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L1[00:07:16] <cpw> pushed
L2[00:13:26] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED4596.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L3[00:43:39] <kashike> cpw: I'm hoping it's a joke, and if not I'm hoping Java-based is still going to be a thing.
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L8[01:12:34] *** illy is now known as illy|Laptop
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L12[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20171209 mappings to Forge Maven.
L13[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20171209-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20171209" in build.gradle).
L14[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L23[04:23:07] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L30[05:36:28] <PaleoCrafter> so... illy
L31[05:39:42] <illy|Laptop> yes
L32[05:40:02] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4073 mind incorporating (and finishing xD) this in your lang adapter thing? :P
L33[05:43:07] <illy|Laptop> This could be a good time to add that to the interface... Ask Lex and and ill fetch it to my branch
L34[05:43:21] <illy|Laptop> also FML is fun...
L35[05:43:30] <PaleoCrafter> maybe you can come up with a better approach for it, anyways
L36[05:43:34] <illy|Laptop> Paleo, shoot me
L37[05:43:38] <illy|Laptop> plz
L38[05:43:41] <PaleoCrafter> lel
L39[05:44:38] <PaleoCrafter> there's still the issue that we can't infer the required lang adapter from context in @Config and @ObjectHolder environments
L40[05:46:30] <illy|Laptop> that sounds like pain....
L41[05:46:50] <PaleoCrafter> a lot of pain, yes :D
L42[05:47:25] <PaleoCrafter> the obvious way would be to simply add a lang param to the annotations
L43[05:47:27] <PaleoCrafter> but that's meh
L44[05:48:54] <PaleoCrafter> if we could rely on packages being unique per mod and were able to somehow associate them with the mod instance, that'd also be an option
L45[05:52:09] <illy|Laptop> I'll look at it more after I get some sleep I still have to make sure I put the ServiceLoader early enough and make sure I doing things right in FMLModContainer
L46[05:53:06] * illy|Laptop basks in the glory of the service loader all Hail the serviceloader
L47[06:01:22] <LexMobile> Stop using languages that are shit... OR use the mechanics in that language to make things properly static.
L48[06:02:00] *** illy|Laptop is now known as illy|Zzz
L49[06:06:43] <illy|Zzz> welp that answers that question :D
L50[06:09:47] <PaleoCrafter> lel
L51[06:10:08] <PaleoCrafter> then we'll just have to hope that dotty will bring a @JvmStatic style annotation >.>
L52[06:13:41] <illy|Zzz> make a request on their issue tracker :P
L53[06:13:55] <PaleoCrafter> I know that it's been discussed before, lemme see
L54[06:14:55] <illy|Zzz> after this I want to work on getting a perms mod made so that way nobody will use it :P
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L63[07:58:07] <TvL2386> hey guys, I've read that Forge implements Forge Energy. I want to know how it works but the forge documentation does not list it
L64[07:58:44] <Ordinastie> maybe look at the classes containing the word 'energy' ?
L65[07:59:32] <TvL2386> mkay
L66[08:01:52] <TvL2386> nice!
L67[08:02:06] <TvL2386> I must admit I've never browsed the MinecraftForge repo before hehehe
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L72[08:54:01] <cpw> kashike, coremods
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L75[09:15:43] <TvL2386> ok so I thought If I have my TE implement IEnergyReceiver, IEnergyProvider, IEnergyStorage I have both Forge Energy and COFH RF capabilities
L76[09:16:00] <TvL2386> I implemented their methods and assumed energy would start flowing through my block
L77[09:16:07] <TvL2386> guess more is needed :)
L78[09:16:51] <PaleoCrafter> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L79[09:20:36] <Ordinastie> is it possible to have commit comment closing an issue in an another repo ?
L80[09:22:05] <PaleoCrafter> I know you can reference with User/Repo#XXXX so maybe try that with the closing trigger?
L81[09:23:07] <Ordinastie> yeah, looks like it should work
L82[09:23:35] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L83[09:24:09] <TvL2386> thx PaleoCrafter
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L87[09:35:15] <Ordinastie> !gm func_72939_s
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L89[09:36:05] <Ordinastie> so I got a report once, of a crash because the blockState at a position didn't match the ticking tileEntity
L90[09:36:24] <Ordinastie> should I be concerned, or should I just consider a one of and not bother ?
L91[09:39:11] <Ordinastie> apparently happened when breaking it
L92[09:39:36] <malte0811> Is this in the TESR?
