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L1[00:28:37] ⇨ Joins: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:29:14] <DeanOnAPhone> o/
L3[00:32:46] <Bizzycola> k
L4[00:38:23] ⇨ Joins: pong (~notPing@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L5[00:38:28] <tgame14> Sangar, Semi derp with ItemCosts - Tools don't work
L6[00:39:30] <DeanOnAPhone> It's pretty awesome to wake up in the morning and then getting a mail that your first three lessons don't take place and you can go back to sleep... :D
L7[00:41:00] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L10[01:10:10] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L11[01:32:01] <Bizzycola> so there is this forum I admin, and the guy who owns it is a youtube who has disappeard since like mid last year. I posted an april fools global announcement abour him returning on the 1st of april. He actually just returned. :P
L12[01:32:21] <Bizzycola> Just suddenly returns like 5 days later
L13[01:32:56] ⇨ Joins: Gopher|omnom (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com)
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L15[01:32:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher|omnom
L16[01:33:01] *** Gopher|omnom is now known as Gopher
L17[01:46:00] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L20[01:50:18] *** Sorroko_Off is now known as Sorroko
L21[02:11:43] ⇦ Quits: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L22[02:22:46] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
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L31[04:31:20] ⇨ Joins: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p548E48B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L32[04:36:47] <Sangar> tgame14, yeah, i realized it'd break for stuff that dynamically changes its nbt a little later :P (like enchantments) and it probably misses an 'isdamageable' check, too... because i have no damageable items.
L33[04:37:13] <tgame14> sure, no problems, ill adjust that code myself once i get to it
L34[04:37:36] <tgame14> just may be good to have the grounds for meta tools to work :P
L35[04:37:50] <Sangar> okay. if i have the time to generalize it some more before that i'll let you know :P
L36[04:40:51] <Sangar> Gopher, does the do ... end wrapping really reduce memory? that's interesting. http://www.lua.org/source/5.2/lobject.h.html#LocVar i would have expected that would be used smartly to free locals early, too.
L37[04:41:08] <Sangar> brb
L38[04:53:27] <Vexatos> What? do...end is actually useful for something?!?
L39[04:55:07] <Sangar> yes! we couldn't have for or while loops without it >_>
L40[04:55:28] <Kilobyte> Sangar: are there any conditions of being added to the "robot names" list?
L41[04:56:07] <Sangar> basically: having contributed (e.g. commit to github) and wanting to be on it :P
L42[04:56:43] <Kilobyte> ah :P
L43[04:57:00] ⇨ Joins: MrHohenheim_ (~MrHohenhe@94-21-63-158.pool.digikabel.hu)
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L45[05:10:37] ⇦ Quits: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p548E48B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L46[05:19:59] ⇨ Joins: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L47[05:23:07] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: yes you can use it to restrict scope for local variables :P
L48[05:34:45] ⇦ Quits: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L49[05:38:40] <Kilobyte> Sangar: errrr... this feels like a buf
L50[05:38:41] <Kilobyte> *bug
L51[05:38:56] <Kilobyte> when i load my OC test world it just goes back to title screen
L52[05:39:03] <Kilobyte> lemme give you console outout
L53[05:39:10] <Sangar> k
L54[05:39:39] *** Kenny|Sleeping is now known as Kenny
L55[05:39:50] <Kenny> hey y'all
L56[05:40:50] <Kilobyte> Sangar: https://gist.github.com/Kilobyte22/f7e521b20defbcd6d30e relevant part is there multiple times as i tried multiple times
L57[05:40:54] <Sangar> hey Kenny :)
L58[05:41:38] <Kilobyte> interestingly now it works, but i tried like 4 times before and it didn'T
L59[05:42:17] <Sangar> hmm, since oc isn't even in the trace i'd lean towards saying it's mc being derpy
L60[05:42:57] <Kilobyte> yeah, well only mods installed are forge and OC
L61[05:43:10] <Kilobyte> so might rather be forge
L62[05:43:31] <Kilobyte> i'm on latest 1.7.2 forge so i ofc have to expect some bugs
L63[05:43:57] <Sangar> [13:38:02] [Netty Client IO #1/ERROR] [FML]: HandshakeMessageHandler exception, yeah, don't think that's in oc.
L64[05:45:04] <Kilobyte> ye, i didn't really read log :P
L65[05:45:07] <Kenny> Kilo, the icon stuff is all on MC. I have that happening all the time in 1.6.4
L66[05:45:38] <Kenny> but it won't stop the client loading
L67[05:46:00] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, thanks for allowing me to unmount / and remount my own fs there <3
L68[05:46:27] <Kilobyte> saves me work
L69[05:46:36] <Sangar> :D
L70[05:47:07] <Kilobyte> hmmm
L71[05:47:30] <Kilobyte> i need a way to add custom calls to filesystem api and proxy them to a certain fs driver
L72[05:48:13] <Kilobyte> Sangar: is there a call like getFileSystemFor("/what/ever") -> table, string?
L73[05:48:53] <Sangar> filesystem.get
L74[05:49:02] <Sangar> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/API-Filesystem
L75[05:51:06] <Kilobyte> Sangar: great, exactly what i was looking for
L76[05:51:20] <Kilobyte> i hope...
L77[05:51:22] * Kilobyte tests
L78[05:54:02] <Kilobyte> Sangar: hmm.. not exactly, but pretty close
L79[05:54:47] <Kilobyte> i expected this: fs.get("/mnt/add/boot/boot") => table, "/boot/boot"
L80[05:55:13] <Kilobyte> meh, i can write a wrapper :)
L81[05:58:14] ⇨ Joins: Coreymills26 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net)
L82[05:58:27] <Coreymills26> heyy all
L83[05:58:45] <Sangar> Kilobyte, well, that would have been the other option i guess :P
L84[05:58:51] <Sangar> hey Coreymills26
L85[06:00:00] <Coreymills26> Sangar: any plans on adding a touch monitor like CC
L86[06:00:27] <Sangar> Coreymills26, there already is?
L87[06:00:35] <Sangar> like. since first release? :P
L88[06:00:58] <Coreymills26> really
L89[06:01:05] <Sangar> aye
L90[06:01:31] <Coreymills26> oh ill have to look into that then
L91[06:02:53] <Sangar> t2 and t3 screens allow mouse input. note that 'touching' only works when there's no keyboard attached (it'd open the gui otherwise)
L92[06:03:17] <Coreymills26> oh
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L94[06:20:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF840EDF44558AB39B3E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
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L96[06:52:33] *** Cazzar is now known as cazzar|Away
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L104[07:22:00] <Gopher> sangar: oh, I haven't really checked if it saves memory or not - not really a good reliable way to test on that small a scale, with the way available memory fluctuates.
L105[07:22:10] <Gopher> just seems like a thing to do, heh
L106[07:23:21] <Gopher> random odd thing: any possibility in the gpu/monitor features yer working on of resolution limits? Not changing them overlal, but changing it to a max total characters (w*h) instead of max width and max height individually?
L107[07:24:36] <Gopher> when working with monitors meant to be viewed in-world, it'd be nice sometimes to be able to use the same number of characters in different aspect ratios.
L108[07:33:10] <Gopher> but the lua source you showed, the comment says that's used for debug information. Local variables aren't on a stack, they're embedded on the block header with the compiled code, as I understand it
L109[07:34:03] <Gopher> well, the pointers anyway
L110[07:36:03] <Gopher> so if it's a particularly large variable, it can be recycled as soon as the scopes it's referenced in end. Not sure if that even happens, and not sure if it'd balance out with the extra block if it did, but :shrug: it /feels/ right, lol
L111[07:47:51] <Sangar> wasn't sure if they were *purely* for debug, that's why i asked :) and no, no, setResByCharCount. it should be easy enough to implement that lua-side, though?
L112[07:48:06] <Sangar> -,
L113[07:48:09] <Gopher> eh? how?
L114[07:48:27] <Gopher> setResolution fails if you pass it an x or y greater than the max resolution's components
L115[07:48:55] <Gopher> an ex, I might want to be able to do a vertical stack of tier one monitors to be 16x50 instead of 50x16
L116[07:48:56] ⇦ Quits: DarkIRC (~DarkIRC@host86-156-8-80.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L117[07:48:59] <Sangar> well if you have N as the number of chars, and the aspect ratio you can compute your width and height, no?
L118[07:49:31] <Sangar> getSize tells you the size of the multiblock screen, if that's what you're looking for?
L119[07:49:37] <Gopher> no, heh
L120[07:49:41] <Gopher> I'm not wanting anything automatic
L121[07:50:17] <Gopher> (and I do in fact tweak my resolution to fit my monitors without blank margins - for tier 1 3x2 monitor arrays, 46x16 fits perfectly :)
L122[07:50:18] <Sangar> oh, you mean like, limit the overall number instead of the individual sizes?
L123[07:50:33] <Sangar> i.e. the limit itself, not the how to set it?
L124[07:50:46] <Gopher> yeah. So I could setResolution(16,50) and that'd be valid. Awkward as hell in the gui view, but potentially useful in the monitor
L125[07:52:22] <Sangar> hmhmhm. it'd be a mix of the two if i do this. i.e. there'd still be a 160 cap for t3, for example, but it'd go both ways and there'd be a max total of 160x50 chars.
L126[07:52:53] <Sangar> otherwise you could have 8000x1. which would be baaaaaad for networking. because set() can set a complete row :P
L127[07:53:04] <Gopher> that seems wholely reasonable.
L128[07:53:34] <Sangar> good. well then. todolist++
L129[07:53:37] ⇨ Joins: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L130[07:55:44] <Gopher> marqee resolutions could be nice sometimes too, but the issue is a legitimate one with no obvious workarounds, and even a max-width monitor has the text getting pretty small at a distance you can see the whole thing from at 160 chars wide anyway
L131[07:56:07] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L132[08:00:20] *** jesustk_off is now known as jesusthekiller
L133[08:02:28] <Sangar> hm. this should actually be good enough, right? if (w > 0 && h > 0 && w <= mw && (h <= mh || (h <= mw && w * h <= mw * mh)))
L134[08:03:18] <Gopher> yah, oughta be. Not sure you even need the h<=mh in there, if you've constrained w then the mw*mh test should cover that too
L135[08:03:47] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L136[08:03:48] <Sangar> true. it makes it more readable though i think.
L137[08:04:02] <Sangar> i.e. makes the intent clearer
L138[08:04:17] <Gopher> yeah, and it's a trivial thing either way
L139[08:04:30] * Sangar goes to find a screen to test
L140[08:06:30] <Gopher> only downside I can think of is a minor one, that it might be unexpected behavior give maxResolution, but it's not unexpected in a way that would hurt anyone, just perhaps be a nice accidental discovery, heh
L141[08:07:12] <Gopher> being able to do monitors arrays in portrait ratios will be nice, tho :)
L142[08:08:02] <Sangar> aaaand found a bug in resolution.lua :P
L143[08:08:26] <Gopher> found as in identified, or just observed?
L144[08:08:47] <Sangar> yeah, maxRes will just stay like that, if anyone needs portrait they'll have to ask or figure it out :P
L145[08:08:53] <Sangar> ah, multiblock in portrait mode?
L146[08:09:04] <Sangar> hm, yeah. i'll see how i did that >_>
L147[08:09:08] <Gopher> yeah. You can do it now, but you're still stuck at normal height
L148[08:09:09] <Sangar> found as in seen and fixed
L149[08:09:24] <Sangar> setting the same resolution resulted in falsely reporting an error (or it trying to anyway)
L150[08:10:35] <Gopher> until I get up to a tier 3 case, it seems unlikely I'll be using anything but tier 1 monitors, lol
L151[08:10:57] <Gopher> there being only the one tier 2 slot in a tier 2 case, which I'll often need for something other than a better gfx card
L152[08:11:05] <Gopher> Actually... I'm forgetting features
L153[08:11:25] <Gopher> there are some sort of wireless access point things, aren't there? that would let my computer do wifi without an actual wifi card?
L154[08:11:49] <Sangar> yes, you still need a network card, but that's only t1
L155[08:11:58] <Gopher> exactly
L156[08:12:00] <Gopher> hmm
L157[08:12:46] <Gopher> yes, good. That is much nicer.
L158[08:13:19] <Gopher> internet cards are tier 3 tho, right? people won't be running straight to pastebin on oc servers, lol
L159[08:14:53] <Sangar> i think they're tier 2?
L160[08:14:59] <Gopher> having had many discussions with other cc people about balance and cc, our general consensus has been that, other server-unfriendliness issues aside, it's not being able to make a computer, or even turtle, in minutes that makes it OP; it's that once you have one, if the server has http enabled (and any CC-centric server will, as will most that have a significant cc-using population)
L161[08:15:10] <Gopher> you can just instantly have access to this huge array of programs
L162[08:15:23] <Gopher> well, that, and excavate, which doesn't even require http api
L163[08:16:00] <Sangar> oh, good reminder. i was thinking of moving dig to a loot disk.
L164[08:16:26] <Gopher> yeah, dan has strongly considered doing that to excavate, think he's worried about the uproar it would cause tho XD
L165[08:16:41] <Gopher> also, with the http api being so accessible, it wouldn't do much real good
L166[08:17:03] <Sangar> getting 'third party' programs does make computer mods pretty hard to balance, yeah.
L167[08:17:16] <Gopher> but yeah. If you factor time needed to actually program them as part of the cost of computer-based automation
L168[08:17:20] <Sangar> well. there's still copy-paste / save dir editing even then.
L169[08:17:46] *** NyanCat is now known as Nyan||away
L170[08:17:49] <Gopher> they're really not OP. All but the most basic programs take as much or more time than mining and crafting the equivalent machines.
L171[08:18:00] <Sangar> so. let's fix this. you need to have 8000 type characters before you can copy paste? :P
L172[08:18:08] <Gopher> lol
L173[08:18:24] <Gopher> There's no fixing it. People will find a way, heh.
L174[08:18:40] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L175[08:18:49] <Gopher> before http api, people used to use programs that autotyped with cc
L176[08:18:54] <Gopher> to paste in programs
L177[08:19:05] <Sangar> yeah. i'm wondering if people considered it 'cheating' to use nei in the start? :P
L178[08:19:09] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Deevil (~Dean@
L179[08:19:33] <Gopher> heh. What was that other mod in the early days, that just gave recipes? craftbook or something?
L180[08:19:38] <Sangar> they actually have to hack minecraft to enable it? :>
L181[08:20:09] <Sangar> i have no idea, i'm not one of the early adopters of minecraft i admit
L182[08:20:14] <Gopher> I know I remember seeing "old-timers" of the "I've hacked notch's computer and started playing pre-alphas before he ever released a version!!!" variety hating on in-game recipes and even wikis
L183[08:20:23] <Gopher> you're supposed to figure it all out yourself, so the logic goes
L184[08:20:29] <Gopher> which really breaks down when you start adding tech mods
L185[08:20:32] <Sangar> right
L186[08:21:05] <Gopher> If someone without wiki or nei assistance figured out how to craft a working computer, even with easy-mode recipes, they'd deserve a f'ing medal XD
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L189[08:21:42] <Gopher> and god help them with the hard-mode recipes.
L190[08:22:00] ⇦ Quits: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L191[08:22:14] <Sangar> haha. it would take ages...
L192[08:22:31] <Sangar> also, 80x25 is already ridiculously tiny... i'm not going to try 50x160 >_>
L193[08:22:39] <Gopher> lol
L194[08:22:49] <Gopher> it's definitely not a useful feature for terminal use
L195[08:22:58] <Gopher> but on external monitors, it's wintastic :)
L196[08:23:01] <Sangar> hehe
L197[08:24:28] <Sangar> now, portrait multiscreens...
L198[08:24:54] <Gopher> ? Oh, were you thinking I meant to change the multiblock size limits, too?
L199[08:24:54] <EnderBot> I'm sorry, I couldn't find the help topic you requested :(
L200[08:25:01] <Gopher> shaddup, enderbot
L201[08:25:28] <Sangar> you didn't?
