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L6[01:56:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20171022 mappings to Forge Maven.
L7[01:56:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20171022-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20171022" in build.gradle).
L8[01:56:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L55[10:07:00] <ben_mkiv> giga, the thing we talked about loading times of forge earlier and if it was possible to make a mod for that... why not make it a feature of forge? :>
L56[10:07:34] <ghz|afk> sure, if forge wants it
L57[10:07:59] <ghz|afk> that said, I won't be the one writing that mod ;P
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L68[12:01:41] <malte0811> How do I get the version of a mod? I tried just using the field where the version string is stored, but Java decided to optimize that away since its final static.
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L74[13:24:17] <Shishire> Ok, I'm totally lost here. I've got a block that places into the world and looks fine, but the inventory textures don't show up. What am I doing wrong? https://imgur.com/QWlXjtg https://github.com/Shishire/DimensionalPortals/blob/98b35144385906ebaf7a56470b513f3c0a13baa2/src/main/java/com/shishire/minecraft/dimensionalportals/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L33 https://github.com/Shishire/DimensionalPortals/blob/98b35144385
L75[13:24:17] <Shishire> 906ebaf7a56470b513f3c0a13baa2/src/main/resources/assets/dimensionalportals/blockstates/portal.json#L11
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L77[13:25:19] <ajb> can you paste that last link again? it got cut off and i am lazy
L78[13:27:12] <Shishire> https://github.com/Shishire/DimensionalPortals/blob/98b35144385906ebaf7a56470b513f3c0a13baa2/src/main/resources/assets/dimensionalportals/blockstates/portal.json#L11
L79[13:27:22] <Shishire> Sorry, looks like my client likes to split long lines
L80[13:27:35] <Shishire> I'd shorten them, but that looks evil
L81[13:29:14] <ajb> hmm
L82[13:29:48] <Shishire> Basically, I just want the item in my hand to match the block on the ground
L83[13:29:54] <ajb> sure :)
L84[13:30:40] <Shishire> And while I can find a bunch of information on building _custom_ inventory models, I can't seem to find anything about basic, standard models.
L85[13:31:34] <ajb> you should not need to do anything really
L86[13:32:05] <Shishire> Which explains why there isn't much information on it. But it still doesn't render :(
L87[13:34:05] <ajb> what happens if you remove the "inventory" variant entirely?
L88[13:35:51] <malte0811> I needed to call setCustomMeshDefinition to make it load from the blockstate json IIRC (https://github.com/malte0811/IndustrialWires/blob/d5d0dca298c43ad6c22ee0d69cdb69fe3c557016/src/main/java/malte0811/industrialWires/client/ClientEventHandler.java#L147)
L89[13:36:10] <malte0811> May be non-recommended though
L90[13:37:47] <Shishire> ajb, removing the inventory variant doesn't seem to do anything.
L91[13:38:37] <Shishire> malte0811, I was worried that I might have to do that. But it just seems wrong to have to custom define inventory stuff when I want exactly default mechanisms. Shouldn't it take care of that for you?
L92[13:38:38] <ajb> hang on let me clone it
L93[13:42:15] <ajb> um.... is this bad? https://paste.debian.net/992152/
L94[13:42:29] <ajb> client crashed while idling on the menu screen. running in idea debug session
L95[13:42:51] <Shishire> uh...
L96[13:42:57] <malte0811> It generally isn't good
L97[13:43:06] <malte0811> But usually not our problem
L98[13:43:10] <Shishire> I run eclipse, I have no idea where that comes from
L99[13:43:30] <malte0811> I used IDEA and never had that happen. I'd blame OpenJDK
L100[13:43:53] <Shishire> Error occurred during error reporting. That's usually a sign that something is terribly wrong
L101[13:43:55] <ajb> this just randomly happened while i was looking at some code in another window
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L103[13:45:24] <ajb> oh well, anyway...
L104[13:45:35] <malte0811> These are usually caused by JVM bugs (or native code going wrong, but that would probably crash right away)
L105[13:46:11] <ajb> hmm yeah just got the apport popup
L106[13:46:27] <malte0811> Ok, SIGBUS is really bad judging from the first sentence on wikipedia
L107[13:46:45] <ajb> google says it happens if /tmp is full
L108[13:46:49] <ajb> but mine is not
L109[13:46:53] <ajb> i hope my RAM isn't bad
L110[13:48:01] <Shishire> "Paging errors[edit]
L111[13:48:01] <Shishire> FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris can signal a bus error when virtual memory pages cannot be paged in, e.g. because it has disappeared (e.g. accessing a memory-mapped file or executing a binary image which has been truncated while the program was running),[2] or because a just-created memory-mapped file cannot be physically allocated, because the disk is full."
