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L1[00:11:16] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
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L6[00:46:58] <ntzrmtthihu777> hey folks. So, what's the modding scene like now? I'm considering picking up modding again, at the very least for one mod I like.
L7[00:52:10] <killjoy> ntzrmtthihu777, where did you leave off?
L8[00:52:14] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@cpe-66-66-15-47.rochester.res.rr.com)
L9[00:52:44] <ntzrmtthihu777> somewhere in 1.7 land
L10[00:52:54] <killjoy> so you missed the hell that was block models
L11[00:53:00] <killjoy> Good thing hell froze over
L12[00:53:03] <ntzrmtthihu777> jsons are gone?
L13[00:53:08] <killjoy> they're still there
L14[00:53:13] <killjoy> but they're better
L15[00:53:20] <ntzrmtthihu777> sane defaults?
L16[00:53:31] <killjoy> dunno. I don't really do blocks
L17[00:54:00] <ntzrmtthihu777> how are mobs?
L18[00:54:08] <killjoy> not much changed
L19[00:54:18] <killjoy> though they use ILayerRenderer
L20[00:54:22] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@2001:8003:84b5:3c00:4e1:c3c7:5457:3e3f)
L21[00:54:40] <killjoy> There's no longer a entity render event.
L22[00:54:49] <ntzrmtthihu777> huh.
L23[00:54:52] <killjoy> You're supposed to use a ILayerRenderer instead
L24[00:55:00] <ntzrmtthihu777> 'supposed to' :P
L25[00:55:11] <killjoy> armors use it
L26[00:55:19] <killjoy> as do held items
L27[00:55:28] <killjoy> capes, elytras, etc
L28[00:56:02] <ntzrmtthihu777> I'm really not sure if I wanna bother though. I've got a lot more 'serious' programming stuff going on. embedded linux stuffs.
L29[00:56:11] <killjoy> that's nice
L30[00:56:49] <ntzrmtthihu777> its fun, but I kinda do miss the days of working on something that really doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of computing
L31[01:11:11] ⇦ Quits: Lapiman (~tcmzeal@pool-96-241-214-208.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lol bye)
L32[01:17:17] ⇦ Quits: Cooler (~CoolerExt@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L36[01:23:34] <ayyliens> Trying to set a block in the world to my custom block with mc.theWorld.setBlockState(bPos, myBlock.getBlockState().getBaseState(), 1);
L37[01:23:42] <ayyliens> am I doing something wrong?
L38[01:24:00] <Ordinastie> yes
L39[01:24:05] <ayyliens> thought so :P
L40[01:24:11] <Ordinastie> the minecraft class doesn't exist on the server
L41[01:24:27] <ayyliens> no I was trying to set it client side
L42[01:24:30] <Ordinastie> use the world you're given
L43[01:24:38] <Ordinastie> you don't set blocks client side
L44[01:24:56] <ayyliens> but in this case I do want to
L45[01:25:04] <Ordinastie> you can't
L46[01:25:06] <ayyliens> ah
L47[01:25:10] <ayyliens> makes sense then
L48[01:25:29] <Ordinastie> and wanting to doesn't make sense anyway
L49[01:25:37] <ayyliens> its a client mod
L50[01:25:48] <Ordinastie> then you can't have blocks
L51[01:25:52] <killjoy> don't mess with the world client-side
L52[01:26:00] <ayyliens> :(
L53[01:26:05] <ayyliens> but my hopes and dreams
L54[01:26:11] <killjoy> crushed
L55[01:26:21] <Ordinastie> dream better
L56[01:26:26] <killjoy> unless you want to make it a client/server mod?
L57[01:26:45] <ayyliens> nah
L58[01:26:56] <Ordinastie> what were you trying to do anyway ?
L59[01:27:27] <ayyliens> have a way to replace blocks on the fly
L60[01:27:36] <killjoy> like replacements?
L61[01:27:37] <Ordinastie> whut ?
L62[01:27:53] <ayyliens> is that a mod?
L63[01:28:05] <killjoy> replacements is a forge feature
L64[01:28:12] <Ordinastie> (that doesn't work)
L65[01:28:23] <ayyliens> go on :P
L66[01:28:25] * killjoy doesn't know how to use it
L67[01:28:39] <killjoy> But supposedly you give it a id and it replaces it
L68[01:28:55] <Ordinastie> explain concretely what your mod was supposed to do
L69[01:29:05] <ayyliens> say I have this house
L70[01:29:37] <ayyliens> and it was made of idk birch planks, I would like to replace stone with my block
L71[01:29:54] <killjoy> just use a resource pack
L72[01:30:03] <ayyliens> yeah
L73[01:30:12] <ayyliens> i mean I could do that
L74[01:33:43] <Ordinastie> localized resource packs, that's an idea
L75[01:33:49] <killjoy> huh?