L202[08:25:46] <Gopher> that'd also be neat, I guess, but I was just thinking of being able to set resolutions more suited to, say, 2x4, not necessarily going all the way to 6x8
L203[08:26:04] <Gopher> I mean, I'm not gonna complain if you wanna go there!
L204[08:26:21] <Gopher> but yeah, that's a bonus beyond what I was asking for :)
L205[08:26:37] <Sangar> well... having a glance at the code i think i'll pass on that for now anyway. since that could lead to weird effects :P
L206[08:26:37] <Kenny> Sangar, you say 80 x 25 is small but a tier 1 is only 50 x 16
L207[08:26:43] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L208[08:26:55] <dangranos> why not use pixels instead of characters?
L209[08:26:57] <Sangar> kenny: yes, but 80 high shrinks things down *a lot*
L210[08:27:11] <Gopher> he meant 25x80, I assume, kenny
L211[08:27:12] <Sangar> dangranos, because network traffic
L212[08:27:26] <Sangar> oh, i wrote 80x25. i'm derp.
L213[08:27:35] <Gopher> it's a deeply ingrained habit XD
L214[08:27:49] ⇦ Quits: SashaPavlov (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L215[08:27:50] <Gopher> 25x80 just feels odd to even type, I had to correct myself before hitting enter twice earlier
L216[08:27:56] <Sangar> haha
L217[08:28:09] <dangranos> send diff from prev state?
L218[08:28:24] <Sangar> dangranos, still. it'd be like streaming video. in a very inefficient way :P
L219[08:28:50] <Sangar> that or screen updates would be excruciatingly painfully slow
L220[08:29:45] <Gopher> now, a tile-based monitor I've long been convinced could be workable...
L221[08:30:10] <Gopher> would still have a payload of tile data to send, equivalent to changing fonts on a terminal
L222[08:30:17] <Gopher> but thereafter it'd be equivalent to a terminal.
L223[08:30:32] *** Nyan||away is now known as NyanCat
L224[08:30:42] <Gopher> would have to throttle tileset changes tho, as people spamming new tilesets could still drag the network to it's knees
L225[08:30:45] <Sangar> as in customizable glyphs?
L226[08:30:56] <Gopher> yeah
L227[08:31:10] <Gopher> or, well, not even just glyphs
L228[08:31:18] <Sangar> basically edit the font texture in memory...
L229[08:31:50] <Sangar> that could be pretty expensive, memory wise, no? need to calculate...
L230[08:32:16] <Gopher> it could, potentially, yeah. But I'm not thinking about this as a terminal feature, just making the analogy to terminals
L231[08:32:28] <Gopher> I'm thinking of this in terms of making something more akin to an 80s game console
L232[08:32:43] <Gopher> the nes had only one mode that allowed per-pixel drawing, and I don't know of a single game that ever used it
L233[08:32:51] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L234[08:32:56] <Sangar> you mean that 4k or something ram area that was plotted directly to screen?
L235[08:33:20] <Gopher> It's been so long, I don't remember the details exactly
L236[08:33:30] <Gopher> just remember that the mods games actually used were all tile-based
L237[08:33:36] <Gopher> well, tile and sprite
L238[08:33:51] <Gopher> s/mods/modes
L239[08:34:19] <Sangar> ah, ok. that's newer than i was thinking :P for space invaders it was literally just the first 4k or ram or something that were plotted to the screen, and they'd be edited directly.
L240[08:34:49] <Gopher> yeah, nes' big leap forward was hardware tiling
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L242[08:35:17] <Sangar> so... basically you'd define tiles / sprites / textures and then paint them at x/y?
L243[08:35:40] <Gopher> yawp, very much like drawing a console from a font sheet, except it's a tile sheet instead, and they're multi-color
L244[08:35:50] <Gopher> but your active drawing is reduced to an array of tile #s
L245[08:37:05] <Gopher> the only obstacle is you do still have to send clients the tile sets, at least the once
L246[08:37:35] <Sangar> m, so talking oc there'd be a gpu.setTile(idx, tableWithRgbData)? and then a gpu.drawTile(idx, x, y)...
L247[08:38:05] <Sangar> well, sending the whole batch once should be ok when gzipped
L248[08:38:18] <asie> not sure if graphics should be a part of the core mod
L249[08:38:21] <Gopher> true. And you can constrian the sizes of tilesets and such.
L250[08:38:32] <Gopher> asie, it wasn't my intention bringing it up to suggest it should, heh
L251[08:38:37] <asie> right
L252[08:38:53] <Sangar> i'm not saying i'll add it, but it's interesting to think about :)
L253[08:38:58] <Gopher> but with people always trying to make games for CC, I've long kicked around the idea of a mod that adds consoles instead of computers
L254[08:39:08] <Gopher> and how that could work
L255[08:40:56] <Gopher> it would be one of the most useless mods in the histort of modding, of course XD
L256[08:40:56] <Sangar> what about color, though? you said they'd contain color info. it'd still make sense to have some color multiplier, right? to avoid having duplicate tiles that just differ in color.
L257[08:41:18] <Sangar> haha, a very small but vocal minority might disagree :P
L258[08:41:44] <Gopher> sangar, I never said it wouldn't be much loved by some people, lol
L259[08:41:49] <Gopher> just useless. There's a difference :)
L260[08:42:00] <Sangar> heh
L261[08:42:28] <Gopher> a mod whose sole purpose is to play games inside the game isn't exactly helping you in any constructive way at the actual game lol
L262[08:42:45] <Sangar> well, if anyone wants to make a tier3.5 gpu... :P
L263[08:42:48] <Gopher> but a lot of people play minecraft almost more like secondlife than a game, anyway, lol
L264[08:43:07] <Gopher> heh. Nah. If I did ever decide to work on this, it'd be a separate mod, tho it'd have to have integration with cc or oc
L265[08:43:16] <Sangar> well it's always fun to drive systems to their limit :>
L266[08:43:19] <Gopher> since if you wanted to /develop/ games for it in minecraft, you'd need an actual computer XD
L267[08:43:35] <Sangar> haha
L268[08:44:17] <Gopher> the idea of a little server somewhere with a dozen or so players running their virtual game dev studio in a minecraft world pleases me greatly XD
L269[08:45:03] <Sangar> and one day there will be a documentation of their break through!
L270[08:45:31] <Gopher> and then someone would make gamemaker for it, and the universe would implode
L271[08:46:02] <Sangar> at which point we will learn we're living inside a game... making games...
L272[08:46:11] <Gopher> about other games
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L277[08:59:21] <Kenny> Sangar, if you start a timer in a program, does it get cancelled when the program terminates?
L278[08:59:28] <Sangar> nope
L279[08:59:42] <Kenny> shit
L280[08:59:47] <Kenny> hehe
L281[09:00:07] <Death> I was about to offer a suggestion but I realized this isn't ComputerCraft
L282[09:00:08] <Death> XD
L283[09:00:10] <Kenny> i really didn't want to wriote a shutdown function lol
L284[09:00:31] <Kenny> what was the suggestion? it might apply
L285[09:01:06] <Death> There's an os.queueEvent( "timer" ) that can cause a timer event by force
L286[09:02:14] <Kenny> i don't think that is available with OC
L287[09:02:20] <Death> Yeah..
L288[09:02:26] <Kenny> i don't see it any where in the wiki
L289[09:02:41] <Death> I gtg, sooo
L290[09:02:45] ⇦ Quits: Death (webchat@wsip-24-249-110-67.ks.ks.cox.net) (Quit: I might be back later.)
L291[09:02:47] <Kenny> l8r
L292[09:05:14] <Gopher> generic way to have repeating functions self-terminate: watch shell.getRunningProgram
L293[09:05:26] <Gopher> er, it's just shell.running in oc
L294[09:07:23] <Gopher> just throw "local running=shell.running()" at the top of your code, then in your timer functions you can do "if shell.running()~=running then event.cancel(me) end" where me is the value returned by event.timer when you created it
L295[09:08:44] <Gopher> and death, theres os.pushSignal, but timers don't actually use signals, I'm pretty sure
L296[09:08:55] <Gopher> so yeah, that trick won't translate
L297[09:10:09] <Kenny> death is gone
L298[09:10:19] <Gopher> oh, so he is
L299[09:10:32] <Kenny> detah got to death hehe
L300[09:10:36] <Kenny> death*
L301[09:10:51] <Kenny> thanks Gopher
L302[09:11:16] <Kenny> and i guess i'm going to have to do like i did with CompuViewer for that 2nd gui
L303[09:11:33] <Kenny> screen resolution stops me from doing what i would like to do
L304[09:13:44] <Gopher> what're you working on now?
L305[09:13:48] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF840EDF44558AB39B3E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L306[09:13:52] <Gopher> hey, vex
L307[09:14:03] <Vexatos> Hellöa
L308[09:14:38] <Kenny> Vexatos: it seems you are destined to haunt me hehe
L309[09:14:45] <Vexatos> ?
L310[09:14:54] <Kenny> the first robot i place in the game is named......
L311[09:15:00] <Kenny> Vexatos
L312[09:15:13] <Vexatos> :3
L313[09:15:25] <Vexatos> I shall add "Haunter" to robots.txt
L314[09:15:29] <Kenny> vut at least in there i can make you do what i want :P
L315[09:15:36] <Kenny> but*
L316[09:15:53] <Vexatos> Wait for Vexatos to get Level 30
L317[09:15:55] <Vexatos> :3
L318[09:16:19] <Sangar> use process.running, shell.running is deprecated.
L319[09:16:43] <Kenny> Vexatos is a missle loader. will probably get demolished before reaching level 30 hehe
L320[09:19:17] <Gopher> ah, is it? thanks, didn't realise
L321[09:20:55] <Gopher> oh, sangar, I remembered soemthing: goto.
L322[09:21:12] <Gopher> It can't remove variables if execution passes the last line it's used on
L323[09:21:14] <Gopher> because goto.
L324[09:21:49] <Gopher> doesn't mean it actually helps to put locals in do...end, though
L325[09:22:00] <Sangar> hmm, good point. it probably doesn't analyze the flow that far.
L326[09:22:30] <Sangar> because you can jump back into a do ... end? meh. is that even defined behavior?
L327[09:22:38] <Gopher> though if you're allowed to goto a label inside a do...while - I know you can't into a loop, only out, but I'm, not sure about do...end
L328[09:22:43] <Gopher> lol
L329[09:22:45] <Gopher> yeah
L330[09:23:09] <Gopher> I'd bet the rules are generalized to all blocks, I've just only seen it discussed in terms of loops
L331[09:23:26] <Gopher> the rules being you can jump out, but not in
L332[09:23:41] <Sangar> ah
L333[09:23:51] <Sangar> that makes sense. so you couldn't jump into a do.end
L334[09:24:10] <Sangar> but then it doesn't matter :P
L335[09:24:23] <Sangar> so it probably does help
L336[09:24:42] <Sangar> and i'm starting to confuse myself, so i'll stop now... also: creative tier case!
L337[09:24:50] <Gopher> possibly. There's still the question of the cost of the block compared to the cost of the variable, heh
L338[09:25:08] <Gopher> oh? maximum tier 3 slots across the board?
L339[09:25:13] <Sangar> aye
L340[09:25:16] <Sangar> and it generates energy
L341[09:25:18] <Gopher> magic power?
L342[09:25:25] <Gopher> yawp, that'd be a creative mode case :)
L343[09:25:29] <Sangar> :)
L344[09:26:06] <Gopher> just tested and confirmed, can't jump /into/ bodys.
L345[09:26:12] <Gopher> Effectively labels are local, it seems
L346[09:26:26] <Sangar> ah, that's a nice way of looking at it.
L347[09:26:27] <Gopher> if you could see a local variable there, you can jump to there
L348[09:26:57] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L349[09:27:24] <Gopher> actually, that's a simplification
L350[09:27:29] <Gopher> can't jump out of functions either, I don't thinki
L351[09:27:32] <Gopher> in any context
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L353[09:32:31] <Sangar> right. that would mess up the callstack pretty badly :P
L354[09:43:43] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
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L356[10:10:58] <Sangar> well... of all the names to change in 1.6->1.7 ('onInventoryChanged' to 'markDirty'...), someone decided it'd be cool to keep the misspelled ones -.- 'displayAllReleventItems' my ocd is killing me...
L357[10:16:11] <Gopher> lol
L358[10:18:33] ⇨ Joins: Death (webchat@wsip-24-249-110-67.ks.ks.cox.net)
L359[10:24:50] <tgame14> Some really stupid people do the mappings sometime
L360[10:24:55] <tgame14> there is 0 filtering.. its annoying
L361[10:25:04] <jk-5> "PotionAbsobtion"
L362[10:25:11] <jk-5> The classname is not right
L363[10:25:17] <jk-5> Derpy mapping people
L364[10:25:22] <jk-5> How do i english
L365[10:25:57] <Sangar> :> i mean, it runs through a bot. they could at least flag stuff that doesn't pass the spell checker :P
L366[10:26:31] <Sangar> but from how i undertood it s2s will allow people to use their own names locally anyway? i'm looking forward to that.
L367[10:26:37] <jk-5> You could do !fssm to force a new name for a method
L368[10:26:38] <jk-5> Yes
L369[10:26:44] <jk-5> You can do that now, afaik
L370[10:27:16] <Sangar> oh, already? i'll have to upgrade to fg1.2 and have a look into that.
L371[10:27:49] <jk-5> Well, forge has a custom .srg and .exc file in their repo, but i don't know if it's at the point yet that we could do our own mappings
L372[10:27:54] <jk-5> I'll have to talk to abrar about that
L373[10:28:31] <Gopher> ooh, idea for robot upgrade: jumper cables. Ability to transfer power from it's own supply to an adjacent robot.
L374[10:29:12] <Gopher> If I'm gonna keep throwing suggestions out all the time, I should really just learn scala, tho XD
L375[10:29:41] <Sangar> :D
L376[10:30:13] <Gopher> I really hear more about your plans for the robot overhaul at some point
L377[10:30:23] <jk-5> It will be the best thing you'll ever learn ;)
L378[10:30:56] <Gopher> you made the analogy to steve's carts at one point, but I've never really messed with steve's carts, so that was lost on me
L379[10:31:58] <Sangar> well, the rough idea would be to make them much more customizable (ram modules, cards, ... basically like a - limited - case), but require that to be done in a special assembly block. and assembly would take some energy.
L380[10:32:33] <tgame14> Scala is very nice, but may be a bit hard to read sometimes
L381[10:32:37] <Sangar> plus the upgrades (yes, plural) being built-in, but the number depending on the tier of the used comptuer case that serves as a base.
L382[10:32:46] <Gopher> gotcha. So would this partially replace the current upgrade/cart slot setup?
L383[10:32:53] <Gopher> card
L384[10:33:02] <Sangar> yes.
L385[10:33:51] <dangranos> builtin upgrades is bad idea :\
L386[10:33:54] <dangranos> for computers
L387[10:33:54] <Sangar> and i'm thinking of taking the upgrades one step further, allow them to define gui tabs. so inventory would be an upgrade with the inventory tab, etc.
L388[10:34:10] <Sangar> well, there'd be a disassembly chamber, too :P
L389[10:34:18] <Gopher> eh? so no inventory by default? ot do you mean expanded inventory?
L390[10:34:25] <Sangar> maybe with a small chance of breaking the components.
L391[10:34:31] <Gopher> I'd think a single one could do for assembly/disassembly
L392[10:34:35] <Sangar> Gopher, not sure. depends on how many slots/tier.
L393[10:34:44] <Sangar> or that.
L394[10:34:45] <Gopher> ew, I don't like the breaking chance. Requiring a player to do it seems restrictive enough.
L395[10:34:53] <Sangar> either way, the process will be reversible.
L396[10:35:10] <Gopher> hmm. Tool slot will have to remain as-is, of course.
L397[10:35:21] <Sangar> as in no autocrafting of robots?
L398[10:35:27] <Sangar> yes, they would.
L399[10:35:43] <Gopher> well, I was assumign the assembly table would be a gui thing tht requires a player
L400[10:36:22] <Gopher> if you wantede to retain some of the current features, you could have upgrades you can install that specifically add hot-swap card slots?
