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L13[00:44:43] <baegmon> can anyone clue me in how to call "Minecraft::displayGuiScreen" on the client from a packet? I've tried doing it from my packet but I keep getting the "NoClassDefFoundError"
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L19[01:09:20] <AshIndigo_> baegmon: you may be calling it on the server
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L23[01:30:00] <baegmon> @AshIndigo I thought you register the packet handler on the server to send a packet to the client?
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L25[01:31:24] <KklyAq> when you register a message, the side parameter is the side that receives the packet
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L28[01:34:12] <baegmon> oh ok thats what I initially did, but it gave me errors which was why I thought it was the other way around. still seems to give the same errors though :/
L29[01:34:23] <baegmon> might just upload a forum post to see if my code is wrong instead
L30[01:34:53] <AshIndigo_> Wht not upload it here it along with the log?
L31[01:35:33] <baegmon> ok one second!
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L33[01:40:50] <baegmon> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8a1398f5423931ec4165b77e234adb9f
L34[01:41:38] <baegmon> I'm pretty sure I've followed everything according to the documentation found on : https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/ but its my first time working with packets in minecraft so probably did something wrong lol
L35[01:44:12] <baegmon> woops left out a line, corrected one is here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/210f4b67a3816568a03fd6058ccda56e
L36[01:44:48] <AshIndigo_> !gf isRemote
L37[01:45:31] <AshIndigo_> !gf isRemote 1.10.2
L38[01:47:45] <AshIndigo_> Can't you get a world instance from the player?
L39[01:48:08] <AshIndigo_> Then check if its remote where you open the gui
L40[01:50:04] <baegmon> from just the command? or the packet?
L41[01:50:16] <AshIndigo_> In onMessage
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L43[01:52:30] <baegmon> yea I've tried that but it still gives an error at the line "network.registerMessage(OpenGUI.Handler.class, OpenGUI.class, 0, Side.CLIENT);
L44[01:52:30] <baegmon> "
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L46[01:53:52] <AshIndigo_> With the same crash?
L47[01:54:36] <baegmon> yup, I've checked that the GUI works in singleplayer and it works so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the networkwrapper
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L49[01:56:54] <Ordinastie> first, you can't interact with Minecraft.getMinecraft() directly from the packet
L50[01:57:01] <Ordinastie> different threads and all
L51[01:57:26] <Ordinastie> second, if your command is just to open a GUI, why are you doing it on the server ?
L52[01:59:11] <baegmon> To open a GUI without a container, I thought I am supposed to send a custom packet to the client to tell it to open the GUI?
L53[01:59:45] <Ordinastie> why are you going through the server in the first place ?
L54[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161205 mappings to Forge Maven.
L55[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161205-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161205" in build.gradle).
L56[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L58[02:02:36] <baegmon> @Ordinastie sorry I'm kinda confused. Is there a way to make a client side only command?
L59[02:02:42] <Ordinastie> yes
L60[02:02:51] <Ordinastie> you register it on the client
L61[02:03:30] <Ordinastie> ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand
L62[02:03:53] <baegmon> oh thanks I'm gonna go try it out.
L63[02:04:25] <Ordinastie> you might run into an issue when opening a gui from a command though
L64[02:11:33] <baegmon> I just had a thought, the GUI requires access to a list of players on the server. Because of this, should I just stick with the packet approach?
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L73[02:44:30] <GeoDoX> Hey Ordinastie?
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L77[03:16:14] * AshIndigo_ is testing mod
L78[03:16:40] * AshIndigo_ alt-f4s Minecraft after doing the exact opposite of what he was trying to do
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L80[03:22:07] <GeoDoX> Can anyone help me figure out how to resolve these warnings? http://hastebin.com/rehejoluji
L81[03:24:17] <GeoDoX> Here's my OBJ and MTL files: http://hastebin.com/umarevekev http://hastebin.com/akawiqecoq
L82[03:24:57] <immibis> don't have faces with more than 4 vertices?
L83[03:25:18] <immibis> if you're using blender it has an option to triangulate (= convert all faces to 3-vertex ones) when exporting OBJ
L84[03:28:38] <GeoDoX> giving that a shot :)
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L87[03:30:14] <immibis> since it's minecraft, i'm guessing the expectation is that you make the thing out of rectangles, which have 4 vertices
L88[03:31:28] <GeoDoX> I don't have too much experience with modeling so I just make it look right, and then solve the problems after
L89[03:31:55] <GeoDoX> that worked however the normals are off on some of the faces...
L90[03:32:47] <GeoDoX> do you happen to know how to show and edit the normals in blender?
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L93[03:34:43] <gigaherz> GeoDoX: splitting polygons is kinda hard, so it's not supported in the loader
L94[03:34:56] <gigaherz> best to always design your models with quads
L95[03:35:04] <gigaherz> using the least triangles possible
L96[03:35:10] <gigaherz> and nothing with > 4 vertices
L97[03:35:32] <gigaherz> I don't have any experience with blender modeling
L98[03:35:47] <gigaherz> but in 3d studio there was a way to add a new edge between two vertices
L99[03:35:58] <gigaherz> so chances are blender has something similar
L100[03:36:08] <GeoDoX> They're pretty basic models, I'm not too worried about the triangles right now
L101[03:36:22] <GeoDoX> definitely possible
L102[03:36:47] <GeoDoX> the amount of time ive been fighting to get the mosels into mc is already ridiculous
L103[03:36:55] <GeoDoX> models*
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L105[03:37:41] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, does the objloader know how to calculate normals if I choose not to write them to the obj?
L106[03:38:53] <gigaherz> nope
L107[03:39:04] <gigaherz> I don't think so
L108[03:39:22] <gigaherz> (I could be wrong)
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L110[03:41:18] <GeoDoX> well, if recalculating them doesn't work, I'm going to try :P
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L115[03:48:06] <GeoDoX> So that's odd, the normals are correct in Blender, but don't seem to be in MC
L116[03:49:43] <gigaherz> how are you drawing?
L117[03:49:48] <gigaherz> is it an item or block model?
L118[03:49:55] <AshIndigo> Welcome to the mc being weird club
L119[03:50:10] <gigaherz> there's a chance mc isn't using smooth shading
L120[03:50:18] <gigaherz> or something like that
L121[03:50:19] <GeoDoX> Hold up, I might have overwritten the wrong obj...
L122[03:50:31] <GeoDoX> since recalculating the normals..
L123[03:51:34] <GeoDoX> block model by the way
L124[03:51:41] <GeoDoX> just loading up MC
L125[03:52:09] <GeoDoX> That was it :P
L126[03:52:16] <GeoDoX> Now to get the texture working again...
L127[03:52:42] <GeoDoX> In case anyone wants to see, https://puu.sh/sEQF2/dbed9feccc.png
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L129[03:53:36] <AshIndigo> Nice!
L130[03:53:48] <GeoDoX> Thanks!
L131[03:54:53] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, does "transform": "forge:default-block" render a default block as well or does it actually only affect the transform (position and rotation)?
L132[03:55:12] <gigaherz> no it's purely the rotation/translation/scale
L133[03:55:20] <gigaherz> specifically, for the thirdperson "hand"
L134[03:55:42] <gigaherz> (and for the gui rotation)
L135[03:56:03] <gigaherz> but yeah, only transforms.
L136[03:56:15] <GeoDoX> Okay, I'm not sure why the model isn't working in the gui then.. Still renders a full block.
L137[03:56:29] <gigaherz> is it actually using the right model?
L138[03:57:21] <GeoDoX> the placed block is, the inventory gui item isn't
L139[03:57:35] <GeoDoX> hmm, that gets me thinking... is it the item model for the block...
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L141[03:58:12] <gigaherz> remember that they go separately
L142[03:58:24] <gigaherz> block model goes statemapper -> blockstates -> model
L143[03:58:43] <gigaherz> item goes - ML.setCustomMRL -> item model / (blockstates -> block model)
L144[04:00:13] <GeoDoX> good to know
L145[04:01:59] <GeoDoX> hmm, so the item model for the block (as the item) has the parent tag set to the block model which was the culprit xD
L146[04:02:25] <gigaherz> ah
L147[04:02:34] <gigaherz> wait
L148[04:02:37] <gigaherz> which block model?
L149[04:02:42] <GeoDoX> can I point the item model to the blockstates?
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L151[04:02:54] <gigaherz> you can point ModelLoader.setCustomMRL to the blockstates
L152[04:02:58] <GeoDoX> the json defined in models/block
L153[04:03:07] <gigaherz> but only ifyou don't have an actual item model with the same name
L154[04:03:15] <gigaherz> you can use
L155[04:03:43] <gigaherz> setCustomMRL(itemFromBlock, meta, new MRL(registryName, "facing=east,powered=true"));
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L157[04:03:58] <gigaherz> remember that the blockstate properties are sorted alphabetically
L158[04:04:00] <GeoDoX> This is how I'm setting the MRL: https://bitbucket.org/GeoDoX/molecularassembly/src/15c107203b35139af3635b2a13317cc18f5016f7/1.10.2/src/main/java/com/geodox/molecularassembly/proxy/ClientProxy.java?at=1.10.2&fileviewer=file-view-default#ClientProxy.java-17
L159[04:05:08] <gigaherz> yeah if yoiu don't have an item model with that name
L160[04:05:14] <gigaherz> it will look for a blockstates file with that name
L161[04:05:32] <gigaherz> and load "inventory": [{ ... }] from it
L162[04:05:59] <gigaherz> if you don't want the "inventory" entry specifically, you can use something other than "inventory"
L163[04:06:18] <GeoDoX> this is the item json for the same block defined in models/item: http://hastebin.com/atexikubal
L164[04:06:46] <GeoDoX> Do I even need that stuff if I move it to the blockstates?
L165[04:07:20] <GeoDoX> I think I made those so it stopped complaining about missing item models for the itemblocks
L166[04:07:27] <gigaherz> no "transform":"forge:default-block" takes care of the display stuff
L167[04:07:55] <gigaherz> it would also work
L168[04:08:07] <gigaherz> if you have "parent":"block/block" on the block model json
L169[04:08:17] <gigaherz> but we already established you are using a obj model
L170[04:08:33] <gigaherz> which brings back another issue: you CAN NOT reference a .obj model as a parent
L171[04:08:35] <gigaherz> from a json model
L172[04:08:43] <gigaherz> you either have separate models
L173[04:08:46] <gigaherz> or go through the blockstates
L174[04:08:58] <GeoDoX> Neat! Just deleting them worked!
