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L1[00:01:19] ⇨
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L2[00:02:31] <PinkYoshi> I'll try
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L5[00:11:15] <PinkYoshi> help please.
L6[00:12:12] <mezz> you have selected a JRE,
which is what you need to run stuff with java. what you need is the
JDK which is the developer kit for programming with java
L7[00:12:33] <mezz> at least that's my
best guess
L9[00:12:53] <PinkYoshi> oh nvm why did it
auto select the jre anyway..
L10[00:12:59] <PinkYoshi> the jdk should
have been my java home path
L11[00:13:10] <PinkYoshi> I got it from the
drop down it's on the JDK now thanks guys I'm a
L12[00:13:17] <mezz> cool
L13[00:17:57] <PinkYoshi> ok I have the
client running now where do I find docs on how to do mods for forge
L14[00:18:12] <PinkYoshi> I know basic
coding just need to learn forge specifically.
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L21[00:31:41] <PinkYoshi> I want to create
some code which checks the forge essentials economy of the player
who right clicked a sign, against something written on the sign,
and then I want to parse what was written on it, if the player has
enough money I want to take an item of (amount) out of the chest
the sign is above or placed on only if the chest has enough
inventory space and
L22[00:31:41] <PinkYoshi> if not report a
message like "Sorry this shop is out of stock", and I
also want to allow selling as well.
L23[00:32:23] <PinkYoshi> So I just need to
check contents of a chest, check the block attached to a sign, and
check forge essentials wallet, current player interact event
(server side), and enforce requiring enough money or for the chest
to actually have the item.
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L25[00:32:29] <mezz> forge essentials is a
mod, separate from forge
L26[00:32:47] <PinkYoshi> well the forge
universal server comes with FE built in doesn't it?
L27[00:32:49] <mezz> in fact just about
anything with "forge" in the name is not associated with
the core forge project
L29[00:35:13] <PinkYoshi> can someone tell
me how to include forge essentials sources in my forge mod?
L30[00:35:23] <PinkYoshi> so I can access
things like FECONOMY?
L31[00:35:42] <mezz> the recommended method
is to use gradle to manage it as a dependency
L32[00:35:48] <Ordinastie> PinkYoshi, do
you have any programming knowledge?
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L34[00:36:15] <PinkYoshi> Yeah a bit,
enough to know that if I want to reference outside code I need to
include it as part of my project so that there's a reference
pre-existing to call to.
L35[00:36:21] <PinkYoshi> Normally I use
L36[00:36:24] <PinkYoshi> xD
L37[00:36:56] <PinkYoshi> I don't
believe I can just create a reference to forge essentials economy
without the project itself knowing what i'm trying to
L38[00:37:19] <mezz> you have to add it as
a dependency in your build.gradle file
L39[00:37:57] <mezz> then when you set up
your workspace, it will download FE and set up your IDE so that it
is available
L40[00:38:50] <PinkYoshi> I want a specific
version of forge essentials. for my server. On this guide it says I
have to use a specific version but I want a different one will that
still be available? how do I reference that? I'm
L41[00:39:01] ⇦
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L43[00:39:20] <PinkYoshi> this guide is
outdated. On their dev docs.
L44[00:39:29] <mezz> the part that is
relevant to you is the CurseForge maven, which hosts FE
L45[00:39:39] <PinkYoshi> ah okay.
L46[00:40:05] <PinkYoshi> will it auto pair
the version of minecraft with the right version of FE?
L47[00:40:14] <PinkYoshi> or rather I mean
the inverse.
L49[00:40:47] <mezz> I think you just have
to specify the file version you want
L50[00:41:01] <PinkYoshi> hm okay.. is
there a list of file versions I can look at? that's what
i'm wondering.
L52[00:41:16] <PinkYoshi> I'm going to
hop into the forge essentials channel maybe they can help out more
L53[00:41:26] <mezz> that's a good
L54[00:41:35] <PinkYoshi> thanks for all
the help guys
L55[00:41:42] <mezz> no problem
L56[00:41:48] <PinkYoshi> I hope to have
fun making my own forgemod soon even though this is alot to take
L57[00:42:47] <mezz> the learning curve is
steep, but most of what you're working with now is fairly
standard java dev stuff at least
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L62[01:03:13] <PinkYoshi> mezz I kind of
need help badly.
L64[01:03:58] <PinkYoshi> is pastebin ok
for you?
L65[01:04:02] <mezz> sure
L67[01:05:12] <mezz> you have two
dependencies sections
L68[01:05:15] <Ordinastie> ^
L69[01:05:24] <mezz> one is part of the MDK
template and has lots of comments in it
L70[01:05:44] <PinkYoshi> So what do I
change and is this version something that will actually be on the
L71[01:05:52] <PinkYoshi>
L72[01:06:20] <mezz> remove lines 36 to
L73[01:06:38] <PinkYoshi> done
L74[01:06:41] <mezz> that looks like a
reasonable version number
L75[01:07:01] <PinkYoshi> I took it right
from the filename internally that Forge Essentials says the server
is running.
L77[01:08:32] <PinkYoshi> ok.
L78[01:08:49] <PinkYoshi> so how do I get
it to integrate I noticed I had appended my stuff to the outside of
L79[01:08:53] <mezz> next step, you need to
add the curseforge maven in your repository section. the three you
have there now are not useful to you
L80[01:09:23] <mezz> buildscript section
should not be edited, it's used for forgegradle itself
L81[01:09:53] <PinkYoshi> I have more than
one repository section because I appended what the site said
L82[01:10:03] <mezz> what site?
L83[01:10:09] <PinkYoshi> I'm a little
confused on if I'm supposed to merge it all together into one
section under the tags
L84[01:10:10] <PinkYoshi> this one:
L86[01:10:48] <PinkYoshi> Where it says
"setting up the API"
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L88[01:10:57] <PinkYoshi> I appended it to
the very end and then just changed the version. in the
L89[01:11:00] <mezz> weird ok, they know
better than I do though
L90[01:11:26] <PinkYoshi> I'm assuming
they mean "paste to the very end of the file" rather than
"use a command line with gradle.build.append" or
L91[01:12:03] <mezz> ok it looks like it
really is hosted on the forge maven, interesting
L92[01:12:15] <Ordinastie> by append, they
mean, add to the sections if there is already one
L93[01:12:16] <mezz> you put it in the
correct place
L94[01:13:16] <mezz> PinkYoshi, you should
ask their IRC or Discord channel for where you can find valid
version numbers
L95[01:13:24] <mezz> it may not match
what's on curse
L96[01:13:42] <PinkYoshi> I don't seem
to be getting forge essentials, I asked the IRC and I just got told
vauge information.
L97[01:13:54] <PinkYoshi> I also got told
"We don't support outdated versions"
L99[01:14:46] <PinkYoshi> Ah thank you ill
see if I can match one of those to my server
L100[01:16:05] <mezz> seems strange that
they consider 1.10 outdated already
L101[01:17:13] <mezz> yeah they don't
even have a 1.11 version
L102[01:17:32] <mezz> there is some
miscommunication between you and them. try asking them again
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L105[01:18:24] <mezz> you should work with
their latest version
L106[01:18:27] <PinkYoshi> so if I have
forge essentials the jar file
L107[01:18:34] <PinkYoshi> is there a way
without using the build.gradle script thing
L108[01:18:36] <PinkYoshi> to just inject
L109[01:18:39] <PinkYoshi> into my
L110[01:19:01] <PinkYoshi> or a way to
manually build it into a project compatible?
L111[01:19:14] <PinkYoshi> cause it would
be much less of a pain in the butt to do that then figure out how
to get on the repo
L112[01:19:36] <mezz> sure but it's
worth learning the right way so you can have things set up so that
others can run your project
L113[01:21:41] <PinkYoshi> ok so
currently, this is my gradle.build file and it doesn't appear
to be importing forge essentials at all?
L115[01:22:30] <mezz> your version is
probably invalid
L116[01:22:49] <mezz> it doesn't look
like what they have in the wiki
L117[01:23:10] <mezz> I think you should
ask them what version you should use
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L123[01:49:55] <PinkYoshi> I have a forge
essentials reference now.. but no one seems able to answer my
L124[01:50:14] <PinkYoshi> I can't
find any documentation on how to use forge essentials in a
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L127[01:51:13] <mezz> it may take a while
to get a reply, who knows what timezone they're in or if
they're even at their computer
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L130[01:51:44] <mezz> generally if
you're in a hurry you will have to get your hands dirty and
dig through their code
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L132[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20170528 mappings to Forge Maven.
L133[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170528-1.11.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20170528" in build.gradle).
L134[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
L135[02:05:15] <PinkYoshi> I don't
know java so i'm trying to worm my way through it blind
L136[02:05:57] <PinkYoshi> Trying to
figure out how to actually get a mutable list of type
L137[02:06:20] <PinkYoshi> I want to
create an instance of the list so I can check the properties of
each type <Player> within it and get the UUID like they did
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L140[02:07:30] <Ordinastie> you really
need to know java before trying to mod
L141[02:09:51] <killjoy1> optional, but
L142[02:09:59] <Ordinastie> no, not
L143[02:10:14] <killjoy1> encouraged
L144[02:10:27] <killjoy1> strongly that
L145[02:10:31] <Ordinastie> if you know
other programming languages, sure it will be easier, but you still
have to know the language
L146[02:10:39] <killjoy1> or scala
L147[02:11:30] <PinkYoshi> I'm trying
to wade through it, does anyone know how to catch an event where a
player clicks on a sign with specific properties, like a sign that
has a specific [tag] on it?
L148[02:11:37] <PinkYoshi> that's the
first step, for me.
L149[02:11:46] <killjoy1> I'd use the
player interact event
L150[02:11:54] <PinkYoshi> how do I get
the sign text lines?
L151[02:12:10] <killjoy1> it's in the
tileentity probably
L152[02:12:18] <mallrat208> I'd
suggest looking at how the sign functions
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L154[02:20:04] <PinkYoshi> I have no idea
where to look i've been googling how to do this for the last
two hours
L155[02:20:43] <PinkYoshi> how do I create
an event in my main mod class which checks when the player right
clicks a block, then checks what type the block is, then gets the
data for the block if it's a sign?
L156[02:20:56] <PinkYoshi> i can't
find a guide that is that straightforeward.
L157[02:23:31] ⇦
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L158[02:24:15] <LexMobile> you dont want a
guide, you want the code written for you. THere are plenty of
guides on how to write an event handler, How to write if
statements, and how to access data from the world.
L159[02:24:18] <LexMobile> That's all
you need.
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L161[02:25:38] <PinkYoshi> I can't
seem to find any!
L162[02:25:49] <PinkYoshi> The ones I
found require you to create some new block class
L163[02:25:56] <PinkYoshi> and then use an
over ride event in the block class for when the player clicks on
L164[02:26:02] <PinkYoshi> I want to
interact with already existing vanilla class objects.
