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L1[00:04:20] ⇨ Joins: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net)
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L14[01:29:53] <sargunster> I need an event that fires when a player enters a dimension, but the PlayerChangedDimensionEvent fires just before, not after the player changed dimensions. Any ideas?
L15[01:39:49] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be)
L16[01:44:52] <Genuine> Sounds like the event does fire but you want it to happen after x chunks are loaded.
L17[01:45:12] <Genuine> So use the chunkLoader and count.
L18[01:45:30] <sargunster> I want it to happen just after the player enters the target dimension, nothing to do with chunks
L19[01:45:31] <Genuine> A hideous workaround, but it will work.
L20[01:45:52] <sargunster> What about multiplayer? The chunks could already be loaded
L21[01:46:30] <Genuine> Loaded in mp, not on the client.
L22[01:46:35] <Genuine> ?
L23[01:46:56] <sargunster> Basically, my mod sets the player's MAX_HEALTH attribute, but it gets overriden whenever the player changes dimensions
L24[01:47:05] <sargunster> Currently all my code is running serverside
L25[01:47:32] <sargunster> I need an event that'll fire just after the player has entered the new dimension, so I can correct the MAX_HEALTH
L26[01:47:59] <sargunster> But the PlayerChangedDimensionEvent fires just as the player is leaving the old dimension, not after the player has entered the new one
L27[01:49:03] <Genuine> Technically the player is in the new world dimension at that point, I don't see the problem as all the returning methods would say "is now is dimension x".
L28[01:49:55] <sargunster> When I set a breakpoint in my event handler, the player's world is still the old one. Also, the health hasn't been overriden yet so setting it then has no effect
L29[01:49:56] <Genuine> Just because 0 chucks are loaded shouldn't affect your code if they are all dimensionally... coded? *word.
L30[01:50:06] <Genuine> Oh, interesting.
L31[01:51:03] <Genuine> Since "all your code is running server-side" if might just be a client/server event handler problem.
L32[01:51:33] <Genuine> Are you using a proxy?
L33[01:51:38] <sargunster> Let me try the breakpoint again, one sec
L34[01:51:49] <Genuine> A Forge Proxy*
L35[01:51:50] <sargunster> No proxy, I just check for EntityPlayerMP
L36[01:53:10] <Genuine> Unless my knowledge is outdated, you have to remember that "is server side" fired twice in one client, once if the client is firing client stuff and once if the server is firing server stuff.
L37[01:53:21] <Genuine> Take that with a grain of salt.
L38[01:53:28] <Genuine> It probably is outdated.
L39[01:54:50] <sargunster> Yep, but it'll only be instanceof EntityPlayerMP once
L40[01:55:48] <sargunster> I set a breakpoint in the first line of my PlayerChangedDimensionEvent, and it's an EntityPlayerMP. The world's worldType is "flat", when going from a flatworld to the nether
L41[01:56:14] <Genuine> So when you hit an event and you're checking for the dim on server-side it's saying it's the same dim. Unless I'm completly off and it's a well known problem you should just cache and check until dim ACTUALLY changes.
L42[01:56:23] <Ordinastie> sargunster, best thing to do is manually parse the code to see if there is another event fired after the one you tested
L43[01:57:09] <sargunster> Okay, I'll try going through it
L44[01:57:23] <Genuine> Check for static classes within PlayerChangedDimensionEvent.
L45[01:57:30] <Genuine> Like PlayerChangedDimensionEvent.post or whatever.
L46[01:57:42] <Genuine> The events in Forge often do that.
L47[01:58:25] <sargunster> Btw, it's fine if there's an event that fires at the time I need but also other times, as long as it's not something fired every tick or whatever
L48[01:58:35] <sargunster> There's no .post in that one
L49[01:59:38] <Ordinastie> sargunster, what event are you using the first time ?
L50[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161225 mappings to Forge Maven.
L51[02:00:09] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161225-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161225" in build.gradle).
L52[02:00:16] <Genuine> fromDim -> toDim fields let's be clear.
