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L12[01:40:52] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L16[02:28:23] <cjm721> So I am trying to do spectator like block rendering (like when in noclip inside of blocks you can actually see everything). I found the exact method I need to change but it is being hardcoded passed if the player is in spectator mode. This is inside of RenderGlobal. I can just overwrite the current RenderGlobal but that seems like a change very likly to break with other people's code. Is there any better way to do this.
L17[02:31:42] <gigaherz|work> there's no good way to approach that, I don't think
L18[02:31:57] <gigaherz|work> there is always "the other way", but that is never a good way
L19[02:32:02] <gigaherz|work> sometimes necessary, but never good
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L38[06:00:09] <halvors> How can i un a TESR simple render fluid inside a tank?
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L41[06:24:49] <ben_mkiv> is there some way to figure out where something actually rendered after several translations and rotations have been applied?
L42[06:28:02] <ben_mkiv> or do i have to calc it on my own?
L43[06:28:14] <gigaherz|work> what do you need it for?
L44[06:29:00] <ben_mkiv> the mod im working on allows rendering of virtual objects in the minecraft world, and the player can add as many translate/scale transformations
L45[06:29:25] <ben_mkiv> but somehow i want to implement some render distance and stuff, so i would need to know where in the world it actually renders
L46[06:29:37] <gigaherz|work> you'll have to calculate it
L47[06:29:52] <gigaherz|work> you could extract the current matrix from opengl and apply it in cpu
L48[06:30:23] <ben_mkiv> do i really have to calc with a matrix? shouldnt working with one vertex work?
L49[06:30:42] <ben_mkiv> as long as my calcfunction follows it with each "transform"
L50[06:30:51] <gigaherz|work> what?
L51[06:31:07] <ben_mkiv> matrix/object
L52[06:31:17] <gigaherz|work> the matrix IS the transform
L53[06:31:36] <gigaherz|work> original vertex -> [ transform matrix ] -> transformed vertex
L54[06:32:06] <gigaherz|work> so if you get the matrix from opengl, and apply it to a vertex, you'll get the same result that the gpu would get, when applied to the same vertex position
L55[06:32:48] <gigaherz|work> you can replicate the transform on cpu and then apply it separately
L56[06:32:58] <gigaherz|work> if done right it would get the same result
L57[06:33:56] <ben_mkiv> well basicly i want the matrix for cpu calc push in a vertex at 0,0,0 and get the end position of the vertex
L58[06:34:05] <ben_mkiv> i guess thats what you are talking about?
L59[06:34:11] <gigaherz|work> yes
L60[06:34:24] <ben_mkiv> are there methods for that?
L61[06:34:40] <gigaherz|work> yes, but you'll haveto find them
L62[06:34:41] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L63[06:34:42] <ben_mkiv> or do you know of some mod which does it, where i could take a look xD
L64[06:34:47] <gigaherz|work> nope
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L66[06:35:08] <ben_mkiv> ok, thanks :)
L67[06:42:55] <ben_mkiv> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication
L68[06:42:59] <ben_mkiv> so this is the math behind
L69[06:43:06] <ben_mkiv> now to figure out how to get the matrix from gl
L70[06:43:17] <gigaherz|work> I believe there's a Matrix4x4 or similar class, that you can use
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L72[06:58:00] <ben_mkiv> downside of this is, it looks like i have to render once to get the position
L73[06:59:01] <ben_mkiv> would prefer if would only have to update when a transformation is added/removed from the stack
L74[07:02:29] <ben_mkiv> nvm, the 4x4 matrix class can do the transforms on cpu :)
L75[07:03:15] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/VanillaImmersion/blob/1.12/src/main/kotlin/de/mineformers/vanillaimmersion/immersion/EnchantingHandler.kt#L134 as a reference, ben_mkiv :P
L76[07:03:35] <ben_mkiv> thanks much PaleoCrafter
L77[07:03:59] <ben_mkiv> now i wonder how much performance impact it is if the matrix and such is cached for rendering :>
L78[07:04:10] <ben_mkiv> and only gets updated when really necessary
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L87[09:00:08] <ben_mkiv> ok, looks like i got it working \o/
L88[09:00:19] <ben_mkiv> anyone knows how often onRenderGameOverlay event happens? every frame or every gametick?
L89[09:00:40] <ben_mkiv> same question for renderWorldLastEvent
L90[09:00:46] <PaleoCrafter> every frame
L91[09:00:50] <ben_mkiv> thanks
L92[09:01:03] <PaleoCrafter> everything with "Render" in its name generally happens every frame :P
L93[09:01:21] <ben_mkiv> yea, would be weird other way, but want to get sure
L94[09:02:11] <ben_mkiv> so decreasing some polling with % divions seems to not be best bet
L95[09:02:32] <ben_mkiv> is the gametick an increasing integer which i could use?
L96[09:02:52] <PaleoCrafter> you can use the total world time for periodic stuff
L97[09:10:48] <ben_mkiv> thanks
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L99[09:23:27] <busti> What do we use instead of ISidedInventory now?