L165[02:26:21] <PinkYoshi> and i'm
pretty sure older (<1.10.2) tutorials are going to have
issues/errors and be out dated
L166[02:26:25] <PinkYoshi> can someone
point me to a guide?
L167[02:26:28] <mezz> you're going to
do stuff that nobody has done before
L168[02:26:37] <LexMobile> That's why
I said event handler not custom blocks
L169[02:27:25] <LexMobile> Go look at a
basic event handler guide
L170[02:27:52] <LexMobile> Then go though
the events forge offers, here's a hint they are named/laid out
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L173[02:40:41] <PinkYoshi> omg this is
breaking now
L174[02:40:55] ⇦
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L175[02:41:32] <Subaraki> PinkYoshi,
soemthing like EventBlockInteract or something
L176[02:41:35] <Subaraki> pretty sure it
L177[02:41:47] <Subaraki> use an
eventhandler, registered to the forge event bus
L178[02:41:59] ⇦
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L181[02:50:14] <Abastro> Hello, is there
easy way to let gui config(or something similar) load properties
a1, a2, ... when a property X is set to A? Tired of creating my own
L182[02:58:11] <ghz|afk> I don't
think so
L183[02:58:17] <ghz|afk> the properties
should always be there
L184[02:58:35] <ghz|afk> I don't know
if you can hide them in the config gui
L185[02:58:37] <ghz|afk> that MAY be
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PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L189[03:11:55] <SquareWheel> Odd question,
but which Topics do you guys use on Github to assign to your mods?
"minecraft" and "minecraft-mod" seems
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L207[04:57:11] <risux> I'm currently
working on a rotatable block, got the blockstates set up and all
that, no problem there. I'm now trying to rotate it visually.
The block loads in a wavefront model, and I've got a custom
baked model to dynamically texture it. To get it to actually
rotate, do I need to manually rotate the quads or is there some
built-in way of doing it?
L208[05:01:35] <ghz|afk> there's a
built-in way but, how do you texture it?
L209[05:01:53] <risux> Using the retexture
method of IRetexturableModel
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L211[05:02:06] <ghz|afk> okay so
L212[05:02:16] <ghz|afk> if you look at
the blockstate loader
L213[05:02:26] <ghz|afk> you'll see
that it handles the transforms by using TRSRTransformations
L214[05:02:48] <ghz|afk> which can be
included in the IModelState passed into the bake method
L215[05:03:02] <ghz|afk> I can't tell
you the exact code you need
L216[05:03:05] <ghz|afk> but the idea is
L217[05:03:18] <ghz|afk> if you specify
the rotation in the blockstate file
L218[05:03:28] <ghz|afk> you get the
transform object in the IModelState
L219[05:03:41] <ghz|afk> so you could pass
it over to the custom model
L220[05:03:50] <ghz|afk> and then pass it
on to the obj model's bake method
L221[05:04:18] <risux> Will give it a
shot, thanks :)
L222[05:05:38] ⇦
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L247[06:25:24] <barteks2x> is there any
known mod that cause spamming this? The object
net.minecraft.potion.PotionType@6efd0a6e has been registered twice
for the same name minecraft:invisibility.
L248[06:26:01] <barteks2x> it's even
messing up my registry this way
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L257[07:36:18] <barteks2x> why would this
lambda throw NPE when using eclipse compiler? cube -> cube !=
L258[07:36:29] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L259[07:36:33] <ghz|afk> try to
disassemble the code
L260[07:36:38] <ghz|afk> so far as I
L261[07:36:55] <ghz|afk> most lambdas
compile into private static methods
L262[07:36:59] <ghz|afk> or private
instance methods
L263[07:37:09] <ghz|afk> (depending on if
they reference the class fields)
L264[07:37:10] <barteks2x> it's only
eclipse compiler that does it, javac works fine
L265[07:37:15] <ghz|afk> yeah so
L266[07:37:18] <ghz|afk> the bytecode must
be different
L267[07:37:31] <ghz|afk> maybe eclipse
uses something else to allow for easier hotswap
L268[07:37:55] <barteks2x> now I need to
find where intellij stores compiled classes
L269[07:38:11] <ghz|afk>
L270[07:38:35] <barteks2x> and any nice
bytecode viewer?
L271[07:39:00] <quadraxis> besides
L272[07:39:24] <barteks2x> meh, don't
want to deal with comandline
L273[07:39:26] <barteks2x> I'm lazy
L274[07:40:04] <barteks2x> hm... maybe
just the decompile will tell me something
L275[07:49:37] <Akkarin> javap does
produce the nicest results usually
L276[07:51:21] <barteks2x> I see
"invokedynamic test(java.util.function.Predicate);"
L277[07:52:22] ⇦
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L279[07:55:01] <barteks2x> rigth, i should
look into the method that is the lambda...
L280[07:57:33] ⇦
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(Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L281[07:59:19] <barteks2x> I need to use
the javap...
L282[08:00:14] <kashike> I blame the
eclipse compiler
L283[08:00:16] <kashike> it's so
L284[08:02:32] *
Akkarin licks kashike
L285[08:02:47] *
kashike blinks
L286[08:02:50] *
Akkarin starts compiling with allow errors on
L287[08:03:05] ⇦
Quits: Hawaii_Beach (~Hawaii_Be@c80-216-159-75.bredband.comhem.se)
(Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L288[08:03:18] <kashike> mfw Cloudflare
Trust & Safety is at the top of "Frequently
L289[08:14:48] ⇦
Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L290[08:18:44] <SquareWheel> Trying to
make my mod work with vanilla client. If I send a packet normally,
it's fine, but if I send one at PlayerLoggedInEvent, it
L291[08:19:01] <SquareWheel> Not a huge
deal... but I did want to send a sync packet on first logon.
L292[08:20:23] <Akkarin> well if you do
send packets through the channel system you have to wait for the
registration to come through essentially
L293[08:20:34] <Akkarin> otherwise things
might get a little messy
L294[08:20:47] <SquareWheel> Ah, so some
magic Forge does to smooth things out?
L295[08:21:07] <Akkarin> don't think
it prevents you from sending things too damn early at least
L296[08:21:37] ***
TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
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L298[08:21:46] <SquareWheel> Would there
be a better event to tap into?
L299[08:22:01] <Akkarin> double check
against the protocol doc to figure out when that stuff usually
happens and confirm against code I guess
L300[08:23:13] <SquareWheel> Where might I
find these docs?
L301[08:24:05] <SquareWheel> Hrmm.. I
mean, I could do an "if properly registered" check in my
packet code. If such a thing is possible.
L302[08:28:07] ⇦
Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-158-174-9-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L303[08:29:03] <Akkarin> well there
isn't a confirmation for it. Nor is there a need for that
since it's a TCP stream so order is guaranteed
L304[08:29:13] <Akkarin> it's rather
a matter of "when is the registration packet actually
L305[08:29:38] <Akkarin> given that Forge
also has a handshake of sorts I'd say relatively early. You
might literally be one event too early though if you are getting
L306[08:29:50] <Akkarin> unless, of
course, you aren't sending through a channel at all and
instead send nonsense
L307[08:30:09] <Akkarin> in which case the
client nopes out with a "I don't know what the hell you
are talking about. Is that klingon or something?"
L308[08:30:36] <SquareWheel> Should be
through a proper channel. Works fine in modded, and even Forge
without the mod. Just vanilla plain doesn't like it.
L309[08:32:24] ⇦
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L311[08:35:18] <SquareWheel> Mind if I
post the pastebin of the crash? You might be able to make more
sense of it than me.
L312[08:35:31] <Akkarin> well maybe forge
does something weird to get the handshake earlier
L313[08:35:44] <Akkarin> I do know that
there's a timeout on the server side that effectively waits
for the handshake to occur
L314[08:36:23] <Akkarin> and I recall that
it was set to timeout after a trillion years or something stupid
like that originally :P
L315[08:39:39] ⇦
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Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technicia@p4FE1DA50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L318[08:46:31] <Koward> I need to do
something on my TE when my block is placed. OnBlockAdded is called
before TE loading so I can't use that, I can't find any
method that is triggered after, what are my choices ? I guess it
must be a common problem
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L320[08:47:36] <Ordinastie>
L321[08:48:22] <Ordinastie> or use a
CustomItem and do it from there
L322[08:57:39] <Koward> onBlockPlacedBy
works perfectly, thank you.
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Quits: MonkeyTyrant (~MonkeyTyr@blk-212-75-47.eastlink.ca) (Quit:
L330[09:29:34] <SquareWheel> Regarding my
packet crash, I think I'm just going to remove the sync packet
on login. I'll justify it by saying that too much happens
during login in kitchen sink packs anyway, so it's lessening
the load.
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L332[09:34:26] ⇦
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timeout: 383 seconds)
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L339[10:22:27] <SatanicSanta> What is
Slot#onPickupFromSlot now?
L340[10:24:40] <SatanicSanta> in
L341[10:28:21] <SatanicSanta> oh never
mind, looks like it's now onTake which returns an ItemStack.
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timeout: 383 seconds)
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L345[10:49:56] <ghz|afk> yesterday's
Doctor who was so disappointing.
L346[10:50:02] <ghz|afk> like, the concept
was ok
L347[10:50:15] <ghz|afk> it could have
been great
L348[10:50:21] <ghz|afk> but the writing
was just.....
L349[10:50:32] <ghz|afk> lazy and
L350[10:51:34] <ghz|afk> like there's
supposed to be a disaster in a GMO investigation lab
L351[10:51:42] <ghz|afk> and of all the
possible ways that things could have gone wrong
L352[10:51:45] ⇦
Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@178.51-174-170.customer.lyse.net) (Ping
timeout: 190 seconds)
L353[10:51:50] <Ordinastie> just
L354[10:52:01] <Ordinastie> you better not
spoil anything
L355[10:52:09] <ghz|afk> I'm
L356[10:52:23] <ghz|afk> the writers chose
for it to be caused by things that any basic safety practices would
have avoided
L357[10:52:28] ⇦
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L361[11:04:03] <williewillus> !gm
L362[11:04:05] <williewillus> !gf
L363[11:04:36] ***
Clank[Away] is now known as Clank
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L365[11:10:13] <williewillus> !gp
L366[11:15:31] ⇦
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timeout: 204 seconds)
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L369[11:31:48] ***
diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L370[11:39:07] <SquareWheel> Finished my
mod. :)
L372[11:39:32] <SquareWheel> Custom
nutrition systems in Minecraft.
L373[11:43:29] <barteks2x> that eclipse
compiler crash is actually mixin fuckup most likely...
⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L375[11:54:24] <williewillus> how do I
render custom icons on maps?
L376[11:54:45] <williewillus> don't
really see a clean way, if there isnt I might pr a hook to rebind
the texture when rendering or something
L377[12:19:03] ⇦
Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549607E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L378[12:20:46] <Twisted_Code> does having
mercurius help troubleshooting problems with the specific instance
running it or is it just general information?
