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L1[00:01:10] <cpw> yeah
L2[00:01:22] <cpw> so a thread that isn't a daemon hangs around
L3[00:01:27] <cpw> which one tho?
L4[00:01:38] <cpw> any thread dumps from this state?
L5[00:02:13] <barteks2x> yes, let me find the link
L6[00:02:38] ⇨ Joins: Kolatra (~Kolatra@abrarsyed.com)
L7[00:03:05] <barteks2x> note that this is not in dev environment: http://pastebin.com/PbNuEs7d
L8[00:03:22] <killjoy> Me coding stuff. https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder612/500x/73432612.jpg
L9[00:03:41] <barteks2x> actually, here is thread dump I got right now http://pastebin.com/bgBC5YV8
L10[00:03:48] <barteks2x> this one has deobfuscated names
L11[00:03:48] <cpw> hmmm
L12[00:03:56] <cpw> how do i disable this new null check in 2016.3
L13[00:04:11] <barteks2x> wait, I got this thread dump wrong
L14[00:04:20] *** Ash-Asleep is now known as AshIndigo
L15[00:04:57] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L16[00:05:03] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L17[00:05:08] <barteks2x> here is the full thread dump from dev environment: http://pastebin.com/wnhAQLs0
L18[00:07:00] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
L19[00:07:15] <barteks2x> the non-daemon thread that is left is the client shutdown thread and the client thread waiting for shutdown hooks to finish
L20[00:07:25] <cpw> hmmm
L21[00:08:04] <cpw> got it
L22[00:08:07] <cpw> in a debug session
L23[00:10:17] <cpw> the thread that's actually shutting down
L24[00:10:21] <cpw> has called system.exit
L25[00:11:01] <barteks2x> yes, and there is shutdown hook blocking it
L26[00:11:12] <barteks2x> Client Shutdown Thread is the shutdown hook
L27[00:11:18] <cpw> i know
L28[00:11:49] <cpw> there's nothing in the fml code that should be in the loop at this point
L29[00:12:06] <cpw> (the exit transformer is, but that's passthrough)
L30[00:15:17] <LexManos> btw cpw what monument are you talking about?
L31[00:15:25] <LexManos> as in how far intot he game is it?
L32[00:16:21] <cpw> basically right under your feet
L33[00:16:25] <cpw> dig down about 10 blocks
L34[00:17:41] <cpw> the problem seems to be that in vanilla
L35[00:18:02] <cpw> the shutdown hook has no server to stop (Minecraft.integratedServer is null)
L36[00:18:11] <barteks2x> I also noticed that
L37[00:18:22] <LexManos> gettin liek 300FPS there...
L38[00:18:29] <cpw> with the outlines?
L39[00:18:49] <barteks2x> This is when I decided to step through the code
L40[00:18:59] <cpw> you can't step through it though
L41[00:19:05] <barteks2x> only to discover that it didn't hang when I did that
L42[00:19:07] <cpw> one of the threads has run away already :P
L43[00:19:52] <barteks2x> I did that in vanilla first and then tried to compare with results with forge
L44[00:20:31] <LexManos> http://puu.sh/stJ9m/0f81c723ca.jpg bounces between 250 and 350 fps.
L45[00:20:36] <LexManos> unless im loking at the wrong thing.
L46[00:21:09] <cpw> heh
L47[00:21:16] <cpw> map isn't 1.11 compatible properly
L48[00:21:18] <cpw> needs 1.10
L49[00:21:28] <cpw> the invisible armor stnads or whatever don't load
L50[00:21:33] <barteks2x> in vanilla there is no server to stop because forge waits for server to shut down before setting it to null
L51[00:21:46] <LexManos> humm oh well
L52[00:21:53] <barteks2x> in Minecraft.loadWorld forge adds code to wait for it
L53[00:21:53] <LexManos> thats more effort then i care to dig in.
L54[00:22:16] <barteks2x> the while (!theIntegratedServer.isServerStopped()) loop
L55[00:22:27] <cpw> lol fair enough lex
L56[00:22:38] <cpw> err, sorta barteks
L57[00:23:10] <barteks2x> but somehow it didn't cause any issues in 1.10 and before
L58[00:23:17] <Ordinastie> hum, dilemna, how to get the blockType() from a TE when called from block.breakBlock() ? :/
L59[00:23:28] <barteks2x> and this is the part I still didn't figure out
L60[00:23:30] <Ordinastie> the block is already gone :(
L61[00:23:54] ⇦ Quits: Katrix (~Katrix@2a02:fe0:cb10:2420:78d8:8310:6ea9:948d) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L62[00:25:25] <cpw> this block of code is extraordinarily old
L63[00:25:39] <cpw> it was a workaround to the client exiting before the world had properly saved
L64[00:25:50] <cpw> it's quite possible it can be removed entirely
L65[00:26:43] <blood_> you guys want me to PR this optimization? https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/commit/684b6bd6f3ef8e24f61851c604bd54bad494dfd0
L66[00:27:50] <blood_> this.worldObj.getPersistentChunks() is simply cached with the chunk
L67[00:27:54] <blood_> no need to do lookups
L68[00:29:31] <cpw> where did the main thread go. very weird
L69[00:30:34] <barteks2x> which thread? Isn't the client thread "main thread"?
L70[00:32:18] <cpw> yeah
L71[00:32:32] <cpw> but it's executing code that's nowhere near the stop code
L72[00:32:41] <LexManos> blood_, could probably be cleaned up/smaller as not using mixins, but sure i donty see where you're USING that flag but meh
L73[00:33:01] <blood_> i just realized i could save the "persisted" state with the chunk
L74[00:33:05] <blood_> to avoid the lookups during chunk load
L75[00:33:18] <blood_> so if chunk unloads and is persisted, ill store it in NBT
L76[00:33:25] <blood_> well chunk data
L77[00:33:32] <blood_> when it loads, ill reapply it
L78[00:33:49] <cpw> Breakpoint reached at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.loadWorld(Minecraft.java:2370)
L79[00:33:49] <cpw> net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@a706298 Thread[Client thread,5,main]
L80[00:33:53] <cpw> it hits that point
L81[00:33:59] <cpw> but never gets to anything else in that method
L82[00:34:20] <barteks2x> For me the client thread is right in shutdownMinecraftApplet
L83[00:34:25] <cpw> yes
L84[00:34:32] <cpw> but this method should be in the call trace
L85[00:34:35] <cpw> and it's not
L86[00:35:08] <cpw> it's exited from initiateShutdown
L87[00:35:19] <cpw> likely with an error that's flown right out of loadWorld
L88[00:35:23] <cpw> and been swallowed
L89[00:35:50] <barteks2x> because there is error in it
L90[00:35:55] <cpw> this.shutdownMinecraftApplet();
L91[00:36:06] <cpw> we're in the finally of the main runloop
L92[00:38:23] <barteks2x> the error is thrown in this.loadingScreen.displayLoadingString(I18n.format("forge.client.shutdown.internal"));
L93[00:38:31] <barteks2x> specifically, MinecraftError
L94[00:38:40] <cpw> yeah
L95[00:38:46] <cpw> which is swallowed silently
L96[00:38:52] <barteks2x> and it's also done in vanilla
L97[00:39:16] <barteks2x> and the error is thrown in vanilla too
L98[00:39:27] <cpw> quite possibly
L99[00:39:35] <cpw> and that might be new behaviour as well
L100[00:39:38] <cpw> i'm digging
L101[00:39:39] <cpw> gimme a minute
L102[00:39:44] <barteks2x> I added printStackTrace
L103[00:39:51] <barteks2x> and it showed up in vanilla too
L104[00:46:26] <barteks2x> wait, I got the line of that exception wrong
L105[00:48:07] <cpw> trying to get a breakpoint to fire
L106[00:48:39] <barteks2x> where?
L107[00:49:19] <cpw> Breakpoint reached at net.minecraft.client.LoadingScreenRenderer.displayLoadingString(LoadingScreenRenderer.java:85)
L108[00:49:19] <cpw> false
L109[00:49:27] <cpw> so yes, loadingSuccess is false
L110[00:49:31] <cpw> and that exception is firing i think
L111[00:50:23] <barteks2x> ah, so with and without forge it throws that exception but somewhere else
L112[00:50:34] <barteks2x> at least that's what I see by looking at the code
L113[00:50:55] <barteks2x> in vanilla the error will be thrown at this.loadingScreen.displayLoadingString("");
L114[00:51:03] <cpw> yup
L115[00:51:06] <cpw> that exception is coming
L116[00:51:12] <cpw> this.loadingScreen.displayLoadingString(I18n.format("forge.client.shutdown.internal"));
L117[00:51:15] <cpw> from that line
L118[00:51:32] <cpw> yeah, which is much later on
L119[00:51:38] <cpw> AFTER the server has been nulled out
L120[00:51:40] <cpw> question is
L121[00:51:50] <cpw> why is this NOW a problem where it wasn't in 1.10?
L122[00:52:07] <cpw> anyway
L123[00:52:09] <cpw> i have a fix
L124[00:52:30] <barteks2x> for soem reason the owner being kicked would hide the issue
L125[00:52:42] <cpw> yeah
L126[00:52:54] <cpw> because the owner was kicked out
L127[00:53:00] <cpw> and the kicking code would clean up anyway
L128[00:54:26] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L129[00:54:26] <cpw> testing my fix
L130[00:55:09] <cpw> yup
L131[00:55:11] <cpw> it worked :)
L132[00:55:16] <barteks2x> I was so close to finding it myself...
L133[00:55:23] <barteks2x> just didn't check line numbers
L134[00:55:37] <cpw> i used a breakpoint on minecrafterror :P
L135[00:55:45] <cpw> also
L136[00:55:58] <cpw> pretty sure vanilla doesn't log "forge.client.shutdown.internal" strings :P
L137[00:56:34] <barteks2x> I think I first found the error in the vanilla line
L138[00:56:43] <cpw> yeah
L139[00:56:47] <cpw> anyway
L140[00:56:48] <barteks2x> and then saw the same error from forge and thought it's the same thing
L141[00:56:49] <cpw> fix is very simple
L142[00:57:04] <cpw> don't try and display that message if the server isn't running :P
L143[00:58:58] <barteks2x> when was that code added? (just want to know how far back I would have to go to find the root cause with git bisect which is what I attempted)
L144[00:59:35] <cpw> i'd guess around 1.3
L145[01:00:11] <cpw> and in fml iirc
L146[01:01:11] <barteks2x> that would really take forever if I tried to go that way
L147[01:01:26] <cpw> it's in a patch file
L148[01:01:31] <cpw> bisect wouldn't really work
L149[01:01:39] <cpw> line numbers constantly shift
L150[01:02:06] <barteks2x> bisect just allows you to chek if error is there or not yourself and mark commit as good or bad
L151[01:02:15] <barteks2x> not sure how it wouldn't work
L152[01:02:48] <cpw> you're trying to bisect into the merged result of two completely indepedent trees
L153[01:03:02] <cpw> fuck knows how bisect is even gonna be able to say "left" or "right"
L154[01:03:44] <cpw> anyway
L155[01:03:55] <cpw> that code was added around the time that mc 1.3 came out
L156[01:04:03] <cpw> cos it was necessary to cleanly shutdown the server
L157[01:04:14] <barteks2x> bisect was already confused between 1.7.10 and 1.8 versions, that's why I stopped at that point
L158[01:04:27] <cpw> yeah
L159[01:04:33] <cpw> wait till you get to the reshuffle
L160[01:04:36] <cpw> or the pythoning
L161[01:04:44] <cpw> or the submodule
L162[01:04:52] <barteks2x> I got to the submodule
L163[01:05:05] <cpw> there was a time *before* the submodule :P
L164[01:05:16] ⇨ Joins: Mathe172 (~Mathe172@77-56-5-8.dclient.hispeed.ch)
L165[01:05:25] <cpw> and that's the era you'd be looking in to find the "origin" of this code
L166[01:05:25] <barteks2x> I also was there somehow
L167[01:05:32] <cpw> yeah
L168[01:05:35] <cpw> fml merged with forge
L169[01:05:42] <cpw> so you see both history trees
L170[01:05:44] <barteks2x> that's where bisect started when I wanted to bisect from 1.7.10 to 1.8
L171[01:05:55] <barteks2x> (somewhere in mc 1.6.2)
L172[01:06:22] <barteks2x> so never trying that again
L173[01:06:29] <cpw> yeah don't bother
L174[01:08:37] ⇨ Joins: Katrix (~Katrix@cm-
L175[01:09:20] <cpw> ok
L176[01:09:24] <cpw> pushed the "fix"
L177[01:09:32] <cpw> thanks for your help finding the bug
L178[01:09:37] <cpw> is there an issue that should be closed?
L179[01:09:44] <barteks2x> no
L180[01:09:46] <cpw> ok
L181[01:10:06] <barteks2x> lex told me to submit pr when I find the fix instead of creating issue, so I didn't
L182[01:10:32] <cpw> ah ok, sorry :(
L183[01:10:53] <barteks2x> no, it's ok
L184[01:10:57] <cpw> gh user?
L185[01:11:15] <barteks2x> I'm Barteks2x almost everywhere
L186[01:11:23] <cpw> k
L187[01:14:51] <cpw> ok
L188[01:14:52] <cpw> bedtime
L189[01:14:53] <cpw> nn
L190[01:15:26] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
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L192[01:16:50] <AshIndigo> Noight
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L198[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161125 mappings to Forge Maven.
L199[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161125-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161125" in build.gradle).
