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L6[01:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170312 mappings to Forge Maven.
L7[01:00:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170312-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170312" in build.gradle).
L8[01:00:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L65[05:14:26] <TechnicianLP> one model done: http://i.imgur.com/7UxdK7P.png
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L76[05:48:30] <Waterpicker> is the forge maven down right now?
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L78[05:49:24] <Waterpicker> I just tried to build my sponge plugin (uses forge access) and it failed to get forge gradle.
L79[05:50:12] <blupilot> Is it normally able to build?
L80[05:50:17] <TechnicianLP> try again ... it sometimes pretends to be down
L81[05:51:07] <Waterpicker> http://pastebin.com/M8rWMGx7
L82[05:51:11] <Waterpicker> that's the error
L83[05:51:36] <Waterpicker> retrying as well.
L84[05:51:50] <Waterpicker> there we go it was playing pretend.
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L103[07:25:18] <ScottehBoeh> G'day
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L105[07:27:25] <Jaymoe|Off> Empty string not allowed is driving me keeeeeeeyrazy
L106[07:27:40] <Jaymoe|Off> i want an empty string
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L112[07:37:35] <ScottehBoeh> Quick question for you all, regarding armor-rendering (vanilla too)
L113[07:37:46] <ScottehBoeh> i've got the RenderPlayerEvent.pre, how shall I go about just changing how Armor is rendered?
L114[07:40:37] <ghz|afk> what do you mean exactly
L115[07:40:52] <ghz|afk> the answer may change depending on what kind of change you want to have
L116[07:41:02] <ScottehBoeh> Well, minecraft armor is somewhat chunky (very large) around the player model, and I was wanting to change the scale of the armor slightly down
L117[07:41:57] <Jaymoe|Off> why is my capability not saving to nbt -.-
L118[07:42:21] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
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L120[07:44:58] <ScottehBoeh> Any ideas?
L121[07:45:11] <ScottehBoeh> I'm trying to see if I need to check what is currently rendering, and if it's armor
L122[07:45:25] <ghz|afk> you shouldn't need to
L123[07:45:54] <ghz|afk> you should just find the ModelBiped corresponding to the armor
L124[07:45:57] <ghz|afk> and change the boxes
L125[07:46:12] <ghz|afk> I'm not sure that you even need the event
L126[07:46:21] <ghz|afk> but note that armor items can replace which model draws
L127[07:50:07] <masa> what did World#notifyBlockOfStateChange become in 1.11?
L128[07:50:16] <masa> there are several ifferent block notify methods...
L129[07:51:03] <ghz|afk> !mh notifyBlockOfStateChange
L130[07:51:14] <ghz|afk> doesn't seem to exist anymore
L131[07:51:29] <ghz|afk> at least not the same one ;P
L132[07:51:55] <masa> there is notifyNeighboursOfStateChange() though, which has the same Blockpos and Block arguments, plus a boolean updateObservers
L133[07:52:07] <masa> I guess it must be that one
L134[07:52:15] <ghz|afk> neighborChanged
L135[07:52:20] <ghz|afk> it has the same code implementation
L136[07:52:38] <ghz|afk> just with one extra arg
L137[07:52:57] <masa> oh, okay
L138[07:55:12] <ScottehBoeh> Water Mill :) http://i.imgur.com/utUX4sy.png
L139[08:05:05] <masa> and where did Block#causesSuffocation() go...
L140[08:05:26] <masa> oh nvm it just has an argument now
L141[08:10:03] <Ordinastie> masa, https://github.com/kashike/migration/wiki/1.10.2-to-1.11
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L143[08:31:06] <Jaymoe|Off> LatvianModder are u here?
L144[08:31:14] <LatvianModder> Yeah im here alright
L145[08:31:27] <Jaymoe|Off> Isnt there a command to reload the ftbu config if you edit it with edit_config ftbu? like increasing chunk claims etc
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L147[08:31:53] <LatvianModder> what FTBU version?
L148[08:32:17] <Jaymoe|Off>
L149[08:32:21] <Jaymoe|Off> 1.7.10
L150[08:33:03] <LatvianModder> oh dear. Uh, I think the command was /admin reload
L151[08:33:26] <Jaymoe|Off> ye thats what i thought too but cant find any :p
L152[08:33:58] <LatvianModder> then no idea. configs should reload anyway. Or at least, server restart should fix that
L153[08:36:12] <ScottehBoeh> Are there hooks for Horse Armor? if so, how far back do they go?
L154[08:38:42] <LatvianModder> I think there was PR for that, no idea what happened with it
L155[08:39:08] <quadraxis> ded https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3185
L156[08:39:54] <ScottehBoeh> demmit
L157[08:40:03] <ScottehBoeh> that's really interesting, thought there'd have been a hook by now
L158[08:40:29] <quadraxis> poke the author?
L159[08:55:48] <Jaymoe|Off> Does the ftbu ranks work if i add the json files?
L160[08:56:20] <LatvianModder> only in 1.10.2
L161[08:56:23] <Jaymoe|Off> ok
L162[09:03:03] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L163[09:03:41] <Shambling> wow, well I feel goofy now. Looks like someone has already released almost exactly the same idea for a modpack as I've been working on for a couple months, and its a ton finer detail in the configs
L164[09:03:50] <Shambling> guess I'll play this instead :P
L165[09:04:19] <Shambling> no wtf expedition though, so maybe that is why, that thing is a time sink to config. lol
L166[09:04:29] <LatvianModder> yeah, welcome to the club pal
L167[09:05:01] <LatvianModder> Almost every idea for mod/item I had RWTema 'stole' and added in his mod before :P
L168[09:05:32] <Shambling> little laggy on world gen though
L169[09:05:42] <Ashindigo_> oops broke hunger bar
L170[09:05:52] <Shambling> I've got to say, even with WTF-expedition, mine still worldgens almost instantly :P
L171[09:06:07] <Shambling> ashingo, is it broken in that you no longer get hunger, or are you getting hyper hunger?
L172[09:06:28] <Ashindigo_> i broke the overlay for it
L173[09:07:05] <Shambling> oh , darn
L174[09:07:21] <Shambling> :P
L175[09:07:23] <Ashindigo_> easy fix though :/
L176[09:07:39] <Shambling> actually I think if I wanted to, there is a mod that puts hunger system back to old vanilla beta where you just ate food to heal
L177[09:08:48] <Shambling> meh, I like my pack more I'm making
L178[09:09:21] <Shambling> this one is great, but don't like some of the included biomes (redwoof lag forest) and floating islands of buggy roofed forest generation :P
L179[09:09:36] <Shambling> has anyone used recurrent complex without getting large amounts of world gen lag?
L180[09:09:47] <Ivorius> I have :P
L181[09:11:03] <Shambling> ahaha, ok so its me
L182[09:11:13] <Shambling> I think its usually the combos I have it with
L183[09:11:26] <Shambling> either way, I'm adding it back in, lol. Sorry Ivorius :P
L184[09:11:45] <Shambling> as long as I'm not in a redwood forest biome I seem to load just fine lately
L185[09:11:51] <Ivorius> Shambling: Make sure you're on the latest version, there were a lot of performance updates lately
L186[09:12:04] <Shambling> oh, sweet
L187[09:12:04] <Ivorius> And it's possible disabling treeLeavesDecay might help
L188[09:12:13] <Shambling> hrmmm...