L401[10:36:31] <Sangar> pretty much. given an appropriate upgrade for robots where they can drop/suck to/from specific slots, and the assembly block is a component it could be automated that way :P
L402[10:36:34] <Gopher> takes an upgrade slot, so it's a trade-off
L403[10:36:52] <Sangar> yeah, i've been wondering if it's make sense to categorize upgrades.
L404[10:37:09] <Gopher> I'd think with this change, upgrades become internal things, installed at assembly only
L405[10:37:10] <Sangar> so lowest tier assembleable (...) robot would be like now.
L406[10:37:22] <Sangar> and everything else would new / addon-ish
L407[10:38:02] <Sangar> hm, upgrade for slots might work too i suppose
L408[10:38:07] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L409[10:38:22] <Gopher> Hmm. I might be the only one, but if an upgrade is requried to add hot-swap card bays, for changing cards like you do now, without assembly
L410[10:38:40] <Gopher> then I'd be fine with the minimal robot having /no/ cards or card slots XD
L411[10:39:13] <Gopher> some way to store programs seems to be a pretty hard requirement, tho.
L412[10:39:42] <Sangar> that's a point that'd need discussing, yes :) well. if people *want* to they could not add any storage at all :P
L413[10:40:02] <Gopher> heh. True, I suppose. It can be a requirement in the same way it is in a computer
L414[10:40:11] <Gopher> as in, required for /usefulness/ but not for basic operation
L415[10:40:11] <Sangar> aye
L416[10:41:41] <Gopher> ok. So, I'm picturing: there's the tool slot, given, other 3 slots in the current gui become upgrade bays. Minimal turtle, they're not even usable. Up to 3 bay-type upgrades can be installed? floppy drive, possibly hard drive, card slots of various tiers.
L417[10:42:31] <Sangar> three would probably the minimum / for tier 1 case based robots. t2 and t3 would have more.
L418[10:43:06] <Gopher> oh? I was assuming tier 1 would just be limited in the kinds of things, i.e., no teir 2/3 bays /can/ be put on a tier 1 chassis
L419[10:43:12] <Gopher> (robot case == chassis. :)
L420[10:43:25] <Sangar> basing the number of supported parts/upgrades would probably make sense to base off of the installed cpu
L421[10:43:26] <dangranos> what about stationary computers?
L422[10:43:46] <Sangar> dangranos, no plans to change those
L423[10:44:02] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L424[10:44:05] <Gopher> yeah.. just spitballing ideas here, but I was thinkig that that could merely increase internal slots, usable only in assembly tables
L425[10:44:06] <Sangar> Gopher, yes, the item tier limits would still apply
L426[10:44:07] <Gopher> in particular upgrades
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L429[10:44:37] <Sangar> ah
L430[10:44:40] <Gopher> tier 1 chassis might have only 3 upgrade slots, so to use all 3 bays it can't have /any/ other upgrades
L431[10:44:54] <Gopher> tier 3 could easilly use 3 bays and have multiple internal parts as well
L432[10:45:17] <Sangar> so always max 3 hotswappable but the number of internals increase?
L433[10:45:27] <Gopher> that's an idea, anyway
L434[10:45:31] <Sangar> but allow using the hotswappable ones for internal use, too?
L435[10:45:32] <Sangar> hmm
L436[10:45:51] <Sangar> that might be a sensible limitation saving me from reworking the whole gui :D
L437[10:45:55] <Gopher> I'm picturing, like, assembly table has ram slots, possibly internal card and drive slots, based on the case tier
L438[10:46:09] <Gopher> as well as upgrade slots, new, based also on tier
L439[10:46:30] * Sangar goes and adjusts gui mockup
L440[10:47:09] <Gopher> ooh, a thought
L441[10:47:22] <Gopher> people want swappable tools, but it seems a bit powerful for robots to self-swap
L442[10:47:41] <Gopher> upgrade -> 2nd tool slot, robot itself can switch active tool slots if it has multiple
L443[10:48:12] <Gopher> can, if they want, use all 3 spare bays for 3 more tool slots, to make a multitool turtle, at the expense of losing lots of other features
L444[10:49:35] <Sangar> for some reason i just saw half-life ... like, literally. i like it.
L445[10:49:42] <Kenny> Gopher: is it possible to add in a function to the draw command like run? say gui.onDraw=function() something end
L446[10:50:32] <Gopher> kenny, no, no hooks for onDraw. I suppose you could /replace/ onDraw, tho you'd wnat your replacement to call the original?
L447[10:50:37] <Gopher> er, replace draw, I mean
L448[10:51:00] <Gopher> local oldDraw=myGui.draw myGui.draw=function(...) oldDraw(...) doOtherStuff() end
L449[10:52:19] <Kenny> i've run into a block where i have to have an Add button below this function, but in the function i have to redraw the add button. a paradox hehe
L450[10:52:44] <Kenny> i'll figure out some way to do it
L451[10:52:49] <Gopher> heh. you can pre-declare variables and functions in cases like that
L452[10:53:09] <Kenny> oh? how
L453[10:53:21] <Kenny> ok, nvm
L454[10:53:25] <Gopher> local myFunction local thing=createThing(myFunction) myFunction=function(...) ... end
L455[10:53:26] <Kenny> brain fart
L456[10:53:51] <Gopher> wait... no
L457[10:53:52] <Gopher> lol
L458[10:53:54] <Gopher> that was wrong
L459[10:55:00] <Gopher> local thing local function myFunction(...) doStuffTo(thing) end thing=createThing(myFunction)
L460[10:55:45] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/DWvSeS6.png that'd be t3 (probably t3 will have even fewer upgrades). center the case, up hardwired addons, below hotswappable where one could either add 'adapters' (for hotswappable cards / upgrades / disks) or more hardwired stuff (tools, nav, generator ...)
L461[10:55:56] <Kenny> or you can just do local addressListAdd at the beginning of the program and define it later
L462[10:57:02] <Kenny> upgrades for a computer?
L463[10:57:35] <Sangar> brainstorming reworking robot assembly
L464[10:57:47] <Kenny> ahhhh
L465[10:58:30] <Kenny> are we going Terminator here with Skynet? hehe
L466[10:58:42] <Gopher> hmm. looks good, sangar. I wasn't thinking of hotswap upgrade bays as being special, just upgrades that have a special effect, but now that I think if they're hard-limited, they kindof need special upgrade slots...
L467[11:00:28] <Gopher> but I'd like to see the ability to put non-bay upgrades in those slots, so there's a trade-off between having bays for customizing on the fly and having internal features.
L468[11:00:46] <Gopher> And I was thinking that trade-off is imposed by there not even being bays for upgrades anymore, upgrades being internal-only
L469[11:00:50] <Sangar> indeed. i'm thinking they might be really really special and not even take normal upgrades (because that'd be easier :P), which would work because the overall number is limited anyway (or i'd want it to be anyway, as mentioned somehow linked to the cpu tier)
L470[11:00:59] <Sangar> hrm
L471[11:01:37] <Sangar> that'd sort-of be taken care of by the overall count limit?
L472[11:01:39] <Gopher> upgrades being extensions of core functionality, and so not really hot-swappable - the idea of a bolt-on generator, for example, is a bit out there, would make sense it has to be really installed
L473[11:02:25] <Sangar> i agree.
L474[11:02:28] <Gopher> if they're assigned, bays and internals, as two separate types of slots, then there's no trade-off, just a limit on bays and another limit on internals
L475[11:03:09] <Sangar> if they're separate and theres a *global* limit of number of upgrades there would be a tradeoff.
L476[11:03:14] <Gopher> not sure if there's much value in the trade-offs, tho. Right now, that many upgrade bays would let you have basically every upgrade XD
L477[11:03:28] <Gopher> aah, I see what you're saying
L478[11:03:32] <Sangar> as i said, they'd probably have fewer ;)
L479[11:03:46] <Gopher> so there's 9 slots there, minus 1 for case, but you might only have 5 usable ones
L480[11:04:14] <Gopher> could use all 5 top ones, and have none left for bays, or all 3 bays and only get 2 of the top left to use?
L481[11:04:30] <Sangar> something like that, yes.
L482[11:04:39] <Sangar> or even combined with other components (the stuff to the right)
L483[11:04:48] <Sangar> so less ram -> one more upgrade maybe?
L484[11:05:16] <Gopher> hmm.
L485[11:05:22] <Sangar> could be tweaked by upgrades possibly costing more than one 'slot'
L486[11:05:37] <Gopher> That's something I'd thought about at one point... are you old engouh to remember pcmcia cards?
L487[11:05:38] <Sangar> so a t2 upgrade would need two or so
L488[11:06:17] <Sangar> i remember them, but that was the stage where i kicked my computer to get it running again >_>
L489[11:06:20] <Gopher> actually, do laptops still have some form of those? they might, but I've not seen/heard about them in yeeears
L490[11:06:40] <Gopher> but I haven't had a laptop in years, either, lol
L491[11:06:50] <Sangar> yeah, its some mini-format though, i think.
L492[11:06:50] *** jesusthekiller is now known as jesustk_off
L493[11:07:08] <Gopher> anyway, yeah, the idea that you could say tier 1 cards take 1 slot, tier 2 take 2, tier 3 take 3, rather than having the individual slots necessarily be tiered
L494[11:07:19] <Gopher> or something like that
L495[11:07:52] <Gopher> wouldn't work terribly well with the current gui for normal card slots
L496[11:08:00] <Gopher> but could work for upgrade slots->bays
L497[11:08:13] <Sangar> yeah
L498[11:08:17] <Gopher> a tier 1 bay only costs 1 upgrade slot, tier 2 costs 2 upgrade slots
L499[11:09:19] <Sangar> with a small 'counter' next to the upgrades indicating the used vs total slots to make it clear, yeah
L500[11:10:34] <Sangar> still undecided whether the number of built-in components should influence the available upgrade slots.
L501[11:11:03] <Gopher> you could have even the internal slots, the right half of the gui, be based on upgrades
L502[11:11:05] <Sangar> those would basically be for free otherwise. which can be good or bad.
L503[11:11:20] <Sangar> how do you mean?
L504[11:11:52] <Gopher> even internal card slots could be added by upgrades, just cheaper upgrades (less materials, less slots) than bay versions of same
L505[11:12:31] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L506[11:12:31] <Gopher> ex, if bays are 1 upgrade for tier 1, 2 for 2, internal slots you might get 2 tier 1 from a single upgrade, or only 1 upgrade slot for a tier 2 internal
L507[11:12:39] <Sangar> hmm. so, say a t1 "drive adapter" would take two upgrade points, putting in the hdd directly one?
L508[11:12:43] <Gopher> I like the idea that you can do more if you give up the modularity
L509[11:13:05] <Sangar> ah, or like that.
L510[11:13:05] <Gopher> er, not modularity
L511[11:13:07] <Gopher> but versatility
L512[11:13:30] <Gopher> like, the more it can be customized in the field, the less total things it can have installed
L513[11:13:52] <Sangar> aye
L514[11:14:07] <Gopher> eh, I dunno. I can throw out ideas all day, but I'm not entirely clear in my head how any of this would actually play or balance out heh
L515[11:14:33] <Gopher> oh, one balance thing tho,
L516[11:14:44] <Sangar> i know that feeling :P i'll do a writeup sometime this or next week and post it on github.
L517[11:14:48] <Gopher> bay slots/drives should use more power than internal ones
L518[11:15:29] <Sangar> hrm. well they might just draw a small constant amount of power. when i suggested something like this for the adapter block it wasn't very popular tho :P
L519[11:15:38] <Sangar> i'll have to go for a bit, might be back in a few hours.
L520[11:15:39] <Gopher> that alone could make it worthwhile to focus on internals and make hard choices in turtles instead of opting for a multibot you can constantly be customizing
L521[11:16:03] <Sangar> yeah.
L522[11:16:04] <Gopher> okie, later man
L523[11:16:07] <Sangar> well, see you later :)
L524[11:16:20] <ping> aww
L525[11:16:24] <ping> bai
L526[11:25:26] <Kenny> l8r
L527[11:25:53] <Kenny> well, I have my LanteaCraft Stargate controller program done
L528[11:27:24] <Kenny> time to go run some cops off the road to relax hehe
L529[11:27:27] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
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L546[12:53:56] <Michiyo> Oh hey jive_
L547[12:54:03] <jive_> Hey there.
L548[12:54:09] <jive_> Missed what you said in LC
L549[12:54:25] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@madsciencemod.com)
L550[12:54:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L551[12:54:32] <Michiyo> Heh, was just gonna mention HDDs don't auto mount, but there is a autorun script on the wiki that shows you how to do it.
L552[12:54:54] <Michiyo> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/Tutorial-HardDrives
L553[12:55:00] <jive_> Oh, thanks for that tip. Haha. Would've taken me a while to sort that out.
L554[12:55:17] <Michiyo> lol
L555[12:55:28] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L556[12:55:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L557[12:55:50] <Michiyo> Just figured you'd want permanent storage for your test scripts :P
L558[12:56:18] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil (~Keith@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L559[12:56:54] <Michiyo> Also, once you get a hdd mounted cd into it's directory, and run wget https://raw.github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/master/CompViewer/CompViewer.lua PS. you can paste with shift + insert, by default which took me forever to figure out :P
L560[12:57:53] <Michiyo> Also.. if you wanna play with what may become the default DHD for OpenComputers wget https://raw.github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/master/LC_Control/stargate.lua
L561[12:58:55] <jive_> Oh, nice. Thanks Michiyo
L562[12:58:55] <Kenny|AFK> WobbO!
L563[12:59:04] <Wobbo> Hi Kenny
L564[12:59:10] <Kenny|AFK> D4D hey
L565[12:59:14] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L566[12:59:14] <Dean4Devil> hm?
L567[12:59:29] <Kenny> just saying het :P
L568[12:59:31] <Dean4Devil> hey
L569[12:59:33] <Kenny> hey*
L570[12:59:52] <Michiyo> COmpViewer will show you all the methods available on a component connected to the computer.
L571[12:59:52] <Dean4Devil> Thinking of a mod / expansion pack to OC :D
L572[12:59:56] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L573[13:00:00] <Kenny> Left Shft + INsert
L574[13:00:17] <Gopher> Dean, what kind of expansion?
L575[13:00:21] <Michiyo> I know like.. 4 people that use right shift for anything :P
L576[13:00:40] <Dean4Devil> Want the short version or the long version? :P
L577[13:00:42] <Kenny> i do for inventory
L578[13:00:42] <ping> i never use left shift
L579[13:00:53] <Gopher> start with short and we'll go from there XD
L580[13:01:02] <Dean4Devil> Additional CPUs
L581[13:01:22] <Dean4Devil> Thats the short version :P
L582[13:01:26] <Gopher> ookay, slightly longer, as that's a bit vague XD
L583[13:02:26] <Dean4Devil> CPUs (not additional Tier, but additional components)
L584[13:03:28] <Dean4Devil> like Image you have a CPU with a Crypto instruction set, as soon as you place it into a computer that computer can call crypt.aes() or whatever
L585[13:04:17] <Gopher> ah, cool
L586[13:04:30] <Dean4Devil> basically
L587[13:04:46] <ping> crypt.xor ftw.
L588[13:04:57] <Dean4Devil> but i have more things in my mind but dont tell them until im done with them :P
L589[13:04:59] <Wobbo> Dean4Devil: Wouldn’t it make more sense to make that external components instead of a CPU?
L590[13:05:09] <Wobbo> The idea is nice though
L591[13:05:35] <ping> .> tob64(crypt.xor("Wobbo :D \o/","pass"))
L592[13:05:35] <^v> ping, Jw4RER9BSTdQDlw=
L593[13:05:38] <ping> xor is most secure
L594[13:05:49] <Gopher> external components, or cards. It might take some doing to to do it as cpus, I doubt the api currently has any setup for that sort of thing, it's components that add libraries
L595[13:05:53] <Dean4Devil> Sangar, is it ok for you if i would licence my thingie with the GPL licence or do you would rather see the MIT?
