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L19[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170227 mappings to Forge Maven.
L20[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170227-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170227" in build.gradle).
L21[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L23[02:01:22] *** Denyol[Away] is now known as Denyol
L24[02:06:34] <Denyol> My game now keeps crashing, Cannot set property PropertyEnum{name=type, clazz=class net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks$EnumType, values=[oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak]} as it does not exist in BlockStateContainer
L25[02:08:32] <Denyol> https://hastebin.com/ohegowojaj.java
L26[02:09:40] <Ordinastie> BlockStateContainer{block=null, properties=[stage, variant]}
L27[02:10:04] <Denyol> https://hastebin.com/gobafuqoxo.java my createBlockState
L28[02:11:00] <Ordinastie> and what is you don't understand, it's explicit
L29[02:11:10] <Ordinastie> and tells you exactly what and why
L30[02:11:34] <Denyol> wot?
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L32[02:13:03] <Denyol> I don't understand
L33[02:13:45] <Denyol> Why is my block null?
L34[02:15:09] <Ordinastie> what don't you understand ? you're setting the TYPE property for your block, when you don't have that type in the BlockState
L35[02:15:27] <Ordinastie> it literally says it in the error
L36[02:15:41] <Ordinastie> you can't set a property that doesn't exist in the blockState
L37[02:16:20] <Denyol> I do not understand, because it does exist its getting added? I do not understand what "and what is you don't understand, it's explicit" means and I dont understand what "you're setting the TYPE property for your block, when you don't have that type in the BlockState: means
L38[02:16:25] <Denyol> I do not understand, because it does exist its getting added? I do not understand what "and what is you don't understand, it's explicit" means and I dont understand what "you're setting the TYPE property for your block, when you don't have that type in the BlockState" means
L39[02:16:32] <Denyol> oops sent twice
L40[02:17:05] <kashike> <Denyol> https://hastebin.com/gobafuqoxo.java my createBlockState
L41[02:17:07] <kashike> <Denyol> My game now keeps crashing, Cannot set property PropertyEnum{name=type, clazz=class net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks$EnumType, values=[oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak]} as it does not exist in BlockStateContainer
L42[02:17:12] <kashike> TYPE is not in your container
L43[02:17:21] <Ordinastie> "because it does exist its getting added" it doesn't : BlockStateContainer{block=null, properties=[stage, variant]}
L44[02:17:35] <Denyol> TYPE being what?
L45[02:17:55] <Ordinastie> the property being set
L46[02:18:02] <Denyol> but it does
L47[02:18:07] <Ordinastie> no it doesn't
L48[02:18:10] <Denyol> "return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT, STAGE});"
L49[02:18:17] <Denyol> VARIANT is right there
L50[02:18:27] <kashike> VARIANT != TYPE
L51[02:18:28] <fry> show the actual crashing code
L52[02:18:37] <fry> me.denyol.spliced.block.BlockGreatSapling.<init>(BlockGreatSapling.java:56)
L53[02:18:49] <Denyol> line 56 is a bracket
L54[02:18:50] ⇦ Quits: codahq (~codahq@c-73-65-219-228.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L55[02:19:03] <Denyol> https://hastebin.com/itasovarok.cpp
L56[02:19:20] <kashike> BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK
L57[02:20:04] <Denyol> well what is TYPE
L58[02:20:05] <Ordinastie> and that's why you need to know programming before modding
L59[02:20:26] <Denyol> I do know programming, I don't understand the forge api completely
L60[02:20:35] <Denyol> Its not obvious to me because I'm less experienced
L61[02:20:39] <Ordinastie> that's not about forge, it's about basic java
L62[02:20:45] <Ordinastie> you know that the parent constructor is called, right?
