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L18[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170705 mappings to Forge Maven.
L19[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170705-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170705" in build.gradle).
L20[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L60[07:19:40] <capitalthree> does minecraft use degrees instead of radians?
L61[07:19:49] <gigaherz|work> yes
L62[07:19:53] <gigaherz|work> almsot everywhere
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L64[07:20:50] <capitalthree> ok that explains it
L65[07:20:56] <capitalthree> thanks! *tries again*
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L82[09:03:55] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L83[09:10:10] <modmuss50> Got a question: I heard lex say (On the FTB town-hall at the weekend) that there was a way to have a "jar in a jar" for core mods and library's, does anyone here know how I would go about doing that?
L84[09:11:16] <gigaherz|work> I have been wondering that
L85[09:12:05] <gigaherz|work> but I think the support for extracting those jars to a common location wasn't done yet? so not sure how it behaves now
L86[09:12:41] <modmuss50> Ive always just shaded/repacked libs in, but he basically said dont do that irrc
L87[09:12:59] <gigaherz|work> yeah I'm currently shading renamed packages
L88[09:13:01] <gigaherz|work> for my libs
L89[09:13:30] <gigaherz|work> I don't knwo how forge implements this
L90[09:13:40] <gigaherz|work> but if it's anything like this "One-JAR" mentioned there
L91[09:13:44] <gigaherz|work> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12357136/reference-jars-inside-a-jar
L92[09:13:50] <gigaherz|work> you'd just have to put the sub-jars in your manifest
L93[09:14:04] <gigaherz|work> as part of the Class-Path entry
L94[09:14:56] <modmuss50> thats for jars outside the main jar
L95[09:15:29] <gigaherz|work> unless you have a classloader with the feature added
L96[09:15:31] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L97[09:15:51] <gigaherz|work> hence me saying "if it's anything like this One-JAR thing"
L98[09:16:07] <modmuss50> I assume forges does then? as le.x was talking about it?
L99[09:16:26] <gigaherz|work> I don't know exactly how it works
L100[09:16:28] <gigaherz|work> so no idea
L101[09:16:39] <gigaherz|work> maybe forge automatically adds nester jars to the classpath
L102[09:16:45] <modmuss50> I will have a quick poke around and see if I can find anything about it
L103[09:17:00] <gigaherz|work> try first to bundle the jars as-is without touching the manidest
L104[09:17:02] <gigaherz|work> manifest*
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L106[09:20:26] <modmuss50> Just putting the jar in the jar didnt work, im gonna try the Class-Path in the manifest now see if that works
L107[09:22:07] <modmuss50> and no, that didnt work
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L111[09:32:31] <gigaherz|work> welp
L112[09:32:43] <gigaherz|work> we'll have to wait for someone who does know ;p
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L119[09:54:03] <PaleoCrafter> modmuss50, look into CoreModManager, the manifest key is listed there, cant remember it right now
L120[09:54:15] <modmuss50> ok, thanks
L121[09:54:20] <PaleoCrafter> You have to specify the path to the JAR in the JAR
L122[09:54:33] <modmuss50> ok, FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod
L123[09:54:51] <PaleoCrafter> Nah, another one xD
L124[09:54:59] <modmuss50> ContainedDeps?
L125[09:55:08] <PaleoCrafter> Yep
L126[09:55:14] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4081
L127[09:55:45] <PaleoCrafter> Try to accommodate for that, too :P (i.e. add Maven artifact info to the nested JAR)
L128[09:56:26] <modmuss50> hum, ok. Thanks
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L137[10:17:50] <gigaherz> hmm
L138[10:17:56] <gigaherz> how do you do the manifest stuff?
L139[10:18:21] <gigaherz> oh I see
L140[10:18:22] <gigaherz> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22659463/add-classpath-in-manifest-using-gradle
L141[10:18:32] <gigaherz> (unrelated "problem", but the solution gives me what I need
L142[10:20:32] <gigaherz> I can't find that "ContainedDeps" class
L143[10:21:10] <gigaherz> oh wait
L144[10:21:12] <gigaherz> that's not a class
L145[10:21:14] <gigaherz> that's a manifest value
L146[10:22:00] <PaleoCrafter> Yep xD
L147[10:22:12] <PaleoCrafter> I extract it into a separate class in my PR, though
L148[10:22:22] <gigaherz> so how would that look in a build.gradle?
L149[10:22:30] <PaleoCrafter> Really doesn't have anything to do with coremods
L150[10:22:43] <gigaherz> I mean, how do I tell gradle to embed the jar as-is
L151[10:22:54] <PaleoCrafter> Don't ask me, I only changed the Forge side of it xD
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L154[10:27:06] <gigaherz> okay this MIGHT work
L155[10:27:18] <gigaherz> at least gradle doesn't complain about it
L156[10:27:19] <gigaherz> ;p
L157[10:28:05] <gigaherz> it works :D
L158[10:28:07] <gigaherz> wait
L159[10:28:12] <gigaherz> .\Commons-...