L200[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L223[03:43:42] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L224[03:45:06] <MalkContent> *reverse engineers some code* ah. and here he just draws some quads. *spends the next 4 hours pretending he wasn't reverse engineering some code*
L225[03:46:22] <AshIndigo> Gradle hates me
L226[03:46:53] <gigaherz|work> no, he doesn't. you are just not understanding him
L227[03:49:07] <AshIndigo> I installed java on bash and my windows gradle worked
L228[03:50:17] <gigaherz|work> wat
L229[03:50:27] <AshIndigo> Yep
L230[03:51:00] *** blood_ is now known as blood|sleep
L231[03:53:09] <killjoy> I'd say this is a good way to suppress nulls in idea.https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/2d3430f6f601b1e49428ebc052ad6f8c
L232[03:55:16] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L233[03:56:01] <kashike> interesting choice
L234[03:56:13] <killjoy> It's what idea suggested
L235[03:56:44] <killjoy> well, suppress null check errors
L236[03:57:26] <gigaherz|work> yeah I have been using that for a while
L237[03:58:04] <gigaherz|work> would be nice if there was somethin like
L238[03:58:27] <killjoy> @NullCheck('methodName()')
L239[03:58:29] <gigaherz|work> @NonnullIfMethodReturnsTrue('hasTagCompound')
L240[04:01:12] <killjoy> .. One of these days, I need to take my monitor apart and remove this bug.
L241[04:01:17] <killjoy> Gotta debug my monitor
L242[04:01:43] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L243[04:02:15] <gigaherz|work> lol
L244[04:02:33] <killjoy> There's a gray spot on the left side
L245[04:02:56] <killjoy> I bet it's the same one that got in there a while ago, but that one was still alive
L246[04:06:07] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L247[04:08:02] <killjoy> guess I should go to bed. Gotta be at work in 11 hours
L248[04:08:12] <killjoy> at least I'm not retail
L249[04:08:17] <killjoy> just resturant
L250[04:09:34] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo_ (~AshIndigo@
L251[04:09:48] <AshIndigo_> if an itemstack cant resolve its id what happens to it?
L252[04:10:06] <AshIndigo_> i.e if i have an itemstack with the item id 500 and no item with the id 500 exists
L253[04:10:09] <AshIndigo_> what will happen?
L254[04:10:14] <gigaherz|work> that's not how it works
L255[04:10:19] <gigaherz|work> the itemstack stores the Item object
L256[04:10:20] <gigaherz|work> not the id
L257[04:10:25] <gigaherz|work> so when you try to deserialize it from disk
L258[04:10:35] <gigaherz|work> the registry lookup would be null
L259[04:10:39] <gigaherz|work> and the stack would have a null-item
L260[04:10:47] <gigaherz|work> before 1.10
L261[04:10:52] <gigaherz|work> this was an HORRIBLE situation to be in
L262[04:10:57] <gigaherz|work> because stuff like getDisplayName would crash
L263[04:11:01] <AshIndigo_> oh.
L264[04:11:12] <gigaherz|work> in 1.11, this means the stack is invalid
L265[04:11:29] <gigaherz|work> which will show getCount()=0
L266[04:11:52] <gigaherz|work> and isValid()=false
L267[04:12:21] <AshIndigo_> what about 1.10.2?
L268[04:12:32] <gigaherz|work> the horrible crash and everyone will hate you for it
L269[04:12:55] <gigaherz|work> although, really
L270[04:12:56] <AshIndigo_> :|
L271[04:13:03] <gigaherz|work> if the item is missing
L272[04:13:15] <gigaherz|work> on loading, the standard loading code will just return null
L273[04:13:18] <gigaherz|work> rather than an itemstack
L274[04:13:24] <gigaherz|work> so in normal circumstances, it will be ok
L275[04:13:30] <gigaherz|work> only people who do like
L276[04:13:39] <gigaherz|work> new itemstack(registry.get(name))
L277[04:13:42] <gigaherz|work> will get this issue
L278[04:13:50] <gigaherz|work> and you should never do that without checking for nulls
L279[04:14:18] * AshIndigo_ adds null check
L280[04:14:52] <AshIndigo_> oh wait i already did...
L281[04:15:06] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-2606-A000-1118-C091-B556-D7D9-1C91-14C0.dyn6.twc.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L282[04:17:50] <AshIndigo_> :|
L283[04:22:00] ⇨ Joins: Slind (~Slind@static.
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L285[04:22:44] <AshIndigo_> ive never tried threads to much but is it possible to modify the players inventory with another thread?
L286[04:25:22] <LatvianModder> most likely that yes
L287[04:26:19] <LatvianModder> You probably need to use MinecraftServer#addScheduledTask() when you do things with threads
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L289[04:30:58] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L290[04:31:22] <diesieben07> yay intellij. :D http://i.imgur.com/N6atzY8.png
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L293[04:32:57] <AshIndigo_> diesie you crashed hexchat
L294[04:33:34] <diesieben07> wat
L295[04:33:41] <diesieben07> no, i crashed forge
L296[04:33:45] <diesieben07> or rather it crashed itself.
L297[04:33:58] <AshIndigo_> when i clicked your link my hexchat crashed
L298[04:34:12] <diesieben07> lol
L299[04:34:32] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L300[04:34:39] <AshIndigo_> when i clicked your link my hexchat crashed
L301[04:34:40] <AshIndigo_> oops
L302[04:34:50] <AshIndigo_> hexchat is not gradle
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L305[04:37:14] <AshIndigo> :/
L306[04:37:44] <AshIndigo> My comp bsod'd
L307[04:38:36] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
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L312[05:08:31] <ScottehBoeh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP4Cb6uZEpE
L313[05:08:33] <ScottehBoeh> !! :o
L314[05:09:20] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L318[05:26:18] <Lordmau5> o/
L319[05:29:12] <Lordmau5> Does anyone know if there's a way to remap tile entities?
L320[05:29:23] <gigaherz|work> remap?
L321[05:29:35] <Lordmau5> well I know you can remap blocks and items if they're missing on world load
L322[05:29:46] <Lordmau5> but apparently it doesn't really work with tile entity data?
L323[05:29:56] <gigaherz|work> no because they don't use a registry in the same sense
L324[05:30:06] <gigaherz|work> there's "registerTileEntityWithAlternatives"
L325[05:30:09] <Lordmau5> oh
L326[05:30:17] <gigaherz|work> if you want to change the name of your own TE
L327[05:30:37] <Lordmau5> yea that's neat, I'll use that thanks :D
L328[05:33:15] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
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L330[05:33:48] <Lordmau5> oh my god you'Re a saint gigaherz|work
L331[05:34:35] <Lordmau5> it works :D
L332[05:35:03] <gigaherz|work> heh
L333[05:37:52] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-254-85.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L334[05:51:38] <sham1> Is he saint or is he the Spanish Inquisition
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L336[05:56:38] <Yamakaja> Uh, can something be done about "Expiring Daemon because JVM Tenured space is exhausted"?
L337[05:59:21] <kashike> Yamakaja: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/tree/master/design-docs/features/faster-builds/daemon-on-by-default/daemon-is-robust#detect-when-gc-is-thrashing-and-premptively-stop-the-daemon
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L344[06:46:44] <MalkContent> it feels like every other garbage collection the game rubberbands
L345[06:46:54] <MalkContent> garbage collection being my best guess. it's the memory usage dropping down again
L346[06:47:05] <MalkContent> anyone experienced something like this?
L347[06:51:07] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L348[06:52:34] <Akkarin> Well GCs do cause pauses which can cause desyincing
L349[06:53:16] <Akkarin> If you have bigger heap sizes you should generally be switching on G1GC anyways since it is much better at handling that sort of thing than the current default GC
L350[06:56:46] <MalkContent> i'll give it a try
L351[06:57:10] <Yamakaja> talking of the GC, when trying to decompile i'm getting a "GC overhead limit exceeded"
L352[06:57:25] <MalkContent> currently started at vanilla, adding forge, then mods, step by step to see when it starts
L353[06:57:27] <gigaherz|work> yeah, you have to give gradle more ram
L354[06:57:34] <gigaherz|work> read the getting started section on rtd
L355[06:57:55] <gigaherz|work> I like to give gradle -Xmx3G so it has some headroom
L356[06:58:10] <Yamakaja> Ok thx
L357[06:59:08] <Yamakaja> I'm using native gradle, can i use the GRADLE_OPTS env var?
L358[06:59:53] <gigaherz|work> dunno
L359[07:00:01] <gigaherz|work> I have only ever done this through the gradle.properties
L360[07:02:40] <Yamakaja> Where can i find that?
L361[07:03:58] <gigaherz|work> ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
L362[07:04:01] ⇨ Joins: Intektor (~Intektor@
L363[07:04:15] <Intektor> what changed from 1.10.2 to 1.11 in code?
L364[07:04:19] <gigaherz|work> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html
L365[07:04:25] <Intektor> something different
L366[07:04:27] <gigaherz|work> Intektor: Itemstacks semantics
L367[07:04:38] <Intektor> means what?
L368[07:04:48] <gigaherz|work> you are not supposed to have "null" in itemstack variables/functions anymore
L369[07:04:55] <gigaherz|work> you always have to pass on an itemstack instance
L370[07:05:01] <gigaherz|work> if you have nothing, then you use ItemStack.EMPTY
L371[07:05:06] <gigaherz|work> andi nstead of "stack == null"
L372[07:05:21] <gigaherz|work> you use "stack.isValid()" or "stack.getCount() > 0"
L373[07:05:38] <gigaherz|work> (the latter will also reject pointless stacks)
L374[07:05:42] <Intektor> come on, that is absoletly stupid
L375[07:05:48] <gigaherz|work> no it's awesome
L376[07:05:56] <gigaherz|work> no more stupid nullchecks everywhere
L377[07:06:13] <gigaherz|work> you can be certain that an itemstack will always be nonnull
L378[07:06:19] <gigaherz|work> and if it isn't, it's not your fault
L379[07:06:19] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L380[07:06:29] <gigaherz|work> (or it is, in which case you have to fix the bug)
L381[07:06:30] <gigaherz|work> also
L382[07:06:36] <gigaherz|work> itemstacks don't have a public stackSize anymore
L383[07:06:45] <Intektor> but?
L384[07:06:50] <gigaherz|work> you use .getCount,.setCount,.grow,.shrink
L385[07:07:13] <gigaherz|work> and the item field is final, which is nice
L386[07:07:25] <gigaherz|work> because you can trust that the same itemstack instance won't randomly change items
L387[07:10:38] <Yamakaja> rly gradle? ... i gave it 6Gb of RAM and monitored the process ... guess what it only needed 80MB
L388[07:10:54] <Yamakaja> (Or at least thats the heap size)
L389[07:11:27] <Yamakaja> (But at least it worked, thx)
L390[07:12:10] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-254-85.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L391[07:12:18] <Intektor> http://i.imgur.com/EtXH4QO.png what is this minecraft?
L392[07:12:38] <Intektor> just downloaded it and ran gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
L393[07:13:46] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@ ()
L394[07:14:55] <LatvianModder> Something wrong with repositories
L395[07:15:09] <LatvianModder> Fresh SDK?
L396[07:15:20] <LatvianModder> MDK*
L397[07:15:48] <Keridos> mmh, should minecraft in 1.10.2 handle getstatefrom meta and getmetafromstate client syncing on its own?
L398[07:16:20] <Keridos> I have a blockstate names tier, that is correctly saved in the meta, however when the client calls getState(TIER) it always returns the default value, not the actual one
L399[07:21:57] <LatvianModder> client syncing? You mean block IDs?
L400[07:22:16] <LatvianModder> You dont have to sync anything about blocks, MC does it
L401[07:22:52] <LatvianModder> Show your block code
L402[07:23:10] <Keridos> https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/blob/1.10.2/src/main/java/openmodularturrets/blocks/BlockTurretBase.java
L403[07:23:30] <Yamakaja> Hm, is there a good way to modify the actualy mc source (for testing purposes)
L404[07:23:48] <LatvianModder> theres your problem
L405[07:24:00] <LatvianModder> You dont override Container
L406[07:24:38] <LatvianModder> Thats #1 issue. Just use Block and override hasTileEntity(IBlockState state) and createTileEntity(World w, IBlockState state)
L407[07:26:18] <LatvianModder> the rest looks ok
L408[07:26:51] <LatvianModder> Here's my code. It uses EnumFacing as property, but that doesnt matter https://github.com/LatvianModder/LatBlocks/blob/1.9/src/main/java/com/latmod/latblocks/block/BlockCraftingPanel.java
L409[07:49:01] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L410[07:49:21] <ghz|afk> so I received my new Logitech G502 Proteus spectrum
L411[07:49:40] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L412[07:50:15] <ghz|afk> it's not a G500, but close enough
L413[07:50:35] ⇦ Quits: ghz|afk (gigaherz@198.red-88-22-37.staticip.rima-tde.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L414[07:50:43] <Keridos> LatvianModder: my createTIleentity(world,state) never gets called apparently
L415[07:51:04] <LatvianModder> did you override hasTileEntity?
L416[07:51:13] <Keridos> yes
L417[07:51:29] <Keridos> my asbrtractcontainer overrides it
L418[07:51:31] <LatvianModder> And you Dont override BlockContainer?
L419[07:51:35] <Keridos> yes
L420[07:51:39] <LatvianModder> Hm
L421[07:51:47] <Keridos> public abstract class BlockAbstractContainer extends Block {
L422[07:52:15] <LatvianModder> Well, that sounds impossible
L423[07:52:15] <Keridos> overrides boolean hasTileEntity()
L424[07:52:31] <Keridos> then it has public abstract TileEntity createTileEntity(World world, IBlockState state);
L425[07:52:34] <Keridos> also override
L426[07:52:51] <LatvianModder> hasTileEntity(IBlockState state), right?
