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L1[00:02:28] <codahq> is there a way to get an Entity by its GUID if i don't know what world it is in?
L2[00:02:50] <codahq> PlayerEntity that is
L3[00:03:16] <codahq> there is getPlayerEntityByUUID but it's off of world and if the player is in another dim it returns null.
L4[00:03:24] <codahq> is there a connected player list?
L5[00:03:48] <killjoy> codahq, client or server?
L6[00:03:55] <codahq> both
L7[00:04:00] <codahq> but server is more important
L8[00:04:05] <killjoy> server: PlayerList
L9[00:04:06] <codahq> if i have to i will send a packet
L10[00:04:10] <codahq> just off of world?
L11[00:04:45] <codahq> playerEntities
L12[00:05:14] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
L13[00:07:28] <killjoy> PlayerList::getPlayerByUUID
L14[00:07:42] <killjoy> server.getPlayerList()..
L15[00:07:55] <codahq> yeah, just found it
L16[00:08:00] <codahq> PlayerList was the class.
L17[00:08:02] <codahq> ty
L18[00:08:08] <killjoy> client too?
L19[00:08:41] <codahq> i don't think i need it
L20[00:08:53] <codahq> probably just server will be enough
L21[00:09:49] <killjoy> client won't always have an entity for each player
L22[00:10:06] <killjoy> if it's there, it will be in mc.world
L23[00:10:51] <illy> note to self dont overlook ! in my if statments
L24[00:10:53] <killjoy> or you can use NetHandlerPlayClient::getPlayerInfo to get the NetworkPlayerInfo (gameprofile, textures, etc0
L25[00:12:28] <codahq> k, that's probably going to be something i'll live with. i have an item that teleports you to another player. i was going to put some informatino about the target player with the client's addInformation. once i get the rest of this finished i'll explore my possibilities
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L32[00:40:42] <Zorn_Taov> so working with a 1.10.2 modpack using the ResourceLoader mod so that I can give ichun's Ding mod to use my own ding. what am I doing wrong here? https://gist.github.com/ZornTaov/1284838f81f25c1f4da3fe0a5be286be
L33[00:41:06] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L34[00:42:28] <Zorn_Taov> I'm also getting an Invalid sounds.json but I am not sure if it's because of my json or not
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L36[00:43:25] <killjoy> does ding.ogg exist?
L37[00:43:58] <Zorn_Taov> that it does, at .minecraft\resources\foxtopia\sounds\ding.ogg
L38[00:44:35] <killjoy> looks like ichun's offline
L39[00:44:48] <killjoy> (he goes by pig)
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L41[00:44:54] <Zorn_Taov> I know :P
L42[00:48:26] <Zorn_Taov> hmm
L43[00:48:37] <Zorn_Taov> maybe I have to register the sound events?
L44[00:50:10] <killjoy> that's what sounds.json is for
L45[00:50:38] <Zorn_Taov> I thought as much
L46[00:52:48] <Zorn_Taov> alternatively, maybe it needs to be in the "minecraft" assets folder ~.~
L47[00:52:55] <Zorn_Taov> lesse...
L48[00:53:04] <killjoy> no.
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L54[01:12:55] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L55[01:13:29] <fry> tterrag: not an event, but a way to get a breaking model from a normal model, something like IPerspectiveAwareModel probably
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L59[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170220 mappings to Forge Maven.
L60[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170220-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170220" in build.gradle).
L61[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L81[06:49:49] *** Denyol[Away] is now known as Denyol
L82[06:55:01] <Denyol> Did the github UI change to anyone else?
L83[06:55:34] <gigaherz|work> not besides the top bar being black
L84[06:59:08] <Corosus> why must they tease us with 10% of a dark themed github
L85[07:01:47] <Denyol> hmm yeah it only seemed like the top bar
L86[07:02:00] <Denyol> but I went into a fresh browser and the font seems bigger
L87[07:02:16] <Denyol> (not different broweser, just new cookies)
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L101[08:10:15] <TOUGHTRUX> hello im stuck
L102[08:11:04] <Ashindigo_> Describe your issue
L103[08:11:12] <IoP> in tar or clue?
L104[08:11:22] <IoP> oh honey?
L105[08:11:47] <TOUGHTRUX> http://pastebin.com/adzVNt5A
L106[08:11:53] <TOUGHTRUX> why does this happen
L107[08:12:02] <TOUGHTRUX> im using multicraft
L108[08:12:14] <Ashindigo_> What's multicraft?
L109[08:12:15] <TOUGHTRUX> whats the solution
L110[08:12:25] <TOUGHTRUX> it's for a server
L111[08:12:27] <IoP> Is taht log readable?
L112[08:12:37] <gigaherz|work> wtf the paste doesn'te ven have linebreaks
L113[08:12:47] <Ashindigo_> Its barely readable
L114[08:12:52] <IoP> Also lines reversed => unreadable
L115[08:12:55] * Ashindigo_ shoves some line breaks in
L116[08:13:09] <Ordinastie> and provide real log
L117[08:13:17] <Ordinastie> not the parts you *think* are relevant
L118[08:13:26] <IoP> probably missing vanilla jar
L119[08:13:40] <gigaherz|work> the log's backward!
L120[08:13:43] <gigaherz|work> o_O
L121[08:13:45] <IoP> Ordinastie: that's full log offered by multicraft
L122[08:13:56] <gigaherz|work> wtf kind of crap is multicraft XD
L123[08:14:00] <IoP> s/log/server output/
L124[08:14:05] <gigaherz|work> it can't even do logs right, how can it do minecraft right?
