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L15[01:06:32] <killjoy> I just want to mention how good intellij is at deleting files
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L17[01:06:53] <killjoy> It wouldn't let me delete a class right away because it found references to it in a crashreport
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L21[01:53:19] <ghz|afk> killjoy: mark the run folder as excluded?
L22[01:53:27] <killjoy> eh
L23[01:53:44] <killjoy> I'm too new to know how to do that.
L24[01:53:50] <killjoy> new to IDEA that is
L25[01:53:57] <ghz|afk> rightclick -> mark directory as -> excluded
L26[01:54:04] <killjoy> Unchecking a box is easier
L27[01:55:07] <killjoy> And now my dictionary extension on chrome keeps crashing
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L29[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161124 mappings to Forge Maven.
L30[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161124-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161124" in build.gradle).
L31[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L42[02:32:35] <ScruffyRules> windows installer for 1.7.10 wont detect my Java. :(
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L44[02:46:56] <tterrag> windows installer of what
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L46[02:50:57] <gigaherz|work> I guess he means the installer in .exe package
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L53[03:36:34] <ScruffyRules> uhhh http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/ this 404s.
L54[03:37:55] <ScruffyRules> Wait, how does the Minecraft launcher get the forge jars n stuff if that maven location 404s
L55[03:38:18] <barteks2x> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/
L56[03:38:22] <barteks2x> this isn't 4044
L57[03:38:25] <barteks2x> *404
L58[03:38:45] <ScruffyRules> Mmmkay.
L59[03:40:59] <barteks2x> so it has to know what it's looking for to download it
L60[03:43:29] <ScruffyRules> Yeah, I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Version must be a partial if 1.7.10 is 'installed'
L61[03:43:48] <kashike> ScruffyRules: it's a fake 404 to prevent directory browsing
L62[03:43:56] <ScruffyRules> kashike, fairo
L63[03:44:27] <gigaherz|work> it could be a 403 instead, though
L64[03:44:30] <kashike> ScruffyRules: http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/
L65[03:44:34] <kashike> some have browsing enabled
L66[03:44:37] <gigaherz|work> it's funny how
L67[03:44:49] <gigaherz|work> mojang's maven 403s for missing URLs
L68[03:44:57] <gigaherz|work> but forge's 404s for forbidden actions
L69[03:45:04] <gigaherz|work> yay for contradicting the standards
L70[03:45:44] <kashike> yeah, gotta love libraries.minecraft.net
L71[03:45:47] <kashike> 403, The request could not be satisfied.
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L79[05:06:47] <JuiceGrape> after I craft using my container item, everything works as it should, but then it get's a little 0 in the bottom right, and dissapears when I try to grab it, anyone know what's causing this?
L80[05:07:51] <AshIndigo> The stack size is zero then poofs into non existence
L81[05:08:04] <JuiceGrape> oh derp, didn't even think of that
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L83[05:10:23] <JuiceGrape> why is it automatically decrementing my stacksize then? how do I stop it
L84[05:14:57] <AshIndigo> Ive never done container items befote
L85[05:14:58] <AshIndigo> But crafting will take one of an item away
L86[05:15:58] <JuiceGrape> and when I set it to a stacksize of 1, it makes it 0, but when I set it to a stacksize of 2, it keeps it at 2. dfok
L87[05:16:53] <JuiceGrape> and when you craft with a bucket, it doesn't set the stacksize of the bucket to 0
L88[05:22:32] <AshIndigo> How are you making the container item?
L89[05:27:59] <JuiceGrape> http://pastebin.com/72x42BWt
L90[05:31:47] <AshIndigo> Maybe try setting the container with Item#setContainerItem
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L94[05:51:30] <JuiceGrape> already using that, but I want it to get damaged with crafting
L95[05:52:07] <Akkarin> use a container
L96[05:52:24] <Akkarin> aka the same thing buckets use
L97[05:53:05] <JuiceGrape> heh?
L98[05:53:20] <Akkarin> nvm that apparently got tossed :(
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L100[05:54:00] <Akkarin> in 1.7 there used to be a class that handled items that behave that way specifically (aka which stay in the crafting table but change their metadata/nbt)
L101[05:54:41] <gigaherz|work> there is a getContainer or something on the item
L102[05:54:44] <gigaherz|work> you just return a new ItemStack
L103[05:54:45] <gigaherz|work> on demand
L104[05:55:06] <gigaherz|work> if you ned to act on a 3rdparty item, you'll need to use crafting events instead
L105[05:56:31] <Akkarin> http://i.imgur.com/Gh17yaT.png yeah there seems to be something among the lines
L106[05:56:58] <Akkarin> there's also item stack versions further down
L107[05:58:14] <JuiceGrape> fuck that actually works
L108[05:58:16] <JuiceGrape> uggh
L109[05:58:23] <JuiceGrape> anks gigaherz, again <3
L110[05:59:46] <gigaherz|work> Akkarin: those are the "old" methods, the proper flexible one is "ItemStack getContainerItem(ItemStack)"
L111[06:00:10] <gigaherz|work> lets you return items with NBT, affect the damage value, etc
L112[06:02:39] <Akkarin> well they're not deprecated yet and suffice for simple use
L113[06:02:43] <Akkarin> e.g. one item is always given back
L114[06:02:59] <Akkarin> not that deprecation was a sane indication for Mojang doing stuff anyways ... but oh well
L115[06:18:03] <gigaherz|work> chances are getContainerItem is added by forge
L116[06:18:09] <gigaherz|work> and the other methods are from mojang
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L131[08:00:16] <Shambling> silly question, but I keep seeing csampler being used as an example as a utility to track down memory problems in minecraft, but in not a single post does anyone mention what mod that is (I'm assuming its sfplayers sampler) but I can't find that mod on the internet
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L133[08:01:00] <Shambling> I'm guessing sampler is an actual executable?
L134[08:04:16] <Shambling> probably not for general population use, but I did find a link finally on the IC2 forums, and it seems to be for 1.10.2, so I'm going to see if I can track down my issue
L135[08:04:55] <Shambling> happy thanksgiving to anyone out there celebrating. Otherwise, happy Thursday to anyone in a timezone where its Thursday. :P
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L143[08:20:51] <barteks2x> Shambling, is it "csampler" or just "sampler"?
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L145[08:24:30] <Shambling> mod is sampler-1.66.jar
L146[08:25:00] <Shambling> command is csampler and then the command, I was looking for chunkupdaterender command.
L147[08:25:54] <Shambling> and now I know not to leave old tinkers construct smelteries just lying around, as they look like they might load the chunk they are in every 8 seconds or so
L148[08:26:04] <Shambling> or at least make sure they are in one chunk to minimize loading
L149[08:27:39] <barteks2x> oh, I didn't see your message where you say you found a link
L150[08:28:19] <barteks2x> How did I miss that line after reading it a few times?
L151[08:29:47] <Shambling> I should have been more clear that I found it
L152[08:30:00] <Shambling> now I'm just looking to se eif I can find a mod that will regen chunks, and I think worldedit will do so
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L154[08:30:32] <Shambling> I kidn of want to delete this dimension and start over, as I left a huge hole near my base that is ugly as sin with a builder from rftools, but I think I can just regen that chunk
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L156[08:38:47] ⇨ Joins: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@
L157[08:39:30] <ScottehBoeh> I have a "SandbagKit" item that places a sandbag after a few seconds of holding right click (Using onItemUse and onItemUseFinish)
L158[08:39:47] <ScottehBoeh> Any way to have something happen halfway through the onItemUse?
L159[08:40:16] <ScottehBoeh> I've got a set max item use duration set to 64, is it possible to have something happen (like playa sound) at say 32?
L160[08:43:41] <gigaherz|work> isn't there a onItemUseProgress or something
L161[08:44:17] <ScottehBoeh> I see onItemUseFirst
L162[08:44:20] <ScottehBoeh> but thats all :S
L163[08:45:02] <ScottehBoeh> What I thought I could do was use onRightClick
L164[08:45:14] <ScottehBoeh> and just check the current duration time on that
L165[08:45:21] <ScottehBoeh> but then there's actually getting the durationTime
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L170[08:52:32] <Eragonn1490> whos awake?
L171[08:53:11] * Akkarin snores in a corner
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L177[09:15:11] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone know why the hell my hitVec is returning 0
L178[09:15:12] <ScottehBoeh> Uuuugh
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L180[09:15:32] <ScottehBoeh> hitVec X, Y and Z are all returning 0 when I cast them in onItemUseFinish
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L201[10:16:02] <sham1> How is it hanging everyone
L202[10:16:33] <AshIndigo> Loading Minecraft
L203[10:16:44] <Eragonn1490> im doing well minus trying to get subblocks working
L204[10:16:53] <Katrix> Is there anything similar to LivingUpdateEvent for any Entity?
L205[10:17:11] <Eragonn1490> what are you trying to do @katrix?
L206[10:17:24] <Katrix> Stop time in a specific area
L207[10:17:57] <Katrix> Currently just freezing entities and setting their ticks existed back one tick every tick, but would be nice with a better solution
L208[10:18:41] <sham1> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/f08f3c11053d414b57d03192dd72fcbfaef100f7/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/EntityEvent.java I imagine follow from there
L209[10:19:40] <sham1> But no, I don't think there is any specific Tick Event for any arbitrary entity
L210[10:19:47] <Katrix> Ah, sad
L211[10:20:12] <Katrix> I guess I'll just use the living event for living entities, and keep the current solution otherwise
L212[10:20:18] <sham1> You need to tick events and get every entity in your given area and freezing them
L213[10:20:38] <barteks2x> there seems to be EntityEvent.CanUpdate
L214[10:20:41] <barteks2x> not sure if that would work
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L216[10:20:46] <sham1> Nah
L217[10:20:59] <Katrix> That's only called on constructing the Entity
L218[10:21:00] <sham1> It only fires when the game tries to see if it can update a given entity at all
L219[10:22:13] <barteks2x> wait, no, it's only fired when it already determined that it can't update an entity
L220[10:23:12] <barteks2x> so it's possible to tick entity even if normally miencraft wouldn't tick it
L221[10:24:52] <barteks2x> I have an idea for possibly even worse hack, btu I can't possibly predict side effects of taht
L222[10:26:12] <sham1> Yes
L223[10:27:03] <barteks2x> that would be using reflection hacks to remove the entity from World.loadedEntityList, it would definitely stop ticking it, but side effects could be weird
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L241[11:43:16] <MalkContent> i'm getting these weird minilags during gameplay
L242[11:43:39] <MalkContent> client runs fine, but its like the communication between server and client rubberbands
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L245[11:48:46] <barteks2x> I'm not sure if it's java gc that causes my performance issues, or if it's my lighting code
L246[11:50:34] <ghz|afk> if it's the "gc", it means something is just simply allocating too many things, not the gc itself
L247[11:50:51] <barteks2x> all freezes seem to line up with GC pauses and with increase in percentage of how much time light updates take
L248[11:52:43] <barteks2x> that explains a lot... http://imgur.com/a/6NO1G
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L250[11:55:12] <barteks2x> And it crashed... reopening the same issue for the second time now
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L253[11:58:04] <barteks2x> that doesn't look right... Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.keyboard' took aprox 658.427374 ms
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L262[12:17:45] <barteks2x> Does it crash if you try to read more data from the packet ByteBuf than there actually is?