L189[09:12:23] <Shambling> shoul dI just remove fast leaf decay completely with that mod installed?
L190[09:14:25] <Shambling> well I'll try both ways
L191[09:20:59] <TechnicianLP> when is the best time to sync capabilitydata to the client? entityjoinworldevent?
L192[09:21:28] <diesieben07> data on the player? PlayerLoggedInEvent and others
L193[09:21:37] <diesieben07> data on an entity? PlayerEvent.StartTracking
L194[09:21:55] <TechnicianLP> ok
L195[09:22:49] <Lumien> Does someone have a method of drawing a simple line from a to b?
L196[09:23:10] <Lumien> GL_LINE lines have the same thickness regardless of distance to the camera
L197[09:23:28] <fry> define "line"
L198[09:24:21] <Lumien> camera aligned long quad i guess
L199[09:24:31] <LatvianModder> your best bet is to do something like dragon beams do
L200[09:24:39] <fry> then draw a quad? :P
L201[09:24:41] <LatvianModder> or draw 2 crossing rectangles
L202[09:24:57] <fry> your "best bet" depends on how you want it to look :P
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L204[09:25:06] <LatvianModder> depends on purpose. 2 rectangles might be enough for simple horizontal 'line'
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L206[09:28:29] <Lumien> I want to display a "connection" between two blocks
L207[09:28:51] <Lumien> Tried to just draw a big quad but i can't seem to get the rotations right so it "rotates" out of view depending on how i look at it
L208[09:29:21] <Lumien> Forgot about the dragon beam, will try that thanks :)
L209[09:31:52] <ScottehBoeh> I've been spending lots of time working on my utils and I made a new type of window :D
L210[09:31:52] <ScottehBoeh> http://i.imgur.com/pM1JCTL.png
L211[09:31:58] <ScottehBoeh> Any size etc, thought i'd share
L212[09:32:06] <BlueMonster> that looks really cool
L213[09:32:44] <ScottehBoeh> Thanks :D
L214[09:32:48] <TechnicianLP> you could make it a scroll with an "unrolling" animation
L215[09:32:56] <ScottehBoeh> :o that'd be epic
L216[09:33:52] <PaleoCrafter> does the inner background tile, ScottehBoeh? :P
L217[09:34:12] <ScottehBoeh> afraid not :S I'm going to see if I can get a good simple tiling method going
L218[09:34:45] <ScottehBoeh> I spend too much time doing UI's than I do actually working on the game :(
L219[09:36:02] <ScottehBoeh> also I have that same question about armor rendering
L220[09:36:11] <ScottehBoeh> How possible is it for me to change the scale of armor?
L221[09:36:16] <ScottehBoeh> Vanilla, Modded etc. All armor
L222[09:39:22] <PaleoCrafter> I imagine you could fiddle with the armor layer, ScottehBoeh?
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L227[09:47:06] <ScottehBoeh> I'm trying to find out where to fiddle with it :\
L228[09:47:17] <ScottehBoeh> I'm not the best at tampering with vanilla models
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L237[10:12:09] <Ashindigo_> hmm should i work on weapons/spells, blocks/machines, or mod mechanics/jei support
L238[10:12:37] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
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L240[10:14:00] <IoP> https://github.com/iLexiconn/LLibrary/blob/1.11.2/src/main/java/net/ilexiconn/llibrary/server/util/WebUtils.java#L63 ummmm why?
L241[10:14:50] <LatvianModder> lol
L242[10:15:08] <LatvianModder> dont worry, there's a crash report for every problem there could be!
L243[10:15:34] <IoP> is updatechecker failures really that important you need to print 500 lines long error message without stating CORRECT severity of the error
L244[10:17:02] <IoP> also https://github.com/iLexiconn/LLibrary/issues/46 :P
L245[10:21:27] <Shambling> what mods use llibrary?
L246[10:21:43] <Shambling> I'll google it and look up dependants on curse forge
L247[10:22:12] <IoP> My ERRORS! are important. Look at me!
L248[10:22:38] <Shambling> literal ascension.... why... why... why would you use llibrary for such a tiny mod
L249[10:23:02] <IoP> I wonder if he also shows error dialog in GUI ;)
L250[10:23:25] <Shambling> ok so please tell me the internet check and error log spitout is configurable, because I really don't want to include something server space crushing like 500 line long error logs for a fly farting in the amazon level bugs
L251[10:23:50] <IoP> no
L252[10:24:00] <Ashindigo_> no wait
L253[10:24:03] <IoP> or it's coded somewhere else
L254[10:24:04] <Shambling> hmmm no configs
L255[10:24:05] <Ashindigo_> what if they displayed this http://i.imgur.com/jAvb7I4.png
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L257[10:26:12] <IoP> https://github.com/iLexiconn/LLibrary/blob/1030b607ebeb14d34306583dc16292108e6f7ff8/src/main/java/net/ilexiconn/llibrary/server/ServerProxy.java#L24
L258[10:27:21] <Shambling> btw, is there a way to purge fml-client-latest every reboot of minecraft?
L259[10:27:35] <TechnicianLP> did they remove the crashscreen? ive not seen one in ages ...
L260[10:27:37] <Shambling> without making a batch file. I'll make a batch file if I need to :P
L261[10:28:23] <IoP> make your own log confuguration file
L262[10:34:21] *** Vigaro is now known as V
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L264[10:36:32] <Akkarin> You might want to go with a size based Rolling File configuration though instead of just plain deleting logs on launch unless you really care that little
L265[10:36:56] <Akkarin> since that gives you the ability to take a peek at the previous log if really necessary while still limiting the space you are using to a sane value
L266[10:37:04] <Shambling> oh it was just for personal playthrough, not for a pack I'd release
L267[10:37:06] <Shambling> or server
L268[10:38:20] <Shambling> looks like llibrary has an ingame config, so I wonder it saves its config changes once changed
L269[10:38:30] <Shambling> *wonder where it saves
L270[10:44:18] <Shambling> is there a program that exports the thermal map that a save is using, so I can see how the weather zones are spread about on the map?
L271[10:44:32] <Shambling> I want to see if tweaking my spawn settings for biomes would be beneficial or if it even matters
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L279[11:36:23] <shadowfacts> so I'm trying to use an ItemMeshDefinition with my item to change the model based on the fluid handler's amount, and I'm using a blockstate for the models
L280[11:36:32] <shadowfacts> there are no errors in the console, but it still uses the missing model
L281[11:36:37] <shadowfacts> here's the code: https://gist.github.com/shadowfacts/b1c55db9c2a08fe696fbad7e42448ef6
L282[11:37:02] <shadowfacts> anyone have any ideas?
