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L15[01:42:40] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170916 mappings to Forge Maven.
L16[01:42:43] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170916-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170916" in build.gradle).
L17[01:42:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L62[04:13:16] <krecher1> is it possible to make my block to disguise as other blocks? (just using their texture, nothing more)
L63[04:13:42] <krecher1> without using TESRs? i want to retain some performance..
L64[04:13:54] <ghz|afk> yes
L65[04:14:17] <ghz|afk> you will need a custom model, that returns the quads from the other block's model
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L67[04:15:00] <krecher1> is it IBakedModel?
L68[04:15:25] <ghz|afk> you'll need an ICustomModelLoader, IModel and IBakedModel
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L70[04:15:51] <ghz|afk> from the blockstates json, you reference a custom model location
L71[04:15:58] <ghz|afk> that you accept from the ICustomModelLoader
L72[04:16:06] <ghz|afk> than on loadModel, you return a new instance of the IModel
L73[04:16:20] <ghz|afk> and on bake, you return a new instance of your IBakedModel
L74[04:16:34] <ghz|afk> and the IBakedModel's getQuads
L75[04:16:47] <ghz|afk> can read from the IBlockState parameter, which block it has to pretend to be
L76[04:16:58] <ghz|afk> for that
L77[04:17:05] <ghz|afk> you will need to use IExtendedBlockState
L78[04:17:15] <ghz|afk> which you can only return from getExtendedState in your block
L79[04:17:31] <ghz|afk> which lets you assign IUnlistedProperties to the IExtendedBlockState
L80[04:17:52] <ghz|afk> and for that you have to return ExtendedBlockState instead of BlockStateContainer from the createBlockState method
L81[04:18:40] <ghz|afk> but becak to getExtendedState, you would want an IUnlistedProperty<IBlockState> so that you can read the target from your TileEntity, and give the IBlockState reference to the model
L82[04:19:37] <krecher1> that's quite a lot of work to do, but thanks
L83[04:19:41] <ghz|afk> then the model can cast to IExtendedBlockState and getValue(YourBlock.TARGET_STATE) to obtain the state, and then use blockmodelshapes.getModelForState
L84[04:20:00] <ghz|afk> to obtain the IBakedModel that it will return its quads for
L85[04:20:12] <ghz|afk> so TL;DR:
L86[04:20:27] <ghz|afk> custom model + extended blockstate unlisted property
L87[04:20:50] <ghz|afk> it's a lot of work, but 90% of it can be autogenerated by the IDE ;P
L88[04:21:14] <krecher1> :D thanks
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L127[08:18:36] <Hink> How do I get my GuiScrollingList items to not overlap?
L128[08:18:50] <Hink> https://i.imgur.com/i2710p3.png
L129[08:19:33] <ghz|afk> give each item a "top" value?
L130[08:25:17] <Hink> do I specify this in GuiScrollingList#drawSlot where I do FontRenderer#drawString?
L131[08:33:03] <Hink> this is what I'm doing to render a text list https://gist.github.com/h1nk/5b1eee8328387581de5e2c1a83d2b7d4#file-guislotsoundlist-java-L47-L52
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L138[09:03:19] <Raycoms> Okay, I finally got my object with the texture rendered, just got one problem now, he does only show the texture in certain angles
L139[09:03:21] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/eTESJb8r
L140[09:03:26] <Raycoms> That might be caused by what?
L141[09:14:23] <ghz|afk> you mean they disappear when seen from "behind"?
L142[09:14:34] <ghz|afk> what happens when you walk around it?
L143[09:21:17] <Raycoms> from behind it shows the "missing texture texture"
L144[09:21:37] <Raycoms> when I am in the right angle from the sides I can see it
L145[09:21:49] <Raycoms> and when I am slightly above it in front of it I can see it
L146[09:21:54] <Raycoms> but right in front it doesn't
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L148[09:25:32] <Hink> What would be the best way to add a bunch of GUI sliders to a GuiScrollingList?
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L178[12:13:13] <tterrag> could this be merged soon? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4387
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L180[12:13:23] <tterrag> the fix is super straightforward, and it would fix a lot of rendering issues coming to me
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L205[13:34:26] <Hink> What am I doing wrong with this scroll list GUI? https://gfycat.com/CreepyHarmlessAsiandamselfly
L206[13:34:53] <Hink> https://gist.github.com/h1nk/325d61e224df9b2143960e29f7b64f0c
L207[13:35:26] <Ordinastie> (slotIdx * 12)
L208[13:36:10] <Ordinastie> probably should be dependant on scrolling
L209[13:36:29] <Hink> I'm just not understanding how to do the calculation.
