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L1[00:02:12] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L2[00:06:49] <Graypup_> https://gist.github.com/Graypup/dce340ffed25a6ee9399#file-wr-lua-L48
L3[00:07:08] <ds84182> v^ is my personal string.char(0x53,0x4c,0x55,0x54)
L4[00:07:26] <v^> .l string.char(0x53,0x4c,0x55,0x54)
L5[00:07:26] <Graypup_> that for loop block is supposed to generate a table of the redstone values on a bundled cable. It instead makes a nil redstoneMap
L6[00:07:26] <^v> v^, SLUT
L7[00:07:29] <ds84182> and string.char(0x42,0x49,0x54,0x43,0x48)
L8[00:07:30] <v^> k.
L9[00:07:42] <v^> plno
L10[00:08:21] <Graypup_> I know the redstone is being gotten correctly because the print was working properly
L11[00:08:36] <Graypup_> the million-dollar question is why the table isn't being generated or serialized properly
L12[00:10:56] <Wembly> gamax, what were you doing? spyin on me? lol
L13[00:15:30] <ds84182> Graypup_, whats the output on the other side (the serialized data)
L14[00:15:36] ⇨ Joins: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-169-197.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au)
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L17[00:29:50] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Quit: Leaving)
L18[00:30:44] <TabletCube> .l string.char(0x42,0x49,0x43,0x48)
L19[00:30:44] <^v> TabletCube, BICH
L20[00:31:29] <TabletCube> v^: lol
L21[00:32:03] <ds84182> echo 10 > /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device4/cur_state
L22[00:32:11] <ds84182> that controls my mother fucking brightness
L23[00:32:18] <ds84182> not my gpu fan
L24[00:32:22] <ds84182> my brightness
L25[00:35:19] <ds84182> however
L26[00:35:22] <SpiritedDusty> cooling_device4 = brightness?
L27[00:35:29] <ds84182> echo 10 > /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device[0-3]/cur_state
L28[00:35:34] <ds84182> controls my processor speed
L29[00:35:41] <ds84182> 10 freezes a processor
L30[00:36:15] <ds84182> SpiritedDusty, cooling devices are supposed to be fans and processors
L31[00:36:16] <ds84182> but no
L32[00:36:23] <ds84182> it's god damn screen brightness
L33[00:37:03] <SpiritedDusty> so then what controls the fans?
L34[00:37:07] <ds84182> Nothing.
L35[00:37:10] <SpiritedDusty> ._.
L36[00:37:10] <ds84182> Nothing at all.
L37[00:37:25] <ds84182> Which is why my laptop overheats
L38[00:37:39] <ds84182> In the BIOS and grub, super sayain fan mode is activated
L39[00:37:43] <ds84182> elsewhere is a nope
L40[00:38:21] <ds84182> So I have to use xfce4, where my cpu usage while idle is <5%
L41[00:38:31] <ds84182> sometimes I even get 0%
L42[00:39:19] <SpiritedDusty> my laptop fan broke once. I was wondering why my youtube was lagging and smelled something odd
L43[00:39:33] <ShadowKatStudios> xfce is great because it uses basically no CPU
L44[00:45:05] <ShadowKatStudios> ow
L45[00:45:07] <ShadowKatStudios> my ears
L46[00:45:17] <ShadowKatStudios> I had no idea my headphones could make sounds so loud
L47[00:45:21] <ShadowKatStudios> freaking youtube
L48[00:45:42] ⇨ Joins: ds84183 (~ds84182@adsl-184-36-215-142.asm.bellsouth.net)
L49[00:45:51] <ds84183> what the fuck
L50[00:45:56] <ds84183> .p ds84182
L51[00:46:03] <ds84183> deaaaaaaaad
L52[00:46:11] <v^> .p
L53[00:46:12] <^v> Ping reply from v^ 0.32s
L54[00:46:14] <v^> nooooooooooooot
L55[00:46:19] <ds84183> .p
L56[00:46:20] <^v> Ping reply from ds84183 0.49s
L57[00:46:24] <ds84183> .p ds84182
L58[00:46:24] <^v> ds84183, No such user
L59[00:46:29] <ds84183> bouncer dead
L60[00:46:35] <Graypup_> ds84182, its nil
L61[00:46:59] <Graypup_> and the debug print on the side on which the table is being generated also was giving me a nil
L62[00:47:18] <ShadowKatStudios> .p
L63[00:47:19] <^v> Ping reply from ShadowKatStudios 0.7s
L64[00:48:11] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L65[00:48:34] <ds84183> this is fun
L66[00:53:38] <gamax92> playin some draw my thing
L67[00:53:43] <gamax92> won twice in a row
L68[00:56:20] <ds84183> gamax92, draw MY thing (°͂ ͜ʖ°͂)
L69[00:57:13] <TabletCube> ShadowKatStudios: hii
L70[00:57:38] * TabletCube prepares to hide
L71[00:58:09] <TabletCube> how would you feel if the debug card was disabled
L72[00:59:48] <gamax92> three times in a row
L73[01:00:10] <ds84183> woot
L74[01:00:13] ⇦ Quits: ds84183 (~ds84182@adsl-184-36-215-142.asm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L75[01:00:44] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
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L80[01:07:24] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L81[01:08:26] <gamax92> Sometimes, my fan sensor reads in the hundred thousands.
L82[01:11:10] <TabletCube> O.o
L83[01:11:25] <gamax92> TabletCube: get rektangled
L84[01:11:57] * TabletCube gets circled
L85[01:12:03] <TabletCube> gamax92: rekt
L86[01:20:26] ⇦ Quits: iLLHunter (iLL@welcome.to.bantown.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L87[01:24:03] * Graypup_ pokes ds84182 about his question
L88[01:24:30] <ds84182> who what
L89[01:24:30] <ds84182> oh
L90[01:25:00] <ds84182> Well I lost the last few messages when I froze my cpu
L91[01:25:28] <gamax92> >Explain the score system to me. The lower your score when oyu die the better?
L92[01:25:30] <gamax92> >is pacman
L93[01:25:34] <gamax92> >says HIGH SCORE
L94[01:25:49] <gamax92> >score increases during game play
L95[01:27:28] <ds84182> gamax92, kids these days
L96[01:27:37] <ds84182> everything is fucking golf
L97[01:28:14] <ds84182> wii golf, wii bowlgolf, wii basegolf, wii wresgolf, wii tennigolf...
