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L1[00:00:29] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-1-159-36.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Quit: Yui <3)
L2[00:02:06] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B31D49B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L3[00:03:01] <pong> http://puu.sh/71SsB.png http://pastebin.com/pbtgAPiF
L4[00:03:12] <pong> it makes a nice brushed metal texture :3
L5[00:04:35] <ShadowKatStudios> I once wrote a matrix program similar to that.
L6[00:05:10] <ShadowKatStudios> It used a random character.
L7[00:05:26] <ShadowKatStudios> In a random location
L8[00:06:19] <pong> similar ;-;
L9[00:07:45] <pong> http://puu.sh/71SH6.png
L10[00:07:53] <pong> le realistic looking brushed aluminum
L11[00:08:10] <ShadowKatStudios> The way it gets lighter in the middle is col
L12[00:08:13] <ShadowKatStudios> cool*
L13[00:08:34] <pong> i did that with gimp
L14[00:08:43] <pong> not love
L15[00:10:37] <pong> http://www.vexrobotics.com/vrc-trophy.html <- these are a ripoff
L16[00:10:55] <pong> no onder we keep giving old trophys
L17[00:12:40] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Sleeping
L18[00:13:05] <pong> behd
L19[00:13:36] ⇦ Quits: pong (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:98bb:8096:35e4:8ef4) (Quit: Leaving)
L20[00:16:00] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-14-65.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L21[00:17:37] <ShadowKatStudios> I hit the front page on the FTB reddit! :D
L22[00:32:35] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@ (Quit: CYA LATER LOOSERS !!!!! ME GONNA GO DO SWAGSTUFFS)
L23[00:51:28] <mallrat208> grats?
L24[00:52:34] <mallrat208> No broadband
L25[00:53:39] <ShadowKatStudios> It was a while ago
L26[00:53:42] <ShadowKatStudios> I moved since.
L27[01:03:43] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L28[01:10:51] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L29[01:32:06] *** Kenny|Sleeping is now known as Kenny|Sleeping|Offline
L30[02:44:50] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L31[02:46:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B31D49B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L32[03:06:17] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-1-159-36.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L33[03:32:58] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: os.sleep(2))
L34[03:47:41] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-1-159-36.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Quit: Yui <3)
L35[03:53:25] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L36[04:00:57] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
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L38[04:05:56] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L39[04:33:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300558F5C11251D5921283076BE41.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L44[04:58:30] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L45[05:11:01] *** Kenny|Sleeping|Offline is now known as Kenny
L46[05:30:46] *** MrHohen_sleep is now known as MrHohenheim
L47[05:31:35] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
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L53[05:59:21] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L54[06:00:16] ⇦ Quits: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@94-21-62-127.pool.digikabel.hu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L57[06:01:19] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~nobody@
L58[06:01:19] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L59[06:01:45] <Ir7_o> sangar?
L60[06:02:45] <Ir7_o> its more than likely i am going to be reconfiguring the server to linux.
L61[06:03:17] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@
L62[06:03:37] <Ir7_o> either: we move the forums to your hosting or we wait until i reconfigure and upload?
L63[06:03:53] <Kenny> hey Ir7_o
L64[06:04:04] <Ir7_o> h
L65[06:04:04] <Ir7_o> hi
L66[06:04:20] <Kenny> long time no see
L67[06:04:30] <Ir7_o> ikr
L68[06:04:41] <Ir7_o> been very sick
L69[06:04:51] <Din> Hey everyone
L70[06:04:57] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~nobody@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L71[06:05:04] <Kenny> hey DangISP hehe
L72[06:05:15] <Din> hehe
L73[06:05:39] <Kenny> either he hit the wriong button or .....
L74[06:06:22] <Kenny> wish i could do everyday like i did yesterday hehe
L75[06:06:36] <Kenny> $40 for about 10 minutes work
L76[06:07:17] <Kenny> that averages out to $240 an hour hehe
L77[06:08:03] <Kenny> we had 6" of snow fall the night before last. people were getting stuck all over the place
L78[06:08:29] *** Din is now known as DinPingIfNeeded
L79[06:08:35] <Kenny> and it is supposed to be in the 50s today
L80[06:09:19] <Kenny> SpiritedDusty, you around
L81[06:17:17] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L82[06:18:24] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L83[06:24:07] <Sangar> o/
L84[06:25:10] <Vexatos> \o
L85[06:25:55] <Sangar> Ir7_o: if ipboard runs on lighttpd we could consider it, but then again it'd be running on the same server that's used to do the jenkins builds, which strains it considerably... seeing the amount of traffic on the forums i think it'd be acceptable for them to be down for the time it takes you to reconfigure the server.
L86[06:27:24] <Sangar> Kenny: Sangar, are all OC computers capable of writing colors? well as long as they have a gpu the api is there. tier 1 cases only support a tier 1 gpu, so they can only display monochrome, though. the only thing to look out for there is if you change the background as well as the foreground (since in monochrome mode everything that's not black will be white)
L87[06:28:41] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L88[06:30:03] <Kenny> hey Sangar
L89[06:30:23] <Kenny> did you see what Ir7_0 said?
L90[06:30:58] <Kenny> nvm hehe
L91[06:32:14] <Kenny> Does event.pull() look for a mouse event also?
L92[06:32:30] <Sangar> yes
L93[06:33:35] <Kenny> so local event, address, arg1, arg2, arg3 = event.pull() event would return as "mouse", right?
L94[06:33:47] <Kenny> the event that is
L95[06:34:15] <Kenny> and arg1 and arg2 woiuld be the x, y points?
L96[06:35:17] <Sangar> not mouse but "touch"
L97[06:35:27] <Sangar> see the screen section here: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/Signals
L98[06:36:03] <Kenny> ok. in the program he also has mouse control and i didn't know where to find. thank you
L99[06:36:05] <Sangar> read it like so: event(address, arg1, arg2, ...)
L100[06:37:01] <Kenny> this is where it gets fun for me hehe
L101[06:38:57] <Vexatos> "touch" is GUI mouse clicks AND monitor rightclicks
L102[06:39:24] <Vexatos> That's possible because the GUI is exactly as large as the screen (Not like Computercraft :P)
L103[06:39:55] <Kenny> but the event trigger is read differently then for keyboard, right?
