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L1[00:12:05] *** mallrat is now known as mallrat208
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L8[01:10:54] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b869:82bc:7579:18ba)
L9[01:11:27] <Kodos> .w math
L10[01:11:27] <^v> Kodos, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.6
L11[01:11:53] <Kodos> Fun things to do with math.sin, go
L12[01:16:58] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L13[01:20:15] <v^> dood
L14[01:20:20] <v^> this is fucking awesome
L15[01:20:31] <v^> so it took me a day to speak in binary ;-;
L16[01:20:37] <v^> 1 fucking day
L17[01:21:05] <v^> dis game ._.
L18[01:24:12] <Kodos> Wat game
L19[01:26:26] ⇦ Quits: SleepingFairy (~Daiyousei@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L23[01:28:14] <v^> Kodos, a game i made for memorizing ascii table
L24[01:29:19] <v^> http://pt.ptoast.tk/ascii.apk
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L28[01:30:48] <Kodos> Remind me again what apk goes on
L29[01:31:05] <Caitlyn> Android.
L30[01:31:35] <v^> idk if there is love2d for ios yet
L31[01:32:06] <v^> cba give you a packed love executable >_> much more fun on phone
L32[01:32:20] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L33[01:33:01] <SpiritedDusty> love2d on ios? sounds like the day when microsoft stops reminding you about updates
L34[01:33:22] <Kodos> Oh hey, Netflix has Bad Grandpa
L35[01:35:57] *** Caitlyn is now known as Caitlyn|Off
L36[01:42:21] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
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L39[01:46:29] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L40[01:46:51] <PotatoTrumpet> hi
L41[01:50:42] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L42[01:53:52] <v^> SpiritedDusty, :P
L43[01:59:35] <PotatoTrumpet> -_-
L44[01:59:42] <PotatoTrumpet> My internet is being poop again
L45[02:00:45] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L46[02:00:48] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 3.14s
L47[02:00:51] <SpiritedDusty> .p
L48[02:00:52] <^v> Ping reply from SpiritedDusty 0.89s
L49[02:00:54] <PotatoTrumpet> Ouch
L50[02:00:56] <PotatoTrumpet> 3.14
L51[02:00:59] <PotatoTrumpet> 3.14
L52[02:01:02] <PotatoTrumpet> Pi
L53[02:01:04] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L54[02:01:23] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-10-75.applecreek.pathcom.com)
L55[02:04:30] <Porygon> .p
L56[02:04:32] <^v> Ping reply from Porygon 1.99s
L57[02:04:45] <Porygon> .p
L58[02:04:47] <^v> Ping reply from Porygon 2.23s
L59[02:06:27] <finkmac> #oc
L60[02:06:33] <finkmac> where the best original content comes from
L61[02:07:52] <Porygon> .p
L62[02:07:54] <^v> Ping reply from Porygon 1.59s
L63[02:08:03] <Porygon> wow, that's a record
L64[02:08:34] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L65[02:08:34] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.68s
L66[02:08:37] <PotatoTrumpet> Woo
L67[02:09:01] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net) (Quit: Good Fucking By)
L68[02:10:30] <Porygon> PotatoTrumpet got 3.14 ping before
L69[02:15:18] <v^> i neeed beeeta testers
L70[02:15:23] <v^> who has android
L71[02:20:16] <Kodos> I wish it was Thursday already
L72[02:24:26] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L78[03:12:37] <SpiritedDusty> v^, I have android
L79[03:15:25] <v^> SpiritedDusty, http://pt.ptoast.tk/ascii.apk
L80[03:15:56] <SpiritedDusty> hold up. the battery died like 2 weeks ago
L81[03:16:23] <v^> :o webserver stalk plugin working
L82[03:16:23] <v^> got client SpiritedDusty 20
L83[03:16:23] <v^> request : ascii.apk
L84[03:17:01] <SpiritedDusty> lol
L85[03:17:08] <SpiritedDusty> or you could of just done whois on irc
L86[03:17:29] <v^> ^v does that
L87[03:17:34] <v^> <_>
L88[03:17:52] <v^> thats how it knew who had that IP
L89[03:18:05] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L90[03:18:21] <SpiritedDusty> so are all of your things interconneced?
L91[03:18:37] <v^> ^v is masterrace software
L92[03:29:21] <SpiritedDusty> welp. my tablet refuses to turn on
L93[03:38:50] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5497143C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L95[03:42:57] <Ender> yay, up at 4am cause i cant sleep
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L97[03:44:50] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L98[03:45:31] * v^ slaps Ender
L99[03:45:37] <v^> got android, play moi game
L100[03:45:58] <Ender> i have android, not sure how my phone will handle it though
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L102[03:55:09] <v^> Ender, my emulator rendered it at 40 fps ._. its fine
L103[03:55:17] <v^> just fade animations
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L117[05:16:27] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L118[05:26:39] <Johnson> Anyone have an idea what's going on here? I have OC on a public server and I'm seeing these in my forge server log. http://pastebin.com/9fRUHUW8
L119[05:39:17] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
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L121[05:45:30] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L122[05:46:29] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L123[05:46:37] <Ender> \o
L124[05:47:05] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L125[05:51:58] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L126[05:55:04] <pre> is there any way to copy/paste more than 255 lines at a time?
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L142[07:22:19] <skyem123> boo
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L173[10:19:49] <Sangar> o/
L174[10:21:18] <Sangar> Johnson, if you're not using it already, try the latest dev build, probably related to something i fixed a few days ago
L175[10:21:18] <Ender> \o
L176[10:31:38] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@apn-95-40-106-38.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L182[11:14:39] <ShadowKatStudios> With micrOS, should I go for more features or leave it as-is; it's only just using less memory than miniOS so...