L283[11:37:06] <shadowfacts> from what I can tell, that should work fine
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L285[11:37:29] <PaleoCrafter> you have to call addVariants manually if you use a custom mesh definition, shadowfacts
L286[11:37:31] <PaleoCrafter> iirc
L287[11:37:53] <shadowfacts> where is that method?
L288[11:39:01] <PaleoCrafter> ModelBakery.registerItemVariants
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L290[11:40:02] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/investiture/blob/dev/src/main/java/de/mineformers/investiture/allomancy/core/ClientProxy.java#L151 my particular usecase
L291[11:48:40] <shadowfacts> nope :V
L292[11:48:46] <shadowfacts> still has missing models for everything
L293[11:49:09] <shadowfacts> I tried using just the registry name for registerItemVariants and using all of the possible ModelResourceLocations, but both yield the same thing
L294[11:49:18] <PaleoCrafter> hm...
L295[11:59:00] <ghz|afk> are you doing it in preinit?
L296[11:59:13] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L270
L297[11:59:37] <ghz|afk> I call registerItemVariants in the mesh definition implicitly
L298[11:59:37] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L285
L299[11:59:52] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L217
L300[12:00:42] <ghz|afk> and I use blockstates files like this
L301[12:00:42] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/magicStaff.json
L302[12:00:45] <ghz|afk> those those items
L303[12:00:52] <PaleoCrafter> I mean, technically you should probably use overrides for your particular case, shadowfacts?
L304[12:01:44] <ghz|afk> my case too ;P
L305[12:02:18] <ghz|afk> but that doesn't mean the itemmeshdefinition shouldn't work
L306[12:02:24] <PaleoCrafter> of course
L307[12:03:08] <shadowfacts> it's being called in pre-init
L308[12:05:30] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L309[12:05:35] <ghz|afk> you should breakpoint in your mesh definition, make sure it actually returns the right MRL
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L311[12:08:11] <shadowfacts> the ItemMeshDefinition is returning the right ModelResourceLocation
L312[12:08:28] <shadowfacts> and it is one of the ones being registered with registerItemVariants
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L315[12:15:15] <Shambling> wow curse has been laggy since twitch bought them :P
L316[12:15:31] <Shambling> probably server infrastructure changes or integrations. blegh
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L318[12:15:43] <Ashindigo_> its laggy but not twitchy?
L319[12:19:21] <Shambling> lmao
L320[12:21:34] <Shambling> what snapshot are people using for latest version of forge 1.11.2?
L321[12:21:56] <Shambling> is it still 20161220?
L322[12:22:02] <TechnicianLP> !latest
L323[12:22:06] <Shambling> !latest
L324[12:22:14] <Shambling> that doesn't seem to do anything :P
L325[12:22:27] <PaleoCrafter> it's YYYYMMDD
L326[12:22:38] <Shambling> !latest 20170312
L327[12:22:45] <PaleoCrafter> no...
L328[12:22:54] <PaleoCrafter> the latest snapshot always has that format :P
L329[12:23:03] <Shambling> :op
L330[12:23:28] <shadowfacts> oh
L331[12:23:29] <PaleoCrafter> a new snapshot is released daily around 7:00 UTC
L332[12:23:43] <Shambling> wow everything is laggy as shit today
L333[12:23:50] <Shambling> some new outtage in some weird state in the US again?
L334[12:23:52] <shadowfacts> FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/item/generated.json
L335[12:23:55] <PaleoCrafter> have you considered it's on your end? :P
L336[12:23:55] <shadowfacts> that's probably the issue
L337[12:24:00] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L338[12:24:06] <shadowfacts> is there any way to fix that?
L339[12:24:15] <shadowfacts> Because I've just got "model": "item/generated" in my blockstate
L340[12:24:20] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L341[12:24:24] <Shambling> well forge mdk still uses 20161220
L342[12:24:36] <Shambling> so I'll just use that, should be good enough to update openharvest to 1.11.2
L343[12:24:40] <Shambling> I did it on earlier versions
L344[12:24:42] <PaleoCrafter> it's supposed to be builtin/generated, shadowfacts ;)
L345[12:25:01] <PaleoCrafter> Shambling, that's because the MDK gets updated once per major version :P
L346[12:25:09] <shadowfacts> item/generated is 1.10+ (IIRC)
L347[12:25:13] <Shambling> kk
L348[12:25:13] <PaleoCrafter> nope
L349[12:25:16] <shadowfacts> it has a parent of builtin/generated and some transforms
L350[12:25:19] <PaleoCrafter> oh...
L351[12:25:21] <PaleoCrafter> really?
L352[12:25:21] <Shambling> maybe I'll call the newer version when I get back inside
L353[12:25:24] <Shambling> chow for now
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L355[12:25:34] <shadowfacts> yup
L356[12:25:47] <shadowfacts> I'm trying switching to builtin/generated to see if it loads correctly
L357[12:25:55] <shadowfacts> then I can just copy the transforms from item/generated
L358[12:26:17] <PaleoCrafter> I bet it would work, because if you use a blockstates file for your items, the model also has to come from the block directory, iirc
L359[12:27:34] <shadowfacts> \o/
L360[12:27:38] <shadowfacts> using builtin/generated works perfectly
L361[12:28:16] <shadowfacts> hmm
L362[12:28:51] <shadowfacts> though copying the whole display object into the blockstate defaults doesn't apply the transforms
L363[12:29:40] <PaleoCrafter> it has to be "transform"
L364[12:31:29] <shadowfacts> the display object should just be renamed transform?
L365[12:31:53] <PaleoCrafter> yup
L366[12:32:02] <shadowfacts> because that just causes to revert back to the missing models
L367[12:32:15] <shadowfacts> with a completely unhelpful error message
L368[12:32:44] <PaleoCrafter> dunno, I'll blame fry :P
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L370[12:34:39] <shadowfacts> w/e
L371[12:35:03] <shadowfacts> just added a base model that extends item/generated and stuck it in my models/block folder so I can use it from the block state
L372[12:35:06] <shadowfacts> and that works fine
L373[12:35:14] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L374[12:38:47] <shadowfacts> workarounds ftw
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L377[12:45:49] <Shambling> is getpropertynames 1.6 java?
L378[12:47:28] <Shambling> ah maybe it was just changed in forge, getpropertykeys now yes?
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L380[12:49:48] <Shambling> kind of weird that something simple was changed into something a bit more erksome, but whatever
L381[12:50:01] <Shambling> I think the only reason this modder used getpropertynames was to get the count of properties in a blockstate
L382[12:51:30] <ghz|afk> anyone knows wtf are those "random" machine upgrades from Ender IO that you find in chests, and how they work?
L383[12:51:50] <Ashindigo_> theyre randomized capacitors
L384[12:52:03] <Ashindigo_> theres a semi-helpful list around the internet somewhere
L385[12:52:36] <Ashindigo_> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5h34mm/how_to_interpret_enderio_temple_loot_capacitors/
L386[12:54:13] <ghz|afk> ah so Wonder or Impossible are the only ones worth anything for me
L387[12:54:23] <ghz|afk> since every machine already has an octadic
L388[12:56:56] <Shambling> so whats the replacement for tool != null in 1.11.2, tool.getItemDamage() >= tool.getMaxDamage() work alright?
