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L1[00:03:54] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L2[00:16:08] <v^> so java's random function is fucking retarded
L3[00:16:23] <v^> this is used to generate the seed: (seed ^ 0x5DEECE66DL) & ((1L << 48) - 1)
L4[00:35:44] <v^> gamax92, it works
L5[00:36:02] <gamax92> ?
L6[00:36:08] <v^> exept it needs 64 bit math >_>
L7[00:36:32] <v^> the random number thing
L8[00:36:34] <gamax92> InsnNode(node.getOpcode())
L9[00:37:09] <gamax92> v^: you can potentially use ffi?
L10[00:37:15] <gamax92> ffi's long and stuff
L11[00:37:17] <v^> :O
L12[00:38:32] <v^> gamax92, holyfucks
L13[00:38:41] <v^> i forgot i removed .lua51
L14[00:38:44] <v^> now i can use luajit
L15[00:39:04] <v^> exept wont be able to use lanes
L16[00:39:09] <gamax92> D: shaddup
L17[00:39:10] <gamax92> pls
L18[00:39:16] <gamax92> I'm trying to write a patch writer
L19[00:39:18] <v^> >_> nvm
L20[00:39:27] <v^> i kinda need lanes
L21[00:39:34] <gamax92> what is lanes
L22[00:39:42] <v^> multithreading
L23[00:39:48] <gamax92> you can't do that in luajit?
L24[00:40:09] <v^> >_> there are other multithreading libs that work with luajit
L25[00:40:11] <v^> but im lazy
L26[00:40:20] <gamax92> why wouldn't lanes work with luajit>
L27[00:40:29] <v^> i dunno
L28[00:40:34] <v^> threading is weird
L29[00:40:35] <gamax92> .-.
L30[00:41:00] <JoshTheEnder> .thread
L31[00:41:03] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L32[00:41:07] <JoshTheEnder> .mcf
L33[00:41:09] <JoshTheEnder> meh
L34[00:41:10] <v^> <_<
L35[00:41:47] <gamax92> :D all I have left to decode are FrameNode's
L36[00:42:00] <JoshTheEnder> also MCF updated
L37[00:44:06] <v^> gamax92, <3
L38[00:50:44] ⇦ Quits: GModPotato (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L39[00:53:34] <gamax92> oh good, label's arent specified by number but by label, as to why the pretty printer decided to give them numbers ...
L40[00:57:05] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L41[01:03:09] ⇨ Joins: GModPotato (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L42[01:09:07] <gamax92> :D all of my instructions work. Except for LDC
L43[01:13:12] <gjgfujb> What instructions?
L44[01:13:29] <gjgfujb> gamax92?
L45[01:14:11] <gamax92> "LDC Lnet/example/potato;.class"
L46[01:14:41] <gjgfujb> oh yeah?
L47[01:15:11] <gamax92> what "new LdcInsnNode(potato.class)" gave was "LDC class net.example.potato"
L48[01:17:09] <gamax92> if I try to add that into the method the game insta crashes.
L49[01:21:59] <gjgfujb> Seems like it works perfectly.
L50[01:23:02] <gamax92> :D figured it out
L51[01:23:22] <gamax92> need: new LdcInsnNode(Type.getType(potato.class))
L52[01:24:09] *** Ir7_o|AWAY is now known as Ir7_o
L53[01:24:12] <Ir7_o> o/
L54[01:24:26] <gamax92> A wild Ir7_o appeared!
L55[01:24:33] <Ir7_o> :P
L56[01:25:38] <gamax92> oh, forgot to actually give forge the new method.
L57[01:25:51] <gamax92> :D it works
L58[01:31:32] *** GModPotato is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L59[01:36:25] *** Ir7_o is now known as Ir7_o|AWAY
L60[01:40:52] *** Csstform is now known as Csstform|Away
L61[01:48:03] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L62[01:55:11] ⇨ Joins: xPucTu4 (yahoo@xPucTu4.Net)
L63[02:12:32] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L64[02:18:08] ⇨ Joins: binaryblade (~binarybla@d108-180-152-201.bchsia.telus.net)
L65[02:20:02] <Ir7_o|AWAY> :")
L66[02:20:33] <v^> >_>
L67[02:20:43] <Ir7_o|AWAY> cyaa in 2 weeks
L68[02:20:46] <v^> D:
L69[02:20:50] <Ir7_o|AWAY> this will be the last time I am on
L70[02:20:53] <v^> whar you goin
L71[02:20:57] <Ir7_o|AWAY> darwin
L72[02:20:59] <Ir7_o|AWAY> (aus)
L73[02:21:07] <v^> >_>
L74[02:21:23] <Ir7_o|AWAY> bai everyone
L75[02:21:25] <v^> the internet is shitty there
L76[02:21:35] <v^> you might not get internet for an additional week
L77[02:21:48] <binaryblade> but who needs internet when you everything is trying to kill you?
L78[02:22:00] <v^> binaryblade, everyone >_>
L79[02:22:05] <Ir7_o|AWAY> ........
L80[02:22:09] <Ir7_o|AWAY> crocs.
L81[02:22:25] <v^> google, how do i survive a spider crocodile milipede attack?
L82[02:22:39] <Ir7_o|AWAY> +1
L83[02:22:46] <Ir7_o|AWAY> anyway, I am going to go now
L84[02:22:50] <Ir7_o|AWAY> (offically)
L85[02:22:50] <v^> o/
L86[02:22:56] <Ir7_o|AWAY> \o/
L87[02:23:00] <v^> inb4 deleyed and will be back
L88[02:28:00] ⇨ Joins: SKS-Phone (~androirc@pa49-180-146-119.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L89[02:28:18] <binaryblade> any mod devs on?
L90[02:29:08] <SKS-Phone> Big news! My family is staying at my grandad's house tonight, and he has internet :D
L91[02:29:52] <Kodos> I'm technically a mod dev
L92[02:29:55] <Kodos> What do you need, binaryblade
L93[02:30:06] <Kodos> I'm not an OC dev, but I'm a mod dev :3
L94[02:30:18] <binaryblade> I'm trying to write a OC peripheral
L95[02:30:23] <binaryblade> it's acting strangely
L96[02:30:53] <binaryblade> I've got it placing in the world, the OC network cable connects to it. I can get a proxy to it in lua in the computer
L97[02:30:58] ⇨ Joins: Noiro (~noiro@c-76-17-27-99.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L98[02:31:01] <binaryblade> but I can't call any of the exposed callbacks
L99[02:31:11] <Kodos> It is a block then?
L100[02:31:19] <binaryblade> yeah
L101[02:31:21] <Kodos> Have you taken a look at the example block drivers?
L102[02:31:25] <binaryblade> yes
L103[02:31:40] *** SKS-Phone is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L104[02:31:58] <Kodos> Can I take a look at the code for your callbacks
L105[02:32:01] <binaryblade> it looks like all you have to do is implement simple component on the tile entity and then annotate some methods as @Callback
L106[02:32:45] <binaryblade> http://pastebin.com/BeQ1Uxqu
L107[02:33:10] <binaryblade> the OC code is at the bottom
L108[02:35:02] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@2601:4:4540:5b:d54d:f9ca:6597:853c) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L109[02:36:20] <binaryblade> What do you think Kodos
L110[02:36:27] <Kodos> Reading/comparing it now
L111[02:38:17] <gamax92> This honestly has to be some of the worst code I've seen
L112[02:38:26] <binaryblade> eh?
L113[02:38:30] <gamax92> erm, clarify, not referring to you
L114[02:38:34] <gamax92> this code I'm editing
L115[02:38:48] <v^> woooooooooooooooooot
L116[02:38:49] <v^> http://i.imgur.com/syONzB1.png
L117[02:39:14] <binaryblade> do you read the dailyWTF
L118[02:39:20] <gamax92> they declare and initialize a Integer, but then cast it to Integer EVERYWHERE
L119[02:39:50] <binaryblade> you know, just in case the computer decides it should be a string
L120[02:39:55] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@
L121[02:39:58] <Kodos> binaryblade, do me a favor in your dev environment'd MC
L122[02:40:08] <gamax92> doing a certain action will always update every 200 blocks around the player
L123[02:40:11] <Kodos> on an OC computer with your component hooked up, run this snippet in the Lua interpreter
L124[02:40:14] <gamax92> regardless of render distance
L125[02:40:26] <Kodos> for k,v in pairs(component.computerizedInventory) do print(k,v) end
L126[02:40:28] <v^> how havent i found this before
L127[02:40:29] <v^> math.frexp (x)
L128[02:40:29] <v^> Returns m and e such that x = m2e, e is an integer and the absolute value of m is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when x is zero).
L129[02:40:36] <Michiyo> Time to rewrite MichiBot from scratch..
L130[02:40:40] <v^> .> math.frexp(1024)
L131[02:40:43] <gamax92> Michiyo: D:
L132[02:40:52] <binaryblade> IIRC, that fails but I'll try again
L133[02:40:53] <gamax92> R.I.P MichiBot version 1.
L134[02:41:02] <Kodos> If it fails, tell me what it says
L135[02:41:07] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@2601:4:4540:5b:d54d:f9ca:6597:853c)
L136[02:41:11] <Michiyo> Doing proper plugins, and unhardcoding more stuff.
L137[02:41:18] <gamax92> oh okay
L138[02:41:35] <v^> .> math.frexp(1024)
L139[02:41:35] <^v> v^, 0.5 | 11
L140[02:41:38] <Kodos> Michiyo, are you taking feature requests?
L141[02:41:42] <v^> .calc 2^11
L142[02:41:42] <^v> v^, 2048
L143[02:41:44] <v^> >_>
L144[02:41:51] <Michiyo> Erm.. not really, but I might consider it..?
L145[02:41:53] <v^> hmm
L146[02:41:53] <binaryblade> nvm, that succeeded, type computerizedInventory
L147[02:42:17] <Kodos> binaryblade, can you get me a screenshot of that snippet being entered, and the ensuing results
L148[02:42:26] <Kodos> Michiyo, what's Michibot's prefix
L149[02:42:36] <binaryblade> ahh mother what the hell is the SS key
L150[02:42:43] <Michiyo> It's switchable.. currently %
L151[02:42:48] <Kodos> Okay, imagine this
L152[02:42:49] <Michiyo> MichiBot prefix
L153[02:42:50] <MichiBot> Michiyo: %
L154[02:43:01] <Kodos> %remindme <12h Finish writing my reactor code
L155[02:43:22] <Kodos> ^ would make me get a notice/PM any time after 12 hours after writing that, to remind me to finish my code
L156[02:43:23] <gamax92> .tell Kodos Hi
L157[02:43:23] <^v> gamax92, Will send the message over irc the next time they talk and then remove it from my list of message that i need to send to people who talk.
L158[02:43:26] <gamax92> ...
L159[02:43:29] <gamax92> v^: you still have that
L160[02:43:46] <Kodos> gamax92, that doesn't work for myself if I talk immediately after it
L161[02:43:48] <Michiyo> Kodos, sounds neat..
L162[02:44:00] <Michiyo> I'll add it when I get current functionality ported over.
L163[02:44:02] <gamax92> Kodos: what no i just wanted to say hi
L164[02:44:15] <Kodos> Also that should've been >12h
L165[02:44:35] <Kodos> binaryblade, F2
L166[02:44:41] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE8E34.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L167[02:44:50] <Kodos> Though I'd recommend picking up the puush app
L168[02:45:04] <Michiyo> for me ctrl alt 2 :p
L169[02:45:09] <Michiyo> and it uploads thanks to puush :P
L170[02:45:13] <Kodos> ^
L171[02:45:14] <Kodos> That's why
L172[02:45:21] <Kodos> Ctrl Shift 2 for me
L173[02:45:22] <binaryblade> huh???
L174[02:45:33] <Kodos> The puush app lets you screengrab your current window
L175[02:45:35] <Kodos> and autouploads it
L176[02:45:42] <Michiyo> I use alt since shift makes me crouch/fly down in MC
L177[02:46:01] <Kodos> I have Z as my descend/sneak key
L178[02:46:12] <binaryblade> I"m in gentoo
L179[02:46:20] <binaryblade> so maybe it will work maybe not
L180[02:46:40] <Michiyo> ahh puush is winderps/osx not sure how well it'll run via emu on nix..
L181[02:46:47] <binaryblade> any good place to post?
L182[02:46:51] <Kodos> imgur
L183[02:46:57] <Kodos> http://www.imgur.com
L184[02:47:37] <binaryblade> http://imgur.com/3yq74A1
L185[02:48:17] <binaryblade> it's weird, it's like the call back annotations are being ignored
L186[02:48:23] <v^> .> for l1=1,1000 do if math.frexp(2^l1)~=0.5 then error(l1) end
L187[02:48:24] <^v> v^, lua:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
L188[02:48:26] <v^> fail
L189[02:48:33] <v^> meant to do in ocbots
L190[02:48:48] <Kodos> You also forgot an end
L191[02:50:28] <v^> yeah, i can read <_>
L192[02:51:58] <gamax92> .tell v^ fix this.