L53[02:00:20] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L54[02:00:24] <Ordinastie> (I'd also check for world load events and the like
L55[02:00:26] <Genuine> sysout those both please.
L56[02:00:37] ⇨ Joins: Ashindigo_ (uid202308@id-202308.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L57[02:01:35] <sargunster> fromDim=0, toDim=-1
L58[02:01:44] <Genuine> From world to nether
L59[02:01:48] <Genuine> Standard.
L60[02:02:14] <Genuine> But it happens before the player is actually loaded into -1
L61[02:03:47] <sargunster> Yep, event.player.world.worldType == WorldType.FLAT is true
L62[02:04:18] <sargunster> unless that world type is global, not per dimension
L63[02:04:21] <sargunster> didn't consider that...
L64[02:05:30] <Genuine> Is there not an event that's like OnLoadWorldEvent?
L65[02:05:33] <sargunster> Yeah, sorry, I was mistaken. The world is the new one. But it's still fired before the health is overridden, so I still have a problem
L66[02:06:06] <Ordinastie> how to you set it the first time ?
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L68[02:06:23] <Genuine> WorldTickEvent check for first tick and dim.
L69[02:06:39] <sargunster> I set it in PlayerEvent.LoadFromFile and PlayerEvent.Clone
L70[02:07:41] <Ordinastie> there is not better player event that would fit both case ?
L71[02:07:46] <Genuine> PlayerTickEvent Side.SERVER
L72[02:07:47] <sargunster> I don't think checking for first tick in WorldTickEvent would work in multiplayer, where the world could already be ticking
L73[02:07:58] <Genuine> Yes it would via PlayerTickEvent.
L74[02:08:10] <Genuine> Wich is a subclass of WorldTickEvent
L75[02:08:36] <sargunster> LoadFromFile is for initial login, Clone is for player death and return from The End
L76[02:09:05] <sargunster> So, check when player's dimension changes in PlayerTickEvent?
L77[02:09:10] <sargunster> That could work
L78[02:09:11] <Ordinastie> isn't there world join or something ?
L79[02:09:25] <sargunster> Not sure, that would be ideal
L80[02:09:47] <Ordinastie> check all player and world event
L81[02:10:00] <sargunster> EntityJoinWorldEvent does exist, I can look into that
L82[02:10:32] <Ordinastie> also, check what does reset the health
L83[02:13:30] <sargunster> Followed usages of SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH, doesn't look like that's easy to find
L84[02:13:44] <Genuine> I don't want to clutter the process but that mod with the rocket ships and Mars and the Moon should have events like that you can look at.
L85[02:14:26] <Genuine> Galacti something?
L86[02:14:36] <Genuine> Galacticraft?
L87[02:14:38] <sargunster> GalactiCraft?
L88[02:14:41] <sargunster> I think that's the name
L89[02:14:47] <Ashindigo_> Galacticraft
L90[02:14:53] <Genuine> They have events up the yang.
L91[02:14:57] <Genuine> And it's open source.
L92[02:14:59] <sargunster> I could also look at Difficult Life, that mod changes health
L93[02:15:04] <Ashindigo_> Also known as "Plate making hell"
L94[02:15:17] <Genuine> Right?
L95[02:15:35] <Genuine> Good thing you can plate through Jetpacks via thermal expansion.
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L97[02:16:47] <Genuine> Oh btw, is MCP have 1.11.1 mappings yet?
L98[02:16:52] <sargunster> EntityJoinWorldEvent also fires before the maxHealth is overriden
L99[02:16:52] <Genuine> does*
L100[02:17:01] <sargunster> Will check some other mods
L101[02:17:20] <Ashindigo_> .!latest
L102[02:17:32] <Genuine> sargunster, Wouldn't that only affect the first tick before the cycle of ticks though?
L103[02:18:02] <sargunster> Not sure what you mean?
L104[02:18:32] <Genuine> maxHealth through forge can be overrided at any time it doesn't matter when, so long as you're not trying to do it only once.
L105[02:18:47] <Genuine> overridden*
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L107[02:19:35] <Genuine> Sure if you're only trying to override once will it may or may not actually work.