L389[12:57:24] <Shambling> that and !tool.isEmpty()
L390[12:57:37] <ghz|afk> itemstack!=null -> itemstack.getCount > 0
L391[12:57:39] <Shambling> is is isEmpty() never true, because it can be air...
L392[12:57:42] <ghz|afk> yo ucan use !isEmpty
L393[12:57:48] <ghz|afk> but it does some extra computations that are not usually needed
L394[12:57:51] <Shambling> just replace the whole call with !isempty
L395[12:58:01] <Shambling> or itemstack.getcount >0
L396[12:58:05] <Shambling> alright thas simple enough
L397[12:58:12] <ghz|afk> I prefer to use getcount() > 0 myself
L398[12:58:18] <ghz|afk> since all empty stacks have count 0
L399[12:58:35] <ghz|afk> (no matter if you try to set an "AIR" stack of 20, it still returns 0 from getCount)
L400[13:00:11] <Shambling> perfect
L401[13:00:14] <Shambling> thanks ghz
L402[13:00:30] <Shambling> wonder why no one has taken up this mod in a fork and PR'd the 1.11 update
L403[13:00:54] <Shambling> I like it a bit more than having veinminer or ore-excavation, as it only treecapitates, but it does it really nicely
L404[13:01:04] <Shambling> though I suppose the fact it can cut down an entire forest might make me like it more than normal :P
L405[13:01:08] <Shambling> (if the leaves touch) :D
L406[13:02:47] <Shambling> well my brother must be downloading something on steam again, because the internet is REALLY bad :O
L407[13:03:06] <Shambling> I really need to setup the router to cap his internet to max of 2 megabyte download
L408[13:03:21] <Shambling> steam is always like "gimme all the internets"
L409[13:04:07] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L410[13:04:10] <Shambling> hrmmmm my git push origin didn't push my changes to my fork
L411[13:04:10] <Shambling> wtf
L412[13:05:27] <Shambling> does idea not play nicely with git push to origin when you do a git clone --recursive or something?
L413[13:06:11] <Shambling> or is every tutorial on using git push just useless? :|
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L415[13:07:41] <ghz|afk> wat?
L416[13:07:46] <ghz|afk> did you commit first? ;P
L417[13:07:54] <Shambling> they say nothing about commit anywhere
L418[13:07:56] <Shambling> ANYWHERE :O
L419[13:08:41] <ghz|afk> but that's like, beginner's git
L420[13:08:52] <Shambling> I guess thats why google links to nothing that talks about it
L421[13:08:52] <Shambling> lol
L422[13:08:56] <Shambling> ewww vim
L423[13:09:34] <ghz|afk> clone from repository -> checkout the right branch -> work -> commit (to work branch) -> push -> PR
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L428[13:18:38] <shamblinghorde> so, is there a simple down and dirty git commit command that will commit all my changed files at once, with the text "updated to 1.11" I tried looking on google, but my internet is soooo bad right now I literally lost all my changes at my other location
L429[13:19:08] <shamblinghorde> not sure if the wireless is so bad because of the sheer disgusting cold, or whats going on, lol
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L431[13:19:18] <Vigaro> commit -m "updated to 1.11"
L432[13:19:56] <Shambling> I did that... it only updated the .idea folder, and pushed nothing else :(
L433[13:20:36] <Vigaro> you could just use idea's built in git integration
L434[13:20:45] <Vigaro> ctrl K iirc
L435[13:21:22] <Shambling> I'll check that out, gotta walk the dogs and then recode everything I fixed once already
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L438[13:28:08] <Shambling> wow, using git properly is quite possibly the most irritating experience I've ever had
L439[13:28:18] <Shambling> now I'm getting gradle.start is missing :\
L440[13:28:34] <Shambling> when configuring the client and server settings under application
L441[13:29:36] <Shambling> worked before I added root to the idea project. :o
L442[13:31:15] <Shambling> hrmm I forgot to run setupDecompWorkspace, let me do that and try again
L443[13:31:21] <TechnicianLP> why would you ad / to the idea project?
L444[13:31:42] <Shambling> eh?
L445[13:31:42] <ghz|afk> Shambling: that's unrealted to git
L446[13:31:48] <ghz|afk> you are just doing the project setup wrong ;P
L447[13:32:08] <Shambling> yeah this setup has worked many times before, but I think I skipped a step this time in my frustration of losing it while out in my workplace
L448[13:33:30] <Shambling> where the heck is this thing getting the main class being gradleStart anyways
L449[13:33:51] <ghz|afk> that's how it works for forge mods
L450[13:33:52] <Shambling> nope its in my other projects
L451[13:33:57] <Shambling> yeah you're right
L452[13:33:59] <ghz|afk> you have to go to the run configs
L453[13:34:01] <Shambling> but why is it missing now
L454[13:34:04] <ghz|afk> and change the "use classpath of module"
L455[13:34:08] <ghz|afk> to be the blahblah_main one
L456[13:34:10] <Shambling> I did
L457[13:34:17] <Shambling> first line says "gradlestart" in red
L458[13:34:22] <ghz|afk> hmm
L459[13:34:30] <Shambling> but only after I added the project as root
L460[13:34:33] <ghz|afk> did you click the blue refresh icon on the gradle panel, after setup?
L461[13:34:39] <ghz|afk> why did you "add the project as root"?