L193[02:51:58] <^v> gamax92, Will send the message over irc the next time they talk and then remove it from my list of message that i need to send to people who talk.
L194[02:52:22] <v^> no
L195[02:52:23] <gamax92> why the hell is my delay 5 seconds.
L196[02:52:30] <v^> .p gamax92
L197[02:52:30] <^v> Ping reply from gamax92 0.5s
L198[02:52:33] <v^> idk
L199[02:52:41] <v^> sometimes ^v's socket freezes
L200[02:52:42] <gamax92> thats the bouncer reply
L201[02:54:02] <binaryblade> It really doesn't help that I am quite new to java.
L202[02:55:21] <v^> so math.randomseed(os.time()) is dangreous for cryptography
L203[02:56:04] <v^> <_> especially because java's shit only accepts ints
L204[02:56:59] <v^> so if you want to be sligtly more secure you multiply by a large number
L205[02:57:35] <v^> and i mean slightly, >_> making it 10000x more difficult isnt much
L206[02:58:00] <v^> the algo is so crappy it can be cracked at insane speeds
L207[02:58:18] <v^> i could easialy write this in C
L208[02:58:33] <binaryblade> what are you doing?
L209[02:59:27] <v^> i made CC's math.random
L210[02:59:39] <v^> which i previously thought was secureish
L211[02:59:43] <binaryblade> just a big LFSR?
L212[03:00:28] <v^> <_>
L213[03:00:28] <v^> no
L214[03:00:35] <binaryblade> or did you do the whole mersenne thing-a-ma-bob
L215[03:00:54] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94_ (~Timmy94@f049085155.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L216[03:01:59] <v^> binaryblade, CC uses java's random function
L217[03:02:04] <v^> which is terribad
L218[03:02:21] <v^> function rnext(bits)
L219[03:02:21] <v^> seed=(seed*0x5DEECE66D+0xB)%2^48
L220[03:02:21] <v^> return seed/(2^(48-bits))
L221[03:02:22] <binaryblade> well, entropy is hard to get
L222[03:02:28] <v^> its not
L223[03:02:45] <v^> well, with low amounts of data atleast
L224[03:03:18] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94 (~Timmy94@f049240223.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L225[03:03:19] *** Timmy94_ is now known as Timmy94
L226[03:03:26] <v^> entropy in CC is easy to get
L227[03:03:35] <v^> monitor keystrokes, feed into SHA algorithm
L228[03:04:03] <binaryblade> I suspect most persons will not be accessing their banking information from within a video game.
L229[03:04:16] <binaryblade> Is that what you're doing?
L230[03:04:20] <binaryblade> cause coolio
L231[03:04:30] <v^> no
L232[03:04:37] <v^> <_>
L233[03:04:52] <v^> i am looking at cryptos ive broken before, and doing it better
L234[03:05:12] <binaryblade> Kodos, any thoughts or are you as stumped as I am?
L235[03:05:34] <v^> oh and the algorithm is especially terribad because you can recover the seed
L236[03:05:36] <Kodos> It 'feels' like you're missing something in the code, but I can't put my finger on what
L237[03:05:45] <binaryblade> yeah, no shit
L238[03:05:49] <Kodos> Lol
L239[03:05:49] <Kodos> Well
L240[03:06:00] <Kodos> I'd recommend thoroughly going over your code, and the example code
L241[03:06:05] <Kodos> And seeing if you can't catch something
L242[03:06:31] <Kodos> It's most likely something silly, petty, and obvious
L243[03:06:39] <binaryblade> does anything special need to be registered in the mod load for OpenCC
L244[03:07:19] <binaryblade> is there some registry of peripherals or something
L245[03:07:21] <Michiyo> Nope, TE implementing SimpleComponent is enough...
L246[03:07:49] <binaryblade> it implements 2 interfaces, does java care the order they appear?
L247[03:07:53] <Michiyo> nope
L248[03:09:27] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~PewNaN@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L249[03:11:56] <binaryblade> mother fucker
L250[03:12:09] <binaryblade> I needed to break and readd the block
L251[03:12:34] <binaryblade> son of a )(*^(*&%(&%(*&(*%*&^%*&^%&)(*&(*&^*&^&*&(*_()*&^%$%$^%*^%$&^%^%*&^%*&%*
L252[03:13:15] <Michiyo> lol.... ouch
L253[03:14:56] <binaryblade> well good to know, the annotations must interact to have entries placed in the NBT on placement
L254[03:15:22] <binaryblade> wow, just wow
L255[03:16:11] <Kodos> +1 for fixing it
L256[03:16:23] <Kodos> I still need to figure out what I'm doing for a component
L257[03:16:33] <Kodos> I have a model for it already
L258[03:16:39] <binaryblade> huh that also seems to indicate that if you upgrade a mod, you need to break all the blocks before they respond to new peripherals
L259[03:16:59] <binaryblade> new methods*
L260[03:17:02] <Kodos> Not to my knowledge
L261[03:17:14] <Michiyo> I've add methods without the need to break/place.
L262[03:17:18] <Michiyo> s/add/added/
L263[03:17:25] <Michiyo> No?
L264[03:17:30] <Michiyo> suparbot?
L265[03:17:32] <binaryblade> huh, they why the interaction this time?
L266[03:17:46] <Michiyo> No clue..
L267[03:18:05] <binaryblade> maybe its only when it has no methods what so ever
L268[03:21:41] <Kodos> TIL You can have a workspace in NP++
L269[03:21:46] <Kodos> Time to start a multi-file Lua project
L270[03:30:39] <v^> :D
L271[03:33:17] <Alissa> NP++ workspaces?
L272[03:33:39] <Alissa> Sounds interesting
L273[03:36:43] * ShadowKatStudios should run NP++ under wine
L274[03:37:55] <binaryblade> anyone know of a way uniquely identify an item that is not the itemID
L275[03:38:14] <binaryblade> like a mod mapped name or something
L276[03:46:24] <binaryblade> I'm going to assume the unlocalizedName is not unique across mods
L277[03:51:47] <Kodos> Depends on the item
L278[03:52:18] <Kodos> v^, give me an idea for something simple I could make, that would still require at least one lib and a main file
L279[03:52:52] <binaryblade> as in, is there a forgy way to get a unique number that will be semistable across servers
L280[03:53:12] <v^> Kodos, <_> i have no idea
L281[03:53:19] <v^> i usually just put everything into one file
L282[03:53:54] <binaryblade> is there limitations on the type of values callbacks can return?
L283[03:54:59] <Alissa> Kodos, make an IRC bot running off a Lua library.
L284[03:55:09] <Alissa> IRC, not LUa
L285[03:55:09] <Alissa> derp
L286[03:55:27] <Kodos> I'm not -that- knowledged
L287[03:55:33] <Kodos> Or I'd have already made a bot for my IRC channel
L288[03:55:57] <Kodos> Everything I know thus far, has been self taught by writing silly pointless programs
L289[03:57:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Write a silly pointless bot then
L290[03:58:01] <ShadowKatStudios> The protocol is quite simple.
L291[03:58:31] <Alissa> I wrote one that did nothing but join a channel and not disconnect.
L292[03:58:47] <Kodos> Well, I DID have an idea for a silly pointless bot, but it would ultimately just annoy the shit out of whoever was in the channel it was in
L293[03:58:47] <Alissa> Just make a simple ping/pong bot
L294[03:58:59] <Kodos> Which I guess works
L295[03:59:26] <Alissa> Well, I DiD have an idea for a silly pointless bot, but it was ultimately silly and pointless
L296[03:59:31] <Alissa> That's what I read.
L297[03:59:35] <Kodos> =D
L298[04:00:36] <Kodos> Where would I find a botmaking guide
L299[04:00:43] <Kodos> And could it be ran from OC
L300[04:01:10] <Alissa> uhm, irc.lua
L301[04:01:10] <Alissa> built-in to OpenOS iirc
L302[04:01:26] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~androirc@pa49-180-146-119.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L303[04:02:30] ⇦ Quits: Syrren (~syrren@mike.unixbox.tk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L304[04:04:32] <gamax92> back
L305[04:11:46] <Kodos> LOL Wow http://pastebin.com/yJzxNqqC
L306[04:13:23] <dmod_> Kodos: look in public pasts sometimes there are torrents or prono's there
L307[04:13:32] <dmod_> Along with other stuff
L308[04:13:39] <Kodos> I usually just stick to the Lua section of public pastes
L309[04:13:53] <Kodos> I like seeing what people make for CC and OC, gives me ideas of things
L310[04:16:57] <binaryblade> does anyone have a list of the class types which the peripheral callbacks can return?
L311[04:18:07] <gamax92> Kodos: that virus is REALLY easy to remove
L312[04:18:13] <gamax92> just call edit with the absolute path.
L313[04:18:17] <Kodos> I know, it's absurd how terrible that is
L314[04:21:11] <gamax92> gah i looked at the lua section of pastebin, all CC junk
L315[04:21:39] <v^> yeah
L316[04:21:52] <v^> i wonder if the pbin devs noticed
L317[04:21:53] <Kodos> I usually grab things I wanna fiddle with, and convert it for use with OC
L318[04:22:05] <v^> pastebin is terrible >_>
L319[04:22:31] <Kodos> Usually, the Lua section is full of CC and GMod stuff
L320[04:22:56] <gamax92> Kodos: print("Infecting computer") os.sleep(3) print("Your computer is mine!") os.sleep(5)
L321[04:23:24] <Kodos> os.sleep(10) print("Just kidding!") term.clear() os.exit()
L322[04:24:45] <Kodos> I grabbed a print.lua file I found on the forums, cleaned it up a bit, and put it in my bin dir, so now I have a default print command for my printer :3
L323[04:25:02] <v^> meh
L324[04:25:08] <v^> gamax92, will add in the random thing in now
L325[04:25:21] <v^> once this ppa installs
L326[04:28:16] <PotatoTrumpet> When fireworks sound like someone is breaking in....
L327[04:28:23] <PotatoTrumpet> <_>
L328[04:28:53] <PotatoTrumpet> Its only the second of july people, not the forth.
L329[04:30:00] <v^> oh for fucks sake
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L331[04:30:10] <v^> apt-get autoremove uninstalled fglrx -_-
L332[04:33:05] <gamax92> I stopped using fglrx because it broke love2d for me, no kms, and general video corruption
L333[04:35:04] <Kodos> Lol
L334[04:35:08] <Kodos> Can't stop laughing
L335[04:35:11] <Kodos> <mDiyo> The NFL is an entertainment show, not a sport. Just FYI.
L336[04:35:28] <v^> gamax92, shitty fglrx is the only reason i can play MC
L337[04:35:54] <gamax92> idunno open radeon works just fine for MC for me.
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L341[04:51:30] <Kodos> Anyone know who did Sanger's MCF avatar
L342[04:51:48] <v^> possibly him
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L345[05:06:55] <Kodos> This meat hook mod is hilarious
L346[05:07:26] <Alissa> oh my god
L347[05:07:26] <Alissa> I love that mod
L348[05:07:42] <Alissa> It was one of the funniest things in that modpack I used to play
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L351[05:09:04] <Bizzycola> Sounds fun :p
L352[05:09:28] <Kodos> I'm still disappointed no one's added essentia mixing in a Thaum addon yet
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L354[05:14:57] <v^> gamax92, http://i.imgur.com/uWOBgUO.png
L355[05:15:31] <gamax92> k
L356[05:16:13] <v^> should i initialize the randomseed to the real math.random?
L357[05:16:52] <Vexatos> math.random is so random xD
L358[05:17:17] <v^> Vexatos, its not
L359[05:17:20] <v^> in CC atleast
L360[05:17:59] <gamax92> just wondering, was there some crypto thingy you were breaking that depended on specific values from math.random?
L361[05:18:05] <gamax92> because, no ...
L362[05:19:03] <v^> <_>
L363[05:19:04] <v^> what
L364[05:19:11] <gamax92> Hmm, with my new found coremod powers, I'm going to remove instructions from CC
L365[05:19:23] <gamax92> specifically the one that null's out the luajava api
L366[05:20:01] <v^> well some cryptos use math.randomseed then sum math.randoms
L367[05:20:17] <v^> which doesnt depend on the initial seed >_>
L368[05:21:25] <Kodos> Why not math.randomseed(math.random(math.huge))
L369[05:21:59] <gamax92> >_>
L370[05:34:25] <v^> Kodos, because no
L371[05:34:39] <Kodos> But why not
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L389[05:47:45] <Michiyo> 4WDAACP3U! :'(
L390[05:49:04] <v^> <_>
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L395[05:55:44] <Michiyo> Ok, short of piping which will be broken for a bit, MichiBot should be back to where she was before I started this
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L401[05:57:05] <Michiyo> Hmm or not..