L125[08:14:09] <IoP> steamy crap
L126[08:14:32] <gigaherz|work> TOUGHTRUX: my best guess is you don'thave the vanilla server jar next to the forge one
L127[08:14:56] <TOUGHTRUX> i do look at this screenshot
L128[08:14:58] <Ashindigo_> O.o how did they mess up the log
L129[08:15:17] <IoP> gigaherz|work: That line order was fixed in multicraft 2.0. Some crap providers have not updated yet or use crap settings
L130[08:15:33] <IoP> Ashindigo_: because that panel is POS
L131[08:16:14] <TOUGHTRUX> ehh sorry :(
L132[08:16:46] <Ashindigo_> Of course
L133[08:16:51] <IoP> TOUGHTRUX: Don't worry. I'll blame your service provider/multicraft authors more than you
L134[08:17:04] <TOUGHTRUX> it's a mess to read
L135[08:17:18] <TOUGHTRUX> i did a quick google search before i came here because google is everyones friend
L136[08:17:49] <IoP> I still can't install multicraft. It has one minor bug which make its database owned by root => database init fails => backend does not work
L137[08:18:01] <IoP> That problem is now ~4 years old and unfixed
L138[08:18:44] <IoP> TOUGHTRUX: If that's FTB pack run install script in local machine then upload files,
L139[08:19:00] <TOUGHTRUX> it's a fresh
L140[08:19:11] <TOUGHTRUX> forgemod loader
L141[08:19:15] <TOUGHTRUX> im making a custom modpack
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L143[08:22:03] <TOUGHTRUX> will that work IoP?
L144[08:22:24] <IoP> that?
L145[08:23:15] <TOUGHTRUX> im trying to get forge modloader to run
L146[08:23:19] <TOUGHTRUX> but gives me that error
L147[08:23:29] <TOUGHTRUX> should i run it on pc first
L148[08:23:37] <TOUGHTRUX> then put it on the server IoP
L149[08:23:51] <IoP> Did you try the fix which was offered twice?
L150[08:24:07] <TOUGHTRUX> gonna test it now
L151[08:24:33] <gigaherz|work> and yes, unless you have a very slow pc, it's probably quicker to test locally first
L152[08:24:46] <gigaherz|work> and then upload the folder with config and all
L153[08:25:10] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L154[08:25:20] <TOUGHTRUX> 20.02 09:10:34 [Multicraft] Server stopped 20.02 09:10:34 [Multicraft] Received stop command 20.02 09:10:30 [Multicraft] Server stopped 20.02 09:10:30 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1 20.02 09:10:30 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds 20.02 09:10:30 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relaun
L155[08:25:21] <TOUGHTRUX> cher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:12) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:25) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) 20
L156[08:25:23] <TOUGHTRUX> .02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:331) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381) 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run successfully.java.lang.ClassNot
L157[08:25:24] <TOUGHTRUX> FoundException: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO We appear to be missing one or more essential library files. 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0 20.02 09:10:30 [Server] INFO Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=512m;
L158[08:25:26] <TOUGHTRUX> oops
L159[08:25:43] <IoP> I would plan/build/test a pack first and then think about starting it in server
L160[08:25:44] <TOUGHTRUX> wrong person
L161[08:25:55] <TOUGHTRUX> i already have planned the server
L162[08:33:57] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@u-of-rochester-128-151-150-17.wireless.rochester.edu)
L163[08:41:42] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Remote host closed the connection)
L164[08:43:03] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L165[08:43:03] ⇦ Quits: Chais (~Chais@62-178-210-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L166[08:44:06] <TOUGHTRUX> IoP
L167[08:44:12] <TOUGHTRUX> got it to work what can i use
L168[08:44:19] <TOUGHTRUX> for plugins with forge
L169[08:44:28] <TOUGHTRUX> is there any forge that works with plugins?
L170[08:44:32] <TOUGHTRUX> Iop?
L171[08:44:35] ⇨ Joins: nallar (~nallar@cpc16-cani3-2-0-cust33.14-2.cable.virginm.net)
L172[08:45:29] <gigaherz|work> forge is for the mods
L173[08:45:44] <gigaherz|work> if you want also server-side plugins you want either kcauldron, or spongeforge
L174[08:46:09] <TOUGHTRUX> is there a kcauldron build because i can't seem to download it
L175[08:46:11] <TOUGHTRUX> off there website
L176[08:46:15] <gigaherz|work> https://sourceforge.net/projects/cauldron-unofficial/files/kcauldron/
L177[08:46:26] <gigaherz|work> that's the first thing I found on google
L178[08:46:45] <gigaherz|work> https://sourceforge.net/projects/kcauldron/files/net/minecraft/server/1.7.10/
L179[08:46:46] <gigaherz|work> this is newer
L180[08:46:49] <gigaherz|work> and more official-looking
L181[08:46:50] ⇨ Joins: Chais (~Chais@62-178-210-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L182[08:46:59] <gigaherz|work> so I guess the second link is what you want
L183[08:47:03] <TOUGHTRUX> forge-1.7.10- im using that version of forge because it won't crash
L184[08:47:08] <TOUGHTRUX> with biomes o plenty
L185[08:47:13] <TOUGHTRUX> the other versions do
L186[08:47:32] <gigaherz|work> well then find a version of cauldron for it
L187[08:48:05] <TOUGHTRUX> is there a version for it
L188[08:48:17] <gigaherz|work> I don't know
L189[08:48:22] <gigaherz|work> this is #forge not #cauldron
L190[08:48:22] <IoP> Did you check kcauldron's versions list?
L191[08:49:25] <TOUGHTRUX> i did yes
L192[08:49:41] <TOUGHTRUX> KCauldron-1.7.10-1614.180
L193[08:49:45] <TOUGHTRUX> this one did not work
L194[08:50:17] <gigaherz|work> well find another one, then, ora tutorial on how to use it
L195[08:50:39] <gigaherz|work> you expect us to spoon-feed the information to you. it's not going to happen
L196[08:51:14] <IoP> probably only speen-fed information you'll get is something like "Do not use bukkit derivatives"
L197[08:51:45] <Quetzi> whole conversation looks like you are trying to run before you can walk tbh. Like putting training wheels on a unicycle
L198[08:51:48] <TOUGHTRUX> C:\Users\Usder\Desktop\New folder>java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar KCauldron-1.7.10-1614.180.jar
L199[08:51:49] <TOUGHTRUX> We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
L200[08:51:51] <TOUGHTRUX> You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run successfully.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
L201[08:51:52] <TOUGHTRUX> at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
L202[08:51:54] <TOUGHTRUX> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
L203[08:51:55] <TOUGHTRUX> at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
L204[08:51:57] <TOUGHTRUX> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
L205[08:51:58] <TOUGHTRUX> at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
L206[08:52:00] <TOUGHTRUX> at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
L207[08:52:01] <TOUGHTRUX> at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:25)
L208[08:52:03] <TOUGHTRUX> at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:12)
L209[08:52:04] <TOUGHTRUX> C:\Users\Usder\Desktop\New folder>PAUSE
L210[08:52:05] <Ashindigo_> Stop pls
L211[08:52:06] <TOUGHTRUX> Press any key to continue . . .