L596[13:06:21] <Gopher> since all cpus do currently is tell how many components you can connect to at once
L597[13:06:22] <Wobbo> It would be nice if you could build CPU’s with different architectures, think Lsip machines :P
L598[13:06:30] * Wobbo is starting to like Lisp
L599[13:06:35] <ping> ohai Wobbo
L600[13:06:36] <Dean4Devil> Well, i thought about a crypto component, but well...
L601[13:06:42] <Wobbo> Hi ping
L602[13:06:58] <Gopher> yeah, different language packages would be neat, but they'd kindof tend to fragment the oc community, make it that much harder to effectively share programs and the like, y'know?
L603[13:07:15] <Dean4Devil> I still have this Laptop model i once wanted to make into a CC addon.... :P
L604[13:07:33] <Dean4Devil> No spoiler intended :P
L605[13:07:46] <Gopher> also creates challenges for components and core software, requrie a lot of rewriting the same code in each language
L606[13:07:47] <Wobbo> Gopher: true. There would have to be good interchangability in the languages. Kinda like LLVM I guess.
L607[13:08:12] <Gopher> yeah, if you were to somehow implement the one over the other, that'd reduce the problems
L608[13:08:28] <Gopher> tho it'd come with a performance penalty, I expect, done that way? meh, I dunno.
L609[13:08:45] <Wobbo> But the problem with that is that you are trying to get a low level language into Java :P
L610[13:09:01] <Dean4Devil> Why would you want that anyway :DD
L611[13:09:33] <Wobbo> Because of assembly prograaming in OC :P
L612[13:09:45] <Dean4Devil> i would totally do that :DD
L613[13:10:20] <Michiyo> Hey Kenny, I entered a address of "BAADAAMAA2222" And instead of it saying the address is invalid, it just says "Valid Address: Stargate Address"
L614[13:10:47] <Michiyo> Also, you might wanna limit the string to 9 characters, at least when you save?
L615[13:11:54] <Kenny> ok
L616[13:11:57] <Wobbo> That is why :P
L617[13:12:40] <Kenny> are the firs 9 charcters a valid address, Michiyo?
L618[13:12:42] <Michiyo> Looks really good though
L619[13:12:53] <ping> oh yeah Wobbo
L620[13:12:56] <Michiyo> Kenny, yeah, but the whole thing isn't :P
L621[13:13:01] <ping> the protocol is sockets not events
L622[13:13:19] <ping> http://puu.sh/7U9Gb.png
L623[13:13:21] <Kenny> i finding lua is funny that way with strings
L624[13:13:33] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L625[13:13:36] <Michiyo> Valid addresses, such as BAADAAM, and BAADAAMAA show Valid Address: True
L626[13:13:44] <Wobbo> ping: so that is on the server side?
L627[13:13:51] <Michiyo> But BAADAAMAA2222 is "Stargate Address" lol
L628[13:13:57] <ping> Wobbo, wat
L629[13:14:05] <Wobbo> I still don’t really get it :P
L630[13:14:06] <ping> its the TCP connection
L631[13:14:24] <Wobbo> it is the connection itself? Ah, that explains it
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L633[13:14:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L634[13:14:31] <Michiyo> and a valid length, address, with no gate is false, as expected.
L635[13:14:40] <ping> \o/ Gopher
L636[13:14:43] <Michiyo> comma go away, you are drunk.
L637[13:14:56] <Kenny> switching to your channel Michiyo
L638[13:16:26] ⇦ Quits: jive_ (webchat@c-69-249-28-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L639[13:22:44] <ping> <ThouBot> Biohazard: Ping? Thou droning foot-licker spongy coxcomb.
L640[13:22:47] <ping> ._.
L641[13:23:14] <Wobbo> The fuck is Thoubot?
L642[13:23:34] <ping> #ocbots
L643[13:23:44] <Wobbo> #ocbots
L644[13:24:11] <ping> i dont know but its MrRatermat's
L645[13:26:56] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L648[13:30:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L649[13:30:36] <Wobbo> That was a little bit to much leaving
L650[13:32:29] <ping> :P
L651[13:33:22] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF823EDF44558AB39B3E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Good night <3)
L652[13:38:09] <Wobbo> Lisp has a languae in Lisp just for loops O_o
L653[13:43:37] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
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L655[13:46:26] <quenti77> !mod
L656[13:46:27] <zsh> MC Forum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440-opencomputers-v125/
L657[13:46:27] <zsh> OC Forum: http://oc.cil.li
L658[13:46:27] <zsh> Latest version: 1.2.5 for MC1.6.4 and MC1.7.2
L659[13:46:27] <zsh> Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/
L660[13:46:43] <Wobbo> Sangar: would it be possible to run Moonscript in OpenComputers?
L661[13:48:09] ⇨ Joins: Katie (webchat@cpe-24-210-223-235.neo.res.rr.com)
L662[13:49:39] <ping> oh god
L663[13:49:45] <ping> Wobbo, ofc
L664[13:49:56] <ping> moonscript compiles into Lua
L665[13:50:00] * Wobbo has no experience with Moonscript
L666[13:50:11] <Wobbo> It might use C code to generate the Lua code
L667[13:50:20] <ping> nope
L668[13:50:25] <ping> though it was designed for lua 5.1
L669[13:50:40] <ping> so OOP might not work
L670[13:53:39] <Wobbo> Moonscript requires lpeg, alt-getopt and luafilesystem. So I don’t think it will work on OpenComputers without alteration
L671[13:54:21] <Wobbo> Because a part of lpeg is written in C
L672[13:57:28] <Katie> hey Sangar and Michiyo
L673[13:57:46] <Wobbo> ping: nvm, I found a Lisp that compiles into Lua code :P
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L684[14:54:10] <Kenny> Sangar: you back yet
L685[14:55:46] <Kenny> !mod
L686[14:59:42] ⇦ Quits: Death (webchat@wsip-24-249-110-67.ks.ks.cox.net) ()
L687[15:01:02] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L688[15:02:10] <Kenny> ~tell Sangar OC has gotten borked. You have 2 listings for the Whitelist. 1 with params and 1 without. This is borking the adapter and CompViewer reeading functions
L689[15:02:56] <Michiyo> The issue is not that there are 2 listings.
L690[15:03:07] <Michiyo> he removed the one with params, and added one without.
L691[15:03:21] <Michiyo> AFAIK the only mod USING that method as of now, is LC.
L692[15:03:39] <Kenny> and you have it using params?
L693[15:03:45] <Michiyo> yes.
L694[15:04:14] <Kenny> message deleted. you can make a new one
L695[15:04:18] <Michiyo> Which, is where the problem is.
L696[15:04:23] <Michiyo> I'm changing my code now.
L697[15:04:47] <Kenny> but whjo knows when Lochie will make another release
L698[15:05:00] <Michiyo> Erm, I can hit the build button.
L699[15:05:12] <Kenny> ok
L700[15:05:18] * Katie slips the codes for the Closable Iris from Stargate and SG-1 into the mods coding
L701[15:06:16] <Michiyo> Good luck with that. :D
L702[15:06:48] <Katie> you should actually add the Iris into the Mod
L703[15:06:54] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L704[15:06:58] <Michiyo> ... It's planned.
L705[15:07:21] *** Sorroko is now known as Sorroko_Off
L706[15:07:34] <Katie> ohh okai XD
L707[15:08:17] <Michiyo> We have the assets, as well as a isIrisClosed method, which always returns false ATM :P
L708[15:08:41] <ds84182> ping: That was supposed to be an hour Q_Q
L709[15:10:02] <Katie> kewl
L710[15:11:47] <Gopher> will there be any way to know if there's an iris, or will it be a leap of faith and bugs on a windshield, like in the show? heh
L711[15:11:49] <Michiyo> Kenny LC RC1-25 release.
L712[15:11:59] <Michiyo> Leap of faith :D
L713[15:12:12] <Gopher> any kind of malps, at least? XD
L714[15:12:14] <Michiyo> You'd better hope your remote Iris disable code works the first time, every time :D
L715[15:12:16] <Michiyo> Nope.
L716[15:12:21] <Gopher> heh
L717[15:12:48] <Katie> yea dont go into a Stargate with an Iris-closed Stargate on the end youll die instantly
L718[15:14:05] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/7ZZJJ.png yay fixt.
L719[15:14:28] <Wobbo> Looks nice!
L720[15:14:57] <Gopher> why was I thinking obsidian pressure plates were a vanilla thing? ... what mod /are/ they from? lol
L721[15:15:14] <Wobbo> Better than wolves as far as I know
L722[15:15:19] * Wobbo doesn’t know very far
L723[15:15:35] <Gopher> really? Very odd I would confuse something from btw to vanilla+forge
L724[15:15:57] <Michiyo> erm no, it's a forge mod
L725[15:15:58] <Michiyo> lol
L726[15:15:59] <Gopher> particularly something I've never gotten /nearly/ far enough in BTW to make. BTW just gets silly.
L727[15:16:07] <Michiyo> I just don't know which one..
L728[15:16:10] <Katie> Michiyo
L729[15:16:11] <Michiyo> but it's in my pack..
L730[15:16:22] <Michiyo> Michiyo ran away.
L731[15:16:46] <Gopher> O_o there's apparently a stand-alone mod for them, which I've almost certainly never played with before, that's all I'm seeing
L732[15:16:55] <Katie> what other things are planned for the mod
L733[15:16:59] <Michiyo> Lots.
L734[15:17:07] <Katie> like?
L735[15:17:12] <Michiyo> Stuff.
L736[15:17:25] <Katie> what stuff XD
L737[15:17:31] <Michiyo> Stargate Based stuff.
L738[15:18:00] <Kenny> obsidian pressure plates is it's own mod
L739[15:18:12] <Michiyo> There was a ToDo in the readme.md on github.. but that seems to have been removed.
L740[15:18:20] <Michiyo> Stuff. is all I've got right now.
L741[15:18:26] <Katie> okai then
L742[15:18:33] <Katie> is Ra's Ship Planned
L743[15:18:40] <Michiyo> Um, no?
L744[15:19:08] <Gopher> lol
L745[15:19:49] <Gopher> that would be quite the extra feature, hyperdrive ships and space travel XD
L746[15:19:54] <Gopher> ring platforms?
L747[15:20:10] <Michiyo> Gopher, we have them currently WIP
L748[15:20:14] <Gopher> nice
L749[15:20:15] <Michiyo> the ring platforms.
L750[15:20:17] <Michiyo> that is :P
L751[15:20:22] <ping> i have an average of 2 words per day of my entire life
L752[15:20:23] <Gopher> I figured
L753[15:20:26] <ping> on IRC
L754[15:20:28] <Kenny> http://addons.curse.cursecdn.com/files/717/778/obsidiplates-1.6.2-universal-
L755[15:20:34] <ping> not including the crapload of webchat
L756[15:20:48] <Kenny> that's the link for Obsidian pressure plates
L757[15:21:10] <Gopher> yeah, thanks
L758[15:21:45] <Katie> add Ra's Ship as a planned feature
L759[15:21:45] <Dean4Devil> ping: better question: How many lines of code have you written on average every day? :D
L760[15:22:14] <ping> i know its above 1
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L763[15:26:46] <Kenny> afk for a bit
L764[15:26:48] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L765[15:27:57] ⇨ Joins: Death (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net)
L766[15:28:10] <Dean4Devil> What is a good recipe for a peripheral that can encrypt/decrypt any given string with any given key?
L767[15:28:28] <Wobbo> Something ith books, rainbow table :P
L768[15:28:44] <ping> cryptographic accelerator?
L769[15:28:56] <Dean4Devil> not exactly, but kinda
L770[15:29:00] <ping> bouncy cactus
L771[15:29:05] <Dean4Devil> xD
L772[15:29:07] <Dean4Devil> YES!!!!
L773[15:29:17] <ping> is what i call immibi's crypto accelerators
L774[15:29:33] <ping> because bouncy castle = bouncy cactus = hell
L775[15:29:45] <Dean4Devil> I'll steal that
L776[15:29:50] <ping> :3
L777[15:30:38] <ping> .> tob64(crypt.xor("XOR is best encryption!11!!1one!1!","lol"))
L778[15:30:38] <^v> ping, NCA+TAYfTA0JHxtMCQEPHhYcGAYDAk5dXU5NXQACCU5dTQ==
L779[15:30:52] <Dean4Devil> And i have to have a easteregg for if ping may use my addon
L780[15:31:36] <Dean4Devil> if( player.username.equals("ping") { player.giveItem("Diamond", 1) } :3
L781[15:31:41] <ping> :D
L782[15:31:47] ⇦ Quits: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L783[15:32:06] <Wobbo> :P
L784[15:32:07] <Dean4Devil> XOR is easily breakable though
L785[15:32:13] <ping> ik
L786[15:32:41] <Dean4Devil> plaintext XOR cyphertext == key
L787[15:32:48] <ping> ofc
L788[15:33:02] <Dean4Devil> Twofish ftw!! :D
L789[15:33:06] <ping> D:
L790[15:33:15] <ping> Twocactus
L791[15:33:20] <ping> more hell
L792[15:33:25] <Dean4Devil> TwoSalmon
L793[15:33:41] <Dean4Devil> Blow(a)Cactus :DD
L794[15:35:05] <Wobbo> Anyway, I am going
L795[15:35:08] <Wobbo> Bye!
L796[15:35:12] <Dean4Devil> bye o/
L797[15:35:16] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Wobbo)
L798[15:35:17] <ping> aww
L799[15:35:19] <ping> .wobbo
L800[15:35:19] <^v> ping, WoobboWooobboWooobbooooWoooooooooobboooooWooobbooooooooWoobbooWoooobboooooooWooooobboooooooWoooooooooobbooooooooooWoooooooooobboWooobboooooWoooooooooobbooooooooo
L801[15:35:28] <Dean4Devil> 0.0
L802[15:36:57] *** Dean4Devil is now known as Dean4Code
L803[15:39:26] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: where did mai raifu go wrong)
L804[15:45:05] ⇦ Parts: Dean4Code (~Keith@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L805[15:45:09] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L807[15:45:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L808[15:45:43] ⇦ Quits: DeanOnAPhone (~Dean@p54963678.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Need at least some sleep)
L809[16:08:38] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L810[16:10:57] ⇦ Quits: quenti77 (webchat@128-79-75-157.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr) (Quit: Web client closed)
L811[16:11:06] <ds84182> ping: poke
L812[16:18:22] * Death baps ds84182
L813[16:18:38] * ds84182 baps Death
L814[16:25:28] ⇨ Joins: tgame14_ (~tgame14@bzq-79-176-12-65.red.bezeqint.net)
L815[16:25:51] <ping> my wat
L816[16:25:52] <ping> .lua tostring(-0)==(0)
L817[16:25:53] <^v> ping, false
L818[16:27:09] ⇦ Quits: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-79-176-12-65.red.bezeqint.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L819[16:27:49] ⇦ Parts: ping (~notPing@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (http://i.imgur.com/DrFFzea.png))
L820[16:28:15] ⇨ Joins: tgame14__ (~tgame14@bzq-79-176-12-65.red.bezeqint.net)
L821[16:28:19] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L822[16:29:09] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L823[16:29:57] ⇦ Quits: tgame14_ (~tgame14@bzq-79-176-12-65.red.bezeqint.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L824[16:30:05] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com)
L825[16:30:05] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L826[16:32:45] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54973E24.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L827[16:34:45] ⇦ Quits: NyanCat (~vifino@ip-5-146-144-100.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L828[16:35:10] ⇨ Joins: NyanCat (~vifino@ip-5-146-144-100.unitymediagroup.de)
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L830[17:04:47] <Sangar> i'm back
L831[17:06:35] <Gopher> :cheers:
L832[17:06:51] <ping> \o/
L833[17:06:59] <ping> /fireworks
L834[17:09:51] <Sangar> and (almost) everyone who pinged me is gone :/
L835[17:10:04] <Sangar> ah well
L836[17:10:10] <Gopher> lol
L837[17:10:17] * Death pings Sangar
L838[17:10:45] <Sangar> :P
L839[17:13:36] <Gopher> hrm. is there no way in lua to get the name of a robot?
L840[17:13:59] <Sangar> there is now. i think it's in 1.2.5?