L100[09:23:45] <PaleoCrafter> the IItemHandler capability
L101[09:23:55] <busti> Thanks :3
L102[09:24:07] <PaleoCrafter> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L103[09:24:27] <PaleoCrafter> I need to add heading permalinks to the docs
L104[09:31:14] <gigaherz|work> busti: note that IInventory is also bad practice ;p
L105[09:31:22] <gigaherz|work> you should use IItemHandler for non-sided inventories too
L106[09:34:38] <busti> Thanks. Bye bye TileInventory.java
L107[09:35:00] <PaleoCrafter> >TileInventory
L108[09:35:25] <PaleoCrafter> better purge that from your Git history ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L109[09:35:34] <gigaherz|work> git filter-branch ;P
L110[09:43:24] <busti> Is it still beneficial to abstract away item handling and other capabilities to an abstract TileEntity when using those?
L111[09:44:19] <busti> *to an abstract class that extends TileEntity
L112[09:45:12] <busti> (In case of tileentitys, I do not plan to do entitys at the moment)
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L114[09:48:25] <PaleoCrafter> considering you don't have full multiple inheritance in Java, nah :P
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L117[09:53:22] <busti> Oh I wish i could use scala in this project
L118[09:53:44] <PaleoCrafter> ... why don't you?
L119[09:53:48] <busti> But the people I am working with are ignorant of scala :/
L120[09:53:59] <PaleoCrafter> oh, heh
L121[09:54:04] <PaleoCrafter> I know that feeling :P
L122[09:54:08] <busti> And I do not want to scare them away from the project
L123[09:54:38] <busti> So I am stuck with java.
L124[09:55:41] <PaleoCrafter> I had to convert a project from Scala to Java, too. Thank goodness it wasn't that advanced at that point
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L126[09:58:52] <busti> And since I am scared of certain modding libraries going dead in the next version I will write everything on my own.
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L130[10:09:15] <busti> IInventory implemented IWorldNamable. That got me curious. Why would one want to implement it?
L131[10:10:00] <killjoy> it's a bad name
L132[10:11:05] <killjoy> It's just something that has a name
L133[10:11:17] <killjoy> if you're familiar with sponge, it's their Nameable
L134[10:11:25] <busti> Do I want to implement it?
L135[10:11:44] <busti> If so what for?
L136[10:11:58] <killjoy> shouldn't need to
L137[10:12:46] <busti> Okay.
L138[10:14:09] <busti> There goes TileNamable.class
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L142[11:12:51] <busti> Is there a common practice method for passing the facing along to an IItemHandler? I would like to use the same Inventory for all sides but the side is relevant when inserting or extracting.
L143[11:14:08] <ghz|afk> busti: wrappers
L144[11:14:33] <ghz|afk> make a SidedExtractInsertWrapper that calls custom internal functions like insert(stuff, side)
L145[11:14:34] <busti> Ah found it. SidedInvWrapper I suppose.
L146[11:14:37] <ghz|afk> nono
L147[11:14:40] <ghz|afk> that's for ISidedInventory
L148[11:14:46] <ghz|afk> for upgrading vanilla blocks
L149[11:14:50] <ghz|afk> you have to make your own
L150[11:15:04] <busti> Okay.
L151[11:20:02] <busti> Where would I get the side from in my Wrapper when something like a hopper for example inserts into a certain side? From the getCapability method?
L152[11:21:07] <busti> No wait that does not make that much sense.
L153[11:21:41] <busti> Is there an example in some mod somewhere I can use?
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L155[11:23:59] <busti> Or do I have to instantiate an IItemHandler for each side and pass around items between them?
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L158[11:31:16] <ghz|afk> busti: if you need custom treatment of insert and extract
L159[11:31:26] <ghz|afk> then you'll be implementing a custom IItemHandler, right?
