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L47[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170719 mappings to Forge Maven.
L48[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170719-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170719" in build.gradle).
L49[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L78[03:54:19] <CrazyZealot> Good Morning/Day/Evening People!
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L81[04:05:33] <gigaherz|work> Good #{MomentOfDay} to you too, CrazyZealot
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L83[04:23:36] <Elec0> when sending a packet to the client, is it possible to get the name of the Player the packet was sent to? Or the EntityPlayer object on the client?
L84[04:24:13] <Elec0> without sending the name manually, I mean. If you're sending to the server you can do ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity
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L87[04:25:45] <gigaherz|work> Elec0: if the packet is sent to the client
L88[04:25:52] <gigaherz|work> then the receiving client is just THE client
L89[04:26:02] <gigaherz|work> Minecraft.getMinecraft().player would give you the entity
L90[04:26:24] <Elec0> Aah. That makes sense. Derp. Thx
L91[04:26:24] <gigaherz|work> note that Minecraft.getMinecraft() doesn't exist on the server, so it's best if you do that in your client proxy
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L100[04:56:43] <TechnicianLP> (or proxied messagehandler)
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L104[05:05:22] <SparkVGX> Heya, does anyone know off the top of their head how to use mcpbot to find what old class names have been renamed to?
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L106[05:07:41] <quadraxis> if you're looking for class changes, you can check here https://github.com/kashike/migration/wiki
L107[05:11:50] <SparkVGX> That's perfect, Thank you :)
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L123[06:41:48] <TechnicianLP> does mc have a "boolean inBounds(int n, int min, int max)" somewhere?
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L129[06:51:36] <gigaherz|work> TechnicianLP: hmmm I don't think so, but "MathHelper.clamp(a,b,c)==a" may work
L130[06:53:07] <Ordinastie> aww, the logs site for #minecraftforge don't work anymore? :(
L131[06:53:49] <IoP> khobbit?
L132[06:53:54] <Ordinastie> yup
L133[06:54:11] <IoP> and define don't work? (too lazy to ehck)
L134[06:54:36] <Ordinastie> https://puu.sh/wNxpr.png
L135[06:55:36] <IoP> better to ask in #lain why bot is not here
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L138[06:56:27] <IoP> they react bug reports if someone just tells about problems
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L161[08:21:27] <PaleoCrafter> anybody else experiencing resource issues after updating to IDEA 2017.2?
L162[08:21:51] <gigaherz|work> I haven't updated at home yet
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L165[08:33:11] <Aroma1997> where does minecraft get the break particle texture from again?
L166[08:36:55] <TechnicianLP> BlockModelShapes.getTexture should be it
L167[08:42:18] <Aroma1997> and what do I need to do to override it?
L168[08:42:32] <Aroma1997> or to even set it?
L169[08:42:33] <TechnicianLP> IBakedModel
L170[08:43:18] <Aroma1997> do I seriously need to write my own models for just that?
L171[08:43:45] <TechnicianLP> theres also a "particle" texture variable somewhere
L172[08:43:55] <TechnicianLP> (in the jsons)
L173[08:49:20] <gigaherz|work> "textures": {
L174[08:49:26] <gigaherz|work> "particle": "whatever"
L175[08:49:27] <gigaherz|work> }
L176[08:50:58] <Aroma1997> thanks
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L214[12:57:59] <wundrweapon> when implementing IRecipe, how do i got about handling the getRegistryType() thing?
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L216[12:58:15] <ghz|afk> extend IRegistryEntry.Impl<IRecipe>
L217[12:58:20] <wundrweapon> rn i'm just "borrowing" what Forge does with the TypeToken<IRecipe> object
L218[12:58:30] <ghz|afk> thne you don't need to implement them yourself at all
L219[12:58:39] <wundrweapon> that.... makes sense
L220[12:58:43] <wundrweapon> witaf was i thinking
L221[12:59:56] <wundrweapon> what, then, would be the generic type? IRecipe?
L222[13:00:14] <ghz|afk> IRecipe.class, I guess
L223[13:00:21] <ghz|afk> eh
L224[13:00:25] <ghz|afk> generic type
L225[13:00:31] <ghz|afk> I did say extend IRegistryEntry.Impl<IRecipe>
L226[13:00:31] <ghz|afk> ;P
L227[13:00:44] <wundrweapon> works for me
L228[13:08:45] <wundrweapon> list of people who import nested classes: (1) me, (2) that's it
L229[13:12:41] <killjoy1> list of people who use list terminators: 1: [you]
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L231[13:13:43] <wundrweapon> that is a fact
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L251[15:27:37] <ScottehBoeh> I finally got around to using gson with my Clans system
L252[15:27:39] <ScottehBoeh> SO much easier
L253[15:28:09] <ScottehBoeh> Created a Clan object etc, holds the clan name and stuff. Its really fun
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L257[16:03:35] <c64cosmin> what is the easiest way to color the dimension water?