L210[13:36:52] <Hink> I looked at the net.minecraftforge.fml.client.GuiSlotModList and the math doesn't make sense to me.
L211[13:37:30] <Hink> https://gist.github.com/h1nk/23b16fe8eb90a02d3a4e57c43497187a
L212[13:38:33] <Ordinastie> because you copy paste without reading
L213[13:38:48] <Hink> I read it over and over.
L214[13:38:50] <Hink> I don't understand how https://gist.github.com/h1nk/23b16fe8eb90a02d3a4e57c43497187a#file-guislotmodlist-java-L94-L96 adds up to and entryHeight of 35.
L215[13:39:17] <Ordinastie> what does 'top' represent ?
L216[13:39:45] <Hink> the top is the top of where the GuiScrollingList inner element background renders.
L217[13:40:05] <Ordinastie> not in the second gist
L218[13:40:57] <Ordinastie> or rather, what do you call "inner element" the slot ?
L219[13:41:14] <Ordinastie> or rather, what do you call "inner element"? the slot?
L220[13:45:29] <Hink> This is how I see it.
L221[13:45:30] <Hink> https://i.imgur.com/zEmDM13.png
L222[13:45:53] <Ordinastie> well, read better
L223[13:46:12] <Ordinastie> <Ordinastie> not in the second gist
L224[13:46:33] <Ordinastie> in the second gist, what does top represent ?
L225[13:46:37] <Ordinastie> where does it come from ?
L226[13:50:30] <Hink> Is it not the top of scroll list? If I do top + 3 it displaces the start of the list 3 pixels (https://i.imgur.com/nGenQm0.png), if I do 30 it does 30 (https://i.imgur.com/BACzAGc.png).
L227[13:50:35] <Hink> Am I thinking about it wrong?
L228[13:51:05] <Ordinastie> in the second list, where does 'top' comes from ?
L229[13:51:40] <Ordinastie> where is the variable defined ?
L230[13:52:02] <Hink> in the constructor of GuiScrollingList
L231[13:52:11] <Ordinastie> wrong
L232[13:56:57] <Hink> but i used the super'
L233[13:57:11] <Hink> constructor
L234[13:57:15] <Hink> I position top to be slightly below half the height of the GUI https://gist.github.com/h1nk/e652b0bf4aece4e58d816cf8d406f96b#file-guislotsoundlist-java-L19
L235[13:57:24] <Ordinastie> why are you not answering the question I ask?
L236[13:57:53] <Ordinastie> I don't ask them at random you know
L237[13:58:43] <Hink> am i talking about the wrong gist
L238[13:59:10] <Hink> top comes from a parameter of drawSlot
L239[13:59:15] <Ordinastie> yes
L240[13:59:21] <Ordinastie> and in your code ?
L241[13:59:44] <Hink> in mine im using the wrong top
L242[13:59:49] <Ordinastie> right
L243[14:02:43] <Hink> how do i get the correct entryHeight for my list's elements?
L244[14:03:18] <Hink> for text i mean
L245[14:03:27] <Ordinastie> font height is always 9
L246[14:03:49] <Hink> ah, okay, thanks you a lot!
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L254[15:07:42] <killjoy> Ahh! bug in 1.12.2-pre
L255[15:08:00] <killjoy> I accidentally resized the window and now I can't click anything
L256[15:08:35] <killjoy> No... I just can't click things.. hm..
L257[15:08:38] <killjoy> It worked before
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L260[15:16:08] <killjoy> I'm going to blame discord
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L269[15:42:12] <blood> tterrag around
L270[15:43:06] <blood> chisel seems to break a ton of mods when i add it on client
L271[15:43:24] <tterrag> yes
L272[15:43:25] <tterrag> and what
L273[15:43:39] <blood> https://gist.github.com/bloodmc/e9efdf2d73373620a21d64046e635580
L274[15:43:43] <blood> remove chisel, no issue
L275[15:43:53] <blood> it also breaks botania
L276[15:43:56] <blood> and tconstruct
L277[15:44:41] <tterrag> the crash there is in BoP...I remember something similar but I also remember it being fixed
L278[15:44:51] <blood> right but with chisel removed there is no crash
L279[15:45:01] <tterrag> oh you don't have ctm
L280[15:45:07] <tterrag> and thanks to forge being wonderful that error is swallowed
L281[15:45:21] <blood> sec i got more , maybe others help
L282[15:45:28] <ghz|afk> ctm isn't a hard dependency?