L379[12:23:46] <barteks2x> I think if
there was something that could help troubleshooting, it would be in
forge, but I may be wrong there
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L381[12:28:33] <copygirl> Ehh...
can't add a custom layer renderer to zombies because
apparently the zombie renderer keeps track of separate villager and
non-villager layers so .. adding mine doesn't have an
L382[12:28:42] <copygirl> In 1.10 only. I
wonder if I can get around that..
L383[12:28:52] <ghz|afk> you could reflect
into the layer lists
L384[12:29:35] <copygirl> Yeah I'm
thinking of doing that, but it'd be hardcoded for just that
renderer. Nothing I can do I guess.
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diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
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L390[13:06:17] <barteks2x> does player
entityId change when going between dimensions?
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Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 201 seconds)
L395[13:13:54] <risux> If I'm trying
to have a block "remember" another block, I'm going
to need a Tile Entity, correct? That's not something I can
accomplish with blockstates from what I understand.
⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav
L397[13:14:59] <ghz|afk> risux: pretty
L398[13:15:29] <ghz|afk> unless you have a
very small (16 or less) small amount of block variants you want to
remember in total
L399[13:15:31] <McJty> In theory there are
other ways (like saving data in WorldSaveData) but those usages are
L400[13:15:35] ⇦
Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout:
200 seconds)
L401[13:15:42] <McJty> You should use a
TileEntity almost all the time for that
L402[13:15:59] <barteks2x> if you just
want to remember direction where the other block is then
blockstates would work
L403[13:16:13] <risux> It has to be pretty
universal. I basically need this block to keep track of other
blocks in order to mimick the other block's texture.
L404[13:16:37] <McJty> yes, a TE is best
for that
L405[13:17:17] <risux> Has the performance
of tile entities improved since 1.7? I know back in 1.7 using a TE
would have been a bad choice, considering it will be a common
building block.
L406[13:17:47] <barteks2x> it was tickable
tile entities and tesr that are so bad
L407[13:17:57] <barteks2x> just tile
entity just uses more memory
L408[13:18:04] <McJty> TESR's are not
always bad
L409[13:18:15] <McJty> A TESR is better if
you have something that animates and changes a lot in
L410[13:18:22] <barteks2x> not always but
when its common building block then it probably is
L411[13:18:23] <McJty> Because a static
model causes partial chunk rerenders
L412[13:18:42] <williewillus> barteks2x:
depends on which "going between dimensions"
L413[13:18:44] <McJty> Especially in 1.10+
where chunk updates can be relatively expensive
L414[13:18:44] <ghz|afk> the issue is mc
can't do geometry instancing
L415[13:18:52] <risux> Okay, so as long as
it's not tickable, then I should be alright?
L416[13:19:08] <barteks2x> williewillus,
any situation, doe sthe player entityId ever change on a single
server instance?
L417[13:19:16] <barteks2x> as long as
relogin isn't a thing
L418[13:19:19] <williewillus> yes, on
death and when returning from end -> overworld
L419[13:19:26] <williewillus> in those two
cases the entity is destroyed and recreated
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L421[13:19:34] <ghz|afk> otherwise there
could be a single draw call for all objects using the same
renderer, with a constant buffer object or texture as the source of
animation progress
L422[13:19:40] <williewillus> for nether
portals, and ow -> end the entity is directly transferred
L423[13:20:11] <barteks2x> I have an issue
with PlayerCubeMap (my version of PlayerChunkMap) where it gets
confused whne going between dimensions
L424[13:20:52] <ghz|afk> williewillus: is
that actually true?
L425[13:20:54] <barteks2x> I use entityId
as key in a map so I thought this may be an issue
L426[13:20:59] <ghz|afk> in my Inventory
Spam mod
L427[13:21:11] <ghz|afk> I have issues
with the entity losing all inventory contents temporarily while
switching dimensions
L428[13:21:20] <williewillus> exiting the
end is equivalent to death + clicking respawn
L429[13:21:32] <ghz|afk> and I don't
mean exiting the end
L430[13:21:37] <barteks2x> which works
L431[13:21:43] <barteks2x> just goigh
through portals doesn;t
L432[13:21:52] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: try to
use entityid + dimension
L433[13:21:52] <ghz|afk> ;P
L434[13:22:09] <barteks2x> there is
separate instance of PlauerCubeMap per dimension
L435[13:22:51] <williewillus> then you
want to look at the normal teleportation case which is located in
L436[13:22:54] <barteks2x> things begin to
go wrong when going one way, but nothing significant. Things break
like mad when gong back the other way
L437[13:22:55] <risux> I guess I should
ask this then: If I'm going the TE route, then I'm going
to of course need to obtain the block data from that TE via the
baked model in order to apply the mimicked texture. And based on
that, I'm going to need the blocks coordinates... how do I get
them from there?
L438[13:23:30] <barteks2x> like
"there are more chunk holes than chunks"
L439[13:24:24] <McJty> risux,
L440[13:24:46] <williewillus> put it
inside an unlisted property using getExtendedState
L441[13:25:02] <williewillus> or rather, I
would retrieve the mimicked state itself and put it in the
L442[13:25:28] <risux> McJty, thats not
quite what I mean. I need to obtain the coordinates of the block
which is a tile entity in order to even obtain the tile entity
(from the baked model)
L443[13:25:37] <williewillus> that's
what I mentioned just now
L444[13:25:41] <risux> Ah
L445[13:25:44] <williewillus> you
don't obtain things in the baked model
L446[13:25:54] <williewillus> you should
have all the info you need already put into the IBlockState and
just read it out
L447[13:25:58] ⇦
Quits: An_Angry_Brit (~AngryBrit@ (Ping timeout: 204
L448[13:26:02] <williewillus> and you put
things in using getActualState/getExtendedState
L449[13:26:18] <risux> Actual states and
extended states are the same thing?
L450[13:26:23] <williewillus>
L451[13:26:29] <williewillus> but used for
pretty much the same purpose
L452[13:26:35] <williewillus> passing
extra info to the model
L453[13:27:10] <williewillus> actual state
is vanilla and you only have a fixed number of values (enums,
integers, etc.), for extended states the set of possible values is
infinite (e.g. any string, an IBlockState, etc.)
L454[13:27:35] <risux> Oh, that's
good to know.
L455[13:27:51] ⇦
Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186
⇨ Joins: Hex
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L458[13:29:09] <barteks2x> Looks like MC
calls removePlayer on PlauerChunkMap *after* it changes it's
position O.o
L459[13:29:46] <barteks2x> (at least after
multiplying/dividing it by 8)
L460[13:31:05] <barteks2x> yup,
that's what I was doing wrong. I should be using the
managedPosition there
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host closed the connection)
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(Quit: Poof)
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timeout: 201 seconds)
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L478[14:43:41] <Intektor> is there a way
to find out what mod causes lag problems?
L479[14:44:06] <Intektor> not
L480[14:44:58] <ghz|afk> "lag"
to mean "frame slowdown" is incorrect anyhow
L481[14:45:09] <ghz|afk> ;P
L482[14:45:46] <ghz|afk> (but no
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Quits: Javaschreiber
(~Thunderbi@88-209-32-73.nga.highspeed-baumann.de) (Quit:
L487[15:04:27] <sparky8251> Intektor: try
opis? it shows TPS by chunk and can even highlight blocks that are
causing the high TPS
L488[15:16:27] <barteks2x> how is the
position of portal in the end generated?
L489[15:16:39] ***
RichardG_ is now known as RichardG
L490[15:17:46] <barteks2x> actually, the
way the code that gets player out of the end is confusing
L491[15:18:00] <barteks2x> specifically,
L492[15:18:09] <barteks2x> how does it
work? what it's even trying to find?
⇨ Joins: Hgreb
L494[15:22:30] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: uhm,
that method is for end gateways, the ones you use with an ender
pearl, that appear after you kill the dragon
L495[15:22:40] <ghz|afk> they leave you in
the closest solid block
L496[15:22:50] <ghz|afk> or rather
L497[15:23:06] <ghz|afk> the closest
endstone that has two non-solid blocks on top
L498[15:23:24] <barteks2x> Isn't the
end gateway block also the same thing that you go into when you
kill the gragon? (I never did)
L499[15:23:33] <ghz|afk> no that's
the end portal block
L500[15:23:44] <barteks2x> wait they are
L501[15:23:46] ⇦
Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 204 seconds)
L502[15:23:50] <barteks2x> isn't end
gateway and end portal the same?
L503[15:24:00] <ghz|afk> uhm I
wouldn't think so
L504[15:24:08] <ghz|afk> since they have
vastly different behaviours
L505[15:24:23] <ghz|afk> BlockEndPortal +
L506[15:24:24] <ghz|afk> vs
L507[15:24:32] <ghz|afk>
L508[15:24:39] <ghz|afk> +
L509[15:24:54] <ghz|afk> EndPortal == the
thing that appears in fortresses in the overworld, and in the
fountain in the end
L510[15:25:09] <ghz|afk> EndGateway = the
thing that lets you travel from the center chunks to the outer
islands and back
L511[15:25:17] <barteks2x>
TileEntityEndPortal does nothinf...
L512[15:25:31] <barteks2x> g
L513[15:25:39] <ghz|afk> it does -- it has
L514[15:25:42] <ghz|afk> it need no
L515[15:25:48] <ghz|afk> only the
L516[15:25:52] <ghz|afk> the logic is in
the collision
L517[15:25:56] <barteks2x> I wanted the
logic for the thing that teleports
L518[15:26:03] <barteks2x> so "end
portal" block is useless for me
L519[15:26:11] <ghz|afk> uhm
L520[15:26:22] <ghz|afk>
L521[15:26:37] <barteks2x> and intellij
L522[15:26:46] <ghz|afk> the logic is in
L523[15:26:53] <ghz|afk> which has special
handling for dimensionIn == 1
L524[15:28:37] <barteks2x> any way to skip
that end game screen?
L525[15:28:53] <barteks2x> i'm in dev
environment, tricks with breakpoints would also help
L526[15:30:43] <ghz|afk> I haven't
found a way
L527[15:31:31] <ghz|afk> just spam escape
while entering the portal, I guess
L529[15:36:06] <barteks2x> but there is a
thing that also appear when you kill the second dragon,
L531[15:37:56] <ghz|afk> second?
L532[15:38:06] <ghz|afk> each time you
kill a dragon, first or third or 1000th
L533[15:38:13] <ghz|afk> an end gateway
L534[15:38:19] <ghz|afk> up to 12 of
L535[15:38:32] <barteks2x> ed gateway or
end portal?
