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L6[01:47:46] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170905 mappings to Forge Maven.
L7[01:47:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170905-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170905" in build.gradle).
L8[01:48:00] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L21[04:00:02] <TechnicianLP> what exception does one throw if data received from server does not make sense (as in is incorrect)?
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L23[04:01:22] <PaleoCrafter> Question is whether you want to throw an exception at all, TechnicianLP :P
L24[04:02:04] <TechnicianLP> i could try forcibly disconnecting him from the server .... i have no clue how i would recover from that ...
L25[04:03:11] <TechnicianLP> i suppose i could introduce a error-dummy ...
L26[04:03:15] <PaleoCrafter> another thing is how the data *from* the server can even be deemed incorrect. The client has to take whatever the server says as an absolute truth
L27[04:04:03] <PaleoCrafter> if you simply receive an invalid packet, just ignore it (and maybe send a response asking for another one)
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L29[04:04:41] <TechnicianLP> i have a system similiar to advancements (but with multiple parents) the error im now talking about is when the client cant resolve the parents of one of those ...
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L31[04:05:54] <PaleoCrafter> well, how could that even be the case? :P
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L35[04:20:01] <gigaherz|work> TechnicianLP: shouldn't the server be the one to detect that and never send things to the client that can't be resolved?
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L37[04:21:00] <TechnicianLP> technically yes
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L56[06:36:06] <TechnicianLP> FMLNetworkEvents are fired on the normal bus? (and not how its name would suggest on the mod-bus? (preinit/init/...))
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L83[08:15:18] <busti> Is there something that is being called when a player is hovering over a block / te? Preferrably with raytracing data.
L84[08:16:23] <gigaherz_> "hovering over" I don't think so
L85[08:16:37] <gigaherz_> there's things for when a player is inside a block's bounds
L86[08:16:43] <gigaherz_> but not just hovering on top of it
L87[08:16:47] <PaleoCrafter> What is it you want to do? if you want to draw something over the block, there's DrawBlockHighlightEvent
L88[08:16:48] <ben_mkiv> look at the code of the one probe
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L90[08:17:01] <ben_mkiv> how they figure out what the player is looking at
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L92[08:17:24] <PaleoCrafter> this essentially is an XY problem, you didn't tell us what you want to do but rather how you want to go about it :P
L93[08:20:52] <gigaherz_> ben_mkiv: that's just a raycast ;P
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L99[09:23:23] <busti> Yes, maybe it wasn't clear enough. DrawBlockHilightEvent should work out for me. Basically what I want to do is the usual "add a component to a block, on a specific side" thing and I would like the player to see a ghost representation of the component before it is added.
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L124[13:03:59] <LexMobile> Paleo can you look into the forums
L125[13:04:40] <LexMobile> The ads on the mobile overlap the second post
L126[13:10:50] <TechnicianLP> why can log4j just use String.format ... /me now has to change a lot of debug logging ...
L127[13:41:52] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L128[13:45:15] <TechnicianLP> seems reasonable: https://hastebin.com/raw/bododetopo
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L133[14:30:53] <ben_mkiv> is there any mod which allows me ingame to create receipes and export them?
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L135[14:34:32] <diesieben07> why, oh why... :( http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/60586-item-texture-not-showing/#comment-282721
L136[14:34:38] <ben_mkiv> ah i found something
L137[14:34:44] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: I'm not aware of any... oh
L138[14:34:53] <ben_mkiv> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/custom-stuff-3?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=227634
L139[14:35:14] <gigaherz> I was going to say you could create a little one that adds a button to the crafting grid to export a basic recipe json for the current grid contents
L140[14:35:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L141[14:35:15] <ben_mkiv> gonna save my world before xD
L142[14:35:27] <ben_mkiv> thats also some neat idea ghz
L143[14:44:27] <ben_mkiv> well the mod i've linked creates the items ingame xD
L144[14:44:33] <ben_mkiv> items/receipes/etc.
L145[14:44:49] ⇦ Parts: malte0811 (~malte@ ())
L146[14:51:19] <ben_mkiv> well meh, i'll read the craftingstation with opencomputer transposer xD
L147[14:52:40] <busti> diesieben07: I get the appeal of his tutorials though, I also could not find any resource on good practice for 1.1x forge modding. Many people tend to forget that watching a tutorial is no excuse for not using their head.
L148[14:53:21] <diesieben07> yes, of course they are appealing, which makes it even worse that he apparently takes 0 time in doing any research.
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L153[15:18:04] <busti> Also thanks for reminding me that I am missing @SideOnly in a certain place :3
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L178[16:56:30] <Hink> I'm unable to get a client-side command to work with the ClientCommandHandler https://gist.github.com/H1nk/db9ee37d58b9f2d86364ed20320f0379
L179[16:56:51] <Hink> I get "You do not have permission to use this command"
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L182[17:08:36] <busti> Hink: Does it work with creative mode enabled / commands allowed when creating the world? e.g. creating a creative world?
L183[17:09:05] <Hink> @busti, yeah I'm in creative mod with cheats enabled
L184[17:09:44] <busti> Did you try overriding `getRequiredPermissionLevel`?
L185[17:09:51] <Hink> I'm pretty sure the ClientCommandHandlershould skip any permission checks since that's something to do with the server and the ClientCommandHandler should give the client precedence
L186[17:10:06] <Hink> And yes, I did try that.