L841[17:14:25] <Sangar> yeah. should be in 1.2.5
L842[17:14:29] <Sangar> robot.name()
L843[17:14:31] <Gopher> I'm running, not seeing it, tho
L844[17:14:38] <Gopher> actually, n/,
L845[17:14:40] <Gopher> n/m
L846[17:14:53] <Sangar> but that reminds me i have to add it to the wiki
L847[17:15:17] <Death> eh, I need to try the mod again. In what ways can a computer network be powered?
L848[17:15:34] <Sangar> the four big ones. bc, ic2, te and ue
L849[17:15:39] <Gopher> renaming requires an anvil/nametag, tho? no setName?
L850[17:15:58] <Sangar> Gopher, yes.
L851[17:16:12] <Sangar> no particular reason though :P
L852[17:16:13] <Gopher> I recommend TE. Not because it works better with OC or anything, but because it is just better.
L853[17:16:22] <Gopher> just verifying
L854[17:16:30] <Death> So, is there a config to remove power?
L855[17:16:34] <Gopher> yah
L856[17:16:40] <Death> because I want to just mess around with just the mod :P
L857[17:16:51] <Gopher> if there's no other mods to make pwoer it does powerless by default
L858[17:17:00] <Death> cool.
L859[17:18:18] <Gopher> I'm really tempted to rewrite the bios when I'm done with this, make it detect, install to, and run from a hd if available, otherwise just load the minimal apis and give you a lua prompt, heh
L860[17:18:46] <Gopher> probably with a few custom global functions to make working at a lua prompt a bit ... friendlier
L861[17:19:05] <Gopher> well, for trying to actually write programs, I mean
L862[17:19:24] ⇦ Quits: Death (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net) ()
L863[17:19:38] <Sangar> ah, thanks for reminding me. i forgot adding that to my todo list. i wanted to change it to work without `=` but not serialize in that case.
L864[17:20:19] <Sangar> as in: only spam when explicitly asked to :P
L865[17:20:23] <Gopher> I was thinking of something I whipped out based on someone's suggestion on the cc forum last year, assuming I can even find it. Pastebin probably kept it regardless.
L866[17:20:52] <Gopher> I forget how I did it exactly, but it was basically a lua prompt where you could toggle "recording" and then display back or save the list of commands you'd entered as a program
L867[17:21:08] <Sangar> interesting
L868[17:21:44] <Gopher> so, ex, you could say "record" then manually instruct a robot to harvest your wheat, then "save harvestWheat" and be able to run that recording later. Sortof macro-style programming, heh.
L869[17:22:33] <Kenny|AFK> Sangar: i've run into a funny situation
L870[17:23:06] <Kenny|AFK> using CompViewer and checking componets the stagates come back as 'stagate'
L871[17:23:27] <SpiritedDusty> typos :o
L872[17:23:35] <Kenny|AFK> yet when i load the controller for the stargate, 02_component spits out an error no primary name stargate
L873[17:23:59] <Kenny|AFK> i'm fucking tired :P
L874[17:24:00] <Sangar> huh
L875[17:24:23] <Sangar> 'load the controller'?
L876[17:25:01] <Kenny|AFK> i have sg=component.stargate in the stargate controller program and i get the error '03_Component no such primary stargate
L877[17:25:07] <Kenny|AFK> controller program
L878[17:25:30] <Kenny|AFK> program for controling stargates
L879[17:25:35] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L880[17:25:45] <Sangar> ah, ok. hm. lua interpreter does the same?
L881[17:25:54] ⇨ Joins: Death_ (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net)
L882[17:25:59] <Kenny> nope
L883[17:26:08] <Kenny> hold on let me make sure
L884[17:26:42] <Kenny> lua does the same
L885[17:27:04] <Sangar> k
L886[17:27:18] <Kenny> yet i can do a for k,v in component.list() do print(k,v) end and it shows in the list
L887[17:27:30] <Sangar> reboot doesn't fix it either?
L888[17:27:38] *** Death_ is now known as Death
L889[17:27:43] <Sangar> (yes, have you tried turning it off and on again :P)
L890[17:27:57] <Kenny> *&*^&*%^(*& computers
L891[17:28:12] <Kenny> that fixed it
L892[17:28:18] <Kenny> told you i was tired
L893[17:28:27] <Sangar> it's a feature >_>
L894[17:28:33] <Sangar> it emulates real computers' behavior
L895[17:28:45] <Sangar> (no it's not, i have no idea what caused that hiccup)
L896[17:29:39] <Kenny> your changing of the white list had me and Michi really lost for a bit earlier
L897[17:30:01] <Kenny> a guy wanted to work with OC and the Stargates.....
L898[17:30:01] <Sangar> saw that. i did tell her, though >_>
L899[17:30:16] <Kenny> every time he placed an adapter block near a gate the game crashed
L900[17:30:26] <Kenny> it's been fixed
L901[17:30:35] <Sangar> yeah
L902[17:31:03] <Kenny> she remembered after she lloked at the code hehe
L903[17:31:09] <Kenny> looked*
L904[17:39:39] <Kenny> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrcgvA5Qjfk
L905[17:39:39] -Kibibyte- [Kenny] Minecraft Fractals! Computing Mandelbrot with a command block computer | by lorgon111 | 20m15s | 6h39m ago | 71 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L906[17:39:46] <Kenny> check this out
L907[17:40:04] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, yesterday after you went to sleep, that sonic guy went to #lua on freenode and started asking the metatable question. they eventually started getting a bit mad :P
L908[17:40:26] <Sangar> Kenny, wow... some people... wow.
L909[17:40:36] <Sangar> SpiritedDusty, haha, really? did he get kicked? :>
L910[17:40:42] <ping> i made mandlebrot with CCLights
L911[17:40:49] <Kenny> yeah, some of the stuff they create
L912[17:40:59] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, I don't think he did :P
L913[17:42:24] <Sangar> aww
L914[17:42:53] <ping> nope
L915[17:43:07] <ping> he is using yalb to talk to me
L916[17:43:10] <Sangar> what was the general response though? am i really just being a dick not wanting to give him debug.getmetatable or does my point of view make sense after all? :P
L917[17:43:10] <ping> because he is ignored
L918[17:43:23] <ping> Sangar, the same as what we told him
L919[17:43:29] <Sangar> good
L920[17:43:43] <SpiritedDusty> they said "I don't understand what you're trying to achieve"
L921[17:43:54] <ping> its called local, use it.
L922[17:44:04] <ping> want access to a metatable? localize it \o/
L923[17:44:29] <Sangar> yeah. i didn't really get it either. he seemed to contradict himself even :/
L924[17:44:31] <Sangar> oh well
L925[17:46:33] <Kenny> i tried to save you from that hehe
L926[17:46:58] <Gopher> he had to see it first-hand to believe it, lol
L927[17:47:17] <Gopher> I commend him for wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt. The impulse was misapplied in this case, but it was still a good impulse :)
L928[17:47:29] <Kenny> he must have been born in Missouri hehe
L929[17:48:16] <Kenny> Sangar: over here Missouri is called the Show Me state :)
L930[17:48:48] ⇨ Joins: ShadoowKatStudios (~chatzilla@pal1115463.lnk.telstra.net)
L931[17:48:56] <Kenny> SKS!
L932[17:49:03] <ShadoowKatStudios> Morning o/
L933[17:49:08] <Kenny> evening
L934[17:49:14] <Sangar> heh, yeah, i'm just too trusting :P plus he actually seemed fairly reasonable in the pms...
L935[17:49:25] <Sangar> gnight! well. soon anyway :P
L936[17:49:25] *** ShadoowKatStudios is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L937[17:49:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Oooh, deception? :P
L938[17:49:46] <Kenny> 5 minutes into a convo with himj in #iChun he accused me of hating gays
L939[17:50:07] <Kenny> i had made no reference to anything like that at all
L940[17:50:49] <Sangar> :/
L941[17:50:52] <Kenny> he is about half a deck short of a full deck
L942[17:51:20] <SpiritedDusty> the internet! amazing stuff but filled with some whacky people :D
L943[17:51:38] <Sangar> and the whacky ones are ones that do most of the talking, yes yes
L944[17:51:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Some wacky people are cool :D
L945[17:52:03] <Kenny> i'll be the first to admit i'm a couple cards short of a full deck hehe
L946[17:52:56] <Sangar> talking about decks while i play hearthstone. very confusing.
L947[17:53:18] <SpiritedDusty> I'm terrible at hearthstone
L948[17:53:26] <Sangar> me too!
L949[17:53:36] <Kenny> you youngsters, so easy to confuse hehe
L950[17:55:19] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm terrible at card games.
L951[17:56:17] <ShadowKatStudios> I got beaten at monopoly by a bunch of drunk people.
L952[17:57:36] <ping> hmm
L953[17:57:38] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L954[17:57:47] <ping> why do invalid escapes error in 5.2
L955[17:57:55] <ping> in 5.1 they did nothing
L956[17:58:02] <Sangar> well, monopoly isn't really a valid point of reference :P
L957[17:58:24] <ping> inb4 SKS was also drunk
L958[17:58:28] <Sangar> :D
L959[17:58:34] <SpiritedDusty> I wish lua had assignment operators
L960[17:58:58] <ping> wat?
L961[17:59:19] <ping> =?
L962[17:59:29] <SpiritedDusty> x += 123
L963[17:59:33] <ping> oh
L964[17:59:44] <ShadowKatStudios> ping: I'd only had one Vodka Cruzer
L965[17:59:49] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com)
L966[17:59:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L967[17:59:59] <ShadowKatStudios> The people were full on drunk
L968[18:00:11] <ShadowKatStudios> These*
L969[18:02:15] <ping> only one, case?
L970[18:02:24] <ShadowKatStudios> One bottle
L971[18:02:41] <ping> s/bottle/six pack
L972[18:03:09] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@162.sub-70-193-132.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L973[18:03:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I was building an ALU in Survivalcraft, I think I wasn't drunk
L974[18:03:52] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@255.sub-174-251-80.myvzw.com)
L975[18:03:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L976[18:04:01] <Gopher> grumblegrumble. Back to the tether, should not get disco'd so frequently now.
L977[18:04:33] <Gopher> meanwhile, can't figure out wtf is going on with this program.
L978[18:05:02] <Gopher> I can manually broadcast the "digger pair" message at a lua prompt, and I get the response back from the server. The digger program isn't getting it, tho. >.<
L979[18:06:25] <Gopher> ..wat?
L980[18:06:28] <Gopher> the timer is not happening
L981[18:06:39] <Gopher> it most definitely was happening earlier
L982[18:06:49] <Gopher> oh, no, derp, fail in debug print
L983[18:09:11] <Kenny> hehe
L984[18:09:53] <Gopher> ...lol
L985[18:10:02] <Gopher> timer call was silently failing because the function crashed
L986[18:10:12] <Gopher> because my robot digger program
L987[18:10:20] <Gopher> doesn't have require("robot") anywhere XD
L988[18:10:39] <Gopher> (who needs it when you've got rovot? Well, except for robot.level, and robot.name, which rovot doesn't have...)
L989[18:14:12] <Gopher> there. Forward progress.
L990[18:14:57] <Gopher> Got the basic mining function down, got the main loop of the mining program down, got handshaking and basic reporting to server down; server has a map, accepts robot connections, can list the robots and their details.
L991[18:16:01] <Gopher> only things left: robot rebase function (return to base position, drop tool into the tool repair system if needed and grab a fresh one, recharge, unload loot into input for automated processing and storage system)
L992[18:16:20] <Gopher> robot requesting coordinates for it's next shaft from server, and server giving out said coordinates.
L993[18:16:48] <Gopher> and a few minor things, like drawing the location of robots on the map when the map is displayed
L994[18:17:09] <Gopher> this is the most over-complicated mining setup I've ever put together XD
L995[18:17:22] <Gopher> the sheer ratio of energy spent to rewards expected is staggeringly low
L996[18:17:32] <Sangar> it sounds really cool, make a video of it when it's done :D
L997[18:17:41] <Gopher> in the time I've spent on this, I could've just brute-force excavated a huge area
L998[18:18:01] <Kenny> and, hopefully put it on OpenPrograms hehe
L999[18:18:25] <Gopher> Lol. It would be pretty useless without all the machinery set up properly.
L1000[18:18:39] <Gopher> this is not a just drop-and-go script like excavate or the built-in one, dig?
L1001[18:18:49] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1002[18:19:23] <Kenny> wouldbe an example of how to do it
L1003[18:20:33] <ShadowKatStudios> Wow, RS logic is slow
L1004[18:20:58] <ShadowKatStudios> My 1-bit adder takes about 0.5s to complete
L1005[18:21:10] <ShadowKatStudios> 4-bits could be... interesting
L1006[18:21:37] <Gopher> the machine room http://geomys.com/pictures/mining_machine_room.jpg
L1007[18:22:31] <Katie> holy crap
L1008[18:23:01] <Gopher> from the back http://geomys.com/pictures/mining_machine_room2.jpg
L1009[18:23:12] <Sangar> sweet
L1010[18:24:08] <Kenny> he's just like me, OCD on looks :)
L1011[18:24:21] <Katie> i have OCD
L1012[18:24:38] <ShadowKatStudios> That's pretty awesome, nice screen setup
L1013[18:24:47] <Gopher> ty :)
L1014[18:25:15] <Gopher> the glass covers are more than just aesthetics
L1015[18:25:21] <Gopher> at some point I may add a turtle to make tools
L1016[18:25:35] <Gopher> and he'll need to mvoe around through the machine room withotu connecting to every itemduct he passes
L1017[18:25:43] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1018[18:26:06] <Gopher> for now that's the one manual part of teh system, I have to make iron picks to populate the chest from which replacement tools are issued
L1019[18:26:30] <Gopher> it does automatically repair damaged tools, tho. (cyclic assembler, merging damaged until fully repaired)
L1020[18:27:10] <Gopher> which is, honestly, a slightly ridiculous thing to do, since crafting tools back together has no real benefit over using them up, but it lets robots not have to make trips back just for tool replacement, tehy can drop the tool between shafts if it's getting too low
L1021[18:27:50] <Gopher> and I want to reiterate, all of this was legit survival, lol
L1022[18:27:59] <Gopher> with all the oc stuff using hardmode recipes
L1023[18:28:05] <ping> ^v now has pipe
L1024[18:30:13] <Sangar> Gopher, you certainly earned a medal :D
L1025[18:30:24] ⇦ Parts: NyanCat (~vifino@ip-5-146-144-100.unitymediagroup.de) (Read Error: Cat Overflow exception))
L1026[18:30:29] <ping> D:
L1027[18:30:45] <Kenny> Sangar: i lioke the way he interspers the description with turtle and robot interchangeably :)
L1028[18:31:06] <Sangar> ... i didn't even notice
L1029[18:31:16] <Kenny> and he certainly does. that mining room is totally awesome
L1030[18:31:28] <Gopher> once it's operational gonna have to make one last improvement, swap the wireless network card in the computer for a regular nc + access point, so I can upgrade the gpu and monitors to tier 2, and add some basic color and touch controls to the program.
L1031[18:31:33] <Gopher> lol
L1032[18:31:46] <Katie> hey Kenny
L1033[18:31:52] <Kenny> hey Katie
L1034[18:31:54] <Gopher> two years of working with turtles, very hard habit to break
L1035[18:31:58] <Katie> watch this Video
L1036[18:32:01] <Katie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0hZG-zNOk
L1037[18:32:01] -Kibibyte- [Katie] Michael Jackson - Beat It | by michaeljacksonvevo | 4m57s | 235w2d ago | 33,963,879 views | Rated: 4.88/5.00
L1038[18:32:03] <Sangar> indeed
L1039[18:32:18] <Katie> youll feel younger XP
L1040[18:32:42] <Kenny> i rmemebre when Thriller came out
L1041[18:33:09] <Gopher> me too. my sister was a huge fan of michael jackson at the time.
