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L6[01:49:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170902 mappings to Forge Maven.
L7[01:49:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170902-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170902" in build.gradle).
L8[01:49:23] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L67[07:18:45] <Raycoms> Hey there
L68[07:19:15] <Raycoms> We're using the Structure (Templates) from minecraft to store blocks to render them and let our builder build them, but for some reason the blockStates don't get saved
L69[07:19:55] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/gVgxvgHc
L70[07:19:58] <Raycoms> I debugged this code here
L71[07:20:10] <Raycoms> and at the end of this, the blockStates inside the templates are the "default blockStates"
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L73[07:22:28] <Raycoms> It seems like in Template.java at line 85, the blockState is already "bad"
L74[07:41:16] <Raycoms> Wow, what am I doing wrong with this: worldIn.getBlockState(new BlockPos(9932, 74, 9841)), I don't get the connected info of the glass pane and not the "flower" info of the flowerpot =O
L75[07:44:40] <quadraxis> need getActualState
L76[07:46:58] <Raycoms> Ahk
L77[07:47:10] <Raycoms> Thanks
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L82[08:00:08] <ghz|afk> Raycoms: note that the connectivity is calculated based on context
L83[08:00:33] <ghz|afk> so in order to get the panes to connect and such, it needs to know the world and access neighbours and such
L84[08:00:49] <ghz|afk> if you want to render a preview of that
L85[08:01:01] <ghz|afk> you'll need a "fake world" that can be passed into getActualState
L86[08:05:27] <Raycoms> Uh, so I'll have to fill a fakeWorld first with all my blocks to retrieve it afterwards
L87[08:05:29] <Raycoms> what a pity
L88[08:08:42] <Raycoms> I have a fakeWorld but I don't have a way to save the blocks there
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L99[09:38:01] <masa> is there any easy way to get the texture mapping of the IModel that is the result of the stuff in the forge blockstate json?
L100[09:38:05] <masa> basically I'm making a custom model, and I'd like to specify the texture in the jsons instead of hard coding the locations in the custom model class
L101[09:38:46] <ghz|afk> sure, implement the retexture method
L102[09:38:54] <ghz|afk> and return a NEW instance, with the mapping applied
L103[09:39:10] <ghz|afk> if pre-1.12, make your IModel into an IRetexturableModel
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L105[09:42:22] <masa> no, I mean... to do the retexture() call, I want to get the Map<String, String> of textures based on the forge blockstate json
L106[09:42:38] <masa> but is there any clean way to get that?
L107[09:42:47] <busti> How come createBlockState is called before the block is even instantiated?
L108[09:43:18] <busti> how does forge know about the block before it is registered?
L109[09:43:41] <masa> it's called from within the Block constructor
L110[09:44:56] <busti> masa: Ah got it, I forgot that the Block instructor is called before the extended instructor.
L111[09:45:05] <busti> Thanks :)
L112[09:56:39] <ghz|afk> masa: I don't understand what you mean
L113[09:56:45] <ghz|afk> retexture is called by forge
L114[09:56:51] <ghz|afk> with the info provided in the blockstates json
L115[09:57:00] <ghz|afk> "textures": { "a": "b" }
L116[09:57:07] <ghz|afk> ends up in a map with key "a" and value "b"
L117[09:57:35] <masa> oh, hmm, wait...
L118[09:57:38] <ghz|afk> and if "b" starts with a #
L119[09:57:44] <ghz|afk> you are supposed to reference another texture name
L120[09:58:02] <ghz|afk> with whatever continues after the #
L121[09:59:00] <masa> hmm, I'm still quite hazy on the details of the model system...