L104[06:40:42] <Sangar> events are all the the same, technically. it's just the parameters that are different.
L105[06:41:38] <Kenny> so the same event call you used for edit.lua would work except i loom for event="touch" rather than "key_down"
L106[06:41:46] <Kenny> look*
L107[06:43:32] <Sangar> should, yes
L108[06:43:56] <Kenny> cool
L109[06:44:42] <Kenny> i have a large portion of that done. it prints the screen elements, i just couldn't move between selections hehe
L110[06:45:23] <Sangar> progress!
L111[06:45:54] <Kenny> yep. and i have to translate from key code vales to key code
L112[06:45:55] <Vexatos> !ssergorp
L113[06:46:23] <Kenny> he uses 200, 203, 205, 208 so i have to change them up
L114[06:46:52] <Kenny> luckily there is a spot in the rogram that shows what each value represents
L115[06:46:56] <Kenny> program*
L116[07:11:25] *** DinPingIfNeeded is now known as Din
L117[07:26:02] <Kenny> Sangar: how can i distinguish between Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 computers? the type only returns computer not what tier
L118[07:28:01] <Kenny> same applies for screens
L119[07:28:57] <Sangar> you can't, and you don't have to. use component.gpu.getDepth() to figure out the current color depth in bits (it's either 1, 4 or 8)
L120[07:29:13] <Kenny> ok
L121[07:39:31] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L122[07:39:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L123[07:52:54] <Kenny> afternoon, Wobbo
L124[07:53:02] <Wobbo> Afternoon Kenny
L125[07:53:19] <Kenny> i'm getting there :)
L126[07:53:27] <Wobbo> Good :)
L127[07:53:33] <Kenny> but i think i will need to bring on a second member.
L128[07:54:25] <Kenny> there is some stuff in it that i don't fully understand. once i get everything i can do done then i'll get someone to help me finish it
L129[08:02:14] <Wobbo> I can't be your second member, but I could have a look at the parts you don't understand
L130[08:06:46] <Kenny> when i get done reworking the code i can do. a lot of it is simply changing it work with term or gpu
L131[08:07:19] <Kenny> like it uses ter.setCursorPos which for OC would be term.setCursor
L132[08:07:24] <Kenny> term.*
L133[08:07:42] <Wobbo> Yeah that is a problem :P
L134[08:07:57] <Kenny> it also uses term.getSize which would gpu.getResolution
L135[08:08:12] <Kenny> that stuff is simple but it is used a lot
L136[08:09:06] <Kenny> thought it would be simpler to just do a couple of functions that did that call but actually returned the OC equivalent
L137[08:09:51] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L138[08:10:30] <Kenny> like term.getSize would become local function getSize() return w, h = gpu.getResolution() end
L139[08:10:59] <Wobbo> That would work as well, if you create a whole set of functions like that, you could create a comptibility layer for CC
L140[08:11:35] <Kenny> you mean a library?
L141[08:11:44] <Wobbo> Yes
L142[08:12:02] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L143[08:12:03] <Kenny> didn't even know i knew how to do it lol
L144[08:12:44] <Wobbo> A library is simply a script that returns something. This gets loaded into the package.loaded table and returned by require
L145[08:13:42] ⇨ Joins: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz)
L146[08:15:13] <Kenny> Wobbo, you are way more advanced at this than me hehe
L147[08:15:52] <Kenny> but if my just making simple functions like that can be used to create a compatibility library then i'll do what i can
L148[08:16:12] <Wobbo> Alright, what you want to do is create a table, lets call him ccterm for now, that has functions for everything that CC term API can
L149[08:17:01] <Kenny> a lot of the differences are really simple. like CC uses os.pullEvent where OC uses event.pull
L150[08:17:53] <Wobbo> You create this table in a file that ends with return ccterm
L151[08:18:23] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L152[08:20:35] <Kenny> so whereever CC's term is used you change it to ccterm? like term.getSize() would become ccterm.getSize()
L153[08:20:44] <Wobbo> Yep
L154[08:21:11] <Kenny> and ccterm=require("ccterm")
L155[08:21:37] <Wobbo> If you do that for each API you need, you have a compatibility layer
L156[08:21:43] <Wobbo> Yep
L157[08:22:16] <Wobbo> Kenny, you could als od do local _ENV={term = ccterm, rest of APIS you need} code here end
L158[08:22:30] <Wobbo> Then you could just run CC code
L159[08:22:51] <Kenny> which means that if i create those then it would be unnecesary to 'port' the program, simply add in the necessary require statements
L160[08:23:11] <Wobbo> You might still have to port stuff, but at least a lot less
L161[08:23:29] <Kenny> the pullEvent stuff would need to be ported
L162[08:23:34] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@78-105-203-110.zone3.bethere.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L163[08:23:55] <Wobbo> Yeah, that stuff. And 5.1/5.2 stuff
L164[08:24:01] <Kenny> since in the program numeric key values are used instead of keyboard.keys.<whatever>
L165[08:24:38] <Kenny> like the getfenv and setfenv
L166[08:24:42] <Wobbo> Yep
L167[08:25:20] <Wobbo> If I were you, I would create a file for each API, and one file that requires the others and adds the base functions
L168[08:25:25] <Kenny> but that's the only real big difference between 5.1 and 5.2, isn't it?
L169[08:26:00] <Kenny> doing away with the set-getfenv
L170[08:26:06] <Wobbo> If you put it on github, everybody could help you out
L171[08:26:16] <Wobbo> Yeah, that is the digest difference
L172[08:26:17] ⇨ Joins: manmaed (~Ender@2e408c48.skybroadband.com)
L173[08:26:33] <Kenny> next is to figure out how to put it on git hehe
L174[08:28:22] <Wobbo> You could use github for windows or something similar if you don't want to use the command line
L175[08:30:39] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@2e408c48.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L176[08:31:47] <Kenny> what kind of license would i use? it's open source and can be used be anyone. so a MIT or a GPL ?