L427[07:54:01] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L428[07:54:14] <Keridos> oh my bad
L429[07:54:34] <Keridos> yeah that was it i think
L430[07:54:41] <Keridos> seems to work now, thanks a lot
L431[07:55:30] <Keridos> LatvianModder: apparently my blockstates are not synced now anymore o.O
L432[07:56:14] <Keridos> damagedropped always returns 0 now again
L433[07:56:43] <LatvianModder> really weird
L434[07:57:13] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L435[07:58:21] <Keridos> return state.getValue(TIER)-1; in damaggedropped currently should I try get metafromstate instead?
L436[08:02:43] <Yamakaja> Hm, since FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus() is deprecated whats the proper way?
L437[08:07:55] <Keridos> LatvianModder: now this is really weird, apparently my getstatefrommeta and getmetafromstate are never called o.O
L438[08:08:11] <LatvianModder> wtf? Is your block registered at all? :D
L439[08:08:33] <Keridos> GameRegistry.registerBlock(turretBase, ItemBlockTurretBase.class, Names.Blocks.turretBase);
L440[08:08:45] <LatvianModder> Did you add System.out.println("Test: " + meta) or smth in your getStateFromMeta?
L441[08:08:48] <LatvianModder> I usually test like that
L442[08:08:59] <Keridos> nah, tried debugging stop
L443[08:09:15] <LatvianModder> System.out.println never fails
L444[08:09:30] ⇦ Quits: Chais (~Chais@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L445[08:09:49] <Keridos> now it gets called
L446[08:10:01] <Keridos> but wtf, apparently on the client the blockstate is not synced automatically?
L447[08:11:01] ⇨ Joins: Chais (~Chais@62-178-210-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L448[08:15:43] <LatvianModder> it should be
L449[08:15:46] <LatvianModder> actually no
L450[08:15:52] <LatvianModder> States dont have to be synced
L451[08:15:54] <LatvianModder> Only block IDs
L452[08:16:12] <Keridos> shouldnt the meta be synced automatically?
L453[08:16:14] <LatvianModder> states are just metadata. They are are the same on both sides, no need to sync them
L454[08:16:39] <Keridos> yeah that is what I find so weird about my issue
L455[08:16:52] <LatvianModder> if state for metadata X clien is not equal to state for metadata X on server, then something is very wrong with your code
L456[08:16:59] <LatvianModder> But not in your case, your meta code is fine
L457[08:17:02] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L458[08:17:33] <Yamakaja> Whats the best way to make the client disconnect from a server?
L459[08:17:55] <LatvianModder> from which side?
L460[08:18:03] <Yamakaja> (From the client, kinda like Minecraft.getMinecraft().shutdown(), but just shutting down the connection )
L461[08:18:24] <LatvianModder> see what happens when you click Disconnect button
L462[08:18:46] <Yamakaja> I'm forge noob :/ Where do i have to look for that? xD
L463[08:19:25] <Keridos> LatvianModder: this is what I use now: https://gist.github.com/Keridos/2cf142486d295870770926f6281eaab1
L464[08:19:44] <Keridos> everything works, the GUI is the correct one for the tier, so apparently the NBT is correctly synced
L465[08:20:23] ⇨ Joins: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:1b00:2b3f:f44a:ca82:9a25:3a2a)
L466[08:20:33] <LatvianModder> first of all
L467[08:20:39] <LatvianModder> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/2cf142486d295870770926f6281eaab1#file-blockturretbase-java-L54
L468[08:20:45] <LatvianModder> why. just switch(enum)
L469[08:20:59] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L470[08:21:00] <LatvianModder> Oh.. you are using numbers.. weird
L471[08:21:15] <Keridos> I could set up an enum that maps numbers to numbers
L472[08:21:24] <Keridos> but that would be pretty stupid imo
L473[08:21:39] <Keridos> yeah tier is just a number between 1 and 5
L474[08:21:47] <Keridos> and I save that as 0-4 in meta
L475[08:22:20] <Keridos> if it were not a number I'd be saving, i'd create an enum
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L477[08:24:01] <LatvianModder> anyway, that whole code could be this https://gist.github.com/LatvianModder/620c9a70cf0f484faf2469cc27842c88
L478[08:24:41] <Keridos> that would just move the code that is there to another class
L479[08:25:08] <LatvianModder> I would also highly recommend starting with 0 not 1, at least in code :P
L480[08:25:51] <Keridos> we pretty much do that, just tier is the number we actually use for the unloc name
L481[08:26:07] <Keridos> so the meta is just 1 lower because i like it being 0-4 more there
L482[08:26:32] <Keridos> it does help to not get confused why tier 0 equals tier one in the lang files f.ex.
L483[08:26:43] <Eragonn1490> whats the way to make a .json render as a block in inventory / and use the blocks texture?
L484[08:26:54] <LatvianModder> I usually use enums - TIER_1, TIER_2, etc
L485[08:27:22] <Keridos> might do that when I get this working though
L486[08:27:30] <Keridos> there is something fishy going on but I have no idea why
L487[08:27:40] <LatvianModder> Eragonn1490: create assets/<mod>/models/item/my_block_id.json
L488[08:28:04] <Keridos> LatvianModder: https://gist.github.com/Keridos/f9f88c7ab3f91027e169b2c7bd610dba
L489[08:28:29] <LatvianModder> Eragonn1490: and inside just do {"parent": "<mod>:block/<my_block_id>"}
L490[08:28:34] <Keridos> that is the tileentity (the abstract one that does the syncing for the TE; the turretbase itself isnt that interesting
L491[08:29:19] <LatvianModder> yeah, tile is fine
L492[08:29:49] <LatvianModder> Oh but does your TurretBase have a TurretBase() constructor?
L493[08:30:04] <Keridos> yes it does
L494[08:30:20] ⇦ Quits: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:1b00:2b3f:f44a:ca82:9a25:3a2a) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L495[08:30:21] <Keridos> the TE seems to be working just fine that is what I find so interesting
L496[08:30:40] <Keridos> I pretty much have zero issues with the TE, it is just the blockstate that is wrong
L497[08:30:58] <Keridos> I do not touch the blockstate at all in the TE also
L498[08:31:16] ⇨ Joins: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net)
L499[08:31:58] <Keridos> now this is interesting
L500[08:32:19] <Keridos> when I middleclick in creative mode i get the right block
L501[08:32:26] <Keridos> but waila shows the wrong one
L502[08:32:59] <gigaherz> getPickBlock vs the other one?
L503[08:33:13] <howtonotwin> pick block is a method on block that allows it to choose any item
L504[08:33:23] <howtonotwin> WAILA could just be looking at the block itself
L505[08:33:36] <gigaherz> WAILA has the itemstack provider thingy
L506[08:33:37] <Keridos> gigaherz: the damagedropped is called and returns the wrong one for the waila access apaprently
L507[08:33:47] <gigaherz> aha
L508[08:33:50] <Keridos> i just use return accessor.getStack();
L509[08:33:56] <gigaherz> then WAILA is using itemdropped/damagedropped
L510[08:34:13] <gigaherz> you can register an itemstack provider for the block
L511[08:34:17] <gigaherz> using the same provider isntance
L512[08:34:42] <gigaherz> and return the right thing
L513[08:34:47] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L514[08:35:11] <Keridos> gigaherz: when I debug it actually is weird, when I just stop at the damageDropped(state) function I can see that apparently it gets called, but returns 1 for the waila tip, but the vanilla client seems to get the right state
L515[08:35:18] <Keridos> what the heck is going on there?
L516[08:35:22] <gigaherz> waila bug?
L517[08:35:41] <Keridos> waila maybe broken in 1.10.2?
L518[08:35:48] <gigaherz> dunno I haven't used it
L519[08:35:56] ⇨ Joins: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@
L520[08:36:06] <gigaherz> I wanted to imlement TheOneProbe support instead/also, but meh
L521[08:36:18] <gigaherz> ended up leaving the older waila code as it was XD
L522[08:37:47] <Keridos> gigaherz: might I need to implement getPickBlock?
L523[08:39:12] <gigaherz> getPickBlock is recommended
L524[08:39:25] <gigaherz> the default implementation will work, but getPickBlock is best
L525[08:39:33] <Keridos> lets see if this works now
L526[08:39:47] <Keridos> weird was that middle clicking in creative actually get the right meta
L527[08:39:58] <gigaherz> getPickBlock's default implementation is to return getItem, which by default returns an itemstack from getItemFromBlock+damageDropped
L528[08:40:00] <Keridos> just damagedropped seems to randomly give the default instead of the actual one
L529[08:40:06] <gigaherz> which is probably not what you want
L530[08:40:52] <Keridos> gigaherz: https://gist.github.com/Keridos/2cf142486d295870770926f6281eaab1
L531[08:41:06] <Keridos> waila still has the wrong meta apparently
L532[08:41:40] <Keridos> getMetaFromState seems to somehow sometimes get the default state instead of the actual state
L533[08:41:48] <howtonotwin> Eragonn1490, read this https://github.com/howtonotwin/MCForgeDocumentation/tree/models/docs/models/using.md#item-models
L534[08:42:10] <howtonotwin> basically you assign (item, metadata) to a MRL
L535[08:42:18] <howtonotwin> and the model is loaded from there
L536[08:42:27] <gigaherz> Keridos: hmmm
L537[08:42:32] <gigaherz> any chance the value is wrong on the client/server?
L538[08:42:43] <howtonotwin> BUT:
L539[08:42:44] <gigaherz> I think getPickBlock takes the value from the client
L540[08:42:48] <gigaherz> but WAILA takes the vlaue from the server
L541[08:42:52] <howtonotwin> you may want to consider resourcepacks
L542[08:42:59] <Keridos> I have looked over it about 10 times and latvianmodder has too
L543[08:43:08] ⇦ Quits: samschaap (~samschaap@5469BF1F.cm-12-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L544[08:43:11] <gigaherz> no idea, then
L545[08:43:14] <Keridos> and I can not see the actual issue
L546[08:43:21] <howtonotwin> assigning the item model to be the same as the block model in code fuses them permanently
L547[08:43:22] <ScottehBoeh> How can I possibly render a very simple green line around the block I'm looking at (using DrawBlockHighlightEvent)
L548[08:43:42] <howtonotwin> no resourcepack can override just one and not the other
L549[08:44:07] <ScottehBoeh> I've got an itemused to build stuff, I just want to try and place a green line around the block I'm looking at whilst I hold the item. I already have the item being checked for, now I just need to find out what lines to use to render a simple green outline around the block
L550[08:44:23] <gigaherz> ScottehBoeh: tesellator.begin(GL_LINES, vertexformat); buffer.pos...endVertex; twice. buffer.draw();
L551[08:44:24] <howtonotwin> if you want to be more flexible with that you need to create a ton more files to represent the item models
L552[08:44:31] <howtonotwin> but that's a pain so you might as well not
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L555[08:49:48] <ScottehBoeh> gigaherz I got lost
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L557[08:51:12] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
L558[08:51:18] <howtonotwin> you get the Tesellator from Tesellator.getSomething()
L559[08:51:27] <howtonotwin> you tell it to begin drawing
L560[08:51:37] <howtonotwin> you get the vertex buffer out of it
L561[08:51:47] <howtonotwin> you put data into it
L562[08:51:59] <howtonotwin> and then you tell it to draw
L563[08:52:11] <howtonotwin> the vertexformat is important
L564[08:52:22] <howtonotwin> it's how the format of the data is defined
L565[08:52:34] <howtonotwin> there are a bunch of useful static ones somewhere
L566[08:52:50] <howtonotwin> search for VertexFormat fields and you'll find em
L567[08:53:05] <howtonotwin> pick the one that fits your use closest
L568[08:53:38] <gigaherz> DefaultVertexFormats.*
L569[08:53:49] <gigaherz> you will have to call the vertex methods in the same order
L570[08:53:51] <gigaherz> that's very important
L571[08:54:05] <gigaherz> if you choose POSITION_COLOR
L572[08:54:15] <howtonotwin> GL_LINES, btw, is the mode that takes vertices V1, V2, V3, ..., Vn and makes lines V1V2, V2V3, ..., Vn-1Vn
L573[08:54:18] <gigaherz> you'll want to do buffer.pos(x,y,z).color(r,g,b).endVertex();
L574[08:54:48] <howtonotwin> otherwise the data goes in the wrong way and suddenly you can smell colors and taste distance.
L575[08:54:52] <howtonotwin> :P
L576[08:57:17] <gigaherz> your blocks will be in the 0,0,0-255,255,255 cube
L577[08:57:25] <gigaherz> and have wildly varying colors ;P
L578[08:57:36] <gigaherz> your lines*
L579[09:00:23] ⇨ Joins: howtolose (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net)
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L581[09:00:53] *** howtolose is now known as howtonotwin
L582[09:01:03] <howtonotwin> woops
L583[09:01:38] <gigaherz> howtogetbackupafterlosing
L584[09:02:06] <gigaherz> so
L585[09:02:09] <gigaherz> as I was saying earlier
L586[09:02:13] <gigaherz> [14:49] (ghz|afk): so I received my new Logitech G502 Proteus spectrum
L587[09:02:13] <gigaherz> [14:50] (ghz|afk): it's not a G500, but close enough
L588[09:02:13] <gigaherz> -
L589[09:02:13] <gigaherz> [15:22] (i) You joined #minecraftforge
L590[09:02:17] <gigaherz> I got a new mouse
L591[09:02:30] ⇨ Joins: JustWhoAmI (~admin@
L592[09:02:31] <gigaherz> ran the installer for the logitech app
L593[09:02:37] <gigaherz> and I was typing here on irc
L594[09:02:40] <gigaherz> when the installer finished
L595[09:02:46] <gigaherz> and suddenly my computer was rebooting
L596[09:02:54] <gigaherz> didn't have a chance to cancel or finish my sentence
L597[09:02:58] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L598[09:03:23] * howtonotwin doesn't know whether to lol or burn with righteous anger.