L175[04:09:18] <GeoDoX> I figured that you couldn't do that though
L176[04:09:33] <GeoDoX> So, I have another issue... https://puu.sh/sERdt/d1913b9af2.png
L177[04:10:14] <GeoDoX> I believe that's caused by Blender when it triangulates the faces, because I specifically made those faces quads
L178[04:10:58] <GeoDoX> It almost seems like the face is being duplicated and it's having trouble deciding which to render on top of the other
L179[04:11:13] <GeoDoX> Its only happening on the one face
L180[04:12:07] <gigaherz> yep looks like a rogue triangle
L181[04:12:08] <gigaherz> XD
L182[04:13:25] <GeoDoX> How do you define the texture for a block with a custom model?
L183[04:14:35] <GeoDoX> I can't define it in the mtl because I have multiple blocks using the same model
L184[04:15:21] <gigaherz> in the blockstates
L185[04:15:24] <gigaherz> "textures": {
L186[04:15:34] <gigaherz> "#Materialname": "new texture"
L187[04:15:34] <gigaherz> }
L188[04:15:43] <gigaherz> it's annoying because you have to include the #ç
L189[04:15:45] <gigaherz> #*
L190[04:15:53] <gigaherz> unlike for vanilla json models
L191[04:16:28] <GeoDoX> hmm, okay
L192[04:18:14] <GeoDoX> That means I don't need to have map_Kd defined in the mtl? Which is the texture used on the model
L193[04:18:37] <gigaherz> no I think you still need a map_Kd in the model, as a "default"
L194[04:18:52] <gigaherz> maybe it's fixed now, but it used to be needed otherwise the model generated without texture
L195[04:19:18] <GeoDoX> can they be blank then?
L196[04:19:35] <GeoDoX> or just ""?
L197[04:21:13] <gigaherz> dunno, try
L198[04:21:19] <gigaherz> best case it works without it
L199[04:21:32] <gigaherz> worst case you have to put a random texture (that's what I do "just in case")
L200[04:22:36] <GeoDoX> I just noticed that the OBJLoader.addDomain gets called multiple times, is that a problem?
L201[04:25:19] <gigaherz> seems not, it's a Set<>
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L209[04:47:10] <GeoDoX> Meh, not perfect... But close enough :P https://puu.sh/sESvX/93b9c12123.png
L210[04:49:49] <GeoDoX> I'm off for the night though, will work on it more later on. Thanks for the help gigaherz!
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L232[06:23:36] <AshIndigo> int rand = new Random().nextInt();
L233[06:23:47] <AshIndigo> My solution to threads not working
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L240[06:42:21] <AshIndigo> !gm func_75144_a 1.7.10
L241[06:42:46] <AshIndigo> !gm func_75133_b 1.7.10
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L263[07:58:53] <AshIndigo> Does Level.DEBUG logging only print in a dev env?
L264[08:00:26] <quadraxis> prints to log file, not console iirc
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L266[08:03:17] <AshIndigo> Alright
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L269[08:13:33] <AshIndigo> Dang I18n is client only
L270[08:14:02] <Ordinastie> well, you don't need to translate on server anyway
L271[08:14:19] <AshIndigo> I was hoping to translate my logging
L272[08:14:40] <Ordinastie> you don't
L273[08:14:56] <Ordinastie> logs are not for users
L274[08:14:58] <Ordinastie> they're for you
L275[08:15:37] <AshIndigo> Figured
L276[08:23:24] <gigaherz> the server doesn't even have translated strings
L277[08:23:38] <gigaherz> it just loads the vanilla en_US.lang -- no translations from mods at all
L278[08:24:12] <gigaherz> there IS a I18n that is available on the server, but the only use for it is if you are customizing "getItemStackDisplayName"
L279[08:24:44] <gigaherz> and as I said, there won't be strings for it
L280[08:24:54] <gigaherz> so if it is called server-side, it will show up as "item.blah.name"
L281[08:25:03] <gigaherz> which doesn't make it very useful
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L292[09:11:56] <Baughn> Has anyone managed to upload mods to curseforge using the cursegradle plugin?
L293[09:12:09] <Baughn> I keep trying, and Curse keeps telling me my API token is malformed.
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L295[09:13:53] <Ordinastie> I was gonna ask what's your token, but maybe not ><
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L297[09:13:58] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L298[09:14:29] <Baughn> It's "71be4878-ac75-4959-99aa-c82960a926d1"
L299[09:14:35] <Baughn> And before you ask, I already revoked that one. :P
L300[09:14:44] <Baughn> * What went wrong:
L301[09:14:44] <Baughn> Execution failed for task ':curseforge254573'.
L302[09:14:44] <Baughn> > [CurseForge] Error Code 3: API token is malformed. Token provided: '71be4878-ac75-4959-99aa-c82960a926d1'.
L303[09:15:00] <Ordinastie> looks ok
L304[09:15:02] <Baughn> I tried removing the dashes, but nope.
L305[09:15:38] <Ordinastie> what plugin are you using ?
L306[09:16:26] <Baughn> Matthew Prenger's cursegradle plugin.
L307[09:16:44] <Baughn> I just realized he has an IRC channel, so I'll ask there as well. Seems likely to be a Curse problem, though.
L308[09:16:51] <Ordinastie> 1.0.7?
L309[09:16:54] <Baughn> 1.0.8
L310[09:16:59] <Baughn> Hm, let me try..
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L312[09:17:32] <Baughn> Nope, .7 doesn't work any better.
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L320[09:50:04] <gigaherz> ugh
L321[09:50:08] <gigaherz> so I got a bug report
L322[09:50:11] <gigaherz> that includes a mod list
L323[09:50:12] <gigaherz> with "harvest-1.11-1.20-12.jar"
L324[09:50:17] <gigaherz> I have no idea what mod that belongs to
L325[09:50:32] <gigaherz> nevermind
L326[09:50:36] <gigaherz> it was a matter of saying it here
L327[09:50:47] <gigaherz> and I realized the "SimpleHarvest" mod uses those names
L328[09:51:29] <gigaherz> TehNut needs to use more accurate namings
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L344[10:20:23] <Ordinastie> damn, why LinkedHashSet doesn't implement Deque :(
L345[10:21:54] <diesieben07> wat
L346[10:22:04] <diesieben07> "Why is my car not a tractor? GODDAMNIT WHY"
L347[10:22:42] <Ordinastie> I'd like to removeFirst on a LinkedHashset
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L350[10:23:13] <Akkarin> diesieben07: Wait. Cars are not supposed to be tractors? :o
L351[10:23:25] <diesieben07> lol
L352[10:23:30] <Ordinastie> also, LinkedList implements Deque, so I don't see why LinkedHashSet doesn't
L353[10:23:31] <gigaherz> LinkedHashSet is just a HashSet, that happens to maintain insertion order by storing the values as linked list nodes
L354[10:23:39] <Akkarin> So I've been cruising with 100kmh in 1st gear for no reason?!
L355[10:23:47] <gigaherz> it's not designed to allow inserting/removing on either end
L356[10:23:53] <diesieben07> LinkedList is a LIST
L357[10:23:56] <diesieben07> it allows duplicates
L358[10:23:57] <Akkarin> s/kmh/kph
L359[10:24:04] <diesieben07> a queue makes sense there
L360[10:24:16] <gigaherz> in a Deque
L361[10:24:20] <gigaherz> if I push X, then pop
L362[10:24:22] <gigaherz> I expect X
L363[10:24:27] <gigaherz> a LinkedHashSet can't maintain that
L364[10:24:44] <Akkarin> Well Deque implementations can usually go both ways
L365[10:24:45] <gigaherz> if I push X twice, I won't pop X twice
L366[10:24:55] <Akkarin> aka they know how to fifo and lifo
L367[10:25:30] <diesieben07> as for actually doing it... if (!set.isEmpty()) { it = set.iterator(); it.next(); it.remove(); }
L368[10:25:41] <diesieben07> i would have expected guava's Iterable to have removeFirst, but .. nope
L369[10:25:43] <Akkarin> Strike the "usually" btw.
L370[10:25:48] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, it does
L371[10:25:57] <diesieben07> wat
L372[10:26:00] <diesieben07> it has getFirst
L373[10:26:03] <diesieben07> not removeFirst
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L375[10:26:21] <Ordinastie> fuck, how did that get closed :x
L376[10:26:29] <Ordinastie> but yes, it's getFirst
L377[10:27:13] <diesieben07> really this sounds like you are using the wrong data structure
L378[10:27:31] <Ordinastie> LinkedHashSet over LinkedList ?
L379[10:27:41] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: what semantics do you actually *need*
L380[10:27:50] <diesieben07> neither of those are good collection implementations :D
L381[10:27:53] <Ordinastie> it's flood fill 'toParse' positions
L382[10:28:01] <gigaherz> I'm guessing "queue" and "unique values"
L383[10:28:06] <gigaherz> but just to make sure
L384[10:28:12] <diesieben07> LinkedHashSet eats all your memory, LinkedList will make your cpu cache scream in frustration
L385[10:28:24] <Ordinastie> what then ?
L386[10:28:43] <diesieben07> depends™
L387[10:29:08] <gigaherz> googleing for "queue with unique values" brings examples of custom classes
L388[10:29:26] <gigaherz> http://stackoverflow.com/a/15221376
L389[10:29:58] <diesieben07> yeah but that just... breaks contracts
L390[10:30:21] <diesieben07> Queue specifies that you must either add the element or throw
L391[10:30:46] <diesieben07> here you return true to indicate "add successful" but you don't add
L392[10:30:48] <diesieben07> this is broken
L393[10:31:00] <gigaherz> meh, then throw in .enqueue, and have a custom .enqueueIfNotPresent
L394[10:31:16] <gigaherz> or just don't implement queue at all, and just ignore that contract
L395[10:31:19] <diesieben07> yeah
L396[10:31:21] <Ordinastie> I think I'll use LinkedList and move on :p
L397[10:31:27] <diesieben07> Queue and no duplicates don't mix
L398[10:31:37] <diesieben07> and if you want a good queue, use ArrayDeque, not LinkedList
L399[10:31:55] <Akkarin> Well good as long as it doesn't need to resize constantly
L400[10:31:57] <gigaherz> LinkedList is like, multiple worst cases at aonce
L401[10:32:00] <Akkarin> as with all array based collections
L402[10:32:00] <gigaherz> -a
L403[10:32:28] <gigaherz> the only thing it's good for, is O(1) insertion before/after a node you already have access for
L404[10:32:42] <gigaherz> actually do you even get access to the nodes in java's linkedlist?