L177[08:32:07] <Kenny> or simply no license
L178[08:32:24] <Wobbo> I would use the same license as OC itself
L179[08:32:37] * Kenny DiNozzo's Wobbo
L180[08:32:46] <Kenny> i don't even know what one that is hehe
L181[08:33:23] <Wobbo> You can find it on github, so jokes on you :V
L182[08:33:57] <Kenny> where on git :P
L183[08:34:14] <Wobbo> Sangar hid it somewhere
L184[08:35:28] <Wobbo> src/main/resources
L185[08:36:12] <Wobbo> But I believe ha changed the MIT license to include the creative commons for strings and textures
L186[08:39:01] <Kenny> https://github.com/BigRenegade/OC-Compatibility-Libraries
L187[08:39:37] <Wobbo> I forked you on github :P
L188[08:39:43] <Kenny> no biggie
L189[08:39:58] <Kenny> just have to figure how to upload to it now hehe
L190[08:40:17] <Wobbo> Shall I set up some sort of framework so you can easily deal with environments and stuff?
L191[08:41:06] <Wobbo> So you can just do do local _ENV = ccCompat() CC code end and stuff?
L192[08:41:21] <Kenny> yep
L193[08:41:28] <Kenny> that would be very helpful
L194[08:43:44] <Wobbo> How do you want to call the module in game? so what would the require statement say?
L195[08:44:07] <Kenny> no clue
L196[08:44:24] <Kenny> you think up something and i can work with that
L197[08:44:44] <Wobbo> ccCompat ?
L198[08:44:54] <Kenny> sounds good to me :)
L199[08:44:59] <Wobbo> That is the best I can come up with :P
L200[08:45:44] <Kenny> it's descriptive hehe
L201[08:50:29] <Wobbo> pull request
L202[08:52:49] <Wobbo> Kenny, I send you a pull request
L203[08:55:01] <Kenny> ok
L204[08:55:29] <Kenny> i'm trying to install git on my computer but it won't let me pull in the git repository to make it local
L205[08:55:49] <Wobbo> Why won't it let you do that?
L206[08:57:37] <Kenny> because i don't have it locally on the machine
L207[08:57:57] <Wobbo> You have to clone it first
L208[08:58:14] <Kenny> just figured that out hehe
L209[09:00:26] <Kenny> damn windows. I may have to restart my computer
L210[09:00:58] ⇨ Joins: prassel|off (~Prassel@
L211[09:04:28] <Kenny> i knew it
L212[09:04:33] <Kenny> brb rebooting
L213[09:04:35] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E812634CD21D63E297FA33D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. âś”)
L214[09:05:10] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Offline
L215[09:07:49] *** Kenny|Offline is now known as Kenny
L216[09:08:08] <Kenny> and back
L217[09:08:14] <Wobbo> wb
L218[09:14:25] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L219[09:16:26] <Kenny> had to install .NET 4.5
L220[09:16:57] <Wobbo> Derp
L221[09:17:17] <Kenny> was required by git
L222[09:21:14] <Kenny> i've cloned it but still can't get it to become a local repo :(
L223[09:21:48] <Wobbo> Why not?
L224[09:22:13] <Kenny> don't know. it says it's a local but when i scan for local repos it doesn't show
L225[09:23:22] <Kenny> ok. it's there in My Documents. now to figure out how to push to git when i add something
L226[09:23:24] <Wobbo> That is weird
L227[09:23:49] <Wobbo> But github for windows doesn't see it?
L228[09:24:31] <Kenny> when i told it to open the local folder it did but iof i go into options and tell it to scan for local repos, it tells me none found
L229[09:25:27] <Wobbo> That is really weird.
L230[09:27:00] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L231[09:28:37] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L232[09:32:38] <Wobbo> Kenny, have you figures out what went wrong?
L233[09:36:54] <Kenny> figure out how to do it hehe
L234[09:37:39] <Kenny> just made a commit to ccCompat.lua :)
L235[09:37:53] <Wobbo> What did you change?
L236[09:38:04] <Kenny> add ccterm.getSize()
L237[09:38:21] <Kenny> or shoukld that be in term?
L238[09:38:28] <Wobbo> It would be better to stuff everything that has to go into ccTerm into ccCompat/term.lua
L239[09:38:34] <Kenny> ok
L240[09:38:41] <Wobbo> Then people can load only those parts that they need
L241[09:39:29] <Wobbo> Kenny, pull request ;)
L242[09:43:49] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L243[09:46:47] <Kenny> it won't let me auto merge them :(
L244[09:46:57] <Wobbo> Why not?
L245[09:46:57] <Kenny> says to check it out on command line
L246[09:47:29] <Wobbo> Hmm… that is weird.
L247[09:47:37] <Wobbo> Did you do much with your ccCompat.lua?
L248[09:50:10] <Wobbo> You solved it?
L249[09:51:45] <Kenny> nope
L250[09:51:55] <Kenny> phone
L251[09:52:13] <Kenny> ok
L252[09:52:36] <Kenny> i got your pulls in there but it reverted my term push
L253[09:52:46] <Kenny> i'll figure this out hehe
L254[09:53:03] <Wobbo> Well, that is a good way to deal with it
L255[09:54:09] <Wobbo> Kenny, pull request
L256[09:55:06] <Wobbo> I will stop with working on it now for some time, but you should be good to go :)
L257[09:55:56] <Wobbo> Also, it might be useful to create a forum post for it, so more people will now of its existence so more people will be able to help you out
L258[09:56:24] <Kenny> i'm not as fast as you young whippersnappers hehe
L259[09:57:36] <Kenny> i'll get there eventually lol
L260[09:58:59] <Wobbo> Anyway, if you want to install the library on your OC computer, just copy lib/ into you package.path of that computer
L261[09:59:32] <Wobbo> Then you can load the base package as ccCompat, and the other modules as ccCompat.modulename
L262[09:59:59] <Wobbo> so, for example, for the math module you would do require "ccCompat.math"
L263[10:00:50] <Wobbo> Well, good luck!
L264[10:00:58] <Kenny> ty
L265[10:01:21] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty, you here?