L63[02:20:57] <Denyol> no, it shouldnt be
L64[02:21:11] <Ordinastie> and we go back to : "<Ordinastie> and that's why you need to know programming before modding"
L65[02:21:26] <Ordinastie> yes it is always called
L66[02:21:33] <Denyol> :/
L67[02:21:40] <Ordinastie> no arg constructors are implicitly called
L68[02:21:44] <Denyol> You could have said that in the begining
L69[02:22:15] <kashike> it's common sense
L70[02:22:21] <Ordinastie> I wouldn't, because I assume you knew basic java, because you should
L71[02:22:38] <Denyol> I do know, but ive never experienced a class calling its super constructor
L72[02:22:46] * kashike blinks
L73[02:25:00] <Denyol> Well I have no Idea to do now, I don't want the super constructor called
L74[02:25:49] <fry> don't extend BlockSapling then :P
L75[02:26:22] <Denyol> I guess I could just add TYPE to my container
L76[02:28:09] <Denyol> I had never known that java always uses a base class's constructor because I'd never read it and Java isnt my main language, so please don't kill me
L77[02:28:24] <kashike> we've already murdered you
L78[02:28:30] <Denyol> Im well aware
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L85[03:23:48] <TechnicianLP> how do i set the logging level of my logger to debug? google isnt very helpfull ...
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L89[03:43:04] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L90[03:43:31] <diesieben07> TechnicianLP, you need a log4j2.xml
L91[03:44:07] <TechnicianLP> yeah trying to configure 2.x with a 1.x config wont work ...
L92[03:44:19] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP2_ (~AndChat59@p4FE57032.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Bye)
L93[03:44:21] <diesieben07> yeah i ran into that before.
L94[03:45:00] <TechnicianLP> what is the appender created by forge caled?
L95[03:45:42] <diesieben07> good question. check out FML's log4j
L96[03:45:49] <diesieben07> the XML that is
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L98[03:49:15] <TechnicianLP> it seems fmls no longer gets loaded now ...
L99[03:49:28] <diesieben07> yeah there is only one log4j config
L100[03:49:33] <diesieben07> i am not sure if chaining them is supported
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L109[06:00:16] ⇨ Joins: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@
L110[06:00:19] <ScottehBoeh> Morning everyone :)
L111[06:00:31] <ScottehBoeh> I asked this question yesterday but my internet decided to crash halfway through reading answers.
L112[06:00:45] <ScottehBoeh> My question was, is there a rendering event I can access to change the scale of any armor on the player?
L113[06:01:03] <ScottehBoeh> I want to change the way in which vanilla (or any) armor is displayed on the character
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L118[06:38:34] <gigaherz|work> ScottehBoeh: i'm not aware of any
L119[06:38:48] <gigaherz|work> (but that just means i'm not aware of any -- not that nothing exists)
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L139[08:26:37] <DrPiggy> Hey!
L140[08:26:47] <DrPiggy> anyone here can help me with commands? :P
L141[08:28:39] <DrPiggy> I made a command, and in the canCommandSenderUseCommand i just did return true; and in vanilla it works just fine, but when i put it on a bukkit forge server (KCauldron), it says no permissions :/
L142[08:31:58] <gigaherz|work> you may need to allow it in the permissions system
L143[08:32:05] <gigaherz|work> that's not really related to forge
L144[08:32:11] <DrPiggy> but i was sure forge doesnt have permissions?
L145[08:32:12] <gigaherz|work> you should ask the kcauldron people
L146[08:32:18] <gigaherz|work> forge does not
L147[08:32:21] <gigaherz|work> but kcauldron may
L148[08:32:22] <DrPiggy> kcauldron doesnt have any sort of communication ;-;
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L152[08:50:26] <TechnicianLP> did the permission system not get merged?
L153[08:50:31] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L154[08:50:46] <gigaherz|work> TechnicianLP: now that you mention it, yes
L155[08:51:02] <DrPiggy> what do you mean?
L156[08:51:08] <gigaherz|work> wether or not anyone uses it, that's a whole other matter
L157[08:51:12] <gigaherz|work> but regardless
L158[08:51:17] <gigaherz|work> DrPiggy: you said it works with just forge, right?
