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L20[00:43:03] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
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L25[00:53:53] <Cazzar> Sangar: question with a scala trait (if i am thinking they could be used right) I am thinking that I could use the trait to extend the base TE to be able to break blocks, but how would I access the variables from the base TE?
L26[00:56:07] <Sangar> trait YourTrait extends TileEntity?
L27[00:56:18] <Sangar> not sure if that's what you mean
L28[00:56:38] <Sangar> e.g. i'm doing that to make some accessors more scala-ish https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/tileentity/TileEntity.scala
L29[00:56:53] <tgame14> you code in scala?
L30[00:57:06] <Cazzar> tgame14: who? :P
L31[00:57:11] <tgame14> Sangar
L32[00:57:15] <Sangar> i do
L33[00:57:33] <Sangar> multiple inheritance <3
L34[00:57:43] <tgame14> lol
L35[00:58:05] <tgame14> multi - inheritence was always something i wanted, but thought is broken :P
L36[00:58:35] <tgame14> where does the super go to? i don't see how that works in a stable way
L37[00:59:08] <Cazzar> I think it works from left to right IIRC
L38[00:59:29] <Sangar> ^, also in scala you can additionally explicitly pick the one you want
L39[00:59:39] <Sangar> super[Parent] was the syntax iirc
L40[00:59:40] <tgame14> but then if you do a constructor and call super it may not call the super of other parents
L41[00:59:49] <Sangar> it will
L42[00:59:55] <tgame14> i see
L43[01:00:06] <tgame14> and if 2 parents have the same method?
L44[01:00:19] <tgame14> super goes left to right?
L45[01:00:34] <Sangar> that's when you have to override it and use the super[Parent] notation (or just write a new implementation)
L46[01:00:46] <tgame14> k
L47[01:01:12] <Sangar> i think so, yeh. i did some tests in the scala interpreter on the order but forgot again :P
L48[01:02:14] <Sangar> iirc the get resolved right to left, so the constructors run left to right
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L51[01:12:30] <Cazzar> Ooh~ The doctor is on Skaro
L52[01:16:04] <ping> o.o
L53[01:16:12] <Kodos> Cazzar, Capaldi?
L54[01:16:39] <Cazzar> No, this is the old stuff :P
L55[01:16:48] <Kodos> Good, I'd have to kick you for spoilers
L56[01:17:23] <Cazzar> I dont think ANY capaldi is out
L57[01:20:35] <Cazzar> Kodos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny_of_the_Daleks :P
L58[01:21:16] ⇦ Quits: Sorroko_Off (~Sorroko@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L59[01:23:21] <ping> ur face is an exterminate
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L61[01:25:52] <ping> soweet, databases
L62[01:26:17] <ping> .> test.derp="\\o/"
L63[01:26:17] <^v> ping, nil
L64[01:26:56] <ping> http://puu.sh/7zQbz.png
L65[01:27:55] <ping> oh and functions too
L66[01:28:12] <ping> .> test.herp=function() print("\\o/") end
L67[01:28:12] <^v> ping, nil
L69[01:28:42] <ping> base64 :D
L70[01:29:13] <Cazzar> so..
L71[01:29:14] <Sangar> it's stored as lua tables?
L72[01:29:32] <Cazzar> .> test.herp()
L73[01:29:32] <^v> Nope.
L74[01:29:40] <Cazzar> fk you too
L75[01:29:56] <ping> yeah, im going to make it more efficient, as in it wont resave it every single __newindex
L76[01:30:39] <Cazzar> periodic async save? :P
L77[01:31:34] <ping> well, my version for OC will have it save only the modifications, ie it will do something like this:
L78[01:32:12] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~Imque@CPE-1-123-173-71.sml9.way.bigpond.net.au)
L79[01:32:12] <ping> local o={1337} test["derp"]="\\o/" test["herp"]=f("asdfg")
L80[01:33:16] <ping> :O Ir7_1
L81[01:35:41] <ping> .> local a=socket.gettime() test.herp=function() potato() end return socket.gettime()-a
L82[01:35:41] <^v> ping, 0.02400016784668
L83[01:35:46] <ping> D:
L84[01:35:47] <ping> slow
L85[01:40:47] <ping> well anyway
L86[01:40:50] <ping> le bed
L87[01:42:23] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~pingbot@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L89[01:43:54] <Sangar> y'know, making textures for a thing that doesn't exist is kinda hard
L90[01:44:16] <Cazzar> yea...
L91[01:44:40] <Cazzar> we could make it a lazer type and then I change the logic a little...
L92[01:45:12] <Sangar> best thing i could come up with: http://i.imgur.com/vpc0zet.png
L93[01:45:53] <Sangar> idea is that it sorta projects the blocks :P
L94[01:46:17] <Cazzar> OOh, that doesnt look too bad
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L98[01:49:44] <Sangar> yay bluescreen
L99[01:50:29] <Kenny|Sleeping> really
L100[01:50:33] *** Kenny|Sleeping is now known as Kenny
L101[01:50:48] <Sangar> hi Kenny
L102[01:50:54] <Kenny> morning :)
L103[01:51:20] <Kenny> boy, getting old is a pain in the .....
L104[01:51:29] <Kenny> everywhere hehe
L105[01:51:50] <Sangar> heh
L106[01:52:41] <Kenny> one of my earlier than usual morning as my body is screaming at me
L107[01:54:44] <Sangar> Cazzar, http://cil.li/mc/printer.7z
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L110[01:58:14] <Ir7_1> hi
L111[01:58:17] <Ir7_1> grr
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L113[01:58:20] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
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L117[02:03:35] <Pie> !mods
L118[02:03:37] <Pie> !mod
L119[02:03:38] <zsh> MC Forum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440-opencomputers-v122/
L120[02:03:38] <zsh> OC Forum: http://oc.cil.li
L121[02:03:38] <zsh> Latest version: 1.2.2 for MC1.6.4 and MC1.7.2
L122[02:03:38] <zsh> Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/
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L139[03:23:36] <Cazzar> lets hope this works...
L140[03:26:38] <Cazzar> Oh yes! first Multi-inhertance TE I have done
L141[03:27:41] <progwml6|L> Sangar: will you be around over the weekend? i want to talk about making something that will work w/ both your robot's and dan's turtles for tcon tools
L142[03:27:48] <progwml6|L> figure i might as well do both mods
L143[03:28:22] <progwml6|L> aargh irc crashes :(
L144[03:28:27] <Cazzar> progwml6|L: IIRC you can just use SimpleComponant and @Optional.Interface
L145[03:29:28] <Cazzar> Hmm, next week should I go to the programming instructor I have and ask him what multi inheritance is? :P
L146[03:31:27] <progwml6|L> stupid IRC kept hanging and crashing
L147[03:31:38] <progwml6|L> znc doesnt give me scrollback when it hangs :(
L148[03:39:20] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-5-60-11-58.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L149[03:39:20] <JoshTheEnder> progwml6|L: goto your webadmin page and poke around your user settings, it should be something like 'auto clear buffers'
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L153[03:40:53] <progwml6|L> i need to change some settings
L154[03:41:01] <progwml6|L> i only set it up a few weeks ago
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L158[03:45:50] <Sangar> progwml6|L, 22nd-23rd? yeah, i'll be around.
L159[03:46:32] <progwml6|L> i want to do a few things... depends on wether or not dan releases a new API
L160[03:46:47] <progwml6|L> i heard he was refactoring a little while's back
L161[03:46:53] <progwml6|L> as i want to do both mods at once
L162[03:47:05] <progwml6|L> or it might wait a few weeks
L163[03:47:53] <Cazzar> Sangar: how would I resolve: java.lang.RuntimeException: class net.cazzar.mods.openprinter.blocks.BlockPrinter$$anon$1 is missing a mapping! This is a bug!
L164[03:47:57] <Sangar> yeah, i think read something about an api rework for cc
L165[03:48:15] <Cazzar> using the traits that happens...
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L167[03:48:32] <Sangar> Cazzar, uh, code?
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L170[03:49:51] zsh sets mode: +o on LordJoda
L171[03:50:21] <Cazzar> Sangar: https://github.com/cazzar/OpenPrinter/tree/master/src/main/scala/net/cazzar/mods/openprinter :P
L172[03:51:15] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@2a02:c200:0:10:2:1:7546:1) (Quit: derp.)
L173[03:52:10] <Sangar> Cazzar you'll need to make the new TilePrinter with MiningPrinter a non-anonymous type and register that with forge
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L175[03:52:22] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L176[03:52:57] <Cazzar> Hmm, how so?
L177[03:53:49] <Sangar> i.e. class TileMiningPrinter extends TilePrinter with MiningPrinter, GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(classOf[TileMiningPrinter], "printer|break") e.g.
L178[03:54:19] <Sangar> the problem is that new TilePrinter with MiningPrinter creates an anonymous class, which is not (and cannot) be registered with forge, hence it errors
L179[03:55:29] *** rfctksSparkle is now known as ruifung
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L181[03:55:44] <Cazzar> hmm
L182[03:55:46] <Cazzar> I wonder.
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L185[04:03:09] <Cazzar> nope, that didnt work...
L186[04:04:06] <Sangar> what didn't?
L187[04:04:23] <Cazzar> using classOf[TilePrinter with MiningPrinter] :P
L188[04:04:28] <Sangar> ah :D
L189[04:07:23] *** Kodos_ is now known as Kodos
L190[04:09:05] *** rfctksSparkle is now known as zz_rfctksSparkle
L191[04:09:25] <Cazzar> heh, I think i found a way around it!
L192[04:09:58] <Cazzar> nope
L193[04:10:20] *** zz_rfctksSparkle is now known as rfctksSparkle
L194[04:22:25] <Kenny> Sangar: did forge include a func rename mapping with the 1.7 gradle?
L195[04:22:52] <Cazzar> 1024+
L196[04:24:35] <Kenny> nvm. found them
L197[04:26:22] <Kenny> damn, i see now i'm in for some real shit trying to update a mod
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L204[04:51:24] <Cazzar> I fucked my replace logic up!
L205[04:51:30] <Cazzar> its in reverse
L206[04:53:10] <Sangar> so you're printing a negative? :P
L207[04:53:16] <Cazzar> no.
L208[04:53:25] <Cazzar> if (!worldObj.getBlock(xCoord + x, yCoord + y, zCoord + z).isReplaceable(worldObj, x, y, z)) return Array(Boolean.box(false))
L209[04:53:34] <Cazzar> it didn't have the !
L210[04:53:47] <Sangar> ah :D
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L214[05:15:46] <Cazzar> http://puu.sh/7zXaO.jpg < doesnt have evil ideas at all
L215[05:39:16] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|Away
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L217[06:17:14] *** Cazzar is now known as cazzar|Away
L218[06:33:22] *** Alex_hawks|Work is now known as Alex_hawks
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L223[07:06:28] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
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L225[07:12:42] <JoshTheEnder> the following image is brought to you by: my spam folder http://thatjoshgreen.me/misc/thisimageisbroughttoyoubymyspamfolder.png
L226[07:14:54] <Sangar> freudian typo?
L227[07:15:10] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L228[07:15:31] <Sangar> well, 'spem(d)' sorta sounds like 'spam' :P
L229[07:18:35] <Kenny> OPenMods has atrated a paetron page hehe
L230[07:19:15] <Kenny> maybe you should too, Sangar :)
L231[07:19:19] <JoshTheEnder> what is it recently with modders doing paetron pages?
L232[07:20:09] <Kenny> the community bitching about adfly, and the possible legal issue of that vilating the MC TOS
L233[07:20:20] <Kenny> violating*
L234[07:20:36] <JoshTheEnder> urghh, not that shit again
L235[07:21:10] <Kenny> not again, i think the paetron page is the result of it from before
L236[07:25:48] <Kodos> Welp, I'm going to bed. I just made a personal information database in BASIC
L237[07:31:28] ⇨ Joins: Csstform (Csstform@bouncer.liamstanley.io)
L238[07:31:34] <Csstform> o/
L239[07:31:49] <JoshTheEnder> \o
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L241[07:35:02] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L242[07:35:09] <Csstform> Looking through the forums, this mod looks fancy!