L599[09:04:10] * howtonotwin ends up laughing as flames of fury come out of his nose.
L600[09:04:20] *** howtonotwin is now known as It
L601[09:04:26] *** It is now known as howtonotwin
L602[09:04:46] <howtonotwin> well I tried to do something
L603[09:04:52] <howtonotwin> but apparently that name is taken
L604[09:07:16] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L605[09:12:24] <Eragonn1490> @howtontwin is there a way to register them all at once or am i going to have to make a million item renderers?
L606[09:16:35] <howtonotwin> manually
L607[09:16:44] <howtonotwin> well you can set up a system for it
L608[09:17:00] <howtonotwin> but you have to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation youself
L609[09:17:04] <howtonotwin> *yourself
L610[09:17:22] <howtonotwin> and what do you mean "make item renderers."
L611[09:17:27] <howtonotwin> you don't need that
L612[09:17:35] <howtonotwin> just assign the items the same models as the block
L613[09:17:40] <gigaherz> I want to make a note:
L614[09:17:56] <gigaherz> it IS possible to register multiple items to the same blockstates json, but it's not nice to do so
L615[09:18:09] <gigaherz> because it messes up with the ability of people to make resourcepacks
L616[09:18:24] <gigaherz> so it is best to make separate everything
L617[09:18:36] <gigaherz> and register each item to its own item model json
L618[09:18:51] <Eragonn1490> thats what i was asking
L619[09:19:09] <Eragonn1490> back to the grind .-.
L620[09:19:21] <Keridos> gigaherz: i find that the client apparently does not have the right blockstate
L621[09:19:22] <gigaherz> you still need to call ML.setCustomMRL for each separate variant, though
L622[09:19:28] <gigaherz> Keridos: weird
L623[09:20:44] <howtonotwin> It really bothers me that blockstate JSONs can't have other blockstates as parents
L624[09:20:52] <howtonotwin> that'd make this grind so much easier
L625[09:21:40] <howtonotwin> so you can have a block_item blockstate as a child of the block blockstate that can be overriden by itself
L626[09:21:46] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: yeah being able to override certain variants while leaving others in place would be nice
L627[09:22:02] <howtonotwin> I'll see if I can cook something up
L628[09:22:22] * howtonotwin hopes that the Forge blockstate deserializers aren't private
L629[09:22:26] <gigaherz> some kind of "parent": ":super"
L630[09:22:40] <gigaherz> that lets you reference the "resourcepack below"
L631[09:22:42] <gigaherz> XD
L632[09:22:50] <gigaherz> but that'd have to be done in vanilla
L633[09:22:55] <howtonotwin> actually
L634[09:22:59] <gigaherz> since it would require changes to the resourcepack system
L635[09:23:04] <howtonotwin> vanilla already merges blockstate JSONs
L636[09:23:15] <howtonotwin> it loops by and loads all files for a json
L637[09:23:21] <howtonotwin> and then it deserializes them all
L638[09:23:34] <howtonotwin> and then it puts the list into the ModelBlock constructor
L639[09:23:39] <howtonotwin> which merges them
L640[09:24:08] <howtonotwin> but I gleaned that by looking at the code
L641[09:24:16] <howtonotwin> I'll make sure it actually works :P
L642[09:24:26] <howtonotwin> and 1.9 multiparts break it all ofc
L643[09:24:47] <howtonotwin> they nuke all the collected variant data substitute their own mechanism
L644[09:25:13] <howtonotwin> I'm really missing all my conjunctions lately, aren't eye xD
L645[09:25:19] <howtonotwin> o_O
L646[09:25:20] <howtonotwin> *I
L647[09:28:40] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/YLcNJAq8 how to set up the mrl, then each item would be named type1.json , type2.json and so forth?
L648[09:29:27] <howtonotwin> what in heaven are you doing in that first method
L649[09:29:35] <howtonotwin> why are you sending them to #inventory?
L650[09:29:49] <gigaherz> because that's the default
L651[09:29:56] <howtonotwin> it's in a helper method
L652[09:29:57] <gigaherz> the one that doesn't require a blockstates json
L653[09:30:21] <gigaherz> you have to calls to setCustomMRL though
L654[09:30:22] <gigaherz> XD
L655[09:30:23] <howtonotwin> my worries about the code's structure aside
L656[09:30:32] <AshIndigo> "mods/reactioncraft/textures/railcraft/"
L657[09:30:44] <howtonotwin> you're forced to do something like this
L658[09:30:47] <Keridos> ok this is still superweird apparently the selection box is fine
L659[09:30:47] <AshIndigo> Why railcraft?
L660[09:31:02] <Keridos> testing it in my own world, but waila always shows the wrong data
L661[09:31:08] <howtonotwin> ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(item, 0, new MRL(item.getRegistryName(), "type=one1")); // meta 0
L662[09:31:15] <howtonotwin> ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(item, 1, new MRL(item.getRegistryName(), "type=one2")); // meta 1
L663[09:31:15] <Eragonn1490> i added in extra tunnel bores
L664[09:31:18] <howtonotwin> etc.
L665[09:31:26] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L666[09:31:32] <howtonotwin> and if you make a item model json
L667[09:31:40] <howtonotwin> which goes under models/item
L668[09:31:56] <howtonotwin> then you use ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(item, meta, new MRL(loc, "inventory"))
L669[09:32:10] <howtonotwin> when it tries to load that from the blockstate first
L670[09:32:18] <howtonotwin> then it fails
L671[09:32:30] <howtonotwin> and it loads models/item/<loc>.json instead
L672[09:32:37] <gigaherz> that's forge's fault, if it works like that
L673[09:32:45] <gigaherz> vanilla does not try to use a blockstates file at all
L674[09:33:00] <howtonotwin> uh
L675[09:33:10] <howtonotwin> it's very intentional that it goes to the blockstate first
L676[09:33:15] <gigaherz> yes
L677[09:33:20] <gigaherz> to allow you to use blockstates for items
L678[09:33:24] <gigaherz> which is a forge-specific feature
L679[09:33:58] <howtonotwin> "Fault" has a negative connation; I thought you were pointing out something bad. :P
L680[09:34:36] <gigaherz> I thoguht you were complaining about using item models "because it has to go through an extra step"
L681[09:35:18] <howtonotwin> Misunderstandings abound!
L682[09:36:29] <howtonotwin> oh god
L683[09:36:45] <howtonotwin> I just realized how hacky this blockstate format will have to be
L684[09:37:05] <howtonotwin> not really because of merging blockstates
L685[09:37:16] <howtonotwin> but oh
L686[09:37:25] * howtonotwin is thinking too hard
L687[09:38:34] <Keridos> gigaherz: it is not just me apaprently, waila seems to have issues with mc1.10.2
L688[09:41:04] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L690[09:42:31] <Keridos> i fixed it by registering my own waila stack provider and setting the correct meta there
L691[09:42:58] *** V is now known as Vigaro
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L695[09:45:41] <barteks2x> what is /proc/self/exe ?
L696[09:45:50] <howtonotwin> the executable
L697[09:45:58] <barteks2x> wrong vhannel
L698[09:46:25] <barteks2x> they all look exactly the same...
L699[09:46:27] <howtonotwin> odd, it should be a symlink
L700[09:46:38] <howtonotwin> you should be able to tell just by looking at it
L701[09:46:48] <barteks2x> It's running and I don't know what it does
L702[09:46:49] <Eragonn1490> thank you @howtonotwin
L703[09:46:52] <howtonotwin> (what it is, that is)
L704[09:46:57] <howtonotwin> ah
L705[09:47:11] <howtonotwin> /proc/self is information about a process, right?
L706[09:47:32] <howtonotwin> and exe is the process's own executable
L707[09:47:43] <howtonotwin> so a process decided to run a new copy of itself
L708[09:47:49] <howtonotwin> by running /proc/self/exe
L709[09:48:34] <howtonotwin> if you look for it's parent process you might get a clue as to what it is
L710[09:49:08] <howtonotwin> or maybe it's own exe symlink points to something useful
L711[09:50:35] <bartman> self is a symlink to its own pid
L712[09:51:26] <howtonotwin> no, it appears that a process has actually executed /proc/self/exe
L713[09:51:39] <howtonotwin> and he found it and is wondering what it is
L714[09:51:41] <bartman> so it'd be no different than doing cat /proc/$$
L715[09:52:13] <bartman> exe would be the binary in memory
L716[09:52:17] <Keridos> TehNut: question, will you continue HWyla support for 1.10.2?
L717[09:52:19] <bartman> of that process
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L719[09:56:42] <barteks2x> it was spotify apparently
L720[09:56:58] <AshIndigo> ?
L721[09:57:13] <barteks2x> (that /proc/self/exe process)
L722[09:57:26] <AshIndigo> Oh
L723[10:00:57] <howtonotwin> why did they think that was a good idea...
L724[10:01:20] <howtonotwin> does fork() not suffice?
L725[10:03:07] <howtonotwin> is the easiest way to get at the default MC resources unzipping the jar and copying assets/?
L726[10:03:29] <howtonotwin> I'm updating the wiki page on making resource packs and I think that's the best way
L727[10:05:10] <bartman> well sounds like they did it from shell rather than inside c/cpp
L728[10:05:18] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L729[10:05:30] <bartman> lazy coders :)
L730[10:06:07] <howtonotwin> even worse
L731[10:06:27] <howtonotwin> in the shell there's a very easy way to know the executable you were run from
L732[10:06:40] <howtonotwin> or
L733[10:06:44] <howtonotwin> just use this line
L734[10:06:54] <howtonotwin> $(readlink /proc/$$/exe)
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L737[10:22:15] <JuiceGrape> what's the replacement for I18n.translateToLocal, cause it's deprecated
L738[10:23:50] <gigaherz> I18n.format -- client-only
L739[10:24:05] <gigaherz> it's on a different package (different I18n class)
L740[10:24:13] <gigaherz> the deprecated one exists on the server
L741[10:24:18] <gigaherz> but, and a big big but,
L742[10:24:28] <gigaherz> if you call it on the server, it won't have any mod resources or localized resources
L743[10:24:28] <JuiceGrape> I do like big butts
L744[10:24:32] <gigaherz> only the vanilla en_us
L745[10:25:05] <JuiceGrape> okay, thanks, will look for it
L746[10:26:07] <JuiceGrape> what would be the translate key?
L747[10:26:55] <gigaherz> whatever is in your lang file
L748[10:27:12] <gigaherz> my preferred format is
L749[10:27:27] <gigaherz> "<type>.<modid>.<thingname>.<property>"
L750[10:27:29] <gigaherz> as in:
L751[10:27:40] <gigaherz> "item.mymod.item1.name"
L752[10:27:46] <gigaherz> or
L753[10:27:47] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-196-91.access.telenet.be)
L754[10:27:49] <JuiceGrape> oh like that
L755[10:27:55] <JuiceGrape> and the object paramaters then?
L756[10:28:16] <gigaherz> well, you can add format string-like arguments to it
L757[10:28:17] <gigaherz> so like
L758[10:28:21] <gigaherz> if you have a translation key like
L759[10:28:43] <gigaherz> text.mymod.misc.welcome=Welcome, %s!
L760[10:28:46] <gigaherz> you' can do
L761[10:29:00] <gigaherz> I18n.format("text.mymod.misc.welcome", playerName);
L762[10:29:06] <JuiceGrape> oh yeah, like that, thanks!
L763[10:29:28] <JuiceGrape> you're so helpful dude, you need a medal
L764[10:29:55] <gigaherz> I can't remember if it was %s or {0}
L765[10:29:56] <gigaherz> in this file XD
L766[10:30:16] <gigaherz> %s.
L767[10:30:24] <gigaherz> text.enderrift.rift.riftId=Rift Id: %s
L768[10:30:25] <JuiceGrape> well I don't need it atm, so I'll burn that bridge when I get to it
L769[10:30:30] <gigaherz> sure
L770[10:33:14] <Eragonn1490> @howtonotwin hopefully this is the last time i bother you, now that i have the texture for the sub blocks working its messing up all the non sub blocks because its looking for type=one1 , would this be a way to get them working or i need to try something else? http://pastebin.com/cJeJ24DR
L771[10:33:54] <howtonotwin> that should work
L772[10:34:45] <Eragonn1490> thanks
L773[10:34:56] <howtonotwin> hey don't trust me :P
L774[10:34:58] <howtonotwin> test it
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L776[10:39:23] <Eragonn1490> be back shortly
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L784[11:02:31] <Yamakaja> Whats the gradle to goal to export to a jar?
L785[11:02:55] <Yamakaja> s/ to/
L786[11:03:03] * Akkarin throws cookies at Yamakaja's head
L787[11:03:19] <McJty> Yamakaja, 'build'
L788[11:03:38] <Yamakaja> i did that, now where's the jar? xD
L789[11:03:44] <Akkarin> build/lib afaik
L790[11:04:16] <gigaherz> build/libs/
L791[11:04:56] <Yamakaja> Yeah, i wouldn't have looked into libs lol
L792[11:05:27] <gigaherz> yeah should have been like build/artifacts
L793[11:05:29] <gigaherz> but /shrug
L794[11:08:33] <gigaherz> (I like VS naming -- obj/ for temporary output, and bin/ for the final output -- but that's just because I have seen those names for ages ;P)
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L818[12:32:00] <Eragonn1490> with biomes do they still need a static id set?
L819[12:32:05] <williewillus> no
L820[12:32:16] <williewillus> almost nothing needs them anymore
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L822[12:39:37] <Yamakaja> Lol, i apparently just segfaulted my user session xD
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L829[13:00:48] <Necro> there was a bot command for the latest mc-mappings, right? Could someone tell it to me?
