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L12[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20171221 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L14[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L84[09:25:24] <Protected> Hello there. Is there any way to shrink the radius of always-loaded chunks around the spawn point?
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L93[09:43:08] <barteks2x> Protected, as a user or as modder?
L94[09:47:13] <Protected> As a modder
L95[09:47:34] <barteks2x> The only way is probably a coremod. Unless it's a custom dimension
L96[09:47:44] <Protected> It is not
L97[09:49:03] <barteks2x> a way without a coremod would be to replace the overworld WorldProvider
L98[09:49:28] <barteks2x> but that I'm sure will be incompatible with mod yunomakegoodmap
L99[09:50:13] <barteks2x> you can override canDropChunk to calculate spawn area differently then
L100[09:50:48] <barteks2x> that also won't affect the initially loaded chunks during "preparing spawn area". That part is hardcoded
L101[09:51:11] <Protected> What do you mean by spawn area, then?
L102[09:51:22] <barteks2x> the part that won't be unloaded
L103[09:51:27] <Protected> Ok, that's fine
L104[09:52:11] <barteks2x> you could also do DimensionType.setLoadSpawn(false) and then do what chunkloaders do
L105[09:52:40] <barteks2x> that I think would be the best approach
L106[09:52:54] <barteks2x> and why do you actually need to do that anyway?
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L116[10:43:28] <Raycoms> How do I get an blockState from an itemStack?
L117[10:45:14] <ghz|afk> you do not.
L118[10:45:25] <ghz|afk> I mean you can TRY
L119[10:45:37] <Raycoms> I actually know it is an ItemBLock
L120[10:46:20] <ghz|afk> the DEFAULT way to place a block is that the ItemBlock#onItemUse calls getMetadata(int) and passes the resulting number to getStateForPlacement
L121[10:46:31] <ghz|afk> but you can't ensure that an ItemBlock didn't customize onItemUSe
L122[10:48:30] <Commoble> i.e. Different items have different ways of setting the block's itemstack when placed; for example, wool blocks use the item's damage value, while log blocks set their orientation when placed
L123[10:48:46] <Commoble> *setting the block's blockstate
L124[10:49:16] <Raycoms> I don't need it for placement I need it to compare if it's the same leave or the same log, independend from the orientation
L125[10:49:20] <Raycoms> Or the same ore
L126[10:52:02] <Commoble> You could just compare the two blocks, that'll work for most things
L127[10:52:37] <Commoble> i.e. make sure the itemstack's item is an ItemBlock, then get the block from the ItemBlock and check if block == otherblock
L128[10:53:08] <Raycoms> but does that work for the leaves for example?
L129[10:53:16] <Raycoms> Leave_1 has oak, birch ....
L130[10:53:22] <Commoble> mm, lemme check
L131[10:53:24] <Raycoms> and oak != birch but the block is probably the same
L132[10:56:05] <ghz|afk> there's no direct way to test for equivalence in mc
L133[10:56:29] <ghz|afk> specially not between items and blocks
L134[10:56:43] <ghz|afk> so any solution, will only work for some cases and not for others
L135[10:57:06] <Commoble> You'd have to handle individual cases for each relevant block, essentially
L136[10:57:15] <ghz|afk> or set of blocks
L137[10:57:45] <ghz|afk> and probably separate cases for comparinb 2 items, 2 blocks and 1item+1block
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L139[10:59:50] <Protected> barteks2x: There are two issues I'm trying to improve
L140[11:00:04] <Commoble> an example: planks, leaves, and (I think) logs use one block with different metadata for the different wood types, while stairs, doors, fences, and fence gates have separate blocks for the different wood types
L141[11:00:43] <Protected> First, some of my server's users have lossy connections that crap out when dealing with intense network traffic, and minecraft is very sensitive to packet loss (read timeout errors)
L142[11:01:40] <Protected> Since those users complained the problem is worse around spawn, I was wondering if forcing the server to load those chunks anew if no one else is around would break down the databomb those players receive on connection into more manageable portions?
L143[11:01:45] <barteks2x> reducing the amount of chunks loaded serverside sin't going to fix that
L144[11:01:51] <Protected> Ok, good to know
L145[11:01:55] <Protected> Is there anything that will?
L146[11:02:02] <Protected> As long as you're informed on the subject
L147[11:02:14] <barteks2x> it most likely happens closer to spawn because there simply is more stuff there
L148[11:02:19] <Protected> No, it's a new server
L149[11:02:50] <barteks2x> hm... could actually be the seerver trying to send a ton of chunks all at once
L150[11:02:59] <barteks2x> it definitely does that when they are already loaded
L151[11:03:02] <Protected> Right
L152[11:03:03] <Commoble> Is it only happening when the players log in?