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L248[07:47:18] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L249[08:08:13] <Sangar> eh, i prefer modders using patreon over adfly because it doesn't try to shove malware down my throat when i update mods
L250[08:09:49] <Sangar> but i don't see me creating an account there. i don't feel comfortable with getting money for modding. makes it feel less like a hobby and more like work. well, at least for now :P
L251[08:17:56] <Sangar> afk for a bit
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L257[09:08:52] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L258[09:20:10] <asie> fun fact: Chisel uses its own custom block renderer
L259[09:20:15] <asie> meaning it doesn't have the CTM bug in most cases
L260[09:21:18] <Sangar> ctm?
L261[09:21:25] <asie> as in north and east textures are flipped
L262[09:21:29] <Sangar> ah
L263[09:21:31] <asie> which is only really visible with connected textures
L264[09:22:32] <asie> also I found out how to add the Config thing to mods
L265[09:22:48] <asie> whee!
L266[09:28:34] <asie> also I love how Eclipse auto-detected my Git repository <3
L267[09:48:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF814AD33E91930AF9E86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L268[10:12:29] <Kenny> Updated Component Viewer. Darkened the background and re-did some of the code
L269[10:13:05] <Kenny> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs
L270[10:22:53] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L271[10:27:04] <Kenny> Sangar, you might like the new Viewer. the blue is a lot darker now so it doesn't hurt the eyes
L272[10:28:45] <Sangar> sounds good :) i'm currently trying to figure out why redstone updates are so ridiculously inefficient... i hate redstone -.- (well, only implementation-wise)
L273[10:32:30] <Vexatos> Kenny, this viewer should really go into OC natively
L274[10:32:51] <Vexatos> You might want to pull-request it to the lua part :D
L275[10:38:59] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L276[10:39:32] <Sangar> oh ffs minecraft -.- so they have their super shitty crash reporting crap code that censors parts of the stack trace if it gets too long, ok, i can live with that. but now you *crash* inside your bloody error reporting code so i can't see the original error anymore? seriously?
L277[10:41:59] <Michiyo> lol yeah I LOVE the crash reporter crashed crash
L278[10:42:05] <Michiyo> yo dawg... :/
L279[10:44:53] *** Death||Away is now known as Death
L280[10:50:59] ⇦ Quits: LordJoda (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L281[10:52:07] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L282[10:52:54] *** Sorroko_Off is now known as Sorroko
L283[11:04:36] <Kenny> hey Michiyo /o
L284[11:05:06] <Kenny> Vexatos: give me time to get the code more streamlined
L285[11:05:17] <Vexatos> Ok :D
L286[11:05:17] <Kenny> right now i know it's shitty and could be better
L287[11:10:07] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L288[11:16:28] <asie> Sangar: I had that issue too once
L289[11:16:36] <asie> I ended up adding debug code to the crashreporter class
L290[11:16:43] <asie> but i can't even do that in 1.7... I might write a coremod to
L291[11:20:58] <Sangar> yeah, at least breakpoints still work...
L292[11:32:22] <tgame14> why touch the crash reporter :/
L293[11:32:34] <tgame14> the crash reporter works well often
L294[11:32:45] <tgame14> and full FML logs give you a shitton of into
L295[11:32:47] <tgame14> info*
L296[11:33:14] <asie> tgame14: Because there are rare cases
L297[11:33:19] <asie> where the crash reporter itself crashes reporting a crash
L298[11:33:25] <asie> and then you lose the original crash
L299[11:33:26] <asie> I had one such log on my HDD
L300[11:38:53] <Vexatos> Why didn't they implement a crash reporter for reporting crashes regarding crash reporters having crashed reporting a crash?
L301[11:40:46] <asie> Vexatos: Because that crash reporter also has a chance to crash. Also yo, dawg.
L302[11:41:22] <Vexatos> Nono
L303[11:42:51] <Vexatos> The crash reporter for reporting crashes regarding crash reporters having crashed reporting a crash could, by itself, fix the crash reporter reporting the initial crash to implement that again, so it actually is safe for crashing again, which would activate the crash reporter for reporting crashes regarding crash reporters having crashed reporting a crash again... right?
L304[11:43:53] <asie> my head
L305[11:44:41] * Stary2001 mind asplode
L306[11:44:56] <Kenny> lol
L307[11:45:17] * Death claims the soul of Stary2001
L308[11:45:19] <Kenny> i actually understood it hehe
L309[11:45:24] <Michiyo> Solid logic Vexatos
L310[11:45:41] <Vexatos> Yea
L311[11:45:54] <Vexatos> If only Java had a proper way to deconstruct an object
L312[11:46:34] <Vexatos> Then the crash reporter for reporting crashes regarding crash reporters having crashed reporting a crash could implement the actual crash reporter again, which, as first task, constructs another crash reporter for reporting crashes regarding crash reporters having crashed reporting a crash for safety and deconstruct the old one :D
L313[11:47:51] <Michiyo> Indeed!
L314[11:52:45] ⇨ Joins: Idlehumor_ (webchat@c-98-251-123-247.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L315[11:54:54] <Idlehumor_> hello, I've been wondering if there's a way to detect when the chunk is loaded where an opencomputers server box is
L316[11:56:58] <Idlehumor_> I have a program running that I want to persist, but sometimes when the chunk loads something weird happens and prevents the program from doing what needs to be done. If I could somehow detect when a chunk loads I can prevent it
L317[11:57:00] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197)
L318[11:58:13] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L319[12:00:51] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~pingbot@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L320[12:02:40] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@
L321[12:03:34] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@ (Client Quit)
L322[12:03:41] <Sangar> Idlehumor_, not directly, no. you'll have to ensure whatever you're trying to access in your code is actually there (e.g. check if the component is available)
L323[12:05:42] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L324[12:06:10] <Sangar> aaaan i'll be gone for the evening, see you all tomorrow!
L325[12:06:50] <Death> Bai \('u')
L326[12:07:41] <ping> bai D:
L327[12:07:52] <ping> :O Death
L328[12:07:58] <ping> you finnaly use OC?
L329[12:08:10] <Death> No.
L330[12:08:16] <Death> Not yet.
L331[12:08:19] <ping> wat
L332[12:08:25] <Death> I haven't found a computer that can run anything higher than CCLite
L333[12:08:33] <Death> that i'm actually allowed ot use.
L334[12:09:17] <ping> well, ^v has lua5.2
L335[12:09:38] <ping> .lua 9
L336[12:09:38] <^v> ping, 9 | 9
L337[12:09:41] <ping> derp
L338[12:09:49] <Death> wat
L339[12:09:54] <Death> .lua 42/14
L340[12:09:55] <^v> Death, 42/14 | 3
L341[12:10:14] <Death> c:
L342[12:10:40] <ping> .lua string.format("%X",-1)
L343[12:10:41] <^v> ping, lua:1: bad argument #2 to 'format' (not a non-negative number in proper range)
L344[12:10:51] <ping> well that sux :<
L345[12:10:59] <Vexatos> .lua "i^2"
L346[12:10:59] <^v> Vexatos, i^^2
L347[12:11:03] <Vexatos> D:
L348[12:11:12] <ping> yeah, batch sucks
L349[12:11:43] <ping> im just going to fucking write the code to a file so i dont have to do this escaping shit on linux
L350[12:12:07] <Kenny> .lua 2^5
L351[12:12:07] <^v> Kenny, 32
L352[12:12:26] <ping> it just doesnt like it when its in ""
L353[12:13:13] <Death> You sandboxed the OS API, right?
L354[12:14:33] <ping> .lua "Death^2"
L355[12:14:33] <^v> ping, Death^2
L356[12:14:39] <ping> soweet
L357[12:14:43] <ping> Death, correct
L358[12:15:01] <Death> .lua os.shutdown()
L359[12:15:02] <^v> Death, lua:1: attempt to call field 'shutdown' (a nil value)
L360[12:15:03] <Death> good.
L361[12:15:20] <ping> im pretty sure shutdown isnt lua
L362[12:15:41] <ping> os.shutdown is CC
L363[12:15:50] <ping> this is vanilla 5.2
L364[12:16:02] <Death> I thought it was in there...
L365[12:16:10] <ping> .lua _VERSION
L366[12:16:10] <^v> ping, Lua 5.2
L367[12:16:17] <ping> hm, its a bit slow
L368[12:16:18] <ping> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/
L369[12:16:47] <ping> ah, its just IRC
L370[12:17:24] <Death> .lua os.execute('shutdown')
L371[12:17:25] <^v> Death, lua:1: attempt to call field 'execute' (a nil value)
L372[12:17:30] <Death> c:
L373[12:17:38] <rfctksSparkle> Why are you trying to use CC functions?
L374[12:17:57] <Death> It's Lua.
L375[12:18:01] <ping> os.execute isnt CC
L376[12:18:10] <Death> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.9
L377[12:18:12] <rfctksSparkle> you want computer.shutdown
L378[12:18:26] <ping> this isnt OC rfctksSparkle
L379[12:18:31] <rfctksSparkle> ?
L380[12:18:32] <Death> It's VANILLA Lua
L381[12:18:34] <rfctksSparkle> oh lol
L382[12:18:35] <rfctksSparkle> hmm
L383[12:18:39] <Death> and yeah
L384[12:18:43] <Death> there is an os.execute
L385[12:18:46] <ping> .> _VERSION
L386[12:18:46] <^v> ping, Lua 5.1
L387[12:18:52] <rfctksSparkle> Hmm.. i've only used vanilla lua
L388[12:18:55] <ping> <3 popen so much
L389[12:18:58] <rfctksSparkle> for parameter processing as part of scripts lol
L390[12:18:59] <Death> .lua print(_VERSION)
L391[12:19:00] <^v> Death, Lua 5.2 | nil
L392[12:19:08] <ping> why print?
L393[12:19:13] <Death> because why not
L394[12:19:17] <ping> it tries to compile it with a return
L395[12:19:39] <ping> i also have brainfuck
L396[12:19:55] <Death> .lua print("print'COmpile with return?'")
L397[12:19:56] <^v> Death, print'COmpile with return?' | nil
L398[12:20:03] <Death> bleh.
L399[12:20:13] <ping> .bf +[----->+++<]>+.---.++++++..--.
L400[12:20:13] <^v> ping, hekki
L401[12:20:16] <ping> wat
L402[12:20:37] <ping> .bf +[----->+++<]>+.---.+++++++..+++.
L403[12:20:37] <^v> ping, hello
L404[12:20:39] <ping> derp
L405[12:20:42] <Death> lol
L406[12:21:44] <rfctksSparkle> Anyway, i've been reading the OC documentation, and it seems way more flexible in many ways compared to CC's lua...
L407[12:22:26] <ping> meh, i dont like how component.list returns an iterator instead of a table
L408[12:23:02] <ping> but i facking love all the metacalls 5.2 has
L409[12:23:19] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L410[12:23:34] <ping> .lua a={} setmetatable(a,{__pairs={derp=true}}) for k,v in pairs(a) do print(k,v) end
L411[12:23:34] <^v> ping, attempt to call a table value
L412[12:23:35] <rfctksSparkle> metacalls?
L413[12:23:36] <ping> wat
L414[12:23:58] <ping> .lua a={} setmetatable(a,{__pairs=function() return pairs({derp=true}) end}) for k,v in pairs(a) do print(k,v) end
L415[12:23:58] <^v> ping, derptrue | nil
L416[12:24:01] <ping> thar
L417[12:24:37] <rfctksSparkle> .lua print('test')
L418[12:24:38] <^v> rfctksSparkle, test | nil
L419[12:24:42] <rfctksSparkle> hmm. intresting.
