-.
L249[01:08:28] <gamax92> I don't
L250[01:08:39] <Kodos> I know it won't happen anyway
L251[01:08:43] <Kodos> It's just a wishful thinking thing
L252[01:08:57] <Cinder> Okay no I figured it out.
L253[01:09:00] <gamax92> D:
L254[01:09:05] <Cinder> I had os.sleep(0) instead of os.sleep(0.5)
L255[01:09:12] <gamax92> DFGkhzx0c awiujfe4jkg wu0sduf io42kj g098s
L256[01:09:16] <Cinder> but now there's another problem, the screen goes entirely blank after one frame.
L257[01:09:19] * gamax92 puts the 6502 back
L258[01:09:23] <Kodos> Again, can't help with no code
L259[01:09:38] <Cinder> wait I think I know what it is hang on.
L260[01:09:43] <Cinder> lemme test this then I'll give code.
L261[01:10:27] <Cinder> nope nvm, pastebinning code
L262[01:10:52] <Cinder> ...and the moment I click paste I see the issue
L263[01:10:57] <Cinder> checkLife does not return
L264[01:10:58] <gamax92> GIVE US CODE
L265[01:10:58] <Cinder> herp derp.
L266[01:10:59] <gamax92> PLS
L267[01:11:39] <Pwootage> ohey my internet is working now
L268[01:13:06] <Cinder> http://pastebin.com/71ze9jnq
L269[01:13:08] <Cinder> there
L270[01:13:17] <Cinder> looks like my GOL rules might be a little off though
L271[01:13:28] <Kodos> What's the error, exactly
L272[01:13:50] <gamax92> PRINT CHR$(155)+"1;32"+CHR$(109)
L273[01:13:54] <gamax92> is bright green
L274[01:14:10] <gamax92> err well, i thought it was.
L275[01:14:17] <Cinder> There isn't one now, I fixed it.
L276[01:14:22] <Cinder> the problem was it was printing a black screen
L277[01:14:44] <Cinder> turns out the checkLife function, which checks if a cell is dead or alive, wasn't returning at all.
L278[01:14:59] <Kodos> Ah
L279[01:15:05] <Kodos> Well, I'll go back to building my space station
L280[01:15:07] <gamax92> .-. why aren't you switching colors terminal
L281[01:15:17] <v^> dicks
L282[01:16:06] <Pwootage> GOL is so easy though
L283[01:16:18] <ds84182> .
L285[01:16:53] <Pwootage> gamax92: life is gray?
L286[01:17:00] <gamax92> Pwootage: no my terminal
L287[01:17:02] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L288[01:17:17] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: Because they're not storyline characters
L289[01:17:20] <Pwootage> gamax92: your terminal is meloncholy
L290[01:17:31] <v^> ffs
L291[01:17:35] <v^> gf wrote that
L292[01:17:44] <gamax92> oh did she now.
L293[01:18:03] <v^> yes i did lel
L294[01:18:12] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: Before you insist it was him, consider the situation that would make her write that.
L295[01:18:20] <v^> i was bored
L296[01:18:56] <Pwootage> so v^ has multiple personalities, apparently
L297[01:19:07] <Pwootage> at least two
L298[01:19:12] <v^> no shes just typing stuff behind my back
L299[01:19:54] * ShadowKatStudios continues thinking of situations
L300[01:20:02] <Cinder> whoops
L301[01:20:09] <Cinder> I accidently pooped out 2 megs of memory
L302[01:20:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> did it hurt?
L303[01:20:59] <Pwootage> Might want to go download som emore
L304[01:21:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Sounds rather painful.
L305[01:21:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Suddenly: I need to sleep.
L306[01:21:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Wonderful.
L307[01:21:34] <Pwootage> well it really depends, was it my fancy ram or tiny mac ram?
L308[01:21:40] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm gonna go crash on the couch for a few hours
L309[01:21:47] <Pwootage> considering it's 2mb it might be embedded, that wouldn't be as bad
L310[01:21:49] <v^> okay but seriously that was gf
L311[01:21:55] <Cinder> is there a way to get the ammount of free RAM in a computer?
L312[01:22:05] <Pwootage> ~w os
L313[01:22:05] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-os
L314[01:22:05] <Cinder> I mean in OC of course
L315[01:22:08] <ShadowKatStudios> maximum - used?
L316[01:22:09] <gamax92> something something api:computer
L317[01:22:18] <SuPeRMiNoR2> computer.freeMemory i feel like
L318[01:22:29] <Cinder> used memory
L319[01:22:29] <Pwootage> ~w computer
L320[01:22:29] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:computer
L321[01:22:57] <gamax92> ~w api:computer
L322[01:22:57] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L323[01:23:15] <Pwootage> if the api:computer page will load...
L324[01:23:16] <Pwootage> cmon internet
L325[01:23:16] <gamax92> nvm nothing is loading in my browser again
L326[01:23:23] <gamax92> oh, its not loading for you?
L327[01:23:38] <Pwootage> computer.totalMemory() - computer.freeMemory()
L328[01:24:12] <gamax92> Yup ... my "router" isn't picking up the wifi again
L329[01:24:16] <gamax92> wee i only have irc now
L330[01:24:48] <Pwootage> train ride pretty much over
L331[01:25:15] <Pwootage> ds84182: ETA for a mostly-working version for me to try?
L332[01:26:28] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L333[01:26:53] <Cinder> there shouldn't be a memory leak in my code, but OC reports 1.8 megs free before running and 1.3 megs free after.
L334[01:26:58] <Cinder> but that might not be significant.
L335[01:27:11] <Pwootage> that might be just lua pre-allocing
L336[01:27:12] <Cinder> how did I chew up 2 megs in ~10 seconds then?
L337[01:28:07] <TabletCube> gamax92: crap router is crap
L338[01:28:27] <gamax92> well the router is just a netbook mounted to the wall doing ics
L339[01:28:35] <ds84182> I can't offer an eta
L340[01:28:58] <Pwootage> ds84182: can you give me one on the scale of "tonight", "tomorrow", "next week"?
L341[01:29:04] <TabletCube> gamax92: you could at least run pfsense on i6
L342[01:29:12] <gamax92> whatzzat
L343[01:29:16] <TabletCube> to make it a real router
L344[01:29:40] <gamax92> this is linux isn't it?
L345[01:29:53] <TabletCube> gamax92: BSD iirc
L346[01:29:55] <gamax92> because the wifi seems to refuse linux completely
L347[01:29:57] <ds84182> Well, the problem is I'll be busy all weekend long, so possibly next week
L348[01:30:06] <Pwootage> Aw. OK.
L349[01:30:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> pfsense is freebsd
L350[01:31:06] <Cinder> hmm
L351[01:31:09] <Cinder> I just realised something
L352[01:31:21] <Cinder> without GPU buffering, GOL in highres is going to be bottlenecked by the GPU.
L353[01:31:38] <Cinder> ...actually it shouldn't be a problem now that I think of it, I just have to cleverly handle strings.
L354[01:32:19] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L355[01:32:49] <Cinder> or not, I thought there was a reverse-half char
L356[01:32:53] <Cinder> but there isn't.
L357[01:33:12] <Cinder> wait no there is derp
L358[01:36:36] <Kubuxu> Shiet. It is 2:35 and I am still watching Stargate Universe.
L359[01:36:48] <Kubuxu> It is getting bad really fast.
L360[01:36:57] <Kubuxu> I must wake up at 5:30.
L361[01:39:19] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L362[01:45:54] <Cinder> okay
L363[01:46:06] <Cinder> can't render highres using that method without running out of memory
L364[01:46:07] <gamax92> Cinder: are you gaming at life?
L365[01:46:10] <Cinder> yes
L366[01:46:24] * gamax92 wants to take a stab at it.
L367[01:46:37] <Cinder> I'm using a table and true/false values
L368[01:46:44] <gamax92> ehh ...
L369[01:47:00] <Cinder> I know, but it was scratch code and I needed soemthing I could use now instead of later.
L370[01:47:15] <Cinder> but later is now so now I'm gonna see if I can memory-efficent it using bit32.
L371[01:49:03] <gamax92> oh there are quadrant characters .-.
L372[01:49:46] <Cinder> I'm going to try those after I get normal halfchar working
L373[01:49:53] <Cinder> super highres :)
L374[01:50:32] <Kodos> Holllllly shit anti344 needs to fucking finish RMC
L375[01:50:46] <Kodos> How long ago was ModJam 4
L376[01:55:35] <Kodos> I have an idea for an addon
L377[01:57:15] <Kodos> What would be a valid use of placing a screen in the floor?
L378[01:57:19] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L379[01:57:23] <Kodos> I just remembered you can do that, not sure what it's usable for though
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L383[01:59:07] <gamax92> disco party?
L384[02:01:03] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L394[02:30:58] <Cinder> my binary packing seems to have worked... a little.
L395[02:31:16] <Cinder> having a deeper problem in the screen rendering code failing on the last value
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L399[02:39:31] <Cinder> SUCCESS!
L400[02:39:42] <Cinder> I have GOL running at 160x100 at around 2fps
L401[02:40:22] <gamax92> Cinder: my rendering isn't working at all .-.
L402[02:40:43] <Cinder> want me to post my code? it does have a little unusual use of bit32 to save memory but it works
L403[02:40:44] <gamax92> If i tell it to use "#", it renders prefectly, if i tell it to use the full block character, its all distorted.
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L405[02:41:13] <Cinder> oh, that's a known thing with the font renderer, you need to set a setting in the OC config
L406[02:41:24] <Cinder> I think
L407[02:41:26] <gamax92> :X what is that?
L408[02:41:32] <Cinder> send us a screenshot?
L409[02:42:12] <Cinder> I mean of the "distortion"
L410[02:42:23] <gamax92> sure.
L411[02:43:53] <Cinder> I'm still really really shocked that my binary packing works at all.
L412[02:44:08] <gamax92> Cinder: http://imgur.com/hCEQIUg,776nXmg first one is what it should roughly look like, # for full character, ^ for upper, . for lower, and space is ofc empty.
L413[02:44:18] <gamax92> the second one, all i did was change the # to the full block
L414[02:44:21] <gamax92> and its like ... wot.
L415[02:44:34] <Cinder> weird...
L416[02:44:39] <Cinder> hang on
L417[02:44:43] <Cinder> try my code, let me post it
L418[02:45:32] <Cinder> http://pastebin.com/FTKpRadE
L419[02:45:36] <Cinder> see what that gives
L420[02:45:45] <Cinder> that's using only block characters
L421[02:46:21] <Cinder> it should in theory run on even a T1 computer, if I didn't use magic numbers for a T3 graphics card that is :PO
L422[02:46:23] ⇨ Joins: thisischrys (thisischry@d8D8788AA.access.telenet.be)
L423[02:46:37] <Cinder> wait, did I use magic numbers?
L424[02:46:48] <Cinder> holy no I didn't
L425[02:46:51] <Cinder> I'm proud of myself.
L426[02:46:59] <Cinder> gonna test it on the most minimalistic T1 computer now
L427[02:47:04] <gamax92> Cinder: oh you have the characters directly in the scrip
L428[02:47:10] <gamax92> i was using unicode.char
L429[02:47:44] <gamax92> ~w unicode
L430[02:47:44] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:unicode
L431[02:47:58] <JjStAr992_Gaming> autorun.lua runs on computer boot, right? STill learning, used to ComputerCraft :P
L432[02:48:04] <gamax92> oh i know why
L433[02:48:18] <gamax92> Cinder: i should be using unicode.len :P
L434[02:48:24] <Cinder> ha
L435[02:48:33] <Cinder> I have the characters directly because I'm lazy
L436[02:48:36] <Kodos> Yes, JjStAr992_Gaming
L437[02:48:42] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Thx
L438[02:48:43] <Kodos> autorun.lua is equal to CC's startup
L439[02:48:52] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Ok, cool
L440[02:48:58] <Kodos> Also CC is bad, you should uninstall it
L441[02:49:02] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Im on rr3
L442[02:49:07] <JjStAr992_Gaming> modpack
L443[02:49:12] <JjStAr992_Gaming> server
L444[02:49:17] <Kodos> Ah
L445[02:49:23] <gamax92> Kodos: and that attitude is why CC hates us :)
L446[02:49:32] <JjStAr992_Gaming> yaay
L447[02:49:52] <JjStAr992_Gaming> EiraIRC is so useful
L448[02:49:54] <Kodos> gamax92, I don't give a fuck what they think, they're still a bunch of abusive badmins
L449[02:50:18] <JjStAr992_Gaming> badmins lol
L450[02:50:51] <gamax92> Cinder: http://i.imgur.com/VumUgWC.png :D
L451[02:50:53] <gamax92> also brb food
L452[02:51:26] <Cinder> yay
L453[02:53:50] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L454[02:54:30] <Cinder> yay my code uses so little memory that it runs on a T1 computer with only 256 megs of ram!
L455[02:54:32] <Cinder> ...
L456[02:54:39] <Cinder> gonna see if it runs on default ram :3
L457[02:54:47] ⇨ Joins: NixUmbreon|Phone2 (~nixill@2601:4:4180:94c0:fdb7:9bf2:ada2:6291)
L458[02:55:10] <Cinder> yep, it runs in 192kb of ram
L459[02:55:13] <Cinder> I feel happy now
L460[02:55:42] <JjStAr992_Gaming> what you running?
L461[02:55:59] <Cinder> GOL using a special bit-storage algorithm
L462[02:56:11] <Cinder> because Game of Life really only requires bitwise
L463[02:56:14] <JjStAr992_Gaming> gol = game of life right?
L464[02:56:28] <JjStAr992_Gaming> i dont really understand gol
L465[02:56:37] <JjStAr992_Gaming> it just looks cool
L466[02:57:19] <Cinder> I'm trying to make it cooler
L467[02:57:25] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ooh
L468[02:58:32] <wolfmitchell> anyone here good with Processing (or really java)
L469[02:58:33] <wolfmitchell> lol
L470[02:58:56] <Cinder> TIL that you need at LEAST 256 megs of ram to install OpenOS
L471[02:59:00] <Cinder> *kb not megs
L472[03:02:33] <gamax92> Cinder: oh but whats the fps on your t1?
L473[03:03:26] <Pwootage> OpenOS *can* run at 192, but sometimes it crashes
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L479[03:13:02] <Cinder> gamax92: high enough that the os.sleep(0.01) is kicking in.
L480[03:13:21] <Cinder> it's far far lower on a T3 simply because of the mass of data
L481[03:13:28] <gamax92> .-. Cinder ...
L482[03:13:38] <Cinder> yes?
L483[03:13:40] <gamax92> Minecraft runs at 20 ticks per second
L484[03:13:42] <gamax92> .l 1/20
L485[03:13:43] <^v> gamax92, 0.05
L486[03:13:47] <Cinder> ah
L487[03:13:48] <gamax92> thats minimum .-.
L488[03:14:12] <Cinder> still, it keeps the computer from going "TOO LONG WITHOUT YIELDING"
L489[03:14:21] <Cinder> os.sleep(0) does the same
L490[03:15:33] <Cinder> yeah it is running about 20fps on the T1
L491[03:15:45] <Cinder> that's with a t1 screen of course
L492[03:16:37] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L493[03:17:46] <Cinder> setting os.sleep to 0 is actually preventing a hiccup in the rendering of the GOL simulation
L494[03:18:18] ⇦ Quits: thisischrys (thisischry@d8D8788AA.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L495[03:19:40] <Kodos> So, I had an idea for an addon
L496[03:19:47] <Kodos> It's rather small, and I think would be easy to do
L497[03:20:30] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L498[03:21:37] <Cinder> what is it?
L499[03:21:58] <Kodos> Basically
L500[03:22:04] <Kodos> It's a remote with one big red button
L501[03:22:10] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L502[03:22:10] <Kodos> Sneak right click to extend/retract its antenna
L503[03:22:22] <Kodos> Rightclick to 'push the button', executing the code written on its EEPROM
L504[03:23:09] <gamax92> ~w api:event
L505[03:23:09] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L506[03:27:08] <Cinder> So you mean a microcontroller with a wireless card and a big red button on the front?