L98[01:28:25] <ds84182> wii paddlegolf
L99[01:28:39] <ds84182> golfio golf wii
L100[01:28:49] <gamax92> wii codegolf?
L101[01:28:50] <ShadowKatStudios> OC OSes...
L102[01:28:51] <ds84182> super golf bros 4 3ds
L103[01:28:58] <ShadowKatStudios> memory golf :D
L104[01:29:00] <ds84182> OC OSgolfes
L105[01:29:02] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm winning!
L106[01:29:12] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: actually i won
L107[01:29:17] <ds84182> Actual I did
L108[01:29:24] <ds84182> it's called while true do computer.pullSignal() end
L109[01:29:26] <Porygon> I won by not playing
L110[01:29:28] <gamax92> ds84182: can you beat 0%?
L111[01:29:28] <ds84182> its a great os
L112[01:29:47] <ds84182> gamax92, delete the environment and enter an inf loop
L113[01:29:51] <ShadowKatStudios> We need to divide the memory usage by the number of APIs/number of sets of syscalls
L114[01:30:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Otherwise there's no challenge
L115[01:30:16] <ds84182> why don't we divide it by os hash
L116[01:30:39] <ds84182> .l hash("openos")
L117[01:30:39] <^v> ds84182, lua:1: attempt to call global 'hash' (a nil value)
L118[01:30:43] <ds84182> .sha openos
L119[01:30:43] <^v> ds84182, 56639a9b276828337cfab4d02223423e40837f32
L120[01:30:51] <ds84182> .l 0x56639a9b276828337cfab4d02223423e40837f32
L121[01:30:51] <^v> ds84182, 4.9319444815369e+47
L122[01:31:00] <gamax92> sooo ... 0?
L123[01:31:06] <ds84182> yes
L124[01:31:21] <ds84182> .pipe sha kawaiios | l 0x
L125[01:31:21] <^v> ds84182, 1.2262791183994e+47
L126[01:33:41] <ShadowKatStudios> .pipe sha micrOS | .l tonumber(...)
L127[01:33:41] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, Unknown command ".l"
L128[01:33:48] <ShadowKatStudios> .pipe sha micrOS | l tonumber(...)
L129[01:33:48] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, lua:1: syntax error near <eof>
L130[01:33:53] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L131[01:34:40] <ds84182> /lua local p,w=... for i, v in pairs(w:select("@e")) do local nbt=v:getData() nbt:setShort("Fire",100) v:setData(nbt) end
L132[01:34:44] <ds84182> best command ever
L133[01:34:51] <ds84182> sets every entity on fire
L134[01:35:36] <Wembly> yeye camera....
L135[01:39:49] <ds84182> I just named some items "Joe"
L136[01:39:51] <ds84182> this is great
L137[01:40:52] <SpiritedDusty> let's make twitch plays OC debug card :D
L138[01:42:21] ⇨ Joins: Johnson|away (~Johnson@24-178-233-39.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
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L140[01:43:15] <ds84182> I made scripts to disable ai and reenable ai
L141[01:43:36] <ds84182> all I need is hooks and then I can literally freeze time
L142[01:44:03] <ds84182> anyways, brb
L143[01:46:23] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
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L145[01:55:16] *** Caitlyn is now known as Caitlyn|Off
L146[01:58:13] *** Johnson|away is now known as Johnson
L147[01:59:12] <Graypup_> this debug card shit sounds highly interesting/entertaining
L148[01:59:16] * Graypup_ checks it out
L149[01:59:18] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy|Sleep (Hobbyboy@ (Quit: I think the BNC broke.)
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L152[02:11:43] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
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L155[02:24:00] <PotatoTrumpet> Graypup_ it is
L156[02:24:05] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-14-141.applecreek.pathcom.com)
L157[02:25:43] <Graypup_> PotatoTrumpet, but what's the most interesting/hilarious thing it can do?
L158[02:25:57] <PotatoTrumpet> OCWE
L159[02:26:18] <PotatoTrumpet> when SKS comes back on, ask him, or gamax92
L160[02:28:20] <ds84182> well I just added entity:execute()
L161[02:28:31] <ds84182> lets me do executeat on an entity
L162[02:28:57] <ds84182> so lets me run the premade commands instead of rolling out lua alternatives
L163[02:29:17] <ds84182> And in a sec it should be able to get output from the command
L164[02:29:27] <ds84182> or maybe later
L165[02:29:30] <ds84182> i'm lazy
L166[02:29:32] <ds84182> and tired
L167[02:29:35] <ds84182> sleeeeeep
L168[02:32:33] <v^> k
L169[02:34:42] <Graypup_> is it possible to read chat perchance?
L170[02:35:23] ⇨ Joins: NixillUmbreon|2 (~kvirc@
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L180[02:38:55] <PotatoTrumpet> test
L181[02:39:05] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L182[02:39:08] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L183[02:43:52] <Graypup_> fffff
L184[02:43:57] <Graypup_> now I feel stupid again
L185[02:44:09] <Graypup_> variable name changes are a bitch
L186[02:44:16] *** mallrat is now known as mallrat208
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L197[03:02:52] ⇨ Joins: Porygon (~Porygon@
L198[03:17:35] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: uwot
L199[03:18:09] <PotatoTrumpet> ?
L200[03:18:30] <gamax92> "when SKS comes back on, ask him, or gamax92"
L201[03:18:31] <gamax92> CMPXCHG8B
L202[03:18:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh, I was telling Graypup_ something
L203[03:18:43] <PotatoTrumpet> He was asking what to do with Debugcard
L204[03:18:48] <PotatoTrumpet> I said OCWE
L205[03:18:51] <PotatoTrumpet> WEOC
L206[03:18:54] <PotatoTrumpet> or what ever it is
L207[03:19:03] <gamax92> its owce
L208[03:19:20] <gamax92> OverWorld CheatingExtras
L209[03:23:41] *** Caitlyn|Off is now known as Caitlyn
L210[03:27:48] <gamax92> oh jeez
L211[03:27:48] <gamax92> https://searchcode.com/?q=if%28version%2Cstartswith%28%22windows+9%22%29
L212[03:40:26] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970965.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L223[04:17:00] <PotatoTrumpet> test
L224[04:17:00] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L225[04:18:06] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net) (Quit: Good Fucking By)
L226[04:21:05] <gamax92> asie: http://i.imgur.com/g1PCyh2.png
L227[04:27:16] ⇦ Quits: dsAway (ds84182@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz) (Killed (SessionServ (Connection limit exceeded.)))
