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L9[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180128 mappings to Forge Maven.
L10[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180128-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180128" in build.gradle).
L11[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L19[04:23:44] <ben_mkiv> so my reflection on EntityLiving works in intellij but not in the standalone game
L20[04:23:55] <ben_mkiv> is this because the stuff is mapped?
L21[04:27:39] <ben_mkiv> https://pastebin.com/raw/YfQphRwq
L22[04:27:42] <ben_mkiv> thats the code
L23[04:58:50] <TechnicianLP> yes you dev env is deobfuscated (thats what ReflectionHelper is for)
L24[04:59:18] <barteks2x> ReflectionHelper is how you end up with mods that don't work in deobf enviuronment of mods that use different mappings...
L25[05:03:43] <TechnicianLP> barteks2x: if its a problem for you then pr something into reflectionhelper that looks up the mcp-name based on the srg-name if in deobf
L26[05:06:13] <TechnicianLP> Anyways: would a PR removing vanilla ItemTESRs be accepted? (as in replace with dynamic models)(i dont like the idea of no being able to show them in a fasttesr)
L27[05:07:02] <TechnicianLP> probably could also convert the normal tesrs to fast while im at it ...
L28[05:24:05] <ben_mkiv> thanks
L29[05:26:22] <ben_mkiv> wouldnt it be better to just built in detection if the code runs in dev environment and then skip the renderhelper internals?
L30[05:26:29] <ben_mkiv> reflectionhelper, sry
L31[05:33:11] <ben_mkiv> Object fieldData = ReflectionHelper.findField(task.getClass(), fieldName).get(task);
L32[05:33:14] <ben_mkiv> shouldnt this work?
L33[05:33:46] <ben_mkiv> task is a EntityAITask, fieldName is a string value
L34[05:35:16] <ben_mkiv> also didnt my old code grab the right class anyways in non dev environment
L35[05:35:31] <ben_mkiv> as it used getClass() not an hardcoded classname
L36[05:37:06] <ben_mkiv> ah wait, the helper is for the fields, not the class
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L43[06:32:51] <Lumien> Does someone know why gradle wouldn't be able to find the "findProperty" method? Do i have to apply a plugin or something for that?
L44[07:31:03] <Raycoms> Any of the sponge devs here?
L45[07:33:51] <barteks2x> maybe try in #spongedev?
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L53[10:26:37] <Raycoms> barteks2x I tried there but it seems like the volkswagen diesel support there today
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L63[12:39:11] <Selim> Commoble, your teleporter didn't change anything.
L64[12:39:35] <Selim> Except they aren't online.
L65[12:41:28] <Selim> drazisil, Still haven't worked it out yet :/
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L90[15:00:36] <TechnicianLP> if i need a proxy in a pr - should i use FMLClientHandler/FMLServerHandler or is there a better alternative?
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L94[15:36:43] <Selim> Random question, has anyone had problems with Eclipse not hot-swapping code and been able to fix it?
L95[15:37:05] <Arcanitor> hot-swapping?
L96[15:37:07] <TechnicianLP> you have to tell eclipse to hotswap the code manually
L97[15:37:17] <Arcanitor> by this do you mean runtime code editing?
L98[15:37:20] <Selim> I didn't have to, how do I do that.
L99[15:37:21] <Selim> Yes
L100[15:37:27] <Arcanitor> TEACH ME
L101[15:37:28] <Selim> *?
L102[15:37:29] <Selim> XD
L103[15:37:35] * Arcanitor uses idea though
L104[15:37:42] <Selim> Dangit
L105[15:37:55] <gigaherz> Arcanitor: just hit build
L106[15:37:58] <Selim> Wait, wrong person
L107[15:38:04] <gigaherz> idea will happily ask if you want to replace the classes
L108[15:38:07] <Arcanitor> a few years ago eclipse was generally considered as trash and intellij was king
L109[15:38:14] <gigaherz> it still is.
L110[15:38:17] <Arcanitor> gigaherz: in my experience that has not been the case
L111[15:38:24] <gigaherz> well
L112[15:38:26] <Arcanitor> it just launches another MC client instance
L113[15:38:32] <gigaherz> uhm not "run"
L114[15:38:34] <gigaherz> the BUILD button
L115[15:39:02] <gigaherz> or the build->build project menu item
L116[15:39:10] <Arcanitor> ok, i'll have to try that
L117[15:39:12] <Arcanitor> thanks
L118[15:40:25] <TechnicianLP> you will have to launch the instance in debug mode though
L119[15:41:23] <Arcanitor> that shouldn't be a huge problem
L120[15:41:37] <Selim> I didn't use to have to.
L121[15:41:44] <Arcanitor> is there any way, btw, to pass the MC renderer an IModel instead of having mc read it from a json file?
L122[15:42:12] <Arcanitor> no i don't plan to hardcode my models i'm not retarded, i need to do runtime texture swapping based on nbt
L123[15:42:27] <TechnicianLP> look at ICustomModelLoader
L124[15:42:33] <gigaherz> register a custom model loader
L125[15:42:35] <TechnicianLP> and ModelLoaderRegistry
L126[15:42:36] <gigaherz> and in the accepts method
L127[15:42:44] <gigaherz> recognize a custom "modelresourcelocation"
L128[15:43:02] <gigaherz> then in the loadModel method, return a new instance of the IModel
L129[15:44:04] <TechnicianLP> where do i put eventlisteners in forge?
L130[15:49:01] <gigaherz> sorry out of energy, my bed calls me back
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L132[15:55:39] <Arcanitor> thanks man
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