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L1[00:00:56] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549723AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L2[00:01:23] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@isis.pc-logix.com)
L3[00:02:54] <Caitlyn> %sed disable
L4[00:02:54] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Disabled SED for this channel
L5[00:02:58] <Caitlyn> %sed enable
L6[00:02:58] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Enabled SED for this channel
L7[00:04:59] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972C22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L8[00:06:03] <Kodos> Totally wasn't sleeping
L9[00:07:39] <gamax92> Kibided
L10[00:07:49] <gamax92> s/ded/byte/
L11[00:07:49] <MichiBot> <gamax92> Kibibyte
L12[00:07:56] <gamax92> :D
L13[00:08:13] <NixUmbreon|Phone> hey kodos
L14[00:08:23] <Kodos> o/
L15[00:08:49] <NixUmbreon|Phone> I think I've finished it. Can you make a pull request for me? I can't add code of my own from my phone.
L16[00:09:10] <Kodos> Finished... it?
L17[00:09:44] <NixUmbreon|Phone> The menu script. I can't add it to Github though - I tried the app (no code editing access), the mobile site (no code editing access), and the desktop site (paste doesn't work).
L18[00:10:05] <Kodos> Wait, you're wanting to add it to OC?
L19[00:10:16] <NixUmbreon|Phone> I'm wanting to add it to my Scripts repository.
L20[00:10:23] <NixUmbreon|Phone> Same place I have the cave simulator and puppy bot scripts.
L21[00:10:23] <Kodos> Ah
L22[00:10:40] <Kodos> PM me the stuff and when I can see and think straight (Just woke up) I'll deal with it
L23[00:10:46] <gamax92> cave simulator .-.
L24[00:10:54] <NixUmbreon|Phone> Yes. Cave simulator.
L25[00:11:27] <NixUmbreon|Phone> I have a flatland lava world. I decided to make a place you can get ores.
L26[00:12:29] <gamax92> Cave Johnson Simulator
L27[00:13:19] <NixUmbreon|Phone> Sorry, you don't get poisoned by moon rocks in there. :P
L28[00:13:21] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Quit: SpiritedDusty)
L29[00:14:37] <NixUmbreon|Phone> It creates a hunk of stone, pokes holes through it, and scatters ores in the remainder.
L30[00:15:23] <gamax92> perlin worms
L31[00:18:18] <NixUmbreon|Phone> well not really
L32[00:18:24] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|dinner
L33[00:18:28] <NixUmbreon|Phone> the "holes" are really just random pockets of air xD
L34[00:19:40] <gamax92> PERLIN WORMS FOR LUA kthx
L35[00:19:41] <gamax92> :D
L36[00:21:25] <NixUmbreon|Phone> <w<
L37[00:21:38] <NixUmbreon|Phone> I wonder if deadbeef can accept multi line lua input.
L38[00:22:40] <NixUmbreon|Phone> ... I like how its help command says 'do #help <topic>' but doesn't tell you how to list possible values for <topic>.
L39[00:22:51] <gamax92> lol yeah
L40[00:23:01] <NixUmbreon|Phone> who made deadbeef?
L41[00:23:04] <gamax92> vifino
L42[00:29:51] <NixUmbreon|Phone> okay guys so
L43[00:30:07] <NixUmbreon|Phone> here's my first attempt at making a module as well as a menu script
L44[00:30:14] <NixUmbreon|Phone> unfortunately I have no test environment
L45[00:30:23] <NixUmbreon|Phone> as I have no laptop
L46[00:30:33] <NixUmbreon|Phone> someone wanna test for me?
L47[00:30:38] <dangranos> are you talking about RL?
L48[00:30:38] <NixUmbreon|Phone> http://pastebin.com/Rn1iLMNN
L49[00:30:46] <NixUmbreon|Phone> yeah, no computer irl
L50[00:30:58] <NixUmbreon|Phone> just a phone and an external keyboard
L51[00:31:17] <NixUmbreon|Phone> which is also why that pastebin has a character width of 73
L52[00:32:18] <NixUmbreon|Phone> 72*
L53[00:32:32] <NixUmbreon|Phone> that's my phone in landscape xD
L54[00:39:22] *** wer38|dinner is now known as wer38
L55[00:41:18] <NixUmbreon|Phone> ... In portrait I only get 39 characters. xD
L56[00:42:15] <NixUmbreon|Phone> Well, 38 compared to the 72 with landscape - when 3 digit line numbers are used.
L57[00:43:04] * NixUmbreon|Phone pokes a kodos again
L58[00:43:12] <Kodos> wat
L59[00:43:17] <NixUmbreon|Phone> hey
L60[00:43:22] <NixUmbreon|Phone> wanna test the menu thing?
L61[00:43:37] <Kodos> I can later, currently waiting on Autodock on E:D
L62[00:43:42] <NixUmbreon|Phone> ah
L63[00:43:46] <NixUmbreon|Phone> you got the pastebin at least right?
L64[00:43:48] <NixUmbreon|Phone> it's above
L65[00:43:53] <NixUmbreon|Phone> http://pastebin.com/Rn1iLMNN or right here
L66[00:43:58] <Kodos> Apparently in my half asleep stupor this afternoon, I bought a 1m CR cargo ship
L67[00:44:11] <NixUmbreon|Phone> ?
L68[00:44:19] <Kodos> 1 million credits
L69[00:44:29] <Kodos> Read: all my money
L70[00:46:09] <NixUmbreon|Phone> mm
L71[00:47:00] <Kodos> Trying to think of what I could do with LSL for funsies
L72[00:51:31] *** NixUmbreon|Phone is now known as Nixill|zzz
L73[00:57:02] <Ditchbuster> Kodos what game?
L74[00:57:19] <Kodos> LSL is Second Life, my cargo ship is Elite dangerous
L75[00:57:47] <Ditchbuster> Yea I was taking about ship
L76[01:00:23] *** Agoldfish is now known as Agoldfish|Sleep
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L85[01:49:20] <ditchbuster1> Testing
L86[01:54:51] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L87[01:57:35] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
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L97[03:19:10] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Off
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L113[05:15:46] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L114[05:17:54] *** ConcernedSlippin is now known as ConcernedBDParty
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L119[05:55:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L120[06:16:25] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L121[06:33:06] <Sangar> o/
L122[06:34:42] <Wobbo> o/
L123[06:48:14] <vifino> I have arisen.
L124[06:48:32] <Wobbo> Alright, almost doen with Scala by Example
L125[06:49:15] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a|off (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L126[06:49:42] <Wobbo> Hows your new castle in Transilvania?
L127[06:50:57] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L128[06:55:57] <Kodos> Bleh, I'm terrible with staircases
L129[06:56:21] <Wobbo> That doesn't sound like a thing to be terrible with
L130[06:57:00] <Kodos> I had an idea for another one, but I already built the kitchen where it'd go
L131[06:59:06] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L132[07:00:38] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L133[07:06:00] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|zzz
L134[07:07:07] <Wobbo> Gah, now my calculator has ^, but it 4 * 2 ^ 3 is read as (4 * 2) ^ 3 and I don't know how to solve it D:
L135[07:07:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CED50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L136[07:14:51] <Cruor> Wobbo: by implementing mathematical precedence properly >_<
L137[07:15:30] <Wobbo> But now the parser does that really simple. But the parser was only made for +, -, * and /
L138[07:20:39] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-26-228.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
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L144[07:46:26] *** SardonicLane is now known as Sleepdra
L145[07:48:34] *** Guest23868 is now known as Altenius
L146[07:52:41] <Altenius> What's a good irc client I can use in a terminal?
L147[07:52:53] <Altenius> Or a GUI that's transparent
L148[07:53:00] <Magik6k> Altenius, irssi
L149[07:53:54] <Sleepdra> yep, irssi is good terminal based irc client.
L150[07:54:09] <Sleepdra> people who use it even say it's best irc client ever.
L151[07:54:10] <DeanIsaKitty> or weechat
L152[07:57:09] ⇦ Quits: Nibato (~nibato@97-81-156-37.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L153[08:02:21] <ShadowKatStudios> *head falls on keyboard* So... tired...
L154[08:04:39] ⇨ Joins: jacob (~jacob@10.sub-70-198-131.myvzw.com)
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L156[08:05:32] <DeanIsaKitty> Go to bed?