L212[08:52:08] <TOUGHTRUX> gives me that
L213[08:52:09] <TOUGHTRUX> sorry son
L214[08:52:14] <gigaherz|work> STOP pasting without pastebin
L215[08:52:20] <TOUGHTRUX> im sorry :x
L216[08:52:23] <TOUGHTRUX> :(
L217[08:52:29] <IoP> probable fix for that has been told twice
L218[08:52:44] <TOUGHTRUX> it works fine with forge but not with couldren
L219[08:52:52] <TOUGHTRUX> cauldron
L220[08:52:58] <IoP> Not our problem then
L221[08:53:02] <Ashindigo_> Don't use plugin stuff :/
L222[08:53:23] <Ashindigo_> This is #minecraftforge not #minecraftforgeandplugins
L223[08:53:24] <TOUGHTRUX> but i need to. To keep my spawn you know
L224[08:53:40] <Ashindigo_> Use ftb utils then
L225[08:54:02] <TOUGHTRUX> does that allow plugins? say factions
L226[08:54:03] <TOUGHTRUX> and towny?
L227[08:54:08] <IoP> no
L228[08:54:09] <Quetzi> your spawn will be quite protected if you can't get the server running ;)
L229[08:54:20] <Ashindigo_> ;)
L230[08:54:21] <gigaherz|work> ftb utilities has teams
L231[08:54:22] <IoP> Quetzi: evil. /me likes
L232[08:54:27] <TOUGHTRUX> whats the cauldron channel?
L233[08:54:33] <gigaherz|work> no idea, google it ;P
L234[08:54:36] <Ashindigo_> #idontknow
L235[08:54:50] <IoP> https://prok.pw/ has no contact information?
L236[08:54:56] <IoP> lame website then
L237[08:55:08] <TOUGHTRUX> it's broken
L238[08:55:21] <TOUGHTRUX> can't download links on it
L239[08:55:23] <IoP> works for me
L240[08:55:43] <gigaherz|work> just because you can't download from it
L241[08:55:49] <gigaherz|work> doesn't meany ou can't find contact information in it
L242[08:56:39] <Ashindigo_> Something about the grammar on that page bugs me
L243[08:56:43] <IoP> maybe they have discord server </hint>
L244[08:59:50] <TOUGHTRUX> oh
L245[09:00:36] <TOUGHTRUX> they had the libraries available on there website :P
L246[09:00:42] <TOUGHTRUX> im a dickhead
L247[09:21:54] <TOUGHTRUX> Could not find or load main class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper
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L250[09:21:57] <TOUGHTRUX> Iop
L251[09:23:03] <TOUGHTRUX> gigiawats
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L253[09:45:38] <tterrag> fry: what would that look like?
L254[09:45:44] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L255[09:45:54] <tterrag> adding a new method to IPerspectiveAwareModel isn't an option
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L257[09:46:40] <gigaherz|work> assuming you mean the breaking model stuff, i assumed he meant like IBreakingModel { IBakedModel getBreakingModel(...); }
L258[09:47:09] <tterrag> so more instanceof checks?
L259[09:51:30] <gigaherz|work> well unless we give IBakedModels ICapabilityProvider... ;P
L260[09:51:39] <tterrag> you know...
L261[09:51:51] <tterrag> but no, that shouldn't be necessary
L262[09:52:24] <gigaherz|work> dunno if the options are instanceof, or wait for 1.12...
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L266[10:15:14] <Shambling> so... anyone fiddle with sponge forge a bit? I've got a plugin I want to run but it has the same name as another mod, and I'm wondering if I just need to change the plugin name, or if its an internal setting to the jar that makes minecraft think its the same thing
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L268[10:16:13] <Shambling> if no one knows for sure, I suppose I'll find out in a minute after I test it lol
L269[10:17:34] <gr8pefish> Hi everyone. So I have an item with an IItemProperty to change the texture of the item sprite depending on what the player is doing while holding the item. This all works just fine. However, when the item gets damaged, it naturally tries to re-equip, and what it does is briefly equips the default state, and then the one it should be. I would liek for there to be no re-equip animation, but overriding
L270[10:17:34] <gr8pefish> `shouldCauseReequipAnimation` never seems to allow the IItemProperty to change states either. Is there a solution? Video showing the problem as well: https://streamable.com/o4sak All my code: https://github.com/gr8pefish/OpenGlider
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L272[10:28:11] <gigaherz> so,
L273[10:28:30] <gigaherz> I have a hermitpack server running on my pc
L274[10:28:36] <gigaherz> and I noticed quite a lot of spam with
L275[10:28:39] <gigaherz> [17:25:15] [Server thread/WARN]: Keeping entity Zombie that already exists with UUID 2ec91f5f-b483-421b-bfac-d19331b1494c
L276[10:28:52] <gigaherz> like around once a minute
L277[10:29:03] <gigaherz> same UUID always
L278[10:29:15] <gigaherz> anyone heard of a similar issue?