L830[13:01:21] <gigaherz> !!latest 1.11
L831[13:01:22] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L832[13:01:23] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L833[13:01:24] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.11 snapshot_20161125
L834[13:01:28] <gigaherz> use a single ! when you don't want to spam the channels
L835[13:01:48] <Necro> ok. thank you! ^^
L836[13:01:49] <gigaherz> also, use !help in a PM to MCPBot_Reborn
L837[13:01:52] <gigaherz> for more details
L838[13:02:04] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L839[13:02:10] <Necro> oh ok. i'll keep it in mind.
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L845[13:20:16] <masa> is theer something I need to do for a gradle.properties file to be picked up by the build.gradle script?
L846[13:21:01] <masa> I used to use a config slurper and a "build.properties" file but I got rid of those, but it doesn't seem to work out-of-the-box now
L847[13:21:47] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L848[13:22:15] <masa> or shall I just revert back to the old one... at least it works
L849[13:23:06] <masa> tterrag: btw I found out why I thought I was crazy... in 1.11 the ItemStack is missing all the patches to the rquals methods, they don't check for capabilities now :p
L850[13:27:54] <gigaherz> I have only used gradle.properties on the user folder, so no idea if/how it works for local project properties
L851[13:28:27] <gigaherz> I was thinking about itemstacks and capabilities the other day
L852[13:28:43] <gigaherz> the NBT tags should have been a capability ;P
L853[13:29:00] <gigaherz> stack.getCapability(Caps.USER_NBT)
L854[13:29:07] <gigaherz> I mean, if mojang had common sense
L855[13:29:21] <gigaherz> and they impelmented an entity-component system
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L861[13:49:15] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L862[13:50:18] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/v6hSaRQw , when i create a world it says unable to find spawn biome, is there another way to set it?
L863[13:50:34] <McJty> gigaherz, well capabilities on items are stored in the NBT
L864[13:50:38] <McJty> gigaherz, so might be a bit hard
L865[13:51:35] <gigaherz> yeah in the current design
L866[13:51:49] <gigaherz> but if there was a proper component system
L867[13:52:04] <gigaherz> the itemstack would just have a list of components in it
L868[13:52:17] <gigaherz> same for entities and such
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L870[13:52:57] <gigaherz> they would still serialize to NBT, I guess
L871[13:53:05] <gigaherz> and there may still be some way to have user values attached
L872[13:53:17] <gigaherz> but in that sense
L873[13:53:41] <gigaherz> an itemstack would just have some ItemState value, a count, and a list of attached components
L874[13:53:43] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L875[13:54:25] <gigaherz> IMO, even the durability would be an optional attachable thing
L876[13:54:48] <gigaherz> some "DurabilityDescriptor" component with current, max, and things to do when it breaks
L877[13:54:56] <gigaherz> or how to repair
L878[13:55:00] <McJty> Could be interesting but probably hard to implement right now
L879[13:55:02] <McJty> But I have to go
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L887[14:11:45] <ScottehBoeh> oi
L888[14:11:51] <ScottehBoeh> Method to get World Spawn, hit me
L889[14:12:21] <williewillus> type "world." and make your IDE auto complete it
L890[14:12:23] <williewillus> :P
L891[14:12:29] <ScottehBoeh> xD
L892[14:12:30] <ScottehBoeh> okeh
L893[14:12:35] <gigaherz> or do a global search for "spawn
L894[14:12:37] <gigaherz> "getspawn"
L895[14:12:38] <gigaherz> or similar
L896[14:12:42] <gigaherz> you'll find things
L897[14:12:43] <williewillus> ctrl alt shift n "getspawn"
L898[14:12:46] <gigaherz> jsut... ask your IDE
L899[14:12:46] <gigaherz> ;P
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L902[14:23:06] <Necro> Can anybody help me with this? I'm getting an error when trying to use setupDecompWorkspace: Unable to open debugger port ( java.net.SocketException "socket closed"
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L904[14:30:00] <diesieben07> Necro, how are you running it?
L905[14:31:54] <Necro> nevermind i found the error. I accidentally used the latest 1.10.2 forge version when i meant to use the 1.11 one.
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L913[15:10:15] <Keridos> hm having some textures for blocks that used a single texture wrapped around quads in a TESR
L914[15:10:59] <Keridos> is there a tool that can extract them to sided only or a way to wrap such a texture around a model using json blockstates?
L915[15:11:27] <Keridos> I do not wanna edit 10 textures by hand cause that would probably take me at least an hour of simple copy pasting work
L916[15:11:42] <williewillus> idk what you're saying but are you asking is there a way to take an old tesr/techne style texture sheet and destitch it into individual textures?
L917[15:11:46] <williewillus> I did it all manually lol
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L919[15:12:33] <Keridos> i noticed that you can use UV
L920[15:12:38] <Keridos> so probably it is possible
L921[15:12:57] <williewillus> yes but throwing those textures onto the atlas is not very cool :P
L922[15:13:02] <williewillus> since they have lots of white space
L923[15:13:57] <Keridos> probably we could trim them down to something like 16x16
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L929[15:37:09] <masa> couldn't you make a script to crop and save/name those to individual textures?
L930[15:37:33] <williewillus> technically but you would need to tell it where to cut
L931[15:37:36] <williewillus> which means parsing modelbase java code
L932[15:37:40] <williewillus> which is extremely unreliable
L933[15:37:41] <masa> bash script with imagemagick or a python program or something
L934[15:38:01] <masa> oh wait right these are irregular textures
L935[15:38:15] <masa> I was thinking of those vanilla-style textures like for chests etc
L936[15:38:44] <masa> and I've seen mods use those as well in the past. so basically the same layout for each one
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L939[15:48:57] <Eragonn1490> does anyone see what im doing wrong with registering this biome?
L940[15:49:03] <williewillus> show code
L941[15:49:03] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/Np7Ph8L7
L942[15:49:14] <williewillus> uhh
L943[15:49:16] <williewillus> what mc version?
L944[15:49:21] <Eragonn1490> 1.10.2
L945[15:49:31] <williewillus> you need GameRegistry.register(RcDesert)
L946[15:49:34] <williewillus> to actually assign it an id
L947[15:50:07] <williewillus> basically if you can pass an object to GameRegistry.register() you probably need to pass it to GameRegistry.register()
L948[15:50:09] <williewillus> :P
L949[15:50:42] <Eragonn1490> GameRegistry.addBiome() was removed i didnt know i could do it like that
L950[15:50:58] <gigaherz> there's a lot of things that used to have special registries
L951[15:51:02] <gigaherz> and special ID assignments
L952[15:51:08] <diesieben07> anything that extends IForgeRegistryEntry goes through GR.register now
L953[15:51:09] <williewillus> everything that uses auto assign ids is now through gameregistry.register
L954[15:51:31] <gigaherz> besides blocks and items, we have sounds, enchantments
L955[15:51:40] <gigaherz> biomes, potion effects,
L956[15:52:02] <gigaherz> villager professions
L957[15:52:14] <Eragonn1490> [16:51:01] [Server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome still erroring
L958[15:52:21] <williewillus> ignore that
L959[15:52:24] <gigaherz> and entity factories in 1.11?
L960[15:52:32] <williewillus> the biome should be registered if you called the method
L961[15:52:36] ⇨ Joins: FusionLord (~FusionLor@2600:8800:1:e900:2183:4d68:d305:76d)
L962[15:52:39] <williewillus> that's just a worldgen message saying it needs to relocate spawn or something
L963[15:52:49] <williewillus> it's been an annoying/meaningless message since like 1.1 :P
L964[15:52:53] <diesieben07> entities are a bit special giga
L965[15:52:59] <Eragonn1490> i removed all the other biomes and set my biome to bet a spawn biome
L966[15:53:01] <diesieben07> they use some kind of registry but not a true FML registry afaik
L967[15:53:03] <FusionLord> is Cauldron still a thing?
L968[15:53:04] <Eragonn1490> or attempted too
L969[15:53:52] <FusionLord> Cauldron (Bukkit, Forge Hybird)
L970[15:53:52] <gigaherz> diesieben07: no there's an actual FML registry for EntityEntry classes, which have name,class, and egg info
L971[15:54:11] <gigaherz> but
L972[15:54:15] <diesieben07> ah cool
L973[15:54:15] <gigaherz> it's used internally
L974[15:54:25] <gigaherz> by doModEntityRegistration
L975[15:54:35] <gigaherz> dunno if that's just backward compat
L976[15:54:35] <diesieben07> yeah just using ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES is not enough
L977[15:54:43] <gigaherz> or the mod registry is still needed
L978[15:54:45] <diesieben07> it is
L979[15:54:51] <diesieben07> for spawn settings inside EntityRegistry
L980[15:55:04] <diesieben07> otherwise the FML entity spawn message doesnt know abotu your entity
L981[15:55:15] <gigaherz> ah
L982[15:55:16] <williewillus> cant that be moved to the registry object
L983[15:55:23] <diesieben07> probably
L984[15:55:31] <gigaherz> eventually, I guess
L985[15:57:47] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L986[15:57:58] <FusionLord> or is there another way to load "plugins" on a forge server?
L987[15:58:34] <williewillus> spogne :P
L988[15:59:16] <diesieben07> note that will not load bukkit plugins
L989[15:59:18] <diesieben07> those are dead.
L990[15:59:18] <gigaherz> SpongeForge
L991[15:59:24] <gigaherz> is a Sponge-api-based forge mod
L992[15:59:36] <williewillus> you mean a forge mod that implements the sponge api :P
L993[15:59:48] <gigaherz> whichever way you want to think of it
L994[15:59:52] <gigaherz> it has forge in one end
L995[15:59:54] <gigaherz> and sponge on the other
L996[16:01:17] <FusionLord> does it load spigot plugins, I know spigot is bukkit based.
L997[16:01:22] <FusionLord> just was curious
L998[16:01:27] <williewillus> nope
L999[16:01:31] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L1000[16:01:41] <gigaherz> no spigot/cauldron is bukkit-based
L1001[16:01:49] <gigaherz> sponge is its own thing
L1002[16:01:53] <gigaherz> same purpose, new stuff
L1003[16:02:13] <diesieben07> that license issue with bukkit was against the API right?
L1004[16:02:17] <diesieben07> not just the implementation?
L1005[16:02:26] <williewillus> other way around i think
L1006[16:02:33] <Disconsented> ^
L1007[16:02:39] <diesieben07> well then why has nobody written ForgeBukkit? :D
L1008[16:02:44] <diesieben07> that implements the API?
L1009[16:02:51] <gigaherz> there was such a project, I think
L1010[16:02:51] <FusionLord> so back to my original question rephrased. Is there a way to load McMMO(Spigot/Bukkit/CraftBukkit) on a forge server.
L1011[16:02:52] <Disconsented> You mean Cauldron basiclly?
L1012[16:02:55] <gigaherz> but
L1013[16:02:56] <Deamon> the api is GPL which is where the problem really lies
L1014[16:02:57] <gigaherz> KCauldron
L1015[16:03:02] <gigaherz> or whichever fork is the current one
L1016[16:03:08] <diesieben07> since when is cauldron a forge mod?
L1017[16:03:12] <Disconsented> FusionLord> If you're using legacy MC... Sure
L1018[16:03:28] <williewillus> Deamon: the api doesn't mean anything though. the problem is the implementation linking to vanilla
L1019[16:03:29] <FusionLord> Disconsented, thank you.
L1020[16:03:30] <Disconsented> Cauldron variations exist
L1021[16:03:43] <Disconsented> But AFAIK the latest for those is 1.7.10
L1022[16:03:44] <FusionLord> and thank all of you for assisting! :)
L1023[16:03:46] <Deamon> yeah but a 'ForgeBukkit' would have the same issue
L1024[16:03:55] <williewillus> i don't think so
L1025[16:04:01] <williewillus> not any more issues than we have now
L1026[16:04:13] <Deamon> the api's GPL license would require you to license the minecraft code as GPL...which you cant
L1027[16:04:19] <williewillus> as i said
L1028[16:04:19] <gigaherz> quoting a forum
L1029[16:04:20] <gigaherz> "You can use Pore for Sponge, which allows Bukkit/Spigot plugins on a Sponge server."
L1030[16:04:21] <williewillus> it's not the API
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L1032[16:04:28] <williewillus> it's the *implementation*
L1033[16:04:32] <williewillus> aka craftbukkit
L1034[16:04:32] <Disconsented> Actually didnt we jave a mod called Bukkit Forge or somthing?
L1035[16:04:32] <Deamon> pore is dead
L1036[16:04:34] <williewillus> that was the problem
L1037[16:04:34] <gigaherz> https://forums.spongepowered.org/t/pore-a-bukkit-sponge-bridge/1663
L1038[16:04:44] <gigaherz> Deamon: ah
L1039[16:04:51] <williewillus> the solution is just stop using bukkit :P
L1040[16:04:57] <Disconsented> Been a while since I was involved with this
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L1047[16:14:09] <GeoDoX> Can someone help me register item models? It's not finding the json files, even though as far as I know they're in the right path. Here's a log: http://hastebin.com/yuhorobomo
L1048[16:14:46] <williewillus> where is the json located
L1049[16:14:55] <williewillus> (full path)
L1050[16:14:56] <FusionLord> got a repo?
L1051[16:14:57] <diesieben07> read the error message...
L1052[16:15:02] <diesieben07> it's missing the variants
L1053[16:15:15] <diesieben07> actually nvm
L1054[16:15:23] <diesieben07> yeah a repo would be ideal.