L157[08:07:54] ⇦ Parts: Altenius (Altenius@Moving.Mountains.At.PanicBNC.us) (Leaving))
L158[08:09:01] ⇦ Quits: jacob (~jacob@10.sub-70-198-131.myvzw.com) (Client Quit)
L159[08:09:06] <ShadowKatStudios> but...
L160[08:09:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I have to make something that flies with FAR!
L161[08:09:33] ⇨ Joins: jacob (~jacob@10.sub-70-198-131.myvzw.com)
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L164[08:10:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
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L172[08:47:31] ⇨ Joins: Roadcrosser (potato@hi.i.just.wanted.to.say.that.programming.is.evidently.sexy)
L173[08:47:36] <Roadcrosser> any help?
L174[08:47:37] <Roadcrosser> http://i.imgur.com/XzHY8jc.png
L175[08:47:45] <Roadcrosser> error being thrown on a server
L176[08:47:50] <Roadcrosser> might be computronics
L177[08:49:26] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L178[08:55:24] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-124-185-186-202.lns6.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L179[08:56:45] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L180[08:57:22] <Kodos> Uhh
L181[09:00:14] <Sangar> Roadcrosser, latest oc version? because iirc there was an issue with partially shipped ic2 apis or something, but that should've been fixed a while ago
L182[09:00:23] <Roadcrosser> k
L183[09:00:50] <Sangar> if it still happens with latest oc, open an issue on github
L184[09:01:18] <Roadcrosser> k
L185[09:04:04] ⇨ Joins: Nixill|zzz (~nixill@c-24-11-46-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L186[09:13:33] ⇨ Joins: dangranos_ (~dangranos@
L187[09:15:56] <Kodos> Sangar
L188[09:16:04] <Kodos> When do I/we get my/our Christmas present =D
L189[09:16:06] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L190[09:16:26] <Sangar> in four days ;)
L191[09:16:31] <Sangar> brb
L192[09:21:58] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L193[09:22:11] <Inari> www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxA1GDzTovU ~
L194[09:22:11] -Kibibyte- [Inari] Portal 2 - Hark! The Turret Voices Sing! | by harry101uk | 55s | 152w0d ago | 218,993 views | Rated: 4.96/5.00
L195[09:22:12] <MichiBot> Inari: Portal 2 - Hark! The Turret Voices Sing! | length 55s | rated 4.96/5.00 | 218993 views | by harry101uk
L196[09:24:41] <Nixill|zzz> ...kden.
L197[09:24:48] *** Nixill|zzz is now known as Nixill
L198[09:31:51] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L199[09:31:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L200[09:32:06] ⇨ Joins: Mr_LoGaN_ (webchat@
L201[09:32:17] <Mr_LoGaN_> hello all
L202[09:32:27] <Wobbo> Hi
L203[09:33:14] <Sangar> back
L204[09:33:42] <Mr_LoGaN_> someone could tell me if it is possible to control chest vanilla with the adapter in OpenComputer ?
L205[09:34:35] <Nixill> If it has an Inventory Controller Upgrade, I believe so.
L206[09:34:41] <Nixill> Can't test, no computer irl.
L207[09:35:38] <Kodos> wb
L208[09:35:51] <Nixill> Mr_LoGaN_: ^
L209[09:35:57] <Magik6k> Mr_LoGaN_, http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L210[09:38:47] <Mr_LoGaN_> thank you, I will look at it right now
L211[09:40:26] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L212[09:47:41] <Magik6k> Sangar, u here?
L213[09:48:09] <Sangar> yes
L214[09:48:47] <Magik6k> I cannot setup workspace cuz this:
L215[09:48:56] <Nixill> one thing I think would be cool in the debug card, okay three things
L216[09:49:14] <Magik6k> http://hastebin.com/obusicolod.vhdl
L217[09:49:17] <Magik6k> Sangar, ^
L218[09:49:21] <Nixill> 1. debug.programStartedBy():userdata - Returns the player object that started the program
L219[09:50:09] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L220[09:50:11] <Nixill> 2. debug.lastUser():userdata - Returns the last player that was on the computer. If multiple players are currently on the computer, returns the one that most recently joined.
L221[09:50:18] <Sangar> Magik6k, uhhh, mkay. probably since latest commit or something?
L222[09:50:21] <Magik6k> Nixill, that's doable by modyfing shell/process
L223[09:50:56] <Nixill> 3. player.isOp():boolean - Returns "true" if the player is an op on the server
L224[09:51:02] <Magik6k> Sangar, somewhat after upsteam pull:
L225[09:51:03] <Magik6k> commit 3dd7075518726711f1db48dc526272800968b08f
L226[09:51:03] <Magik6k> Author: Florian N�cke <florian@nuecke.de>
L227[09:51:03] <Magik6k> Date: Fri Dec 19 18:49:52 2014 +0100
L228[09:51:06] <Magik6k> ouch
L229[09:52:29] <Sangar> i did make a minor change (add short version of hash to built jar's name when building locally), which worked fine for building... will test workspace setup in a sec
L230[09:52:41] <Nixill> Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put the time right in the middle of the date in the default format?
L231[09:52:41] <Magik6k> k
L232[09:53:20] <Magik6k> Nixill, ask git contributors ;p
L233[09:54:01] <Nixill> It's not them. That's the default JavaScript date string output.
L234[09:54:31] <Sangar> isn't that whatever you configure your os to use?
L235[09:54:34] <Nixill> Brb, getting ready for work.
L236[09:54:43] <Wobbo> Nixill: Its Javascript. That is the only thing you think is illogical?
L237[09:58:13] <ShadowKatStudios> "PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA" Oh shit, I think I broke Windows.
L238[09:58:39] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, lol
L239[09:58:45] <Nixill> Wat. xD
L240[09:58:49] <CompanionCube> Doesn't Windows break itself?
L241[09:58:56] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, ^
L242[09:59:08] <Magik6k> ShadowKatStudios, segfault in kernel :D
L243[09:59:08] * Nixill is sad because he can only get OC code tested by volunteers now.
L244[09:59:42] <Sangar> Magik6k, for some mysterious reason that still works fine for me... maybe try moving those two lines there (170, 171) below the minecraft {} block
L245[10:02:27] ⇦ Quits: Nixill (~nixill@c-24-11-46-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Brb, leaving the house soon.)
L246[10:03:27] <Magik6k> Sangar, this haven't helped
L247[10:04:16] <Sangar> oh, and Nixill, regarding those debug card wishes: 3. can do, 2. too much book-keeping, so meh. also potentially unreliable. maybe work around it in software by tracking the keyboard and mouse events (which contains the name of the issuing player) 1. not really possible. how do you define a "program" from the component's pov? you'd have to implement that in software, too.
L248[10:04:27] <Sangar> aaand i took too long to type :/
L249[10:04:54] <Sangar> Magik6k, huh, no idea then :/ maybe just remove them for now
L250[10:05:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Eh, anyway, it seems to do it at random.
L251[10:05:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Time to ophcrack it anyway
L252[10:05:49] <DeanIsaKitty> ShadowKatStudios: Didn't you want to go to bed? :P
L253[10:08:45] ⇨ Joins: Nixill (~nixill@
L254[10:08:48] <Magik6k> Sangar, it fails at line 25: ext.config = new ConfigSlurper().parse prop
L255[10:09:03] <Sangar> o.O
L256[10:09:14] <DeanIsaKitty> Nixill: <Sangar> oh, and Nixill, regarding those debug card wishes: 3. can do, 2. too much book-keeping, so meh. also potentially unreliable. maybe work around it in software by tracking the keyboard and mouse events (which contains the name of the issuing player) 1. not really possible. how do you define a "program" from the component's pov? you'd have to implement that in software, too.
L257[10:09:18] <Magik6k> at build_2pjfuvg1dc8s2tsdkds2tj75pv$_run_closure1.doCall(/home/lukasz/Dropbox/java/git/OpenComputers/build.gradle:25)
L258[10:10:23] <Nixill> Sangar: How about debug.getNearestPlayer():userdata?
L259[10:11:31] <Sangar> probably something more like world.getEntitiesInAABB, more generic.