L536[15:38:38] <ghz|afk> gateway
L537[15:38:39] <barteks2x> I placed end
portal and got engame screen
L538[15:38:52] <barteks2x> I placed
gateway and I got that bug
L539[15:39:11] <ghz|afk> gateway = leads
you to the outer islands and appears around the central istland, in
positions corresponding to the hour notches on a clock
L540[15:39:35] <ghz|afk> portal =
teleports you between the end and the overworld
L541[15:40:09] <barteks2x> it's the
gateway that's broken
L542[15:40:22] <ghz|afk> makes sense
L543[15:40:24] <barteks2x> it was really
confusing what it was trying to do
L544[15:40:30] <ghz|afk> the
gateway's main function
L545[15:40:49] <ghz|afk> as I said, is to
transfer you between the central island, and the outer
L546[15:41:44] <barteks2x> so what is
L547[15:42:05] <ghz|afk> exactly what it
L548[15:42:24] <ghz|afk> if you are in the
central island
L549[15:42:38] <ghz|afk> it will look for
its twin in the outer islands
L550[15:42:58] ⇦
Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the
L551[15:43:20] <barteks2x> I'm really
confused as to how it all works...
L552[15:44:10] <barteks2x> is it trying to
find the edge of that island?
L553[15:44:22] <barteks2x> the one closer
to the main one?
L554[15:44:33] <ghz|afk> IIRC
L555[15:44:41] <ghz|afk> it draws a line
between the center of the world
L556[15:44:47] <ghz|afk> and the 1024
block mark
L557[15:45:00] <ghz|afk> and scans outward
from there, until it finds a valid place to put you in
L558[15:45:03] <barteks2x> and goes
towards the center until it reaches emoty chunk
L559[15:45:12] <barteks2x> and then it
goes back intil it reaches filled chunk again
L560[15:45:29] <ghz|afk> that's to
make sure it puts you in the innermost edge
L561[15:45:57] <barteks2x> which it's
what is broken
L562[15:46:00] <barteks2x> in 2 different
L563[15:46:02] <barteks2x> with cubic
L564[15:46:55] <barteks2x> first because
just gettingthe chunk will give you empty one unless it's
already loaded, second because getTopFilledSegment won't
return 0 when it's empty...
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L567[15:48:51] ⇦
Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 200 seconds)
L568[15:52:27] <barteks2x> wtf? my left
arrow stopped working
L569[15:52:37] <barteks2x> and up
L570[15:53:09] <barteks2x> rip my laptop
keyboard :(
L571[15:54:08] <barteks2x> nooo ctrl and
alt stopped working too
L572[15:54:24] <ghz|afk> :/
L573[15:54:24] <barteks2x> I can't
switch to tty now...
L574[15:54:28] <ghz|afk> you have ALL the
L575[15:54:47] <barteks2x> if I'm
talking too much, I can stop...
L576[15:54:57] <ghz|afk> no don't
L577[15:55:00] <ghz|afk> the channel is
idle ;P
L578[15:55:50] <barteks2x> and it started
working again magically O.o
L579[15:57:43] <williewillus> what does
retrySlotClick in Container even do 0.o
L580[15:58:45] <barteks2x>
Minecraft's usage of height conctants is really annoying. Is
tends to use get(Actual)Height when looping top-down/bottom-up but
hardcoded constants when checking for height
L581[15:59:19] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: which
probably were in static final fields before compiling
L582[15:59:38] <ghz|afk> remember that the
world height is 256 even in the end
L583[15:59:48] <ghz|afk> but the actual
height value is the 128 in the end where the ceiling
L584[15:59:51] ⇦
Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200
L585[15:59:52] <ghz|afk> (or 127)
L586[16:00:02] <barteks2x> *the
L587[16:01:28] <ghz|afk> oops
L588[16:01:29] <ghz|afk> yes
L589[16:01:30] <ghz|afk> the nether
L590[16:03:49] <barteks2x> cubic chunks
removes that ceiling and fills everything above with
L591[16:04:22] <ghz|afk> heh
L592[16:04:23] <barteks2x> so it would
make sense that getActualHeight is <someHugeNumber>
L593[16:04:29] <barteks2x> but it
can't be because mods and vanilla
L594[16:04:34] <ghz|afk> so you can't
break into the roof, and make farms in the void anymore ;P
L595[16:04:38] <barteks2x> modded
teleporters especially
L596[16:04:49] <barteks2x> you can... if
you make that void yourself
L597[16:05:16] <ghz|afk> maybe it would be
best to leave the actualheight = 127/128 or something
L598[16:05:23] <barteks2x> I do
L599[16:05:29] <barteks2x> specifically
for mods
L600[16:05:34] <barteks2x> except for the
L601[16:05:42] <barteks2x> where it
actually is <thatHugeNumber>
⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L603[16:06:19] <barteks2x> because mods
like aether for example would freeze when teleporting
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⇨ Joins: Hgreb
L606[16:08:28] <diesieben07> williewillus,
if i remember correctly it is responsible for, well, re-trying the
shift-click until all the stack is gone or no change was
L607[16:08:36] <diesieben07> it's a
giant piece of hacky evil stuff
L608[16:08:40] <williewillus> wut
L609[16:08:49] <williewillus> why would it
not just do it all at once
L610[16:08:51] <diesieben07> thats how
shift-clicking works
L611[16:09:07] <diesieben07> if you have
32 pieces of stone and there is a stack that has 63 in
L612[16:09:12] <diesieben07> it first puts
1 there
L613[16:09:19] <diesieben07> and then
re-tries the shift-click wiht the 31 remaining
L614[16:10:16] ⇦
Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201
L615[16:10:53] ⇦
Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 201 seconds)
L616[16:10:59] ⇦
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timeout: 383 seconds)
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L618[16:12:44] ⇦
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L619[16:20:45] ⇦
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timeout: 190 seconds)
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L621[16:21:56] ⇦
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L624[16:28:08] <barteks2x> in what way are
chests and item frames different as tile entities? (what could make
item frames not be rendered while chests work)
L625[16:29:12] <ghz|afk> item frames are
entities not blocks
L626[16:29:22] <ghz|afk> chests are blocks
with TESR
L627[16:29:59] <barteks2x> they are
entities? not tile endities?
L628[16:30:14] <diesieben07> yes, like
L629[16:30:38] <barteks2x> ok, so now I
hve to figure out why they aren't shown clientside
L630[16:31:30] <barteks2x> well, they
aren't even there clientside
L631[16:36:04] <barteks2x> what does
Entity#isSpectatedByPlayer do?
L632[16:36:18] <barteks2x> it seems to be
used in entitytracker
L633[16:37:44] <diesieben07> barteks2x,
probably so that entities are properly tracked when a player is
spectating another player
L634[16:38:34] <barteks2x> it's used
in isVisibleTo like return dx >= -range && dx <=
range && dz >= -range && dz <= range
&& dy >= -range && dy <= range &&
L635[16:38:52] <barteks2x> (renamed things
for readabilitty)
L636[16:39:28] <barteks2x> and the version
of that method in Entity always returns true
L637[16:45:28] ⇦
Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 204 seconds)
L638[16:47:06] ⇦
Quits: Intektor (~Intektor@p5B274F26.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L639[16:47:49] <PinkYoshi> hi
L640[16:48:01] <PinkYoshi> It's day
time now.. I came on here pretty late yesterday. I'm hoping I
can get some assistance.
L641[16:48:07] <diesieben07> ask
L642[16:48:34] ⇦
Quits: Hex (~Hex@four.out.of.five.doctors.recommend.hex.lc) (Quit:
Resynchronizing clientWHO #spongedev)
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L645[16:49:44] <PinkYoshi> How do I react
to the player right clicking , get the item currently in their hot
bar, and then do something based on the item display name or item
Id? like, run a custom function?
L646[16:49:57] <diesieben07> Take a look
at PlayerInteractEvent
L647[16:50:10] <PinkYoshi> do I need to
make a block class.. or anything like that?
L648[16:50:12] <diesieben07> That method
onBlockActivated you put there makes no sense.
L650[16:51:53] <PinkYoshi> There is
nothing about playerinteract event on this page.
L651[16:52:06] <diesieben07> Indeed there
isn't. But it tells you how events work.
L652[16:53:05] ⇦
Quits: Meronat (uid190493@id-190493.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit:
Connection closed for inactivity)
L653[16:53:22] <PinkYoshi> But I
dont' know the syntax of the playerinteract event so how can I
use it?
L654[16:53:36] <diesieben07> Like any
other event.
L655[16:53:39] <PinkYoshi> I should also
mention my intelliJ isn't detecting that such an event
L656[16:53:44] <PinkYoshi> it's not
giving me any auto fill for it
L659[16:55:03] <diesieben07> Note:
Actually do take a look. Do not copy paste.
L660[16:55:44] <mezz> well yeah the test
does some ridiculous things :)
L661[16:55:51] <mezz> but the syntax is
L663[16:56:30] <PinkYoshi> I see
L664[16:56:42] <PinkYoshi> It's not
going to be a function name that I include it's going to be
the parameter that auto fills >.<
L665[16:56:44] <diesieben07> You did not
read the page I linked, did you.
L666[16:56:45] <PinkYoshi> derp derp
L667[16:56:48] <PinkYoshi> I did.
L668[16:56:53] <PinkYoshi> and I realized
instantly what I did wrong.
L669[16:56:56] <PinkYoshi> atleast
L670[16:57:00] <diesieben07> Then you will
know why what you just posted makes no sense.
L671[16:57:40] <diesieben07> also, unless
you are some kind of super genious, you did not properly read that
page in 1:30min
L672[16:57:45] <diesieben07> You at most
scanned it.
L673[16:58:52] <PinkYoshi> I'm
wondering why you register the class itself at line 36
L674[16:59:01] <PinkYoshi> no i'm not
a super genious but I do learn fast.
L675[16:59:18] <diesieben07> You would
also know the answer to that question if you read the page I linked
L676[16:59:19] ⇦
Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Read error: Connection
reset by peer)
L677[16:59:22] <diesieben07> -it
L678[17:00:00] <PinkYoshi> it says Test
Static event listeners, but I have no idea WHY you're doing
L679[17:00:05] <PinkYoshi> it isn't
really too obvious why.
L680[17:00:08] <diesieben07> it's a
test mod.
L681[17:00:12] <diesieben07> it's
testing the event bus features
L682[17:00:17] <diesieben07> one of them
is static event listeners
L683[17:00:38] <PinkYoshi> ok then.
L684[17:00:46] <PinkYoshi> I guess there
isn't much more to it than that.
L685[17:04:36] <barteks2x> for (int i = 0;
i < 10 && !this.entitySpawnQueue.isEmpty(); ++i) - this
is done *wrong*
L686[17:04:51] <diesieben07> why? :D
L687[17:05:11] <barteks2x> because it
processes only the first 10 elements, even if the first 10 elements
couldn't be processed without ever removing them
L688[17:05:23] <barteks2x> so if the first
10 elements can't be processed for a longer time, it will be
L689[17:05:45] <diesieben07> ehhh
L690[17:06:25] <diesieben07> what?