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L234[04:27:56] <gamax92_> wot
L235[04:27:58] ⇨ Joins: dsAway (ds84182@2604:180:0:3a::7)
L236[04:28:00] <gamax92_> wth SessionServ
L237[04:28:00] ⇦ Quits: dsAway (ds84182@2604:180:0:3a::7) (Killed (SessionServ (Connection limit exceeded.)))
L238[04:28:15] <gamax92_> SessionServ stahp
L239[04:29:07] ⇦ Quits: zsh (zsh@services.esper.net) (*.net *.split)
L240[04:29:10] <^v> Oh noes! services split 3:
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L248[04:44:17] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L249[04:47:20] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L250[04:47:25] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L251[04:52:07] ⇦ Quits: gamax92_ (~gamax92@c-75-70-114-152.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L254[04:56:41] *** Graypup_ is now known as Graypup|AFK
L255[04:57:23] <v^> gamax92, dsAway, http://pt.ptoast.tk/ascii.apk
L256[04:57:32] <v^> holy shit this is fun
L257[04:58:50] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-169-197.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L258[05:01:33] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L259[05:11:32] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L260[05:13:27] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L261[05:15:53] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L262[05:43:04] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as shadowkatstudios
L263[05:45:46] ⇨ Joins: mindstorm8191 (~IceChat77@162-203-90-21.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
L264[05:45:58] <mindstorm8191> evening everyone
L265[05:52:32] *** Logan is now known as Logan|zzz
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L267[06:00:16] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L268[06:07:19] *** MR208 is now known as mallrat208
L269[06:08:29] <shadowkatstudios> Evening mindstorm8191
L270[06:08:38] *** shadowkatstudios is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L271[06:09:01] <mindstorm8191> hi ShadowKatStudios, how's it going? Kinda bored here..
L272[06:09:04] * skyeIsaKitty pokes ShadowKatStudios
L273[06:09:21] * skyeIsaKitty hides
L274[06:09:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Ugh, looks like I'm making a network map manually, jNetMap doesn't understand that I'm routing my network through a laptop into an ethernet switch
L275[06:10:22] <skyeIsaKitty> jNetMap doesn't understand that I have a network switch and a wireless router.
L276[06:11:09] <skyeIsaKitty> Router > switch > all the devices! is not my network layout...
L277[06:11:38] *** skyeIsaKitty is now known as skyem123
L278[06:13:28] <Caitlyn> jNetMap would die with my network, Wireless AP -> Switch -> Switch -> Router -> Gateway, with devices *everywhere*
L279[06:14:28] <Caitlyn> most of the stuff is somewhere behind the router... the gateway is stupid and sucks, but thankfully has a DMZ, so I can delegate stuff to my router.
L280[06:16:05] <skyem123> I use a raspberry pi as a DHCP and PXE server.
L281[06:17:08] <ShadowKatStudios> skyem123: It thinks everything if off of my ethernet switch. I have two machines on this switch at the moment, and one is used as a bridge
L282[06:17:56] <skyem123> Hum.... I have a similar problem. Every device appears to be on one switch. I need to go now. Blah.
L283[06:20:05] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L284[06:20:43] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm gonna do up some sillouhettes or however you spell it of the characters I name my computers after, draw some lines, and stuff like that.
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L290[06:58:25] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A5544D821E7E535F927.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L298[07:27:46] <ShadowKatStudios> .p
L299[07:27:47] <^v> Ping reply from ShadowKatStudios 0.6s
L300[07:27:52] <ShadowKatStudios> ow
L301[07:27:58] <ShadowKatStudios> my eyes feel like sandpaper
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L315[08:25:27] <Sangar> o/
L316[08:40:28] <ShadowKatStudios> \o
L317[08:44:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Sidenote: Holy shit /u/talesfromtechsupport
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L334[10:12:24] <ShadowKatStudios> ono
L335[10:12:34] <ShadowKatStudios> I somehow ended up back at the jargon file
L336[10:12:37] <ShadowKatStudios> >.<
L337[10:18:43] * DeanIsaKitty pokes ShadowKatStudios
L338[10:19:17] * ShadowKatStudios prods DeanIsaKitty
L339[10:25:31] *** Caitlyn|Off is now known as Caitlyn
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L341[10:29:32] <ShadowKatStudios> wow
L342[10:29:41] <ShadowKatStudios> rfc 1392
L343[10:29:44] <ShadowKatStudios> interesting
L344[10:31:10] <ShadowKatStudios> page 5, still in definitions of stuff starting with A
L345[10:32:24] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@apn-46-215-28-182.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L346[10:32:42] <ShadowKatStudios> owait
L347[10:32:50] <ShadowKatStudios> I think the whole thing is definitions
L348[10:45:07] * Ender emits a defining howl
L349[10:46:00] <Ender> I think I might write some more of one of my stories
L350[10:46:25] <ShadowKatStudios> Well played.
L351[10:46:32] <Ender> ?
L352[10:47:19] <ShadowKatStudios> <Ender> emits a defining howl
L353[10:47:23] <ShadowKatStudios> I see what you did there
L354[10:47:32] <Ender> ?
L355[10:47:59] <Ender> Oh, that wasn't related to what you were dying
L356[10:48:04] <Ender> Saying*
L357[10:48:32] <Ender> Deafening is what I meant
L358[10:48:53] <ShadowKatStudios> ooohhh
L359[10:48:58] <ShadowKatStudios> \o/ never mind then
L360[10:49:47] <Ender> lol
L361[10:51:46] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L363[11:04:02] *** Caitlyn is now known as Caitlyn|Off
L364[11:09:40] <ShadowKatStudios> damnit
L365[11:09:55] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm not allowed to sleep on the couch tonight :(
L366[11:13:36] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L367[11:13:42] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@
L368[11:17:42] <ShadowKatStudios> I've done everything I needed to, I'm off to bed o/
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L374[11:50:18] * Ender is bored
L375[11:50:23] <Ender> .stats
L376[11:50:23] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L377[11:51:10] * Ender stabs EnderBot2
L378[11:51:10] * EnderBot2 round-house-kicks Ender
L379[11:52:32] * Ender prods SuPeRMiNoR2_, "you still haven't fixed yo irc"
L380[11:53:13] * Ender stabs SKS-Away
L381[11:54:29] * Ender instructs EnderBot2 to kill all humans
L382[11:54:29] * EnderBot2 complies!