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L414[05:58:54] <Michiyo> WTG Esper...
L415[05:58:58] <Kodos> Jesus Christ, IRC, get your shit together
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L417[06:00:11] <Michiyo> chaos musta bit it..
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L473[06:11:53] <Michiyo> REALLY?!
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L546[06:14:55] <pong> bed
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L548[06:15:06] <gamax92> deb
L549[06:15:12] <gamax92> ian
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L551[06:16:01] <pong> gamax92, gah
L552[06:16:11] <gamax92> hag
L553[06:16:17] <pong> will have to fix math.random() percision tomorrow
L554[06:16:25] <pong> find out where luaj is shitting itself
L555[06:16:35] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@CPE-123-211-96-150.lnse4.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L556[06:16:39] <gamax92> is it too accurate?
L557[06:16:43] <ShadowKatStudios> I have real internet!
L558[06:16:56] <gamax92> did you do it better than the real thing?
L559[06:17:13] <pong> gamax92, well when something in luaj returns a double it truncates it in the most weird way
L560[06:17:27] <pong> i am trying to emulate that terribleness
L561[06:17:42] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L562[06:18:01] <gamax92> I'm all for le luaj bugs but, what if LuaJ was improved.
L563[06:18:07] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Client Quit)
L564[06:18:25] ⇦ Quits: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@this.is.theender.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L565[06:18:48] <Michiyo> pong, note, login.minecraft.net is gone again.
L566[06:18:53] ⇨ Joins: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@this.is.theender.net)
L567[06:18:54] zsh sets mode: +v on JoshTheEnder
L568[06:18:54] <EnderBot2> Ohai there JoshTheEnder
L569[06:18:56] <pong> .mcdown
L570[06:18:56] <^v> pong, minecraft.net sessions account auth skins auth-server session-server api textures
L571[06:19:01] <pong> >_>
L572[06:19:04] <gamax92> like, no more corrupting bytes above 127, odd tonumber, errors looking the same as on lua, loadstring not using some weird source string by default
L573[06:19:05] <pong> and api is back
L574[06:19:18] <pong> gamax92, nah
L575[06:19:24] <pong> we are going full CC :D
L576[06:19:34] <pong> explicit bugs ftw
L577[06:19:46] <gamax92> I was referring to fixing that for OC's fallback
L578[06:19:51] <pong> /bed
L579[06:21:02] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L580[06:22:48] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@
L581[06:22:48] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L582[06:23:17] <pong> "I was thinking about this while at McDonald's yesterday. If 1 + 1 = 0, would that change the constants of nature?"
L583[06:29:35] <pong> im done
L584[06:29:35] <pong> >_>
L585[06:29:35] ⇦ Quits: ObiWan (ObiWan@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L586[06:30:11] <Michiyo> woooow Esper is on fire tonight.... literally
L587[06:33:22] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo| (~Michiyo@apollo.pc-logix.com)
L588[06:33:24] <Vexatos> Of course it does
L589[06:33:31] <Vexatos> I just wonder what you'd use that for
L590[06:33:36] ⇨ Joins: Stiepen (~Kilobyte@
L591[06:33:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Stiepen
L592[06:33:46] <gamax92> Vexatos: to get the same results you'd get in luaj?
L593[06:34:07] ⇦ Quits: leagris (~lea@meumeu.noiraude.net) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L594[06:34:16] <Michiyo|> So... looks like we're still split from nova..
L595[06:34:19] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (~Caitlyn@
L596[06:34:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Caitlyn
L597[06:34:22] ⇦ Quits: ashka (~postmaste@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L598[06:34:29] ⇦ Quits: Bizzycola (~Bizzycola@bizzycola.us.to) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L599[06:34:29] *** Bizzycola_ is now known as Bizzycola
L600[06:34:29] ⇦ Quits: xPucTu4 (yahoo@xPucTu4.Net) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L601[06:34:29] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@apollo.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L602[06:34:29] ⇦ Quits: gjgfujb (~tricia@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L603[06:34:29] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (~Kilobyte@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L604[06:34:37] <gamax92> Esper is drunk
L605[06:34:37] <Vexatos> Why am I the only one not splitting
L606[06:34:39] <Vexatos> .-.
L607[06:34:49] <Vexatos> I never ever had a net split
L608[06:35:02] <Vexatos> And I am using IRC for quite a while now
L609[06:35:09] <Vexatos> (Over a year, woo\o/)
L610[06:35:16] <gamax92> Vexatos: but seriously, why is the fact that math.randomseed also ported over such a problem?
L611[06:35:30] ⇦ Quits: shadow_bot (~shadow_te@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L612[06:35:30] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@b1f-005.static.bnc4free.com) (Quit: fBNC - http://bnc4free.com/)
L613[06:35:33] *** Michiyo| is now known as Michiyo
L614[06:35:35] <Vexatos> It is no problem
L615[06:35:38] <Vexatos> I was just curious
L616[06:35:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Michiyo
L617[06:36:06] ⇦ Quits: Caitlyn (~Caitlyn@ (Client Quit)
L618[06:36:21] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L619[06:36:21] ⇦ Quits: tiin57 (~tiin57@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L620[06:36:45] ⇦ Quits: Tivec (Tivec@2001:41d0:8:206::) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L621[06:36:46] <Michiyo> Vexatos, Erm, yes, yes you have, that's the way netsplits work. :P from your point of view YOU don't split, everyone else does lol
L622[06:37:03] <Michiyo> but from their point of view you're the one that is now gone.
L623[06:37:25] <Vexatos> Wat
L624[06:37:26] <Vexatos> Weird
L625[06:37:32] ⇦ Quits: Keridos (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L626[06:37:35] <Vexatos> The weird thing is
L627[06:37:41] <Vexatos> not only net splits in here
L628[06:37:51] <Vexatos> Also tons of ping timeouts due to those errors
L629[06:37:55] <Michiyo> Well ping timeouts are a sideeffect
L630[06:38:18] <Vexatos> They rarely happen due to netsplits, at least I've not seen this side effect a lot
L631[06:38:27] ⇦ Quits: Nentify (~Nentify@nentify.me) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L632[06:38:34] <gamax92> I see the frequently during netsplits
L633[06:38:36] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com)
L634[06:38:45] <Vexatos> But today's ones were large
L635[06:38:52] <Vexatos> I wonder why there were 2 in a row
L636[06:38:54] <Vexatos> or 3
L637[06:39:47] <gamax92> I forgot which server it was, either optical or nova, but there was a time where it just kept reconnecting and splitting over and over
L638[06:40:02] ⇨ Joins: justastranger|zzz (justastran@thinks.men.can-be.sexy)
L639[06:40:06] ⇨ Joins: tiin57 (~tiin57@
L640[06:40:30] <gamax92> I had left HexChat open while going to Subway and came back to a screen full of quits and joins
L641[06:40:36] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L642[06:40:40] ⇨ Joins: Csstform|Away (Csstform@chat.csst.form.ml)
L643[06:41:32] ⇨ Joins: Tivec (~Tivec@2001:41d0:8:206::)
L644[06:41:40] ⇦ Quits: Tivec (~Tivec@2001:41d0:8:206::) (*.net *.split)
L645[06:41:40] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (*.net *.split)
L646[06:41:41] ⇦ Quits: Porygon (~Porygon@ (*.net *.split)
L647[06:41:41] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (*.net *.split)
L648[06:41:41] ⇦ Quits: alekso56_off (~alekso56@c0A9E3E56.dhcp.as2116.net) (*.net *.split)
L649[06:41:47] <Michiyo> REALLY?!
L650[06:42:02] <gamax92> lol
L651[06:42:11] <Bizzycola> :p
L652[06:42:43] ⇨ Joins: gjgfujb (~tricia@
L653[06:42:44] <Vexatos> Well, that's..bad
L654[06:43:07] ⇨ Joins: Nentify|away (~Nentify@nentify.me)
L655[06:43:43] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L656[06:43:57] ⇨ Joins: Keridos (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de)
L657[06:44:49] <gamax92> oh my, I attempted to connect to availo ...
L658[06:44:55] <gamax92> is really slow
L659[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: gamax (~Gamax92@71-211-2-130.clsp.qwest.net)
L660[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: shadow_bot (~shadow_te@
L661[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: Tivec (~Tivec@2001:41d0:8:206::)
L662[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com)
L663[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: alekso56_off (~alekso56@c0A9E3E56.dhcp.as2116.net)
L664[06:45:50] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com)
L665[06:45:50] *** nova.esper.net sets mode: +o SpiritedDusty
L666[06:46:20] *** Tivec is now known as Guest27910
L667[06:46:28] <gamax> Greetings from availo
L668[06:46:32] <gamax92> Greetings from not availo
L669[06:47:10] ⇨ Joins: Alissaway (Alissa@bnc.alissa.programming.ga)
L670[06:47:26] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L671[06:48:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Argh, they changed youtube again
L672[06:48:49] <gjgfujb> Again?
L673[06:48:58] * ShadowKatStudios just spent 5 minutes looking for his history
L674[06:49:00] <gjgfujb> What did they change this time.
L675[06:49:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, well, you can no longer click up in the top-right to see your playlists
L676[06:49:34] <ShadowKatStudios> And they moved the other stuff in that menu to the 'Creator Studio' terrible idea.
L677[06:50:41] ⇦ Quits: Csstform|Away (Csstform@chat.csst.form.ml) (Quit: ZNC - http://bouncer.ml)
L678[06:51:11] ⇨ Joins: Csstform|Away (Csstform@chat.csst.form.ml)
L679[06:52:17] <Vexatos> SKS: You're a horrible liar, Youtube NEVER has terrible ideas. Right? RIGHT?
L680[06:53:45] ⇨ Joins: binaryblade (~binarybla@d108-180-152-201.bchsia.telus.net)
L681[06:55:04] ⇦ Parts: gamax (~Gamax92@71-211-2-130.clsp.qwest.net) (Leaving))
L682[06:56:20] ⇨ Joins: Porygon (~Porygon@
L683[06:56:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Vexatos: Definitely! I'm sorry for lying, tyrannical leader *ahem* sir Google
L684[06:57:22] * istasi puts down rifle
L685[06:57:28] <Vexatos> "You're being forgiven. Just wait until we add our new idea to Youtube, called Google++" --Google 2014
L686[06:58:16] <ShadowKatStudios> You mean google--, because double negatives = positive, right?
L687[06:59:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Sheesh, how much disk space does Winderps 8 use?
L688[06:59:59] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L689[07:00:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Clean install on a 1TB drive (well, 3 days old), 506GB free space
L690[07:00:14] ⇨ Joins: skilz (~skilz@
L691[07:02:08] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9635.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L692[07:02:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Ow, 3GB on ADSL2+, painful stuff.
L693[07:09:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Switched to a torrent with more seeders, I'm hitting the peak speeds of ADSL here :D
L694[07:09:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Only 3 and a half hours left...
L695[07:12:19] <istasi> fiber ftw :P
L696[07:13:23] <ShadowKatStudios> istasi: I would kill for fiber, except there's only one place in this country that has fiber
L697[07:13:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Welcome to the land down under...
L698[07:13:40] <ShadowKatStudios> fffsss
L699[07:15:01] <istasi> :(
L700[07:16:06] <istasi> if its any consulation the rest of the internet doesn't seem to have that great of internet speed either, so its rare i get to flex it :(
L701[07:16:38] <ShadowKatStudios> *phone rings* *checks number* *doesn't know number* *puts phone back down*
L702[07:17:18] <istasi> :O, that could have been important!
L703[07:21:23] <ShadowKatStudios> More likley telstra trying to sell me more ADSL
L704[07:21:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I don't even know how they know my number q_q
L705[07:21:58] <gamax92> ;-;
L706[07:34:23] <ShadowKatStudios> 530KiB/s!
L707[07:38:48] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L708[07:49:18] ⇨ Joins: SKSPhone (webchat@CPE-123-211-96-150.lnse4.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L709[07:49:37] <SKSPhone> Webchat sucks.
L710[07:53:24] ⇦ Quits: binaryblade (~binarybla@d108-180-152-201.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L711[07:57:33] <Kodos> Flenix, you around?
L712[07:57:50] <Flenix> Yes but only for a couple of minutes
L713[07:57:58] <Kodos> I just had a quick question, I won't keep you
L714[07:58:03] <Flenix> Shoot :P
L715[07:58:04] <Michiyo> Crap, popcorn is still popping..
L716[07:58:11] <Kodos> I can't help but notice your mod checks if 'I've been a good player'
L717[07:58:15] <Kodos> May I ask what that's about?
L718[07:58:38] <Flenix> http://www.silvania.co.uk/blog/?p=132
L719[07:58:52] <Flenix> It'd take me more than a couple of minutes to explain so there ya go :P
L720[07:59:19] <Kodos> You realize that banning anyone from using your mod, via code, for any reason, was deemed malicious by Mojang?