L122[09:59:10] <masa> so what I'm trying to do, is:
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L124[10:00:02] <masa> I have a machine, which has the normal full cube model, with per-side textures, this is all handled by simple forge blockstate json specifying the textures, and a simple json model
L125[10:00:12] <ghz|afk> yep
L126[10:00:30] <masa> but then I have one blockstate property in the machine, shich indicates a "slim = true" property, and then I want to use another, custom model
L127[10:00:38] <ghz|afk> yep
L128[10:01:05] <masa> that custom model will have a smaller sub/extra model o nthe main facing's side, and then another similar side model in one of the other sides
L129[10:01:24] <ghz|afk> ok
L130[10:01:38] <masa> so I don't think I can use the forge blockstate submodel stuff directly for this
L131[10:02:07] <masa> because that secondary sub model can be on any of the 5 sides that are not the main facing side
L132[10:02:23] <ghz|afk> you maybe could, but it sounds annoying
L133[10:02:34] <masa> and then the entire model can also be rotated to any of the 6 facings
L134[10:02:51] <ghz|afk> yeah annoying
L135[10:02:59] <ghz|afk> not sure if possible, but certainly annoying ;P
L136[10:03:04] <masa> I tried that at first but hen I realized it isn't possible, I think... but I forgot which bit made it impossible
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L138[10:03:15] <ghz|afk> but regardless
L139[10:03:31] <ghz|afk> let me explain how the model loading process is supposed to happen
L140[10:03:37] <masa> ok
L141[10:03:56] <ghz|afk> forge gathers the blockstate info for each possible permutation of states in the blockstates file
L142[10:03:59] <ghz|afk> for each of those permutations
L143[10:04:00] <masa> but I can also explain what I have so far, and what I want to do..?
L144[10:04:14] <ghz|afk> it will try to find a model loader
L145[10:04:27] <ghz|afk> that accepts() the model
L146[10:04:34] <ghz|afk> then it calls loadModel on it
L147[10:04:37] <ghz|afk> and from the returned instance
L148[10:05:02] <ghz|afk> if the blockstates info contained a textures block, it will call retexture and keep the returned instance
L149[10:05:18] <ghz|afk> if the blockstates info contained custom data, it will call handleCustomData or whatever, and keep the returned instance
L150[10:05:26] <ghz|afk> and so on for all the major stuff a model can contain
L151[10:05:31] <ghz|afk> then afterward, it calls bake
L152[10:05:55] <ghz|afk> with the IModelState (which contains transforms), and a texture getter for translating ResourceLocation->TextureAtlasSprite
L153[10:06:00] <masa> ooh, right, so I get the texture in via the retexture method, called by Forge
L154[10:06:08] <ghz|afk> so
L155[10:06:26] <ghz|afk> on the initial instance, you either have no default texture, or a default location
L156[10:06:41] <ghz|afk> and on each retexture, you create a NEW instance (this is important, because the original one could be reused on other variants)
L157[10:07:00] <ghz|afk> but tell this new instance to use the new texture
L158[10:07:05] <ghz|afk> based on the remapping provided
L159[10:07:11] <ghz|afk> (if there is a remapping to perform, that is)
L160[10:07:23] <ghz|afk> and finally, on bake, you get the actual TAS from the getter
L161[10:07:34] <ghz|afk> and generate the quads based on whatever TAS you obtained
L162[10:08:00] <ghz|afk> the output from beke is the final IBakedModel, which is stored in Minecraft's model cache
L163[10:08:03] <ghz|afk> bake*
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L165[10:08:25] <masa> yeah ok, thanks for the full explanation :)
L166[10:08:42] <masa> I missed the part that Forge calls retexture with the map
L167[10:09:13] <ghz|afk> :)
L168[10:09:16] <masa> and I tried to call it myself inside my IModel and was wondering where to get the texture mapping from the blockstate json from
L169[10:09:24] <ghz|afk> heh
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L171[10:09:33] <ghz|afk> but nah you have to implement it, not call it XD
L172[10:09:41] <masa> hehe, yeah...
L173[10:09:59] <masa> I guess I may need to fix some of my older models as well with this information :D
L174[10:15:11] <IoP> urgh. Anyone know how to install minor idea update without opening full IDE with admin rights in linux?
L175[10:16:12] <ghz|afk> neveru sed IDEA in linux
L176[10:16:56] <ben_mkiv> put your user and the idea files in the same group and give the group write permission?