L108[02:20:14] <Genuine> But you should probably check more than once anyway since there are multiple mods out there that would add to it.
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L110[02:20:21] <sargunster> I don't set it every tick, just when it's supposed to change or on player load
L111[02:20:24] <Genuine> Like TiC.
L112[02:20:39] <Genuine> Since it has the cannisters.
L113[02:20:46] <sargunster> That's a good point
L114[02:20:49] <Genuine> Which go up to 3x.
L115[02:20:57] <sargunster> In the source code of Difficult Life, I see code like if(event.entityLiving.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).getModifier(DLUtils.modifierID) == null)
L116[02:20:59] <Genuine> Red, yellow, green hearts.
L117[02:21:00] <sargunster> event.entityLiving.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier(DLUtils.modifierID, "DL.healthMod", genAddedHealth, 0));
L118[02:21:35] <sargunster> I'm just setting the attribute's baseValue, which I now realize is probably not the right way to do it
L119[02:21:55] <sargunster> I'll have to look into the attribute modifier stuff they're using
L120[02:21:57] <Genuine> I'd rather change the value of DamageSource bs.
L121[02:22:06] <Genuine> Which is a TERRIBLE workaround.
L122[02:22:07] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L123[02:24:27] <Genuine> I've already finished World-Tooltips and Screen-Size which should be the next I update? https://github.com/GenuineSounds?tab=repositories
L124[02:24:49] <Genuine> To 1.11 and the back-port to 1.10.2
L125[02:25:05] <Genuine> And probably 1.9.4
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L127[02:27:55] <sargunster> Battle-Text looks interesting, my vote is for that one
L128[02:28:57] <sargunster> But looks like it's older, not sure if you're still maintaining that
L129[02:29:10] <Ordinastie> I'm just wondering
L130[02:29:13] <Ordinastie> why ? https://github.com/GenuineSounds/Screen-Size/blob/master/src/main/java/ninja/genuine/screensize/key/KeyBindingConfig.java
L131[02:32:22] <Genuine> I got rid of that.
L132[02:32:27] <Genuine> Just haven't pushed.,
L133[02:32:34] <Genuine> I promise.
L134[02:35:13] <Ordinastie> ok then
L135[02:35:16] <Ordinastie> still
L136[02:35:18] <Ordinastie> why ? https://github.com/GenuineSounds/World-Tooltips/blob/master/src/main/java/ninja/genuine/utils/ModUtils.java
L137[02:35:45] <Genuine> Because the old method I used to rely on was through NEI.
L138[02:36:01] <Genuine> I realize I should be using getName()
L139[02:36:34] <Genuine> It's in a local commit I promise!
L140[02:36:36] <Genuine> :P
L141[02:36:50] <Ordinastie> yeah, i'm talking about the whole file
L142[02:37:47] <Genuine> Oh, well I have no reason other than I am def going to change it later. So partitioning of code is good in that regard.
L143[02:38:12] <Genuine> Less conflicts with older versions after a manual merge of branches.
L144[02:38:27] <Ordinastie> but why the maps ?
L145[02:38:59] <Genuine> Super cheap way to map string to string?
L146[02:39:05] <Ordinastie> whyy
L147[02:39:09] <Genuine> I don't know what else to tell you.
L148[02:39:23] <Genuine> SUPER cheap, incredibly fast.
L149[02:39:59] <Genuine> Do you know how fast Java's implementation of HashMap is on reads only?
L150[02:40:01] <Ordinastie> yeah, but you have a 50 lines class file that is pretty much useless
L151[02:40:09] <Genuine> You'd be dumb-founded.
L152[02:40:25] <Genuine> True enough.
L153[02:40:46] <Genuine> But this was converted from when NEI was a staple of Minecraft.
L154[02:40:59] <Genuine> I haven';t thought about it TOO much.
L155[02:41:23] <Genuine> Chicken Bones where are you?!
L156[02:41:36] <Ordinastie> so another mindless copy/paste mod ?
L157[02:41:50] <Genuine> I guess?
L158[02:41:56] <Genuine> What does that mean?