L266[10:20:11] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@as54.bi.dlp237.bih.net.ba)
L267[10:24:28] <asie> Sangar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6960653/
L268[10:24:29] <asie> this is the full log
L269[10:24:34] <asie> yes, it happens on a freshly generated owrl
L270[10:24:36] <asie> world*
L271[10:24:51] <asie> MCPC+ seems to scan TileEntites on launch
L272[10:24:53] <asie> that's where they come from
L273[10:25:08] <asie> it does it for two things: a) optimizing ticklag by checking if a TileEntity does anything on updateENtity
L274[10:25:14] <asie> b) inventory size checks
L275[10:25:39] <asie> i'll see if it works when I place the computer though
L276[10:26:58] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:28bb:c35d:654:b78c)
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L279[11:06:52] <Kenny> Sangar: I have some wild news for you
L280[11:07:38] <ping> good news everyone
L281[11:07:45] <ping> kenny has news
L282[11:08:04] * Kenny DiNozzo's ping
L283[11:08:51] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L284[11:08:51] <ping> is that automatic
L285[11:08:56] <ping> :-;
L286[11:09:00] <Kenny> nope
L287[11:09:26] <Kenny> but it's on an alias so i only need to type 2 letters
L288[11:10:31] <Kenny> i can make it automatic though
L289[11:20:56] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
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L295[11:35:28] <Wobbo> Automatic dinozzo's :P
L296[11:36:27] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L297[11:37:31] <Wobbo> Kenny, a little on ccCompat/term.lua
L298[11:38:17] <Wobbo> First, you have to actually create the ccterm table, and then you won't have to localise your functions
L299[11:38:36] *** SuPeRMiNoR2 is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
L300[11:38:37] <Wobbo> Secondly, you would have to return the ccterm table in the end. Then it will work
L301[11:44:56] <Kenny> i know. right now i'm just putting in what i find and what it equates to
L302[11:45:07] <Wobbo> Ah, okay
L303[11:45:29] <Kenny> also found out the program was seup for porting to OC a month ago but noghint was donr
L304[11:45:37] <Kenny> setup*
L305[11:45:48] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L306[11:45:57] <Kenny> nothing was done*
L307[11:46:23] <Kenny> isster is back, time for a store run hehe
L308[11:46:41] <Kenny> sister*
L309[11:46:52] <Kenny> damn, my typing is worse today than usual
L310[11:47:28] <Wobbo> Wow, it was setup a month ago but nothing happened? O_o
L311[12:03:44] <Wobbo> Has Sangar been online today actually?
L312[12:10:27] <Wobbo> This is a pretty fun site: http://osrc.dfm.io
L313[12:10:52] <Wobbo> According to it I am an distinguished tex coder :P
L314[12:12:22] ⇦ Quits: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L315[12:20:06] <Stary2001> Stary 2001 is an awesome C# coder who loves pushing code. Stary is a fulltime hacker who works best in the morning (around 11 am).
L316[12:20:14] <Stary2001> i do not work best in the morning ;_;
L317[12:20:24] <Wobbo> Your timezon is probably wrong
L318[12:20:42] <Wobbo> The site says that I work best around noon, and that I push at 3am in the morning
L319[12:21:00] <Wobbo> But at 3am in the morning, I am normally asleep
L320[12:21:10] <Stary2001> fix'd
L321[12:21:10] <Stary2001> haha
L322[12:21:37] <Wobbo> I also set my location, but it is still wrong
L323[12:22:27] <Wobbo> And I apparently push a lot of Java, while I haven't touched Java in about half a year or something
L324[12:22:47] <Stary2001> lawl
L325[12:23:41] <Wobbo> It ispropably because I forked OC
L326[12:24:00] <Wobbo> So I had to push all of that onto github
L327[12:24:06] <Stary2001> probably, yeah
L328[12:24:48] <Wobbo> Anyway, I have to go, I will be back in an hour or so
L329[12:25:19] <Stary2001> o/
L330[12:27:24] ⇨ Joins: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz)
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L334[12:52:04] *** Kenny|Offline is now known as Kenny
L335[12:53:42] <Sangar> i'm back! >_>
L336[12:53:59] <Sangar> asie: thanks a lot for the log and the info in particular, i'll investigate some more
L337[12:54:28] <asie> no problem
L338[12:54:34] <asie> it's my moral duty to support FOSS developers
L339[12:54:41] <Sangar> that site is pretty funny, but it seems to only look at the repos, not the actual pushes/pulls :P
L340[12:54:55] <Sangar> hehe
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L344[13:07:26] zsh sets mode: +o on LordJoda
L345[13:08:20] <Wobbo> It uses some king of API
L346[13:09:05] <asie> King of API
L347[13:10:00] <Sangar> didn't know APIs were organized in a monarchy, you never stop learning!
L348[13:10:11] <Wobbo> \*kind :P
L349[13:10:50] <Wobbo> Sangar, the times are also really of
L350[13:10:56] <Wobbo> *off
L351[13:11:00] <Wobbo> At least for me
L352[13:12:09] <Sangar> hm, at least for me they seem to be relatively correct when i run it on my profile.
L353[13:12:57] <Wobbo> It could just be retarded and not know where The Netherlands is
L354[13:13:20] <Sangar> i should really look into making all those apis subrepos... they falsify the stats immensly (so much java)
L355[13:13:21] <Wobbo> Maybe it will work when I enter Holland as my location, but I am not in Holland, so I am not going to do that
L356[13:13:27] <Sangar> :D
L357[13:13:31] <Wobbo> XD
L358[13:16:03] <Wobbo> I am also a trendsetting TeX coder. Appereantly, I have more TeX online then Lua. Which is weird
L359[13:16:30] <Wobbo> And it says I should be friends with Symmetryc
L360[13:20:43] <Wobbo> They do use Javavore(which I never heard of) but they don't use Texnician :(
L361[13:23:45] <Wobbo> Anyway, Sangar, should I try to fit the new tokeniser into the current process or should I redefine all of shell.execute?
L362[13:25:14] <Sangar> shell.execute itself should be fine, i think? if you mean the parseCommands and sub methods, then yes, those probably need a rewrite into a more complete tokenizer/parser.