L420[12:24:46] <Death> .lua 'test'
L421[12:24:47] <^v> Death, test
L422[12:25:29] <ping> also been working on a database API for easialy making tables seamlessly persists across reboots/computers
L423[12:25:57] <ping> .> a=db.new("potato")
L424[12:25:58] <^v> ping, nil
L425[12:26:08] <ping> .> a[1]="potato!"
L426[12:26:08] <^v> ping, nil
L427[12:26:30] * rfctksSparkle loves the ^v bot.
L428[12:26:40] <ping> http://puu.sh/7Ai0l.png
L429[12:26:42] <Death> I tried writing a bot last night
L430[12:26:44] * rfctksSparkle thinks the ^v bot is awesome in so many ways.
L431[12:26:46] <Death> I completely failed XD
L432[12:26:49] <ping> it has more stuff
L433[12:26:58] <Death> I can't even connect to the server.
L434[12:27:07] <ping> .wiki gpu
L435[12:27:07] <^v> ping, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-gpu
L436[12:27:29] <ping> leme get all the commands
L437[12:27:35] <rfctksSparkle> .help
L438[12:27:36] <rfctksSparkle> hmm
L439[12:27:38] <rfctksSparkle> that did nothing
L440[12:27:44] <ping> sorry, i just restarted it
L441[12:28:03] <ping> .help
L442[12:28:03] <^v> ping, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/
L443[12:28:17] <rfctksSparkle> LOL
L444[12:28:21] <ping> help is an alias of wiki
L445[12:28:46] <rfctksSparkle> hmm, you hosting the bot?
L446[12:29:21] <rfctksSparkle> .lua return 'a'
L447[12:29:22] <^v> rfctksSparkle, a
L448[12:29:30] <ping> yeah
L449[12:29:55] <rfctksSparkle> Heh lol, no wonder its whois shows comcast.
L450[12:30:31] <rfctksSparkle> that being said, what are metacalls, I've heard and used metatables, but not metacalls.
L451[12:31:57] <ping> .> local o={} for k,v in pairs(hook.hooks) do if k:match("^command_") then table.insert(o,k) end end return table.concat(o,",")
L452[12:31:57] <^v> ping, command_s,command_blend,command_sauce,command_lua,command_l,command_account,command_messages,command_w,command_forums,command_failcaps,command_j,command_fc,command_random,command_source,command_>,command_beta,command_ping,command_stats,command_jenkins,command_f,command_build,command_help,command_short,command_wiki,command_brainfuck,command_bf,command_commits,command_h
L453[12:32:13] <ping> metacalls are what you put in metatables
L454[12:32:24] <ping> s is source i think
L455[12:32:30] <ping> .s
L456[12:32:33] <^v> ping, Error parsing.
L457[12:32:33] <ping> wat
L458[12:33:01] <ping> OH
L459[12:33:04] <ping> short url
L460[12:33:11] <ping> .s http://oc.cil.li
L461[12:33:12] <^v> ping, http://goo.gl/grNbTC
L462[12:33:19] <ping> xD made it bigger
L463[12:33:34] <rfctksSparkle> maybe should have it check if the return is longer then the original?
L464[12:33:41] <ping> .blend rfctksSparkle
L465[12:33:41] <^v> ping, rpckSklrtfesa
L466[12:33:44] <Death> ping: you help me with making a bot
L467[12:33:54] <rfctksSparkle> .blend ping
L468[12:33:55] <Death> .blend Will it blend?
L469[12:33:55] <^v> rfctksSparkle, ipng
L470[12:33:55] <^v> Death, lliW it ld?neb
L471[12:33:57] <rfctksSparkle> LOL
L472[12:34:02] <rfctksSparkle> .blend Death
L473[12:34:03] <^v> rfctksSparkle, eDtha
L474[12:34:07] <ping> .failcaps rfctksSparkle
L475[12:34:07] <^v> ping, RFCtkSspARkLe
L476[12:34:11] <rfctksSparkle> giPn
L477[12:34:11] <Death> I'm Edtha now.
L478[12:34:14] <ping> hmm, ima make failblend
L479[12:34:28] <rfctksSparkle> .blend qwertyuiop
L480[12:34:28] <^v> rfctksSparkle, iuyrwetopq
L481[12:34:34] <rfctksSparkle> hmm i wonder
L482[12:34:44] <rfctksSparkle> .blend abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
L483[12:34:44] <^v> rfctksSparkle, sndyxhlbzrwvpemtkojacifqgu
L484[12:34:44] <Death> .blend typewriter
L485[12:34:45] <^v> Death, epyrtwtire
L486[12:35:00] <rfctksSparkle> .blend ^v
L487[12:35:01] <^v> rfctksSparkle, ^v
L488[12:35:03] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L489[12:35:09] <rfctksSparkle> .blend ^v
L490[12:35:10] <^v> rfctksSparkle, ^v
L491[12:35:13] <rfctksSparkle> .blend ab
L492[12:35:13] <^v> rfctksSparkle, ab
L493[12:35:14] <Death> .for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k, " ", v)
L494[12:35:21] <Death> .lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k, " ", v)
L495[12:35:22] <^v> Death, lua:1: 'end' expected near <eof>
L496[12:35:26] <Death> .lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k, " ", v) end
L497[12:35:27] <^v> Death, ipairs function: 6D794488 | print function: 6D793C3C | _G table: 005EEA88 | _VERSION Lua 5.2 | pcall function: 6D794268 | rawget function: 6D793B28 | coroutine table: 0050B8D8 | bit32 table: 0050B8B0 | getmetatable function: 6D7944A4 | string table: 0050B888 | select function: 6D793998 | next function: 6D793DB4 | table table: 0050B838 | io table: 0050B7E8 | assert function: 6D794508 | rawset function: 6D793ABC | collectgarbage function
L498[12:35:48] <Death> .lua os.time()
L499[12:35:49] <^v> Death, 1395167745
L500[12:36:03] <rfctksSparkle> .lua os.date()
L501[12:36:03] <^v> rfctksSparkle, 03/18/14 14:36:00
L502[12:36:10] <ping> agh
L503[12:36:12] <ping> spam
L504[12:36:38] <ping> ooh, now that i got databases i can set up permissions
L505[12:36:55] <rfctksSparkle> you need a database for that? LOL
L506[12:37:04] <rfctksSparkle> can't you just use a flatfile or something XD
L507[12:37:05] <ping> .failblend rfctksSparkle
L508[12:37:05] <^v> ping, rpcKSKLrTFESA
L509[12:37:10] <ping> wat
L510[12:37:37] <rfctksSparkle> *shrug*
L511[12:37:39] <rfctksSparkle> just a thought
L512[12:37:43] <ping> then i couldnt modify permissions without restarting it
L513[12:38:15] <rfctksSparkle> give it a reload command?
L514[12:38:25] <rfctksSparkle> meh
L515[12:38:31] <ping> meh
L516[12:38:31] <rfctksSparkle> its your bot.
L517[12:38:38] <rfctksSparkle> .blend meh
L518[12:38:38] <^v> rfctksSparkle, meh
L519[12:38:56] <ping> http://puu.sh/7AiST.png
L520[12:39:00] <ping> le pixel art of me
L521[12:39:14] <rfctksSparkle> *snort* blend doesn't do short strings well huh
L522[12:39:15] ⇨ Joins: Archimedes (~code@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net)
L523[12:39:21] <ping> Archimedes, no.
L524[12:39:26] <Death> yes.
L525[12:39:36] <ping> its a crappy python bot
L526[12:39:46] ⇦ Parts: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197) ())
L527[12:39:46] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197)
L528[12:39:52] <Death> You're a crappy bot
L529[12:39:56] <rfctksSparkle> .blend Minecraft
L530[12:39:57] <^v> rfctksSparkle, iftrenMac
L531[12:40:00] <rfctksSparkle> .blend Minecraft
L532[12:40:00] <^v> rfctksSparkle, iactMrenf
L533[12:40:01] <rfctksSparkle> .blend Minecraft
L534[12:40:02] <^v> rfctksSparkle, ctaeirMnf
L535[12:40:05] <ping> stahp
L536[12:40:15] <ping> if your gona spam, do eit in a PM
L537[12:40:43] <rfctksSparkle> Oh , pm works on it? K.
L538[12:42:33] <ping> rfctksSparkle, the environment resets every time you run it
L539[12:42:42] <rfctksSparkle> yeah
L540[12:42:44] <rfctksSparkle> i figured.
L541[12:43:09] <ping> i need an advanced popen
L542[12:43:18] <ping> anyone know of any before i go on le luarocks
L543[12:43:36] <rfctksSparkle> And i gtg
L544[12:43:38] <rfctksSparkle> night all
L545[12:43:43] <ping> night
L546[12:43:46] *** rfctksSparkle is now known as rfctks|away
L547[12:45:46] <tgame14> ping
L548[12:45:50] <Death> pong
L549[12:45:57] <ping> .ping
L550[12:45:57] <Archimedes> ping: PONG
L551[12:45:58] <^v> ping, Hello ping :D
L552[12:46:59] <Death> .part #oc
L553[12:47:00] ⇦ Parts: Archimedes (~code@99-98-207-58.lightspeed.wchtks.sbcglobal.net) ())
L554[12:49:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF893A5901951AD17AB73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L555[12:49:22] <ping> :D Vexaton
L556[12:49:36] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF814AD33E91930AF9E86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Vexaton!~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF893A5901951AD17AB73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L557[12:49:39] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L558[12:49:43] <Vexatos> You did not see anything.
L559[12:49:56] <Death> We saw EVERYTHING
L560[12:50:03] <tgame14> vexatON!
L561[12:50:03] <Vexatos> No.
L562[12:50:36] <tgame14> VexatOS
L563[12:50:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (webchat@c-68-32-188-136.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
L564[12:50:48] <Vexaton> and here I live again
L565[12:50:49] <tgame14> hijodeputa!
L566[12:50:49] <Vexaton> muahhaha
L567[12:50:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (webchat@c-68-32-188-136.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L568[12:50:54] <tgame14> :)
L569[12:51:02] <Vexatos> >_>
L570[12:51:12] <Vexatos> Not a German IP
L571[12:51:35] <ping> p200300556E0DF893A5901951AD17AB73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de <- pretty sure it is
L572[12:51:53] <ping> oh you meant vexaton
L573[12:51:58] <Kenny> he's going in thru a web site in New Jersey
L574[12:52:30] <tgame14> tracert is a nice thing
L575[12:52:31] <tgame14> :)
L576[12:53:00] <Kenny> i didn't need tracert
L577[12:53:12] <Kenny> it's right there in his ip
L578[12:53:33] <Kenny> hds1.nj.comcast.net
L579[12:53:37] <Death> 'nj'
L580[12:53:40] <Kenny> nj = New Jersey
L581[12:53:45] <ping> yeah
L582[12:54:01] <tgame14> i tracert'd it..
L583[12:54:06] <Kenny> plus i know comcast is a us cable company
L584[12:54:08] <tgame14> i am not sure whether to feel dumb or not
L585[12:54:14] <Death> Feel dumb.
L586[12:54:20] <Death> Feel VERY dumb c:
L587[12:54:29] <ping> should i add tracert to ^v?