L260[10:11:41] <Sangar> or playersinaabb, dunno
L261[10:11:55] <Sangar> either way, if you want make an issue on github so i don't forget
L262[10:12:18] ⇨ Joins: Wuerfel_21 (~Wuerfel_2@p20030063274CFFFDD592E3EA5AF9A6C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L263[10:12:33] <Wuerfel_21> anyone still using flash player?
L264[10:12:57] <ShadowKatStudios> DeanIsaKitty: I did. But I got distracted
L265[10:13:08] <Mr_LoGaN_> tks is work my demo http://prntscr.com/5iyg8y
L266[10:13:52] <ShadowKatStudios> hax
L267[10:14:00] <ShadowKatStudios> I can't believe I forgot my sister's password >.<
L268[10:14:22] ⇨ Joins: Wuerfel21 (Wuerfel_21@p200300632721DBA2D592E3EA5AF9A6C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L269[10:14:28] <skyem123> ShadowKatStudios, wat?
L270[10:14:42] *** ConcernedBirthday is now known as HobbitMovies
L271[10:14:47] <ShadowKatStudios> KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR
L272[10:14:54] <ShadowKatStudios> >.< Windows get your shit together
L273[10:15:20] <skyem123> What did you do? :p
L274[10:15:30] <ShadowKatStudios> It's doing this for no apparent reason
L275[10:15:55] <Wuerfel21> ShadowKatStudios, http://goo.gl/R7x5sC
L276[10:15:56] <MichiBot> Wuerfel21: http://flash.pivpiv.dk/testgay.html Page title: Testgay /title html head meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" title Flash.pivpiv.dk
L277[10:16:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Wuerfel21: I don't have Flash installed
L278[10:16:38] <Wuerfel21> ShadowKatStudios, :(
L279[10:16:44] <Wuerfel21> MichiBot, stfu
L280[10:18:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Ironically, if I log in as guest and log back out, I can log in as Administrator with no password.
L281[10:19:07] <Wuerfel21> ShadowKatStudios, thanks for that exploit!
L282[10:19:37] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, lolwut
L283[10:19:40] <CompanionCube> SOURCE BITCH
L284[10:19:42] ⇦ Quits: Wuerfel_21 (~Wuerfel_2@p20030063274CFFFDD592E3EA5AF9A6C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L285[10:19:49] <ShadowKatStudios> (Only if the admin password isn't set, and I've only tested it on Windows XP)
L286[10:19:55] <CompanionCube> ...oh
L287[10:20:10] <ShadowKatStudios> tl;dr old family computers
L288[10:20:33] <Stary2001> Gg
L289[10:20:40] *** Wuerfel21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L290[10:20:55] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, could be worse
L291[10:21:08] <CompanionCube> with windows, an error in the FS driver can cause a BSOD
L292[10:21:14] <CompanionCube> see: NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
L293[10:21:41] <ShadowKatStudios> NTFS can cause exploits when used with git
L294[10:22:35] <Wuerfel_21> ShadowKatStudios, NTFS can cause exploits when used with Windows
L295[10:22:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Though NTFS causing BSODs would make sense
L296[10:22:56] <ShadowKatStudios> it's only been dodgy since I enabled r/w on Haiku for it
L297[10:23:25] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, Linux has detected NTFS errors that windows didn't see until I checked it with linux.
L298[10:23:36] <CompanionCube> It even nicely scheduled a boot chkdsk for me afterwards
L299[10:23:38] <ShadowKatStudios> alternative: interrupt boot, go into safemode, get admin that way
L300[10:23:39] <Wuerfel_21> Windows can cause exploitss when used with [insert any software/hardware]!
L301[10:24:22] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, alternative: boot into linux and change Administrator's password in the SAM database
L302[10:24:52] <ShadowKatStudios> 0x000000F4 - ironic, it just needs the keyboard for ALT.
L303[10:25:01] <Wuerfel_21> ..ping
L304[10:25:08] <Wuerfel_21> .ping
L305[10:25:12] <Magik6k> .p
L306[10:25:14] <ShadowKatStudios> anyway
L307[10:25:17] <Wuerfel_21> .p
L308[10:25:19] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm gonna go to bed now
L309[10:25:22] <Magik6k> %p
L310[10:25:23] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Magik6k 0.47s
L311[10:25:26] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L312[10:25:28] <SKS-Away> %p
L313[10:25:29] <MichiBot> Ping reply from SKS-Away 0.71s
L314[10:25:32] <Wuerfel_21> %p
L315[10:25:33] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Wuerfel_21 0.37s
L316[10:25:33] <SKS-Away> Not bad.
L317[10:25:35] ⇨ Joins: skyqula (webchat@D979AD03.cm-3-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L318[10:25:51] <Wuerfel_21> %help
L319[10:25:56] <Wuerfel_21> nope
L320[10:26:05] <Wuerfel_21> %tell
L321[10:26:10] <Wuerfel_21> nope
L322[10:26:13] <Caitlyn> ... %commands
L323[10:26:20] <Wuerfel_21> %commands
L324[10:26:21] <Caitlyn> lists pretty much everything
L325[10:26:25] ⇦ Quits: skyqula (webchat@D979AD03.cm-3-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Client Quit)
L326[10:26:58] <Caitlyn> some require chanop/bot admin
L327[10:27:09] <Nixill> ... Why do I keep thinking F2 is home? (It's F5 on this keyboard - F2 is search, or Tab in this app)
L328[10:27:31] <Wuerfel_21> %cookies
L329[10:27:38] <Caitlyn> and that one is broken. :p
L330[10:27:55] <Wuerfel_21> %rainbow EYE CANCER!
L331[10:27:55] <MichiBot> Wuerfel_21: EYE CANCER!
L332[10:27:56] <Caitlyn> %give Wuerfel_21 cookies
L333[10:27:57] * MichiBot gives Wuerfel_21 some cookies
L334[10:28:17] <Wuerfel_21> %gic
L335[10:28:17] <Wuerfel_21> v
L336[10:28:19] <Nixill> that A was barely visible
L337[10:28:37] <Wuerfel_21> &give Caitlyn GorillaBricks
L338[10:28:45] <Wuerfel_21> %give Caitlyn GorillaBricks
L339[10:28:45] <Caitlyn> %cookies was an attempt at calling a handler directly with args.. I was working on piping command output to other commands
L340[10:28:45] * MichiBot gives Caitlyn some GorillaBricks
L341[10:29:53] <Caitlyn> Bleh.. I justl ove waking up with a migraine... its so fun.
L342[10:29:58] <Caitlyn> %flip ^
L343[10:29:59] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: (╯°□°)╯︵˙unɟ os sʇı ˙˙˙ǝuıɐɹɓıɯ ɐ ɥʇıʍ dn ɓuıʞɐʍ ǝʌo lʇsnɾ I ˙˙ɥǝlℇ
L344[10:30:58] <Wuerfel_21> %flip blablabla
L345[10:30:59] <MichiBot> Wuerfel_21: (╯°□°)╯︵ɐlqɐlqɐlq
L346[10:31:44] <Wuerfel_21> wth means (╯°□°)╯?
L347[10:31:51] <Nixill> %flip hai
L348[10:31:51] <MichiBot> Nixill: (╯°□°)╯︵ıɐɥ
L349[10:31:55] <Nixill> %flip ^
L350[10:31:55] <MichiBot> Nixill: (╯°□°)╯︵¿╯)°□°╯) suɐǝɯ ɥʇʍ
L351[10:32:06] <Nixill> xD
L352[10:32:29] <Caitlyn> yeah.. it can't flip it's own output yet.
L353[10:32:41] <Caitlyn> It doesn't feed it back into the map
L354[10:32:50] <Wuerfel_21> still, wth means (╯°□°)╯?
L355[10:32:55] <Caitlyn> also (╯°□°)╯︵ is angry dude flipping stuff.
L356[10:33:06] ⇨ Joins: Skyqula (~skyqula@D979AD03.cm-3-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L357[10:33:10] <Nixill> so instead it gives an angry dude flipping another angry dude
L358[10:33:10] <Wuerfel_21> Caitlyn, lol
L359[10:33:20] <Caitlyn> Wuerfel_21, http://puu.sh/dCo1S/9a4142b874.png
L360[10:33:23] <Nixill> and I didn't see the e because android
L361[10:33:32] <Nixill> so I saw "wth m ans?"
L362[10:33:33] <Caitlyn> Incase your font can't show it.