L1042[18:33:36] <Katie> yea
L1043[18:33:54] <Kenny> but if i really wanted tro feel young I'd listen to the J5
L1044[18:33:55] <Katie> Beat it and Smooth Criminal are my Favorite songs by him
L1045[18:34:14] <ShadowKatStudios> I almost have a 2-bit adder made of redstone :D
L1046[18:34:21] <Kenny> casue i remember when they came out
L1047[18:34:50] <Kenny> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrcgvA5Qjfk
L1048[18:34:51] -Kibibyte- [Kenny] Minecraft Fractals! Computing Mandelbrot with a command block computer | by lorgon111 | 20m15s | 7h34m ago | 179 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L1049[18:34:57] * Katie Pulls out a Stargate
L1050[18:35:04] <Kenny> check that out, SKS
L1051[18:35:44] <Kenny> I think he might stain his drawers with that one hehe
L1052[18:35:57] <Katie> wut?
L1053[18:36:15] <Katie> wut that mean XD
L1054[18:36:30] <ping> .pipe help gpu.setForeground|rainbow
L1055[18:36:30] <^v> ping, gpu.setForeground(color: number):number Like setBackground but for the foreground color.
L1056[18:36:33] <ping> \o/
L1057[18:36:44] <Kenny> polite way of saying 'shit his pants'
L1058[18:36:58] <Katie> ohh okai
L1059[18:37:02] <Katie> but what about?
L1060[18:38:38] <Kenny> the redstone layout. check the video out, Katie, you'll see what was done
L1061[18:38:47] <Gopher> hrm. I need to work out a nice way in general to either filter or merge key repeat events, lol
L1062[18:39:00] <Katie> okai
L1063[18:39:15] <Gopher> anything with significant drawing - including edit - and you get key repeat events faster than you can update, so they wind up backed up
L1064[18:39:28] <Gopher> really bad when it's backspace in edit XD
L1065[18:39:52] <Gopher> :hold backspace: :release: Stop! Stop deleting that! I wanted that part! :kicks computer:
L1066[18:40:20] <ping> Gopher, ikr
L1067[18:40:26] <ping> dem laggy servers
L1068[18:40:31] <Gopher> it's not the server
L1069[18:40:40] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1070[18:40:42] <Gopher> happens locally too. It's the throttling of the draw rate on oc monitors.
L1071[18:40:58] <Gopher> it takes longer to redraw the effects of each backspace than it takes to get the next one
L1072[18:40:59] <Sangar> i might actually want to limit that on the client...
L1073[18:41:01] <Gopher> so they queue up
L1074[18:41:14] <Gopher> eeh, you could, but there are cases you /want/ the repeat speed to be normal.
L1075[18:41:15] <Sangar> because iirc each repeated event is an extra network packet...
L1076[18:41:26] <Gopher> hrm. well, that's true, too.
L1077[18:41:42] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1078[18:41:50] <Gopher> they should be such teeny little packets, tho XD
L1079[18:42:03] <Gopher> no worse than walking around, I wouldn't think?
L1080[18:42:08] <Sangar> and right now it's os dependent i believe. so some common default repeat speed might make sense.
L1081[18:42:14] <Sangar> yeah, but still.
L1082[18:42:22] <Katie> soo wut you guys doing
L1083[18:42:59] <Kenny> talking code
L1084[18:43:18] <Katie> okai
L1085[18:45:13] <Sangar> dafuq. te energy cells are weird :/
L1086[18:45:34] <Gopher> no, they're pure joy
L1087[18:46:02] <Gopher> config the faces, blue is input, orange is output, yellow is inactive
L1088[18:46:42] <Sangar> if i have south = out, east and north = in: if i have a cable connected to south and east, they will do *nothing*, no change in the internal buffer. if i *additionally* connect the north face, they get charged, as expected (only other part in the power net is a creative cell)
L1089[18:47:07] <Sangar> if i *only* have north and south, same thing, not charging
L1090[18:47:08] <Sangar> weird
L1091[18:47:40] <Gopher> multiple connections on same conduit, you mean?
L1092[18:47:42] <Kenny> do you have power feeding in from both east and north
L1093[18:47:45] <Gopher> that's the conduits rather than the cells
L1094[18:47:45] <Sangar> yes
L1095[18:47:52] <Sangar> ah?
L1096[18:47:54] <Gopher> conduit flow limit is per connection
L1097[18:48:02] <Kenny> te conduits are semi smart
L1098[18:48:07] <Gopher> two connections means it can flow twice as fast, assuming supply is adequate
L1099[18:49:08] <Sangar> hm. that still doesn't make sense to me? it should only flow in anyway?
L1100[18:49:38] <Gopher> I'd have to see your wiring to know :P I have no idea what you mean by "West." The faces are relative to the cell's orientation
L1101[18:49:48] <Sangar> uploading screenshots right now
L1102[18:50:45] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/iSp9iZu.png not chargin, http://i.imgur.com/8Lxt8Mu.png charging
L1103[18:50:53] <Sangar> i'd expect the first to charge, too
L1104[18:51:12] <Kenny> you have one face output and one face input
L1105[18:51:16] <ShadowKatStudios> 2-bit adder complete :D
L1106[18:51:18] ⇦ Parts: Katie (webchat@cpe-24-210-223-235.neo.res.rr.com) ())
L1107[18:51:22] <ShadowKatStudios> Output bus display is done
L1108[18:51:23] <Gopher> the side on the right in there is output, the one on the left is input
L1109[18:51:31] <Sangar> kenny: yes, i want to use it as a buffer
L1110[18:51:38] <Kenny> orange is output, blue is input
L1111[18:51:43] ⇨ Joins: Katie (webchat@cpe-24-210-223-235.neo.res.rr.com)
L1112[18:52:06] <Kenny> you have it outputing to and inputing from the same conduit
L1113[18:52:24] <Sangar> basically: why does it work when there are two inputs one output, but not when there's one input one output?
L1114[18:52:31] <Sangar> but i have in the second image, too!
L1115[18:52:33] <Sangar> and there it's working
L1116[18:53:06] <Gopher> sangar, in the first it was outputing on one face
L1117[18:53:11] <Gopher> and so it was charging itself
L1118[18:53:22] <Kenny> in the second you have 2 inouts
L1119[18:53:24] <Sangar> Gopher, it's the same in the second, just a differnt angle
L1120[18:53:36] <Gopher> no, second has 2 inputs and one output
L1121[18:53:38] <Kenny> no, in the first you have 2 connections
L1122[18:53:42] <Sangar> yes
L1123[18:53:49] <Kenny> in the send 3
L1124[18:53:51] <Gopher> so one connection is drawing from the output face that's connected, maxing it's output
L1125[18:53:53] <Kenny> second*
L1126[18:53:56] <Gopher> the second connection goes to the creative block
L1127[18:54:34] <Sangar> oh god, so it's basically cycling its own energy back into itself?
L1128[18:54:38] <Sangar> damn
L1129[18:54:40] <Gopher> yes.
L1130[18:54:55] <Sangar> meh.
L1131[18:54:58] <Gopher> It is generally not a good idea to have one conduit connected to input and output on the same bklock.
L1132[18:55:07] <Gopher> dunno if it still does, but that used to gradually drain all power out of them
L1133[18:55:19] <Gopher> think that was a bug, tho, so don't know if it still does
L1134[18:55:44] <Kenny> i'm nolt sure either
L1135[18:55:55] <Sangar> yeah, i don't see any loss if it's just by itself. if any it's reeeeeeally slow :P
L1136[18:56:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Hah, my computer dies every time I try and calculate with this xD
L1137[18:56:07] <Gopher> once you get used to them, you'll find there's not really any good reason to have input and output from one conduit on the same block.
L1138[18:56:13] <ShadowKatStudios> It's only 2-bit
L1139[18:56:42] <Gopher> really, there's no good reason for that in ic2 power, either, at least, not that I know of.
L1140[18:56:44] <ping> 2 bit adder
L1141[18:56:46] <Sangar> well, unless i have consumers and producers in the same messy net and just wanted to plug it in to serve as a buffer :P
L1142[18:56:46] <ping> rly
L1143[18:56:52] <ping> thats called a 1 bit full adder
L1144[18:57:03] <Gopher> Sangar, just inline it
L1145[18:57:06] <ping> unless you mean two 1 bit full adder
L1146[18:57:12] <Gopher> generators -> cell or bank of cells -> consumers
L1147[18:57:22] <Sangar> yeah. that's why i said messy :>
L1148[18:57:24] <Gopher> no reason for generators to directly connect to the consumers
L1149[18:57:27] <Sangar> it'll take some restructuring.
L1150[18:57:30] <Sangar> ah well.
L1151[18:57:32] <Kenny> Sangar just sticking it in the line between the source and the consumer works as a buffer
L1152[18:57:55] <Gopher> usually in my starter bases, my generator room is in the basement, machine room upstairs
L1153[18:58:02] <Gopher> and the power cell is in the floor, heh
L1154[18:58:22] <Gopher> so I can easily check it from both floors
L1155[18:58:38] <Kenny> in my case the power system is about 30 blocks away hehe
L1156[18:58:38] <Sangar> hehe, my machines are all over the place, so i'll need to do some... untangling. not a bad idea anyway, tho, so yeah.
L1157[18:58:43] <Gopher> oh, thing to know about te power generation, if you don't already:
L1158[18:58:54] <Gopher> all dynamos are tier 1, really.
L1159[18:58:55] <Kenny> and i use a tesseract for energy transfer
L1160[18:59:02] <Gopher> Some use alloys that are slightly harder to get, but only very slightly
L1161[18:59:23] <Gopher> and they all output at the same rate. There's no reason not to jump to compression dynamos very early
L1162[18:59:44] <Kenny> 80RF a tick, isn't it?
L1163[18:59:48] <Sangar> i read about them being the same output wise, yeah
L1164[19:00:15] <Gopher> 1 coal in steam dynamo -> 30k fuel. One in a compression dynamo, including the energy cost of pulverizing and, er, magma crucible-ing, the coal, net is 89k
L1165[19:00:28] <Gopher> it outputs same rate, just lasts a lot longer
L1166[19:00:37] <Gopher> but nearly triple the power per fuel input
L1167[19:02:26] <Sangar> hmhmhm. does it take any kind of liquid fuel or just the liquid coal thing?
L1168[19:03:32] <Gopher> any liquid fuel
L1169[19:03:39] <Sangar> nice
L1170[19:04:18] <Gopher> you get 1mil/bucket out of liquifacted coal, I think 2mil from bc fuel?
L1171[19:04:34] <Gopher> maybe 1.5mil
L1172[19:04:36] <Gopher> I can't remember exactly
L1173[19:04:42] <Sangar> just wondering because it looks like the coal needs 'real' coal?
L1174[19:05:02] <Gopher> yeah, that is the downside, I use them heavily because I don't have any mods that need coal otherwise, heh
L1175[19:05:47] <Gopher> but at 6.4 million RF per stack of coal, you can afford it early on until you set up infrastructure for other fuels, I'd think?
L1176[19:05:50] <Gopher> not like coal is scarce
L1177[19:06:10] <Sangar> hmm, i guess.
L1178[19:06:32] <ShadowKatStudios> ping: it's now a 3-bit full adder
L1179[19:06:41] <Gopher> if you've got automated charcoal production, you can just use steam dynamos, of course
L1180[19:06:43] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm working on a 4-bit full adder
L1181[19:10:01] <Sangar> mfr right now... because its so easy and i'm lazy >_>
L1182[19:10:48] <Sangar> out of principle i'll have to change everything to robots later on :P
L1183[19:10:57] <Gopher> heh
L1184[19:12:05] <ping> ShadowKatStudios, i couldnt find the picture of my smallest adder ever but i did find my 64 bit ram module http://imgur.com/UlCwuJI
L1185[19:12:16] <Gopher> reactant dynamos are odd. 200rf/bucket on creosote, 504k on mob essence, 600k on destabilized redstone, 752k on glowstone - not bad, but other those last two in particular, I'm not sure I'd want to be burning as fuel O_o
L1186[19:12:32] <Gopher> also burns sewage and sludge at 16k/bucket, lol
L1187[19:12:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm using all proper RS gates
L1188[19:12:53] <ShadowKatStudios> Though nice RAM
L1189[19:13:24] <Sangar> oh, sludge can be used for fuel? that's nice.
L1190[19:13:43] <Gopher> yeah. 16k/bucket aint much, and it requires a solid fuel to go with it, which is a similarly bizarre list
L1191[19:14:10] <Sangar> well... i'm just pumping it into a sludge boiler right now, so...
L1192[19:14:10] <Gopher> sugar (+16k each), gunpowder (+160k), blaze powder (640k) or nether stars (6.4mil)
L1193[19:14:28] <Sangar> haha, let's burn nether stars!
L1194[19:14:31] <Gopher> sugar is the easiest to automate if yer just looking to make lemons out of raw waste XD
L1195[19:14:37] <Gopher> but yeah, nether freaking stars, lol
L1196[19:14:50] <Gopher> if you've got chests of those lying around, why not burn them for fuel?
L1197[19:15:30] <Sangar> heh
L1198[19:16:57] <Gopher> you can automate blaze rod production pretty easily if you head to a blaze spawner with some nets, heh
L1199[19:17:21] <Gopher> they're one of the easiest mobs to auto-farm, actually, since they die in water.
L1200[19:18:02] <Gopher> if you're using those mods, anyway
L1201[19:18:54] <Kenny> use the portal gun hehe
L1202[19:20:00] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE9650.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1203[19:20:30] <Sangar> blaze auto-farming annoyed the hell out of me because i couldn't find a way to make them spawn without a player nearby back then. and they make so. much. noise!
L1204[19:21:23] <Gopher> lol. yeah, I was talking about with ... isn't it mfr that adds safari nets and machine spawners?
L1205[19:21:27] <Gopher> they don't require a player around.
L1206[19:21:27] <Kenny> go to the video particles setting and lower it, that will reduce the noise of mobs
L1207[19:21:53] <Kenny> i believe so, Gopher
L1208[19:22:27] <Sangar> safari nets and the mob essence stuff yeah. i think rotarycraft also has something that allows controlling spawners in some way?
L1209[19:22:46] <Gopher> no idea, rotarycraft I've not even messed with at all
L1210[19:23:30] <Gopher> also soul shards, but I don't remember if soul shards work on blaze? normally they don't work on mobs that came from spawners, but since blazes only come from spawners dunno if they made na exception...
L1211[19:23:31] <Sangar> i have a chest full of it's materials now... i'll have to experiment with it soonish, just out of curiosity :P
L1212[19:24:51] <Kenny> portal gun will let you grab and transport a spawner
L1213[19:24:58] <Sangar> hmm, can't remember. tbh at some point the group i'm playing with learned about the portal gun block move feature, and at that point... yeah. crazy things happened.
L1214[19:24:59] <Kenny> so will the gravity gun
L1215[19:25:28] <Kenny> it won't let you grab a player though
L1216[19:25:54] <Sangar> but you can portal the moon! :>
L1217[19:26:19] <Kenny> that will destroy the area around you in a 7 block radius
L1218[19:26:38] <Kenny> i used to use it to make tunnels
L1219[19:27:39] <Kenny> a portal to the moon is like a black hole hehe
L1220[19:27:49] <Kenny> it sucks everthing in
L1221[19:28:16] <Sangar> i would so love to see some interplay with galacticraft there... make it actually send you to the moon dimension :D
L1222[19:28:39] <Kenny> stargates
L1223[19:28:56] * Katie Pulls out a Stargate
L1224[19:29:02] <Katie> like THIS one
L1225[19:29:09] <Kenny> you can set one up on the moon or mars and use it to get back and forth
L1226[19:29:38] <Kenny> just need a spaceship to get therfe the first time
L1227[19:30:00] <Kenny> stargates will work in any dimension
L1228[19:30:12] <Katie> even in Pocket Dimensions
L1229[19:31:20] <Sangar> well yes. but the portal gun supposedly opens a portal on the moon, so it'd be a nice touch if that were to work with galacticraft is all i'm saying ;)
L1230[19:31:34] <Kenny> true :)
L1231[19:32:14] <Kenny> it should, you can use portals in mystcraft worlds
L1232[19:32:43] <Kenny> you would need to use a ship to get to the moon first though
L1233[19:32:57] <Kenny> but i see what you mean
L1234[19:33:18] <Kenny> shoot a portal into the sky at what should be the moon and actually teleport there
L1235[19:33:27] <Sangar> aye :)
L1236[19:33:36] <Sangar> well, it'd unrealistic anyway, since it works on all kinds of surfaces :P
L1237[19:33:42] <Sangar> "unrealistic"
L1238[19:34:11] <Kenny> true
L1239[19:34:11] <Sangar> as in portal 'lore' it only works on moon stone.