L588[12:54:30] <Kenny> tgame14 i been on irc for a loooonnnnggg time :)
L589[12:54:31] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L590[12:54:46] <Kenny> asie ends in .pl for Poland
L591[12:55:42] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L592[12:56:06] <Kenny> same thing goes for time zones. i try to find out the time where people are so i can know when to be on to catch them
L593[12:56:38] <ping> assume they are up til 4 AM
L594[12:56:41] <Kenny> i'm GMT -4 at the mometn, due to daylight savings
L595[12:56:54] <Kenny> normally it's -5
L596[12:57:05] <ping> im pretty sure GMT changes not the offset
L597[12:57:24] <ping> but idk, i dont keep track of that kind of stuff
L598[12:57:30] <Kenny> it does when you change the time in your country
L599[12:58:02] <Kenny> we set the clocks back 1 hour last week
L600[12:58:27] <Kenny> or some shit like that
L601[12:58:41] <Kenny> never could figure out why they do it
L602[12:58:52] <JoshTheEnder> GMT stays as-is, just the nations who do daylight savings alter their time
L603[12:59:28] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, so you have more light during the day, or something like that
L604[12:59:34] <ping> i dont get it
L605[12:59:48] <ping> daylight savings is stupeid
L606[12:59:53] <JoshTheEnder> indeed
L607[13:00:10] <Death> It was actually proposed as a joke
L608[13:00:30] <Death> Wasn't meant to actually take affect
L609[13:01:34] <Kenny> how can you have more light during the DAY if the DAY is when the light is out
L610[13:01:39] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L611[13:02:17] <Kenny> i think it was because they wanted the day to run later into the eveniong
L612[13:02:36] <ping> but who cares how light it is in the winter
L613[13:02:39] <Kenny> so night would start later hehe
L614[13:03:04] <Kenny> in Nov we will set the clocks back an hour
L615[13:03:40] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L616[13:03:44] <Kenny> winter is the only time of the year when we are one with nature's time and not man;s idea of when it should be
L617[13:04:01] <Kenny> SuPeRMiNoR2!
L618[13:04:16] * Kenny ducks for cover
L619[13:04:41] <JoshTheEnder> i dont think SuPeRMiNoR2 minds pings, well, not from me atleast
L620[13:04:41] <ping> .failblend SuPeRMiNoR2
L621[13:04:42] <^v> ping, 2ISmprNuoeR
L622[13:04:57] <JoshTheEnder> .fc SuPeRMiNoR2
L623[13:04:57] <^v> JoshTheEnder, SUpERMInor2
L624[13:05:01] <JoshTheEnder> heh
L625[13:05:14] <ping> its already failcaps D:
L626[13:05:27] <Kenny> he did a flip caps
L627[13:05:42] <JoshTheEnder> sUpErmInOr2
L628[13:05:44] <Kenny> sort of hehe
L629[13:05:47] <JoshTheEnder> that looks stupid
L630[13:06:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> thats why the caps are like they are
L631[13:06:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> they look nice
L632[13:07:09] <ping> .> hook.add({"command_fc","command_flipcaps"},function(user,chan,txt) return txt:gsub(".",function(n) n:lower()==n and n:upper() or n:lower() end) end)
L633[13:07:09] <^v> ping, lua:1: unexpected symbol near '=='
L634[13:07:12] <ping> :|
L635[13:07:22] <Death> EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
L636[13:07:25] <ping> .> hook.add({"command_fc","command_flipcaps"},function(user,chan,txt) return txt:gsub(".",function(n) return n:lower()==n and n:upper() or n:lower() end) end)
L637[13:07:25] <^v> ping, lua:1: attempt to call field 'add' (a nil value)
L638[13:07:29] <ping> facu too
L639[13:07:35] <ping> .> hook.add=hook.new
L640[13:07:35] <^v> ping, nil
L641[13:07:38] <ping> .> hook.add({"command_fc","command_flipcaps"},function(user,chan,txt) return txt:gsub(".",function(n) return n:lower()==n and n:upper() or n:lower() end) end)
L642[13:07:38] <^v> ping, function: 004EF150
L643[13:07:40] <ping> there
L644[13:07:45] <ping> wait
L645[13:07:47] <ping> dammit
L646[13:07:48] <Death> .flipcaps Hai
L647[13:07:49] <^v> Death, hAI
L648[13:07:53] <Death> It works.
L649[13:08:00] <Death> .flipcaps Boop.
L650[13:08:01] <^v> Death, bOOP.
L651[13:08:09] <ping> i just made a conflicting command
L652[13:08:15] <ping> .fc herp
L653[13:08:16] <^v> ping, HeRp
L654[13:08:16] <^v> ping, HERP
L655[13:08:23] ⇨ Joins: SuperBot (SuperBot@
L656[13:08:27] <ping> :D the callback doesnt bork
L657[13:08:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $slap Kenny
L658[13:08:40] * SuperBot slaps Kenny around a bit with a giant piece of string
L659[13:08:45] <Kenny> .fc SoMeThInG
L660[13:08:45] <^v> Kenny, sOmEthIng
L661[13:08:45] <^v> Kenny, sOmEtHiNg
L662[13:08:47] <ping> .> hook.hooks["command_fc"][2]=nil
L663[13:08:47] <^v> ping, nil
L664[13:08:57] <ping> wat
L665[13:09:05] <ping> my IRC just lagged
L666[13:09:19] <ping> :D the callback doesnt bork
L667[13:09:22] <ping> wait
L668[13:09:36] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197) (Quit: bork)
L669[13:09:40] <Kenny> the function borked
L670[13:09:52] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197)
L671[13:10:01] * EnderBot will be back
L672[13:10:03] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot (TheEnders@ (Quit: BYE BYE MWAHAHAHAHA)
L673[13:10:18] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L674[13:10:20] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot (TheEnders@
L675[13:10:21] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot
L676[13:10:23] <JoshTheEnder> rdns is still failing
L677[13:10:34] <SuperBot> Haha, the inferior bot had to restart
L678[13:10:48] <ping> feixed
L679[13:11:00] <tgame14> if a bot has to call itself superbot it must have self esteem issues :)
L680[13:11:14] <ping> xD
L681[13:11:18] <JoshTheEnder> well, that and it's owner is SuPeRMiNoR2
L682[13:11:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i thought it made sense
L683[13:11:29] <ping> does SuperBot say that when ^v restarts?
L684[13:11:30] * EnderBot stabs SuperBot
L685[13:11:46] <Kenny> it either has self-esteem issues or is egotistical
L686[13:11:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ping: i told it to say that
L687[13:11:53] <tgame14> you really tried to make your name a pain to read :)
L688[13:12:14] <Kenny> kids do that hehe
L689[13:12:22] * EnderBot is jumping again
L690[13:12:25] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot (TheEnders@ (Client Quit)
L691[13:12:50] <JoshTheEnder> ok, i give up with the RDNS
L692[13:12:51] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot (TheEnders@
L693[13:12:51] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot
L694[13:13:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> you probably need to update it with digital oceans control panel;
L695[13:14:22] <JoshTheEnder> i did, i did try to change it to "TheEnders.me" but that didnt work so i set it back to my domain
L696[13:14:48] <ping> usually rdns takes minutes to update
L697[13:15:08] <JoshTheEnder> i updated it about 2 mins ago
L698[13:15:17] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oo, did you get a new domain?
L699[13:15:24] <JoshTheEnder> + i dont think TheEnders.me is an actual domain
L700[13:15:25] <JoshTheEnder> no
L701[13:15:29] <JoshTheEnder> not yet anyway
L702[13:15:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> then that wont work
L703[13:15:31] <SuPeRMiNoR2> fail
L704[13:15:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it has to be a real domain
L705[13:15:41] <Death> Heh I got bnc.deathprogramming.com c:
L706[13:15:51] <EnderBot> 1 last try
L707[13:15:54] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot (TheEnders@ (Client Quit)
L708[13:16:06] <JoshTheEnder> there
L709[13:16:14] <ping> the domain has to resolve to the ip you are using
L710[13:16:21] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot (TheEnders@thatjoshgreen.me)
L711[13:16:21] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot
L712[13:16:22] <JoshTheEnder> ping, it does now
L713[13:16:26] <ping> :P
L714[13:16:59] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (SuPeR@ (Quit: Goodbye)
L715[13:17:02] <Kenny> anyone know a link to where i can check out file handling in luia
L716[13:17:06] <Kenny> lua*
L717[13:17:14] <ping> .help io
L718[13:17:14] <^v> ping, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.8
L719[13:17:21] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (SuPeR@
L720[13:17:31] <ping> theres also filesystem, but i prefer io
L721[13:17:32] <JoshTheEnder> ok, for the host to update for others on my bouncer you will need to do /znc jump warden.esper.net (this will break your connections to esper, so i'd advise finishing conversations beforehand)
L722[13:17:43] ⇦ Quits: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@ (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish o/)
L723[13:17:48] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (SuPeR@ (Client Quit)
L724[13:17:51] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (SuPeR@thatjoshgreen.me)
L725[13:17:52] ⇨ Joins: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@
L726[13:17:52] zsh sets mode: +v on JoshTheEnder
L727[13:17:56] <ping> wat
L728[13:17:59] <EnderBot> ok, talking through EnderBot for noqw
L729[13:18:03] <Kenny> i need something with examples
L730[13:18:14] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yay
L731[13:18:36] <ping> local file=fs.open("readme","r") print(file:read("*a"))
L732[13:18:37] <Kenny> JOsh, i try to run logs
L733[13:18:43] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L734[13:18:56] <Kenny> i log everything in the channel
L735[13:18:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> now i can reset superbot to the normal domain
L736[13:19:04] <ping> local file=fs.open("writeme","w") file:write("i like walruses") file:close()
L737[13:19:08] <ping> er
L738[13:19:13] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $hi
L739[13:19:13] <SuperBot> Hello SuPeRMiNoR2.
L740[13:19:14] <SuPeRMiNoR2> good
L741[13:19:16] <ping> instead of fs.open use io.open
L742[13:19:17] <ping> derp
L743[13:19:28] <Kenny> it's why i got on thru esper then other night when it kept timing me out
L744[13:19:38] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, i can probably set it up so that the bouncer logs for your stuff can be made available to you
L745[13:19:42] * JoshTheEnder looks at SuPeRMiNoR2
L746[13:20:10] <ping> Kenny, the internet was dying yesterday
L747[13:20:21] <ping> blame comcrap/time warner
L748[13:20:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the logs are kinda big
L749[13:20:44] <Kenny> i log thru my client which does it on a dialy basis
L750[13:21:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what are they for? (just wondering)
L751[13:21:26] ⇦ Quits: Kenny (Kenny@ (Quit: Bye)
L752[13:21:44] <ping> stuff like this
L753[13:21:46] <SuPeRMiNoR2> holy crap
L754[13:21:46] <ping> .stats
L755[13:21:47] <^v> ping, Total messages: 14583, Sanagr 9001%, pnig/Ping/SuperTheEnder|Josh/pong/megalemming/VexaToast/pngi/VERSION/TotallyNotPing/p1ngpongfromgbatemp/Dead 11.8%, Kenny/KennyTheIllogical/SgtSchultz/BigRenegade/Kenny|Offline/Kenny|Sleeping/LamontCranston/Kenny|AFK 11.1%, CokaCola_/Bizzycloa/CokaCola 10.1%, asie 9.7%
L756[13:21:52] ⇨ Joins: Kenny (Kenny@thatjoshgreen.me)
L757[13:22:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> JoshTheEnder, we have 6602 items in the log folder
L758[13:22:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> o.O
L759[13:22:14] <tgame14> 9001%!?!?!
L760[13:22:20] <tgame14> impossibru
L761[13:22:26] <Death> ...But how doIhave 11.8%
L762[13:22:37] <ping> though my logs arent as good as Kenny's because ive been hosting off a laptop
L763[13:22:39] <Death> I rarely go in this channel, rarely use that nick.
L764[13:22:41] <ping> Death, you dont
L765[13:22:50] <ping> i changed my nick to dead once
L766[13:22:57] <Death> I should've ghosted you.
L767[13:23:02] <ping> :P
L768[13:23:23] <Kenny> so if there is any need to find a piece of information, a link, or to settle a dispute about why someone got banned
L769[13:23:29] *** Death is now known as Dead
L770[13:23:31] <Dead> c:
L771[13:23:36] <ping> nooooooo
L772[13:23:43] <ping> now our messages are combined
L773[13:23:43] <Dead> It's been registered.