L691[17:06:25] <mezz> they are removed
immediately in the loop
L692[17:06:31] <diesieben07> yeah
L693[17:06:59] <barteks2x> oh, right
L694[17:07:14] <barteks2x> and readded at
the end again if can't be spawned again
L695[17:07:38] ⇦
Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L696[17:08:22] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
⇨ Joins: StormyMode
L698[17:08:58] <barteks2x> it's a
hashset... not a list
L699[17:09:07] <barteks2x> insertion order
not guaranteed
L700[17:09:19] <barteks2x> so they are
added infinidetely right after they are removed, in the same
L701[17:09:24] <barteks2x> so it's
still wrong
L702[17:09:41] <barteks2x> I thought
it's a queue or an actual list...
L703[17:09:44] <barteks2x> it's
L704[17:09:51] <diesieben07> if they fail
to spawn again
L705[17:09:54] <diesieben07> which should
not happen, right?
L706[17:10:03] <barteks2x> it
shouldn't but it does here
L707[17:10:17] <barteks2x> and if it
happens for 10 entities, spawning all others that are in this queue
L708[17:11:04] <barteks2x> also mods can
make it fail to spawn using an event
L709[17:11:46] <diesieben07> oh right...
yeah that's bad
L710[17:11:53] <PinkYoshi> also for some
reason: "if (!evt.getItemStack().isEmpty())" the
.isEmpty() part of this doesn't exist for me in autofill. it
also highlights as red.
L711[17:12:04] <diesieben07> what version
are you on?
L712[17:12:09] ⇦
Quits: mezz (~mezz@ (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR
CODE (0001))
L713[17:12:11] <PinkYoshi> 1.10.2
L714[17:12:25] ⇦
Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@72-189-115-20.res.bhn.net) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L715[17:12:26] <barteks2x> it's only
in 1.11
L716[17:12:35] <diesieben07> 1) use a
nullcheck in < 1.11.x 2) update.
L717[17:13:05] <barteks2x> I'm not
even sure what the correct way to fix that part would be...
L718[17:13:17] <diesieben07> it's not
straightforward i think
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MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L723[17:14:44] <barteks2x> actially, it
should be straightforward
L724[17:14:44] <barteks2x> keep processing
if spawnEntity failed
L725[17:14:54] <barteks2x> (just
don't increment i if it fails)
L726[17:14:58] <diesieben07> well,
L727[17:15:09] <diesieben07> sometimes if
spawnEntity fails you want to drop that entity outright
L728[17:15:13] <diesieben07> sometimes you
want to try again later
L729[17:16:23] <quadraxis> hmm won't
the original code fail if any entity can't spawn?
L730[17:16:48] <barteks2x> why would
L731[17:17:05] <barteks2x> it will only
skip all others if 10 consecutive entities fail to spawn
L732[17:17:13] <barteks2x> and they
accumulate if it ever happens
L733[17:17:15] <quadraxis> it tries to
spawn it, fails, readds it, fetches it again
L734[17:17:19] <quadraxis> 10 times
L735[17:17:29] <PinkYoshi> Well, I'm
making progress.
L736[17:17:32] <barteks2x> which is even
L737[17:17:44] <PinkYoshi> but how to
handle a null item stack and evade the null exception error?
L738[17:17:57] <PinkYoshi> i'm
ignoring client/server side remote checking for now.
L739[17:18:03] <diesieben07> check if
it's null?
L740[17:18:37] <PinkYoshi> if
(!evt.getitemstac() ==null)
L741[17:18:38] <PinkYoshi> ??
L742[17:18:48] <diesieben07> yes
L743[17:18:50] <diesieben07> ehh
L744[17:18:50] <diesieben07> no
L745[17:18:58] <diesieben07> != is a
L746[17:19:03] <diesieben07> basic Java
... man
L747[17:19:07] <PinkYoshi> okay
L748[17:19:41] <barteks2x> can someone
check if cancelling EntityJoinWorldEvent clientside for one
entities makes no further entities show up clientside?
L749[17:19:59] <barteks2x> wait..
L750[17:20:12] <barteks2x> it won't
do it, it would only if entitytracker broke
L751[17:20:35] <barteks2x> the code is
basically useless...
L752[17:21:12] <barteks2x> is there any
valid case where client would receive and entity before a chunk for
it is loaded?
L753[17:21:28] <quadraxis> some packet
L754[17:21:57] <barteks2x> I do have an
issue with that but it's a bug in my code
L755[17:22:55] <PinkYoshi> okay now
I'm getting somewhere lol, thanks
L757[17:23:03] <PinkYoshi> time to grab a
shower. :P
L758[17:24:50] <barteks2x> now I just need
to override private method in a class that isn't supposed to
be extended
L759[17:29:02] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L760[17:33:13] <williewillus> uhh any
reason why all my lang files aren't loading for some reason?
just switched version to 1.11 and lowercased the files
L761[17:33:35] <ghz|afk> do a clean
L762[17:33:40] <williewillus> ?
L763[17:33:48] <ghz|afk> are you on
windows or linux?
L764[17:33:53] <williewillus> it
should've recompiled everything right? windows
L765[17:34:00] <ghz|afk> well in
L766[17:34:04] <ghz|afk> since en-US
L767[17:34:06] <williewillus> oh
L768[17:34:08] <ghz|afk> it will keep that
L769[17:34:14] <ghz|afk> so you have to
wipe the compiled resources first
L770[17:34:14] ⇦
Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@178.51-174-170.customer.lyse.net) (Ping
timeout: 204 seconds)
L771[17:34:16] <williewillus> windows
being dumb and backward compatible :P
L772[17:34:20] <ghz|afk> before the new
filename "applies"
L773[17:34:27] <ghz|afk> incidently, macOS
does the same
L774[17:34:32] <ghz|afk> on the high-level
L775[17:34:39] <ghz|afk> are
case-preserving, but case-insensitive
L776[17:34:54] <ghz|afk> while the
low-level (terminal) APIs are case-sensitive
L777[17:35:26] <williewillus> still not
loading 0.o
L778[17:35:29] <williewillus> i did
rebuidl project
L779[17:35:35] <ghz|afk> hmmm
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L781[17:35:49] <ghz|afk> actually
L782[17:35:54] <ghz|afk> all my lang files
are still uppercase
L783[17:36:07] <ghz|afk> no wait this is a
1.10.2 workspace
L784[17:36:23] <williewillus> do I need a
L785[17:36:25] <ghz|afk> yep still
L786[17:36:40] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L787[17:36:46] <ghz|afk> you may need
L788[17:36:50] <ghz|afk> for the
"version":3 part
L789[17:37:13] ⇦
Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:b50c:51ff:4c3c:67a8)
(Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L790[17:37:53] <williewillus> still
nothing 0.o wtf
L791[17:37:57] <williewillus> this works
fine in my botania workspace
L792[17:40:11] <ghz|afk> did you do a
gradlew clean ?
L793[17:40:29] ⇦
Quits: StormyMode
(webchat@cpc1-newt37-2-0-cust518.19-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping
timeout: 180 seconds)
L794[17:40:49] <williewillus> yes
L795[17:40:57] <williewillus> i do clean
setupDecompWorkspace every time I change build.gradle
L796[17:41:12] <ghz|afk> I didf the
⇨ Joins: Davnit
L798[17:41:18] <ghz|afk> added pack.mcmeta
with pack_format 3
L799[17:41:21] <ghz|afk> clean
L800[17:41:22] <ghz|afk> rebuild
L801[17:41:30] <ghz|afk> and then I
started the client debug
L802[17:41:33] <ghz|afk> and it still gets
L803[17:43:36] <williewillus> oh god
dammit i put the pack.mcmeta in the wrong place, thats probably
⇨ Joins: TomyLobo2
L806[17:44:46] <kashike> haha
L807[17:44:53] <diesieben07> oh god
L808[17:45:06] ⇦
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L810[17:45:56] ⇦
Quits: TomyLobo (~TomyLobo@2a02:8109:87c0:20c:5ba:4b9a:2851:6a6b)
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L811[17:46:41] ⇦
Quits: bilde2910 (~bilde2910@178.51-174-170.customer.lyse.net)
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L812[17:46:42] <mezz> welp I know what
I'm installing on my coworker's computers at lunch
L813[17:47:35] ⇦
Quits: TomyLobo2
(~TomyLobo@ip5b420a6f.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L814[17:48:16] <mezz> or maybe I should
just keep it on my computer and turn it on whenever someone comes
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L817[18:01:30] <kashike> mezz: the second
L818[18:01:37] <kashike> makes you look
like a wizard
L819[18:03:36] <PinkYoshi> can someone
tell me how to spawn an active tnt block within a 1 block radius of
the player's world position?
L820[18:04:24] <diesieben07> You need to
spawn an EntityTNTPrimed entity
L822[18:04:39] <PinkYoshi> is this the
incorrect syntax? it crashes my dev client
L823[18:05:03] <diesieben07> no, you can
only use that method if there is an actual TNT block there
L824[18:05:12] <PinkYoshi> What is the
correct syntax to spawn an entity?
L825[18:05:14] <diesieben07> also... this
has nothing to do with syntax.
L826[18:05:25] <diesieben07>
L827[18:06:05] <PinkYoshi> that appears to
have no position parameter?
L828[18:06:18] <diesieben07> no, you set
the position on the entity before spawning it
L829[18:06:23] <PinkYoshi> oh ok
L830[18:09:12] <PinkYoshi> cannot resolve
L831[18:09:41] <diesieben07> once again,
not sure what you are doing, but the class exists.
L832[18:12:47] <PinkYoshi> ok it's
fixed somehow, but how do I fill in the world position, I want to
plug the player position in there.
L833[18:13:12] <PinkYoshi> there should be
a way to just enter in player().getworldcoords or something as a
fulfilling statement..
L834[18:13:34] <diesieben07>
L835[18:14:04] <diesieben07> and then
setLocationAndAngles on the entity to set the position
L837[18:17:20] <diesieben07> > and then
setLocationAndAngles on the entity to set the position
L838[18:19:28] <PinkYoshi> I think I see
now. for some reason IDEA gave me a tool tip to seperate
initialization and constructor
L839[18:19:44] <PinkYoshi> so I clicked it
and that happened.. now it's saying the entity has no
constructor so I'll just use entity <instance>
L840[18:19:56] <diesieben07> i... err..
L841[18:19:58] <PinkYoshi> oh now
it's telling me it might not have been initialized..
L842[18:20:12] <diesieben07> that
"tool tip" is a quick-action for if you need it
L843[18:20:19] <diesieben07> it's not
a "you should do this"
L844[18:22:23] <PinkYoshi> yeahhhhh when I
put world and then player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ in the new
constructor for entity it hates me, but when I remove it it does
this, when I destroy the new statement it says "may not have
been initialized" implying I'll get a null instance error
when I run my code...