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L161[02:42:43] <Genuine> I didn't just randomly copy/paste the reflections to NEIs invocations.
L162[02:43:08] <Genuine> You have to give me THAT much credit atleast.
L163[02:43:59] <Ordinastie> what does that do ? https://github.com/GenuineSounds/World-Tooltips/blob/master/src/main/java/ninja/genuine/utils/ModUtils.java#L24
L164[02:44:22] <Ordinastie> is it to not get the formattingCode by reflection ?
L165[02:47:42] <Ordinastie> hum, actually, I won't be to hard on that one, I kinda did something similar ><
L166[02:48:04] <Ordinastie> except for that : color.toString().replace("\u00a7", "").charAt(0)
L167[02:48:21] <Ordinastie> dump the replace and use charAt(1)
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L170[02:57:16] <sargunster> Looks like switching to the attribute modifier system solved my problem
L171[02:57:30] <sargunster> As long as I don't change the baseValue, everything is fine
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L173[02:58:57] <sargunster> Now I just have to accomodate having an HP modifier instead of a total value, which I'll do tomorrow since it's 4am here
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L214[06:22:50] <CsokiCraft> How can I add localisation run-time?
L215[06:23:41] <Ordinastie> last time I checked, reflection
L216[06:26:00] <CsokiCraft> Ouch
L217[06:26:22] <Ordinastie> question is, why would you need that
L218[06:27:01] <CsokiCraft> Well, I don't really, it's just going to be tedious writing the .lang file
L219[06:27:22] <CsokiCraft> While a simple for loop could do it well
L220[06:27:30] <Ordinastie> wut ?
L221[06:27:40] <CsokiCraft> Anyways, thanks for answering
L222[06:27:45] <Ordinastie> and how do you "automatically" localize then ?
L223[06:28:04] <CsokiCraft> What do you mean?
L224[06:28:44] <Ordinastie> when you asked how to add localization at runtime, that means, add a lang file at run time
L225[06:29:04] <CsokiCraft> Oh, no I meant adding individual entries
L226[06:29:14] <Ordinastie> apparently, you meant generate a lang file, so my next question is, how do you generate the actual translation
L227[06:30:10] <CsokiCraft> By concatenating array elements, pairing them in every combination
L228[06:30:15] <CsokiCraft> anyways gtg
L229[06:30:19] ⇦ Quits: CsokiCraft (~CsokiCraf@ (Quit: Leaving)
L230[06:30:30] <Ordinastie> what the fuck does that even mean? -_-
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L233[06:31:42] <Ivorius> Ordinastie: It means 'got to go' :)
L234[06:31:48] <Ordinastie> ahah
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L254[09:20:25] <barteks2x> So I'm trying to use idea opn other computer temporarily... looks like to import gradle project I first need to jave JDK to select, but to add JDK I first need a project
L255[09:21:11] <Ordinastie> there has to be a way to select a JDK globally
L256[09:21:24] <barteks2x> I can't find it anywhere
L257[09:22:42] <barteks2x> it wants be to select gradle JVM, but there is nothing to select from. To add new JVM/SDK I need a project already open
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L259[09:22:57] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry
L260[09:23:02] <Ordinastie> create an empty project ?
L261[09:23:03] <quadraxis> configure > project defaults > project structure ?
L262[09:23:27] <barteks2x> configure -> (where) -> [project defaults?
L263[09:23:57] <quadraxis> on the launch screen with no project open
L264[09:24:28] <barteks2x> I can't fine the "project defaults" part
L265[09:25:49] <barteks2x> I will just create the empty project...
L266[09:26:53] <barteks2x> now that is even better, once I created empty project it found my JDK by itself
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L268[09:34:21] <TechnicianLP> does minecraft have a implementation of linewrapping text somewhere?
L269[09:36:30] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be)
L270[09:36:46] <Ordinastie> somewhere yes
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L275[09:40:06] <TechnicianLP> well .... any idea where to search for it?
L276[09:40:37] <Ordinastie> font renderer maybe ? or StringUtils ?