L187[17:11:51] <Hink> Tried something like https://github.com/bspkrs/ArmorStatusHUD/blob/22d9f3919ec8b244757ea896c70014dcc58473da/src/main/java/bspkrs/armorstatushud/CommandArmorStatus.java#L22-L32
L188[17:11:56] <Hink> Still didn't work
L189[17:12:22] <busti> Try overriding `checkPermission` and return true maybe?
L190[17:13:07] <bspkrs> mistake 1: using extinct mods to try and learn
L191[17:13:18] <Hink> busti— that's not a method in either ICommand or CommandBase in the version I'm working in.
L192[17:14:14] <busti> Uh nevermind, checkPermission is a member of ClientCommandHandler, my bad.
L193[17:14:40] <busti> No, wait its not
L194[17:14:51] <busti> I really should change the colorscheme of intellij
L195[17:15:15] <Hink> Here's what I've got
L196[17:15:16] <Hink> https://gist.github.com/H1nk/5a4dc4b0c092eabc8a4c42868a7ad481
L197[17:15:20] <Hink> https://gist.github.com/H1nk/fcfc35e975ae1e2f017e15c63b4bd4ec
L198[17:15:21] <Hink> and
L199[17:15:25] <Hink> https://gist.github.com/H1nk/e02def34c5f8f053c8b75d696cb40522
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L201[17:17:13] <busti> What version of forge are you on if I may ask?
L202[17:17:21] <Hink> 1.8-latest
L203[17:17:23] <Hink> lol
L204[17:17:25] <Hink> don't yell at me
L205[17:18:34] <busti> Nah, I still think 1.6.4 is the best mc version anyways.
L206[17:18:37] <busti> Gimme a sec
L207[17:20:09] <busti> try overriding canCommandSenderUse in CommandBase
L208[17:20:27] <busti> Thats all standing between you and command execution as far as I can see
L209[17:20:33] <Hink> same here
L210[17:21:06] <busti> I wonder what happens in ICommandSender though.
L211[17:23:27] <busti> The permissionLevel of EntityPlayerSP defaults to 0.
L212[17:23:48] <Hink> yeah, that's what it was
L213[17:23:55] <busti> Nice!
L214[17:23:57] <Hink> should of just read the source.
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L218[17:36:52] <bspkrs> should *have
L219[17:38:18] <Hink> :/
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L227[18:03:46] <viveleroi> I'm having an odd issue with tile entities where they randomly become unusable, has anyone had that experience recently? things like a vanilla furnace, tinkers smeltery, immersive engineering coke oven all just stop working until I break them and replace or reboot... I can post a mod list but I have no idea what could cause this. Using forge 1.12.1-
L228[18:03:48] <bamajoe411> heloo peeps
L229[18:06:02] <bamajoe411> how can i determin if a forge mod is a serverside only mod? i am trying to run a forge server with serverside only mods so players can connect with vanilla clients
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L232[18:09:51] <gigaherz> bamajoe411: try to run using a forge client without mods?
L233[18:09:57] <gigaherz> it should complain about missing mods
L234[18:10:03] <gigaherz> and those are the ones that are not server-side-only
L235[18:10:19] <bamajoe411> duh :P
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L237[18:10:30] <gigaherz> there isn't an easy indication of what is server-side-only besides looking at the sourcecode for the main mod class
L238[18:10:46] <bamajoe411> there should be
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L240[18:11:13] <gigaherz> well the way you declare a mod to not require client to be present
L241[18:11:27] <gigaherz> is to have acceptableRemoteVersions="*" on the mod annotation
L242[18:11:44] <gigaherz> and the way you declare it NOT to load on the client at all, is to use serverSideOnly=true in the mod annotation
L243[18:12:11] <gigaherz> but there's also the network check code, in which a mod can customize that
L244[18:13:04] <bamajoe411> can't forge just add a "server side only" tag mod makers can put on thier mod in the mod listing
L245[18:13:46] <bamajoe411> i also with this was true for "client side only" mods too.
L246[18:15:44] <viveleroi> so this seems to happen once I teleport or respawn after death. it may happen randomly as well, but for sure happens after teleport/respawn
L247[18:17:03] <viveleroi> disconnecting and reconnecting seems to fix it luckily, so it seems like a sync issue between the client and server.
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L249[18:20:43] <gigaherz> bamajoe411: maybe, but it wouldn't help you right now ;P
L250[18:21:00] <gigaherz> either way, gotta sleep, night
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L259[18:44:09] <Oddity> When modding MC 1.12, are there any additional steps when creating localization names in lang files? I did the exact same process for 1.10 (creating en_US.lang in assets>mod>lang) and it worked, but not for my 1.12 testing. Is there soemthing I'm missing?
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L261[18:46:01] <Abastro> It's en_us.lang now
L262[18:46:16] <Abastro> Every resources got lowercase-d
L263[18:46:26] <Oddity> oh, ok. Thank you
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L270[19:25:54] <Hink> What is the Colors: ON/OFF for in the Chat Settings?
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L274[19:44:09] <Abastro> Maybe chat colors?
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L288[21:04:11] <Hink> Doesn't seem to do anything from what I can tell.
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