L845[18:22:45] <diesieben07> dude...
L846[18:22:49] <diesieben07> look at the
L847[18:22:57] <diesieben07> it's
constructor takes a certain amount of parameters.
L848[18:23:02] <diesieben07> you need to
pass those. not more and not les.
L849[18:23:50] <PinkYoshi> intelliJ is
telling me the params are World worldin, posx, posy, posz,
entitylivingbaseigniter buut I dont know what the last one is, and
it vanished from IntelliJ once.
L851[18:25:15] <PinkYoshi> oh player is a
child of entitylivingbase. derp
L852[18:25:26] <PinkYoshi> Why does it
need to know which entity placed the tnt? That seems odd.
L853[18:25:34] <diesieben07> for the
damage source
L854[18:25:40] <PinkYoshi> Is this part of
forge or just minecraft itself?
L855[18:25:45] <diesieben07>
L856[18:25:49] <PinkYoshi> wow
L857[18:25:57] <diesieben07> if the tnt
explodes the damage is dealt from the player that placed it
L858[18:26:09] <diesieben07> i.e. it would
say "XYZ exploded ABC"
L859[18:26:13] <PinkYoshi> oh okay
L860[18:26:17] <PinkYoshi> that makes more
L861[18:26:22] <PinkYoshi> I can't
see any other functional reason for that xD
L862[18:26:59] <diesieben07> It is the
only reason
L863[18:27:25] <diesieben07> You can pass
null if you don't have the placer
L864[18:29:11] <PinkYoshi> I'm having
an issue, I need an instance of the player, and the world in the
playerinteract event and trying to do this allows me to reference
them buuuut, it crashes on running I'm assuming because these
are invalid parameters for the playerinteract event
L865[18:29:12] <PinkYoshi> public void
leftClickBlock(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock evt, World world,
EntityPlayer player)
L866[18:29:36] <diesieben07> You, again,
did not follow the documentation page on events
L867[18:29:59] <diesieben07> event handler
methods must have exactly one parameter: the event
L868[18:30:12] <diesieben07> And: which
L869[18:30:13] <PinkYoshi> Right, so how
do I get the player instance from within that event code?
L870[18:30:25] <PinkYoshi> The player who
left clicked precisely.
L871[18:30:29] <diesieben07> the event has
L872[18:30:35] <diesieben07> there is data
in the event...
L873[18:32:28] <PinkYoshi> ok I got it
fixed thank you I suppose evt.getworld and evt.getplayer do work
but they were giving me red squigglies before, I'm sorry
I'm such a newbie heh.
L874[18:32:46] <PinkYoshi> I have a one up
though, I'm doing this coming from C# and I understand alot
about object oriented.
L875[18:33:14] <diesieben07> then honestly
this should not be this difficult for you...
L876[18:33:30] <PinkYoshi> It's not
problem is I don't know how to mod minecraft. I'm
L877[18:33:37] <PinkYoshi> there's
specifics I'm not even familiar with.
L878[18:33:52] <diesieben07> well, but
like... you know the concept of "look at the code"
L879[18:34:14] <diesieben07> and aat least
two of the issues so far were because you didn't follow the
event documentation page.
L880[18:34:26] <PinkYoshi> I did follow
L881[18:34:35] <diesieben07> > public
void leftClickBlock(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock evt, World
world, EntityPlayer player)
L882[18:34:37] <diesieben07> sure you
L883[18:34:37] <PinkYoshi> There's no
specific guides on how to create different kinds of entities
L884[18:34:51] <PinkYoshi> I need
specifics not generalizations
L885[18:34:55] <PinkYoshi> that's how
I learn
L886[18:35:03] <PinkYoshi> anyway :D it
L887[18:35:10] <PinkYoshi> I can left
click and place tnt if my hand isn't empty rofl
L888[18:35:10] <diesieben07> vanilla
minecraft has plenty of examples of spawning entities
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L891[18:45:18] <PinkYoshi> Is there an
example of getting the coordinates where an arrow shot by the
player hit?
L892[18:45:55] <diesieben07> Depends™.
What are you trying to achieve?
L893[18:46:24] <PinkYoshi> Just change my
code so instead of spawning at the player's coordinates my
active tnt block spawns at the coordinates location of where the
arrow hit
L894[18:47:51] <diesieben07> There is no
event for an arrow hitting something, so you would have to replace
the arrows with your own ones
L895[18:47:51] ⇦
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Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen
und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L896[18:49:49] <diesieben07> or write some
other kind of tracking mechanism
L897[18:51:26] <PinkYoshi> do arrows have
a movement speed property?
L898[18:51:42] <diesieben07> in theory all
entities have motion
L899[18:51:56] <diesieben07> but its not
always known on the server, depends on the type of entity<
L900[18:52:07] <PinkYoshi> so, I should be
able to testfor a change in an arrows' speed
L901[18:52:14] <PinkYoshi> does the arrow
have the property of the entity who fired it?
L902[18:52:24] <diesieben07> why do you
wnat to check for the speed now?
L903[18:52:49] <PinkYoshi> Because
i'm estimating that when the arrow hits a block it's
speed value will drop to 0, instead of being un instantiated and
being replaced with a loose item arrow instance.
L904[18:53:06] <diesieben07> the arrow has
fields that tell you whether it has hit something...
L905[18:53:34] <diesieben07> as for the
owner, yes it does store it, but it looses that information if
it's unloaded and re-loaded
L906[18:53:43] <PinkYoshi> okay.
L907[18:54:02] <PinkYoshi> how do I get a
reference to all currently active arrows in the world?
L908[18:54:10] <diesieben07> why woudl you
do that?
L909[18:54:15] <diesieben07> that is
terribly inefficient
L910[18:54:21] <PinkYoshi> foreach
<arrowinstance> do {something}
L911[18:54:39] <diesieben07> i know that
much... but it's not very performant to do that
L912[18:55:11] <PinkYoshi> what's a
better way? I don't know where arrow entities in the world are
stored or how to get the data
L913[18:55:33] <Necro> subscribe to the
update event
L914[18:55:43] <diesieben07> no... there
is no update event for arrows.
L915[18:56:14] <diesieben07> a better way
would be to subscribe to EntityJoinWorldEvent and find all arrows
that are spawned. then keep them in a separate list and check them
every tick
L916[18:56:23] <diesieben07> still not the
most efficient, but the best you can do without using your own
L917[18:56:46] <Necro> oh is there no
event for entities in general? is it living only? didn't know
L918[18:57:00] <PinkYoshi> hmmm
L919[18:57:46] <PinkYoshi> looks like
I'll need to subscribe to the tick event or something as well
L920[18:57:52] <diesieben07> yep
L921[18:58:01] <diesieben07> and
you'll need a capability on World to store your arrow
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L923[18:58:14] <diesieben07> this is
turning into a lot of fun :D
L924[18:58:18] <PinkYoshi> ok if I have
any problem's I'll ask but it's starting to come
together. starting out is hard and this is day 2 for me so
I've gotten pretty far for just two days of this
L925[18:58:29] <PinkYoshi> so I'm
going to make exploding arrows! rofl
L926[18:58:34] <barteks2x> and would also
need to track unloading them
L927[18:58:38] <barteks2x> if it ever
L928[18:58:47] <diesieben07> yeah
L929[18:58:49] <PinkYoshi> Oh if they
enter an unloaded chunk..
L930[18:59:03] <diesieben07> since you are
just checking them every tick you cna just check for isDead
L931[18:59:04] <Necro> so do you want all
arrows to explode or just your own ones?
L932[18:59:08] <diesieben07> and if so,
renmove from list
L933[18:59:20] <PinkYoshi> I think it
would be funny to spawn alot of skeletons and allow all arrows
L934[18:59:39] <barteks2x> better than
creepers :D
L935[18:59:52] <PinkYoshi> The deadly
arrows mod.
L936[18:59:54] <PinkYoshi> Rofl
L937[18:59:59] <PinkYoshi> ALL arrows
everywhere are explosive now.
L938[19:00:21] <diesieben07> just make
everything explode all of the time
L939[19:00:26] <PinkYoshi> rofl
L940[19:00:35] <diesieben07> MICHAEL
L941[19:00:37] <Necro> also why would you
need to perform something on the arrows every tick then?
L942[19:00:43] <diesieben07>
L943[19:00:52] ⇦
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L944[19:01:00] <PinkYoshi> public void
spawn(Onplayerrespawnevent evt){spawntnt at player}
L945[19:01:02] <diesieben07> to detect
when they have hit
L946[19:01:15] <PinkYoshi> I should just
L947[19:01:29] <PinkYoshi> a function
called createtnt and have it accept evt as a param
L948[19:01:39] <PinkYoshi> so I can pass
the event instance to it for ease of firing
L949[19:01:53] <diesieben07> anyways, i am
going to bed
L950[19:02:03] <PinkYoshi> okay goodnight
lol thanks so much for the help and patience
L951[19:02:16] <PinkYoshi> I legit
appreciate it
L952[19:02:39] ***
diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L953[19:06:06] <Necro> oh btw you
don't need to spawn tnt. you could just directly make an
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L955[19:06:49] <williewillus> !dcc
L956[19:07:58] <Necro> odd i thought there
were events for when a projectile hit something. seems like you
really have to check it yourself PinkYoshi
L957[19:08:27] <williewillus>
ThrowableImpactEvent? but arrows aren't throwable
L958[19:09:52] <PinkYoshi> I need help.
how do I tell if evt.entity is of type arrow?
L959[19:10:11] <Necro> evt.entity
instanceof EntityArrow
L960[19:10:29] <Necro> returns true if
it's an arrow entity
L961[19:10:43] <Necro> *evaluates to
L962[19:12:02] <PinkYoshi> weird assigning
a new instance of entity to evt.getentity() and trying to use that
with instanceof doesn't work but using instanceof directly on
evt.getentity() does
L963[19:12:08] <Necro> I've used the
throwable impact event before that's why I'm surprised
that there is no event for projectiles in general
L964[19:12:36] <PinkYoshi> does isaireborn
count for arrows?
L965[19:13:44] <Necro> i don't think
so but inGround does.
L966[19:14:33] <Necro> just be sure you
cast to EnityArrow first so you can access the field
L967[19:14:48] <PinkYoshi> yeah
L968[19:14:49] <PinkYoshi> got it
L969[19:15:52] <PinkYoshi> There's no
inground flag.
L970[19:16:04] <PinkYoshi> does alive
apply to arrows that have hit something?