L76[01:33:54] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L77[01:34:07] <killjoy> providing localizations in a resource pack?
L78[01:34:20] <Ordinastie> not that kind of localized
L79[01:34:22] <Ordinastie> a resource pack that would be used only within user defined bounds
L80[01:34:39] <Ordinastie> probably a bit tricky to implement though
L81[01:36:51] <ntzrmtthihu777> man... I can't wait til I get my two new monitors. May or may not sell my current one after recieving them.
L82[01:37:31] <ntzrmtthihu777> widescreen acension get
L83[01:37:41] <Ordinastie> lol, so there is prison architect at -75% for 6.99€
L84[01:38:11] <Ordinastie> below, bundle with 5 games including PA, -91% for 6.45€
L85[01:39:12] <ntzrmtthihu777> heh. funny how that works.
L86[01:39:37] <Ordinastie> well, actually, seeing the other games, I can understand how it would cost less overall ><
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L88[01:42:13] <ntzrmtthihu777> heh.
L89[01:42:27] <ntzrmtthihu777> well still, may as well get more for less :)
L90[01:46:48] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L91[01:48:31] <ntzrmtthihu777> man, I never realized how much I came to depend on a lot of screen real estate... while this new monitor may be objectively better than my previous one (a tv, in actuality), the difference between 27" and 50" is staggering.
L92[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161224 mappings to Forge Maven.
L93[02:00:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161224-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161224" in build.gradle).
L94[02:00:23] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L103[03:15:58] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L104[03:16:27] <Ordinastie> I guess it's not possible to AT fields added by forge...
L105[03:16:40] <ayyliens> lol
L106[03:17:05] ⇦ Quits: Everseeking (~Everseeki@pool-100-6-95-214.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
L107[03:24:02] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|away
L108[03:32:14] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L109[03:34:51] <killjoy> need something added to forge? Make a PR.
L110[03:35:00] <killjoy> That's our philosophy, right?
L111[03:35:03] <ntzrmtthihu777> the joy of open source :)
L112[03:35:37] <killjoy> though licenses suck
L113[03:35:51] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L114[03:37:51] <killjoy> heh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulhKEen9Apg&feature=youtu.be
L115[03:42:36] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@cpe-66-66-15-47.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L116[03:48:03] <LexMobile> evening anything i should know about before bed?
L117[03:49:05] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-76-182-16-229.nc.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L118[03:49:45] <ntzrmtthihu777> sup lex
L119[03:50:07] <LexMobile> not much just checking in before bed
L120[03:50:19] <LexMobile> hopefully net gets installed tomarrow so i can do some work.
L121[03:50:32] <ntzrmtthihu777> I should probably do the same. glad to see forge is still alive and well :)
L122[03:50:32] <LexMobile> still need to get a chair/monitors.. but ya
L123[03:51:01] <ntzrmtthihu777> nice. I have 2x 21:9 monitors on the way :)
L124[03:51:11] <ntzrmtthihu777> still have a shit chair and desk, though
L125[03:52:09] <ntzrmtthihu777> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824025112 << two of these :D
L126[03:53:43] <LexMobile> thats interesting..
L127[03:53:54] <LexMobile> my plan is to do a 3 lower, 1 upper setup
L128[03:54:05] <LexMobile> and find whatever the strongest desk chair i can find is.
L129[03:54:11] <LexMobile> cuz im fat, i need something strong
L130[03:55:22] <ntzrmtthihu777> heh. I'm scrawney, so I can do with flimsy stuff for the moment.
L131[03:56:01] <ntzrmtthihu777> want a nice setup eventually, but currently worried about little other than the main hardwares.
L132[03:57:28] <ntzrmtthihu777> hrm.
L133[04:03:34] <LexMobile> http://www.dxracer.com/us/en-us/product/1/office_chairs/boss_series/ Says <450 I'm 525~ {last i weighed myself was a while ago cuz fuck im fat}
L134[04:03:56] <LexMobile> tempted to get one as it *should* work as im not putting m FULL weight on it.
L135[04:07:13] <ntzrmtthihu777> huh. I never thought of you as being fat o.0 gotta love that internet anonymity at times.
L136[04:07:28] <ntzrmtthihu777> personally I weigh like 120 or so
L137[04:08:29] <PaleoCrafter> you're aware that there are videos and pictures of Lex, ntzrmtthihu777? :P
L138[04:09:32] <ntzrmtthihu777> probably, I just don't care much about meatsuits when it comes to programming stuffs.