L507[03:27:39] <Kodos> Well, MCUs are a block
L508[03:27:43] <Kodos> THis would be something you keep in your hotbar, or hand
L509[03:29:04] <Cinder> so like a tablet with a big red button programmed on it?
L510[03:29:19] <Kodos> Yes, but not a tablet, since there'd be no GUI or interface
L511[03:29:31] <Kodos> You'd add the preprogrammed EEPROM upon crafting in an assembler
L512[03:29:41] <gamax92> dat moment when you listen to an event and it's still active after the program is dead
L513[03:29:48] <Kodos> Then add in the upgrades and components there, too
L514[03:30:48] <Cinder> gamax92: that's not normal behavior is it?
L515[03:30:59] <gamax92> yeah it is
L516[03:31:04] <Cinder> ccccccrud.
L517[03:31:16] <Cinder> okay lemme re-write my code a little so that I'm not leaking listen events.
L518[03:31:19] <gamax92> you just return false inside their functions
L519[03:31:24] <gamax92> and they unregister
L520[03:31:38] <gamax92> or event.ignore iirc.
L521[03:32:03] <Cinder> I just added return false :P
L522[03:33:39] <gamax92> .l 124/34
L523[03:33:39] <^v> gamax92, 3.6470588235294
L524[03:33:44] <gamax92> im doing like 4fps :P
L525[03:34:11] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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L527[03:35:30] <Cinder> maybe about what I'm getting
L528[03:35:45] <Cinder> I'm starting to step up to doing SuperHighres
L529[03:40:57] <gamax92> .l 151/37
L530[03:40:57] <^v> gamax92, 4.0810810810811
L531[03:41:36] <gamax92> .l 144/7.3
L532[03:41:36] <^v> gamax92, 19.72602739726
L533[03:41:51] <gamax92> my renderer itself is pretty fast, just not the updater
L534[03:44:15] <gamax92> Cinder: whats this fencepost error?
L535[03:48:40] <JjStAr992_Gaming> How does one sleep for a period of time?
L536[03:49:43] <gamax92> os.sleep
L537[03:50:10] <JjStAr992_Gaming> So, for example:
L538[03:50:17] <JjStAr992_Gaming> os.sleep(5) for 5 seconds?
L539[03:50:22] <gamax92> yes
L540[03:50:26] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Thx
L541[03:50:40] <gamax92> Cinder: hehehe 20fps update
L542[03:50:52] <gamax92> it drops quickly ofc but you know.
L543[03:51:02] <JjStAr992_Gaming> drops?
L544[03:51:21] <gamax92> well because theres more stuff on the screen
L545[03:51:25] <JjStAr992_Gaming> sorry i'm really new to this mod
L546[03:51:40] <gamax92> JjStAr992_Gaming: that wasn't to you btw ;)
L547[03:51:48] <JjStAr992_Gaming> oaaah
L548[03:51:51] <JjStAr992_Gaming> lol
L549[03:56:02] <Cinder> it's because j*2 when j=1 is 2 instead of the intended 0 for first entry
L550[03:56:10] <Cinder> the +1 just brings it back into the proper table range
L551[03:56:27] <Cinder> also I have finished super-hires already
L552[03:56:29] <Cinder> :)
L553[03:56:50] <gamax92> D:
L554[03:56:56] <Cinder> http://pastebin.com/M5KyVAZF
L555[03:56:56] <gamax92> Cinder: http://pastebin.com/tkwpTRYX
L556[03:57:21] <Cinder> Hmm, storing it as a string.
L557[03:57:22] <JjStAr992_Gaming> This is better that computercraft because is doesnt shutdown when you unload chunks.
L558[03:57:28] <Cinder> No idea why I didn't think about that.
L559[03:57:39] <JjStAr992_Gaming> I had that problem with cc
L560[03:57:40] <Cinder> I went and used freaking bit32 and binary
L561[03:57:45] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Using this ifxed that
L562[03:57:58] <gamax92> Cinder: err, i didn't store it in a string?
L563[03:57:58] <Cinder> herp derp
L564[03:57:59] <Kodos> OpenComputers also doesn't have a glaring vulnerability that the devs either have ignored or refused to fix
L565[03:58:08] <Cinder> your seed is a string
L566[03:58:09] <gamax92> Kodos: metatables?
L567[03:58:13] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Glaring vulnerabiligy?
L568[03:58:16] <gamax92> Cinder: ohh that.
L569[03:58:24] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Geez my fingers today
L570[03:59:04] <Cinder> But yeah, my code is garunteed to run slower because it uses barely any memory
L571[03:59:10] <Cinder> swapping CPU time for memory usage really
L572[04:00:05] <gamax92> My code is not guarenteed to be 100% conforming to the rules of gol due to experimental optimizations, but from what I've gone through in my head it should still be the same.
L573[04:00:54] <Cinder> mmhm
L574[04:01:08] <Cinder> I just made it conform and wrap
L575[04:01:17] <gamax92> i mean, you can still see gol behaviour, like that 3 pixel bar flipping itself, and that seed works perfectly still
L576[04:01:51] <Cinder> >runs shutdown on a T1 computer
L577[04:01:55] <Cinder> >ERROR NOT ENOUGH MEMORY
L578[04:01:55] <Cinder> wat
L579[04:01:58] <gamax92> XD
L580[04:02:00] <JjStAr992_Gaming> welp
L581[04:02:14] <Cinder> okay it has the lowest possible memory, but hey
L582[04:02:17] <JjStAr992_Gaming> that works perfectly
L583[04:02:26] <gamax92> yeah the lowest possible is really good for ...
L584[04:02:28] <gamax92> umm ...
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L586[04:02:34] <JjStAr992_Gaming> aesthetics
L587[04:02:35] <gamax92> can't think of anything
L588[04:02:59] <Cinder> Well if I plan on having a GOL fishtank in my base, I don't want it cluttering up the place
L589[04:03:55] <gamax92> .-. how is that a valid reason
L590[04:04:07] <gamax92> a computer that takes up a block is still a computer that takes up a block
L591[04:04:17] <gamax92> you can hide it in the wall or somehing
L592[04:04:18] <Cinder> that and doing the way I was doing it was quite literally eating up two megs of memory
L593[04:04:29] <Cinder> or hide it in a basement and use a cable
L594[04:04:44] <gamax92> i need to get magik's script that displays memory usage on the screen.
L595[04:04:53] <gamax92> or just print it myself
L596[04:05:06] <gamax92> .l 1429/304
L597[04:05:06] <^v> gamax92, 4.7006578947368
L598[04:05:12] <gamax92> almost 5fps :)
L599[04:05:22] <gamax92> for an entire screen of random stuff
L600[04:06:40] <Cinder> T3?
L601[04:06:47] <gamax92> yeah T3 res.
L602[04:07:01] <Cinder> okay
L603[04:07:15] <gamax92> thats ofc, 1429 frames after 304 seconds
L604[04:07:16] <Cinder> lemme do a quick edit and see what my T3 gets on average
L605[04:10:57] <Cinder> just gonna nom a cookie while waiting for this to render
L606[04:11:37] <Cinder> 88 frames in 44 seconds, EXACTLY 2 fps
L607[04:11:55] <Cinder> ...44.5 seconds actually, but effectively 2fps
L608[04:12:33] <gamax92> lol
L609[04:12:49] <JjStAr992_Gaming> More problems with computercraft.
L610[04:12:56] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ._.
L611[04:13:11] <gamax92> whats that?
L612[04:13:15] *** Azazel is now known as Matsukoma
L613[04:13:22] <JjStAr992_Gaming> I have a cc big reactor control program
L614[04:13:33] <JjStAr992_Gaming> The computer somehow shutdown
L615[04:13:38] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Now i have no power.
L616[04:14:01] <Cinder> do you have a chunk loader near the computer?
L617[04:14:14] <JjStAr992_Gaming> On the server im on, thats a donator item
L618[04:14:17] <Cinder> Wow.
L619[04:14:21] <JjStAr992_Gaming> But this is cc anyway
L620[04:14:34] <Inari> thats not allowed i think :P
L621[04:14:35] <Inari> @donator item
L622[04:14:53] <Kodos> It's not, iirc
L623[04:14:54] <JjStAr992_Gaming> well you can get it with points you earn bu votes
L624[04:15:04] <JjStAr992_Gaming> thats the justification we get
L625[04:15:08] <Cinder> Looks like the framerate on my GOL is entirely linear
L626[04:15:14] <Kodos> By MC's EULA, nothing gameplay wise can be gated by anything
L627[04:15:19] <Cinder> super-hires gol runs at 1fps dead on
L628[04:15:25] *** Matsukoma is now known as Azazel
L629[04:15:42] <Cinder> gonna copy them and do a T2 and T1 run as well
L630[04:16:06] <gamax92> Cinder: mine will detect if certain lines are completely blank, horizontal wise, and skip processing them.
L631[04:16:23] <Cinder> Ah
L632[04:16:28] <Cinder> That's not kosher with GOL rules.
L633[04:16:31] <gamax92> ofc it has to be a blank line, and blank neighbors, because nothing happens there.
L634[04:16:34] <gamax92> Cinder: why?
L635[04:16:46] <Cinder> because a blank line can still have more than three neighbors.
L636[04:16:57] <gamax92> which is why i check the neighbor lines as well
L637[04:17:16] <Cinder> mmhm
L638[04:17:44] <Cinder> I could probiably do that quite easily as a blank line on my version is actually { 0,0,0,0,0 }
L639[04:17:58] <gamax92> you have a width of 5?
L640[04:18:13] <Cinder> No, I have a width of 160 on normal res
L641[04:18:19] <Cinder> 160/32 = 5
L642[04:18:26] <gamax92> oh
L643[04:18:32] <Cinder> so I can store 160 bits in 5 integers :P
L644[04:18:58] <Cinder> It's a tad slow but it works for saving memory
L645[04:21:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE7B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L646[04:23:46] ⇨ Joins: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-111-148.rh.psu.edu)
L647[04:31:11] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Oh yay
L648[04:31:15] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Blue screen
L649[04:31:28] <gamax92> whats it say
L650[04:31:34] <JjStAr992_Gaming> It had no energy
L651[04:31:38] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Just rebooted it
L652[04:32:06] <JjStAr992_Gaming> No energy cuz cc reactor program stopped working and left it off >_>
L653[04:32:21] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Oh well, back to 1350 rf/t now :P
L654[04:33:39] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
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L657[04:41:23] <Cinder> Welp
L658[04:41:30] <Cinder> I'm sleepy now, might as well go
L659[04:41:44] <Cinder> seeya guys
L660[04:41:47] ⇦ Quits: Cinder (~Neil@86-41-114-220-dynamic.b-ras2.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L664[05:12:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L665[05:13:09] <Vexatos> o/
L666[05:14:16] <gamax92> ohai Vexatos
L667[05:14:20] <gamax92> we made game of life for oc
L668[05:14:27] <Vexatos> Sangar made that half a year ago
L669[05:14:32] <gamax92> ;_;
L670[05:14:39] * gamax92 stabs Sangar
L671[05:14:44] <Vexatos> You can download it via OPPM even, gamax92
L672[05:14:49] <Vexatos> "oppm install gol"
L673[05:14:55] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/blob/master/gol.lua
L674[05:15:22] * Vexatos is now known as CrushingGamaxDreams
L675[05:18:51] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L676[05:19:50] <gamax92> Vexatos: this feels horrible
L677[05:20:33] <gamax92> why must the resolution be (27, 15) when it can be (160, 100)!
L678[05:21:19] <gamax92> oh its so slow
L679[05:25:45] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L680[05:29:38] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
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L683[05:35:58] ⇦ Quits: Zequan (~Zequan@d58-106-206-163.bla801.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L684[05:41:55] <gamax92> oh hey VivienVoid
L685[05:42:38] <VivienVoid> gamax92, hey :D
L686[05:42:39] ⇨ Joins: Zequan (~Zequan@d58-106-206-163.bla801.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L687[05:43:02] <gamax92> VivienVoid: so, that one repo won't be getting fixed, the owner of it doesn't want it to be fixed (wut ...)
L688[05:44:38] <VivienVoid> gamax92, too bad. No problem, though, Vexatos told me to just use wget to download and I now feel so very stupid that I did not think of that
L689[05:45:01] <VivienVoid> I installed it and it works fine
L690[05:45:27] <gamax92> :)
L691[05:48:39] *** ConcernedAway is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L692[05:52:55] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Hello blu
L693[05:53:00] <JjStAr992_Gaming> qHammit
L694[05:53:02] <JjStAr992_Gaming> dammit
L695[05:53:12] <JjStAr992_Gaming> eiraIrc mod ;)
L696[05:53:39] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Yup we got hacked
L697[05:53:43] <JjStAr992_Gaming> dammit again
L698[05:57:39] <gamax92> wut
L699[05:57:59] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Sorry, I'm using EiraIRC
L700[05:58:17] <JjStAr992_Gaming> Keep sending messages for the server im on to this channel
L701[05:59:49] <Kodos> Yeahh
L702[05:59:59] <Kodos> You should probably just get a computer going and use OpenIRC =)
L703[06:00:06] <JjStAr992_Gaming> wow XD
L704[06:00:15] <JjStAr992_Gaming> because oc is op
L705[06:00:16] ⇨ Joins: VivienV (~Vivien@
L706[06:00:36] <JjStAr992_Gaming> XD
L707[06:00:39] <JjStAr992_Gaming> did it again
L708[06:00:44] <JjStAr992_Gaming> ugh
L709[06:00:57] <JjStAr992_Gaming> time to get that computer up\
L710[06:03:42] ⇦ Quits: VivienVoid (~Vivien@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L711[06:11:23] *** SleepingFairy is now known as LearningFairy
L712[06:11:49] <phillips1012> ...did my program just do poetry https://i.imgur.com/AUutsWH.png
L713[06:12:20] <phillips1012> ...did i just make a program that accurately represents the emotions the occur when debugging
L714[06:13:23] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L715[06:15:16] <phillips1012> or did an error message output some binary, accidentally creating a poem
L716[06:15:44] <JjStAr992_Gaming> wut is that
L717[06:15:50] <JjStAr992_Gaming> idek anymore
L718[06:16:07] ⇦ Quits: VivienV (~Vivien@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L719[06:16:38] <phillips1012> my program decided it doesn't want me to debug it
L720[06:26:15] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
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L722[06:35:34] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L723[06:37:39] *** Greylocke|afk is now known as Greylocke
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L727[07:03:25] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L730[07:16:51] <asie> http://i.imgur.com/liVLI5B.png
L731[07:16:55] <asie> security level: secure
L732[07:18:10] <SandraNicole> what security.
L733[07:18:43] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|away
L734[07:19:19] <phillips1012> don't want a hacker to find your computer and start controlling your screen
L735[07:20:33] <skyem123|away> That looks more like preventing you from breaking something.
L736[07:27:34] <Kodos> How the hell do you set a dropbox folder to publioc
L737[07:27:36] <Kodos> public, even
L738[07:27:49] <gamax92> Kodos: do you have like dropbox pro?
L739[07:27:58] <Kodos> No, did they make that a pro thing?
L740[07:28:02] <gamax92> yep
L741[07:28:04] <Kodos> Ffs
L742[07:28:29] <Kodos> Can the debug card deal with NBT at all
L743[07:28:36] <Kodos> Actually nvm
L744[07:28:37] <gamax92> don't believe so
L745[07:28:41] <Kodos> Yeah, just realized anyway
L746[07:28:54] <Kodos> Trying to find a way to implement something that will heal TFC Thirst and hunger
L747[07:28:58] <Kodos> NEI's heal button doesn't
L748[07:29:00] <gamax92> "New Dropbox accounts created after October 4, 2012 no longer include an automatically enabled Public folder because users can now share links to any piece of content from any place in their Dropbox by using shared links."