L160[10:28:15] <gigaherz> LOL
L161[10:28:47] <gigaherz> okay / worked
L162[10:30:06] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/7d82dba2fb715fd8c25353f5fdd24fc3000ed630/build.gradle
L163[10:30:19] <gigaherz> specifically
L164[10:30:20] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/7d82dba2fb715fd8c25353f5fdd24fc3000ed630/build.gradle#L39,L64
L165[10:30:27] <gigaherz> note the "embed" line one the dependencies
L166[10:30:53] <gigaherz> the manifest has
L167[10:30:56] <gigaherz> ContainedDeps: Commons-1.12.0-0.6.1.jar
L168[10:31:03] <gigaherz> and the jar has that same filename in the root
L169[10:31:46] <gigaherz> now I just need the maven stuff in the Commons lib
L170[10:33:46] <PaleoCrafter> Note that it's not strictly necessary, it just enables Forge to put it into a central local repo
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L172[10:35:10] <gigaherz> yeah but I want to get it done ;P
L173[10:35:33] <PaleoCrafter> Hm... Thinking about it, I need to look into actually removing the extracted dependency from the JAR, otherwise we'll just spam the log on each launch
L174[10:36:03] <gigaherz> can't you just check if the central repository has the file
L175[10:36:05] <gigaherz> and ignore it?
L176[10:37:14] <PaleoCrafter> That's already a thing, it's more about the JAR file unnecessarily keeping the file
L177[10:37:31] <gigaherz> yeah xcept
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L179[10:37:34] <PaleoCrafter> Thinking about it twice, though, that'd mess with the JAR signature
L180[10:37:38] <PaleoCrafter> So bad idea xD
L181[10:37:39] <gigaherz> if the jar is signed and you edit it... exactly
L182[10:46:43] <modmuss50> Ah nice, I got it working. Thanks a lot you two :)
L183[10:47:30] <gigaherz> :)
L184[10:48:10] <gigaherz> yep got it working here too
L185[10:48:14] <gigaherz> well at least in theory
L186[10:48:20] <gigaherz> I haven't run this jar in forge yet ;P
L187[10:49:58] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L188[10:51:01] <modmuss50> I basically did what you did and it worked just fine.
L189[10:53:53] <gigaherz> :)
L190[10:54:45] <gigaherz> preparing the lib was even easier
L191[10:54:45] <gigaherz> XD
L192[10:54:46] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Commons/commit/5fc7b4bcdb1ff61660871a17b9e5511a7975662c
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L195[10:58:03] <gigaherz> AH
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L197[10:58:15] <gigaherz> forge extracts the embedded jars into 1.12/wahtever
L198[10:58:21] <gigaherz> I have seen that before XD
L199[10:58:41] <gigaherz> I didn't know what it meant
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L203[11:05:38] <Uristqwerty> Are there currently any alternative *.json formats? All of the MC1.12 ones seem inconveniently verbose and repetitive. I'm considering making my own variant, but if somebody else already has, it's probably not worth my time.
L204[11:08:13] <gigaherz> uhm
L205[11:08:21] <gigaherz> how would you "un-verbose" them?
L206[11:08:31] <gigaherz> you'd basically just remove features that don't fit your use case?
L207[11:10:04] <PaleoCrafter> Could implement a custom file format without all the JSON "boilerplate", but that's really not worth it xD
L208[11:10:26] <PaleoCrafter> And it'd probably basically be HOCON, just with less features
L209[11:10:42] <Uristqwerty> Make more things optional or implicit, allow shorthands. For example, "ccc|c c|ccc": "minecraft:furnace", for a recipe, because if all you want is no-metadata n-NBT, 1 item, why do you need a full object?
L210[11:11:56] <tterrag> and uh, what says what 'c' is ?
L211[11:12:02] <PaleoCrafter> And why is 'c' implicitly cobblestone and not clay? :p
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L213[11:12:28] <Uristqwerty> It would be part of a "recipe bundle" with one set of definitions then a set of multiple recipes.
L214[11:13:03] <PaleoCrafter> Recipes also need a registry name
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L217[11:14:12] <Uristqwerty> That could be worked into the bundle format without making it the massively-verbose, massively-repetitive format currently in use.
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L219[11:18:02] <Uristqwerty> Maybe accept any of "name": "pat|ter|n |output:item" or "name": ["pat|ter|n ","output:item"] or "name":{"pattern":"pat|ter|n ","output":"output:item"} or "name":{"pattern":["pat","ter","n "],"output":"output:item"} depending on whichever the mod or modpack creator chooses to use for any given recipe.
L220[11:18:46] <tterrag> forcing three distinct fields into one using manual parsing is bad JSON
L221[11:18:56] <Uristqwerty> Anyway, my question is mostly "has anyone else already done this, so I don't duplicate any work", and it sounds vaguely unlikely.