L139[04:10:31] <ntzrmtthihu777> as far as I was concerned lex was a old-style black mage with a bad attitude :P
L140[04:11:51] <LexMobile> meh, im fat cuz my brain is messed up. I HAVE to have something to occupy my brain or else I go into depressing areas.. And when excersising.. there is nothing to distract/occupy me so... its not fun.
L141[04:12:18] * LexMobile should probably be taking pills for depression but doesnt cuz i dont go to the doctor
L142[04:12:24] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L143[04:12:38] <ntzrmtthihu777> heh. I know that feels. apparently I'm just wired to not gain weight
L144[04:13:12] <ntzrmtthihu777> so, why even worry about excercise outside of my normal walking. pretty happy to sit at a keyboard and hack away at shitty hardware/firmware to improve it.
L145[04:13:52] <LexMobile> to people like you, i say fuck you!
L146[04:14:33] <Ordinastie> to be fair, you say that to everybody
L147[04:15:03] <LexMobile> Im not one of those who blaims me being fat purely on my genetics, but there IS something at play in there. I have an entire family of fatasses on both sides. So it doesn't help
L148[04:15:25] <LexMobile> This is true, everyone can fuck off, they can fuck on to, as long as everyone says yes.
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L150[04:15:59] <ntzrmtthihu777> LexMobile: sorry man, if its any consolation I can't put on much muscle mass even when I tried at it really, really hard for a long time.
L151[04:16:09] <ntzrmtthihu777> so, I'm not even that buff sorta skinny.
L152[04:16:55] <Ordinastie> coming back to the ItemStack.item->getItem() transformer, was there any reason to not simply redirect to a forge added getDelegate() method ?
L153[04:17:03] <LexMobile> ah so you're like white boy tweaker skinny?
L154[04:17:20] <ntzrmtthihu777> more or less, yeah.
L155[04:17:24] <LexMobile> because its not just get delegate
L156[04:17:38] <ntzrmtthihu777> at one point I weighed like 140, didn't look much different.
L157[04:17:39] * ghz|afk yawns
L158[04:17:41] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L159[04:17:42] <LexMobile> its more, and we patch in getItem so why not just use that one?
L160[04:18:34] <ntzrmtthihu777> and pretty much I'm constantly tweaked out on legal stimulants in the form of caffine and nicotine, so yeah :P
L161[04:18:35] <Ordinastie> because every where vanilla uses the field, it's not supposed to get air if size is 0
L162[04:20:41] <LexMobile> why not?
L163[04:21:03] <LexMobile> the only place that matters is its isEmpty check
L164[04:21:16] <Ordinastie> and copy at least
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L167[04:21:47] <LexMobile> not really copy, but maybe an exception can be made for that
L168[04:22:16] <LexMobile> from the outside point of view anything thats 0 should be air, so copy returning air is fine
L169[04:24:17] <Ordinastie> in my case it wasn't
L170[04:24:29] <Ordinastie> I need a copy that preserves the actual item
L171[04:24:39] <LexMobile> why?
L172[04:25:14] <LexMobile> btw someone confirm for me s i dont have the code in front of me
L173[04:25:31] <LexMobile> is(STONE, 1).getItem() == STONE
L174[04:25:46] <LexMobile> is.setSize(0).get() == AIR
L175[04:25:52] <Ordinastie> yes
L176[04:25:59] <LexMobile> is.setSize(1).get() == STONE?
L177[04:26:07] <Ordinastie> yes
L178[04:26:28] <LexMobile> ok so it can be resusitated, so ya we may need to filter copy as well
L179[04:26:34] <LexMobile> should be a small patch
L180[04:27:36] <Ordinastie> I still feel a getDelegateItem method would be safer
L181[04:28:20] <Ordinastie> feels like a possibly dangerous side effect
L182[04:29:02] <LexMobile> ?
L183[04:29:05] <LexMobile> the point
L184[04:29:20] <LexMobile> is we dont want the 50 other parts where it NEEDS to go through the delegate
L185[04:29:23] <LexMobile> to be manually patched
L186[04:29:33] <Ordinastie> I get that
L187[04:29:38] <LexMobile> and the return of getItem aSHOULD be delegated
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L189[04:29:52] <LexMobile> so functionally, if the name of the function is getItem or getDelegatedItem
L190[04:29:55] <LexMobile> its all the same
L191[04:29:59] <Ordinastie> I just say, don't change this.item to this.getItem, change this.item to this.getDelegateItem
L192[04:30:03] <Ordinastie> and getItem should call it too
L193[04:30:14] <LexMobile> functionally the same
L194[04:30:17] <LexMobile> doesnt matter
L195[04:30:20] <Ordinastie> except getDelegate shouldn't check for empty
L196[04:32:43] ⇨ Joins: Snapples (uid167569@id-167569.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L197[04:33:47] <LexMobile> humm get item doesnt even use the item it uses the delegate directly
L198[04:34:37] <LexMobile> tho the point is if its ull to return air to...