L1055[16:15:33] <williewillus> diesieben07: those error messages are...less than ideal
L1056[16:15:34] <williewillus> :P
L1057[16:15:39] <diesieben07> i know i know
L1058[16:15:41] <FusionLord> diesieben07, Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: molecularassembly:models/item/molecularAnalyzer.json
L1059[16:15:48] <diesieben07> i know.
L1060[16:15:51] <diesieben07> <diesieben07> actually nvm
L1061[16:15:52] <GeoDoX> FusionLord, unfortunately not at the moment
L1062[16:16:00] <williewillus> what is the full path of the json
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L1064[16:16:48] <GeoDoX> D:\Documents\Programming\Modding Workspace\Projects\1.8\Molecular Assembly\src\main\resources\assets\molecularassembly\models\item\molecularAnalyzer.json
L1065[16:17:08] <GeoDoX> oops. thats an old one
L1066[16:17:42] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/LrzHjqaa file as of now , error im getting now http://pastebin.com/qiYQeNes @williewillus ..but theres no way ive seen to add a name
L1067[16:18:13] <williewillus> Eragonn1490: "No registry name set for object"
L1068[16:18:19] <williewillus> `biome.setRegistryName`
L1069[16:18:26] <williewillus> :D
L1070[16:18:52] <Eragonn1490> doesnt exist?
L1071[16:19:10] <williewillus> yes it does :P
L1072[16:19:19] <williewillus> its from the superclass but yes it does
L1073[16:19:28] <williewillus> unless that object doesn't extend Biome
L1074[16:19:38] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1075[16:20:10] <Eragonn1490> i stand corrected
L1076[16:20:44] <Eragonn1490> its RcDesert.setRegistryName()
L1077[16:20:56] <williewillus> .-.
L1078[16:21:01] <williewillus> you know what I meant lol
L1079[16:21:04] <Eragonn1490> lol
L1080[16:21:08] <williewillus> biome as in the type
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L1082[16:23:21] <Eragonn1490> @williewillus but it still isnt becoming a spawn biome (trying to find the biome itself isnt working)
L1083[16:23:34] <williewillus> i don't know what you mean by that :P
L1084[16:24:11] <Eragonn1490> trying to make it the first biome you spawn in BiomeManager.addSpawnBiome(RcDesert);
L1085[16:24:44] <GeoDoX> So it turns out it was showing in the IDE but wasn't actually there.
L1086[16:24:57] <GeoDoX> Now it's loading the model, but not the texture
L1087[16:25:18] <FusionLord> Eragonn1490, you mean you want the player to spawn in that biome when the world is first created?
L1088[16:25:22] <GeoDoX> So it's basically just a transparent texture in game
L1089[16:25:23] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1090[16:26:00] <LexManos> PaleOff, when you're around ping me got some critiques for the forums
L1091[16:27:00] <FusionLord> Eragonn1490, WorldEvent.CreateSpawnPosition() could this work for you?
L1092[16:27:50] <masa> so, ItemStack in 1.11 is still missing a few patches... The equals methods don't take capabilities into account.
L1093[16:28:32] <Eragonn1490> @FusionLord i think thats only for other dimensions?
L1094[16:28:50] <FusionLord> ahh we are talking DIM1
L1095[16:29:02] <FusionLord> DIM0**
L1096[16:29:18] <williewillus> GeoDoX: are there errors in the log about the texture?
L1097[16:29:35] <FusionLord> I don't see why it wouldn't work with DIM0
L1098[16:29:36] <GeoDoX> Nope
L1099[16:29:50] <Keridos> need some help here: forge complains about not being able to load variants meta=somenumber,facing=somefacing here https://gist.github.com/Keridos/19d173173f650760279bbd6a468f5dca
L1100[16:30:00] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCF08F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1101[16:30:00] <GeoDoX> Here's an updated log: http://hastebin.com/hikowakuqo
L1102[16:30:01] <masa> is there any way to actually force the spawn biome though? I think the search still has a range limit, if it doesn't find the valid biomes within that range then it will give up. Because there is no way to know how far the required biome mght be.
L1103[16:30:12] <Keridos> i have specified all possible values for both values
L1104[16:30:26] <williewillus> Keridos: don't use meta=<number> variants that completely defeats the point of blockstates -.-
L1105[16:30:42] <masa> Keridos: how do you register the models?
L1106[16:30:51] <williewillus> give it a meaningful name like variant=obsidian or whatever
L1107[16:31:01] <Keridos> masa: i should not need to
L1108[16:31:19] <gigaherz> "should not need to"? wat
L1109[16:31:33] <masa> for the items you do
L1110[16:31:35] <williewillus> that's correct the blockstate system looks for everything automatically
L1111[16:31:41] <williewillus> well we're talking about blocks right
L1112[16:31:41] <GeoDoX> o/ ghz
L1113[16:31:44] <Keridos> yes
L1114[16:31:48] <gigaherz> o/ GeoDoX
L1115[16:31:53] <Keridos> i register the item for the block in my clientproxy
L1116[16:32:05] <gigaherz> Keridos: did you paste your blockstates json?
L1117[16:32:07] <williewillus> so is the problem with the item or block?
L1118[16:32:08] <williewillus> :P
L1119[16:32:11] <gigaherz> and did you make sure it's the right name?
L1120[16:32:11] <masa> does either of them work?
L1121[16:32:13] <gigaherz> no typos?
L1122[16:32:14] <Keridos> yes gigaherz
L1123[16:32:16] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077 (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L1124[16:32:18] <gigaherz> no rogue case mismatches?
L1125[16:32:24] <williewillus> item or block? :P
L1126[16:32:27] <Keridos> the block seems to work
L1127[16:32:28] <gigaherz> I have seen people have issues due to windows' case-preserving nature
L1128[16:32:35] <Keridos> i am on linux
L1129[16:32:37] <williewillus> okay so it's the item
L1130[16:32:43] <williewillus> which you *do* need to register
L1131[16:32:50] <williewillus> ModelLoader.setCustomMRL, what do you call that with?
L1132[16:32:55] <masa> Keridos: show your item model registration
L1133[16:33:24] <masa> the variant string needs to have the kayes in alphabetic order
L1134[16:33:25] <gigaherz> yep if the blocks work, it means your blockstates filename is correct, which leaves the item registrtion
L1135[16:33:28] <masa> *keys
L1136[16:33:28] <gigaherz> there's two possibilities
L1137[16:33:33] <Keridos> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/7e296477a0969c0b8fe0a2498b4d1177
L1138[16:33:34] <Eragonn1490> how would i go about adding my biome to the custom world type list of biomes to choose from?
L1139[16:33:34] <gigaherz> 1. they are not in preinit/ModelRegistryEvent
L1140[16:33:40] <gigaherz> 2. they are done wrongly
L1141[16:33:53] <williewillus> yup they're wrong
L1142[16:33:57] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/7e296477a0969c0b8fe0a2498b4d1177#file-clientproxy-java-L45
L1143[16:34:01] <GeoDoX> Here's my model which contains the texture path: http://hastebin.com/ujeqewefot.json
L1144[16:34:01] <williewillus> prop names need to be alphabetical
L1145[16:34:03] <williewillus> f < m
L1146[16:34:19] <masa> Keridos: see my previous line
L1147[16:34:36] <Keridos> ah
L1148[16:34:42] <GeoDoX> The texture png is located at /assets/molecularassembly/textures/items/molecularAnalyzer.png
L1149[16:34:44] <williewillus> also fix your prop names :D
L1150[16:35:15] <gigaherz> GeoDoX: 1.11?
L1151[16:35:26] <gigaherz> I don't know if you can have uppercase letters in resource names at all, in 1.11
L1152[16:35:31] <williewillus> it was 1.10 i think
L1153[16:35:38] <GeoDoX> 1.10 using the latest snapshot for mappings
L1154[16:35:46] <gigaherz> what's the error?
L1155[16:36:17] <GeoDoX> there isn't one
L1156[16:36:26] <gigaherz> ?
L1157[16:36:29] <williewillus> what does it look like ingame?
L1158[16:36:35] <GeoDoX> I'll show you what it looks like
L1159[16:36:56] <gigaherz> by error I mean, what is it that isn't matching waht you expect
L1160[16:36:57] <gigaherz> ;P
L1161[16:37:52] <gigaherz> so, I started watching the Van Helsing series
L1162[16:37:59] <gigaherz> dunno if I like
L1163[16:38:27] <gigaherz> I'm not a fan of the "urban apocalyptic" theme
L1164[16:38:41] <GeoDoX> https://puu.sh/surOI/cf2825ace1.png
L1165[16:38:54] <gigaherz> so it failed to load models
L1166[16:39:06] <gigaherz> or wait
L1167[16:39:08] <gigaherz> that model is empty
L1168[16:39:10] <gigaherz> not failed
L1169[16:39:19] <GeoDoX> The model is posted above
L1170[16:39:27] <gigaherz> no errors in the log?
L1171[16:39:31] <GeoDoX> no
L1172[16:39:38] <gigaherz> and the texture isn't transparent, right?
L1173[16:39:39] <GeoDoX> the updated log is above as well
L1174[16:39:49] <GeoDoX> some of it, yes, but not all of it
L1175[16:39:51] <GeoDoX> https://puu.sh/surQ9/1f8278ef9a.png
L1176[16:40:07] <GeoDoX> that
L1177[16:40:17] <GeoDoX> that's the texture *
L1178[16:40:21] <gigaherz> I see model loading errors in there
L1179[16:40:30] <gigaherz> I assume it's for the other stuff and not that specific item?
L1180[16:40:34] <GeoDoX> not relating to this item
L1181[16:41:24] <gigaherz> can yo ushow your clientproxy or wherever you call the ModelLoader.setCustomMRL?
L1182[16:41:26] <howtonotwin> wait why are you on 1.8
L1183[16:41:37] <williewillus> it's 1.10
L1184[16:41:40] <williewillus> look at the screenshot lol
L1185[16:41:47] <gigaherz> it's 1.10.2, java 1.8.0
L1186[16:41:49] <howtonotwin> the filepath I saw earlier had 1.8 in it
L1187[16:41:57] <williewillus> yes but that means nothing
L1188[16:41:57] <howtonotwin> woops
L1189[16:41:58] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L1190[16:42:01] * howtonotwin shuffles off
L1191[16:42:04] <williewillus> my projectE workspace is called PE_18 lol
L1192[16:42:29] <GeoDoX> and if you read the message right after it I said that path was to an old version :P
L1193[16:42:37] <GeoDoX> http://hastebin.com/hedapiqexu
L1194[16:42:57] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, there it is :)
L1195[16:43:15] <gigaherz> who calls that, though
L1196[16:43:18] <gigaherz> I mean
L1197[16:43:35] <gigaherz> it needs to be called during preinit, or ModelRegistryEvent
L1198[16:43:42] <gigaherz> I guess it is
L1199[16:43:51] <gigaherz> otherwise there would be a placeholder model instead
L1200[16:43:55] <GeoDoX> http://hastebin.com/vikujixuye
L1201[16:44:34] <GeoDoX> MolecularAssembly#preInit calls MolecularAssembly.ModBlocks#init
L1202[16:44:37] <gigaherz> I dislike the "ModItems" stuff
L1203[16:44:38] <gigaherz> XD
L1204[16:44:50] <gigaherz> it's a pattern I just can't like
L1205[16:44:56] <williewillus> i would get an atlas dumper mod and see if it's actually on there properly
L1206[16:45:02] <williewillus> i don't remember what mod has that capability
L1207[16:45:04] <GeoDoX> I keep it in the main class so it's easier to understand where its called from
L1208[16:47:31] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1209[16:47:49] <gigaherz> do you have an "inventory" variant in a blockstates json with the same name, by any chance?
L1210[16:48:02] <williewillus> ah that might be it
L1211[16:48:06] <GeoDoX> no... I didn't think it was needed o.o
L1212[16:48:11] <williewillus> it's not
L1213[16:48:25] <gigaherz> no it was the opposite
L1214[16:48:27] <gigaherz> if you did have one
L1215[16:48:33] <gigaherz> it would take precedence
L1216[16:48:37] <gigaherz> and could fuck things up
L1217[16:48:45] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1218[16:48:46] <williewillus> though i'm pretty sure item jsons were checked first?
L1219[16:48:46] <williewillus> idk
L1220[16:48:50] <gigaherz> no idea
L1221[16:49:05] <howtonotwin> blockstates is first
L1222[16:49:06] <gigaherz> or more accurately
L1223[16:49:09] <gigaherz> no more ideas.
L1224[16:49:11] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1225[16:49:20] <gigaherz> too tired to think
L1226[16:49:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1227[16:49:29] <GeoDoX> don't blame you!
L1228[16:49:31] <howtonotwin> there's a whole "control flow by exception" area in the blockstate loader for that :P
L1229[16:49:42] <williewillus> try dumping the atlas
L1230[16:49:47] <williewillus> lemme try to find the code to do that
L1231[16:49:49] <GeoDoX> alright :)
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L1233[16:50:35] <williewillus> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/TextureDump.java#L39-L81
L1234[16:50:50] <williewillus> copy that event handler and let it run with your mod then open up the images it generates and see if your item texture is on it
L1235[16:50:54] <gigaherz> i just learned about this thing
L1236[16:50:56] <gigaherz> https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/#
L1237[16:51:01] <gigaherz> the AI is scarily good at it
L1238[16:51:01] <gigaherz> XD
L1239[16:51:46] ⇨ Joins: TechnicianLP2 (~Technicia@p4FE1C1EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1240[16:52:50] <williewillus> people are terrible at drawing :P
L1241[16:52:53] <williewillus> and so am i
L1242[16:53:11] <howtonotwin> I fall in the same category as you
L1243[16:53:24] <howtonotwin> For "binoculars" I drew a block-letter H
L1244[16:53:41] <GeoDoX> williewillus, where does it save the images?