L721[07:59:28] <Kodos> Pixelmon did the same thing
L722[07:59:48] <Kodos> " I’ve also added him to the hardcoded mod-ban which is saved for an elite few, meaning he is also no longer able to use my mods."
L723[08:01:18] <SKSPhone> Oh, wow.
L724[08:01:27] <SKSPhone> That's nasty.
L725[08:01:58] <Flenix> Kodos, I'd like to think that Mojang would agree with me on this, considering the circumstances
L726[08:02:07] <SKSPhone> Kodod: Pumpkin of shame time?
L727[08:02:16] <SKSPhone> Fffsss, phone kb
L728[08:02:25] <Kodos> Sadly, your reasoning for banning him is generally the same reasoning that Pixelmon gave for their blacklist existing
L729[08:02:34] <Kodos> And it was still deemed malicious
L730[08:02:42] <Kodos> I agree wholeheartedly that what Shobu did was a dick move
L731[08:02:51] <Kodos> But frankly, so is having a blacklist for your mod, for whatever reason
L732[08:03:24] <SKSPhone> Make a sign sit above his haid tjay says scammet.
L733[08:03:29] <Flenix> Ah well. It's only got him and his alt accounts on it, so it's not harming anyone else. I believe Pixelmon had quite a few people on theirs?
L734[08:03:43] <SKSPhone> head* scammer*
L735[08:03:52] <Flenix> Ooh, I like that idea
L736[08:04:12] <Kodos> Preeeetttty sure that's 'malicious' code as well, but I'll ask to be sure
L737[08:04:29] <Flenix> That even gives me an idea for a more advanced name n shame mod. People on the list get different effects around them depending on what they did, like greifers get a dark green "stink"
L738[08:04:43] <SKSPhone> Also a flashing scammer notice in the HUD.
L739[08:06:01] <Flenix> right I gotta run
L740[08:06:03] *** Flenix is now known as WorkingFlenix
L741[08:09:59] ⇦ Quits: dmod_ (uid32492@id-32492.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L742[08:10:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Woo, 91.7% on my download :D
L743[08:11:10] * ShadowKatStudios wonders about abusing a MC mod for Bitcoin mining
L744[08:12:29] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L745[08:12:34] <PotatoTrumpet> -_-
L746[08:12:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohai potato
L747[08:12:43] <PotatoTrumpet> TF2 keeps crashing
L748[08:12:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm somewhere with real internet tonight!
L749[08:12:53] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L750[08:12:58] * PotatoTrumpet is shocked
L751[08:13:04] * ShadowKatStudios is shocked
L752[08:13:18] * PotatoTrumpet is shocked that SKS is shocked that I am shocked
L753[08:13:29] <PotatoTrumpet> .logmatch shocked
L754[08:13:29] <^v> PotatoTrumpet, Total: 3, Random: <Techokami> I tested it, was shocked to see it work
L755[08:13:42] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L756[08:13:47] * ShadowKatStudios is shocked that PotatoTrumpet is shocked that he is shocked that PotatoTrumpet is shucked
L757[08:13:56] <ShadowKatStudios> shucked.
L758[08:14:07] <ShadowKatStudios> yep.
L759[08:14:11] <PotatoTrumpet> ---
L760[08:14:24] <PotatoTrumpet> .logmatch ComputerCraft
L761[08:14:24] <^v> PotatoTrumpet, Total: 14, Random: <Michiyo> And this ius where I say EFF ComputerCraft
L762[08:14:30] <PotatoTrumpet> :)
L763[08:14:42] <ShadowKatStudios> nooooo, 94% and my download speed goes back down to 150k D:
L764[08:14:43] * Michiyo slaps PotatoTrumpet
L765[08:14:54] * PotatoTrumpet hugs Michiyo
L766[08:15:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Must... not... stab...
L767[08:15:36] <Michiyo> defenestrates PotatoTrumpet
L768[08:15:41] <Michiyo> crap forgot /me
L769[08:15:44] <Michiyo> oh well..
L770[08:15:48] * PotatoTrumpet stabs ShadowKatStudios
L771[08:16:03] * ShadowKatStudios peels and chops up PotatoTrumpet
L772[08:16:14] * PotatoTrumpet made a good potato salad
L773[08:16:27] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoSalad
L774[08:16:36] <PotatoSalad> :D
L775[08:16:40] * ShadowKatStudios supports this idea
L776[08:16:43] <ShadowKatStudios> :DD
L777[08:16:49] <PotatoSalad> Woah, Fatty
L778[08:17:01] <PotatoSalad> tuck them chins in
L779[08:17:20] <ShadowKatStudios> Dunno about you, but on ChatZilla, that shows up as an even bigger grin
L780[08:17:31] <PotatoSalad> ChatZilla?
L781[08:17:41] <PotatoSalad> I use HexChat
L782[08:17:45] <ShadowKatStudios> IRC client as a firefox plugin.
L783[08:17:47] * PotatoSalad tugs tux
L784[08:18:33] <ShadowKatStudios> 99.3... percent...
L785[08:18:40] * ShadowKatStudios gasps
L786[08:18:53] <PotatoSalad> .3333333333333333
L787[08:19:00] <PotatoSalad> What are you downloading?
L788[08:19:11] <PotatoSalad> Hmm
L789[08:19:13] <ShadowKatStudios> The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
L790[08:19:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Hah, even spelled it right
L791[08:19:30] <PotatoSalad> Thats what they all say
L792[08:20:02] <ShadowKatStudios> I used to know someone called Mia... Hmm...
L793[08:20:36] <ShadowKatStudios> Woo, 100%
L794[08:20:44] <PotatoSalad> .1
L795[08:20:48] <PotatoSalad> 337
L796[08:22:00] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L797[08:22:48] *** Michiyo is now known as Caitlyn
L798[08:23:34] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll be back in 3 hours or so, watching a movie
L799[08:23:41] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKSWatchingAMovie
L800[08:23:48] <PotatoSalad> Have fun with your new found movie, SKSWatchingAMovie
L801[08:32:34] *** Alissa is now known as Alissaway
L802[08:33:09] <SKSWatchingAMovie> 'As usual, if there are any objections, you can file them after the event and I'll be sure to take them into consideration.'
L803[08:33:20] <PotatoSalad> ?
L804[08:33:30] <PotatoSalad> SKSWatchingAMovie, Did you pirate a movie?
L805[08:33:35] *** Pontiac is now known as Pontiac_InBed
L806[08:33:40] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Mehbeh
L807[08:33:50] * PotatoSalad reports SKS to the Feds
L808[08:33:57] <PotatoSalad> EVIL
L809[08:34:30] <SKSWatchingAMovie> hahaha
L810[08:34:38] <SKSWatchingAMovie> I'm using someone else's internet
L811[08:34:42] <PotatoSalad> :O
L812[08:34:47] <PotatoSalad> Meh
L813[08:34:49] <SKSWatchingAMovie> You'll never catch me muahahahhaahaha
L814[08:34:49] <PotatoSalad> Who cares
L815[08:34:57] <PotatoSalad> they get all ze moniezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
L816[08:35:06] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Well, pirating isn't theft so what's the big deal?
L817[08:35:15] <PotatoSalad> It IS
L818[08:35:21] <PotatoSalad> According to millionares
L819[08:36:45] <SKSWatchingAMovie> If you steal a car, it isn't where you left it. If you pirate a car, there's two cars, one where you left it, and a copy somewhere else.
L820[08:41:52] <Caitlyn> Meh I pirate, they don't lose any money anyway, I wasn't gonna buy their crap movie/software ANYWAY
L821[08:42:08] <Caitlyn> I get a free movie, and they're no worse off then when I started.
L822[08:42:16] <PotatoSalad> :P
L823[08:43:07] <Caitlyn> ok.. test time
L824[08:43:10] * Caitlyn hugs MichiBot
L825[08:43:15] <Caitlyn> nope..
L826[08:43:29] * Caitlyn pets MichiBot
L827[08:43:29] <SKSWatchingAMovie> If I buy a movie, I also pirate it too.
L828[08:43:29] * MichiBot Puurs
L829[08:43:32] <Caitlyn> Ok that works...
L830[08:43:38] * Caitlyn glomps MichiBot
L831[08:43:39] * MichiBot gets out the pepper spray
L832[08:43:42] <Caitlyn> woo
L833[08:43:57] * PotatoSalad stabs MichiBot
L834[08:43:57] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Not gonna ask what glomp means...
L835[08:44:07] <PotatoSalad> I Killed It!
L836[08:44:43] <Caitlyn> v, to glomp
L837[08:44:43] <Caitlyn> NOT sexual, it is the action of one person lovingly (and dramatically) attacking another with a hug.
L838[08:44:56] <Caitlyn> A glomp is often preadatory and lies somewhere in the grey area between a caring embrace, and a flying leap to tackle someone.
L839[08:45:31] <Caitlyn> %usercount
L840[08:45:32] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Current hashmap size is: 5
L841[08:45:44] <Caitlyn> %hashcount
L842[08:45:44] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Current hashmap size is: 5
L843[08:45:55] <Caitlyn> %onethree
L844[08:45:56] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/OneThree
L845[08:45:59] <Caitlyn> awesome
L846[08:46:03] <Caitlyn> looks like MichiBot is back.
L847[08:46:39] <Caitlyn> Dynamic loading on launch works, now I just have to setup a load module system.
L848[08:53:44] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Huh.
L849[08:54:30] <Caitlyn> %usercount
L850[08:54:30] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Current hashmap size is: 107
L851[08:54:35] <Caitlyn> lol.. nice
L852[08:54:48] <Caitlyn> cause the bouncer sends all users..
L853[08:56:04] <Caitlyn> %load Test
L854[08:56:13] <Caitlyn> hrm..
L855[08:56:16] <Caitlyn> %commands
L856[08:56:20] <Caitlyn> nope
L857[08:57:17] <Caitlyn> %load Test
L858[08:57:23] <Caitlyn> q_q
L859[09:00:35] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L860[09:01:12] ⇦ Quits: gjgfujb (~tricia@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L861[09:05:21] <Kodos> Finally heard back on the plot of land (Second Life) for my photo studio. How's this look for a logo http://imgur.com/YDFlMGR
L862[09:08:30] <SKSWatchingAMovie> whoaaaaa, this computer in this movie has a whopping 16MiB RAM
L863[09:09:28] <Caitlyn> %load test
L864[09:09:36] <Caitlyn> %load Test
L865[09:09:37] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Module Test Loaded
L866[09:09:40] <Caitlyn> %test
L867[09:09:41] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Random XKCD Comic: http://xkcd.com/913/
L868[09:09:46] <Caitlyn> ha.. nice
L869[09:28:56] ⇦ Quits: black3agl33 (~black3agl@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L870[09:31:16] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/926/
L871[09:35:11] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/932/
L872[09:38:17] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/936/
L873[09:43:57] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/953/
L874[09:46:50] ⇦ Quits: Alissaway (Alissa@bnc.alissa.programming.ga) (Quit: ZNC - http://bouncer.ml)
L875[09:46:50] ⇦ Quits: Csstform|Away (Csstform@chat.csst.form.ml) (Quit: ZNC - http://bouncer.ml)
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L879[09:48:11] <Kodos> .api
L880[09:48:25] <Kodos> err
L881[09:48:30] <Kodos> .w API
L882[09:48:30] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/apis
L883[09:48:32] <Kodos> There we go
L884[09:49:39] <Kodos> Anyone alive
L885[09:53:52] ⇨ Joins: Shaun (webchat@
L886[09:54:00] <Shaun> Hi?
L887[09:54:46] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Hi.
L888[09:58:00] <Kodos> Hullo
L889[09:59:49] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/960/
L890[10:05:33] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L891[10:06:09] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/963/ More with .xinitrc though
L892[10:08:30] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L893[10:08:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L894[10:20:52] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/987/
L895[10:22:18] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/989/ my plan is flawed
L896[10:29:13] <SKSWatchingAMovie> http://xkcd.com/999/ I see a double meaning...
L897[10:30:51] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
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L906[10:47:45] ⇨ Joins: Kenny (~Kenny@2602:306:ce9e:5150:88a:2307:88f8:514c)
L907[10:52:20] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Oh hey, it's Kenny! Hi Kenny!
L908[11:08:04] <Kenny> hey SKS
L909[11:08:32] <Kenny> finally got the chapter up yesterday. check out the site now
L910[11:10:02] <Kenny> now i have to figure out some good color combinations
L911[11:11:53] <SKSWatchingAMovie> ohcoola
L912[11:12:00] <SKSWatchingAMovie> switching CSSes?
L913[11:12:08] <Kenny> yep
L914[11:12:58] <Kenny> well, actually no... it reloads the current CSS which has all styles in it
L915[11:13:21] <Kenny> so kind of switching CSS.