L199[04:35:05] <Ordinastie> that's ok
L200[04:35:28] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L201[04:35:34] <LexMobile> meh its something to think about but i dont really care
L202[04:35:40] <LexMobile> as its all internal shit
L203[04:35:48] <LexMobile> tho
L204[04:36:03] <LexMobile> 90% of the code SHOULD use air for 0 size stacks
L205[04:36:17] <LexMobile> its only copy as you said the should care to preserve the data
L206[04:37:16] <Ordinastie> delegates are only for aliases and substitution right ?
L207[04:37:40] <LexMobile> its for delayed resolution of anything in the registry
L208[04:37:55] <LexMobile> mainly for subs and aliases yes
L209[04:39:15] <LexMobile> oh well its 240am i ned sleep
L210[04:39:19] <LexMobile> need to be in scappoose at 11
L211[04:40:18] <ntzrmtthihu777> heh. 0400 here
L212[04:42:20] <Ordinastie> little design question, I have some CachedData with update() and hasChanged()
L213[04:42:49] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L214[04:42:51] <Ordinastie> should hasChanged() return whether it has changed sinced the last update, of if it has changed since last time hasChanged was called
L215[04:49:46] <Ordinastie> I feel the latter is more flexible
L216[04:57:12] <gigaherz> hmm I don't see how the latter is useful
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L219[05:08:13] <Ordinastie> in case update is called multiple times before checking for changes
L220[05:11:18] <gigaherz> hmmm
L221[05:11:33] <gigaherz> update() would be the one that causes hasChanged to become false after it has been true?
L222[05:11:37] <gigaherz> or the one that causes it to become true?
L223[05:12:38] <Ordinastie> currently, it's like that : http://puu.sh/sZFvI.png
L224[05:13:56] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L225[05:15:38] <Ordinastie> meh, I'll keep it that way
L226[05:15:58] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L236[05:40:03] <gigaherz> !latest 1.10.2
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L248[07:00:54] <Xalcon> hey guys, someone around with some more advanced knowledge about EnumFacing? I'm trying to get the clicked faced of a rotated block. Currently I'm using "EnumFacing relativeFace = new TRSRTransformation(clickedFace).rotate(blockFacing);" which returns wrong results if the block is facing west/east but its working properly when the block is facing south/north - all sides (besides up/down) are flipped if the block is facing
L249[07:00:54] <Xalcon> east or west
L250[07:01:26] <gigaherz> wat
L251[07:01:41] <Xalcon> if I have an east facing block and click on the east side, I'd effectivly clicked on the "front" (north side)
L252[07:01:47] <Xalcon> but the transforms says south
L253[07:01:56] <gigaherz> oh I see
L254[07:03:05] <Xalcon> i could create my own transform code, but i would like to know if there is a bug in forge or if I'm doing something wrong
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L256[07:07:55] <Ordinastie> Xalcon, I do that : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/util/EnumFacingUtils.java#L99
L257[07:08:42] <Xalcon> yeah, i had something similar too but then I found TRSRTransform which can do that
L258[07:11:35] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/therealgigaherz/status/812645243287961600
L259[07:17:02] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L260[07:17:09] <diesieben07> hooo leee crap. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?board=65.0
L261[07:17:19] <diesieben07> what nice sight to wake up to.
L262[07:17:29] <Xalcon> <3
L263[07:17:46] <Xalcon> swing the ban hammer
L264[07:19:12] <PaleoCrafter> "
L265[07:19:13] <PaleoCrafter> Buy Lexapro Next Day" - Does that have to do anything with Lex? :D
L266[07:19:38] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben07, that's gonna be easier to clean up with the new forums, btw :P
L267[07:20:24] <diesieben07> <3 <3
L268[07:20:52] <PaleoCrafter> huh, the Installer doesn't seem to use the proper new logo Oo
L269[07:21:10] <PaleoCrafter> I thought this would suffice: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/pull/33 but apparently the Installer gets it from somewhere else
L270[07:21:24] <PaleoCrafter> now the anvil is white and you can't see it xD
L271[07:21:52] <gigaherz> welp so far as spam attacks go, it's quite mild
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L274[07:22:18] <gigaherz> or maybe half of it was already deleted hmm
L275[07:22:24] <gigaherz> the rest are gone now ;P
L276[07:22:27] <diesieben07> yeah
L277[07:22:33] <diesieben07> i just went through and deleted them
L278[07:22:59] <diesieben07> 35 posts
L279[07:23:17] <gigaherz> we had a login flaw in the reactos site some months ago
L280[07:23:42] <gigaherz> there were like 5000 wiki entries added or something crazy like that
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L325[10:53:07] <ayyliens> there is still coremod support in the new versions of forge right?