L363[13:25:42] <Wobbo> Alright, then lets try to read your code :P
L364[13:28:38] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L365[13:29:19] <Sangar> good luck :P
L366[13:29:49] <Wobbo> You won't know how many lecturers tell us to document our code :P
L367[13:30:28] <Sangar> oh, i do, i heard them, too :P
L368[13:30:52] <Sangar> i try to document things that i deem 'not obvious' :P
L369[13:31:01] <Wobbo> You heard my lecturers tell you to document your code?
L370[13:31:19] <Sangar> probably not, but it might have been a relative
L371[13:31:24] <Wobbo> :P
L372[13:31:55] <Wobbo> I had a lecturer for a philosophy course who is Turings granddaughter btw
L373[13:32:10] <Sangar> o.O
L374[13:32:19] <Sangar> cool
L375[13:32:21] <Wobbo> Academic granddaughter :P
L376[13:32:24] <Sangar> eh
L377[13:32:25] <Sangar> :P
L378[13:32:43] <Wobbo> Turing doesn't have children and you should know that :P
L379[13:33:02] <Sangar> well sue me for not knowing whether people had children or not :P
L380[13:33:31] <Wobbo> Atleast, we were told about his sexual preferences multiple times
L381[13:33:53] <Sangar> yes. but that doesn't mean it would have been impossible ;)
L382[13:34:25] <Wobbo> I don't think his wife would have liked it if he was playing around with other men :P
L383[13:34:35] <Wobbo> And since he even told the police or what was it
L384[13:35:14] <Sangar> i slept through pretty much all of the 'history' parts of lectures >_>
L385[13:35:22] <Sangar> well. and the rest of the lectures, too.
L386[13:35:24] <Wobbo> Tssk
L387[13:35:26] <Wobbo> XD
L388[13:35:52] <Wobbo> I don't sleep thorough lectures, I play minesweeper when it gets boring
L389[13:36:14] <Wobbo> I would play Set, but the AI beats me when I am not paying attention
L390[13:37:04] <Sangar> in the first few semesters we played wow during the lectures :P
L391[13:37:14] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Offline
L392[13:37:23] <Wobbo> I know someone who plays KSP during lectuers
L393[13:37:52] <Sangar> well that works. i admit i haven't played it myself.
L394[13:39:20] <Wobbo> Sangar, so I have to tokenise it so that each line gets turned into a command, arguments(a table?) input, output and mode? What should input and output be?
L395[13:40:29] <Sangar> 'line'? arguments are a table, yes, input and output are the (optional) filenames to redirect input/output to, mode is either 'write' or 'append' for the output redirect.
L396[13:40:44] <Wobbo> alright
L397[13:40:49] <Sangar> i forgot the login for my linux test vm -.-
L398[13:41:02] <Wobbo> XD
L399[13:41:58] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2E9680EDD821681149111A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. âś”)
L400[13:44:01] <Wobbo> Also, does #!/bin/sh work already?
L401[13:44:11] <Sangar> nope
L402[13:44:24] <Wobbo> That would be really useful for autorun
L403[13:45:00] <Sangar> don't let me stop you :D
L404[13:45:11] <Wobbo> :P
L405[13:45:20] <Wobbo> Not the intended effect :P
L406[13:47:20] <Sangar> hehe. trying to track down that weird zip exception on mcpc+... doesn't happen on windows for me so now i'll expand my testing to linux.
L407[13:56:06] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L408[13:58:30] <Wobbo> Sangar, what is the easiest way to test some lua code that needs to be loaded at boot?
L409[13:59:15] *** ^v is now known as v^
L410[14:00:40] <Sangar> at this time by adding it to the boot folder in the jar. if 'relatively boot time' is enough, do it in an autorun script.
L411[14:01:05] <Wobbo> I actually want to change the os api and some other apis
L412[14:01:27] <Wobbo> And programs, but those can be set by changing your path
L413[14:01:52] <Sangar> i have some plans on redesigning the boot progress, but right now you'll have to edit the jar for that
L414[14:01:58] <Sangar> *process
L415[14:02:03] <Wobbo> Hmm…
L416[14:02:15] <Wobbo> Can't I just inject into the os api?
L417[14:02:39] <Sangar> ingame? you can, but it'll be gone once you reboot.
L418[14:03:00] <Wobbo> That doesn't matter, injecting it is
L419[14:06:51] <Wobbo> Pasting doesn't work for me
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L421[14:07:03] <Wobbo> I have it set to LSHIFT, RSHIFT but he won't paste
L422[14:08:01] <Wobbo> He does paste when I reopen the terminal window
L423[14:08:49] <Sangar> hm, i'll try with that key combination (weird as it is :P)
L424[14:10:10] <Wobbo> I don't have insert :P and cmd+v sometimes prints a v
L425[14:10:32] <Sangar> hmm, works for me.
L426[14:10:48] <Wobbo> Damn, I really have to modify the Jar :/
L427[14:11:41] <Sangar> m, but the rshift key up seems to be lost somewhere.
L428[14:14:33] <Sangar> because minecraft doesn't tell me it is being released -.-
L429[14:14:42] <Wobbo> XD
L430[14:15:40] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L431[14:16:04] <Sangar> ...
L432[14:16:35] <Sangar> when i unfocus the window and then focus it again (click taskbar, click minecraft) it *then* tells me about the key up -.-
L433[14:16:37] <Sangar> wtf
L434[14:17:21] <Sangar> this actually has to be an issue in lwjgl
L435[14:17:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: I unmarred the jar, made my changes, what is the best way to jar it again?
L436[14:17:58] <Sangar> just zip it
L437[14:18:10] <Wobbo> Not a jar anymore?
L438[14:18:15] <Sangar> rename it to jar
L439[14:18:27] <Wobbo> I tried that, that didn't work
L440[14:18:37] <Sangar> though if you don't need anything the access transformer does you could just leave it as zip
L441[14:18:43] <Sangar> what broke?
L442[14:19:02] <Wobbo> I clicked the crash log away, thinking I did something wrong :P
L443[14:19:36] <Wobbo> I will try again
L444[14:19:43] <Sangar> mac right? maybe that stupid .DStore folder or whatsitcalled got zipped with the rest and confuses fml?
L445[14:20:12] <Wobbo> class not found exception
L446[14:21:52] <Sangar> since the release / jenkins jars are created by zipping the files that definitely should work. i can only assume something got lost/corrupted along the way.
