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L9[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180303 mappings to Forge Maven.
L10[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180303-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180303" in build.gradle).
L11[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L22[03:52:39] <Ordinastie> that'd be nice if there was a way to reevaluate initializers for final static fields
L23[03:55:21] <godxeno> good evening everyone
L24[04:08:00] <TvL2386> good morning
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L28[04:45:05] <LexMobile> ? what ord?
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L31[04:59:15] <Ordinastie> I meant for debugging purpose
L32[05:00:32] <Ordinastie> fucked up something in the constructor, you can hotswap it, it won't really help for the instances in the static fields
L33[05:17:06] <masa> gigaherz: C & B for mossy stairs?
L34[05:18:00] <masa> Is there a way to read texture dependencies from the blockstate and/or model json files such that I could return those from my custom IModel.getTextures() so that they would get stitched?
L35[05:18:16] <gigaherz> you an use custom data
L36[05:18:23] <gigaherz> "custom": {
L37[05:18:25] <gigaherz> blah blah }
L38[05:18:32] <masa> so far I think the earliest point where I get those is in retexture()
L39[05:18:52] <gigaherz> you'll receive it in the IModel#process method
L40[05:18:58] <gigaherz> which is supposed to return a new instance of the IModel
L41[05:19:14] <gigaherz> wait textures
L42[05:19:23] <gigaherz> retexture IS supposed to be used for that
L43[05:19:32] <gigaherz> okay I shouldn't be thinking yet
L44[05:19:50] <gigaherz> I literally just woke up less than 10 minutes ago
L45[05:19:52] <masa> hmm oh right and when I return a new IModel then I can use them there...
L46[05:20:00] <masa> in getTextures()
L47[05:20:09] <gigaherz> yes in retexture/process, you return a new instance with the added data
L48[05:20:30] <gigaherz> which lets you then later return them in getTextures (getDependencies if you loaded other models in custom data)
L49[05:30:42] <masa> hmm, am I doing something stupid again... this doesn't work
L50[05:30:57] <masa> getTextures() doesn't get called for the new IModel I return from reteture()
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L58[06:55:43] <godxeno> https://pastebin.com/u5CZ4eQT
L59[06:55:45] <godxeno> im crashing
L60[06:56:25] <godxeno> on my server
L61[06:57:15] <godxeno> does anyone know why this crashes
L62[07:00:40] <masa> Elemental Creepers mod is bugged and tries to subscribe client-side-only stuff on the server
L63[07:00:51] <godxeno> oh ok
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L68[07:55:21] <godxeno> can i have help
L69[07:55:22] <godxeno> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/472e996673f6c8852bc944dbc2dcff54
L70[07:55:38] <godxeno> i keep crashing on my own server when i join it login than freezes than times out how to fix this?
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L72[08:04:06] <godxeno> is anyone around who can help
L73[08:07:11] <godxeno> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/376ea16ea12a134d9a3a5029ad6f5dcf
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L78[08:19:50] <Naiten> Hi there. Are there any rumors on MC 1.13 dates? IKR it says "release ETA is banned topic" in rules, but I assume that intends Forge releases which i'm not asking about, right?
L79[08:21:48] <masa> I haven't heard anything about the vanilla 1.13 release date yet, and they seem to still be adding stuff and making changes, so I wouldn't expect it to happen that soon just yet
L80[08:23:08] <masa> godxeno: that log seems to cut out midway?
L81[08:23:39] <masa> oh wait I was looking at the first one
L82[08:23:55] <godxeno> where would i find out which mod is causing me to time out it logins than times out than disconnects my client
L83[08:24:01] <godxeno> im testing local host
L84[08:27:58] <masa> wasn't there some option added to Forge recently to set that timeout value? have you tried increasing that a bit?
L85[08:28:20] <Naiten> masa, ah, got it. May I ask, Forge is still totally separate entity from Mojang and releases lag after vanilla? Not trolling in any way, just was busy with study for a long time.
L86[08:29:59] <godxeno> and where would that be masa
L87[08:30:13] <masa> Forge is completely separate community effort yes. Although the main devs do talk to some people from Mojang sometimes from what I know
L88[08:31:18] <godxeno> how do i find out how to change time out time?
L89[08:31:35] <Naiten> Ah, so little changed during my absence, got that. Thanks.
L90[08:34:09] <Ordinastie> I wonder, why is null not accepted as optional value ?
L91[08:34:31] <godxeno> ordin do u know why i can't connect to my server?
L92[08:34:39] <masa> Optional.ofNullable()?