L326[10:55:15] <gigaherz> yes
L327[10:55:21] <gigaherz> we highly discourage it, though
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L336[11:44:40] <Ordinastie> for some reason, it doesn't take the translation of one mod in 1.11 (in dev)
L337[11:46:22] <Ordinastie> all other assets load fine though
L338[11:50:22] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|xmas
L339[12:00:26] <Ordinastie> ahhhh
L340[12:00:39] <Ordinastie> forge automatically uppercase lang files
L341[12:02:45] <Ordinastie> what's the pack_format number supposed to be ?
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L344[12:05:18] <Shambling> is there a super simple way to convert something from using item damage to something more accepted like... I think most mods use nbt or meta instead?
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L346[12:05:39] <Ordinastie> meta IS item damage
L347[12:06:14] <Shambling> hrmmm... ok so it is, wonder why this is so incompatible with something then
L348[12:06:38] <Ordinastie> what is incompatible with what ?
L349[12:06:49] <Shambling> dense ores references meta, and osmium ore uses a itemstack.itemdamage to track if its osmium, tin, or copper
L350[12:07:19] <Shambling> I'm trying to get a good dense ores config setup for 1.10.2, and every mod works except mekanism, and that doesn't seem like an old issue
L351[12:07:27] <Ordinastie> like I said, itemstack metadata or itemstack damage is the same thing
L352[12:08:48] <Shambling> alright so no great reason for it to not work then
L353[12:08:58] <Shambling> was thinking of dropping it anyways, meh
L354[12:10:55] <Shambling> I'll move onto the next mod and generate dense ores for that instead, cheers ordinastie
L355[12:11:01] <Shambling> have a good weekend
L356[12:11:20] <Ordinastie> if there is an incompability between 2 mods, asks those mods' uthors
L357[12:11:23] <Ordinastie> *authors
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L363[12:27:06] <Xtcent_> Hey, whats the best way to initialize my Rendermobs class, where i set textures for the mobs i am adding? Do i just try to load the whole class in preinit?
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L392[13:53:35] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
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L399[14:53:41] <parzivail> for anyone having the my-dimension-is-always-dark issue, make sure [field_191067_f = true] in your <? extends WorldProvider>#createBiomeProvider
L400[14:55:20] <Ordinastie> !gf field_191067_f
L401[14:55:40] <Ordinastie> well, makes sense
L402[14:55:52] <parzivail> !gf field_191067_f
L403[14:56:12] <Ordinastie> you should update your mappings
L404[14:56:21] <parzivail> shucks, too bad it only prints privately. then everyone had to do it
L405[14:56:58] <parzivail> yeah, I know. I usually run it through my convertor thing but didn't think too this time for some reason
L406[14:58:11] <parzivail> when you say I can update my mappings, you mean there's a way to convert the rest of those pesky unknowns to actual names in-editor? if so, this is news to me
L407[14:59:01] <howtonotwin> in build.gradlew there's a mapping line
L408[14:59:03] <howtonotwin> !!latest
L409[14:59:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L410[14:59:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L411[14:59:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.11 snapshot_20161224
L412[14:59:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.10.2 snapshot_20161117
L413[14:59:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.10.2 stable_29
L414[14:59:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.9.4 snapshot_20160627
L415[14:59:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.9.4 stable_26
L416[14:59:09] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.9 snapshot_20160516
L417[14:59:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.9 stable_24
L418[14:59:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.9 snapshot_20160301
L419[14:59:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.9 stable_22
L420[14:59:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.8 snapshot_20151229
L421[14:59:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> + 5 more. Please use !more to see 5 queued entries.
L422[14:59:13] <howtonotwin> change it to use the latest version ^
L423[14:59:27] <howtonotwin> then rerun setupDecompWorkspace
L424[15:00:06] <howtonotwin> *build.gradle
L425[15:00:25] <parzivail> that won't break anything if I re-run it?
L426[15:00:38] <howtonotwin> It'll break code that you wrote that uses the srg names
L427[15:00:41] <howtonotwin> but nothing else
L428[15:00:45] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L429[15:00:47] <parzivail> got it
L430[15:00:50] <parzivail> thanks
L431[15:01:05] <howtonotwin> np
L432[15:02:55] ⇨ Joins: RandomX45 (~random@2601:44:8802:2060:4426:c38e:1466:252f)
L433[15:06:35] <parzivail> great, now I gotta re-add all my libraries in IntelliJ
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L435[15:09:12] <howtonotwin> really? sDW shouldn't touch anything IDE related...