L283[15:45:31] <tterrag> >you don't have ctm
L284[15:45:37] <tterrag> ghz|afk: can't be sadly, as it's client only
L285[15:45:43] <ghz|afk> ah I see
L286[15:45:54] <blood> so i need ctm? what is ctm
L287[15:45:56] <tterrag> however chisel should throw an error in preinit, but forge continues loading and swallows that crash
L288[15:46:03] <ghz|afk> blood: connected texture library
L289[15:46:06] <tterrag> blood: it's listed as a dependency on curseforge and others
L290[15:46:10] <blood> ok let me grab that
L291[15:46:51] <blood> i dont see it on curse forge
L292[15:47:03] <blood> ok got it
L293[15:47:26] <ghz|afk> https://i.imgur.com/A05uKS4.png
L294[15:47:27] <ghz|afk> XD
L295[15:47:43] <blood> right but searching for Connected Textures has 0 listing
L296[15:48:11] <ghz|afk> I guess because the title is "ConnectedTexturesMod"
L297[15:48:13] <ghz|afk> without spaces
L298[15:48:40] <blood> yea probably should have spaces
L299[15:49:44] <tterrag> if only there was a direct link .-.
L300[15:50:27] <blood> forge should probably add support for client only deps
L301[15:50:46] <blood> so chisel cant load without it
L302[15:50:59] <tterrag> I asked and was denied
L303[15:51:01] <tterrag> soo
L304[15:51:08] <blood> shouldnt server be able to just ignore it though
L305[15:51:14] <blood> like other client mods
L306[15:51:28] <ghz|afk> if you specify dependencies="required-after:ctm"
L307[15:51:32] <ghz|afk> it won't load, server or client
L308[15:51:34] <ghz|afk> and there's no
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L310[15:51:37] <blood> ah
L311[15:51:39] <blood> right
L312[15:51:46] <blood> mezz: fix this? :P
L313[15:51:49] <ghz|afk> "client-dependencies" or "required-after-client:"
L314[15:51:57] <tterrag> I have code to still pop the missing mods screen
L315[15:52:11] <tterrag> but apparently certain mods don't have safe code on volatile models
L316[15:52:54] <blood> i see HarvestCraft is registering all items with minecraft domain
L317[15:53:09] <blood> spams a ton of errors too in 1.12.1
L318[15:53:46] <blood> ok that fixed it tterrag, no errors. Thanks =)
L319[15:54:14] <tterrag> I also don't understand how anything chisel does could cause BoP's own model to be null
L320[15:54:14] <blood> would be nice if Forge didnt mask all the errors, really confusing
L321[15:54:36] <blood> no clue, CTM fixed it though
L322[15:54:43] <tterrag> oh wait, I know
L323[15:54:55] <tterrag> it's because CTM throws an error in its ModelBakeEvent but forge continues to pass it down the line
L324[15:55:09] <tterrag> so this is never registered https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/blob/BOP-1.12.x-7.0.x/src/main/java/biomesoplenty/common/handler/LeavesModelEventHandler.java#L40
L325[15:55:29] <blood> probably should be fixed then
L326[15:55:34] <blood> so it stops its tracks
L327[15:55:50] <tterrag> yes, I've mentioned it many times
L328[15:56:00] <tterrag> it would require a lot of refactoring of the event system
L329[15:56:22] <tterrag> step one would just be logging all exceptions
L330[15:58:10] <blood> where is this error thrown on your end?
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L332[16:01:48] <blood> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/eventhandler/EventBus.java#L179
L333[16:01:56] <blood> it should be showing the error if you throw it
L334[16:03:14] <tterrag> are there any other errors in the log then?
L335[16:03:33] <tterrag> because there's no other explanation for this...if BoP's own model doesn't exist then something is erroring preventing it from existing
L336[16:04:56] <tterrag> it could be many things
L337[16:05:07] <tterrag> it's probably the registry events
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L340[16:09:16] <blood> i see what it is i think
L341[16:09:39] <blood> does chisel have to be last during the modelbakedevent?