L183[11:19:14] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L184[11:25:40] <Cazzar> Sangar: just a thought with the inventory_controller, maybe you can include the minecraft identifier for the 1.7.x version of the api, since, well, that's what is used instead of IDs
L185[11:26:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Bizzycola hasn't been here in 2 months... wow, time is weird.
L186[11:26:43] <Sangar> Cazzar, doesn't it do that already? if not i overlooked that when porting from 1.6 :X
L187[11:27:25] <Cazzar> Nah, it doesnt: http://i.imgur.com/kFtyzhV.png
L188[11:27:56] <Cazzar> It's a simple enough call to do so, though I might say, add to the table not replace id for compat
L189[11:29:16] <kuya> good morning
L190[11:29:44] <kuya> for some operations dealing with redstone i think i might be hitting a thing where i should wait for the next game tick before doing the next bit of my code
L191[11:29:55] <Sangar> ok. as for the id being there, that was actually unintended anyway :P (and is fixed now, tho there is a config setting)
L192[11:29:58] <kuya> would os.sleep(0) do that or should i do something else?
L193[11:30:43] <Sangar> kuya, that should wait at least one tick, iirc, yep
L194[11:30:50] <kuya> thanks
L195[11:31:35] <Cazzar> redstone ticks every 2 server ticks by the way
L196[11:32:01] <kuya> good tip thanks!
L197[11:32:11] <ShadowKatStudios> whoaaa
L198[11:32:16] <ShadowKatStudios> robots r fancy
L199[11:32:39] * ShadowKatStudios hasn't used a robot since 1.2
L200[11:33:06] <ShadowKatStudios> I wonder if php is working...
L201[11:33:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Random note: my site now has a http server!
L202[11:35:32] <ShadowKatStudios> o.o Apache, y are you spawning 4 processes?
L203[11:38:07] <Cazzar> ShadowKatStudios: Apache is weird like that
L204[11:38:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, it appears to work. Time to go lay in bed and copy files to my webserver.
L205[11:39:27] <ShadowKatStudios> :o
L206[11:39:31] <ShadowKatStudios> I just realised!
L207[11:39:51] <ShadowKatStudios> I've been looking for computers to name Isako and Yasako for a week, but I haven't named my phone and tablet!
L208[11:39:54] <ShadowKatStudios> :D
L209[11:40:49] <Cazzar> I really should name my PC and laptop properly... maybe even my two of those devices...
L210[11:41:27] <ShadowKatStudios> I have Nagato and Tsugumi on my network, my desktop/server and laptop respectively. I even have wallpapers set up for them.
L211[11:42:35] <Cazzar> Id say I could be uncreative as fuck and do vocaloids but yea
L212[11:43:41] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I'll name my tablet Isako because Isako is OP.
L213[11:44:37] <Cazzar> I need ideas for names TBH
L214[11:45:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Make a list of all the girls out of all the anime you've watched that did the computery stuff.
L215[11:47:48] <kuya> can i read the level of an external tank with a robot?
L216[11:49:42] <kuya> or.. rednet or something?
L217[11:50:25] <Sangar> rednet/bundled redstone with a t2 redstone card, yes, tank level... with the tank controller upgrade i think
L218[11:51:24] <kuya> NEI says tank controller from pressure pipes?
L219[11:51:44] <kuya> ...never even heard of pressure pipes
L220[11:52:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Cazzar: I eventually intend to build a network to rival ftp://shadowkat.tk/gensokyo.jpg
L221[11:52:49] <Cazzar> I think I saw that, yea i did
L222[11:52:59] <kuya> Sangar: i dont think i have that card upgrade for some reason - is it a new thing?
L223[11:53:18] <Cazzar> ShadowKatStudios: I now feel like naming my desktop Kanade or Tenshi :3
L224[11:53:26] <Cazzar> Because Angel Beats!
L225[11:53:37] <ShadowKatStudios> :D I both love and hate that one!
L226[11:53:41] <Sangar> kuya, latest release version has it
L227[11:53:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Only CLANNAD managed to make me cry more!
L228[11:53:52] <kuya> i guess thats why then...
L229[11:54:20] <Cazzar> ShadowKatStudios: I didnt cry through my first watchthrough of Angel Beats, second, I lost it, because I had watched CLANNAD..
L230[11:54:28] <Cazzar> But what do you think about the naming idea?
L231[11:54:55] <ShadowKatStudios> I think that is an excellent name.
L232[11:55:32] <Cazzar> >:D http://i.imgur.com/7ZZuCnv.png
L233[11:55:45] <ShadowKatStudios> ewww wubderos 8
L234[11:55:48] <ShadowKatStudios> lol
L235[11:55:51] <ShadowKatStudios> best typos
L236[11:55:57] <Cazzar> Eh, you get used to it
L237[11:56:12] <ShadowKatStudios> It's usable with Classic Shell- better than 7 even.
L238[11:56:13] <Cazzar> And the speed I operate, at most I am in metro for... 20 seconds if that
L239[11:56:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Still, my linux machines beat it.
L240[11:56:31] *** Guest82957 is now known as Daiyousei
L241[11:56:46] <Cazzar> I still love: http://i.imgur.com/gl7pWgZ.png though yes, linux ftw!
L242[11:56:54] <Cazzar> Now, for a name for my Arch laptop
L243[11:57:01] *** Daiyousei is now known as Guest64358
L244[11:57:42] *** Guest64358 is now known as Daiyousei
L245[12:01:02] <ShadowKatStudios> I should set up a proper network map.