L749[07:29:14] <Kodos> That's a horse shit reason
L750[07:29:18] <gamax92> exactly
L751[07:37:44] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f14369.skybroadband.com)
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L757[07:56:53] <ShadowKatStudios> YES
L758[07:56:55] <ShadowKatStudios> It works
L759[07:57:09] <Ender> ?
L760[07:57:11] <ShadowKatStudios> I can get my Ren'Py save files from my old HDD image! :D
L761[07:57:46] <ShadowKatStudios> I had to mount /dev/loop0
L762[07:57:53] <ShadowKatStudios> I am not a smart man
L763[07:58:26] <Ender> uhuh
L764[08:00:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Time to make a new squashfs image so I can mount it without decompressing it
L765[08:01:22] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
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L789[10:55:14] <Kodos> Just had a ridiculous program idea
L790[10:55:28] <Kodos> A door that will not open until you walk on a monitor in a certain sequence
L791[10:57:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Watching movies, Kodos ?
L792[10:57:43] <Kodos> No, just figuring out screens have a 'walk' event if you put them in the floor
L793[11:00:04] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L794[11:00:42] <g> oh, they do?
L795[11:00:44] <g> interesting
L796[11:19:31] <dangranos> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeFMtmUAFRo
L797[11:19:31] -Kibibyte- [dangranos] Don't Boil Your iPhone 6 in Coca-Cola! | by techrax | 5m18s | 5w4d ago | 7,292,767 views | Rated: 3.96/5.00
L798[11:19:35] <dangranos> nice
L799[11:32:57] ⇨ Joins: JjStAr992_Gaming (~EIRC_RR@CPE-121-214-110-139.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L800[11:44:46] ⇦ Quits: Sangar (~Sangar@ns343553.ip-188-165-236.eu) (Quit: [/famous last words])
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L813[12:16:56] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L814[12:19:29] <dangranos> looool
L815[12:19:54] <dangranos> >we will promise you, that we will never delete or censor your comments, apart of comments that do not respect our honor code
L816[12:20:02] <dangranos> http://www.opencomment.org/about
L817[12:20:21] <dangranos> one of the "rules" >Don't post copyrighted, illegal or racist content or content which is against public policy
L818[12:20:30] <dangranos> >copyrighted
L819[12:21:19] <Sangar> o/
L820[12:26:26] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L822[12:28:54] <Kubuxu> \o
L823[12:33:20] <g> \o/
L824[12:33:37] ⇦ Quits: lperkins2 (~perkins@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L825[12:34:30] <Sangar> soo, can i release 1.4.5 or did anybody find any more bugs? :P
L826[12:35:37] <g> does not having enough ponies count as a bug? :P
L827[12:35:53] <Sangar> nope, too subjective :P
L828[12:36:06] <dangranos> more ponies! :D
L829[12:36:15] <vifino> less ponies!
L830[12:36:20] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L831[12:36:21] <g> lol
L832[12:36:52] <g> well I haven't found anything
L833[12:36:55] <g> drone docs would be nice
L834[12:38:10] <Sangar> well, there's a bit there, but it's not quite up-to-date, true
L835[12:38:34] <g> Not sure how to get at components from the eeprom as well
L836[12:39:09] <g> components.navigation with the navigation upgrade in a drone is nil (or was last I checked) so I think I'm missing something
L837[12:39:23] <Sangar> `component.proxy(component.list("drone")())` for example. i guess i can extend the page that lists the low level stuff with that
L838[12:39:40] <g> ah, I see
L839[12:39:42] <g> yeah, that'd be nice
L840[12:39:55] <vifino> Someone needs to make an openos repacker, like a thing that allows you to make your own tiny, minimalistic openos
L841[12:40:08] <g> so uh
L842[12:40:10] <g> clone a hard drive?
L843[12:40:11] <vifino> and then a thing that puts it into an eeprom :3
L844[12:40:11] <g> :P
L845[12:40:18] <g> lol
L846[12:40:23] <g> don't think openos will fit on 4kb
L847[12:40:35] <vifino> g: I want curses on openos @_@
L848[12:40:45] <vifino> so i can make a graphical repacker
L849[12:40:47] <g> that should be doable, shouldn't it?
L850[12:40:50] <vifino> because hell yeah.
L851[12:40:53] <g> oh yeah, Sangar, ansi codes in the terminal? :D
L852[12:40:59] <vifino> ^
L853[12:41:04] <vifino> Please, please yes.
L854[12:41:11] <g> I want to watch towel.blinkenlights.nl in telnet
L855[12:41:41] <vifino> Don't we all want to?
L856[12:41:48] <g> it works with CC
L857[12:41:49] <g> ._.
L858[12:41:56] ⇦ Quits: septi25 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L859[12:42:00] <Sangar> gdude: there's an issue for that on github, someone should start working on it :>
L860[12:42:16] * g ties Sangar to a table, drips water on forehead
L861[12:42:17] <g> :3
L862[12:42:30] ⇨ Joins: septi25 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L863[12:42:31] * Sangar holds breath for 10 minutes
L864[12:42:33] <g> lol
L865[12:42:36] <g> nah, I tried
L866[12:42:39] <g> so did someone else on my server
L867[12:42:44] <g> not really good enough with lua to do it
L868[12:42:53] <vifino> ...
L869[12:43:05] <vifino> oc is written in scala
L870[12:43:15] <g> yes, we tried to add ansi code support to the telnet program
L871[12:43:22] <g> lol
L872[12:43:45] <Sangar> i didn't even know there was a telnet program :P
L873[12:43:53] <g> there's one in oppm
L874[12:43:59] <Sangar> i see
L875[12:45:06] <vifino> I would rather implement ANSI escapes in OC, than in the telnet program.
L876[12:45:07] <g> but yeah, ansi codes strikes me as more of an OS thing than a computer thing
L877[12:45:16] <vifino> Because then every program can use it.
L878[12:45:17] <g> vifino, well, I don't know scala
L879[12:45:18] <g> :P
L880[12:45:19] <Sangar> yeah. that should go into term
L881[12:45:31] <Sangar> (which is also Lua)
L882[12:45:37] * vifino explodes
L883[12:45:41] <g> dun dun dun
L884[12:45:58] <g> Alas, poor, vifino. I knew him, Sangar..
L885[12:46:18] <vifino> q_q
L886[12:46:29] <vifino> p_p
L887[12:46:48] <Sangar> rest in pieces
L888[12:47:06] <g> rip in peace
L889[12:47:25] <dangranos> huh
L890[12:47:27] <dangranos> nightly is ded
L891[12:47:32] <dangranos> maybe it was plugin
L892[12:47:35] <g> ded
L893[12:48:19] <dangranos> *e10s is ded
L894[12:48:31] <g> ah crap, think I misplaced my inhaler
L895[12:48:36] * g rapidly searches the room
L896[12:48:46] <dangranos> ?
L897[12:48:56] <g> asthma ingaler
L898[12:48:58] <g> inhaler*
L899[12:50:55] <g> you know something's up when your life-saving medication goes poof
L900[12:51:18] <g> what's even better is I used it ten minutes ago, lol
L901[12:53:20] <vifino> Meanwhile, my head plays back Cara Mia Addio.
L902[12:53:22] <vifino> q_q
L903[12:53:48] <g> aha, got it
L904[12:54:08] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L905[12:55:59] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L906[12:55:59] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L907[12:56:58] <dangranos> http://geektimes.ru/post/244296/
L908[12:57:09] <dangranos> he installed top-10 programs from download.com
L909[12:57:39] <dangranos> and then cleaned windows
L910[12:57:50] <vifino> dangranos: pls, 2russian4me
L911[12:58:09] <dangranos> .-.
L912[12:58:18] <dangranos> cant help with that :(
L913[12:58:45] * vifino places dangranos in germany
L914[12:59:03] <dangranos> hmm
L915[12:59:11] <dangranos> its redo of this "http://www.howtogeek.com/198622/heres-what-happens-when-you-install-the-top-10-download.com-apps/&quot;
L916[13:00:45] <dangranos> http://bit.ly/1E70mHL
L917[13:00:51] <dangranos> just in case of mobile/etc
L918[13:05:04] ⇦ Quits: thisischrys (thisischry@d8D8788AA.access.telenet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L919[13:26:55] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L920[13:27:24] <vifino> Sangar: If I can be arsed to write ansi escapes, I'll tell you ¬_¬
L921[13:28:23] <Sangar> ok :>
L922[13:42:48] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L923[13:48:15] <Soni> so I did this useless benchmark http://codepad.org/EVGFvRFl
L924[13:48:23] <Soni> that's lua 5.1 but in lua 5.2 the results are similar
L925[13:49:05] <Soni> wait
L926[13:49:22] <Soni> that is, if I used the lua 5.2 interpreter when testing it locally >.>
L927[13:49:36] <Soni> well nope I used the Lua 5.3 one .-.
L928[13:50:22] <Soni> well same thing
L929[13:51:06] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L930[13:51:38] <Soni> so yeah
L931[13:51:52] <Soni> is that worth it?
L932[13:56:48] ⇨ Joins: marcin212_ (~marcin212@
L933[13:58:18] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L936[13:59:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L937[13:59:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L938[14:00:34] <ShadowKatStudios> I have discovered the best garry's mod defense contraption!
L939[14:01:00] <ShadowKatStudios> A blast door hinged in a doorway, then thrusters.
L940[14:02:12] ⇦ Quits: meathack (~svs@teo.hianga.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L941[14:02:25] <ShadowKatStudios> :o
L942[14:02:29] <ShadowKatStudios> it's the 17th
L943[14:03:59] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~TCube@95f163aa.skybroadband.com)
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L945[14:05:46] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L946[14:05:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Know why the 17th is relevant?
L947[14:06:05] <ShadowKatStudios> Specifically, the 17th of January, 2015?
L948[14:07:33] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyone?
L949[14:09:19] <Vexatos> It's your b-day?
L950[14:09:23] <Vexatos> It's your z-day?
L951[14:09:27] <Vexatos> it's your d-day?
L952[14:09:27] <Kodos> It's your rez day?
L953[14:09:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Nah, ages away from any of those.
L954[14:10:19] <ShadowKatStudios> 2015-01-17: Second episode of Durarara!!x2 broadcast
L955[14:10:47] <Vexatos> Massively excited for this: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/811
L956[14:11:42] *** Azazel is now known as Matsukoma
L957[14:13:37] <dangranos> rewatching "groundhog day"
L958[14:15:11] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L959[14:26:07] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L960[14:30:13] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
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L963[14:35:15] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L964[14:35:41] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L965[14:37:17] <Kodos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/commit/4b52e39df59e43349e8e37667a2211942694669a
L966[14:37:19] <Kodos> o.o
L967[14:37:34] <Keridos> harr oc crashed my server :D
L968[14:38:45] <Keridos> what confuses me now is that there is this oc computer in dimension 0, apparently, but I cannot remember placing one in the overworld
L969[14:39:46] <Sangar> uhhh... huh. that's... i have no idea how that crash is practically possible. let's throw null checks at it!
L970[14:39:53] <Keridos> lol
L971[14:40:53] ⇨ Joins: Cinder (~Neil@86-41-114-220-dynamic.b-ras2.lmk.limerick.eircom.net)
L972[14:40:59] <Cinder> Good morning everybody
L973[14:41:33] <dangranos> um, "sub-character accuracy"?
L974[14:42:13] <Cinder> dangranos: About the new touchscreen mode on T3 screens?
L975[14:42:22] <dangranos> yes
L976[14:42:57] <Cinder> I requested it, actually. mostly it's for paint programs that want to use the Half-char square method of drawing.
L977[14:43:21] <Cinder> because we don't want to look completely like ComputerCraft with our paint programs, now do we?
L978[14:43:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Here we go...
L979[14:44:26] <Cinder> I'm not starting that here anyways.
L980[14:44:41] <Cinder> Here's a comparison of the "standard" and "HCR" methods
L981[14:44:43] <Cinder> http://i.imgur.com/rYmC9yV.png
L982[14:44:59] <Cinder> image on the left uses HCR, image on the right uses the unicode full block.
L983[14:45:43] * Csstform
L984[14:45:48] <Cinder> quite a significant difference IMHO
L985[14:45:54] <Caitlyn> wow... How long does that take to render these days?
L986[14:46:18] <Cinder> about 5 seconds for either image.
L987[14:46:30] <dangranos> from pre-defined text?
L988[14:46:30] <Cinder> I think the right one is faster but the non-square pixels bug me.
L989[14:47:37] <Cinder> that image there is not from pre-defined text, it takes about 30 seconds to load.
L990[14:47:46] <Cinder> using the PNG library I found on the forums
L991[14:48:01] <Cinder> I actually patched it a little so that OC doesn't complain when it takes too long
L992[14:48:10] <Csstform> OSHOOT
L994[14:48:28] <Csstform> *SOON
L995[14:48:37] <Cinder> oooooooooooh sheet
L996[14:48:43] * Roadcrosser sprinkles watter on Csstform
L997[14:48:46] <dangranos> forums as in OC forums?
L998[14:48:54] <Cinder> Yes
L999[14:48:56] <Sangar> ocjam: vaporware since 2013 (tm) :P
L1000[14:48:58] <Kodos> It's been 'soon' for what, a few months? =P Finally get a website or did you find an alternative
L1001[14:49:09] <Csstform> alternative
L1002[14:49:13] <Csstform> ima use google docs
L1003[14:49:19] <Kodos> lol
L1004[14:49:26] <Csstform> Kodos: it's been soon for almost a year
L1005[14:49:33] <Csstform> lemme go see when the original post was
L1006[14:49:57] <Roadcrosser> castform is water form in the rain right?
L1007[14:50:07] <Cinder> oh
L1008[14:50:08] <Csstform> 14 june 2014
L1009[14:50:11] <Cinder> wait what?
L1010[14:50:12] <Csstform> Roadcrosser: ye
L1011[14:50:15] <Cinder> 1.4.5 was released today?
L1012[14:50:20] <Roadcrosser> cool
L1013[14:50:22] <Cinder> I thought it was due for later this week o-o
L1014[14:50:45] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.5 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1015[14:51:08] <Kodos> Wow, 27 comments on my CD suggestion
L1016[14:51:23] <Sangar> Keridos, build 28 (aka ninjapatched release) should fix it, please confirm :P (or i'll have to do a second ninjapatch)
L1017[14:51:26] <Keridos> sangar thanks for the fast fitch :D
L1018[14:51:32] <Keridos> fix or patch
L1019[14:51:39] <Sangar> pax?
L1020[14:51:44] <Keridos> sounds fine too :D
L1021[14:51:52] <Sangar> already taken tho :P
L1022[14:54:17] <Cinder> what's the issue?
L1023[14:55:16] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-156-49-144.range109-156.btcentralplus.com)
L1024[14:55:19] <Sangar> redstone block apparently could npe in first tick after world load
L1025[14:55:45] <Cinder> ah
L1026[14:55:54] <Cinder> did you just upload the patch or something?
L1027[14:56:16] <Sangar> yeah, build 28 is the (hopefully) fixed one
L1028[14:56:20] <Cinder> ah
L1029[14:56:28] <Cinder> I just got done downloading build 27, actually.
L1030[14:56:33] <Cinder> lemme go re-download xP
L1031[14:59:28] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1c79a.skybroadband.com)
L1032[15:00:18] <Csstform> YO MATES
L1033[15:00:19] <Csstform> http://goo.gl/forms/GnBmsA9MU3
L1034[15:00:49] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@95f163aa.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1035[15:00:51] <asie> fitch...
L1036[15:00:54] <Keridos> sangar, btw It might be that black hole storages from supermassive tech do only have some fake tank
L1037[15:01:12] <Keridos> since tterrag actually uses long values to store those large numbers
L1038[15:01:38] <Sangar> Keridos, ah, ok. is it opensource? then i can have a look.