L383[11:54:29] * EnderBot2 kills all
L384[11:54:33] <Ender> ¬_¬
L385[11:54:50] * Ender stabs EnderBot2
L386[11:54:50] * EnderBot2 round-house-kicks Ender
L387[11:54:58] * Ender is going to get lunch
L388[11:55:03] * Ender will be back soon
L389[11:55:10] * Ender
L390[11:55:19] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L391[11:56:44] * Ender flies away]
L392[12:02:00] ⇨ Joins: TankNut (webchat@
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L397[12:12:39] ⇨ Joins: kuya (~dunk@
L398[12:13:03] <kuya> hullo, does open adapaters or anything else have any blood magic integration?
L399[12:13:25] <dangranos> isnt it named "opencomponents"?
L400[12:13:45] <kuya> ah yea that one :)
L401[12:29:31] ⇨ Joins: skyem (skyem@
L402[12:29:45] <skyem> booo
L403[12:30:33] * Ender throws skyem off of the cliff he just made
L404[12:30:39] <skyem> ._.
L405[12:30:54] * skyem crashes into the ground
L406[12:30:57] <skyem> ow
L407[12:31:12] <skyem> pain.
L408[12:31:23] * skyem goes in search of a train
L409[12:32:54] * skyem locates train and then sets it up to launch at Ender
L410[12:33:01] <skyem> >:)
L411[12:33:27] * Ender phases out of harms way
L412[12:34:58] <skyem> I haven't launched it yet
L413[12:35:17] * skyem installs phasing technoligy
L414[12:35:41] <skyem> How to follow Ender...
L415[12:35:56] <skyem> well, just follow the screams...
L416[12:36:05] * skyem launches train
L417[12:37:20] <skyem> * train hurtles towards Ender
L418[12:39:17] * Ender grabs train ad swing It back towards skyem
L419[12:39:29] * skyem jumps onto train
L420[12:39:31] <skyem> WHEEEEE
L421[12:39:53] * skyem makes train rotate using phasing technoloigy
L422[12:40:08] * skyem jumps off train
L423[12:40:26] <skyem> phew
L424[12:44:39] * skyem wonders why Ender isn't running
L425[12:45:54] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L426[12:46:08] * Ender doesnt run, Ender phases
L427[12:46:37] <skyem> gah
L428[12:46:55] <skyem> What happens when a train hits you?
L429[12:47:07] <Ender> it breaks
L430[12:47:12] <skyem> oh
L431[12:47:17] * skyem s
L432[12:47:33] * skyem jumps onto train, sets up a forcefeild
L433[12:48:01] * skyem jumps off. Just before the train hits Ender.
L434[12:48:08] <skyem> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
L435[12:48:49] * Ender breaks the forcefeild then the train
L436[12:48:58] <skyem> :/
L437[12:49:00] <skyem> why
L438[12:49:16] * skyem watches train get flattened
L439[12:49:52] <skyem> what happens to the black box that I installed?
L440[12:50:03] <Ender> gone
L441[12:50:11] <skyem> .-.
L442[12:50:37] * skyem opens up a laptop
L443[12:50:51] * skyem reads the logs that were uploaded live
L444[12:50:55] <skyem> O_O
L445[12:51:03] <skyem> o_o
L446[12:51:06] <skyem> O_o
L447[12:51:10] <skyem> o_O
L448[12:51:46] <skyem> Ender, we broke science
L449[12:51:52] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L450[12:53:55] <Ender> skyem: eh, I do that a lot
L451[12:54:58] <skyem> .-.
L452[12:57:28] *** Caitlyn|Off is now known as Caitlyn
L453[13:07:28] ⇦ Quits: skyem (skyem@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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L456[13:27:00] <Forecaster> is there a way to easily get a components address into the clipboard?
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L458[13:29:28] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L459[13:31:15] <Ender> Forecaster: I think shift-right clicking with the analyzer
L460[13:33:19] <Forecaster> that just displays the data in chat
L461[13:33:25] <Forecaster> it doesn't write anything to the clipboard
L462[13:33:31] <Ender> ether shoft or ctrl
L463[13:33:34] <Ender> rr, shift
L464[13:33:41] <Ender> cant remember what one
L465[13:33:47] <Ender> may be both
L466[13:34:32] <Forecaster> ah yes, shift + ctrl + right-click
L467[13:35:43] *** Caitlyn is now known as Caitlyn|Off
L468[13:41:26] *** Caitlyn|Off is now known as Caitlyn
L469[13:46:49] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L470[13:51:11] <Forecaster> the server rack has a new button, external/internal
L471[13:51:15] <Forecaster> what does that do?
L472[13:52:07] <Forecaster> nevermind, found it on the wiki
L473[13:57:00] <ds84182> That moment when you forget you can make windows transparent in XFCE4
L474[13:57:59] <Forecaster> what's XFCE4?
L475[13:58:29] <Forecaster> linux distribution or something?
L476[13:58:54] <Ender> a Linux Desktop manager
L477[13:59:06] <Ender> err, desktop enviroment
L478[13:59:12] <Forecaster> ah
L479[13:59:50] <ds84182> Also I'm stealing serialization.lua
L480[13:59:52] <ds84182> hehe
L481[14:00:25] <ds84182> I just need to be able to serialize tables from LuaJ
L482[14:00:45] <Forecaster> server y u no boot?!
L483[14:01:02] <ds84182> .w serialization.serialize
L484[14:01:02] <^v> ds84182, serialization.serialize(value: any except functions[, pretty:boolean]):string Generates a string from an object that can be parsed again using serialization.unserialize. The generated output is Lua code.
L485[14:01:13] <Forecaster> sigh... it's been too long since I've done this
L486[14:01:14] <ds84182> yay
L487[14:01:20] <ds84182> any value except functions
L488[14:01:37] <Ender> Forecaster: did you install an OS to it?
L489[14:02:16] <Forecaster> there's no disk slot
L490[14:02:28] <Forecaster> do I have to put it on an hdd in a computer firt?
L491[14:02:30] <Forecaster> first*
L492[14:02:37] <Ender> Forecaster: use the external disk drive block
L493[14:02:48] <Forecaster> I have one
L494[14:02:53] <Forecaster> it's next to the server rack
L495[14:03:05] <Forecaster> with an os disk in it
L496[14:03:08] <Forecaster> it still wont boot
L497[14:03:39] <Ender> Forecaster: is it on the correct side? the gui locations are relative to the front of the case
L498[14:04:01] <Forecaster> oh...