L774[13:23:46] <ping> facu
L775[13:23:50] <Dead> Since before Death.
L776[13:24:02] <Dead> also, no. I don't want you to fac me.
L777[13:24:14] *** Kenny is now known as TheShadow
L778[13:24:14] <Dead> daz gay
L779[13:24:29] zsh sets mode: +o on TheShadow
L780[13:24:41] <tgame14> a new op?!
L781[13:25:04] <ping> wat
L782[13:25:09] <TheShadow> no. because having to dso that for josh i had to re-identify
L783[13:25:10] <ping> no, kenny just identified :P
L784[13:25:20] *** Dead is now known as Death
L785[13:25:22] <TheShadow> !deop
L786[13:25:22] zsh sets mode: -o on TheShadow
L787[13:25:35] <TheShadow> !voice
L788[13:25:35] zsh sets mode: +v on TheShadow
L789[13:25:43] *** TheShadow is now known as Kenny
L790[13:25:51] <Vexatos> !voize
L791[13:26:09] <ping> +V-O
L792[13:26:11] <ping> .-.
L793[13:26:34] <Death> Java - I hate you.
L794[13:26:37] <tgame14> why?
L795[13:26:46] <ping> because java is horrible
L796[13:26:49] <Kenny> only works if you the right flags
L797[13:26:51] <tgame14> why?
L798[13:27:01] <Death> Because I don't like it.
L799[13:27:04] <tgame14> java is horrible is a horrible conclusion
L800[13:27:06] <Kenny> it's a pain in the ass hehe
L801[13:27:07] <tgame14> why dont you like it?
L802[13:27:13] <Death> Kenny: just like being gay is.
L803[13:27:14] <tgame14> cmon, give a solid reason
L804[13:27:28] <tgame14> i see a lot of hate on java, never a proper reason
L805[13:27:58] <tgame14> and i think i proved my case :)
L806[13:28:44] <ping> this is neat http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal
L807[13:28:56] <tgame14> lol ping nice attempt to avoid the issue.
L808[13:29:08] <ping> wat
L809[13:29:11] <ping> wat issue
L810[13:29:21] <ping> oh, java
L811[13:29:24] <ping> yeah its ahorrible
L812[13:29:35] <tgame14> because?
L813[13:30:11] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L814[13:30:39] <ping> 1. overly verbose 2. bad memory managment / slow 3. OOP
L815[13:31:25] <tgame14> 1. overly verbose, the fuck that means? 2. not at all, even the GC isnt so bad ( i agree there are better) 3. how is OOP bad?
L816[13:32:07] <Death> Ibrokemyspacekey.
L817[13:32:17] <ping> wat
L818[13:32:28] <tgame14> ech this isnt going anywhere.
L819[13:32:31] <tgame14> i quit, im tired
L820[13:32:34] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|Sleep
L821[13:33:00] <Death> time.to.get.a.new.keyboard.c:
L822[13:33:31] <ping> overly verbose means it requires a ton of programming to acheive little things
L823[13:33:47] <ping> which seriously sucks because its a high level language
L824[13:33:58] <tgame14|Sleep> how is it overly Verbose?
L825[13:34:02] *** tgame14|Sleep is now known as tgame1
L826[13:34:03] *** tgame1 is now known as tgame14
L827[13:34:03] <JoshTheEnder> also does no-one read the bloody MOTD of the bouncer?
L828[13:34:13] <ping> look at any java class
L829[13:34:19] <tgame14> i look at many every day
L830[13:34:20] <ping> they are fucking huge
L831[13:34:24] <tgame14> ...
L832[13:34:27] <tgame14> show me a code sample
L833[13:34:44] <tgame14> they arent bigger than any other classes usually
L834[13:34:49] <tgame14> or other languages
L835[13:34:56] <ping> class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) {
L836[13:35:04] <ping> ^ this gives me a headache
L837[13:35:09] <tgame14> because of the context of threads?
L838[13:35:13] <tgame14> that is overly verbose??
L839[13:35:18] <tgame14> each thing there does something important
L840[13:35:19] <ping> in lua: function hello_world() print("hello world!") end
L841[13:35:21] <ping> simple
L842[13:35:29] <tgame14> ffs lua is not an OOP language
L843[13:35:37] <tgame14> not is it nearly the level of java
L844[13:35:38] <ping> it can be
L845[13:35:43] <tgame14> no it cant, not really
L846[13:35:49] <ping> the OOP is up to you
L847[13:35:52] <Death> I'm.putting.more.OOP.in.Lua
L848[13:35:54] <tgame14> i give up.. you have no proper understanding java.
L849[13:35:57] <tgame14> night
L850[13:36:02] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|sleep
L851[13:36:11] <ping> class_helloworld={
L852[13:36:12] <JoshTheEnder> &addtohelp OCchanStats Stats are provided by SuPeRMiNoR2: http://www.thatjoshgreen.me/superminor2/stats/oc.html
L853[13:36:12] <EnderBot> Added OCchanStats successfully
L854[13:36:21] <ping> main=function()
L855[13:36:27] <ping> \o/ im using OOP
L856[13:36:44] <JoshTheEnder> i hate people who do main = function(args), it annoys me
L857[13:36:52] <ping> its a table
L858[13:36:53] <Death> Why?
L859[13:37:06] <tgame14|sleep> its not OOP
L860[13:37:12] <JoshTheEnder> if it's a table fine, otherwise it's hard to follow
L861[13:37:13] <tgame14|sleep> obviously you dont understand that either.
L862[13:37:15] <tgame14|sleep> night
L863[13:37:16] <ping> you can do class_helloworld={} function class_helloworld.main()
L864[13:37:28] <ping> it IS oop
L865[13:37:48] <ping> just a different understanding on a higher level
L866[13:38:01] <JoshTheEnder> :O
L867[13:38:02] <ping> java's classes are tables
L868[13:38:02] <SuperBot> Shut up Ping
L869[13:38:03] <JoshTheEnder> ping is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 10 times.
L870[13:38:03] <JoshTheEnder> For example, like this:
L871[13:38:03] <JoshTheEnder> * ping stabs JoshTheEnder
L872[13:38:10] <ping> xD
L873[13:38:10] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L874[13:38:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ping are you a guy?
L875[13:38:30] <ping> dcc wrote an average of 73.00 words per line. <- I AM DCC
L876[13:38:34] <ping> SuPeRMiNoR2, yes
L877[13:38:46] <ping> though i ungrouped the nick
L878[13:38:57] <ping> because i only use ping/pong/VERSION
L879[13:39:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ok
L880[13:39:38] <ping> http://puu.sh/7AnlK.png <- XD kenny
L881[13:39:40] <asie> Sangar: you might want to start preparing for restoring the RedLogic APIs in 1.7
L882[13:39:44] <asie> i'm about 1/3rd of my way through porting it over
L883[13:39:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i told it all of your nicks ping
L884[13:39:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> lol
L885[13:40:14] <Death> http://hastebin.com/dafaqalede.lua
L886[13:40:19] <ping> DCC / VERSION / ping / pong / ^v
L887[13:40:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> but ^v is a bot?
L888[13:40:36] <ping> i still used it
L889[13:40:37] <JoshTheEnder> ping, we tend to make it ignore bots
L890[13:40:45] <Death> You still can group the nick.
L891[13:40:49] <ping> i used ^v as a nick before i made ^v
L892[13:41:07] <JoshTheEnder> ping, did you use it more than 55 days ago?
L893[13:41:16] <ping> probably
L894[13:41:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> josh, it has been logging longer then that
L895[13:41:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> right now 90 days
L896[13:41:39] <JoshTheEnder> the stats say 55!
L897[13:41:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> that is for oc
L898[13:41:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it is newer
L899[13:42:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> that was when it was made!
L900[13:42:24] <ping> also #opencomputers
L901[13:42:33] <ping> wasnt logging then
L902[13:42:34] <JoshTheEnder> it'd be pointless to add it
L903[13:43:08] <JoshTheEnder> also we didnt really come into #opencomputers till about a week before we switched to #oc
L904[13:43:27] <JoshTheEnder> also for those who are in this channel, if you want to specify your gender so pisg can colour the stats properly send a mesage to either me or SuPeRMiNoR2
L905[13:44:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> or alternate nicknames
L906[13:44:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> that are yours
L907[13:44:51] <JoshTheEnder> SuPeRMiNoR2, that should generally be handled by the nick change detection
L908[13:45:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> not always
L909[13:45:22] <SuPeRMiNoR2> look at asie|tab at the top
L910[13:45:56] <JoshTheEnder> that's cause asie doesnt do a nick change, that's a seperate device
L911[13:46:01] <asie> indeed
L912[13:46:05] <asie> and a separate network too
L913[13:46:14] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh, ok then
L914[13:46:14] <asie> and a separate, dynamic IP
L915[13:46:24] <JoshTheEnder> ip doesnt matter
L916[13:46:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> but is it you?
L917[13:46:33] <JoshTheEnder> yes SuPeRMiNoR2
L918[13:47:18] <Kenny> do you see anything for LamontCranston?
L919[13:47:34] <JoshTheEnder> nope
L920[13:47:37] <Kenny> BigRenegade
L921[13:47:43] <JoshTheEnder> also SuPeRMiNoR2, ^
L922[13:47:47] <Kenny> TheShadow
L923[13:48:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> kenny, right now i have you as Kenny|* BigRenegade TheShadow
L924[13:48:33] <ping> Kenn.y/TheShadow/KennyTheIllogical/SgtSchultz/BigRenegade/Kenny|Offline/Kenny|Sleeping/LamontCranston/Kenny|AFK
L925[13:49:32] <Kenny> as no one really knows about the old radio show, LamontCranston is the real name of TheShadow :P
L926[13:50:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> hey josh, look at statistic number 25
L927[13:50:57] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L928[13:51:27] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Mordenkainen3141, 40 days ago, "and my thought was "F*ck you old man""
L929[13:51:33] <asie> yay, halfway through porting RedLogic
L930[13:51:36] <asie> from 1100 errors to 559
L931[13:51:51] <JoshTheEnder> mine says something about bucket list
L932[13:52:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yeah, that was before i re ran the thing
L933[14:01:36] <ping> lol
L934[14:01:40] <ping> asie, why
L935[14:01:56] <asie> ping: i want a 1.7 pack
L936[14:02:03] <asie> i'm porting the mods i want in my pack
L937[14:02:04] <ping> eww
L938[14:12:14] <ping> :O
L939[14:12:21] <asie> ping: what?
L940[14:12:35] <ping> i have not had a syntax error in any of my plugins until now
L941[14:13:02] <ping> i forgot to add an assert on my loadfile
L942[14:13:15] <ping> and this whole time, not a single syntax error
L943[14:14:00] <ping> .> toTernary(1337)
L944[14:14:00] <^v> ping, 121111
L945[14:14:18] <ping> .> fromTernary("121111")
L946[14:14:18] <^v> ping, 367
L947[14:14:20] <ping> dammit
L948[14:18:21] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971213.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L949[14:20:45] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~pingbot@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L950[14:20:53] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~pingbot@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L951[14:21:33] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (~Stary2001@khonsu.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L952[14:24:21] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/7Ar2p.jpg So.. I'm not 100% sure why it's green... but yeah a printer :P
L953[14:24:35] <ping> o.o
L954[14:24:43] <ping> KILL IT WITH FIRE
L955[14:24:49] <ping> ITS NOT BLOCKY ENOUGH
L956[14:24:56] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971213.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L957[14:25:00] <Michiyo> Don't worry... there is a config option to drop back to a block
L958[14:25:02] <Michiyo> so stfu :P
L959[14:25:11] * ping sets ban on *!*@kenobi.pc-logix.com
L960[14:25:14] <Michiyo> Just like with LC there is a option to drop back to a block for the DHD
L961[14:25:38] <Michiyo> DOn't forget apollo, isis, and athena
L962[14:25:39] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L963[14:25:40] <Michiyo> :P
L964[14:25:48] <ping> i like the 3d
L965[14:25:53] <ping> just more block
L966[14:25:59] <ping> less smooth
L967[14:26:03] <Michiyo> No
L968[14:26:07] <ping> y
L969[14:26:12] <Michiyo> Because.