L246[12:01:55] <Cazzar> im contemplating a simple SFA2-Miki for my laptop :3
L247[12:06:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Shiny
L248[12:13:17] <ShadowKatStudios> I need to deal with this drive space issue- I have 20GB free...
L249[12:14:38] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L250[12:16:04] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: I can use my phone as a boot disk :o
L251[12:16:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Cool.
L252[12:16:42] <ShadowKatStudios> I copied all the files off of an iPod someone got me to charge on my laptop today
L253[12:16:59] <vifino> looool
L254[12:17:35] <Daiyousei> spooky
L255[12:17:49] <vifino> I figured out how i can mount isos on mah phone, and make my phone disguise as a flashdrive, with the iso mounted
L256[12:17:57] <vifino> or as a cd
L257[12:18:03] <vifino> :D
L258[12:18:17] <ShadowKatStudios> My policy of 'I provide services at the expense of a copy of your data' is how I work.
L259[12:18:39] <vifino> *cough* microsloth *cough*
L260[12:19:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Perhaps so, but under the same token, ther's this guy in my class that sells pirated stuff, so I've told everyone that I'll obtain a copy of whatever he is selling to them for free
L261[12:20:09] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm not /all bad/
L262[12:21:13] <vifino> Heh
L263[12:21:51] <ShadowKatStudios> That's why I feel it's valid to obtain a copy of whatever material they have in exchange.
L264[12:22:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Heheheh, I'm coming up with profiles for characters that don't even exist in canon of the story yet :D
L265[12:24:55] <vifino> To the topic of phone boot shizzle
L266[12:25:02] <vifino> WHERE DAFUQ IS MAH PHONE?!?!
L267[12:25:29] <vifino> Ah, found it.
L268[12:25:36] <vifino> Was next to my lab amp
L269[12:25:59] <vifino> s/amp/power supply/
L270[12:27:18] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host31-51-135-126.range31-51.btcentralplus.com)
L271[12:55:39] <kuya> how much can a single tank upgrade actually store?
L272[12:57:33] <kuya> Sangar: do you know?
L273[12:58:18] <Sangar> 16000mB
L274[12:58:23] <kuya> thankyou
L275[12:58:37] <vifino> My network is poop again
L276[12:58:48] <vifino> 260kbit/s
L277[13:07:52] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L278[13:29:36] <kuya> ooh i got the terminator this time
L279[13:34:19] <kuya> why does getFluidInTank(side) return an array
L280[13:34:25] <kuya> because there can be more than one tank in a block?
L281[13:36:22] <kuya> also, why does the tutorial tell you about using component.proxy(component.foo.address) when component.foo seems to work just fine?
L282[13:37:56] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L283[13:45:06] <kuya> also also also, i have osx, and im using bevos tech pack, but OC complains i do not have the native lua libs
L284[13:45:21] <kuya> im guessing bevo messed up?
L285[13:47:25] <DeanIsaKitty> No
L286[13:49:05] <DeanIsaKitty> You might wante to look up "native" in the context of computing ;)
L287[13:51:28] <Ender> just had someone from my mobile provider ( 3 ) telling me about this new deal that is "saving" or some shit, the phone seemed nice but i didnt like the contract ( 2 year ), i told him i wasnt interestee and he continued talking so i hung up
L288[13:53:01] <Ender> my current contract is a 1month rolling for £12 a month, it has 200 mins, 5000 texts and unlimited data. the one he waw trying to sell me was 2 year £16/month for something like 300 mins unlimited texts and 1gb of data
L289[13:54:02] <Ender> bearing in mind i use fuck all minutes and text
L290[13:56:03] <kuya> DeanIsaKitty: but the wiki says the lib is included for osx
L291[13:56:52] <kuya> Ender: where are you in the uk? im in brighton
L292[13:57:33] <Ender> Essex
L293[13:57:38] <kuya> aha
L294[13:57:41] <kuya> nice
L295[14:12:43] <Cazzar> Well time to hit okay on this PC name change :3
L296[14:14:30] <kuya> errr i set an event.timer .. and quit my program.. and its still printing stuff from the timer?!
L297[14:14:39] <kuya> do i need to clear up timers manually?
L298[14:25:30] <Sangar> kuya: that should also be fixed in the latest version
L299[14:25:47] <Sangar> (see https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/588)
L300[14:26:11] <kuya> hrm its not then - i just got the latest version to use tanks :)
L301[14:26:27] <kuya> oh
L302[14:26:45] <kuya> about the native lib.. thats not fixed then
L303[14:26:50] <kuya> i still get it
L304[14:27:04] <kuya> thought you meant about timers still running
L305[14:30:22] <Sangar> kuya, did you get it from jenkins?
L306[14:30:33] <Sangar> i meant to say latest dev build, sorry
L307[14:31:01] <kuya> ah..
L308[14:31:08] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L309[14:31:08] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L310[14:31:14] <kuya> where is.. aha
L311[14:31:57] <kuya> Sangar: ok ill try - thanks
L312[14:32:13] <kuya> what about my timer not stopping when i cntrl+alt+c out of my program?
L313[14:32:24] <kuya> ..if you have time
L314[14:33:57] <Sangar> timers don't stop automatically. you'll have to kill it yourself using event.cancel
L315[14:34:13] <Sangar> or return false from it
L316[14:34:37] <kuya> oh ok, does that mean using event.shouldInterrupt()
L317[14:34:45] <kuya> and cancel it in there?
L318[14:34:56] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L319[14:35:30] <Sangar> uhm... well, i guess you could do that. usually you'd wrap your program in a pcall and kill it after the pcall, tho, for example.