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L266[16:18:25] <c64cosmin> does anyone know why my dirt block cannot be broken easier with a shovel?
L267[16:19:09] <ghz|afk> show your dirt block?
L268[16:19:16] <ghz|afk> (I mean pastebin the code)
L269[16:20:01] <ghz|afk> although I'm going to guess you used/copied from the vanilla dirty
L270[16:20:01] <c64cosmin> https://bitbucket.org/c64cosmin/realmshift/src/8ec4b032a16c8fce0cd96042647f377220eb7cc0/src/main/java/com/stupidrat/minecraft/realmshift/blocks/NemosilDirt.java?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
L271[16:20:03] <ghz|afk> dirt*
L272[16:20:09] <ghz|afk> butyou didn't notice that vanilla does
L273[16:20:09] <ghz|afk> registerBlock(3, "dirt", (new BlockDirt()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.GROUND).setUnlocalizedName("dirt"));
L274[16:20:14] <c64cosmin> https://bitbucket.org/c64cosmin/realmshift/src/8ec4b032a16c8fce0cd96042647f377220eb7cc0/src/main/java/com/stupidrat/minecraft/realmshift/blocks/RealmShiftBlock.java?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
L275[16:20:18] <ghz|afk> and you missed the "setBlockHardness"
L276[16:20:40] <c64cosmin> I tried with 0.5f
L277[16:20:47] <c64cosmin> same breaking speed with out without a shovel
L278[16:21:31] <ghz|afk> ah hmmm
L279[16:21:43] <ghz|afk> right, you'd want to specify which tool breaks it easier
L280[16:22:17] <c64cosmin> how to do that?
L281[16:23:11] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
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L283[16:24:31] <ghz|afk> not sure
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L287[16:28:32] <c64cosmin> I will call it a day, thank you very much
L288[16:28:36] <c64cosmin> might be in Shovel code
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L309[16:51:18] <c64mobile> voilá
L310[16:51:44] <Ordinastie> I think you meant "voilà"
L311[16:56:04] <c64mobile> beg pardon, yes, accent grave, could not write on channel, nick was too long
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L314[17:19:36] <c64mobile> cannot find anything related to my issue with the dirt, I will check shovel code tomorrow
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L323[18:16:24] <Ordinastie> c64mobile, you must not have looked really hard
L324[18:16:35] <Ordinastie> took me like 30s
L325[18:17:10] <tterrag> fry: are you not a member on the docs repo? >.>
L326[18:17:20] <tterrag> I want to assign you to the ASM docs since I have no clue about it
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L328[18:18:05] <c64mobile> fancy sharing? I quit searching, maybe I didn't search properly
L329[18:18:28] <Ordinastie> well, if you didn't look at the shovel code, sure you didn't
L330[18:18:40] <Ordinastie> but block.isToolEffective()
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L332[18:18:59] <Ordinastie> or getHarvestTool()
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L348[20:57:50] <risux> How many metadata values are available in Minecraft 1.10.2?
L349[20:57:52] <risux> for blocks
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L354[21:20:49] <risux> Is it 16 or was it increased?
L355[21:21:14] <KnightMiner> 16
L356[21:21:32] <KnightMiner> Blockstates can have more values, but they must be dynamic or from the TE for that
L357[21:22:20] <risux> So basically, if I want to have a block rotate on the sides, up, and down, and that requires 32 metadata values.... I need to turn it into a tile entity?
L358[21:22:39] <KnightMiner> You just need a data only TE for some of the properties
L359[21:22:46] <KnightMiner> Tinkers Construct Slime Channels do this
L360[21:22:55] <risux> Oh.
L361[21:23:00] <KnightMiner> We have color and powered in the block, and rotations in the TE (non ticking TE by the way)
L362[21:23:06] <risux> Oh yeah, I remember someone saying that now.
L363[21:23:28] <risux> Alright, this changes the way my block works quite a bit. Thanks ;)
L364[21:24:23] <KnightMiner> Oh, if you do want to avoid a TE, another option is two blocks
L365[21:24:31] <KnightMiner> Based on the property that is sometime simpler
L366[21:24:58] <risux> Gotcha. Someone was suggesting that to me as well, was trying to avoid two block ;P
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L369[21:28:39] <primetoxinz> can someone help me figure out how to cause a getActualState to update on the client without causing a block update? I have sent a packet from my tile entity to cause every manner of world.<update of some sort > and none of them actually cause the render to update. The value definitely correct on the client, printing info confirms that but it just won't update the render
L370[21:29:04] <primetoxinz> `markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate`, `notifyBlockUpdate (flag 2 for rerender)` and `markAndNotifyBlock` don't do it
L371[21:36:02] <KnightMiner> Are you directly calling getActualState on the blockstate?