L112[13:48:44] <ajb> Shishire: how do i get one of your portal blocks?
L113[13:48:57] <Shishire> ajb, Should be in the Misc tab
L114[13:48:58] <ajb> nvm found it
L115[13:49:08] ⇦ Parts: malte0811 (~malte@ ())
L116[13:51:21] <ajb> hmm interesting.. i managed to make the texture be the same in world and inventory, but now they're both the error texture :)
L117[13:52:08] <Shishire> I can get that easily. Just screw up something about the texture definition.
L118[13:52:47] <ajb> okay i walked into the portal, how do i get back? ;)
L119[13:52:57] <Shishire> Uh... /tp ?
L120[13:53:11] <Shishire> It initializes to 0 0 0. Haven't gotten that far yet
L121[13:53:23] <Shishire> I run /blockdata on mine at the moment
L122[13:54:44] <Shishire> #minecraftforge /spawn iirc
L123[13:55:09] <ajb> i fell out the world and died
L124[13:55:16] <Shishire> That'll probably do it too
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L129[14:08:34] <ajb> hmm
L130[14:08:48] <ajb> even if i copy the cobblestone blockstate over yours, it still does the same thing
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L132[14:09:55] <Shishire> I don't even mind if it looks like cobblestone. I plan to retexture it later, this is just the first pass to get things working.
L133[14:10:13] <ajb> it only looks like cobblestone in the world
L134[14:10:17] <ajb> not inventory
L135[14:10:28] <Shishire> :(
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L137[14:12:44] <ajb> hmm
L138[14:12:53] <ajb> so one thing i notice is that thing in the inventory is huge
L139[14:13:01] <ajb> much bigger than a block would be
L140[14:13:47] <Shishire> Yeah
L141[14:13:58] <Shishire> Even if you drop it , it the full size of a block in world
L142[14:14:06] <Shishire> I don't know where that comes from either.
L143[14:14:22] <ajb> weird
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L145[14:39:41] <Shishire> Ok, well I have to head out. Thanks for helping ajb. I'll probably end up just tracing the model/texture loading code.
L146[14:40:11] <ajb> reborn core does something similar to what malte said
L147[14:40:59] <ajb> https://github.com/TechReborn/RebornCore/blob/1.12/src/main/java/reborncore/RebornRegistry.java#L131
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L150[14:49:30] <ajb> is this going to be slow? https://github.com/ali1234/TechReborn/blob/feature/lighting/src/main/java/techreborn/tiles/lighting/TileLamp.java#L44
L151[14:49:52] <ajb> (getting the Block instance and querying it for a constant)
L152[14:58:19] <Ordinastie> why would it be slow ?
L153[14:59:10] <ajb> well, as a function call, it could really do anything :)
L154[14:59:18] <ajb> state.getBlock() that is
L155[14:59:38] <Ordinastie> did you look at the method ?
L156[15:00:30] <ajb> it's just returning the private Block inside the BlockState?
L157[15:00:44] <ajb> so it should be fine then?
L158[15:00:48] <Ordinastie> yes
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L177[16:03:42] <Chew> I assume its known that http://files.minecraftforge.net just isn't working
L178[16:03:57] <Chew> that or my internet sucks, but minecraftforge.net works fine
L179[16:04:31] <Ordinastie> down for me too
L180[16:05:44] <mezz> le x is looking into it
L181[16:11:43] <Chew> any official mirrors meanwhile?
L182[16:12:21] <mezz> not that I know of. if you use a version of forge you have cached locally it should work for now
L183[16:17:46] <Chew> turns out downloading uses files.minecraft.net/*, ill try to find a jar I have
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L189[16:58:21] <c64cosmin> o/ hello all, I'm trying to make my own door
L190[16:58:48] <c64cosmin> and it fails because doesn't find a variant that uses POWERED, while that is not used in the model itself
L191[16:58:53] <c64cosmin> how to solve this?
L192[16:59:34] <ajb> make it
L193[16:59:48] <mezz> you should try to mimic the vanilla door as closely as you can if you want it to work the same way and be compatible, see what they do
L194[17:02:00] <Ordinastie> speaking of, mezz... :)
L195[17:02:17] <ghz|afk> a door is just a 2-tall multiblock ;P
L196[17:03:24] <mezz> sorry Ordinastie, I've been slowly stepping away from forestry dev to work on JEI and Forge more
L197[17:04:30] <mezz> I think the malisis forestry door idea is cool but it's going to take more time than I really want to spend on it right now
L198[17:04:46] <Ordinastie> shouldn't really take that long
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L203[17:08:55] <c64cosmin> well I have my working door, that is certain, but the blockstate that is requesting does not exist
L204[17:08:58] <c64cosmin> happened before
L205[17:09:00] <c64cosmin> lije
L206[17:09:24] <c64cosmin> like, having an internal state (i.e isActivated) which won't change the model itself (modelstate)
L207[17:09:36] <c64cosmin> but the variant is still looked for...