L320[14:35:47] <Sangar> (and then rethrow the error or at least print it)
L321[14:36:52] <kuya> im afraid i have no idea what you just said
L322[14:36:59] * kuya looks up pcall
L323[14:37:14] <Sangar> pcall is basically lua's try-catch
L324[14:37:49] <kuya> so run my whole app in a function and cancel all the timers in the finally/catch ?
L325[14:37:58] <Sangar> yes
L326[14:38:11] <kuya> ok - i shall try this. thankyou once again
L327[14:38:18] <Sangar> no problem :)
L328[14:45:55] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~TCube@
L329[14:46:02] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L330[14:48:07] <kuya> yay sorted
L331[14:48:44] <kuya> now my tanks just arent draining/filling..
L332[14:49:27] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (skyem123@
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L334[14:58:59] <kuya> my program seems to be stuck.. and i cant cntrl+alt+c
L335[14:59:05] <kuya> is there a force reboot command?
L336[14:59:43] <kuya> i guess there is the smashy smashy reboot command
L337[15:02:59] <skye|away> Blah
L338[15:06:27] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A693596A9C6E3C22282.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L339[15:08:33] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L340[15:24:56] <kuya> is tail meant to be a command? because it just says file not found
L341[15:29:05] <Sangar> no tail program in openos. you can `ls /bin` to see which ones are available.
L342[15:29:23] <Vexatos> tail? Why would that be necessary
L343[15:29:27] <Ender> urgh, i feel like crap
L344[15:29:53] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, it is quite useful for quickly having a look at the most recent entries in log files for example
L345[15:30:14] <kuya> it would
L346[15:30:30] <kuya> i thought it was complainging about me not passing a file or something..
L347[15:31:26] <Sangar> oh right, Vexatos, teaser: http://i.imgur.com/9KrbAr2.png
L348[15:32:05] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A15F168F34A8A38E3C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L350[15:32:20] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L351[15:32:39] <kuya> oooh fancy
L352[15:33:10] <Vexatos> I apparently missed something during my client derp
L353[15:34:05] <Sangar> <Sangar> oh right, Vexatos, teaser: http://i.imgur.com/9KrbAr2.png
L354[15:34:27] <Vexatos> Uhm
L355[15:34:29] <Vexatos> I see cake
L356[15:34:33] <Vexatos> Totally not related to
L357[15:34:37] <Vexatos> How did you call the interface?
L358[15:35:20] <Vexatos> Sangar ^
L359[15:35:21] <Sangar> EnvironmentAware
L360[15:35:23] <Vexatos> Ah
L361[15:35:24] <Vexatos> k
L362[15:35:26] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L363[15:35:40] <Vexatos> But worksWith cannot be called
L364[15:35:43] <Vexatos> so how does it know
L365[15:35:49] <Sangar> not ideal, but fits well with all my other `XyzAware` interfaces :P
L366[15:35:49] <Vexatos> for drivers
L367[15:36:03] <Sangar> yeah, for block drivers it just tries all of them
L368[15:36:17] <Vexatos> What do you mean?
L369[15:36:19] <Vexatos> "All of them"
L370[15:36:26] <Sangar> all block drivers implementing that interface
L371[15:36:34] <Vexatos> o.o
L372[15:36:35] <Sangar> and the callbacks are accumulated
L373[15:36:38] <Vexatos> That's a lot
L374[15:36:58] <Sangar> not really
L375[15:37:10] <Sangar> it's also only called once, when u is pressed, so it's not that bad
L376[15:37:14] <Vexatos> How does it check whether a driver belongs to a block
L377[15:37:23] <Vexatos> It needs to do that somehow
L378[15:37:49] <Vexatos> Because some of the blocks I added drivers for only return true in worksWith if a certain condition inside the TE is met
L379[15:37:55] <Sangar> if the itemstack's item is an itemblock it calls all environmentaware block drivers' providedEnvironment method
L380[15:37:57] <Sangar> which can return null
L381[15:38:14] <Vexatos> For example, every GT machine has the same TE
L382[15:38:17] <Vexatos> which has a driver
L383[15:38:29] <Vexatos> but there is also the Battery Buffer driver additionally
L384[15:38:48] <Vexatos> which only returns true in worksWith if the BatteryBuffer meta-TE can be detected (1 tick after placement)
L385[15:38:50] <Sangar> well you'll have to base that off of the item damage or whatever
L386[15:39:12] <vifino> dafuq leenox, let me force a command to use a certain interface
L387[15:39:13] <Vexatos> Can you add optional methods to an interface?
L388[15:39:17] <Vexatos> With some default value
L389[15:39:22] <Sangar> managedperipherals' callbacks obviously also won't show up (because they're not @Callbacks)
L390[15:39:30] * vifino shakes fist at linux networking
L391[15:39:40] <Sangar> Vexatos, what methods are you thinking of?
L392[15:39:48] <Vexatos> worksWith(ItemStack)
L393[15:40:00] <Sangar> why would you need that? just do that in providedEnvironment(ItemStack)?
L394[15:40:08] <Sangar> and return null if it doesnt
L395[15:40:09] <Vexatos> Ooh
L396[15:40:10] <Sangar> support it that is
L397[15:40:15] <Vexatos> that takes the itemstack as a parameter
L398[15:40:18] <Vexatos> Nice
L399[15:40:21] <Vexatos> nevermind then
L400[15:40:21] <Vexatos> :P
L401[15:40:31] <Sangar> yeah, ah, right. didn't mention that, my bad
L402[15:40:42] <Vexatos> Yep, then it's fairly easy
L403[15:40:52] <Vexatos> Because getCompoundTag all the things
L404[15:40:58] <Sangar> aye
L405[15:41:16] <Vexatos> I have a question, how are you doing those new lines in the image
L406[15:41:26] <Vexatos> Do you really have \n in the doc string?
