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L11[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180130 mappings to Forge Maven.
L12[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180130-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180130" in build.gradle).
L13[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L30[05:49:26] <ben_mkiv> do mobs have pick item events?
L31[05:50:09] <ben_mkiv> like i remember there was something that took the players weapon, but that probably was a mod?!
L32[05:50:25] <ben_mkiv> also isnt exactly picking items
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L65[09:52:53] <Raycoms> hey, it seems like our log goes into fml-junk-earlystartup.log, but it shouldn't do that =/
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L67[09:56:32] <Raycoms> if (Configurations.requestSystem.enableDebugLogging) { logger.info(logEntry); }
L68[09:56:36] <Raycoms> and we do that, and this is on false
L69[09:59:28] <Raycoms> Ah we do Log.getLogger().debug
L70[09:59:35] <Raycoms> shouldn't that be off automatically in minecraft?
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L90[13:04:21] <TechnicianLP> question on asm: are the samples for "angle" in degrees or radians?
L91[13:05:07] <TechnicianLP> s/asm/joint_clips in the asm/
L92[13:08:57] <PaleoCrafter> Lex, around?
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L97[13:43:27] <TechnicianLP> well - it broke but not the way i expected it to break ... (stackoverflow -.-)
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L104[14:33:20] <illy> beep o/
L105[14:33:32] <PaleoCrafter> Boop \o
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L107[14:48:38] * TechnicianLP has a bugreport to make - if you want to play on lan both sides have to have the same mods (even the ones with acceptableremoteversion="*")(instead of the default behaviour)
L108[14:55:24] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L109[14:55:24] <ghz|afk> https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo/status/958442303512891392
L110[14:55:27] <ghz|afk> that IS a nice idea
L111[14:55:37] <ghz|afk> I doubt no one has done that before though
L112[14:55:40] <ghz|afk> anyone knows a mod that does it?
L113[14:55:49] <ghz|afk> (not the storing books part -- that I have seen ;P)
L114[14:57:19] <PaleoCrafter> Hm... Not that I know of, but I hardly know the mod landscape these days
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L116[15:17:08] <LexMobile> Honestly ya, Book cases should be able to store a large amount of written books. Would give vanilla a reason to write in boks.
L117[15:17:36] <LexMobile> there are a couple mods that add fillable bookshelves but i dont think any that effect enchanting
L118[15:20:32] <ghz|afk> I have never truly liked the randomness of it -- I always end up either not using the enchanting table, or using a replacement table that lets you choose what you get
L119[15:21:07] <ghz|afk> so having a way to influence it may be a nice middle point
L120[15:21:26] <PaleoCrafter> So, Lex, do you want me to PR that layer specific fast TESR ting and non-finalizing of the normal render method separately from the animation fixup?
L121[15:22:17] <ghz|afk> when the lord speaks, "it would be nice" is an order ;P
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L123[15:26:33] <TechnicianLP> PaleoCrafter: ?
L124[15:26:41] <PaleoCrafter> hm?
L125[15:26:48] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4639 talking about this :P
L126[15:44:52] <TechnicianLP> the input to the asm parameters - is it partialtick (ie [0-1]) or fulltick (ie 5.123)?
L127[15:46:07] <PaleoCrafter> uhm... where exactly?
L128[15:46:26] <PaleoCrafter> like, the input you can do maths with?
L129[15:46:38] <TechnicianLP> the output of the #identity parameter
L130[15:46:39] <PaleoCrafter> that's world time in seconds
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L132[15:47:03] <TechnicianLP> in seconds? why?
L133[15:47:24] <TechnicianLP> no wonder my animation is screwed ...
L134[15:48:04] <PaleoCrafter> ask fry :P
L135[15:48:42] <PaleoCrafter> probably because animations usually are frame based, so seconds kinda make sense
L136[15:48:43] <TechnicianLP> so i have to do "pt": [ "-/", [ "r", 1 ], 20 ], whe i want partialticks? nice ...