L363[10:34:43] <Wuerfel_21> Caitlyn, do you have flash player?
L364[10:35:29] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bye)
L365[10:36:04] <Caitlyn> ... nope. flash is evil
L366[10:36:16] <Nixill> Caitlyn - Why not have MichiBot in ocbots?
L367[10:36:26] <Wuerfel_21> Caitlyn, no, i cant annoy you with random flash goodnes
L368[10:36:48] <Caitlyn> Because I can't stand ocbots.
L369[10:36:57] <Nixill> ?
L370[10:37:08] <Caitlyn> I was there for abotu 15 minutes, and got fucking cancer from all the stupid bullshit
L371[10:37:15] <Caitlyn> s/abotu/about/
L372[10:37:15] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> I was there for about 15 minutes, and got fucking cancer from all the stupid bullshit
L373[10:37:15] <MichiBot> <Caitlyn> I was there for about 15 minutes, and got fucking cancer from all the stupid bullshit
L374[10:37:18] <Caitlyn> right...
L375[10:37:20] <Caitlyn> %sed disable
L376[10:37:20] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Disabled SED for this channel
L377[10:37:24] <Caitlyn> %yt disable
L378[10:37:24] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Disabled YTInfo for this channel
L379[10:37:28] <Caitlyn> %url disable
L380[10:37:28] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Disabled URLInfo for this channel
L381[10:37:46] <Magik6k> \o/
L382[10:37:50] <Nixill> I'd rather have Michi give YT info than Kibi.
L383[10:37:54] <Magik6k> Sangar, removing gradle cache helped
L384[10:38:02] <Nixill> Michi's is at least guaranteed to show up in the right chat.
L385[10:38:10] <Caitlyn> not a fan of notices?
L386[10:38:14] <Nixill> Kibi uses /notice which shows up in whatever window's active.
L387[10:38:25] <Sangar> Magik6k, great. weird. but great it works now :P
L388[10:38:26] <Nixill> And always pings me.
L389[10:38:34] <Caitlyn> Yeah.. which is why I avoided notice..
L390[10:38:40] <Caitlyn> the only use of notice is %commands
L391[10:38:58] <Nixill> And it makes sense for %commands.
L392[10:38:59] <Caitlyn> since it's a response to a command.
L393[10:39:10] <Nixill> Exactly.
L394[10:41:10] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L395[10:41:13] <Caitlyn> I have no idea if Kibibyte can have specific commands disable per channel so
L396[10:41:28] <Caitlyn> well, not commands, but events..
L397[10:42:10] <Nixill> Kilobyte, can it?
L398[10:42:14] ⇦ Quits: Skyqula (~skyqula@D979AD03.cm-3-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L399[10:42:32] <Cruor> Caitlyn: if only clients interpreted NOTICE properly...
L400[10:43:22] <Caitlyn> define "properly"
L401[10:43:40] <Cruor> as its defined in the RFC
L402[10:43:41] <Caitlyn> I don't remember seeing anything about notice in the RFC.
L403[10:43:50] <Caitlyn> is there..? I've not read the RFC in ages
L404[10:44:04] <Cruor> The NOTICE command is used similarly to PRIVMSG. The difference
L405[10:44:04] <Cruor> between NOTICE and PRIVMSG is that automatic replies MUST NEVER be
L406[10:44:04] <Cruor> sent in response to a NOTICE message. This rule applies to servers
L407[10:44:10] <Caitlyn> right 4.4.2
L408[10:44:31] <Caitlyn> but... does it specify where it should be displayed?
L409[10:44:51] <Cruor> it doesnt
L410[10:44:56] <Caitlyn> I mean I know WHY you should use notice... but it's display is so random it's useless at times.
L411[10:45:14] <Cruor> its not specified to turn on strobelights either
L412[10:45:35] <Nixill> s/it's disp/its disp
L413[10:45:35] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> I mean I know WHY you should use notice... but its display is so random it's useless at times.
L414[10:45:36] <Caitlyn> which is why in HexChat I had to tell it to display notices in the current active channel, because chanserv shares 3 channels with me on my network, and doing /cs anything causes notices to show up in one of those channels not the one I'm in.
L415[10:46:34] <Cruor> the RFC says the ONLY diffrence is that its not meant to be automaticly responded to
L416[10:46:41] <Cruor> == display same was as PRIVMSG? <_<
L417[10:46:50] <Caitlyn> but it's not displayed the same as privmsg.
L418[10:46:55] <Caitlyn> show me a single client that does so.
L419[10:47:01] <Cruor> none <_<
L420[10:47:05] <Cruor> because they dont follow the ****ing RFC
L421[10:47:12] <Caitlyn> Exactly... meaning we have to work around it.
L422[10:47:31] <Caitlyn> notice is great... for some things but totally useless for most everything else.
L423[10:47:33] <Cruor> you get friggen banned from channels for noticing them
L424[10:47:41] <Cruor> because clients cant rfc <_<
L425[10:48:23] <Magik6k> Sangar, or removing the cache didn't help.. but I get strange url's for MFR and CoFHLib:
L426[10:48:29] <Magik6k> http://addons.cursecdn.com/files/2212/893/CoFHLib-%255B1.7.10%255D1.0.0B6-dev-26.xml
L427[10:48:37] <Magik6k> Sangar, like this ^
L428[10:48:54] <Sangar> what's strange about that? :P
L429[10:49:03] <Magik6k> %255 in url
L430[10:49:26] <Magik6k> Sangar, this makes derver return 400 Bad request
L431[10:49:34] <Magik6k> *server
L432[10:49:57] <Nixill> %255D resolves to %5D in a url.
L433[10:50:07] <Caitlyn> which is still invalid
L434[10:50:08] <Sangar> maybe they took that jar down...
L435[10:50:11] <Caitlyn> just tried it :p
L436[10:50:13] <Nixill> It seems like it's encoding it twice.
L437[10:50:33] <Sangar> huh, maybe you have a newer gradle version than me that automatically encodes it
L438[10:50:41] <Sangar> i had to do that manually for mine
L439[10:50:45] <Caitlyn> http://addons.cursecdn.com/files/2212/893/CoFHLib-[1.7.10]1.0.0B6-dev-26.xml also 404s
L440[10:50:58] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L441[10:51:13] <Caitlyn> as does http://addons.cursecdn.com/files/2212/893/CoFHLib-%5B1.7.10%5D1.0.0B6-dev-26.xml
L442[10:51:20] <Caitlyn> so yeah... missing file :P
L443[10:51:50] <Sangar> i'm pretty sure that shouldn't matter
L444[10:52:15] <Sangar> and the lib is still on the server, sooo... Magik6k look for `URLEncoder.encode` in the build.gradle and remove it
L445[10:56:56] <Magik6k> Sangar, removing it helped(i.e. it downloaded the libs), but it now derps at No such property: allDependencies for class: java.io.File
L446[10:58:02] <Sangar> are you running gradle 2? because i have not tested with that at all, I always just use the wrapper.
L447[10:58:29] <Sangar> (which fetches 1.something)
L448[10:58:40] <Magik6k> lel
L449[10:59:22] <Magik6k> Sangar, wrapper is 1.12, I thought that version packaged by ubuntu is old(and it's 2.2)
L450[10:59:31] <Magik6k> will try with wrapper
L451[11:00:50] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:edbf:2245:ee3a:350a) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L453[11:03:23] <Kodos> I MADE UP A NEW DRINKING GAME
L454[11:03:26] <Kodos> =d
L455[11:03:28] <Kodos> =D*
L456[11:03:50] <Kodos> Nevermind, actually
L457[11:04:05] <Kodos> Was quoting/going to quote a joke I was told, but I don't want to offend anyone, or give the wrong idea
L458[11:04:14] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L459[11:04:37] <Roadcrosser> now I'm curious
L460[11:05:03] <Roadcrosser> lol
L461[11:05:37] <Roadcrosser> wonder where you heard THAT from
L462[11:06:06] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0020a400-4941.bb.online.no)
L463[11:06:56] <Magik6k> Sangar, wrapped derped cuz java 8, now it seems to work(sets up workspace)
L464[11:07:38] <Sangar> ok. i guess i'll look into updating the gradle wrapper some time... but it works for me, so meh :P
L465[11:20:16] <Wobbo> Whop, my calculator now returns 1 for 1/3 + 1/3 +1/3 :D
L466[11:21:49] <CompanionCube> Wobbo, rounding much
L467[11:22:16] <Magik6k> Wobbo, what's wrong with it?