L263[12:18:01] <Ordinastie> of course
L264[12:18:17] <Ordinastie> you're supposed to know how much to read
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L266[12:19:29] <barteks2x> I expected that because of a bug I read more than tehre is
L267[12:19:33] <barteks2x> but it didn't crash
L268[12:19:44] <barteks2x> And I realized how stupid my code is in some places
L269[12:22:11] <barteks2x> the CubePacket encodes Cube as byte array in constructor (which inclused heightmap because it could have changed), AND a few lines later creates heightmap array again
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L271[12:23:01] <barteks2x> What is more, after some changes in code it reserves twice as much bytes as necessary for heightmap because previously it included minBlockHeight too
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L278[12:46:13] <barteks2x> would it be hard to get a mod working in forge dev workspace and still allow to edit the mod code? (not just MDK)
L279[12:46:22] <barteks2x> Or, how to do that?
L280[12:46:42] <Ordinastie> in eclipse, no
L281[12:46:47] <barteks2x> in idea
L282[12:46:49] <Ordinastie> in IDEA? not sure
L283[12:47:29] <barteks2x> I want to debug closing minecraft not always working, and it will take forever with just breakpoints
L284[12:47:49] <barteks2x> so I would like to add some print statements in some parts and compare with vanilla so see what happens
L285[12:49:44] <barteks2x> wait... I can evaluate print expression on breakpoint without actually stopping execution
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L287[12:54:15] <barteks2x> It still doesn't feel the same as print statements, no idea why. It somehow feels harder
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L292[12:59:55] <jampot5000> does idea not allow trace points?
L293[13:00:55] <jampot5000> ahh you said without stopping execution so yeah nvm
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L297[13:12:36] <copygirl> Mhh ... my tile entity is being renderered on an air block ... how come?
L298[13:13:03] <copygirl> I suppose I need a sanity check there, but this is odd.
L299[13:14:49] <ghz|afk> well
L300[13:15:04] <ghz|afk> is this right when you broke your TE?
L301[13:15:09] <ghz|afk> your block*
L302[13:15:19] <ghz|afk> there's a situation in which
L303[13:15:27] <ghz|afk> the breaking event will remove the TE from the list
L304[13:15:32] <ghz|afk> but rendering is already started
L305[13:15:38] <ghz|afk> so it keeps processing the rest of the TEs
L306[13:15:44] <ghz|afk> but that block has already been set to air
L307[13:15:53] <barteks2x> wait, I just got this issue with vanilla world. That's even more weird, with vanilla world there should be absolutely no difference
L308[13:16:46] <copygirl> ghz|afk: Ahh.. odd. Thank you :)
L309[13:17:42] <copygirl> Is there a quick way to check if the tile entity is not valid anymore in that sense?
L310[13:17:53] <Ordinastie> nope
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L312[13:19:08] <copygirl> Well.. I was planning on moving the facing stuff over to the tile entity anyway.. so I guess I'll do that.
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L314[13:19:37] <Ordinastie> personnally, I just don't render if the block is not the correct one
L315[13:19:42] <ghz|afk> yeah
L316[13:19:51] <ghz|afk> just if (state.getBlock() != myblock) return;
L317[13:20:02] <ghz|afk> there's no point rendering at that point
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L319[13:28:02] <barteks2x> I reproduced it with just forge
L320[13:28:09] <barteks2x> the minecraft not quitting bug
L321[13:28:26] <barteks2x> I will test with latest forge
L322[13:33:45] <howtonotwin> git bisect time!
L323[13:34:11] <barteks2x> it's hard enough to reproduce it once
L324[13:34:12] <howtonotwin> well... soon
L325[13:35:40] <barteks2x> After 2 attempts it didn't happen yet with latest forge
L326[13:37:10] <howtonotwin> would still be interesting to see where it came from...
L327[13:37:16] <howtonotwin> what forge were you on before?
L328[13:37:28] <barteks2x> 2148
L329[13:38:04] <howtonotwin> probably still there
L330[13:38:23] <howtonotwin> only changes were entity registry+collisionboxesevent
L331[13:38:40] <howtonotwin> if it's not there call ghostbusters
L332[13:38:53] <barteks2x> looks like I got it to happen
L333[13:39:03] <barteks2x> I got it to do that with latest
L334[13:39:10] <barteks2x> now need to make sure it's not vanilla bug
L335[13:42:51] <LexManos> Last I looked into not-exiting issues it was a native issue not Forge/Vanilla
L336[13:43:01] <LexManos> The JVM ends, but the process hangs
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L338[13:43:24] <barteks2x> it's not that. There is actually client thread waiting for something
L339[13:43:42] <Baughn> Can I assume that, if 'java -jar $installer.jar --installServer' returns a nonzero exit-code, the it failed?
L340[13:43:55] <Baughn> I'm getting a lot of 403s at the moment. Transient, probably.
L341[13:44:44] <LexManos> 403a are normal for vanilal shit
L342[13:44:48] <barteks2x> I had it happen several time in dev and I paused the JVM to see what is wrong. Server thread wasn't there, but client thread was stuck on something
L343[13:44:52] <LexManos> cuz they dont pack their libs
L344[13:45:01] <LexManos> stuck on what?
L345[13:45:21] <barteks2x> I had link somewhere, just need to find it
L346[13:45:33] <barteks2x> http://pastebin.com/yp8StSPX
L347[13:45:38] <Baughn> So I should just retry until it works? Sorry, I'm new to this; first time I try to build a server from scratch without a modpack .zip.
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L349[13:45:54] <LexManos> did it say it failed?
L350[13:46:05] <Baughn> Yes. "There was an error during server installation"
L351[13:46:12] <LexManos> logs
L352[13:46:38] <LexManos> where in that is it haulting bart?
L353[13:47:09] <Baughn> Logs: http://sprunge.us/iBGa
L354[13:47:28] <barteks2x> What do you mean?
L355[13:47:41] <barteks2x> (what does "haulting" mean? or was it typo?)
L356[13:47:43] <LexManos> Saving optional modlist to: ./mods/mod_list.json
L357[13:47:43] <LexManos> java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./mods/mod_list.json (No such file or directory)
L358[13:47:59] <LexManos> nothing to do with the 403s as i said those are normal
L359[13:48:05] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: I'd guess atypo of halting ;P
L360[13:48:05] <LexManos> could probably shut them up but whatever
L361[13:48:24] <Baughn> Script: http://sprunge.us/UjbX
L362[13:48:30] <Baughn> So do I just need to mkdir mods?
L363[13:48:40] <LexManos> the installer should do it for you, but yes
L364[13:49:11] <Baughn> Simple enough. And.. working. Thanks!
L365[13:49:43] <barteks2x> it's in NetHandlerPlayServer.disconnect
L366[13:49:55] * Baughn has decided that what TPPI really needs is a Nix-based builder.
L367[13:50:27] <barteks2x> it's waiting for a scheduled task that will never finish because server is already stopped
L368[13:52:06] <barteks2x> I can get a thread dump and logs if it's really forge issue (still trying to get it to happen in vanilla)
L369[13:52:36] <LexManos> if it is a forge issue
L370[13:52:39] <LexManos> make a pr to fix it
L371[13:52:48] <barteks2x> you think I know what causes it?
L372[13:53:00] <LexManos> You're the one researching it
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L374[13:53:30] <IoP> barteks2x: do you have stack?
L375[13:53:48] <barteks2x> let me try to make it happen again with forge
L376[13:54:24] <barteks2x> after 5 or 6 attempts with vanilla it didn't happen, with forge 1-3 attempts is usually enough
L377[13:55:21] <barteks2x> first attempt and it did that
L378[13:56:16] <barteks2x> here is full thread dump: http://pastebin.com/PbNuEs7d
L379[13:56:44] <barteks2x> this is not in dev workspace because I don't have clean one right now with latest forge version
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L381[13:58:41] <sham1> killall emacs
L382[13:58:56] <sham1> Damn it, wrong terminal
L383[13:59:14] <IoP> I thought that someone already used time to fix that or is that new bug
L384[14:00:01] <barteks2x> what? The client not quitting issue?
L385[14:00:21] <IoP> yes.
L386[14:00:43] <barteks2x> this is latest forge version, 1.11
L387[14:00:52] <barteks2x> I can see if it happens with some older version
L388[14:01:03] <barteks2x> maybe 1.10
L389[14:02:50] <LexManos> anyways im out for the day, if you can figure it out send over a PR.
L390[14:08:12] <howtonotwin> perhaps not 1.10
L391[14:08:23] <howtonotwin> if you want to track the bug down to a single commit
L392[14:08:30] <howtonotwin> git bisect is your best bet
L393[14:08:52] <howtonotwin> to help that along you probably want to go to the point where 1.11 and 1.10 diverge
L394[14:09:40] <barteks2x> I will just do that with git bisect in forge dev environment
L395[14:10:09] <mezz> > git bisect in forge dev environment > 6 million years later...
L396[14:10:38] <mezz> good luck, I don't envy you for doing that heh
L397[14:10:40] <howtonotwin> >curtains open to melted cpu
L398[14:10:52] <howtonotwin> >note on monitor
L399[14:11:15] <howtonotwin> >TODO: figure out a way to make gradle faster
L400[14:11:32] <IoP> iirc I had those problems with 1.8.9
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L402[14:12:53] <IoP> With similar locks. Can't be sure if it was identical because I did not find any logs
L403[14:13:46] <barteks2x> It didn't do that on the first attempt in 1.10
L404[14:13:51] <howtonotwin> why don't we go back to commit 999ef3817a7ddfd21043a69f8af5dcf2c028b945 if the bug is that old
L405[14:14:15] <barteks2x> no no no out of memory
L406[14:16:25] <barteks2x> and it even ate a few words when i was writing that
L407[14:17:25] <howtonotwin> what's out of memory?
L408[14:17:44] <barteks2x> My system was running out of memory
L409[14:17:48] <howtonotwin> even this potato laptop I'm on can survive 3 simultaneous decompilations of MC
L410[14:18:01] <barteks2x> how much ram do you have?
L411[14:18:05] <howtonotwin> 6 GB
L412[14:18:19] <barteks2x> what... how? I have 8GB
L413[14:18:27] <howtonotwin> magic
L414[14:18:34] <barteks2x> and it'a hard to surviive 2 simultanous decompilation with IDEA running
L415[14:18:46] <barteks2x> And I had chrome running when I ran out of memory
L416[14:18:48] <howtonotwin> I had to close eclipse
L417[14:18:59] <howtonotwin> but I still had chrome and hexchat up while that was going
L418[14:19:06] <barteks2x> chrome+idea+setupforge = bad idea
L419[14:19:13] <howtonotwin> clearly :P
L420[14:21:06] <kenzierocks> wut
L421[14:21:20] <kenzierocks> i do chrome+eclipse+decomp+a bunch of gui stuff
L422[14:21:27] <kenzierocks> and i'm still never out of memory
L423[14:21:37] <kenzierocks> OSX memory management FTW!
L424[14:21:53] <howtonotwin> can you do 2 at a time though?
L425[14:22:01] <kenzierocks> yea
L426[14:22:04] <kenzierocks> well, probably
L427[14:22:07] <kenzierocks> i've never tried
L428[14:22:13] <kenzierocks> but OSX is really good at paging out to disk
L429[14:22:21] * howtonotwin peer pressures kenzierocks.
L430[14:22:22] <kenzierocks> i once had python take 17GB of memory
L431[14:22:29] <kenzierocks> i only have 8
L432[14:22:44] <howtonotwin> but can `yes` take up 101% CPU?
L433[14:22:59] <kenzierocks> what, like `yes >/dev/null`?