L916[11:13:33] <Kenny> and done on the fly
L917[11:14:02] <Kenny> i spent a week and a half tracking down how to change the theme without 'reloading the page'
L918[11:15:12] <Kenny> i've been working on the theme thing since since a certain someone decided he wantedd to snark the site
L919[11:15:18] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L920[11:16:04] <Sangar> o/
L921[11:16:12] <Kenny> hey Sangar
L922[11:16:17] <Sangar> heythere
L923[11:16:52] <Kenny> it's fun building a GUI from the ground up hehe
L924[11:17:15] <Sangar> if you say so :P
L925[11:17:32] <Kodos> Sangar, full OC support is being added back into ICBM
L926[11:17:47] <Kodos> Most likely in 1.7's versions I think, but still :3
L927[11:17:58] <Sangar> awesome :)
L928[11:18:24] <Kenny> well, nearly all of the code is in place. I just need the GUI to be able to access it. and I'm doing a custom GUI
L929[11:19:12] <Kenny> it doesn't help that i have been sick for the past few days
L930[11:21:35] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L931[11:22:28] <Sangar> oh, get well soon then :/ and yeah, i hate coding guis, tbh :P
L932[11:23:25] <Kenny> as funny as it may sound, i'm going through a cold which turned into the flu because we got air conditioning lol
L933[11:23:45] <Kodos> I've gotten a cold from having all but my head covered up while asleep in bed before
L934[11:23:48] <Kodos> Because of a/c
L935[11:24:16] <Sangar> that so doesn't surprise me. at all. i always got a cold when i went to gamescom/con because of the a/c :P
L936[11:25:42] <Kenny> my sister keeps the house at like 65F (18C) which i\s ok. but coming in from working in 90F (32.2C) is a sudden change
L937[11:26:19] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Remote host closed the connection)
L938[11:26:29] <Kenny> there was a benefit from it :)
L939[11:26:31] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L940[11:26:32] <Sangar> that'd be way too cold for my taste :P
L941[11:27:04] <Kenny> i got some bad food at MickeyD's and now I get free meals for another 2 months :)
L942[11:27:59] <Kenny> 65F is ok for me. but that sudden change to the body does produce nasty side effects
L943[11:28:23] <Sangar> haha
L944[11:28:30] ⇨ Joins: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM)
L945[11:28:50] <Kenny> step outside, you step into a blast furnace. step inside and it's an icebox lol
L946[11:29:29] <Kenny> and yes, i do remember as a kid sticking my head in the freezer to cool down on a real hot day hehe
L947[11:30:47] <Kenny> does anyone know if Mechanism has OC support
L948[11:31:19] <Kodos> Not to my knowledge
L949[11:31:33] <Kodos> Nothing beyond what OpenComponents would provide anyway
L950[11:31:37] <Kenny> we'll see if we can't change that
L951[11:31:55] <Kodos> I was talking to DarkCow earlier, and he already got OC support with the ICBM EMP working
L952[11:32:05] <Kodos> Said we can probably expect full support since it's super easy
L953[11:32:27] <Kenny> cool
L954[11:32:29] <Kenny> brb
L955[11:32:32] <Kodos> At the very least, radar and Launch platform funcitonality will be making a comeback
L956[11:32:38] <Kodos> brb as well, I need to get laundry before i pass out
L957[11:32:42] <Sangar> a propos, i just pushed a new version of opencomponents, that provides wrapping of CC's ILuaObjects. so e.g. openperipheral's glasses seem to work for the most part, now.
L958[11:34:03] <Sangar> (oc 1.3 only ofc)
L959[11:34:09] <Sangar> some testing would be appreciated ;)
L960[11:35:25] <Kodos> I would love to, but
L961[11:35:32] <Kodos> OpenPeripherals won't even load without CC installed
L962[11:36:07] <Kodos> But I'll spread the word
L963[11:36:08] <Sangar> well, yes, it's a cc addon after all :P
L964[11:36:26] <Kodos> Speaking of CC addons, I need to slap Gopher around a bit when he gets on
L965[11:36:40] <Sangar> what'd he do to deserve that?
L966[11:36:44] <Kodos> I want the keypad from Biolocks for OC
L967[11:36:49] <Kodos> I'm not certain it wors
L968[11:36:50] <Kodos> works*
L969[11:37:13] <Kodos> I'd ask for the biolock too, but it'd be rather redundant since a monitor will grab the player's name onTouch
L970[11:37:35] <Kodos> You can tell it's almost my bedtime, my hands are going into stupid mode
L971[11:38:10] <Sangar> it's not that bad yet :P
L972[11:38:45] <Kodos> Also I can't use regular computers anymore, I've been having to use servers :x
L973[11:38:58] <Sangar> lol
L974[11:39:09] <Kodos> I keep needing access to T3 GPU, redstone T2, wireless network, and internet cards
L975[11:39:31] <Kodos> So I just use a monitor and keyboard hooked up to it =D
L976[11:39:39] <Sangar> someone needs to write a distributed os :D
L977[11:39:57] <Kodos> Who was it that kept saying they'd make an external drive bay
L978[11:40:28] <Sangar> heh
L979[11:40:44] <Kodos> OH, you know what would be cool
L980[11:40:46] <Kodos> an HDD dock
L981[11:40:59] <Kodos> With a neat 3D model
L982[11:41:09] <vifino> 3D models pls
L983[11:41:37] <Kodos> http://kingwin.com/products/cate/docking_stations/images/ez_dock/black/enlarge/ez_dock_product2.jpg
L984[11:41:44] <Kodos> My brother has that
L985[11:42:15] <Sangar> ah, those are handy, yeah. got one myself (different brand, but same concept)
L986[11:43:28] <Kodos> I'm also gonna go through and see how much work it'd take for LuaIDE to be ported over
L987[11:43:34] <Kodos> I've been doing small programs
L988[11:43:46] <Kodos> Seems like it wouldn't be that hard
L989[11:44:20] <Kenny> want to bet
L990[11:44:27] <Sangar> the rendering *could* be a pain. to get efficient, at least.
L991[11:45:00] <Kodos> Well, for just personal use, I'd settle for 'working' over 'efficient'
L992[11:45:04] <Kenny> i started to port it way back
L993[11:46:07] <Kenny> i tried to get help in making a cc->oc compat lib. everyone jumped on the 1st 2 days and it has stagnated since
L994[11:46:41] <Kodos> Well I spend most of my idle time trawling through the Lua section of Pastebin
L995[11:46:48] <Kodos> If I see something for CC I like, I grab it and port it
L996[11:46:52] <Sangar> haha
L997[11:47:06] <Kenny> i haven't used CC since 2 months after it's debut 2+ years ago
L998[11:47:08] <Kodos> Usually I end up having to sift through GMod garbage though
L999[11:47:14] <Kodos> I haven't used CC since I found OC
L1000[11:48:30] <Kodos> I still have a couple program ideas, but I cba to fuck with analogue bundled redstone just yet
L1001[11:49:04] <Kenny> and Sangar has made it 'real fun' for me if i try to do anything with OC hehe
L1002[11:49:05] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
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L1005[11:49:50] <Kodos> tbh the one thing I really want doesn't have anything to do with Lua
L1006[11:50:05] <Kenny> i'm alrady leanring java and lua. i'm not going to try and throw scala in the mix too hehe
L1007[11:50:30] <Kodos> Honestly, if I could be bothered to set up a workspace, I'd turn the example components into actual addons
L1008[11:50:45] <Kodos> Because I want both a radar and a particle manipulation card :x
L1009[11:51:05] <Kodos> OH
L1010[11:51:05] <Kodos> Idea
L1011[11:51:18] * Kenny runs for cover
L1012[11:51:19] <Kodos> What about integrating the radar thing into a hologram with the geolyzer program
L1013[11:51:30] <Sangar> if noone else makes something radar-ish i might add that to oc myself some day, now with the colored holograms and all that :P
L1014[11:51:31] <Kodos> So you could have live tracking of an entitiy
L1015[11:51:37] * Kenny figures Sangar should have too
L1016[11:51:40] <Sangar> yeah, exactly what i was thinking
L1017[11:51:57] <Sangar> no cover in sight, i'm afraid :/
L1018[11:51:57] <Kodos> The particle card would be fun too :3
L1019[11:52:01] <Kodos> Not really logical, but fun
L1020[12:01:29] *** vifino is now known as vifino|away
L1021[12:03:38] <JoshTheEnder> ohh look, esper split last night ¬_¬
L1022[12:04:03] <Kodos> Twice
L1023[12:04:43] <JoshTheEnder> need to see what servers are the most stable then just tell the bouncer to use them as primary
L1024[12:04:58] <Kodos> From my experience, chaos
L1025[12:09:49] <Kodos> An OC version of this might be fun http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/5433-cc-148-15-ccdb-connect-with-real-databases/
L1026[12:11:22] <Kenny> i don't really know much java but looking at Mekanisms code, in just 1 file i can eliminate about 40 lines of code and increase efficiency slightly
L1027[12:11:52] <Kenny> i've never had tropuble out of the chaos server for esper
L1028[12:11:53] <Kodos> Honestly ACB's code is so fucked, I'm sure there's lots of things you could make more efficient
L1029[12:13:53] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, i remember back last year sometime when i was helping admin a modded mc server, it was a 4-core-4/8gb-ram dedicated server and Mekanism maxed out all 4 cores and brought the server almost to it's knees
L1030[12:14:51] <Kenny> i'm looking at the code now. was intending to fork and add OC support. but i might just fork it and clean up that code some
L1031[12:14:59] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1032[12:15:21] ⇦ Quits: jk-5|gone (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1033[12:17:23] <Kodos> Sangar, how hard would a TTS component be to mae
L1034[12:17:25] <Kodos> make*
L1035[12:17:28] <SKSWatchingAMovie> Ohai JTE
L1036[12:17:33] <JoshTheEnder> ohai SKS
L1037[12:17:50] <Kodos> That question goes to anyone else who can answer, btw
L1038[12:18:14] *** SKSWatchingAMovie is now known as SKS
L1039[12:18:20] <Sangar> Kodos, a what component?
L1040[12:18:22] <SKS> Just finished my movie.
L1041[12:18:27] <Kodos> Text to speech
L1042[12:18:42] <Kodos> component.tts.say("This is a test.")
L1043[12:19:20] <Kenny> how long arfe you willing to sit and add words to a dictionary for it?
L1044[12:19:27] <Sangar> hmm. depends. all it'd really have to do is send that string to all clients, and the clients would have to take care of the actual tts... so unless there's a (good) java lib for that, hard. if there is, not hard :P
L1045[12:19:35] <SKS> Oooh! Oooh! Use espeak!
L1046[12:19:40] <Kodos> Kenny the only other person I know that sits in front of their computer more than I do is you
L1047[12:19:46] <SKS> or like the crappy windows one
L1048[12:20:08] <Sangar> *isn't
L1049[12:20:23] <SKS> Kodos: I'm only not on much because we don't have internet at my house yet
L1050[12:20:46] <Kodos> SKS I'm hoping once oyu get settled, you'll work on the DNS networking stuff you got started on
L1051[12:20:50] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1052[12:21:05] <SKS> It's school holidays atm so I spend my time either working on my computer or using said computer
L1053[12:21:10] <Kenny> Snagar, you have the java code right in your backyard :P
L1054[12:21:11] <JoshTheEnder> SKS was working on DNS stufF?
L1055[12:21:20] <Kodos> Might have been fileserver stuff
L1056[12:21:22] <SKS> I need to buy myself a new C2D though
L1057[12:21:23] <Kodos> I'm half asleep
L1058[12:21:34] <Kenny> check this site: http://mary.dfki.de/
L1059[12:21:50] <Kenny> Sangar*
L1060[12:21:52] <SKS> Ah, I have an API for wrapping a modem as a stream
L1061[12:22:04] <Kodos> Which would do what exactly
L1062[12:22:10] * Kodos is an idiot when it comes to these things
L1063[12:22:12] <SKS> And I have some minimal routing systems
L1064[12:22:16] ⇨ Joins: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM)
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L1066[12:22:25] <SKS> Uh, have you used the internet API, Kodos?
L1067[12:22:27] <Sangar> eh, saarland isn't quite in the backyard :P
L1068[12:22:46] <Kenny> it's closer to your yard than mine lol
L1069[12:22:49] <Kodos> Not extensively
L1070[12:22:52] <Kodos> I've dabbled though
L1071[12:23:02] <SKS> Well, how about the raw filesystem API?