L468[11:22:46] <Wobbo> Magik6k: Nothing, now it uses Rationals instead of Doubles for, well, rationals
L469[11:23:10] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L470[11:23:18] <Magik6k> \o/
L471[11:23:23] <Caitlyn> http://puu.sh/dCqPn/86fa1d95f8.png so sayeth teh googles
L472[11:23:43] <Magik6k> Sangar, it finally worked
L473[11:24:00] <Wobbo> And 5/3 + 1/ 3+ 19/3 now returns 8 + 25/3 :P
L474[11:25:35] <Sangar> Magik6k, great :)
L475[11:25:38] <Wobbo> Although the Rationals are kinda hacky
L476[11:29:59] <Wobbo> Now I can try to implement Vectors, comparison operators and functions :P
L477[11:30:20] <Roadcrosser> ohi samis
L478[11:30:37] <Roadcrosser> just noticed you here
L479[11:31:12] <CompanionCube> ofc I'm here
L480[11:32:26] <Roadcrosser> right
L481[11:32:50] <Roadcrosser> you don't play on the server anymore
L482[11:32:51] <Roadcrosser> do you?
L483[11:32:57] * CompanionCube wants to write something in LaTeX for the hell of it but is unsure what. Something OC-related maybe?
L484[11:33:06] <Ender> o/ all
L485[11:33:07] <CompanionCube> Roadcrosser, interwebs are too shit today anyways
L486[11:33:21] <Roadcrosser> right
L487[11:33:23] <Kodos> Okay, time to play around with OC now that the server I was playing on is offline
L488[11:34:09] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L489[11:34:09] <CompanionCube> any suggestions?
L490[11:34:17] * Ender hugs DeanIsaKitty
L491[11:34:33] * DeanIsaKitty hugs Ender
L492[11:34:50] <Ender> i only just got up, guess when i went to bed last night?
L493[11:35:17] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L494[11:36:49] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L495[11:36:51] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Client Quit)
L496[11:37:07] * Ender went to bed at 8am his time
L497[11:37:17] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@D97A1938.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L498[11:37:18] <Roadcrosser> I still want a wireless thingy
L499[11:37:27] <Roadcrosser> where I can open the base door with a tablet
L500[11:37:36] <Kodos> That'd be easy enough
L501[11:37:42] <Roadcrosser> I was talking to CompanionCube
L502[11:37:46] <Roadcrosser> who plays on the same server
L503[11:37:53] <Kodos> >.>
L504[11:38:00] <Roadcrosser> even though I just portable hole in nowadays
L505[11:38:24] <Roadcrosser> http://i.imgur.com/nHv41wa.png
L506[11:38:28] <Roadcrosser> still happening, huh
L507[11:38:46] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L508[11:39:17] <Kodos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/new
L509[11:39:42] <Roadcrosser> yep thanks
L510[11:39:49] <Roadcrosser> I was just gonna google that
L511[11:39:57] <Kodos> I like being lazy, I like to help others be lazy too \o/
L512[11:42:07] <Roadcrosser> yay
L513[11:49:35] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
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L516[11:51:47] <hitecnologys> Greetings, people. I've been struggling with this rc.d thing and I can't seem to make event.listen work correctly in the background. Are there any sample programs or guidelines that describe how do I correctly write daemons?
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L523[11:58:05] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L524[12:01:29] <Wobbo> CompanionCube: Write tictactoe in LaTeX, it is possible!
L525[12:01:36] <Wobbo> Anyway, food
L526[12:01:43] *** Wobbo is now known as Wobbo|AFK
L527[12:05:29] <CompanionCube> Wobbo|AFK, cba
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L530[12:11:34] ⇨ Joins: FrogBog (webchat@
L531[12:13:47] <FrogBog> anybody have any idea how to make the Debug Card run a command that requires op privileges in singleplayer? (/op doesn't seem to exist in SP, but the component returns 'You do not have permission to use this command')
L532[12:15:04] <Caitlyn> Sounds like it might want cheats enabled..?
L533[12:15:12] <FrogBog> Cheats are enabled
L534[12:15:20] <Caitlyn> no idea then.. :/
L535[12:15:28] <FrogBog> but I think I have a command_block as a component, I'll see what I can do with it
L536[12:17:40] <Kodos> Just curious, what command are you trying to run
L537[12:17:57] <FrogBog> I'm trying to cheat in an item with a custom NBT tag, using /summon
L538[12:18:09] <FrogBog> I have it working with a command block now though
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L541[12:23:08] <hitecnologys> Never mind. I was all my fault.
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L544[12:25:28] ⇦ Parts: FrogBog (webchat@ ())
L545[12:42:43] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94 (webchat@
L546[12:42:48] <Timmy94> Hello
L547[12:43:09] <gamax92> Hi
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L550[12:44:06] <Timmy94> gamax92: do you know, how i can create *.deb files for jailbroken iDevices?
L551[12:46:32] <gamax92> ... You want Debian files for Apple devices?
L552[12:47:11] <Timmy94> Yeah. I want create an Client for an socket-based Chat
L553[12:47:41] <gamax92> Apple doesn't run Debian .-.
L554[12:47:51] <Magik6k> gamax92, that's standard packaging for jailbroken things
L555[12:47:55] <gamax92> oh
L556[12:48:10] <gamax92> <-- Has not jailbroken an iPhone, if you couldn't tell :P
L557[12:48:39] <Timmy94> Ah, ok.
L558[12:48:57] <Magik6k> gamax92, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cydia#Purpose_and_function
L559[12:48:59] <gamax92> Also, is Steam down?
L560[12:49:09] <gamax92> Cannot login via program or website
L561[12:49:38] <Magik6k> gamax92, for me works, are you on linux?
L562[12:49:45] <gamax92> windows
L563[12:49:51] <Magik6k> donno then
L564[12:50:03] <Timmy94> Steam don't work for me, too.
L565[12:50:17] <gamax92> https://downdetector.com/status/steam
L566[12:50:22] <gamax92> reports as in last minute of it being down
L567[12:50:26] <gamax92> so yeah i guess its down
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L569[12:50:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L570[12:50:46] <Wobbo> and back
L571[12:51:12] <Magik6k> umm, okayy, now it's broken
L572[12:51:24] <Magik6k> 'Could not connect to the steam network'
L573[12:52:52] <dangranos_> &
L574[12:52:53] <dangranos_> ?
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L578[12:54:22] <dangranos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/747
L579[12:54:28] <gamax92> "Today, just got my 50/50 fiber installed... went to fire up Steam... of course Steam is down. FML."
L580[12:54:35] <dangranos> windows cmd
L581[12:54:44] <dangranos> steam is down?
L582[12:54:46] <dangranos> D:
L583[12:55:41] <gamax92> The windows subpixel text renderer hurts my eyes D:
L584[12:55:52] <Magik6k> wat.. https://support.steampowered.com/
L585[12:56:05] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94 (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L586[12:56:26] <gamax92> Magik6k: is not loading for me?
L587[12:56:39] <Magik6k> gamax92, not just for you ;p
L588[12:56:44] <Caitlyn> loads fine here.
L589[12:56:45] <gamax92> why'd you link it then
L590[12:57:41] <Caitlyn> http://puu.sh/dCwjy/fdb8062452.jpg
L591[12:57:55] <gamax92> mmh, maybe its just being really slow then
L592[12:58:09] <gamax92> Caitlyn: Whazzat at the bottom right :3
L593[12:58:27] <Caitlyn> MaCoPiX
L594[12:58:35] <Caitlyn> you can thank SkS :P
L595[12:58:49] <Caitlyn> it's a bit of a trick installing it on Win7.. but there it is..
L596[12:58:54] <Caitlyn> Also have it on my Fedora install
L597[12:59:15] <Caitlyn> it usually sits on top of your active window, but more often that not my windows are maximized, so I made her sit on my taskbar
L598[12:59:25] <dangranos> hooooow
L599[12:59:25] <gamax92> I was gonna say, It says "For X" but I can clearly see the Windows text rendering that hurts my eyes
L600[12:59:49] <dangranos> http://imgur.com/gallery/vVJ5w0f
L601[13:00:08] <Caitlyn> gamax92, there is a windows build..