L499[14:04:06] <Forecaster> I got that backwards
L500[14:04:19] <Ender> yeah, it's a common mistake to make
L501[14:04:22] <Forecaster> now it runs
L502[14:04:26] <Forecaster> woop
L503[14:04:49] <Forecaster> how do you do that with the pad though?
L504[14:04:56] <Forecaster> can't connect that to a disk drive :P
L505[14:04:57] <Ender> ?
L506[14:05:04] <Forecaster> the portable computer
L507[14:05:05] <Ender> you mean the tablet?
L508[14:05:10] <Forecaster> yes
L509[14:05:41] <Forecaster> I assume you have to pre-install the os on the harddrive before assembling it
L510[14:05:46] <Ender> either install an os onto it before you put it in the tablet or put the tablet in the disk drive, it will then be a destination to install it to
L511[14:05:57] <Forecaster> ah
L512[14:06:04] <Ender> s/it/a hdd
L513[14:06:18] * Ender stabs Kilobyte, where be kibibyte?
L514[14:09:13] <Ender> .p
L515[14:09:14] <^v> Ping reply from Ender 0.33s
L516[14:09:40] <Forecaster> you can just copy the contents of the os disk to the root of a drive right?
L517[14:09:48] <Forecaster> or do you have to do something else?
L518[14:10:04] <Ender> run the "install" program
L519[14:10:40] <Forecaster> oh, that's easier :P
L520[14:10:46] <Ender> :P
L521[14:15:12] <Forecaster> hm, you can install robot upgrades in the tablet
L522[14:17:09] <Ender> yes, some are redundant though like the generator upgrade
L523[14:17:53] <Forecaster> and the inventory upgrade :P
L524[14:18:03] <Ender> yeah
L525[14:18:06] <Ender> err
L526[14:18:10] <Ender> spaces go away
L527[14:18:23] <Forecaster> which ones actually do anything in the tablet?
L528[14:18:41] <Ender> battery/capacitor, not sure about the others
L529[14:18:58] <Forecaster> there doesn't appear to be a wiki page for the tablet yet
L530[14:19:15] <Ender> its kind of a new thing
L531[14:19:33] <Ender> .w
L532[14:19:33] <^v> Ender, http://ocd.cil.li/
L533[14:21:21] <Forecaster> the tooltips should probably be looked over
L534[14:21:38] <Forecaster> have them say what they work in
L535[14:21:52] <Forecaster> currently they all assume there's just the robots :P
L536[14:22:04] <Ender> hmm
L537[14:22:17] <Forecaster> also, the tablet doesn't seem to require a graphics card, but the assembler warns about it missing anyway
L538[14:22:34] <Ender> it does need one, I thnk
L539[14:22:38] <Forecaster> granted I don't have the latest version, so these things might have been fixed
L540[14:22:42] <Forecaster> no it doesn't
L541[14:23:03] <Ender> doesn't it? hmm
L542[14:23:24] <Forecaster> well, now I'm unsure if I installed one in this tablet or not...
L543[14:25:01] <Forecaster> oh it does
L544[14:25:02] <Forecaster> :P
L545[14:25:06] <Forecaster> I remember wrong
L546[14:29:05] <Forecaster> remembered*
L547[14:29:20] <Forecaster> hm, why can't I access the modem card? D:
L548[14:29:34] <Ender> ?
L549[14:29:50] <Forecaster> I get a null error
L550[14:29:58] <Forecaster> but I know there's a modem
L551[14:30:04] <Forecaster> and I've bound it to the var
L552[14:30:05] <Ender> is it wireless?
L553[14:30:06] <Forecaster> yes
L554[14:30:13] <Ender> how are you binding it?
L555[14:30:28] <Forecaster> local component = require("component")
L556[14:30:34] <Forecaster> local m = component.modem
L557[14:30:38] <Ender> in the lua program?
L558[14:30:41] <Forecaster> yes
L559[14:30:46] <Ender> don't use local
L560[14:30:50] <Forecaster> oh
L561[14:30:51] <Ender> it will be local to that line
L562[14:30:57] <Forecaster> ah
L563[14:32:10] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L564[14:40:14] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~TCube@
L565[14:41:14] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L566[14:49:18] <kuya> what is the difference between an inventory upgrade and the advanced one?
L567[14:49:41] <kuya> it just says "more control" and about swapping tools
L568[14:52:21] <mentlerd> you can access indivitual slots
L569[14:52:28] <mentlerd> instead of the 'general' pull/push
L570[14:52:47] <kuya> thanks!
L571[14:55:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A5544D821E7E535F927.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L572[14:55:28] <Ender> Vexatos: \o/
L573[14:56:17] <Vexatos> Hey Endurr
L574[14:56:21] <Vexatos> Let me guess
L575[14:56:23] <Vexatos> You are happy?
L576[14:56:30] <Ender> somewhat, yes
L577[14:57:11] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b869:82bc:7579:18ba)
L578[14:57:37] <Ender> I got a bit more done on my train system, I can now give a train a destination and send it off
L579[14:57:40] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L580[14:58:07] <Ender> o/ DeanIsaKitty
L581[14:58:16] <DeanIsaKitty> \o Ender
L582[14:58:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Does your train system work now? :P
L583[14:58:41] <Ender> DeanIsaKitty: some what
L584[14:59:16] <kuya> where do i find out what components you need to put into a robot?
L585[14:59:17] <Ender> currently I can send trains of from the lua interpreter but that's about it
L586[14:59:23] <kuya> i cant see it on the wiki
L587[15:03:48] <Vexatos> Nice
L588[15:03:58] <Vexatos> kuya: Doesn't the assembler tell you?
L589[15:04:13] <Vexatos> The bottom text in the assembler tells you all the components you need
L590[15:04:26] <kuya> "insert a base part"
L591[15:04:39] <Vexatos> Means you need to insert a case, I guess
L592[15:04:43] <Vexatos> Normal computer case
L593[15:04:48] <Ender> either a computer case for a robot or tablet case for tablet
L594[15:04:51] <Vexatos> Then a CPU
L595[15:04:53] <Vexatos> and some memory
L596[15:04:59] <kuya> ah ok
L597[15:05:05] <Vexatos> recommended components are a hard drive, a disk drive, a screen (tier 1) and a keyboard
L598[15:05:34] <Ender> don't forget a graphics card
L599[15:05:54] <Vexatos> Oh yes
L600[15:11:34] <kuya> thanks
L601[15:12:28] <Forecaster> hey vex
L602[15:12:53] <Vexatos> Hello Forecaster
L603[15:13:04] <Ender> .trivia
L604[15:13:04] <EnderBot2> For more help, there's a wiki at http://ocdoc.cil.li/ - or find the IRC loot disk and join #oc.