L222[11:19:03] <tterrag> "pat|ter|n" should be ["pat", "ter", "n "]
L223[11:19:07] <tterrag> don't do JSONs work for it
L224[11:19:27] <tterrag> maybe your problem is not that you don't like the format, it's that you don't like JSON?
L225[11:19:32] <gigaherz> well someone may
L226[11:19:41] <gigaherz> but we don't really feel inclined to google that for you ;P
L227[11:19:53] <gigaherz> and it's not forge's stance on the issue
L228[11:20:00] <gigaherz> so yeah
L229[11:20:02] <Uristqwerty> It might be bad JSON, but it's good human-oriented design. Humans don't want to write {"item":"foo:bar"} many times when "foo:bar" is as clear, and the parsing code could be made more intelligent.
L230[11:20:42] <modmuss50> humm, so Maven-Artifact needs to go on the lib
L231[11:20:49] <modmuss50> what happens for none MC related libs?
L232[11:25:46] <Uristqwerty> Anyway, thanks. Now that I know that any alternatives aren't common knowledge I can happily get to work on my own. Maybe it'll even get released one day, rather than dying in a lonely single dev environment without even a public repo.
L233[11:25:50] <gigaherz> you should say that in the PR ticket, modmuss50
L234[11:26:04] <modmuss50> will do
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L252[13:51:35] <ScottehBoeh> Hey guys quick easy question relating to itemstacks
L253[13:51:40] <ScottehBoeh> Item damage*
L254[13:51:55] <ScottehBoeh> Actually nevermind. Think I've got it
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L257[13:59:28] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone know why my damageable item doesn't break? It simply resets the damage to 0 and only disappears when the player right clicks with the item
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L261[14:04:36] <gigaherz> ScottehBoeh: how do you damage the item?
L262[14:05:15] <ScottehBoeh> theAttackedPlayer.getHeldItem().damageItem(1,theAttacker);
L263[14:05:51] <ScottehBoeh> the AttackedPlayer is holding a riot shield, which the attacker damages by shooting
L264[14:06:41] <ScottehBoeh> It all goes down in the Hurt Event
L265[14:06:58] <ScottehBoeh> if attacker is holding a gun and the defender is holding a riot shield, get damage of gun and damage the shield with the value
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L268[14:17:45] <tterrag> are you doing it on both sides?
L269[14:20:06] <ScottehBoeh> Yeah its under CommonEvents which I've registered as an event handler
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L274[14:36:25] <ScottehBoeh> Gaaaah this is so frustrating
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L295[15:32:17] <killjoy> https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/6l8h7g/suggestion_revolution_for_mapmakers/
L296[15:33:06] <killjoy> That would be the item version of packetcustompayload
L297[15:33:21] <capitalthree> weird, so looking up is negative pitch
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L367[20:13:54] <Shambling> has anyone updated cofh core on 1.11.2 to 412 today? I cna't seem to break blocks, and that is one of the few I updated today that make sense
L368[20:14:07] <Shambling> 5.12, sorry
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L370[20:15:47] <Shambling> god bugtesting would go faster if minecraft loaded in under 15 minutes
L371[20:16:50] <Shambling> well wasn't simply cofh
L372[20:16:54] <Shambling> ugh, must be one of the others
L373[20:19:33] <Shambling> dynamic surroundings... maybe... otherwise... no idea
L374[20:19:46] <Shambling> maybe keybind wizard
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L400[22:33:00] <killjoy> Ooh, nice
L401[22:33:12] <killjoy> You can preview video thumbnails on youtube now
L402[22:33:29] <killjoy> (just like on that once naughty website)
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L409[23:00:44] <primetoxinz> any idea why even though I'm sending a packet to the client onEntityAdd with the necessary info the render does not look correct until the packet is sent again?
L410[23:01:30] <killjoy> might be receiving it before the entity is spawned
L411[23:02:13] <primetoxinz> is shouldn't be, using an IWorldListener#onEntityAdded which should be called right after spawned
L412[23:02:25] <primetoxinz> IWorldEventListener*
L413[23:02:51] * killjoy doesn't know how that works
L414[23:03:22] <primetoxinz> it just calls a listener at the end of world.spawnEntity
L415[23:03:53] <primetoxinz> after the entity is added to World.loadedEntityList
L416[23:06:27] <primetoxinz> actually, maybe I should end the packet during entity join.. before it's loaded so the render has it before it gets to render the first time?
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L420[23:15:37] <primetoxinz> .-. Idk why this packet doesn't sync the first time
L421[23:16:47] ⇦ Quits: Cornelia (~Nel@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L422[23:23:50] ⇦ Quits: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L423[23:56:08] <GenerousGuava> why not use IEntityAdditionalSpawnData?
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