L602[13:00:28] <Caitlyn> it bitched wanting msvcr71.dll a quick copy DLL and bam.
L603[13:00:57] <Caitlyn> http://rosegray.sakura.ne.jp/macopix/dl-e.html#mascot ^_^
L604[13:01:44] <Caitlyn> I got lucky in finding a rpm for Fedora 19... cause compiling from source was sooo fun cause it wanted ancient libs
L605[13:02:21] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L606[13:02:21] <CompanionCube> Caitlyn, RPM hell?
L607[13:02:49] <Caitlyn> more like lib hell, it wanted an old ass version of libssl
L608[13:03:09] <Caitlyn> which wasn't gonna fuckin happen
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L612[13:16:58] <robhol_> Caitlyn: what's the worst that could happen? ;p
L613[13:17:50] <Magik6k> Sangar, do you have all required mods in your workspace or am I doing something wrong?
L614[13:22:04] <Negi> systemd </3
L615[13:22:12] <Pwootage> I loves systemd
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L618[13:30:56] <Ditchbuster> Caitlyn, think I got it working for now. Just put the raw addr in for the server for now
L619[13:32:18] <Ditchbuster> So I guess I set znc up right but for whatever reason that box doesn't like to resolve espers address
L620[13:37:13] <gamax92> mmh, steam
L621[13:42:08] <Magik6k> \o/ steam is up
L622[13:46:52] <Wuerfel_21> vifino, http://bitly.com/1r9AmJM
L623[13:47:58] <Ender> Wuerfel_21, stop posting stupid links
L624[13:48:02] <vifino> /ignore add Wuerfel_21
L625[13:48:05] <vifino> win
L626[13:48:58] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, but i cant pixel a gear so i need to spam the interwebs
L627[13:49:37] <Ender> Wuerfel_21, the "interwebs" isnt limited to just here. post another stupid link and you're getting a week ban
L628[13:50:06] <Ditchbuster> Ha read that as weak
L629[13:58:52] <Wuerfel_21> #define curse stupid
L630[14:12:13] <Sangar> Magik6k, every dependency is downloaded automatically (otherwise jenkins / travis wouldn't work)
L631[14:12:54] <Magik6k> Sangar, I was thinking about dev runtime(i.e. the run button in IDE)
L632[14:13:55] <Sangar> you have to import the gradle project to have the ide setup itself correctly (idea asks you when you open the project for the first time, no clue wrt eclipse)
L633[14:18:40] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/dCBFR/bf93be158f.jpg
L634[14:19:43] <Ditchbuster> Kodos is that space engineers?
L635[14:20:35] <Kodos> Yes
L636[14:26:16] <Kodos> Mine's modded though
L637[14:29:05] <Ditchbuster> Yea I can tell
L638[14:29:15] <Ditchbuster> Took me a sec to recognize
L639[14:30:44] <Kodos> This drill is too OP lol
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L642[14:32:11] zsh sets mode: +o on Merlin
L643[14:33:45] <Ditchbuster> What are those green things, engines?
L644[14:34:38] <Kodos> Azimuth Reactors, using them for double duty as engines too
L645[14:35:10] <Kodos> As soon as I can get the RGB codes for Azimuth's Grey and yellow colors, I'm gonna do a full blown mining ship
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L647[14:38:57] <Caitlyn> which drill mod is that Kodos?
L648[14:39:03] <Caitlyn> %sed enable
L649[14:39:04] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Enabled SED for this channel
L650[14:39:05] <Caitlyn> %yt enable
L651[14:39:06] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Enabled YTInfo for this channel
L652[14:39:08] <Caitlyn> %url enable
L653[14:39:08] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Enabled URLInfo for this channel
L654[14:39:27] <Inari> my main gripe wiht space enigneers is that stuff is too simple, even IC2 reactors wre more interesting than those nuclear reactors
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L669[15:00:51] <Kodos> Caitlyn, Earthbreaker I think, let me look
L670[15:02:20] ⇦ Quits: Merlin (~Merlin@anquietas.theender.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L671[15:02:37] <Kodos> Yep, Earthbreaker
L672[15:03:54] <Caitlyn> kk.. thanks
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L683[15:51:30] <NixillUmbreon> I've decided to start running my computer again via an external monitor.
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L687[16:03:22] <Pwootage> the latest xkcd has a reverse rick-roll, nice
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L690[16:13:48] <Wuerfel_21> [BAD JOKE WARINING!]I am proud to annuce a new cooperation between OpenComputers GmbH and Where-Is-Waldo - The new Where is Sangar! have hours of fun finding Sangar in: #oc, the forums and on github!
L691[16:14:19] <Pwootage> hehe
L692[16:15:05] <MrRatermat> sangar can jump off a cliff. I want my money back!
L693[16:15:47] *** HobbitMovies is now known as ConcernedBirthdayboi
L694[16:16:29] <Wuerfel_21> The soly purpose of this is to get mony shoved into OC GmbH to hire new developers wiling to port MakroShit Winfart to OpenComputers
L695[16:16:50] <gamax92> what is GmbH
L696[16:17:18] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
L697[16:17:33] <NixillUmbreon> GmbH seems like a familiar username actually
L698[16:17:39] <gamax92> What is that in english
L699[16:17:40] <Kodos> English motherfucker, do you speak it?
L700[16:17:48] ⇦ Quits: NixUmbreon|Phone2 (~nixill@c-24-11-46-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
L701[16:17:55] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, a company suffix thing
L702[16:18:35] <Caitlyn> it's like a LLC in the states
L703[16:23:04] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L704[16:23:48] <Wuerfel_21> also, when Makroshit Winfart is ported to OC, it will be preinstalled on everything so you have the easyest way to get to 5 shitty apps, loads of bluescreens and Clippy asking you if you try to throw the computer into lava, and if he could help you with that. Also it will be the return of the OS rom, having Makroshit Winfart built in, checksummed and TPM'ed.
L705[16:24:31] <CompanionCube> Wuerfel_21, and then it will be the rise of the coremod to remove that shit :)
L706[16:25:29] <Wuerfel_21> CompanionCube, that will be sued to 10000000000³³ Fartillion dolloars by Makroshit
L707[16:25:46] * CompanionCube makes sure Makroshit never comes into existence
L708[16:25:53] <CompanionCube> Checkmate.
L709[16:26:49] <Wuerfel_21> Such a bad joke!
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L746[16:51:43] <Wuerfel_21> &flip Closed Source
L747[16:51:48] <Wuerfel_21> %flip Closed Source
L748[16:51:48] <MichiBot1> Wuerfel_21: (╯°□°)╯︵ǝɔɹnoS pǝsolƆ
L749[16:56:34] <Kodos> Yikes
L750[16:56:38] <Kodos> 10 days PC uptime
L751[16:56:49] <Kodos> How do I find out how long I've been on IRC this session
L752[16:57:06] <Caitlyn> »» [Kodos] idle 00:00:12, signon: Wed Dec 17 22:43:34
L753[16:57:11] <Caitlyn> Whois.
L754[16:57:15] <Kodos> Righrt
L755[16:57:17] <Kodos> Derp
L756[16:57:22] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1e9f2.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L757[16:58:44] <Altenius> Kodos: You're not using Windows are you?
L758[16:58:54] <Kodos> I am, why
L759[16:59:02] <vifino> ewwdows
L760[16:59:04] <Altenius> How'd you last 10 days?
L761[16:59:21] <Caitlyn> ....
L762[16:59:23] <Kodos> My PC runs on Skittles
L763[16:59:26] <Caitlyn> It's really not that hard.
L764[16:59:36] <Ditchbuster> I've run my win box longer then that
L765[16:59:46] <Caitlyn> the only reason my uptime is low ATM is because I rebooted to play around in Linux..
L766[16:59:59] <Kodos> As soon as I find my netbook charger, I'm putting Mint on it
L767[17:00:05] <Ditchbuster> I use to have my minecraft server on it
L768[17:00:44] <Altenius> That reminds me, I need to go work on the minecraft server I'm writing \o/
L769[17:01:09] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:edbf:2245:ee3a:350a) (Quit: Tout est relatif.)
L770[17:01:26] <vifino> I'm someone who can't sleep with noise, so I have to turn off every pc in my room.