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L278[09:46:15] <TechnicianLP> fontrenderer seems to have one ... thank you :)
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L281[09:56:56] <barteks2x> any way to disable gradle daemon globally for the whole system?
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L327[14:29:12] <shadekiller666> hello
L328[14:29:32] <shadekiller666> merry christmas to those who celebrate it
L329[14:30:46] <shadekiller666> can anyone tell me why this gets sent to the vanilla loader? https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/91d3465667a3d2c7ecb680660aa31796
L330[14:31:34] <shadekiller666> i'm trying to use the default block transforms for rotation and translation, but make the scale smaller
L331[14:31:34] <Ashindigo> Yay
L332[14:31:43] <shadekiller666> as the model spans multiple blocks
L333[14:33:26] <shadekiller666> is there a way to change the model scale in code rather than with blockstate jsons?
L334[14:33:34] <ghz|lappy> try using spaces instead of tabs? XD
L335[14:33:54] <ghz|lappy> also, models that are bigger than one block are not good
L336[14:34:07] <ghz|lappy> they will have lighting weirdness in some cases
L337[14:34:15] <ghz|lappy> it's recommended to split up the model into multiple sub-models
L338[14:34:16] <shadekiller666> tabs aren't an issue when i set "transform" to "forge:default-block" in the "defaults" section
L339[14:34:27] <ghz|lappy> and use different sub-blocks to draw each piece
L340[14:34:40] <shadekiller666> thats not really an option in this case
L341[14:34:52] <shadekiller666> the model in question is a large gear
L342[14:35:05] <shadekiller666> with a diameter of 5, 7, or 9 blocks
L343[14:35:13] <ghz|lappy> well, I can't see anything wrong
L344[14:35:19] <ghz|lappy> so I'm saying the only thing that comes to mind
L345[14:35:24] <howtonotwin> inventory needs to be a list
L346[14:35:31] <howtonotwin> inventory: [{ ... }]
L347[14:35:41] <ghz|lappy> ah right
L348[14:35:41] <howtonotwin> right now it thinks inventory is a property
L349[14:35:44] <ghz|lappy> that's loaded as
L350[14:35:49] <shadekiller666> ok
L351[14:35:51] <ghz|lappy> "inventory=transform"
L352[14:35:53] <howtonotwin> and transforms and facings are values
L353[14:35:57] <ghz|lappy> as if it was a property+value pair
L354[14:37:06] <shadekiller666> just tried the same layout with inventory being a list and it still gets sent to the vanilla loader
L355[14:37:29] <shadekiller666> which means its model is the missing block model
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L357[14:37:35] <ghz|lappy> when you say "sent to the vanilla loader"
L358[14:37:47] <ghz|lappy> you mean it's using the vanilla blockstates loader
L359[14:37:49] <howtonotwin> everything is sent to the vanilla loader
L360[14:37:55] <howtonotwin> if the forge loader fails
L361[14:37:58] <ghz|lappy> so you actually verified that it runs the vanilla code for it?
L362[14:38:01] <ghz|lappy> check the logs
L363[14:38:03] <howtonotwin> that's just the logic of the system
L364[14:38:05] <ghz|lappy> there should be info about WHY it failed
L365[14:38:37] <howtonotwin> it tries to load it with the forge loader, fails, loads it again in vanilla, fails, then prints the vanilla stacktrace followed by the forge stacktrace
L366[14:38:40] <shadekiller666> reload the gist to see the console output when F3+T is pressed
L367[14:40:15] <shadekiller666> this is forge 1.10.2- btw
L368[14:43:57] <fry> make inventory a list, and really be sure you reloaded the resources
L369[14:44:19] <fry> since right now itshould think that you have 2 properties, "inventory" and "facing"
L370[14:44:33] <shadekiller666> i did, let me change that in the gist
L371[14:44:43] <shadekiller666> restarting the game
L372[14:44:45] <ghz|lappy> shadekiller666: if you are in intellij, remember to hit build
L373[14:44:59] <ghz|lappy> so that the new resources are copied to the output folder
L374[14:45:11] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L375[14:45:40] <shadekiller666> intellij doesn't hotswap the resources?