L372[21:36:24] <primetoxinz> I'm not calling getActualState at all
L373[21:36:25] <KnightMiner> It only exists in the blockstate data after calling that method
L374[21:36:42] <KnightMiner> So anytime you need those properties just do state.getActualState(world, pos)
L375[21:36:56] <primetoxinz> ahh, that makes sense
L376[21:37:00] <risux> If I'm going the data only tile entity route, then obviously I need to get the instance of the tile entity to obtain the rotation data. To render it, I've been using the blockstate... since IBakedModel.getQuads() only provides access to the blockstate, I'm kinda stuck.
L377[21:37:13] <KnightMiner> getActualState
L378[21:37:55] <primetoxinz> now I'm confused... that still doesn't work D:<
L379[21:37:57] <risux> I have to provide getActualState the position though... I dont have it.
L380[21:38:00] <KnightMiner> risux: more specifically, here is what slime channels do: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/blob/master/src/main/java/slimeknights/tconstruct/gadgets/block/BlockSlimeChannel.java#L107-L142
L381[21:38:08] <KnightMiner> It provides the position
L382[21:38:36] <risux> To an IBakedModel?
L383[21:38:45] <KnightMiner> So, weird confusion point: normally world.getBlockstate does not call getActualSTate, but in render blocks it already should have done that
L384[21:38:51] <cjm721> HarvestDropEvent list should not immutable correct?
L385[21:39:01] <KnightMiner> The main point of them is rendering blockstates like fences
L386[21:40:36] <primetoxinz> so, KnightMiner why does any other access to getBlockState give the correct getActualState value, such as the F3 menu. it reports the correct value
L387[21:40:47] <primetoxinz> the render does not though
L388[21:41:09] <primetoxinz> does it just call getActualState instead?
L389[21:41:13] <KnightMiner> Try logging in getActualState to see what values you get
L390[21:41:23] <primetoxinz> i get the correct values
L391[21:41:24] <primetoxinz> I have
L392[21:41:43] <primetoxinz> values that should change the model texture
L393[21:41:48] <KnightMiner> Because if it works in getActualState and you call that later down the line/use a block model, it should be fine
L394[21:43:36] <primetoxinz> wtf
L395[21:43:53] <primetoxinz> so this works ` world.setBlockState(pos, world.getBlockState(pos).getActualState(world,pos),2);` in the Tile Entity
L396[21:44:08] <primetoxinz> not a fan of that
L397[21:44:57] <primetoxinz> it's confusing that that works, since everyone else told me render flags only work on the client
L398[21:48:59] <KnightMiner> How are you trying to render it?
L399[21:49:20] <primetoxinz> it's just the BWM axle
L400[21:49:28] <primetoxinz> I'm moving some info over to a TE for things
L401[21:49:37] <primetoxinz> so, just a normal model
L402[21:49:42] <KnightMiner> Hmm
L403[21:49:51] <risux> Wait, so, you still use the blockstates for rotation and such, and use the blockstate to render it, but the only change is that instead of pulling the data from the metadata, it's coming from the tile entity via getActualState()?
L404[21:49:54] <KnightMiner> I seem to recall potential issues with blockupdates
L405[21:50:17] <KnightMiner> risux: basically. Two properties are in the tile entity, one dynamically generated, and two in the metadata
L406[21:50:38] <risux> That's interesting.... had no idea that was a thing.
L407[21:50:46] <risux> Thanks for the help :)
L408[21:52:24] <primetoxinz> do you know what issues KnightMiner?
L409[21:52:42] <KnightMiner> Does a world reload help?
L410[21:53:13] <KnightMiner> Also, are you sure its logging the values on the client side? A logger should spit out a server side and a client side log in getActualState I'd think
L411[21:53:14] <primetoxinz> in the current state no
L412[21:53:25] <primetoxinz> yeah, I printed world too and it was WorldClient
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L418[22:33:35] <risux> Is it possible to rotate a block on the Z axis via IBakedModel? I'm only finding a way to rotate it on X and Y via ModelRotation.getModelRotation()
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L420[22:44:02] <risux> Perhaps with a custom Matrix...?
L421[22:49:19] <primetoxinz> just decided against using getActualState KnightMiner
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