L342[16:09:57] <blood> because it hits bop before chisel
L343[16:11:17] <blood> https://gist.github.com/bloodmc/e9efdf2d73373620a21d64046e635580#file-forge_crash-txt-L25
L344[16:11:25] <blood> your mod comes after
L345[16:11:42] <blood> i dont even see chisel , just chisel and bits
L346[16:12:18] <blood> tterag ^
L347[16:12:22] <blood> tterrag ^
L348[16:13:48] <tterrag> blood: like I said, it's probably the registry events
L349[16:14:07] <tterrag> cut it down to just chisel/bop and see what happens
L350[16:14:26] <blood> same crash, what if you just listen to ModelBakedEvent with highest priority
L351[16:14:30] <blood> and check if CTM is installed
L352[16:14:32] <blood> if not, throw error
L353[16:14:55] <blood> or check on startup
L354[16:14:58] <blood> either or will work
L355[16:15:16] <tterrag> I check far earlier than that
L356[16:17:24] <tterrag> and I can't throw an error because all exeptions from events are wrapped and stored
L357[16:17:39] <tterrag> I have to hack into FML's storage for missing mod exception
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L359[16:20:55] <blood> it shows it fine
L360[16:20:55] <blood> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/eventhandler/EventBus.java#L194
L361[16:21:25] <tterrag> yes but that doesn't trigger the missing mods screen
L362[16:21:31] <tterrag> because it's wrapped into a RuntimeException
L363[16:21:39] <blood> yea that would be better for sure
L364[16:21:50] <blood> but at least you can crash it during chisel
L365[16:22:04] <tterrag> a crash is worse than this current problem
L366[16:22:14] <tterrag> I get endless reports about people missing CTM and it crashes
L367[16:22:16] <blood> true, perhaps need to bug mezz =)
L368[16:22:21] <tterrag> because people are accustomed to missing mods showing that screen
L369[16:22:33] <blood> all we would need is client deps
L370[16:22:51] <tterrag> sure, but again, I asked lex and he said it was a stupid idea. so I wouldn't count on that
L371[16:23:27] <blood> well another alternative could be depend on it and server would be smart enough to know to ignore it
L372[16:23:40] <blood> where you can specify client only somewhere so it knows
L373[16:23:53] <blood> that would probably be much cleaner
L374[16:24:47] <tterrag> there's also an entirely separate issue whereby a mod can throw an exception in preinit, and dependant mods will still have their registry events called, which when those event handlers depend on the parent having run, they fail
L375[16:25:33] <blood> how would a dependant mod register its handler if it doesnt load?
L376[16:26:15] <tterrag> most people use statically loaded event handlers now
L377[16:27:08] <tterrag> I have an idea for a hack that might fix this
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L379[16:28:49] <blood> public void registrItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event)
L380[16:28:51] <blood> typo hehe
L381[16:34:13] <tterrag> nvm my hack won't work because there's yet another bug
L382[16:34:24] <tterrag> throwing CustomModLoadingErrorDisplayException just straight up doesn't work during preinit
L383[16:34:33] <tterrag> because it's wrapped by LoaderException and then fails the instanceof check
L384[16:36:08] <blood> try listening to ModelBakedEvent with HIGHEST priority
L385[16:36:15] <blood> and just toss an error there
L386[16:36:23] <tterrag> that's a horrible place to do it
L387[16:36:25] <tterrag> it's much too late
L388[16:36:33] <blood> the crashes always happen during it
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L390[16:36:50] <blood> and other mods listen to normal priority
L391[16:36:59] <blood> except codechickenlib from what i saw
L392[16:37:41] <blood> but best solution would be to talk to mezz or can just PR one for server side
L393[16:38:09] <blood> is there a setting somewhere that says "this mod is client only"
L394[16:38:17] <blood> @ClientOnly or something?
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L396[16:38:57] <busti> When I have an ITickable tileentity it onl starts ipdating when I look at it. Shouldn't an absolute amount of chunks around the player be loaded at all times?
L397[16:39:35] <tterrag> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/LoadController.java#L199
L398[16:39:42] <tterrag> that line shouldn't happen if it's an IFMLHandledException
L399[16:39:47] <tterrag> otherwise what's the point
L400[16:39:50] <tterrag> it can never bubble up
L401[16:40:15] <tterrag> blood: clientSideOnly=true
L402[16:40:29] <tterrag> https://github.com/Chisel-Team/ConnectedTexturesMod/blob/1.10/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/ctm/CTM.java#L23
L403[16:40:31] <blood> ok set in annotation for @Mod or something?