L376[14:45:52] <shadekiller666> you actually have to rebuild first?
L377[14:47:04] <PaleoCrafter> it's kinda the same as for classes :P
L378[14:47:12] <shadekiller666> updated the gist, with inventory as a list, and having relaunched the game, it still throws the same error
L379[14:47:13] <PaleoCrafter> so it does hotswap resources :P
L380[14:47:35] <shadekiller666> i was pressing save and the hotswap button every time
L381[14:47:57] <PaleoCrafter> there is no "hotswap button" :P
L382[14:48:13] <PaleoCrafter> you probably mean the recompilation thing which only recompiles the current file
L383[14:48:24] <shadekiller666> there is if you know how to make the HotSwap menu item a button
L384[14:48:30] <PaleoCrafter> but since there is no file to recompile for an asset, you have to do it differently
L385[14:48:51] <PaleoCrafter> but there is no HotSwap item :P
L386[14:49:27] <shadekiller666> i have a button to the right of the save button that runs intellij's HotSwap command,
L387[14:49:49] <shadekiller666> and i know that the button works for actual code changes
L388[14:49:51] <PaleoCrafter> jesus christ... there is no hotswap command ._. only reload changed classes and that happens automatically on compile
L389[14:50:09] <shadekiller666> ok, its a button to reload changed classes
L390[14:50:15] <shadekiller666> sheesh
L391[14:51:03] <PaleoCrafter> that implies it doesn't work for assets, which was my initial point :P
L392[14:51:21] <shadekiller666> ok fine
L393[14:51:45] <shadekiller666> point is: i restarted the game with inventory as a list, and it still isn't loading correctly
L394[15:00:38] * howtonotwin calls the Ghostbusters
L395[15:00:54] * Akkarin busts through the door
L396[15:01:02] * Akkarin drips of a gooey substance
L397[15:01:09] <shadekiller666> any ideas?
L398[15:01:13] <Akkarin> Where's that ghost?!
L399[15:01:35] <howtonotwin> in shadekiller's computer
L400[15:01:41] <howtonotwin> get it
L401[15:01:46] * Akkarin blasts shadekiller666's PC to bits
L402[15:01:51] <Akkarin> My work here is done!
L403[15:01:56] * Akkarin dives out of the window
L404[15:02:32] <howtonotwin> where exactly is this file?
L405[15:03:41] <shadekiller666> its path is "resources/assets/transitmod/blockstates/gear.json"
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L407[15:04:48] <shadekiller666> it loads perfectly fine if "inventory": [{}] is empty and "defaults" has "transform": "forge:default-block"
L408[15:05:06] <howtonotwin> o_O
L409[15:05:28] <howtonotwin> *creepy computer ghost vibe intensifies*
L410[15:05:32] <howtonotwin> update forge?
L411[15:05:35] <shadekiller666> and i'm not doing anything weird with the way that its registered
L412[15:05:48] <howtonotwin> you're several hundred commits behind
L413[15:06:20] <shadekiller666> how much has changed between 1.10.2 and 1.11?
L414[15:06:36] <ghz|lappy> itemstacks mostly
L415[15:06:40] <ghz|lappy> a few other things
L416[15:06:44] <ghz|lappy> but itemstacks mostly
L417[15:06:48] <howtonotwin> I meant update to latest 1.10.2
L418[15:06:59] <howtonotwin> and by several I mean "one" :P
L419[15:07:14] <shadekiller666> ok
L420[15:07:57] <shadekiller666> if i'm going to update the forge version i might as well update to 1.11
L421[15:11:18] <ghz|lappy> uhm
L422[15:11:26] <ghz|lappy> updating forge version is just a tiny update
L423[15:11:40] <ghz|lappy> updating to 1.11 will require going through every use of ItemStack
L424[15:13:15] <shadekiller666> :/
L425[15:13:29] <shadekiller666> what have they done to ItemStacks?