L434[14:23:04] <howtonotwin> yes
L435[14:23:13] <howtonotwin> or in this case
L436[14:23:15] <howtonotwin>
L437[14:23:26] <barteks2x> howtonotwin, there is vitrual memory
L438[14:23:32] <IoP> +1
L439[14:23:32] <barteks2x> this is why you had 17GB
L440[14:23:38] <kenzierocks> yes, i know
L441[14:23:40] <howtonotwin> I know what vm is :P
L442[14:23:58] <kenzierocks> howtonotwin: `yes >/dev/null` takes a negligible amount of cpu
L443[14:24:05] <barteks2x> If I disabled memory overcommit I wouldn't be able to run almost anything
L444[14:24:16] <howtonotwin> there was an example somewhere where yes ended up taking 101% CPU
L445[14:24:45] <howtonotwin> was probably a buggy top + older OS
L446[14:25:05] <barteks2x> it eats 100% for me
L447[14:25:08] <barteks2x> that command
L448[14:25:13] <barteks2x> (100% of one core)
L449[14:25:27] <kenzierocks> yes > /dev/null 4.10s user 0.07s system 93% cpu 4.437 total
L450[14:25:35] <kenzierocks> apparently it's taking a lot of cpu
L451[14:25:36] <kenzierocks> hmm.
L452[14:25:50] <howtonotwin> presumably it's a while-true busy loop
L453[14:26:07] <kenzierocks> ah yea, 95%
L454[14:26:07] <barteks2x> it is, it just prints y infinitely
L455[14:26:14] <kenzierocks> miscalculated
L456[14:26:31] <howtonotwin> DNA analysis can eat CPU all it wants, but nothing beats `while(true);`!
L457[14:26:33] <howtonotwin> /s
L458[14:26:59] <IoP> ... how much cpu should it use?
L459[14:28:38] <barteks2x> obviously, something should optimize it into infinite sleep :D
L460[14:29:51] <McJty> In C you could do: while (fork()) { fork(); } to eat all CPU's
L461[14:29:58] <howtonotwin> Today on Esotericism TV: Compiler Optimizations that are almost never used!
L462[14:30:38] <IoP> McJty: I like :(){ :|: & };:
L463[14:30:45] <kenzierocks> McJty: run this in your terminal: `:(){:|:&};:`
L464[14:30:48] <kenzierocks> oh, danh
L465[14:30:51] <kenzierocks> you beat me
L466[14:31:05] <barteks2x> I tried once
L467[14:31:12] <kenzierocks> i was going to go test it in my vm
L468[14:31:20] <howtonotwin> I almost forkbombed windows with that bash
L469[14:31:22] <howtonotwin> woops
L470[14:31:33] <kenzierocks> XD
L471[14:31:38] <howtonotwin> this is what happens when you test malicious code to ensure it works
L472[14:31:47] <kenzierocks> this is what VMs are fo
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L474[14:32:43] <kenzierocks> shoot, all my disks are deleted 'cause i thought i wasn't using them
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L477[14:34:24] <barteks2x> It looks like it really is necessary to run clean before setup in forge dev environment...
L478[14:35:02] <howtonotwin> you may want to automate that btw
L479[14:35:23] <howtonotwin> git bisect can run scripts to (semi-)automate testing
L480[14:36:00] <barteks2x> you can't really automate testing anythign in minecraft client
L481[14:36:08] <howtonotwin> you can sorta do it
L482[14:36:18] <barteks2x> especially not a randomly occuring issue
L483[14:36:24] <howtonotwin> the first part of the script is to set up the env
L484[14:36:30] <howtonotwin> then the next part runs the client
L485[14:36:33] <howtonotwin> and waits for user input
L486[14:36:37] <howtonotwin> k = kill
L487[14:36:40] <howtonotwin> r = restart
L488[14:36:45] <howtonotwin> g = good
L489[14:36:47] <howtonotwin> b = bad
L490[14:36:57] <howtonotwin> actually
L491[14:36:59] <howtonotwin> a = abort
L492[14:37:02] <barteks2x> I forst need to find a commit where it doesn't happen
L493[14:37:03] <howtonotwin> now you have argb :P
L494[14:37:11] <barteks2x> or can I start bisect without that?
L495[14:37:15] <howtonotwin> you can't
L496[14:37:47] <howtonotwin> you can't do a binary search and only know one end of the data.
L497[14:37:52] <howtonotwin> you need both ends
L498[14:38:13] <howtonotwin> technically you can mark the initial commit good start bisect from there
L499[14:38:27] <barteks2x> I would say it is possible. Just go twice as far back in hostory each time
L500[14:38:47] <barteks2x> but git probably won't do that
L501[14:39:16] <howtonotwin> That's not a binary search anymore, now is it :P
L502[14:39:48] <barteks2x> after you find the other end it becomes binary search, but right, it technically wouldn't be bisect
L503[14:42:09] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-121-48.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L504[14:44:38] <barteks2x> now the problem is that I don't know if the issue doesn't actually occur in that version or I'm just unlucky
L505[14:45:00] <barteks2x> I can only confirm that it does happen, I can't confirm that it doesn't
L506[14:45:01] <howtonotwin> about how likely is it to occur?
L507[14:45:25] <barteks2x> usually happens the first time I tri with latest 1.11, but sometimes I couldn't get it to happen even 5 times in a row
L508[14:46:07] <howtonotwin> To be safe, I'll put that down as 1/8.
L509[14:46:14] <howtonotwin> so 7/8 chance of it not happening
L510[14:46:31] * howtonotwin goes to wolframalpha
L511[14:46:43] <barteks2x> I think I made it happen in the lat 1.10 version before 1.11
L512[14:46:54] <barteks2x> or not
L513[14:46:59] <barteks2x> it just stopped
L514[14:47:06] <LatvianModder> pong
L515[14:47:08] ⇦ Quits: smbarbour (~smbarbour@c-73-211-171-154.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L517[14:48:14] <howtonotwin> If you test it 64 times you can get the probability of the problem still existing below 1/5,000
L518[14:48:45] <howtonotwin> 59 for 1/2,500
L519[14:49:09] <barteks2x> that is if probability is 1/8
L520[14:49:16] <howtonotwin> sadly you'd need 35 tries to get it to 1% at that rate
L521[14:49:16] <barteks2x> let's assume it's 1/2
L522[14:49:18] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@cpe-66-66-15-47.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L523[14:49:36] <howtonotwin> in that case it's 1/2 chance of not happening
L524[14:49:47] <howtonotwin> -> 7 times for 1%
L525[14:49:55] <howtonotwin> (actually 1/128) ofc
L526[14:50:08] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L528[14:51:05] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@cpe-66-66-15-47.rochester.res.rr.com)
L529[14:51:20] <barteks2x> the eaiest way to make it happen is: fly forward generating new chunks, then press esc and quickly press alt+f4
L530[14:51:35] <barteks2x> usually the window will disappear
L531[14:51:43] <barteks2x> but the client will continue running
L532[14:51:48] <howtonotwin> can you automate that somehow?
L533[14:52:03] <howtonotwin> spawnchunk cmdblocks to alleviate the pain of flight
L534[14:52:15] <ghz|afk> commandblock that keeps giving you knockback?
L535[14:52:16] <barteks2x> No idea, last time I tried automating anything in minecraft I almost spammed quite a few irc channels
L536[14:52:32] <barteks2x> (clicking and commands)
L537[14:52:54] <howtonotwin> cmdblock that does /tp @a ~16 ~ ~
L538[14:53:07] <howtonotwin> 20 chunks in the X direction / sec
L539[14:53:09] <barteks2x> That was before commandblocks
L540[14:53:24] <howtonotwin> you're on linux I think
L541[14:53:36] <howtonotwin> probably your window manager provides some commands to interface with it
L542[14:53:49] <howtonotwin> perhaps poll for when the MC window loses focus
L543[14:54:06] <howtonotwin> MC itself pauses when it loses focus
L544[14:54:07] <barteks2x> It will probably take longer to set it up than the time I save
L545[14:54:12] <howtonotwin> and then your script can kill it
L546[14:54:28] <howtonotwin> https://xkcd.com/1319/
L547[14:55:01] <barteks2x> is that the one with that table with how much time you save over I think 5 years?
L548[14:55:15] <howtonotwin> no
L549[14:55:24] <howtonotwin> it's a graph
L550[14:55:30] <howtonotwin> reality vs theory
L551[14:55:37] <barteks2x> ah, this one
L552[14:56:06] <barteks2x> because of this I can never look at the word "automate" the same way...
L553[14:56:58] <howtonotwin> oh lol the title text
L554[14:57:18] <howtonotwin> didn't notice that before
L555[15:03:01] <barteks2x> it doeesn't seem to happen in 9ab96fbda63d7f82ae3c55612de15ed959134985
L556[15:04:13] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L557[15:05:00] <howtonotwin> 6(-ish) tests to go and you'll find the root cause!
L558[15:05:38] <barteks2x> if things don't go wrong and it turns out that I got the test wrong
L559[15:05:53] <copygirl> Btw thanks ghz and Ord.
L560[15:06:43] <copygirl> Now that the block is invisible (tile entity renderer) I don't get the right particules when breaking it.
L561[15:08:07] <barteks2x> I just hope I won't end up with the root cause being in one of those big 1.11 update commits
L562[15:08:36] ⇨ Joins: Mathe172 (~Mathe172@77-56-5-8.dclient.hispeed.ch)
L563[15:09:39] <howtonotwin> knowing your luck it probably is
L564[15:09:55] * howtonotwin gives barteks2x a plate of cookies to compensate
L565[15:11:01] <barteks2x> and got it to happen on the first try
L566[15:11:14] <howtonotwin> which commit?
L567[15:11:33] <Mathe172> should PRs that are currently targetting the 1.10.x branch be updated to 1.11.x or is it enough to do that when asked to?
L568[15:11:41] <barteks2x> df32442a64f8f4769db36b65bf318298d99772e4
L569[15:12:40] <howtonotwin> I assume you're still bisecting then :P
L570[15:12:44] <ghz|afk> Mathe172: moving them to 1.11.x will increase the chances they are looked at
L571[15:12:45] <howtonotwin> thought you'd finished
L572[15:12:55] <howtonotwin> keep the old 1.10 one though
L573[15:12:59] <barteks2x> yes, it's still bisecting
L574[15:12:59] <ghz|afk> yeah keep both
L575[15:13:13] <Mathe172> ok, thanks
L576[15:13:18] <barteks2x> it can't be that fast
L577[15:13:32] <howtonotwin> otherwise it's still just as annoying to cherrypick the 1.11 commit onto 1.10 as it is the other way round
L578[15:14:31] ⇦ Quits: Emris (~Miranda@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L579[15:17:25] <barteks2x> Someone would probably complain that it takes forever for gradle to setup forge workspace, I'm happy I don't have to deal with MCP directly
L580[15:20:38] <barteks2x> 3 steps left and it's getting close to these big update commits
L581[15:21:42] <barteks2x> (3 by what git says)
L582[15:22:32] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@cpe-66-66-15-47.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L584[15:30:22] <barteks2x> I just hope it's not this one: [4e6a7740750f4ef98b4f24e2b51da340b3d32b37] Initial 1.11-pre1 update
L585[15:31:23] <barteks2x> oh, great
L586[15:31:27] <barteks2x> this one won't even build
L587[15:31:44] ⇨ Joins: InusualZ (~InusualZ@adsl-64-237-237-249.prtc.net)
L588[15:32:20] <barteks2x> any idea how to build 1.11-pre1 forge from the noci branch?