L462[13:34:55] <Shambling> because idea was winging about having no root :o
L463[13:34:55] <ghz|afk> all you need to do is import the build.gradle file
L464[13:35:07] <Shambling> alright well, let me close idea, delete this folder, and re-clone
L465[13:35:09] <ghz|afk> and use the default import settings
L466[13:35:20] <Shambling> because after idea gets hosed, its hosed for good :P
L467[13:35:31] <ghz|afk> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/#terminal-free-intellij-idea-configuration
L468[13:35:34] <ghz|afk> this is what I do
L469[13:35:36] <ghz|afk> for all projects
L470[13:35:40] <ghz|afk> and it works flawlessly so far ;p
L471[13:36:02] <Shambling> ok this is what I clicked "unregistered VCS root detected"
L472[13:36:05] <Shambling> is that of any importance
L473[13:36:56] <ghz|afk> OH
L474[13:37:04] <ghz|afk> that's just adding the git repository to the project metadata
L475[13:37:08] <ghz|afk> that should not have changed anything
L476[13:37:12] <ghz|afk> it's ok to do that
L477[13:37:18] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L478[13:37:26] <ghz|afk> it allows intellij to detect the files that have got changes and show them in green/blue/red
L479[13:37:28] <Shambling> when I ignore that, I can set the client and server paths without getting a red "missing class" on gradlestart
L480[13:37:36] <Shambling> however, then I can't commit changes
L481[13:37:52] <Shambling> when I configure and add root, it was giving me that missing class crap
L482[13:37:58] <ghz|afk> that should not affect compilation, at all
L483[13:39:15] <Shambling> one moment, redoing
L484[13:39:39] <Shambling> ok I clicked hte buttons in a different order this time and it worked :P
L485[13:39:56] <Shambling> don't just let it add to root on its own I guess, config it manually, too stupid to do it automagically
L486[13:39:57] <Shambling> :P
L487[13:40:12] <Shambling> I'm hungry, bbiab, subway
L488[13:40:20] <ghz|afk> I always click that and it has never done anything wrong for me ;P
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L499[14:01:58] <TechnicianLP> why does mojang hardcode everything? adding a custom elytra is going to be a mess
L500[14:02:32] <Akkarin> Most likely because it is much faster to just toss something in there rather than making it a nice abstraction
L501[14:02:45] <Akkarin> That kind of strategy is not that uncommon
L502[14:06:07] <Shambling> yeah but they also put like a million checks to make sure that it can never happen any other way than their code
L503[14:06:10] <Shambling> i.e. look at mansions :P
L504[14:06:41] <Shambling> technician, just look at the code that enderio uses for their electra version and see how they abstracted it from vanilla
L505[14:06:58] <Shambling> but might I suggest, go the openblocks glider instead, as elytras are obnoxious
L506[14:07:00] <Shambling> =P
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L509[14:10:03] <Shambling> dear god windows 10, stop enabling your shitty game apps
L510[14:10:17] <Shambling> I do not, nor have I ever, wanted the game bar, and have disabled it with every update
L511[14:10:19] <Shambling> get a hint :\
L512[14:10:33] <Shambling> I had to use a group policy to disable Cortana last update ;\
L513[14:10:51] <Akkarin> I sure hope you like their advertisements plattered all over the system because the next update is going to introduce ads for their cloud service
L514[14:11:24] <Shambling> wow... that's trash
L515[14:11:33] <Shambling> "hey, we make billions of dollars daily... here's some ads"
L516[14:11:39] <Shambling> just like when blizzard put ads on their forums.
L517[14:11:41] <Shambling> :|
L518[14:13:40] <Shambling> huh, the game bar is disabled, yet it still manages to crash when closing minecraft dev environment
L519[14:16:44] <Shambling> if(tool.getCount() <= 0) player.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, null); any suggestions as to what to replace null with?
L520[14:16:58] <TechnicianLP> ItemStack.EMPTY
L521[14:17:00] <Akkarin> the new empty stack constant?
L522[14:17:03] <Akkarin> yeah that
L523[14:17:03] <Shambling> thanks
L524[14:20:01] <Shambling> trying to clean this up, looks like this might return a NPE , blockState.getBlock().getRegistryName().getResourceDomain()) any suggestions for something cleaner?
L525[14:20:37] <ghz|afk> that shouldn't NPE
L526[14:20:40] <ghz|afk> unless blockState is null
L527[14:20:45] <Shambling> k, so idea is just confused
L528[14:20:47] <Shambling> good enough
L529[14:21:12] <ghz|afk> it's not about being confused
L530[14:21:14] <Akkarin> Debug mode is your friend ;-)
L531[14:21:24] <ghz|afk> IDEA only knows when @Nullable and @Nonnull are used
L532[14:21:39] <Akkarin> Not only does it know it also injects validation
L533[14:21:48] <ghz|afk> and if a function is "probably nullable", in a place you don't expect it to be
L534[14:21:51] <ghz|afk> it will warn
L535[14:22:18] <Akkarin> It'll even crash at runtime and tell you exactly what wasn't in its expected bounds if it's used consistently
L536[14:22:27] <Akkarin> aka a @Nonnull method returns null -> Exception
L537[14:22:50] <Shambling> if anyone wants, look through https://github.com/kragnoth/OpenHarvest/tree/1.11 and let me know what I need to fix in there
L538[14:23:31] <Shambling> then I'll try to learn how to PR that to the master branch from the original author, if they're still around
L539[14:23:59] <Shambling> in the meantime, I'm throwing the mod into my 1.11.2 mod, and removing oreexcavation, as I only really want to treecapitate...
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L544[14:29:20] <Shambling> well here goes
L545[14:29:28] <Shambling> lets see how badly it crashes when I break a tree with a wooden axe :D
L546[14:33:32] <Shambling> wtf, I can't juice a pineapple
L547[14:33:46] <Shambling> oh, it needs sugar now
L548[14:34:00] <Shambling> and makes a really sad fruit punch
L549[14:34:36] <Shambling> nm, I looked at the base pineapples saturation :P
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L563[15:36:39] <Ashindigo_> !gf field_191552_t
L564[15:40:27] <williewillus> anyone know if there's a single comprehensive guide to decrapyifying/privacy cleansing w10?
L565[15:40:43] <williewillus> or should I just install w7, I'm thinking of building
L566[15:42:33] <Ashindigo_> you could run stage 4 of tron which will take care of the telemetry/spyware crap for you
L567[15:42:40] <fry> wanna try linux? :P
L568[15:42:41] <Ashindigo_> https://github.com/bmrf/tron/blob/master/README.md
L569[15:43:10] <Ashindigo_> ive ran the full file on 2 computers and didnt have any bad results
L570[15:43:29] <williewillus> fry: when linux gets viable for games :P
L571[15:43:30] <Ashindigo_> theres also a subreddit and irc channel on irc.snoonet.org if your interested
L572[15:43:34] <williewillus> I'll keep using it on my laptop
L573[15:43:47] <fry> define "viable" :P
L574[15:43:47] <williewillus> but the desktop gets windows
L575[15:44:25] <williewillus> graphics drivers aren't hell to muck around with + any popular game releases with linux versions
L576[15:44:29] <williewillus> idk maybe I'll try linux out :P
L577[15:45:39] * TechnicianLP uses arch
L578[15:45:54] <williewillus> i do too :P but no idea how it is for games
L579[15:46:06] <williewillus> since it's on a laptop with an igpu
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L581[15:47:00] <Shambling> I have an amd chipset, r9 290, so no idea how good that is on arch or other distros
L582[15:47:08] <Shambling> I have mint installed... because I'm a casual :P
L583[15:47:55] <Shambling> you could always do a port sweep williewillus, and redirect all traffic over those ports to
L584[15:47:56] <Shambling> :D
L585[15:48:15] <Shambling> "oh, you want to go out to the internet do you... well... here's the internet" BRICKWALLED
L586[15:51:44] <Shambling> dear god, 3-10 hours to run tron?
L587[15:51:48] <Shambling> how deep does the rabbit hole go
L588[15:52:28] <Shambling> oh it does goofy things like defrag as well
L589[15:52:45] <williewillus> yeah the actual telemetry part is one stage
L590[15:52:56] <williewillus> tbh just having a "big awesome script" like that seems a bit snake-oil-y
L591[15:54:27] <Ashindigo_> til snake oil is also an expression
L592[15:54:48] <williewillus> i just invented that adverb on the spot :P
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L595[16:04:10] <TechnicianLP> why is there a Material.CORAL ?