L1039[15:02:08] <Keridos> https://github.com/tterrag1098/SuperMassiveTech/blob/master/src/main/java/tterrag/supermassivetech/common/tile/TileBlackHoleStorage.java
L1040[15:02:31] <asie> Sangar: yes, i think that's also what some ridiculously large RF storages do
L1041[15:03:00] <Keridos> my guess is that forge usually uses 32bit integers for those
L1042[15:03:00] <Sangar> hrm, it does implement ifluidhandler tho
L1043[15:04:00] <Csstform> oops
L1044[15:04:03] <Csstform> well fudge
L1045[15:04:21] <Sangar> what broke now? >_>
L1046[15:04:59] <Cinder> Ah, just found a gotcha in the new screen touch mode
L1047[15:05:06] <Csstform> Sangar: my doc
L1048[15:05:12] <Csstform> s/doc/form
L1049[15:05:12] <Kibibyte> <Csstform> Sangar: my form
L1050[15:05:17] <Sangar> Keridos, just looking at the code it should work with the tank controller; with the limitation that anything > int.max is shown as int.max
L1051[15:05:22] <Cinder> if a program terminates without setting it back, the screen stays in precise mode.
L1052[15:05:25] <Csstform> I forgot to have a place to put your name >->
L1053[15:05:35] <Sangar> Cinder, yup
L1054[15:05:36] <Cinder> Honestly there's not much you can do about that, I just have to remember to clean up after myself
L1055[15:05:42] <Sangar> indeed
L1056[15:05:52] <Cinder> also for some reason the red channel on my monitor just died
L1057[15:05:57] <Cinder> brb fiddling with VGA cables
L1058[15:06:07] <Sangar> Csstform, shall i register as judge?
L1059[15:06:23] <Csstform> unless you want to participate
L1060[15:06:32] <Csstform> your choice
L1061[15:06:34] <Cinder> I think I registered, but there was nowhere to put my name
L1062[15:06:42] <Csstform> Cinder: then redo it please
L1063[15:06:45] <Csstform> there is now
L1064[15:06:48] <Cinder> ah okay
L1065[15:07:15] <Csstform> erryone resign up
L1066[15:07:18] <Cinder> I signed up
L1067[15:07:26] <Cinder> What are the rules of the jam exactly?
L1068[15:07:42] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1069[15:10:14] <Csstform> Cinder: no previous programs
L1070[15:10:23] <Csstform> no pre-coding
L1071[15:10:39] <Csstform> the program must be open-source
L1072[15:11:01] <dangranos> >no precoding
L1073[15:11:12] <Cinder> Gotcha
L1074[15:11:13] <Csstform> and hosted on github/bitbucket for the judges to make sure you aren't cheating
L1075[15:11:25] <Csstform> also if possible be in #ocjam
L1076[15:11:29] <Cinder> That reminds me, I need to set up my OC github repo
L1077[15:11:30] <dangranos> does it count as non-precoded if i rewrite from scratch?
L1078[15:11:50] <Cinder> I think it does because you already know the tech behind it
L1079[15:12:19] <Csstform> dangranos: if you use the same code as earlier?
L1080[15:12:22] <Csstform> yes
L1081[15:12:27] <Csstform> it counts as pre-coding then
L1082[15:12:39] <Csstform> who signed up as a judge without a name
L1083[15:12:41] <Csstform> >_>
L1084[15:12:54] <Sangar> i before you updated it to have a name :P
L1085[15:13:46] <Vexatos> A pity I already spent all my good ideas, sangar
L1086[15:13:50] <Sangar> Keridos, can you make me relax by confirming it doesn't crash anymore, please? :P
L1087[15:13:55] <Vexatos> OPPM is done, the note API is done, the song API is done
L1088[15:13:59] <Vexatos> no ocjam for me
L1089[15:14:01] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1090[15:14:13] <Sangar> Vexatos, do something with drones? :P
L1091[15:14:15] <Csstform> Vexatos: would a theme help?
L1092[15:14:22] <Csstform> I can have a theme
L1093[15:14:29] <Csstform> lemme just think for a bit
L1094[15:14:33] <Vexatos> It would not
L1095[15:14:38] <Vexatos> Not for me, at least
L1096[15:14:50] <Csstform> again, WHO SIGNED UP WITHOUT PUTTING A NICK
L1097[15:14:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, singing drones? Now we just need Portal 2 turrets
L1098[15:15:08] <Cinder> As a judge? Sangar just said he did.
L1099[15:15:13] <Csstform> I have him
L1100[15:15:15] <dangranos> Vexatos, pls do it
L1101[15:15:21] <Csstform> but there's another judge
L1102[15:15:22] <dangranos> can anyone vote?
L1103[15:15:22] <Cinder> I also did before there was a name spot to put in
L1104[15:15:31] <Sangar> Csstform, i did twice, once without once with name (again, first was before there was the field)
L1105[15:15:32] <Csstform> dangranos: vote on what?
L1106[15:15:35] <Csstform> Sangar: AH
L1107[15:15:39] <Csstform> k, that helps
L1108[15:15:58] <dangranos> Csstform, how winner will be selected?
L1109[15:16:09] <Csstform> dangranos: 3-5 judges
L1110[15:16:10] <Sangar> Vexatos, singing drones: also make them change their flight height based on note pitch? :D
L1111[15:16:14] <dangranos> no public vote?
L1112[15:16:18] <dangranos> even separate?
L1113[15:16:23] <Csstform> hm
L1114[15:16:29] <Vexatos> Sangar, shut the nope up
L1115[15:16:34] <Csstform> I suppose that could be in order
L1116[15:16:34] <Sangar> D:
L1117[15:16:37] <Vexatos> Don't want to code this
L1118[15:16:49] <Csstform> Vexatos: games
L1119[15:16:55] <Csstform> how many games are there for oc
L1120[15:16:56] <dangranos> like, two lists of winners
L1121[15:17:08] ⇨ Joins: theLadder (~theLadder@host-202-56.junet.se)
L1122[15:17:10] <Csstform> dangranos: 'people's choice'
L1123[15:17:13] <dangranos> yep
L1124[15:17:20] <Csstform> ye, mebbe
L1125[15:17:26] <dangranos> :C
L1126[15:17:30] <Csstform> I'd need a second prize first
L1127[15:17:41] <dangranos> robot name?
L1128[15:17:42] <Csstform> ohya
L1129[15:17:59] <Csstform> prize: http://i.imgur.com/TZiz242.png
L1130[15:18:11] <Csstform> if you need incitement
L1131[15:18:14] <dangranos> what is it exactly?
L1132[15:18:23] <dangranos> pet robot?
L1133[15:18:24] <Sangar> the cpu ofc
L1134[15:18:29] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1135[15:18:58] <Csstform> ask Sangar, he made it
L1136[15:19:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Cinder: Holy shit I just saw the pictures
L1137[15:19:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, hologram chess?
L1138[15:19:27] <Cinder> Yep
L1139[15:19:57] <Cinder> I'm working on something small to put in the showcase forums to showcase the new T3 screen mode, too.
L1140[15:21:16] <Cinder> I was going to make AR chess using the AR Glasses mod, but I ran into some technical difficulties.
L1141[15:25:37] <Csstform> REPOST: http://goo.gl/forms/GnBmsA9MU3
L1142[15:25:51] * Csstform pokes ShadowKatStudios because he was interested at one point
L1143[15:25:55] <Csstform> he/she/it
L1144[15:27:42] <Vexatos> Csstform, but game of life has already been done twice :/
L1145[15:27:51] <Vexatos> I don't know of any other simple game
L1146[15:27:52] <Vexatos> :P
L1147[15:28:07] <dangranos> "attend"?
L1148[15:28:22] <dangranos> physically?
L1149[15:28:35] <Csstform> .-.
L1150[15:28:38] <Keridos> Sangar: server does not crash anymore
L1151[15:28:53] <Csstform> dangranos: this is the freaking web, what do you think?
L1152[15:29:03] <dangranos> um, idk
L1153[15:29:04] <Sangar> Keridos, great, thanks!
L1154[15:29:26] <dangranos> i am confused .-.
L1155[15:29:45] <Sangar> Vexatos, make a side-scroller! :P
L1156[15:29:50] <Csstform> "Hey random guys on the internet from multiple countries! Lets go meet at a starbucks and code for 3 days straight!"
L1157[15:29:53] <Vexatos> Sangar, inb4 tetris
L1158[15:29:58] <Sangar> :D
L1159[15:29:59] <Cinder> hahaha
L1160[15:29:59] <Csstform> dangranos: no, it's interwebs only
L1161[15:30:01] <Vexatos> inb4 actually use tetris music
L1162[15:30:04] <Sangar> gpu.copy ftw
L1163[15:30:05] <Cinder> you just gave me an idea
L1164[15:30:12] <Csstform> Cinder: hold it
L1165[15:30:13] <Vexatos> Sangar, on a server, one thing playing the music
L1166[15:30:15] <Csstform> dont use it
L1167[15:30:20] <Vexatos> one thing having the game
L1168[15:30:23] <Cinder> We can't all do Tetris, gu-
L1169[15:30:24] <Cinder> ooooooooooooooh
L1170[15:30:28] <Cinder> OHHHHHHHHH
L1171[15:30:30] * Cinder shuts up
L1172[15:30:33] <Csstform> with for the jam
L1173[15:30:35] <Csstform> *wait
L1174[15:30:42] <Csstform> and yest
L1175[15:30:47] <Csstform> you can all do tetris
L1176[15:30:56] <Sangar> may the best tetris win
L1177[15:31:18] <Caitlyn> ugh great.. and I now have tetris music stuck in my head...
L1178[15:31:19] * Ender should go get a drink before his throat dries up
L1179[15:31:22] <Cinder> Is there going to be a memory restriction?
L1180[15:31:25] <Caitlyn> I played WAY to much tetris on my old gameboy
L1181[15:31:31] <dangranos> i think you must also ask about timezones
L1182[15:31:33] <Sangar> measurements may include visual fidelity, responsivenss, bandwidth usage and/or maximum resolution. side effects not covered by insurance.
L1183[15:31:41] <Cinder> ha
L1184[15:31:48] <dangranos> also, gmod/workshop is sh*t
L1185[15:31:52] <dangranos> it redownloads mods
L1186[15:31:56] <dangranos> again and again
L1187[15:31:58] <dangranos> and again
L1188[15:32:03] <Cinder> Lua question: do sparse tables take up more memory?
L1189[15:32:09] <dangranos> same mods, on different servers
L1190[15:32:32] <Cinder> Blame Garry
L1191[15:32:33] <Ender> dangranos: that's either the addon being broken or gmod being shit, steam downloads the workshop content then gmod goes and does it all again
L1192[15:32:36] <Caitlyn> dangranos, Space Engineers does the same thing...
L1193[15:32:40] <Sangar> Cinder, sparse tables are hashmaps, so not really
L1194[15:32:47] <Cinder> Gotcha
L1195[15:32:48] <Ender> Caitlyn: SE does it on world load
L1196[15:32:55] <Caitlyn> But even better, I can login to my server, play for 15 minutes, log out and back in and it redowloads mods.
L1197[15:32:59] <Cinder> I'm gonna write a tool to help people make beautiful music during the jam.
L1198[15:33:07] <Cinder> We're only allowed to use Base CC aren't we?
L1199[15:33:08] <dangranos> lets see size of my gmod downloads folder
L1200[15:33:14] <Vexatos> Sangar, lemmings for OC
L1201[15:33:15] <Vexatos> Now.
L1202[15:33:17] <Csstform> Cinder: yissir
L1203[15:33:21] <Ender> Cinder: wrong mod, *OC
L1204[15:33:21] <Csstform> only base OC
L1205[15:33:27] <Sangar> Cinder, specifically, Lua tables are arrays and hashmaps in one; if you have a sequence (integer indexes starting from one with no gaps) it's an array, otherwise it's a map
L1206[15:33:27] <Cinder> Herp
L1207[15:33:28] * Vexatos goes make a DOS arch
L1208[15:33:34] <Csstform> also
L1209[15:33:39] <Csstform> no memory restrictions
L1210[15:33:43] <Cinder> WOOHOO
L1211[15:33:46] <Sangar> wat
L1212[15:33:48] <Csstform> I'm probably going to regret saying that
L1213[15:33:51] <Sangar> that's just lazy :P
L1214[15:33:51] <Csstform> ;-;
L1215[15:33:57] <Cinder> :P
L1216[15:33:58] <Csstform> fine
L1217[15:34:05] <dangranos> limit it to one T3?
L1218[15:34:10] <Cinder> I'm gonna write a tracker for the jam so people can write beautiful music
L1219[15:34:10] <dangranos> or two T2
L1220[15:34:15] <Csstform> the memory restritctions are decided by snagar
L1221[15:34:16] <Ender> Csstform: maybe make it standard config limits?
L1222[15:34:24] <Csstform> Ender: is that enough?
L1223[15:34:25] <Sangar> let's say it has to run on a fully stuffed t3 server? :P
L1224[15:34:29] <Cinder> am I correct in thinking that the default note blocks can only play 1 note per tick?
L1225[15:34:34] <dangranos> Ender, thats must be
L1226[15:34:43] <dangranos> *"must be"
L1227[15:34:46] <Csstform> I honestly have booted up OC like, 3 times, and that was a long time ago
L1228[15:34:57] <Sangar> well. if it's not "imma use all of mc's memory" i don't really care. would just be nice if it ran without config changes, wouldn't it?
L1229[15:35:00] <Ender> Csstform: well, if they're using default value then they cannot use more than 4mb of ram
L1230[15:35:24] <Csstform> sangar chooses
L1231[15:35:32] <Csstform> cause heck if I know, he made the mod
L1232[15:35:36] <Cinder> Sangar: That's what I meant, max 2m of memory
L1233[15:35:47] <Sangar> so much responsibility :X
L1234[15:35:48] <Cinder> if you're using more than 2 megs, there's something seriously wrong with your code.
L1235[15:35:53] <Sangar> well, in servers it's 4mb
L1236[15:36:39] <Sangar> let's define it as a soft limit. if you need more there may or may not be point deductions? something like that :P
L1237[15:37:05] <Cinder> I wrote a concurrent processing library once
L1238[15:37:19] <Cinder> using a full server rack and a computer
L1239[15:37:25] <Cinder> I lost it though
L1240[15:37:43] <Ender> Sangar: maybe a max of however much you can get using stock OC parts / config values?
L1241[15:38:11] <Cinder> I was going to use it to speed up the geolyzer a little but I learned that it acts as a cable, which resulted in a broadcast storm :P
L1242[15:39:12] <Sangar> as long as it runs without config changes i personally don't care which parts it uses which way, as long as it does something cool :P but i'm only a judge, not the organizer ;)
L1243[15:40:01] *** Ender changes topic to '#ocjam'
L1244[15:40:07] <Ender> ¬_¬
L1245[15:40:14] <Ender> FAK U QWEBIRC
L1246[15:40:21] <Ender> .statsSangar:
L1247[15:40:23] <Ender> sdkjf lk
L1248[15:40:26] <Ender> .stats
L1249[15:40:26] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L1250[15:40:46] ⇨ Joins: dangranos_ (~dangranos@
L1251[15:40:46] *** Ender changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.5 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1252[15:40:55] <Sangar> gj
L1253[15:41:02] <Csstform> http://strawpoll.me/3416443
L1254[15:41:28] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1255[15:41:35] <Sangar> Csstform, maybe put "for OCJam" in the title to clarify :P
L1256[15:41:37] <Vexatos> Csstform, define "MODS!!!"