L93[08:34:40] <godxeno> i get a time out even on my local host
L94[08:35:29] <Ordinastie> masa, no, that makes an empty optional if the value is null
L95[08:36:04] <masa> godxeno: try launching with the -Dfml.readTimeout=60 argument
L96[08:37:11] <godxeno> where do i put that
L97[08:37:36] <masa> in the arguments of your server launch script or commandline
L98[08:37:51] <godxeno> can you type it out how to set it out
L99[08:37:52] <godxeno> for me
L100[08:37:58] <masa> an also on the client
L101[08:38:54] <masa> I don't know what type of server and client setup you have... on the client put that in the JVM arguments of your launcher, on the server put it in the launch command inside the start script or whatever you use
L102[08:39:41] <godxeno> -Dfml.readTimeout=60
L103[08:39:44] <godxeno> so like this
L104[08:44:03] <godxeno> java -Xmx4000M -Xms4000M -jar forge-1.12.2- -Dfml.readTimeout=60 nogui
L105[08:45:23] <masa> hmm, I think that might need to go before the -jar argument?
L106[08:45:58] <masa> I think anything after that goes as arguments to the forge/minecraft process?
L107[08:46:19] <godxeno> how would u set it out then
L108[08:47:12] <godxeno> java -Xmx4000M -Xms4000M -Dfml.readTimeout=60 -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui
L109[08:47:16] <godxeno> like this
L110[08:47:20] <masa> yes
L111[08:50:08] <godxeno> masa
L112[08:50:09] <godxeno> https://gyazo.com/7a6fdec2835a254e299d8a9627839636
L113[08:50:13] <godxeno> that dont work on client
L114[08:50:18] <godxeno> it crashes and wont even boot up
L115[08:51:41] <masa> don't add the -jar part on the client, the launcher adds that
L116[08:52:18] <masa> just the -Dfml.readTimeout=60
L117[08:53:02] <godxeno> i dont understand why this happens even though my laptop is a quaod core i7 4.5 ghz 16 gb of ram ddr4 and gtx 1070
L118[08:54:25] <godxeno> gonna shower see if this fixes it
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L120[09:08:56] <godxeno> nope still crashes
L121[09:09:02] <godxeno> masa i think it's weather 2
L122[09:09:07] <godxeno> mod it's known to be buggy
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L124[09:11:27] <godxeno> masa can i pm you?
L125[09:14:41] <masa> about what?
L126[09:15:08] <masa> I really don't have the time to become a personal assistant... >_>
L127[09:15:28] <masa> and I don't know much of anything about mods in general...
L128[09:15:44] <masa> I mean about anything other than my own mods
L129[09:19:37] <gigaherz> godxeno: really we already told you, this is a mod DEVELOPMENT help channel
L130[09:19:42] <gigaherz> for user support, there's the forums
L131[09:19:56] <gigaherz> we can look at some crash log every now and then
L132[09:20:13] <gigaherz> but most of us are here to help others make mods, and to ask others when we have issues making mods
L133[09:20:45] <gigaherz> you are more likely to find people experienced with running servers, in the forums.
L134[09:24:06] <masa> or reddit, or Discord
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L136[09:26:59] <godxeno> which discord channel?
L137[09:34:29] <masa> maybe the FTB or MMD discord
L138[09:34:42] <masa> they are linked on the sidebar on r/ftb
L139[09:41:09] <Ordinastie> quick question : what do you prefer ?
L140[09:41:11] <Ordinastie> return Optional.of(supplier.get()).orElse(base);
L141[09:41:11] <Ordinastie> return ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(supplier.get(), base);
L142[09:43:16] <gigaherz> the second makes the intention more clear
L143[09:43:28] <gigaherz> actually no
L144[09:43:30] <gigaherz> it makes it confusing
L145[09:43:45] <gigaherz> for a moment I thought it would call supplier more than once
L146[09:43:47] <gigaherz> until it wasn't null
L147[09:44:14] <gigaherz> I strongly dislike using optional in that kind of context
L148[09:44:26] <gigaherz> since you create an optional and then discard it, immediately
L149[09:44:56] <gigaherz> in that sense, the second would be best, but its naming is confusing
L150[09:45:02] <Ordinastie> at first I was trying to have the supplier return optional but I ran into lots of problems
L151[09:46:16] <gigaherz> google suggests firstNonNull as an alternative to C#'s null-coalescing operator (??)
L152[09:46:29] <gigaherz> but the naming I don't like.
L153[09:47:14] <gigaherz> the way I see it there should be some kind of "Nullable.withFallback(nullable, non-nullable)" somewhere, and if there isn't, java sucks a little bit more for it :P
L154[09:48:12] <Ordinastie> so you'd go full T t = supplier.get(); return t != null ? t : base; ?
L155[09:48:30] <gigaherz> given those choices, probably
L156[09:48:34] <gigaherz> but that's my tastes
L157[09:49:12] <gigaherz> I might even declare some static function around
L158[09:49:55] <Ordinastie> it's already the helper function :p
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L162[10:02:11] <masa> whoops I had two instances of the game running and opened in the same world... does it not have the world lock stuff?
L163[10:05:21] <Ordinastie> one of the instance won't save
L164[10:05:53] <masa> ah, okay
L165[10:06:05] <Ordinastie> it shows in the log iirc
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L180[13:27:25] <vehk> h
L181[13:27:29] <vehk> ignore that
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