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L12[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180404 mappings to Forge Maven.
L13[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180404-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180404" in build.gradle).
L14[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L50[09:51:23] <gigaherz> interesting
L51[09:51:23] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-18w14a
L52[09:51:39] <gigaherz> people are going to hate it XD
L53[09:51:49] <gigaherz> Elytra now requires Phantom Membrane to be repaired
L54[09:51:50] <gigaherz> Phantoms now drop Phantom Membrane instead of leather
L55[09:51:59] <gigaherz> meaning you will have to kill phantoms to repair elytra
L56[09:52:10] <ben_mkiv> aww the ocean looks sweet
L57[09:52:24] <ben_mkiv> well it required another elytra before, didntit?
L58[09:52:51] <gigaherz> no
L59[09:52:57] <gigaherz> you could put one elytra alongside leather
L60[09:52:58] <gigaherz> in an anvil
L61[09:53:03] <ben_mkiv> oh
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L72[12:17:17] <axel> can someone do an explanation on how things like the stronghold are generated? i have a lot of troubling imagining things from the code as actual structures
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L77[13:05:27] <barteks2x> axel, I can try
L78[13:07:07] <barteks2x> but first let me re-read the code because last time I interacted with it was some moinths ago
L79[13:09:20] <barteks2x> (ping me when you are back)
L80[13:13:43] <axel> im back
L81[13:13:48] <axel> barteks2x
L82[13:14:40] <barteks2x> ok, so the general idea of structure generators is shared between structures and caves/ravines, and it's the MapGenbase class
L83[13:16:09] <barteks2x> It starts by iterating over all chunk coordinates within some radius of the currently generated chunk, and calls some generate() method on all of them, but also giving the position of the actual currently generated chunks. For caves, this allows the generator to only carve the blocks for the current chunk, but for cave thet starts at the position from the iteration
L84[13:17:00] <barteks2x> for actual structures, this is used slightly differently: it doesn't actually set any blocks, and just prepares the StructureStart object, which (iirc) should contain enough information already to know the size of the whole structure
L85[13:17:48] <barteks2x> and then the actual block generation is called from populator, which uses the already in memory information about structure positions
L86[13:19:56] <barteks2x> the data about structures is also saved to NBT so it persists across server restarts
L87[13:20:38] <barteks2x> then actually generating the blocks correctly is a matter of creating StructurePieces that set the right blocks, finding all the StructurePieces that intersect the currently generated chunk and generating the blocks
L88[13:21:25] <barteks2x> what makes it doable is that when creating the whole layout of the structure in code, you don't care about chunks, as long as you don';t need to access any block data (and you shouldn't need to)
L89[13:21:58] <ben_mkiv> sounds pretty complicated for the archived result xD
L90[13:23:04] <barteks2x> this is actually surprisingle simple fopr what it achives
L91[13:23:33] <barteks2x> almost looks like cheating
L92[13:23:43] <ben_mkiv> i would rather parse some schematics and connect them "randomly"
L93[13:23:56] <ben_mkiv> based on the world seed
L94[13:24:03] <barteks2x> instead of parsibg schematincs you have that hardcoded
L95[13:24:07] <barteks2x> and they are randomly connected
L96[13:24:11] <axel> you mean nbt schematics?
L97[13:24:29] <barteks2x> the point is knowing nwhat blocks to set when something asks you "set bloicks for this chunk"
L98[13:24:29] <ben_mkiv> the format actually doesnt really matter
L99[13:24:32] <axel> ben
L100[13:25:16] <ben_mkiv> well, thats just how i would try to solve such problem, may have other downsides
L101[13:25:23] <ben_mkiv> but it would be more flexible in adding new structures
L102[13:25:34] <axel> thank you for the explanation, barteks
L103[13:25:46] <barteks2x> it kind of IS how it works, except the "schematics" are hardcoded. This is not the hard part of it at all
L104[13:26:11] <ben_mkiv> isnt there like some api interface or its in works?
L105[13:26:30] <barteks2x> for overworld, not really, unless one PR got already merged
L106[13:26:40] <barteks2x> for custom dimensions, you get what m,ojang made
L107[13:27:09] <barteks2x> you can implement custom structures this way but it requires knowing a bit about how it works
L108[13:27:13] <axel> im making a custom dimension for the structure, so that doesnt really help me i guess
L109[13:28:09] <barteks2x> if you have custom dimensions, you can implement custom structures using vanilla structure generation code
L110[13:28:17] <barteks2x> you need to extend MapGenStructure
L111[13:29:48] <barteks2x> and really just implement canSpawnStructureAtCoords, and getStructurStart
L112[13:30:09] <barteks2x> your StructureStart constructor should prepare all the structure pieces the way you want, with their bounding boxes set etc...
L113[13:30:35] <barteks2x> and then vanilla will try to find all the structure pieces that intersect a chunk being generated and call the right methods
L114[13:30:36] <ben_mkiv> so it generates the structure before actually starting to spawn it?
L115[13:30:53] <barteks2x> it generates in-memory representation of it before actually setting the blocks
L116[13:32:05] <barteks2x> oh and obviously you have to be able to serialize and deserialize your StructureStart objects
L117[13:32:28] <barteks2x> but basic code for it is al;ready provided in the basic StructureStart class
L118[13:32:44] <barteks2x> you only override that if you need more data stored
L119[13:44:31] <axel> alright, thank you again
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L150[21:55:18] <Majora320> I think the mdk download links are currently broken
L151[22:03:41] <Majora320> Huh, never mind
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