L159[08:51:22] <DrPiggy> yea
L160[08:52:48] <DrPiggy> i tried importing the kcauldron jar to my eclipse project build path, and i now have access to the bukkit permission manager, but i have no idea how to use it
L161[08:53:57] <TechnicianLP> basically you get the Bukkit-Player and call .hasPermissions(String perm)
L162[08:54:29] <DrPiggy> well, yea, i know how to check if a player has permissions, but i already set can player use command as return true so it wont help me
L163[08:54:58] <gigaherz|work> that's not the same
L164[08:55:32] <TechnicianLP> iirc cauldron uses some weird permission for modded commands
L165[08:56:48] * Ashindigo_ facepalms at casing issues
L166[08:58:00] *** Tazz is now known as Tazz|Work
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L305[13:38:42] <killjoy> The only way to watch dw20/pahimar videos: http://imgur.com/a/YoJWg
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L307[13:39:32] <osum4est> just dont forget to mute one ;P
L308[13:39:42] <killjoy> Not until I sync up the video
L309[13:40:26] <osum4est> someone should write a program that auto syncs videos haha
L310[13:41:01] <killjoy> It's kind of weird to watch someone breaking blocks, but not hear it
L311[13:41:51] <killjoy> also, dw20 doesn't always use his p2t
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L314[13:46:19] <killjoy> Someone outta make a video of dw and pah with the highlights
L315[13:46:38] <osum4est> ooooh yeah thatd be cool
L316[13:46:47] <killjoy> like with the yogscast guys
L317[13:47:07] <gigaherz> they have editors xD
L318[13:47:11] <killjoy> you've seen their red matter bomb video?
L319[13:47:12] <gigaherz> as in, paid
L320[13:47:23] <gigaherz> yes I watched that series when it came out ;P
L321[13:47:26] <killjoy> Someone even animated it
L322[13:47:28] <gigaherz> yup
L323[13:47:45] <gigaherz> it was using the voltz modpack, on like, 1.4.7 or 1.5.x
L324[13:47:46] <osum4est> any one use megasync?
L325[13:53:30] <killjoy> Just discovered this. http://i.imgur.com/eJmXsDj.png
L326[13:53:48] <killjoy> $ aptitude why nano
L327[13:53:55] <killjoy> i ubuntu-standard Recommends nano
L328[13:54:22] <osum4est> ew nano, its all about vim
L329[13:54:51] <killjoy> vim-runtime Recommends vim | vim-gnome | vim-gtk | vim-athena | vim-nox | vim-tiny
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L331[13:59:20] <killjoy> http://i.imgur.com/0vTZaSo.png
L332[13:59:37] <osum4est> lol
L333[13:59:51] <killjoy> wait, I misspelled that
L334[14:01:16] <killjoy> http://imgur.com/Y7vdpLp
L335[14:01:27] <killjoy> It's just a circular
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L337[14:03:22] <osum4est> gigaherz, it's getting there! https://gyazo.com/2be99fb3b0c3b1bd0b189c36e503b7a8
L338[14:03:58] <killjoy> Will it continue forever?
L339[14:04:08] <osum4est> the gif? yeah haha
L340[14:05:32] <killjoy> no, the auto-craft
L341[14:06:04] <osum4est> sorry, what do you mean? craft forever? no, it only crafts when i right click (will probably be changed later)
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L343[14:09:41] <osum4est> still haven't figured out how to get items to have the right transform yet though
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L347[14:20:42] <diesieben07> osum4est, what is "the right transform"?
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L349[14:21:18] <osum4est> here's an example: http://imgur.com/a/SICUQ
L350[14:21:52] <diesieben07> wait... that's not just the normal stick? ok...
L351[14:22:02] <diesieben07> well, how are you generating the model for the item?
L352[14:22:31] <osum4est> i've created a custom ibakedmodel that just returns the items quads, cameratransforms, etc
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L354[14:23:00] <osum4est> i don't just use the item's model because i plan on adding my own quads to list soon
L355[14:24:04] <diesieben07> can you show that model?