L279[10:34:04] <TOUGHTRUX> Error: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ec3/common/item/ItemMRUStorageNBTTag
L280[10:34:08] <TOUGHTRUX> whats this mean
L281[10:34:25] <TOUGHTRUX> i have essential craft 3 installed
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L283[10:35:53] <gigaherz> TOUGHTRUX: depends on what causes that
L284[10:36:05] <gigaherz> a different mod may require a newer / older version of it
L285[10:36:12] <TOUGHTRUX> oh
L286[10:36:20] <gigaherz> or it may be a broken download with files missing
L287[10:37:48] <TOUGHTRUX> trying the first thing first
L288[10:38:24] <Shambling> gigaherz, that looks like something that has been around for a while even in vanilla
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L290[10:39:31] <SquareWheel> Got a (hopefully) quick question for you folks.
L291[10:39:32] <gigaherz> Shambling: trying to spawn the same UUID over and over and over?
L292[10:39:41] <gigaherz> I don't mean just once at launch
L293[10:39:46] <gigaherz> I mean *every minute*
L294[10:39:51] <gigaherz> same uuid, always
L295[10:39:59] <Shambling> yeah
L296[10:40:03] <Shambling> I just googled the error
L297[10:40:04] <Shambling> its everywhere
L298[10:40:11] <Shambling> new from 1.8.9 if that helps :P
L299[10:40:14] <gigaherz> MEH
L300[10:40:19] <gigaherz> any workarounds/fixes?
L301[10:40:23] <Shambling> solutions I've seen posted are makign two command blocks that murder them constantly
L302[10:40:25] <gigaherz> can I /kill that entity?
L303[10:40:32] <gigaherz> oh so it would continue appearing, I see
L304[10:41:21] <Shambling> maybe find the bugged chunk that spawns them and delete it with mcedit
L305[10:41:22] <gigaherz> is there a /kill selector for uuids?
L306[10:42:09] <Shambling> read this and see if you understand it, I don't
L307[10:42:10] <Shambling> https://www.reddit.com/r/admincraft/comments/48h6e8/help_188_to_19_showing_in_server_logs_duplicate/
L308[10:42:14] <Shambling> walking dog, bbiab
L309[10:43:09] <SquareWheel> Sorry, figured I'd let you guys finish first.
L310[10:43:14] <SquareWheel> I was just wondering, is it possible to override the "use" method of a vanilla item? Or does that require dirty hacks?
L311[10:43:41] <gigaherz> PlayerInteractEvent
L312[10:43:47] <gigaherz> there's a sub-event for item use
L313[10:43:52] <gigaherz> you can cancel it, and run your own
L314[10:44:34] <SquareWheel> Gotchya, thanks. Would cancelling it break things for other mods?
L315[10:45:03] <SquareWheel> Basically I just want to check if a stick right clicks a campfire, and turn it into a torch. Simple enough in theory.
L316[10:45:13] <SquareWheel> From another mod, I should say.
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L318[10:47:54] <gigaherz> wait
L319[10:48:01] <gigaherz> is the campfire your own block?
L320[10:48:11] <SquareWheel> Afraid not. That'd be a whole lot easier if so.
L321[10:48:16] <gigaherz> Oh, I see
L322[10:48:25] <SquareWheel> I'm just trying to make a quick mod to bridge two mods in a pack I'm working on.
L323[10:48:34] <TOUGHTRUX> i figured it out gigaherz essential craft 3
L324[10:48:38] <gigaherz> then PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock
L325[10:49:06] <SquareWheel> Ah okay, better to do it on the block than the item?
L326[10:49:06] <gigaherz> or was that with an empty hand
L327[10:49:08] <gigaherz> anyhow
L328[10:49:14] <gigaherz> there's one PlayerInteractEvent
L329[10:49:20] <gigaherz> that is "player lcicked a block with this item"
L330[10:49:42] <gigaherz> figure it out yourself ;p
L331[10:50:07] <TOUGHTRUX> was broken
L332[10:50:09] <TOUGHTRUX> :\
L333[10:50:44] <SquareWheel> That should give me enough to go on. Much thanks.
L334[10:51:01] <SquareWheel> Now to spend 30 minutes getting a Forge dev environment set up. :)
L335[10:51:10] <gigaherz> TOUGHTRUX: ah.
L336[10:51:22] <TOUGHTRUX> shame that mod is fun :\
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L338[10:55:35] <gigaherz> maybe a different version works?
L339[10:56:18] <IoP> TOUGHTRUX: maybe your environment is broken, not the mod
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L343[11:06:49] <TOUGHTRUX> do you guys know of a mod that automatically fix id conflicts
L344[11:07:24] <SquareWheel> Er, past 1.7?
L345[11:08:46] <TOUGHTRUX> just
L346[11:08:49] <TOUGHTRUX> 1.7.10
L347[11:08:55] <TOUGHTRUX> sqaurewheel
L348[11:09:30] <SquareWheel> What kind of IDs? Items/Blocks, biomes, potions?
L349[11:10:00] <SquareWheel> The big one was items/blocks, and that was addressed in 1.7. The registries were addressed later.
L350[11:10:27] <TOUGHTRUX> yeah
L351[11:10:38] <TOUGHTRUX> im using anticonflictid
L352[11:10:44] <TOUGHTRUX> but i need to manually fix them
L353[11:11:29] <SquareWheel> There's no automatic fixes that I know of, but I used NEI to dump a list of registered IDs in the past. Useful for getting a visual representation, and especially for finding empty gaps.
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L363[12:31:27] <electrolitic> BoundingBoxes would be the correct way to go about changing how much "space" a block takes up, yes?
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L365[12:39:51] <electrolitic> Is it more common to use the camelcase convention for resourcelocations, or all lowercase?
L366[12:40:13] <SquareWheel> Lowercase with underscores.
L367[12:40:26] <electrolitic> Thanks
L368[12:40:33] <gigaherz> 1.11 enforces lowercase
L369[12:40:42] <gigaherz> before 1.11 it was strongly recommended
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L372[12:41:56] <Shambling> is there a way to map the MC mappings onto other projects?