L605[15:13:27] <Ender> .trivia
L606[15:13:28] <EnderBot2> For more help, there's a wiki at http://ocdoc.cil.li/ - or find the IRC loot disk and join #oc.
L607[15:13:31] <Ender> ¬_¬
L608[15:13:46] <Ender> EnderBot2: you're supposed to randomly select
L609[15:13:47] <Forecaster> that's the boringest trivia ever
L610[15:13:51] <Ender> .trivia
L611[15:13:51] <EnderBot2> Firing arrows on touch capable screens can trigger touch events.
L612[15:14:12] <Ender> it's actually just getting OpenOS's MOTD stuff
L613[15:14:13] <Forecaster> that's better
L614[15:14:23] <Forecaster> ah
L615[15:14:45] <Forecaster> Vexatos: I got started on the station server system today :P
L616[15:15:47] <Forecaster> essentially starting over from scratch since I've forgotten almost everything about lua since the last time I used it
L617[15:15:58] <Ender> Forecaster: are you trying to trump my in-development train system?
L618[15:16:05] <Forecaster> nope
L619[15:16:11] <Ender> hmm
L620[15:16:19] * Ender keeps a close eye on Forecaster
L621[15:16:23] <Forecaster> I'm just going to have a computer at each station showing a list of stations
L622[15:16:28] <Forecaster> provided by a central server
L623[15:16:32] <Ender> ahh
L624[15:16:32] <Vexatos> He wants to steal your idea, Ender :P
L625[15:16:37] <Forecaster> it wont interract with the trains at all
L626[15:16:44] <Vexatos> Lies
L627[15:16:51] <Vexatos> He's just telling you so you don't sue him
L628[15:16:55] <Forecaster> I don't even have computronics installed :P
L629[15:17:05] <Vexatos> a) BLASPHEMY!
L630[15:17:08] <Vexatos> b) Lies.
L631[15:17:29] <Ender> c) NSA
L632[15:18:03] <Vexatos> Ender: Enter "NSA" in NEI P:
L633[15:18:20] <Ender> Vexatos: I will when I get home :P
L634[15:32:41] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A69C97BE478F949F5DC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L636[15:32:56] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L637[15:33:19] <kuya> is the robot api described somewhere?
L638[15:33:27] <Ender> .w robot
L639[15:33:27] <^v> Ender, http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L640[15:33:44] <kuya> thanks!
L641[15:34:49] <Sangar> working on 1.4, testing new api stuffs :> http://youtu.be/r068M3dy6XE
L642[15:36:39] <Vexatos> that cofee avatar
L643[15:36:40] <mentlerd> The sounds the disk drive does makes me wish we could do thi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqWVM9GicFU
L644[15:36:43] <Vexatos> coffee*
L645[15:36:43] <Ender> Sangar: awesome
L646[15:36:43] ⇨ Joins: mindstorm8191 (~IceChat77@162-203-90-21.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
L647[15:37:03] <Vexatos> Sangar: Are they randomized?
L648[15:37:04] <Sangar> Vexatos, it's tea :P
L649[15:37:10] <Vexatos> Right, it's red
L650[15:37:11] <Sangar> Vexatos, nope, based on actual access
L651[15:37:18] <Vexatos> Awesome
L652[15:37:21] <Vexatos> So much realism
L653[15:37:26] <mindstorm8191> morning everyone
L654[15:37:26] * Vexatos checks his light
L655[15:37:33] <Vexatos> It's blinking as I type O:
L656[15:37:42] <Vexatos> such high tech
L657[15:38:24] <Vexatos> Sangar: We need an OC 1.4 branch D.<
L658[15:38:30] <kuya> im really bad at finding the right documentations...
L659[15:38:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, as soon as i'm convinced the api is halfway stable
L660[15:38:46] <mindstorm8191> sooo... I realized that the only way I have to know if forge has updated is from IRC, I figure I should ask here
L661[15:38:59] <Vexatos> kuya: Check http://ocd.cil.li/#contents
L662[15:39:11] <Vexatos> That's basically the full table of contents
L663[15:40:10] <kuya> ah ok - maybe there are no docs for what i want then.. im looking for info about http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:inventory_controller_upgrade
L664[15:40:19] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L665[15:41:27] <mindstorm8191> kuya: you might check if there's an API page. They seem to be seperated on that WIKI
L666[15:41:37] <Vexatos> kuya: Check the very first line
L667[15:41:40] <Vexatos> of the page you linked
L668[15:41:45] <Vexatos> written in bold letters
L669[15:41:45] <mindstorm8191> (no not WIKI, just docs)
L670[15:41:53] <Vexatos> " Provides: Component API Inventory Controller"
L671[15:41:54] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L672[15:41:58] <Vexatos> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L673[15:42:21] <kuya> oh derp
L674[15:43:05] <Vexatos> Sangar: Is it just me, or do the ToCs look pretty derpy
L675[15:43:20] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L676[15:43:24] <Vexatos> Without the seperation they had before
L677[15:43:36] <Vexatos> Sangar: Check this ToC http://ocdoc.cil.li/crossmod_interoperation
L678[15:43:51] <Sangar> huh, yeah... that looks... odd
L679[15:44:23] <Sangar> maybe some style got messed up while updating dokuwiki
L680[15:44:31] <Sangar> lemme check the backup
L681[15:51:27] <Sangar> well, *some* css is different... now if only i knew which one -.-
L682[15:51:29] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@
L683[15:51:44] <Vexatos> Sangar: The left one, probably
L684[15:51:58] <Sangar> lemme try
L685[15:59:17] <Forecaster> Today I learned: you can set metal on fire
L686[16:02:22] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L687[16:04:38] <Sangar> Vexatos, ithinkifixedit
L688[16:05:11] <Vexatos> Yesyoudid
L689[16:05:31] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L690[16:05:32] <Sangar> next time, please remind me to edit inc/parser/xhtml.php :P
L691[16:05:33] <Vexatos> Is it just me
L692[16:05:44] <Vexatos> or is the horizontal scroll bar in http://ocdoc.cil.li/imc not working
L693[16:06:09] <Vexatos> (In the NBT example thingie)
L694[16:06:11] <Sangar> hmm, nah, dead for me too
L695[16:06:19] <Sangar> weird
L696[16:06:50] <Forecaster> Vexatos stop breaking things >:
L697[16:06:57] <Forecaster> or finding broken things
L698[16:07:02] <Vexatos> Ohm
L699[16:07:04] <Vexatos> Uhm
L700[16:07:07] <Vexatos> Why?