L93[09:39:42] ⇨ Joins: masa (~masa@
L94[09:39:44] <Ordinastie> no, TE ticking
L95[09:39:54] <Ordinastie> I know the issue can happen during TESR rendering
L96[09:40:10] <Ordinastie> which is somewhat understandable because you work on a cache instead of the world
L97[09:40:27] <Ordinastie> but when ticking, that should really not happen
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L99[10:03:53] *** illy|Zzz is now known as illy|Laptop
L100[10:04:03] <illy|Laptop> Boop o/
L101[10:04:33] <PaleoCrafter> Beep
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L106[10:31:50] <Raycoms> hi
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L109[10:40:06] <treborx555> hello
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L111[10:42:02] <treborx555> i have a question, how would i get a server side entityplayer currently in the server on an event where i can't get a player?
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L113[10:44:19] <treborx555> event in question is LivingSpawnEvent.CheckSpawn
L114[10:47:06] <treborx555> btw am i talking? i managed to get client working
L115[10:47:14] <Ordinastie> yes you are
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L117[10:47:34] <treborx555> thanks, ill wait patiently
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L121[11:13:39] <Ordinastie> what do you people use in place of Function<Void, Void> ? Runnable feels wrong :s
L122[11:19:20] <malte0811> Why does Runnable feel wrong?
L123[11:19:31] <Ordinastie> associated with threading usually
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L131[11:42:17] <illy|Laptop> PaleoCrafter, think I found the scala static thing by accident https://github.com/scala/docs.scala-lang/pull/491
L132[11:42:25] <PaleoCrafter> heh
L133[11:42:58] <illy|Laptop> I was thinking hmm let me read up on dotty and there it was right on its front page
L134[11:44:09] <PaleoCrafter> I guess that's also where I got from :D
L135[11:45:31] <Ordinastie> damn, generics can be tricky sometimes :x
L136[11:46:49] <Ordinastie> can't seem to find a way to make my stuff work :(
L137[11:49:12] ⇨ Joins: Commoble (~Commoble@mnpl-04-3331.dsl.iowatelecom.net)
L138[11:52:48] <Ordinastie> I guess putting generic stuff into maps is asking for problems too :x
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L141[12:01:56] <treborx555> i solved my problem by using event.getWorld().playerEntities.get(0)!
L142[12:11:04] <treborx555> i really need to get better at debugging..turns out my problem was that i forgot to replace return 1 with return variable
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L146[12:30:56] <TvL2386> nice my cable can receive energy :)
L147[12:31:12] <TvL2386> from a rftools coal generator
L148[12:31:15] <TvL2386> weeeeeeeeeeee
L149[12:31:31] <TvL2386> it doesn't pass it on though to the next cable :)
L150[12:37:26] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-158-174-9-50.NA.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L151[12:39:17] <PaleoCrafter> https://streamable.com/7kv01 meh, for some reason the mouse cursor is offset xD
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L153[12:40:43] <PaleoCrafter> excuse my use of your project for this, Ordinastie :P
L154[12:41:13] <Ordinastie> meh, can't read anything anyway :p
L155[12:41:13] <blackgem> Hey
L156[12:41:24] <blackgem> Anyone here ever needed to adjust the player's eyeheight?
L157[12:41:43] <PaleoCrafter> not sure why the quality is quite that crappy, my ShareX settings seem to have been messed with
L158[12:41:47] <blackgem> Needs to also adjust where their aim lands, and where it considers their 'head' to be in a block.
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L162[12:53:03] <Ordinastie> PaleoCrafter, can your template stuff match the en_us ?
L163[12:53:09] <Ordinastie> use that lang as base
L164[12:53:49] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L165[12:54:14] <PaleoCrafter> well, not with the line breaks, right now
L166[12:54:23] <PaleoCrafter> although that's actually more feasible now that I've implemented this system
L167[12:54:47] <PaleoCrafter> I could simply transform the en_us into a template, hm...
L168[13:01:20] <blackgem> I have an odd question
L169[13:01:37] <blackgem> Does java.util.Random's nextInt output the same that %RANDOM% would?
L170[13:01:41] <blackgem> Google does not know.
L171[13:01:59] <malte0811> What %RANDOM%?
L172[13:02:20] <blackgem> A variable in Windows that returns a random integer.
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L174[13:03:35] <malte0811> Probably not. What are you trying to do where you would need to know this?
L175[13:03:38] <PaleoCrafter> nextInt without parameter will return *some* integer (i.e. a value in the range -2^31 to 2^31-1)
L176[13:04:06] <PaleoCrafter> nextInt with parameter n will return an integer within the range 0 to (n-1)
L177[13:04:09] <malte0811> I thought he was asking about the values for a specific seed?
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L179[13:05:20] <PaleoCrafter> well, if you know that you can get in an integer within a certain range, it obviously doesn't have to be the same as the one provided by %RANDOM% which doesn't let you provide a range
L180[13:07:03] <malte0811> blackgem: Are you talking about the values produced for a specific seed/starting time or are you talking about the output range?