L1245[16:53:57] <williewillus> it prints that to the log
L1246[16:54:01] <williewillus> Exported png to...
L1247[16:54:36] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Doodles.PNG
L1248[16:56:38] <GeoDoX> williewillus, https://puu.sh/susVh/095070f65c.png
L1249[16:56:52] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Doodles2.PNG
L1250[16:56:52] <williewillus> so it's not going on the atlas properly
L1251[16:57:03] <williewillus> so your png is malformed in some way
L1252[16:57:05] <williewillus> idk how
L1253[16:57:22] <gigaherz> GeoDoX: try opening the png on paint/photoshop and making sure it saves as 24bit?
L1254[16:57:44] <williewillus> not sure whta I was going for on the remote
L1255[16:57:44] <williewillus> https://i.gyazo.com/f2f14561d2cf0f30faf6f0474fed5057.png
L1256[16:57:59] <gigaherz> a square ballsac
L1257[16:59:49] <williewillus> same for bus https://gyazo.com/294a33f096a1124e1b42ec7a4b8ead2c
L1258[17:00:01] <williewillus> and idk how to draw the wall lol
L1259[17:01:43] <gigaherz> it knew I was doodling an ear just by doing half a curve
L1260[17:02:08] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1261[17:02:09] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, it's showing bit depth as 32
L1262[17:02:34] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1263[17:03:02] <williewillus> lol i missed airplane because everyone draws theirs left right
L1264[17:03:06] <williewillus> and I drew it vertically
L1265[17:03:29] <howtonotwin> Why thank you: http://i.imgur.com/mjL4V14.png
L1266[17:05:00] * howtonotwin draws one arc
L1267[17:05:08] <howtonotwin> It replies "rainbow" instantly
L1268[17:05:23] <gigaherz> UGH
L1269[17:05:53] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Doodles3.PNG
L1271[17:06:01] <gigaherz> XD
L1272[17:06:11] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@
L1273[17:06:34] <williewillus> i mean does your van's windshield go all the way to the front of the hood? ;p
L1274[17:06:45] <howtonotwin> Hey, at least it can learn from you :P
L1275[17:06:56] *** GeoDoX is now known as GeoDoX|Away
L1276[17:06:59] <gigaherz> williewillus: it's not the windshield, that's the door window!
L1277[17:07:15] <williewillus> if you view it front on
L1278[17:07:46] <williewillus> the slanted windshield would go all the way to the front of the hood :P either way still better than what I would produce probably
L1279[17:09:28] <howtonotwin> People keep drawing goatees with the entire face
L1280[17:09:34] <howtonotwin> but I just draw the chin and neck
L1281[17:09:49] <howtonotwin> and all those 20 seconds I thought I was just THAT bad
L1282[17:09:50] <howtonotwin> :P
L1283[17:10:02] <gigaherz> yeah
L1284[17:12:56] ⇦ Quits: williewillus (~williewil@cpe-24-28-24-13.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1285[17:13:09] <kashike> which launcher is "All The Mods" on?
L1286[17:13:14] <gigaherz> curse
L1287[17:13:15] <AshIndigo> Curse launcher
L1288[17:14:10] <gigaherz> come on, that IS DEFINITELY a hedgehog
L1289[17:14:10] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Doodles4.PNG
L1290[17:14:23] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1291[17:14:45] <kashike> of course there's no Curse lancher for linux
L1292[17:14:47] <kashike> stupid curse
L1293[17:15:33] <gigaherz> there's a curse-pack-installer for linux
L1294[17:15:50] <gigaherz> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/33tsfb/curse_modpack_downloader_v02_linuxmacwindows/
L1295[17:15:55] <howtonotwin> Can't you just download them off the site?
L1296[17:16:29] <gigaherz> the zip contains only the metadata + mod overrides
L1297[17:16:30] <kashike> no, it uses some manifest to download mods
L1298[17:16:37] <gigaherz> it then goes through the modlist file
L1299[17:16:40] <kashike> gigaherz: thank you :)
L1300[17:16:43] <gigaherz> and fetches based on numeric file ID
L1301[17:18:29] <gigaherz> UHM
L1302[17:18:33] <gigaherz> I was trying to draw a garden hose
L1303[17:18:40] <gigaherz> I drew the large hard-on collider
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L1305[17:18:46] <howtonotwin> hadron
L1306[17:18:49] <howtonotwin> you mean hadron
L1307[17:18:51] <gigaherz> nono
L1308[17:18:53] <gigaherz> iu mean hard-on
L1309[17:18:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1310[17:19:06] <gigaherz> http://largehardoncollider.com/
L1311[17:19:13] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1312[17:19:28] <howtonotwin> oh god that site xD
L1313[17:19:42] <gigaherz> STOP, enoguh doodling!
L1314[17:19:48] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L1315[17:20:00] <gigaherz> (that's my inner voice screaming at me)
L1316[17:22:27] <howtonotwin> dat last paragraph
L1317[17:24:01] <howtonotwin> The "fuck-it" plugin can't delete the message to not use an adblocker
L1318[17:24:03] <howtonotwin> what is this
L1319[17:25:54] <gigaherz> wat?
L1320[17:26:23] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1321[17:27:06] <howtonotwin> it deletes html elements
L1322[17:27:18] <howtonotwin> was trying to remove a nag about adblockers off a site
L1323[17:27:22] <howtonotwin> it didn't work
L1324[17:27:28] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP2 (~Technicia@p4FE1C1EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1325[17:27:40] <howtonotwin> so I had to drop to the debug menu and kill it with the almighty DEL key
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L1327[17:28:26] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@
L1328[17:28:29] <gigaherz> I use uBlock, which can filter html elements
L1329[17:28:33] <gigaherz> with Anti-Adblock Killer
L1330[17:28:38] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1332[17:28:52] <gigaherz> which is a greasemonkey script + am adblocking rule list
L1333[17:28:55] <gigaherz> an*
L1334[17:29:05] <gigaherz> so far it has worked everywhere
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L1337[17:37:31] <FusionLord> anyone know off the top of their head how to pop up an achievement on screen?
L1338[17:39:01] <gigaherz> if it's an actual achievement, it should show up when you unlock it?
L1339[17:39:21] <FusionLord> its not, I just wanted to use the pop up
L1340[17:40:00] <FusionLord> I can make my own, was just curious if there was a way to just pop one up with specific data
L1341[17:40:02] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1342[17:40:11] <gigaherz> the Minecraft class has a guiAchievement field
L1343[17:40:17] <gigaherz> which has a .displayAchievement
L1344[17:40:21] <FusionLord> what class is that?
L1345[17:40:28] <gigaherz> GuiAchievement
L1346[17:40:32] <FusionLord> thanks :)
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L1352[18:01:50] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L1360[18:19:30] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@
L1361[18:21:08] <Keridos> weird my gui that worked fine in 1.7.10 now crashes with a NPE in getSlot o.O
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L1365[18:33:13] <blood_> 1.8, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11 - only 5 MC releases behind. May your server RIP
L1366[18:33:22] <AshIndigo> Rip
L1367[18:33:51] <blood_> Mods that have not updated yet may as well be dead
L1368[18:35:12] <Keridos> blood_: this is on 1.10.2
L1369[18:35:16] <Keridos> :-O
L1370[18:35:28] <blood_> oh i read that wrong =)
L1371[18:35:38] <blood_> gj then, update away =)
L1372[18:35:56] <Keridos> will probably just release a port for 1.11 once i got this full working
L1373[18:36:09] <Keridos> but currently I have no idea why this crashes my client
L1374[18:38:04] <blood_> paste the code so someone can see what you are doing wrong
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L1377[18:39:21] <TehNut> Keridos: If there is something broken, yes
L1378[18:39:33] <TehNut> Right now, there's nothing to do for 1.10
L1379[18:39:38] *** Upth is now known as orn
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L1382[18:39:56] <Keridos> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/612825eecc513eefc640bf1f749cb7a4
L1383[18:40:31] <Keridos> it crashes at net.minecraft.inventory.Slot.getStack(Slot.java:83)
L1384[18:40:38] <Keridos> with a NPW
L1385[18:40:40] <Keridos> NPE
L1386[18:41:08] <blood_> provide the complete stack trace
L1387[18:41:33] <Keridos> the te implements IInventory and sets the inventory in its constructor to be a new ItemStack[9]
L1388[18:41:35] <Keridos> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/0361c9f46562a5d7ebb1ccf172691dfa
L1389[18:42:55] <AshIndigo> Wow the 1.7.10 ver of my mod is downloaded more than the 1.10.2 ver
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L1392[18:48:29] <Keridos> TehNut: blood_ any idea?
L1393[18:48:45] <TehNut> put a breakpoint on the line
L1394[18:49:21] <Umbraco> Keridos: seems like either your InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer or Expander te are null in the constructor
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L1396[18:51:39] <Relkofizz> Is there any reason not to use @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) for render registry? None of the tutorials I read mentioned it
L1397[18:52:20] <Keridos> Umbraco: the TE seems to be null weird
L1398[18:52:43] <howtonotwin> you mean ModelRegistryEvent?
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L1401[18:52:49] <howtonotwin> Then no, there is no reason
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L1403[18:53:07] <howtonotwin> but most people will place the handler in ClientProxy
L1404[18:53:28] <howtonotwin> and then mark ClientProxy @Mod.EventBusSubscriber({Side.CLIENT})
L1405[18:53:37] <howtonotwin> which loads it only clientside
L1406[18:54:57] <TehNut> I just mark my ClientProxy as @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
L1407[18:55:01] <TehNut> *shrug*
L1408[18:55:07] <Keridos> i just use sidedproxy
L1409[18:55:23] <TehNut> So does everybody
L1410[18:55:30] <TehNut> But there's no reason for the client proxy to exist on the server
L1411[18:55:38] <TehNut> So I have it stripped from the server
L1412[18:56:12] <Keridos> ok this is weird now, no idea why clientside my TE seems to be null o.O
L1413[18:56:52] <Umbraco> Keridos: where do you create your ExpanderInvContainer? Not in the TE?
L1414[18:57:11] <Keridos> in the GUIHandler
L1415[18:57:34] <Keridos> works fine for another block of mine
L1416[18:57:37] <howtonotwin> go up the stack and restart one of the methods?
L1417[18:57:42] <Keridos> so I am just puzzled why it doesnt for this one
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L1419[19:00:47] <Keridos> o.O the TE does not seem to exist
L1420[19:01:26] <LexManos> the client proxy wont exist on the server
L1421[19:01:27] <Umbraco> are you looking for it in the right BlockPos?
L1422[19:01:28] <LexManos> unless you call it
L1423[19:01:35] <LexManos> so @SideOnly is bad
L1424[19:01:39] <LexManos> just don't call iot
L1425[19:02:00] <Keridos> Umbraco yeah, the same code calls my turretbases and their gui works just fine
L1426[19:02:51] <Keridos> wow
L1427[19:03:02] <Keridos> just found it, the onblockactivated had a small typo
L1428[19:03:10] <Keridos> didnt give x,y,z but x,x,z
L1429[19:05:55] <kashike> hooray for blockpos
L1430[19:06:09] <Umbraco> well done ;)
L1431[19:09:13] <Keridos> kashike: the GUIHandler needs x,y,z
L1432[19:09:17] <Keridos> not blockpos
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L1434[19:10:15] <Keridos> and no that is not my mods fault, implement IGUIHandler and take a look at the getServerGUiElement parameters
L1435[19:12:01] <TehNut> It doesn't *need* x, y, z
L1436[19:12:09] <TehNut> Those are 3 ints that you can do whatever you want with
L1437[19:12:34] <TehNut> They're just called x, y, z
L1438[19:12:54] <Keridos> yes
L1439[19:13:47] <Keridos> but still it needs 3 ints, for the coordinate, which leads me to an interesting phenomenon, does that mean that in exorbitant big worlds you wont be able to open gui'S when you are too far out?
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L1442[19:28:02] <LexManos> yes, but thats not possible in vanilla so meh
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L1445[19:28:23] <LexManos> you could work around it with your local handler, things dont NEED to be positions
L1446[19:28:31] <LexManos> its just 3 ints that are passed to the server/client
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L1448[19:30:56] <harmony> Where did the don't ping lex rule in the topic go?
L1449[19:52:49] <AshIndigo> It should be instinct
L1450[19:52:55] <AshIndigo> Don't fuck with lex
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L1452[19:55:43] <Keridos> mh my block does not drop anything when it is destroyed wtf
L1453[19:57:12] <AshIndigo> Curse please let me change my name
L1454[19:58:27] <TehNut> AshIndigo: Contact one of the OP's in #curseforge. They will ocasionally allow you to change it
L1455[19:58:51] <AshIndigo> I did the name change already though
L1456[19:59:01] <AshIndigo> My name on the site won't change though
L1457[19:59:15] <TehNut> Oh
L1458[19:59:24] <TehNut> Might need to wait for the cache to clear
L1459[20:01:17] <AshIndigo> Alright
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L1465[20:26:15] <Keridos> when I destroy a block and it doesnt drop anything, what is the method that declares what it shoudl drop?