L1257[15:41:46] <Vexatos> I forgot a ! there
L1258[15:41:48] <Cinder> Non-basic CC
L1259[15:41:50] <Csstform> Vexatos: tbd
L1260[15:41:55] <Vexatos> Cinder, OC*
L1261[15:41:58] <Cinder> OC
L1262[15:42:01] * Ender slaps Cinder for using the wrong name
L1263[15:42:01] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1264[15:42:06] <Vexatos> Csstform, you mean things like Computronics? :3
L1265[15:42:08] <Cinder> Sorry my head is screwed on backwards today
L1266[15:42:13] <Ender> brb, need a drink
L1267[15:42:18] <Csstform> Vexatos: idk what mods there are out there
L1268[15:42:26] ⇨ Joins: newbie (~kvirc@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1269[15:42:28] <dangranos_> openglasses, openlights iirc
L1270[15:42:37] <dangranos_> oc mods
L1271[15:44:36] <Csstform> looks like mods are a thing
L1272[15:45:40] <Csstform> however
L1273[15:45:47] <Csstform> we only have 1 participant
L1274[15:45:50] <Csstform> .-.
L1275[15:46:02] * dangranos_ too lazy and likely to drop everything
L1276[15:46:07] *** dangranos_ is now known as dangranos
L1277[15:46:10] <Csstform> with all these people talking about it, I expect you to sign up
L1278[15:46:21] <Csstform> http://goo.gl/forms/GnBmsA9MU3
L1279[15:47:48] <Cinder> Me?
L1280[15:47:49] <Cinder> xP
L1281[15:47:54] <Cinder> I'm so alone ;n;
L1282[15:48:46] <Csstform> Cinder: noone else cares
L1283[15:48:50] <Csstform> except sangar
L1284[15:48:54] <Csstform> but he's a judge
L1285[15:49:16] <ShadowKatStudios> Can confirm, no-one cares.
L1286[15:49:23] <Cinder> I suppose you could post it on the forums and see how well it does there.
L1287[15:49:26] <ShadowKatStudios> No-one feels the need to prove themselves.
L1288[15:49:44] <Csstform> Cinder: it IS on the forums
L1289[15:49:56] <Cinder> oh
L1290[15:50:00] <Csstform> It's been there since last summer
L1291[15:50:04] <ShadowKatStudios> (As it has been for the last 18 months)
L1292[15:50:05] <Cinder> Ah
L1293[15:50:12] <Csstform> albeit without a signup sheet
L1294[15:50:16] <Csstform> but there is one now
L1295[15:50:30] <Csstform> orite
L1296[15:50:32] ⇦ Parts: theLadder (~theLadder@host-202-56.junet.se) (Leaving))
L1297[15:50:34] <Csstform> Ender: thx for your help
L1298[15:50:35] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1c79a.skybroadband.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1299[15:50:54] <Csstform> (seriously)
L1300[15:50:59] <Ender> ?
L1301[15:51:19] <Csstform> OCJame wouldn't have survived this long without you
L1302[15:51:27] <ShadowKatStudios> (It survived?)
L1303[15:51:28] <Csstform> s/OCJame/OCJam
L1304[15:51:28] <Kibibyte> <Csstform> OCJam wouldn't have survived this long without you
L1305[15:51:32] <Csstform> ShadowKatStudios: ish
L1306[15:51:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Seemed pretty dead to me, for a year
L1307[15:51:53] <Sangar> so what's the minimum number of participants for it to actually take place? :P
L1308[15:51:56] * Ender cant tell if sarcasm is being used......
L1309[15:52:02] <Csstform> Ender: no sarcasm
L1310[15:52:11] <Ender> huh
L1311[15:52:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender: Sarcasm.
L1312[15:52:22] <Csstform> Sangar: 5?
L1313[15:52:33] <dangranos> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kmplayer/ lol
L1314[15:53:02] <ShadowKatStudios> 5 is an ugly number.
L1315[15:53:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Go for 4 or 8, or preferably 16
L1316[15:53:19] * Ender throws ShadowKatStudios out the window
L1317[15:53:20] <Csstform> Ender: I would have just given up if you hadn't been making a website for so long
L1318[15:53:22] <ShadowKatStudios> 16 is 2^2^2
L1319[15:53:34] <dangranos> iirc there is also freeware/adware/allyourprivateinfoware player name kmplayer
L1320[15:53:39] <Csstform> ShadowKatStudios: I'll go for eight IF YOU GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR AND SIGN UP
L1321[15:53:50] <Cinder> har
L1322[15:53:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Csstform: What time of day will it be held?
L1323[15:54:05] <Csstform> all day
L1324[15:54:08] <Csstform> for 3 days
L1325[15:54:24] <Csstform> so everyone gets 2-ish days of coding
L1326[15:54:47] <Csstform> unless they stay up all night and never leave their computer
L1327[15:54:54] <ShadowKatStudios> :3
L1328[15:54:58] <ShadowKatStudios> I would participate
L1329[15:55:00] <ShadowKatStudios> except
L1330[15:55:11] <Csstform> ...
L1331[15:55:26] <ShadowKatStudios> 25th of jan is 2 days before school starts again
L1332[15:55:26] <Csstform> except....
L1333[15:55:38] <Csstform> so?
L1334[15:55:39] <ShadowKatStudios> I need to adjust my sleeping patterns back to normal during that time
L1335[15:55:51] <Csstform> then stay in normal sleeping hours
L1336[15:56:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Rather than this "it's afternoon for me, but it's actually 3 AM"
L1337[15:56:08] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L1338[15:56:11] <Ender> .time
L1339[15:56:11] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Fri Jan 16 15:56:11 2015
L1340[15:57:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Hm.
L1341[15:57:50] <Csstform> ShadowKatStudios: then just code in normal daylight hours
L1342[15:57:54] <Csstform> screw real life
L1343[15:58:07] <ShadowKatStudios> But I'm allergic to the sun
L1344[15:58:34] <Csstform> oh
L1345[15:58:38] <Csstform> wellthen
L1346[15:58:52] <Csstform> code under your comforters
L1347[15:59:02] <ShadowKatStudios> So
L1348[15:59:24] *** newbie is now known as NixillUmbreon
L1349[15:59:31] <ShadowKatStudios> what exactly *is* OCJam and coudl you add it to the topic once you finish explaining it to me?
L1350[15:59:44] <ShadowKatStudios> *could
L1351[15:59:45] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1c79a.skybroadband.com)
L1352[15:59:48] <ShadowKatStudios> <3 laptop keyboard
L1353[15:59:59] * CompanionCube has the urge to uncontrollably flip shit.
L1354[16:00:05] * ShadowKatStudios flips CompanionCube
L1355[16:00:11] <CompanionCube> Time to look up dsploit-like tools for desktop.
L1356[16:00:24] <CompanionCube> Then rage in the only way a Bastard Operator From Hell can.
L1357[16:00:49] * Csstform sighs
L1358[16:00:52] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, my tablet's screen is brok
L1359[16:01:11] * vifino flips CompanionCube
L1360[16:01:58] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: >implying you're a BOFH
L1361[16:02:06] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, I want to be.
L1362[16:02:17] <CompanionCube> If only to dispense sweet justice upon those who deserve it.
L1363[16:02:25] <ShadowKatStudios> So you won't be raging at the moment?
L1364[16:02:33] <Csstform> ShadowKatStudios: OCJAM: WHERE YOU CODE SHIZZLE FOR PRIZES
L1365[16:02:38] <dangranos> i want OC multiuser OS with servers and terminals
L1366[16:02:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohyeah did you see tuxedo_jack put up more posts?
L1367[16:02:46] * CompanionCube considers ARP spoofing the router and fucking with his brother
L1368[16:03:04] <vifino> Csstform: What prizes?
L1369[16:03:09] <vifino> Do you even have any?
L1370[16:03:12] <Csstform> http://i.imgur.com/TZiz242.png
L1371[16:03:24] <vifino> ... That's all?
L1372[16:03:31] <Csstform> ./dropkick vifino
L1373[16:03:49] <vifino> Csstform: You have one prize?
L1374[16:03:50] * CompanionCube is reading it
L1375[16:03:52] <vifino> Only one?
L1376[16:03:54] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, rage relaxing
L1377[16:04:10] <Csstform> that's what sangar gave me, if you have complaints, take it up with him. I'm not buying you a webserver. .-.
L1378[16:04:15] <Csstform> actually
L1379[16:04:25] <Csstform> no, commplaints are me, just do it in a pm
L1380[16:04:36] <vifino> Csstform: No, get rekt
L1381[16:04:43] <NixillUmbreon> How about entrants have a chance of becoming loot disks in the game? owo
L1382[16:04:49] <vifino> Your boring <X>Jam's.
L1383[16:05:21] <vifino> CCJam: More of less failed; OCJam: A /little/ late. And only one prize.
L1384[16:05:31] <Csstform> NixillUmbreon: talk to sangar about that
L1385[16:05:46] <Csstform> or wait
L1386[16:05:47] <Csstform> yeah
L1387[16:06:01] <dangranos> pls dont kill it BEFORE it ever started
L1388[16:06:04] <Sangar> i'm fine with that; i mean, you could just pr it in, but sure, let's make it a prize :>
L1389[16:06:11] <vifino> NixillUmbreon: You get loot disks if you write good programs and ask Sangar if he includes it.
L1390[16:06:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Sangar: Now, I will participate, lose, and PR it in just to prove the competition is useless :D
L1391[16:06:44] <Sangar> mission accomplished
L1392[16:06:45] <NixillUmbreon> :P
L1393[16:06:59] <vifino> Sangar: I want my dickbutt.lua program in OC!
L1394[16:07:01] <vifino> \o/
L1395[16:07:21] <Sangar> use oppm \o/
L1396[16:07:33] <vifino> ( It's a... 5(?) frame ascii dickbutt animation. )
L1397[16:07:42] <vifino> Everyone needs that.
L1398[16:07:44] <Sangar> that's what i expected
L1399[16:07:46] <NixillUmbreon> :P
L1400[16:07:48] <Csstform> kcool
L1401[16:07:49] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, /me will likely end up doing a full backup of rekt tablet via ADB.
L1402[16:07:51] <NixillUmbreon> yay, emotes are off
L1403[16:08:00] <Csstform> community choice prize is loot disks
L1404[16:08:06] <CompanionCube> I want my data, even if the screen is broke.
L1405[16:08:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Your tablet has data on it?
L1406[16:08:34] <CompanionCube> yes
L1407[16:08:35] <vifino> Csstform: Not worth it.
L1408[16:08:38] <vifino> At all.
L1409[16:08:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Mine ends up being used for reading and for one of those mythical "thin clients"
L1410[16:08:58] <vifino> Like, you make a pr, and some nice person called Sangar most likely merges it.
L1411[16:09:18] <vifino> No need for your stupid competition, you not-greeting monster.
L1412[16:09:29] <CompanionCube> GTK support is not compiled in ettercap
L1413[16:09:36] <NixillUmbreon> Yeah, I was thinking of the inclusion as a supplementary prize
L1414[16:09:52] <NixillUmbreon> not the main
L1415[16:09:56] <NixillUmbreon> need to restrt kvirc, brb
L1416[16:10:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Oooh, I got this: Since there will only be two people in it, tops, if you gave the winner the prize of the robot on their shoulder, and the loser the PR route, that would work.
L1417[16:10:45] <Csstform> unless the same person wins both
L1418[16:11:06] ⇦ Quits: NixillUmbreon (~kvirc@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1419[16:11:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Note winner and los- oh wait, if only one person participates that would make sense
L1420[16:11:27] ⇨ Joins: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1421[16:11:29] <Ender> Csstform: also sorry for abruptedly backing out of making the site, i had a lot going on at the time and you pressuring me made it a chore to do rather than a hobby (also what you were asking me to do was, and still is slightly, out of my scope at the time)
L1422[16:11:40] <NixillUmbreon> What the actual hell
L1423[16:11:48] <Csstform> Ender: no issues
L1424[16:11:52] <Csstform> I figured as much
L1425[16:11:55] <NixillUmbreon> I told KVIRC to use a black background on the input bar and white text
L1426[16:12:04] <NixillUmbreon> Why is it still white on white?
L1427[16:12:08] <Ender> lol
L1428[16:12:50] <Kubuxu> OpenGlasses is getting in close future new feature. In Lua tesselator class -> Custom shapes.
L1429[16:12:57] <Kubuxu> s/class/calls
L1430[16:12:58] <Kibibyte> <Kubuxu> OpenGlasses is getting in close future new feature. In Lua tesselator calls -> Custom shapes.
L1431[16:13:01] <dangranos> NixillUmbreon, burn it with fire
L1432[16:13:58] <ShadowKatStudios> NixillUmbreon: http://i.imgur.com/MeVHeWX.png :P
L1433[16:15:11] * CompanionCube wants to become BOFH, Destroyer of Interwebs.#
L1434[16:15:52] <NixillUmbreon> owo
L1435[16:15:57] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/2qoqdy/the_sweet_treat_of_schadenfreude_part_2_command/
L1436[16:16:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, CompanionCube, you've achieved one of those- your crusade against ISPs is definable as destroying the internet.
L1437[16:16:10] <NixillUmbreon> Yay, I found the colorful nicknames feature
L1438[16:16:31] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: I know, I told you it existed.
L1439[16:16:43] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, just checking :)
L1440[16:17:17] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, I'm not really on a crusade against ISPs in general
L1441[16:21:47] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles ShadowKatStudios
L1442[16:22:17] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl)
L1443[16:22:23] <Cinder> Sangar?
L1444[16:22:23] <ShadowKatStudios> DeanIsaKitty! \o/
L1445[16:22:27] * ShadowKatStudios cuddles DeanIsaKitty
L1446[16:22:30] <DeanIsaKitty> :3
L1447[16:22:31] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/2sg26z/encyclop%C3%A6dia_moronica_j_is_for_job/cnpe76e
L1448[16:22:36] <Cinder> There's a slight misunderstanding in the OC documentation.
L1449[16:22:52] <Magik6k> Cinder, ?
L1450[16:23:02] <Cinder> files CAN be opened in binary mode, but they cannot be used in load() as a precompiled lua function
L1451[16:23:13] <Cinder> Unless I'm just reading it wrong
L1452[16:23:14] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L1453[16:23:14] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L1454[16:23:27] * Ender snuggles DeanIsaKitty
L1455[16:23:31] ⇦ Quits: Matsukoma (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1456[16:23:33] <ShadowKatStudios> tuxedo_jack's flare: will end whomever made a RAID0 on an Exchange CAS
L1457[16:23:44] * DeanIsaKitty hugs Ender
L1458[16:23:52] <Ender> :3
L1459[16:24:49] <Magik6k> Cinder, where is that written?
L1460[16:25:05] <dangranos> :O
L1461[16:25:14] <dangranos> you can tag files in kde/whatever
L1462[16:25:21] <dangranos> and search by them
L1463[16:25:28] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, how bad do you think that must be
L1464[16:25:31] <dangranos> maybe
L1465[16:25:51] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L1466[16:26:00] <ShadowKatStudios> how bad is what?
L1467[16:26:13] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L1468[16:26:23] <Cinder> I think it was written on the differences between standard lua and OC lua page
L1469[16:26:24] <vifino> CompanionCube: Learn. To. Use. '.'., ','., '!'., And. '?'.
L1470[16:26:36] <CompanionCube> vifino, this is IRC
L1471[16:26:47] <vifino> CompanionCube: Yes, and?
L1472[16:26:53] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: And almost everyone here uses english.
L1473[16:26:59] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, good point
L1474[16:27:02] <Ender> urghh, someone passed me a call for editing phone settings but the way they worded it confused me and now there's offline ¬_¬
L1475[16:27:11] <Ender> looks like that isnt getting done till monday
L1476[16:27:20] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106001217d8177c.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1477[16:27:39] <CompanionCube> but when lines of single sentences are clearly seperated, the addition of a full stop seems pedantic imho
L1478[16:27:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Monday, Ender?
L1479[16:27:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Is today friday?
L1480[16:27:57] <ShadowKatStudios> Shit.
L1481[16:28:05] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: yes, today is friday
L1482[16:28:17] <vifino> CompanionCube: At least use fucking '?', okay?