L181[13:07:15] <blackgem> Both, actually.
L182[13:07:23] <blackgem> I just need to know how identical they are for the purpose of testing something.
L183[13:07:37] <Ordinastie> short answer, they're not
L184[13:07:40] <blackgem> Rats.
L185[13:07:47] <blackgem> %RANDOM% does, sort of, let you provide a range btw
L186[13:07:48] <malte0811> I'd say identical values: no, identical ranges: possibly?
L187[13:08:04] <blackgem> (%RANDOM% % 10)+1
L188[13:08:10] <blackgem> will return something between 1 and 10.
L189[13:08:21] <malte0811> Is %RANDOM% unsigned?
L190[13:08:26] <blackgem> Dunno tbh.
L191[13:08:31] <blackgem> Cmd is weird sometimes
L192[13:10:59] <IoP> Why would java return same random than cmd.exe?
L193[13:11:08] <blackgem> I believe it is unsigned.
L194[13:11:31] <malte0811> It probably is, % usually gives negative values for negative inputs
L195[13:12:20] <Ordinastie> so I made a thing : https://puu.sh/yCPEd.mp4
L196[13:12:35] <IoP> blackgem: how do you set seed for cmd.exe's random number generation?
L197[13:13:15] <blackgem> Don't think you can that I've seen
L198[13:13:21] <blackgem> Batch is NOT very versatile. It's just quick.
L199[13:14:55] <IoP> and next: What are the limits of java int and %RANDOM%?
L200[13:15:15] <blackgem> You're losing me.
L201[13:15:25] * blackgem attempts breakfast, in order to communicate better
L202[13:15:30] <IoP> hint: %RANDOM% generates a random integer from 0 to 32,767 (inclusive)
L203[13:17:17] ⇦ Quits: Chais (~Chais@ (Quit: ZNC 1.6.5 - http://znc.in)
L204[13:17:29] <blackgem> Well I might also add that cmd's seed only changes once per second -_-
L205[13:18:58] <Commoble> but does it protect you from nukes
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L208[13:43:55] <Ordinastie> I hate it when a basic fix takes hours because it's actually not so basic :(
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L215[14:28:26] <Ordinastie> damn, so much work just to have the proper collision for the ladder :x
L216[14:28:28] <Ordinastie> https://puu.sh/yCSmv.png
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L221[14:54:29] <blackgem> Hey guys, I have a design question
L222[14:54:31] <blackgem> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPf6iwk7UMo
L223[14:54:45] <blackgem> Trying to recreate some aspects of this game. Can't figure out how I want to do the monster-disappearing animation in Mineraft.
L224[14:55:10] <barteks2x> not strictly forge question, more of a math question: when I want to divide 3d plane with points on it intpo triangles with each point being a vertex of a triangle, is it true that to get the verticies of the triangle a point (that is not in the set of the specified points) is in, it's enough to get the 3 closest points?
L225[15:05:13] <Ordinastie> blackgem, remove mob model, display FX in its place
L226[15:08:50] ⇦ Parts: Ordinastie (~Ordinasti@bronyville.me) (Leaving))
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L230[15:19:32] <Ordinastie> well, that's a weird one
L231[15:19:50] <Ordinastie> somehow, I managed to get a IBS without any of its properties
L232[15:21:26] <Ordinastie> oh
L233[15:21:34] <Ordinastie> it actually makes sense... :x
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L272[21:46:32] <billy> so i've been looking for hours, and I cant figure out where water kills grass in code. I'm trying to find it so I can add the logic to my custom liquids because they currently do not kill grass the way water does. any pointers?
L273[21:47:43] <billy> i feel like it's something stupid simple I am overlooking
L274[21:47:56] <Commoble> mm, lemme open up eclipse and take a look
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L277[21:53:41] <Commoble> There's a thing in BlockGrass's updateTick function that turns the block into dirt if the block above it is too dim
L278[21:54:13] <Commoble> specifically, if the light level in the tile above it is less than four and the light opacity of the tile in that block is greater than 2
L279[21:54:16] <Commoble> water's opacity is 3
L280[21:56:43] <Commoble> If that's the cause of it, then as long as you set the opacity of your liquid it should kill grass like water does
L281[22:00:08] <billy> hmmm, makes sense, but where is water's opacity set? i'm not seeing that
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L283[22:01:14] <billy> nvm, i see it
L284[22:01:20] <billy> thank you so much
L285[22:06:56] <billy> that was definitely it. works like a charm ^_^ had a feeling it was something simple I overlooked ;)
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