L356[14:24:04] <osum4est> my custom ibakedmodel class: https://hastebin.com/ocafeneyux.java
L357[14:24:28] <osum4est> if i use the items model directly, then it is in the correct position
L358[14:24:58] <osum4est> yes, my custom model is shown in the second picture
L359[14:25:15] <diesieben07> You need to implement IPerspectiveAwareModel and check if the wrapped model implements that too
L360[14:25:21] <diesieben07> and then delegate the IPAM methods
L361[14:25:49] <osum4est> aaahhh, awesome let me try that
L362[14:26:47] <osum4est> and if the wrapped model doesnt implement IPAM, can i just return null?
L363[14:27:17] <diesieben07> no, you return yourself.
L364[14:29:01] <osum4est> so return Pair.of(this, new Matrix4f()) ?
L365[14:29:25] <killjoy> Pair is the closes we can get to a tuple
L366[14:29:48] <fry> read the javadoc for handlePerspective
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L368[14:30:40] <diesieben07> "javadoc"
L369[14:30:43] <diesieben07> it's not javadoc :P
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L371[14:31:01] <fry> whatever :P
L372[14:31:12] <fry> close enough
L373[14:31:16] <killjoy> Hey modders, want to increase the number of lines in your code? Just use this one simple trick.
L374[14:31:20] <diesieben07> well... it kinda matters
L375[14:31:26] <killjoy> javadocs
L376[14:31:34] <osum4est> ok, so i can just pass in null for the matrix
L377[14:32:24] <gigaherz> killjoy: that won't fool many line-counters
L378[14:32:26] <gigaherz> they skip comments
L379[14:32:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L380[14:32:48] <killjoy> you can also put braces on next line
L381[14:33:00] <killjoy> or do they just count statements?
L382[14:33:31] <osum4est> thanks diesieben07, it worked :D
L383[14:33:55] <gigaherz> wow
L384[14:33:56] <gigaherz> http://www.pcgamer.com/ark-survival-evolved-developer-will-pay-modders-4000-per-month-to-complete-their-mods/
L385[14:34:21] <gigaherz> the devs of mojang will select 15 modders, and pay them $4000 to work for a month on their mods
L386[14:34:34] <gigaherz> and if they like what they are doing, they will continue paying them $4000 another month
L387[14:34:47] <gigaherz> and the ones they feel disappointed about, will be replaced
L388[14:35:00] <gigaherz> and if there's too many good ones, they may increase the number
L389[14:35:01] <gigaherz> O_O
L390[14:35:10] <osum4est> dang
L391[14:35:19] <gigaherz> eh not mojang
L392[14:35:20] <gigaherz> ARK
L393[14:35:24] <gigaherz> I was going to say
L394[14:35:32] <gigaherz> "I wish mojang did that with mc modders instead of ignoring us"
L395[14:35:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L396[14:35:55] <gigaherz> (okay it's unfair to say they ignore us
L397[14:35:59] <fry> )
L398[14:36:09] <gigaherz> it's more like, they sortof help on the side, and pretend it's not happening)
L399[14:36:11] <osum4est> well it'd be interesting to what would happen to this community if that did happen
L400[14:36:15] <fry> (
L401[14:36:17] <fry> :P
L402[14:36:19] <gigaherz> XD
L403[14:36:53] <killjoy> They sure have the money for it
L404[14:37:18] <killjoy> Of course, then they would have to actually support the mods.
L405[14:37:29] <Lord_Ralex> and the mc community....
L406[14:37:31] <Lord_Ralex> that'd end well
L407[14:37:35] <gigaherz> I remember at some point
L408[14:37:47] <gigaherz> mojang was considering the modding api
L409[14:37:47] <killjoy> We'll pay these modders, but they have to provide their own support
L410[14:37:52] <killjoy> pfft
L411[14:37:56] <gigaherz> and even making the sources available to select devs
L412[14:37:56] <killjoy> good joke
L413[14:38:07] <killjoy> that slaps me on the knee
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L420[14:52:03] <TechnicianLP> osum4est: delayed crafting? what are you doing?