L436[15:10:01] <parzivail> yeah well
L437[15:10:48] <howtonotwin> if you want you can pop over to #forgegradle and iron that out
L438[15:11:00] <howtonotwin> because that's not supposed to happen
L439[15:11:42] <parzivail> don't mind if I do
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L442[15:14:14] <howtonotwin> Thinking about it, these channels are probably gonna be deader than usual due to Christmas
L443[15:14:26] <parzivail> ...yeah
L444[15:14:27] <howtonotwin> may take a while to get a response
L445[15:14:40] <parzivail> oh well, I'll figure something out
L446[15:18:34] <diesieben07> parzivail, why are you adding libraries manually? use gradle...
L447[15:18:46] <parzivail> that's just it
L448[15:18:56] <parzivail> it *should* be adding them automatically, but it's not
L449[15:19:14] <parzivail> currently reading http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=21354.0
L450[15:19:19] <diesieben07> did you refresh gradle in intellij?
L451[15:20:02] <parzivail> I swear today I'm possessed. thanks.
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L453[15:22:04] <parzivail> !gf func_190916_E
L454[15:22:13] <parzivail> !gm func_190916_E
L455[15:23:21] <diesieben07> My god why does bluetooth suck SO MUCH?
L456[15:23:47] <howtonotwin> fyi if you're going to be using the bot a lot go to #mcpbot, pm it, or open a dcc (with !dcc) to it
L457[15:23:56] <parzivail> because it just turned 18. it's rebelling
L458[15:24:27] <diesieben07> got a new mouse (mx master)... using the unifying receiver, works amazing as it's predecessor
L459[15:24:31] <diesieben07> bluetooth? fuck me wtf is this
L460[15:24:46] <parzivail> ah, thanks hownottowin
L461[15:24:56] <parzivail> howtonotwin*
L462[15:25:03] <howtonotwin> yes?
L463[15:25:18] <parzivail> thanks, about #mcpbot
L464[15:25:27] <howtonotwin> np
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L466[16:14:58] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L467[16:17:29] <parzivail> is there a good way to convert 1.7.10 item/block JAVAs to the new JSONs? if you couldn't tell I'm finally porting my mod :D
L468[16:18:09] <williewillus> what is a "item/block JAVA"
L469[16:18:16] <williewillus> jsons's are only for rendering
L470[16:18:22] <williewillus> any game logic you have stays in your class
L471[16:18:25] <parzivail> the ModelRenderer for the old blocks
L472[16:18:35] <williewillus> oh, yeah not really. those are finicky
L473[16:18:38] <parzivail> sorry, never said model
L474[16:18:46] <williewillus> there's a script out there that kinda tries to do it but it's not perfect
L475[16:19:01] <parzivail> so... time to remake all the models?
L476[16:19:10] <howtonotwin> there are tools out there to help that
L477[16:19:17] <parzivail> oh?
L478[16:19:19] <howtonotwin> MrCrayfish's modeler comes to mind
L479[16:19:22] <williewillus> i mean did you need them to be ModelBase's in the first place?
L480[16:19:40] <williewillus> in the past you should've only used .java models for tile entities
L481[16:19:44] <williewillus> that were animated
L482[16:19:57] <parzivail> and... what for blocks and items with custom models?
L483[16:20:39] <howtonotwin> I wasn't here in those dark days but I'm pretty sure most models that weren't the default were all code...
L484[16:20:40] <williewillus> ever heard of an isbrh? :P
L485[16:21:00] <howtonotwin> I think they count as code :P
L486[16:21:11] <williewillus> howtonotwin: ModelREnderer/ModelBase was specifically mentioned above
L487[16:21:24] * howtonotwin can't rea
L488[16:21:26] <howtonotwin> *read
L489[16:21:29] * howtonotwin can't write either
L490[16:21:39] <williewillus> either way if they don't need to be animated or dynamic remake them
L491[16:21:52] <williewillus> otherwise if it does need animation/dynamism leave it as is in a tesr
L492[16:22:07] <howtonotwin> You may want to look into FastTESR
L493[16:22:36] <williewillus> don't worry about that
L494[16:22:43] <williewillus> the use case for that is narrow
L495[16:23:00] <williewillus> usually everything can either be a static model or a tesr, fasttesr is for a really niche in between
L496[16:23:39] <parzivail> well all I'm looking for is to convert 100+ already-made ModelRenderers to 1.11, can they stay ModelRenderers or must they be JSONs?