L407[15:41:40] <Vexatos> Because I am using semicola there
L408[15:41:56] <Vexatos> so "function(somepar:sometype):sometype; Does all the things"
L409[15:41:59] <Sangar> i'm pattern matching for the format i'm using right now (i.e. with the `--`)
L410[15:42:14] <Sangar> if that pattern isn't matched it just prints it as-is
L411[15:42:23] <Vexatos> so "--" will be a line wrap?
L412[15:42:34] <Sangar> i can add a second pattern for ; as an alternative tho
L413[15:42:43] <Vexatos> Doesn't matter
L414[15:42:45] <Sangar> line wrap and replace function with the actual name, yeha
L415[15:42:51] <Vexatos> just make one pattern a line wrap
L416[15:42:55] <Vexatos> document that in the API
L417[15:42:58] <Vexatos> and you're good
L418[15:43:17] <Vexatos> But yea, semicolon would be nice
L419[15:43:21] <Sangar> right. time to force the way i document onto everyone \o/ i like it. will add a note to the callback's jdoc
L420[15:43:30] <Sangar> :P
L421[15:43:32] <Vexatos> because it looks much better in the code and in the lua interpreter
L422[15:43:56] <Sangar> i'll add it as an alternative.
L423[15:44:07] <Vexatos> Yay
L424[15:44:10] <Vexatos> Thank you
L425[15:44:25] <Vexatos> Btw, do you know what's the biggest OC addon out there so far?
L426[15:44:31] <Vexatos> I need to know our competitors :P
L427[15:44:33] <Sangar> private val VexPattern = """^function(\([^)]*\)[^-]*); (.*)$""".r
L428[15:44:35] <Sangar> there you go
L429[15:44:43] <Vexatos> the regex
L430[15:44:47] <Vexatos> so beautiful
L431[15:45:57] <Sangar> the biggest i think is definitely computronics. after that... dunno. mostly relatively small, specific addons i think.
L432[15:46:10] <Vexatos> OCC
L433[15:46:13] <Vexatos> :P
L434[15:46:24] <Vexatos> Then all the awesome things like OpenPrinter, OpenLights
L435[15:46:26] <Sangar> well, that's also quite specific tho. and doesn't add new blocks and stuff.
L436[15:46:30] <Sangar> yeah
L437[15:46:35] <Vexatos> OpenPrinter has the best block
L438[15:46:38] <Vexatos> That model
L439[15:46:42] <Sangar> aye
L440[15:46:50] <Sangar> it is nice
L441[15:47:20] <Vexatos> Computronics just has plain blocks
L442[15:47:29] <Sangar> if oc were to have models like that that'd be a *lot* of work tho, to keep it consistent
L443[15:47:39] <Vexatos> OC already has custom models
L444[15:47:45] <Vexatos> And things that are not even models
L445[15:47:50] <Vexatos> (robot)
L446[15:47:57] <Sangar> ehh, well, i guess that counts
L447[15:48:22] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L448[15:48:23] <Sangar> but its hardcoded :X (tho there is a robot render event that could be used to override it - modularize all the things!)
L449[15:48:48] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L450[15:49:33] <Vexatos> Also, PetRenderer.scala :3
L451[15:49:52] * Vexatos still has got the java port of that one Mwehehehehe
L452[15:52:02] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Zzz (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b869:82bc:7579:18ba) (Quit: Leaving)
L453[15:55:26] <Sangar> regexes via pattern matching in scala is so great <3 https://gist.github.com/fnuecke/c7d4c07df826d360aefa
L454[15:56:51] <Vexatos> No idea what that does
L455[15:57:19] <Vexatos> Why don't you use a single pattern for both?
L456[15:57:21] <Vexatos> Doesn't matter
L457[15:57:27] <Sangar> tries to match the regex above to the string `doc`, if that works returns the stuff to the right, else tries the next
L458[15:57:27] <Vexatos> I have no clue what that means
L459[15:57:28] <Vexatos> at all
L460[15:57:33] <Sangar> eh, i think it's cleaner this way
L461[15:57:51] <Vexatos> Hmm
L462[15:57:54] <Sangar> head and tail are the two capture groups
L463[15:58:02] <Vexatos> so it is like a switch and an if-else all in one
L464[15:58:11] <Sangar> kinda
L465[15:58:13] <Vexatos> if - else if rather
L466[15:58:30] <Sangar> it's if-elseif on steroids
L467[15:59:14] <Vexatos> I don't like scala, it's comiling so slowly D:
L468[15:59:22] <Vexatos> But it's certainly shorter than java
L469[15:59:38] <Sangar> yeah, the compile time is somewhat annoying, but for me it's worth it :>
L470[15:59:56] <Sangar> but that's the nice thing about it running on the jvm, everone else can still use java :D
L471[16:00:05] <Vexatos> Wait...
L472[16:00:17] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L473[16:00:22] <Vexatos> that gist
L474[16:00:30] <Vexatos> hmm
L475[16:00:30] <Vexatos> ahh
L476[16:00:37] <Vexatos> Nevermind
L477[16:02:03] <Sangar> i don't know how and where to best put tablet related stuff into the api :/
L478[16:02:40] *** skye|away is now known as skyem123
L479[16:03:24] <Sangar> i sortakinda need a new package api.environment for it... but i dislike creating a package for a single interface :P
L480[16:04:15] <Vexatos> Why?