L701[16:07:10] <Vexatos> That's my job
L702[16:07:14] <Vexatos> Fixing the wiki
L703[16:07:19] <Vexatos> or making sangar fix it
L704[16:07:58] <Sangar> i have no idea how
L705[16:08:12] <Sangar> find some html/css guru
L706[16:08:27] <DeanIsaKitty> glhf :P
L707[16:12:47] <DeanIsaKitty> ._.
L708[16:14:13] <DeanIsaKitty> The <div> of "Callbacks" goes over part of the code block, including the horizontal scroll bar. That could be why.
L709[16:14:40] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b869:82bc:7579:18ba) (Quit: Leaving)
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L711[16:19:24] <sully> i don't see a scrollbar on that page at all O.o
L712[16:19:29] <sully> Did somebody already fix it?
L713[16:20:19] <sully> or were you using ie? :P
L714[16:20:58] <Sangar> oh, interesting. yeah, in chrome there isn't one either. in firefox there is -.-
L715[16:21:02] <sully> nvm, can reproduce in firefox
L716[16:21:05] <sully> yep :)
L717[16:21:24] <sully> chrome wraps the text it seems
L718[16:21:32] <sully> which i would say is invalid
L719[16:21:36] <Sangar> yeah...
L720[16:21:39] <sully> since it's a code block
L721[16:21:51] <Sangar> god i hate webdev
L722[16:23:47] <Forecaster> css is fun sometimes
L723[16:24:02] <Forecaster> other times it isn't...
L724[16:25:05] <sully> ok fixed
L725[16:25:24] <sully> that is...i made some changes and broke it in chrome too :S
L726[16:26:16] <Forecaster> \o/
L727[16:26:24] <Forecaster> browser equality for all!
L728[16:26:55] <kuya> can i not do table_foo = {1=2} ?
L729[16:27:07] <kuya> its complaining about near =
L730[16:27:39] <Sangar> kuya, the thing left to the = has to be a name. to use numbers (or anything else for that matter), use {[1]=2}
L731[16:28:03] <kuya> oh
L732[16:28:06] <kuya> thanks
L733[16:28:09] <kuya> i didnt know that!
L734[16:28:20] <Sangar> :)
L735[16:28:48] <Sangar> ffs, why does the pre have a word-wrap: break word? -.-
L736[16:28:57] <Sangar> all right, time to patch this
L737[16:29:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar, I have a fix/workaround if you need one ;)
L738[16:30:05] <Sangar> my dirty fix is removing the word wrap and the top padding+margin of h2, what's yours?
L739[16:30:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Adding some padding
L740[16:30:54] <sully> exactly, i can break it in chrome by removing those wrap tags, but i cant get the bar to work
L741[16:31:22] <sully> looks like those pre tags come from some plugin. no normal dev makes .min.css files :P
L742[16:31:59] <DeanIsaKitty> The code diff gets 40px bottom padding, h2 gets a top padding of 20px..
L743[16:32:10] <DeanIsaKitty> s/diff/div/
L744[16:34:01] <Sangar> all right, looks good to me now
L745[16:34:06] <Sangar> in ff and chrome
L746[16:34:24] <sully> working in chrome for me as well
L747[16:34:55] <Sangar> great
L748[16:34:56] <sully> -.-
L749[16:35:03] <sully> what did you do?
L750[16:35:07] <Sangar> why? >_>
L751[16:35:11] <sully> add a bunch of !important tags? :P
L752[16:35:16] <Sangar> yes :P
L753[16:35:28] <sully> this is why we can't have nice things!
L754[16:35:45] * Sangar shrugs
L755[16:35:48] <sully> haha
L756[16:36:50] <Ender> wow
L757[16:37:04] <Ender> my pc survived being on standby/hibernate since friday
L758[16:37:28] <Sangar> programming is like playing an rpg sometimes... i spend more time trying to come up with good class/interface names than actually implementing them :/
L759[16:37:45] <Ender> Sangar, i feel you
L760[16:39:47] <sully> i spend 2hrs min on char creation
L761[16:40:52] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L762[16:40:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L763[16:43:04] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L764[16:47:05] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
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L766[16:52:12] <kuya> err, is only the front and back a valid side for robots with inventory upgrade?
L767[16:52:18] <kuya> and back actually means the robot?
L768[16:52:23] * kuya confused
L769[16:52:57] <Ender> front, down and up are valid (i think)
L770[16:54:36] <kuya> seems so
L771[16:54:37] <kuya> weird
L772[16:57:00] <Vexatos> Why
L773[16:57:17] <kuya> because robots have a left and right?
L774[16:57:26] <kuya> not to mention a back :)
L775[16:57:50] <Vexatos> They can only look down and up and front
L776[16:58:02] <Vexatos> For anything else they obviously need to turn around
L777[16:58:58] <kuya> that sounds fair - just seems a bit of an omission from the docs
L778[16:59:15] <kuya> .. or from the error message if you prefer
L779[17:01:53] <kuya> is there a sleep command?
L780[17:02:39] <Vexatos> os.sleep
L781[17:03:45] <kuya> thanks
L782[17:04:59] <kuya> my robot seems to have no turnAround command even tho the wiki says it does
L783[17:05:04] <kuya> not that its exactly a problem...
L784[17:06:04] <kuya> oh.. i cant even call turnRight
L785[17:06:13] <kuya> did i miss out a component or something?
L786[17:07:55] * kuya confused.com
L787[17:08:04] <Vexatos> What does it say?
L788[17:08:06] <Vexatos> The error message
L789[17:08:17] <kuya> attempted to call nil
L790[17:08:18] <Vexatos> "local robot = require("robot")"...