L447[14:22:08] <Wobbo> if I jar tf | grep store he returns nothing
L448[14:22:14] <Wobbo> with, capital S
L449[14:22:55] <Wobbo> jar tf |grep '.DStore' returns nothing
L450[14:23:15] <Sangar> is the missing class in the archive?
L451[14:23:22] <Wobbo> .D_Store also doesn't work :P
L452[14:24:01] <Wobbo> ._OpenCompterCore.class is in the jar file
L453[14:24:26] <Wobbo> The OpenComputersCore is in there as well
L454[14:24:30] <Sangar> oh
L455[14:24:49] <Sangar> is $ forbidden in mac filenames?
L456[14:25:08] <Wobbo> No, just inconfinient
L457[14:25:19] <Sangar> because i'm pretty sure if anything that should be $OpenComputersCore
L458[14:25:28] <Wobbo> Mac Uses Darwin for handeling files I believe, and Darwin is a derivative of BSD
L459[14:25:41] <Wobbo> There is OpenComputersCore$
L460[14:25:41] <LordFokas> Wobbo: you "unmarred the jar"... are you french?
L461[14:25:49] <Wobbo> unjarred :P
L462[14:25:52] <Wobbo> spell check
L463[14:25:59] <LordFokas> ah
L464[14:26:05] <Wobbo> I don't even know what unmarred means
L465[14:26:25] <Wobbo> And I am most certainly not French. Except for my first name :P
L466[14:26:33] <LordFokas> in french, to decompress seems to be "demarrer"...
L467[14:26:45] <Wobbo> But then again, my last name is Frisian and I am not Frisian either :P
L468[14:26:54] <Wobbo> Ah, so it would fit
L469[14:26:55] <Sangar> there is no <underscore>OpenAnything
L470[14:27:29] <Sangar> if anything is called that your program was "clever" and renamed it for some reason
L471[14:28:02] <Wobbo> it is inside a __MACOSX version, lets see if I have other zip tools
L472[14:28:20] <Wobbo> I hav command line zip as well, lets try that
L473[14:29:58] <Wobbo> BTW, the class has the $ at the end of the name, before.class
L474[14:30:08] <Sangar> yes
L475[14:30:32] <Wobbo> So, I just move the jar to a zip, unzip, add files and recompress to zip?
L476[14:30:46] <Sangar> yes
L477[14:30:58] <Sangar> you probably don't even have to rename it for unzipping
L478[14:31:08] <Sangar> and can directly zip it to .jar
L479[14:32:11] <Wobbo> That was a bad idea, zip bomb :P
L480[14:33:28] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L481[14:38:08] *** Kenny|Offline is now known as Kenny
L482[14:38:13] <Wobbo> alright, second try
L483[14:41:16] <Wobbo> there are no .DS_Store files inside now
L484[14:41:46] <Wobbo> derp, ls -a >.>
L485[14:49:26] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@as54.bi.dlp237.bih.net.ba) (Quit: CYA LATER LOOSERS !!!!! ME GONNA GO DO SWAGSTUFFS)
L486[14:51:43] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L489[14:58:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L490[15:00:41] <Wobbo> Sangar, still not working
L491[15:01:29] <Wobbo> And I know why -_-
L492[15:01:43] <Sangar> because it's a mac? >_>
L493[15:01:45] <Wobbo> I will look at it later, I am going to bed now
L494[15:01:53] <Sangar> hehe, gnight
L495[15:01:58] <Wobbo> No, because zip -r moves the directory into the mac
L496[15:02:05] <Wobbo> *zip not mac
L497[15:02:11] <Sangar> ah
L498[15:02:57] <Wobbo> Anyway, bye
L499[15:03:00] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Client Quit)
L500[15:10:29] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L501[15:11:16] <Kenny> Sangar, you saw Wobbo and I have started a CC compatiblity library, didn't you?
L502[15:13:10] <Sangar> aye, looking forward to it :)
L503[15:13:16] <Kenny> https://github.com/BigRenegade/OC-Compatibility-Libraries
L504[15:13:39] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L505[15:13:55] <Kenny> he's more familiar than me, but i do know what most of the crossover functions are at this point
L506[15:18:56] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Pull request sent
L507[15:20:22] <Kenny> added
L508[15:20:25] <Sangar> there's no maxn in 5.2 tho
L509[15:20:35] <Kenny> thanks :)
L510[15:21:00] <Kenny> https://github.com/BigRenegade/OC-Compatibility-Libraries/blob/master/lib/ccCompat/table.lua
L511[15:21:16] <Sangar> so getn = nil in your version
L512[15:21:53] <Kenny> so we find out what it equates to in 5.2
L513[15:22:11] <Symmetryc> Sangar: It's there in the Lua docs...?
L514[15:22:31] <Sangar> Function table.maxn is deprecated. Write it in Lua if you really need it.
L515[15:22:42] <Sangar> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#8.2
L516[15:22:57] <Symmetryc> Deprecated != nil :P
L517[15:23:03] <Symmetryc> It's still there
L518[15:23:06] <Symmetryc> http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo
L519[15:23:10] <Symmetryc> Try for yourself
L520[15:23:18] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Btw, sent another pull request
L521[15:23:29] <Symmetryc> Kenny: made ccTable.unpack = nil
L522[15:23:37] <Sangar> compatibility mode is disabled in oc because it confuses the fuck out of the persistence library
L523[15:23:41] <Sangar> so it is nil in oc ;)
L524[15:23:47] <Symmetryc> Awww
L525[15:25:12] <v^> meep
L526[15:25:21] <v^> ohai Symmetryc
L527[15:25:29] <Symmetryc> v^: Hello
L528[15:25:32] <v^> i see you are interested in le cyber warfare server
L529[15:25:39] <Symmetryc> v^: Yes
L530[15:25:52] <v^> well turns out my mobo was faulty
L531[15:25:53] <Symmetryc> v^: I'm sorry, what's your forums name again?