L1240[19:34:17] <Kenny> but fun hehe
L1241[19:34:45] <Sangar> and incredibly useful. to the point where it makes things too easy, so i'm not playing with it anymore ^^
L1242[19:35:24] <Kenny> have you used the stargates?
L1243[19:35:42] <Sangar> played around with them a bit in creative mode, yes
L1244[19:36:08] <Kenny> i have a program on OpenPrograms now that will let you control a gate
L1245[19:36:18] <Katie> Sangar so have i
L1246[19:36:22] <Kenny> you add in a gate address and it saves it to file
L1247[19:36:47] <Kenny> reads the file in and you select a destination and click connect to open the gate
L1248[19:36:57] ⇨ Joins: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-108-20-163-248.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1249[19:36:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vaht
L1250[19:36:59] <Sangar> oh neat. i'm currently running through mystcraft ages. only finding useless stuff :P
L1251[19:37:02] <Kenny> also the gate address is set up so yuo can give it a name
L1252[19:37:03] ⇨ Joins: ANXHaruhi|HexChat (~ANXHaruhi@239.Red-83-36-146.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)
L1253[19:37:28] <Sangar> like. the complete world is a huge barley biome, stuff like that -.-
L1254[19:37:35] <Kenny> this is for use with LanteaCraft
L1255[19:37:57] <Sangar> aye
L1256[19:38:11] <Kenny> it also has the auto update feature
L1257[19:38:23] <Sangar> cool.
L1258[19:38:24] ⇨ Joins: Bevo (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com)
L1259[19:38:33] <Sangar> aaand it's getting terribly late again.
L1260[19:38:39] <Kenny> so any time i add something or fix a bug you are aware of it
L1261[19:38:50] <Kenny> yea 4am
L1262[19:38:55] <Sangar> aye :P
L1263[19:39:03] <Sangar> my bed is calling me. very persistently.
L1264[19:39:03] <Kenny> see you tomorrow
L1265[19:39:07] <ShadowKatStudios> This calculator is damn slow but it works :D
L1266[19:39:07] <Kenny> nite
L1267[19:39:10] <Sangar> good night, see you tomorrow :)
L1268[19:39:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Night
L1269[19:39:20] ⇦ Quits: Bevo (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L1270[19:39:34] <ping> night
L1271[19:39:37] ⇨ Joins: Bevo (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com)
L1272[19:39:38] <ShadowKatStudios> If I want this computer to be practical, I'll have to use a pipeline
L1273[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: ANXHaruhi (~ANXHaruhi@239.Red-83-36-146.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (*.net *.split)
L1274[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com) (*.net *.split)
L1275[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (*.net *.split)
L1276[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@2a02:c200:0:10:2:1:7546:1) (*.net *.split)
L1277[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-108-20-163-248.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (*.net *.split)
L1278[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (*.net *.split)
L1279[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: alekso56_off (~alekso56@c0A9E3E56.dhcp.as2116.net) (*.net *.split)
L1280[19:40:07] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (~Kilobyte@ (*.net *.split)
L1281[19:40:41] <ping> D:
L1282[19:40:51] <Kenny> don't you just love those net splits
L1283[19:40:53] <ping> portlane
L1284[19:40:54] <ping> why
L1285[19:41:01] <ping> i miss you gamax
L1286[19:41:29] <Kenny> when i connect to espernet direct i always use chaos
L1287[19:41:42] <ShadowKatStudios> 4-bit full adder: http://i.imgur.com/MEvn1Z8.png
L1288[19:42:02] <ShadowKatStudios> I like chaos.esper.net Mostly cause of the name but eh.
L1289[19:42:40] <Gopher> uhm. Do navigation upgrades work? D:
L1290[19:42:58] <ping> :D
L1291[19:43:00] <Gopher> supposed to give position relative to center of map used to craft it
L1292[19:43:04] <ping> i just joined the other side of the split
L1293[19:43:05] <ping> http://puu.sh/80gQ5.png
L1294[19:43:15] <Gopher> but it seems to be telling me 0,y,0 for whever the robot is turned on
L1295[19:44:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Next I need to add an adder/subtractor to the front of it
L1296[19:44:24] <ShadowKatStudios> Then give it a proper interface
L1297[19:44:30] <Gopher> this is very distressing. I'm distressed right now. Distress!
L1298[19:44:34] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@2a00:d880:3:1::5abe:59a)
L1299[19:44:34] ⇨ Joins: 0PLABBNDH (~ping@2601:4:4500:887:a491:df6a:115a:62dc)
L1300[19:44:34] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@2a02:c200:0:10:2:1:7546:1)
L1301[19:44:35] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L1302[19:44:51] ⇦ Quits: Katie (webchat@cpe-24-210-223-235.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1303[19:44:54] <0PLABBNDH> this.
L1304[19:45:09] <0PLABBNDH> this is what happens when you netjoin with two of the same nicks
L1305[19:45:16] <0PLABBNDH> (i am ping)
L1306[19:45:23] ⇦ Quits: 0PLABBNDH (~ping@2601:4:4500:887:a491:df6a:115a:62dc) (Client Quit)
L1307[19:45:28] <Gopher> I deduced as much.
L1308[19:45:37] <Gopher> one of you used to get booted off the network.
L1309[19:46:15] <Gopher> in the days before nickservs and chanservs, splits were opportunities to steal nicks and channels.
L1310[19:46:18] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (~Kilobyte@
L1311[19:46:43] <Gopher> 'cause you'd get opped if you were the only one in a channel on one side of a split.
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L1313[19:47:02] <ping> yep
L1314[19:47:08] <ping> :O alexo
L1315[19:47:13] <Gopher> nicks and channels both were pretty much ruled by squatters rights. Whoever got their first, owned it.
L1316[19:47:38] <Gopher> however, I am still distressed. navigation upgrade is not performing as advertized.
L1317[19:47:41] <ShadowKatStudios> That sounds like fun :D
L1318[19:47:47] <ping> .help gps
L1319[19:47:48] <^v> ping, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-navigation
L1320[19:48:14] <Gopher> yeeah. Every time I just removce and reinsert the upgrade, it resets 0,0 to whever it is now.
L1321[19:48:32] <ShadowKatStudios> If I managed to put IRC over SKS-Net if a node went down in the route between the nodes, you'd get a netsplit
L1322[19:49:05] <Gopher> sooo it'll work if I place the turtle at actual 0,0 to start, and just never break it or remove it's upgrade. soft reboots don't affect it.
L1323[19:49:59] <ShadowKatStudios> I wonder if I could connect my 4-bit computer to an OC computer and using it as a bridge to a bigger network...
L1324[19:50:25] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@2a02:c200:0:10:2:1:7546:1) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1325[19:50:27] <ShadowKatStudios> I could probably use an OC computer as memory
L1326[19:51:10] <Gopher> then you're just cheating, lol
L1327[19:51:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Yeah... Like building a relay computer with RAM ICs
L1328[19:51:46] <ShadowKatStudios> This is gonna run at like 0.01 Hz
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L1334[19:55:06] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
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L1338[19:58:46] <ping> \o
L1339[20:10:26] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@madsciencemod.com)
L1340[20:10:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L1341[20:11:40] <ping> :F Maxwolf
L1342[20:11:56] <Maxwolf> Yo!
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L1347[20:13:57] <ping> moar netsplits
L1348[20:13:59] <ping> moar!
L1349[20:15:30] <Maxwolf> Yeah really intense ones tonight
L1350[20:24:40] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@pal1115463.lnk.telstra.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1351[20:33:48] <Kenny> hey Maxwolf
L1352[20:35:29] <Maxwolf> Heya Kenny!
L1353[20:37:19] <Kenny> whatcha doing?
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L1355[20:48:56] <Kenny> mallrat!
L1356[21:08:41] <mallrat208> oh no
L1357[21:11:06] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1358[21:11:50] <Kenny> what you mean, mallrat?
L1359[21:12:14] * Kenny imitating Arnold from DifferentStrokes
L1360[21:14:00] <Maxwolf> Kenny sorry for extreme lag there, was working on videos today for the site to explain all the new stuff in Mad Science.
L1361[21:14:36] <Kenny> no biggie, i'm working with a dev explaining an issue we had with OC and his mod
L1362[21:14:50] <Maxwolf> Ah okies cool, all going good?
L1363[21:15:10] <Kenny> do you have support for OC with Mad Science?
L1364[21:15:38] <Maxwolf> There are no conflicts of any kind we use different ID ranges but I don't hook your API.
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L1366[21:15:55] <Maxwolf> I have given it some thought though~ just need to think more about what I want to let people do and or show them
L1367[21:15:58] <Kenny> ok, the apiu was the part i wondered about
L1368[21:16:24] <Kenny> there is now a WhiteList method in the api that will allow you to limit what is exposed
L1369[21:17:12] <Kenny> without the WhiteList all IInventory methods are exposed to the computer
L1370[21:17:30] *** marcan929 is now known as gamax92
L1371[21:17:36] <Maxwolf> Oh nice man! I need to make a look at it. I would definetly like to allow people to monitor and control things like computer mainframe or cryotube from computer. Those machines need items to function and could send signals and show info about state of machine so someone could code a system to fill them machines again.
L1372[21:18:01] <Maxwolf> I know that is what I would want to do~
L1373[21:18:18] <Kenny> you're talkling to the guy who has been coding control prgrams for mods hehe
L1374[21:19:12] <Maxwolf> Hell yeah! We will have to work together soon I will go all out and fully support it
L1375[21:19:20] <Maxwolf> Sounds like fun :)
L1376[21:19:57] <Kenny> that reminds me, what is the current version of Mad Science?
L1377[21:20:20] <Maxwolf> I just bumped it an hour ago or so, 1.00.141 for MC 1.6.4
L1378[21:20:36] <Maxwolf> Found a silly bug while I was making all my videos today and fixed it
L1379[21:21:20] <Kenny> let me grab it and check something
L1380[21:21:53] <Maxwolf> Okies! Here is non-adfly link: http://madsciencemod.com:8080/job/Mad%20Science/141/
L1381[21:22:12] <ping> \o/
L1382[21:22:33] <Kenny> dang 1500 downloads for 141 already hehe
L1383[21:22:38] <Maxwolf> Aye :D
L1384[21:22:42] <Maxwolf> I was like wtf
L1385[21:22:45] <Maxwolf> It's monday...
L1386[21:22:57] <Maxwolf> Had not even been approved on curse yet
L1387[21:23:05] <Maxwolf> I think it's because of the update-checker in there
L1388[21:23:13] <Kenny> someone has your jenkins link hehe
L1389[21:23:13] <Maxwolf> It tells you "I am X number of versions behind"
L1390[21:23:39] <Maxwolf> I know that Skydaz has it for his auto-installer so it always pulls latest recommend
L1391[21:24:51] <Maxwolf> I think people from attack of b-team are looking at it too I got lots of referals from their board.
L1392[21:25:05] <Kenny> i need to start making a bookmark list of all the jenkins links i have hehe
L1393[21:25:41] <Kenny> i got a crash
L1394[21:25:44] <Kenny> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate GMO spawn egg with id 54(gmoWoolyCow)
L1395[21:25:55] <Maxwolf> Delete old config
L1396[21:26:18] <Kenny> now to find the config hehe
L1397[21:26:32] <Maxwolf> It lives with all the all *.cfg files
L1398[21:26:38] <Maxwolf> up one directory from mods folder
L1399[21:26:40] <Maxwolf> "config"
L1400[21:27:00] <Kenny> it wasn't that, it got moved down the list out of alphabetical order
L1401[21:27:09] <Maxwolf> Oh weird o.O
L1402[21:27:13] <Maxwolf> Should be madscience.cfg
L1403[21:27:18] <Kenny> it was
L1404[21:27:35] <Maxwolf> Once the mod regenerates it should be all good
L1405[21:27:47] <Kenny> for some reason windows doesn't want to sort files as soon as they appear in a folder
L1406[21:28:08] <Kenny> except for id conflicts lol
L1407[21:28:49] <Maxwolf> Not with OC I hope!
L1408[21:29:09] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54973E24.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1409[21:29:12] <Kenny> no. a mod i forked and updated for a friend
L1410[21:29:21] <Kenny> Redstone Jukebox
L1411[21:29:29] <Maxwolf> I got a nice auto-generated list of compatability I generate from NEI and MCF. http://madsciencemod.com/compatible/
L1412[21:29:38] <Maxwolf> Runs my mod and their mod and checks for conflicts and scores
L1413[21:29:55] <Maxwolf> Less points for having core mods since that causes more petential for mismatch
L1414[21:31:18] <Maxwolf> http://madsciencemod.com/opencomputers/
L1415[21:31:25] <Maxwolf> Of course OC scores perfect
L1416[21:31:39] <Kenny> :)
L1417[21:31:49] <Maxwolf> :>
L1418[21:33:29] <Kenny> i have a system where i assign a cetain block of ids to a mod and leave some open in case something is added later
L1419[21:34:20] <Kenny> i keep a spreadsheet of it so i don't cross up when i have to change ids with a mod
L1420[21:35:54] <Kenny> in this case it was 2 ids that conflicted and tghey were right in the middle of your ids, so i switched your ids to the 600 range and assigned it a block of 40 ids for future expansion
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L1422[21:38:22] <Kenny> i might actually be able to access some of the features of your machines now
L1423[21:38:28] <Maxwolf> Kenny, I use an automatic ID resolver that pics a new ID if one is already taken.
L1424[21:38:44] <Maxwolf> Same one that Calclavia uses
L1425[21:39:17] <Kenny> i used to use something like that. but this system i developed back when i was maintaining the AMCO mod pack
L1426[21:40:14] <Maxwolf> It honestly causes more problems than it solves, it will be going away though in 1.7+ versions because we just use names now.
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L1428[21:41:14] <Kenny> http://imgur.com/kAom9fT
L1429[21:41:32] <Kenny> that list on the right is what i have access to for the announcement system
L1430[21:42:01] <Kenny> address and type are specific to OC
L1431[21:42:34] <Maxwolf> Kenny wow ok so any public method I have you can see it
L1432[21:42:42] <Kenny> yep
L1433[21:42:51] <Maxwolf> I could very easily make methods for you to use
L1434[21:42:57] <Maxwolf> "sayPhrase"
L1435[21:43:05] <Kenny> that is using the adapater block and the OpenComponents mod
L1436[21:43:07] <Maxwolf> They are actually there just private~
L1437[21:43:45] <Maxwolf> Alrighty I wrote a note down, I will implement OC api and make those methods public.
L1438[21:43:52] <Kenny> if you were to include support then we could do away with the adapter block and OpenComponents
L1439[21:44:58] <Kenny> do you have support for ComputerCraft?