L177[10:17:16] <IoP> that's not what I want to do
L178[10:17:30] <IoP> almost as bad as running IDE with admin rights
L179[10:18:10] <IoP> or maybe I should have used their toolbox from the beginning to handle installations
L180[10:18:21] <ben_mkiv> either you didnt understand me, or the linux user/group system :P
L181[10:18:44] <ghz|afk> IoP: toolbox is really nice, when working with many projects
L182[10:19:42] <ben_mkiv> then make an user ideaadmin or something
L183[10:19:48] <ben_mkiv> which you just use for updates
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L185[10:20:35] <williewillus> this sounds dumb but: how do I explicitly set the missing model as the model for something?
L186[10:20:51] <williewillus> a block is getting deprecated/removed and I absolutely detest spamming the log with missing model errors
L187[10:21:02] <williewillus> so something that won't complain but will just put the missing model in
L188[10:21:25] <ghz|afk> williewillus: in ModelBakeEvent, you can build one from ModelLoaderRegistry.getMissingModel
L189[10:22:09] <ghz|afk> you can use the one that takes a resourcelocation, and pass in something like "yourmod:DEPRECATED" ;P
L190[10:22:42] <ghz|afk> or you can create a new instance of FancyMissingModel yourself, with a custom message
L191[10:24:46] <IoP> well damn. I'm so screwed
L192[10:25:40] <IoP> there is no links to patch files which would do the update
L193[10:26:29] <ghz|afk> why is it so important to update IDEa without admin rights?
L194[10:28:44] <IoP> because I just don't want to start full IDE with admin rights.
L195[10:29:23] <ben_mkiv> yea and you dont want to give any user writeaccess...
L196[10:29:30] <ben_mkiv> so what magic should be involved?
L197[10:29:32] <ghz|afk> then give your user access to the folders needed to update?
L198[10:29:56] <IoP> yeah seems like only sane solution
L199[10:29:58] <ghz|afk> this is talking about idea 12 but:
L200[10:29:59] <ghz|afk> or give all users the ability to update Intellij, then start as yourself:
L201[10:30:00] <ghz|afk> sudo chmod -R o+rw /opt/intellij-idea-ce
L202[10:30:05] <ghz|afk> from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/292570/upgrade-update-intellij-12
L203[10:30:45] <ben_mkiv> maybe allready a group for idea exists
L204[10:30:52] <ben_mkiv> which you hast have to add your user to
L205[10:30:56] <ben_mkiv> hast/just
L206[10:31:30] <masa> ghz|afk: when is getTextures() called in relation to retexture() and loadModel()? or are the textures also stitched if they are just i nthe blockstate json?
L207[10:32:07] <ghz|afk> masa: I don't actually know
L208[10:32:14] <ghz|afk> either it's called AFTER retexture
L209[10:32:22] <ghz|afk> or anything from the jsons is baked
L210[10:32:24] <ghz|afk> ;P
L211[10:32:26] <IoP> except idea's unstallation is plain unzip. I would be scared if unzip starts creating gruops or fiddle any other file execept fiels which are being extracted
L212[10:32:28] <masa> okay..
L213[10:32:48] <ghz|afk> IoP: heh, not on windows or macos
L214[10:32:52] <ghz|afk> they have proper installers ;P
L215[10:34:00] <IoP> yup
L216[10:34:41] <ghz|afk> it's a bit silly that jetbrains don't have repository servers for the major architectures, so you can add the repository and then work with apt-get or similar
L217[10:34:57] <ben_mkiv> if you have installed by repo it may have a group
L218[10:35:07] <IoP> oh ffs
L219[10:35:10] <williewillus> is there a json way to set the missing model?
L220[10:35:12] <ben_mkiv> but well, depens on your distri
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L222[10:35:23] <williewillus> I'm surprised there isn't but I can't seem to get it to work without spitting out log errors lol
L223[10:35:36] <IoP> IF theree is foo than I would have already done bar
L224[10:35:38] <ghz|afk> williewillus: why set the missing model and not have a white texture with "DEPRECATED" on each face?