L1483[16:28:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Huh, Drrr!!x2 comes out on saturdays.
L1484[16:28:29] <CompanionCube> vifino, I do use ? sometimes
L1485[16:28:33] <Cinder> I had an issue, "How do I get a multi-byte number out of a 8-bit pure string?"
L1486[16:28:35] <Cinder> the awnser?
L1487[16:28:43] <Cinder> clever use of bit32 and string.bit()
L1488[16:28:46] <vifino> CompanionCube: Never saw that happen.
L1489[16:28:58] <Cinder> *string.byte()
L1490[16:29:09] <ShadowKatStudios> *thinks about it* It'll be a few more hours till it's broadcast time in japan
L1491[16:29:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Maybe I'll go lay on the couch with my laptop and do some writing
L1492[16:31:27] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, hopefully the OS isn't trashed
L1493[16:31:39] <CompanionCube> if it's not, I can always do a backup over ADB.
L1494[16:32:53] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1495[16:36:35] <ShadowKatStudios> http://imgur.com/gallery/VmGaK
L1496[16:37:46] ⇦ Quits: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1497[16:52:23] ⇨ Joins: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1498[16:57:02] <dangranos> SKS, but english isnt everybody's first language
L1499[16:58:19] <ShadowKatStudios> dangranos: And it's fair enough if it isn't your first language, but CompanionCube is from England. They *invented* it.
L1500[16:58:31] ⇦ Quits: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1501[16:58:42] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, ping fail :p
L1502[16:59:12] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L1503[16:59:12] <ShadowKatStudios> *thinks about it* Nope, right on target.
L1504[16:59:27] <dangranos> why its "must be" for most of clients to have quit message to set "I AM USING *THIS* IRC CLIENT!!"
L1505[16:59:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Advertising.
L1506[16:59:45] <dangranos> meh
L1507[16:59:56] <dangranos> somewhy i started to like hotkeys
L1508[17:00:57] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L1509[17:01:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Is it just me or are there no mecha anime where the people use keyboards rather than say, joysticks and random buttons?
L1510[17:02:24] <dangranos> huh, steam is de
L1511[17:02:29] <dangranos> s/de/ded
L1512[17:02:29] <Kibibyte> <dangranos> huh, steam is ded
L1513[17:02:34] <dangranos> client
L1514[17:02:40] <dangranos> nevermind
L1515[17:02:47] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, should I attempt to do an ADB full backup from my dead tablet?
L1516[17:03:02] <ShadowKatStudios> do you want whatever was on there?
L1517[17:03:09] <CompanionCube> preferably
L1518[17:03:29] <DeanIsaKitty> dangranos: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671
L1519[17:03:49] <CompanionCube> DeanIsaKitty, that's a good one isn't it
L1520[17:03:52] <CompanionCube> it's like bumblebee
L1521[17:04:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Well then why are you asking me if you already know the answer?
L1522[17:07:20] ⇨ Joins: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1523[17:08:05] *** Greylocke|afk is now known as Greylocke
L1524[17:08:20] <NixillUmbreon> welp, I give up
L1525[17:09:21] *** NixillUmbreon is now known as NixUmbreon|AFK
L1526[17:10:44] <dangranos> vim addon for firefox is good
L1527[17:11:10] <gamax92> mmh
L1528[17:11:47] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L1529[17:13:13] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1530[17:15:10] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106001217d8177c.vf.shawcable.net)
L1531[17:17:16] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1532[17:18:46] *** Csstform is now known as Noms
L1533[17:18:57] <dangranos> wow
L1534[17:19:22] <dangranos> overwritten useragent in config - old google come back
L1535[17:21:24] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1536[17:22:13] *** skyem123|away is now known as skyem123
L1537[17:22:48] <Cinder> grr
L1538[17:22:57] <Cinder> midi uses really REALLY weird values for it's timestamps
L1539[17:23:15] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1540[17:24:20] <Cinder> the MSB of each byte in the timestamp is a "continuation" bit
L1541[17:25:11] <Sangar> midi is fun, yeah :P
L1542[17:25:26] <Cinder> so a time stamp of 255 turns into 0x81 0x7F
L1543[17:25:38] <Cinder> because the MSB of 255 is pushed to the first byte in the sequence
L1544[17:25:43] <Pwootage> good morning
L1545[17:25:48] <Sangar> i can't remember if i actually got continuations to work or just decided to drop them :X
L1546[17:25:51] <Cinder> g'morning Pwootage
L1547[17:25:55] <Sangar> hey Pwootage
L1548[17:26:38] <Pwootage> looks like I'm going to be doing some work from home and homework today
L1549[17:26:54] <Cinder> I think I can do some clever bit32.lrot maths but I'm still skeptical.
L1550[17:27:51] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1551[17:29:34] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-149.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1552[17:29:37] <Pwootage> wait are you writing a midiplayer for OpenOS?
L1553[17:34:38] *** Noms is now known as Csstform
L1554[17:34:53] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1555[17:37:28] <gamax92> That moment when you wait 2 minutes because of an update checker.
L1556[17:38:11] <Csstform> EERYONE SIGN UP
L1557[17:38:18] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1558[17:38:28] <Csstform> http://goo.gl/forms/GnBmsA9MU3
L1559[17:38:32] <Csstform> OCJAM: http://goo.gl/forms/GnBmsA9MU3
L1560[17:38:36] <gamax92> Here is one time stamp: "[10:32:37]" and the one that follows after "[10:34:49] [Client thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/master/resources/Changelog&quot;
L1561[17:40:39] <Sangar> and that's why you run update checks in a separate thread >_>
L1562[17:40:39] <Cinder> Pwootage: Yes I am
L1563[17:40:43] <Cinder> using Iron note blocks.
L1564[17:41:03] <Cinder> I'm doing it so that I can write a tracker that can read and write midi files
L1565[17:41:35] <Sangar> i should make mine support computronics' beep card to stay competitive :P
L1566[17:41:38] <gamax92> Wait what about Sangar's midi player?
L1567[17:42:40] <Cinder> I didn't know that you made one Sangar o-o
L1568[17:43:02] <dangranos> is it possible to disable plugin reporting on firefox?
L1569[17:43:05] <Cinder> How the hell did you handle the atrocious midi timestamp format?
L1570[17:43:05] <Sangar> http://git.io/Y5tTkg targets note blocks and pc speaker
L1571[17:43:59] <Sangar> bbl, dinner
L1572[17:45:01] <Inari> if delay > 0.05 or computer.uptime() then <- what does this do D:
L1573[17:45:45] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1574[17:50:36] <Pwootage> OCJAM?!?!?
L1575[17:50:56] <Pwootage> Good thing I'm staying home and doing my homework today so I have all of the times for OCJam
L1576[17:51:36] <Inari> wonder how ocjam will even turn out :P
L1577[17:51:57] <Vexatos> vapo(u)rware \o/
L1578[17:52:48] <Pwootage> HOpefully ocjam goes awesome
L1579[17:53:13] <Inari> per experience few isgn up and even fewer of the ones who signed up even participate
L1580[17:53:41] <Pwootage> yeah well if there's like five people who participate that's still 5 new awesome programs
L1581[17:53:43] <Pwootage> hopefully
L1582[17:58:23] <skyem123> .p
L1583[17:58:23] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 0.29s
L1584[17:58:49] <gamax92> attend?
L1585[17:59:16] <gamax92> there are no time stamps or anything ...
L1586[18:00:19] <gamax92> I have like nothing to expect or a plan or etc ...
L1587[18:07:35] <Sangar> Inari, i don't know, probably not what i meant to do there :P
L1588[18:08:26] <asie> OCJam?
L1589[18:08:28] <asie> When!?
L1590[18:08:52] <Vexatos> asie: We two.
L1591[18:08:56] <Vexatos> Tetris.
L1592[18:08:58] <Vexatos> With music.
L1593[18:09:13] <skyem123> uhh
L1594[18:09:16] <skyem123> wat?
L1595[18:09:20] <Vexatos> asie: Vapourware
L1596[18:09:21] <gamax92> Sangar: What is this ...
L1597[18:09:26] <Vexatos> This is madness!
L1598[18:09:26] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L1599[18:09:26] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L1600[18:09:27] <Leonidas> THIS.
L1601[18:09:28] ⇨ Joins: dobegor (webchat@dojulia.soborka.net)
L1602[18:09:28] <Leonidas> IS.
L1603[18:09:28] <Leonidas> #oc!!
L1604[18:09:29] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L1605[18:09:29] <EnderBot2> Seriously, what did you think this was?
L1606[18:09:43] <dobegor> guys I can't boot server
L1607[18:10:06] <gamax92> Does it show an error? or beep at you?
L1608[18:10:11] <dobegor> inserted lua bios, placed a disk drive nearby with openos
L1609[18:10:19] <dobegor> yes it says no bootable medium
L1610[18:10:26] <Vexatos> Did you place it on the correct side?
L1611[18:10:30] <dobegor> sure thing
L1612[18:10:33] <Vexatos> (The one specified in the server rack GUI)
L1613[18:10:36] <gamax92> dobegor: server's can only see components on that side listed next to the slot.
L1614[18:10:48] <dobegor> gamax92: sure thing, i know it
L1615[18:10:58] <Vexatos> dobegor, which side did you set it to?
L1616[18:11:09] <Sangar> and always remember: from the perspective of the rack :P
L1617[18:11:13] <dobegor> placed server in rack, said that it's side is left, placed disk drive, inserted openos floppy there
L1618[18:11:18] <dobegor> yea
L1619[18:11:30] <Vexatos> So if you look at the front of the rack, you need to place it on the right
L1620[18:11:42] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L1621[18:11:45] <gamax92> because its the server rack's left, not your left.
L1622[18:11:49] <dobegor> http://prntscr.com/5t8uiq
L1623[18:11:51] <dobegor> oh
L1624[18:12:04] <dobegor> THANKS
L1625[18:12:09] <Vexatos> ComputerCraft really makes people stupid
L1626[18:12:12] <Vexatos> by mixing up left and right
L1627[18:12:14] <Vexatos> .-.
L1628[18:12:16] <dobegor> :c
L1629[18:12:24] * gamax92 slaps Vexatos
L1630[18:12:24] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1631[18:12:27] <Sangar> not stupid, just badly trained :P
L1632[18:12:56] <gamax92> Sangar: This OCJab what am I supposed to expect?
L1633[18:13:06] <Vexatos> OCJab
L1634[18:13:12] <gamax92> Will they yell at me to make a program and be like you have a week to make something?
L1635[18:13:16] <gamax92> or is there a theme?
L1636[18:13:35] <Vexatos> Sangar, if you win OCJam, you'll get a free copy of PetRenderer.java from me
L1637[18:13:45] <gamax92> s/OCJam/OCJab/
L1638[18:13:45] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> Sangar, if you win OCJab, you'll get a free copy of PetRenderer.java from me
L1639[18:14:03] <gamax92> I hearby declare it is now officially OCJab :P
L1640[18:14:16] <skyem123> haha
L1641[18:14:28] <Vexatos> gamax92, you're cilli
L1642[18:14:29] <Sangar> let's fitch OCJab
L1643[18:15:09] <gamax92> But seriously what'll happen
L1644[18:15:24] <Sangar> ask Csstform
L1645[18:15:30] <Vexatos> gamax92, you'll get Sangar to win PetRenderer.java
L1646[18:15:41] <gamax92> Csstform: OI
L1647[18:15:44] <Csstform> WHUT
L1648[18:15:48] <Sangar> alternatively: presents
L1649[18:16:06] <Csstform> OI WHUT
L1650[18:16:41] <gamax92> Csstform: What is plan for OCKam? Do you tell us to make anything and we have a deadline to make it? or themes? or groups?
L1651[18:17:11] <dobegor> guys i sa libgps ported from computercraft
L1652[18:17:16] <Vexatos> And OCSpam
L1653[18:17:17] <dobegor> does it work the same way?
L1654[18:17:32] <Vexatos> dobegor, try it
L1655[18:17:32] * skyem123 eats OCSpam
L1656[18:17:36] <Vexatos> if it doesn't you'll see
L1657[18:19:03] <Csstform> gamax92: the plan
L1658[18:19:04] <Csstform> is
L1659[18:19:16] <Csstform> OOP
L1660[18:19:18] <Csstform> GTG
L1661[18:19:23] <Csstform> ILL TELL YOU LATER
L1662[18:19:27] <CompanionCube> le sigh
L1663[18:19:27] <gamax92> ._.
L1664[18:19:28] <Csstform> THERES A LINK IN #OCJAM
L1665[18:19:28] <Sangar> see you in half a year o/
L1666[18:19:32] <CompanionCube> my favourite ISP-related forum is dead
L1667[18:19:35] <Csstform> FLYING TO LA
L1668[18:19:35] <gamax92> Yay non attending at all
L1669[18:19:53] <dobegor> http://openprograms.github.io/
L1670[18:20:12] <dobegor> how can I clone repo from github on OpenOS?
L1671[18:20:44] <g> wget the zip?
L1672[18:21:01] <g> though, I guess you'd then have to unzip it
L1673[18:21:02] <Vexatos> dobegor, why do you want that?
L1674[18:21:03] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L1675[18:21:17] <Vexatos> Do you want any particular program from openprograms?
L1676[18:21:23] <Vexatos> gamax92, incoming advertisement
L1677[18:21:27] <gamax92> lol
L1678[18:21:34] <dobegor> Vexatos: yes, I want to try libgps
L1679[18:21:44] <gamax92> also that link in #ocjam is just a picture of Sangar and the forums.
L1680[18:21:54] <gamax92> such informative
L1681[18:22:00] <Vexatos> Well, dobegor, then use OPPM
L1682[18:22:20] <Vexatos> Are you in creative mods, dobegor?
L1683[18:22:23] <Vexatos> mode*
L1684[18:22:27] <dobegor> yes
L1685[18:22:38] <g> should we perhaps remove stuff that's been discontinued from openprograms?
L1686[18:22:57] <Vexatos> dobegor, then go get the floppy disk that sais "OPPM"
L1687[18:23:02] <Vexatos> and insert that into your drive
L1688[18:23:04] <gamax92> Vexatos: I wasn't able to get monotone ported to OC, apparently they have x86 assembly code in their header, and is non portable
L1689[18:23:04] <Vexatos> then run "oppm"
L1690[18:23:06] <g> eg, Akuukis' stuff
L1691[18:23:20] <Vexatos> g, we'll see
L1692[18:23:25] <Vexatos> if it still works, it's fine
L1693[18:23:37] <g> hard to say
L1694[18:23:40] <g> 5 month
L1695[18:23:52] <g> I'm just getting annoyed with all these people that are going
L1696[18:24:04] <g> "well MS owns Minecraft now, I'm just gonna throw this community away"
L1697[18:24:09] <Vexatos> Sais the one gone for years
L1698[18:24:58] <g> I mean I get that it's their choice
L1699[18:25:03] <g> but it is incredibly annoying
L1700[18:25:05] <Vexatos> dobegor, OPPM is a nice program, you can download almost any program you find on OpenPrograms with it
L1701[18:25:06] <LordFokas> who are the authors of OPPM?
L1702[18:25:12] <Vexatos> install/uninstall/update
L1703[18:25:18] <gamax92> Vexatos and Vexatos
L1704[18:25:21] <Vexatos> LordFokas, if you have a complaint, gamax92, if not, me
L1705[18:25:22] <Sangar> LordFokas, guess based on who's advertising it :P
L1706[18:25:32] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF5SuKRF2CY
L1707[18:25:32] <LordFokas> LOL
L1708[18:25:32] -Kibibyte- [gamax92] Monotone Tracker by Hornet | by trackman068 | 1m38s | 225w5d ago | 4,820 views | Rated: 4.84/5.00
L1709[18:25:34] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> gamax92, incoming advertisement
L1710[18:25:41] <gamax92> Vexatos: look at that video
L1711[18:25:42] <dobegor> Vexatos: thanks, will try it now
L1712[18:26:06] <LordFokas> ok, so I guess anyone can submit a program to OP, and it will be available in OPPM, right?