L497[16:24:00] <williewillus> my point is they shouldn't have ever been ModelRenderer's, if they weren't animated/dynamic
L498[16:24:09] <williewillus> so now is as good a time as any to fix that
L499[16:24:15] <parzivail> my point
L500[16:24:28] <howtonotwin> JSON is desired
L501[16:24:39] <howtonotwin> whatever you can make JSON
L502[16:24:40] <howtonotwin> make JSON
L503[16:25:09] <howtonotwin> Also https://gist.github.com/howtonotwin/88fd07f419ae5c9560e9ae2615514018
L504[16:27:09] <parzivail> this is going to be a long, long weekend
L505[16:27:21] <williewillus> it's going to take more than a weekend :D
L506[16:27:30] <howtonotwin> :P
L507[16:27:53] <parzivail> well, we have a few people who can work on it but it's still going to take a while
L508[16:28:50] <williewillus> port your Blocks to block states first before doing rendering
L509[16:28:53] <williewillus> as a word of advice
L510[16:29:01] <parzivail> already done
L511[16:29:06] <williewillus> cool
L512[16:32:34] <howtonotwin> If I deprecate something in a PR to Forge, would that count as a breaking change?
L513[16:32:55] <williewillus> no
L514[16:33:05] <williewillus> "breaking" => existing code will crash
L515[16:33:11] <howtonotwin> ok
L516[16:33:13] <williewillus> aka you change a method signature
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L530[18:09:15] <Zaggy1024> mezz, there's a few other classes in CloudRenderer that will cause errors on the server, so I think the solution is to put the reference to CloudRenderer in a @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) function...unless I'm not thinking of some other solution
L531[18:09:35] <Zaggy1024> not sure whether such a function should go in ForgeModContainer though
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L534[18:18:34] <mezz> Zaggy1024, the usual solution is to create a render proxy
L535[18:19:59] <Zaggy1024> does Forge have a proxy itself?
L536[18:20:04] <mezz> I don't know if forge uses one, I'm looking now
L537[18:20:17] <mezz> it doesn't look like it
L538[18:23:09] <Zaggy1024> should I add one? seems like that's a bit unnecessary for something so small though
L539[18:23:15] <mezz> I think the only server-side place you reference CloudRenderer is ForgeModContainer
L540[18:23:40] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L541[18:23:46] <Zaggy1024> it is
L542[18:24:20] <mezz> yeah just make a sideOnly function for registering it with the event bus, and another for registering the reload handler for it
L543[18:24:53] <Zaggy1024> it'll probably crash trying to load VertexBuffer as well
L544[18:24:59] <Zaggy1024> the whole class would have to be SideOnly
L545[18:25:02] <mezz> yes
L546[18:25:21] <mezz> CloudRenderer has to be sideOnly client
L547[18:25:54] <mezz> even Minecraft.getMinecraft is only available on the client iirc
L548[18:27:11] <Zaggy1024> Testing it now
L549[18:27:49] <mezz> the best place for registerReloadListener is probably ForgeModContainer.onAvailable. that gets called at the same time the other reload listeners are registered
L550[18:28:41] <Zaggy1024> hm, but is there a reason it can't just be in postInit?
L551[18:28:59] <Zaggy1024> it doesn't get used until a world is loaded so it won't cause errors
L552[18:29:49] <mezz> I think it gets called earlier
L553[18:31:03] <mezz> also since mojang is creating like 5 reload handlers at that time, it's the right place and more likely to survive updates
L554[18:31:23] <Zaggy1024> hm, okay den
L555[18:31:35] <Zaggy1024> this is odd though, SideOnly on CloudRenderer doesn't seem to solve the crash
L556[18:31:47] <Zaggy1024> seems to still be trying to load TextureAtlasSprite, not sure why
L557[18:32:10] <mezz> you need SideOnly on any method in ForgeModContainer that calls CloudRenderer
L558[18:32:42] <Zaggy1024> heh
L559[18:32:53] <Zaggy1024> okay
L560[18:34:29] <mezz> it may end up ugly enough that you're better off making a small proxy
L561[18:34:37] <mezz> we'll see heh
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L564[18:41:40] <Zaggy1024> eugh
L565[18:42:01] <Zaggy1024> made preInitClient and onAvailableClient in ForgeModContainer, both SideOnly, still getting an error
L566[18:42:08] <Zaggy1024> doesn't make sense to me..
L567[18:42:56] <mezz> the subscribed event methods can't be sideonly
L568[18:43:43] <mezz> I think you should make a rendering proxy
L569[18:43:44] <Zaggy1024> nah they're called from the handlers behind a side check
L570[18:43:49] <mezz> hm ok
L571[18:44:01] <Zaggy1024> but it's weird, I just realized that TextureAtlasSprite isn't referenced in CloudRenderer...
L572[18:44:14] <Zaggy1024> this isn't happening on Forge master is it?