L373[12:42:54] <Shambling> I thought setupdecompworkspace would do it, but alas no. :P
L374[12:43:26] <Shambling> !gm func_180632_j
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L376[12:43:56] <Shambling> yeah looking at the mappings it definitely has a mapped call. Hrmm
L377[12:44:03] <Shambling> or translation rather
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L379[12:46:46] <SquareWheel> Dang, one of the mods I wanted to bridge support for just crashes in a dev environment.
L380[12:46:57] <SquareWheel> Don't want to have to manually build to test all changes. :|
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L387[13:16:21] <SquareWheel> Bit confused by blockstate properties. Is there a simple way to read a property from another mod's blockstate? It seems like you need to import it first.
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L389[13:22:13] <SquareWheel> Unless I can just create a new IProperty and provide it with the same details as the other mod? I feel like that probably wouldn't work though.
L390[13:22:33] <shadowfacts> You have to obtain the IProperty instance
L391[13:22:37] <gigaherz> eh
L392[13:22:42] <shadowfacts> you can compile against the other mod's source code and get it from there
L393[13:22:43] <gigaherz> you can get the IProperty from the IBlockState
L394[13:22:48] <gigaherz> and then get the values from the IProperty
L395[13:22:54] <shadowfacts> or iterate through the IProperty-s in the state and check the name
L396[13:23:02] <gigaherz> you don't need to KNOW the property at all
L397[13:23:02] <SquareWheel> That sounds much easier.
L398[13:23:03] <gigaherz> to work with it
L399[13:23:31] <shadowfacts> well if you're targetting a specific property, than you need to know _something_ about it to isolate it from the rest
L400[13:23:36] <gigaherz> with the IProperty, you can convert between string and value
L401[13:23:43] <SquareWheel> I know the name.
L402[13:24:00] <shadowfacts> if you just need all the properties and their values, you can just iterate through all the ones that the IBlockState has
L403[13:24:01] <SquareWheel> Shows up conveniently in F3.
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L405[13:24:20] <SquareWheel> Okay, well that sounds easy enough.
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L407[13:25:10] <SquareWheel> So blockState.getProperties() to start, then iterate through that list?
L408[13:26:38] <shadowfacts> yeah, iterate through that until the property name matches the one you're looking for an call getValue() on the entry
L409[13:27:05] <SquareWheel> Gotchya, thank you.
L410[13:27:39] <SquareWheel> I'm not a Java coder, so everything being its own type is awfully strange. To me this would just be a key-value pair, or something string-based.
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L420[13:53:47] <ScottehBoeh> can I ask which event I can use to cancel out attacking another entity? (Currently getting an "Attempting to attack an invalid entity" error)
L421[13:53:57] <ScottehBoeh> It's to do with a spectating mechanism that I'm working on
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L425[13:59:14] <Vigaro> ScottehBoeh: LivingHurtEvent?
L426[14:01:40] <Vigaro> Oh, there is an earlier one from the other side of the attack, LivingAttackEvent, also AttackEntityEvent for when the player attacks an entity
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L430[14:18:22] <mrkirby153> Has there been a fix for forge which allows it to work with the mojang launcher 2.0.806?
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L432[14:22:52] <gigaherz> mrkirby153: hm? I haven't had any problems with it?
L433[14:23:06] <mrkirby153> Nothing is showing up in the game output section
L434[14:23:14] <gigaherz> did you update the nvidia drivers?
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L436[14:24:06] <mrkirby153> How is that related? And I'm running 378.66 gigaherz
L437[14:24:30] <gigaherz> because mc not loading and not showing errors in the log is a common symptom from the broken drivers
L438[14:24:40] <LexManos> game output is broken by the launcher
L439[14:24:50] <gigaherz> but if you updated to the fixed version, thne it's a different problem
L440[14:24:52] <LexManos> the log file seems to be showing *some* of the information
L441[14:24:52] <mrkirby153> MC loads
L442[14:24:55] <LexManos> but its up to them
L443[14:24:56] <gigaherz> oh
L444[14:25:04] <gigaherz> go to settings
L445[14:25:11] <gigaherz> enable "open output log"
L446[14:25:16] <mrkirby153> I did
L447[14:25:19] <LexManos> disable it
L448[14:25:25] <LexManos> it's useless for now
L449[14:25:38] <mrkirby153> Okay, any ideas why it's broken all of a sudden?
L450[14:25:56] <LexManos> https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/log_configs/client-1.7.xml/6605d632a2399010c0085d3e4da58974d62ccdfe/client-1.7.xml
L451[14:25:57] <LexManos> Thats why
L452[14:26:20] <mrkirby153> So it's their log4j settings?
L453[14:26:42] <LexManos> yes
L454[14:26:55] <IoP> like I said
L455[14:26:57] <LexManos> They force that file to be used when they launch the game
L456[14:27:00] <LexManos> which overrides ours
L457[14:28:00] <mrkirby153> I can override theirs with my own
L458[14:28:10] <mrkirby153> But the forge one doesn't appear to change anything
L459[14:28:28] <LexManos> thats because there is a custom format that is needed for the launcher's screen.
L460[14:28:38] <LexManos> No idea what it is because thats not documented anywhere that I can see
L461[14:29:33] <LexManos> however, Forge's XML is preferred because it properly logs everything to a file.
L462[14:29:52] <mrkirby153> Do logs get logged to file?
L463[14:30:02] <LexManos> yes thats the entire point...
L464[14:30:11] <LexManos> the GUI is stupid and really shouldn't be used.