L589[15:32:22] <howtonotwin> git bisect skip
L590[15:32:33] <barteks2x> but it most likely is that commit
L591[15:32:57] <barteks2x> it fails because it can't find dependencies
L592[15:33:07] <barteks2x> Could not resolve de.oceanlabs.mcp:mcp:1.11-pre1.
L593[15:33:33] <howtonotwin> the next commit
L594[15:33:36] <howtonotwin> it builds
L595[15:33:46] <howtonotwin> and I don't think it touches anything related to this
L596[15:34:20] <howtonotwin> you can review the diff and make sure of that
L597[15:34:58] <barteks2x> it only touches a few json files if it's that commit
L598[15:35:18] <barteks2x> after git bisect skip I'm at: [c459b87ec9da22baacac0cbe46ba95856e82ab9a] Initial 1.11 release update.
L599[15:37:33] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L600[15:42:43] <barteks2x> I'm currently at [c177219ff3742c9dd9c383f99e2670635e28088f] regenerate entitylivingbase patch but if it's this one - then it also must happen in the starting commit I thought was good
L601[15:44:44] ⇨ Joins: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2600:1005:b040:633d:995d:8dad:871f:e3ee)
L602[15:45:00] <howtonotwin> you should be able to mark the starting commit bad
L603[15:45:16] <howtonotwin> but then you must search for a earlier good commit
L604[15:45:33] <howtonotwin> honestly why not just go back to 1.9 or something and start there
L605[15:45:39] <howtonotwin> it's a binary search after all
L606[15:45:47] <howtonotwin> will only be a few extra tests
L607[15:46:00] <barteks2x> I have an idea for what may cause that, and it shou;dn't be hard to test it
L608[15:46:02] <howtonotwin> git bisect <commit sha>
L609[15:46:07] <howtonotwin> I mean
L610[15:46:20] <howtonotwin> git bisect bad <sha>
L611[15:46:51] <barteks2x> but if it's that - then vanilla is just very lucky
L612[15:47:45] <howtonotwin> at this point you're an honorary member of Mojang's bugtesting team :P
L613[15:49:16] <Eragonn1490> hello everyone
L614[15:49:20] <barteks2x> it's nowhere near the hardet bugs to debug, there is so far NOTHING harder to debug that what was fixed by this: https://github.com/Barteks2x/CubicChunks/commit/0229208639974ba7fbed1313487d7eadba572471
L615[15:50:13] <howtonotwin> dat commit sha
L616[15:50:36] <howtonotwin> 13 numeric
L617[15:51:01] <diesieben07> stone anyone? http://i.imgur.com/lONLj8i.png
L618[15:51:40] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L619[15:52:05] <ghz|afk> is there some (sane) way to add a new custom "resource pack"?
L620[15:52:40] <ghz|afk> as in, I'd want a certain config folder to be able to provide resources
L621[15:52:42] <Subaraki> how do you mean ghz ?
L622[15:52:58] <ghz|afk> Subaraki: remember what I suggestedyou shouldn't do with the fashion stuff?
L623[15:52:59] <Subaraki> you unstructed me with one one day
L624[15:53:02] <diesieben07> you can implement IResourcePack
L625[15:53:05] <diesieben07> and do whatever the heck you want
L626[15:53:12] <ghz|afk> I'm thinking about doing that for my books mod
L627[15:53:13] <ghz|afk> ;P
L628[15:53:18] <Subaraki> ? xD
L629[15:53:19] <diesieben07> then shove it into Minecraft::defaultResourcePack and it will always be queried
L630[15:53:27] <Subaraki> well, the thing we talked about turned out quite good
L631[15:53:35] <diesieben07> *defaultResourcePacks
L632[15:53:36] <ghz|afk> I already support resourcepack books
L633[15:53:47] <ghz|afk> but I want modpacks to be able to provide custom books inside the config folder
L634[15:54:08] <Subaraki> what about an arraylist of strings ?
L635[15:54:13] <Subaraki> and you load itemstacks from that ?
L636[15:54:15] <ghz|afk> that's not the issue
L637[15:54:23] <Subaraki> what is ?
L638[15:54:30] <ghz|afk> my book loader expects resources
L639[15:54:38] <ghz|afk> I don't want to hack it so that it can support non-resource files
L640[15:54:55] <Subaraki> read a list of paths ?
L641[15:55:02] <ghz|afk> no I can do that
L642[15:55:03] <ghz|afk> ;P
L643[15:55:07] <ghz|afk> I was just wondering if adding a custom resourcepack was a viable choice
L644[15:55:14] <Subaraki> aah
L645[15:55:15] <ghz|afk> which diesieben07 answered
L646[15:55:30] <Subaraki> true
L647[15:56:14] <Eragonn1490> diesieben07 have you got an example of a block with subblocks
L648[15:56:26] <diesieben07> no and also wat
L649[15:56:56] <Subaraki> do you happen to want to use metadata ?
L650[15:56:58] <Eragonn1490> do you have an example of a block with different types like glass??
L651[15:57:03] <Subaraki> or are you refering to models
L652[15:57:10] <diesieben07> "like glass" - look at glass.
L653[15:57:15] <Subaraki> ^
L654[15:57:18] <Eragonn1490> i cant get it working
L655[15:57:25] <Eragonn1490> all i get are purple blocks .-.
L656[15:57:36] <ghz|afk> did you add a blockstates json file?
L657[15:57:36] <Subaraki> either models or texture paths
L658[15:57:36] ⇨ Joins: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net)
L659[15:57:49] <howtonotwin> logs?
L660[15:57:55] <howtonotwin> and actual blockstate files
L661[15:57:56] <ghz|afk> IIRC you were the one porting a 1.6.4 mod to 1.10
L662[15:58:01] <ghz|afk> without any previous modding experience, right?
L663[15:58:02] <howtonotwin> and the code that registers the blocks
L664[15:58:15] <ghz|afk> 1.11*
L665[15:58:28] <howtonotwin> and if what ghz says is true have this: https://gist.github.com/howtonotwin/88fd07f419ae5c9560e9ae2615514018
L666[15:58:38] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L667[15:58:39] <howtonotwin> actually even if he's lying read that
L668[15:59:01] <howtonotwin> :P
L669[15:59:17] <howtonotwin> and please don't try to truncate the logs
L670[15:59:18] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/XZAMssRr
L671[15:59:23] <Eragonn1490> yes at ghz
L672[15:59:24] <howtonotwin> model errors make dozens of stacktraces
L673[15:59:48] <howtonotwin> and only some of them are useful
L674[16:00:33] <howtonotwin> I should place a disclaimer about that on the docs actually
L675[16:01:03] ⇨ Joins: kinggoesgaming (uid23106@id-23106.tooting.irccloud.com)
L676[16:01:29] <howtonotwin> "!!! note When requesting help for model errors, do not truncate the logs as model errors generate many stacktraces, of which some are garbage and some are useful."
L677[16:01:33] <howtonotwin> sound about right?
L678[16:03:02] <howtonotwin> and Eragonn1490 please post the entire log, as well as your model/blockstate files and the code where you register your blocks
L679[16:03:15] <barteks2x> this code is evil, not sure if it has anything to do with the issue but this code is so wrong.. http://pastebin.com/veqBzAEX
L680[16:03:32] <howtonotwin> wtf even is that
L681[16:03:36] <howtonotwin> why
L682[16:03:43] *** AshIndigo is now known as Ash-Asleep
L683[16:03:44] <barteks2x> Minecraft.shutdownMinecraftApplet
L684[16:04:01] <Ash-Asleep> Minecraft.burnAlive();
L685[16:04:07] <howtonotwin> it shuts down the game engine by crashing it!?
L686[16:04:14] <barteks2x> no
L687[16:04:21] <barteks2x> it sets the world to null
L688[16:04:22] <howtonotwin> oh good
L689[16:04:41] <howtonotwin> I should think that that crashes something
L690[16:04:46] <howtonotwin> especially with the try-catch
L691[16:04:49] <howtonotwin> :P
L692[16:05:43] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L693[16:06:15] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L694[16:06:38] <howtonotwin> So does the above admonition seem like something that should go on the front page of the model docs or should I just make it a custom hexchat cmd?
L695[16:06:56] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L696[16:08:17] <barteks2x> I added var5.printStackTrace(); there so I will see if it throws anything
L697[16:09:12] <barteks2x> it does. It throws MinecraftError
L698[16:09:26] <howtonotwin> so it does stop the engine by crashing it
L699[16:09:29] <Eragonn1490> enum that sets types http://pastebin.com/qkpcCMnk , the block http://pastebin.com/N6fecbfL , blockstates.json http://pastebin.com/k5zhbB2j
L700[16:09:32] <howtonotwin> A+ code mojang
L701[16:09:34] <howtonotwin> :P
L702[16:09:39] <barteks2x> when trying to display loading screen
L703[16:11:08] <howtonotwin> ok so Eragonn1490 two glaring issues
L704[16:11:13] <howtonotwin> one: that enum
L705[16:11:30] <howtonotwin> To me it seems like it's actually made of two parts
L706[16:12:02] <howtonotwin> the first part "one" "two" "three" "four" "weathered"
L707[16:12:06] <howtonotwin> and a number 1-4
L708[16:12:11] <howtonotwin> if that's wrong ignore me
L709[16:12:15] <Eragonn1490> its a copy of the vanilla one of glass
L710[16:12:31] <howtonotwin> but does it have to be?
L711[16:12:46] <howtonotwin> does it make sense for it to be this way?
L712[16:12:57] <howtonotwin> or does it make more sense to have 2 4-elem enums
L713[16:13:09] <howtonotwin> that's your own choice and I won't bother with it rn
L714[16:13:19] <howtonotwin> the second thing: you don't actually define a model
L715[16:13:28] <howtonotwin> the blockstate JSON sets the textures yes
L716[16:13:46] <howtonotwin> but there's no model property to actually set the model
L717[16:13:57] <howtonotwin> I suggest you use the forge blockstate format
L718[16:15:24] <Eragonn1490> okay
L719[16:15:35] <howtonotwin> so pseudo-JSON: { forge_marker: 1, defaults: { model: minecraft:block/cube_all }, variants: { type: { one1: { textures: { all: ... } } }, one2: ... one3: ... etc. } } }
L720[16:17:58] <heldplayer> It says invalid json
L721[16:18:12] <PaleoCrafter> almost valid HOCON though :3
L722[16:18:15] <howtonotwin> "pseudo-JSON"
L723[16:18:19] <heldplayer> Sorry, I couldn't resist :P
L724[16:18:38] <heldplayer> I'm laughing like the shit I am
L725[16:19:37] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L726[16:21:15] <barteks2x> I need 2 forge workspaces at once to compare things...
L727[16:22:08] <barteks2x> would just copypaste work for duplicating forge dev workspace?
L728[16:22:33] <howtonotwin> probably
L729[16:22:42] <howtonotwin> run gradle again to be sure
L730[16:23:24] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L731[16:23:42] <barteks2x> now the simplest way seems to be to run through every single line of Minecraft shutdon code in 1.10 and 1.11 and to find differences
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L735[16:31:13] ⇨ Joins: Zed (~Zed@
L736[16:33:18] <barteks2x> for some reason IDEA decided to work as slowly as possible now
L737[16:33:26] <barteks2x> and it feels like 2fps
L738[16:40:37] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L739[16:40:42] * howtonotwin loads his model docs into zty.pe
L740[16:40:54] * howtonotwin regrets it as these class names are far too long
L741[16:45:18] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent_ (~MalkConte@p4FDCCB4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
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L744[16:50:51] <barteks2x> Anyone knows where Minecraft actually starts shutdown?