L1713[18:26:12] <Vexatos> gamax92, beep card masterrace
L1714[18:26:17] <Vexatos> LordFokas, well
L1715[18:26:21] <gamax92> Vexatos: Well then, make a tracker for it ;)
L1716[18:26:21] <Vexatos> Before I start explaining
L1717[18:26:24] <Vexatos> ~w oppm
L1718[18:26:24] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm
L1719[18:26:30] <Vexatos> should answer all your questions
L1720[18:26:43] <Vexatos> dobegor, also read that ^
L1721[18:26:49] <Vexatos> It explains how to use OPPM :P
L1722[18:27:11] <LordFokas> I don't care about the user side of OPPM
L1723[18:27:31] <dobegor> Vexatos: i have a problem with that http://prntscr.com/5t92gc
L1724[18:27:43] <Vexatos> errr what
L1725[18:27:44] <dobegor> while installing it
L1726[18:27:57] <Vexatos> that's weird
L1727[18:28:00] <Vexatos> extremely weird
L1728[18:28:05] <LordFokas> what I want to do is very simple. I want to add a program, or a couple of programs, to work with the AbstractBus, from my mod, which Sangar kindly supports on OC's side.
L1729[18:28:15] <Vexatos> sangar: Why doesn't io.open return proper traceback
L1730[18:28:17] <Vexatos> D:<
L1731[18:28:28] <dobegor> Vexatos: tried again just now, same thing
L1732[18:28:29] <Vexatos> LordFokas, read that wiki page
L1733[18:28:36] * Sangar shrugs
L1734[18:28:40] <Vexatos> It explains how to get stuff onto OPPM :P
L1735[18:28:43] <gamax92> LordFokas: btw its on that wiki page ;) "Registering packages globally"
L1736[18:29:06] <LordFokas> but I don't know if it'd make sense to make it available if the mod isn't present
L1737[18:29:21] <Cinder> Vexatos, I thing assert(io.open()) will return proper traceback
L1738[18:29:24] <Cinder> not sure though
L1739[18:29:25] <dobegor> Vexatos: what should I do to fix that?
L1740[18:29:32] <Vexatos> dobegor, I am looking into it, hold on
L1741[18:29:47] <dobegor> I have creative case with floppy with OS inside and hard drive
L1742[18:29:49] <Vexatos> LordFokas, you can still have it on OpenPrograms without it being registered with OPPM
L1743[18:29:54] <Vexatos> so you can for example wget it
L1744[18:29:58] <dobegor> I don't know how to install OS on drive
L1745[18:30:08] <Vexatos> AAAAH
L1746[18:30:21] <Vexatos> dobegor, to install your OS, just type "install"
L1747[18:30:29] <Vexatos> and select the address of your Hard drive
L1748[18:30:41] <gamax92> LordFokas: then ... have your mod add a filesystem with the programs, and an autorun to link the files to their respective places?
L1749[18:31:10] <dobegor> Vexatos: installed OS on drive, OPPM installed nice
L1750[18:31:14] <LordFokas> I guess I can work with what's already there.
L1751[18:31:16] <dobegor> thanks, that's awesome!
L1752[18:31:27] <Vexatos> dobegor, now use "oppm list gps"
L1753[18:31:36] <Vexatos> that should get you the name of the libgps you need to use
L1754[18:31:46] <Vexatos> also you can do "oppm info <package" to get further information
L1755[18:31:55] <Vexatos> and "oppm install <package>" to actually install it :P
L1756[18:32:27] <Cinder> argh
L1757[18:32:30] <gamax92> Hi
L1758[18:32:35] <Cinder> midi timestamps kicking my butt
L1759[18:33:06] <gamax92> How to remove bitterant from mouth
L1760[18:33:23] <gamax92> i accidently forgot this can of air had bitterant in it.
L1761[18:33:55] <Cinder> Not a clue
L1762[18:34:04] <dobegor> Vexatos: installed it, but there is no executable to run it
L1763[18:34:06] <dobegor> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/ds84182-Programs/blob/master/gps/libgps.lua
L1764[18:34:14] <Vexatos> dobegor, it is only a library, apparently
L1765[18:34:16] <Vexatos> hence the "lib"
L1766[18:34:25] <dobegor> i tried to use it in lua interactive, typed require ('libgps')
L1767[18:34:25] <Sangar> sorry, i do not know the term 'bitterant', did you mean 'bittorrent'?
L1768[18:34:35] <dobegor> then invoked gps.locate and that said the gps is nil
L1769[18:34:41] * gamax92 slaps Sangar
L1770[18:34:41] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1771[18:34:46] <Vexatos> dobegor, I have no idea how it works
L1772[18:34:48] <gamax92> it says "Bitterant" on the can
L1773[18:35:25] <dobegor> Vexatos: it's just a question about invoking functions from libs
L1774[18:35:33] ⇦ Quits: meathack (~svs@teo.hianga.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1775[18:35:39] <Vexatos> You should do "local gps = require ('libgps')"
L1776[18:35:45] <Vexatos> to store the library in a variable
L1777[18:35:50] <Vexatos> then you can do gps.something
L1778[18:35:54] <Sangar> *beep* would you like to add the word 'bitterant' to the user dictionary?
L1779[18:36:01] <Vexatos> *boop* no
L1780[18:36:05] <Sangar> aww
L1781[18:37:12] <dobegor> http://i.imgur.com/rACqmu5.png
L1782[18:37:27] <dobegor> did I required library right? cos it seems that it returned nil
L1783[18:37:33] <Cinder> don't use local with the interactive lua
L1784[18:37:42] <Vexatos> inside the interactive lua, you cannot use local
L1785[18:37:46] <Cinder> type g = require("libgps")
L1786[18:37:48] <Vexatos> ^
L1787[18:38:25] <dobegor> thanks! almost got it to work, now looking up how modem works
L1788[18:38:29] <dobegor> you are great, guys
L1789[18:39:02] <g> So what's the range on a wireless card (and does it relay between other machines with them?)
L1790[18:39:06] <dobegor> So OC provides signal strength the same way as CC?
L1791[18:39:24] <dobegor> CC's gps was based on that
L1792[18:39:35] <dobegor> (as all real world gps systems are based)
L1793[18:40:01] <Cinder> I'm not entirely sure
L1794[18:40:03] <Sangar> for received wireless messages one of the arguments is the distance to the sender
L1795[18:40:14] <Vexatos> ~w wireless network card
L1796[18:40:14] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:wireless_network_card
L1797[18:40:15] <Sangar> which is -1 for networked messages i think. or 0. not sure.
L1798[18:40:40] <Vexatos> ~w modem
L1799[18:40:40] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L1800[18:40:51] <dobegor> thanks, so gps should work! :D
L1801[18:41:20] <Cinder> doesn't libgps also use the navigation upgrade?
L1802[18:42:13] <dobegor> it doesn't
L1803[18:42:22] <Cinder> oh
L1804[18:42:25] <dobegor> it determines it's coords by signal from gps servers
L1805[18:42:44] <dobegor> each of them has it's coords hardcoded
L1806[18:43:15] <dobegor> and client determines it's position by signal strength of messages from this server (messages contain coords)
L1807[18:43:22] <dobegor> basicly, the same way as real gps
L1808[18:43:50] <Cinder> mmhm\
L1809[18:44:05] <Cinder> I honestly don't see a reason to use that if you have the Navigation upgrade...
L1810[18:44:18] <Cinder> unless you're really hard-pressed for that one upgrade slot
L1811[18:45:28] <dobegor> Cinder: that upgrade is limited by map range
L1812[18:45:41] <dobegor> drones can really fly across the whole server :D
L1813[18:46:37] <gamax92> mah dvd drive be like VROOOOOOOOOOOM
L1814[18:46:57] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1815[18:47:33] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L1816[18:47:33] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L1817[18:47:41] <Cinder> ohhh
L1818[18:47:44] <Cinder> that I was not aware of
L1819[18:47:45] <Vexatos> dobegor, GPS drones <3
L1820[18:50:04] <dobegor> Vexatos: YEA
L1821[18:50:14] <dobegor> that's what I want to do
L1822[18:50:23] <dobegor> pizza shipping
L1823[18:55:20] ⇨ Joins: meathack (~svs@teo.hianga.com)
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L1825[19:03:01] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1827[19:03:28] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L1831[19:09:28] <Magik6k> .p
L1832[19:11:00] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1833[19:13:44] <Cinder> I swear to the lord gaben
L1834[19:14:06] <Cinder> I just found out why I was having so much trouble with my midi timestamp reading function
L1835[19:14:19] <Cinder> I was shifting it right unnecessarily.
L1836[19:14:54] <Cinder> that took me two hours to figure out.
L1837[19:14:55] <Cinder> go figure.
L1838[19:19:05] <Pwootage> gj
L1839[19:22:52] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1840[19:23:09] <Cinder> does os.sleep() internally call coroutine.yield?
L1841[19:23:55] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15)
L1842[19:23:55] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
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L1844[19:26:47] <Cinder> It would be so much simpler if event.timer() worked like SDL timers and the return value of the timer is used for the next interval.
L1845[19:27:07] <Cinder> i.e. if the timer callback returns 0.2, the timer re-triggers after sleeping for 0.2 seconds
L1846[19:29:09] <Cinder> does that make any sense?
L1847[19:29:27] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1848[19:37:58] <Inari> Cinder: well, you can add that :P
L1849[19:39:11] <dobegor> Vexatos: how can i run OpenOS on tablet?
L1850[19:39:26] <dobegor> i tried to install openos on harddrive on computer, than put it to tablet
L1851[19:39:33] <Vexatos> yea, that should work
L1852[19:39:47] <dobegor> upon boot it showed nothing on screen, but produced many read sounds
L1853[19:40:57] <dobegor> HardDriver Tier II -> Computer -> Installed OpenOS -> Tablet -> Lua bios in tablet -> assemble -> no image upon boot, just read sound
L1854[19:41:06] <dobegor> what did I do wrong?
L1855[19:41:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what graphics card did you put in the tablet?
L1856[19:41:38] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1857[19:41:39] <Vexatos> ^
L1858[19:41:50] <dobegor> hahaha
L1859[19:41:57] <dobegor> sorry, that was really silly
L1860[19:42:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> btw, if you put a charger next to a computer, with a tablet in the charger, you can access the tablets hdd from the computer
L1861[19:42:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> so you can install openos that way too
L1862[19:43:17] <dobegor> that worked :D
L1863[19:44:34] <dobegor> err
L1864[19:44:47] <dobegor> I can't type anything there in tablet
L1865[19:44:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> let me guess, you cant type in it?
L1866[19:44:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> mhm
L1867[19:44:52] <dobegor> heh
L1868[19:44:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> put a keyboard in the upgrade area
L1869[19:44:59] <dobegor> keyboard? :)
L1870[19:45:03] <dobegor> thanks
L1871[19:46:28] <dobegor> err
L1872[19:46:45] <dobegor> the crafting recipe for OpenOS and OPPM is the same
L1873[19:46:51] <dobegor> (as NEI shows)
L1874[19:47:04] <Cinder> OPPM should be a loot disk afaik
L1875[19:48:39] <gamax92> note to self, don't go to Fat Boys Pizza
L1876[19:49:01] <Cinder> huh?
L1877[19:49:26] <gamax92> You get there and all of their employees are outside at front smoking
L1878[19:50:41] <gamax92> plus nothing like so much grease that the entire box is soaked with it, and theres still some on top.
L1879[19:51:16] <SuPeRMiNoR2> fat boys pizza, you would expect it to be fattening
L1880[19:53:09] <gamax92> No i expected a decent place of business, not one where employees don't wear belts and you get to see their ass cracks, the door is propped open and its cold inside, all of their candy machines are out of order
L1881[19:54:18] <SuPeRMiNoR2> lol, sounds terrible
L1882[19:58:00] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1891[20:19:23] <Timmy94> for use events i need to require("events") right?
L1892[20:19:26] <Altenius> How can I test packet loss?
L1893[20:22:07] <Ender> Timmy94,myes
L1894[20:22:21] <g> Altenius, write tcp
L1895[20:22:22] <g> :3
L1896[20:22:22] <dobegor> almost got Du Hast by computer.beep
L1897[20:22:25] <Altenius> Is a packet loss of .21% good?
L1898[20:22:26] <dobegor> \m/
L1899[20:22:38] <g> no packet loss is good
L1900[20:22:39] <g> ._.
L1901[20:22:41] <Negi> I forgot how slow Pokémon games were at the beginning.
L1902[20:23:23] <Vexatos> computer.beep? Proper musicians use beep.beep :3
L1903[20:23:27] <samis> kke
L1904[20:23:46] * samis is backing up an android tablet with a broken screen
L1905[20:24:17] <dobegor> how can I disable power require?
L1906[20:24:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1907[20:24:23] <dobegor> even if i have ic2 installed
L1908[20:24:31] <g> config?
L1909[20:25:27] <Kodos> Yes, search your config for 'ignorePower' and set it to true
L1910[20:29:38] ⇨ Joins: Shawniac (webchat@
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L1912[20:33:55] <samis> achievement get: backup an android tablet with a broken screen
L1913[20:38:12] <dobegor> thanks
L1914[20:39:37] <Inari> Altenius: pretty goo dimo
L1915[20:39:47] <Inari> like not ideal, but it istn a huge amount,s o shouldnt affect much
L1916[20:42:31] <gamax92> Is a packet loss of 63% good?
L1917[20:42:54] <Caitlyn> gamax92, yes. that's perfect.
L1918[20:43:05] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94 (~timmy94@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1919[20:43:44] <dobegor> http://prntscr.com/5tb3ug
L1920[20:43:52] <dobegor> Vexatos said it's a bug
L1921[20:44:06] <dobegor> I can't install oppm from computer to tablet
L1922[20:47:42] <dobegor> I just copied the folder with installer and it worked fine
L1923[20:56:51] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1924[21:00:34] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L1925[21:05:38] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1926[21:07:24] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_-0tdGe5tw
L1927[21:07:24] -Kibibyte- [gamax92] Barracuda - Chip++ Tracker | by v1e2ridisq3u4o | 2m12s | 113w2d ago | 123 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L1928[21:08:19] ⇦ Quits: NixillUmbreon (~nixill@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1929[21:20:31] <Pwootage> Kibibyte... "113w2d ago"
L1930[21:21:21] <Magik6k> yay, first mpt version works: http://gyazo.com/b855260711300c0bdca82c2661f60574
L1931[21:21:34] <Magik6k> The probably one core thing todo is oppm compat
L1932[21:24:37] <Pwootage> have you created a package.json for it yet?
L1933[21:25:15] <Pwootage> mpt looks fancier than pacyak :P
L1934[21:25:33] <Pwootage> what's your package metdata format?
L1935[21:26:58] <Magik6k> the one on oppm is mpt 1.0
L1936[21:27:22] <Magik6k> gwt it by wget:
L1937[21:27:32] <Magik6k> wget -f http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/mpt/usr/bin/mpt.lua /bin/mpt.lua
L1938[21:27:46] <Magik6k> ohwait
L1939[21:27:47] <Pwootage> eew is it a single-file program?
L1940[21:27:59] <Magik6k> get to tmp and run /tmp/mpt -S mpt
L1941[21:28:16] <Magik6k> Pwootage, yes, but sode is divided into clear sections
L1942[21:28:20] <Magik6k> *code
L1943[21:28:40] * gamax92 compiles Pwootage
L1944[21:28:59] <Pwootage> Pacyak is split into a couple files, libpacyak and the pacyak frontend
L1945[21:29:29] <samis> Magik6k, seperation of code segments into appropriate file is a good thing
L1946[21:29:35] <gamax92> uhh no?