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L1467[20:28:04] <ghz|afk> wat
L1468[20:28:15] <howtonotwin> huh
L1469[20:28:25] <howtonotwin> super fast items desync really easily
L1470[20:28:44] <Keridos> my expander block class has an issue with not dropping at all
L1471[20:28:52] <howtonotwin> if you block the path of an item going several chunks per second
L1472[20:28:56] <Keridos> also the block breaks instantly after left clicking
L1473[20:29:14] <howtonotwin> the client sees the item phase through and has the item sitting on the far side of the block
L1474[20:29:25] <howtonotwin> but the server still sees it in front of the block
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L1476[20:30:04] <howtonotwin> no rubberbanding or anything
L1477[20:30:08] <howtonotwin> interesting
L1478[20:30:25] <howtonotwin> no wait
L1479[20:30:37] <howtonotwin> the rubberbanding is borked
L1480[20:30:48] <howtonotwin> instead of jumping from client pos -> server pos
L1481[20:31:19] <howtonotwin> it jumps from (where it is on the client) -> (where the client first saw it stop moving)
L1482[20:31:53] <Keridos> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/163a43ae76d9d18ecd0796743f02a4b0
L1483[20:31:55] <Keridos> this here
L1484[20:32:06] <Keridos> is a multiblock but for some reason it does not drop anything at all
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L1486[20:33:43] <howtonotwin> By default the item should be Item.getItemFromBlock(block), which is getItemDropped
L1487[20:34:45] <howtonotwin> and that is called from getDrops
L1488[20:34:46] <Keridos> wow i found the issue
L1489[20:34:48] <Keridos> that was funny
L1490[20:34:56] <Keridos> it was rock material and the hardness was 0
L1491[20:35:13] <Keridos> so hitting it with your hand instapopped it, but since it was stone it did not drop anything
L1492[20:43:08] <Keridos> TehNut: your maven server, is that a simple webserver with indexing or an actual maven instance?
L1493[20:43:26] <TehNut> It's not a true maven, no
L1494[20:43:45] <TehNut> I'm not doing anything special, so I don't really need it
L1495[20:43:50] <TehNut> No benefit for extra work
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L1497[20:45:14] <Keridos> yeah I need to push my mods to a maven repo soonish because we made OMT modular and they have crossdependencies (at least for compiling) and I am thinking about how I would setup a maven repo on my nginx instance (same server as my jenkins that builds the mods runs at)
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L1500[20:51:15] <ghz|afk> Keridos: a maven repo is just a folder
L1501[20:51:34] <ghz|afk> you can get software into the server for easier publishing
L1502[20:51:53] <ghz|afk> but in the end, you can do like me and just use FileZilla to sync a local repository folder to the server
L1503[20:53:51] <Keridos> ah ok, well I can actually even use the jenkins as its on the same server
L1504[20:53:54] <TehNut> If it's on the same server as your jenkins, you can add maven_dir=path/to/web/folder to your global gradle.properties file and use https://github.com/TehNut/Soul-Shards-The-Old-Ways/blob/1.10/build.gradle#L166-L183
L1505[20:54:00] <Keridos> so I dont even need ssh or ftp
L1506[20:54:33] <Keridos> TehNut: where is the config for that publish at?
L1507[20:54:48] <TehNut> config for what
L1508[20:54:48] <TehNut> ?
L1509[20:55:08] <ghz|afk> I use this
L1510[20:55:09] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Guidebook/blob/master/build.gradle#L85,L101
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L1513[20:55:40] <ghz|afk> for publishing to a local folder inside my modding stuff
L1514[20:55:53] <ghz|afk> line 85 is something I didn't realize I needed
L1515[20:55:59] <ghz|afk> but caused me to publish broken jars
L1516[20:56:00] <ghz|afk> ;p
L1517[20:56:32] <ghz|afk> (publishing by default depends only on the jar task, meaning the jars won't be reobf'd)
L1518[20:57:16] <Keridos> ah lol
L1519[20:57:22] <Keridos> thanks
L1520[20:57:56] <Keridos> now completely different question, how can I check if the server is in offline mode within my mod?
L1521[20:57:58] <ghz|afk> although reobf is misleading, "unprettyfied"
L1522[20:58:07] <Keridos> lol
L1523[20:58:27] <Keridos> don't you like them p_24582_f ?
L1524[20:58:54] <ghz|afk> FMLCommonHandler.getMinecraftServerInstance().onlineMode
L1525[20:59:02] <TehNut> MinecraftServer#isServerInOnlineMode
L1526[20:59:04] <ghz|afk> but why?
L1527[20:59:10] <Keridos> that doesnt work clienside though?
L1528[20:59:19] <Keridos> well people had requested that OMT needs offline mode support
L1529[20:59:22] <TehNut> um
L1530[20:59:41] <ghz|afk> uh
L1531[20:59:41] <TehNut> There's a difference between an offline mode server and an un-auth'ed client
L1532[21:00:05] <ghz|afk> if you need the client to behave differently if the server is in offline mode
L1533[21:00:11] <ghz|afk> then you'll have to sync that value with the client
L1534[21:00:15] <ghz|afk> on login to the server
L1535[21:00:27] <ghz|afk> but... wtf do you need to do differently?
L1536[21:00:28] <ghz|afk> XD
L1537[21:00:35] <Keridos> we originally did not want to do that since it would allow cracked players to play our mod. but since it is mojangs decision to make offline servers available, we decided to do that
L1538[21:00:54] <Keridos> we use the player UUID's for saving them as owners/trusted players for some blocks
L1539[21:01:05] <Keridos> UUID's are broken in offline mode
L1540[21:01:15] <Keridos> so you cannot use our mod at all pretty much
L1541[21:01:17] <ghz|afk> oh
L1542[21:01:24] <ghz|afk> yeah if UUIDs won't work
L1543[21:01:27] <ghz|afk> my Enderthing mod won't work
L1544[21:01:31] <TehNut> my response is "oh well" :P
L1545[21:01:39] * ghz|afk shrugs
L1546[21:01:44] <ghz|afk> although
L1547[21:01:47] <ghz|afk> it works in my dev env
L1548[21:01:50] <ghz|afk> which is in offline mode
L1549[21:01:51] <ghz|afk> so whatever
L1550[21:01:52] <ghz|afk> ;p
L1551[21:01:58] <TehNut> If they auth once in their world, it will work fine because of the username cache
L1552[21:02:03] <howtonotwin> I just had an idea for a really stupid mechanic in my mod
L1553[21:02:11] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin: yay
L1554[21:02:14] <Keridos> we have received about a dozen complaints about that not working
L1555[21:02:14] * howtonotwin debates whether it will be implemented
L1556[21:02:38] <howtonotwin> so remember my super fast 5 chunks/sec items?
L1557[21:02:42] <Keridos> so I will pretty much just add a config that sais, f*ck the UUIDs just use the displayname to auth
L1558[21:02:53] <ghz|afk> no but i'll believe you have them
L1559[21:02:54] <ghz|afk> ;P
L1560[21:02:55] <Keridos> gonna be funny for those cracked servers because you can simply fake your usename
L1561[21:03:08] <howtonotwin> they desync awesomely when they hit a block in their path
L1562[21:03:19] <howtonotwin> on the server they stop, as they should
L1563[21:03:21] <ghz|afk> ah I faintly recall reading something about that
L1564[21:03:25] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/U4BRDMypa5.mp4
L1565[21:03:31] <howtonotwin> on the client they stop a few blocks past
L1566[21:03:41] <ghz|afk> you plan on making noclip items?
L1567[21:03:41] <Keridos> but well that is not my problem them, because people who are too greedy to buy MC can screw themselves imo
L1568[21:03:49] <howtonotwin> so we introduce the "quasi-blocker"
L1569[21:03:58] <ghz|afk> quantum tunneling for item entities?
L1570[21:04:22] <howtonotwin> lore-wise, it syncs the client position back to the server and makes the item go through or not 50/50
L1571[21:04:28] <howtonotwin> :P
L1572[21:04:35] <ghz|afk> the higher the pulling/pushing force, the higher the chances they spontaneously appear on the other side!
L1573[21:04:53] <howtonotwin> actually that's better
L1574[21:05:02] <howtonotwin> IT'S HAPPENING!
L1575[21:05:06] * howtonotwin writes that down
L1576[21:05:09] <ghz|afk> \o/ quantum tunneling in minecraft
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L1580[21:05:33] <Keridos> its not a bug, its a feature :p
L1581[21:05:57] <howtonotwin> it helps because now I don't have to worry about exposing that vanilla bug
L1582[21:06:05] <howtonotwin> because it's lore now
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L1585[21:12:11] <ghz|afk> meh I'll go try to sleep again
L1586[21:12:31] * ghz|afk jumps into bed
L1587[21:12:32] <howtonotwin> eventually
L1588[21:12:36] <howtonotwin> you'll try so much
L1589[21:12:40] <howtonotwin> you'll become tired
L1590[21:12:45] <howtonotwin> and then you'll sleep
L1591[21:12:53] <howtonotwin> but wait
L1592[21:13:06] <howtonotwin> because you succeeded in being tired
L1593[21:13:08] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L1594[21:13:14] <howtonotwin> you are now awake with glee
L1595[21:13:21] <howtonotwin> and so you repeat
L1596[21:13:48] <howtonotwin> eventually you get a 20 min nap in at 6:20-40
L1597[21:13:58] <howtonotwin> and the rest of the day you feel oddly rested
L1598[21:14:19] <howtonotwin> all the while a voice nags you in the back of your head
L1599[21:14:44] <howtonotwin> it thinks everything is on fire and falling apart and you're too drowsy to notice
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L1602[21:15:09] * howtonotwin thinks he should sleep as well
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L1607[21:27:53] <primetoxinz> I really need a way to change EnumEnchantType.canEnchantItem...
L1608[21:28:05] <primetoxinz> EnumEnchantmentType*
L1609[21:31:26] <Keridos> how can I make my dev env to be offline mode with a specific username
L1610[21:31:28] <Keridos> ?
L1611[21:31:50] <Keridos> gradlestart doesnt accept the name as parameter like vanilla minecraft
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L1614[21:41:08] <Eragonn1490> who here isnt busy?
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L1619[21:47:22] <TehNut> Keridos: --username=NAME in the program args
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L1622[21:54:37] <Keridos> eh this is weird
L1623[21:54:44] <Keridos> need to figure a bit more out
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L1627[21:58:45] <adamsogm> How would i change the log level on my dev env without having to setup a log4j2 config file?
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L1637[22:17:02] <Keridos> my client and server are in offline mode, but I still get UUID for my player, even when I delete the username cache in the run folger
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L1639[22:17:13] <Keridos> why is that and can I simulate no UUID somehow?
L1640[22:18:58] <TehNut> You always get a UUID
L1641[22:19:06] <TehNut> In offline mode, UUID is determined by username
L1642[22:19:13] <TehNut> In online mode, it's through the auth servers
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L1644[22:21:14] <killjoy> It's determined by "OfflinePlayer " + playername
L1645[22:21:51] <TehNut> No space, it's a :
L1646[22:22:03] <killjoy> ah. I don't have the file open right now
L1647[22:22:55] <TehNut> Keridos: ^
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L1649[22:24:23] <TehNut> Also this is done in NetHandlerLoginServer#getOfflineProfile() and EntityPlayer.getOfflineUUID()
L1650[22:35:19] <Disconsented> I noticed that in 1.9- there were some changes to potions (yeay change logs) which I assume is why I don't see a timing card for mine. Is there a quick reference to get this up to date or should I go read the commit?
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L1652[22:36:29] <Keridos> btw ghz|afk and TehNut if you are interested, read this issue and the moron that opened it https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/issues/234
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L1654[22:36:38] <killjoy> Disconsented, do you mean the duration?
L1655[22:36:43] <Keridos> couldnt help writing that last comment...
L1656[22:36:55] <Disconsented> The indicator in the inventory yes
L1657[22:37:05] <Keridos> we got over a dozen reports about our mod not workin in offline mode
L1658[22:37:20] <TehNut> Keridos: Just say fuck you and lock it
L1659[22:37:26] <TehNut> Don't waste your time
L1660[22:37:35] * AshIndigo_ dies a mittle
L1661[22:37:44] <Keridos> oh it wasnt much work to implement that
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L1663[22:38:04] <Keridos> but if one of them complains about turrets being stolen due to the easy way to change your name
L1664[22:38:09] <Keridos> then I am gonna go fuck you
L1665[22:38:33] <Keridos> s/fuck/say fuck
L1666[22:38:46] <TehNut> Anything that includes offline mode or a cracked launcher gets immediately closed for me
L1667[22:38:49] <TehNut> *shrug*
L1668[22:39:14] <Keridos> I do this for the players that want to play minecraft offline tbh
L1669[22:39:25] <Keridos> not for the probably 90% that use it to play it cracked
L1670[22:39:46] <Keridos> its mojangs decision to make offline mode available
L1671[22:40:01] <TehNut> But if they have joined their world once while online, then offline mode will keep it the same. At least with Forge
L1672[22:40:28] <Keridos> so I respect their decision on that and just layed it out like mojang did with the offline mode
L1673[22:40:31] <kenzierocks> yea, doesn't offline keep your UUID?
L1674[22:40:35] <Keridos> yeah it does
L1675[22:40:41] <Keridos> made testing this a bit funny
L1676[22:40:52] <Keridos> i actually had to comment my code that checks against the uuid
L1677[22:42:08] <Keridos> but it seems to work, wasnt much effort and now i can go crazy if someone requests support for offline mode :-X
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L1681[22:57:16] <McJty> TehNut, mojang servers are down enough to make sure that playing offline mode works IMHO
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L1693[23:16:00] <Everseeking> test
L1694[23:16:25] <TehNut> test failed
L1695[23:16:40] <Disconsented> Potions require an icon to render dont they
L1696[23:18:02] <kenzierocks> no, icons require a potion
L1697[23:18:08] <kenzierocks> please become a witch to write mods
L1698[23:18:26] <Disconsented> :^)
L1699[23:18:45] <Disconsented> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/9f28c903650e25655c7a70889ebec50d2b462e61 Found that, I assume thats the case so wee need to figure that out now
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L1706[23:59:34] <killjoy> Castro is dead
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