L971[19:17:09] <Necro> oh it's
protected, my bad
L972[19:17:17] <PinkYoshi> I found
L973[19:17:24] <PinkYoshi> not inground
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L977[19:24:51] <Necro> hmm, there
doesn't seem to really be any good way to check if an arrow is
inGround since all the fields are either protected or
L978[19:27:30] <Necro> well checking if
the velocity is 0 as you wanted to do earlier should be possible,
however the arrow needs a few ticks to come to a stop, so keep that
in mind
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L980[19:28:07] <barteks2x> also if someone
shoots it straight up it may go through speed very close to
L981[19:28:14] <barteks2x> so checking for
"close to zero" may not be that good
L982[19:29:06] <Necro> right. and might
even hit exactly zero if the strength is just right.
L983[19:29:57] <Necro> so you could use
reflection but that usually something you want to avoid
L984[19:34:34] <cjm721> Don't arrows
trigger a collision event?
L985[19:40:01] <PinkYoshi> onGround seems
to be a flag
L986[19:40:03] <PinkYoshi> i'm trying
it now
L987[19:41:46] <barteks2x> also, I
don't think either of these will work when hitting moving
L988[19:42:42] <PinkYoshi> I just care
about it hitting blocks
L989[19:42:43] <PinkYoshi> XD
L990[19:42:44] <PinkYoshi> Oh uhm
L991[19:42:52] <PinkYoshi> I'm
getting a crash here's what I have for code
L992[19:43:04] <Necro> for entities you
can just use the attack/hurt/whatever events. so that would be easy
i think
L994[19:43:39] <PinkYoshi> I think
it's caused by the tickevent but I don't know
L995[19:45:13] <Necro> you never assigned
L996[19:45:41] <PinkYoshi> when I use new
on it it tells me there is no constructor
L997[19:45:55] <Necro> public
List<Entity> entitylist; -> public List<Entity>
entitylist=new ArrayList<Entity>();
L998[19:46:21] <PinkYoshi> I'm sorry,
I'm trying to not use arraylists but java.utils.list I
L999[19:46:41] <PinkYoshi>
L1000[19:46:46] <PinkYoshi>
Shouldn't that also work?
L1001[19:46:54] <PinkYoshi> I want the
dynamic remove and add functions
L1002[19:47:53] <PinkYoshi> Strange that
it compiles with array
L1003[19:48:11] <Necro> well that is an
interface not a class hence it can not be instantiated.
ArrayList<T> is a class that implements the List<T>
L1004[19:48:21] <PinkYoshi> ok
L1005[19:48:23] <PinkYoshi> testing now
L1006[19:48:27] <PinkYoshi> i'm so
giddy and excited >.<
L1007[19:49:37] <PinkYoshi> Yehhhh it
didn't work
L1008[19:51:06] <Necro> arrows cause no
collision events or anything alike unfortunately.
L1009[19:51:19] <Necro> so you might have
to use reflection.
L1010[19:51:33] <PinkYoshi> it seems like
onground doesn't register i'll post a debug out of
L1011[19:52:57] <PinkYoshi> it might also
not be putting anything in the list
L1012[19:53:51] <Abastro> Or access
transformer. :P
L1013[19:56:11] <Necro> or that. but i
would say that is a bit over the top for only accessing one field
in one place.
L1014[19:58:43] <PinkYoshi> i've
done some inspection and I think the problem is partly that
i'm not getting a proper igniter reference for the tnt
L1015[19:58:54] <PinkYoshi> I made it so
that a local instance of the player is kept as a reference
L1016[19:59:04] <PinkYoshi> by activating
the left click thing
L1017[19:59:22] <PinkYoshi> now what
should happen is once that event goes off, the tnt will explode
from an arrow properly i'm ignoring the on ground flag.
L1018[20:00:08] <PinkYoshi> i'm
trying alot of stuff lol
L1019[20:01:03] <Necro> then it would
probably spawn the tnt whenever the arrow is updated not when it
hits the ground.
L1020[20:01:25] <Necro> also you can
spawn the explosion directly without using tnt.
L1021[20:02:04] <Necro> anyways, i'm
going to bed now. it's 3 am where i'm at after all.
L1022[20:02:15] <PinkYoshi> wow lol where
are you guys I'm in canada it's only 6 pm here
L1023[20:02:25] <Necro> germany
L1024[20:02:29] <PinkYoshi> oh okay
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L1034[20:46:36] <PinkYoshi> I want to use
FMLCommonHandler.getEffectiveSide but it isn't showing up
under the fml. options
L1035[20:53:26] <Physicist> I'm
having trouble with Forge on Linux (I started with full packs, but
have simplified to just forge for testing).
L1036[20:53:36] <Physicist> It hangs
indefinitely after it stitches textures together.
L1037[20:53:38] <cjm721> is there
something special to rendering OBJ Entities? I have it working as
an Item / Block / TE / but not for a normal entity
L1038[20:53:55] <Shawn|i7-Q720M> howdy,
may I add a question to your folks busy chain? lol
L1039[20:54:47] <Physicist> I think your
question makes a 4th chain, but why not give the experts more
choices? :)
L1040[20:55:04] <Shawn|i7-Q720M>
L1041[20:55:16] <Shawn|i7-Q720M> that
sounds quite painful, as busy as they are
L1042[20:56:30] <cjm721> PinkYoshi, what
do you fml.options?
L1043[20:58:02] <PinkYoshi> I don't
know but you guys wanna see something awesome?
L1044[20:58:14] <PinkYoshi> this code
right here, first you left click the ground with any block or
L1045[20:58:22] <PinkYoshi> Then you fire
arrows. and they spawn tnt at their hit location. it works.
L1047[20:58:56] <Abastro> cjm721: I guess
entity rendering system is not yet switched into json models. But
it's still trivial to render a json model there.
L1048[20:58:57] <PinkYoshi> Also if you
fire a ton of active arrows FIRST, and THEN left click the
ground... well then you've got remote mines
L1049[20:59:16] <PinkYoshi> now i'm
going to experiment with skeletons, it should technically apply to
any arrow.
L1050[20:59:21] <cjm721> Abastro I am
trying to render an OBJ model not json
L1051[21:00:13] <Abastro> Well what I
said was confusing... you can either just render the obj model like
what's done in 1.7.10
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L1053[21:00:48] <cjm721> I skipped from
1.4.7 to 1.11.2 so no clue how it was done in 1.7
L1054[21:00:52] <Abastro> Or load the
model through OBJLoader and let the model system render the
L1055[21:00:59] <Abastro> Same for
L1056[21:01:39] <cjm721> I am using the
OBJLoader and it works for everything for Entities. The model loads
but the texture does not
L1057[21:02:11] <cjm721> TE / Armor /
Items all work correctly, just not my "Entity"
L1058[21:02:36] <cjm721> PinkYoshi, btw
getEffectiveSide is part of the instance FMLCommonHandler not the
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L1060[21:03:15] <PinkYoshi> There's
a bug where it still sometimes creates TNT at the last location of
my arrow before I fired it or just as I did on the first frame,
that is due to the tick update
L1061[21:03:18] <PinkYoshi> omg
L1062[21:03:26] <PinkYoshi> I'm
going to make a tnt cannon with dispensers now rofl
L1063[21:03:34] <PinkYoshi> All I need
next is a way to toggle this feature.
L1064[21:03:36] <PinkYoshi> This is a
weird mod.
L1065[21:04:06] <Abastro> cjm721: I think
you have to bind the texture manually.
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L1068[21:10:12] <cjm721> As far as I can
tell I am binding the texture. Manually calling
Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture() then
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L1070[21:12:20] <Abastro> How do you
specify the texture in the entity model?
L1071[21:12:49] <cjm721> overriding
L1072[21:13:07] <cjm721> And I know that
is getting the right texture as I changed it to garbage and got an
L1073[21:14:07] <Abastro> I mean, the
texture of the entity in the obj/Json model.
L1074[21:14:21] <cjm721> in the mtl
L1075[21:14:39] <cjm721> which is also
being at least looked at because if I put garbage in that it gives
a FileNotFound also
L1076[21:15:27] <Abastro> How do you call
the renderer?
L1077[21:16:12] <cjm721>
L1078[21:17:08] <Physicist> This is how
my mineraft with only forge runs. It stays at 100% on one CPU and I
can only kill it with kill -9.
L1080[21:18:02] <cjm721> What version of
forge / mc / java
L1081[21:18:05] <Physicist> It
doesn't seem to matter what mods or what version of minecraft,
forge, or java I run. It all went south after I updated Arch linux
on the 25th.
L1082[21:18:18] <Physicist> Vanilla works
L1083[21:18:26] <PinkYoshi> guys my mod
has some bugs
L1084[21:18:37] <Physicist> I've
tried 1.11.2 and 1.7.10. I've tried MultiMC and
L1085[21:18:38] <cjm721> That looks like
MultiMC what version of java is it pointed at
L1086[21:18:40] <PinkYoshi> it sometimes
L1087[21:19:01] <Physicist> Pointed at
8u112 ATM, but I've tried 8u121 and 132.
L1088[21:19:17] <Physicist> And also
oracle 132 (probably 132; whatever the recent is around that
L1089[21:20:20] <cjm721> Looks like it is
past the part where it tests the crash log, can you post that
L1090[21:20:27] <cjm721> ./ just post the
entire log
L1091[21:20:38] <Physicist> It
doesn't post a log. Minecraft hasn't crashed yet. It
thinks it's still running.
L1092[21:20:48] <Physicist> Well, I can
post up to the current, if you want.
L1093[21:20:56] <cjm721> Durring startup
forge does a fake crash report to make sure its working
L1094[21:21:11] <Physicist> Oh neat. Ok,
you want latest.log?
L1095[21:21:20] <cjm721> that and the
early startup
L1096[21:23:23] <Abastro> cjm721: I mean
how you call the obj model renderer.
L1099[21:23:40] <KnightMiner> It only
happens when my mod Ceramics is loaded and calls that Interface
L1100[21:24:06] <KnightMiner> Is there
anytihng that can cause a class not found exception other than it
not existing? Tinkers loads on its own just fine
L1101[21:24:35] <Abastro> Getting loaded
L1102[21:24:43] <KnightMiner> Loaded
L1103[21:24:50] <cjm721> Well to
RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler I pass the entity
class and a factory for creating the model which uses ModelBiped
and in that I add the OBJ model as a child to the bipedbody and
then when the ModelBiped render is called I call render on the
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L1106[21:30:01] <cjm721> Physicist, Ok
this is a bit outside of my knowledge but what GPU do you have
because I think it is just trying to CPU render with XORG and xorg
openGL has never worked well for me
L1107[21:30:13] <Physicist> AMD
L1108[21:30:41] <Physicist> The breakage
did coincide with an update from linux kernel 4.10 to 4.11.