L532[15:25:57] <v^> Pixel :P
L533[15:26:01] <Symmetryc> v^: Ah
L534[15:26:12] <v^> so now my computer refuses to boot at all
L535[15:26:17] <wolfmitchell> Lel
L536[15:26:21] <v^> i thought it was gpu
L537[15:26:37] <v^> thank god gpu not faulty, friend would have killed me
L538[15:26:44] <v^> and i can RMA the mobo
L539[15:27:19] <wolfmitchell> Rma?
L540[15:27:24] <v^> send it back
L541[15:27:34] <wolfmitchell> Oh
L542[15:27:52] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Another pull request :P
L543[15:28:02] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Implemented maxn / getn myself
L544[15:28:16] <v^> math.max
L545[15:28:20] <v^> is maxn
L546[15:28:49] <v^> unless your talking about something else
L547[15:29:07] <Symmetryc> I'm talking about table.maxn
L548[15:29:20] <Symmetryc> Which returns the highest key of type number in the table
L549[15:29:24] <v^> ooh
L550[15:29:56] <Symmetryc> Not to be confused with #tbl, which returns the highest key of type number in the table that does not proceed any nil values
L551[15:30:34] <v^> i usually just table.pack
L552[15:30:57] <v^> its usually faster on non JIT
L553[15:32:20] <v^> back to making my irc bot
L554[15:32:55] <Kenny> merged
L555[15:33:47] <v^> do you think im cheating by making my own psudocode that compiles into BF which compiles into lua ?_?
L556[15:34:01] <v^> im not hardcore enough to code in pure brainfuck
L557[15:54:21] <Symmetryc> v^: How do you compile psuedocode?
L558[15:54:21] <Symmetryc> Lol
L559[15:54:35] <v^> its not a real language
L560[15:54:48] <v^> im just simplifying things with shortcuts
L561[15:54:54] <v^> for example large numbers
L562[15:55:10] <v^> +123 will parse to 123 pluses
L563[15:55:28] <v^> same with -,<,>
L564[15:59:07] <v^> for example
L565[15:59:17] <v^> "!dlroW olleH"[.<] prints "Hello World!"
L566[16:01:07] <v^> its not efficient to do that though
L567[16:16:54] <v^> [-]>"iH"[.<] compiles to [-]>[-]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L568[16:16:55] <v^> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>[-]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L569[16:16:55] <v^> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[.<]
L570[16:17:36] <v^> judging by the lack of replies, this is too much brainhurt for you
L571[16:24:57] <Kenny> too much stupidity from you, i'm about to put you on quiet
L572[16:25:18] <v^> what?
L573[16:25:51] ⇦ Quits: Sorroko (~Sorroko@cpc15-chms4-2-0-cust140.20-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L574[16:29:34] <v^> hmm, im going to add an special option where you can control what it does before and after the value is set
L575[16:30:21] <v^> so something like "Hello World"([-]:.) would be efficient at outputting a string
L576[16:33:00] <v^> default behavior will be ([-]:>) which will basically just set a chunk of memory
L577[16:33:23] <Sangar> so you're basically trying to unfuck brainfuck?
L578[16:34:22] <v^> yup
L579[16:34:43] <v^> but it compiles down to brainfuck ofc
L580[16:35:09] <Sangar> precompiler macros for brainfuck. who would've thought...
L581[16:35:44] <v^> im making a irc bot, i need these in order to stay sane
L582[16:36:30] <Sangar> ... you want to code an irc bot in brainfuck? are you a masochist?
L583[16:36:52] <v^> no im just really REALLY bored
L584[16:37:49] <Sangar> right
L585[16:39:43] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbot messaged me and said spambots on the OC forums?
L586[16:39:47] <SpiritedDusty> wobbo*
L587[16:40:58] <v^> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/37-tirage-tarot-d-amour-gratuit/
L588[16:41:00] <v^> dammit
L589[16:41:04] <v^> capsha time
L590[16:42:01] <SpiritedDusty> there its all gone
L591[16:42:13] <v^> "NICK brainf^vk"([-]:.)[-]+10.
L592[16:42:22] <v^> <3
L593[16:42:26] <v^> first part done
L594[16:42:26] <Sangar> i killed another one earlier today. admin panel says there's no license key, maybe anti-spam is disabled because of that?
L595[16:43:09] <SpiritedDusty> this happened before even before the key expired
L596[16:43:31] <SpiritedDusty> so I don't think thats the issue, but idk why Ir7_o hasn't resolved the license key problem yet...
L597[16:44:27] <SpiritedDusty> wtf? the key is gone all together
L598[16:45:41] <v^> okay, now for responding to ping
L599[16:47:05] <SpiritedDusty> how odd… the license key doesn't just disappear all together
L600[16:48:41] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, whats component.methods do?
L601[16:48:56] <Sangar> list the methods of a component
L602[16:49:10] <SpiritedDusty> does it return a table?
L603[16:49:24] <Sangar> yes
L604[16:49:43] <SpiritedDusty> so a table like {'a', 'b', 'c'}?
L605[16:49:45] <v^> and i just remembered i havent had breakfast yet l_l
L606[16:49:50] <v^> SpiritedDusty, correct
L607[16:49:56] <Stary2001> v^: lel
L608[16:52:07] <Sangar> a table like {a=false, b=true, c=true}, where the bool is whether the call is direct (from the executor thread) or indirect (synchronized to minecraft thread)
L609[16:52:59] <v^> wait
L610[16:53:12] <v^> Sangar, i thought it was the other way
L611[16:53:25] <v^> explains the v,k i found D:
L612[16:53:57] <Sangar> kernel says for method, direct in pairs(methods) do, so i'm pretty sure it's that way around :P
L613[16:54:31] <SpiritedDusty> so how would I classify functions calls as direct or indirect in my emulator?
L614[16:54:43] <SpiritedDusty> component calls*
L615[16:56:56] <Sangar> as in how to mark methods as such or as in how to implement the execution?
L616[16:57:43] <SpiritedDusty> as in like how do I know which components are direct or indirect?
L617[16:59:22] <Sangar> it's per method, and you can see it by looking at the @Callback annotation. if it say's direct=true it supports direct calling, otherwise it wants to be called from the mc thread
L618[17:00:54] <SpiritedDusty> if lets say, screen wants to be called from the MC thread then do all of it's functions get called from the MC thread or just certain ones?