L405[10:32:50] <diesieben07> lol nope
L406[10:32:56] <gigaherz> ah
L407[10:32:59] <gigaherz> then it's not even good for that
L408[10:33:04] <gigaherz> just head/tail insertion/removal
L409[10:33:06] <diesieben07> only indirectly through the ListIterator
L410[10:33:15] <diesieben07> which is clumsy as hell
L411[10:33:16] <gigaherz> but it's not TOO good at that
L412[10:33:24] <gigaherz> since an ArrayDeque will be better at it
L413[10:33:52] <gigaherz> in C#'s LinkedList
L414[10:34:03] <gigaherz> you have explicit access to the head/tail and can iterate through the nodes manually
L415[10:34:11] <diesieben07> yeah trove's does that too
L416[10:34:13] <gigaherz> it has .addAfter/addbefore
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L419[10:37:40] <Ordinastie> question : in the case where you expose a list/set from your object, considering your make a copy, is there a point in making it immutable ?
L420[10:38:27] <diesieben07> you mean you make a copy before exposing it?
L421[10:38:32] <Ordinastie> yes
L422[10:38:43] <gigaherz> that's what has always bothered me with immutables
L423[10:38:46] <diesieben07> there is absolutely no point in NOT making it immutable
L424[10:38:55] <gigaherz> you keep a mutable list internally
L425[10:38:59] <gigaherz> then clone it into an immutable
L426[10:39:06] <gigaherz> but if someone wants to USE that list for anything other than iterating
L427[10:39:10] <gigaherz> they have to clone a second time
L428[10:39:16] <diesieben07> nope not true giga :D
L429[10:39:16] <Ordinastie> but your give a copy, why should you care what they do with it ?
L430[10:39:24] <diesieben07> in an ideal world there is no mutable
L431[10:39:24] <gigaherz> would be much better to have a ReadOnlyCollection
L432[10:39:31] <gigaherz> diesieben07: fuck that
L433[10:39:33] <gigaherz> XD
L434[10:39:36] <diesieben07> why? :D
L435[10:39:45] <diesieben07> as for read only collection: see kotlin
L436[10:40:11] <gigaherz> I see the upside of immutable data
L437[10:40:20] <gigaherz> I strongly disagree that "ideally" everything should be immutable
L438[10:40:29] <gigaherz> it's just not true
L439[10:40:37] <diesieben07> i think it is :D
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L441[10:40:47] <diesieben07> it just makes so many problems just go poof
L442[10:40:55] <gigaherz> a big part of the reason why functional programming is so horribly awkward to use, is that you have to work around the lack of side-effects
L443[10:41:27] <diesieben07> side effects != mutability
L444[10:41:29] <gigaherz> and the compiler/runtime has to work doubly as hard just to try to keep sane memory structures to go along with that awkwardness
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L446[10:43:44] <TechnicianLP> the serverside part of an ΩSidedproxy does only get loaded on a physical server?
L447[10:44:00] <diesieben07> yep
L448[10:44:01] <gigaherz> yes that's the entire purpose of it
L449[10:44:07] <gigaherz> client proxy = client jar
L450[10:44:09] <diesieben07> @SidedProxy decies based on physical side
L451[10:44:12] <gigaherz> server proxy = server jar
L452[10:44:46] <TechnicianLP> wanted to use it for my eventclass ... so serverside events into the common-handler it is then
L453[10:44:49] <gigaherz> that's why it's an annotation and not just an if(Side) -- it's designed to avoid any direct references to the code, to avoid load errors
L454[10:44:58] <gigaherz> well
L455[10:45:04] <gigaherz> that's when you realize calling it "common" is stupid
L456[10:45:05] <gigaherz> ;P
L457[10:45:25] <TechnicianLP> i actually have a serverhandler as well ...
L458[10:45:32] <gigaherz> client proxy for things annotated @SideOnly(CLIENT)
L459[10:45:40] <gigaherz> server proxy for things annotated @SideOnly(SERVER)
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L461[10:45:48] <gigaherz> and the rest can just go in the main mod class
L462[10:46:04] <gigaherz> yes, you could use a common one, but why?
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L464[10:46:32] <gigaherz> some people don't like adding things to the main mod class
L465[10:46:37] <gigaherz> but if your main mod class is just proxy.X
L466[10:46:49] <gigaherz> then you may as well just make the common proxy into the main mod class
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L469[11:06:03] <Ordinastie> hum, what's the method for the left click on items ?
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L471[11:06:27] <diesieben07> onEntitySwing
L472[11:07:13] <Ordinastie> ah yes, couldn't find it
L473[11:13:44] <Ordinastie> lol, but eww : currentMode = Mode.values()[(currentMode.ordinal() + 1) % Mode.values().length];
L474[11:14:40] <diesieben07> yay
L475[11:14:41] <gigaherz> didn't .values() create a new copy every time you call it?
L476[11:14:46] <Ordinastie> it does
L477[11:14:47] <diesieben07> yep, sure does
L478[11:14:50] <gigaherz> ewh.
L479[11:15:03] <diesieben07> trying to think of a better way to do that :D
L480[11:15:12] <Ordinastie> here I don't really care though
L481[11:15:18] <Ordinastie> it's in one of my demos
L482[11:16:39] <gigaherz> diesieben07: if this was something like coffeescript, you could do ((values, current) -> values[(current.ordinal()+1) % values.length)(Mode.values());
L483[11:16:51] <gigaherz> but I don't think th at kind of untyped lambda is viable in java (or C#)
L484[11:17:35] <diesieben07> isnt that a partially applied function?
L485[11:17:39] <diesieben07> currying or whatever?
L486[11:17:42] <gigaherz> ehm
L487[11:17:52] <gigaherz> I meant ((values, current) -> values[(current.ordinal()+1) % values.length)(Mode.values(), current);
L488[11:17:54] <gigaherz> but you have a point
L489[11:17:58] <diesieben07> ah
L490[11:18:26] <diesieben07> i am trying to think of a way to do it wihtout that ordinal hackery
L491[11:19:06] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L492[11:21:21] <TechnicianLP> your enum? make a next() function
L493[11:21:29] <diesieben07> and what does that do? :D
L494[11:21:43] <gigaherz> hardcoded in the constructor :D
L495[11:21:48] <TechnicianLP> cache the next field to return
L496[11:21:51] <gigaherz> Element1(Element2)
L497[11:21:53] <diesieben07> you can't.
L498[11:21:55] <gigaherz> Element2(Element3)
L499[11:21:57] <diesieben07> illegal forward reference
L500[11:22:04] <diesieben07> that doesn't compile
L501[11:22:04] <gigaherz> owh
L502[11:22:49] <TechnicianLP> but you could cache it so if(next==null)next=NEXT;else return next;
L503[11:22:57] <diesieben07> oh god
L504[11:22:59] * diesieben07 wants to die
L505[11:24:25] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@
L506[11:24:27] <gigaherz> nah I can't think of any way to avopid the ordinals
L507[11:24:34] <gigaherz> besides a Map<A,B> nexts
L508[11:24:34] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L509[11:24:38] <diesieben07> yea
L510[11:24:44] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@79-67-168-211.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)
L511[11:24:46] <gigaherz> best I can think of
L512[11:25:04] <TechnicianLP> EnumMap?
L513[11:25:28] <gigaherz> would be a Func<A,A> cycler(...) { return in -> values[(in.ordinal()+1) % values.length]; }
L514[11:27:48] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L515[11:31:35] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L516[11:34:25] <Ordinastie> isSelected param in ItemOnUpdate() is if equipped in a hand I assume
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L522[11:48:53] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L523[11:51:26] <Ordinastie> what was the way to display some text above the hotbar ?
L524[11:53:57] <TechnicianLP> RenderGameOverlayEvent?
L525[11:54:37] <Ordinastie> no, I think there is a method to display text in place of the record names is displayed when playing
L526[11:54:56] <TechnicianLP> oh that one ...
L527[11:55:45] ⇦ Quits: Sangam1 (~Sangam1@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L528[11:56:20] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: I used that one, sec
L529[11:56:40] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L530[11:57:02] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.setOverlayMessage(I18n.format("text." + ModPackingTape.MODID + ".tape.requires_paper"), false);
L531[11:57:04] <gigaherz> (1.11)
L532[11:57:28] <Ordinastie> since I'm asking stuff, can I make it so the left click on my item doesn't break shit in creative ?
L533[11:57:29] <gigaherz> it was named setRecordPlaying before
L534[11:57:48] <gigaherz> hmm dunno how that's done for the sword
L535[11:58:00] <Ordinastie> I'll look
L536[11:58:18] <Ordinastie> I hoped returning true in onEntitySwing would do it, but nope
L537[11:58:55] <Ordinastie> (I was sure there was a player shortcut for the overlayMessage, apparently not :s
L538[12:02:47] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, well, OBVIOUSLY
L539[12:02:49] <Ordinastie> if (this.currentGameType.isCreative() && this.mc.player.getHeldItemMainhand() != null && this.mc.player.getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() instanceof ItemSword)
L540[12:02:58] <gigaherz> heh
L541[12:03:03] <gigaherz> of course. mojang
L542[12:03:25] <Ordinastie> onBlockStartBreak should do it though
L543[12:05:30] ⇨ Joins: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@
L544[12:09:31] <Ordinastie> but it still breaks the block *_*
L545[12:16:18] ⇦ Parts: Wuerfel_21 (~Wuerfel21@bronyville.me) (Leaving))
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L549[12:32:25] <Keridos> is it possibwhich function in block class makes players suffocate if they have their head in the block?
L550[12:32:25] ⇦ Quits: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L551[12:32:38] <Keridos> s/is it possib/
L552[12:38:59] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L553[12:41:21] <Ordinastie> ok, new challenge
L554[12:41:36] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-154-146.access.telenet.be)
L555[12:41:50] <Ordinastie> trying to determinate the correct method based on passed params
L556[12:42:03] <Ordinastie> except you pass nulls ><
L557[12:42:30] <gigaherz> good luck with that
L558[12:42:47] <Ordinastie> actually, maybe I can just ignore it
L559[12:44:15] <TechnicianLP> why do you need to determine the method?
L560[12:44:31] <Ordinastie> advanced form of IMC
L561[12:44:49] <TechnicianLP> theres and advance imc?