L481[16:04:20] <Vexatos> It is only visual anyways
L482[16:04:26] <Vexatos> also, api.tablet
L483[16:04:41] <Sangar> overly specific
L484[16:08:25] <Sangar> i could add the tablet component to api.component and give it an inner class TabletHost, but that feels like cheating :X
L485[16:08:48] <Vexatos> api.singleclasspackages.environment
L486[16:08:58] <Vexatos> Also, there might be more in there in the future+
L487[16:10:33] <Sangar> yeah, that's what i'm trying to take into account, hence no api.tablet :> the thing is, the tablet isn't really anything, it's just a free-floating environment... that's kept alive by some item stack calling update on it :X
L488[16:11:45] <Vexatos> WHY IS WAILA STILL BROKEN
L489[16:11:56] <Vexatos> Seriously, it's working for EVERY mod
L490[16:12:02] <Vexatos> just not Computronics .-.
L491[16:12:31] <Sangar> it probably has a blacklist in it, telling it to not work with computronics. has to be it. what else could it be?
L492[16:12:31] * skyem123 pets Vexatos
L493[16:12:41] <Vexatos> Sangar: True
L494[16:12:58] <kuya> automagic filling/emptying of my blood magic altar with robot tanks is working \o/
L495[16:12:58] <Vexatos> But seriously, neither the Prof nor I have any clue why it's not working
L496[16:14:46] ⇨ Joins: mindstorm8191 (~IceChat77@162-203-90-21.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)
L497[16:16:56] <Sangar> Vexatos, does it not work for anything or just not for tape drives? :P
L498[16:18:36] <Kilobyte> Sangar: sup
L499[16:18:48] <Vexatos> Sangar: Tape drives are working now
L500[16:18:54] <Sangar> Kilobyte, hey
L501[16:18:55] <Vexatos> There are 2 other issues
L502[16:18:58] <Vexatos> brb
L503[16:19:08] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A15F168F34A8A38E3C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L504[16:22:52] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A15F168F34A8A38E3C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L506[16:28:11] <vifino> Anyone has a second copy of Borderlands 2? :(
L507[16:28:31] <mindstorm8191> I don't have a first!
L508[16:29:03] <vifino> It has a linux version, i need it
L509[16:29:20] <DeanIsaKitty> I'm thinking of getting the Pre-Sequel now that 2K releases Linux-Versions :D
L510[16:30:14] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A15F168F34A8A38E3C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L513[16:31:03] <Vexatos> I'm back.
L514[16:31:10] <DeanIsaKitty> \o/
L515[16:31:41] <Vexatos> Soo, sangar: The two waila issues
L516[16:32:07] <Vexatos> 1. the waila class for all the Computronics blocks that are environments
L517[16:32:17] <Vexatos> It's supposed to show the component address
L518[16:32:23] <Vexatos> But it only shows them on the last placed block
L519[16:32:33] <Vexatos> not any of the ones placed before
L520[16:32:53] <Vexatos> once you place a new block, the address won't be shown on the one you placed before
L521[16:33:14] <Vexatos> 2. the waila class for the locomotive relay. It's supposed to show whether the relay is bound or not, but it's not
L522[16:33:34] <Vexatos> For both issues I figured that the NBT data shipped in waila is just null
L523[16:33:47] <Vexatos> So it doesn't provide the NBT data necessary at all
L524[16:34:17] <Vexatos> It just does it for the last placed block, and only the address will be there
L525[16:34:19] <Sangar> does it call the writeToNBT and does it get written correctly in there?
L526[16:34:23] <Vexatos> not whether the relay is bound :|
L527[16:34:29] <Vexatos> Sangar: It does call it
L528[16:34:37] <Vexatos> but the TE it calls it on is not initialized
L529[16:34:44] <Sangar> o.O
L530[16:34:53] <Vexatos> so all the values in the TE are on their defaults
L531[16:35:15] <Vexatos> Remember that's done clientside-only
L532[16:35:16] <Sangar> ssp / smp? same?
L533[16:35:26] <Vexatos> it's supposed to sync the NBT data with the server every 0.5 seconds
L534[16:35:38] <Sangar> yeah
L535[16:35:43] <Vexatos> That's why the waila data accessor has a remoteNBT field
L536[16:35:47] <Vexatos> Which is also null
L537[16:36:22] <Vexatos> Tape drive is working, just because I am not using NBT data in there at all
L538[16:36:35] <Vexatos> All my waila stuff is in here, in case you want to check https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/tree/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/integration/waila
L539[16:36:45] <asie> you highlighted me
L540[16:36:49] <asie> you're going to pay!
L541[16:37:11] <Vexatos> No I won't
L542[16:37:16] <Vexatos> ^vDoge is not in here
L543[16:37:30] <skyem123> asie, what can I bribe you with?
L544[16:37:41] <asie> you can't
L545[16:37:44] <skyem123> :O
L546[16:38:01] * skyem123 attaches a rope to asie's leg
L547[16:38:27] * skyem123 attaches other end to a bike rack
L548[16:38:28] <Sangar> Vexatos, hmm, isn't registerBodyProvider supposed to be called with a block class, not a tileentity class?