L208[17:09:55] <c64cosmin> (blockstate*)
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L210[17:10:58] <c64cosmin> @mezz I extended the BlockDoor class, and @Override everything that I wanted changed
L211[17:11:42] <c64cosmin> I think it might have to do with getUnlocalizedName
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L218[17:16:11] <quadraxis> you probably need to register a statemapper
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L224[17:18:34] <c64cosmin> super, thanks
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L236[18:22:43] <White_Blizzard> Does any one know what mods add the little thing that tells you about your equipped armor? I've been looking through all the mods I have or the pack I threw together, and I can't find which one is doing it, and it's in the way of something else.
L237[18:25:57] <ghz|afk> you mean while walking around, or in the GUI?
L238[18:26:20] <ghz|afk> not that it matters -- I forgot both names
L239[18:27:13] <White_Blizzard> While walking around. It's like little icons of the equipted items, with a blue damage bar under them.
L240[18:28:29] <ghz|afk> hmm nope that's not the one I was thinking of
L241[18:28:42] <ghz|afk> do you have a list of the mods in your pack?
L242[18:29:32] <White_Blizzard> Hmm... I'd just like it to be on the other side of the screen, and I think the Curse client auto-makes a mod list.
L243[18:30:42] <White_Blizzard> Though... that might be with downloaded modpacks...
L244[18:31:10] <ghz|afk> uhm well if you put the pack together yourself... wouldn't you know the list of mods? ;P
L245[18:31:37] <White_Blizzard> Ya... but... I didn't make a list... and there are a fair amount.
L246[18:43:14] <White_Blizzard> Okay, got a list...
L247[18:44:11] <White_Blizzard> Should... I post it in here? Or paste bin? Or something else like it?
L248[18:44:45] <ghz|afk> pastebin
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L250[18:44:54] <ghz|afk> (or something like it)
L251[18:47:15] <White_Blizzard> https://pastebin.com/az2dB73r
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L253[18:48:11] <Ri5ux> Has anyone else had a problem with depth on custom IBakedModels (This one actually uses IPerspectiveAwareModel on 1.10): https://i.imgur.com/Uthm4sn.png
L254[18:48:25] <Ri5ux> This only happens from certain angles, and has me stumped.
L255[18:48:45] <ghz|afk> is your block translucent by any chance?
L256[18:48:54] <ghz|afk> that could happen if you draw in the translucent layer
L257[18:49:06] <Ri5ux> Actually, i think it is, let me check
L258[18:50:04] <Ri5ux> Yep, it is. Trying a different render layer
L259[18:51:31] <Ri5ux> That fixed it! Thanks!
L260[18:54:57] <ghz|afk> a recommendation: avoid translucent
L261[18:54:58] <ghz|afk> it's slow
L262[18:55:04] <ghz|afk> if you HAVE to use it, sure
L263[18:55:29] <ghz|afk> but for any block that doesn't explcitly REQUIRE translucency (semi-transparent pixels, really), it's better not to use it at all
L264[18:56:19] <ghz|afk> mostly, because translucent models are sorted (slow), but not the individual quads (so you can still have internal issues within a block)
L265[18:56:21] <ghz|afk> that said
L266[18:56:30] <ghz|afk> it seems to be drawing double-sided?
L267[18:56:44] <ghz|afk> or maybe not, dunno
L268[18:59:28] <Ri5ux> Gotcha, I was using it because the block's texture can be changed to any other block's texture, so it wouldn't look right if the glass texture was on it.
L269[19:00:02] <Ri5ux> I guess now I have to decide if it's really worth it for basically just glass to look correct.
L270[19:11:07] <ghz|afk> you have two options:
L271[19:11:21] <ghz|afk> either you have separate blocks for "opaque", "cutout", and "translucent"
L272[19:11:32] <ghz|afk> and decide which one you use based on what the original block used
L273[19:12:05] <ghz|afk> or you use a multi-layer model for the custom model, which outputs the quadso n the right layer
L274[19:12:18] <ghz|afk> the first option is more efficient, bta
L275[19:12:19] <ghz|afk> btq*
L276[19:12:22] <ghz|afk> btw**
L277[19:17:42] <Ri5ux> Unfortunately, i'm leaning towards the latter, mostly because it doesn't feel right to have separate blocks just for a texture.
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L279[19:23:28] <ghz|afk> welp gotta sleep
L280[19:23:31] * ghz|afk poofs
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