L573[18:44:34] <mezz> unlikely
L574[18:44:58] <Zaggy1024> oh
L575[18:45:08] <Zaggy1024> missed this "Caught exception from Custom sprite test (custom_sprite_test)"
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L578[19:05:09] <Zaggy1024> all right, it starts up now.. just had to add ", clientSideOnly = true" to CustomSpriteTest :P
L579[19:05:22] <mezz> cool
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L581[19:15:51] <Zaggy1024> should work fine :)
L582[19:16:08] <Zaggy1024> just pushed, although I think it was already working on my previous push
L583[19:16:28] <Zaggy1024> I didn't commit the fix for CustomSpriteTest though, that should be separate
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L589[19:23:14] <Zaggy1024> not sure why you want an anonymous class.. how would that be cleaner?
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L591[19:28:43] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Can someone remind me what I call to register a ModelResourceLocation for a block?
L592[19:34:14] <howtonotwin> nothing...
L593[19:34:32] <howtonotwin> the default statemapper works out of the box
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L595[19:34:59] <howtonotwin> if you want to override the statemapper there's a setCustomStateMapper in ModelLoader
L596[19:34:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah, I kind of need to change the domain that the system is looking at for the resources.
L597[19:35:27] <howtonotwin> yeah you need a statemapper
L598[19:35:59] <howtonotwin> grok around a bit to find where the default one is and then wrap it in your own
L599[19:38:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> does the model resource location for the state mapper need to be fully qualified?
L600[19:40:05] <howtonotwin> yes
L601[19:40:28] <howtonotwin> the statemapper is the link between blockstate -> MRL
L602[19:40:34] <howtonotwin> you need to fill in all the data
L603[19:41:21] <howtonotwin> FFR: In code there's no such thing as an RL or MRL without a domain
L604[19:41:54] <howtonotwin> it's only when parsing them from strings that you can omit the domain
L605[19:42:22] <howtonotwin> and that just defaults it to some other value (normally "minecraft")
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L622[21:22:08] <ntzrmtthihu777> Heyo lex. get your internet running?
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L625[21:27:53] <sargunster> Hi, is this the right place to ask mod dev questions?
L626[21:28:01] <williewillus> yes
L627[21:29:17] <Genuine> Would anyone know the first method that's called after construction for an IConfigEntry?
L628[21:29:46] <sargunster> Okay. I'd like to attach some custom data to a player, and capabilities seem to be the correct way to do that. On the docs, it says to use the event AttachCapabilityEvent.Entity to add the capability, but that event seems to be deprecated. Am I supposed to use something else to do it now?
L629[21:30:01] <williewillus> generic event filtering was added
L630[21:30:01] <howtonotwin> AttachCapEvent<Entity>
L631[21:30:04] <williewillus> so the new way is ^
L632[21:30:11] <howtonotwin> NOT EntityPlayer
L633[21:30:12] <howtonotwin> Entity
L634[21:30:19] <sargunster> I see
L635[21:30:21] <howtonotwin> the filtering isn't covariant
L636[21:30:42] <sargunster> Thanks
L637[21:30:48] <howtonotwin> np
L638[21:31:12] <sargunster> So, use AttachCapabilityEvent<Entity> and check if it's a player inside the event?
L639[21:31:17] <howtonotwin> yep
L640[21:31:21] <sargunster> got it
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L647[22:20:45] <sargunster> Should I call CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register in preInit or init? Or doesn't matter?
L648[22:21:42] <williewillus> doesn't matter, just before anyone wants to use it
L649[22:22:45] <sargunster> alright, thanks
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L653[22:45:25] <Genuine> www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVTJVydvhrI
L654[22:45:28] <Genuine> So dope.
L655[22:45:42] <Genuine> The color picker ui I've been working on turned out well.
L656[22:50:18] <howtonotwin> neat
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L658[22:52:16] <killjoy> Genuine, you need a cursor/crosshair
L659[22:56:33] <Genuine> Word.
L660[22:56:54] <Genuine> That can be arranged.
L661[23:00:42] <Genuine> I'm just happy I finally got it to work in the standard config screen instead of just a custom gui.
L662[23:01:02] <Genuine> Something I wish TheOneProbe took the time to do.
L663[23:01:36] <Genuine> I should add a tooltip renderer in that screen as well so at least you can see the changes while you are changing it.
L664[23:02:54] <Genuine> And now I need to add sliders for the opacity and draw distance, that's fairly trivial though.
L665[23:09:22] <sargunster> That looks great!
L666[23:09:24] <sargunster> Great mod too
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L670[23:13:13] <Genuine> sargunster, Thanks bud.
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L673[23:21:00] <tterrag> it's actually rather tricky to mess with OS cursors from java
L674[23:22:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's actually pretty straightforward if you're using swing, because components can have custom cursors set for when the mouse is over them, but minecraft isn't using swing (thank goodness)
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