L771[17:01:59] <vifino> Even the old imac, which is considered noiseless.
L772[17:02:06] <vifino> I can't sleep with it on ._.
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L774[17:02:11] <Ditchbuster> I use to sleep to the sweet hum of mine but now it is in a different room
L775[17:02:27] <vifino> I have so many problems ._.
L776[17:02:44] <Caitlyn> Current uptime on my windows server... 232 days 2 hours 40 minutes
L777[17:03:07] <Ditchbuster> Nice!
L778[17:03:12] <TabletCube> Caitlyn: such uptime for a windows server
L779[17:03:16] <Caitlyn> Which means I've got 133 days left on my AWS
L780[17:03:20] <Kodos> Caitlyn, get that server a medal
L781[17:03:44] <vifino> xl create confs/winslut.conf
L782[17:03:46] <vifino> ....
L783[17:03:46] <Caitlyn> poor thing is running on 615 MB RAM too.. lol
L784[17:03:59] <gamax92> such an aritrary number
L785[17:04:01] <vifino> thats not my fucking terminal q_q
L786[17:04:07] <Caitlyn> idles at 80% usage..
L787[17:04:14] <TabletCube> Caitlyn: howso? Is it an AWS free server/
L788[17:04:15] <Ditchbuster> I moved but since then I only had to unplug once
L789[17:04:15] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L790[17:04:19] <Caitlyn> TabletCube, yeah
L791[17:04:49] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios! \o/
L792[17:04:54] <Wuerfel_21> Caitlyn, it just works so well cause windows needs at least 1GB of RAM to load Bluescreens and exception handling
L793[17:04:54] <TabletCube> Caitlyn: will you pay for it afterwards or kill it?
L794[17:05:10] <Caitlyn> It'll die a horrible death TabletCube.
L795[17:05:20] <Caitlyn> That and one of my IRC hubs.. which runs on Linux
L796[17:05:28] <Ditchbuster> I used my free aws a few years ago
L797[17:05:40] <TabletCube> Caitlyn: at least give it a dignified death
L798[17:05:44] <Caitlyn> This is my 3rd round of free AWS.
L799[17:05:54] <Ditchbuster> I have a problem buying old servers on eBay
L800[17:06:01] <TabletCube> ....how, Caitlyn
L801[17:06:07] <Caitlyn> I signed up with a new email.
L802[17:06:11] <Caitlyn> Not that hard :P
L803[17:06:16] <Ditchbuster> :p
L804[17:06:30] <Kodos> The hell is an AWS anyway
L805[17:06:32] <TabletCube> Don't they require CC details?
L806[17:06:41] <vifino> Caitlyn: I got 4+ domains, so I *can* have some emails =3
L807[17:06:48] <Ditchbuster> I just bought my own.. but it does use a good about of electricity
L808[17:07:11] * TabletCube is getting a mini-itx eszx
L809[17:07:14] <Caitlyn> TabletCube, yeah... but they don't check if it's like a walmart prepaid card...
L810[17:07:19] <Caitlyn> which.. I happen to have 3 of.
L811[17:07:22] <ShadowKatStudios> vifino! \o/
L812[17:07:25] <TabletCube> *ESXi box
L813[17:07:27] <Caitlyn> I also have my PayPal business card.
L814[17:07:36] <vifino> s/eszx/ESXi
L815[17:07:40] <vifino> ._.
L816[17:07:48] <vifino> TabletCube: Dang you, you ninja
L817[17:07:51] <Caitlyn> %sed enable
L818[17:07:51] <MichiBot1> Caitlyn: Enabled SED for this channel
L819[17:07:53] <TabletCube> Caitlyn: and getting more prepaids is ez
L820[17:07:57] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: How are you?
L821[17:07:59] <Caitlyn> %yt enable
L822[17:07:59] <MichiBot1> Caitlyn: Enabled YTInfo for this channel
L823[17:08:02] <gamax92> While kibibyte is not here, do enable
L824[17:08:03] <Caitlyn> %url enable
L825[17:08:04] <MichiBot1> Caitlyn: Enabled URLInfo for this channel
L826[17:08:12] <Caitlyn> Test
L827[17:08:15] <Caitlyn> s/Test/mkay
L828[17:08:16] <MichiBot1> <Caitlyn> mkay
L829[17:08:36] <Caitlyn> Also.. it doesn't track actions...
L830[17:08:37] <Caitlyn> soo
L831[17:08:59] <Caitlyn> cause actions would be an extra event and meh.
L832[17:09:02] <Caitlyn> so. many. mehs.
L833[17:09:12] <ShadowKatStudios> vifino: Pretty good, I've had an almost normal amount of sleep, I've gotten that terrible morning taste out of my mouth (using cola, it seems to work), and I'm going to buy some cables shortly. You?
L834[17:09:57] <Caitlyn> Sadly I can no longer log into nebula (my linux box on AWS) because I've lost the ppk.
L835[17:10:31] <Kodos> I read that as something grossly inappropriate
L836[17:10:39] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: Working with Stary2001 and wolfmitchell on our radio station, Stary2001 just set up an Archive Team Warrior on my dedi.
L837[17:11:45] <Kodos> Okay. it's 4 PM, and it's dark out. Sleeptime.
L838[17:11:50] <Kodos> Gonna give my PC some rest, too
L839[17:11:54] <Caitlyn> o/
L840[17:11:59] <vifino> Bai Kodos.
L841[17:12:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Cool.
L842[17:12:04] <Kodos> o7
L843[17:12:12] <Kodos> Code happy, my friends.
L844[17:12:14] <Stary2001> Caitlyn: ono
L845[17:12:22] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c92b:8234:ddf9:62ad) (Quit: Leaving)
L846[17:12:35] <Caitlyn> Stary2001?
L847[17:12:40] <Stary2001> Caitlyn!
L848[17:13:12] <Caitlyn> Stary2001‽
L849[17:13:17] <Caitlyn> INTEROBANG
L850[17:13:26] <Stary2001> \o/
L851[17:13:29] <Caitlyn> s/INTEROBANG/INTERROBANG
L852[17:13:30] <MichiBot1> <Caitlyn> INTERROBANG
L853[17:14:19] <Caitlyn> I can't play SE anymore.. :(
L854[17:14:26] <Caitlyn> lags like shit on my GTX260
L855[17:14:51] <ShadowKatStudios> I wonder how terribly it would run on an 8600GT...
L856[17:15:18] <Caitlyn> It might be a little better if I didn't have like 60+ mods..
L857[17:15:23] <Caitlyn> but idk.. <3 mods
L858[17:16:08] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: is it bad i've started a LaTeX document for things
L859[17:17:18] <vifino> TabletCube: Start using '?', '!' and
L860[17:17:20] <vifino> '.'
L861[17:17:24] <vifino> .
L862[17:17:31] <vifino> Dang enter button q_q
L863[17:17:37] <vifino> too close to '
L864[17:17:40] <vifino> for me
L865[17:17:42] <vifino> :|
L866[17:17:53] <vifino> i hate you enter key
L867[17:18:09] ⇦ Quits: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L868[17:25:27] ⇨ Joins: Minalien (~Minalien@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L869[17:31:49] *** Agoldfish|Sleep is now known as Agoldfish
L870[17:40:42] <Wuerfel_21> Eat it: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/The-Derpy-Shiz-Mod/wiki/Lasagne
L871[17:44:55] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L872[17:45:06] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com)
L873[17:47:33] <Altenius> Why does Skype need 230 MB of memory?
L874[17:47:52] <Caitlyn> Because(tm)
L875[17:50:52] <gamax92> Why doesn't Skype need 230 MB of memorty
L876[17:51:18] <Caitlyn> ^ this guy gets it.
L877[17:51:57] <Caitlyn> oh gamax92... ocdoc died yesterday so I started it
L878[17:52:05] <Caitlyn> you need a autoreconnect :P
L879[17:52:25] <gamax92> oh .-.
L880[17:52:31] <gamax92> Caitlyn: do you know why it died?