L745[16:51:37] <kashike> client or server?
L746[16:53:00] <barteks2x> found it already
L747[16:53:00] <kashike> client: if the Display has requested close (Minecraft#runGameLoop), main menu screen (GuiMainMenu#actionPerformed, button id 4), and OOM (GuiMemoryErrorScreen#actionPerformed)
L748[16:53:14] <barteks2x> also, what is the "Timer hack thread"?
L749[16:53:44] <barteks2x> it really seems to do nothing
L750[16:54:23] <kashike> Dedicated server has one too, it's just called "Server Infinisleeper"
L751[16:55:31] <barteks2x> I remember this thread since I started modding, and I never knew what it actually does
L752[16:56:02] <howtonotwin> suspend it and see what it runs?
L753[16:56:34] <barteks2x> it's this: http://pastebin.com/WuBpHsi4
L754[16:56:46] <barteks2x> I can see the code, but what it actually does?
L755[16:56:50] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@
L756[16:57:14] <howtonotwin> oh
L757[16:57:17] <howtonotwin> well then
L758[16:57:23] <Eragonn1490> so @howtonotwin http://pastebin.com/Mb6CdUug still not working
L759[16:57:47] <howtonotwin> erm
L760[16:57:50] <howtonotwin> read this again
L761[16:57:51] <howtonotwin> { forge_marker: 1, defaults: { model: minecraft:block/cube_all }, variants: { type: { one1: { textures: { all: ... } } }, one2: ... one3: ... etc. } } }
L762[16:57:57] <barteks2x> I will remove it and see what breaks
L763[16:58:07] <howtonotwin> the structure is very different.
L764[16:58:23] <howtonotwin> oh
L765[16:58:29] <howtonotwin> { forge_marker: 1, defaults: { model: minecraft:cube_all }, variants: { type: { one1: { textures: { all: ... } } }, one2: ... one3: ... etc. } } }
L766[16:58:43] <howtonotwin> sorry for the "block/"
L767[16:59:58] <barteks2x> everything seems to work after removing it
L768[17:00:13] <barteks2x> so it's either some weird edge case, or it's useless
L769[17:01:46] <Eragonn1490> so http://pastebin.com/GryQNWrT
L770[17:02:21] <howtonotwin> no
L771[17:02:25] <howtonotwin> one moment
L772[17:03:14] <howtonotwin> http://hastebin.com/mepagajana.json
L773[17:03:25] <howtonotwin> do you see the difference?
L774[17:03:43] <howtonotwin> https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
L775[17:03:53] <howtonotwin> defaults is copied into every variant
L776[17:04:05] <howtonotwin> and the variants block itself is very different from vanilla
L777[17:04:13] <howtonotwin> it's like syntax sugar for vanilla
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L779[17:04:25] <barteks2x> it's literally only minecraft that has something like that
L780[17:04:36] <barteks2x> anyway, going back to debugging
L781[17:04:45] <howtonotwin> the first level below "variants" are the names of properties
L782[17:04:51] <howtonotwin> (here "type")
L783[17:05:05] <howtonotwin> then below those are the values for the properties
L784[17:05:52] <howtonotwin> and they desugar to "variants": { "type=one1": {...}, "type=one2": {...} }
L785[17:05:58] <howtonotwin> etc.
L786[17:06:41] <howtonotwin> And do read the gist I linked a while ago
L787[17:07:11] <howtonotwin> anyways I'm signing off now
L788[17:07:13] <howtonotwin> gl
L789[17:07:18] ⇦ Quits: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Pop!)
L790[17:07:19] <Eragonn1490> thank you
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L794[17:17:58] <barteks2x> does forge change anythign related to player UUIDs?
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L801[17:22:13] <howtonotwin> 1) If it did I'd assume many things would break
L802[17:22:32] <howtonotwin> 2) UUIDs are linked to the account, and using forge can't change your account
L803[17:22:40] <howtonotwin> 3) I know nothing about this subject
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L805[17:24:23] <barteks2x> 1.11 has this check in initiateShutdown: if (!entityplayermp.getUniqueID().equals(IntegratedServer.this.mc.thePlayer.getUniqueID()))
L806[17:24:24] <Akkarin> I'd be surprised if it did change anything about it since they are actually tied to one account. Except for the very few cases where Mojang messed up and reassigned them for some reason.
L807[17:24:25] <barteks2x> 1.10 doesn't
L808[17:24:36] <barteks2x> if I remove that check, shutdown works correctly
L809[17:26:40] <barteks2x> is there some idea plugin that could show remapped forge patches?
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L813[17:41:58] <kenzierocks> barteks2x: you can get the MCP Mappings plugin for chrome
L814[17:42:02] <kenzierocks> and view them on github
L815[17:42:08] <barteks2x> I meant in IDE
L816[17:42:17] <kenzierocks> i know
L817[17:42:18] <barteks2x> in chrome I know it exists
L818[17:42:21] <kenzierocks> but that's all i have :)
L819[17:42:47] <barteks2x> Now I have something that fixes it, but I don't know why
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L831[18:15:59] <Mathe172> is it possible that the latest commit on the 1.11.x branch is broken? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/969a75154f8e6761794814459b9a2b4d6e57b883#diff-86a5769fc3b38c80bbcb674ffa1c5d93R22
L832[18:27:47] <barteks2x> WTF is that? Every single time I tries to get it to not quit, it did that. But then I did that with a breakpoint set and stepped through the code and it did shut down
L833[18:28:46] <barteks2x> I will do a little experiment...
L834[18:31:57] <barteks2x> "backporting" that single check that if I remove - the issue disappears, makes the problem appear on 1.10 too
L835[18:32:43] <barteks2x> so it's not forge doing something wrong by itself, it's probably something forge changes since forever that now breaks because of the change in vanilla
L836[18:34:03] <barteks2x> well... another rebase trying to see what is that thing? Or is removing that check acceptable solution without going deeper?
L837[18:34:12] <barteks2x> *rebase->bisect
L838[18:34:37] <barteks2x> (why did I write rebase?)
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L840[18:35:51] <howtonotwin> I say you should open an issue for the currently unknown underlying bug and explain everything
L841[18:36:01] <howtonotwin> then submit a PR to bandaid that check
L842[18:36:10] <howtonotwin> and then once you find the actual issue
L843[18:36:40] <howtonotwin> either PR a new fix and (if possible) close the old one (if it isn't merged)
L844[18:36:59] <howtonotwin> or else just revert in the new PR
L845[18:38:03] <barteks2x> lex probably wouldn't be happy if he sees bug report instead of PR
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L850[18:38:55] <howtonotwin> let me revise that: search for the problem now
L851[18:39:04] <howtonotwin> if you can find it without much trouble
L852[18:39:13] <howtonotwin> fix it all in on PR
L853[18:39:27] <howtonotwin> if you can't, submit issue
L854[18:39:47] <howtonotwin> and maybe just let lex decide whether he should commit a bandaid
L855[18:40:52] <barteks2x> I will try another bisect first to see where it first breaks with that check added, if it ever would have worked with that
L856[18:41:13] <howtonotwin> also you REALLY should automate patching in the check then
L857[18:41:36] <barteks2x> adding the check is the least time consuming part
L858[18:42:18] <howtonotwin> the more you automate the better though
L859[18:42:32] <howtonotwin> the problem now originates somewhere unknown
L860[18:42:53] <howtonotwin> you could very well be tracking down something from 1.7 or such
L861[18:43:12] <howtonotwin> so you should try to speed it up
L862[18:43:19] <barteks2x> there is no way there will be more than ~10-15 steps
L863[18:43:31] <barteks2x> because it's bisect
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L866[18:44:05] <howtonotwin> true
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L868[18:44:45] <barteks2x> so is it really worth autopating pasting the same line at most 15 times?
L869[18:44:54] <barteks2x> *automating
L870[18:45:16] <howtonotwin> that yes
L871[18:45:21] <howtonotwin> not because you'll be slowed down
L872[18:45:26] <howtonotwin> but because you'll forget
L873[18:46:46] <barteks2x> And how to do that?
L874[18:47:07] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L875[18:47:10] <howtonotwin> git bisect has a command to run a script every time it moves
L876[18:47:14] <howtonotwin> make a diff
L877[18:47:28] <howtonotwin> and just write a patch command into a script
L878[18:47:54] <barteks2x> I would need to create diff of a patch...
L879[18:47:57] <Eragonn1490> howtonotwin with your change im still getting purple blocks
L880[18:48:04] <howtonotwin> logs
L881[18:48:06] <barteks2x> because until I run clean and setup, the source isn't there
L882[18:48:26] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/iU1ZrFLe
L883[18:48:26] <howtonotwin> then stick those in the script too :P
L884[18:48:57] <howtonotwin> "Caused by: net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition$MissingVariantException"
L885[18:49:07] <howtonotwin> "MissingVariantException"
L886[18:49:23] <howtonotwin> Guess what's wrong
L887[18:49:44] <Eragonn1490> something missing but the variant is already named
L888[18:50:10] <howtonotwin> the blockstate file contains a type=four1 variant?
L889[18:50:35] <Eragonn1490> im only testing the first two textures
L890[18:50:39] <howtonotwin> well yes
L891[18:50:47] <howtonotwin> but all models are loaded when the client loads
L892[18:51:00] <howtonotwin> if you place one1 and one2 down
L893[18:51:02] <howtonotwin> they'll work
L894[18:51:15] <Eragonn1490> they dont, i tried they dont even show in inventory
L895[18:51:49] <howtonotwin> <C-f> tells me there's no error for one1 or one2
L896[18:52:01] <howtonotwin> so that's fucky
L897[18:52:29] <howtonotwin> so wait
L898[18:52:41] <Eragonn1490> enum http://pastebin.com/iUL9A0fP , block http://pastebin.com/8AdJRrpR, json that i copied from you http://pastebin.com/mhqmLeyY
L899[18:52:45] <howtonotwin> in the inventory they are all broken
L900[18:52:53] <howtonotwin> and also in the world
L901[18:52:58] <Eragonn1490> both
L902[18:53:16] <howtonotwin> "model": "minecraft:block/cube_all"
L903[18:53:29] <howtonotwin> I revised that in a message after the first
L904[18:53:33] <howtonotwin> you might've missed it
L905[18:53:37] <howtonotwin> remove the block/
L906[18:53:42] <howtonotwin> and don't restart MC
L907[18:53:53] <howtonotwin> it wastes time when you just change the resources
L908[18:53:55] <howtonotwin> F3+T
L909[18:54:06] <Eragonn1490> oh?
L910[18:54:20] <howtonotwin> ensure that your IDE has actually refreshed the files in the running instance of MC
L911[18:54:28] <howtonotwin> and that will make it reloaded the resourcepacks
L912[18:54:31] <howtonotwin> *relaod
L913[18:54:35] <howtonotwin> **reload
L914[18:54:55] * howtonotwin realizes the reason he's so bad at ztype is that he can't type at all.
L915[18:55:23] <Ordinastie> best way to get first element of a set ?
L916[18:55:27] <Eragonn1490> nothing changed, but the textures were reload
L917[18:55:41] <howtonotwin> Ordinastie, impossible
L918[18:55:47] <howtonotwin> because that doesn't exist
L919[18:56:01] <Ordinastie> wut ?