L562[12:45:04] <Ordinastie> not in forge anyway :p
L563[12:45:20] <TechnicianLP> so nothing important for me :)
L564[12:45:24] ⇨ Joins: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@
L565[12:47:09] <Ordinastie> yep, simply ignore nulls works like a charm ^^
L566[12:47:49] <Ordinastie> now, to have that stuff not kill fps when count is over 4k :p http://puu.sh/sFdcJ.jpg
L567[12:48:28] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L568[12:48:58] <TechnicianLP> what is that? looks evil
L569[12:49:19] <Ordinastie> ahah : http://puu.sh/sFdoe.jpg
L570[12:51:18] <Shambling> some of those look like of like hexagons :o
L571[12:51:30] <Shambling> are you playing civ in minecraft? :P
L572[12:51:56] <Ordinastie> it's just some of the lines are hidden by the red ones
L573[12:52:36] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L574[12:53:43] <Ordinastie> now I need to figure out why it still breaks the blocks
L575[12:56:15] <TechnicianLP> putting instance of subclasses into the superclass does not work
L576[12:57:48] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@u-of-rochester-128-151-150-17.wireless.rochester.edu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L577[12:57:50] ⇦ Quits: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L578[12:58:55] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, turns out, the line I pasted earlier is not the one responsible for not breaking the block
L579[12:59:13] <Ordinastie> if (gameType.isCreative() && entityPlayer.getHeldItemMainhand() != null && entityPlayer.getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() instanceof ItemSword)
L580[12:59:16] <Ordinastie> this one is
L581[12:59:25] <Ordinastie> INSIDE FUCKING FORGE -_-
L582[12:59:47] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p2E5B1FE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L583[12:59:48] <Ordinastie> that means the only way have an item to not break the block is to use the event
L584[13:00:05] <TechnicianLP> make a pr with a hook in Item
L585[13:01:27] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p2E5B1FE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L586[13:03:23] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L587[13:05:15] <Ordinastie> last time I tried to help, I got banned
L588[13:07:41] <Shambling> dangit, does anyone know the ftb utilities command to enable fake players?
L589[13:07:59] <Shambling> its weird, this isn't a claimed chunk, so maybe they just disabled fake players on sieves without a config
L590[13:08:01] <TechnicianLP> ftbu disables fakeplayers?
L591[13:08:18] <McJty> You can allow them in a config
L592[13:08:23] <McJty> But don't know how it is called
L593[13:10:21] <Keridos> hm, having a weird issue here, when using getBoundingBox and returning new AxisAlignedBB (0.125F,0.125F,0.0F,0.875F,0.875F, 0.375F) I would expect the bounding box to be in the block, on the north side facing south
L594[13:10:30] <Keridos> but it actually is on the south side facing north
L595[13:10:45] <gigaherz> you should be caching it
L596[13:10:52] <gigaherz> and it's a good idea to use fractions for the AABBs
L597[13:10:53] <gigaherz> in code
L598[13:11:11] <Shambling> if you claim a chunk it disables fake players destroying blocks
L599[13:11:26] <gigaherz> static final AABB BOUNDS = new AABB(1/16F,1/16F,1/16F,15/16F,15/16F,15/16F);
L600[13:11:29] <Shambling> I think seives from ex nihilo ascendius (or wwhatever weird word) in 1.10.2 just doesn't allow ex2 fake player
L601[13:12:03] <Keridos> gigaherz: i need it to be rotatable
L602[13:12:19] <Keridos> weird is that the above AABB is on the wrong side
L603[13:12:54] <Keridos> x and y are fine but somehow the z value is weird
L604[13:13:11] <Shambling> oh no way i'm dumb, its there
L605[13:13:13] <Shambling> I just can't read
L606[13:13:14] <Keridos> when I specify 0 to somevalue it is on the south side of the block
L607[13:13:55] <Keridos> gigaherz: You have any idea why that is happening?
L608[13:15:02] <Aroma1997> umm
L609[13:15:09] <Ordinastie> so if you're interested, there is 78945 nether bricks in the nether fortress in front of me :p
L610[13:15:20] <Aroma1997> wasn't there some method called on the block class, when you start breaking a block?
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L613[13:18:16] <TechnicianLP> runing around with 0 hearts is fun - and a bug in my damage handler
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L616[13:21:10] <Naalunth> Does anyone know what is going on with http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven ? Or could someone tell me how to set up a forge workspace without that site working?
L617[13:23:22] <Keridos> ok now this is super weird
L618[13:23:28] <Ordinastie> nothing wrong with forge maven
L619[13:23:37] <Keridos> the bounding box is wrong on the z axis when I start the client and load a world
L620[13:24:13] <Keridos> but when I change the code by a fraction, and reload the class it works fine
L621[13:24:15] <Keridos> wtf
L622[13:24:51] <TechnicianLP> bb dependant on state?
L623[13:25:02] <Keridos> yes
L624[13:25:11] <Keridos> or the TE nbt
L625[13:25:43] <TechnicianLP> had some random states passed into getActualState once, which messed my bb's up
L626[13:27:06] <Keridos> apparently state is not synced at all
L627[13:27:15] <Keridos> getActualState does not seem to be called
L628[13:27:21] <TechnicianLP> any ideas on how to kill oneself if health is -infinity ?
L629[13:29:03] ⇨ Joins: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@
L630[13:29:18] <Keridos> If I have a block that requires a state being set by NBT, and getActualState is never called? How can I properly do make it get called?
L631[13:30:57] <Ordinastie> I really need some video editing software... :s
L632[13:34:15] <Keridos> wtf my blockstate is never update apparently
L633[13:34:27] <Keridos> my getActualstate is never called on its own
L634[13:34:41] ⇦ Quits: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L636[13:34:46] <Sangam1> hello
L637[13:35:53] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L638[13:36:00] <Sangam1> anyone know why I cant change a tools durability with player.getHeldItemMainhand().setItemDamage(0)
L639[13:36:02] <Keridos> nevermind it gets called
L640[13:36:34] <McJty> Sangam1, do you do it server-side?
L641[13:36:46] <Sangam1> no client side
L642[13:36:51] <McJty> That's why then
L643[13:37:00] <Keridos> but getBoundingBox gets the value that is the default value only
L644[13:37:04] <Sangam1> it changes the value but its still not being changed
L645[13:37:10] <McJty> Sangam1, you have to do that server side
L646[13:37:11] ⇨ Joins: Darkevilmac (Darkevilma@our.pi.equals-3.14.elitebnc.org)
L647[13:37:14] <McJty> Otherwise it doesn't 'stick'
L648[13:37:41] <Sangam1> McJty, okay. do I just do Minecraft.getMinecraft.theWorld.isRemote?
L649[13:37:53] <Sangam1> lol sorry im a noob with servers
L650[13:37:55] <McJty> That's not something you 'do'. That's a boolean value
L651[13:38:15] <McJty> Well it all depends on where you are doing this?
L652[13:38:17] <LexDesktop> Naalunth, maven works, the page you linked is intended to error, we don't allow people to crawl the maven.
L653[13:38:51] <Darkevilmac> Sangam1, you won't be able to call that if you're on a dedicated server, the 'Minecraft' class is the game client.
L654[13:38:53] <Sangam1> McJty, I have it with a tick event
L655[13:39:03] ⇦ Quits: iari (~iari___@evana.futhark24.org) (Quit: Leaving)
L656[13:39:13] <Naalunth> Ok, I just got a download error a few times, it seems to work now
L657[13:39:15] <McJty> Sangam1, what kind of tick event? Make sure you have one that is fire server-side
L658[13:39:39] <Keridos> can getBoundingBox get the correct state via getActualState?
L659[13:39:40] <Sangam1> McJty, okay I think I get it then I have it client side rn
L660[13:39:58] <Sangam1> Darkevilmac, okay that makes sense
L661[13:41:36] ⇦ Quits: Sangam1 (~Sangam1@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L663[13:42:45] <Darkevilmac> If anyone is free I have an issue with Entity Rendering. My entity doesn't have shouldRender called when it's looked at from certain angles, which results in it not getting rendered. If that's not clear let me know and I'll make a gif.
L664[13:43:08] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~chatzilla@122-61-224-36.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L665[13:44:21] <Ordinastie> I made a thing : https://youtu.be/WydXxi3NnUE
L666[13:45:29] <Shambling> hrmmm... guess I was already logged in at the house
L667[13:45:45] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L668[13:45:52] <Shambling> nice of the nick registration to not work, and put me in the "regiser your name moron" channel
L669[13:46:01] ⇦ Quits: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L670[13:47:25] ⇨ Joins: Kragnoth (~Joseph@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L671[13:47:36] <Kragnoth> that channel has a really obnoxious name
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L675[13:53:35] <Ordinastie> since when there is gravel in the nether?
L676[13:54:05] <AshIndigo_> Since forever
L677[13:54:22] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-051-159.vix2.mmc.at) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L678[13:55:01] <McJty> Indeed since forever
L679[13:56:00] <Ordinastie> I never noticed
L680[13:56:19] <Kragnoth> sometimes it just doesn't spawn in a spot you travel
L681[13:56:31] <Kragnoth> I had to spend an hour digging around to find soulsand in one world
L682[13:59:08] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-154-146.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L683[14:07:40] <gigaherz> Kragnoth: it's annoying when that happens
L684[14:07:52] <gigaherz> specially when you realize all you had to do is go in the opposite way ;P
L685[14:09:16] <Kragnoth> haha
L686[14:09:29] <Kragnoth> yeah this was because I spawned in an area with almost no caves, but plenty of pockets of lava
L687[14:10:00] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L688[14:10:16] <LexDesktop> !gf field_147301_d
L689[14:10:31] <LexDesktop> !gm field_147301_d
L690[14:10:35] <LexDesktop> !gm field_147301_d
L691[14:10:39] <LexDesktop> !gf field_147301_d
L692[14:10:54] <LexDesktop> !gm func_179823_a
L693[14:11:03] <LexDesktop> !gm 148857
L694[14:14:37] <Ordinastie> is it not possible to reupload a video but keeping the same url ?
L695[14:14:47] <Ordinastie> just reuploading the file ?
L696[14:14:51] <Ordinastie> (*on youtube)
L697[14:16:38] <diesieben07> never has been
L698[14:19:31] <LatvianModder> Can you imagine what would happen?
L699[14:19:41] <md678685> No
L700[14:19:48] <LatvianModder> Scams everywhere!
L701[14:19:54] <LatvianModder> Its possible to edit audio however
L702[14:20:28] ⇨ Joins: MCHellspawn (~Hellspawn@
L703[14:20:50] <LatvianModder> excellent example of what you should not do :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2rDbRUDkds
L704[14:21:01] <Kragnoth> dear god, why would someone nest if else if more than 3 times, and not use a switch :O
L705[14:21:21] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L706[14:22:03] <Ordinastie> well, I reuploaded the video : https://youtu.be/HWU7AApwT3w
L707[14:22:20] <Ordinastie> I can now say, I'm really a professional of video editing!
L708[14:23:02] <diesieben07> looks and sounds cool, but... what is it good for? :D
L709[14:23:13] <Kragnoth> does that floodfill use a similar method to how oreexcavator works?