L426[15:13:37] <PaleoCrafter> made them nonnull
L427[15:13:42] <ghz|lappy> nonnull
L428[15:13:46] <ghz|lappy> item is final
L429[15:13:49] <ghz|lappy> and stackSize is private
L430[15:14:00] <ghz|lappy> needs .getCount/.setCount/.grow/.shrink
L431[15:14:04] <shadekiller666> ok
L432[15:14:20] <shadekiller666> is there a specific reason they did so?
L433[15:14:28] <ghz|lappy> avoids bugs
L434[15:14:43] <ghz|lappy> they also added a NonNullList
L435[15:14:52] <ghz|lappy> which they use inplace of ItemStack[] or List<ItemStack>
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L438[15:25:57] <shadekiller666> ok
L439[15:26:21] <Ivorius> Uh
L440[15:26:36] <Ivorius> Why is my mc instance not srg
L441[15:26:45] <Ivorius> It's mcp at runtime
L442[15:27:06] <Ivorius> I was pretty sure that was changed, no?
L443[15:28:32] <Ivorius> ReflectionHelper.findMethod(EntityHanging.class, null, new String[]{"func_174859_a"}, EnumFacing.class) Do I need to provide both names, or is it just a Forge bug?
L444[15:28:32] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be)
L445[15:29:33] <shadekiller666> iirc its always been the case that both names were needed
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L447[15:30:27] <Ivorius> Well, it definitely worked in 1.8
L448[15:30:30] <Ivorius> But it's broken now
L449[15:30:56] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L450[15:31:29] <Ivorius> iirc Forge was changed at some point to always be srg at runtime
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L452[15:32:36] <howtonotwin> in dev it's mcp always, outside it's srg always
L453[15:32:43] <howtonotwin> this includes compiled mods
L454[15:33:41] <Ivorius> > Well, it definitely worked in 1.8
L455[15:33:41] <Ivorius> :P
L456[15:34:32] <howtonotwin> magic
L457[15:34:35] <Ivorius> yah
L458[15:34:38] <Ivorius> I'll change and see
L459[15:35:09] <shadekiller666> how does one register a client command in 1.10?
L460[15:36:47] <ghz|lappy> clientcommandhandler or something like that
L461[15:37:21] <shadekiller666> and where does one call to that?
L462[15:38:29] <howtonotwin> from the looks of it, it's "whenever" :P (I'd guess preinit?)
L463[15:38:35] <shadekiller666> ok
L464[15:38:50] <shadekiller666> ah ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand(...);
L465[15:39:47] <shadekiller666> probably a good idea to do it in ClientProxy to avoid issues
L466[15:39:59] <howtonotwin> yeah
L467[15:46:35] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L468[15:48:46] <shadekiller666> :/ calling ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand() in my ClientProxy.preInit() doesn't seem to work
L469[15:49:28] <shadekiller666> this particular command is supposed to set a boolean variable inside of a TESR for help with debugging, so it shouldn't be a server-side command
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L479[16:31:03] <PaleoCrafter> hm... experiencing some weird issues with string widths and unicode fonts here Oo
L480[16:33:26] <PaleoCrafter> nvm ._.
L481[16:33:59] <Ivorius> Adding mcp worked btw
L482[16:34:14] <Ivorius> So either my entire life is a lie
L483[16:34:28] <Ivorius> Or someone changed the mapping thing back
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L490[16:46:04] <diesieben07> grmbl, the version of netty minecraft uses has a stupid bug :(
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L510[19:08:00] <PaleoCrafter> welp, http://s.mineformers.de/2016-12-26_02-04-53.mp4
L511[19:12:09] <ntzrmtthihu777> PaleoCrafter: is my browser bugging out, or are you just repeatedly activating that block?
L512[19:12:30] <PaleoCrafter> I think that's your browser xD
L513[19:12:35] <ntzrmtthihu777> bah...
L514[19:12:37] <PaleoCrafter> I'm not doing much, but more than just activating it :P
L515[19:12:55] <ntzrmtthihu777> oh well. currently I'm doing u-boot stuff anyways :P
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L519[19:14:23] <PaleoCrafter> still not sure whether the bit buffer really should be capable of holding 16^3 * 64 bits in each slot xD
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