L153[11:03:13] <Protected> If they survive the login they're usually good to go
L154[11:03:21] <barteks2x> Can you verify that is also happens when 2 players are close to each other?
L155[11:03:24] <Protected> Of course, this is ultimately an issue with their ISP or router dropping packets
L156[11:03:39] <barteks2x> oh.. you say it's good if they survuve login?
L157[11:03:43] <barteks2x> then I know what is the issue
L158[11:03:47] <Protected> Usually that seems to be the case
L159[11:03:52] <Protected> They don't immediately disconnect on login
L160[11:03:57] <Protected> It can take up to... let's say 30 seconds?
L161[11:04:05] <barteks2x> I actually had to fix it in my cubic chunks mod
L162[11:04:39] <Protected> (I was going to say, being close to other players doesn't seem to disconnect these people)
L163[11:04:54] <barteks2x> basically, when the chunk is already loaded, the server will IMMEDIATELY send it without waiting. This means all $VIEW_DISTANCE chunks all at once being sent for spawnpoint\
L164[11:05:04] <Protected> Yes, that's what I figured
L165[11:05:12] <Protected> And our view distance is 15 :D
L166[11:05:16] <barteks2x> the correct fix is to make it not send them all at once
L167[11:05:23] <Protected> Is that possible?
L168[11:05:53] <Protected> I'm very new to forge
L169[11:05:56] <barteks2x> which involves modifying one of the most fragile classes in MC: PlayerChunkMap. Any error in it usually fails catastrophically, spamming the log but not crashing
L170[11:06:12] <Protected> Sounds like fun
L171[11:06:36] <barteks2x> I'm rewriting that class in cubic chunks. I debugged it many times. Sure is "fun"
L172[11:09:50] <Protected> The second issue I was trying to tackle has to do with mob and creature spawning
L173[11:10:21] <Protected> We have mob spawning inhibited on the surface, and there don't seem to be a lot of animals in the spawn chunks, but there are a ton of monsters underground
L174[11:10:48] <Protected> I was wondering if by not having surface "daily" spawning I was preventing mobs from essentially rotating, making room for animals to spawn
L175[11:11:07] <Protected> It's all conjecture, of course
L176[11:11:08] <barteks2x> if you notice PlayerChunkMap#getOrCreateEntry, it does this: if (!playerchunkmapentry.sendToPlayers()). PlayerChunkMapEntry#addPlayer also calls it. This will actually send the chunk packet immediately to the player. I'm not sure if it won't break things, but you may attempt to fix it by modifying PlayerChunkMap#addPlayer and PlayerChunkMap#getOrCreateEntry. The first one to just add it to pendingSendToPlayers, the
L177[11:11:08] <barteks2x> second one - replace that sendToPlayers call with reflectively accessing sentToPlayers field
L178[11:12:09] <barteks2x> Protected, animal spawning has never really worked ever since beta 1.8 and I was never able to figure out why exactly.
L179[11:12:17] <Protected> Oh, really?
L180[11:12:26] <Protected> The last time we played the latest version was 1.6
L181[11:12:35] <Protected> Wait, *beta* 1.8
L182[11:12:44] <Protected> Maybe I fixed it with a bukkit plugin last time, I don't recall
L183[11:12:58] <barteks2x> they spawn once on world generation, and very very rarely later
L184[11:13:12] <barteks2x> so rarely you may very well never see one spawn
L185[11:13:36] <barteks2x> again, looking at the code - I don't see a reason for it
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L187[11:41:20] <Raycoms> I have 2 blockStates and I want to compare them, but I want to ignore things like enumFacing or leaveDecay
L188[11:41:23] <barteks2x> is there a safe way to render a TileEntity before any world is created?
L189[11:41:33] <Commoble> why would you need to do that
L190[11:41:36] <barteks2x> GUI
L191[11:41:42] <barteks2x> world customization gui
L192[11:41:57] <barteks2x> I want the user to be able to select any blockstate from a list
L193[11:42:05] <Commoble> hmmmmmmm
L194[11:42:39] <barteks2x> tesr is the only thing with issues
L195[11:42:48] <barteks2x> TileEntityStructureRenderer crashes because there is no player
L196[11:43:34] <Commoble> you might have to do a lot of manual fudging
L197[11:44:31] <barteks2x> this should include modded TESR blocks..