L404[16:40:51] <blood> ok this should be easy to fix on server side
L405[16:41:00] <blood> i can work on a PR soon
L406[16:42:37] <blood> strange
L407[16:43:07] <blood> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/FMLModContainer.java#L731
L408[16:43:10] <blood> Forge already does this
L409[16:43:28] <blood> maybe it does this too late? let me see
L410[16:44:04] <blood> im going to add the dep on server side
L411[16:44:11] <blood> it should be disabled according to what im seeing
L412[16:45:08] <tterrag> that disables the mod...not the dep
L413[16:45:14] <tterrag> and when a mod is disabled it does not exist
L414[16:45:28] <blood> ohhhhhh
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L416[16:49:40] <blood> ill talk to mezz when hes around, we can figure something out
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L426[17:24:58] <busti> It kinda got drowned so I'll just ask again
L427[17:25:00] <busti> When I have an ITickable tileentity it onl starts ipdating when I look at it. Shouldn't an absolute amount of chunks around the player be loaded at all times?
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L458[18:43:49] <Raycoms> Can I render a model somehow in a matter so that it renders the same thing on both sides?
L459[18:44:14] <Raycoms> I am rendering it twice (in the tileEntitySpecialRendrer) but that's not working out nicely
L460[18:44:28] <Raycoms> I can see the "missing texture problems" of the backside of the other texture
L461[18:46:13] <Raycoms> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354208766285185027/358761039795585034/2017-09-17_00.47.46.png Additionally depending on the Angle it doesn't work
L462[18:46:17] <Raycoms> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354208766285185027/358761041749999616/2017-09-17_00.47.48.png
L463[18:46:21] <Raycoms> In other angles it does
L464[18:46:28] <blood> tterrag around
L465[18:46:55] <blood> what was the issue with just having CTM as a dep and server loads it which would do nothing as its labeled as client only
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L467[18:50:26] <Raycoms> Interestingly it stops rendering when another tileEntitySpecialRendered entity gets closer to the player
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L472[19:17:08] <Raycoms> Anyone? =P
L473[19:18:44] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED4612.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L474[19:20:29] <abab9579> Face culling?
L475[19:24:17] <tterrag> blood: clientSideOnly *doesn't* load the mod
L476[19:24:18] <tterrag> that's the problem
L477[19:24:23] <tterrag> it literally does not exist, FML skips it
L478[19:32:18] <Raycoms> abab9579 face culling?
L479[19:32:55] <abab9579> Yes when it's off, it will be rendered on the other direction as well
L480[19:41:29] <Raycoms> abab9579 GlStateManager.disableCull()?
L481[19:41:48] <abab9579> Right.
L482[19:42:31] <Raycoms> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354208766285185027/358775336558919691/2017-09-17_01.44.47.png
L483[19:42:33] <Raycoms> That happens
L484[19:42:47] <abab9579> Besides I don't know why another TE close to player stops rendering
L485[19:43:25] <abab9579> How did you specify your UV?
L486[19:44:16] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/ZHueDCev
L487[19:44:52] <Raycoms> I don't have any UV I think
L488[19:45:48] <abab9579> So you rendered the model?
L489[19:46:27] <Raycoms> Yes, I have a json model
L490[19:46:53] <abab9579> I think there is a z-fighting with the correct one and untextured one.
L491[19:47:39] <Raycoms> Same thing happens on x when I rotate it
L492[19:48:12] <abab9579> You want to show the same thing on either side?
L493[19:48:16] <Raycoms> Yes
L494[19:48:53] <Raycoms> Nevertheless, if I can show it only on one side It'b okay if the back side just wouldn't be pink and black and if it didn't stop rendering depending on the angle
L495[19:49:44] <abab9579> Like vanilla sign?
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L497[19:50:29] <abab9579> I think you should have quads at the back as well. Or do you already have it?
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L499[19:50:52] <Raycoms> Yeah it should be like a vanilla sign
L500[19:50:56] <Raycoms> Not sure about that
L501[19:51:10] <abab9579> Well how's your model?