L596[16:04:15] <williewillus> what uses it?
L597[16:04:20] <TechnicianLP> ItemSword
L598[16:04:25] <williewillus> wat
L599[16:04:32] <williewillus> isn't Material for blocks
L600[16:04:39] <williewillus> do no blcoks actually use it
L601[16:04:46] <PaleoCrafter> the sword checks it for breaking
L602[16:04:50] <TechnicianLP> the only reference to it is in ItemSword
L603[16:04:53] <PaleoCrafter> no block uses it
L604[16:04:54] <williewillus> lol
L605[16:05:16] <PaleoCrafter> might be an artefact from a planned feature
L606[16:05:27] <williewillus> or just old crap :P
L607[16:05:32] <PaleoCrafter> or that, yeah :D
L608[16:05:40] <TechnicianLP> or something planned
L609[16:06:08] <TechnicianLP> !fh Material.CORAL
L610[16:06:12] <PaleoCrafter> well, it has existed since at least 1.5
L611[16:06:26] <PaleoCrafter> need to search for Material.coral, otherwise it won't find it, apparently
L612[16:07:35] <PaleoCrafter> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mentioned_features#More_specific_features second bullet point
L613[16:07:50] <PaleoCrafter> so it's an artefact from the Notchian days
L614[16:09:47] <williewillus> that's really old
L615[16:11:21] <PaleoCrafter> maybe they left it in with high hopes of eventually implementing corals xD
L616[16:13:02] <ghz|afk> I'd picture corals a bit more like chorus plants, but underwater
L617[16:14:43] <PaleoCrafter> I think ExtraBiomes or BoP used to add coral reefs?
L618[16:14:51] <williewillus> theres a coral mod
L619[16:16:40] <PaleoCrafter> all approaches I've seen so far haven't really looked anything like coral to me, it's always just tall grass underwater, i.e. more like algae
L620[16:17:12] <ghz|afk> or solid blocks
L621[16:17:15] <PaleoCrafter> albeit colourful algae xD
L622[16:17:16] <ghz|afk> which is "eh"
L623[16:18:00] <PaleoCrafter> it'd have to be tiered structures of multiple blocks forming a single coral, imo
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L625[16:19:48] <ghz|afk> thing is, there's MANY kinds of coral
L626[16:20:04] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, of course
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L629[16:21:32] <PaleoCrafter> but these sort of tiers (don't know what type it is) could build the basis with other stuff sprinkled in
L630[16:29:49] <ghz|afk> I wonder, though
L631[16:29:57] <ghz|afk> for such a block that grows underwater
L632[16:30:06] <ghz|afk> would the block's material be water?
L633[16:30:08] <ghz|afk> ;P
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L636[16:35:50] <TechnicianLP> to get the burntime of an item should i call TileEntityFUrnace.getItemBurnTime or GameRegistry.getFuelValue ?
L637[16:36:14] <PaleoCrafter> The former, iirc
L638[16:36:28] <PaleoCrafter> Since it addresses vanilla items
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L647[16:50:14] <Shambling> there any start to finish tutorials for 1.10.2 botania on getting sojourner's sash? I kidn of wand to 'speedrun' the sash, with little to know thought on my part required :P
L648[16:50:29] <Shambling> wow that typing though
L649[16:52:23] <Shambling> oops wrong irc :P
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L651[16:54:18] <williewillus> i mean besides looking at the recipe
L652[16:54:24] <williewillus> and reducing it all into the base ingredients and rushing those
L653[16:54:32] <williewillus> idk what other strategy there si :P
L654[16:55:24] <williewillus> actually besides a diamond or ender pearl for the runic altar + gold for the spreader I don't think you need anything else from underground
L655[16:55:44] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L656[16:56:17] <Shambling> hrmmmm I'll have to make botania bonemeal to get the white petals
L657[16:56:29] <Shambling> unless I can find an ocean biome with a small forest island
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L659[16:56:41] <williewillus> yeah what flowers you get area heavily rng
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L661[16:56:49] <williewillus> so for speed you get the vanila flowers and make the floral fertilizer
L662[16:56:58] <Shambling> well all my biomes are pretty much either desert, or BoP, and I'm not sure botania flowers spawn in BoP biomes
L663[16:57:08] <Shambling> do they spawn by subtype, or static biome id?
L664[16:57:57] <williewillus> it's just random based on what is passed to the decorate event
L665[17:03:58] <Shambling> hrmmm
L666[17:04:35] <Shambling> so if I could feed my biomes decoration types, is there a way to spike biomes with artificial chance at botania flowers?
L667[17:04:57] <williewillus> dont think so
L668[17:05:05] <williewillus> the flower generation is based only the config
L669[17:07:48] <Shambling> I'll look at the source and see what calls are made
L670[17:08:08] <Shambling> I can feed decorate events per biome ID with biome tweaker, so maybe I can do it if I call it correctly
L671[17:08:33] <Shambling> thinking I'll just need to rely on the botanical fertilizer
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L681[18:10:18] <williewillus> how long does curse usually take to do paypal thingies?
L682[18:11:34] <TehNut> Usually the first monday of the month
L683[18:11:44] <TehNut> I already got mine from February
L684[18:12:10] <Shambling> ok so who added stoneToolMaterial to the oredict list
L685[18:12:22] <Shambling> is that vanilla forge, quark, cyclicmagic, satan?
L686[18:13:18] <ghz|afk> not forge.
L687[18:13:24] <ghz|afk> it's not inthe OreDictionary class ;P
L688[18:16:09] <Shambling> wonder who added it... ugh
L689[18:16:17] <Shambling> I mean... it wouldn't be bad, but its overriding my dang hammers
L690[18:16:27] <Shambling> and oredict removal doesn't seem to be working in 1.11.2
L691[18:17:00] <Shambling> val stoneTools = <ore:stoneToolMaterial>; should make it so stoneTools.remove(<minecraft:stone:0>); works
L692[18:17:06] <Shambling> but its NPE'ing me
L693[18:19:18] <Shambling> had to put it in another file
L694[18:19:25] <Shambling> *shrug* whatever, lol
L695[18:19:55] <Shambling> probably a conflict with minetweakerrecipe maker, that is kidn of defunct now that CTGUI 1 was added to minetweaker
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L697[18:26:55] <Shambling> someone put a rick roll in my config folder on 3/2
L698[18:26:55] <Shambling> wtf
L699[18:33:07] <ghz|afk> wat
L700[18:35:30] <williewillus> hm anyone have any lesser known vanilla+ or magicky mods to suggest for 1.11?
L701[18:35:36] <williewillus> i have this so far https://gyazo.com/532248fe898d0297f36a8c96c40f8fbb
L702[18:35:46] <williewillus> / being charset
L703[18:36:23] <williewillus> i would add recurrent complex but it makes worldgen extremely slow
L704[18:36:27] <TehNut> embers?