L920[18:56:03] <Ordinastie> yes it does
L921[18:56:05] <Eragonn1490> i think i got it
L922[18:56:53] <howtonotwin> Ordinastie, sets are unordered
L923[18:56:59] <howtonotwin> they don't have a first element
L924[18:57:08] <Ordinastie> yes they have
L925[18:57:24] <Ordinastie> set.iterator().next() / set.stream().findFirst().get()
L926[18:57:57] <howtonotwin> Iterator<E> iterator()
L927[18:57:57] <howtonotwin> Returns an iterator over the elements in this set. The elements are returned in no particular order (unless this set is an instance of some class that provides a guarantee).
L928[18:58:09] <howtonotwin> sets do not have a first element
L929[18:58:24] <howtonotwin> the elements that come from that are just in some random order that's convenient for the impl
L930[18:58:30] <Ordinastie> I never specified it has to follow a certain order
L931[18:58:43] <howtonotwin> in that case you're getting a random element from the set
L932[18:58:50] <howtonotwin> you are not getting a first element
L933[18:58:55] <howtonotwin> because such a thing does not exist
L934[18:59:16] <Eragonn1490> whats not changing curretnly is it places only the default state, and in inventory they still show as broken textures
L935[18:59:28] <Ordinastie> you think first imply defined order
L936[18:59:45] <Ordinastie> by first I just say, the first element I get from the set
L937[19:00:04] <Ordinastie> internal ordering doesn't matter, it's an impl detail
L938[19:00:29] <Ordinastie> it can do this.get(rand(size()); for all I care
L939[19:00:43] <howtonotwin> Eragonn1490, try restarting MC
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L941[19:01:05] <howtonotwin> sometimes the resources are not refreshed on disk
L942[19:01:15] <howtonotwin> at least with eclipse i think it only works in debug mode
L943[19:01:49] <Ordinastie> in eclipse, you usually have to refresh the project when you edit resources externally
L944[19:02:09] <howtonotwin> it tends to do that automatically by some magic unknown to me
L945[19:02:37] <howtonotwin> but I don't think it does it unless it's debugging
L946[19:03:44] <Ordinastie> I used to need to refresh even when debugging, but lately, it tends to find the resources automatically
L947[19:03:49] <Ordinastie> not sure what changed
L948[19:04:01] <Eragonn1490> its something with the block changing meta in the code..
L949[19:04:14] <Eragonn1490> when placed they all place the first one, and when broken return the first one
L950[19:04:37] <barteks2x> I wrote a script that should setup workspace and apply the patch, then wait for my input
L951[19:04:43] <barteks2x> testing the script now
L952[19:05:13] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L953[19:06:27] <masa> Eragonn1490: do you have a custom ItemBlock which uses the metadata and not just 0?
L954[19:11:00] <howtonotwin> your itemblock has to override getMetadata and you have to setHasSubtypes(true)
L955[19:11:52] <howtonotwin> int getMetadata(int), that is
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L961[19:31:50] <barteks2x> uh... old forge versions don't work very well...
L962[19:32:02] <barteks2x> when trying to setup the workspace
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L964[19:38:22] <kashike> why?
L965[19:39:02] <barteks2x> forgegradle broke somehow when I tried to go back to older version. Now tried a few commits later, seems to work
L966[19:39:08] <barteks2x> not sure if things will work in IDE
L967[19:39:46] <killjoy> what version of fg?
L968[19:40:25] <howtonotwin> it might be advisable to clean BEFORE allowing bisect to whisk you away to another version
L969[19:40:30] <kashike> your FG version depends on Minecraft version, as well
L970[19:40:53] <howtonotwin> that way more recent versions of FG can clean up files older versions may not know about
L971[19:40:57] <killjoy> if you're on <1.8, I think you need 1.2
L972[19:40:59] <barteks2x> I actually did it manyually now, trying to find the first verson where it works
L973[19:41:11] <barteks2x> it was the first evrsion with fg 2.0
L974[19:42:15] <barteks2x> With fg1.x I was getting this when using gradlew: Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain
L975[19:42:34] <killjoy> you may need to downgrade your gradle version as well
L976[19:43:00] <barteks2x> it was gradlew
L977[19:43:02] <barteks2x> not gradle
L978[19:43:17] <barteks2x> gradlew downloads it's own gradle version
L979[19:43:25] <killjoy> same thing
L980[19:43:34] <killjoy> just using the default mdk?
L981[19:43:45] <howtonotwin> he's tracking a forge buck
L982[19:43:47] <howtonotwin> *bug
L983[19:43:50] <howtonotwin> an ancient one
L984[19:44:14] <howtonotwin> it manifested very recently when a vanilla change broke something and revealed it
L985[19:44:28] <killjoy> vanilla thing?
L986[19:44:45] <barteks2x> Vanilla added a single if check that broke client shutdown in some cases
L987[19:44:48] <howtonotwin> forge bug, if bart is correct
L988[19:44:55] <howtonotwin> and with the mound of hackiness in his mod he was bound to notice :P
L989[19:45:45] <barteks2x> that's weird, i needed to refresh gradle project twice to get it working
L990[19:46:00] <barteks2x> after just one refresh it couldn't find twitch library
L991[19:46:22] <killjoy> I forgot about twitch.
L992[19:46:38] <killjoy> They removed it because microsoft added streaming support in windows 10, right?
L993[19:46:50] <killjoy> Or was it for a more sane reason?
L994[19:46:51] <barteks2x> no idea, I though it's still there
L995[19:47:19] <killjoy> in 1.7, yeah
L996[19:47:23] <killjoy> 1.8?
L997[19:47:54] <barteks2x> I'm in 1.8 now
L998[19:49:37] <barteks2x> 1.8 seems to shutdown properly, but much slower. I will try a few more times
L999[19:49:55] <killjoy> rouge shutdown hook?
L1000[19:51:17] <barteks2x> The shutdown process is way more complicated than it seems to be
L1001[19:52:29] <barteks2x> it is shutdown hook that prevents the shutdown in 1.11
L1002[19:52:56] <barteks2x> it's waiting for task that will never be executed because server is already stopped
L1003[19:54:07] <barteks2x> with that if() check added, I got shutdown to freeze in 1.8
L1004[19:55:42] <howtonotwin> I appear to have grossly underestimated the length of a second
L1005[19:56:11] <howtonotwin> these speed values are positively sluggish...
L1006[19:56:34] <barteks2x> what?
L1007[19:56:45] <howtonotwin> My WIP mod
L1008[19:56:57] <howtonotwin> it's about transport the vanilla way
L1009[19:57:07] <howtonotwin> with actual item entities being shot down ice paths
L1010[19:58:17] <barteks2x> Uh... why idea won't show me branch names in git log...
L1011[19:59:26] <howtonotwin> and so the numbers i gave for maximum velocity and acceleration were small
L1012[19:59:52] <howtonotwin> but because I underestimated the length of a second it was about as fast as a snail
L1013[20:01:44] <barteks2x> it's much easier to imagine that speec if you think about how far it will go/accelerate in 10 seconds
L1014[20:01:47] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1015[20:02:10] <howtonotwin> The worst part is that I actually have a clock with a second hand above my desk
L1016[20:02:14] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@
L1017[20:03:38] <barteks2x> so with older versions I'm getting Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain
L1018[20:03:57] <barteks2x> And it's even if I use the gradle wrapper
L1019[20:04:39] <barteks2x> and second question would be if things would be different for getting it working in IDE
L1020[20:05:32] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1021[20:06:17] <barteks2x> which gradle version should I use with that?
L1022[20:06:57] <barteks2x> It's 1.7.something most likely
L1023[20:10:27] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1024[20:13:50] <barteks2x> I will try with gradle 2.4
L1025[20:13:55] <howtonotwin> apparently using pistons to knock an item moving at 5 chunks/sec off a 3 block wide path in the ocean is an easy way to lose said item
L1026[20:13:58] <howtonotwin> who knew?
L1027[20:15:07] <barteks2x> 5 chunks/sec is like... 1/4th of chunk per tick.. 4 block per second
L1028[20:15:11] <barteks2x> *per tick
L1029[20:15:23] <howtonotwin> In my mod I just measure speed in chunks/sec
L1030[20:15:45] <barteks2x> 4 blocks per tick... I'm surprized it doesn't just go through blocks
L1031[20:15:53] <howtonotwin> it's not that fast
L1032[20:15:59] <howtonotwin> not really :P
L1033[20:16:14] <howtonotwin> and it takes 16 blocks of accelerators to get that fast
L1034[20:16:17] <howtonotwin> probably more
L1035[20:16:34] <howtonotwin> need to set up some sort of timing system honestly
L1036[20:16:48] <barteks2x> does it really not go through blocks?
L1037[20:16:58] <howtonotwin> don't think it does
L1038[20:17:03] <howtonotwin> I'll have to test
L1039[20:17:08] <howtonotwin> oh no it can't
L1040[20:17:18] <howtonotwin> at the end of the path is a hopper
L1041[20:17:21] <howtonotwin> it collects items
L1042[20:17:31] <howtonotwin> so a comparator can signal a cmdblck
L1043[20:17:43] <howtonotwin> which signals a dropper at the start to drop a new item onto the path
L1044[20:17:58] <howtonotwin> but at this speed some items fly over the hopper and don't get picked up
L1045[20:18:05] <barteks2x> then I guess at least that is done properly in minecraft
L1046[20:18:12] <howtonotwin> so I had to add a backboard to save them
L1047[20:18:20] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1048[20:18:22] <howtonotwin> which is just a stone block
L1049[20:18:44] <barteks2x> so they could go through the hopper?
L1050[20:18:48] <howtonotwin> no
L1051[20:18:55] <howtonotwin> they go over the hopper
L1052[20:19:17] <howtonotwin> they're sliding on perfect ice so they maintain 100% of their momentum
L1053[20:19:34] <howtonotwin> so they just vwoosh over it
L1054[20:19:40] <barteks2x> ok, now when I run gradlew clean I get java.io.FileNotFoundException: <workspacelocation>/fml/jsons/1.7.10-dev.json
L1055[20:19:52] <howtonotwin> magic?
L1056[20:19:52] <barteks2x> *gradle, not gradlew
L1057[20:21:15] <barteks2x> now any task fails with that
L1058[20:21:42] <howtonotwin> use git clean to nuke everything and try again?
L1059[20:24:14] <barteks2x> nope, still error
L1060[20:24:20] <barteks2x> after git clean -fdx
L1061[20:25:02] <howtonotwin> maybe it's a bug with that commit?
L1062[20:25:21] <howtonotwin> check the logs and see if a following commit fixed something build related
L1063[20:25:54] <barteks2x> and how to go forward in log...?
L1064[20:26:39] <howtonotwin> stackoverflow
L1065[20:26:41] <barteks2x> note that git tells me I'm in detahced head state
L1066[20:27:14] <howtonotwin> http://stackoverflow.com/a/9870218/5684257
L1067[20:27:31] <howtonotwin> git log --reverse --ancestry-path HEAD..1.11.x
L1068[20:28:55] <barteks2x> one of the next commits apparently updates gradle to 2.0
L1069[20:29:06] <barteks2x> And I was using 2.4... that could break things
L1070[20:29:50] <howtonotwin> why not use gradlew?