L619[17:03:46] <Sangar> "it's per method", so only certain ones - namely the ones with direct=true in their @Callback annotation, as i just said ;)
L620[17:04:19] <SpiritedDusty> oh ok thanks
L621[17:05:05] <SpiritedDusty> I can't seem to find the screen component..
L622[17:05:28] <v^> isnt it monitor
L623[17:05:40] <SpiritedDusty> I thought its screen
L624[17:06:52] <v^> yeah its screen
L625[17:06:54] <Sangar> it's screen, so as not be confused with cc's monitors :P and the callbacks are in the screen's tile entity
L626[17:07:05] <Sangar> i think
L627[17:07:27] <SpiritedDusty> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master/src/main/java/li/cil/oc/client/gui/Screen.scala is it that?
L628[17:07:43] <SpiritedDusty> but theres no @callbacks in it
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L632[17:19:48] <Kenny> SpiritedDusty: if you check back this morning Ir7_o said he was going to redo (?) the forum server using linux. did i get that right, Sangar?
L633[17:19:59] <SpiritedDusty> LINUX :D
L634[17:20:16] <SpiritedDusty> hooray for me not having to deal with windows remote desktop! :)
L635[17:20:18] <Sangar> something along those lines, yes. as for the file, no, that's the gui code.
L636[17:20:28] <Sangar> tile entities are in common/tileentity
L637[17:20:36] <Kenny> he said it about 12 hours ago iuf you check back in the log
L638[17:21:13] <SpiritedDusty> hm my IRC doesn't go back that far
L639[17:21:25] <SpiritedDusty> and my bouncer doesn't go back that far so yeah :P
L640[17:24:31] <Stary2001> SpiritedDusty: woot woot linux
L641[17:24:31] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L642[17:25:12] <SpiritedDusty> hey Sangar, in common/tileentity/Screen.scala why the @Callback doc for the function turnOn say "Turns off the screen"
L643[17:26:11] <Sangar> yay for flipped comments. thanks.
L644[17:26:13] <Kenny> [07:01] <@Ir7_o> sangar?
L645[17:26:13] <Kenny> [07:02] <@Ir7_o> its more than likely i am going to be reconfiguring the server to linux.
L646[17:26:13] <Kenny> [07:03] <@Ir7_o> either: we move the forums to your hosting or we wait until i reconfigure and upload?
L647[17:26:34] <Kenny> 7am my time
L648[17:26:47] <SpiritedDusty> hm..
L649[17:27:24] <SpiritedDusty> I'd rather have some downtime than to transfer all the DB over to Sang_ar's host and all the files
L650[17:27:28] <JZTech101> Kenny: I seem to recall you saying something about you saying you would try out the pack yesterday :p
L651[17:27:29] <Kenny> now you know why i sit 24/7 hehe
L652[17:27:34] <SpiritedDusty> transferring the forums just seems like too much work
L653[17:27:41] <JZTech101> (or was it the day before after dinner?)
L654[17:28:41] <Kenny> day before and i have to an extent. Over 100 mods can't be fully checked out and I had 6" of snow to shovel out yesterday so we could get out of our driveway
L655[17:28:53] <Kenny> checked out in a day*
L656[17:29:09] <Kenny> so irl takes precedence over a mod pack
L657[17:38:00] <Kenny> Sangar: does the colors file allow for the use of colors.black, etc?
L658[17:43:11] <Sangar> use how?
L659[17:43:59] <JZTech101> Kenny: fair enough lol
L660[17:44:24] <Kenny> if i want to set the screen color or text color
L661[17:45:36] <Kenny> i know that setForeground uses a hex value, is colors.black the same as 0x000000
L662[17:45:40] <Sangar> ah. nope. the colors table holds the color codes used by minecraft. e.g. for redstone signals. the screen colors are in hexadecimal 0xRRGGBB
L663[17:45:55] <Kenny> wanted to make sure
L664[17:46:12] <Sangar> colors.black isn't 0x000000, actually
L665[17:46:18] <Sangar> it's 15
L666[17:46:21] <SpiritedDusty> o_O
L667[17:46:22] <Sangar> white is zero
L668[17:46:33] <SpiritedDusty> isn't 000000 black in hex?
L669[17:46:44] <Kenny> thta's why i asked :)
L670[17:46:59] <Kenny> Spirited, yep
L671[17:47:10] <Kenny> leave it to MC to screw things up
L672[17:48:47] <Kenny> the colors system is from the old CGA video card days
L673[17:49:03] * SpiritedDusty hasn't been old enough
L674[17:49:20] <Stary2001> :P
L675[17:49:27] <Kenny> i still remember a few iof them lol
L676[17:50:32] <Kenny> black = 0, blue = 1, red = 4, magenta = 5, orange = 6, gray = 7, lightgray = 9, white = 15
L677[17:50:44] <Kenny> light red = 12
L678[17:51:15] <Kenny> see us old folks do retain a lot of knowledge we learn hehe
L679[17:51:42] <Stary2001> heh
L680[17:52:23] <Kenny> CGA = Color Graphics Adapter. max colors was 16
L681[17:53:43] <Kenny> about a year or 2 after it came out they came out with VGA, which has done nothing but get better over the years
L682[17:55:06] * Kenny has been around since the dawn of time hehe
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L686[18:08:08] *** MrHohenheim_ is now known as Mrhohenheim
L687[18:11:14] <mallrat208> That's .. Interesting. Controlling signs via adapter
L688[18:25:31] <ping> http://puu.sh/72Mqv.png
L689[18:25:35] <ping> what i have so far
L690[18:25:40] <ping> please point out any problems
L691[18:26:39] <ping> already found one
L692[18:36:59] <mallrat208> You're doing that... and I'm just messing around with signs ><
L693[18:39:47] <mallrat208> http://puu.sh/72Nh3.png .. Displays the energy level of the cell as percentage on the sign... baby steps
L694[18:50:18] <Kenny> Dusty, you still around?
L695[18:50:21] <SpiritedDusty> yeah
L696[18:54:49] *** Mrhohenheim is now known as MrH_sleep_dontping
L697[19:39:25] <Kenny> !flags
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L712[23:50:56] <Din> hey every1
L713[23:56:29] <pong> hey every0
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