L970[14:26:27] <ping> .> send("PRIVMSG #oc :i agree with ping")
L971[14:26:28] <^v> i agree with ping
L972[14:26:28] <^v> ping, nil
L973[14:26:35] <ping> fail, meant to pm
L974[14:26:50] * Michiyo slowclap
L975[14:27:19] <ping> .> send("PRIVMSG #oc :\1ACTION slowslaps Michiyo\1")
L976[14:27:19] * ^v slowslaps Michiyo
L977[14:27:20] <^v> ping, nil
L978[14:27:36] ⇨ Joins: newbie (~Stary2001@khonsu.stary2001.co.uk)
L979[14:27:44] <ping> :D
L980[14:27:46] <ping> newbie,
L981[14:28:00] *** newbie is now known as Stary2001
L982[14:28:37] <ping> D:
L983[14:28:49] <ping> so im adding malbolge to ^v
L984[14:29:20] <ping> couldnt find a inturpreter for lua \o/ so im making my own
L985[14:29:29] <ping> hopefully the universe segfaults
L986[14:29:53] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (~Kilobyte@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L987[14:31:41] <Michiyo> Anyway I have to be up in... 5 hours for work.. so night
L988[14:31:43] ⇨ Joins: pong (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e487:ab27:24f5:6462)
L989[14:31:49] <pong> wat, internet died
L990[14:34:00] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:e55b:5968:573d:f197) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L991[14:35:28] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (~Kilobyte@
L992[14:37:06] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0DF893A5901951AD17AB73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L993[14:40:57] <JZTech101> hmm... after much consideration, I think I'm going to dump mystcraft in favor of dimensional doors
L994[14:46:32] ⇨ Joins: Coreymills26 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net)
L995[14:46:45] <Coreymills26> will OC work with OpenPeripherals?
L996[14:50:45] <pong> Coreymills26, computronics has something like that
L997[14:51:28] <pong> http://mc.shinonome.ch/doku.php?id=wiki:computronics
L998[14:52:57] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, i want a watercooled pc
L999[14:53:01] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L1000[14:55:10] <pong> xD
L1001[14:55:37] <asie> Coreymills26: Yes, but only via OpenComponents and Adapters
L1002[14:55:48] <asie> but OpenComponents has a lot of OpenPeripheral's "other block support" functionality
L1003[14:55:51] <asie> and Computronics has some fun peripherals
L1004[14:55:56] <asie> also 40 errors until RedLogic
L1005[14:57:18] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1006[14:58:36] <pong> 40 bugs in the code 40 bugs in the code...
L1007[14:59:42] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1008[14:59:47] *** SuPeRMiNoR2 is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
L1009[15:04:34] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1010[15:04:34] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1011[15:05:34] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1012[15:07:46] <Wobbo> So… anything happened here?
L1013[15:08:09] <Coreymills26> i wanted to use the scanner from openperiperhals
L1014[15:08:22] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L1015[15:09:28] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L1016[15:10:05] <Wobbo> Coreymills26: And did it work?
L1017[15:11:50] <Coreymills26> i havnt tested it yet i just got back to my computer
L1018[15:13:03] <Kodos> I'm really loving not having any memory leak issues on my server now.
L1019[15:13:08] <Kodos> 2 days uptime and counting
L1020[15:21:39] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1021[15:25:27] *** Biohazard is now known as Demopan
L1022[15:25:57] *** Demopan is now known as Biohazard
L1023[15:29:12] ⇦ Parts: Coreymills26 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net) ())
L1024[15:30:09] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1025[15:31:51] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1026[15:31:56] <LordFokas> o/
L1027[15:32:06] <JoshTheEnder> \o
L1028[15:32:16] <Wobbo> \o/
L1029[15:32:37] <JoshTheEnder> ?help
L1030[15:32:37] <EnderBot> I can help you with: BlackKnight, opencomputers, opencomponents, ocforum, dev-builds, OCchanStats, 2048game,
L1031[15:32:37] <EnderBot> Command usage: ?<topic> e.g. ?stargates
L1032[15:32:37] <Kibibyte> Get help about kibibyte by typing #help in a channel or sending it help as pm/notice :3
L1033[15:32:51] <JoshTheEnder> ?OCchanStats
L1034[15:32:52] <EnderBot> Stats are provided by SuPeRMiNoR2: http://www.thatjoshgreen.me/superminor2/stats/oc.html
L1035[15:33:54] <Wobbo> Wobbo_ has more lines than Wobbo :P
L1036[15:34:28] <JoshTheEnder> guessing the one with the _ is also you?
L1037[15:34:41] <Wobbo> As far as I am aware
L1038[15:34:44] <Wobbo> whois Wobbo
L1039[15:34:50] <Wobbo> \whois Wobbo
L1040[15:35:50] <Wobbo> I'm really good with irc commands :P
L1041[15:37:01] <Wobbo> He also tells me that I was last online 46 days ago…
L1042[15:37:34] <JoshTheEnder> ok, added the alias, next time the stats are generated (on the next hour) the nicks will be consolidated into just "Wobbo"
L1043[15:37:45] <Wobbo> Ah, thanks :)
L1044[15:38:28] <Wobbo> Which would mean I would be in the top 4 or even 3 posters :P
L1045[15:39:31] <JoshTheEnder> yeah, you'd be 3rd knocking asie down to 4th
L1046[15:39:53] *** Sorroko is now known as Sorroko_Off
L1047[15:40:49] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Yup you are 3rd now
L1048[15:41:19] <Wobbo> Achievement get! :P
L1049[15:41:36] <Wobbo> JoshTheEnder: who sets the random quote? :P
L1050[15:41:47] <JoshTheEnder> pisg does that automatically
L1051[15:42:04] <Wobbo> Because it is about the stats now :P
L1052[15:42:20] <JoshTheEnder> heh
L1053[15:42:32] <Wobbo> Wobbo_ has more lines than Wobbo :P"
L1054[15:43:02] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|AddingMore
L1055[15:43:09] *** JoshTheEnder|AddingMore is now known as JoshTheEnder|NamesTo
L1056[15:43:15] *** JoshTheEnder|NamesTo is now known as JoshTheEnder|FuckWith
L1057[15:43:19] *** JoshTheEnder|FuckWith is now known as JoshTheEnder|pisg
L1058[15:43:25] *** JoshTheEnder|pisg is now known as JoshTheEnder|heh
L1059[15:43:56] <JoshTheEnder|heh> damn, have to wait 20 secs before i can change nick again
L1060[15:44:06] <JoshTheEnder|heh> :@
L1061[15:44:11] <Wobbo> XD
L1062[15:44:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> hmm
L1063[15:45:06] *** JoshTheEnder|heh is now known as JoshTheEnder
L1064[15:45:11] <JoshTheEnder> there
L1065[15:45:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i need to talk more here. and make more words. for pisg. and move up higher. ahaha.
L1066[15:45:37] <Wobbo> Y
L1067[15:45:38] <Wobbo> O
L1068[15:45:39] <Wobbo> U
L1069[15:45:41] <Wobbo> C
L1070[15:45:42] <Wobbo> O
L1071[15:45:43] <Wobbo> U
L1072[15:45:44] <Wobbo> L
L1073[15:45:45] <Wobbo> D
L1074[15:45:46] <JoshTheEnder> Wobbo, no
L1075[15:45:47] <Wobbo> A
L1076[15:45:54] <Wobbo> It would work! :P
L1077[15:46:21] <JoshTheEnder> it'd be funny if your next random quote is a single letter
L1078[15:46:27] <Wobbo> It is the only way in which I can get more posts than S@ngar
L1079[15:46:29] <Wobbo> XD
L1080[15:46:53] <JoshTheEnder> you have a long way to go
L1081[15:47:07] <Wobbo> JoshTheEnder: Why are certain names on the page blue?
L1082[15:47:10] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@
L1083[15:47:12] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it would work, but it would be annoying. you would not want to annoy other people would you?
L1084[15:47:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> also those are ones with defined gender
L1085[15:47:22] <JoshTheEnder> they have their gender specified
L1086[15:47:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> beat you
L1087[15:47:36] <Din> HAAAAAAAAAAI
L1088[15:47:40] <JoshTheEnder> $slap SuPeRMiNoR2
L1089[15:47:42] <Wobbo> JoshTheEnder: I don't even have time to do that, I have to work on a robot, to look for houses and I have tests in a week D:
L1090[15:47:53] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L1091[15:47:57] <JoshTheEnder> nvm
L1092[15:48:04] <JoshTheEnder> SuperBot, y u no work?
L1093[15:48:13] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $slap Me
L1094[15:48:13] * SuperBot slaps Me around a bit with a hard drive
L1095[15:48:15] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i dont know
L1096[15:48:20] <Wobbo> XD
L1097[15:48:20] <JoshTheEnder> $slap SuPeRMiNoR2
L1098[15:48:27] <Wobbo> $slap JoshTheEnder
L1099[15:48:30] <Symmetryc> Sangar: I made that macro system btw
L1100[15:48:50] <JoshTheEnder> i think your bot has learnt from mine, it dont wanna respond unless i give someone admin, even if it's a mod command
L1101[15:49:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> also josh, it is because your host is wrong
L1102[15:49:12] <JoshTheEnder> well go fix it
L1103[15:49:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> you fix yourself
L1104[15:49:20] <JoshTheEnder> ohh
L1105[15:49:30] <JoshTheEnder> ohh yeah, i havent jumped yet
L1106[15:49:33] <JoshTheEnder> derp
L1107[15:49:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $slap Johannes13
L1108[15:49:39] * SuperBot slaps Johannes13 around a bit with a hunk of lead
L1109[15:49:44] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Sorry Johannes13
L1110[15:49:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $slap JoshTheEnder
L1111[15:49:51] * SuperBot slaps JoshTheEnder around a bit with a spear
L1112[15:49:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> there
L1113[15:49:54] <Symmetryc> http://pastebin.com/W8E6RcPs
L1114[15:49:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Tab fail
L1115[15:50:02] <Symmetryc> ^ Macro-like thing in Lua :D
L1116[15:50:18] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: How does the macro system work?
L1117[15:50:48] * EnderBot slaps SuPeRMiNoR2 with a cod fish
L1118[15:50:59] ⇦ Quits: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@ (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish o/)
L1119[15:50:59] <Symmetryc> In the string that you're running, use --#macro <macro_name>
L1120[15:51:35] ⇨ Joins: JoshTheEnder (TheEnders@thatjoshgreen.me)
L1121[15:51:35] zsh sets mode: +v on JoshTheEnder
L1122[15:51:44] <Symmetryc> To run a string btw is local macro = require "macro.lua" macro(<str>, <arg1>, <arg2>, etc.
L1123[15:51:48] <Symmetryc> *)
L1124[15:52:04] <EnderBot> a whole 30 secs between JoshTheEnder authing with saslserv and join #oc
L1125[15:52:08] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: What is wrong with %macro?
L1126[15:52:16] <JoshTheEnder> anyway, back to me
L1127[15:52:24] <JoshTheEnder> $slap SuPeRMiNoR2
L1128[15:52:24] * SuperBot slaps SuPeRMiNoR2 around a bit with a rock
L1129[15:52:31] <Symmetryc> Well, I've never worked with C-Like macros before, so I don't know the standards surrounding them
L1130[15:52:34] <Symmetryc> Is that what I should use?