L137[15:49:42] <PaleoCrafter> why would you want them? :P
L138[15:50:14] <PaleoCrafter> the #identity value is continuous
L139[16:05:56] <TechnicianLP> the clamping part fixes some of my animation issues ... thanks paleo
L140[16:11:19] <ghz|afk> https://twitter.com/TheAVClub/status/958060445184724992
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L146[16:49:04] <Selim> So, now I am trying to make a shader XD
L147[16:49:15] <Selim> I tried digging through vanilla, and it isn't helping.
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L151[17:11:05] <Abastro> What kind of shaders?
L152[17:11:29] <Selim> What do you mean?
L153[17:12:28] <Abastro> So what kind of shader do you want to make?
L154[17:12:49] <Selim> What I need to do is grayscale the screen and then tint it purple.
L155[17:14:01] <Abastro> You mean the main menu?
L156[17:14:16] <Selim> No, in game.
L157[17:15:28] <Abastro> So did you look into ShaderManager?
L158[17:17:15] <Selim> Briefly, but I couldn't determine what to do with it.
L159[17:24:02] <Abastro> One more thing: when do you want to apply the shader?
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L162[17:32:56] <Abastro> You at least need the description json and the shader file.
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L164[17:33:27] <Selim> Sorry, missed that message. I want to apply the shader when a player enters my dimension.
L165[17:35:02] <Abastro> So in the dimension?
L166[17:35:14] <Selim> Yes.
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L169[17:50:49] <Abastro> That's going to be hard.
L170[17:51:02] <Selim> Love to hear that XD
L171[17:53:12] <Abastro> Hm you can use reflection to call EntityRenderer#loadShaders
L172[17:55:38] <Abastro> But there could be better way
L173[17:55:47] <Selim> Okay
L174[18:10:23] <Abastro> Oh it is now public, then it's the best way.
L175[18:12:17] <Selim> EntityRederer appears to be for when you are spectating a mob?
L176[18:15:55] <Selim> Oh...
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L179[18:31:17] <Abastro> No, it's always used.
L180[18:31:25] <Selim> I see that now.
L181[18:46:40] <Selim> If I just try that, it throws an exception, "No OpenGL context found in the current thread."
L182[18:46:51] <Selim> How do I get to the thread that handles rendering?
L183[18:48:27] <Abastro> You can't do anything about rendering on server.
L184[18:48:38] <Selim> I'm not.
L185[18:48:43] <Selim> I put it in my proxy to make sure.
L186[18:48:58] <Abastro> You should do it on client thread.
L187[18:49:06] <Abastro> From where do you call it?
L188[18:49:28] <Selim> My dimension's WorldProvider's onPlayerAdded method.
L189[18:49:56] <Abastro> That's called on server.
L190[18:50:06] <Selim> Oh...
L191[18:50:25] <Selim> Then how it is getting into the client proxy?
L192[18:50:45] <quadraxis> because you're running a single-player client
L193[18:50:52] <Abastro> Client proxy is just for combined client stuff
L194[18:50:57] <Selim> Got it.
L195[18:51:01] <quadraxis> proxy is just "which jar did I launch"
L196[18:51:06] <Selim> Yep, got that now.
L197[18:52:00] <Abastro> You can do it when the client world is created.
L198[18:53:57] <Abastro> Or, use WorldEvent.Load and WorldEvent.Unload, with check for world.isRemote
L199[18:54:08] <Selim> Okay, thanks.
L200[19:10:44] <ghz|afk> ugh!
L201[19:11:05] <ghz|afk> so, I was tired of people complaining that I have an embedded jar in my mod and their packs are being rejected due to that
L202[19:11:20] <ghz|afk> decided to finally create a project page on curseforge for that library
L203[19:11:34] <ghz|afk> and they sortof rejected it ("changes required") with the reason
L204[19:11:35] <ghz|afk> Hey there, Our internal tooling will now recognize these and attempt to educate users with the message:
L205[19:11:35] <ghz|afk> The following files do not belong in modpacks:
L206[19:11:35] <ghz|afk> - file names here
L207[19:11:36] <ghz|afk> These files will self-extract from the source JAR when Minecraft is launched.
L208[19:11:38] <ghz|afk> ....
L209[19:11:53] <ghz|afk> but they give no indication of what to do with the project page XD
L210[19:12:28] <ghz|afk> I guess I'll just delete it...
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