L1071[20:29:57] <barteks2x> it doesn't work in these versions
L1072[20:29:59] <howtonotwin> isn't that certain to use the right gradle
L1073[20:30:00] <howtonotwin> ah
L1074[20:30:21] <barteks2x> the weird Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain error
L1075[20:30:48] <barteks2x> installing gradle 2.0 and 1.10
L1076[20:33:06] <howtonotwin> meanwhile i've just discovered that sticky pistons can move my accelerators
L1077[20:33:18] * howtonotwin makes this into a design goal
L1078[20:33:31] <barteks2x> pistins can move everything that isn't tile entity (well... almost)
L1079[20:33:36] <howtonotwin> all parts of this system should be movable by pistons and other vanilla mechanics
L1080[20:33:45] <barteks2x> so you can't use tile entities
L1081[20:33:49] <howtonotwin> almost no mods seem to do that
L1082[20:34:51] <howtonotwin> though my accelerators' models are just a thin strip of water
L1083[20:35:05] <howtonotwin> kinda wierd that a piston can move a thin film of water around
L1084[20:35:30] <howtonotwin> but oh well so is the fact that it doesn't flow and that it accelerates items at 2.5 chunks/s^2
L1085[20:35:40] <howtonotwin> :P
L1086[20:35:57] <barteks2x> and there is max speed?
L1087[20:36:02] <howtonotwin> 5 chunks/s
L1088[20:36:24] <howtonotwin> it's kinda the rocket equation all over again
L1089[20:36:43] <howtonotwin> because at those speeds you'll need SO MANY accelerators to actually speed up
L1090[20:37:27] <howtonotwin> also I find it interesting how no one really uses the nether
L1091[20:37:32] <howtonotwin> no mods I mean
L1092[20:38:00] <barteks2x> Some mods use it
L1093[20:38:07] <howtonotwin> like the end gets heaps of lore dumped upon it and is used basically everywhere
L1094[20:38:19] <barteks2x> because it's harder to get there
L1095[20:38:21] <barteks2x> I guess
L1096[20:38:37] <howtonotwin> but no one seems to manipulate the fact that 1 m in nether = 8 m in Overworld
L1097[20:39:08] <howtonotwin> I myself plan to have upgraded nether portals that increase this ratio
L1098[20:39:13] <howtonotwin> but only for items
L1099[20:39:19] <barteks2x> does it mean that you accelerators are going to be slower in the nether?
L1100[20:39:28] <howtonotwin> so I don't have to deal with actually creating a new dimension :P
L1101[20:39:43] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-9-133.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: またね)
L1102[20:39:45] <howtonotwin> no
L1103[20:40:18] <howtonotwin> if you want to send items through a ghast infested hell (literally) and build the tunnels yourself, you deserve the 40 chunks/sec :P
L1104[20:41:00] <barteks2x> after downgrading gradle even more Im still getting that error
L1105[20:41:01] <howtonotwin> should probably add a config option anyway if I get the time
L1106[20:41:25] <barteks2x> oh... I probably need fml repository there, right?
L1107[20:41:37] <barteks2x> because fml was there too
L1108[20:41:45] <howtonotwin> I came to modding late in the 1.8 phase :P
L1109[20:41:56] <barteks2x> when fml wasn't there anymore
L1110[20:41:57] <howtonotwin> I have no idea what people did in 1.7
L1111[20:42:19] <howtonotwin> except there's a commit that says FML is dead in all caps in the Forge repo
L1112[20:42:20] <killjoy> I started out in 1.7
L1113[20:42:21] <howtonotwin> :P
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L1115[20:43:29] <barteks2x> did forge use git submodules or not?
L1116[20:43:48] <howtonotwin> I think I recall seeing one in GH
L1117[20:44:05] <howtonotwin> yep
L1118[20:44:13] <howtonotwin> well 1.6 did
L1119[20:44:32] <barteks2x> ok, so now I have question to ask on #git
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L1121[20:52:12] <barteks2x> that channel has 1000+ people and nobody answers...
L1122[20:52:16] <barteks2x> (the git channel)
L1123[20:55:17] *** Mimiru is now known as Katie
L1124[20:55:29] <killjoy> What's your question
L1125[20:55:43] <barteks2x> already founf answer
L1126[20:55:50] <barteks2x> I wanted to get submodules working
L1127[20:55:50] <killjoy> k
L1128[20:59:25] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1129[21:00:23] <barteks2x> when working with forge, 1.7.10 feels way more ancient than when playing it
L1130[21:00:23] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e35071c.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1131[21:01:36] <barteks2x> uh... eclipse
L1132[21:02:09] *** Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L1133[21:04:42] <howtonotwin> ?
L1134[21:04:45] <barteks2x> yay, it won't even compile with java 8 JDK because of duplicate spliterator method
L1135[21:05:08] ⇦ Quits: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:1b99:7fe6:c521:307a:fc58:dc8f) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1136[21:05:22] <barteks2x> 1.7.10 forge didn't really support anythign other than eclipse
L1137[21:05:31] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e34551d.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1138[21:06:00] <barteks2x> ok, now how to get it to compile
L1139[21:06:14] <barteks2x> I guess I need to downgrade java
L1140[21:07:30] <barteks2x> the error is: Duplicate methods named spliterator with the parameters () and () are inherited from the types Set and Collection
L1141[21:08:00] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1142[21:10:44] <barteks2x> using newer version of eclipse fixed it
L1143[21:11:20] <barteks2x> oh and ConcurrentModificationException when starting it...
L1144[21:11:29] <barteks2x> so I need java 7
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L1147[21:19:44] <barteks2x> eclipse just... crashed
L1148[21:23:32] <howtonotwin> xD
L1149[21:23:58] <barteks2x> the window just disappeared, so it was probably JVM crash
L1150[21:23:59] <howtonotwin> immortalize these blunders in a log and publish it with the issue report/PR message
L1151[21:24:17] <howtonotwin> you'll get pity points
L1152[21:24:18] <howtonotwin> xD
L1153[21:24:49] <howtonotwin> and also gratefulness points as you saved everyone else these issues
L1154[21:25:06] <howtonotwin> with pictures too :P
L1155[21:25:38] <howtonotwin> also you haven't seen buggy till you've seen Eclipse's Scala plugin
L1156[21:26:46] <barteks2x> I've seen eclipse gradle plugin, that was enough
L1157[21:26:56] <howtonotwin> the gradle plugin is fine lol
L1158[21:27:07] <howtonotwin> unless the scala plugin has skewed my expectations
L1159[21:27:19] <howtonotwin> it can't even do call hierarchies right
L1160[21:27:52] <howtonotwin> and traits make it barf in inexplicable manners
L1161[21:28:26] <howtonotwin> many a time, after you fix a compile error it will linger until you close and open the file again
L1162[21:28:32] <barteks2x> is there eclipse keyboard shurtcut to find class by name?
L1163[21:28:41] <howtonotwin> <C-S-h>
L1164[21:28:43] <howtonotwin> Java search
L1165[21:28:52] <howtonotwin> Type and decl
L1166[21:29:08] <howtonotwin> <A-t> <A-l> for short
L1167[21:29:26] <howtonotwin> With <A-s> = search
L1168[21:31:15] <barteks2x> ok, so it had to work in 1.7 because the while loop the if() check is in didn't exist
L1169[21:32:36] <barteks2x> but that also means that it's likely something in 1.8 update that did something
L1170[21:33:03] <howtonotwin> 1.8 was a very big update too...
L1171[21:33:17] <howtonotwin> This is gonna be painful for you
L1172[21:33:28] <barteks2x> let's see what bisect says, maybe it's not the update commit
L1173[21:37:10] <barteks2x> Bisecting: 1179 revisions left to test after this (roughly 10 steps) -> it didn't look like 1000 commits...
L1174[21:38:06] <howtonotwin> 1.7.10 was giant compared to the other versions commitwise
L1175[21:38:10] <howtonotwin> it's 3000
L1176[21:38:13] <barteks2x> uh... bisect doesn't like submodules
L1177[21:38:17] <howtonotwin> 1.6 is 1000
L1178[21:38:24] <howtonotwin> submodules are nothing
L1179[21:38:32] <howtonotwin> just run submodule init every time
L1180[21:38:45] <howtonotwin> though they are rather finicky nonetheless
L1181[21:38:56] <barteks2x> http://pastebin.com/M8Ei0vhu
L1182[21:39:11] <howtonotwin> and these items are going fast enough to phase through tripwire ;_;
L1183[21:39:41] <howtonotwin> oh
L1184[21:40:02] <howtonotwin> I think that's when fml stopped being a submodule and got pulled into the forge repo
L1185[21:40:14] <howtonotwin> delete fml/ and try again
L1186[21:41:14] <barteks2x> ... ls -a shows: . .. build eclipse fml .git .gradle
L1187[21:41:38] <barteks2x> I'm at [11bf88fceb2bf81e811af00c547cae60414d9795] Merge pull request #254 from CaptainShadows/patch-1
L1188[21:43:22] <barteks2x> all the files simpy disappeared
L1189[21:43:37] <barteks2x> oh... https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/11bf88fceb2bf81e811af00c547cae60414d9795
L1190[21:43:41] <barteks2x> wtf is that?
L1191[21:44:13] <barteks2x> wait, it went all the way back to 1.5?
L1192[21:47:16] <howtonotwin> my internet is acting up
L1193[21:47:21] <howtonotwin> care to tell me what happened there
L1194[21:47:22] <howtonotwin> ?
L1195[21:48:01] <barteks2x> git decided that halfway between 1.8 and 1.7 is here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/11bf88fceb2bf81e811af00c547cae60414d9795
L1196[21:48:15] <howtonotwin> and that's 1.5?
L1197[21:48:30] <howtonotwin> #blamelinus
L1198[21:48:46] <barteks2x> wait it's 1.6.2
L1199[21:49:29] <howtonotwin> You went to MC 1.6 | Linux kernel's stable used to be 2.6 series for a long time
L1200[21:49:33] <howtonotwin> coincidence?
L1201[21:49:33] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1202[21:49:36] <howtonotwin> I think not
L1203[21:50:00] <howtonotwin> but wait there's more
L1204[21:50:02] <howtonotwin> 1+2=3
L1205[21:50:05] <howtonotwin> 6/3=2
L1206[21:50:18] <howtonotwin> 2-1=1
L1207[21:50:28] <howtonotwin> next in the sequence?
L1208[21:50:30] <howtonotwin> 0
L1209[21:50:56] <howtonotwin> 3+2+1+0 = 6
L1210[21:51:06] <howtonotwin> we had 3 numbers before the 0
L1211[21:51:21] <howtonotwin> and then the 0 makes 4
L1212[21:51:25] <howtonotwin> 6-4=2
L1213[21:51:32] <howtonotwin> +1 because 0 is special
L1214[21:51:33] <howtonotwin> 3
L1215[21:51:42] <howtonotwin> triangle has 3 sides
L1216[21:51:48] <howtonotwin> illuminati confirmed
L1217[21:52:05] <howtonotwin> (tbh that was a pretty bad one; I've never done these)
L1218[21:52:48] <barteks2x> so I did these commands: got bisect start; git bisect good 0705670f1d53cee81850e1e5d1ee34702bdc5a92; git bisect bad b211aca5cefa63399d3c7e3d3f9ef279decf1c45
L1219[21:52:56] <barteks2x> and it went back to 1.6.2
L1220[21:54:47] <howtonotwin> do 1.8 and 1.7 two branches that diverge from 1.6?