L549[16:38:49] <Vexatos> It works for both
L550[16:39:04] <Vexatos> it works for TEs and blocks
L551[16:39:11] <Vexatos> and I need the TE in this case
L552[16:39:18] <skyem123> asie, you can now never leave
L553[16:39:18] <Vexatos> Because of the NBT data
L554[16:39:22] <skyem123> >:)
L555[16:39:51] <Sangar> well, even if you register a block, you get the te from the accessor
L556[16:40:09] <Sangar> which is what i do, but if it's supposed to work with tes directly, too, allright
L557[16:40:58] <Vexatos> At least API sais so
L558[16:41:01] <Vexatos> Now I will check
L559[16:41:08] <Vexatos> If I use the blocks instead
L560[16:41:12] <Vexatos> in the registry
L561[16:41:24] <Vexatos> I won't need to modify in the waila classes themselves
L562[16:41:33] <Vexatos> I'll check that now
L563[16:46:20] <Vexatos> Sangar: If I did that, I would not be able to make that address thing for all my environment blocks :|
L564[16:46:37] <Sangar> why?
L565[16:47:09] <Vexatos> Because they are all extending a certain TE
L566[16:47:17] <Vexatos> Which I'm registering with waila
L567[16:47:35] <Sangar> well you can still check for that in the provider callback, no?
L568[16:47:42] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L569[16:47:44] <Vexatos> I guess so
L570[16:47:48] <Vexatos> Can just check
L571[16:47:55] <Vexatos> if(nbt.hasKey("oc:node"))
L572[16:48:05] <Sangar> or that
L573[16:48:30] <Sangar> i thought more along the lines of accessor.getTileEntity instanceof YourBaseTE
L574[16:49:47] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L575[16:50:11] <Vexatos> Yea...
L576[17:01:15] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445)
L577[17:05:40] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L578[17:12:55] <Kilobyte> so apparently my uni offers to hook into uni lan via vpn from outside
L579[17:12:55] <v^> hmm
L580[17:13:12] <v^> ima use my game to memorize other things
L581[17:14:51] <Ender> hahahaha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGjR5gkXyrY
L582[17:26:59] <Vexatos> Nope, Sangar
L583[17:27:01] <Vexatos> No difference
L584[17:27:48] * Ender thinks he is dying
L585[17:28:38] * skyem123 gives potion of healing to Ender
L586[17:29:05] * skyem123 secretly adds kitty transformation potion
L587[17:35:54] ⇦ Quits: w00tc0d3 (~quassel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L588[17:36:02] * skyem123 pokes Ender
L589[17:36:06] ⇨ Joins: w00tc0d3 (~quassel@
L590[17:36:25] <Ender> urghh?
L591[17:37:35] * skyem123 hands Ender healing potion that is secretly spiked with kitty transformation
L592[17:38:15] * Ender wants to listen to Rammstein but is deciding against it because it probably wont help his headache
L593[17:38:29] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L594[17:38:41] <skyem123> Ender, have you tuet
L595[17:38:58] <skyem123> Ender, have you turned your monitor brightness down?
L596[17:39:42] <Ender> i'm not actually looking at my m onitor much
L597[17:41:18] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L598[17:41:18] ⇨ Joins: samis (~samis@
L599[17:42:19] * skyem123 shoots samis with kitty ray
L600[17:42:32] <samis> nuu
L601[17:42:41] <skyem123> yusss
L602[17:44:20] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Max SendQ exceeded)
L603[17:47:14] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED5F60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L604[17:47:51] <Sangar> Vexatos, too bad, i have no other ideas, i'm afraid :/
L605[17:53:58] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L606[17:55:11] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L607[18:05:19] <v^> ._.
L608[18:05:33] <samis> ?
L609[18:07:36] <v^> ima learn rot13 now
L610[18:08:21] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED5F60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L611[18:10:43] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L612[18:18:59] <Negi> Someone, kill me please.
L613[18:19:38] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L614[18:20:08] * samis fires kitty ray at Negi
L615[18:20:40] <Negi> No this doesn't count >n<
L616[18:22:01] * samis sets kitty ray to 'lethal' and fires it at Negi
L617[18:38:21] <skyem123> samis!
L618[18:38:41] <skyem123> careful with the explosive kitties
L619[18:39:04] * Daiyousei throws one at skyem123
L620[18:39:11] <skyem123> !!!!
L621[18:39:15] * skyem123 ducks
L622[18:39:23] <skyem123> quack!
L623[18:39:26] <skyem123> :D
L624[18:39:28] <Daiyousei> :o
L625[18:39:31] <Daiyousei> skyem123 confirmed duck
L626[18:39:40] <skyem123> .-.
L627[18:39:42] <skyem123> wat
L628[18:39:56] <skyem123> I
L629[18:40:04] *** skyem123 is now known as skyeIsaKitty
L630[18:40:21] <skyeIsaKitty> IsaKitty
L631[18:40:58] <Daiyousei> liar
L632[18:41:36] <skyeIsaKitty> .-.
L633[18:41:55] <skyeIsaKitty> Can't I make a quack noise without being called a duck?