L1131[15:52:53] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: Lua like macros normally works like that :P
L1132[15:53:06] <Symmetryc> So like --%macro <macro_name> ?
L1133[15:53:11] <Wobbo> C-like marco's work with the #
L1134[15:53:25] <Symmetryc> Lua-like macros are C-like macros though lol
L1135[15:53:43] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: Yeah, you can check Lua-Logging to see how they fixed it
L1136[15:54:47] <Symmetryc> Wait what
L1137[15:55:16] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: What does logging have to do with macros? :P
L1138[15:55:21] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JTE|WatchingSG_AoT
L1139[15:55:30] <Symmetryc> I can't see anything about macros in the GitHub Repo btw
L1140[15:56:02] <Wobbo> Lua-logging has a prepLog message that switches %date to the current day and stuff
L1141[15:56:21] <Symmetryc> Ohhhh
L1142[15:56:30] <Symmetryc> We're talking about different kinds of macros I think
L1143[15:56:39] <Wobbo> Prop :P
L1144[15:57:00] <Symmetryc> These kinds are like the ones where you do #define <name> <macro> in C
L1145[15:57:02] <Wobbo> That should porb end with a b
L1146[15:57:12] <Symmetryc> Not String-Interopolation
L1147[15:57:51] <Wobbo> $slap Me
L1148[15:58:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> sorry Wobbo, strong security
L1149[15:58:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $slap Wobbo
L1150[15:58:25] * SuperBot slaps Wobbo around a bit with a a trout
L1151[15:58:30] <Wobbo> Damn…
L1152[16:01:41] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1153[16:01:54] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Was that slap regarding the macro thing lol?
L1154[16:03:16] <LordFokas> uhm, guys, which of you where discussing moving tiles with me last night?
L1155[16:05:25] *** Biohazard is now known as Cyborg
L1156[16:05:33] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: The slap has nothing to do with the macro thing
L1157[16:06:30] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1158[16:06:44] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1159[16:06:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1160[16:09:15] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Ah, okayh
L1161[16:09:38] <Wobbo> Otherwise, it would have been $slap Symmetryc or $slap macro :P
L1162[16:09:54] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Btw, one of the macros is a lambda macro :D
L1163[16:10:04] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Where you can just do @(<fn>)
L1164[16:10:09] <Symmetryc> :D :D :D
L1165[16:10:33] <Symmetryc> Makes it so much easier to do stuff with callbacks and whatnot
L1166[16:11:05] <Wobbo> if you use small functions for that :P
L1167[16:13:13] <Symmetryc> Well, I got the inspiration to make it from Clojure and its map function
L1168[16:13:26] <Symmetryc> Which basically does something like this:
L1169[16:13:28] <pong> .> hook.add("command_slap",function(user,chan,txt) respond(user,"\1ACTION slaps "..txt..\1") end)
L1170[16:13:28] <^v> pong, lua:1: unexpected symbol near '\'
L1171[16:13:34] <pong> way
L1172[16:13:36] <pong> wat*
L1173[16:13:49] <pong> .> hook.add("command_slap",function(user,chan,txt) respond(user,"\1ACTION slaps "..txt.."\1") end)
L1174[16:13:49] <^v> pong, lua:1: attempt to call field 'add' (a nil value)
L1175[16:13:50] <pong> o
L1176[16:13:57] <pong> .> hook.new("command_slap",function(user,chan,txt) respond(user,"\1ACTION slaps "..txt.."\1") end)
L1177[16:13:57] <^v> pong, function: 006F7488
L1178[16:14:26] <Symmetryc> map(function(x, y) return x * y end, {1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1}) -> {3, 4, 3}
L1179[16:14:36] <Symmetryc> ^ That's basically what the map function does
L1180[16:14:41] <Symmetryc> With macros:
L1181[16:15:02] <Symmetryc> map(@(@1 * @2), {1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1}) :D
L1182[16:15:49] <pong> wut
L1183[16:17:13] <Wobbo> Symmetryc: I don't know if I find that easier to read or not…
L1184[16:17:30] <Symmetryc> map( @ ( @1 * @2 ) , {1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1}) :D
L1185[16:17:33] <Symmetryc> :P
L1186[16:17:35] <Symmetryc> There
L1187[16:17:44] <pong> nop
L1188[16:17:47] <Symmetryc> I also made a macro where you can do something like this:
L1189[16:17:50] <Wobbo> Still not that easier really…
L1190[16:18:18] <Symmetryc> local file_to_change = "test.txt" $(file_to_change) = "hello world!"
L1191[16:18:20] <Symmetryc> or
L1192[16:18:23] ⇨ Joins: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com)
L1193[16:18:23] zsh sets mode: +v on BevoLJ
L1194[16:18:36] <Symmetryc> print($(file_to_change)) -> "hello world!"
L1195[16:18:39] <Symmetryc> :D
L1196[16:18:40] <pong> wat
L1197[16:19:58] <pong> i dont get it Symmetryc
L1198[16:20:32] <pong> o, file reading/writing
L1199[16:20:49] <pong> metatable would be easiar to read
L1200[16:20:58] <pong> file["test.txt"]="potato"
L1201[16:22:54] <pong> setmetatable(file,{__index=function(s,n) local fl=io.open(n,"r") if not fl then return end return fl:read("*a") end,__newindex=function(s,n,d) local fl=io.open(n,"w") if not fl then return end fl:write(d) fl:close() end})
L1202[16:27:59] <pong> http://puu.sh/7AANq.png
L1203[16:28:01] <pong> os.spawn
L1204[16:28:07] <pong> I MUST HAVE THIS
L1205[16:28:28] <Wobbo> pong: where did you get that?
L1206[16:28:29] ⇦ Quits: Idlehumor_ (webchat@c-98-251-123-247.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1207[16:28:43] <pong> Wobbo, http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal
L1208[16:28:45] <Wobbo> and it sounds a lot like io.popen really
L1209[16:28:55] <pong> it is, but you can read/write
L1210[16:29:02] <pong> at same time
L1211[16:29:17] <pong> and you can yield until it closed
L1212[16:29:55] <Wobbo> pong: I guess the problem with spawn is, is that is a windows thing. the POSIX equivalent would be a fork/exec combo, but io.popen already does that
L1213[16:30:32] <pong> you cant read and write at same time with popen :<
L1214[16:31:15] <Wobbo> That is because not every system allows you to have read/write pipes to fork/execed processes.
L1215[16:31:24] <Wobbo> Although most do nowadays
L1216[16:32:18] <Wobbo> pong: but if you want to, you can implement io.popen so it does work with read/write pipes. both Sangar and I gave that a try, but we bot got headaches :P
L1217[16:32:38] <pong> meh
L1218[16:33:21] <pong> is there any way to make a pipe between lua 5.2 and 5.1
L1219[16:33:24] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-216.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1220[16:33:44] <Kodos> How's this look? http://puu.sh/7AALt.jpg
L1221[16:33:59] <pong> i am about to get le CE memory libs out
L1222[16:34:12] <Wobbo> Kodos: nice
L1223[16:34:19] <pong> and just have the processes read the data directly out of the other one Dx
L1224[16:34:29] <Wobbo> pong: as in, both Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2 intermixed? I don't think that is possible
L1225[16:34:33] <pong> HD texture hurts my eyes
L1226[16:34:42] <pong> Wobbo, invite me to ur chan :<
L1227[16:34:53] <Wobbo> pong: what?
L1228[16:35:00] <pong> Kodos*
L1229[16:35:19] <Kodos> It's only 32x...
L1230[16:35:31] <pong> wat
L1231[16:35:37] <pong> its clearly 256x
L1232[16:35:41] <Kodos> Uhh no
L1233[16:36:08] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/7ABqB.jpg
L1234[16:36:27] <pong> mfw
L1235[16:36:46] * pong slaps eyes
L1236[16:42:53] *** Death is now known as Death||Away
L1237[16:45:38] <Wobbo> byways, I'm going
L1238[16:45:39] <Wobbo> Bye
L1239[16:45:49] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Bye
L1240[16:46:04] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Wobbo)
L1241[16:47:09] ⇦ Quits: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1242[16:50:03] <pong> .malbolge (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh}|Bcy?`=*z]Kw%oG4UUS0/@-ejc(:'8dc
L1243[16:50:19] <pong> oh, forgot to load program -_-
L1244[16:58:27] ⇨ Joins: junkie2100 (webchat@66-87-73-179.pools.spcsdns.net)
L1245[17:02:52] <junkie2100> hey, can anyone here point me in the direction of the command block driver functions?
L1246[17:03:58] <Kodos> Why not use the component viewer?
L1247[17:04:02] <pong> .help commandblock
L1248[17:04:02] <^v> pong, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-commandblock
L1249[17:04:06] <Kodos> It'll tell you what all you can dow ith a command block
L1250[17:05:21] <junkie2100> that works, thanks guys. i just had no idea where to start, i had computercraft till like an hour ago but it wont work on 1.7.2 so i changed to this and now i gotta relearn everything lol
L1251[17:05:31] <Kodos> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/9-component-viewer/
L1252[17:05:37] <pong> .> tobase("1337","0123456789","01")
L1253[17:05:37] <^v> pong, 0000
L1254[17:05:41] <pong> dammit
L1255[17:06:37] <pong> .> tobase("1337","0123456789","01")
L1256[17:06:37] <^v> pong, 10011100101
L1257[17:07:11] <pong> dammit
L1258[17:08:30] *** JTE|WatchingSG_AoT is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L1259[17:11:00] <pong> .> tobase("1337","0123456789","01")
L1260[17:11:00] <^v> pong, 10100111001
L1261[17:11:02] <pong> :D
L1262[17:14:11] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1263[17:15:39] <junkie2100> huh, nm i guess i cant attach it kuz i cant get opencomponents to work on 1.7.2 :(
L1264[17:18:30] *** Death||Away is now known as Death
L1265[17:19:07] <junkie2100> ah well, worth a shot... anybody know of any other ways to execute minecraft console commands using lua scripts?
L1266[17:20:53] <pong> CC
L1267[17:21:16] <pong> my old IRC bot connected to my server's RCON
L1268[17:21:53] *** Death is now known as Death||Away
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L1270[17:24:52] *** Death is now known as Death||Away
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L1274[17:35:14] <junkie2100> this is gonna take some doing... cant for the life of me figure out a way to get minecraft console commands to work on here, and i could just do redstone to command blocks but that means one command per block... thats alot of blocks
L1275[17:46:18] <pong> adapter connected to command block should work
L1276[17:51:59] ⇨ Joins: skarlitz (webchat@
L1277[17:56:31] ⇦ Parts: progwml6|L (~progwml6@n2-198-175.resnet.drexel.edu) ())
L1278[17:56:51] <junkie2100> adapter wont connect to it without the opencomponents mod i am pretty sure
L1279[17:56:54] <junkie2100> i tried
L1280[17:57:01] <junkie2100> didnt get me anywhere
L1281[17:57:18] <junkie2100> couldnt even see it in the list of components
L1282[17:57:53] <skarlitz> Hm?
L1283[17:58:01] <skarlitz> Connect to what?
L1284[17:58:07] <junkie2100> command block
L1285[17:58:18] <junkie2100> i wanna pass commands to minecrafts console via scripts
L1286[17:59:04] <junkie2100> without having to make a command block for every command that is
L1287[17:59:25] <junkie2100> and route the redstone for it all, thats alot of painful work
L1288[18:00:06] <skarlitz> If you have ComputerCraft installed (Kinda repetitive right?), you can cheat and use wired modems, which work fine with adapter blocks. As for doing it only OpenComputers, lemme take a crack at it.
L1289[18:00:32] <junkie2100> problem is, im running 1.7.2
L1290[18:00:45] <junkie2100> thats why i cant use opencomponents or computercraft
L1291[18:00:52] <junkie2100> both crash it
L1292[18:01:18] <skarlitz> Well, yeah.