L881[17:52:41] <Caitlyn> No clue
L882[17:52:48] <Caitlyn> I think it was during all the netsplits
L883[17:52:53] <gamax92> oh maybe
L884[17:53:09] <Caitlyn> I tossed it into a @reboot cron, and ran that manually
L885[17:53:11] *** Agoldfish is now known as Agoldfish|Gaming
L886[17:53:23] <Caitlyn> Which will also take care of it in the rare instance of a reboot heh
L887[17:54:36] <Caitlyn> If you can write a script that checks if the bot is running and start it if not I'll put that in a 5 minute cronjob
L888[17:54:54] <Caitlyn> I could.. but lazy :P
L889[17:54:55] <gamax92> :X
L890[17:55:19] <gamax92> while [ true ]; do luajit ocdocbot.lua; done
L891[17:55:38] <Caitlyn> but.. wouldn't that start a shit ton of bots..?
L892[17:55:45] <gamax92> it doesn't run in the background
L893[17:56:00] <Caitlyn> Well no, it runs in screen...
L894[17:56:10] <gamax92> oh ... right ...
L895[17:58:08] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e9f2.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L896[17:58:22] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e9f2.skybroadband.com)
L897[17:58:52] <Caitlyn> if you know the process name you can grep ps aux
L898[18:01:08] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L899[18:01:19] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L900[18:03:58] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-233.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L901[18:08:16] * TabletCube uses ps ax instead
L902[18:12:40] *** Agoldfish|Gaming is now known as Agoldfish
L903[18:19:19] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (~ocdoc@eos.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L904[18:20:27] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: you here?
L905[18:20:39] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (~ocdoc@eos.pc-logix.com)
L906[18:22:20] <Caitlyn> gamax92, running.sh ftw.
L907[18:22:58] <TabletCube> Is down.
L908[18:22:59] <gamax92> Caitlyn: oops, i still have ye old ident code from Alissa's server
L909[18:23:26] <gamax92> "<ocdoc> /etc/ident/.ident: No such file or directory" on startup
L910[18:24:50] <Caitlyn> just installed oidentd
L911[18:25:17] <Caitlyn> since I'm gonna need it for ZNC anyway
L912[18:25:20] <Ender> Caitlyn, good luck with that, could never get it working on my vps
L913[18:25:27] <Caitlyn> works f ine for mine
L914[18:25:33] <Ender> hmm
L915[18:25:36] <Caitlyn> if you discount my ident
L916[18:25:37] * Ender stabs his vps
L917[18:25:46] <Caitlyn> since I've not reconnected since I fixed it
L918[18:25:47] <Ender> vps, y u so shit at everything?
L919[18:26:21] <Caitlyn> but if you whois Naomi, or DV8FromTz, or Shuudoushi|Off you'll see it working
L920[18:26:35] <Ender> meh, my vps is running a small python script that does the same thing
L921[18:27:05] *** Agoldfish is now known as Agoldfish|Away
L922[18:27:09] <Ender> Caitlyn, what OS does isis use?
L923[18:27:29] <Caitlyn> Debian-ish...
L924[18:27:45] <Ender> explain
L925[18:27:49] <Caitlyn> *sighs*
L926[18:27:51] <Caitlyn> Ubuntu.
L927[18:27:53] <Alissa> gamax92: am I deleting things now?
L928[18:28:14] <Ender> Caitlyn, ahh, mine uses debian 7
L929[18:28:18] <gamax92> I dunno, are you?
L930[18:28:41] <Ender> which the package repos for are not that up to date from what i've heard
L931[18:28:49] <Alissa> gamax92: depends on if things are being used or not
L932[18:28:52] <Caitlyn> I'm honestly not sure WHY I picked ubutnu.. lol
L933[18:29:01] <Ender> Caitlyn, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqjcHYTQgQ
L934[18:29:01] <MichiBot1> Ender: Dalek - Explain! | length 5s | rated 4.93/5.00 | 46133 views | by masterl9
L935[18:29:05] <Ender> :P
L936[18:29:17] <Ender> MichiBot1... "1", wut
L937[18:29:31] <Caitlyn> ?
L938[18:29:53] <Caitlyn> oh..
L939[18:29:58] <Ender> why does it have a 1 or l at the end?
L940[18:29:59] <Caitlyn> %chgnick MichiBot
L941[18:29:59] *** MichiBot1 is now known as MichiBot
L942[18:30:05] <Caitlyn> netsplits..
L943[18:30:11] <Ender> oh, twas an l
L944[18:30:12] <Ender> ah
L945[18:30:51] <Alissa> 1 not l
L946[18:31:03] <Ender> Alissa, they both look the same with this font
L947[18:31:05] <Ender> well
L948[18:31:08] <Ender> similar
L949[18:31:10] <Alissa> :D
L950[18:31:19] <Alissa> Anyways
L951[18:31:24] <Alissa> time to delete gamax92's account :D
L952[18:31:28] <Ender> actually they're pretty identical
L953[18:31:36] <Ender> so \o/ i suppose?
L954[18:32:42] <Ender> also I hate the netsplits where like the server dies completly but for some reason the socket doesnt timeout cause that just breaks EnderBot2's reconnect stuff (because either the socket is being stupid or asyncchat is shit, probably the latter)
L955[18:33:28] <Ender> speaking of reconnection stuff, lets go put something in v3 for that
L956[18:35:41] <bananagram> I like macs
L957[18:36:32] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-89-228-225-106.kalisz.mm.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L958[18:37:40] <bananagram> I said I was using a Mac somewhere once and everyone that was active got angry at me
L959[18:37:51] <bananagram> I left that place soon after
L960[18:38:04] <bananagram> I'm still resentful toward them
L961[18:41:25] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Quit: Fuck you all)
L962[18:41:58] <NixillUmbreon> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRL5durPleI
L963[18:41:58] <MichiBot> NixillUmbreon: Windows 3D Maze Screensaver | length 14m 48s | rated 4.92/5.00 | 223596 views | by l1011widebody
L964[18:43:45] <TabletCube> Ender: lol there is a UK ISP that has 'official' WoW guilds
L965[18:48:51] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
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L967[18:50:43] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
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L969[18:55:56] ⇦ Quits: Minalien (~Minalien@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L974[19:26:00] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L975[19:28:19] *** Daiyousei is now known as Demoman
L976[19:28:46] *** Demoman is now known as Daiyousei
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L979[19:56:32] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L980[19:58:55] <NixillUmbreon> Why does pasting code from the clipboard only paste 256 lines?
L981[19:59:17] <Ender> packet limit?
L982[20:06:24] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L983[20:08:41] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L984[20:18:54] <ShadowKatStudios> oh my god the 3D maze screensaver!
L985[20:19:22] <ShadowKatStudios> I haven't seen it in years!
L986[20:19:25] <NixillUmbreon> request for edit program: flag -o - opens a blank file that saves to and overwrites the specified name
L987[20:19:28] <NixillUmbreon> and neither had I :P
L988[20:21:20] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L989[20:21:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, yay, I now have a molex power connector to two SATA power connector lead, and a 5m patch cable to put under the TB
L990[20:21:58] <ShadowKatStudios> s/TB/TV
L991[20:21:58] <MichiBot> <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, yay, I now have a molex power connector to two SATA power connector lead, and a 5m patch cable to put under the TV
L992[20:24:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Time to install them, I guess. I'll have to grab some SATA cables, first...
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L995[20:28:27] *** MrRatermat_ is now known as MrRatermat
L996[20:30:17] <Inari> https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania/issues/428 best report ever
L997[20:38:49] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L998[20:39:52] <Wuerfel_21> Did you know that...
L999[20:40:02] <gamax92> Yes I did ...
L1000[20:40:10] <Wuerfel_21> MCreator is made by the Illuminati?
L1001[20:42:04] <ShadowKatStudios> I am now copying my anime to my /, and then I need to connect the other SATA drive.
L1002[20:47:51] ⇦ Quits: Wuerfel_21 (Wuerfel_21@p200300632721DBA2D592E3EA5AF9A6C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1004[21:03:12] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L1005[21:09:26] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/Q919oH6.png So this is a thing.
L1006[21:12:20] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/mUgROTK.png
L1007[21:16:16] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1008[21:18:14] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/4STukUJ.png
L1009[21:21:59] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L1010[21:45:00] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-26-228.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1011[21:58:50] *** Shuudoushi|Off is now known as Shuudoushi
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L1019[23:11:02] <PotatoSatKutios> Uggh
L1020[23:11:13] <PotatoSatKutios> I hate these inventory crashes with no information on what mod it is
L1021[23:11:26] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
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