L1072[12:23:18] <Kodos> I made a program that logged modem messages to a file
L1073[12:23:20] <Kodos> Tht's about it
L1074[12:23:32] <SKS> Well, it's sorta like that
L1075[12:23:44] <SKS> You can write to the object, and you can read from the object
L1076[12:24:19] <Kenny> and the object can turn and bite you in the behind hehe
L1077[12:24:20] <Kodos> My brother had a funny idea for a programming book
L1078[12:24:25] <Kodos> children's programming book*
L1079[12:24:28] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@
L1080[12:24:34] <Kodos> 'I OOPed my pants'
L1081[12:25:07] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L1082[12:25:08] <Kenny> kodos, you trying to kill me? hehe
L1083[12:25:17] * SKS knows adults that could use a children's programming book, mostly those that buy books on Visual Basic and similar Micro$oft crap
L1084[12:25:25] <Kenny> i almost died from laughing at that
L1085[12:25:30] <Kodos> =D
L1086[12:25:41] <Kodos> That reminds me, I need to get that code book I found that he said I could borrow
L1087[12:25:52] <Kodos> Had all sorts of cryptography info in it
L1088[12:26:08] <SKS> I must just be the most un-emotional f'er that exists. I don't laugh.
L1089[12:26:29] <Kenny> but i can make you react
L1090[12:26:33] <JoshTheEnder> SKS, no, your second. i'm first
L1091[12:26:42] <Kenny> but=bet
L1092[12:26:49] <Kodos> Who's on third?! I DON'T KNOW!
L1093[12:27:02] <SKS> JoshTheEnder: I almost believe you.
L1094[12:27:07] <SKS> Staring contest.
L1095[12:27:27] <Kenny> Abbott and Costello :)
L1096[12:27:33] <SKS> JoshTheEnder: http://wfiles.brothersoft.com/s/staring_cat-1600x1200.jpg
L1097[12:27:41] ⇦ Quits: jk-5|gone (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1098[12:28:09] <SKS> Kenny ?
L1099[12:28:11] <JoshTheEnder> hm
L1100[12:28:48] <Kenny> you may not react to laughing but i bet i can make you express anger (an emotion)
L1101[12:28:49] <Kodos> How's this thing look http://pastebin.com/rAuKcF2E
L1102[12:29:06] <SKS> Interesting fact: I've drank only lemonade (high sugar) and coffee (for caffine) all day. This is my version of hyper.
L1103[12:29:15] <SKS> :P
L1104[12:29:45] <SKS> Okay JoshTheEnder, have you seen Clannad?
L1105[12:29:53] <JoshTheEnder> if i had a weapon and people were around me when i go hyper/mental i would /probably/ be the only surviver
L1106[12:29:54] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L1107[12:30:04] <JoshTheEnder> not that i know of
L1108[12:30:11] <SKS> Hm, nevermind.
L1109[12:30:25] * JoshTheEnder goes to play skyrim
L1110[12:31:12] <SKS> If I had a projectile weapon and I was happy-hyper, I'd propel myself into space. If I was angry-psycho-hyper there would be no-one in a 10km radius within 10 minutes.
L1111[12:32:12] <SKS> OHHHH, I get the name of this song now.
L1112[12:32:29] <SKS> Not sure I can listen to it now: Less than three by S3RL
L1113[12:33:35] <SKS> Anyone? Anyone at all? Never mind.
L1114[12:33:48] * SKS finds one more related to music
L1115[12:34:28] * Kodos just realized he can drop redlogic
L1116[12:34:40] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1117[12:34:40] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
L1118[12:35:09] * SKS drops a red circuit board on the ground for Kodos
L1119[12:36:17] <SKS> Aaaargh, how long til lthe server gets active
L1120[12:36:18] <SKS> ?
L1121[12:36:40] <SKS> Damn the shift and enter keys being so close together...
L1122[12:37:57] ⇨ Joins: PotatoSalad (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L1123[12:38:03] <SKS> Youtube: > found a guy on there called Mr Melon
L1124[12:38:55] <SKS> Hello PotatoSalad
L1125[12:39:07] * SKS idly checks the wikipedia page on Potato Salad
L1126[12:39:18] <SKS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_salad
L1127[12:40:01] * Kodos just figured out that he could stick a WRCBE Tracker into a robot, because who needs navigation upgrades
L1128[12:40:05] <SKS> Aha, the missing ingredient is Mayonaise!
L1129[12:40:06] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1130[12:41:32] * SKS wanders off, looking for anime to watch
L1131[12:41:45] ⇦ Quits: PotatoSalad (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1132[12:42:17] <SKS> Aw :(
L1133[12:42:49] <SKS> Can I deal with 8GB?
L1134[12:42:54] <SKS> Yeah, I can deal with 8GB.
L1135[12:43:22] <SKS> wow
L1136[12:43:24] <SKS> cel shading
L1137[12:43:26] <SKS> beautiful
L1138[12:45:41] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
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L1140[12:46:21] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
L1141[12:48:55] * SKS wonders how to make an image cel-shaded
L1142[12:51:41] <Kodos> wat http://puu.sh/9V12p/9c35eaa5ae.png
L1143[12:52:10] <SKS> Inkscape might work... I can vectorize a bitmap using inkscape...
L1144[12:52:47] <SKS> Kodos: It's a riddle.
L1145[12:52:53] <SKS> I'm sure of it.
L1146[12:52:56] <Kodos> I know, I'm trying to figure it out
L1147[12:53:20] <Kodos> The game is basically hangman with picture clues
L1148[12:54:15] <SKS> Uh... the flag implies it's from whatever country that flag is for.
L1149[12:54:54] <SKS> Meta... http://xkcd.com/1007/
L1150[12:54:55] <Kodos> Pretty sure it's a Korean flag
L1151[12:55:03] <Sangar> so it's a korean horse that dances to flamenco music?
L1152[12:55:24] <SKS> Uh... Dancing on a horse in Korea?
L1153[12:55:32] <SKS> Has Top Gear been to Korea?
L1154[12:55:36] <Kenny> chorus dance music
L1155[12:55:38] <SKS> Hey, that rimed :D
L1156[12:55:55] <Kenny> Korean flag + horse = Chorus
L1157[12:56:41] <SKS> Kenny: I should probably clarify: I'm just emotionless on the outside, no reason to externalize it. Wastes too much energy. Therefore, I can still type :D but I'm not grinning IRL.
L1158[12:56:48] <Kenny> so you put the pics together like that
L1159[12:57:08] <Kodos> The blank spots are where the letters go
L1160[12:57:10] <Kodos> To solve it
L1161[12:57:25] <Kenny> what's the actual site link
L1162[12:57:51] <SKS> Hey! This copy of FMA fits in less than half of my screen :D
L1163[12:58:14] <Kodos> Kenny it's a facebook game .-.
L1164[12:58:23] <Kenny> ahhh
L1165[12:59:28] * SKS stabs Windows 8 and it's Test Mode for drivers
L1166[12:59:41] <Kenny> Sangar, from the way i see them doing the Mary web page, TTS could be possible MC
L1167[12:59:51] <Kodos> -.-
L1168[12:59:56] <Kodos> It was Gangnam Style
L1169[12:59:58] <Kenny> but it would lag the game
L1170[13:00:28] <Sangar> Kodos, oh... ouch...
L1171[13:00:58] <Sangar> Kenny, that's what threads are for, no? besides, Kodos wants to do it, so I don't really care :D
L1172[13:01:24] <SKS> TTS was part of MiscPeripherals for CC wasn't it?
L1173[13:01:28] <Kodos> Yes
L1174[13:01:33] <Kodos> Which is why I know it's possible
L1175[13:01:44] <Kenny> well, it was done using xml with the web site and it requires accessing the de site
L1176[13:01:52] <SKS> Damn the lack of multitasking ability for this shit brain.
L1177[13:02:21] <Kenny> Kodos, is TTS still in Misc Periphs?
L1178[13:02:31] <Kodos> No idea, RichardG stopped work on it
L1179[13:02:54] <SKS> It used native programs
L1180[13:03:29] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1181[13:03:49] <Kenny> he's in 3 channels right now
L1182[13:04:40] <Kenny> just asked if i could get the MP code
L1183[13:05:16] <Kenny> and, yes, i know RichardG hehe
L1184[13:05:29] <Kenny> from way back in his days with ic2
L1185[13:05:58] <Kodos> I have the MP code, I Just cba to track down the TTS bits
L1186[13:06:38] <SKS> On linux it calls espeak or similar
L1187[13:06:39] <Kenny> i need code in order to track down TTS code :P
L1188[13:09:07] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Read error: No route to host)
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L1190[13:19:50] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
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L1192[13:34:10] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1193[13:37:55] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1194[13:37:58] <Kodos> Kenny, He said something about removing APIs and -some- code due to rights and shit
L1195[13:38:01] <Kodos> But here ya go https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtnapgno6i45u6y/miscperipherals-src.zip
L1196[13:38:10] <Kodos> That's what he gave me
L1197[13:40:01] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L1198[13:40:04] *** vifino|away is now known as vifino
L1199[13:43:20] <SKS> 51 episodes... That's enough for a full year if they air weekly...
L1200[13:43:50] <SKS> ... Square Enix... Where have I heard that before?
L1201[13:44:39] <Kodos|Zzz> They did Final Fantasy
L1202[13:45:00] <Kodos|Zzz> The original FF was going to be their last hurrah
L1203[13:45:08] <Kodos|Zzz> But it exploded
L1204[13:45:19] <Kodos|Zzz> And thus, a franchise was born
L1205[13:45:33] <Kodos|Zzz> (and a company saved)
L1206[13:46:27] <SKSPhone> Hah, I see.
L1207[13:47:27] <Kodos|Zzz> Going to bed, you kids have fun
L1208[13:47:58] <SKS> o/
L1209[13:50:08] *** SKS is now known as ^SKS
L1210[13:50:31] *** ^SKS is now known as SKS-Phone
L1211[13:50:37] *** SKS-Phone is now known as SKS
L1212[13:50:59] <SKS> Okay then, some nicks are now registered to my account.
L1213[13:52:26] * SKS throws knives at YouTube again
L1214[13:52:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A0214FEF008E4FCE3B5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1215[13:54:36] *** leagris_ is now known as leagris
L1216[13:57:16] <SKS> Hmh, Blade wasn't wrong, FMA is pretty good, even if I only got a low-quailty version.
L1217[14:04:10] <SKS> :D more Gunnerkrigg!
L1218[14:11:02] <SKS> Do I want more wallpapers?
L1219[14:11:07] <SKS> I want more wallpapers.
L1220[14:12:46] *** Guest27910 is now known as Tivec
L1221[14:16:03] * SKS should finish reading Haruhi Suzumiya
L1222[14:17:52] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1223[14:17:52] zsh sets mode: +v on LordFokas
L1224[14:18:01] <LordFokas> \o
L1225[14:29:35] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1230[15:26:21] *** Pontiac_InBed is now known as Pontiac
L1231[15:27:12] <Pontiac> 'Lo all
L1232[15:30:41] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1239[16:00:33] <LordFokas> guys, I've just made my first OC computer, and I need some guidance :p
L1240[16:00:51] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1241[16:01:21] <LordFokas> everything works, but I have no clue how to use a card I have installed
L1242[16:01:44] <LordFokas> (I don't have an HDD, I just want to run a command once and shut the computer down)
L1243[16:03:36] ⇨ Joins: dmod_ (uid32492@id-32492.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
L1244[16:03:59] <LordFokas> actually, I do... but I need to send a table as one of the args and I'm not sure how to do that
L1245[16:04:08] *** pong is now known as v^
L1246[16:04:47] <gamax92> D: I need an access transformer
L1247[16:18:41] * v^ hands gamax92 a welding transformer
L1248[16:18:44] * v^ uses it on gamax92
L1249[16:19:34] ⇨ Joins: skilz (~skilz@
L1250[16:28:40] <Caitlyn> %usercount
L1251[16:28:41] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Current hashmap size is: 118
L1252[16:35:54] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-157.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1253[16:37:00] <gamax92> wow I managed to block desync in a single player world
L1254[16:37:46] *** WorkingFlenix is now known as Flenix
L1255[16:42:24] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1256[16:43:10] <Sangar> LordFokas, i'm assuming for the abstract bus? in the lua interpreter (run `lua` from the shell) do `component.abstract_bus.send(0xFFFF, {a="blah", b=true, etc...})`
L1257[16:44:11] <Techokami> afternoon #oc
L1258[16:48:23] <Sangar> hey there. didn't you say scala compilation was borked on win for 1.7.10? because that works fine for me :P just fighting with jenkins atm...
L1259[16:51:54] <Techokami> wait what
L1260[16:51:58] <Techokami> you got it to build?
L1261[16:52:03] <Techokami> lemme see if I can build this
L1262[16:53:42] <Techokami> nope, still broke
L1263[16:53:47] <Techokami> but you're lucky :(
L1264[16:54:25] <Techokami> therefore, I politely ask you not to be a dick and *PLEASE* help me get some actual binaries
L1265[16:54:35] <Sangar> haha
L1266[16:54:47] <Techokami> everyone that can get around this bug won't help provide binaries :(
L1267[16:54:51] <Techokami> they just flaunt them
L1268[16:54:52] <Techokami> it's mean
L1269[16:54:57] <Sangar> muhaha
L1270[16:54:58] <Sangar> erm
L1271[16:55:38] <Techokami> and I kinda NEED OC for 1.7.10 so I can make sure Computronics will be working and ready for it
L1272[16:55:46] <Sangar> q: the error i'm getting on linux is some 'authlib-1.5.13.jar is borked' thing (with an UnsupportedOperationException), is that the 'known' one?