L705[18:36:32] <Ivorius> pff
L706[18:36:34] <Ivorius> That's not true
L707[18:36:50] <Ivorius> The recent versions don't even have noticeable effect on world gen speed :üp
L708[18:36:52] <Ivorius> * :P
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L710[18:37:15] <williewillus> not sure if you're joking but on my semi toaster it's noticeable (with the mod I get skip ticks warnings any time I move into new terrain, none without it)
L711[18:37:19] <williewillus> maybe I should try again? :P
L712[18:37:46] <ghz|afk> williewillus: I'd suggest survivalist, but I'm still trying to iron out how to make it less annoying past earlygame ;p
L713[18:37:52] <Ivorius> I actually did make huge improvements to performance two versions ago
L714[18:38:05] <Ivorius> Don't know what version you were using
L715[18:38:39] <Shambling> try disabling leaf decay willie, that seems to have fixed mine
L716[18:38:44] <Shambling> its in the recurrent complex configs
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L718[18:39:32] <Ivorius> yah leaves decaying performance is out of my reach
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L721[18:41:40] <Lumien> Out of interest, which Fast Leaf Decay mod are you using?
L722[18:43:12] <Shambling> not sure at the moment, I usually use yours
L723[18:43:35] <Shambling> yup, yours at the moment in 1.11.2
L724[18:44:09] <ghz|afk> cna't make it slightly less fast leaft decay? ;P
L725[18:44:16] <ghz|afk> leaf*
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L727[18:53:27] <williewillus> Shambling: is it the one under globalToggles?
L728[18:53:55] <Shambling> I just looked for decay in recurrent complex config
L729[18:54:03] <Shambling> I think so
L730[18:54:12] <Ivorius> Yes it's a global toggle
L731[18:56:33] <ghz|afk> williewillus: I just looked at the "last updated" list on curseforge out of curiosity
L732[18:56:38] <ghz|afk> and there'shttps://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/waystones
L733[18:56:43] <ghz|afk> and there's https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/waystones
L734[18:56:45] <ghz|afk> seems interesting ;P
L735[18:59:26] <williewillus> seems interesting yeah
L736[18:59:33] <williewillus> for worldgen + disabled crafting
L737[18:59:38] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/villager-trade-tables
L738[18:59:40] <ghz|afk> interesting concept
L739[19:01:39] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/signpost
L740[19:01:52] <ghz|afk> ah this would be nice for servers and adventure maps
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L742[19:04:29] <ghz|afk> williewillus: does Enderthing (color-coded ender chests and ender backpacks) count as vanilla+/magicky? ;P
L743[19:04:41] <williewillus> sure :P
L744[19:06:05] <williewillus> I'm looking at the mods sorted by popularity and starting the end and i found this
L745[19:06:05] <williewillus> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/pycraft-python
L746[19:06:12] <williewillus> i *hope* that is ops only :P
L747[19:06:53] <ghz|afk> lol
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L750[19:08:31] <ghz|afk> lol https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/treestumps
L751[19:09:07] <williewillus> wat
L752[19:09:11] <williewillus> but whats the point
L753[19:09:43] <williewillus> i get sad when I see mods that do things vanilla already does
L754[19:10:05] <williewillus> like mods that readd chunk borders when mojang's is probably better than all of them
L755[19:10:08] <williewillus> or something like https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/playtime-logger
L756[19:10:12] <williewillus> which a stat already exists to track
L757[19:10:40] <ghz|afk> we were talking about coral earlier... https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/coralreef
L758[19:10:40] <ghz|afk> ;p
L759[19:12:14] <williewillus> lol https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/too-many-chickens-mod
L760[19:12:37] <ghz|afk> yep
L761[19:12:49] <ghz|afk> it's like magical crops
L762[19:12:51] <ghz|afk> but with chicken
L763[19:12:55] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/woot
L764[19:12:58] <ghz|afk> I wanna try this one
L765[19:13:02] <ghz|afk> lag-free mob farms
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L767[19:13:36] <williewillus> well then it's technically just a powered loot table roller :P
L768[19:13:50] <ghz|afk> yup
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L770[19:16:58] <ghz|afk> oh and
L771[19:16:59] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tool-belt
L772[19:17:00] <ghz|afk> ;P
L773[19:17:07] <ghz|afk> my newest mod ;P
L774[19:18:32] <williewillus> i should go through and see how many completely useless lib mods there are
L775[19:18:41] <williewillus> where completely useless = 0-1 deps
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L779[19:25:12] <mrkirby153> How do I get hoppers and Item Conduits and other item transport systems to insert/extract items from my machine?
L780[19:25:49] <ghz|afk> exposing the IItemHandler capability
L781[19:26:33] <mrkirby153> Is there an example I can look at?
L782[19:27:22] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/survivalist/rack/TileRack.java
L783[19:27:41] <ghz|afk> the field at line 23, is the holder of the items
L784[19:27:58] <ghz|afk> at lines 100 and 109, are the methods that expose the IItemHandler capability
L785[19:28:13] <ghz|afk> 126 and 134 are the save/load
L786[19:28:45] <ghz|afk> if you want more complex interations, such as exposing different slots per side
L787[19:28:49] <mrkirby153> Thanks
L788[19:29:07] <ghz|afk> you can use RangedWrappers to have sub-inventories
L789[19:29:16] <ghz|afk> and then return the right RangedWrapper basedon the face parameter
L790[19:30:36] <mrkirby153> Also, if I'm using the item handling capability, how would an output slot (in the gui) be coded? Right now it needs an IInventory, and I'm not sure how to get that to work correctly
L791[19:30:45] <mrkirby153> I basically want a slot you can only take items from
L792[19:31:05] <ghz|afk> you use SlotItemHandler
L793[19:31:08] <ghz|afk> as a base for your slot
L794[19:31:12] <ghz|afk> instead of the plain Slot
L795[19:31:19] <mrkirby153> Okay
L796[19:32:33] <ghz|afk> ugh, 1:30(am) already
L797[19:32:39] <ghz|afk> gotta be in bed
L798[19:32:42] <ghz|afk> night ppl
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L801[19:53:08] <Shambling> redstone doesn't normally mine really slowly with a diamond pick does it?
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L804[20:04:35] <williewillus> bleh
L805[20:04:59] * williewillus does not understand the obsession with lib mods when only one other mod is using it
L806[20:05:00] <mrkirby153> How do I keep hoppers from removing items out of my input slot?
L807[20:05:31] <williewillus> in the insert/extract methods of your inventory have checks for specific slots
L808[20:06:10] <mrkirby153> Using an ItemStackHandler?
L809[20:07:38] <williewillus> yeah, or whatever IItemHandler impl you're using. like extract(slot) { if (slot == inputSlotNumber) return ItemSTack.EMPTY else return super.extract(...) }
L810[20:08:29] <mrkirby153> Is ItemStack.EMPTY a constant? because I don't have it in my version of forge
L811[20:09:56] <williewillus> oh if you're on 1.10 use null
L812[20:13:39] <mrkirby153> Thanks
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L814[20:17:50] <mrkirby153> Okay, this is odd. Now the block is just eating the item if the input slot is full Why?