L465[14:30:53] <mrkirby153> Most of the time, I use the gui log to determine if MC froze or not
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L467[14:31:02] <mrkirby153> Which I guess isn't much of an issue anymore w/ the loading bar
L468[14:31:27] <fry> tail -f is too complicated and scary for most people :P
L469[14:31:38] <LexManos> yup, also doesnt exist on windows
L470[14:31:59] <fry> bash on windows /s
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L472[14:32:22] <IoP> msys2
L473[14:32:24] * LexManos smacks fry
L474[14:34:30] <LexManos> but ya im advocating that they make logging inheratance optional
L475[14:34:46] <LexManos> but doubt that'll happen so whatever
L476[14:35:12] <tterrag> doesn't exist...on windows? http://i.imgur.com/EpTsoec.png
L477[14:36:26] <IoP> maybe in some installations ;)
L478[14:36:29] *** tterrag was kicked by LexManos (http://puu.sh/uc71n/a73a4a97cb.png DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST ON WINDOWS))
L479[14:36:35] <LexManos> No, he instaleld it
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L481[14:36:50] <LexManos> i have it as well, because I installed gnuwin
L482[14:37:07] <fry> apparently powershell: Get-Content filenamehere -Wait :D
L483[14:37:09] <IoP> I accidentally relied on cat command in server startup script. Didnot remember that it was added into path by git :/
L484[14:37:41] <tterrag> I was running a normal cmd window but ok :P
L485[14:37:55] <LexManos> powershell also does not exist on windows atleast no in any useful marketshare
L486[14:38:08] <IoP> still that problem?
L487[14:38:44] <fry> apparently PS is preinstalled since win7
L488[14:39:00] <LexManos> point is, the new moajng launcher is dumb logger GUI wise and logging to file is derpy
L489[14:39:12] <LexManos> IIRC its preinstalled seince 10
L490[14:39:14] <LexManos> not 7
L491[14:39:21] <LexManos> either way still not a good marketshare
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L493[14:39:51] <LexManos> err * not 10
L494[14:39:54] <IoP> I also had information it was being installed by default since win7 SPx.
L495[14:39:54] <LexManos> 8
L496[14:40:08] <fry> I doubt new launcher targets xp or vista :P
L497[14:40:10] <mrkirby153> How does Forge log? Does it just dump to stdout the log4j does magic?
L498[14:40:16] <IoP> What kind of OS distribution forge has?
L499[14:40:27] <mrkirby153> Or does it dump to log4j then log4j does stdout?
L500[14:40:52] <LexManos> It uses L4J directly obviously
L501[14:41:24] <LexManos> Anyways point is, the new launcher logging is broken, Mojang should fix.
L502[14:43:04] <IoP> imo game output also should show return value of process if it's something else than 0. Current situation with showing that in launcher log tab only is bad-ish for support
L503[14:43:26] <mrkirby153> Why did mojang redesign the launcher? I found nothing wrong wtih the old one
L504[14:43:36] <Vigaro> Not fancy enough
L505[14:44:15] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@u-of-rochester-128-151-150-18.wireless.rochester.edu)
L506[14:44:35] <IoP> Not enough CEF based apps
L507[14:44:47] <mrkirby153> CEF?
L508[14:44:58] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L509[14:45:03] <IoP> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_Embedded_Framework
L510[14:45:40] <mrkirby153> Really, that's a chromium app?
L511[14:46:19] <fry> that's how you do cross-platform dev in 2017 apparently :P
L512[14:46:23] <Shambling> ugh
L513[14:46:33] <IoP> Everything is chromium app
L514[14:46:39] <Shambling> why learn to program in a real language when you can embed html5 in some trash phone app
L515[14:46:48] <IoP> except idea, firefox and thunderbird ;)
L516[14:48:19] <Shambling> thank god html5 doesn't support VR, so will hopefully die out when the PC and phone platforms die out :P
L517[14:48:40] <mrkirby153> I don't think the PC platform is gonna die anytime soon
L518[14:48:54] <mrkirby153> And html5 doesn't support VR yet :P
L519[14:49:40] <tterrag> I have no problem with html5, but electron is an awful trend
L520[14:50:00] <tterrag> writing web apps for client software....that eat as much or more memory than chrome
L521[14:51:24] <SquareWheel> Yaay, got it working. Now I can go to bed. Thanks for the tips giggle and Shadow.
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L523[14:51:53] <tterrag> CEF is good when used for what it was meant for...easy web browser embedding
L524[14:53:12] <Shambling> yeah a 500kb program should not require 200mb of ram :P
L525[14:53:29] <Shambling> honestly people programming like that are trash and should be fired =|
L526[14:53:30] <tterrag> 200mb? that's nothing
L527[14:53:44] <tterrag> Shambling: slack, discord, and atom all use electron
L528[14:53:45] <tterrag> just btw
L529[14:53:46] <Shambling> I was lowballing, chrome takes up to about a gig to load a text file for me sometimes :P
L530[14:53:54] <Shambling> that is not a good endorsement
L531[14:54:22] <Shambling> discord looks like it is a fisher price web game
L532[14:55:06] <tterrag> that's your opinion
L533[14:55:12] <tterrag> my point is that it's not one or two small time programs doing this
L534[14:55:18] <tterrag> major multi-million dollar companies are using it
L535[14:56:27] <Shambling> still not an endorsement on a positive side.
L536[14:57:01] <g> Discord is pretty great
L537[14:57:08] <Shambling> multi-million dollar companies like low investment
L538[14:57:10] <g> If you don't like how it looks, you can always use one of the css mods :>
L539[14:57:27] <Shambling> nah I'll just not use it, as it seems just as dead as any of the other irc channels
L540[14:57:43] <g> tbh I don't use OC's discord
L541[14:57:48] <g> but I'm on a few active ones
L542[14:57:50] <fry> businesses doing things that make sense finantially? what a shock :P
L543[14:57:58] <tterrag> I didn't endorse anything
L544[14:58:00] <g> or MCF's, derp, forgot what channel I was in
L545[14:58:04] <Shambling> I will say, the interface is better than irc, but I am sick of programs loading with the OS for no reason other than to make sure they're on to notify you of some garbage
L546[14:58:04] <tterrag> where did you get that?
L547[14:58:17] <g> so, make it not load?
L548[14:58:18] <tterrag> you said "honestly people programming like that are trash and should be fired =|"
L549[14:58:29] <tterrag> I pointed out that ENTIRE companies program like that
L550[14:58:38] <tterrag> it's not a niche thing
L551[14:58:39] <g> there's an option to disable that in the right-click menu of the tray icon, so..