L1273[16:56:01] <Techokami> yes that is the bug I am getting on Windows as well
L1274[16:56:12] <Techokami> it happens always on windows, randomly on linux, never on mac
L1275[16:56:12] <Sangar> ok
L1276[17:05:38] <Techokami> so Sangar, could you please PLEASE do me a huge favor and compile this for me? https://github.com/Techokami/OpenComputers/tree/MC1.7 it's OC with the changes I have for my server modpack, I just manually merged in your 1.7.10 code into it
L1277[17:05:51] <Sangar> well, make that randomly on windows, because i can compile it on windows >_>
L1278[17:05:57] <Sangar> uh, i can give it a shot, sure
L1279[17:06:04] <Techokami> thank youuuuuuu
L1280[17:06:51] <Vexatos> youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
L1281[17:10:26] <leagris> yo quad-dodeca-u
L1282[17:14:19] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1283[17:15:39] <Sangar> Techokami, https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8by6ovovotmj4b/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.3.0-universal.jar
L1284[17:15:56] <Techokami> THANK YOUUUUUU
L1285[17:16:05] <Sangar> np ;)
L1286[17:16:43] <Techokami> also you may have noticed it doesn't have the rc1 subversion
L1287[17:17:03] <Techokami> that's because OpenComponents doesn't understand subversions
L1288[17:17:31] <Techokami> "RC1? WAH? I WANT 1.3.0, 1.3.0.rc1 is wrong!!"
L1289[17:21:54] <Caitlyn> JoshTheEnder, around by chance?
L1290[17:22:20] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1291[17:22:26] <Caitlyn> ....
L1292[17:22:27] <Caitlyn> wat
L1293[17:22:45] <gamax92> oh, I see, it just injects its rendering in the middle of screen rendering, but also messes up the binded texture and the used color
L1294[17:24:38] <Sangar> Techokami, it does? huh. i wonder why it's working in my dev-env then... will have to look into that.
L1295[17:24:55] <Techokami> or it could be one of the other OC addons
L1296[17:24:57] <Techokami> not sure
L1297[17:25:02] <Sangar> anyway, gotta go for now, might be back in a few hours.
L1298[17:25:05] <Techokami> aight
L1299[17:25:21] <Sangar> see you later
L1300[17:26:13] <gamax92> Well I don't know when the proper time to inject the rendering, but all I know is that the texture and color is no longer derping.
L1301[17:27:52] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com)
L1302[17:36:57] <Techokami> good news! The 1.7.2 build of Computronics for OC 1.3 I posted on the forums will work with 1.7.10 :D
L1303[17:42:23] *** Alissa is now known as Alissaway
L1304[17:42:58] *** Pontiac is now known as Pontiac_AFK
L1305[17:50:16] <Vexatos> I love the OpenComputers tooltips: http://puu.sh/9TVMD/ff1b9b41bd.png
L1306[17:51:50] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1307[17:56:30] <Techokami> yesss, I love the tooltips
L1308[17:56:35] <Techokami> oh! asie!
L1309[17:56:37] <Techokami> good news
L1310[17:56:46] <Techokami> Sangar got me a 1.7.10 build of OC
L1311[17:56:54] <Techokami> and Computronics works on 1.7.10 as-is :D
L1312[17:57:00] *** Stiepen is now known as Kilobyte
L1313[17:58:34] <asie> wooooo
L1314[17:58:58] <Techokami> always nice to have one less thing to deal with
L1315[18:06:15] ⇦ Quits: tiin57 (~tiin57@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1316[18:06:42] <Kenny> how do you open a custopm GFUI now? used to be ModLoader.openGui()
L1317[18:06:55] <Kenny> GUI*
L1318[18:07:00] ⇨ Joins: black3agl33 (~black3agl@
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L1322[18:37:22] <istasi> i havn't crashed for like nearly 24hours now :/
L1323[18:38:19] <istasi> should i enable persistent again?
L1324[18:40:47] <Kilobyte> you had issues with persistance causing crashes, right?
L1325[18:41:09] <istasi> i had issues with access_violations
L1326[18:41:22] <Kilobyte> hmm
L1327[18:41:39] <Kilobyte> wait for sangar to show up again
L1328[18:41:51] <Kilobyte> he is pretty much only one who knows how the persistance lib works
L1329[18:41:58] <Kilobyte> since he wrote it
L1330[19:09:39] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1332[19:13:04] ⇦ Quits: SKSPhone (webchat@CPE-123-211-96-150.lnse4.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1333[19:28:15] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A0214FEF008E4FCE3B5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1334[19:34:15] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE8E34.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1335[19:46:02] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1336[20:08:19] <gamax92> AxisAlignedBoundingBox?
L1337[20:10:31] <v^> NopeNopeNopeNope?
L1338[20:11:02] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
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L1343[20:31:19] ⇨ Joins: Lookesmahh (Mibbit@93-136-15-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr)
L1344[20:32:17] <gamax92> ehh
L1345[20:32:23] <Lookesmahh> Eh2u2
L1346[20:32:31] <gamax92> asie: how are you supposed to get the coremod to load normally?
L1347[20:32:46] <v^> zero punctuation
L1348[20:32:47] <v^> FTL
L1349[20:32:55] * v^ gets popcorn
L1350[20:33:13] <asie> gamax92: i think the coremod doesn't even exist
L1351[20:33:24] <asie> i deprecated it out at some point
L1352[20:33:28] <asie> and never changed the manifest
L1353[20:33:30] <gamax92> asie: no, i mean, how are you supposed to get coremods to normally load.
L1354[20:33:32] <gamax92> oh, manifest
L1355[20:33:35] <asie> yes
L1356[20:34:28] <Lookesmahh> A certain member which I shall not name claims to be on all channels on esper.net when (s?)he is on. (S?)he is not on now, so I can't check it. However, I just checked the list of channels and let's just say I kidna doubt that
L1357[20:36:51] <Lookesmahh> Hmmmmm, I wonder...
L1358[20:37:12] <Lookesmahh> 7nick KiIobyte
L1359[20:37:18] *** Lookesmahh is now known as KiIobyte
L1360[20:37:56] <KiIobyte> How many of you use a client with a font in which I and l look the same?
L1361[20:38:06] *** KiIobyte is now known as Lookesmahh
L1362[20:41:01] <istasi> t = {[1]=1,[3]=2,[2]=3} table.sort ( t ) ... how should t look now?
L1363[20:41:31] <gamax92> :D, my coremod doesn't work outside of the dev environment.
L1364[20:41:51] <v^> .l t = {[1]=1,[3]=2,[2]=3} table.sort ( t ) serialize(t)
L1365[20:41:51] <^v> v^, nil
L1366[20:41:54] <v^> .l t = {[1]=1,[3]=2,[2]=3} table.sort ( t ) return serialize(t)
L1367[20:41:54] <^v> v^, {[2]=2,1,[3]=3}
L1368[20:42:13] <Lookesmahh> Oh, God
L1369[20:42:21] <istasi> computercraft does {[1]=1,[2]=2,[3]=3}, opencomputer does {[2]=2,[1]=1,[3]=3}?, isn't that just matching key and value?
L1370[20:42:32] <Lookesmahh> I feel like those two nicks will cause a lot of confusion
L1371[20:42:45] <gamax92> yes generally it does.
L1372[20:43:27] <istasi> so it doesn't actually sort ?, for use with pair etc, to change the other shown ?
L1373[20:43:55] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1374[20:44:18] <gamax92> oh I have many non obf'd names in my class patcher.
L1375[20:45:56] <Lookesmahh> No, seriously, what's up with v^ and ^v?
L1376[20:46:03] <v^> <_>
L1377[20:46:14] <v^> i made ^v
L1378[20:46:21] <Lookesmahh> Oh...
L1379[20:46:23] <Lookesmahh> Why?
L1380[20:46:27] <gamax92> v^ gave birth to ^v
L1381[20:46:36] <Lookesmahh> Oh, wow
L1382[20:46:37] <v^> gamax92 gave birth to a pony
L1383[20:46:42] <gamax92> yeah sure what ever.
L1384[20:46:53] <Lookesmahh> Well, that's wonderful
L1385[20:47:14] <v^> sorroko gave birth to cclite, and gamax gave it plastic surgery
L1386[20:48:42] * Lookesmahh slowly walks away
L1387[20:50:07] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L1388[20:51:06] <gamax92> okay this should now work in non dev environments
L1389[20:51:49] <gamax92> nope
L1390[20:52:00] <v^> cclite was born without a face
L1391[20:52:07] <v^> severely deformed
L1392[20:52:19] <v^> it also had down syndome
L1393[20:52:26] * Lookesmahh walks away slightly faster
L1394[20:52:36] <v^> it also diddnt have joints
L1395[20:53:53] <gamax92> perhaps now it'll work.
L1396[20:54:33] <gamax92> WHY WTF
L1397[20:55:07] <Kodos|Zzz> o/
L1398[20:55:09] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L1399[20:57:20] *** Lookesmahh is now known as Lukasmah123
L1400[21:00:11] <gamax92> okay so, If I don't even modify the class, it still crashes
L1401[21:03:16] <Caitlyn> So.. I wonder
L1402[21:03:23] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot1 (root@isis.pc-logix.com)
L1403[21:03:23] <EnderBot2> !kick MichiBot1 Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L1404[21:03:23] *** MichiBot1 was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (JoshTheEnder)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
L1405[21:03:25] <Caitlyn> lol
L1406[21:03:26] <Caitlyn> nope
L1407[21:03:29] <dmod_> Lol
L1408[21:03:38] <Lukasmah123> Huh?
L1409[21:03:41] <Lukasmah123> XD
L1410[21:03:50] <Lukasmah123> Does it...
L1411[21:03:54] *** Lukasmah123 is now known as Lukasbot
L1412[21:04:03] <dmod_> Nick might have changed.
L1413[21:04:05] <Caitlyn> only on join.
L1414[21:04:07] ⇦ Parts: Lukasbot (Mibbit@93-136-15-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr) ())
L1415[21:04:11] ⇨ Joins: Lukasbot (Mibbit@93-136-15-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr)
L1416[21:04:11] <EnderBot2> !kick Lukasbot Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L1417[21:04:11] *** Lukasbot was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (JoshTheEnder)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
L1418[21:04:20] ⇨ Joins: Lukasmah123 (Mibbit@93-136-15-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr)
L1419[21:04:25] <Lukasmah123> Interesting
L1420[21:04:28] <Caitlyn> but yeah, MichiBot != MichiBot1
L1421[21:04:55] <Lukasmah123> So, if I have "bot" in my name, I get kicked?
L1422[21:05:07] <v^> #ocbots
L1423[21:05:12] <dmod_> It checkes for that by the looks of it.
L1424[21:05:56] <Kodos> .rules
L1425[21:05:56] <^v> Kodos, http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171-oc-channel-rules/
L1426[21:06:01] <Caitlyn> v^, I'm aware, MichiBot is being replaced, like.. now.
L1427[21:06:22] <Lukasmah123> Great, no bots
L1428[21:06:31] <Lukasmah123> Shame
L1429[21:06:47] <Lukasmah123> I love it when people bring random bots to channels
L1430[21:06:56] <Lukasmah123> Until they start getting annoying
L1431[21:06:58] <Kodos> We do too, just not this channel =)
L1432[21:07:07] *** MichiBot is now known as MichiBot-old
L1433[21:07:10] ⇦ Parts: Cryomancer (~Cryomance@75-135-90-185.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) ())
L1434[21:07:23] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot1 (root@isis.pc-logix.com)
L1435[21:07:23] <EnderBot2> !kick MichiBot1 Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L1436[21:07:23] *** MichiBot1 was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (JoshTheEnder)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
L1437[21:07:28] <MichiBot-old> damn
L1438[21:07:30] <MichiBot-old> forgot to nick..
L1439[21:07:44] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (root@isis.pc-logix.com)
L1440[21:07:52] <Caitlyn> lol @root :p
L1441[21:07:54] <gamax92> ahh ofc, crappy tutorials
L1442[21:08:21] <Lukasmah123> Heh, I remember someone once joined a channel I was on with a bot that would automatically repeat every message
L1443[21:08:25] <Lukasmah123> That was irritating
L1444[21:08:54] <Lukasmah123> There was this one really cool bot, though. It could search stuff on google and youtube and link to it
L1445[21:08:58] <gamax92> My bot would greet itself when it joined channels.