L1109[21:30:54] <cjm721> Oh AMD.... I
never had luck with their drivers on linux.. Stuck with Nvidia
because of it
L1110[21:31:28] <Physicist> $ pacman -Qs
L1111[21:31:28] <Physicist>
local/opencl-mesa 17.1.0-1
L1112[21:31:28] <Physicist> OpenCL
support for AMD/ATI Radeon mesa drivers
L1113[21:31:28] <Physicist>
local/xf86-video-amdgpu 1.3.0-1 (xorg-drivers)
L1114[21:31:28] <Physicist> X.org amdgpu
video driver
L1115[21:31:29] <Actuarius> You (account
Some(Physicist)) can't access the $ command
L1116[21:31:52] <cjm721> Lol bot
L1117[21:31:56] <Physicist> heh
L1118[21:32:20] <Physicist> pacman -Qs
L1119[21:32:20] <Physicist>
local/opencl-mesa 17.1.0-1
L1120[21:32:20] <Physicist> OpenCL
support for AMD/ATI Radeon mesa drivers
L1121[21:32:20] <Physicist>
local/xf86-video-amdgpu 1.3.0-1 (xorg-drivers)
L1122[21:32:20] <Physicist> X.org amdgpu
video driver
L1123[21:32:29] <Physicist> Not sure what
went through from that message; excuse the repaste
L1124[21:32:37] <cjm721> I would go
google and make sure your AMD driver is compatible.
L1125[21:32:44] <cjm721> All your message
went through that is a non-op bot
L1126[21:33:30] <Physicist> compatible
with what?
L1127[21:33:37] <Physicist> the
L1128[21:33:44] <cjm721> OpenGL version
and XORG
L1129[21:33:48] <Physicist> Ah ok.
L1130[21:33:56] <cjm721> ./lwjgl
L1131[21:36:55] <Physicist> Yeah, I saw
someone having a lwjgl issue with Arch, on some forum somewhere,
but it didn't seem related to my problem.
L1132[21:37:09] <Abastro> cjm, How did
you add the obj model to the ModelBiped as a child? ObjModel is not
directly compatible with entity model.
L1133[21:37:12] <cjm721> Physicist, I
would also keep asking around. I am terrible at anything involving
L1134[21:37:32] <Physicist> Ok. Thanks
very much. Which line of the log made you think of GPU stuff,
L1135[21:37:42] <cjm721> Abastro, you
bake it
L1136[21:37:59] <cjm721> GL info and then
seeing XORG
L1137[21:38:12] <Abastro> KnightMiner:
did you make sure that the bit of the code is loaded after Yonkers,
by Optional or "after:" ?
L1138[21:38:28] <cjm721> About four years
ago I had to go through some serious pain to get get Arch and my
optimius labtop to agree
L1139[21:39:04] <KnightMiner> Turns out,
I forgot an "@" sign in "after:tinkers[version);,
should have been "after:tinkers@[version);"
L1140[21:39:13] <Abastro> :o
L1141[21:39:13] <KnightMiner> What
L1142[21:39:34] <Abastro> *Yonkers ->
L1143[21:39:48] <KnightMiner> I've
typed Yonkers many a times :P
L1144[21:40:31] <Abastro> Nature of typo
L1145[21:40:57] <Abastro> cjm: then how
did you rendered the baked model? That part might be
L1146[21:41:27] <cjm721>
bake(TRSRTransformation.identity(), DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM,
L1147[21:42:53] <cjm721> I might of
figured it out. The texture is never referenced from anything else.
All my other models also have a blockstate that references the
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L1150[21:46:17] <Abastro> Were you doing
something similar with AnimatedModelBase?
L1151[21:46:34] <cjm721> I don't
have any animated models
L1152[21:47:24] <cjm721> Well at least
not yet,
L1153[21:48:05] <Abastro> I mean the
implementation of the render part
L1154[21:50:23] <cjm721> No clue what you
are asking for then
L1155[21:53:52] <Abastro> I mean, how do
you render the baked model?
L1157[22:00:56] <Abastro> I don't
think binding texture inside the call list works well.
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L1161[22:07:41] <Abastro> But that's
not it.
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L1163[22:08:52] <cjm721> It has to be
something that is particular to RenderLiving. TESR / Block / Item /
ModelBiped (Via Item) all work correctly
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L1167[22:14:18] <Abastro> So the
missingno texture is applied to the model only for
L1168[22:15:49] <Abastro> It seems that
getEntityTexture shouldn't return null.
L1169[22:16:22] <cjm721> getEntityTexture
is not returning null
L1170[22:18:17] <Abastro> Yeah in the
case it just won't get rendered
L1171[22:19:13] <Abastro> So the issue
was missingno texture displayed, right?
L1172[22:19:15] <cjm721> Yup rendered
clear / not rendered at all
L1173[22:19:43] <Abastro> Not rendered at
L1174[22:19:51] <cjm721> Ya black/purple.
Can't see if it has a name on it, but there is no error in
L1175[22:20:04] <Abastro> Ah
L1176[22:20:28] <Abastro> That's
strange, RenderLiving should not affect the texture.
L1177[22:20:52] <Abastro> Since the
display list includes the texture bind call.
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L1179[22:22:14] <williewillus> if i want
to generate additional structures in the overworld when/where would
I do that?
L1180[22:22:22] <williewillus> by
structures I mean actual MapGenStructures
L1181[22:25:42] <Abastro> willie: as they
are generated on populate cycle, so probably
L1183[22:27:02] <Abastro> Or with
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L1185[22:37:31] <KissOfFate> Can anyone
explain why OBJ models work for things of TileEntities and Blocks,
but for some reason the texture wont load on anything EntityLiving
(I have tested actual models from my blocks that 100% work as the
model for my entity and it didnt work)
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L1188[22:58:38] <williewillus> show
L1189[23:00:04] <cjm721> He is using the
same code I am for rending the OBJ
L1191[23:05:47] <cjm721> It works with
everything for RenderLiving (It works with Armor Models via
L1192[23:06:57] <cjm721> *Works with
everything BUT RenderLiving
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L1194[23:13:13] <cjm721> ^
L1195[23:14:35] <williewillus> I assume
you stitch the textures properly on startup? what happens when it
"doesn't work"?
L1196[23:15:24] <cjm721> purple / black
texture, no FileNotFound exceptions. Same Code / Model works fine
as Armor/Item/TESR/Block
L1197[23:16:09] <williewillus> can you
post the exception
L1198[23:16:17] <cjm721> No
L1199[23:16:23] <williewillus> oh woops
read wrong
L1200[23:16:28] <williewillus> did you
stitch the texture?
L1201[23:16:43] <williewillus> aka do you
have a TextureStitchEvent.Pre handler
L1202[23:17:10] <cjm721> Not for the
textures that are used in the models
L1203[23:17:35] <williewillus> you need
to, how else would mc know it should be on the atlas?
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Connection reset by peer)
L1205[23:18:14] <cjm721> I assume its
grabbing it from the MTL file as it works for
L1206[23:18:23] <williewillus> with the
item/block model system texture deps are resolved and stitched
automatically but if you load it separately like this you have to
make sure all the textures used are stitched
L1207[23:18:25] <williewillus>
L1208[23:18:29] <williewillus> just try
and see
L1209[23:18:32] <cjm721> also if I put
garbage in the MTL or getEntityTExture I do get a FNF
L1211[23:20:22] <PinkYoshi> I am,
let's just say having a blast. I also love the fact I can swap
EntitySpider into EntityCreeper
L1212[23:22:00] <williewillus> you are
also leaking memory like crazy :P
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L1214[23:24:12] <williewillus> well not
like crazy, but you hold a list of entities but never clear
L1215[23:25:53] <mezz> !issues
L1216[23:26:21] <fry> wrong char :P
L1217[23:26:34] <mezz> hm?
L1218[23:26:46] <mezz> oh, no it was
L1219[23:26:51] <mezz> !!issues
L1221[23:26:58] <fry> ah, ok :P
L1222[23:27:04] <mezz> thanks though
L1223[23:27:32] <williewillus> any
suggestions how i would render custom icons on a map?
L1224[23:27:45] <williewillus> currently
the only solution seems like "Copy all of MapItemRenderer into
a renderhandevent" :P
L1225[23:28:00] <cjm721> williewillus, no
effect, still the black / purple texture and no errors
L1226[23:32:56] <mezz> williewillus, do
you agree we should rename getStrongholdGen and
getClosestStrongholdPos? I'm going to make an issue for
L1227[23:33:09] <williewillus> yeah
L1228[23:33:20] <williewillus> it's
not just strongholds, it's any (vanilla) structure
L1229[23:33:22] <mezz> are there any
others related to that?
L1230[23:33:36] <williewillus> nah,
it's a shallow call chain
L1231[23:33:42] <mezz> ok
L1232[23:34:18] <mezz> !gm
L1233[23:34:23] <mezz> !gm
L1234[23:36:02] <KissOfFate> williewillus
is there anything else, other than the TextureStitchEvent.Pre that
could potentially fix this issue, or no?
L1235[23:36:29] <williewillus> without
digging into the code, can't think of anything else major
besides that
L1236[23:37:25] <mezz> !gm
L1237[23:37:35] <cjm721> Does that
ModelOBJ code look right btw? It dropping my fps from 800 to
L1238[23:38:49] <williewillus> profile
L1239[23:39:02] <williewillus> also not
sure if you really need that display list there
L1240[23:39:40] <cjm721> I took it from
draconic evolution. I have very little clue how OpenGL works
L1241[23:40:52] <fry> it's almost a
complete copy of ModelRenderer methods :P
L1242[23:41:05] <fry> which is stupidly
old GL code :P
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L1245[23:42:04] <KissOfFate> yeah for
some reason this code works for everything but RenderLiving :/ cjm
took a block with a texture (an armor piece) and set it as the
model for an entity and it didnt work when as an armor piece the
model worked 100%
L1246[23:42:51] <KissOfFate> I guess OBJ
and EntityLiving/RenderLiving don't like each other
L1247[23:43:33] <fry> bad guess :P
L1248[23:43:51] <KissOfFate> lol
L1249[23:46:01] <cjm721> fry how would
you Load an OBJ entity model?
L1250[23:47:27] <cjm721> load and render
(/ replace that ModelRenderOBJ if it is really just a copy of
L1252[23:47:54] <fry> put a breakpoint
there and see if it fires :P
L1253[23:48:19] <cjm721> There are no
exceptions thrown
L1254[23:48:28] <Abastro> Welp
L1255[23:49:42] <fry> also, I don't
see you handling the resource reloading in any way
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L1259[23:54:02] <KissOfFate> fry could I
deal with the resource loading by implementing IIconRegister?
L1260[23:54:21] <cjm721> Did the
profiling and CompileDisplayList is getting called a lot
L1261[23:54:22] <fry> the what?
L1262[23:54:42] <cjm721> fyi KissOfFate
and I are working on almost the same code
L1263[23:54:59] <KissOfFate> nvm sorry
was looking at DE code and they use a TextureCache for
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L1265[23:57:15] <cjm721> Well side issue
is apparently the ModelRender is being created every tick
(don't know if game or fps)
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L1267[23:59:23] <cjm721> is getArmorModel
suppose to return a singleton or new creation?