L552[14:59:32] <tterrag> also, "discord is dead" is a meaningless statement. it doesn't work like IRC, anyone can make a server. some are active, some aren't
L553[14:59:54] <Shambling> did I say discord is dead? hmmmm , I don't remember that
L554[14:59:54] <IoP> "server"!
L555[15:00:04] <Shambling> oh the channels I tried
L556[15:00:05] <Shambling> my bad
L557[15:00:10] <g> you said it was just as dead as IRC, yeah
L558[15:00:10] <fry> https://xkcd.com/1782/
L559[15:00:10] <g> :P
L560[15:00:17] <g> then again, IRC as a whole is pretty damn active
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L562[15:00:53] <ghoststeven> http://pastebin.com/kEX0mc4h
L563[15:00:59] <ghoststeven> do you guys know why it keeps crashing
L564[15:01:02] <tterrag> relatively it's dead (compared to a long time ago) but as evidenced by the fact that we're currently...you know...here...
L565[15:01:11] <Shambling> and the irc channels I meant were the same as the discord channels I was trying to find active. Because people were saying the discord versions were much more active. Unfortunately they were not more active.
L566[15:01:29] <tterrag> ghoststeven: that's not a crash
L567[15:01:35] <g> ghoststeven, that's not a crash
L568[15:01:40] <g> dammit tterrag
L569[15:01:46] <Shambling> just throw away anything I've said in the last 30 minutes, I'm tired and have been bottling wine for 3 hours straight and am tired :P
L570[15:01:53] <ghoststeven> why does it reboot?
L571[15:01:59] <ghoststeven> as soon as it starts
L572[15:02:13] <tterrag> idk, give a crash report
L573[15:02:15] <g> My guess would be that it.. doesn't?
L574[15:02:19] <ghoststeven> 20.02 15:53:48 [Server] ERROR This crash report has been saved to: /./crash-reports/crash-2017-02-20_15.53.48-server.txt\
L575[15:02:24] <g> We'd need a real crash report to help
L576[15:02:27] <g> yeah, that
L577[15:02:28] <g> get that file
L578[15:02:50] <Shambling> is [1-7-10]_Lucky_Block_v5-1-0.jar.zip supposed to run?
L579[15:03:03] <fry> department or redundancy department :D
L580[15:03:18] <g> Some mods are distributed as zips, but the filename suggests that you need to exract that one..
L581[15:03:22] <g> extract*
L582[15:03:35] <ghoststeven> http://pastebin.com/VewzsvkM
L583[15:03:37] <ghoststeven> here
L584[15:03:47] <g> you're missing McJtyLib
L585[15:03:56] <g> that's all
L586[15:04:07] <g> also, why are you on 1.7.10?
L587[15:04:17] <g> most mods are ported to at least 1.10.2 by now
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L593[15:07:55] <ghoststeven> http://pastebin.com/0Pmek4mk
L594[15:07:58] <ghoststeven> still crashing
L595[15:08:51] <ghoststeven> g
L596[15:09:14] <g> that is incredibly hard to read
L597[15:09:19] <g> please don't use notepad
L598[15:09:33] <g> alternatively upload the file directly to a site like https://gist.github.com instead of copy+paste
L599[15:10:03] <g> hm, can you not upload directly to gist now?
L600[15:10:47] <g> doesn't look like it
L601[15:11:21] <ghoststeven> g thats from multicraft
L602[15:11:23] <ghoststeven> not notepad
L603[15:11:33] <g> well, multicraft has ruined your line endings
L604[15:11:42] <ghoststeven> i use notepad ++ so it's done by line by line not jumbled like that
L605[15:12:00] <g> anyway, this doesn't look like a crash
L606[15:12:12] <ghoststeven> then why does it keep rebooting
L607[15:12:19] <g> I dunno
L608[15:12:21] <g> Find a crash log?
L609[15:13:42] <ghoststeven> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3a4376179ce4ed457b49f82b068d68f5
L610[15:13:44] <ghoststeven> here
L611[15:13:46] <ghoststeven> g
L612[15:14:25] <g> That appears to be a bug in Genetic Infusion
L613[15:14:37] <ghoststeven> should i remove the mod?
L614[15:14:41] <ghoststeven> will that fix it?
L615[15:14:44] <ghoststeven> lets see
L616[15:14:47] <g> Assuming nothing else needs it, sure
L617[15:15:04] <tterrag> very broken
L618[15:15:11] <tterrag> seems to somehow try to reference ModelSkeleton on the server
L619[15:15:13] <tterrag> why...
L620[15:15:30] <g> seems to be a common mistake
L621[15:15:43] <tterrag> but....ModelSkeleton?
L622[15:15:48] <g> even the current version of extra utilities on 1.10.2 has this problem with IModel or similar
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L624[15:17:20] <ghoststeven> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/genetic-infusion
L625[15:17:53] <ghoststeven> g that mod
L626[15:18:06] <g> I see it hasn't updated in almost two years, yes
L627[15:18:19] <ghoststeven> it's broken
L628[15:18:24] <ghoststeven> so i removed it
L629[15:18:27] <g> So.. don't use it?
L630[15:18:27] <g> okay
L631[15:18:28] <ghoststeven> and now my servers up
L632[15:18:49] <tterrag> the code on github doesn't match up with that report either
L633[15:19:16] <g> probably made some commits and gave up
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L640[15:37:00] <ghoststeven> so the server is up but it said wait its still retarting
L641[15:37:08] <ghoststeven> g any solution how to fix it?
L642[15:37:20] <g> Not a clue
L643[15:37:22] <g> Check your logs
L644[15:38:04] <ghoststeven> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1213ac53d7f6e136020238ce576fa0aa
L645[15:38:06] <ghoststeven> here
L646[15:38:07] <ghoststeven> g
L647[15:38:31] <g> Do you even read these?
L648[15:38:37] <g> Look at the bottom
L649[15:39:46] <IoP> "no, I just gist everything"
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L654[15:53:06] <ScottehBoeh> Is there a way to cancel punching all together?