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L422[14:53:50] <osum4est> its an item you hold that auto crafts items. you can set it to any recipe. for example, take it down in a cave set to torches, and instead of crafting 5 stacks and taking them with you, you can quickly auto craft them as you need them. i may also add the ability for it to always keep a certain number in
L423[14:53:51] <osum4est> your inventory
L424[14:54:31] <osum4est> the delay is something i quickly added to see if it worked, not sure if ill keep it, or just make it faster, or change depending on the complexity of the recipe
L425[14:54:54] <TechnicianLP> oh awesome ... you could also make it keep the items inside itself (similiar to how /dev/nulls worked)
L426[14:55:07] <osum4est> yep! thats what im going to do
L427[14:55:27] <osum4est> may also add a higher tier one that also accesses your ME system like the wireless terminals
L428[14:56:16] <TechnicianLP> sounds interesting
L429[14:58:07] <osum4est> i've been thinking about his and haven't decided what would be best: should the item keep the item you are crafting inside of itself (and add the ability to pull them out somehow), or just craft into your inventory, and when right clicking it will use one from your inventory?
L430[14:58:15] <osum4est> hopefully that makes sense haha
L431[14:58:58] <TechnicianLP> you could add a button to toggle that into your gui
L432[14:59:23] <TechnicianLP> and a slot for kept items
L433[15:00:04] <osum4est> perfect, best of both worlds!
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L435[15:07:21] <gigaherz> osum4est: that alongside of my mod https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tool-belt
L436[15:07:29] <gigaherz> sounds like it would make exploration awesome
L437[15:07:30] <gigaherz> XD
L438[15:08:13] <osum4est> that'd be sweet!
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L443[15:44:06] <TechnicianLP> are there any restrictions on mod-ids? (except lowercasing)
L444[15:49:37] <LexManos> length 64 IIRC
L445[15:51:26] <TechnicianLP> special characters?
L446[15:52:12] <TechnicianLP> (mathematical operators to be exact)
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L448[15:54:54] <diesieben07> why would you put those in a mod id....
L449[15:55:57] <TechnicianLP> not me wanting to do it - but me having to parse ResourceLocations from a config
L450[15:56:23] <TechnicianLP> and im debating if "+<modid>:<resource>" can be used for syntax in that config entry
L451[15:56:41] <diesieben07> [^\:]+.+
L452[15:57:00] <diesieben07> you can always allow enclosing the modID in quotes
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L454[15:57:43] <TechnicianLP> or just substring at 1
L455[16:01:51] <shabble> when looking at profiles in visualvm etc, do the methodname de-obfuscation mappings apply to non-'net.minecraft.*' references as well?
L456[16:02:20] <shabble> so somemod.foo.bar.func_180535_a is always going to be renderTileEntityAt(), or just coincidence?
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L458[16:03:36] <TechnicianLP2> unless they just randomly called their method that ... its going to be renderTE()
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L460[16:05:37] <osum4est> is there a way to get an ibakedmodel/list of quads from a resource location, without having to make a new item?
L461[16:07:37] <shabble> TechnicianLP2: ok, thanks.
L462[16:07:43] <diesieben07> i don't think so osum4est, why?
L463[16:08:37] <osum4est> need to load the quads to add to the other item i'm rendering
L464[16:08:49] <diesieben07> but the quads are from a loaded model, right?
L465[16:09:47] <osum4est> the ones for the item, yes. but i also have an image i want to render on top of the item
L466[16:09:57] <diesieben07> ahh right
L467[16:10:18] <osum4est> can i make a new item then with that texture and just not register it?
L468[16:10:39] <diesieben07> you can either load that model by doing ModelBakery.registerItemVariants or just generate the quads using code
L469[16:10:56] <diesieben07> that method will ensure that the passed in models are loaded
L470[16:11:01] <diesieben07> the item you pass in doesn't matter one bit.
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L473[16:11:35] <diesieben07> but it has to be registered.