L634[18:45:30] <Daiyousei> no
L635[18:45:33] <Daiyousei> :>
L636[18:46:22] <Kilobyte> oh look my uni offers free SSL certs for all students
L637[18:46:26] <Kilobyte> with a few condition
L638[18:46:53] <Kilobyte> like domain restrictions
L639[18:47:12] <Kilobyte> so i think you can only use it for subdomains of the uni domain
L640[18:51:15] <v^> like half way through rot13
L641[18:54:34] <skyeIsaKitty> .w wireless
L642[18:54:35] <^v> skyeIsaKitty, http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L643[18:56:56] <Kilobyte> rot26 best excryption
L644[18:57:00] <Kilobyte> s/x/n
L645[18:58:40] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@hathor.stary2001.co.uk)
L646[18:58:41] <Vexatos> I like rot52 more
L647[18:59:11] <v^> stfu
L648[18:59:14] <v^> rot13 all teh way
L649[18:59:14] <Kilobyte> oh, yeah, its a bit harder to implement though
L650[18:59:26] <Kilobyte> and doesn't give much extra security
L651[18:59:31] <Vexatos> Well
L652[18:59:39] <Vexatos> rot26^26
L653[19:00:06] <Kilobyte> ya that sounds reasonable
L654[19:02:09] <Daiyousei> rot0
L655[19:02:10] <Daiyousei> 1v1 me
L656[19:02:10] <Daiyousei> fgts
L657[19:02:17] <Kilobyte> Daiyousei: raid0
L658[19:02:20] <Kilobyte> :P
L659[19:02:22] <Daiyousei> wot
L660[19:02:25] <Kilobyte> both is equally effective
L661[19:02:28] <Daiyousei> oo
L662[19:02:28] <Daiyousei> xD
L663[19:02:47] <Kilobyte> i am actually gonna get a raid1 on this machine eventually
L664[19:02:50] <Kilobyte> btrfs <3
L665[19:03:43] <Negi> btrfs <3
L666[19:03:54] <Vexatos> 23
L667[19:03:57] <Vexatos> Not decrypt that
L668[19:03:58] <Vexatos> have fun
L669[19:04:03] <Vexatos> s/Not/Now
L670[19:04:03] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> Now decrypt that
L671[19:04:42] <Kilobyte> Daiyousei: i mean, in zfs you need to specify all devices in the raid when you format them
L672[19:05:05] <Kilobyte> in btrfs you can not just change raid level, add and remove devices at any time
L673[19:05:11] <Daiyousei> ah
L674[19:05:11] <Kilobyte> you can even do it online
L675[19:05:49] <Kilobyte> in fact, btrfs supports all fs meta operations online
L676[19:15:03] *** Caitlyn is now known as Caitlyn|Off
L677[19:16:02] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L678[19:21:12] *** Caitlyn|Off is now known as Caitlyn
L679[19:21:20] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L680[19:22:03] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L681[19:24:08] <skyeIsaKitty> \o
L682[19:24:11] <skyeIsaKitty> .w
L683[19:24:11] <^v> skyeIsaKitty, http://ocd.cil.li/
L684[19:51:37] <skyeIsaKitty> .w io
L685[19:51:37] <^v> skyeIsaKitty, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.8
L686[19:52:38] <skyeIsaKitty> .w time
L687[19:52:38] <^v> skyeIsaKitty, Not found. did you want "rim component"?
L688[19:52:41] <skyeIsaKitty> .-.
L689[19:52:42] <skyeIsaKitty> .w
L690[19:52:42] <^v> skyeIsaKitty, http://ocd.cil.li/
L691[19:56:28] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L692[19:56:28] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L693[20:02:32] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L694[20:08:14] <kuya> Vexatos: hi!
L695[20:08:23] <Vexatos> Hi
L696[20:09:21] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm off o/
L697[20:09:55] <skyeIsaKitty> \o
L698[20:10:50] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L699[20:10:52] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L700[20:17:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319A15F168F34A8A38E3C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L701[20:18:07] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L702[20:18:12] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L703[20:18:36] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L704[20:22:45] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@
L705[20:22:45] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L706[20:30:19] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-239.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
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L709[21:00:15] *** skyeIsaKitty is now known as skye|away
L710[21:01:12] ⇦ Quits: samis (~samis@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L711[21:01:59] ⇦ Quits: mindstorm8191 (~IceChat77@162-203-90-21.lightspeed.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L714[21:09:26] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L715[21:18:01] <careo> Has anyone tried the logistics pipes CC modules with OC adapters?
L716[21:20:11] <Sangar> lp has direct oc support, no need for the adapter
L717[21:22:50] <careo> Oh sweet. Good to know!
L718[21:22:51] <careo> Going to have to see what it can do with bees
L719[21:24:53] <Sangar> :)
L720[21:25:03] <Sangar> anyway, i'm off o/
L721[21:26:48] <careo> Cya
L722[21:33:38] <vifino> bai Sangar
L723[21:44:17] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L724[21:44:21] ⇨ Joins: Synchunk (Synchunk@pD9FBF0AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L725[21:44:29] ⇦ Parts: Synchunk (Synchunk@pD9FBF0AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Leaving))
L726[21:45:45] <ds84182> segaages
L727[21:45:50] <ds84182> sega_ages
L728[21:46:01] <ds84182> .l ("sega_ages"):reverse()
L729[21:46:01] <^v> ds84182, sega_ages
L730[21:46:03] <ds84182> .l ("sega_ages"):reverse()
L731[21:46:03] <^v> ds84182, sega_ages
L732[21:46:10] <ds84182> let the mind fuck commense
L733[21:48:31] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L734[21:59:27] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host31-51-135-126.range31-51.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L735[22:00:14] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L736[22:00:34] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@lime.student.utwente.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L737[22:02:07] *** Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
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L740[22:16:34] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
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L744[22:32:53] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L745[22:39:29] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L746[22:44:04] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L747[22:46:40] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L748[22:46:47] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L749[22:46:47] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.32s
L750[22:52:29] <Porygon> .p
L751[22:52:31] <^v> Ping reply from Porygon 2.45s
L752[22:52:34] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED5F60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L753[23:03:57] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L754[23:05:56] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L755[23:07:58] <Kilobyte> night guys
L756[23:24:05] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445) (Quit: Leaving)
L757[23:25:16] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L758[23:39:14] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L759[23:39:14] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
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L762[23:49:52] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L763[23:50:40] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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