L1446[21:08:59] <Lukasmah123> That was pretty handy
L1447[21:09:12] <Lukasmah123> XD
L1448[21:09:24] <Caitlyn> MichiBot now has acount-notify support, so woo
L1449[21:09:55] ⇦ Parts: MichiBot-old (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (Leaving))
L1450[21:09:58] <Kodos> I was gonna make a copy bot =(
L1451[21:10:04] <Kodos> But I was gonna put it in my channel
L1452[21:10:10] <Caitlyn> %authed
L1453[21:10:10] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Authenticated to Nickserv account Michiyo
L1454[21:10:24] <Lukasmah123> Wait, joining with "bot" in nick gets you kicked, but not changing your nick to something with "bot" in it once you've joined?
L1455[21:10:46] <Kodos> We also manually kick if we find someone to be evading the autobotkick
L1456[21:11:00] <Kodos> Assuming it's an actual bot
L1457[21:11:21] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1458[21:11:25] <gamax92> Numlock ...
L1459[21:11:29] <gamax92> why are you blinking raplidly
L1460[21:11:33] <Lukasmah123> Autobotkick? Don't kick autobots. They're the good guys. *shot*
L1461[21:11:42] <Caitlyn> I had a script that flashed numlock on NIC activity lol
L1462[21:11:53] <Caitlyn> I sorta miss that
L1463[21:11:56] <gamax92> yeah but minecraft is freaking out because of it
L1464[21:12:03] <Caitlyn> lol..
L1465[21:12:08] <Lukasmah123> @Gamax92 I might know the answer. Are you pressing the num lock button rapidly?
L1466[21:12:15] <gamax92> mp
L1467[21:12:17] <gamax92> no*
L1468[21:12:24] <Lukasmah123> Oh.
L1469[21:12:29] <Lukasmah123> In that case, I have no idea
L1470[21:12:41] <gamax92> :'( computer y u so slow
L1471[21:13:33] <gamax92> Xorg is taking up an entire core, and mate-settings-daemon is taking up the rest.
L1472[21:13:46] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1473[21:13:47] <gamax92> oh right, mate-settings-daemon ... thats the thing that flashes numlock
L1474[21:20:42] <gamax92> okay ... ended up pushing reset.
L1475[21:23:36] <SKS> gamax92: Geez, what sort of cheap CPU do you have? Xorg never used more than 2% of my 2006 C2D
L1476[21:23:51] <gamax92> SKS: its because of mate-settings-daemon
L1477[21:24:40] <Lukasmah123> http://www.bash.org/?950581
L1478[21:25:54] <gamax92> apparently telling mate to not remember the numlock state will fix this.
L1479[21:26:51] <SKS> Whoa, this song actually has an english translation. I don't like the lyrics.
L1480[21:26:58] <gamax92> lol
L1481[21:27:24] <SKS> I prefer it when I can't understand it.
L1482[21:29:36] <Lukasmah123> Browsing through bash.org http://www.bash.org/?47227
L1483[21:29:42] <Lukasmah123> Can't... Unread
L1484[21:30:08] <istasi> brb
L1485[21:30:22] <Lukasmah123> What have I done?
L1486[21:30:43] <Kilobyte> bad things
L1487[21:31:13] <Kilobyte> go into a corner and think about it
L1488[21:31:13] <Kilobyte> :P
L1489[21:31:41] <Lukasmah123> Hmmm, yeah
L1490[21:31:53] <Lukasmah123> I wouldn't mind, but I don't have a banana peel
L1491[21:32:07] <Lukasmah123> So being in a corner could get boring
L1492[21:32:43] <Sangar> o/
L1493[21:33:13] <Kilobyte> o/
L1494[21:33:20] <gamax92> Sangar: dskfkl;shdf0984hfslfus09r3jwkslfj903wqjf
L1495[21:33:21] <Kilobyte> Sangar: might work on case insensitivety a but
L1496[21:33:46] <gamax92> Oh I need to trim clipboard string
L1497[21:33:50] <gamax92> or else potential lag
L1498[21:34:10] <Sangar> Kilobyte, cool :)
L1499[21:34:33] <Sangar> gamax92, i'm afraid i'm missing the decryption capabilities for that >_>
L1500[21:34:39] <Kilobyte> Sangar: tail recursion is a good thing in scala, right?
L1501[21:34:51] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yes
L1502[21:35:08] <Kilobyte> does this count as tail recursion?
L1503[21:35:41] <Kilobyte> if (noFurtherElements)
L1504[21:35:41] <Kilobyte> path
L1505[21:35:41] <Kilobyte> else
L1506[21:35:41] <Kilobyte> path + "/" + recurse(whatever)
L1507[21:35:46] <Kilobyte> at end
L1508[21:36:06] <Kilobyte> (inside another if block)
L1509[21:36:10] <Sangar> i don't think so
L1510[21:36:15] <Kilobyte> :<
L1511[21:36:22] <Sangar> because the result of the recursion has to be computed for the string concatenation
L1512[21:36:33] <Kilobyte> makes sense
L1513[21:36:39] <Sangar> slap on a @tailrec to make the compiler error if it's not tail recursive
L1514[21:36:47] <Kilobyte> ah, good
L1515[21:36:53] <Kilobyte> meh, too late to code
L1516[21:37:03] <Kilobyte> plus i had a beer earlier
L1517[21:37:08] <Sangar> haha
L1518[21:37:12] <Kilobyte> so cannot really focus on code
L1519[21:37:26] <Sangar> left or right of http://xkcd.com/323/ ? :P
L1520[21:37:57] <Kilobyte> i think left
L1521[21:37:58] <Kilobyte> :P
L1522[21:38:07] <Kilobyte> but i won't get myself another one
L1523[21:38:08] <Sangar> then you know what you have to do ;)
L1524[21:38:13] <Sangar> pft
L1525[21:38:28] <Lukasmah123> @Kilobyte Nope, so far right you aren't even aware you're right
L1526[21:38:52] <Kilobyte> suuuuure
L1527[21:39:00] <Kilobyte> tbh, i never was drunken :P
L1528[21:39:32] <Kilobyte> a bit drunk... yes but like, i never had the issue where i couldn't remember what i was doing or so
L1529[21:39:52] <Kilobyte> unlike a friend who smashed his phone display when drunken and he couldn't even remember
L1530[21:39:57] <Kilobyte> it just had a hole inside
L1531[21:40:15] <Lukasmah123> I can only imagine his/her reaction
L1532[21:40:23] <Lukasmah123> "How did that get there?"
L1533[21:40:36] <Kilobyte> it was an iPhone too
L1534[21:40:44] <Kilobyte> aka lotta money
L1535[21:41:05] <Lukasmah123> Moral of the story...
L1536[21:41:07] <Lukasmah123> Ummmm...
L1537[21:41:13] <Lukasmah123> Don't get drunk?
L1538[21:41:17] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, i am seeing if i can get cppide to work
L1539[21:41:34] <Kilobyte> i had issues with it, apperently they don't exist
L1540[21:42:00] <Sangar> never heard of it until now
L1541[21:42:10] <Kilobyte> private alpha
L1542[21:42:41] <Kilobyte> http://blog.jetbrains.com/objc/2013/04/c-ide-an-april-fools-day-joke/
L1543[21:43:10] <Kilobyte> that was the original announcement
L1544[21:43:14] <Sangar> ah. googling gave me something else entirely :P
L1545[21:44:19] <JoshTheEnder> \o/ internet is back
L1546[21:44:40] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94_in_Minecraft (~EiraIRC@f049085155.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1547[21:44:54] <Kilobyte> Sangar: got my notice?
L1548[21:45:22] <Sangar> yeah
L1549[21:46:58] <JoshTheEnder> Ok, so on whilst playing skyrim a dragon spawned, tried fighting many times but then headed back to whiterun. As i get to the city gates the fucking dragon teleports halfway in the wall and dies
L1550[21:46:58] <JoshTheEnder> so all in all i got a free soul
L1551[21:47:17] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L1552[21:48:15] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L1553[21:51:54] <Kodos> o/
L1554[21:52:13] <JoshTheEnder> \o
L1555[21:55:33] ⇦ Quits: Lukasmah123 (Mibbit@93-136-15-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L1556[21:55:48] <Kodos> Space Engineers finally got Factions =D
L1557[21:58:48] <Caitlyn> O_O theres an update?
L1558[21:59:10] <Caitlyn> holy shit there is
L1559[21:59:34] <Kodos> There's been an update every thursday for at least a month or two
L1560[21:59:52] <Caitlyn> I *just* got the game :P
L1561[21:59:57] <Kodos> Ah
L1562[22:00:16] <Caitlyn> yeah... saturday/sunday? I think
L1563[22:00:34] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94_in_Minecraft (~EiraIRC@f049085155.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1564[22:03:02] <JoshTheEnder> is space Engineers worth it?
L1565[22:03:08] <Kodos> Sec
L1566[22:03:19] <Kodos> The idea of it being 'worth it' is subject to opinion
L1567[22:03:25] <Kodos> SE isn't a game, but more of a tool
L1568[22:03:29] <Kodos> There is no endgame
L1569[22:03:38] <Kodos> You just build, mine, destroy, etc
L1570[22:03:43] <JoshTheEnder> seems cool
L1571[22:03:46] <Kodos> There are no objectives other than what you set out to do
L1572[22:03:57] <JoshTheEnder> *buys*
L1573[22:05:05] <JoshTheEnder> *downloads and installs*
L1574[22:07:02] <dmod_> how is everyone?
L1575[22:07:16] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L1576[22:07:28] <JoshTheEnder> *shakes fist at internet*
L1577[22:07:57] <dmod_> josh im way throttled atm using throttled phone just to be on computer lol
L1578[22:14:48] <SKS> dmod_: I'm using someone else's internet, I think I win.
L1579[22:16:56] <JoshTheEnder> steam, my direct x is already up to date....
L1580[22:19:42] <JoshTheEnder> right, anyone got any public SE games i can join?
L1581[22:20:48] <Kodos> I usually play by myself
L1582[22:21:00] <Kodos> Public usually ends with griefers
L1583[22:22:28] <JoshTheEnder> \o/ its frozen when joining a game ¬_¬
L1584[22:22:36] <JoshTheEnder> or not
L1585[22:22:41] <Kodos> Probably just loading the tons of shit
L1586[22:23:42] <JoshTheEnder> yeah
L1587[22:25:06] <Kodos> I have to mow when I'm done eating D=
L1588[22:27:30] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L1589[22:27:41] <SKS> Have fun, Kodos :P
L1590[22:28:28] <Kodos> I won't. Mom's assuming me making food means a full meal, when in reality it's two slices of garlic bread because my wife's making her fetucinni dinner
L1591[22:29:57] ⇨ Joins: Epicness10101 (webchat@
L1592[22:30:06] <Epicness10101> Hi
L1593[22:30:45] <Epicness10101> :P
L1594[22:31:13] ⇦ Quits: Epicness10101 (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L1595[22:38:40] <gamax92> Sangar: Is there something that will generate ASM instructions for a coremod?
L1596[22:39:31] * SKS remembers, once again, that Java is a virtual machine
L1597[22:39:46] <Sangar> gamax92, uhm, how do you mean, exactly?
L1598[22:39:50] * SpiritedDusty runs a virtual machine in a virtual machine in a virtual machine
L1599[22:39:54] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|AFK
L1600[22:42:02] *** justastranger|AFK is now known as justastranger
L1601[22:43:05] *** Pontiac_AFK is now known as Pontiac
L1602[22:43:28] <gamax92> Sangar: like what I ended up doing for my coremod was modifying some minecraft file, dumping the instructions to the method I modified, and then manually converting the instructions to InsnNode's
L1603[22:44:36] <gamax92> except theres around 50 of new instructions and manually converting all of them is excessively slow
L1604[22:45:35] <Kodos> And the award for the most fucked up news headline of the week goes to
L1605[22:45:36] <Kodos> Two people die after cell phone falls into toilet
L1606[22:47:05] <gamax92> wow
L1607[22:52:55] <Sangar> gamax92, no idea, all i did with asm so far has been injecting/replacing template methods :P
L1608[23:04:57] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L1609[23:08:52] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-157.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1610[23:11:35] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Mowing
L1611[23:16:30] <JoshTheEnder> meh, i'm off
L1612[23:17:37] *** Alissa is now known as Alissaway
L1613[23:22:07] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L1614[23:35:11] *** Alissa is now known as Alissaway
L1615[23:37:33] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1616[23:39:32] *** Alissaway is now known as Alissa
L1617[23:42:42] <v^> D:
L1618[23:42:44] <v^> bai
L1619[23:48:34] ⇦ Quits: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-109-64-1-190.red.bezeqint.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1620[23:48:52] ⇨ Joins: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-109-64-1-190.red.bezeqint.net)
L1621[23:51:49] *** Flenix is now known as sleepyflenix
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