L710[14:23:17] <LatvianModder> Now do cobblestone in overworld
L711[14:23:48] <LatvianModder> no, water in ocean
L712[14:24:31] <Ordinastie> LatvianModder, no need to go as far : http://puu.sh/sFjhJ.mp4
L713[14:25:10] <Kragnoth> oh god I'm lagging :O
L714[14:25:39] <LatvianModder> Bad mod, boo!
L715[14:25:45] <LatvianModder> Make it lagless
L716[14:26:08] <Ordinastie> I can throttle the floodfill, but then it's the rendering that causes issues
L717[14:26:37] <LatvianModder> No, make it also render with 60 fps!
L718[14:27:51] <Kragnoth> psshhh, the minecraft eye can only differentiate frames at 23 frames per second
L719[14:28:41] <Darkevilmac> pfft why not just multi thread it? That works well in minecraft right?
L720[14:28:42] * TechnicianLP played ftb ultimate with 15 frames average
L721[14:28:57] <Darkevilmac> TechnicianLP, 7FPS or riot
L722[14:29:06] <TechnicianLP> thats infinity
L723[14:29:32] <TechnicianLP> but one gets used to it - and your base does not lagg then :)
L724[14:29:59] ⇨ Joins: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@
L725[14:30:02] <ScottehBoeh> good place to look about Tile Entities NBT?
L726[14:30:36] <TechnicianLP> can you be more specific?
L727[14:30:59] <Ordinastie> push can't upload the last vid...
L728[14:31:02] <Ordinastie> is there a size limit ?
L729[14:33:08] <Darkevilmac> ScottehBoeh, look at vanilla classes. You're just serializing and deserializing.
L730[14:33:14] <gigaherz> [21:27] (Kragnoth): psshhh, the minecraft eye can only differentiate frames at 23 frames per second
L731[14:33:15] <gigaherz> 20
L732[14:33:24] <gigaherz> the rest is interpolated through partialTicks
L733[14:33:25] <gigaherz> ;p
L734[14:38:23] <Ordinastie> LatvianModder, well, I can't show you the non laggy way, puush is limited to 20mb
L735[14:38:41] <TechnicianLP> youtube
L736[14:39:50] <Ordinastie> anybody familiar with OBS ?
L737[14:40:12] <Ordinastie> if you see my vids, it cuts the bottom of the screen somehow, I don't know why :x
L738[14:41:33] <LatvianModder> scale it
L739[14:42:06] <LatvianModder> "puush is limited to 20mb" pfft, buy a server and store what you want! :P
L740[14:42:14] <Girafi> Ordinastie, right click the source -> transform -> fit to screen. Something like that anyways
L741[14:42:24] <TechnicianLP> "buy"?
L742[14:42:35] <Ordinastie> (how do I tp back to the overworld again ? ^^)
L743[14:42:50] <TechnicianLP> ./give <player> mc:portal
L744[14:43:15] <Girafi> You can't give yourself a portal since 1.9 i'm pretty sure :)
L745[14:43:29] <Ordinastie> hum, there is an issue with the size : http://puu.sh/sFkAE.png
L746[14:44:03] <LatvianModder> TechnicianLP: ?
L747[14:44:35] <TechnicianLP> ?
L748[14:44:50] <LatvianModder> <TechnicianLP> "buy"?
L749[14:44:55] <Ordinastie> ah I think I did it
L750[14:45:23] <TechnicianLP> well are servers are pretty costly
L751[14:45:24] <LatvianModder> Ordinastie: http://ss.latmod.com/pc/2016-12-05_22.45.10.mp4
L752[14:45:43] <LatvianModder> https://area.lv/en/hostings
L753[14:46:02] <LatvianModder> 3.33 EUR/mo oh boy how expensive :P
L754[14:46:35] <TechnicianLP> http://uberspace.de
L755[14:46:39] <tterrag|laptop> ew, managed servers
L756[14:46:39] <TechnicianLP> is not bad either
L757[14:46:41] *** tterrag|laptop is now known as tterrag
L758[14:46:50] <Kragnoth> I can see forever
L759[14:47:07] <Ordinastie> LatvianModder, I had to check first 2 checkboxes : http://puu.sh/sFkT7.png
L760[14:47:17] <Ordinastie> Stretch the image to the screen
L761[14:47:20] <LatvianModder> Ich almost kann es reden
L762[14:47:23] <Ordinastie> and Ignore ratio
L763[14:48:14] <TechnicianLP> Latvian: sorry
L764[14:48:24] <LatvianModder> tterrag: love managed servers!
L765[14:48:34] <Ordinastie> also : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlGLB5OkgZY&feature=youtu.be
L766[14:48:41] <tterrag> managed servers are nothing but trouble
L767[14:48:52] <LatvianModder> I hate mine. So I have two. One for files (from area.lv) and one normal server for everything else
L768[14:49:17] <LatvianModder> because ss.latmod.com and files.latmod.com works great for storage but nothing else
L769[14:49:40] <tterrag> it's just not worth the trouble to save installing a LAMP stack yourself
L770[14:49:44] <tterrag> it's not that hard
L771[14:50:47] <LatvianModder> The problem is.. Normal dedis / VPS are way more expensive than pre-setup servers
L772[14:50:51] <Ordinastie> I used to have a dedicated server from when I had money
L773[14:51:27] <Ordinastie> then I stopped working and had no real use for it, so I dropped it
L774[14:51:41] <harmony> why would you use the AMP part of LAMP?
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L776[14:51:55] <Lord_Ralex> rather spend a little and get a vps and actually do what i want
L777[14:54:09] <LatvianModder> harmony: because... ok, you could get away with not having MySQL
L778[14:54:16] <LatvianModder> but apache and php are like.. essential
L779[14:54:28] <gigaherz> ewh php
L780[14:54:28] <harmony> not really
L781[14:54:29] <Lord_Ralex> you don't need php
L782[14:54:30] <LatvianModder> unless, ofc, you only need your server for file storage
L783[14:54:33] <harmony> php is really meh
L784[14:54:39] <harmony> and nginx > apache imo
L785[14:54:43] <Lord_Ralex> i personally use nginx over apache
L786[14:54:56] <Ordinastie> damn, the server was costing 20€/mo
L787[14:55:44] <Ordinastie> now that i have money again, maybe I should take another one
L788[14:55:48] <harmony> https://www.scaleway.com/
L789[14:55:51] <Lord_Ralex> i just home host off an "old" i5 machine, with a tiny vps serving as my entry-point
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L792[14:56:17] <IoP> php, apache?
L793[14:56:29] <IoP> tomcat + java ;)
L794[14:57:04] <LatvianModder> mud ball + lua + some cables
L795[14:57:10] ⇨ Joins: jamieswhiteshirt (webchat@84-52-255.144.3p.ntebredband.no)
L796[14:59:14] <harmony> mud ball = php?
L797[15:01:55] <Ordinastie> I just realised there is no way to tp back to the overworld without a portal
L798[15:01:59] <Ordinastie> (and without killing myself)
L799[15:02:32] <gigaherz> what mod was it that added /tpx?
L800[15:02:49] <Ordinastie> mystcraft ?
L801[15:02:51] <gigaherz> mystcraft maybe
L802[15:02:57] <Kragnoth> mystcraft, if you have rftools dimensions I think there is a command
L803[15:03:03] <Kragnoth> do you have rftools dimensions?
L804[15:03:18] <Ordinastie> I'm in dev
L805[15:03:23] <Ordinastie> I just killed myself
L806[15:03:25] <gigaherz> https://github.com/McJty/RFTools/wiki/RFTools-Commands
L807[15:03:30] <gigaherz> yep /rftools tp
L808[15:03:37] <Ordinastie> I just find it odds that there is no vanilla command for it
L809[15:03:39] <gigaherz> eh /rtfdim tp *
L810[15:04:16] <Kragnoth> yup it is odd
L811[15:04:29] <Kragnoth> especially annoying if you go to the end
L812[15:04:31] <gigaherz> yeah
L813[15:04:37] <Kragnoth> as you need to kill the ender dragon to get home ... or die
L814[15:04:39] <gigaherz> specially if you are admin'ing stuff
L815[15:04:53] <gigaherz> Iguess if you are a server admin
L816[15:04:58] <gigaherz> you'd leave your survival stuff in a chest
L817[15:05:03] <gigaherz> and then go "naked"
L818[15:05:09] <gigaherz> so that yo ucan /kill yourself back home
L819[15:05:22] <Kragnoth> there is probably a poorly documented command block command that can do it
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L824[15:09:23] <Kragnoth> I wonder if here is a quick way to make a mod that puts a sanity check on the 'drop item' shortcut
L825[15:09:38] <AshIndigo_> Sanity check?
L826[15:09:39] <Kragnoth> like 'if hit by damage, ignore drop item key for 5 seconds'
L827[15:09:55] <gigaherz> a "in combat" tracker would be interesting
L828[15:10:00] <Kragnoth> I keep hitting Q by accident when I dump lava on my head or get hit by a creeper
L829[15:10:09] <gigaherz> require holding the Q key for a couple seconds
L830[15:10:13] <Kragnoth> = deleted bag full of diamond
L831[15:10:14] <gigaherz> if a mob is actively targetting you
L832[15:10:26] <Kragnoth> I'm thinking of binding Q to f12
L833[15:10:32] <Kragnoth> or some other pain in the ass to reach key
L834[15:10:33] <Kragnoth> lol
L835[15:10:40] <Kragnoth> I'll of course need to uninstall botania :P
L836[15:10:44] <gigaherz> heh
L837[15:11:07] <gigaherz> well you could demap drop to like Del
L838[15:11:10] <gigaherz> remap*^
L839[15:11:19] <gigaherz> it would make a lot more sense in a way
L840[15:11:19] <Kragnoth> yeah I'm thinking I'll do taht when I get back in the house
L841[15:11:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L842[15:11:34] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@79-67-168-211.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L843[15:11:43] <Kragnoth> after 5 years of playing WoW, Q was always bound to my "spam attack"
L844[15:11:56] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@79-67-168-211.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)
L845[15:11:57] <Kragnoth> the "why did you daze me bro" key
L846[15:12:13] <TechnicianLP> Ordianstie: get back to overworld: "/setblock ~ ~ ~ portal" the item got removed- the block still exists
L847[15:12:38] <Kragnoth> wonder why they bothered removing the inventory item
L848[15:12:56] <Kragnoth> piston exploit that let you get them some other way?