L225[10:36:15] <ghz|afk> it would just be one models/block/deprecated.json + textures/blocks/deprecated.png
L226[10:36:25] <ghz|afk> and you'd avoid all these problems
L227[10:37:01] <williewillus> i think i'll use the fancymissingmodel :P
L228[10:37:51] <williewillus> but of course
L229[10:37:55] <williewillus> it has to be not-private
L230[10:38:00] <williewillus> *not-public
L231[10:39:08] <IoP> ben_mkiv: Do you think that I'm stupid. I idea eould have proper repository I would have updated it days ago with apt-get
L232[10:43:09] <IoP> and proper packaging also would disable in-app updates for the parts which are handled by packager
L233[10:50:52] <ben_mkiv> sry that the aura of your knowledge wasnt noticed by me
L234[10:54:36] <IoP> Cool!
L235[10:54:46] <IoP> Thanks
L236[10:55:03] <IoP> I appreciate that
L237[10:55:15] <ben_mkiv> doubt that
L238[10:57:58] <IoP> At least some of the people did not make false assumptions about package manager even they have not eever used idea in linux
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L246[12:25:19] <Hink> Anyway to set the perspective mode of the player (client side)?
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L249[12:28:47] <Hink> mc.gameSettings.thirdPersonView
L250[12:28:54] <Hink> got it
L251[12:36:13] <ghz|afk> the answer to "any way to do X", wher X is something you can configure with a key or config menu, is "look at the vanilla code" ;P
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L258[13:05:56] <Raycoms> I have some problems with write and read from and to NBT. https://pastebin.com/g26ganiT I have this code which for some reason works well in singleplayer and in multiplayer in the dev environment. But doesn't load things accordingly in multiplayer on a server.
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L260[13:10:16] <ben_mkiv> Raycoms, how about another update system for the actual tileentitys of houses
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L262[13:10:33] <ben_mkiv> so that you can use them with custom structures
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L264[13:24:27] <Raycoms> We use the tileEntities for this
L265[13:31:16] <ben_mkiv> but in 1.10.2 they dont store their level. no idea if that has any effect at all on them
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L275[13:50:10] <Raycoms> You mean they don't store it when you break them?
L276[13:50:52] <ben_mkiv> yes
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L279[13:57:59] <Raycoms> That's not because of the tileEntity, its because we don't store it in the item itself
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L282[14:21:37] <TechnicianLP> i like how my mc is contantly using 5+/4 gb of ram
L283[14:29:08] <Raycoms> Down to 88 github issues from 150 after I returned from holidays =D
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L285[14:50:28] <Raycoms> to check if a bed is occupied I need to do this on the actualState or does the IBlockState work as well?
L286[14:50:31] <Raycoms> the normal one
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L298[16:03:37] <Raycoms> If I want to render my BipedModel asleep like the player
L299[16:03:42] <Raycoms> can I do that in RenderBiped?
L300[16:03:51] <Raycoms> Or do I need that renderLiving like the player
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L304[16:39:18] <Raycoms> Btw ben_mkiv we're always searching devs as well =D
L305[16:43:50] <ben_mkiv> well, i'm actually still learning
L306[16:44:16] <ben_mkiv> btw. theres something, not sure if its intended, you can use the rftool environment controller to speed the citziens up :D
L307[16:44:29] ⇦ Quits: Hubry (~Hubry@ip-93-94-186-179.uznam.net.pl) (Quit: Good night.)
L308[16:44:40] <ben_mkiv> so they can get haste + speedbuff, not sure if saturation works
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L323[18:44:28] <billy> i'm having some trouble finding information on teleporting players and listening to teleportation events. seems theres not a whole lot of documentation, or i'm just not looking in the right places. anyone want to point me in the right direction?
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L334[19:33:54] <Hink> What event am I looking to intercept for when the client is told to play a sound? https://i.imgur.com/F45IFKa.png
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L343[20:18:05] <busti> What editor are you guys using for texturing?
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