L474[16:11:43] <diesieben07> so just use one of yours
L475[16:12:35] <osum4est> oh, so just add my texture as a varient to the existing item?
L476[16:13:15] <diesieben07> wait
L477[16:13:21] <diesieben07> do you need a texture or an actual model?
L478[16:13:38] <osum4est> just a texture, assumed i'd need to go through a model
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L481[16:14:07] <diesieben07> no you can just request a texture to be loaded and stitched using TextureStitchEvent.Pre
L482[16:14:27] <diesieben07> and then get it from the texture map later
L483[16:17:08] <osum4est> ok, then how do i draw that over the item? do i not add it to the list given in getQuads()?
L484[16:18:27] <diesieben07> You need to create BakedQuads using the UV coordinates you get from the TextureAtlasSprite
L485[16:19:01] <osum4est> got it
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L494[16:43:19] <gigaherz> hmf
L495[16:43:40] <gigaherz> is there a way around
L496[16:43:52] <gigaherz> [22:39:05] [Server thread/WARN]: XXXX moved too quickly! 0.0,0.0,-10.424360170521595
L497[16:43:52] <gigaherz> [22:39:37] [Server thread/WARN]: XXXX moved too quickly! 0.4300056379445891,-10.80652611000901,1.3270940021075148
L498[16:43:53] <gigaherz> [22:39:40] [Server thread/WARN]: XXXX moved wrongly!
L499[16:43:53] <gigaherz> [22:50:53] [Server thread/WARN]: XXXX moved wrongly!
L500[16:44:03] <gigaherz> (no their username isn't XXXX)
L501[16:44:28] <gigaherz> I'm hosting this 1.10.2 server and we keep getting rubber-banded when using the flight rings
L502[16:50:54] <Shambling> you have allow flight enabled right?
L503[16:51:13] <gigaherz> yup
L504[16:51:18] <gigaherz> it's not a problem of flight
L505[16:51:24] <Shambling> maybe pre-gen part of the world with one of those pre-gen mods so they aren't suffering from worldgen
L506[16:51:31] <Shambling> also if you have evilcraft, disable vengeful ghosts
L507[16:51:35] <Shambling> they lag the game like heck
L508[16:51:43] <gigaherz> I don't think so
L509[16:51:57] <gigaherz> I have noticed "hermitquest" does cause some cpu spikes on the server
L510[16:52:04] <gigaherz> when generating stuff
L511[16:52:17] <gigaherz> I think I'll move the server to an SSD
L512[16:54:09] <gigaherz> hmm /gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck true
L513[16:54:13] <gigaherz> saw that in a reddit post
L514[16:56:04] <diesieben07> what is this... people being reasonable when you tell them 1.7.10 is no longer supported? I must be dreaming.
L515[16:56:34] <Shambling> minecraft forum?
L516[16:56:42] <diesieben07> yah
L517[16:56:52] <diesieben07> well, no, forge forums
L518[16:58:35] <gigaherz> I don't want to be giving anyone ideas, but I'm kindof surprised there hasn't been a "forge legacy" fork happening given all the change-haters around
L519[16:59:12] <diesieben07> the reason is that haters are not very smart.
L520[16:59:42] <gigaherz> I guess a fork would be a "change they hate" too ;P
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L522[17:04:54] <diesieben07> we got ourselves a genius, guys! http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/50927-change-action-bar-text-serverside/#comment-253232
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L525[17:10:38] <osum4est> i'm stuggling to figure out what vertexData is when making a new BakedQuad, as there are no places in minecraft where the make a new bakedquad...
L526[17:12:13] <diesieben07> Use UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder
L527[17:13:21] <diesieben07> or just make the model in json format
L528[17:13:23] <diesieben07> and load it
L529[17:17:05] <osum4est> load the json via minecraft.getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().getModelManager().getModel ?