L1221[21:54:50] <howtonotwin> *are
L1222[21:55:12] <howtonotwin> also remember what you said about items passing through blocks at 5 chunks/sec
L1223[21:55:17] <howtonotwin> they actually do do that
L1224[21:55:28] <howtonotwin> they don't pass through solids
L1225[21:55:45] <howtonotwin> but when they go through passable blocks they skip them
L1226[21:55:51] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077 (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L1227[21:55:58] <howtonotwin> so you need 5 tripwires to make sure you catch when they pas
L1228[21:56:01] <howtonotwin> *pass
L1229[21:57:19] <barteks2x> I have no idea, I don't have any large scale visualizations
L1230[21:57:32] <barteks2x> and I don't know git commands well enough to figure it out
L1231[22:01:30] <howtonotwin> erm
L1232[22:01:37] <howtonotwin> it's a plumbing command
L1233[22:01:42] <howtonotwin> one mo'
L1234[22:02:05] <howtonotwin> or maybe not
L1235[22:05:05] <barteks2x> it's git merge-base
L1236[22:06:00] <barteks2x> and the output is simply the older of these 2 commits
L1237[22:06:11] <howtonotwin> welp that's strange
L1238[22:06:25] <howtonotwin> btw gitk is good for history visualization
L1239[22:06:38] <barteks2x> idea also has that
L1240[22:06:53] <howtonotwin> gitk will label everything prettyly
L1241[22:06:59] <howtonotwin> *prettily
L1242[22:07:08] <howtonotwin> dunno what idea does :P
L1243[22:08:50] <barteks2x> this is what idea does: http://i.imgur.com/MncGx8g.png
L1244[22:09:48] <howtonotwin> gitk looks exactly like that, but it probably marks good/bad commits
L1245[22:10:05] <barteks2x> idea also does, I just don't have them in that repository
L1246[22:10:10] <howtonotwin> ah
L1247[22:10:26] <barteks2x> because in the repository with good/bad I don't have idea workspace at all now
L1248[22:11:29] <barteks2x> I will try with fresh clone... maybe I'm just in some weird state
L1249[22:11:51] ⇦ Quits: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 50.0/20161104212021])
L1250[22:13:13] <barteks2x> it still does it
L1251[22:22:48] <howtonotwin> command blocks are magic
L1252[22:22:59] <howtonotwin> and yet they're still rather dumb
L1253[22:23:15] <howtonotwin> I wouldn't think measuring time would be this complicated
L1254[22:23:41] <barteks2x> how is that hard?
L1255[22:23:58] <howtonotwin> well first you need a command block on repeat
L1256[22:24:14] <howtonotwin> that's sole purpose is to count up the number of ticks every tick
L1257[22:24:34] <barteks2x> you could do it with redstone counter :D
L1258[22:24:34] <howtonotwin> /scoreboard players add Counter ticks 1
L1259[22:24:39] <howtonotwin> ah yes
L1260[22:24:46] <howtonotwin> ticks, which count twice as fast as redstone
L1261[22:24:52] <howtonotwin> that won't explode at all :P
L1262[22:25:09] <howtonotwin> then you need another to record the time when it is activated
L1263[22:25:16] <howtonotwin> which is a very long and verbose command
L1264[22:25:24] <howtonotwin> /scoreboard players operation A ticks = Counter ticks
L1265[22:25:29] <howtonotwin> and again for the other end
L1266[22:26:05] <barteks2x> wouldn't it be easier for you to create special command for that?
L1267[22:28:58] ⇨ Joins: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:c23:f869:954f:d6ce:550b:51ea)
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L1269[22:31:31] <barteks2x> I still didn't get bisect working properly
L1270[22:34:57] <masa> how is one supposed to compare ItemStacks so that the capabilities are also taken into consideration? Do I just have to serialize the stack?
L1271[22:36:35] <barteks2x> forge branches are so complicated...
L1272[22:37:15] <tterrag> how so? MC version = branch
L1273[22:37:31] <tterrag> masa: XY problem?
L1274[22:37:34] <tterrag> why are you comparing caps?
L1275[22:37:48] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-121-48.access.telenet.be)
L1276[22:37:55] <barteks2x> Have you see git log between 1.7 and 1.8?
L1277[22:38:13] ⇦ Quits: Cast0077 (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1278[22:38:38] <barteks2x> I'm trying to figure out why git bisect does weird things and I can't figure out these branches
L1279[22:39:22] <tterrag> likely because those branches are ahead of one another, and possibly even have cherry picks between them
L1280[22:40:12] <barteks2x> I have good commit at 0705670f1d53cee81850e1e5d1ee34702bdc5a92 bad at b211aca5cefa63399d3c7e3d3f9ef279decf1c45 and it starts bisect at 11bf88fceb2bf81e811af00c547cae60414d9795
L1281[22:40:41] <barteks2x> good one is 1.7.10, bad is 1.8, andthe one it starts at is 1.6.2
L1282[22:42:02] <masa> tterrag: well I need to know which stacks are identical so I know if they are allowed to stack
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L1284[22:42:47] <LexManos> Well, if only there was a vanilla mechanic that takes this into account..
L1285[22:43:36] <masa> do you mean maxStackSize = 1 ?
L1286[22:44:20] <barteks2x> So I found a way to fix the shutdown issue, but I don't know why it works. If I "backport" the vanilla change that broke it to any older version (tried down to 1.8) it breaks
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L1288[22:44:44] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54960435.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1289[22:44:49] <tterrag> masa: see Container#canAddItemToSlot
L1290[22:44:52] <tterrag> should be a decent place to start
L1291[22:45:53] ⇨ Joins: raphydaphy (webchat@c220-239-202-246.richm3.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L1292[22:46:05] <barteks2x> should I still submit a PR with the workaround/fix that I donn't know why works?
L1293[22:47:16] <LexManos> What is the 'fix'?
L1294[22:47:41] <barteks2x> In IntegratedServer.initiateShutdown, changing if (!entityplayermp.getUniqueID().equals(IntegratedServer.this.mc.thePlayer.getUniqueID())) to always execute
L1295[22:47:49] <barteks2x> that check wasn't there in any previous version
L1296[22:48:04] <barteks2x> and it seems to break something forge does
L1297[22:48:10] <LexManos> what...
L1298[22:49:19] <LexManos> interesting, wonder why thats there
L1299[22:49:25] <LexManos> and what shit it breaks when its not.
L1300[22:49:47] <LexManos> From the looks of it, its basically just kicking everyone from the server.
L1301[22:50:02] <barteks2x> everyone except the owner since 1.11
L1302[22:51:44] <barteks2x> I was going to bisect between 1.7.10 and 1.8 to find out what it is that forge does that breaks it, butt git bisect does weird things
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L1304[22:51:53] <barteks2x> *but
L1305[22:52:48] <LexManos> ya no
L1306[22:52:56] <LexManos> that'd be a major fucking headakes
L1307[22:53:05] <masa> tterrag: okay I'm seriously freaking out right now... I was 100% sure that the ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual() didn't check capabilities. I'm now wondering if I have been asleep for the past few months, or if I'm currently asleep or in the Metrix or what the hell is going on
L1308[22:53:10] <masa> plz send help
L1309[22:53:24] <masa> *Matrix
L1310[22:53:38] <LexManos> however
L1311[22:53:45] <LexManos> no idea why that would cause the server to hang
L1312[22:53:54] <barteks2x> it's not server that hangs
L1313[22:53:56] <LexManos> because that task would obviously run either way
L1314[22:54:06] <barteks2x> sever quits, and client shutdown thread is waiting for something
L1315[22:55:06] <LexManos> do you hae a way to reproduce?
L1316[22:55:33] <barteks2x> the simplest way seems to be: create new world, fly worwards in creative, pause and quickly press alt+f4
L1317[22:55:47] <barteks2x> for me works almost always
L1318[22:55:53] <barteks2x> "works"
L1319[22:56:04] <LexManos> so is it the unclean exit
L1320[22:56:10] <LexManos> or the world gen?
L1321[22:56:26] <barteks2x> the worldgen is just so that the server has something to save I guess
L1322[22:56:54] <LexManos> the server has the spawn to save, if thats the issue
L1323[22:57:15] <LexManos> So the issue is that the process hangs?
L1324[22:57:36] <barteks2x> the window disappears but the proces doesn't quit
L1325[22:58:51] <tterrag> yeah I've also noticed some weird handling of unclean exits
L1326[22:59:02] <tterrag> like corrupted registries, which afaict should be handled fine, I never nailed that one down
L1327[22:59:57] <barteks2x> For me corruption is more or less expected but not exitting at all while destroying the window is just evil, when someone uses default launcher settings there is no way to notice that
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L1329[23:00:26] <barteks2x> at least until the system starts running out of memory
L1330[23:01:40] <barteks2x> and I wasn't able to reproduce it while stepping through the code starting from the shutdown hook
L1331[23:31:13] <killjoy> These intellij keybinds are just terrible on my wrist
L1332[23:32:37] <barteks2x> so change them
L1333[23:33:20] <cpw> barteks2x, how slow is your machine?
L1334[23:33:31] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-121-48.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1335[23:33:33] <barteks2x> what?
L1336[23:33:41] <cpw> your race condition
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L1338[23:34:40] <barteks2x> it's a laptop, let me fine the exact CPU
L1339[23:35:02] <LexManos> im able to make it happen on mine so its not hardware
L1340[23:35:15] <cpw> lex: no it's not 100% hardware
L1341[23:35:19] <cpw> it might be fast or slow race
L1342[23:35:24] <cpw> it's a race
L1343[23:35:27] <cpw> it's an old race
L1344[23:35:33] <cpw> since it exists in 1.10
L1345[23:35:39] <cpw> but we don't have a huge number of complaints
L1346[23:35:44] <cpw> and there's a lot of 1.10 players
L1347[23:35:52] <cpw> so the specifics of the setup must be quite uncommon
L1348[23:35:56] <LexManos> mm, suposidly 1.10 kicked EVERYONE during the first pass of the shutdown
L1349[23:36:01] <barteks2x> I was able to get it to happen on 1.10 only by adding that if() check added in 1.11
L1350[23:36:05] <LexManos> 1.11 kicks everyone excpt the local player
L1351[23:36:09] <cpw> if check?
L1352[23:36:12] <LexManos> which triggers this.
L1353[23:36:23] <LexManos> I'll let barteks explain
L1354[23:38:22] <barteks2x> 1.11 added if() check in IntegratedServer.initiateShutdown, so that it doesn't kick local player. And it somehow causes the server thread to be stopped but leaves the client shutdown thread waiting on something. Removing that check seems to fix it. Adding that check back in 1.1./9/8 makes that issue happen in those versions too
L1355[23:38:41] <barteks2x> *1.10/9/8
L1356[23:39:15] <barteks2x> and it doesn't happen in vanilla
L1357[23:39:24] <barteks2x> (at least not for me)
L1358[23:41:38] <barteks2x> specifically, the client shutdown thread is stuck in NetHandlerPlayServer.kickPlayerFromServer
L1359[23:44:06] <cpw> looking
L1360[23:45:15] <cpw> ok
L1361[23:45:27] <cpw> in 1.10, it's "stopServer" -> "removeAllPlayers"
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L1363[23:54:15] <cpw> ok
L1364[23:54:21] <cpw> i don't see this if you're talking about
L1365[23:55:03] <barteks2x> what do you mean?
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L1367[23:58:56] <barteks2x> the way I found to reliably reproduce it is to load world (previously thought it's necessary to generate terrain, apparently it's not), then pause and quickly close the game (alt+f4 or quickly press X button)
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