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L850[15:13:34] <gigaherz> no they just cleaned up the system
L851[15:13:35] <gigaherz> in the past
L852[15:13:45] <gigaherz> IDs 0..255 were for blocks (and their respective item)
L853[15:13:51] <gigaherz> and 256+ were items only
L854[15:14:01] <gigaherz> the item was just the same id
L855[15:14:09] <gigaherz> there was no "block only" blocks
L856[15:14:17] <gigaherz> having separate registries came later
L857[15:14:36] <gigaherz> and eventually (1.8?) they cleaned it up, so that only blocks that need a block, have it
L858[15:14:38] <gigaherz> an item*
L859[15:16:02] <Kragnoth> I suppose that does make sense
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L865[15:22:32] <Darkevilmac> So I'm having a fun issue with an entity renderer. http://i.imgur.com/xJzvueL.gifv
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L867[15:22:55] <Ordinastie> it's a TE ?
L868[15:23:06] <Darkevilmac> No.
L869[15:23:10] <Darkevilmac> Regular entity.
L870[15:23:15] <gigaherz> Darkevilmac: your entity's bounding box is too small, I guess
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L873[15:26:38] <Darkevilmac> gigaherz, I'm within the entity's bounding box in that gif.
L874[15:26:40] <Darkevilmac> Literally inside it.
L875[15:27:04] <Ordinastie> check how the frustum is checked
L876[15:27:45] <Darkevilmac> ignoreFrustumCheck = true;
L877[15:30:57] <Darkevilmac> I've also made shouldRender return true for testing. Still disappears.
L878[15:33:17] <Darkevilmac> Ordinastie, any ideas? Or did I misunderstand what you meant about frustum checks.
L879[15:34:07] <Ordinastie> use your debugger ?
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L883[15:45:41] <LexDesktop> !gm BlockStateContainer.setBits
L884[15:49:42] <LexDesktop> Dogboy21, you there?
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L891[16:11:59] <Darkevilmac> Ordinastie, I have, I'm still not sure why it's not rendering and how I would go about fixing it.
L892[16:13:30] <Darkevilmac> All I really know at this point is that shouldRender is never being called by RengerGlobal.
L893[16:13:58] <Ordinastie> then start the debugging earlier
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L898[16:24:03] <LexDesktop> !gm getBlockFromName
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L902[16:34:51] <LexDesktop> hey guys
L903[16:34:59] <LexDesktop> I need 1.9.4/1.10.2 test worlds
L904[16:35:09] <LexDesktop> ideally ones that were loaded in Forge.
L905[16:35:21] <LexDesktop> And have every block in the game near the spawn/whatever.
L906[16:35:33] <LexDesktop> Anyone think they can make me that?
L907[16:36:08] <gigaherz> ah loaded with forge
L908[16:36:08] <gigaherz> hmm
L909[16:36:18] <gigaherz> I think there's test worlds around for download
L910[16:36:36] <gigaherz> but those would be vanilla
L911[16:36:44] <gigaherz> would it work if it's loaded into forge after generating?
L912[16:37:04] <gigaherz> no wait, mc generates it
L913[16:37:11] <gigaherz> by holding shift while cycling the "world type"
L914[16:37:29] <gigaherz> yeah I can get them made in a few minutes
L915[16:37:39] <gigaherz> I'll fetch latest 1.9.4 and 1.10.2
L916[16:38:07] <LexDesktop> basically I need to test world upgrading with the forge registries
L917[16:38:18] <LexDesktop> thats the only thing holding back 1.11's RB
L918[16:38:30] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L919[16:39:07] <gigaherz> yep on it
L920[16:40:34] ⇨ Joins: secknv (~secknv@2001:8a0:6c73:3001:e1ad:ff48:b79e:85a)
L921[16:42:06] <LexDesktop> 380308
L922[16:43:59] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Test%20World%201_10_2.zip
L923[16:44:04] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L924[16:44:05] <gigaherz> 1.9.4 soon
L925[16:44:21] <kenzierocks> 1.11 rb soon
L926[16:45:11] <gigaherz> and
L927[16:45:12] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Test%20World%201_9_4.zip
L928[16:45:13] <gigaherz> here
L929[16:45:24] <gigaherz> the "Debug Mode" test world generated by MC in 1.9.4 and 1.10.2
L930[16:45:39] <gigaherz> every single block variant placed in a neat arrangement
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L936[16:56:10] <LexDesktop> whelp vanilla and forge's debug blocks load fine...
L937[16:57:03] <LexDesktop> Also... is this guy... high? http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43796.msg233551#new
L938[16:57:14] <LexDesktop> he keeps saying random numbers with no context...
L939[16:57:49] <kenzierocks> what
L940[16:58:23] <kenzierocks> >seriously.... you edited my posts to remove the errors in the log?
L941[16:58:32] <kenzierocks> no, they were probably edited for being too fucking long lol
L942[16:58:45] <LexDesktop> they wernt edited at all
L943[16:58:59] <kenzierocks> lol
L944[16:59:31] <kenzierocks> it looks like spectator mode
L945[16:59:46] <kenzierocks> worldgen is a little funky, but pretty much just that
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L947[17:08:28] <Eragonn1490> is there a way to check for an empty hand?
L948[17:08:52] <Eragonn1490> like if a players hand is empty?
L949[17:09:39] <gigaherz> 1.10 or 1.11?
L950[17:09:46] <gigaherz> well doesn't matter
L951[17:09:48] <gigaherz> in both cases
L952[17:09:55] <gigaherz> player.getHeldItem(WHICH HAND)
L953[17:10:01] <gigaherz> in 1.10, it will be null if empty
L954[17:10:09] <gigaherz> in 1.11, you can use .isEmpty on the result
L955[17:10:29] <Eragonn1490> its 1.10.2
L956[17:10:37] <gigaherz> then check for nulls
L957[17:10:46] <Eragonn1490> ill show you what i tried
L958[17:11:32] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/0Ypavvr2
L959[17:12:24] <LexDesktop> last call
L960[17:12:29] <LexDesktop> anyone need anything in the next RB?
L961[17:13:24] <gigaherz> any chance of the smelting recipes stuff can be included?
L962[17:13:54] <LexDesktop> not a chance in hell, thats a major re-write and it needs to be fully tested.
L963[17:14:02] <kenzierocks> lol
L964[17:14:07] <gigaherz> okay, can't recall anything else, then
L965[17:14:11] <LexDesktop> i REALLY hate the vanilla smelting system
L966[17:14:18] <LexDesktop> go harass mojang to make it not shit.
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L988[18:10:49] <TehNut> gigaherz: blame Curse reserving a name for a project that doesn't exist after I already made my name
L989[18:11:01] <LexDesktop> https://twitter.com/LexManos/status/805927101358489600
L990[18:12:05] <TehNut> Sweet
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L995[18:24:43] <Eragonn1490> sorry about going afk had some stuff pop up
L996[18:25:40] <Eragonn1490> @gigaherz my next issue is onBlockActivated is called twice?
L997[18:27:55] <killjoy> server and client?
L998[18:29:40] <Eragonn1490> true
L999[18:41:07] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/itkdjuDN
L1000[18:41:36] <killjoy> assuming 1.10
L1001[18:41:41] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1002[18:41:43] <killjoy> so I'll ignore the stack != null check
L1003[18:41:54] <killjoy> you should check worldIn.isRemote
L1004[18:42:11] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/VLkC5VJM
L1005[18:42:46] <killjoy> What's the issue?
L1006[18:43:28] <Eragonn1490> it instantly switches from state 3 to 0
L1007[18:43:37] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/VLkC5VJM
L1008[18:46:14] <killjoy> *shrug*
L1009[18:47:59] <killjoy> shouldn't you be using heldItem instead of getting it from the player?
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L1012[18:50:39] <Eragonn1490> it works
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L1020[19:05:35] <Eragonn1490> @killjoy this is what im testing now http://pastebin.com/mWKvQV80 its half working i just gotta fix logic but i think its pretty good?
L1021[19:07:11] <killjoy> you should put isRemote earlier.
L1022[19:07:14] <killjoy> and give it a bigger scope
L1023[19:07:36] <killjoy> or do if (world.isRemote) return false;
L1024[19:07:52] <Eragonn1490> okay ill do that
L1025[19:12:48] *** GeoDoX|Zzz is now known as GeoDoX
L1026[19:13:06] <GeoDoX> What's everyone up to tonight?
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L1028[19:20:32] <Eragonn1490> trying to fix a block event
L1029[19:21:43] <GeoDoX> I hate UVs haha
L1030[19:22:27] <GeoDoX> I got my models working last night thankfully
L1031[19:26:13] <Eragonn1490> let me see?
L1032[19:26:44] <GeoDoX> As soon as I relaunch
L1033[19:28:39] ⇨ Joins: Syndlig (uid8094@id-8094.ealing.irccloud.com)
L1034[19:29:08] <Eragonn1490> @killjoy is there a way to make an event trigger after a block is activated?
L1035[19:30:07] <gigaherz> back
L1036[19:30:19] <gigaherz> I was watching Westworld
L1037[19:30:28] <gigaherz> interesting ending ;P
L1038[19:30:45] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: what exactly are you trying to achieve?
L1039[19:39:00] <GeoDoX> https://puu.sh/sFCnI/1e64ccfde4.png https://puu.sh/sFCoF/a2fa7af76b.png
L1040[19:39:20] <GeoDoX> https://puu.sh/sFCr1/6c7afa1b87.png
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L1046[19:52:34] <Sangam1> so complete noob here. havent done modding for a while and never server side modding. Getting an error from mc where it crashes leading to this class.
L1047[19:52:36] <Sangam1> http://pastebin.com/8dZajNgy
L1048[19:52:41] <Sangam1> any idea why?
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L1050[19:57:15] <GeoDoX> I achieved the effect I was looking for by duplicating the inner faces and inverting the normals. Looks pretty decent however I did mess up on some of the UVs. https://puu.sh/sFDk8/d8eef78bb0.png
L1051[19:58:29] <GeoDoX> Sangam1, I think it's because you're registering things after you should be.
L1052[19:58:45] <GeoDoX> I usually always register things in preInit
L1053[19:58:57] <Sangam1> GeoDoX, should it have been registered in preInit? Ill try that
L1054[20:00:12] <GeoDoX> I have to take off. May be back in 6 1/2 hours or so.
L1055[20:00:32] <GeoDoX> Eragonn1490, I posted some links to some images. Let me know what you think
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L1061[20:09:44] <Eragonn1490> @gigaherz this is what im trying to fix now, your last suggestion fixed most of my issues http://pastebin.com/cvxzXVe1 last issue is that line 40 and 47 somehow are both true on right clicking the block once
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L1063[20:14:04] <Eragonn1490> @Ordinastie are you around?