L198[11:44:34] <Raycoms> I want to check if a leave is the same leave
L199[11:44:56] <Commoble> Raycoms: You'll need to compare the metadata
L200[11:45:16] <Commoble> like check if the tree type of one leaf block is the same as the other
L201[11:45:22] <barteks2x> you can also get a specific property
L202[11:45:28] <Commoble> yeah that
L203[11:45:48] <Corosus> state.getValue(comparable) == state2.getValue(comparable) should work
L204[11:45:54] <Raycoms> Yeah I know but a) Then I can't store them in a map and retrieve them nicely and b) Different mods implement different properties sometimes
L205[11:46:17] <Commoble> Right, you'll need to handle each block separately
L206[11:46:21] <Raycoms> Especially for leaves and trees
L207[11:46:23] <Corosus> id love a way to filter out certain properties then just do a comparison against anything that remains, but for now im just storing each comparable i need to compare
L208[11:47:43] <barteks2x> screw this, I'm not allowing tile entities.
L209[11:48:07] <barteks2x> if a mod has an ore that is a tile entity, it's doing it wrong anyway
L210[11:48:41] <Commoble> You really don't want a world made entirely out of chests anyway
L211[11:48:51] <Commoble> tileentities have way more overhead than regular blocks
L212[11:50:33] <barteks2x> I'm going to exclude all blocks with TESR from the list
L213[11:55:53] ⇦ Parts: malte0811 (~malte@ ())
L214[12:02:21] <Raycoms> Oh I'd love to use getStateFromMeta
L215[12:02:21] <Raycoms> =D
L216[12:02:41] <Raycoms> that would filter all the blockState shit which isn't affecting the meta out of it
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L218[12:09:50] <barteks2x> well, I do use that way. It's a hack but it works
L219[12:10:01] <barteks2x> *I do it that way
L220[12:10:46] <barteks2x> I use if (state != block.getStateFromMeta(block.getMetaFromState(state))) to check if a state has it's corresponding meta
L221[12:11:06] <Raycoms> Yeah, will see if our other devs will approve it that way =D
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L223[12:11:25] <Raycoms> Anyone is interested in contributing to the minecolonies mod? We have a few open tasks =D
L224[12:12:30] <barteks2x> I would be more interested in taking some devs for my mod than giving time to other mod, unfortunately
L225[12:12:59] <Raycoms> What is your mod? =D
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L227[12:13:08] <barteks2x> cubic chunks
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L232[13:12:43] <Foghrye4> Hi! I need help again. A question related to using OBJ models in entity renderers.
L233[13:13:12] <Foghrye4> Here I baked model: https://github.com/Foghrye4/Labyrinth/blob/MC_1.12/src/main/java/labyrinth/client/model/ObjModelBoxExtended.java#L31
L234[13:13:25] <Foghrye4> (And render it)
L235[13:13:45] <Foghrye4> Here is how it looks: https://imgur.com/5i1IyHV
L236[13:14:01] <Commoble> Is that what Enderman do to render their held blocks? You could try looking at that
L237[13:14:22] <Foghrye4> Will try.
L238[13:15:26] <Foghrye4> Nope, not my case.
L239[13:15:32] <Foghrye4> Here is how it looks in Blender: https://imgur.com/8aY6hjo
L240[13:15:52] <Commoble> that still doesn't look right
L241[13:16:03] <Foghrye4> Thats just for test.
L242[13:17:15] <Foghrye4> A problem is that instead of normal UV model render quads with constant UV, or UV difference between verticles really small.
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L248[14:00:36] <Foghrye4> A solution: When I bake quads, UVs rescaled to LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE. I should've bind it instead of regular texture and register it on TextureStitch event.
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L264[15:13:45] <barteks2x> a perfect TODO I found in my unit test code :D // TODO: make this test code easier to understand
L265[15:13:58] <Raycoms> =D
L266[15:14:29] <barteks2x> now trying to actually understand that code again...
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L268[15:16:45] <ghz|afk> XD
L269[15:17:07] <Raycoms> You could add "Really try it the next time"
L270[15:17:10] <Raycoms> and leave it there
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L292[17:31:37] <Protected> How can I find out what func_71190_q is?
L293[17:33:02] <Ordinastie> !!gm func_71190_q
L294[17:33:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.12: net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities (MinecraftServer.D) UNLOCKED ===
L295[17:33:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : D => func_71190_q => updateTimeLightAndEntities
L296[17:33:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : ()V
L297[17:33:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L298[17:33:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2012-08-05 00:27:05-04:00 (TehKittyCat)
L299[17:35:27] <Protected> Thanks
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