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L816[20:21:16] <mrkirby153> Also, williewillus It's not letting me take my item out of the gui
L817[20:21:29] <mrkirby153> https://paste.mrkirby153.tk/ujositayup.java my item handling code
L818[20:21:41] <williewillus> guis use extract and insert
L819[20:21:56] <mrkirby153> What does automation use?
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L821[20:22:40] <williewillus> the same :P what I do is I pass around an IItemHandler internally that is unrestricted, but I have wrapped instances exposed to automation that prevent any interactions i don't want to be automatable
L822[20:23:05] <mrkirby153> Do you have an example I can look at?
L823[20:25:00] <williewillus> https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/blob/master/src/main/java/moze_intel/projecte/gameObjs/tiles/RelayMK1Tile.java#L22-L53
L824[20:25:05] <williewillus> it might not be the best way but it works
L825[20:25:54] <mrkirby153> The real question is why GUI's and automation use the same methods
L826[20:26:08] <williewillus> that's actually a good thing in my book
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L835[21:29:00] <VikeStep> hello, long time no speak. got a quick question about the internals of forge. I haven't modded in a while, but from memory, minecraftforge injects itself by applying source code patches. Does that mean that when users install forge they are decompiling the game, applying the patches and then recompiling? or are the source code patches compiled somehow in a way that it modifies the .class files directly?
L836[21:29:15] <williewillus> no, it's patched in binary form
L837[21:29:32] <williewillus> the patches are developed in source using mcp but the actual players are binary patchwed
L838[21:29:40] <VikeStep> I'm asking since I'm working on a modding framework for a C# game (stardew valley) and was thinking of doing something similar
L839[21:31:06] <VikeStep> also, is there anything anywhere that says how legal it is to have .patch files? since they show parts of the game's source code but not the entirety of it obviously
L840[21:31:13] <TehNut> Ohhh more SV modding work yay
L841[21:31:21] <Lymia> It should be theoretically very similar in C#
L842[21:31:24] <TehNut> Is it for SMAPI or something else?
L843[21:31:28] <VikeStep> since due to C# decompiler limitations, I'd need to make massive source code patches to fix the stuff
L844[21:31:35] <Lymia> I don't know how to do runtime class generation in C# though
L845[21:31:44] <Lymia> You can probably do CLI level patches instead
L846[21:31:49] <williewillus> is there something like ASM for .net?
L847[21:32:07] <VikeStep> no williewillus, because there is no classload stage like Java has. its all tucked away from you
L848[21:32:14] <williewillus> oh :P
L849[21:32:18] <williewillus> interesting
L850[21:32:21] <VikeStep> the best you can do is modify the exe/dll in memory and then load it
L851[21:32:26] <VikeStep> which is possible using Mono.Cecil
L852[21:34:20] <VikeStep> but yeah, the C# compiler does so many more optimisations than javac does so it's impossible to decompile it completely without using a decompiler that does 90% of the work and source code patch the remaining 10%
L853[21:34:46] <williewillus> are there no official plans for an api? :P
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L855[21:34:59] <mezz> VikeStep, I'm pretty sure KingLemming already worked on a modding framework for stardew valley
L856[21:35:29] <VikeStep> modding api's already exist, one modifies the .exe, the other extends the main class and overrides everything
L857[21:35:42] <VikeStep> but none exist which do it the way I think it should be done
L858[21:35:59] <williewillus> how friendly is the game?
L859[21:36:09] <williewillus> i.e. how much is data driven, are there official plans, etc.
L860[21:36:29] <VikeStep> so much is hardcoded
L861[21:36:35] <williewillus> lol
L862[21:36:44] <VikeStep> there is a class named Object
L863[21:36:53] <williewillus> no obfuscation?
L864[21:37:01] <VikeStep> yeah, no obfuscation at least
L865[21:37:44] <VikeStep> mezz, was it by chance called Storm?
L866[21:37:59] <VikeStep> since that project did what I want to do, but it's been dead for over 6 months
L867[21:38:14] <TehNut> Why not fork it
L868[21:38:22] <VikeStep> and I personally wasn't a fan of how it was coded, was very corporate-y
L869[21:38:30] <TehNut> Ah
L870[21:38:31] <mezz> I don't know the specifics, he mentioned working on stardew valley modding and that he was working on a forge-like modding framework though
L871[21:38:34] <TehNut> Did you see Farmhand?
L872[21:38:46] <VikeStep> yeah, that's the one that modifies the .exe
L873[21:39:29] <VikeStep> does anyone have a link to the code where forge turns the .patch files into a binary patch?
L874[21:39:51] <VikeStep> I'm curious to see how it works
L875[21:41:53] <VikeStep> oh yeah, another thing is that there is a 2500 line string switch statement with more than 100 cases in the game and the decompiler just dies trying to decompile it because C# compiler optimises it to a hash based lookup :(
L876[21:42:02] <VikeStep> so a .patch file would have to patch 2500 lines of code
L877[21:42:20] <VikeStep> for just the one switch
L878[21:42:48] <williewillus> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/FG_2.2/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/patcher/TaskGenBinPatches.java
L879[21:42:56] <williewillus> and probably associated stuff in the folder
L880[21:43:12] <Lymia> <VikeStep> but yeah, the C# compiler does so many more optimisations than javac does so it's impossible to decompile it completely without using a decompiler that does 90% of the work and source code patch the remaining 10%
L881[21:43:18] <Lymia> Are you sure this isn't just C# decompilers being crap
L882[21:43:45] <williewillus> i mean to be fair the java ones have less work to do since javac does no optimization
L883[21:43:47] <Lymia> Decompilation is hard in general, you actually need to dig into black magic like graph and type theory to do it right.
L884[21:43:49] <williewillus> beyond private static final inlining
L885[21:44:13] <williewillus> and string concat
L886[21:44:57] <Lymia> TBH, I feel like Fernflower, Cecil, and pretty much all existing decompilers take the wrong approach.
L887[21:45:01] <VikeStep> the compiler optimisations made change the flow of control
L888[21:45:07] <Lymia> Make a superset of Java or C# designed specially as a decompiler target.
L889[21:45:30] <VikeStep> cecil is not a decompiler however
L890[21:47:20] <williewillus> anyways, that gradle task i linked, it takes the compiled class from vanilla jar, the mcp+source patched class compiled earlier by gradle
L891[21:47:25] <williewillus> generates a binary diff and stores it
L892[21:47:32] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L893[21:47:41] <VikeStep> thanks :)
L894[21:49:34] <VikeStep> Lymia, here is an example of how C# compiler will change the actual program logic to implement a bit of code https://gist.github.com/rednaxelafx/3679356
L895[21:50:01] <VikeStep> so it's functionally the same, but the implementation changes so much, that it's almost impossible to reverse programatically
L896[21:50:49] <Lymia> ... well, yeah, yield obviously requires code rewriting
L897[21:51:19] <Lymia> As I said, graph theory and computer science to actually do the job.
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