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L1066[20:24:53] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: I didn't ask what you are trying to fix NOW
L1067[20:25:00] <gigaherz> I mean what are you trying to do, in a more general sense
L1068[20:25:36] <Eragonn1490> im trying to change the bookcase to my custom bookcase which is one with a book missing all the way down to an empty one
L1069[20:25:36] <Eragonn1490> and back up
L1070[20:29:40] <gigaherz> you have a LOT of repeated code :/
L1071[20:31:06] <LexDesktop> PaleOff, dammet man where are you?
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L1073[20:33:41] <Eragonn1490> do you have a cleaner solution? @giga that seemed to be the simplest way to do it
L1074[20:36:00] <Syndlig> If you've got a ton of the same code, just tear it out and put it in a new function and call that function
L1075[20:36:05] <Syndlig> passing in whatever parameters are necessary
L1076[20:36:27] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: well there's multiple issues with your current code
L1077[20:36:34] <Syndlig> redundant code breeds bad code, since making a change to one piece necessitates changing it in other places.
L1078[20:36:35] <gigaherz> even ignoring the redundancyt
L1079[20:36:43] <gigaherz> for starters
L1080[20:36:57] <gigaherz> you seem to ahve 4 "levels"?
L1081[20:37:03] <gigaherz> but "full" is the vanilla block isn't it?
L1082[20:37:24] <Eragonn1490> at first i was going to use a different block
L1083[20:37:31] <gigaherz> then
L1084[20:37:48] <Eragonn1490> i dont use the 4th level since i have use the playerRightclick event to change the vanilla bookcase
L1085[20:37:55] <gigaherz> you have the stack in a variable
L1086[20:38:07] <gigaherz> but you keep checking the getHeldItemMainhand() function every single time
L1087[20:38:13] <gigaherz> even though you already have the item in the variable
L1088[20:39:42] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1089[20:39:45] <Syndlig> not knowing much about it, I'm presuming the variable "stack" ends up being the same thing as "playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand().getItem()"?
L1090[20:39:54] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1091[20:39:56] <gigaherz> no, just getHeldItemInMainHand()
L1092[20:39:56] <Syndlig> since stack is getting whatever the player's holding
L1093[20:40:09] <gigaherz> playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() === stack.getItem()
L1094[20:40:15] <Eragonn1490> its checking if its a book for turning the empty one into the versions with books added
L1095[20:40:26] <Syndlig> ah, in that case there's no reason not to just have "stack = playerIn.getHeldItem().getItem()", no?
L1096[20:40:32] <gigaherz> yes, but you check it over and over
L1097[20:40:34] <gigaherz> instead of checking once
L1098[20:40:41] <gigaherz> Syndlig: nono
L1099[20:40:46] <gigaherz> because the stack may be null
L1100[20:40:49] <gigaherz> and item != itemstack
L1101[20:40:56] <gigaherz> if you do .getItem it's an Item, not an ItemStack
L1102[20:40:59] <Syndlig> ah, makes sense.
L1103[20:41:14] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: you have two possible situations
L1104[20:41:22] <gigaherz> 1. the stack is null (remove books)
L1105[20:41:26] <gigaherz> 2. the stack is a book (add books)
L1106[20:41:32] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1107[20:42:00] <Eragonn1490> the issue is that both remove books statements are true for whatever reason
L1108[20:42:29] <Syndlig> it's because you don't have an else statement there.
L1109[20:42:57] <Syndlig> The second if statement fires off, "if (stack == null && state.getValue(blahlbahblah == two3"
L1110[20:43:00] <Syndlig> and removes a book
L1111[20:43:10] <Syndlig> then the next one fires off "if (blahblahblah == two2"
L1112[20:43:15] <Syndlig> which is now true due to the last if statement
L1113[20:43:18] <Syndlig> and fires off
L1114[20:43:53] <Syndlig> you're checking each if statement every time, instead of iterating through them until you either hit the correct one or reach the end of the if/else chain
L1115[20:44:44] <Syndlig> Your first if is fine, same with the first nested if. All the ones after that should be "else if" so that way you don't check them if a previous check was true.
L1116[20:45:41] <Eragonn1490> ill change that now
L1117[20:46:05] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/d0fe01afbfd8b4f7d6dc7b78efde89fa
L1118[20:46:23] <gigaherz> this isn't meant to be for copypasting
L1119[20:46:30] <gigaherz> I want you to compare what I wrote to what you were doing
L1120[20:46:37] <gigaherz> and notice just how redundant your code was
L1121[20:46:45] <Syndlig> though, yeah, a switch is way better
L1122[20:47:06] <gigaherz> also notice
L1123[20:47:10] <gigaherz> you didn't have to "get" the held item
L1124[20:47:16] <gigaherz> since it's right there in a parameter of the method
L1125[20:47:39] <gigaherz> also I have completely ignored your crazy enum names
L1126[20:47:53] <gigaherz> and just used "level0", "level1" and "level2" to make the example more readable
L1127[20:47:56] <Eragonn1490> from what i see, i should use more switch statements
L1128[20:48:01] <gigaherz> no that's not the lesson
L1129[20:48:20] <gigaherz> the switch is an implementation detail
L1130[20:48:27] <gigaherz> it's the fact that I didn't repeat the same thing over and over
L1131[20:48:27] <Eragonn1490> i get that, but its saying instead of using ifs
L1132[20:48:32] <gigaherz> calling the same functions over and over
L1133[20:48:35] <Eragonn1490> switch if the type is this and if not dont repeat the code
L1134[20:50:16] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/be5f9b7299cf57bc23700b426e02ee64
L1135[20:50:18] <gigaherz> comapre with this, then
L1136[20:50:22] <gigaherz> no switch
L1137[20:51:08] <gigaherz> notice how I made use of the values passed into the function
L1138[20:51:20] <gigaherz> how I used variables to avoid calling the same code over and over (makes the code more readable)
L1139[20:51:24] <gigaherz> (and faster)
L1140[20:52:22] <Eragonn1490> looking at it now
L1141[20:52:58] <gigaherz> a switch is just sugar
L1142[20:53:07] <gigaherz> it makes the code easier to swallow, but not specifically BETTER
L1143[20:53:47] <Syndlig> switches technically improve performance (O(1) instead of On) but clean code improves it more, imo.
L1144[20:54:09] <gigaherz> yeah but that's an implementation detail
L1145[20:54:19] <gigaherz> he clearly needs the clean readable code more than raw performance ;P
L1146[20:54:20] <Syndlig> right
L1147[20:54:37] <gigaherz> specially in a switch with 4 values
L1148[20:55:16] <Syndlig> I can't say much regarding the realm of Minecraft modding since I'm still struggling to make Baby's First Mod but I know good code when I see it :V
L1149[20:55:58] <gigaherz> I see a lot of squirming in your future ;P
L1150[20:56:03] <gigaherz> and shuddering
L1151[20:56:11] <Syndlig> oh I imagine so
L1152[20:56:18] <Syndlig> there's been plenty of cursing at the screen already
L1153[20:56:22] <gigaherz> tutorials are generally BAD
L1154[20:56:37] <gigaherz> example code is either made by noobs, or not made for noobs
L1155[20:57:03] <gigaherz> so to someone with coding experience but without modding experience, it's bad or bad
L1156[20:57:14] <Syndlig> I've been trying to build off the example code provided by a couple of the considered "good" mods but I'm still something of a novice programmer so... it doesn't end well :x
L1157[20:57:17] <gigaherz> I like to think my code is clean
L1158[20:58:04] <Syndlig> 20:46:05 <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/d0fe01afbfd8b4f7d6dc7b78efde89fa I don't really know what some of the called functions do but this is pretty readable to me imo
L1159[20:58:28] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/
L1160[20:59:05] <Eragonn1490> i understood that
L1161[20:59:12] <gigaherz> I consider that one of my more... polished / structured mods
L1162[20:59:32] <Syndlig> That's... something. :P
L1163[21:00:06] <Syndlig> Is it strictly necessary to have all the item definitions, recipes, etc. in the main mod class instead of separate, called classes?
L1164[21:00:19] <gigaherz> no
L1165[21:00:28] <gigaherz> however
L1166[21:00:33] <gigaherz> the lifecycle events
L1167[21:00:39] <gigaherz> the ones with @Mod.EventHandler
L1168[21:00:48] <gigaherz> those need to be in the main mod class
L1169[21:00:53] <gigaherz> but you can call other classes from there
L1170[21:01:19] <Syndlig> I think that's my only thing I see where I go "eesh"
L1171[21:01:54] <Syndlig> from a style standpoint I prefer { to be on the same line as the function definition, and if statements with a single line of code to just be "if (blah) yourcodehere" but that's a preference thing
L1172[21:02:23] <gigaherz> yeah
L1173[21:02:34] <gigaherz> it's an "agree to disagree" thing
L1174[21:02:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L1175[21:02:52] <gigaherz> I can work with any style
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L1177[21:02:57] <gigaherz> although I prefer the one I use
L1178[21:03:01] <Syndlig> so like "if (ConfigManager.instance.enableTorchFire) TorchFireEventHandling.register();" reads easier to me
L1179[21:03:22] <gigaherz> it's generally accepted that long lines take more brain energy to parse
L1180[21:03:37] <gigaherz> so it's best to have things visually separate
L1181[21:03:42] <Syndlig> mm, fair
L1182[21:03:52] <gigaherz> and as close to the left edge as possible
L1183[21:04:05] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1184[21:04:07] <Syndlig> if (ConfigManager.instance.enableTorgeFire)
L1185[21:04:07] <Syndlig> TorchFireEventHandling.register();
L1186[21:04:08] <gigaherz> consistency is key
L1187[21:04:39] <Syndlig> but n-e-ways I should probably go back to staring angrily at my screen
L1188[21:04:47] <gigaherz> i often skip the braces when typing code
L1189[21:04:55] <gigaherz> but if they are in the code, I don't normally remove them
L1190[21:05:09] <gigaherz> unless the code gets too sparse
L1191[21:05:13] <gigaherz> then I sometimes compact things
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L1194[21:05:17] <Syndlig> oh I actually do have a question, now that I think about it
L1195[21:05:33] <gigaherz> shoot
L1196[21:05:46] <gigaherz> (and quick -- I'm jumping into bed soon)
L1197[21:05:49] <Syndlig> I was trying to get McJty's code working so I could see how the different blocks work in-game but apparently onNeighbourBlockChange() was replaced with onNeighborChange() and I'm not sure how they're different
L1198[21:06:13] ⇦ Quits: irctc448 (webchat@cpe-184-56-54-239.neo.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L1199[21:06:14] <Syndlig> here's the function from the code
L1200[21:06:19] <Syndlig> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/VKlLREYa/
L1201[21:06:40] ⇨ Joins: irctc448 (webchat@cpe-184-56-54-239.neo.res.rr.com)
L1202[21:07:35] <gigaherz> !mh onNeighbourBlockChange
L1203[21:07:44] <gigaherz> !mh onNeighborBlockChange
L1204[21:08:03] <gigaherz> !mh onNeighborChange
L1205[21:08:11] <Syndlig> oh there's a bot for this stuff?