L1293[18:01:25] <skarlitz> Neither are compiled or even updated for it.
L1294[18:03:35] <junkie2100> so yea im kinda screwed
L1295[18:03:40] <skarlitz> Downgrade?
L1296[18:03:49] <pong> uh
L1297[18:03:50] <junkie2100> im thinking about ditching the whole server and trying a 6.4
L1298[18:04:12] <junkie2100> right, its an option if i can get all the server crap set up again for a 6.4
L1299[18:04:19] <skarlitz> Like what?
L1300[18:04:32] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1301[18:05:22] <skarlitz> Chances are if it's available for 1.7, it's available for 1.6.4
L1302[18:05:54] <junkie2100> like, the server configs, its a personal server lol
L1303[18:06:00] <skarlitz> :L
L1304[18:06:16] <junkie2100> ill have to kill the whole thing and remake it
L1305[18:06:31] <skarlitz> Worth it.
L1306[18:06:46] <junkie2100> seems like it
L1307[18:06:59] <skarlitz> Then when 1.7 has more mods updated or it, just upgrade. Or stay 1.6.4. Either way.
L1308[18:18:53] ⇦ Quits: skarlitz (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1309[18:26:23] ⇦ Quits: junkie2100 (webchat@66-87-73-179.pools.spcsdns.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1311[18:33:26] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L1312[18:36:51] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~pingbot@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L1316[19:00:15] ⇦ Quits: ANXHaruhi|LearningJava (~ANXHaruhi@114.Red-83-46-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1317[19:08:52] ⇨ Joins: skarlitz (webchat@
L1318[19:10:57] <skarlitz> Can someone give me a quick run-through of setting up autorun programs in OC?
L1319[19:16:46] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L1320[19:17:02] ⇦ Parts: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) ())
L1321[19:17:13] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L1322[19:17:25] <Symmetryc> Hello
L1323[19:20:02] <skarlitz> Hello.
L1324[19:20:16] <skarlitz> Could you give me a run through of how autorun works for the hard drives in OC?
L1325[19:21:44] <Bizzycola> isn't it like you place an autorun file on it then it runs when the computer with the drive in it turns on or you insert the drive?
L1326[19:21:56] <Kenny> yep
L1327[19:22:13] <pong> yeup
L1328[19:42:38] <Kenny> check this out: http://pastebin.com/1ujgggxG
L1329[19:42:47] <Kenny> it's hilarious
L1330[19:45:49] <Bizzycola> olol
L1331[19:46:12] *** Death is now known as Death||Away
L1332[19:51:25] *** Death||Away is now known as Death
L1333[19:51:33] ⇦ Quits: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1334[20:18:50] <pong> Kenny, lol
L1335[20:18:57] <pong> also D: panicbnc
L1336[20:19:01] ⇨ Joins: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz)
L1337[20:19:06] <pong> :D panicbnc
L1338[20:19:19] <Kenny> i was rofl
L1339[20:27:03] <pong> alright
L1340[20:27:08] <pong> it took me a few hours
L1341[20:27:18] <pong> .malbolge (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh}|Bcy?`=*z]Kw%oG4UUS0/@-ejc(:'8dc
L1342[20:27:18] <^v> pong, Hello World!
L1343[20:27:27] <pong> i made an inturpreter
L1344[20:27:34] <pong> there were like none for Lua
L1345[20:28:43] <Kenny> anyone got a link on how to build a windmill for RI
L1346[20:29:03] <LordFokas> do a brainfuck interpreter
L1347[20:29:17] <Kenny> don't get him started :P
L1348[20:30:21] <pong> i already got a brainfuck inturpreter :P
L1349[20:30:53] <LordFokas> LOLCODE then?
L1350[20:30:57] <pong> .bf +[----->+++<]>+.---.+++++++..+++.[--->+<]>-----.++++++[->++<]>.+[--->+<]>.+++.--------------.-[----->+<]>-.+[--->+<]>++.----.----------.--[--->+<]>--.
L1351[20:30:57] <^v> pong, hello LordFokas
L1352[20:31:02] <pong> lolk
L1353[20:32:11] ⇦ Quits: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-108-9-201-239.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) ()
L1354[20:32:54] <LordFokas> tecnically it'd be easy to make a turing interpreter and then just map the instructions, so the same interpreter could easily interpret brainfuck, ook, and all other brainfuck descendants / turing machine implementations
L1355[20:33:56] <pong> or i can just use gsub
L1356[20:36:09] <pong> http://puu.sh/7ARbY.png
L1357[20:37:34] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@
L1358[20:47:30] <Cazzar> torrents hard mode: having to change the encoding so it will load in your client
L1359[21:18:40] <Kenny> where is there something that shows how to make a windmill for Resonant Induction
L1360[21:21:15] <Ir7_o> wait what?!
L1361[21:21:28] <pong> i found a page but it diddnt tell how
L1362[21:21:30] <pong> just a picture
L1363[21:22:28] <Kenny> the only freakikng thing calc says is that he made the one in his video using multipart, but i can't find a single damn video any where that shows how to make one
L1364[21:25:34] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1365[21:27:46] *** Death|Death is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
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L1368[21:37:50] <pong> heres le malbolge: http://hastebin.com/dekarabime.lua
L1369[21:38:19] <pong> it should work in lua 5.2, not sure though
L1370[21:46:58] <pong> LordFokas|off, LOLCODE is too verbose
L1371[21:47:13] <pong> got any better langs?
L1372[21:50:31] *** Cazzar is now known as cazzar|Away
L1373[21:50:52] <Ir7_o> in a program, how can you retieve args? .-.
L1374[21:51:45] <Death> local args = { ... } is how they did it in CC
L1375[21:51:48] <Death> That might work
L1376[21:52:20] <Ir7_o> yeah :?
L1377[21:52:23] <Ir7_o> :/
L1378[21:52:48] <Ir7_o> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/API-Shell parse?
L1379[21:54:08] <Bizzycola> I'm so amazing. I spent 10 minutes drawing up all my map collisions in the wrong layer and I have to do it again because I don't think anything through ever :D
L1380[21:54:43] <pong> Ir7_o, shell.parse is for making parameters, etc easier
L1381[21:55:01] <pong> just args={...} is fine though
L1382[21:55:10] <Death> whoo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
L1383[21:56:54] <Ir7_o> hmm ok, thanks pong ;)
L1384[21:57:08] *** pong is now known as ping
L1385[21:57:27] <Death> t('u't)
L1386[21:57:28] ⇦ Parts: Death (Death@bnc.deathprogramming.com) ())
L1387[21:58:14] *** cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1388[21:59:16] <Ir7_o> another quick question .-. does opencomputers use _G?
L1389[21:59:20] <ping> yup
L1390[21:59:24] <Ir7_o> :D
L1391[21:59:31] <ping> its normal lua
L1392[21:59:49] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Sleeping
L1393[22:00:30] <Ir7_o> awesome
L1394[22:02:53] <Ir7_o> so this should work well? (cant install oc)
L1395[22:03:01] <Ir7_o> http://prntscr.com/324dn4
L1396[22:08:40] <ping> need a # after for i=1,
L1397[22:08:54] <ping> #generic.arguments
L1398[22:09:02] <Ir7_o> ah ok thanks
L1399[22:09:16] <ping> also wtf generic.arguments
L1400[22:09:24] <ping> its clearly ocg.arguments
L1401[22:09:39] <ping> so change generic to ocg also, or vice versa
L1402[22:10:02] <ping> and it probably wont be what you want
L1403[22:10:48] <ping> you cant index "ocg.arguments1234" easialy
L1404[22:11:08] <ping> im not sure what you are trying to do .-.
L1405[22:11:25] <Ir7_o> ah sorry, i was using the wrong variable.
L1406[22:25:34] ⇨ Joins: progwml6|L (~progwml6@n2-198-175.resnet.drexel.edu)
L1407[22:25:35] zsh sets mode: +v on progwml6|L
L1408[22:27:43] <Cazzar> So, i am at uni in a lecture..
L1409[22:29:07] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971213.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1410[22:30:05] <ping> Cazzar, wats it about
L1411[22:30:22] <Cazzar> quite literally uni
L1412[22:30:50] <ping> related: maldoge http://puu.sh/7AWIf.png
L1413[22:31:45] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549716BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1414[22:34:48] <Cazzar> I was never a fan of doge
L1415[22:35:12] *** rfctks|away is now known as rfctksSparkle
L1416[22:36:37] <ping> wat
L1417[22:36:43] <ping> neither was i
L1418[22:36:51] <ping> being a fan would suck
L1419[22:36:57] <ping> just sitting there for hours
L1420[22:37:14] <ping> being in a basement for several months
L1421[22:40:47] <Cazzar> ah the wifi here: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3380466537 :D
L1422[22:44:03] <ping> gud for wifi
L1423[22:46:16] <Cazzar> hmm, having some kinda of OC mod registery that we can find online.
L1424[22:46:25] <Cazzar> maybe even have an ingame downloader for them
L1425[22:52:00] <ping> hmm
L1426[22:52:14] <Cazzar> might be a nice idea on it.
L1427[22:52:36] <ping> if someone make a sexy UI for it ill make the server/networking stuff
L1428[22:57:46] <Cazzar> < cannot design for shit
L1429[22:58:07] <Cazzar> Well, databases yes, UI, no
L1430[22:59:13] <ping> well i already got the database :P
L1431[22:59:48] <ping> fine
L1432[22:59:51] <ping> ill make the UI
L1433[22:59:59] <ping> and the networking
L1434[23:00:06] <ping> after im done with -huge list-
L1435[23:01:34] <Cazzar> all it would be is a relational list: oc supported versions, it's versions (each release) and any notes
L1436[23:04:12] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L1439[23:26:36] <ping> :D asie
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L1443[23:38:51] <Sangar> o/
L1444[23:38:55] <Ir7_o> whats wrong with this: http://prntscr.com/324rqc
L1445[23:39:25] <Sangar> looks fine to me
L1446[23:39:30] <Ir7_o> to be saying this: http://prntscr.com/324rsu
L1447[23:40:16] <Ir7_o> this is bloody annoying :/
L1448[23:40:57] <asie> and now, ducks.
L1449[23:40:57] <asie> http://i.imgur.com/nMwKJbh.png
L1450[23:41:23] <Ir7_o> ;)
L1451[23:41:27] <Ir7_o> any clue sangar?
L1452[23:43:45] <ping> you need to open it with a parameter iirc
L1453[23:44:38] <ping> also, you need to do io.open("hdd/conf.lua")
L1454[23:44:57] <Ir7_o> wait do you mean parameter?
L1455[23:45:01] <ping> then print(conf:read("*a"))
L1456[23:45:12] <ping> Ir7_o, nevermind, by default its "r"
L1457[23:45:55] <ping> er "hdd/etc/ocg/conf.lua"
L1458[23:46:47] <Ir7_o> it looks like i am just gonna remove the harddrive and start again :>
L1459[23:47:45] <Ir7_o> but how can i get it to default to the current directory?
L1460[23:48:34] <ping> cant really
L1461[23:48:57] <ping> well, there is shell.getWorkingDirectory()
L1462[23:49:29] <Ir7_o> hmmm ok
L1463[23:49:35] <ping> but that doesnt work if you are dofiling from a different file
L1464[23:49:43] <Ir7_o> yeah..
L1465[23:49:47] <Ir7_o> i will see what i can do...
L1466[23:52:52] <Kenny|Sleeping> do a shell.resolve to guarantee getting the right path to the file
L1467[23:57:56] <Kenny|Sleeping> local f = shell.resolve("conf.lua") is how it woujld i go, i think
L1468[23:58:55] <Kenny|Sleeping> and now i actually am off to sleep
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