L160[11:31:35] <ghz|afk> either extending ItemStackHandler, or your own custom implementation
L161[11:31:37] <ghz|afk> either way
L162[11:31:52] <ghz|afk> you can make your internal version have custom implementations of insert and extract
L163[11:32:02] <ghz|afk> and then have the wrapper for each side know which side it is
L164[11:32:20] <ghz|afk> and can call the shared "master" inventory appropriately
L165[11:39:22] <viveleroi> does anyone have advice on how I debug block lag/connection delays between a client and a localhost server? I have this issue with forge 1.12.1 but with ~70 mods I don't know where to begin. never had this issue before. randomly, blocks re-appear and then break, don't break at all, sometimes right-clicking an inventory delays, and sometimes entities freeze for a few seconds and then "fast-forward"
L166[11:40:10] <viveleroi> I know `.12.1 is "beta" but I don't see open issues that explain that
L167[11:52:27] <ghz|afk> viveleroi: Lex just has to release a recommended build for it, that's all
L168[11:52:51] <ghz|afk> I mean, beta vs non-beta
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L170[11:53:28] <ghz|afk> that said, I have had major issues in 1.12, even vanilla 1.12
L171[11:53:31] <viveleroi> sure, but my point is that despite being "beta" no one else seems to have problems that I can see. I'm not sure what could be causing this. I have a 1.10 modpack with 80 mods and it works fine
L172[11:53:37] <ghz|afk> where even integrated server sometimes lags a lot
L173[11:53:44] <ghz|afk> taking seconds to open chests and such
L174[11:53:46] <viveleroi> huh
L175[11:54:07] <ghz|afk> I haven't been able to pinpoint it, but so far as I recall, it did happen in vanilla too
L176[11:54:13] <viveleroi> I have debated downgrading to 1.11 or even 1.10
L177[11:54:25] <ghz|afk> if it's a major issue for you, it may be a thing to consider, yes
L178[11:54:35] <ghz|afk> because chances are it's a vanilla issue
L179[11:54:55] <ghz|afk> that said
L180[11:55:08] <viveleroi> I haven't played vanilla 1.12 so it might be. I guess it's worth trying a plain forge install, no mods, to see if it happens
L181[11:55:11] <ghz|afk> if you want to troubleshoot this kind of issue, the first thing to check is to try without mods, or even without forge
L182[11:55:20] <viveleroi> hehe, yup
L183[11:55:28] <ghz|afk> if that solves it, then try with half the mods
L184[11:55:45] <ghz|afk> and depending on what happens, you can try adding or removing half of the remaining half
L185[11:55:49] <ghz|afk> and so on (bisection)
L186[11:55:49] <viveleroi> ya, I've done that a lot in the past and it works, but takes forever to really narrow things
L187[11:56:16] <ghz|afk> but if it's the same issue that I have experienced, it happens even in vanilla for me
L188[11:57:42] <viveleroi> unrelated, but is there a way to uninstall a version of forge?
L189[11:59:08] <ghz|afk> well...
L190[11:59:22] <ghz|afk> you can remove it from appdata\.minecraft\versions
L191[11:59:30] <ghz|afk> but you'll also have to remove the jar itself
L192[11:59:47] <ghz|afk> from libraries\net\minecraftforge\
L193[12:00:03] <viveleroi> I just need to clear out older builds, so I can do that
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L195[12:01:15] <killjoy> I tried to create a library cleanup tool a while back, but never got it working
L196[12:03:00] <ghz|afk> may be easier to wipe the versions and reinstall the ones you need ;P
L197[12:05:17] <killjoy> if forge did the json properly, we could just delete the libraries folder and have all the libs be redownloaded
L198[12:11:30] <halvors> Anyone knows where to find a simple example on how to render a block with IBakedModel?
L199[12:13:32] <ben_mkiv> halvors, probably not the best but... https://github.com/ben-mkiv/OCGlasses/blob/MC1.10.2/src/main/java/com/bymarcin/openglasses/surface/widgets/component/world/Item3D.java#L74
L200[12:14:33] <ben_mkiv> the rendering starts ~L81 with the tesselator instance and pushing the quads in the for loop
L201[12:21:51] <killjoy> Look at LayerHeldItem
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L210[13:59:24] <halvors> I have a rendering problem when rendering in a TESR. I have an transparent glass like model, glass somehow renders black instead of transparent.
L211[13:59:44] <halvors> When rendering with OpenGL, anyone knows why that might be?
L212[13:59:48] <malte0811> What GL states are you enabling?
L213[14:00:02] <gigaherz> enableBlend, disableAlpha
L214[14:00:18] <gigaherz> if you want semi-transparency
L215[14:00:24] <gigaherz> or enableAlpha, disableBlend if you want cutout
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L217[14:03:45] <halvors> Thanks, will try that.
L218[14:03:59] <halvors> I'm not enabling anyone at the moment.
L219[14:04:32] <halvors> I should invert after rendering right? so enable blend and disable alpha first, then render and so disable blend and enable alpha again?
L220[14:05:03] <tterrag> afaik the default TESR state has blending enabled
L221[14:05:15] <tterrag> but if not, you should put it back the way you found it, generally
L222[14:06:51] <halvors> Thanks, works like a charm :)
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L249[17:08:53] <viveleroi> well, the lag/block delay problem isn't happening with just forge, so now I get to try the mods. uggh
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L254[17:35:28] <viveleroi> also I've noticed that many times I never get a loading progress bar on mac except with certain mods, but it almost always shows on windows. any reason?
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L259[18:11:02] <halvors> I have an OBJ model. It like a basic cube but an OBJ model instead.
L260[18:11:13] <halvors> Don't ask why, its more than a cube as well.
L261[18:11:59] <halvors> But the cube is the issue, the "walls" of the cube is only textured when looking from specific sides, any idea why that might be? Something with OpenGL that could fix that?
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L273[21:32:34] <Hink> Why is getASMTransformerClass called twice from a IFMLLoadingPlugin?
L274[21:41:43] <viveleroi> has anyone experienced tile entities getting "stuck" so they're unusable? furnaces, tc smelteries, and other blocks just stop randomly for me. re-placing them or rebooting is the only fix. I'll use them fine for a few things then they stop. I can put coal into a furnace with cobble, it'll just sit there
L275[21:42:18] <viveleroi> I'm on forge for mc 1.12.1, not sure which mod could be the issue without trial and error. hoping someone might have seen it before
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