L1440[21:45:12] <Maxwolf> Nope! I have not actually implemented any API's yet for any other mods
L1441[21:45:24] <Maxwolf> I have gotten requests to both make an API and hook other mods
L1442[21:45:58] <Maxwolf> The only API that I use is Universal Electricity so I take that one part back about "any other"
L1443[21:47:11] <Maxwolf> I need to do it and I will start with OC, by the way that is really nice text menu you made there in that pic
L1444[21:47:34] <Kenny> that was a program i wrote
L1445[21:48:08] <Kenny> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs
L1446[21:48:38] <Kenny> I have one called CompViewer for OC which is what you saw in the picture
L1447[21:49:04] <Kenny> the other is for controlling a LanteaCraft Stargate with an OC computer
L1448[21:49:40] <Maxwolf> That Gopher one caught my eye too nice one man
L1449[21:49:41] <Kenny> the CompViewer will show you what components are connected to the comnputer
L1450[21:50:01] <Kenny> it is his gui that I use
L1451[21:50:56] <Kenny> both programs have an auto update feature so that if there is a bug fix or something new is added in you get notified and asked whether you want to dowmload it
L1452[21:51:18] <Kenny> that is if you have an internet card in the OC colmputer
L1453[21:51:37] <Maxwolf> That is for the program itself? :D
L1454[21:51:50] <Kenny> program an all files associated with it
L1455[21:51:55] <Kenny> an=and
L1456[21:52:27] <Kenny> in trhe case of CompViewer, there is a text file that gives info on the available functions
L1457[21:52:54] <Kenny> i update that text file as i learn about the features
L1458[21:53:35] <Kenny> it always gets download when you run the program
L1459[21:53:52] <Kenny> so that you have the most current info available
L1460[21:55:08] <Maxwolf> Very nice, reminds me of a real package manager you find in any linux distro but for an MC computer
L1461[21:55:19] <Maxwolf> That is comforting to know that there are features like that
L1462[21:55:32] <Maxwolf> Upgrading and moving forward is easier then
L1463[21:55:40] <Kenny> yep
L1464[21:56:13] <Kenny> I, Sangar, and Michiyo were invloved in BigReactors adding in OC support
L1465[21:56:26] <Kenny> that release with it should be out soon
L1466[21:57:28] <Kenny> I forked it, then I, Sangar and Michi added in the support and made a pull request. it was accepted and the code merged
L1467[21:58:08] <Kenny> he's due to release a new version any time now which will have the support in it
L1468[21:58:56] *** Cyborg is now known as Biohazard
L1469[22:01:28] <Kenny> one thing you will need to do :)
L1470[22:01:51] <Kenny> give the machines specific names hehe
L1471[22:02:48] <Kenny> i've tested the DNA Extractor, Announcement System, and the Syringe Sanitizer and the all come upo as furnace :)
L1472[22:03:27] <Maxwolf> They do?
L1473[22:03:31] <Maxwolf> The even support localizations
L1474[22:03:41] <Maxwolf> They all have proper unlocalized names
L1475[22:04:36] <Maxwolf> DNA Extractor is for example tile.dnaExtractor
L1476[22:04:57] <Kenny> i've tested 7 machines including the mainfram and the all come up furnace
L1477[22:05:02] <Maxwolf> Yeah but why?
L1478[22:05:05] <Maxwolf> What are you querying?
L1479[22:05:20] <Kenny> not absolutely certain without seeing code
L1480[22:05:28] <Maxwolf> I can share my code with you
L1481[22:05:37] <Maxwolf> Do you have a bitbucket account?
L1482[22:05:54] <Kenny> i'm not sure exactly what the adapter block checks against
L1483[22:06:03] <Kenny> no i don't but that isn't a problem
L1484[22:06:16] <Maxwolf> Ok, if you get one can give you read access no problem
L1485[22:06:26] <Maxwolf> As for the adapter block I dunno what it's checking in my block
L1486[22:06:33] <Maxwolf> Or rather my tile entities
L1487[22:08:15] <Kenny> i just got one hehe
L1488[22:08:20] <Kenny> BigRenegade
L1489[22:08:31] <Maxwolf> I don't think that is one of mine
L1490[22:08:37] <Maxwolf> Don't have anything named that
L1491[22:08:46] <Kenny> my account name
L1492[22:09:36] <Kenny> is BigRenegade
L1493[22:10:10] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1494[22:10:42] <Maxwolf> Oh my bad :)
L1495[22:11:45] <Maxwolf> Added you~ https://bitbucket.org/Maxwolf/mad-science
L1496[22:12:35] <Maxwolf> If you are looking for a particular area I can point you there, all the tile entities get registered in MadFurnaces
L1497[22:12:35] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Client Quit)
L1498[22:13:20] <Kenny> that could be the issue right there :)
L1499[22:13:46] <Maxwolf> Why would that be?
L1500[22:16:25] <Kenny> all the machines show upo as furnaces
L1501[22:16:53] <Maxwolf> Yeah I know you mentioned that and I saw it in that pic you showed
L1502[22:17:00] <Maxwolf> The question is why though
L1503[22:17:15] <Maxwolf> I don't do anything "weird" with registering tile entities
L1504[22:17:15] <Kenny> and i'm wondering if it is because of the way the adapter block works and the machines are all under a file called MadFurnces
L1505[22:17:47] ⇦ Quits: Death (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: gtg)
L1506[22:17:56] <Kenny> i'll have to talk with Sangar in the morning and see just how the adapter block accesses data
L1507[22:17:57] <Maxwolf> You don't see anything out of the ordinary do you?
L1508[22:18:01] <Kenny> nope
L1509[22:18:13] <Maxwolf> Aye should be comments and such all around I don't like messy code
L1510[22:18:13] <Kenny> each machine has a specific name
L1511[22:18:49] <Kenny> my code for the CompViewer could use some comments in it but that is something i was never good at
L1512[22:19:17] <Kenny> plus my function names are generally descriptive
L1513[22:19:20] <Maxwolf> Each machine does have a specific name yup
L1514[22:19:31] <Maxwolf> Yeah no need make small names we not limited on memory like back in the day ;)\
L1515[22:20:17] <Maxwolf> If you can show me how compviewer gets names for things maybe I could help
L1516[22:20:31] <Maxwolf> Otherwise I just need to implment the API and feed OC my tile info manually which is fine
L1517[22:20:31] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L1518[22:21:22] <Kenny> CompViewer is written in lua
L1519[22:22:11] <Kenny> you can go to the lua prompt and type: for k,v in component.list() do print(v) end
L1520[22:22:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Roarrrr I'm back :D
L1521[22:22:38] <Kenny> that will print oujt a list of all colmponents connected to the computer
L1522[22:23:03] <Kenny> that names CompViewer gets are those assigned by OC
L1523[22:23:41] <Kenny> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComponents
L1524[22:23:53] <Kenny> that is the OpenComponents code
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L1527[22:25:59] <Kenny> you might be able to see how it is getting furnace for the names
L1528[22:26:18] <Maxwolf> I am lookign now
L1529[22:26:38] <Kenny> i think it is done thru reflection
L1530[22:27:58] <Maxwolf> Kenny, DriverFurnace is where I want to look?
L1531[22:28:05] <Maxwolf> Looks about right reading through it now
L1532[22:28:30] <Maxwolf> It's default action is to just return the name "furnace" this has to be it
L1533[22:28:31] <Kenny> it'sd looking for a driover and that is most likely where it would look
L1534[22:29:04] <Kenny> that is what is happening then
L1535[22:29:56] <Kenny> i may not be able to code good but i know how to search to a polint hehe
L1536[22:30:16] <Maxwolf> I think I know why it doesn't work~ all my tile entities extend "MadTileEntity" which does extend TileEntity but there are lots of prefabs.
L1537[22:30:34] <Maxwolf> Do you have the same problem when querying blocks from Atomic Science or ICBM or something like this?
L1538[22:30:48] <Kenny> never check but let me see
L1539[22:30:57] <Maxwolf> Calclavia uses very silmilar init method that I do it might cause same problem
L1540[22:31:10] <Maxwolf> He also might implement your API I will check that from this end.
L1541[22:32:01] <Kenny> nope. the ICBM gunturret shows as gun turret
L1542[22:32:16] <Kenny> or rather turret platform
L1543[22:32:17] <Maxwolf> Try atomic science, I don't have code for ICBM I cannot check it
L1544[22:32:44] <Kenny> but i also know that tgame has been adding in OC support for ICBM and Atomic Science
L1545[22:33:03] <Kenny> don't have AS installed
L1546[22:33:51] <Kenny> test with MFFS and it is showing the names correctly
L1547[22:34:05] <Maxwolf> Ok let me go look at the code for that
L1548[22:34:10] <Maxwolf> See what I am doing different
L1549[22:35:05] <Kenny> same applies with Resonant INduction
L1550[22:35:20] <ping> http://puu.sh/7sheE
L1551[22:35:23] <ping> turtles
L1552[22:35:37] <Maxwolf> ping if only >.>
L1553[22:35:51] <Kenny> lol
L1554[22:36:04] <Kenny> leave it to you ping hehe
L1555[22:36:23] * ping duct tapes a pickaxe to it
L1556[22:36:32] <ping> mine my little one
L1557[22:37:10] <Kenny> Max i think i found it
L1558[22:37:11] <Maxwolf> ping: War has evolved... http://tinyurl.com/ke5gfh5
L1559[22:37:33] <Kenny> private final Random furnaceRand = new Random();
L1560[22:37:41] <Kenny> that is for the Cryofreezer
L1561[22:37:48] <ping> Maxwolf, ;-; that is terrifying
L1562[22:37:50] <Kenny> calling furnaceRand
L1563[22:37:56] <ping> i have a cat
L1564[22:37:58] <ping> that would be
L1565[22:38:00] <ping> dead
L1566[22:38:03] <Maxwolf> That is just used to generate random numbers when I don't have access to worldObj
L1567[22:38:09] <Maxwolf> Doesn't mess with names!
L1568[22:38:23] <Kenny> ok
L1569[22:38:44] <Maxwolf> In MFFS what block did you test?
L1570[22:38:53] <Maxwolf> I want to compare the name you got with code I am looking at
L1571[22:39:03] <Kenny> would this? CryofreezerEntity tileentityfurnace
L1572[22:39:22] <Kenny> the coercion driver
L1573[22:39:40] <Maxwolf> That would hold an instance of a tile entity the line you mentioned
L1574[22:40:02] <Kenny> DNAExtractorEntity tileentityfurnace
L1575[22:40:14] <Kenny> the DNA machine is using the samew entity
L1576[22:40:27] <Maxwolf> That is just a name though
L1577[22:40:39] <Maxwolf> COuld be called cat and it would still do the same thing
L1578[22:40:54] <Maxwolf> As in variable name
L1579[22:41:03] <Maxwolf> Or maybe I am not following what you mean
L1580[22:41:26] <Kenny> but if OpenComponents checks Tile Entitties wouldn 't it return furnace since they all use tileentityfurnace
L1581[22:42:10] <Maxwolf> Well each machine uses a different class, DNAExtractor uses different entity class than Cryotube
L1582[22:42:15] <Kenny> my coding is not very good so it is possible i am way off base
L1583[22:43:24] <Kenny> those lines came from the breakblock method in the tilenetities folder
L1584[22:44:12] <Kenny> CyrofreezerBlock and the DNAExtractor block
L1585[22:44:21] <Maxwolf> I am trying to see what I do different from MFFS in regards to registering blocks
L1586[22:44:39] <Maxwolf> If you are using reflection and we both are registering things in similar ways it should work in theory
L1587[22:44:39] <Kenny> ok.
L1588[22:44:48] <Kenny> true
L1589[22:45:35] <Kenny> except nothing is straight forward about minecraft :)
L1590[22:46:04] <Maxwolf> I will make a build and change one block as a test
L1591[22:46:11] <Maxwolf> Put your thing next to a data duplicator
L1592[22:46:15] <Maxwolf> It just says furnace right?
L1593[22:46:28] <Kenny> yep
L1594[22:46:54] <Maxwolf> Ok I use the unlocalized name in the register block function when I could just pass it the internal name I have from config anyway
L1595[22:47:06] <Maxwolf> I will swap it around for that block as example and if it works will change them all
L1596[22:47:14] <Kenny> ok
L1597[22:48:06] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1598[22:51:20] <Maxwolf> Kenny alright a build is being made will paste link to it when it finishes
L1599[22:51:27] <Kenny> i see hehe
L1600[22:51:43] <Kenny> i'm on the jenkins site now
L1601[22:51:46] <Maxwolf> Yeah I woke jenkins up from his nap
L1602[22:51:51] <Maxwolf> EhEhehe
L1603[22:51:55] <Kenny> lol
L1604[22:52:06] <Kenny> what time is it there?
L1605[22:52:20] <Maxwolf> 9:52 PM I am on Pacific Standard
L1606[22:52:31] <Kenny> you west i'm east
L1607[22:52:42] <Maxwolf> Ah much later there you got +3 hours
L1608[22:52:44] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1609[22:52:50] <Kenny> going on 1am here
L1610[22:52:55] <Death> Kenny: you could've just CTCP'ed :P
L1611[22:53:03] <Death> ./ctcp Kenny TIME
L1612[22:53:14] <Maxwolf> There you go though Kenny: http://madsciencemod.com:8080/job/Mad%20Science/142/
L1613[22:53:17] <Kenny> i could but i prfefer to be polite
L1614[22:53:30] <Kenny> already downloaing
L1615[22:53:36] <Maxwolf> Aye we will continue this tomorrow then :3
L1616[22:53:57] <Maxwolf> If I implmented the OC API would I be able to go around this?
L1617[22:54:09] <ShadowKatStudios> :D My 4-bit adder is almost a 4-bit adder-subtractor :D
L1618[22:54:19] <Kenny> launching game now
L1619[22:54:34] <Kenny> should
L1620[22:55:04] <Kenny> i'll talk with Sangar tomorrow and see just how the OCC mod works
L1621[22:55:36] <Maxwolf> Curious if the name will show up but I don't think it will do anything.
L1622[22:55:44] <Maxwolf> It might though Minecraft is a strange beast
L1623[22:56:28] <Kenny> it didn't. still shows furnace
L1624[22:56:38] <Maxwolf> Roger, I will have to dig much deeper then.
L1625[22:56:50] <Maxwolf> We will get it figured out
L1626[22:56:55] <Maxwolf> Until then~ sleep good Kenny
L1627[22:57:16] <Kenny> and I'll talk with Sanga=r and see how OCC works and where the issue might be
L1628[22:57:27] <Kenny> ty.
L1629[22:57:42] <Maxwolf> No problem, look forward to integrating OC fully
L1630[22:57:51] <Kenny> and with that i will be off to bed. nite y'all
L1631[22:57:58] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Sleeping
L1632[22:58:11] <Kenny|Sleeping> i'll work with you to get it done
L1633[23:07:51] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1634[23:08:09] <ShadowKatStudios> OCC?
L1635[23:08:26] <Maxwolf> Open Computer Components I imagine
L1636[23:08:31] <Maxwolf> That is what we was looking at
L1637[23:08:49] <Maxwolf> I think I even found the problem~ the reflection method they are using only checks TileEntityFurnace and not TileEntity
L1638[23:09:05] <Maxwolf> I don't extend TileEntityFurnace. My base class extends TileEntity
L1639[23:13:02] <ShadowKatStudios> My adder-subtractor now has an enable line.
L1640[23:14:39] <ShadowKatStudios> No more flickering lights during inputting numbers
L1641[23:14:46] <Maxwolf> Nice!
L1642[23:15:33] <ShadowKatStudios> Once I build the computer, the next job is to get Java running on it.
L1643[23:16:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF823EDF44558AB39B3E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1644[23:17:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Then I could run this computer on this computer.
L1645[23:18:36] <Vexatos> o/
L1646[23:18:38] <Vexatos> ~o
L1647[23:19:53] <ping> yay vexatoast
L1648[23:20:56] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@255.sub-174-251-80.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1649[23:22:39] <ShadowKatStudios> NXOR?
L1650[23:22:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, XNOR
L1651[23:24:21] ⇦ Quits: Death (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net) ()
L1652[23:24:52] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-77-115-57-176.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L1653[23:25:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Woo, Adder/subtractor with enable line :D
L1654[23:29:58] ⇨ Joins: Death (webchat@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net)
L1655[23:33:40] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-77-115-57-176.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Quit: where did mai raifu go wrong)
L1656[23:40:51] *** cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1657[23:45:24] <ShadowKatStudios> Okay, I'll bolt an interface onto it and see how it goes
L1658[23:48:49] <ShadowKatStudios> It can now add and subtract :D
L1659[23:51:06] <ShadowKatStudios> If I compacted it, it would probably be faster, but why would I do that?
L1660[23:51:12] <ShadowKatStudios> I want to see the calculations occur :D
L1661[23:55:52] *** tgame14__ is now known as tgame14
L1662[23:55:59] zsh sets mode: +v on tgame14
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