L791[17:08:59] <kuya> oh i made "robot" a proxy to the component
L792[17:11:30] <kuya> thats fixed it - thanks
L793[17:11:42] <Ender> a.Jenkins
L794[17:11:48] <Ender> Tablet why
L795[17:11:50] <kuya> oc is very good.. docs - not so much yet :)
L796[17:11:55] <Ender> .Jenkins
L797[17:12:14] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: OpenGX: #17 | ICBMComponent: #21 | OpenLights1.7: #17 | OpenComputers: #560 | OpenComputers-MC1.7.10: #68 | OpenComponents: #53 | OpenPrinter: #75 | Kilo1710: #6 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #22 | OpenLights: #20 | Kilo164: #11 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L798[17:12:15] <dangranos> kuya, you can use sources :P
L799[17:12:20] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L800[17:12:20] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L801[17:12:28] <Ender> o/ asie
L802[17:12:36] <kuya> point. exactly.
L803[17:12:37] <kuya> :)
L804[17:12:57] <asie> o/ Ender
L805[17:13:15] <kuya> can i read a redstone signal from the side of a robot?
L806[17:13:52] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L807[17:15:51] <Sangar> kuya, feel invited to register on the wiki and improve articles that you feel are unclear :) and yes, robots can read redstone signals from the sides.
L808[17:16:08] <kuya> thanks Sangar
L809[17:16:22] ⇦ Quits: TankNut (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L810[17:16:33] <kuya> i know all projects lack from docs, just sayin
L811[17:17:48] <Sangar> hehe. it's time consuming enough to just keep the list of methods up-to-date, i'm hoping someone will get bored every now and then to flesh it out :P
L812[17:17:48] <Ender> Sanger, in that video you posted earlier, is the had read light: 1 for all drives or 1 per drive?
L813[17:18:06] <Sangar> Ender, 1 for all
L814[17:18:10] <Ender> o
L815[17:18:11] <Ender> Ok
L816[17:18:35] <Sangar> my real computer case doesn't differentiate either, so that didn't even cross my mind, tbh :X
L817[17:21:12] <Sangar> bbl
L818[17:21:38] <kuya> is it possible to get an event on block updates or do i need to use some other block to help me out?
L819[17:27:38] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L820[17:33:12] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L821[17:35:28] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
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L827[17:53:54] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L828[18:04:08] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L830[18:09:30] * skyem123 pokes asie with a kitty ray
L831[18:09:40] * skyem123 pokes asie with a keyboard
L832[18:11:05] * CompanionCube pokes skyem123 with a bread ray
L833[18:11:19] * skyem123 pokes CompanionCube with a metal sheild
L834[18:12:58] <CompanionCube> skyem123, our college has a commodore 64.
L835[18:13:19] * skyem123 pokes CompanionCube with EPSON HX-20
L836[18:13:24] <CompanionCube> wut
L837[18:13:47] <skyem123> First proper laptop
L838[18:13:59] <CompanionCube> ah
L839[18:14:03] <skyem123> It is portable and does not crush your legs
L840[18:14:18] <skyem123> Using two motorola 6800 clones
L841[18:21:59] ⇦ Quits: mentlerd (~mentlerd@catv-80-99-68-239.catv.broadband.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L842[18:23:22] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L849[18:49:43] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L850[18:50:44] <ShadowKatStudios> o/ Good morning
L851[18:54:40] <vifino> Hello ShadowKatStudios.
L852[18:56:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Hello vifino
L853[19:03:40] ⇦ Quits: mindstorm8191 (~IceChat77@162-203-90-21.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L859[19:49:29] <Sangar> all right. in 1.4 cpu tier will affect the execution speed of computers (by basing the direct call limit on that)
L860[19:50:25] <Sangar> so many api changes >_> but i documented them all! i think.
L861[19:50:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Canwe get teletypes? :P
L862[19:50:51] <Vexatos> Gotta use them all!
L863[19:51:03] <Sangar> :P
L864[19:51:04] <Vexatos> Sangar: What's the new interface called? IDocumented?
L865[19:51:24] <Vexatos> INEIDocumentableEnvironmentThisIsALongInterfaceName
L866[19:51:28] <Sangar> Vexatos, i can't decide D: documented is too specific for my tasate :/
L867[19:51:29] <asie> Sangar: I dare you to call the tablet interface IPad
L868[19:51:47] <Vexatos> Sangar: IRepotMyEnvironment
L869[19:51:54] <Vexatos> (Got the pun? I hope you did)
L870[19:52:04] <Vexatos> s/repot/report
L871[19:52:17] <Sangar> asie, haha, well. no. since all the interfaces are without the I i won't start now. and that's the *only* reason :P
L872[19:52:26] <asie> d'aw :<
L873[19:52:28] <Vexatos> Or ICanReturnMyEnvironemtClass
L874[19:52:45] <Sangar> Vexatos, yeah. something like that. but less... derpy :P
L875[19:53:04] <Vexatos> If you do it like NamedBlock
L876[19:53:11] <Sangar> EnvironmentClassQueryable :P
L877[19:53:12] <Vexatos> Call it EnviromentCallback
L878[19:53:24] <Vexatos> EnvironmentQueryable does sound fine
L879[19:54:05] <Sangar> oh, wow, queryable actually seems to be a word :X
L880[19:54:10] <Sangar> i thought i just made that up
L881[19:54:57] ⇨ Joins: Negi|Damnit (Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445)
L882[19:55:32] * skyem123 shoots asie with kitty ray
L883[19:55:48] <skyem123> What bribes do you accept, asie?
L884[19:55:54] <Vexatos> Sangar: Ever used Java?
L885[19:55:56] <Vexatos> EVER
L886[19:56:00] <Vexatos> >_>
L887[19:56:11] <Vexatos> IIRC Java itself has some Queryable classes
L888[19:56:21] <Sangar> i never used them :P
L889[19:56:24] <alfw> is ther a addon for oc that add mag card / rfid now?
L890[19:56:26] ⇦ Quits: Negi|2 (~Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L892[20:00:11] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L893[20:00:15] <Vexatos> alfw: Not yet
L894[20:00:23] <Vexatos> But immibis' peripherals should work with OCC
L895[20:01:14] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L896[20:01:43] <alfw> sadly BTP dont have immibis' peripherals ;P
L897[20:15:12] <kuya> yay i did something usefull with oc for the first time
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L900[20:15:38] <kuya> hooked up a robot to my ME network to craft blood magic slates
L901[20:16:40] <ds84182> Well I have command blocks that run lua now.
L902[20:16:44] <ds84182> what else should I do
L903[20:17:04] <kuya> now i want to read the level of a tank... what sort of tanks work?
L904[20:17:33] <ds84182> I dunno :P
L905[20:45:21] *** skyem123 is now known as skye|away
L906[20:48:24] <CompanionCube> ds84182, add command block RAM :P
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L926[22:13:47] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
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