L502[19:52:00] <tterrag> there's no way that just enableCull() would cause those extra quads to draw
L503[19:53:12] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/ES49FB9T
L504[19:56:08] <tterrag> also "name" is not a field in an element
L505[19:56:24] <tterrag> and why are you using missing textures?
L506[19:56:29] <tterrag> why not just...not have those?
L507[19:56:37] <abab9579> Really, #missing..?
L508[19:57:07] <abab9579> Culling does render backside tris - https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Face_Culling
L509[19:57:18] <tterrag> I understand what culling is
L510[19:57:22] <abab9579> I mean, when disables
L511[19:57:27] <tterrag> but it wouldn't make quads that weren't there in the first place suddenly rendered
L512[19:57:31] <abab9579> *disabled
L513[19:57:50] <abab9579> Yeah, right. Does vanilla discard those quads depend on facing?
L514[19:58:16] <tterrag> there's no cullface, so no
L515[19:59:02] <abab9579> Then I guess it should render the front faces on the back as well.
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L517[20:00:36] <Raycoms> I didn't make this, our guy responsible for texture made this =D
L518[20:00:52] <tterrag> well tell him he did it wrong
L519[20:00:57] <tterrag> just remove those #missing faces
L520[20:01:20] <Raycoms> completely remove "texture": "#missing"
L521[20:01:23] <Raycoms> or only #missing?
L522[20:01:29] <tterrag> remove the entire faces
L523[20:04:17] <Raycoms> It now crashes on rendering
L524[20:05:48] ⇦ Quits: abab9579 (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L525[20:07:24] <Raycoms> The Baked model now loads null
L526[20:09:22] <Raycoms> I think I left in the commas
L527[20:11:17] <Raycoms> Okay tterrag thanks the texture now works
L528[20:11:25] <Raycoms> The only problem is that depending on the angle it stops working
L529[20:11:33] <tterrag> post the TE
L530[20:14:06] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/y9qJRU1n
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L532[20:16:15] <Raycoms> Its a copy of the tileEntitySign
L533[20:16:48] <Raycoms> Which also for some reason doesn't allow editing
L534[20:16:54] <Raycoms> like normal signs do...
L535[20:19:57] <tterrag> weird
L536[20:20:18] <tterrag> do you have a video or a screenshot of before/after it disappears?
L537[20:20:21] <tterrag> does it entirely vanish?
L538[20:20:26] <tterrag> does the renderTileEntityAt method stop being called?
L539[20:22:06] <Raycoms> It gets black and then disappears
L540[20:22:12] <Raycoms> and its still being called
L541[20:22:19] <tterrag> gets black?
L542[20:22:42] <Raycoms> Hmm but only sometimes
L543[20:23:26] <tterrag> guessing it's a GL state issue
L544[20:23:51] <tterrag> not sure what the point of lines 98/99 are
L545[20:24:00] <tterrag> and that depthFunc is weird too
L546[20:24:09] <tterrag> did you copy all this from the sign renderer?
L547[20:24:11] <Raycoms> I can send you the jar if you want
L548[20:24:21] <Raycoms> quite a part of it I copied
L549[20:25:44] <Raycoms> Building the jar on teamcity right now
L550[20:25:56] <tterrag> I doubt I can find out anything new
L551[20:26:02] <tterrag> GL state issues are pretty much trial and error
L552[20:28:34] <Raycoms> what a pity
L553[20:29:03] <Raycoms> Any idea why I can't edit the sign or why it isn't displaying the text?
L554[20:29:08] <Raycoms> I copied 100% of that code
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L556[20:40:32] <tterrag> uhhh no not really
L557[20:40:44] <tterrag> as a general rule I'd avoid copying code you don't understand
L558[20:42:38] <Raycoms> Rendering is not really my field =P
L559[20:43:04] <Raycoms> I work on it as pure necessity
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L562[21:04:09] <Raycoms> tterrag, I disabled everything but translate and rotate and this.renderModel(world, model, pos, alpha);
L563[21:04:13] <Raycoms> and nothing at all changed
L564[21:19:51] <Raycoms> The problem with the editing seems to be that i can't get a click Event on the style of the sign
L565[21:20:08] <Raycoms> Someone knows how to fix that without creating a complete own GUI Class? I want to use the default sign GUI
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L570[22:00:34] <blood> Corosus: Zombie Awareness 1.12.1 =)
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L573[22:06:46] <Corosus> :>
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