L530[17:17:47] <diesieben07> yup
L531[17:18:00] <diesieben07> you just have to ensure it's loaded using ModelBakery.registerItemVariants
L532[17:18:49] <diesieben07> in preInit i think
L533[17:18:51] <gigaherz> or since you have a custom model
L534[17:18:55] <gigaherz> put it in your getDependencies
L535[17:19:02] <diesieben07> ohhh right
L536[17:19:08] <diesieben07> yes, do that!
L537[17:19:10] <diesieben07> in IModel
L538[17:20:00] <gigaherz> also you may need to use ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel
L539[17:20:02] <gigaherz> for loading it
L540[17:20:07] <osum4est> ahh ok, cool
L541[17:20:09] <gigaherz> although that gives you an IModel you have to bake yourself
L542[17:20:18] <gigaherz> (which is a good thing)
L543[17:20:44] <gigaherz> (lets you bake it in the vertex format you need for your own model, as given in the bake method of your IModel)
L544[17:22:30] <osum4est> ok, so just call .bake with the parameters given in my IModels bake method?
L545[17:23:14] <gigaherz> not quite
L546[17:23:17] <diesieben07> for the state you should pass whatever transformation you want
L547[17:23:22] <gigaherz> since your state may not be compatible
L548[17:23:27] <gigaherz> you probably want to ask its default state
L549[17:23:51] <diesieben07> can i just say btw, that IModelState is very strage.
L550[17:23:54] <diesieben07> *strange
L551[17:24:01] <gigaherz> or yeah -- a transformation
L552[17:24:18] <diesieben07> transformation being TRSRTransformation (which implements IModelState)
L553[17:24:33] <gigaherz> yeah
L554[17:24:40] <gigaherz> i'm not convinced by the implementation
L555[17:25:05] <diesieben07> like
L556[17:25:13] <diesieben07> IModel should be IModel<S extends IModelState>
L557[17:25:15] <gigaherz> but I guess it was a non-breaking change, unlike adding a TRSRTransformation parameter
L558[17:26:26] <diesieben07> well
L559[17:26:31] <diesieben07> but what is that strange apply method then?
L560[17:27:25] <gigaherz> the one that takes a part?
L561[17:27:37] <gigaherz> it's for submodels
L562[17:27:41] <gigaherz> when you use them in the json
L563[17:27:55] <gigaherz> it allows having separate TRSRTransformations / model states per submodel
L564[17:28:21] <diesieben07> but why is that not in a SubModelState then?
L565[17:28:44] <gigaherz> because other model loaders can make use of it
L566[17:28:57] <gigaherz> such as OBJ or B3D, could allow different states per sub-mesh in them
L567[17:28:59] <gigaherz> I guess
L568[17:29:15] <diesieben07> once again i am not a fan of the model system implementation :P
L569[17:29:18] <gigaherz> I mean, all of this is me guessing
L570[17:29:18] <gigaherz> XD
L571[17:37:17] <osum4est> does the dependency also have to be a blockstates json? got a file not found when using a vanilla json
L572[17:37:37] <diesieben07> any model should work
L573[17:38:58] <gigaherz> i don't think it works for blockstates, only for models
L574[17:39:59] <diesieben07> ehh that would be bad.
L575[17:40:05] <diesieben07> well
L576[17:40:14] <diesieben07> ultimately blockstates are just a pointer to a model
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L578[17:42:47] <gigaherz> meh
L579[17:42:51] <gigaherz> jumping into bed
L580[17:42:52] <gigaherz> night ppl
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L582[17:42:58] <osum4est> see ya
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L591[18:36:23] <mrkirby153> How would I go about handling the inventory for a crafter? Should I create my own inventory for the crafter or use something like INventoryBasic?
L592[18:38:47] <osum4est> in a forge blockstates file, what is the default model for an item?
L593[18:49:06] <Shambling> https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
L594[18:49:20] <Shambling> I'm thinking its any of the model information in the "defaults": area
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L598[19:15:13] <osum4est> sorry, i meant in the file where it says "model": "cube_all", what do i replace "cube_all" with to get it to render as an item?
L599[19:15:25] <osum4est> rather than, well, a cube
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