L1947[21:29:59] <g> yeah, separation of code is always good
L1948[21:30:06] <g> much more manageable
L1949[21:30:14] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L1950[21:30:23] <gamax92> or, if you like me the code was already separated and when compiled together became one file
L1951[21:30:33] <Pwootage> I like pacyak because it's list-based and is desigend to pull in multi-file projects
L1952[21:30:41] <Pwootage> and it does symlinks!
L1953[21:30:56] <samis> gamax92, that's equivalent imho
L1954[21:30:57] * g looks at OCEmulator
L1955[21:31:01] <g> not intended for windows, then
L1956[21:31:03] <Pwootage> and it bootstraps itself from it's own package.json
L1957[21:31:09] <gamax92> Blame Altenius
L1958[21:31:16] <samis> ^
L1959[21:31:33] <samis> you could try cygwinning it
L1960[21:31:34] <Magik6k> samis, what can be separed here is core+'repo drivers', mod drivers(oc, cc) and fronend(that is part of backend/mod driver)
L1961[21:31:49] <g> compiling on windows is a pain, whatever way you look at it
L1962[21:31:56] <gamax92> lolno ...
L1963[21:32:02] <gamax92> mingw is easy to work with.
L1964[21:32:04] * samis avoids that by compiling on linux
L1965[21:32:13] <Pwootage> eh, mingw has problems sometimes
L1966[21:37:33] <gamax92> %p
L1967[21:37:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.41s
L1968[21:37:36] <gamax92> .-.
L1969[21:38:14] <Magik6k> #p
L1970[21:38:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.546 Seconds passed.
L1971[21:39:12] <gamax92> oh i don't feel so bad now.
L1972[21:40:39] <Caitlyn> %p
L1973[21:40:40] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.68s
L1974[21:40:42] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1975[21:40:47] <Caitlyn> feel even better now? :P
L1976[21:40:52] <gamax92> :D
L1977[21:42:00] <Caitlyn> %p
L1978[21:42:01] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.4s
L1979[21:42:03] <Caitlyn> lol...
L1980[21:42:18] <LordFokas> .drama
L1981[21:42:19] <Caitlyn> 0.4s and it's on the same host.. wat
L1982[21:42:24] <LordFokas> oh noes!
L1983[21:42:24] <Caitlyn> %drama
L1984[21:42:25] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Ex Nihilo makes OpenPeripheral crash Tinkers' Steelworks when used by AlgorithmX2
L1985[21:42:38] <LordFokas> LOOL
L1986[21:42:42] <LordFokas> I love this thing
L1987[21:43:38] <Caitlyn> lol yeaaah
L1988[21:44:31] <Ender> %p
L1989[21:44:32] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Ender 0.17s
L1990[21:44:36] <Ender> :P
L1991[21:44:58] <gamax92> %p
L1992[21:44:59] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 1.03s
L1993[21:45:03] <gamax92> .-.
L1994[21:45:35] <g> so if OC can use CC peripherals
L1995[21:45:41] <g> Does that mean base CC is required for them?
L1996[21:45:48] <gamax92> not always
L1997[21:46:12] <Ender> g, depends how the CC peripheral adding mods load them
L1998[21:46:38] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L1999[21:47:26] <gamax92> though actually, anyone know one off hand that does require CC?
L2000[21:51:27] <Caitlyn> Ok.. so it seems hexchat c rashes anytime I right click the notification icon
L2001[21:52:33] <Caitlyn> disabled the tray icon and no more crashing so w/e
L2002[21:53:20] <Ender> gamax92, open peripherals
L2003[21:53:31] <Ender> Caitlyn, lol
L2004[21:54:17] <gamax92> Well ...
L2005[21:54:58] <gamax92> Was kinda hoping for something that doesn't also try to do the same thing OCC does :P
L2006[21:57:08] ⇦ Quits: samis (~samis@95f1d6e5.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2007[21:57:09] <bananagram> %p
L2008[21:57:11] <MichiBot> Ping reply from bananagram 2.22s
L2009[22:01:28] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L2010[22:01:41] <g> what's the point of that command?
L2011[22:01:44] <g> I'm trying to figure it out
L2012[22:04:57] <Caitlyn> gdude, it lets you see how much delay you're experiencing, it's also a great way to boast about your low ping, or complain about your crappy ping.
L2013[22:05:07] <g> delay between what though?
L2014[22:05:13] <g> I mean, the IRC server has this stuff
L2015[22:05:28] <gamax92> ehh, when does the irc server tell you the ping?
L2016[22:05:38] <Caitlyn> ^
L2017[22:05:43] <g> it doesn't, but a lot of clients use /ping to check the lag
L2018[22:05:47] <Kubuxu> #p
L2019[22:05:49] <Caitlyn> There is ctcp pings.. which is client to client
L2020[22:05:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3.528 Seconds passed.
L2021[22:05:55] <Caitlyn> which is exactly what these use
L2022[22:06:02] <Kubuxu> This is crappy ping.
L2023[22:06:03] <Caitlyn> /ping is an alias to ctcp ping
L2024[22:06:08] <Caitlyn> for hexchat anyway
L2025[22:06:15] <g> when I prefix something with /, I mean a raw message, sorry :P
L2026[22:06:17] <Kubuxu> I think I should use different server.
L2027[22:06:18] <g> should've made that clear
L2028[22:06:20] <Caitlyn> so I can ping someone else.. but that tells me what their ping is
L2029[22:06:21] <ds84182> Pwootage: I'm busy implementing mode changes in the emulator
L2030[22:06:43] <g> weechat/hexchat both have forms of lagometers
L2031[22:06:46] <Pwootage> ds84182: eh?
L2032[22:06:49] <g> that's what I'm talking about
L2033[22:06:55] <Caitlyn> Sure, and right now it says 0.01
L2034[22:06:56] <Pwootage> I mean awesome but why'd you ping me :3
L2035[22:06:59] <Cinder> having very little success with my midi player.
L2036[22:07:00] <Caitlyn> but my actual ping?
L2037[22:07:04] <gamax92> Pwootage: because arm?
L2038[22:07:04] <Caitlyn> is quiet a bit more.
L2039[22:07:05] <Caitlyn> soo yeah
L2040[22:07:08] <ds84182> because you were asking when it would be ready
L2041[22:07:14] <Cinder> I'm gonna give up for now and go to a more lua-frendly format.
L2042[22:07:15] <Pwootage> Well thanks :D
L2043[22:07:15] <gamax92> Cinder: Sangar has a midi player
L2044[22:07:24] <Caitlyn> Lag: 0.0 Seconds.
L2045[22:07:26] <Caitlyn> %ping
L2046[22:07:27] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.49s
L2047[22:07:30] <gamax92> O.O
L2048[22:07:32] <Cinder> I know, but it's not terribly good... or so I thought it was.
L2049[22:07:35] ⇨ Joins: PhoneCube (~MCube@95f1d6e5.skybroadband.com)
L2050[22:07:36] <Caitlyn> and that's with my bouncer replying..
L2051[22:07:43] <Cinder> It's better than mine is right now
L2052[22:07:45] <ds84182> yeah, the problem is that mode changes aren't in, and the only way to get back to a kernel is by a mode change (which also disables memory mapping)
L2053[22:07:46] <Caitlyn> if I was to drop the auto response it'd be in the 1+ second range
L2054[22:07:56] <ds84182> %ping
L2055[22:07:57] <MichiBot> Ping reply from ds84182 0.36s
L2056[22:08:00] <ds84182> ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L2057[22:08:02] <Pwootage> ds84182: yeah mode changes are a bit important :3
L2058[22:08:23] <ds84182> I realized last night that I couldn't get back from a locked down user mode
L2059[22:08:24] <gamax92> GAMAX92BOT PING
L2060[22:08:24] <gamax92> PING!
L2061[22:08:32] <gamax92> because why not.
L2062[22:09:06] <ds84182> GAMAX92BOT PING
L2063[22:09:09] <ds84182> AWW
L2064[22:09:18] <Caitlyn> %ping
L2065[22:09:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.37s
L2066[22:09:26] <Caitlyn> oh look it's now down to 0.3
L2067[22:09:28] <Cinder> %ping
L2068[22:09:29] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Cinder 0.49s
L2069[22:09:32] <g> %p
L2070[22:09:33] <Cinder> wahay
L2071[22:09:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from g 0.5s
L2072[22:09:34] <ds84182> %ping
L2073[22:09:36] <MichiBot> Ping reply from ds84182 0.8s
L2074[22:09:39] <ds84182> aww
L2075[22:09:43] <g> yeah, it just uses ctcp..
L2076[22:09:51] <gamax92> %p
L2077[22:09:51] <Caitlyn> Yes.. yes it does
L2078[22:09:52] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.41s
L2079[22:09:58] <gamax92> brb lemme f ix
L2080[22:09:59] * g scratches head
L2081[22:10:01] <Caitlyn> which I noted... waaaaaaay back up there.
L2082[22:10:13] <g> does it respond to ctcp ping?
L2083[22:10:29] <g> iiit does, yes
L2084[22:10:36] <g> so.. why so public command ._.
L2085[22:10:41] * Caitlyn facedesks
L2086[22:10:47] <Caitlyn> You're not checking MichiBot's ping..
L2087[22:11:20] <Caitlyn> You're telling michibot to ping YOU to see what YOUR response time to MichiBot is, which is roughly close to what your response time to others should be
L2088[22:11:33] <g> Sure, but why would that be different?
L2089[22:11:39] <Caitlyn> what?
L2090[22:11:46] <g> I mean
L2091[22:11:54] <g> I don't pretend to be a networking expert
L2092[22:11:54] <g> but
L2093[22:12:09] <g> surely the delay between an outgoing and incoming ping would be similar
L2094[22:12:14] <Caitlyn> And?
L2095[22:12:23] <gamax92> %p
L2096[22:12:27] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 3.96s
L2097[22:12:34] <Caitlyn> ouch..
L2098[22:12:36] <gamax92> %p
L2099[22:12:39] <g> so why not just use ctcp ping yourself/
L2100[22:12:40] <g> ? *
L2101[22:12:47] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 10.75s
L2102[22:12:49] <Caitlyn> I'm gonna go now...
L2103[22:12:51] <g> like, what's the difference between it initiating and yourself?
L2104[22:13:40] <gamax92> gdude: A) we are too lazy to type the full command that pings ourselves, B) We can boast about our low ping or complain about our crappy ping
L2105[22:13:57] <g> gamax92, but functionally there's no difference in time?
L2106[22:14:14] <Ender> .p
L2107[22:14:19] <Ender> hm
L2108[22:14:20] <Ender> %p
L2109[22:14:22] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Ender 0.17s
L2110[22:14:40] <gamax92> gdude: Sure but thats not the point
L2111[22:14:50] <gamax92> the point are A) and B)
L2112[22:15:00] <g> well, I'm just confused because that seemed to be Cait's point
L2113[22:15:19] <gamax92> well no thats just want it does
L2114[22:15:22] <gamax92> but not why we use it
L2115[22:15:45] <Ender> also c) it's useful to check pings to a common target
L2116[22:16:01] <g> well yeah, but ctcp ping the same bot
L2117[22:16:04] <g> that's easy
L2118[22:16:47] * Ender declares the discussion, over
L2119[22:17:00] <gamax92> Do you like chocolate?
L2120[22:17:09] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L2121[22:17:29] <Ender> i do
L2122[22:28:28] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L2123[22:29:15] <wolfmitchell> fuck you to processing GifAnimation library https://db.tt/uzWSfTJD
L2124[22:31:45] <ds84182> are we listing our fuckyous?
L2125[22:34:20] <Inari> wolfmitchell: http://foaas.com/
L2126[22:34:39] <wolfmitchell> xD
L2127[22:35:05] <g> oh yeah, fuck off as a service
L2128[22:35:09] <g> I've used this a few times
L2129[22:35:09] <g> :P
L2130[22:42:08] <ds84182> Will return content of the form ':name, there aren't enough swear-words in the English language, so now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap. - :from'.
L2131[22:44:47] <vifino> #p
L2132[22:44:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.163 Seconds passed.
L2133[22:46:52] <ds84182> vifino: add this to |0xDEADBEEF|
L2134[22:47:07] <vifino> ds84182: foaas?
L2135[22:47:42] <ds84182> yes
L2136[22:47:52] <vifino> Why?
L2137[22:47:57] <ds84182> T_T
L2138[22:47:59] <ds84182> whynot
L2139[22:48:09] <vifino> q_q
L2140[22:49:00] <ds84182> fine, i'll ask fran
L2141[22:49:03] <vifino> ds84182: Make a pull request! ;)
L2142[22:49:13] <vifino> Or at least an issue, so i get remined
L2143[22:49:16] <vifino> *reminded
L2144[22:50:59] <vifino> ds84182: doit
L2145[22:52:02] <Cinder> Welp
L2146[22:52:26] <Cinder> time to start working on my tracker, having literally done nothing involving graphics besides procedural.
L2147[22:58:19] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L2148[22:58:47] ⇦ Quits: meathack (~svs@teo.hianga.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L2151[23:12:40] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2152[23:15:31] ⇦ Quits: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2153[23:15:51] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15)
L2154[23:15:51] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
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L2156[23:18:26] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2157[23:25:29] <dobegor> got Du Hast working in OC
L2158[23:25:30] <dobegor> \m/
L2159[23:25:36] <dobegor> Computronics is very nice
L2160[23:25:54] <dobegor> though it required server (not enough memory to write tape on usual Tier 3 computer)
L2161[23:25:56] ⇦ Quits: marcin212_ (~marcin212@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L2163[23:30:21] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2164[23:30:37] <Cinder> dobegor: What?
L2165[23:30:46] <Cinder> That's unusual
L2166[23:30:57] <Cinder> I was able to do that on a T3 computer with two T3.5 sticks
L2167[23:32:48] ⇨ Joins: JjStAr992_Gaming (~EIRC_RR@CPE-121-214-110-139.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L2168[23:35:54] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-156-49-144.range109-156.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2169[23:36:32] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L2170[23:38:19] <dobegor> Cinder: idk, lua crashed with out of memory error on usual T3 computer
L2171[23:38:33] <dobegor> file is 600kb+
L2172[23:39:47] <Kilobyte> dobegor: write in sections
L2173[23:43:11] <Cinder> 600kb?
L2174[23:43:18] <Cinder> Wait, this is a dfpwm file right?
L2175[23:48:02] <dobegor> yes
L2176[23:48:39] <dobegor> i used wget to move it on computer from real world
L2177[23:50:21] <Cinder> One second.
L2178[23:51:31] <Cinder> How are you trying to copy it?
L2179[23:52:08] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L2180[23:52:18] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-149.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L2181[23:52:29] <dobegor> just read from file into variable
L2182[23:52:34] <Cinder> ah
L2183[23:52:50] <Cinder> I'd do tape.write(fh:read("*all"))
L2184[23:52:55] <Cinder> fh being the io filehandle
L2185[23:53:13] <Cinder> are you sure you have two T3.5 memory sticks in the computer?
L2186[23:53:17] <dobegor> that automaticly streams the file?
L2187[23:53:31] <gamax92> Kasen: I've partially fixed that one bug :P
L2188[23:53:34] <dobegor> sure I am
L2189[23:53:38] <dobegor> 2 MB of ram
L2190[23:53:53] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|zzz
L2191[23:54:01] <vifino> Cinder: That is not a stream.
L2192[23:54:20] <vifino> You are reading the file /completely/ into memory and then writing it
L2193[23:54:26] <gamax92> it doesn't fill with black for everyone else who already has it loaded, it still loads as black for the one who needs it.
L2194[23:54:28] <Kasen> gamax92, partially?
L2195[23:54:33] <Kasen> ah right
L2196[23:54:40] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L2197[23:56:36] <Cinder> I did it with a 770kb file, a 600kb file should have no issue
L2198[23:56:47] <dobegor> idk what it was
L2199[23:56:49] <dobegor> nevermind
L2200[23:59:30] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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