L1206[21:08:20] <gigaherz> yeah, MCPBot_Reborn
L1207[21:08:30] <gigaherz> there's a dedicated channel, too, #mcpbot
L1208[21:08:35] <gigaherz> and you can send commands in a PM
L1209[21:08:39] <gigaherz> try !help (in pm)
L1210[21:08:49] <Syndlig> neat
L1211[21:08:52] <gigaherz> but the search wasn't successful
L1212[21:09:56] <gigaherz> ah right, it became neighborChanged
L1213[21:10:28] <gigaherz> (I was trying to find it in my 1.11 environment XD)
L1214[21:10:49] <gigaherz> neighborChanged is just onNeighbourBlockChange but with an extra parameter
L1215[21:10:54] <gigaherz> serves the same purpose
L1216[21:10:59] <Syndlig> ah, what's the extra parameter?
L1217[21:11:32] <gigaherz> use your IDE to figure out
L1218[21:11:44] <gigaherz> jsut try to override it, and it should be in the list
L1219[21:11:49] <gigaherz> ;P
L1220[21:12:43] <Syndlig> ... oh, it's literally the same except IBlockState was moved to the first parameter instead of the third :|
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L1222[21:13:23] <Syndlig> alrighty, cool, thanks for the help man
L1223[21:14:10] <Syndlig> hoping that by looking at this code I can get a better idea of how to randomize item appearances
L1224[21:14:13] ⇨ Joins: irctc448 (~irctc448@cpe-184-56-54-239.neo.res.rr.com)
L1225[21:14:18] <irctc448> http://pastebin.com/mUPYaJDM when I try to use this, the gui doesnt open, but when I put it out side this if statement it works
L1226[21:14:37] <irctc448> I can post more code if needed
L1227[21:15:02] ⇦ Quits: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1228[21:15:30] <Syndlig> why do you check "!this.worldObj.isRemote" and then after that check "!worldObj.isRemote"?
L1229[21:16:08] *** Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L1230[21:16:16] <irctc448> Never picked up on that ill try changing it
L1231[21:16:17] <GeoDoX|Away> Eragonn1490, You should use a Switch as Abrar suggested yesterday
L1232[21:16:44] <gigaherz> night ppl
L1233[21:16:46] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1234[21:16:53] <GeoDoX|Away> Eragonn1490, You still aren't even using else if's which is probably what's messing up
L1235[21:16:55] <GeoDoX|Away> night ghz
L1236[21:18:40] <GeoDoX|Away> Eragonn1490, On line 31 of your pastebin it also has two3 when the previous ones are one1 and two2, it suggests that it should be three3
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L1238[21:19:08] <irctc448> Syndlig it still doesnt appear for some reason
L1239[21:19:42] <GeoDoX|Away> ghz was suggesting that you pull the code thats repeated into a function and pass in the current Enum value
L1240[21:20:04] <GeoDoX|Away> Try making those changes and go from there.
L1241[21:21:35] <irctc448> Syndlig heres the full interact function for my entity if it helps at all http://pastebin.com/60PJD56f
L1242[21:21:45] <irctc448> The gui just doesnt want to show up for some reason
L1243[21:22:29] <GeoDoX|Away> Syndlig, if it helps, I was yelling at my screen for the past 4 days, I finally figured it out last night. Have hope man!
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L1245[21:23:58] <killjoy> Eragonn1490, you don't have to target me for every question.
L1246[21:24:59] <irctc448> http://pastebin.com/60PJD56f if anyone knows why the gui isnt appearing please tell me
L1247[21:25:15] <irctc448> When the entity is clicked on with a bone a gui should appear but instead nothing happens
L1248[21:26:32] <killjoy> ITWORKS is printed?
L1249[21:27:22] <irctc448> yes
L1250[21:27:27] <irctc448> but the gui never opens
L1251[21:27:30] <killjoy> show your guihandler
L1252[21:27:54] <irctc448> http://pastebin.com/d8W886nE gui handler
L1253[21:28:03] <killjoy> and shouldn't you use player.showGui?
L1254[21:28:55] <irctc448> Ive tried that too and it doesnt work
L1255[21:29:25] <irctc448> when the gui line is only inside the this.isTamed if statement it works
L1256[21:29:41] <irctc448> but as soon as i put it in this if statement it doesnt wanna work
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L1258[21:33:19] <irctc448> killjoy what do you think it is?
L1259[21:33:31] <killjoy> If I don't respond, it means I don't know.
L1260[21:33:37] <killjoy> And I'm kind of busy.
L1261[21:33:53] <killjoy> Sorry if that comes off as rude
L1262[21:34:05] <irctc448> I understand
L1263[21:35:21] <killjoy> and you should select java next time you post java code to pastebin
L1264[21:35:29] <killjoy> so it hilights
L1265[21:35:49] <killjoy> Like this. http://pastebin.com/8tbNnDsR
L1266[21:36:09] <killjoy> though of course hastebin and gist is better
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L1268[21:37:18] <Eragonn1490> @GeoDox you alive?
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L1282[22:25:03] <camerondm9> What is the difference between FMLRelaunchLog and FMLLog?
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L1284[22:26:12] <camerondm9> Which should I be using to write information messages from a coremod?
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L1287[22:38:08] ⇦ Parts: Cast0077 (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) ())
L1288[22:39:28] <killjoy> camerondm9, you should use your own.
L1289[22:39:37] <killjoy> Use LogManager.getLogger()
L1290[22:41:06] <LexDesktop> coremod -.-
L1291[22:41:55] <camerondm9> So I create my own logger and use it instead of FML's?
L1292[22:42:09] <killjoy> You shouldn't need to use FML's.
L1293[22:42:11] <LexDesktop> Why are you making a coremod?
L1294[22:42:21] <camerondm9> OK, thanks
L1295[22:42:23] <killjoy> you shouldn't have brought it up
L1296[22:42:45] <LexDesktop> The difference between Relaunch and normal log is important
L1297[22:42:45] <camerondm9> I'm making a coremod to change enable eating things in Peaceful mode
L1298[22:43:32] <LexDesktop> um, no coremod is needed for that..
L1299[22:44:57] ⇨ Joins: williewillus (~williewil@cpe-24-28-24-13.austin.res.rr.com)
L1300[22:45:17] <LexDesktop> Seriously people who fucking jump to coremods for everything piss me off. 'OMG it takes more then 10 seconds to figure out how to do it! Coremod it is then!'
L1301[22:45:40] <camerondm9> Well EntityPlayer.onLivingUpdate gives the player perpetual health and hunger regen when in Peaceful mode, so you can't eat food because you don't get hungry
L1302[22:46:06] <LexDesktop> Then whats the point of eating?
L1303[22:46:15] <LexDesktop> also, you can flip flags to allow eating
L1304[22:47:28] <camerondm9> I wanted to be able to eat in peaceful mode. If disable that piece of code, the player could get hungry like in the other difficulties
L1305[22:48:36] <LexDesktop> yes but you could also acheive what you want without coremodding
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L1307[22:49:15] <camerondm9> OK, how?
L1308[22:49:30] <LexDesktop> There is a flat to ignore your current hunger
L1309[22:49:32] <LexDesktop> fucking use it
L1310[22:49:46] <LexDesktop> or replace the instance of the hunger manager in the player
L1311[22:49:51] <LexDesktop> with one that doesnt regen in peaceful
L1312[22:50:16] <LexDesktop> its fucking simple Im not going to hold your hand for it, BUT IT ABSOLUTLY DOES NOT NEED A FUCKING COREMOD
L1313[22:50:56] <kashike> replace EntityPlayer#foodStats, changing FoodStats#needFood in your own extension of FoodStats, most likely
L1314[22:51:19] <LexDesktop> And even if you CANT do what you want without a coremod
L1315[22:51:33] <LexDesktop> I do not see a PR/Issue on Forge to address this issue.
L1316[22:51:41] <LexDesktop> So you're OBVIOUSLY doing it wrong.
L1317[22:51:49] <camerondm9> You would prefer a PR to a coremod?
L1318[22:51:53] <kashike> by far.
L1319[22:51:55] <LexDesktop> No shit
L1320[22:52:03] <LexDesktop> Thats the ENTIRE fucking point of Forge
L1321[22:52:11] <LexDesktop> to do the base edits cleanly for you.
L1322[22:53:02] <camerondm9> Alright then, change of plans... Thank you!
L1323[22:58:52] ⇦ Quits: williewillus (~williewil@cpe-24-28-24-13.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1324[23:02:31] <killjoy> </rant>
L1325[23:04:19] <killjoy> lex.trigger((chat)->{if (chat.contains("coremod")) rant();})
L1326[23:04:28] <killjoy> Just so other people don't accidentally set it off :p
L1327[23:04:33] *** killjoy was kicked by LexDesktop (killjoy))
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L1329[23:04:56] <killjoy> :)
L1330[23:05:28] <killjoy> I think that's your favorite reason to kick me
L1331[23:05:37] <LexDesktop> for being a twat?
L1332[23:05:40] <LexDesktop> shush
L1333[23:05:42] <killjoy> (killjoy)
L1334[23:06:47] <LexDesktop> There is a difference between killing joy, and just being a twat
L1335[23:06:53] <killjoy> fair enough
L1336[23:06:54] <LexDesktop> there is no joy in ranting
L1337[23:07:22] <killjoy> for either party I take it
L1338[23:07:31] <LexDesktop> nope
L1339[23:07:57] <LexDesktop> Do you guys seriously think I'm some physco that enjoys yelling at people when they are being retarded?
L1340[23:08:25] <killjoy> No, but I guess we can't joke about it
L1341[23:08:31] <killjoy> w/e
L1342[23:08:54] <LexDesktop> That isnt joking thats saying "Lex is a twat who just bitches whenever anyone brings up coremods for no reason!"
L1343[23:09:27] <killjoy> I'm not the best at jokes
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L1347[23:23:05] <baegmon> is there a event that listens to gamerule changes?
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L1351[23:31:13] <killjoy> baegmon, any reason you need it?
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L1353[23:31:48] <baegmon> @killjoy just trying to mess around with default events
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L1355[23:36:26] <LexDesktop> https://twitter.com/LexManos/status/806009042778746880
L1356[23:44:28] <killjoy> Yeah.. that describes us about right
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L1360[23:53:52] <Abastro> Are there a safe way to modify sun's trajectory so it's not on the east-west line?
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