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L656[15:53:32] <ScottehBoeh> (aka, left click interaction to an extent that it only cancels the player punching)
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L658[15:54:13] <tterrag> what do you mean
L659[15:54:14] <tterrag> the animation?
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L661[15:54:45] <ScottehBoeh> I want to stop the spectator from punching the spectatee (gives me a "Attempting to attack an invalid entity" error)
L662[15:55:03] <ScottehBoeh> It's a little spectator function I'm working on for my tdm mod
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L664[15:57:08] <tterrag> but...the game already has spectator mode...???
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L668[16:04:33] <TechnicianLP2> not in his version ...
L669[16:05:42] <TechnicianLP2> and that error *should* only get triggered when one attacks himself
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L679[16:50:48] <Shambling> so I asked earlier about ways to deobfuscate the source of a jar file. I just remembered that BON2 should do that behavior, tested it, and it seems it does
L680[16:50:56] <Shambling> question though, how do I update the mappings that BON2 pulls from?
L681[16:51:58] <Shambling> seems like every computer I use it on has different ones listed to choose from in the drop down, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it is getting them from :P
L682[16:52:48] <Shambling> !gm func_190917_f
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L684[17:01:09] <gigaherz> Shambling: the idea is that BON2 uses the mappings you have used in setupDecompWorkspace before
L685[17:01:26] <Shambling> hrmmm, wonder why it doesn't list 1.11.2 then
L686[17:01:32] <Shambling> how far back does it go?
L687[17:01:46] <Shambling> seems to work pretty good. Now I'm just tryign to figure out this decompiled line
L688[17:01:53] <Shambling> onConfigurationChangedEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event)
L689[17:02:19] <Shambling> its subscribing to the config change event, maybe I'll go look at the original event
L690[17:02:33] <gigaherz> what version of BON2 do you use?
L691[17:02:56] <Shambling> 2.3 beta
L692[17:03:06] <Shambling> beta 2
L693[17:03:10] <gigaherz> hmm try to redownload
L694[17:03:10] <gigaherz> http://ci.tterrag.com/job/BON2/
L695[17:03:43] <gigaherz> (there doesn't seem to have been a version bump with the fix from a coupledays ago)
L696[17:03:58] <Shambling> that one lists everything
L697[17:03:59] <Shambling> weird
L698[17:04:03] <Shambling> ah ok
L699[17:04:10] <gigaherz> yeah it's not weird
L700[17:04:25] <gigaherz> I notified tterrag of the issue, and he found a fix for it
L701[17:05:18] <Shambling> sweet, compiles now, so I can look at what this code does. I'm quite interested in the idea of growing things on ores and metal blocks
L702[17:06:09] <Shambling> I've been thinking of a mod where you grow trees that leach minerals out of the soil, destroying ore deposits in the ground and growing nodules of minerals in the leaves that you can then get by cutting down the tree and smelting the leaves/wood
L703[17:06:32] <Shambling> one of the ideas was focusing what minerals it leached by growing it on a certain block
L704[17:06:38] <gigaherz> so they are a natural version of the digital miner?
L705[17:06:57] <Shambling> digital miner that leaves behind a block automatically, instead of defaulting to leaving a hole
L706[17:07:27] <Shambling> but yeah I guess that could be comparable, as digital miner gives you the ore, while the tree would give you a smeltable 'ore' replacement
L707[17:08:16] <Shambling> how about 1 use seeds that you plant on an ore that destroys the ore and gives you two ingots and the chance at another seed? :P
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L709[17:10:35] <gigaherz> how about you make the seeds from a nugget of the "thing"? ;P
L710[17:10:43] <gigaherz> and have different seeds for different ores? ;P
L711[17:12:47] <Shambling> wouldn't that be the mod mystical agriculture?
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L713[17:12:53] <Shambling> I'm just thinking of a simple ore doubler
L714[17:13:14] <gigaherz> wait are you talking about something else now?
L715[17:13:58] <Shambling> they'd probably both be in the same mod
L716[17:14:05] <Shambling> magical ore tree, then ore doubling weeds
L717[17:14:06] <gigaherz> so yes, then
L718[17:14:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L719[17:15:22] <Shambling> ooo... if you did the ingot thing you were talking about, you could take chance at having a tree drop 'fruit' that are worth one ingot each, and could equal between one ingot and x ingots
L720[17:15:36] <Shambling> like... if it grew into a super tree, you could get 5x the ingots
L721[17:15:57] <Shambling> totally balanced because trees are multiblock structures
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L723[17:16:32] <gigaherz> the way I'd do the trees: while the sapling "grows", it sucks up ores
L724[17:16:56] <gigaherz> each growth tick has a chance to suck one ore from a nearby vein
L725[17:17:11] <gigaherz> and each sucked ore increases the chance of the tree bieng a large tree
L726[17:17:32] <gigaherz> and then on the tree, each leaf block with air below has a chance to grow an ore fruit of the ore it sucked
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L728[17:18:14] <Shambling> like pam's harvest fruit trees. hrmmm yeah that sounds good
L729[17:18:26] <Shambling> you'd eventually leach all the ores out of the soil and need to move your farm
L730[17:18:39] <Shambling> but you could then twerk for ores ;D
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L734[17:38:27] <Shambling> o.0
L735[17:39:30] <Shambling> if they used that much work obfuscating their code so that it purposely breaks deobfuscators and decompilers, they could probably have spent that same amount of time making an entire video game
L736[17:39:39] <Shambling> gotta say, loved the song reference though
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L744[18:29:35] <Savos> I don't know if this is the right channel to ask but here goes. I added a mod's blocks to microblocks.cfg but I can't seem to saw them or see their "forge microblocks" equivalent in JEI. Anything I can check to see where I might be going wrong?
L745[18:30:28] <Savos> I don't see any errors in fml-client-latest.log either.
L746[18:36:41] <tterrag> wrong channel
L747[18:36:50] <tterrag> FMP is abandonware anyways
L748[18:38:19] <Savos> fair enough:D
L749[18:38:39] <Savos> Appreciate the response
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